


- Ailyn ... Ailyn ... - scream Mia.

- What? - I said while opening the door, seeing Mia only in her underwear, her fit body and her dark blonde hair falling around her shoulders, going thru another box.

- Have you seen my dress? - Mia ask staring at me with her dark brown eyes, and her perfect tanned face.
    - What dress?
    - The blue one! - said Mia while unboxing another box. - Can you help me, or you gonna stay there lookin at me?

I walk out of the room and started walking to the laundry room. - If you had already started to unpack, as I told you ... - she cut me off.
     - Yes, yes. If you are not going to help... - I cut her off.
     - Here. - I sais while holding the dress in my hand, her face became brigt.
     - How?

- You said today was an important day at work, so I wash it. No need to say thank you. - I said while bragging. 

- That's why you are my best friend, you always know what i need. - She took the dress out of my hand and went in to her room.

While Mia went to get ready for work, I walk to the kitchen and made some coffee, I poured some in the cup for me and some to Mia take with her.

- I'm so late! - Said Mia walking out of her room. - This is for me right? - She said pointing at the cup of coffee. - Thanks, see you later love you.

- Good luck, love you too. 


 I open the wardrobe and take out some jeans, one black shirt with a flower design and allstars. I put my hair back in a ponytail and finish my coffee.

My phone starts ringing and I pick up the phone. - Hey. - I say.

- Hello sweetheart, how is everything?

- Hi, mom. Why are you calling so early? 

- You didn´t answer my question sweetheart.

- Everything´s fine, what's up?

- Not much, i just drop off your sister at school. Where are you?

- Home. - I said very quick.

- Don´t you have class today? - She asked.

- Yes, but just in the afternoon. - I said white taking a seat in the couch and turning the Tv on.

- What about you and Mia later come over for dinner?

- Mom, it just been over a week since I left home. Don't tell me you already miss me?

She sight and didn't answer.    

- I will talk to Mia, what time?

- Seven o´clock, don´t be late.

- Okay. Bye, mom.

- Bye, sweetheart.

I hang up the phone and texted Mia, - "later 7o´clock you, me, my parents house dinner.".




#About two hours later#




- What is it? - I said answering the phone.

- Where are you? Home? - mia asked - I need a favor.

- What favor? - I replied.

- On top of my secretary there's a green folder, I need you to bring them to me - she paused - right now.

- This is a favor or a order? - I said playing whit her, nowing she was freaking out.

- This is not the the time to play Ailyn, I really need that folder, if you don´t bring them Stark is going to fire me - Mia said almost panicking.

- Okay, I´ll be there half an hour maximum. Bye. - I hung up the phone and run to her room, searched for the green folder. Her room was a complete mess, unmade bed, chothes all over, secretary full of papers and folders, but no sign of the green folder. I searched the whole room to fing it under the bed along with other papers and shoes.


I left home, and got a taxi. - To Stark Gaming Company, please - I said.

Mia parents didn't have money to send her to college, so she left high school and found a job Stark Company. 

Stark Gaming Company is run by MiKhael Stark, a man in is late twenty five years old, he is the one that started the company. When he was sixteen years old, his parents died from a terrible accident and they left him alot of money. With that money he started a small company with his best friend making video games, after a few years they started to sign contracts with big buyers. Mason is best friend tried to betray him to get all the money, but Mikhael found out and kicked him out. Now he runs the biggest gaming company in the world.

 She´s working for about two years there, she did all kind of jobs there, she began like a clining lady, then doing errands for everyone that needed and serving coffees. After a year she was promoted to secretary and did an excellent job, enough to get promoted to one of the personal secretaries of Stark about tree months ago. And for the three past months she is always complaining about her boss, saying is a ass, a cold man, his always yelling at people, she never saw a man that bossy and she wishes he would disappear forever.


After twenty minutes I arrive, paying the taxi and left the car. - WOW! - I said while standing in front of a really big building, Mia works here for two years and this is the first time I came here.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, I looked and I got a message from Mia. - "once you get here say my name at the entrance they know I'm waiting for you. When you walk out of the elevator give me a call". 

- Excuse me - I said at the entrance.

- Good morning, how may I help you? - Said the laid at the front desk.

- I´m here to see Mia Stewart.

- Name, please. 

- Ailyn Smith - I said with a smile.

- Just a moment, please - she smile back while checking the computer - she´s wainting for you, 40* floor please.

- Thank you - I said while smiling and walking toward the elevator, I preesed the button and the doors close.


I took my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and called Mia but she hung out the phone. The doors open and see Mia's at the desk talking on the phone. I waited for her to finish.

- Thank you, thank you so so much, you are the best - Mia said and I could see her face relax.

- You owe me bigtime you now that?

- Whatever you want, just named - she said while putting the folder in the desk and answer the phone. - "Hello, this is Mr. Stark office how may I help you?" - she gave me a sign to wait.

 I look around in the walls you could see pictures of all the games that were made by them, full size character from the games - this is the dream of any child - I said muttering.

- Ailyn - said Mia whispering - come with me.

- Ok. - I follow her in to a room. - What is this? A coffee shop? - I said playing.

- What do you want to eat or drink?

- Hmm ... a coffee - I said with the biggest smile - and a cupcake?

She pored the coffee on a cup to go and shoved the cupcake in my mouth.

- You should not have done that - I looked at her with a look of who is looking for revenge. - Come here - I satarted walking in her direction.

- You come here - she said wile taking another cupcake and started walking towards me.

I started walking backward, I turn around to run away from her but I bump into someone and spill the coffee all over him.

- I´m sorry - I could feel someone staring.

I look up, "wow, i think to myself", and saw a man maybe six feet two inches tall staring at me, his slim and athletic body lean towards me, his dark blonde hair pulled back whith some locks of hair falling over his forehead, his straight black eyebrows, his ocean big blue eyes piercing thru me, his beard trimmed and I could see that his really angry. He was dressed in a black suit that fit perfectly. I look down and I could see through his white shirt thanks to the coffee and started imagine things in my head.


 - I'm so sorry Mr. Stark - I heard Mia say behind me. - I will get you another shirt, Mr. Stark - I felt her voice trembling.

She put her head down and walk out of the room, I started to follow her but he grabbed my arm.

- Where do you think you're going? - He asked, his voice angry but controlled.

I pulled my arm from his grip - I'm sorry about the shirt. She already went to get you another shirt. Now excuse me.

He grabbed my arm again harder - Who the hell are you? - He wasked. 

I tried to get free from him but was useless, he was too strong. I see Mia with the clean shirt, I look into his big blue eyes  - Here's your shirt, now please let go off my arm - terrified but did not let it show.

- Mr. Stark ...

He cut her off - I didn´t know he was bring your friends to work day - he said whith the most cold expression I have ever seen.

- I'm so sorry Mr. Stark , it won't happen again. - Said Mia, she was pale, her voice shaking, she was terrified of him.

- Mrs. Stewart you are ...

I cut him off  - look here, Mr. Stark right?

He turned his head to my direction he looks at me with wide ocean blue eyes of surprise. Mia give me signals to stop talking but I did not care.


I broke free from his grip and took a deep breath - you may like all this people staring at you but I don´t like it, so just take the shirt and go change - his exprecion just became darker - I´il say again, I´m sorry for spilling coffee all over you.

- Are you crazy? -Mia said whispering to anyone hear.

- She did nothing wrong ok - I looked around and the expressions of everyone was shock but i continued - now excuse me, I loved to stay here to talk to you but I have to go. - I ignored all the stares and started walking, I walked by Mia and winked at her.

Mikhael was about to grab my arm again but someone call - Mr. Stark, Mr. Oliver is waiting in the conference room. 

The elevator doors closed I started breathing really quickly, my heart was pounding. I could not believe what I just said to the boss of my best friend, I never did nothing like this but that man drives me crazy, how can Mia deal with that man.




Ailyn is a twenty two years old beautiful girl, five feet seven inches tall, she has a nice long brown hair, big grey eyes that makes you want to stare all day and full pink lips.

She goes to University of Oregon, School of Art Painting & Drawing, Ailyn loves drawing ever since she was twelve years old, everyone said the she has reallhy good at it. She started working part-time at a coffee shop to help Mia pay the apartment rent, that they just move in less than two weeks ago, is not much but enough to pay her part. 



Ailyn is in the bus coming home from college, looking out of the window enjoying the view. Walking up the stairs, stopped in front of the door, looking for her keys thru the bag.

 Mia is at home pacing thru the house waiting to Ailyn to get home. Mia can't believe the way that her best friend talked to her boss, she never saw Mr. Stark that angry.

- WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! - screamed Mia as I opened the door - do you have any idea who he is? - said still walking from one side to another.

- He's Mr. Stark your boss, right? - I said while closing the door.

- This is not the time for you to be sarcastic - she stopped walking and look at me - he´s not gonna let it slide, you just cost him a client.

- What was I supposed to do? Help him changed the shirt, cleaned the shirt, - i drop my things in the room - pay for it? What? You know he was gonna fire you, right?
Mia came into my room - I know that, but still you can´t talk to him like that...

I cut her off - Like what? Did you get fired? - I asked.

- No ...

 I cut her off again - You're welcome. I'm gonna take a shower, we have a dinner at my parents, did you forget? - I went to the bathroom and locked the door.

- Ailyn! - Mia screamed - this is not gonna slide like that.


 Seven o'clock, me and Mia arrive at my parents house. My parents house may look great on the outside but is small and cozy inside, has two floors, three bedrooms, a bathroom, a small kitchen and living room. On the outside it has a small balcony and a garden where my mother takes care of her flowers. One of the reasons why I left the house is because it is small for four people.

The whole ride Mia didn't said a word. We left the car and ring the bell, my sister open the door.

Emma open the door, she was wearing a small black dress that fell perfectly in her small body, her long black hair falling thru her shoulders, her big grey eyes staring at us and her pink full lips smiling.

 - Hi Emma - we said simultaneously.

The smile disappeared from her beautiful, perfect face. - Don´t you have keys? - said Emma in an arrogant way.

- I left the keys when I left the house, remember? - I answered the same arrogant way she asked - can we come in?

- Sweetheart, Mia come on in please. - Said my mom taking Emma out of the way to give me a hug.

- Mom - I said pulling away from her embrace, if we stay too long like that she was going to cry. - Where is dad? - I asked to divert her mind to another subject.

- A coworker had an emergency and asked to change shift, he will not be able to come today. He apologized.

- We can always come another time, right? - Asked Mia.

- Of course dear. Why not come inside. - Said my mother.


We entered the house, set the table, help my mother finished dinner, sat on the table and began to eat. 

- How was your day, sweetheart? - My mother asked as she ate a forkful of famous fried chicken recipe.

- How was your day, Ailyn? - Asked me Mia turning to me with a frown on her forehead and her lips become a dry smile.

- What happened, sweetheart? - My mother asked, with a look of concern.

- Tells us what happened, sweetheart - said my sister with a face of someone who is having a lot of fun.

- Seriously Mia, you didn't talk to me all the way here and you want to talk about what happened now?

- I wanted to talk, who ran away was you.

- I'm sorry, okay? I should not have said these things to him - I sighed - but he doesn't have the right to talk like that to people - I said truthfully.

- What happened? - My mother and my sister asked at the same time.

Mia told them what happened, I saw the expression of my mother change as Mia told her the whole story.

- You spoke like that? I don`t believe what I'm hearing, me and your father never teach you talk like this to people - said my mom - Is that why you wanted to leave home.

 I looked at Mia and gave her a look of who wanted to kill her - Mom, I have not forgotten anything, but that man doesn't know how to talk to people, so I wanted to teach him a lesson and talked in the same way - i looked at Mia - he was going to fire her because of me, I could not stand there and say nothing. End of story. - I said looking at them all.

 - My sister should have left under the wings of my mother a long time ago. - said Emma with a smile.

 We spent the rest of the dinner talking about what happened. About two hours later we left and went home.




  #Two days later#



- Hello - I said answering my phone.

- How about I stop at the coffee shop later and give you a ride to college? - Luke asked with a playful voice.

- You'd be the best person in the world. - I replied playfully.

- I know. That's why I asked. What time do you leave?

- Around three o'clock.

- OK. When I get there i'll call you. Bye.

- Bye, bye. - I hung up the phone and went to work.




 # Five hours later#



- Ailyn, I know it's time for you to go but can you do me a favor? - My boss asked.

- Of course, what you need? - I answered.

I thought to myself, "of course if my boss ask me a favor I have to do even if I'm late for university and Lukke waiting for me outside".

- Zoey called and said shes a bit late, can you clean the tables and take the order of table eight, please? - my boss said with a expression on his face this is not a request but an order, and if you say no you're fired.  

- No problems - I answered.

I pointed out the order of table eight and handed to the girl in the counter, I clean the tables like my boss told me, took the cups and dishes and cleaned the tables. I looked at the time on my black smartphone, and has already passed ten minutes from the time Luke and I agreed to meet. I picked up my stuff behind the counter said goodbye to my boss and headed toward the exit. But someone grabbed my arm.

I looked back and I froze for ten seconds, the man was wearing a navy blue suit that fit perfectly in his body. His perfect face staring at me, his lips started forming a cynical smile, and I could see his perfect white teeth. I could not believe that we would meet again, much less in the place I work. 

- You like to grab people's arms or what? - I could not believe what I had just said, I started to shake when the smile disappeared from his face.

- I was looking forward to meet you again, Mrs. Smith - he said in an arrogant way.

- How do you know my name? - I sighed - Mia.

He smirked again, but said nothing.

- Well, I was not at all eager to meet you again, Mr. Stark. - I blurted out.

- You said the other day you loved to talk to me, how about we talk now?

I freed myself from him - I loved that but ... - my mobile phone rang and I saw that Luke was calling.

- You have any idea what your joke the other day has cost me.

- I have to go - I said and started to run towards Luke's car.







 knock knock, someone knocked at the door.

- Yes.

The door opened - here are the documents you asked for , Mr. Stark. - Mia said with a nervous voice

- You already have dealt with the issue of Mr. Oliver? - I asked.

- I could not speak with Mr. Oliver directly only with his secretary. Mr. Oliver said he didn't want to engage more with us.

I looked at her and sighed.

- I can arrange a meeting with the secretary of Mr. Oliver, if you want, Mr. Stark. - Said the secretary.

- Why would I want to meet with his secretary, Mr. Stewart? - I asked.

- Maybe if Mr. Stark speaks with his secretary, she could talk to Mr. Oliver ... 

I sighed again as of her incompetence, and interrupted her - of course I always have to clean up after you - I turned my chair and looked out the huge window of my office - tell me the place and time.

- Mr. Oliver secretary said she is willing to meet with you, around three o'clock at this address.

As she finished talking I turned my chair and looked at her, - so you agreed to a meeting before talking to me.

She held out her hand and gave me a piece of paper, I took it and read what was written there.

- Royal Coffee? What it is, she wants to meet in a coffee shop? - It was not enough to have to meet with a secretary and now in a fucking coffee shop, unbelievable.

- Yes, Mr. Stark. - She gave me a fake smile.

- Get out. - I said with an angry voice.

- Yes, Mr. Stark. - She went out and closed the door.

I looked at the Breitling watch in my wrist, it's half past two, I picked up the phone that was placed in my large desk and called my driver.

- I'm going out, bring the car.

- Yes, Mikhael. - He replied quickly.

I got my mobile phone and left the office and as I passed by my two secretaries I said - I'll be right back.

- Yes, Mr. Stark. - They said at the same time.


I left the building, my driver was already waiting for me with the door of the 2015 BMW 5 series black car open. I gave him the paper with the address and got in the car.

William, my driver I know him since I was five years old, he used to work for my mother, but since my mom passed away he works for me and has been like a father to me. He is the only person I give permission to call me by my name and knows all my secrets.


- We're here, Mikhael - the driver said.

- Wait here, I will not take that long. - I said as I get out of the car.

I looked at my watch, it's five past three, because of the traffic I was late. I looked through the glass of the coffee and I could not believe what I was seeing. The girl who spilled coffee all over me and made me late for the meeting and lost a major client.

I went inside, she did not see me so I grabbed her by the arm, she looked at me surprised.

- You like to grab people's arms or what? - she said.

I felt her starting to shake - I was looking forward to meet you again, Mrs. Smith - I grabbed her arm harder.

- How do you know my name? - she asked curiously and sighed. - Mia.

I didn't answer her and just keep staring at her.

- Well, I was not at all eager to meet you again, Mr. Stark.

She was beginning to get on my nerves - You said the other day you loved to talk to me, how about we talk now?

Ailyn freed herself from my grip and turned her gaze at me - I loved that but ... - she was interrupted by her phone that started ringing.

- You have any idea what your joke the other day has cost me. - I was already angry.

- I have to go - she began running toward a Audi A3 car with a boy in the driver's seat.

I let her go, I was already late, I looked around me and saw a woman wearing a suit, I headed towards her.

- Let's get this over with. - I said as I sat down in front of her.






I started to run and saw Luke´s red car, I got in the car, Luke was laughing with is beautiful smile. He was dress casual with torn knee pants, a white shirt and a red shirt tied to the his waist and some white shoes. His dark brown hair standing , is brown eyes looking at me, perfectly trimmed beard and his mouth form a beautiful smile.

- Are you running away from someone, Ailyn? - Luke asked.

- Sorry I'm late, I had to do something that dick asked.

- What did he ask you? - Luke said with big smile.

- The usual. - I replied and winked at him.

He winked back and began to drive toward the university.





Luke transferred to my school in the middle of junior year, Mia and I saw that he spoke to no one, no one approached him, he had no friends, so we started talking to him in class, invite him to join us for lunch and over time the three of us become inseparable.
    When senior year was over, Mia had to find a job, Luke and I started looking for college to go together. But Luke knew I always had a university in my mind, School of Arts, he knows that I love to draw, so he told me not to look any further than he was going to the same university as me, to study photography, what he loves.

We arrived at the university and Luke parked the car in the parking lot and we walked to class.
     - Do you want a ride later? - Asked Luke.
     - No. - I said as a joke.
     - Wow, Ailyin Smith.
     I laughed - today I will leave later - we stopped at the entrance of the building that I have classes.
     - Why? - He asked with a curious face.

- I have to finish some drawings, that I have to deliver the day after tomorrow, at home is impossible to concentrate with Mia, so when classes are finished I will stay in the studio.

- Ok. How late you'll be? - Luke asked me concerned.

- You don´t have to worry, I will go before the university becomes empty, I promise. - I assured him for him not to be worried about me, there have been students who stay until too late and were robbed.

- You promised. Go home before nine o'clock, okay?

- Okay, now go because you are already late for class.
     He winked at me and went to class.
   My classes went well, when advanced drawing class was over, me and two other students stayed behind to finish our drawings. After two hours pass they left.
   - Are you gonna stay too long, Ailyn? - they asked.
   - I have not finished, you guys can go, I'll stay a little longer.
   - Bye, see you tomorrow.
   - Bye guys, see you tomorrow.


My smartphone started vibrating on top of the desk, the ringtone broke my deep concentration, I looked at the ID, Luke was calling.

- Hey, what's up? - I picked up.

- Where are you?

I took the mobile phone from my ear to look at the time, It's half past eleven, I can't believe is already this late, again took the phone to my ear - I'm climbing the stairs to my place - I lied, if I had told him the truth he would come get me.

- Are you sure you're getting home? You're not in the studio?

- Now I'm inside my house - I said to assure him - thank you for your concern, you're the best, go to sleep, see you tomorrow, bye bye - I said quickly.

- If you're lying... - he sighed - see you tomorrow, bye, sleep well. 

I hung up the call and sent a message to Mia "if Luke calls say I'm home", I packed everything in my bag, cleaned my desk and the floor, turned off the lights, closed the door with the keys and put them in the flower pot next to the door and headed to the exit.

As I was leaving the building I felt the cold of the night, I regretted not having brought a jacket or a sweater, I'm wearing some black shorts, white all stars and a short white top. I could felt the presence of someone, looked around but did not see anything or anyone and started walking again.

I turned away from the building and felt a shiver of anxiety. I saw the shadow of someone on the ground and heard movement behind me, but I was too scared to look back.

I started to speed up my step and who was behind me also accelerate the pace. I took my phone from my bag, took a quick glance behind me and saw a big scary tall man laughing at me.

- My God! - I said as I turned around and started running.

Memories of my past began to flood into my mind as the repulsive man was following me, which made me run faster and desperately, I shook my head to erase the memories of my head, now is not the time to think about the past .

I looked behind again, and the man was also running, I walked across the parking lot hoping to see someone, but there was no one in sight and I started to run faster.

I turned to look back and the man that was chasing me disappeared. My relief lasted only a split second, when I turned ahead and saw the man less than four meters from me blocking the way. I don't know how he passed.

I started dragging my feet back and the man began to come towards me, my heart began to beat even faster, I turned backwards but another man appeared just as ugly as the other.

- Hi, babe - the man said with a rough voice and started walking toward me. - Hey Victor, why not take the night off and let her for me? - Asked the man in front of me with pure evil voice.

Tears began to flow over my face.

- She's too good for you, how about you take the night off. - Said the other man behind me.

I started to look around, the man walked toward me and grabbed my shoulders. 

- No need to be shaking, babe. I´m more kind than the monster behind you. 

I approached the creepy tall man and gave him a strong knee blow between his legs, he released me and grabbed his manhood and started screaming - your little bitch. - I took the opportunity and started running again.

- Babe, you're making this situation more difficult than it needs to be. - Shouted the man that just take a knee blow.

- I love it when they run away - said the man who chased me first.

- I have to get out of here - I said mumbling to myself.



 After twenty minutes running non stop, I have left the surroundings of the university. I started to run out of strength in my legs and they started shaking.

I needed a place to hide, I looked around and saw a 2016 Mazda cx9 grey car parked on the side of the road. I looked inside the car thru the black window, as expected no one was inside. I looked around and there was no sign of anyone, so I took the opportunity ducked behind the car to catch my breath and wiped the tears.

I remembered that my boss should still be at work, from here to there I have to run another fifteen minutes. When I was about to run I heard something.

- How do you know that hide and seek is my favorite game, princess? - Said the man with the rough voice. 

My tears began to fall again in my sweaty face, I started to breathe faster, my heart beating so hard I thought I was going to explode, hugged my legs against my chest and began sobbing.

- Princess? - he paused - Princess? - the man started to approach the car.

I started running again, looked backward for a second to see if he saw me and bump against someone.

I looked ahead and could not believe who was in front of me, was no other than Mikhael Stark. I never in my life thought I'd be so happy to see him. He just stood there like a statue staring at me.

I sighed in relief and forgot the man who was chasing me for a few moments, but Mikhaewalk past me with a cold expression on his face. I could not believe he was going to leave me without asking if I need anything, without asking if I'm okay, he just walked.

I looked back and the man was standing behind a tree looking at us with a creepy smile.

- Get in. - Mikhael said while opening the car door.

I drag my heavy feet and my shaking legs and finally managed to get in the car, Mikhael closed the door behind me.

Mikhael looked at the man and told him something, but I could not hear what it was, he walked around the car. He was wearing a gray sports jacket with the hood on his head, some black legging with black shorts on top and sneakers, probably was doing exercise, but who does exercise this time at night. 

He got into the car and drove, I wiped the tears from my face and tried to calm my breathing.

- What are you doing this late at night running? - Mikhael asked without taking his eyes off the road.

I tried to calm myself - I can ask the same thing about you - I replied with a fake smile on my face.

He looked at me but said nothing.

- Thank you. - I said as tears started to flow my face again. - You can just leave me at the coffee shop from this morning.

- Is anyone there at this time?

- My boss.

- What is your boss going to do? - He asked with an arrogant voice.

- Nothing. I'm just telling you that you can just leave me there, I don´t want you to stray from your way because of me. - I said in a friendly voice. - I really need a drink, with all that running I got dehydrated.

After a few minutes we arrived at my part-time job, he turned off the car, I told him thank you and get out of the car.

When I get off the car my legs ran out of strength and I fell on the floor. I think the adrenalina already letf my body. I heard Mikhael walking around the car, undress his sports jacket and put it on my almost naked back. I felt a shiver down my spine when he put his two strong hands on my shoulders and helped me up from the floor.

- Thanks. For a moment my body gave up. - I said as I force a smile on my face.

- Ailyn? - I heard the voice of my boss - what are you doing here?

I looked at Mikhael - I ...

- I saw her on the road and gave her a ride, she was not feeling very well and said to stop here. Can we come in and have a drink? - Mikael said in a calm voice.

My boss looked at me with concern in his eyes and told us to come inside.

While my boss went to get me a glass of water with sugar, I sat in one of the tables. Mikhael sat in front of me staring at me with his beautiful big blue eyes as I called Mia and asked her to come get me. While waiting for Mia to arrive, we were staring at each other without saying a word, I think my boss was afraid of Mr. Stark intense look.


After spending some time waiting on that dark mood I heard a familiar voice.

- I did not know this was your house? - I heard his voice and he seemed very upset that I lied.

I turned to face him - Luke I ... 

He cut me. - Let´s go, Mia is waiting in the car.

I got up from the chair thanked my boss for the water, Luke began to walk to the car and I followed him.

Outside Mikhael held me again by my arm - Tomorrow what time you want, I want you to come to my office. It's not a request.

- Okay. Thank you for today, Mr.Stark. - I said as I freed myself from him and started to walk toward Luke´s car.






  # One week later#


It's now seven o'clock, I'm leaning on my car waiting for Mrs. Stewart to leave the building. After half an hour waiting, she finally come out, I open the car's back door and call for her. - Get in the car, Mrs. Stewart.

She looks at me with a face of fear and finally opens her mouth. - What for, Mrs. Stark?

- Your roommate, I need to talk to her.

- If you want I can tell her to come here tomorrow.

- I already gave her an opportunity to do so, but she did not appear. So get in the car and give the driver your address.

- Mr. Stark!

- Don´t make me have to find your address on my own.

She hesitated but got into the car.


After driving about half an hour in traffic we arrived at the entrance of the apartment. We exited the car and I told her to lead the way.

Mrs. Stewart took the keys from her purse probably a fake one and opened the door of the house.

- You can go, William will take you to go get your car.

- But ...

I cut her of - Go. Now.

She obeyed my command and disappeared down the stairs, I entered and started look around.

When you enter you can see the kitchen and the living room together without division between them, the living room has a small blue couch, a small TV and a small table between them. A dining table that can only fit four people. On the cream walls of the house has frames with photos of the to two of them and the guy from the other day. 

I saw an open door looked inside, it's all messy, full of papers, folders and clothes everywhere, could only be the room of my secretary.

I went to another door closed, I put my hand on the door handle and turn it, the door opens and I see Ailyn who just got out of the shower, she is only wearing black panties, her long wet brown hair falling in her perfect naked breasts.

- What the fuck are you doing here? - She yelled as she hugged herself to cover her bare chest.

She turned her back to me - GET OUT!

- Put some clothes on, we need to talk. - I scanned one more time her perfect body before leaving the room.









I turned off the water, grabbed the small white towel that was hanging to clean my hair and large towel to cover my body. Open the lid of my creams and spread through my wet body. I went to my little room. I heard the door slam, - "Mia must have arrived" - I thought to myself.

I pulled the big towel that was covering my body and I was completely naked, put my panties, has I was about to grab my bra my room door open. Mikhael Stark was looking at my naked body.

- What the fuck are you doing here? - I yelled while covering my body.

I turned my back to him to hide my embarrassed face. - GET OUT!

- Put some clothes on, we need to talk.

I can not believe it. How the fuck he got here. I closed the door to my room with the key, put on my black bra, put some grey track pants from adidas a black t- shirt and I sat on the bed cross-legged and called Mia.

- Hey.

- Hey? What the hell? - I said.

- I tried to stop him, but is impossible to say no to that man.

- Where are you?

- I came to get my car. He already left?

- NO, he did not leave, he is in the living room waiting for me. What does he want?

- I don't know. When he leaves call me, bye. - She hung up the phone on me.

- Mia ... - I sighed angrily.

I tried to control my anger and embarrassment, unlocked the door and walked into the living room. Mikhael was sitting on the couch and watching TV.

- May I ask what brings you to my house, Mr. Stark?

He turned off the television and turned his gaze in my direction. - Finally, Mrs. Smith. I thought you were gonna make me wait longer.

In a heartbeat Mikhael stood up and was standing in front of me. I shrunk with his gaze.

- If you had shown up in my office as it was agreed, I didn´t have to come of my way to come after you. Don´t you agree?

- I have been very busy lately, I did not have time to find you. I already thank you, I don´t know what more you want.

 - Thank you is not gonna cut it. - Said Mikhael.

- What you want then? Money is not because you already have a lot. So what it is.

- You owe me three times, so you have to meet three clients.

- What three times? What clients?

- I have to go, Monday William will get you. I'll explain things better when we meet again, Mrs. Smith. - He started walking toward the door.

- Who is William?

- Goodbye, Mrs. Smith.




"Monday in the afternoon"



- Ailyn ... Ailyn. - Luke called in the distance

- Hi. - I smile from ear to ear.

He puts his arm around my neck - You want a lift?

- Of course.


We went to the parking lot, there was a man who started looking at me.

- Mrs. Ailyn Smith? - The suspicious man asked.

- Yes?

- Hello, I'm William, Mr. Stark driver. I'm here to take you to him. - He opened the car door. - Please.

- What's going Ailyn? You know this man? - Luke asked.

- I think I'll have to say no to your ride. I have to go. - Isaid to Luke.

- Where?

- I'll explain later, okay? - I smiled at him and winked as I entered the black BMW car.


The elevator doors opened and saw Mia waiting for me.

- Mrs. Smith, come this way please. - She lead the way.

- What's with Mrs. Smith? - I asked with a smile, but she did not smile.

- Mr. Stark is waiting for you. You may enter, Mrs. Smith.

She opened the big brown door in front of us.

His office is huge probably the size of my whole apartment. Mikhael was standing next to his desk, he was talking on the phone probably with a client.

Mikhael was wearing a blue suit, has no tie and has two buttons of his white shirt unbuttoned. He looked at me and gave me a sign to sit down at the table across the office. I did what he told me, I sat and waited for him. His eyes following my every move.

Mikhael still the phone opened one drawer and pulled out a red folder, walked toward me and put the folder on the desk in front and made me a sign to open it.

Again following his command, open the folder and was full of pictures and drawings of a game I never heard and there were written things but I could not understand anything. I looked at him and shrugged. He gave me a smile. I cannot tell if his smile is fake or genuine, but made my heart skip a beat.

After some time he ends the call and sits in the chair next to me. I stopped breathing for a second from being so nervous.

- I'm supposed to understand what is written here? - I fired.

- No. Only smart people can read it.

My mouth opened without me noticing, stupefied. - Are you saying I'm stupid?

- No, just said that you are not very smart. - He took the red folder from my hands and told me some of the things that were written there that he thought I needed to know and then told me all I needed to know about the client that I was going to meet. 

- Can I ask you a question? - I said.

- If you must.

- Why are you sending me to me to meet with your customers, don´t you have people who work here that are more effective than me?

- I am sending you because I don´t have nothing to lose with these buyers. - He said.

- So you know that they will say no?

- Of course. - He said firm.

- Then why are you sending me there?

- You don´t need to know that, you just have to do what I tell you.

I got up from the chair ready to leave, but he stopped in from of me.

- You have many guys in your life that worries about you.

- What guys?

- What kind of relationship you have with your boss?

- My boss? - I laughed - The type of relationship that employers have with employees.

- Are you sure?

- I'm positive.

- What about the other guy that pick you up the other night?

- Who? Luke?

- He's your boyfriend? - He asked his back still turned to me.

I think to myself - "what´s all these questions, why does he care about the men in my life and what kind of relationship do I have with them. He has nothing to do with it. And why I'm telling him the answer to everything". - And before I realize I answered to the question. - No, he's not my boyfriend.

He turned to face me. - So you won´t mind if i do this, right?

"Do what?", i think to myself.

 As he said that he move forward quickly, taking me by surprise. He pull me against him, his mouth started moving down to kiss me. My heart started to beat faster when his lips touch mine, his hands started to move up my back, I put my hands around his neck and he broke the kiss. He just stared at me and smile.

I remove my hands from his neck and he kiss me again, he pulled the chairs out of the way with his feet, lift me on the glass table, putting his hands on my thighs inside my dress and again I put my hands around his neck. His mouth left mine and started traveling down my neck and I give a little moan.

He took off his blazer without breaking the kiss, he laid me down on the cold glass table and covered me with his body, my fingers started moving around his blond hair and the other hand on his back pulling him against my body.

Is playing with his tongue inside my mouth, his big soft hand traveling thru my legs, I can feel the hardness of his manhood against my body, he stopped and stripped me of my small dress and took off his shirt. His perfect body with his perfect six pack abs with no hair in sith leaning against me.

He bent down and started kissing my thigh, he began to travel up through my belly button, my chest still covered with my bra, my neck and now my mouth. A little moan left the back of his throat.

He unbuttoned my bra, started kissing my hard nipples, causing me to arch my back gasping loudly, feeling things inside my body that I never felt. His eyes started studying my face, but I pulled his lips against mine one more time.

- Knock, Knock.  Someone knocked on the door.

Mikhael broke the kiss. - Get dressed. - He said gasping for air. 

Mikhael got up off my body in a hurry, I wore my bra that was next to me as I get up from the table. I put on my dress and looked over to see Mikhael, he's turning his back at me getting dressed in a hurry.

- Yes. - The secretary came in.

- I'll wait outside. - I had to leave that place, walked to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face still breathing heavy.

- What happened? - Mia came in and asked.

I jumped - jesus Mia... Nothing - shook my head.

- Why are you breathing like that?

- Ah ...

- Mr. Stark is waiting for you, Mrs. Smith. - Said the other blonde secretary.


Mr. William, drove us to a very fancy restaurant, Mikhael told me that I had to get into the restaurant and meet the customer alone. I met the man, I sat at the table where he was having lunch and began to talk about the game that he had already said no to. After ten minutes I left the restaurant.

- So? - Asked Mikhael.

- Get lost.

- What?

- That's what he said. - I replied.

He laughed, got inside the car and left. Leaving me there alone.



It's been two days since Mikhael left me all alone in the restaurant, with no call, no explanation, nothing. He took me to the restaurant, so why didn´t he gave me a ride home. I had to take a taxi and spend money that I don´t have.
I'm starting to get furious with him, he thinks I'm going to let it slid just because what happened the other day in his office, his wrong.

Luke arrived, gave me a kiss on the cheek and pulled me from my thoughts.

- What are you thinking, did you not hear me calling for you? - He said as he sat in front of me in the cafeteria.

- Ah! Sorry. What's up?

- Not much - he took a bite on his food - you?

- Just... - my phone started ringing - ... sorry.

I picked up the phone. - Hello.

- It´s me, come into the parking lot, I´m waiting for you - he hang up.

- Who is it? - asked Luke curious.

- Wrong number. - I keep eating.


After fifteen minutes we finished eating. We left the cafeteria, I accompanied Luke to his class and went to the parking lot where I saw Luke leaning against his car, I walked toward him and the expression on his face began to get darker.

- Are you playing with me?

- What did I do? - I smiled.

- What did you do? Do you know how long I'm waiting for you? When I call you ...

I cut him off before he could finish - I was having lunch, was I supposed to stop what I was doing?  

He grabbed me by my shoulders with HIS strong big hands and pulled me hard against the car. When my back hit the hard car I felt a electric shock run down my spine and a moan of pain escaped from my throat, I could not look into his eyes.

- You think I'm here to play with you? - He bit out.

I began to tremble with fear and could not open my mouth to answer.

- Where is the brave Ailyn now? - He released my shoulders - get in.

I sighed, wiped the tear that just fall from my eye and got in the car still shaking. I take back what i said, I wish he hadn't called me.


Now you can see the sunset thru the car window, we been driving for about four or five hours, I can't tell for sure. This is probably the most boring car ride of my twenty-two years of life, he did not say a word since we left the university. And I really need to go to the bathroom, but I don´t have guts to look at him as more ask you him to stop the car.

After driving for another half hour we stopped the car in front of a large five-star hotel, i don't think I can afford one night in this place, or even a meal.

- Follow me. - Mikhael said.

I did what he told and to follow him to the reception of the hotel. He gave me a key to a room and a folder, told me to memorize everything that was written there and entered the elevator and once again left me on my own.

I fell asleep in the small hotel room trying to memorize what was written in the folder that Mikhael gave me.


The next morning after skipping breakfast and meet the client, I went to the hotel indoor pool. Mikhael told me to find him there. Mikhael was swimming with white and black swimming trunks and I could see his perfect body. We are the only ones here.

- How did it go?

- He said he'd think about it and call to give you the answer.

- At least he didn't tell you to get lost. Get in. - He ordered me.

- I can´t, I don´t have a bikini.

- Are you wearing underwear?

- I am, but still.

He got out of the pool and walked toward me - If you don´t get in the pool you wiil pay for our rooms, if you enter the pool I will pay. What do you prefer?.

I took off my dress and my high heels and jumped into the pool. - Are you happy?

I climbed the stairs to leave the pool and he was now in front of me.

He moved towards me, pulling me against him, he kissed me and I allowed him. I put my arms around his neck as he grabbed my waist and pull me close to him and I felt the hardness of his manhood against my stomach.

I pulled my lips away from him and he looked at my surprise.

- Don't worry no one's gonna come in. - He kiss me again and lift me up on his strong arms without taking his lips from mine.

His tongue exploring my mouth as we moved to a pool chair. He laid me down on a chair and laid down on top of me. My hands started moving along his back, his mouth traveling down my neck until he reached my covered breasts. He lift his head, looked at me with his deep blue eyes and took my bra off. Mikhael dropped his head again and headed to my naked breasts and started to play with them with his tongue. My whole body was on fire with desire while he was sucking my ard nipples.

His hands moved down my legs ready to take off my panties as i gasped for air but his phone started ringing.

He got up pulling me away from him to pick up the phone. I sat on the chair, put my bra back on. I put my dress, Mikhael following my every move with his scary eyes, I pick up the mY high heels from the floor and ran out of there, I had to hide my embarrassed face.




After taking a bath, dry my hair and wet underwear, I went down to the lobby sat down in on of the couches hugging my hungry belly and waited for Mikhael.

- Excuse me, are you Mrs. Smith? - Asked the valet of the hotel.

- Yes?

- Mr. Stark is in the car waiting for you. Please follow me. 

I can not believe he asked the valet to come find me, when he could come tell me himself. - Can you please tell Mr. Stark that I will find other transport home. 

- Yes, mam. - He bowed and disapered thru the front entrance.


I got my smartphone and scroll down my contacts but someone took the phone from my hands. I look up and see Mikhael looking down on me angry.

- Give me my phone. - I said.

He grabbed my hand, lift me up from the couch and dragged me through the lobby to the car that was waiting in front of the hotel.

- Let go of my hand. - I whined.

- I don't have time to play. - Mikhael said while opening the car door and pulling me inside.

I gathered my strengths and said - What do you want? - With a gentle voice.

He said nothing and just begun driving.


About one hour drive he broke the silence. - Congratulations, the client said yes.

- Good for you - I said under my breath.

He looked at me - what did you say?

- To stop the car and let me get out. - Still with a gentle voice.

- Do you want me to stop here in the highway?

- Yes. Stop the car and give me my phone back, please.

- What for?

- Just, please. - I begged.

- That's not going to happen. - He said in a firm voice. He reach the back seat of the car with his right arm, took a bag and put it on my lap.

- What's this?

- Why haven't you eat anything since yesterday?

I didn't replied and opened the bag.

He took the bag from my hands - I'm waiting for the answer.

- My payday is just in the end of this week.

- You could have asked me for money - he put the bag back on my lap - eat.

I can not understand his mood changes, one minute he's yelling at me, another minute is friendly, his impossible.

After a six hours drive Mikhael stopped the car in front of my apartment - now you can get get off.

- My phone. - I held out my hand.

- Here - he put the phone on my hand - I will call you again.

- Bye, Mr. Stark. - I get off the car.

I got home put my bag on the kitchen counter, went to the fridge to get a glass of water and found a note that Mia wrote saying - "Dont wait for me I'll be late, date with hot guy", what is to be expected, she's always in dates. I put the ticket in the trash, washed the glass and went to my room.

I took off my high heels, was about to take my dress but my phone started ringing.

- Yes. - I said answering the call from Mikhael.

- Are you already inside? - He asked.

- Yes, what ...

He cut me off. - Are you with Mrs. Stewart?

- No, she's not home, do you need something?

- Do you know if she will take long?

- Probably really late, do you need something from her? I can ...

He hang up the phone on my face. I heard someone knocking at the door is likely to be a neighbor to ask for something. I opened the door and saw Mikhael smiling.

He took my hand and pulled me against him. Put his hand under my chin lifting my head and our eyes meet.

- I want to kiss you again, Ailyn. - Mikhael smiled and passed his thumb on my lips.

- Why?

I opened my mouth and let out a sigh, he put his lips on mine and gave me a soft kiss. I placed my hands on his back and he began to play with his tongue inside my mouth.

Without taking his lips from mine he took me in his arms with his hands beneath my thighs and I put my arms around his neck to hold me.

Mikhael put me down in my room, turned me against the wall pulling my hair to one side and bit my earlobe while his hands traveled up my legs slightly lifting my dress. My hands leaning against the cold wall to support me and gasping for air while he takes off his blazer.

Still against the wall I raised my arms to help him undress me from my small pink dress, he grabbed me and threw me on the bed. Mikhael still dressed laid on top of me, kissing the area of my lips up to my chin down to my throat and again to my earlobe.

With a little effort took off my bra throwing it on the floor, licked my hard nipple, his mouth traveling down my stomach, kissed the inside of my thigh and took off my panties leaving me completely naked.

He stepped back and took off his clothes while I watched his perfect naked body. He parted my legs, looked at me and gave me a smile, kissing my knee and up my thighs. He kissed the top of my sex what made arch my back gasping for air. I pulled him to my mouth because I want him to stop playing with me and he kissed me back. 

He parted my legs and put his manhood inside me. I buried my fingers on his back, raised my head and let out a groan of pain when I felt his hard and intensely warm manhood inside me. Mikhael looked at me and kissed me while thrusting is manhood hard again and again inside me. He kissed me again pushing his tongue deeper into my my mouth, I let him while arched my hips.

He thrust his manhood again hard against me and we reached the climax at the same time.

He raised his head and said - I only have time for that today, I have to go.

I can't believe what i just heard.

Mikhael got up and got dressed, I pull the blankets over me to cover me and hugged my legs against my chest. He finished getting dress and disappeared into the living room without saying a word and I started to cry in disbelief that I just lost my virginity to a man like that.





Still naked took the blankets off me, wiped the tears that were still falling down my face, got up from bed and went to the bathroom. I went into the shower, turned on the hot water and washed my hair and body. I got out of the shower and wrapped my body in a towel, with my hand wiped the fogged mirror, saw my reflection in the mirror and started crying again.

I lay down on the couch still wrapped in the towel and fell asleep.


- Ailyn .... Ailyn ... - I open my heavy eyes and saw Mia shaking me - Wake up.

- What? - I said with a sleepy voice.

- Did you sleep here? Like this? Why?

- How was your date? - I asked to change the subject, I don't want her to know what happened.

- It was incredible, he is unbelievable. - Mia said.

- Was that good?

She smiled - yes, now get up and go get dressed.

I did what she said, got up and went to my room but she followed me.

- Now tell me what happened.

- Nothing happened. - I said.

- I know you better than your own mother, you think you can hide anything from me.

I sat on the bed - I am thinking in accepting the internship offer.

- What? Are you serious. All of a sudden?

- I never said I was not going to. I thought about it and is a good opportunity for me.

- Are you serious? - She asked shocked with the news.

- I think it's the best for me right now. - I answered.

- Are a hundred percent sure?

- Yes, I am.

- What do I do with the apartment?

- Your salary is more than enough to pay for the apartment.


- Okay, I understand.

- Do you? - I asked.

- It's your life I cannot stop you.

- Can you be late for work? You should go get ready. 

She gave me a hug. - I hope you're making the right choice, Ailyn.

Mia went to her room to get ready for work, I put in some comfortable clothes, tied my hair in a high ponytail, opened my laptop and sent the email to say that I accept the internship.

Every year the Best Art program chooses the best student of all art schools in the country and offers an internship program.

The internship program lasts one year and during this year every month we will work and study with a different artist.

The Best Art program has given us a month to draw three different designs, one of them was a person, another was a landscape and another was at our discretion.  In the same week I moved in with Mia I received an email saying my drawings were the best in my class and that I got the internship. I asked Best Art program if they could give me some time to think about it, they answered me saying that I had a month to give my final answer. Today is the last day of the month. 

I thought a lot about accepting the offer, but there were several reasons for me to say no, one of them being that I had just moved to this apartment, have to stay away from my family and friends for a year and I've never been away from them long and was afraid of being alone in places I don´t know.

But after what happened in the last few weeks with Mikhael I think is better to get out of her for a while, do what I like and gain some experience in work and when i´m ready i´il return.




#One week later#



Today is the day. The day of my graduation and the day I travel to France for my internship program.

For the last week I dealt with all the issues I had to deal with before leaving, I handed my resignation letter in the Royal Coffee, packed my bags, Mia said I didn´t need to take my things out the apartment that she will wait for me, typical Mia.

Michael did not stop calling me and searching for me, but every time I see him I run in the opposite direction and didn't answer his phone calls.


After the graduation ceremony was over, I said goodbye to everyone my friends and teachers. Saying goodbye to my parents, my sister and Luke. My mother of course started crying nonstop my father and my sister gave me a hug but they did not shed a tear. Luke gave me a big hug, smiled and said he would call me every day.

Mia drove me to the airport, I did the check in, I was ready to leave but Mia was not ready to let me go.

- I'll ask for the last time. Are you sure?

- Yes, Mia. For the hundredth time I'm sure.

Mia gave me a big hug and burst into tears - I will miss you like crazy.

- I know. - I said.

- I'll call you everyday and I will kill you if you don´t answer the phone. - She said as she released me.

- See you in a year. - I said with a smile. - Bye.

- Bye. have a safe and fun trip .


I was ready to get on the plane but my phone started ringing. 

- Mr. Stark. - I answered the phone.

- Finally. Why have you been running away from my? - He bit off.

- I didn't run away, I just didn't have anything to talk to you.

- Have you forgot our deal?

- No, I haven't forgotten. The client will call you tomorrow to give you the answer.

- What?

- I have already met with the client. Now our deal is over. I no longer owe you anything. - I asked Mia to give me the information for the last client, I don't want to owe him anything.

- What the hell are you talking about? Where are you?

- Have you ever wished go back in time, Mr. Stark?

- NO. - He said angry. 

- Well, I wished. If I could go back, I would go back to that day when i spilled coffee all over you.

- What you would change?

- I would not have gone to see Mia at the company. - I paused. - I wished I never had met you, Mr. Stark.

- Enough. Tell me where you are right now. - He said almost yelling.

- I only have time for that today, I have to go. - I said as I got on the plane and turned off the phone.




                " I wish I had not fallen in love with you".






Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.10.2016

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