
About the book

 From wild thoughts to verses by Sukanya Basu Mallik, is a short and sweet read for all. This is a collection of the young author's personal work tinged with both heartbreak and small joys of life. It has both old forms like sonnets and tankas as well as some Insta-poetry. Overall her beta readers treasure this one as a collection worth keeping. It centers around nothing specific in a rigid sense however it floats to-&-fro between topics of love and emotional loss, the catharsis of creating art, and the struggle to find one’s true self!



*Thanks to Datamuse, whose word engine was used to modify some of the poems.
- 28th June 2019.


Everyone is romance sometimes
But I at times get more lovelorn
Just get more lovelorn!


Everyone is romance sometimes

Don't be afraid to try henpecking

Do you mind if I steal a droll?

Now I can't find the passion without you

No passion without you!

Romance of the woods

 Teary-eyed trunk,
dapper broom,
instructive wind!



In a kingdom full of primroses
I was a seedling and you a cotoneaster
Suddenly, I heard some fruiting
'It's our germination,'you winked

from the space between me and the soil!



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.06.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-0852-0

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