
Title page

  Lines of passion

A collection of modern romance poetry

By: Sukanya Basu Mallik





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Copyright (C)2019, Sukanya Basu Mallik.


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"The moon in my night sky.

You're the truth in my lies;

Today as I sit to write,

May we reflect in my lines."


Technology has changed the way we love – likewise modern poetry is catching up. This collection is a perfect gift for your loved ones, not just your valentine (though specifically crafted for lovers). The poems range from feelings of infatuation to that of heartbreak.  All of that in form of a nice little collection for you to finish within a single sitting,  or to enjoy poem by poem, on the go. Neither traditional nor instagram collection of micropoems, this book is a must read for new readers


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.05.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-0562-8

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