
Peek Inside…

Peek Inside…



"Do you like food?" he asked. "I noticed you didn't eat much of the salmon." 

"I love food." 

"How about dancing?" He asked, taking my hand from his chest and moving it up and around his neck, and stepping closer. 

Our chests met, and my breath caught. If he kissed me again, the chances of us going anywhere were slim. The last time I was in that garden I had barely controlled the urge to take off the fancy clothes and do very unprincess things to him. He was gorgeous and sweet, and he wanted me. It was thrilling, and I couldn't wait to take this relationship to the next level. 

"I love dancing." He leaned down, his lips hovered so close our breaths mingled. It was like I was hypnotized by those blue eyes. 

Cornell smirked and pulled away, my arms drop to my side. "Then you're going to have to change. You can't dance in your riding clothes. Don't get too dressy, jeans and a nice shirt should do it. The tighter the better." 

I rolled my eyes and turned to get dressed, a smile forming when he groaned. I switched to the door, giving him a show. I jumped in shock when I felt a sting on my ass. I turned to see Cornell standing right behind me, hands up in a surrender pose. 

"Did you just slap my ass?" 

"It was on my to-do list," he said and walked past me. 

I laughed out loud. 

Chapter One

Chapter One



I had my hands in the air and a big smile on my face. The steady flashes from the various cameras made me feel like a star. This was the day that I had been waiting, twelve long years for. and it was finally here. It felt like a dream. I looked to my left at my two best friends, my aces, my girls since the fourth grade, Nasha and Tory. By the look on their faces, they were just as excited as I was. It was their day, too.

My smile got bigger as I watched the principal approach the podium. She was all smiles, as usual. Ms. Givings was a gift to this school, and we all knew it. She had done in four short years what nobody else had seemed to do. Tame the students at Vashon High. She had also made my life easier, and she had been determined to see every senior graduate.

Not that I was a troubled student. I just always seemed to be where the trouble was. She had my back every time, constantly reminding me, I deserved better, and that she was going to make sure I became a lady. Not that anyone could do that. I put on a front for her most days, just as I did my mom. But I still had my mind and regardless of where or when, I was determined to stay me.

“And now it is with the greatest honor I present to you all the biggest graduating class since nineteen ninety-six, the Vashon High graduating class of two thousand and eleven.” she was clapping so hard her jaws were shaking and her smile looked like it hurt, but she was happy, and I could see tears of joy in her eyes. Vashon was not a school place for the faint of heart. It sat right in the middle of three neighborhoods that didn’t like each other much. Every teen in the area went to this school. As a result, there were lots of fights. Lots of cops. There had even been a few mass fights. Ms. Givings had shut all that down.

Then, as if on cue, the auditorium erupted with applause, and our class song was coming from the speakers even louder, “Hear me coming,” by Yung Joc. Looking around, you could see people dancing, jumping up and down, hugging each other. We had made it and we were coming. I hope the world was ready. I was almost knocked over as my friend’s bum rushed me with hugs. “We made it,” I said.

“I know, right,” Nasha said, “we free.”

“We out this bitch,” Tory put in.

“Yes, yes,” I said, tossing up my graduation cap. I scanned the crowd, looking for the most important person in my life. Where was she? I knew she wanted a picture of us all.

“Looking for me, princess.” I turned around with a frown. I loved my mama more than pancakes, but I hated that nickname. She was determined to keep calling me.

“Yes, I was looking for you, and can you please stop calling me that? I’m far from a princess,” I said, hugging her, “but you’ll always be my queen.” I kissed her cheek and gathered with my girls for the pictures we wanted. We ended up having a photo shoot, and I hadn’t even noticed that a couple of other people had joined in the group.

“So, Vikki,” Terrance, too hot for anyone but me, was saying. “You coming to Tony’s party tonight, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, boo.” I said, kissing his cheek. He wasn’t my boyfriend, but he was my boo, and he really was fine, fine. A little on the dumb side since the boy kept failing everything, but he was cool and easy on the eyes. I did not know how he was even graduating, because he never went to class. But here he was, so...... who was I to question fate?

“I’ll see you there,” he said, picking me up wedding style for a picture my mama was taking. then he walked off with his friends.

“Please tell me you going to give that boy a chance now that we are out of school, he been crushing on you for like five years,” Tory said

“Yep, since eighth grade,” Nasha confirmed while putting on her lip gloss.

Terrance was my crush, but he was also Nasha’s twin brother. I always told my friends that I wouldn’t date a guy from school because of all the hateration that was going on, but that wasn’t entirely true. I just didn’t want a boyfriend. As far back as I could remember, my mom had never had a boyfriend, never even gone on a date, and she was beautiful. Tall light caramel skin, almond light brown eyes, beautiful wavy hair, and she never dated. Not that men didn’t try. She got hit on every time we left the house, and she always nicely turned them down. I figured I wasn’t missing anything, and I wanted to focus on myself.

I slowly shook my head. “Naw, I’m good. but y’all coming to the party with me, right?”

“Damn right,” Tory said, doing the two steps, “I’m going home with somebody son, tonight.”

I smiled and watched her shake her abnormally large behind. Tory was not what you would call a slut, but she enjoyed being the center of attention, especially if it was male attention, and she liked inexperienced guys. She said she liked to be the leader, whatever that meant. Nasha was a closet freak, good girl on the outside but behind closed doors she was a beast, or so I had heard, literally, I had heard, and me I was a flirt or maybe a tease, because I never backed up my flirting. I have only slept with one guy. It was a summer fling, that we both walked away from happily.

“Vikki, we need to go. I have to be at work in a couple hours and I want to talk to you before I go.” My mama was saying, and I was thankful. I knew my friends were about to drill me about Terrance.

“Okay, mama,” I said. To my friends, I said, “Be ready at eight or I’m going by myself.”

Then I turned away and me and mama made our way to her car. She cranked up the engine and started towards our apartment in silence. I had a feeling what she wanted. She figured I was going to move out, which I was. Our apartment was just too small, it just wasn’t big enough. My friends and I had already got an apartment together. I couldn’t take the silence, so I switched on the radio and started singing with three six mafia about chicken-heads.

“What did you want to talk about, Mama?” I asked? Suddenly she looked sad, and I think she was tearing up a little, but she kept her eyes on the road so I couldn’t really tell. What the hell was it with her? For the last week she had been very distant towards me, and I was really getting sick of it. We were always close. We were all we had. I didn’t want her to be mad at me.

“Is it because I’m moving in with Nasha and Tory?” I asked.

“No Vikki,” she said, turning onto our street, “you won’t be moving in with your friends.”

“You don’t want me to?” I asked, surprised. It was all that I had talked about for months.

She pulled into the parking lot. “I want you, to do, whatever you want to, but unfortunately, it’s not up to me or you at this point. We have to finish this conversation tonight, when I get home. I’m running late. I’ll be off at ten. You better be here. That means no party.”

I watched her scurry out of the driveway on her way to work. As soon as she was gone, I pulled out my phone and texted my friends. “Pick me up at eight,” is what I sent. There was no way I am missing that party.


Three hours later, I sat in the same backyard I had so many times before. Only this time, I was anxious. I kept imagining my mom coming into this backyard and dragging me out of here. As ten o’clock approached, I got antsy and stood up ready to make a run for, to try to beat her home.

Nasha and Tory stood up too, ever at the ready for any bullshit that might happen. I hadn’t told them what my mom said earlier. I was hoping to change her mind somehow and take a stand. Let her know I was an adult now. Those were great words in my head, only I knew I’d never say them to her.

“What’s your big?” Nasha asked.

“I gotta go.” I said, making my way to the gate.

“Wait, girl!” Tory said, grabbing my wrist. “What’s going on?”

I looked at my friends and I wanted to explain, except I didn’t know what was going on. “I did something really stupid.”

“What you do?”

“Look, my lady told me I couldn’t come to the party tonight, okay? I came anyway and now I’m freaking out.”

Tory shook her head, clearly not understanding. “Why would she want you to stay home?”

Nasha said, “Man, your mom is bugging, I mean it ain’t like she can whip your ass or something, hunty you grown.”

“No, Y’all don’t understand. I gotta live with her.” I said, laughing.

“I know you ain’t tryna shake out.” Terrance said, walking up beside his sister, holding up a blunt. “I was just about to spark. The party is just starting and we ain’t danced yet.”

I opened my mouth to explain that I didn’t want any weed and yes, I was definitively leaving, but Tori beat me to it. “Yeah, she ain’t bout that life,” she said, snatching the blunt, knowing I would not smoke, “but I am.”

“Terrance, I really to have to go. I’ll catch you later.” I said, walking away, only to be stopped by Terrance again.

“You might not smoke or dance with me,” he said, “but you can at least have a shot with me.” He flashed me his one-hundred-watt smile, and I ignored my friends behind him, making Kissy faces at us. Still, I caved, one shot and I should still be able to get home on time to beat my mom.

Chapter Two

Chapter Two



Four shots of Tequila later and I was feeling great. I wasn’t worried about my mom being mad anymore. I would get home a little while after she did if I left in the next thirty minutes, but for now, I was going to enjoy the rest of my night and dance with Terrance. As I swayed to the music, with him behind me, his hands on my waist, I felt like I didn’t have a care in the world. That might be the liquor clouding my judgment, but isn’t that what it was supposed to do?

Suddenly, Terrence was in front of me, his tall form casting a shadow over me, blocking out the night sky and the moon. His hands on my hips pulled me closer as we fell into an easy rhythm. “You are so fucking fine,” he said.

I smiled and looked into his beautiful eyes. I thought he was fine too, but I would not tell him that. The urge to kiss him was strong, though, so I ran my hands up his chest to his neck to pull him down. His lips were so close to mine, that I could feel his breath mingling with mine. He would be a good kisser. I just knew it.

Before I could take that leap, though, the music was stopped, and from a distance, I heard my name being called. A moment later, I was pulled to look into the angry eyes of my mother. Well shit.


“Why do you never listen to me?” My mom yelled, pacing the room. “I told you to not go anywhere. I told you that this was important. This is bigger than you and me. How could you do this? Is this how you are going to be now?”

This is what my mom had been doing for the last fifteen minutes since we got home. I was indeed pulled away from the party and any hope of a kiss with Terrance and pushed into a car I had never seen before. What I knew was that it was a Rolls Royce. That scared me more than my mom. Inside there were two men and two women dressed in suits like the mafia. They had guns. I saw the one the lady had. I had questions and looking at my mom, I saw I would not get any.

The ride was quiet as I wondered what my mother was into. Was someone after us? Were we going to be killed? The relief I felt when the car pulled up to our apartment must have shown on my face because the woman smiled a little before getting out and then helping me out. My relief was short lived, however, as we entered our apartment to see more mafia men and an older woman. I was thrown on the couch where my mom went ahead and chewed me out in front of all these people.

“Of all the irresponsible things you can do, you get drunk. I can smell the liquor on you,” My mom yelled, and she was not done what stopped her. However, was the older woman.

“Jalisa, enough,” The woman spoke quietly and stood with all the grace of a beauty pageant winner. “Let me talk to her.”

When she stood, everyone around her seemed to stand straighter. The air became tense, and the tension was eased with a slight wave of her hand. I watched astonished as, my mother took a seat beside the one she had vacated. The lady trained her watchful eyes on me, and I wanted to squirm. she was tall and thin. She wore a black and gold off the shoulder jumpsuit, with a purple sash across her chest. Her jewelry shined brightly on her neck, arms and fingers. Her hair was a long afro of black and grey curls flowing down her back. Her makeup was perfect for her Hershey brown complexion, her eyes small and deep.

“You caused quite a stir with your insubordinate, reckless behaviors girl. We were worried something happened to you. In the future, when you are given a direct order from your superiors, you will listen intently and obey.”

Who was this woman and who was she talking to? One thing was for sure, she didn’t know me, and I could not care less if she was a part of some mafia regime. She did not run me. Looking around the tall lady, I made eye contact with my mom. I’m sure the question was in my eyes before I even spoke. “Who is this?”

Mom opened her mouth to talk, but it was the woman who answered. “I am Beatrice Amelia Ruby Duvall, Queen of LaCresha and your grandmother.”

It could have been the liquor or just the way she said it, but I burst out laughing. “What?” I asked, “is this some kind of a joke?” My laughter slowly died as I looked around the room and I was the only one laughing. The men all looked anywhere else. My mom was shaking her head, looking terrified, and the queen huffed and pressed her lips in a tight line.

“This is not a joke, Victoria.” The queen spat. “You are just like your father.”

My father was a subject that I had not thought about in a long time. My mom never spoke of my sperm donor, and I had stopped asking long ago. Every time I did, it felt like I reopened a wound that she was trying desperately to close. Glancing at my mom, I saw the saw the same faraway look she always got whenever he was mentioned. I was sure that he had hurt her badly.

“What do you know about my dad?” I asked.

The queen looked at me with a mix of regret and sadness. “He was my son and your father. He was a great man. He was going to be king someday.”


“Your father died a month ago in a plane crash along with his wife and only other child. Under normal circumstances, they would not have flown together, but it was an emergency, and we feared the worse for a close family friend. He disobeyed my order and was just as reckless are you have been tonight. Your father, Prince Unief Christopher Duvall, is dead and you, Victoria, are the last of the Duvall royal bloodline.”

He was dead, along with a wife and child. My sibling was dead. Closing my eyes, I let that sink in. I was the only survivor of the bloodline. Which meant I was the only one left. They needed me. I felt a tear run down my face as I opened my eyes and looked at my mom. She had her hands wrapped around her midsection and she was crying real tears. It didn’t feel right to me to cry for someone I hadn’t known. My tears were because I knew in the back of my mind that this was something I would have never figured out on my own. If he were alive, these people, my grandmother, wouldn’t be here.

“So what?” I asked harshly. “I’m supposed to take his place. Now that no one is left, you want me to step up and represent? Is that why you’re here now? You want me to come out of hiding?”

“The only one in hiding has been your mother,” the queen boomed. “You were never meant to be here. You were supposed to know who you were. You have always been in the line of succession. Your mother left with you like a thief in the night as soon as she learned she would not marry your father.”

My mother gasped and held up a hand as if to stop the words. “You forbid us to wed. I was not going to stand there and watch the love of my life marry someone else.”

The queen rounded on her and snapped, “you knew the moment you met him he was promised to another. A child would not change what was set in stone, but had you stayed, she would know our ways and she would know her father.”

“Forgive me for not wanting my daughter to be the bastard child of a prince.”

I couldn’t take it anymore. This was a lot to take in, and I heard more than felt myself yell, “Stop!” It was too much. I felt myself stand and walk to my room. I felt betrayed and anxious. There was so much I didn’t know about myself, so many secrets, so many lies. All my life, my mom had lied to me. All my life, I had wondered about the missing part of myself. I had been determined to keep it buried, but now it had found me. I had just assumed he was a lowlife like all my friends’ dads, maybe a drug dealer, or a murderer, or just a bastard who left my mother when he found out she was knocked up. However, he was a prince, and they had been in love. It had been a duty that separated my parents.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream for the life I could have had, and for the father I would never know. As I lay in my bed, no one came to check on me. I fell asleep dreaming of a man with my mother who had no face.

Chapter Three

Chapter Three



When I woke up that morning, the Queen aka my grandmother was gone. My mom stood in the kitchen cooking up a storm. It all looked so normal. Not like we just had royalty in the building. She hadn’t noticed me yet, so I took the time to look at her. my mom was a petite five foot nothing with thick dark curly hair and almond eyes. Her caramel skin shined in the sunlight from the window. She was still in her bathrobe, and she moved briskly around the kitchen.

I had known this woman all my life and she couldn’t keep a secret to save my life and yet she had kept this one buried deep somewhere. This one just happened to be huge. I was a fucking princess. Little black girl from the ghetto, or so I thought. All night I had woken up again and again. My mind could not let me rest. I had gone through so many scenarios in my mind and none of them ended with me running some faraway land. All I could think to do was escape.

Looking around my home, the place we had lived for so many years, it was almost laughably small. One large room that served as the living room, dining room, and kitchen. A small bathroom and two bedrooms. This had been my palace for years. I didn’t want things to change. Eyeing the door contemplating my escape, I spotted something that made me pause.

“What is that?” I asked, pointing to the three large suitcases lined up by the door. They were not mine. They looked expensive and new.

My mother jumped and turned around, spatula in hand. Her other hand flew to cover her heart as if to calm the beating down. “I didn’t hear you come in here. Girl, you almost scared me to death.”

I was still looking at the luggage. “Mom,” I said slowly, even as my throat tightened. “What is that?”

She followed my line of sight, her eyes landing on the object of my current obsession. Quickly she turned around and removed the pancakes from the pan, before turning around to look at me again. She beckoned me to come to the table in the kitchen. She said nothing but sat and began loading my plate and hers with food. I waited patiently for her answer, even though I already knew.

“Understand Vicki, this is not something you can run from or escape.” She started softly. “You are destined for so much more than this. More than you could ever imagine. I robbed you of your chance to be who you really are once. I’m sorry about that. I was selfish and only thinking of my pain. I robbed you of a father and a whole country who will love you forever. Your grandmother is getting tired. She can’t do this much longer. She needs you and your country needs you.”

“Please don’t tell me that those are my bags.” Her words felt hollow, and she sounded different today. This woman I had known all my life, sounded like the grandmother I just met.

Teary eyed, she smiled, “They are. You must go, and you have to do what your father would have wanted you to do. He was a great man, Vicki. It would have given him so much pleasure to see you back in LaCresha. It’s only right. If you abdicate, you will place hundreds of thousands of people at the will of a man more sinister than you can imagine. He will destroy everything that your ancestors have built for so long. He doesn’t believe in diplomacy; he is much more of a monarch. A Duvall has sat on that throne for over three hundred years. Do not give that up.”

“How could you keep this from me, mama? This is so messed up, and now everybody expects me to just jump on the royal band wagon.” I said, picking at my food.

“You have always been who you are, and you don’t have to change. Much. You just do what feels right.”

“None of this feels right.” I grumbled.

“It will get better. You’re a natural leader and I’m sure your grandma will teach you everything. Or pay someone to do it. Every girl dream of being a princess. For you, it’s a reality.”

The more she talked, the more my anxiety set in and the more I doubted if I had ever known her. Who was this woman? I needed to get out of the house. I needed to talk to my friends. I stood and said, “I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?”

“To see my friends,” I replied.

I stepped out into the hall and came to an abrupt stop. Outside my door were four men, two in front of me and two on each side of the door frame. They wore suits and looked like secret service. I ignored them and started to walk down the hall, only to have them follow me. Was this going to be my life now? As I left the building, I saw three more men outside. They didn’t blend in. In fact, they stood out like palm trees in Antarctica.

When I was almost to Nasha’s house, I rounded on my Followers. “Look guys, I understand you’re doing a job, but can y’all at least give me fifty feet?”

They looked startled and surprised, but one guy was fast to respond. “Sure thing, Princess Royal.”

I rolled my eyes and continued to Nasha’s. When she opened the door, her eyes flew to my new shadows. She raised an eyebrow with a question.

I pushed past her and plopped on her couch. “Bitch, you will not believe the tea I got to spill.”

“I’m all ears, especially if it involves the men in black out there.”

“Who else? Call Tori.” I spoke.


“So, you like, really, a Princess?” Tori asked for like the third time.

Nasha had gotten over her shock and we were moving on, but Tori seemed to be stuck. “Like a Princess and the Frog, Rapunzel princess. Oh my God, You’re just like Rapunzel. She didn’t know she was princess either,” She continued, and finally shut up only to say, “So your royalty, wow.”

“We already been over this Tori,” Nasha said, rolling her eyes to the heavens. “She a real princess and the princess Tiana was not a real princess; she married a prince so that don’t count.”

“Girl, stop,” Tori said, pursing her lips. “You, know what the fuck I mean.”

“Guys, back to the business,” I semi yelled, sensing an argument coming on. “What am I going to do?”

“What do you want to do?” Nasha asked. “How do you feel about all this?”

“I feel angry.” I hissed. “Naw, I’m pissed. This was never meant for me, y’all. They only came for me because my dad died. I feel bad about that because I feel absolutely no type of way that my father is dead. I don’t think my grandma likes me and my mom is already packing my bags. I had a brother y’all and I feel horrible that I’ll never know him. I’m all fucked up and I don’t want to leave.”

They were silent and ass I spilled my guts, they had moved closer. Nasha had her arm slung over my shoulder and Tori had grabbed my hand. Man, it felt good to get that off my chest, surrounded by my best bitches.

“Well, I think you need to own this shit. Go to your palace and ball out. Be the best damn princess you can be. You got it in you. Do things your way.” Tori said, which was the most helpful thing she had said since getting the news.

“Yeah,” Nasha agreed. “It’s ok to be angry to, I’d pissed if I found out something like this at the last minute. However, you should also feel blessed boo, you not only found a missing part of yourself, but talk about a major upgrade.”

“You got a chance to change some shit. Just don’t forget about us or where you came from.” Tori said, smiling.

“I could never forget you guys.” I said, hugging them both. “Plus, I would love for y’all to come to or at least come to visit.”

“You already know.” Nasha said.

“I’m sorry about your dad and brother,” Tori said. “I didn’t cry when my old dude died, either.”

“You’re going to be fine,” Nasha said again. “Now let’s find out about LaCresha. I’m sure there is something online.”

“Bet,” I said as she pulled out a large iPad and began to do research. We all got a crash course in the history of LaCresha.

Chapter Four

Chapter Four



Two Days Later, I sat across from my grandmother. She was looking as beautiful and stern as ever. Today she had an assistant and a lawyer with her. She was expecting me to give her an answer today. Apparently, she was letting me stew the last few days. It had helped. I felt much better now that I knew where the LaCresha was and a little of my family history. This was indeed a big deal.

“When will you be ready to leave?” The Queen asked first.

“We can leave today if you want to, Granny,” I said, smirking when her perfect nose wrinkled. “I’ll go, but only to see what all the hype is about. I don’t know if I will be staying and I don’t know if I wasn’t to be your successor, but I’m willing to give it a trial run.”

“That is not how this works.” She almost yelled. “It is all or nothing, Victoria. I still have time to adopt someone if you won’t take you rightful place.”

I grit my teeth and narrow my eyes at her. Realizing I was dealing with a classic negotiator. “What would I have to do, as a princess of LaCresha?”

Grandma crossed her legs elegantly and said haughtily, “You will attend to me. You will do as I say until the day you become Queen. There are many rules and there will be training. You attend events and parties. Charities and weddings. You will be a representation of me, when in public. When you are at home in the palace, you may do as you wish. You will have your own apartments and staff; you will have all the luxuries of royalty.”

“I’ve never been good at following rules.” I muttered.

“Said every royal teenager ever.” My grandma smirked. “This is not new for me, sweetheart. Your father was something else.”

Queen Beatrice looked at her assistant, who pulled out three folders. Placing them on our coffee table, right in front of me. The lawyer explained. “The first folder is for your citizenship papers. We will get them filed right away. The second will acknowledge you as the heir to the throne and your children, and so forth. The last one will acknowledge your fealty to the current queen.”

I looked at my mom and then at my grandma. Each of them gave me a nod of approval. I still wasn’t sure about this at all. I had a lot of questions and a lot to learn, but I was up for it. Shredding away my last shade of doubt, I signed each document and signed my life away.


LaCresha was beautiful. From what I could see, there were so many trees and large buildings. This little country was off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. In the middle of Asia, Africa and Europe sat a large cluster of islands. It was a place that would be overlooked if you were not looking for it. It was simply beautiful, breathtaking even. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face as I looked down on the land that I was born on.

I was a little afraid. I was entering unknown territory. I wasn’t even sure they were ready for me. My grandma assured me that everyone would be nice and patient with me, knowing where I was coming from, but I couldn’t shake the butterflies in my stomach. What if I never got with this whole princess thing?

If I couldn’t, I would be on a one-way trip back to America, back to the grimy streets of St. Louis, back to my friends, my mom, and my comfort zone. I missed them already, especially since I hadn’t been able to say goodbye. Once the papers were signed, I was ushered onto a private plane, and we were off. We always kind of looked down on the upper class. They all seemed like such snobs to us, and now I was not only upper class but royalty.

I couldn’t shake the feelings that they would soon want nothing to do with me. I felt my eyes start to tingle, and I hurried and blinked my tears away. After I got settled, I would call them and see if they wanted to come visit. I smiled, suddenly thinking of all the trouble we three could get into with a whole castle. We were notoriously known for causing drama at school.

I got a tap on my shoulder and looked around to see my grandma’s smiling face. She was so beautiful, so lady-like, and since I signed the paperwork, she had been way nicer. I guess I would have to watch her closely and try to be like her If I was going to make it here. It was a plus if we got along.

“Come look at your future,” she said.

I went to the other side of the private jet and looked out the window, and the air left my lungs in a whoosh. This was not a castle; it was more like a mansion. It looked like a whole apartment complex. It was beautiful, all white brick, and about a thousand acres of land. on the outskirts of the palace were more tiny homes and what looked like a village, a real live village.

“Wow,” I hear myself saying, “it’s amazing.”

“This is your home now, and one day, all of this will be yours. Get used to the view.” She said, taking her seat once again.

Once we landed on a private landing strip, I looked up at the “palace” and smiled, looking around me. There were flowers everywhere, and I loved flowers. I pledged to myself that before the month was out, I was going to explore every part of this place and I was going to find all the dirty little secrets. I couldn’t help but be curious about the beef between my family and the ones who would like to take over.

I looked back towards the castle and saw a bunch of people coming towards me, honestly my first instinct was to run. Then I remembered who I was and stood my ground. Plus, they were all smiling graciously. They came forward, stopping a good distance from me, and bowed.

“No, really, that’s unnecessary,” I said, motioning them to rise.

“But princess, it is expected,” one dark-haired lady said.

“They are all eager to meet you, my dear,” my grandma was saying. “Get used to the bowing. Everyone will greet you like this, and they will never approach you until you summon them. Just a little wave of your hand for them to come forward.”

“Well, If I have people to meet, can we please go inside? My legs are like jelly after that plane ride and I really wanna sit down.”

“Of course, The princess will greet everyone in the throne room, please everyone back inside.” A man I was seeing for the first time said.

“Who are they?” I whispered to grandma.

“Well, they are your personal staff, ladies-in-waiting, your beautician, seamstress, advisors, planner, designer, and an etiquette teacher, also you have a Spanish, French and Italian tutor and a history of LaCresha tutor.”

Just when I thought I was done with school, here she goes with this tutoring stuff. “I am fluent in Spanish and Italian, granny, and I know a little about LaCresha already. I did some research a few days ago. “

She looked surprised, but quickly hid it. “Well then, you won’t be needing those, I guess. However, you must learn French also, a princess must know many languages, you will be talking with many diplomats from across the globe.”

This only made me more nervous. Politics was not my thing. Before I could comment more, I was whisked into a grand hall. It was beautiful. The floors were gold, and they sparkled, almost blinding me with the sunlight coming through the huge windows in this place. The walls also shimmered and glittered in the light. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, staring at this room. It was adorned with flowers and the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.01.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-2980-7

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