
Chapter 1 : Almost Caught

I twirled on my right foot toes behind the thick maple as quickly as I knew how; resting my foot upon the trunk. I could not to risk my moccasined feet making a noise on the carpet of red's gold's and brown's that now layered my forest; risk Him hearing me. That was my second rule: He could not hear me.

My heart was pounding so hard, I could feel each beat in my wrist and I swear if He was close enough, He could hear it too. I held my breath and listened. I heard the sharp snap of the tightly wound string of His bow as He let loose the arrow that just moments ago had been pointed towards me. I can't get that look out of my head. The way fire jumped into those light blue eyes, as being so hot that it froze them and then blasted into splinters of frozen ocean. 'How could you be so stupid?' I asked myself as I concentrated on climbing the tree to watch as He left, but that's the thing, He didn't leave. That was His last arrow. He always left after His last arrow. I knew Him. He always leaves. But this time, He didn't.

"Why aren't you leaving?" I whispered to myself. His eyes scanned the perimeter of the clearing He shoots at every sunset.

Normally I sit amongst the trees securely hidden and wonder why He practices so much. Is He angry? I never knew Him to be an angry person, though I cannot exactly follow Him all the time, that's rule number three. He looked up at my tree just then, slowly. He's getting scary good at that. I don't like it. I wanted to bring out my wings, but I couldn't. He'd hear me and I would never be forgiven. Ever. His eyes finally leave my tree and look behind Him once more before he disappears; again.

There were a few charms that were leaked into the outside world, the world outside my village of Neveera. It is annoying as hell. I never know where He goes after that. That's rule number four: never follow/watch your Chosen after dark unless you fear the worst in their future. And I can't just cheat either. Everyone knows that one of best abilities I have is that of awareness and intuition. I have no excuse. I want to just sit here in this carved out seat of mine and sulk until He comes back. I need to know why He seems so important. Heavy hearted but calmer, I set my mind on scurrying down the tree.

I traipse through the wood, softly calling Vishnu. I hear him coming before I see him. His soft lullaby is what made me absolutely love that he chose me when I was eld enough to receive a Companion. He paws over to me and pushes against my side till I look at him. When I do, I take in yet again, how majestic he is. I'm not sure if 'magestic' is the right word; but I'll go with it. He is a tad bigger than a good sized horse, but he's a Fae Wolf and those are rare as they are. He's all black but his chest fur is all white and he has a diamond on his forhead that runs a line down the length of his nose. "I'm fine Vishnu." I tell him. He rolls his eyes at me and bows like an elephant would so that I can climb on his back. I straddle him, and after brushing the small arrow shaped tuft of white fur behind his left ear, I grab a fistful of fur in each hand, then bury my face in his furry neck, trying to ignore the sleepy sensation that comes over me after a long day when I touch Vishnu. Every time he moves, or the breeze rustles his fur music like from the earth's most melodious glass chimes the village of Seeress makes, but blessed by the Goddess Neveer herself. The music is so soft that it envelopes me and I never want to leave his side again. My eyes shut slowly and I drift off until I feel a slight vibration at my neck. Vishnu was growling lowly to wake me. He used to drop me when I did that.. I guess he got used to me sleeping on him and not waking when we stopped. "Sorry Vishnu!" I cooed at him as I bent to the door and whispered the key to the door of our cabin.

I dropped my satchel to the desk, and checking to make sure Vishnu shut the door all the way. I turn back to look at him and jumped. He was right behind me, so I swallowed the scream that had wanted to emerge as I grimaced at the smirk he had on his face. I growled at him. He growled back. I checked the door, and spun my attention back to him; hoping he wouldn't be behind me again. He rolled his eyes at me and huffed down onto our sheep's wool carpet. I followed and lay down in front of him, then curled up close, as he was always warm. I whispered a charm so that the fireplace in front of us leapt to life with the comforting crackling and ever dancing heat waves as I fell asleep.

Chapter 2 : The Spell


My eyes jolted open and I sat up breathing hard, nearly hitting Vishnu's nose. He jumped to the side quickly but then came back over; eyes darting about the room and ears alert. "It was just a dream, I'm sorry for scaring you." I whispered to Vishnu. He slowly came around to my back side, as I let myself fall back to the rug, and curled into a ball. He licked my cheek once and then lay down behind me, one paw resting on my side. I let my eyes take in every detail of the room to replace every detail of the nightmare that I had just awoken from.

I call it a cabin, but really, it's a small stone house rather set apart from the rest of the village of Neveera. The floor to ceiling glass window that takes up the middle portion of the back wall lies north of my position; covered by a thick, brown colored velvet drape. In front of me was the intricately designed stone and concrete fireplace. The mantle holds my music box, a pentagram, candles of every brilliant scent I love, and a few photos. One of him, one of Vishnu, one that was taken of me when I learned my first spell and the last is of my parents before they left; for good. I ignore the pang of anger and move on. All the walls, banisters, and floors are of special pinewood. Behind me is the small table and behind that the wooden framed couch, also a brown color, but made of a soft, velvety suede. I let my eyes move down the column corridor to the door. To the right were my piano, books, and potion vanity. To the left of the door was the kitchen room with yet another fireplace, and a pump that brings in the coolest water in the town. Come back to the door where the stairs are; go up them. The banister supported my honey suckle plant that entwines up the stairwell. In front of you, the bathroom, to the right is a bedroom, and to the left a spare room, just in case. The right bedroom is painted gold, the left one is a deep green. Again, all of the furniture is wood, but these are made of oak, a dark, dark brown hue. The spread in the green room is gold and the gold room is filled with maroon. I mentally walk back down to the main room where I lie on the floor with Vishnu. I feel... Hey! That is a great idea!

I get up quickly, sliding nicely between my carved banisters and start scanning through my books. What ever did I do with it? Ah! There it is! Magick for the Elders. I look through the index looking for a spell. Vishnu pads up and touches his nose to my shoulder. "I just thought of something" I said to him. "It could help me so much!" I start flipping through pages now, frantically looking for the charm. It HAS to be here. "Ah-hah!" I shriek as I find it. An invisibility spell. I read through it. One cannot inflict any other charm whilst using this one. One cannot have his/her wings out either. Touch of any other being will render this charm un-usable until the day is over.

I pull my wings in, and close my eyes. I take in a deep breath and try to clear my mind before reading:

"For once this day,

I ask Neveer

To hide me from whatever may

Be able and allowed to see me.

I ask that invisible I may be:

Gossamer and diaphanous.

No-one can see me,

But I am normal.

Until the day is night,

Or till a touch unfurl this charm,

Hide me in the light.

So mote it be."

I look down, and slowly, like I was being erased, I disappeared into the room. I laughed with ecstatic pleasure even though I could feel my strength drain from me with each strand of color that escaped my body. Vishnu looked confused then slowly leaned forward and nudged me. He sat down as I re-appeared. I first scowled at him yelling "Vishnu!" but then thought better of it. I try not to yell if I can help it. For one thing, it forces my canines to extend and there’s no need for violence. And it's also just a bad habit and makes my senses go wild. It's a Faerie thing. I hate it. It's like everything goes into slow motion, which helps in a fight, but Faeries try to be peaceful, just mischievous. Or, maybe that's just me.

We are protectors not fighters. We lead our Chosen out of trouble, and that is our duty. The rules exist to make our duty easier. Some are brave enough to befriend their Chosen. I could but I fear breaking my first rule: do not let them love you, do not love them. As much as I could hope for someone to love me, Him or not, I will not follow the path that many do. It ever ends in heart-break.

Chapter 3 : One In The Same

I crouch down to Vishnu "Why did you have to do that?" I asked him, and helplessly knowing he couldn't really answer I just let my hand run through his fur defeatedly. "Please don't do that next time; it took a lot out of me to do that." He nodded; or, at least I thought he did. Sometimes I swear he is... well, nah. That's just crazy… or me. "I'm getting up early" I told him. "But, tomorrow you can't follow me." He immediately leapt up onto all fours and growled down at me. "I'm serious Vishnu." He came up to me and put his nose almost touching mine; to show he was serious (about following me despite what I thought). "Am I going to have to make you?" I asked; raising my eyebrows. He looked down for a split second and then huffed in my face and went to the stairs. "What?" I asked, rather harshly, but I couldn't let him see that I regretted my tone.

When I didn't come, he pulled my breeches strings to try to tug me toward the stairs. "Alright, alright, I'm coming!" I followed him up to my bedroom, to the almost wall length wood framed mirror. He pressed his jaw to my shoulder to tell me to sit down. I did. He tapped the mirror with his nose. "I'm looking" I said.

He licked my pointed ear tip but when I laughed and tried to grab his in playful response, he tapped the mirror again, looking rather aggravated. "Ok, Ok, I'm sorry, I’m paying attention." I wondered what the point was, but I couldn't ask. He can't talk, and sometimes, I'm glad he can't. His gleaming, silver eyes do enough talking of their own.

He licked my ear again and then wiggled his toward the mirror so I could see. I nodded. He licked my hand which was resting on my knee, and he raised his paw and licked it. I see where he's going now. I think. He licked my lips and then licked his. "We're the same. That's what you're trying to tell me; isn't it?" He lay down so he could be at eye level with me and licked my cheek. "Well, despite, this time Vishnu…" I began. And with that, he got up and walked into the green bedroom. I was going to follow, but decided better of it. I went back downstairs to get my book, checked all the doors, and whispered to them the protective spell I always cast at nighttime. Vishnu must've heard me because he comes down and lies on the carpet we had slept on not but an hour ago. He always sleeps there when he’s angry with me, as if something could break my spell and get through the door just because he’s disgruntled. I don't know what would, or could for that matter, get through but he insisted. I looked at him, "Sweet night Vishnu" I said. He ignored me and kept staring at the fire. His black fur glistens like a raven’s feathers would in the light of the fire. I let out a breath and slowly climbed the stairs back to my room.

He was disappointed in my decision but he wouldn't like to be ‘chained to the house’ more than he would like to just not follow. I just didn't want him to see what I was going to do. For some reason, I just had this gut feeling that him watching would not be good; would be painful. I crawled into my bed; warmly surrounded by my maroon/gold/royal blue comforter and centered in-between my gold mosquito net canopy and closed my eyes. I was excited and tired at the same time.

I heard my personal lullaby chiming softly, but I didn't dare flinch because if I did, Vishnu would know I was awake (though barely) and leave. He has that guy-ish habit of not wanting me to know he sleeps in my room to watch me, or that he forgives me so quickly, or that he knows I sleep easier if I'm near him. He knows I don't like to depend on anyone for anything. So, he sneaks in when he thinks I'm asleep. I'm sure he does it every night. I wonder what it would be like if he were Fae sometimes. I know that other Fae have Companions too, and all Companions are always more Fae than all normal animals. They have to be, to be able to communicate and defend their Faerie properly. I can't let myself wonder too much though. Such things don't happen anymore. I turn over and smile softly when I hear Vishnu jump a little. I know it's wrong to like that he worries, but, it's nice to know he loves and cares for me like no-one else ever will. That’s what a spirit animal is supposed to do. I drift to sleep with the crazy thought of him being like the Beast in that Human story Beast by the Napoli lady; a small smile on my face and the melody from Vishnu's fur swirling around me.

Chapter 4 : What Are You Hiding?

It was still dark when my eyes opened, quickly. I was crouched in a defensive position on my bed; facing the window. Vishnu was looking at me curiously, slowly loosening his stiff, ready-to-pounce attitude. I shake my head and fall backwards on the bed. He jumps behind me and I fall into him. He huffs as I hit him though I’m not that heavy; he must've just been scared. It was still dark, but I sensed it was morning. I petted Vishnu, relinquishing myself to the charming music for a minute until he got up slowly and padded off the bed to the other bedroom. He's still angry with me. Well, that's fine. I've got to do this, or it will drive me insane that I can but don't. It'll only be this once.

I'm ready. I'm controlled. I am in control.

I crossed the bedroom slowly, silently, practicing. I must be perfect and I must not touch any'one'. I opened a window and made a breeze blow through the room, and though it was cold because I am a Fall Faerie, I barely noticed. I made myself concentrate and dodge every leaf that flowed by me pretending it was a being that could break the Magick of the invisibility spell. I got to the closet and let the breeze die, breathing in the fresh air that now filled the room and letting my skin soak up the precious starlight rays that were sifting into the room.

I ran through my assortment of garments looking for the perfect thing that would blend best with the outside world, yet not jeopardize agility if so need be. White would be best, as the sun is everywhere in that meadow. I looked through my whites, pulling out a corset style tank top that bared the stomach and then white breeches and their matching moccasins. I analyzed my choices just in case I've overlooked any possible situations. White for outdoors to better mask me without using so much power that it would take to cover black garb, check. Corset for tight assuredness, check. Breeches for agility, running/climbing, check. Moccasins, good for running, quiet; check. I put on my tan belt and let it hang on my hips so I could carry things without using my hands. I figure today I will need as much balance as I can get; meaning empty hands would be best.

After changing, I cut a vine from my honeysuckle plant and let it tie into my copper locks forming a sort of up-do so it would not be in the way. I was just about ready. I jumped down the stairs and went directly to the library, and in front of the shelf where I keep all my potions and herbs and spell making ingredients. I grabbed a mixing pouch and laced a sinew threw it, long enough to tie through the utility loop on my belt so it would stay if I knotted it a few times. I put a hint of belladonna, rosemary, a sprig of pine, some Amethyst, a vanilla flower and holly inside. If anything should go wrong, He won’t know what I am, and I will have an illusion mask if I say the right words fast enough.

Vishnu came down behind me so quietly that I jumped. I turned around and I was face to face with him. "I'm heading out" I said. "Will I have to keep you here?" He just looked at me. His eyes were so blank today. It was annoying, but I didn't have time... the sun was almost up. I looked at him one more time and closed the pouch shut; tying it to my belt. He just sat down on his haunches and watched me as I whispered the de-locking charm and slipped out into the morning darkness.

Chapter 5 : Vishnu's POV - Left Behind

I waited until she was gone. Amaranth was always mischievous and quiet, and a hell of a girl to deal with when she gets a notion in her head. I rolled my eyes and lay down on the carpet with my head on my paws. I quickly moved them and placed them over my ears and dragged them over my eyes. I can't bear not knowing what she's doing. It makes me nervous not knowing what she's doing, where she is. The girl doesn't know what's good for her. Especially when she threatens to lock me up... lock ME up. I am Her guardian; her Companion. She should never leave me. All the bloody things that can happen to her... Curses...

I stopped thinking and I ran. I don't care if she is angry, or never speaks to me; at least right now I don’t care. My Lady could be hurt if I leave her. She can kill me if she wants; at least it will relieve me of this speechless agony. I cannot talk to her, I can barely watch her, nor can I tell her ... all of the things of great importance that ought to be said.

Pointless anger and restlessness within my heart found a hiding place inside me as I tried to catch her scent. I couldn't help but wish I could turn off my Melody so that she cannot hear it. I scowled. This means I have to keep a distance from her. I followed he scent for a while, but then it disappeared. She must be flying. Blast. I took off running as fast as I could. I knew where she was going. I ran; I ran as fast I could breathe. I skidded to a stop outside the clearing where Her 'He' always did target practice. He made me nervous but I couldn't tell Her. She wouldn't listen. I scowled and ran the perimeter. I didn't see Her, nor did I see 'Him'. She has that spell... This could be bad; horrid. What in the blazes does she plan to do with it? It doesn't mask her voice. I have no idea atall. What would be the damned point of following him invisibly? Think!

It doesn’t mask her voice or scent or sounds she makes. She follows Him at a distance anyways… Oh. Distance. If I had palms, I swear, I would have given myself a concussion just now. She wants to follow closely. For reasons un-beknownst to me, this thought made a boiling sensation start all the way from my gut. 

I wanted to just roar and let it all out. But I promised myself I wouldn't unless it was to protect Her. I know I'm powerful. I just can't bear to remind myself of what I am. I feel as if I am chained within my soul. I can't speak anymore, and there is nothing I can do outside of the limitations of this form. Plus, Amaranth is...... she wouldn't... would she? I checked the sky again, to see if I could spot her. I couldn't; and I could not feel her ither. I started running again.

Dodge the limb, brushed against the bush, river to the left, cross ahead. Steady across the log, not too fast. These thoughts distracted me momentarily. Amaranth, please, don't do anything stupid Ma Cheri... I sent this prayer to the Goddess as I ran and dodged and skidded and was battered by Nature. She was dressed in leather, beautiful, and alone. She had power; that I won’t deny. But I, quite frankly, don't care.

I could feel the anger well inside me, and my white fur glowed a light red. A growl rumbled through me, and I kicked up dirt as I turned to the East, sharply, I glared daggers at the image that she had by now burned in my head. I could feel her now. She was heading toward the village of Seeress; to find 'Him'.

Damn it.

Why couldn’t she just go mess with some young Faerielets or some of the shopkeepers like a good little mischievous Fae?

Chapter 6 : Hunter Becomes Hunted

 I started around the perimeter of the village of Seeress. It was a beautiful one. They were the tinkerers of sorts. They made all the beautiful things and all of the useful things. All the jewelry and wind chimes made of stained glass and shiny things; all of the pots and farming things and wagons. I think them to be one of the most skilled villages I know of. I've been here only a few times. Our kind is segregated rather to their own villages/skill-sets. No rules, that's just how it is.

I suppose it is so that their children will learn the skill well and in turn that will make it so that there will always be enough Fae for each skill and all things necessary will always be. But why would an archer, a soldier, be here? I always wondered. Does He have a girl whose family lives here? Why does He live here still? Do they know that He dreams of being a hunter; best of the best? Do they see his fiery spirit being locked within the glass his family lives off of?

I do not know why I was assigned to him, but Oh! There He is! I take a moment to don the invisible Magick and then I follow Him to the clearing where He always goes. I am careful not to follow too close, but Gods, I want to talk to him, walk beside him, have him know I exist, understand him! Fae aren't usually assigned to other Fae so it's even more confusing. I nearly walked into a branch as I let my thoughts take over. We arrived at the clearing and I watch from behind a pine his normal routine of scouting to make sure no-one is around before he takes out his bow and arrows from their hiding place in a dead log just within the clearing’s bounds.

I creep slowly towards him as he readies his bow and pulls it up into his powerful stance. I get close enough to where I could touch him at arms length if I wished. He pauses, shakes His head, and shoots. He misses.

"You never miss" I whisper under my breath. I cover my mouth quickly begging the Goddess that he didn't hear me. He didn't... I think. He pulls another arrow from the canister on his back and aims again. I take a step closer as the arrow flies. It hits this time, but it is a bit off. He is normally spot on. I'm always here; why does my closeness bother him so? I take a step closer and duck as He swings His arm back for another arrow. He puts the arrow in position and raises the bow, arrow tight and ready to shoot. He pauses. I back up a few steps.

Suddenly, He points the arrow right at me; as if He knows that I stand here now. I hold my breath from shock and fear and hope that he doesn't know. He holds His breath and turns to run. I follow. We jump over every creek, dodge every tree, and for a second I thought I saw Vishnu, but, no it couldn’t be him. He promised to stay at home. I tripped over a rock and nearly hit Him when I thought I saw Vishnu. My foot pounded now but finally He stops. We are at the water fall Serendine. I was here once before, only to learn water Magick. Never have I come back; it was lost in the back of my mind for so long that I stand in awe now. I nearly forget that He is the reason I am here.

I stand not far behind Him listening to His heavy breaths and wonder why He came here. No-one is around and it is still early morning, so, I suppose it’s as safe as you can get. The sun has barely risen so the mist reflects a wavering rainbow of neon color. "I know you're here" He said. My mouth falls open.

He turns around, slowly, as if not to frighten me off. He starts to hold his hand out, as if to try to touch me, but I suppose He thought better of it, and the hand dropped to His side again. "I can feel you. Why do you follow me? I am capable of defending myself.” He looks around with a hurt and angry glare in his eyes. “You don't know me."

For some reason, those words hurt more than anything; more than Vishnu's stare when he's disappointed in me, more than the tears from my parents' death knowing that I must have failed again. He knows I'm here... but, how? I stifled a sob. What have I done? "Show yourself" he paused "so that I may at least know who it is that follows me."

The thorn on the rose has been discovered; I thought. A tear fell on the rock I stood on. He looked down. I covered it with my foot, quickly. Blast! He now knew exactly where I stood. Why in the blazes did I do that?! "Ah" He said. "Do not wish to speak or cannot?"

He was prying for something, anything. I couldn't do it. I can't blow everything; and yet, isn't this what I wanted? Isn't this all I've eve- "You're not the only one with secrets" He whispered. He sounded almost sympathetic. There was a sadness to his voice which made me believe that there was something important; something important to the way he was that I didn’t, but should, know.

I looked at him now. He looked in the direction he thought I was and waved his hand through the air as you would when you looked for something in water you can't see through. "Sometimes I think I dreamt you up, but I hear you sometimes, walking past or I think I see someone. God, I'm crazy!" He laughed and put his head in his hands. I resisted the urge to touch him.

"What secrets?" I whispered.

"Wouldn't you like to know, oh Dream Guardian of mine?" he laughed sarcastically. I was so torn, and angry at him for being so harsh. I tiptoed around him and started walking through the forest back the way we'd come.

He got up and started walking too. I don't think He knew it, but he was right beside me for a while. He started humming a tune in an low alto voice... a tune... like Vishnu's. Just then, I saw Vishnu emerge from behind a tree, barely. His eyes got wide and then he growled. Growled at ME. If I had fur that could turn red to show my anger, my fur would have been a burning red. I wish Vishnu coud have seen me glowering at him. It was then that He looked at Vishnu. His eyebrows raised in something that appears to be shock. "A Faerie?" he whispers.


Chapter 7 : Betrayal

I wasn't sure if I should run or explain or show myself, or just stay and do nothing to convince him that I'm not real. But He knows. Why Vishnu? Why? I told Vishnu to stay at home... He puts his hand out again to try to find the invisible being standing before him. I back up a step; just out of his reach. "Why are you assigned to me?" He growls, aggravated. "They have no idea. They can't do this to me!" I was torn between getting in his face and yelling 'because you need help obviously!' and just sitting on the ground and waiting out his frustration; pretending he wasn't angry with me. He turns back to look at Vishnu, who was now crouched down, looking like the pissed off wolf he was, a couple feet from Him and almost over me. Vishnu was going to pounce on Him if He didn't stop yelling at me. I signaled him 'no' but forgot that he couldn't see me.

I got up quietly trying to not let Him know where I was, and how I was moving. I went to Vishnu and snapped a twig beneath his foot to let him know it was me and then climbed on his back. He shook me off as I was halfway on him. I looked at him in shock. He never does this. I don't understand. He's mine; my chosen Companion. He does what is best for me; which does NOT include getting vengeance on my Watched for doing nothing to hurt me. It's Vishnu's own fault anyways. I grabbed his fur and climbed on again. He looked in my direction and I whispered "Don't. We're leaving." Vishnu shook me off again and pushed me towards Him. "What am I supposed to do?" I hissed at Vishnu. His eyes were glued to us. He couldn't have heard me; I'm too far aw... oh shit. I was visible when I touched Vishnu. My back still to Him I rubbed a hand over my eyes which were now squeezed shut with anger and disappointment. My one time to finally see what he does when I'm not around and maybe find out who he really is and what he's hiding and it gets ruined. I glare at Vishnu for a moment before giving up and walking over to Him; only stopping when I was 2 feet away and crossed my arms. "I don't know." I said.


"I don't know why I was assigned to you. If I knew what you really were it may help. But you're not Fae so don't bother denying that." His eyes were blazing and he shivered. He was holding something back. I knew it. The simple reaction was a sure give-away.

. I don’t know what possessed me to say that. He seemed Fae. But then again, I knew in my gut that something about him was amiss. Maybe, I knew somewhere deep inside that he wasn’t and my mind spoke freely of itself. Either way, I was right. Fae are never assigned to other Fae.

"I am Fae" He said. I crossed my arms. "I'm not having this conversation here; I, damn it, not here." He said. I hopped on Vishnu and we turned towards Eava Valley.

"Come." I said to Him, not bothering to look back to see if he followed. He would. He had to.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into". I heard the yell from behind me as Vishnu and I slid into Eava Valley a half hour later.

"Damn straight I don't!" I yelled as I landed in front of Him and my wings folded behind me. "Why don't you inform me?" He looked me up and down, then glanced at Vishnu.

"No." A purr came from my throat without permission and He smirked. "Annoying isn't it, when you know something is right in front of you and you just, for some reason, can't figure it out?" He mad that watery gesture and then curled his hand into a fist as he said this. I wanted to snarl at Him and relinquish my duty to watch Him as soon as possible; but that wasn't possible. There was a reason. Fate decided for me to oversee Him so I had to. It was a compelling force I couldn't ignore.

"Well you're not Fae so don't even try to hide that anymore."

He had a blank face as he replied "And how would you know that?" He asked sarcastically.

"Does it really matter?" I lashed back.

"No, I suppose it doesn't" He said. He surprised me with His sudden agreement and I hoped I didn't let my stern face falter with the shock that rather consumed me for a moment.

"Fine. Now, since you know so much about Fae, you know there is some reason I'm to watch you so there is no use fighting me."

"I could argue that" He said as He closed the distance between us; which was less than a foot of space. There was hardly room to breathe here. I could almost feel his heart beating; we were that close. Once I took a note of my slightly heavy breathing, I realized that He is almost a good foot taller than me. I assume he was trying to be aggressive; especially after Vishnu took a step closer to me. His eyes were blue; ice blue.

"It would not be advised." I said and for a second I caught a hint of burning redwood. I heard Vishnu start to roar. I looked up at Him, slowly loosening my folded wings.

"See you around Johnny Boy" and flipped my hair in his face as I ran onto kneeling Vishnu's back and He bolted in the opposite direction. I clung to Vishnu and let all the embarrassment and shame and anger bleed from me and I just hope that Vishnu's running and the rustling of Autumn covered the tiny chiming of bells from within the trees that was the tell-tale sign for knowing that somehow, somewhere, a Faerie was crying.

Chapter 8 : More Than Just The Floor Is Ruined

Vishnu slid to a halt in front of the cabin a bit fast for what he normally does, but I didn't care how he was showing his anger. It was un-necessary especially when Vishnu was the one in the wrong. I slid down his back to the ground but kept my fistful of fur so he had to kneel down beside me; face to face. “You and I have problems.” I told him as I dragged him inside with me. I whispered the locking charm after shutting the door and then turned to him. He still stood in the middle of the living room. “Playing gargoyle won’t get you out of anything” I said as I looked at him with my arms crossed. He looked away from the fire now and to me with eyes as cold as ice.

I couldn't sympathize with him because I didn't do anything that would cause me to deserve that look from him. He glared to the floor as one might when trying to find exactly the words to say in an argument.

“Vishnu” I said; tiring of his un-responsive, un-remorsefulness. He strides over to me so our faces are inches apart for about three seconds as he passes me to go into my study and picks up a pencil in his mouth. He steps back in front of me, eyes still cold, and looks at me for a moment.

My arms drop to my sides and I am completely puzzled as to what on earth he is doing. His eyes smirk and then go dead again as he lowers his head to the floor and draws two shapes on the floor. Even upside-down I can read them. 'No'. I look back and forth between Vishnu and the floor. I feel dizzy; light-headed. I whisper “stay” as soon as I unlock the cabin and I run out towards town not even bothering to lock Vishnu inside.

I ran all the way to town and then had to cling to a small maple to catch my breath before walking to the one Fae who might have the answers to my questions. If he didn't have them, well, I don't know what I'll do. I won't know what to think. How the hell will I... Hold on. Malachai will have the answer. He always does. He has to...

Chapter 9 : I Never Knew You

I walked shakily up to Elder Malachai's dojo-like home and whispered an entrance request charm to the house. Elder Malachai appeared to open the door only moments later. Lines appeared on his face and his wings folded behind him in instant worry.

“What is wrong My Child?” he asked softly.

“It's Vishnu” I began. I burst into tears and he put his arms around me. I have always been close with Elder Malachai, so I guess just being here in the fright that I am allowed me to do such a thing as cry in front of him. His bathrobe/priest-like ensemble was soft and warm and smelled of spearmint; as he always does.

“Shh. Calm now. The other Fae will worry if they hear you.” I forced myself to stop my shaking and sobbing within a minute or two. “There now, come with me and sit. Tell me of your troubles Amaranth.” I sat down; hands still shaking. I started wringing them nervously.

“It's Vishnu.” I started. “He's been acting funny lately Elder Malachai. He did not stay home today when I told him it was imperative he do so.”

Elder Malachai interrupted saying “But of course, it is only natural that he should feel chained in response to your asking that, when he knows he is to protect you.” I wanted to scream now; of course I'd thought of that already. That wasn't the point.

“Yes, but he then took me upstairs to my mirror and made me watch as he tried to tell me we were exactly the same.” He looked intrigued now.

“How would he have done that?” Malachai asked. “He licked my ear then flicked his, my hand and then his paw, my lips and then his.” Elder's eyebrows rose.

“Oh my” he said, “That is something.” 'Something' is damn sure right.

“He followed me when I told him not to and got me into trouble.”

“What kind of trouble My Child?” I didn't want to tell him, but I had already blurted it out.

“My Chosen One saw me.” It's not against the rules, but now he knows for sure I am in existence, following; watching. “My Chosen is so different from others. I am sure it was best to not have him know I was there. Then Vishnu followed me and so My Chosen knew there was a Faerie watching over him. He got angry so I told Vishnu to leave because I knew he may become violent in response and when I touched him the invisibility charm wore off.” I wanted to cry again just thinking about it. It was so bad.

“You are able to use the Invisibility Charm?” Elder asked in awe. “That is far beyond your years.” He said.

“I know. It takes a lot out of me; but anyways. Then Vishnu growls at him suddenly and I make us go home. When we get there, I am trying to talk to him, to make him understand the vast graveness of what he had done when he goes into my study and gets a pencil from my desk and writes with it.”


The look on Elder Malachai's face is a mix of shock, awe, and dis-belief. The look then disappeared as quickly as it came; as if he already knew something: the answer.

“What did he say?” Why the hell he is being so calm is beyond annoying me.

“No. That's all he said. I hadn't even asked him a question. He just wrote 'no' as if to say that he wouldn't talk to me but yet he wrote on the floor, with my pencil, so I didn't know who else to turn to that might have an answer or even a way to get one… so... I ran here. I have no idea. I didn't think any of the Companions could do such things. He is simply a spirit animal!”

I got up to pace but paused in mid stride when Elder Malachai said softly “No, he's not.”

Chapter 10 : Dragons

“What do you mean he's not?” I said in a low, shaky voice.

“Your Vishnu, My Child, is not just a spirit animal.” I tried to follow where he was going with this.

“What is he then; if he's not indeed the spirit animal that I've grown with for nineteen years?” I could see that Elder Malachai was sympathetic towards my inability to grasp the situation by the soft and sad look he held upon his face.

“What do you know about dragons My Dear?” he asked as he got up to walk about the room.

“He's a dragon?!?” I exclaimed.

“You must learn to not jump to conclusions so quickly Amaranth. But, no. Vishnu is not a dragon. Now will you please tell me what you have learned of dragons in your studies?” I took a breath after letting out the one I had been holding. I began stating the knowledge I had gained as Elder Malachai has asked.

“Dragons have been extinct for some time now; but when they were alive they would protect our towns. They used to be watched and raised and counted as a Fae family job that would be passed down only to heirs of said family. A dragon must have a spell put on him to be raised to full growth. If he does not have this spell put upon him, he will experience a premature death.” I pondered if I had forgotten anything when Mordecai broke through my thoughts. “The name of the family has been lost within the past as the family name died with the dragons themselves.”

“Very good; but, wrong. Dragons are almost extinct. There is one or two more out there in our world somewhere. Do you know anything else of our absent protectors?” I thought.

“The last heir to the family of Dragon Watchers was lost. We do not know if the family has passed the job to a different family, nor do we know the place of the lost heir.”

“True” he said. “We do not know what happened to said heir. This dragon that is too lost, is young. He is in need of the spell and is probably out looking for a Dragon Watcher this day.” I was aggravated.

“Is there anything else that you can remember?” I could find no relevance to Vishnu and I within this discussion unless Vishnu was a dragon; but I continued.

“Dragons are the world's only shape-shifters; besides Centuars and Selkies. They can change at will and are able to be identified by a trademark smell and birthmark somewhere on his body; those details of what are also lost within time. Oh, and they are only male.” I sighed but stood straight and tall as Elder Malachai paced around me in circles and semicircles.

“You are tense as well as confused. Why?” he asked. I was about to burst at this point. ‘No yelling, no yelling, no yelling’ I told myself.

“I do not see this conversation's relevance to my situation. Vishnu has nothing to with dragons, we don't know where the dragon is, Vishnu has no birthmarks, and I know nothing about a dragon. I don't understand and you aren't telling me anything that at this present time I find useful.” I let out a breath and tried miserably to control my temper. “At least in a way I can decipher at this time.” I added. The slightest note of a smile tugged at the corner of his cheek.

“Oh, but it does My Child.” I was about to try to find someone else... or give up. Maybe Inteus... not that he likes Vishnu or anything but he may understand this mumbo jumbo better than I.

“How, Elder Mordecai; how is this at all helpful?” He stopped walking in his odd shapes and put his hands my shoulders. His wings gave a slight flutter.

“Amaranth, we have to take Vishnu and find this dragon; or dragons…” I started shaking slightly. He seemed to falter at the thought that there could be more. He wasn’t the only one who did.

“Mali, why is Vishnu acting funny; and how does that make him important in this sudden quest to find a missing dragon that may or may not exist when we don't even have the one thing that can save him?!?” I was not supposed to call him by just his name (much less the name I called him as child, but I was desperate and feeling quite young) now that I was old enough to know the respect of adding Elder before it, but, my history with him poured into me from my memories of he and I; when I was younger and he cared for me, when he told me everything straightforward and simple.

Elder Malachai thankfully overlooked this and dragged a fist endearingly down the side of my face and said “Oh, My Dear, we already do.” I stood as still as I could manage but a part of me needed the little pieces of comfort that he gives me now so I let my face moved to fit into his hand as it brushed my jaw and cheek so softly. “Go home Amaranth.” I opened my lips to protest but he then spoke again. “Go home and give Vishnu a pencil and paper and ask him to write his name. Then, tomorrow after you rest, come back and see me. Bring this paper he writes on with you.” He kissed my forehead. “Go. Sweet night, Amaranth.

Chapter 11 : To Know or Not To Know

I solemnly left Elder Malachai's dojo; walking slower than I ever have before. I needed time to mull things over in my head; see if I missed any key things that Elder Malachai may have slipped into the conversation while my mind was too flustered to catch on.

He asked of dragons and said that one or more may still exist. He said that we and Vishnu must find the lost heir to the Dragon Watchers' family. This seemed urgent. Why, though, I haven’t the slightest idea. I am the only Fall Faerie; I have nothing to do with dragons except that if they were still around there would be one close to protect this town and myself. But there aren't any, so, that isn't it ither.

By the time I get to my front door I still don't have any theory or clue that my mind can truly comprehend. The trip felt useless but there was something tugging at my heart about Vishnu... a feeling that maybe after all of this time I may really know nothing of him. I've trusted him with my life and maybe I've overlooked things of grave importance. Could I have? Didn't I used to tell myself that things aren't always as they seem; not to trust anybody? There was also a little voice telling me that there was something bigger here. Something that may be too big for me to handle and a whole lot of emotions will be involved.

I am not looking forward to this, I realized. I almost want to forget that this has ever happened. But, sadly, it's too late. I have instructions from Elder Malachai. I must face this. I take a deep breath, hold it for as long as I can, and then let it out slowly as I push open my front door.

“Vishnu?” I stepped through the door timidly. I may have thought it odd at any other time, but, I found him lying in the same spot he was sitting when I left; pencil on the floor beside him and the word 'no' etched on the floor in front of him. I let my breath out and turned into my study. I took a piece of paper from my drawer and sat down on the floor in front of him and his word; cross-legged. I so did not want to do this. I helplessly pushed the paper toward him and he looked up at me, not moving his head but just his eyes which made him so innocent and sweet but I saw pain building there as well. It made me even more afraid. “I'm going to stand up and turn to face the front door” I began; telling more myself than him “and I need you to write your name, your real name, on this paper. Elder Malachai asks it of us.” I couldn't bear to look at his eyes again so I spun up to my feet quickly and crossed my arms over my stomach to, maybe, hold all the butterflies inside me...or maybe they're worms; I can't tell.

While I listened as Vishnu picked up the pencil, stood and made the pencil leave its marks on the paper, I felt my heart rate grow higher with each scratch. I heard the pencil fall to the floor and I slowly turned around. I instantly knew that something huge was going to change in my life when I saw a multitude more than the six letters it took to spell 'Vishnu' on the paper that lay at my feet.

I shrank down slowly as Vishnu turned his face from mine, as if he could not bear to watch me but then had to look back, as he searched my face and eyes that read the name Lord Sairyn Ambrose Arrowrept written in a slightly cursive-calligraphic hand. Vishnu, or rather, Sairyn made a low purr-growl in his throat as if to draw me to look at him. Just then, somewhere sewn in-between all of my confusion, I swear I heard a deep, male whisper far off inside my head that begged “Please forgive me” as I looked from the paper directly into liquid silver eyes.

I stared into those eyes just trying to figure out how I could have missed something like this. How could this have happened? Why did this have to happen to me? Vishnu was always my one constant, my help, my comfort, my... family: the one who didn't leave me. Water blurred my vision and threatened to spill down my face as I remembered coming home to find that note on the floor by the door; the empty house. I remember picking up Vishnu, who was the size of a good 8 week old human puppy at this time, and running through the rain to Elder Malachai's home, not knowing where else to go; just thinking how glad I was that Vishnu didn't leave with them. I knew then he would never leave me, never betray me, and never do a thing to hurt me.

But, he was only a Spirit Animal to me; then. Now, well, I don't know what he is. I suppose that is what I was searching for in his eyes. Something that would tell me what he really was inside this, this, this form he wore. We've been through so much together. Should I be embarrassed of anything? Why would he have kept this from me all of this time? If he needed help or something why hadn't he just told me sooner? I hate not knowing things and what's even worse is I was with him nearly every second of every day and I missed this!

I did my best to control my tears; so much so that I became rather angry. I felt the rage boil in my stomach as I looked back down to the paper I was hunched over. I must have been staring at it hard because as soon as I got up to force my eyes off of it, I felt my brow un-furrow itself a great deal. I let my fists loosen and tighten on and off until the rage boiled down mostly because I wasn't sure whether to be angrier with myself or 'Vishnu'.

Another wave rushed over me and I was overwhelmed with sadness. If he really is some special Lord or whatever, I'll lose him; possibly forever. What if he was just using me all this time? The anger stirred. But, then, he wouldn't have stood by me all this time, watched me, slept by me and maybe even... loved me. The sadness dropped a sphere on my cheek. I looked at 'Vishnu', exasperated. I huffed out a breath and another tear fell. I went over to the sheepskin carpet that lay in front of the fireplace and sat in dead center; practicing setting the logs ablaze. Each time I let it get a little brighter and a little bit warmer. I was afraid to let loose these emotions on this 'Lord Sairyn Arrowrept' because I no longer knew much about him. I wasn't afraid of him exactly. I was just, on guard, per-say.

As I was thinking about him, he got up and approached me; slowly. He bowed his head, backed up a step and set the paper in front of me. My first instinct was to throw it in the air, light it, and bat it into the fire. Unfortunately, Elder Malachai had asked for it at daylight. I looked up at him from my meditative position on the carpet that we had slept on for many nights previous; before any of this nonsense. I don't know what look I gave him, but his eyes went stony for a moment. “Introductions? Really?” He sat back on his haunches and nodded again; eyes closed as if bowing. “I can't exactly say it's a pleasure.” He shook his head and let loose a decently loud growl as he turned to walk away.

At that moment, I lost it. I sprung from my spot, wings flared out behind me, and I put both my hands around his snout to shut his mouth like I did when he was a puppy to train him not to growl except in defense. He froze for a second and then slowly softened his eyes from the narrow, dangerous look they wore a few seconds prior. I was looking straight into his eyes and I had an arsenal of things I could have, should have, would have said but I couldn't figure out which one had importance over the others. We stood here like this for a moment. I could feel myself shaking, but he didn't move from my grasp even though he was in a defensive pouncing stance and could have easily tackled me; probably even killed me if he’d wished to. At the moment, even though my life had been in his hands multitudes of times over the past half a century or so, I almost wasn’t sure if he wouldn’t; kill me I mean. I felt like I hardly knew him at all though basically my entire existence involved him.

My voice was a whisper; quivering with emotions I didn't have a place for as I finally spoke to the beast that stood (barely) in my grasp. “I don't know who you are right now, or understand why you came to me and pretended to be something you're not,” I could tell he wanted to shake me off but I continued as I would have even if he’d turned and run off “nor do I know why you would have stayed all this time unless you needed my help. You know me well enough to figure how I feel right now, that you should have told me this earlier, and of all things, that I expected more from the one person I trusted in this dimension.” I let that sink in. His face softened; but yet hardened at the same time.

He understood my feelings of betrayal. I knew he would though. How could he not? He had been bracing for it since I came back. “I will help you if you can swear to me on whatever name you truly own, and whatever person or thing that you are, that you will explain this to me with every detail possible when this, whatever this is, is over.” The colours around me were blurring my vision so I wasn't sure if the red was actually Vishnu's fur or my anger.

I was still looking hard into his eyes and holding his snout shut. He slowly started bending as if to lay down at my feet so I released his mouth but kept my eyes on his. He 'bowed' low and then stood full height on all fours in front of me, nodded once, and put his nose right in front of mine staring right back. When I didn't flinch away, he ran his nose the length of my cheek and strode, head high, upstairs.

I stood in that same spot for who knows how long. I mean, what on the good earth was I supposed to think about all of this? Today was so awful. I feel… I feel, well, I don't even know. I would love to know. He seemed just as upset as me for a little bit, but then, just as angry at me as I was at him, and finally, something. That part I couldn't figure out. Brave maybe? Perhaps he felt relieved and knew finally what the outcome of telling me this would be now that it had happened. I think it was a mix of all of that really. But that wasn't that important right now. He wasn't even a spirit animal. He could be, well, anything. And whatever 'he' was, hell, I'm not sure that even matters.

He has seen me at my best and worst, awake and asleep, scared and brave, he's seen me... ugh.. in less than decent outfits and now invisible. I want to be alright with this considering the fact that I cannot bring myself to think that he's bad or with wrong intent, but I'm suddenly embarrassed and shy. I don't know if he's Human or Fae or, or, something else. But, oh no no no no no! Oh my Goddess! He had tried to tell me, and, and I ignored him. I fell to my knees with my face in my hands. If I could have slapped myself just now I probably would have. The mirror!

He had tried to tell me that we were the same... of course! But, ugh! That doesn't make sense ither! Fae don't have the same class systems as the humans. He gave a title with his name. So, he's, a hybrid; a MIxer. I thought that was forsaken... I started crying. My head hurt, and I'm tired, and, and... I started sobbing harder as the last thought seeped into my head: I have just lost my last everything.

I just ignored the bells and the sound of Vishnu's song that he tried to quiet from the stairs.

Chapter 12 : Calm Yourself

I must have cried myself to sleep because I suddenly woke up shivering. I didn't move as I wasn't completely competent or awake, but I guess I had called for Vishnu in my sleep because he was a few feet away and he wouldn't have come down otherwise. I was slowly waking. He lifted his head from his paws to look at me as I propped myself onto my left forearm. “You don't have to stay down here, Vish- Lord Arrowrept.” He whined as I said his real name over the one I've called him since I got him and took a dash for the door. Still being half asleep I fumbled up and tripped over the blanket as I got up to chase after him.

By the time I got outside, he was out of sight. I looked frantically for any clue that may tell me which way he had gone. I saw nothing, no footprints, no moving shrubs or trees. I gave up and just ran. I ran into the woods directly next to our house to the left, as that has to be where he went. It was the closest place to be out of sight. “Come back! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it that way!” I yelled. He had to be able to hear me still. “Come on!” I shouted again as I overlooked a fallen log and had to swing up into a tree. Thankfully I was the Fall Faerie, so I am in tune with the forest to a much better extent than the others. I looked, hoping to somehow see him in the darkness. I couldn't; so I kept running. I darted this way and that; yelling all the while. I started slowing down too soon though. I couldn't keep this up. I listened as I took a few deep breaths. I couldn't hear him either. Ither he had stopped moving or he was too far away. I couldn't see him if I flew above, and I can't see or hear him down here. I had no other way to find him. So I decided to try one last thing. “Please,” I called into the forest; letting it whisper throughout. “Please Vishnu; come back.” I let this too hang in the air as I slowly sat down against a tree to wait.

Hours passed, only told by the fact that the sun had risen and it was now dawn. He hadn't come. Maybe he wasn't in the forest, I thought as I slowly trudged back home. I stopped at a creek I had jumped over last night to wash all of the dirt and soot from my body and wings. I shook my wings out in the water I threw over my shoulders and let them seep back into my skin to form the beautiful, unique tattoo they changed to when I tucked them in. The comfort I found in this, was knowing that I was the Fall Faerie; I was special. Each Faerie has a talent, which is told by the design on his or her wings. Mine was of course unique because there is only ever a few Fall Faeries in existence at one time. Wings were one of a kind and special. It was one of my few comforts. I let myself remember the special things that go with this honor.

I am the only Faerie that can walk among humans and not give off an odd aura, as my Goddess was also a Fall Faerie and she created the world that is apart from Humans; so I am also the only one who knows when a being may pass through this portal besides my Guide, or teacher: Elder Malachai. I am the only Fall besides Malachai that we know of; so we have the most duties and strongest pull for having to watch a Fae because I am closest in soul to the God/Goddess: a blessing and a curse; as the Humans say. The Falls and Winters are protectors. The Gods pass along to us our duties by a bond that attaches as soon as we see the one to be watched for the first time. Thinking about this calms me a bit. It seems to be the one thing I know with all my being that can’t be changed or thrown in my face as something I misunderstood.

NEW - Chapter 13 : Waiting

As I was tying the last strings of my corset I hear an all too familiar laughter from the trees. "If you have been here longer than ten seconds you'd best be wary of my response to such behaviors" I call to the voice from the trees. The laughter booms loud and pure now.

"Oh no, trust me Ciquala, even if I'd been here earlier I have more respect for you than that." I turn around now to face the Centaur.

"Oh, more respect than you give the Kelpies I hope!" He flashes one of his 100 watt smiles.

"Of course!" and he puts his hand over his heart as if I'd offended him. "I am oh so disappointed you'd question me that way." he said.

"Inteus, I have seen the way you toy with those poor creatures; it's hard to believe you're not that way with everyone." He looked wounded briefly but in a flash that sunlight smile was back and he opened his arms for a hug. "Shall we start over then?" he asked playfully. I ran over and threw my arms around his neck knotting my fingers in his black mane as he lifted me off the ground into a strong hug. "Anything you want to tell me Ciquala?" he asked softly. Tears pricked my eyes just then and I hugged him tighter. He set me down gently and put his hands on my shoulders after brushing loose strands of my hair back into the vines I had it tied back with. "What has happened?" The look in his golden-brown eyes and the strength of his grip on my shoulders exuded concern and I couldn't bear it. I looked down to the river bank, shuffling my feet and folded my arms tightly against my stomach.

"Vishnu.." I started. I didn't want to say it out loud again; make it any more real than it already was. Each time it spilled from my mouth more maggots sprouted from the egg of questions and confusion inside my mind. "Vishnu.." the tears were stinging my eyes now; threatening.

"For the Gods sake Amaranth! What happened? What did the Dog do?" A tear fell and hit the sand beneath my feet and I tried to ignore the chiming sound on the wind.

"Vishnu isn't Vishnu! Elder Malachai said he isn't even a spirit animal! He was talking about dragons and then told me to ask Vishnu what his name was. He wrote on the floor! He used a charcoal pen. Vishnu wrote that his name was Lord Sairyn Arrowrept. On the floor. Using a charcoal pen." I sniffled; trying to hold back the tears as my voice broke. "He lied to me. He's not a spirit animal. And he lied to me. All this time..." Inteus pulled me to him.

"Where is he?" he asked gruffly into my hair.

"I don't know. I waited for him out that way all last night, and I couldn't find him, so I just washed up out here and was heading back when you found me". I ignored the look I was getting for admitting that I was out all night alone. 

"Come on; let's go. I'll take you home."  He helped me up onto his chestnut back and I wrapped my hands around his waist. Briskly he turned grabbing his daggar belt, bow and arrow pack throwing them over his shoulder, and then we headed towards my cabin. 

NEW - Chapter 14 : When You Hit Rock Bottom

We get back to my house and Vishnu is still not there. I don't know where else to look. The only sign that I can find that even relates to him is the paper lying on the floor with his real name on it. I decided that maybe if I said the name out loud it may make it seem truer. My hands were shaking as I picked the paper and took a deep breath. I did not want to believe this in the first place so saying it was irrelevant; but, it felt important. “Lord. Sairyn. Ambrose. Arrowrept.” My throat contracted and the words left a bitter taste in my mouth. I dropped the paper in hand that held it to my side and let my other hand reach to the sky as I silently begged the Goddess to help me make it through this. I didn't hear her but I felt a presence touch my shoulders so I guess I had the Goddess' luck to take with me.

I turned to the door to take the blasted piece of paper to Elder Malachai with or without the Lord.

"I'm going to take this to Malachai myself" I said; adding silently to myself 'since Vishnu took off'. Inteus looked wary. I know he thinks I'm going to get myself into some trouble. He always thinks that. He shuffled his back hoofs slightly, as he does when he gets nervous.

"Are you sure.." he trailed off. He knew better than to question me when I was like this. I'm usually not short with him. We're very close, but even so, I've never really had a hard time being around him or ever felt much of a need to argue with him. Tease him sure, but not argue. "Can I at least bring you there?" I sighed.

"I suppose so."

We got to Elder Malachai's dojo in only a few minutes. Or, maybe it just felt shorter because I was thinking so hard. I slid off his back and dusted myself off. Rather, that's what I made it seem like I was doing. I was stalling.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay with me? We could just go back to the cabin and wait; I mean, he has to come back sooner or later."  The offer is tempting. I haven't seen him in a while. No. Vishnu, or whatever his name is, is missing. Inteus must have seen my face set with the decision as he goes "Of course." and his back hooves move a bit. "Damned dog doesn't know..." He gives me a wistful smile before taking my chin in hand and drawing it up so I'm looking in his eyes. "Be. Careful. I don't care if you're a Fall, Spring, or mushroom Faerie. Do you hear me?" His eyes searched my face for confirmation that I understood the graveness of the promise he was asking me. I nodded, chin still in his hand. He stood back a pace, straightening his shoulder arrow case and bow just looking at me as if unsure as to whether or not he should leave. "Alright;" he nodded "I'll come by to check on you later ok?"

"Yeah, that's fine." I tried to smile.

"I'll come by after dark." He wiggled his eyebrows at me. It was just such a foreign look on such a strong face. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Merry part, Inteus."

"And merry meet again Ciquala." I watch him run off for a moment and then, smile fading, turned to the task ahead of me.

 I whispered the request for entrance charm and waited, and waited, and waited. I was just about to try again because I knew for a fact he never left this place for anything when he opened the door. But instead of welcoming me in, he just stood in the doorway. I reluctantly relinquished the paper to him as he held out his hand for it.

“Where is he?” he asked.

“I don't know. He ran away last night after I called him by his real name.” I answered honestly. I didn't really care if he was upset for my lack of knowledge as to Vishnu's whereabouts.

“Alright. You’ve done well; Amaranth” and he shut the door. He just shut the door. What was wrong with him? I whispered the charm again. He opened the door immediately. “Yes Amaranth?” He answered. He wasn't frustrated but he seemed anxious to get back to something that was probably the thing making muffled noises inside his dojo.

“That's it?” I asked him. “No explanations, lectures, requests; just, ‘You’ve done well’?”

“I'm a bit taken away right now Amaranth.” He shuffled his feet to keep my view blocked as he turned to look behind him before turning back to me.

“Why won't you tell me?” I asked, sounding like a torn child.

“I cannot explain.”

“Fine. I'll go find Vishnu; or rather, Lord Whatever.”

“No. Do not go looking for him. I fear for the outcome of that journey.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I do not think you will find what you search for. I have to get back to my things, Amaranth; heed my request. Please, do not look for your Vishnu.”

And with that, he shut the door again. Why is he not worried? Was he not just telling me yesterday that this Lord thing was a vital part of some dragon hunting journey we had to proceed upon? Why did he look so tired and nervous and scared? What on Earth was going on? Fine. If he won't give me a good reason to not search my Vishnu, I'll go. What could happen anyway? I'm a Fall Faerie.

When I got home I packed a backpack full of every necessary thing. A pouch for spell and charm ingredients. Clothes, an extra pair of moccasins, some dry food in case there is none at the time in the forest, my book of charms, a hide water pouch and a small blanket. I headed out and didn't look back. I headed straight for the forest I was sure he ran into and started searching. Very soon it was dusk. My feet hurt from all of the walking and I badly needed to deal with all of the cuts on my legs and arms from the brush and stones that jutted up from all around the forest floor.

I found an abandoned hunting fort in a tree a half hour north-west from where I decided I should stop. I started climbing to put my pack up there before starting a fire below in between a few of the bigger rocks figuring that I could see well enough to get up and down without repercussions. I let myself look down once and for a second I swear I saw Vishnu. I turned abruptly to get a better look but my foot slipped and I fell all the way down.

Chapter 15 : Vishnu's POV - Honesty

 Fine. If she was going to call me by my real name, she should know who, and what, that name belongs to. It is probably one of the hardest things I've had to do, to not turn around and crumble to her pleas, but if she wants to know me, she'll have to know that I won't be able to be this for her anymore. I won't be the same. She could hate me or not trust me anymore; or both. In fact, I’m pretty sure she’d already come that far. But, this was not my choice. I had a life; a plan. She was not part of it. I was not supposed to be her… her, lapdog. This thought infuriated me but I had to keep it calm because She could see the change in colour of my fur; it was still dark and knowing Her, She was following. With any luck She went to the woods to look for me. Now, thinking about it, I'm sure She did. I could feel it. I slowed down to a trot.

She doesn't know what She's gotten into, but I didn't give Her a choice. It wasn't Her fault either. I have to remember that. She doesn't need me. I only needed Her. Anyway, She deserves to know to whom She's entrusted… to whom She's given… everything. That realization put a stammer in my heartbeat. I know that I've protected Her for as long as we've been together, but somehow, She deserves better of me. She shouldn't have to think that She was just a ploy or a tool to get me to the form and things that I needed. I'm going to fix this… somehow. I wish there was a way to fix this. If only I could… wait! Maybe I can. She wasn’t the only Fall alive.

I turned back South toward Elder Malachai's home and growled lowly until he came to the door. His expression was not shocked or worried until he noticed that she was not with me. “Where is Amaranth?” he asked. I nodded toward the house and he says “of course, of course. Come in Vishnu.” He stood a moment before me, just, twisting his hands uncertainly. I looked at him and then brushed my paw over the floor; hoping he'd understand that I would speak if I could write. “Oh!” the old Faerie exclaimed. He went about searching for writing utensils and muttering to himself quietly before he satisfied himself with a pencil and an open book of parchment which he set before me. Swiftly he sat down as I lay to get closer to the paper.

Elder, I am Lord Sairyn Ambrose Arrowrept. I'm sure you know who I am. I need to know if you can change me back. For our world, and, because I know we both believe that Amaranth deserves the truth.

He turned the paper towards himself and read it after I dropped the pencil next to the leather bound book. A look crossed his face, but not sheer surprise as I had expected. I can only assume that he pieced this together a short time in the past; maybe even today. Ither way, that is of no importance. He looked at me, studying my face intently.

“I may be able to. But, I want to be sure you understand the grave amount of pain you will be in, and the length of time that this may take.”

I could take care of one thing that I have to this way. I could protect Amaranth in this form, but what I was born to do, supposed to do, I cannot in this body. I must change. So as Elder turned the book towards me I pawed it to myself and wrote This is necessary. If you will do me the honor of trying, I will withstand anything you must do.

With this, Elder rose from the floor and went to his books. I sat straight up on my haunches and tried to calm myself; prepare. I let my eyes close as I tried insanely not to see the worst road that could lie before me. Breathe, Vish-...Sairyn; breathe.

NEW - Chapter 16 : Vishnu's POV - Change

I helped Elder Malachai lay a down comforter on the floor by the fire. I was to lay on this for safety and in case I needed binding; this is what he had told me. I knew this was going to take a toll on everything I knew and everything I had learned as this Fae creature. I did not know for certain that this would work because I had been in this form for so long.

I was instructed to lay in the center after having eaten and drank as much as I could; for strength. Elder Malachai changed into a meditative ensemble which gave me the insight as to how hard this was going to be for him. He sat cross-legged in front of the fire; his back to it. I lay directly in front of him, my stomach centered with him. He had a book in his lap that he was studying. He took a deep breath. “Are you ready Vishnu?” I was about to nod and lay back to my side when I heard something. Elder must have heard it too as his head cocked to the side slightly. I heard it clearly this time, though.

“Please, please Vishnu; come back.”

Elder Malachai looked to me. I looked him in the eyes and nodded before lying back onto my side. Elder drew in a deep breath and a whimper escaped my throat right as the chanting began and the pain burst to life inside of me.

It was uncontainable. I could not understand, or even think about understanding, the words that flowed from Elder Malachai's lips into the room and then circled around the circle he’d cast around me to pierce through me like knives that would then shred this form to pieces. I writhed in this pain, but the blanket had been blessed into a captive circle so that no matter what happened, I would not exit the space until the ritual was over. I tried with more might than I had for anything else, ever, to contain the sound of pain that was begging to escape me. It grew and grew until I couldn't bear it; I had no control. Howl after howl produced itself from me. I tried to fight. I could not. All I could hear was my own sound. I listened for anything, anything to hold onto, to know I was not dead and all I could make out besides myself was the echo of her asking “Please.” I held to this sound as a lifeline; but as all things do, it too started fading and I am sure I must be dying.

Suddenly it grows dark as well, and I must have died, but I still feel pain. The blanket must be- arh! The pain started building to twice what it was before. I had no idea this was possible. My screaming howls muffled and echoed back to me now. I don't know how long I was in this dark, Gods forsaken place; but when I am released from the dark I am blinded and the pain seems to tear and rip pieces off of me instead of just stabbing. I must be getting eaten by Daemons or something else un-worldly. They're eating my skin and gnawing at my insides. The light grows dimmer and I have a falling sensation along with feeling light-headedness. I can think... a little stronger than before.

Death seems so sweet. And it's black. I try to move, thinking maybe I will see Neveer herself standing in a light background, waiting; forgiving. There is the light; there. I try to move but I feel tied down. I try to fight it; to get to the light.

Blinding light then overtakes me and I can sense that my eyes are open. It slowly dims around me, taking minutes after endless minutes, and pieces of vision start to change from ounces of colored shapes to actual items. I am alive. I survived.

I look at Elder as he pulls me to a sitting position. I must move to complete the change he says. I whispered “Thank you” and then a pain shot through my body and Elder grabs my shoulders asking what's wrong. “Amaranth; I can feel her.” Something has happened to her. I instantly clench fists! It worked! “We must go.” He nods and helps me stand on two feet for the first time in ages.

As we ran, I could feel a slight pull on something deep inside me. Something guided me to her. I knew that I could trust this urge, so I followed it. Many times I fell as we jogged through the wood looking for her. I knew that things were not fully changed within me and I tried to hide this from Malachai. I managed to successfully until one of the cuts I got on my forearm refused to quit bleeding.

“Stop, Sairyn. You must stop moving; we must rest. You will end up hurt and then what use will you be when we find her?”

“I beg your pardon Sir Malachai. But, we must find her. I can feel her; and I can't help but believe that you may not find her in time without me. She is of more importance than I.”

He seemed a bit stunned but he nodded and we began again our search. We walked and ran and hunted for seemed like hours, but in reality, couldn't have been more than one. I was thanking the Goddess for letting me have a guide to her just as it died off. Suddenly I had no guidance. I was lost. I stopped abruptly and ignored Elder Malachai's inquiries. “Amaranth!” I yelled into the forest's depth. It echoed off the trees as I scanned frantically for any sign that give me a clue. How could the Gods forsake me now? I saw a glint of red on the ground a couple yards away and ran to it with Elder Malachai only feet behind me. It was her. And the damnded Centaur.

"What happened to her?!?" I yelled at him.

He looked up instantly. I knew he could see as well, if not better, in the dark as I.

As I stormed closer he stood up and possessively stood in front of Amaranth. He was a lot shorter in human form. But, then again, I suppose I am as well. We were pretty evenly matched when I was wolf and he was his other half.

“Who in the 7 levels of hell are you?” He asked. I scoffed. As if he had a right to question me, when I find him with an immobile Fall Faerie.

“I am Vishnu. Recently restored Lord Sairyn Arrowrept. Now if I were you, I would answer my bloody question and tell me what happened to this Faerie.”

She lay on the ground. She looked like death. Pale, with cuts all along her arms, legs, hands and face. It was enraging. Why did I let her go; ignore her calls? Why didn’t I assure her safety before I went to Malachai?

“I was supposed to go check on her tonight because she ran off to Malachai’s raving about you and your spider web of unbelievable ‘new found abilities’. He sounded disgusted as he said this and gestured to my returned body “and when she wasn’t home and I couldn’t find either of you I went searching. I found her here and was doing an inventory of her injuries when you showed up.” We knelt down on the ground together then; suddenly brought out of our power-plays and back to the situation at hand. “Her wings are not out completely, so they can’t be too hurt. She has minor cuts, but many of them. Nothing seems broken. She's movable.” I quickly willed my mind to doctor mode; overlooking everything as he said it.The Half-Man was right. She seemed well enough to move.

I went to pick her up in a cradle position but my right arm, the one with the cut, gave out almost instantly. I wanted to hit myself for nearly dropping her, even though she wasn't very far off the ground and I still had her upper body secure.

I turned around knowing Elder was behind me and before I did drop her for real, I handed her to Inteus with a scowl returning the smirk he wasn’t even trying to hide and began to walk back the way we came with one hand putting pressure on my cut. I put enough to hurt, but not enough to break my arm or do any real damage. He could carry her. She was light. I can take care of her when I am taken care of. I hated the sensibility of my nature, but, it came in handy in situations like these. I must not hurt myself to I can take care of her and then take care of the dragons.

Chapter 17 : Confessions

I heard muffled sounds right next to me and a slight pulling on my shoulder. I knew I should get up; I had to get up. What if it was an attacker? I tried first to focus but my eyes were still closed. I got them to flutter open briefly. More murmurs from next to me and a stronger sense of nudging not only at my shoulders but now my waist. I had to wake up now. What was wrong with me? I remembered my fall as my eyes finally managed to open and stay that way long enough to survey a blurry face of Elder Malachai with the forest behind him. I fell back again and couldn't wake up; couldn't fight the black.

The next time I woke up I was in my old room at Elder Malachai's cabin, deep in the forest, that had it's familiar piney scent from my younger days. I looked around the room and tried to sit up. Within three seconds Malachai was there, holding food and drink to my lips, just as he did when I was young and sick. I finished everything he held to my lips and then tried to ask questions but he held his hand over my eyes and made me sleep with that stupid charm I could never hear; even as a child.

I woke a few times to hear what sounded like fighting or a man screaming; but every time I tried to wake up further or move I would feel sleep creep back over me and I was out again. I could have sworn I heard Inteus as well.... he was supposed to check on me. Is he here? I never found out though; I was out again.

I thought I was dreaming at first when I realized I couldn't move, I felt pinned as I was coming into consciousness. The nightmare was fading out to black as I struggled to come back to my body and open my eyes. I felt a vibration in my throat which could only be a scream of my own. I sat up as fast as I ever have only to be gasping to breathe and a shadow of a person leaving my room which was then covered as Elder Malachai came into my room. “What is that nightmare about Amaranth?” I was still trying to get my breath back. Instead of answering, I pointed towards the door. “Do not trouble yourself with that right now My Dear.”

My voice was scratchy as I whispered “He held me down when I was dreaming. I believe I have right to know who it was that has touched me in such a helpless state.” I knew it was a lame argument, but he was used to my feisty-ness. He sighed and shook his head. “Fine. How long was I asleep?”

“Four days.” He said quietly.

“Who was in my room?” I asked again as I lay back against my pillows; too weak to move very far.

“Come in.” Elder Malachai said to the person who had left the room so abruptly. Slowly the door creaked open and a man stepped into the room. A man I have never seen before but, yet, he seemed eerily familiar.

This man comes only a few feet into the small room. His posture is brilliant: that of a noble, brave, strong-willed man. He had black shoulder-length hair, bright eyes of a colour I could not see at this distance and fair skin that bore many scars. I looked from him to Malachai and back waiting for someone to say something. Elder looked at the man by the door, silently, and the man just shook his head. He refused to speak. Or look at me.

“Who is this?” I asked; begging for one of them to answer me. “Who are you?”

“Do you remember the day you came here, after Vishnu ran away, and you heard some strange things?”

I nodded. “You know there are many things that Fae are not allowed to do, anymore, that some of us used to be able to do if the circumstance called for it to be so.” He was taking so long. “One day, many years ago, a certain Fae misused this power. He hated that he could not control the dragons that used to be here for us. He thought he should have this ability over a Mixer, a Fae and Human baby, and when this wasn't so he used Magick to make this baby into an example for all Fae. He hoped to prove that Mixers were not ‘right’ and not meant to be, but this didn't happen. This Fae was eventually made an example of himself. However, this half-faerielet is the one we needed to find in order to let the last dragon, er dragons, survive and lead healthy lives protecting us as their Gods given right.”

I sighed. “So where do we find this heir? And don't we need Vishnu for this? Did you find him?”

“Yes, I've found your Vishnu, or rather, he found me.”

“So, where is he?”

“He came-” and then the man made an 'ahem' noise in his throat.

My eyes snapped to him immediately; almost thankfully after his silence. “So you can talk.” I said quietly to the shadow man.

“Yes.” I knew that voice... where did I know that voice? “I found Elder Malachai four days ago...”

He paused as my lips parted to protest and held his hand up for me not to speak. “and he used what he knew of the Old Magick to change me back. I am, well, you already know that.” He chuckled with a sarcastic tone. “I only held you down because of that damn nightmare and I did not want you to hurt yourself since you were sleeping in a small bed rather than” he held his breath before shaking his head and looking at the wall to his left as he continued “your own quarters or the carpet in the foyer.” He looked directly at me with burning eyes, as he walked over to my bedside so I could see him clearly, and then finished saying “Forgive me if that was forward of me.” And he turned briskly to leave the room. Typical Vishnu... I mean... wait... no... it can't… it can't be. And I blacked out again.

I thought I woke up once to hear the music of Vishnu's song fur before remembering that he no longer had such a thing. Another few times I thought I heard a door close, or saw someone sitting in the chair in the corner, but, I fell instantly back to sleep.

I was alone when I awoke this time. The room was dark. It couldn't be more than just a few hours from my last blackout. I hoped. I am convinced that blacking out took more out of me each time than the fall I took that caused the first one. However, that is unimportant. Elder Malachai would not have imposed such strange news on me if I was in any less than just in need of rest. So I must be just fine. I sat up slowly, trying to take inventory of any aches and pains. Nothing so far. I must have slept through the headache I had... that's a thankful thing though. I step down from the bed slowly, half expecting either Lord Whatever or Malachai to come rushing in to keep me in bed; but no-one did. I tiptoe across the room and peer out the crack in the door. Elder must be sleeping, otherwise, he would be in the center of his carpet; which, he was not. The fire was burning brightly though. I went back my bed and grabbed the large quilt and, carrying as much of it as I could, I proceeded to drag it out of the room. I managed to nudge open the door with my elbow, but the blanket was suddenly quite a bit lighter. I turn to look around the large wad of blanket I carried to see Vish...Lord Whatever holding the other end of the comforter with silent eyes as if asking to take it from me. I relinquished it to him; I not wanting to speak any more than he.

He followed silently behind me, as if things were normal, as I lie down on the carpet and let him cover me as he always has. I looked at him as he stood over me and slowly pulled a hand from under the covers to touch his face as my mind clouded and tears threatened once again.

I can't believe this is the same 'Companion' that I saw everyday and had one sided conversations with all of the time. He let his knee touch the ground to keep balance for a moment before he then started to rise to leave the room but I grabbed his hand (his hand!) and just asked silently for him to stay. He sat down, cross-legged, between me and the fire.

He seemed far away, and, lost. He wasn't sure how close he could be. We looked at each other for a long while. I must have fallen in and out of sleep a few times and one moment I looked at him and he was sitting, when the next he was laying down about a foot from me. “I still trust you. But we have much to work on.” I whispered. He chuckled; a deep, quiet laugh. “Won't you talk to me?” He glanced at my eyes once. The only thing I noticed at that moment was that his eyes were still the same shiny silver that they always have been. “You used to seem to have so much to say and now, nothing. Haven’t you anything to say?” He took a breath and let it out slowly; thinking. All the while he stares at the floor. I left my hand between us where it fell as he moved so very, very, slowly he reached out and brushed my hand then up my arm and finally he contented himself with running his hands through my hair over and over.

“I'm sorry.”

“I understand now that it wasn't your fault. I can't hold that against you.”

“You could. And I couldn't blame you.”

“Can I ask you a question?” I murmured; half asleep. When he didn't answer I assume he had nodded and forgotten, once again, that he can speak aloud. “You are really the missing heir to the Dragon Watchers' Family?”

“Yes. Not a duty I wished to take, but this is why I found you when I did. I knew you were the key to everything. That was the last thing I was told before it happened. My parents cried repeatedly until their death 'Find the Fall' so, I came for you. I thought maybe I had to watch you and the dragons too. But then... well… never-mind. Sleep now.”

“Of all people to say 'never-mind' to, you chose me? Seriously?” He then did the most peculiar thing. He burst out in quiet laughter. “What is so funny?” He looked at me then with the first sign of happiness, or, hope, that I'd seen in days; or rather years, depending on how I chose to look at it.

“I suppose that was a rather bad move on my behalf was it not?” I did not know how to react to this question. He stopped laughing though. “If you must know, watching you isn't just a duty now. It grew to be more; a need, a have-to, a must. I have to learn now how to balance you and the dragons.”

“You make me sound like a papoose.” I rolled over to turn away from him. He jumped over me and crouched down close to me.

“It's not like that.” He started to get up but I grabbed his wrist.

“You always run away. You can't run away from me aga- now.” His face softened then. He had heard my slip up. Damn it. I didn't have to let him know how betrayed I felt. I pulled the covers above my head and stayed there. He didn't try to move them.

“I am not like Them, Amaranth. I'm not going to go anywhere without you. It's always been that way. I am still your ‘Vishnu’ as you called me; I am still me. You just had a different name for the same soul that watched you then that speaks with you now. Whether you trust me or not is a completely different set of things, but I hope you choose to trust me still. It was supposed to be this way; I know that now.” I started to pull the covers down, just, just to be sure that it really was Vishnu talking to me. I mean, after all, this was not supposed to be able to happen. This was human story material, not Fae truth.

“How did you get into my head that day when I had you write your name?”

“You heard that?” he made a sound like shock or surprise. He didn't know I heard him.

“Well, as I said, it was supposed to be this way.” He looked down at me as I let my gaze see him sitting with his arms around holding his knees, ankles crossed, letting his legs be held in a slight V shape. I looked back to his face. He's sitting next to me. Oh Goddess this is crazy.

“Can I ask you something?” I just looked at him. I was honestly afraid of what he was going to ask, but I nodded anyway. How much crazier could this be? “I know you're not used to me being, like this” as he gestured to his Fae body that was completely without fur “but do you feel... Well, never mind. I am still the same person and in the case this is temporary I need to know that you accept me as me and know that one of the reasons I didn't tell you was because I did not want you to think all the things you could have. I need you to know I remember all of the nights you've slept beside me, all the nights we fought, and all the nights you cried.” My face heated. “I need you to know that even if you resent me, or if I change back and I can be nothing for you once again besides a guard dog, or if something happens to me, that I have never and never will abandon you, give you any less than my life, or do anything less than love you.”

It was at this point that I was at a loss for words. This was something that never, ever, ever, happens; ever. It was also at this point that I guess due to my soundless-ness, he stood and with a slight bow rather to the air in front of him than to me, he left the room and softly closed the door behind him as he went to sleep in my bedroom; leaving me alone in front of the fire.

Chapter 18 : What WE Have To Do

The early morning sunlight shone through the windows brightly; beaming right in my eyes. The warmth, however, was quite welcome. I was used to being under multiple blankets or waking beside... something (or someone?) who seems to be quite a figment of my imagination at this point. I sighed and rolled over under the cover; trying not to get tangled in it like I normally do.

There was something tugging at the back of my mind; a thought. There's something I have to do... what have I forgotten? I closed my eyes and tried to lose myself in the white behind my eyelids to picture what it was; let the missing thought come to me. A face flashed once, twice, blurry, before me. There was no name but I heard a female voice say “Help him” over and over as the face got clearer. Who?!? I asked myself and the Goddess. I heard a sharp scream “Find him!” that quickly faded and died into silence. I sat up still with the image before my eyes, searching every space in my mind, until I knew who it was I searched for: Him.

I had to find Him. I had forgotten about the spat we had had a few days previous. I was taken up in my sleep and the change that Vishnu... oh dear. He's, well, he's not going to like this. My mind goes back to the night before and all I could hear now was his voice saying all those things last night... he said he feels he must protect me, but how can he now? He is no longer a wolf that is twice my size. I don't see how this will work and I doubt if he'll let me go alo- and this, of course, is when Lord Whatever chose to exit my room. I swear he must just sense when I'm thinking of things he doesn't like. He turned around after having quietly shut the door, thinking I was still asleep, to see me sitting in a frozen position drowned in the down comforter. “You're awake m'lady.” I nodded.

“I...” I began. He just looked at me; waiting. “I have to find Him.” I held my breath as he stiffened.

“I know.” Huh? What does he mean 'I know?'

“Pardon? Last I knew you couldn't read minds too.” He looked torn as to whether or not he should roll his eyes or scowl.

“He is whom I look for too. It makes sense now. You may not understand just yet, but it will be explained to you in time. We must leave as soon as possible; as soon as your health has restored; of course.” I was about to ask why he's not worried about himself, having taken on a whole different body and all, when he began to throw instructions at me.

“Now, stand slowly and put your arms out to your sides as well as let your wings out behind you. If anything is painful, stop.” I did as I was told. Though doing exactly as someone tells me, and having been told by Vishnu, are two things so out of the ordinary that I didn't know what to think. I shivered a little as his hands felt slowly and softly across my temples, down my neck, my shoulders, across my tattooed wings and the gapes my shirt held for them, and down my back. Right before he hit my pant line, and right below my shirt end, his hands left my back and he lightly pushed my arms down to my sides to tell me the examination was over. He looked me in the eyes just as mine fell to the floor. “Nothing was painful?” he asked. “And you'd best not lie to me.”

 “No, nothing hurt.”

“Now, will you please bring your wings out so I can check them too?” I nodded and turned my back to him again. I heard him take in a breath as they came forth, and through my shirt. I raised them slowly from their folded state just in case they were hurt. My right wing was a little sore where it met my back but it was nothing I was going to tell him; even if he did ask nicely. “Tell me immediately if anything is sore or hurt or you feel it is broken.” He started at my wing tips and brushed over every curve they held so softly that sometimes I wondered if he was even really touching them. He got close to the base of them so I held my breath as I knew it would hurt a little. He finally brushed them and a twang of pain wriggled in my stomach, but I did not release a sound; just so he wouldn't know and prolong our journey. He dropped his hands but I decided to leave them out for a while. I turned to face him and he said “We will have to wait another day and test your wings tomorrow or later in the evening to see how they're coming along.”

“But they're fine. They don't hurt.” I insisted.

 “Amaranth, you cannot lie to me. We wait.”

 “But you can't know that! I didn't say anything.”

 “You flinched.” He said. I knew he was lying. He was hiding something, and he knew I saw it in his face so he turned to walk away.

 “Are you still going to lie to me? You got the big stuff out of the way, you can't tell me everything? YOU KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT ME!” My senses were hazy now, the colours in the room were flashing. My voice was rising. I don't care. “And I didn't even know you did because I didn't know what you were! Can't you at least give me the same?!?” he turned to me then. He had that dark look on his face; I tensed, just a little.

“You don't want to know everything.”

“Oh, but I do. Please, tell me.” I was shaking.

He had his eyes shut tightly now. “Stop yelling, you know what that does to us.”

 “Why should I? I've held this in for days!”

 “You know who and what I am, I've been around you since I can remember, you know what I need to do, what else do you want from me?!?”

 “Why did I hear your voice in my head? Why do you know my wing hurts? Why didn't you tell me any of this before? Are you going to change back?”

 “I don't know why you heard me, I tried to make you hear me but it shouldn't have worked. I feel every amount of pain that you do! I don't want to, but something happened. I guess it must have been in my transformation to connect with you, and well, I did. I didn't tell you because I feared you hating me, and then doing something stupid and getting hurt. I had no reason to tell you because I was hunting for the dragons and did not know how you were of importance so I figured I'd wait until you had to know, and until now, you didn't absolutely have to know. I was prolonging the pain of you thinking that you were abandoned; again.” He put his hands over his face. (His HANDS!) “I should not be changing back, but, if I do... well, I don't know.” I didn't say anything. I didn't know if there was anything to be said. “I am sorry that it had to be this way. The last thing I wanted is to hurt you, Amaranth. But pain comes with everything; as I've come to find. I,” and then Elder Malachai walked in.

He had his hands folded but held one up as if to shush us “You must be lovers; work together and not fight; if you ever...”

 “That will never be.” I cut him off and briskly walked out of doors and took off into the woods.

Chapter 19 : Vishnu's POV - Acceptance

I watched her run seemingly stuck in my place. I’d have to go after her. She couldn’t get hurt again; especially not when she wasn’t yet healed. Dragons weren’t the only things in those woods. We had encountered many a crazed Centaur and Satyr, along with many other creatures of the wood. Even Falls weren’t invincible; a fact Amaranth forgot easily. My foot finally listened to my head and made a move to start after her when Malachai grabbed my arm and shook his head. “She won’t go far, Sairyn. Be patient with her.”

I eased up a small bit, still watching the open door swing in the breeze, telling every sense in my body to calm down so I don't just take off anyway. I hope this Elder is right. We don't have a lot of time left to find the dragons. A month or two at best. I can feel it in the beat of the arrow behind my ear. Subconciously I touch the pulsing shape which only confirms my fear. We're running out of time. And, not forgetting the fact that She's hurt, just makes me worry more. Ugh! A small growl escapes my lips.

"Patience, Young One." Elder says softly before padding off to some other area of the house.

I started pacing. For how long, I have no inclination. I would imagine it was a while though as I watched the sun cast it's rays across the floor and shadows dance slowly across the house until I was sure it was late in the afternoon. I'm lucky, I suppose, that there was no rut formed in the floor; else Elder may force me to do something less mind-consuming. I go to turn around for the millionth time and see Amaranth standing in the door.

She's standing just outside the barrier of the home, I guess I forgot to shut the door, her eyes and posture timid but her clothing and forward attitude was sure. She wore her orange/tan ensamble today; classic breeches and corseted top but she'd donnned a loose white, billowing shirt beneath and she carried her leather pack along with her belt. Put all of these things together and you have a stubborn Faerie who's ready to take off (with or without) permission.

"What?" she asked. I had been staring.

I bowed slightly and replied "I am only glad you have arrived back, unharmed."

"Uh-huh." She was putting on a face. "Well, are we ready?" She leaned in the doorway, even now. She was still angry, rightfully so I suppose, but it was a greivance all the same. I knew if I were to mention one word about her health she would take her leave without us.

"Let me consult Malachai. He's been hiding for a while now." I gestured to the back of the house; my eyes not leaving hers, as I could will her to stay.

"I'll find him." She said, still holding her pack and belt as she pushed past me. 'Very well' I muttered to myself; as I rubbed my fingers into my temples as I have longed to do for years of dealing with her attitudes that ranged as a world with seasons at random and off-kilter.

Chapter 20 : Mutual Agreements

I could see Malachai's dojo come into view; the door still swinging open as I'd left it many hours ago. I tried not to think back to those hours I'd spent running through the wood til I tripped and cried my fears to the woodlands . I tried not think of all those hours I'd spent trying to understand, to make sense of it all, just let my emotions run through me and re-join the earth with my tears. I wasn't going to think of that now, though. Now, I had to fight of my nerves for this task in front of me: re-entering the dojo and facing Lord Whatever once again.

I stepped up to the still open door to find my suspicions were correct; Vishnu was still there in the main room and Elder Malachai was no-where inview.

Vishnu was pacing all sorts of strange shapes and didn't notice I had arrived back. It's funny to see him pacing so, as he has always done it when he was angry or confused. Even as a puppy he did it. He probably got it from me. He still hasn't noticed me so I leaned in the door way and really looked at him hard for the first time since his change.

He still had all the wolfy features one might imagine : a long and lean stature and muscular build, angular features (especially along his face) and he still had the same jet black, shiny hair he had as wolf fur; except now it just hung in shingy cords down to his collar-bone. He had pale skin, which I'm assuming was the reason for the white fur he had. I took a brief moment to wonder if he had the arrow behind his left ear as he used to. I wanted to run a few starnds of that silky curtain behind his pointed, elvish ears and see but that would now seem too... intimate? He wasn't the same as he was before, so the gesuture wouldn't be the same.

Everything was different now.  He was now a Faerie. He was capable of speech and showing feelings; in ways other than just an eye roll or a huff or simply walking away. I could no longer interpret his feelings or 'words' as I thought correct and as he no longer (or ever was anyway) a Spirit Companion, I couldn't just assume that he would do as I needed him to; simply because I needed him to. He was capable of speaking every angry word he never has when we argued, capable of a range more expressions; he was now able to leaving. He no longer needed me to translate for him or be his reason for being around here. He could do as he pleased now.

This was when he chose to turn around in the midst of one of his intricate pacing patterns and see that I was here. He just stared at me, mid-step, looking me up and down as if to see if I was hurt. Luckily for him he asked nothing of my wing. Maybe he'd learned a thing or two while in his forced silence : don't baby or chastise me about my health or you will find repercussions not so lovely.

"What?" I asked; suddenly rather conscious of his staring. I am glad I chose to put a shirt on under my corset today. I don't know if I could have taken his Faerie stare on me knowing what he has seen before whilst I believed he was merely an animal. I let all of my annoyance seep into the word trying to hide the sadness trying to sew it's way in underneath my sarcastic intentions for the word.

 He bowed in greeting saying "I am only glad you have arrived back, unharmed."

"uh-huh." He seemed sincere, but Gods be damned if I was going to let him think I believed that. "Well, are we ready?"

 "Let me consult Malachai. He's been hiding for a while now." He waved a hand towards the back of the house; all the while through the conversation his eyes not having left mine.

"I'll find him." I started towards the back of the house, hiking my pack up higher on my shoulder hoping it would hit His Lordness as I brushed by. I smirked a victory smirk as I heard a thud meaning the target had been found.

He sighed whence I had past him, but it wasn't a sigh of pain as I had hoped; no. It was more a sound of defeat. I tried not to wonder too much into it. "Malachai?" The word echoed down the hallway until I heard a reply from the kitchen at the end of the hall.

"In here!" he said. I followed the voice down the familiar hall to find him sitting at the table with a cup of tea that smelled of ginger and honey. I dropped my bag and belt on the floor between my feet as I sat in the chair across from him. I let out the breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding and leaned back in the wooden chair. "Ready to leave so soon after... recovery?" I didn't roll my eyes; but I wanted to. I should have guessed that if I didn't get it from His Lordship that I would have gotten it from Malachai.

"We need to go." I said simply.

"A heavy heart often misses things of great importance" he said over his teacup. This was an opening for me to rant my heart out. But, even with the opening standing there boldly in front of me, I was nervous to take it; what with Vishnu in the next room and all. I glanced towards the door and saw a shimmer as Elder raised a hand and flicked a sound trap over the walkway into the kitchen.

"I don't even know who he is anymore!" I blurted before I could bite my tongue. "He's right there, the same soul as he's always been, but, now knowing what I know it's like Vishnu and the Faerie out there are two completely different beings!" Elder nodded. "He's the only constant I've had, besides you, and he's seen me in every way possible through everything. He can't just go and change! and leave me..." I stifled a sob. "And then, what he said last night, and, there's rules aren't there? He's a Mixer; I'm a Fall." Elder raised his eyebrows at that but I kept going almost not even aware of his gesture. "And he was just a wolf not but five days ago! That's not... that's not even... I don't know." My whole body sagged on the table; arms, hands and chest. I let my head fall in hands. I felt lost. I don't think I'd let the deepest of my despair reach me even when I was alone in the forest this morning.  But here, with the closest to a father i've had for decades and the doorway blocked knowing Vishnu couldn't hear me it was all out of me; spilled across the table like ink.

"I had thought this was how you may be feeling." Elder said. I didn't look up. "Do you know why the Dragon Watchers are always Mixers?" I shook my head silently; still not looking up. "Many centuries ago, when dragons first agreed to work as our protectors, the Fall that our histories have forgotten least about, Mordecai, made a pact with Endrig who was the leader of the dragons at that time." I looked up now. My chin resting on my hands that I rested on the table; looking pitiful for sure. "The pact is one that has not been broken for 6 centuries." He eyed me now; and that look made me nervous. Strange things always follow that look. "As you know, there are only a few Falls in existence at one time" I broke in then.

"What was the pact?" I interupted.

"I'm getting there. Just a moment. Now," he continued "There are only a few Falls in existence at the same time. But, there is always at least one of each gender. The pact with the Dragon Watchers is that the acting Dragon trainer, which would be Lord Sairyn, is to be married to the acting Fall; which is why the Dragon Watcher is always a Mixer." He paused, briefly, as my mouth dropped open and hung there. "The Magick involved in the pact made it so there would be an attraction between the two, a calling of sorts; which I assume is why he knows you so well and feels what he needs to to keep you safe."

"But..." I started

"Love," he said as he cut me off "is always optional; Amaranth. But the potential is and always willl be there, that is, if you allow it to be."

Again I was speechless. I don't even know what there would have been to protest in the first place but I felt the need to say something; before he added in that last part. The part which probably made the most sense out of anything I've just been told.

"Now," he said, satisfied that I was done with my protesting (which you can be sure I was NOT) "we must come to sort of agreement between the two of you; no?"

I just looked at the table with my hands in my lap that were filled at that moment by Malachai's ferret. I petted him absent-mindedly and murmured to him that I wished Vishnu could have been like him. This recieved a throat-clearing from Elder.

"I know this is a lot Amaranth, but, you have to take the responsibilities assigned to you. As a Fall, we keep things running smooth; as you must do now. It's not for lack of love that you fight against Sairyn; this you cannot deny. An old man sees many things. Why you do fight him, I have my suspicions but will not press the issue. I assume it is fear, but Amaranth, you have nothing to fear from him. He even told you that he means you no harm; right?" I nodded. "And has he ever shown you otherwise?" He set down his cup as I shook my head in responce. "Alright then, so we have come to an agreement: no pushing him away, we accept at least his help and our duties, and we all try to get along and get these dragons taken care of. Can we do that, Little Bee?" 

I had to try harder to keep tears from my eyes just then, as, he had used his personal nickname for me that came out ever so rarely. But, by his using it, I knew he meant what he said with the utmost sincerity and meant me no harm in telling me what he did; and just wants the best for me and our people. I nodded. "Yes, I can do that."

He smiled and rose to wash his cup while eliminating the sound guard as he rose. "Good, shall we go then? We shall leave in an hour. Won't have much of a start, but at least it's a start." He said that last part while looking at me and I know what he meant: we are in this together. The ferret scampered off somewhere as Vishnu, er, Sairyn entered the kitchen doorway asking where he might find a pack to gather some supplies from the market place. As Malachai instructed him where to find one for each of us, I avoided Vishnu's glance and moved my pack around by my feet to hang it on the chair with my belt, just glad that my and Elder's conversation was over and that Vishnu hadn't heard a word.

"I can get my own things. I have most of them already anyways." I directed this statement towards Elder Malachai while not looking Vishnu's direction. Malachai threw an appraising look my way, and then towards my bag, assessing if the statement was true.

"I see, but, we may be gone for a few weeks. We shall need you to have a spare pack. I'm sure you forgot some things; like healing supplies?" His eyebrow raised. He knew I never had those things. I always came limping or dragging myself here; as I had since I was small.

"Fine. I'll accompany His Lordship to the market place." This earned an approving smile and remark from the Elder. Vishnu didn't look too disappointed either.

Chapter 21 : Making Ammends

I started towards Malachai's room and dug out 3 packs from our safe stash in the attic above his bedroom. I threw them down and heard an 'umph' that made me quite happy. I hope I hit his face. I jumped down and brushed past Vishnu while throwing stuff in the packs he held on his arms as I went along.

As I went through the drawers I made a list of things we'd need from the market place. "Sage, marigold, ginger, mint leaves, bandage wraps, bread, sealant, quartz..." I mumbled off to myself.

"I have need of some things as well." Vishnu said. "Probably not more than 20 tins worth, but some; seeing as I've been an animal for a while and all." I could hear the smirk in his voice and it actually took me a minute to wipe the smile off my face. That was just the kind of remark I'd have imagined he'd say: witty and completely wrong for the moment, but somehow still funny.

"Accounted for." I said. I shoved the extra pair of moccassins I kept here for just in case into my pack and then went into the kitchen with Vishnu trailing behind. Elder was back at the table now playing with Oliver, his ferret Companion.

"Did you find everything you needed, Young Ones?" I wasn't sure how I felt about being grouped in with Vishnu for any reason, but I guess he's always been included in everything, so, whatever.

"I found most of our supplies, but we're low on some herbs and spell needs and Vish- Sairyn needs some things as well; clothes and such I'm assuming." Elder nodded.

"You know where the jars are, and the pouch is in the same place."

"I do!" I said and wandered through the hall down to my room to the drawer at my bedside and counted out 60 tin peices for trading. The pouch we always used for the trade pieces lay in the drawer beside the jars.  

I went back into the kitchen and saw that vishnu had lined our packs up on one of the counter tops. I went to mine and placed the white one I had brought from home in front of the brown one I kept here; transfering all it's contents to the bigger one. I slung my now empty white pack onto my shoulder and split the coins between a small pouch and the one Malachai kept. I turned to the table where Malachai and Vishnu sat and dropped a pouch before Vishnu.

"For your... things." I said.

He nodded. "I appreciate it." I quickly turned to Malachai.

"We shall take our leave now. Is there anything you'll be needing I may not have thought of?"

"Perhaps some traveling food for Oliver here, but, I'm sure you've thought of everything else." He smiled. "Have a good walk Young Ones."

My heart tugged a little when I thought of how I used to pack food for Vishnu when we would travel. A task no longer needed. Not that I minded that he could get his own food now, but, that wasn't the point.

"We'll be back soon." I kissed his cheek and turned away quickly. Heading towards the door. I heard a conversation that resembled 'take care of her' but ignored it.

I reached the door and a hand shot out in front of me to open it. I looked up and saw Vishnu's face above mine. "Allow me." He said softly. "Now that I can do such things." I nodded and back up a step then took my leave when he opened the door. I heard it shut softly behind us and the a few heavy footsteps and he had caught up to me already. We headed down the path we both knew by heart that led to the heart of the market place. "I would off you a ride, but, I don't think it would work quite the same as it used to." He had a light-hearted tone to his voice as he tried to make conversation that I wasn't sure I could handle.

"Your voice is deeper than I thought it would be." To be honest, I didn't even hear what he'd said. It was just crazy that he had a voice... he could speak to me. Isn't that what I'd always wanted anyway? To know what he was thinking behind those eyes that spoke loud enough for themselves or were sometimes too quiet? At least now I knew why.

My train of thought was broken by his laughter. Gods he had a nice laugh. A deep and dark laugh that hit your insides and made his voice seem like a song in comparison to his laugh which was like, in a good way, bells created by Hades himself. I wonder is Persephone ever felt this way.

"What?" I asked him; a little self concious.

"That isn't quite what I'd expected you to say." He still had laughter in his voice. "But then, you've never said or done exactly what I expected. Probably why I find it so challenging to look after you."

"I'm not that difficult." I grumbled.

"Not when you decide to listen once upon a blue moon." He smirked.

"I do too listen! Not that you ever talked to tell me anything to listen to!" We both stopped walking at that point and my hands flew to my mouth. I hadn't meant for that to come out.

"Amaranth," He started and I turned my back to him; breathing heavily. "Amaranth, I know you're hurt and angry." I felt tentative hands on my shoulders now. I didn't move. I felt his forhead rest amongst my curls piled on my head. "I want you to know I'm ok with the fact that you're angry with me; I understand completely. But, you should know I wished every day to change it." I turned and looked at him now, his hands still on my shoulders, but we were facing eachother. "I take it Elder told you of why I had to find you?" I nodded. "That as well, I want you to know that when I found you I didn't mean to use you. I fully intended to be the best animal I could be; in case that's all I ever was. Gods know you needed it," he laughed a small laugh "but in the end, I needed it too. We need eachother; Amaranth. So if nothing else, let's agree to try to keep it how it was, except maybe with conversation in both directions?"

I looked into those silver eyes that pleaded with me. Split in half beneath my emotions; wanting to run and yell that I hated him for lying to me but I wanted to just cry too. I'd missed those eyes, and being close to him, and even though he was just a Companion before he was still my best friend; I missed my best friend. I loved him, I loved my friend, and I didn't want to lose that just because he lost his fur and paws.

I closed the distance between us within a second and hugged him so tightly. I know I caught him by surprise because it was a few seconds before he responded. He hugged me even tighter than I him. It was like letting out a breath I'd been holding for ages; hugging him just now. Suddenly I was airborne as he swung me around and we laughed; me in surprise and he probably out of fun. He set me down after a moment.

"I'd always wanted to do that!" he said and laughed again. his hands around my neck and shoulder and forehead against mine. "There's something else I've wanted to do for a while..." He trailed off. I felt my breath catch and he looked at me from wherever far-off-place he'd been staring to. His lips quirked up on the side and then he leaned in real close, very slowly, and licked my cheek all the way up my cheek bone. 

I shoved him away with an "Vishnuuuuu!" Making him laugh even harder. But I just couldn't be mad with that laugh and the irony of the whole few moments just now.  

"You always did say that." He chuckled as his laughter was dying down. I finished wiping my face and crossed my arms. "Shall we?" and he offered his arm after having picked up my pack off the ground.

"If you promise not to lick me again." He nodded with a false solemnness in his face. I took his arm and we began walking again.

"At least not for a while." he added. I rolled my eyes.

Chapter 22 : The Marketplace

You could hear the revelries in the market place square even before you could see it. There were always musicians and dancers in the square keeping everyone lively and joyful during the long days. Some people only ever came to the sqaure to dance and sing and drink and dance some more. It really was a joy that sucked you in and made you want to dance all day; like the stories the humans say about us being addictive? Dancing in this realm is addictive. We do have our own addictive qualities as a people, but, that aside.

It felt kind of strange to be accompanied by an actual Faerie rather than a wolf. I was used to the calm, quiet companionship. Talking almost felt foreign to me sometimes. Yes, I talked to Vishnu as a wolf but it was different than actually talking; especially to him. But, this felt familiar too, taking the long winding paths to the marketplace.

As we crossed the threshhold of trees surrounding the market you could instantly feel the veil of music and laughter and fun that draped itself over the place. The stands all along the square were brimming with Faerie treats and wines and clothes and flowers. Behind the innner-most ring of stands was a second ring of stands and carts with all the lone tradesman and craftsman proudly showing off pottery, baskets, jewlery, trinkets and such of their own design. Finally, behind the 2nd ring were all of the permanant shops. They boasted all of the main goods and clothing and supplies; usually seperated by gender for clothes, gathering place for food, and trade for the other things.

I always stop and just look around and enjoy breathing in the revilrie of the square, so when I came to, I realised that a few people were staring. I turned to Vishnu and asked "Why are they..." I turned away quickly. Obviously, because they had never seen Vish- er, Sairyn, before. Not to mention the fact that I am never without my wolf nor with a male Faerie unless I decide to go out on the rare occassion and join the dancing in the square. It has been a while since I've made an appearance so that could be part of it as well. I was suddenly very aware of my hand being linked through his arm and started to pull away but his other hand was instantly on top of my hand; keeping it resting on his forearm.

He started walking towards the dancers and leaned down so I could hear him as the music grew louder. "You have surprised them. Shall we surprise them more?" I could hear the smile in his voice. I looked up at him with the question on my face of 'how' and suddenly we were dancing. Right in the middle of everyone spinning around. I took the chance to look around and a few familiar faces nodded to me in respect, a few smiled, and a few of the males didn't even try to hide their open mouths. I couldn't help but laugh. Not to mention, Sairyn was actually a brilliant dancer. Dancing was mindless with him. It was like flying with the breeze; something natural and easy like breathing. I wonder who taught him to dance. His father? Maybe his mother?

We slowed down to a stop now. We had danced all the way to the opposing side of the square. I looked at him, a little out of breath, and released myself from his hold to brush myself off and push a few curls behind my ear. I tried to ignore the stares that I still felt. Vishnu didn't seem to notice.

"You never cared what they thought before; why care now?" Vishnu said, then popped a grin. "Ashamed of me are you?"

"No. I just don't like the attention."

"You're a Fall for the love of the Gods! You've always had that attention." He said this in good humor, but all the same what he was talking about was different. That was respect and curisoity of my power. This attention is merely a curiosity of my personal life. Because they know the dragons to be gone, and I am the first Fall to not be mated to the Dragon Keeper, I have my options open to an extent; or so they think. I don't know what they expect him to be, but, either way he's with me and it's drawing unwanted attention. I looked back at Vishnu trying to ignore them. "They'll get over it." He said softly. "Plus, we'll be around eachother for a while." He smirked at that. The comment brought many things upon me instantly though: the thunderous truth of him being my Mate, the soft whispers of the comfort of constance, and a shyness of something I couldn't place.

"Let's go gather our supplies." I said softly. "I'll start with things I need and our food and supplies. Why don't you get whatever you need and then find me when you're done?"

"Very well. I'll return shortly." He bowed shortly and headed off towards the clothing shoppes.

I stopped first at the herbal stores and made my way to the crystals, taking my time looking at the Labradorite and blue Obsidian. They were the prettiest. I paid for the quartz I held and quickly left before temptation overtook me. I knew better than to go by Senior Allivander's cart but he always made the prettiest of the jewlery. His young apprentice was quite obnoxious too. I walked to the outer-ring and made my way through the thrings of Faeries leisurly shopping and trading to his cart anyways. Alexander, the apprentice, smield immediately when he saw me.

"No Vishnu today?" he asked brightly, not hiding the fact that it delighted him Vishnu wasn't at my side. Right now, I almost wished he was.

"He's around." I said as my eyes wandered looking for him. "I let him scamper off for a while." I moved over to the other side of the cart and hugged Allivander. "Anything new for me to pine for today?"

The old man grinned at my familiar greeting. As a Fall, craftsman normally give you things that you like for a small price or free, just for the advertising that a Fall wearing their creations would bring. I never let Allivander because his work was far too precious. My clothes are designed special at my request so I pay for those as well.  

"I have this circlet over here" he pointed to the rack above our heads at a gold circlet hosting tiny amber stones and diamonds. I picked it up carefully; it was very light weight, as were all of his jewlery. Nothing was gaudy or obnoxious just simply beautiful in it's own original way.

"Oh, Allivander, it's amazing!" His work never ceased to amaze me. He smiled at me then; a full, loving smile. If I didn't have Malachai I'd enlist him to be my father... minus Alexander. I went to put it back up on the hook I took it from and saw an identical one, but it was silver and had emeralds and black onyx stones. It lacked something, but was still beautiful. I took it down to look at it.

"I made that one" Alexander said. His voice hopeful, searching for praise. 

I went over to him and handed it to him, placing it with the center up in his hands. "Hold it there" I told him. I dug through the pile of gems in the center of the cart for a diamond shaped emerald and when I found one placed in the center of the peice Alexander held.

"Wow." He said; more to himself than to me. "That does complete it... if you ever want to learn-"

"That's alright," I said "I'll leave these things to you and Allivander." His face fell. He was quite an eligable Faerie; but he just, wasn't for me. And now I can say I actually have a reason: I'm betrothed now. I guess I always was but just, nobody knew about it. Not that I'm going to tell anybody until we bring the dragon back and people will know my place is with Vishnu, but, still.

"Oh Alexander!" Allivander called. "Young Marigold is on her way over here." I smiled at him in thanks for trying to relieve me of Alexander's attentions. I kissed Allivander on the cheek saying I'll be back again and set my pack back on my shoulder to move on back to my list.

"I'll keep working on that special peice for you when you're ready for it!" Allivander called after me. He's been saying that for a couple years now. I doubt he actually has it, but, if I ever wanted something beautiful he will be my first call.

I made my way back to the shops and went in search of traveling food. I had made my way around this side of the street collecting my items as I went but as I rounded the corner I couldn't help but stop to glance at the small plain stone building at the end on this side of the square. I knew what it was, don't get me wrong, but I had never been there. I left the visits to that place for the mourning, lonely, and bereft. Not that I hadn't ever felt that way, but I'd never felt the urge to go there and beg of the Moirai to change things that they will not change. Not that they can't; but them having the years they do along with the knowledge to give them the 'God status' that the humans gifted them many years ago, they often do not go back on their original spiderweb of a plan. I felt an un-welcome pang of longing almost, to go there and ask them why they have tied me to the one being whom I wish not to be tied to due to the extenuating circumstances. I had a fleeting thought somewhere in the back of my mind that even Inteus would be a better choice for me. But, as I said, it was fleeting and no-one will see me shudder up to them today. In a few days though.... you never know. I shake my head of all these thoughts and move on the next side of the square.

I was almost to the store front I'm aiming for when I saw Sairyn making his way through the crowded cobblestone street. He wore new black riding boots and carrried a bow and arrow pack strapped to his back and he was stuffing a couple parcels into his pack that hung on his forearm. I'd been staring, I realised, as he looked up and smiled. It was a very puppy-esque smile; completely, un-reasonably happy and bright. I smiled shakily and headed into the store grabbing things and putting them in my pack as I walked along the aisles. After a moment Vishnu was behind me, trailing as he usally does, and when my pack was full I went to put it on my shoulder but he took it from me and silently handed me the empty third pack. I nodded in thanks; trying to avoid the stares that I could feel from every direction.

Fae nodded their heads or curtsied as I passed them and I muttered soft responses and acknowledgments robotically. I wondered how the people will accept him; once they know who he is. Will he share my status and recieve the same respect as I or will he be frowned upon since the last Watchers known were his parents? The people might wonder why he has done nothing. Would the curse placed on him make the Fae question his judgements? I handed some tin coins to the market over-seer and walked out; the questions still revolving in my mind.

One could practically hear the thoughts revolving in their minds as if they were clearly displayed through a glass sheet on their forehead. For now, they just wondered who he was; admired him for his rugged beauty that many Fae don't possess. They wondered who he was to me and where he came from; perhaps they wondered why he was here. All questions I wished I didn't know the answer to. I wished I were as oblivious as they; only marveling at the beauty that was this newcomer.


Texte: Lucia E Eurheart
Lektorat: Lucia E Eurheart
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.07.2014

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My sister, who is in love with teen fiction.

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