
Fairy Kingdom

Being the only elven girl in the village was hard, there were different stretches of the kingdoms, every single one of them had their own style, culture.  Sakura was born half fairy, and half elven.  Typically she would be living in the forest of fairies like the rest of them, except she didn’t have any parents so she was alone for most of her life growing up without knowing her actual ways of magic.  Sakura was an unfortunate soul.  With nothing much but her old little home in a tree, she was kind of happy, until well she ran into some travelers that didn’t quite see her as a child.  They took her along with some other girls, but to them Sakura was gold, she was half elven and fairy.  Something about her life always made her feel like she just didn’t know when it was going to start or end.




She wasn’t really equipped to be alone, just when she thought that maybe the travelers would just take her things and leave, she had been dragged off to a neighboring kingdom.  They traveled for a while, barely any food, water, it was starting to look bleak for Sakura.  The girl had gone through most of her life trying to stay alive, now she was being pulled around by people who thought it was funny to use the woman however they pleased on their way.  She wasn’t exactly willing though.

For days they went through a forest that almost seemed never ending, only because it was the fairy kingdom that they were traveling through.  Most of the women and children along the wagon being dragged were half dead already, leaving Sakura the only girl left, trying to be a hero was beyond point, she’d never try.  The kingdom of fairies aren't too fond of travelers, which was the case that they were in now, Sakura was punished more than the others because of what she was, pure light.  

They came to a stop when they just simply gave up, only after the kingdom of fairies had ordered some of their troops to mess with the wagon and take the prisoners back to their homesteads.  Sakura watched as a fairy approached each one but she was left there, her arms tied up above her, and the remaining dried blood between her legs.  Hope was bleak, and so was life for her.  

After hours and weeks of crying, the ground under her started to sink in, the rope sliding off her hands slowly, her body laid limp as she was dragged under the ground from where she sat.  

An old fairy caught her as she lazily fell into the arms of the healer.  “They didn’t sense you, but I did, you seem to be a lot more hurt than the others.  You are special aren’t you? They planned on selling you probably to a high bidder once they got past the kingdom.”

She saved her breath on asking who the lady was, rather she just let the darkness seep into her mind, causing her head to stir. 
The healer took her to an underground cave filled with water, and simply let her body drift under the waters.  Sakura rested in the waters for days it seemed like.  The fairy queen and king made their way to see what the commotion was about, the healer had told them that they had missed an unfortunate fairy who was attached to the wagon for probably weeks.  Peaceful is how the small child looked in the water, almost dead like.  The queen simply bent down touching the surface of the water, waking the child from her long slumber.

New Purpose


All the fairies knew of the wagon, how people were being captured just for their own pleasure.  This young elven fairy, she wasn’t like others though.  “Do you know who I am?”

Even though Sakura was a fairy, and she didn’t quite know anything about herself, she shook her head while sitting up in the water.  “I see.  You are very brave.  Most of the prisoners with you didn’t have as much harm inflicted on them as you did.”

The King of fairies held his hand out, but Sakura kept to herself, she didn’t speak, she had no way of speaking.  “Come, we will take you where you belong, I think wherever you were wasn’t a place for you,” the King stated lightly.

Still, no movement came from her, she refused to trust anyone, and she refused to take his hand.  As the King of fairies it wasn’t taken lightly of her dismissal, but he could respect a strong soul when he saw one.  Then the woman held her hand out waiting for her to take it.  “Do you not speak? How is it that one of our own doesn’t speak or use magic?”

Sakura stood up in the water, her feet barely holding up for herself.  The healer took the girl’s hand and kind of dragged her out of the water to meet the king and queen's gaze.  There had been more than one reason that the healer had brought them down to see her.  Now she was up close, and they could tell she was not only a fairy, but she was an elven.  “Special indeed, do you have any parents? Where do you live?”

Sakura kept quiet, she refused to speak, especially to people she didn’t know.  “What do you want from me?” Sakura crossed her arms at them, not caring who they were.  “Ah, you do speak..”

“Course I speak,” She rolled her eyes, showing disrespect to them, she was smaller than most fairies, and elven.  “Now, that’s no way to talk to us after helping you-”

“You didn’t help me, this healer did, stop taking credit for shit you didn’t do.”

After everything she’s been through, she couldn’t do it, let another person touch her, if anything there was something boiling inside her growing wild.  

The ground started shaking as her blood boiled, then she pressed her hands onto the soil, “this tree is dying, also I’m leaving before my potions burn my tree down,” she turned back to the healer and handed her a small bottle filled with golden water.  “It’s stardust, thank you for saving my life.  I'm forever in your debt.”

The older lady was shocked by her tiny essence that she just gave up.  The star dust that was collected usually came from the elven trees, when the elven is sad the dush sheds onto the nearest flower beds, it’s unlikely to come across so much of it.  Just means that Sakura was living a life of hell.  “What is your name child?”

“I’m not telling you, I gave you my stardust, and in the stardust there is special…magic in it…when it is needed to use it, use it, it can revive almost anything.  I have studied the properties of the elven woods, as for the fairies forest, it is dying.  Just one drop into this small water and it should keep it alive for a couple thousand years.  By then you all would be dead, me..I’m going to live for a long time sadly.”

“Why would you give away something so precious?” The healer was trying to make sense of this, but Sakura just smiled.  “Because I have more, a lot more, which is why I need to get back to the carriage that those people kidnapped me from.  They raided my home, and stole my potions that I’ve been working on for three years. I do what I can to get money and buy food from the markets.  Show me the way out healer.”

At first the healer was very hesitant, the Queen and King were intrigued by her ideals of marketing, but nobody was like Sakura, she was a hybrid of an elven and a fairy.  The Queen agreed to finally let the girl go, there wasn’t really any point in keeping her around considering she just diagnosed the land by just feeling the ground.  The old lady cleared open the ground above the child, then she just glared at the healer.  “Seriously? It’s not like I can fly or use magic, get me out of here.”

“Don’t be bossy…I was actually wondering, child.  Would you consider being my apprentice? I of course have enough in my budget.  I could use the extra hands, my hands are a bit rough, I could use a younger set to help with my studies..which involve potions.”

Sakura had to think about that, then she began to smirk, money is what she wanted, just enough money then she’d finally get out of her weird home she calls a tree.  “Alright, fine weirdo, I’ll accept your offer.”

She watched as the old lady froze in stardust inside a globe, and her magic did the rest for her.



Even though she was still given the option to leave, Sakura stuck around, the Queen and King looked at all of her potions seeing how smart the girl was.  The healer gave her, her first home.  Staying only seemed reasonable to Sakura.  While they were getting her potions around Sakura kept staring at her new boss, seeing how she was in love with everything that they kept finding.  All of Sakura’s potions were there in the box! None were broken and the healer was fond of how smart Sakura was.  “How long did you say you’ve been studying the elven forest?”

“About four years.  My name is not what it name is short..Silverflower.  Instead you can just call me Sakura though.”

“Silverflower?..That's a very adorable name.  Do you have parents among our people? I’d really like to meet them.”

She didn’t say anymore to the healer, she began tossing her sealed potions into a box then tossing them into the hole that they just came out of.  Sakura had help getting out, she didn’t really plan on going back in, the King and Queen had suggested she come and stay in the palace just until she finds what she wants to do.  

Life was taking her onto another path, the path she was going on, had a lot of bumps.  As she made her way with them through the streets, fairies kept staring at her.  Once in the palace they gave her a key, a room in a tower where she could see everything from miles away.  



The Queen was a gentle being, her husband has a knick for anger which is why his hair went all white, but they were very nice towards Sakura, her first night there she was introduced to many of the guardsmen, there they titled her as their princess.  Under protection of the fairies, they would keep the child safe.  The Queen wasn’t yet expecting a child, but she figured while her husband and his adventuring would stifle she’d finally get a child, that was until Sakura showed up, a nine year old pip squeak who was shy but had a big mouth when she wanted to say something.

As she was scrolling through her books, Madeline, her supervisor, well actually she is the Queen of fairies, but she had to teach Sakura to be a good princess.  It’s like she just adopted the girl into her home.  “Now, the key to concentrating your magic is to have the skill, I’m not so sure if you have it because you are a hybrid.”
“What’s a hybrid?” Sakura eyed Madeline with suspicion.  The woman let a very loud laugh out, her laughing was deep, then she just patted the girl on the head.  “It means your mother is an elven, and somewhere here..”

“Is my papa?” She finished, but then she started to shake her head.  “Not possible, it’s not possible because I wasn’t born in the elven forest.  When I arrived in the human town, I had come from a woman who just simply gave birth then left..I’m not a hybrid, I’m positive about that!”

Madeline found the girl to be amusing, she went over to a flower bed that was laid on the floor like a blanket.  “Come sit, it’s time we discuss your concentration, I want you to be able to lift the flower petals around us.  Sometimes when in danger it’s best to hide.”

“If I get on the flower, can we then talk more about hybrids? I want to know what I am, if I am not a human..and I’m not elven-”
“You are elven darling, now come sit, we are done discussing this hybrid thing.”

Sakura was more concerned actually now, “what if..they come back? You only scared them off into the woods the other day…if I’m going to learn magic I want to do one thing! I want to help villages!” Sakura gasped with excitement at her new dream, that was until Madeline grabbed her hand pulling her onto the flower bed.  “You are a princess now Sakura, it’s important that you protect your subjects.”

She criss crossed her legs expecting to get herself to do whatever the hell Madeline was doing, except, whatever the fairy queen was doing she couldn’t get herself to do it.  “I feel like I’m blocked, like something is stuffing my magic.”

Sakura took a few deep breaths then she released whatever it was bothering her, in the same process of doing so, she thought about what she wanted to do, and it happened, without using any pixy dust, but she felt something flutter behind her as the petals closed in around them.  “Well..that is..unexpected..” Madeline gleamed at Sakura.  “Was..did..umm..” Sakura scratched her head nervously, “was that supposed to happen?”

“No..not really.  It must mean..because you are already powerful enough, you don’t need practice, you just need to think and it’s done, you are..even more powerful than me, a lot more.  Which means..wherever you came from, you weren’t meant to be kidnapped, for all we could be a princess of a neighboring kingdom!” Happily the fairy queen stood up making the rose petals split a part resting back down like a throw blanket.  “How is that possible if I’m a half breed? If my papa is somewhere in this kingdom..then that would mean my mummy is an elven.  If that’s true anyways, obviously she didn’t want me because she fell in love with..a fairy,” Sakura’s head dropped to her hands.  

Lilly appeared in the doorway, her staff clunk onto the door frame a few times.  “Let’s go little one, potions don’t make themselves!” 

For the first time in Sakura’s life, she wasn’t interested in doing anything, she’d been trying her hardest to stay alive, the most time she actually did want to die was when she was kidnapped from her own hollow tree.  While she’d love to just sit and do nothing for more than one hour, she knew that she must fill into her agreement that she made.  The girl took her hand allowing Lillywater to take her hand dragging her to the next event of the day.  

It was a long exhausting day of nothing but potions, potions and collecting mushrooms from the forest, Sakura was good at checking what was good or bad, farming things was usually her hobby.  The healer had many techniques that Sakura didn’t know about, to her delight, Sakura learned more things, she couldn’t help but laugh at herself for wanting so badly to rest earlier.  This activity kept her mind off things, besides her trauma from a few nights ago, then there was the fact that she can’t sleep, she just felt the need to keep herself from thinking about what happened to her.

Under a very big tree were millions of mushrooms, was this fairy sleeping.  Lillywater poked the fairy with her staff, signaling the fairy to move, because right under tha fairy was pixies.  Most of the pixies that are used usually are well known for their magic healing properties.  Just the fairy that had rested its wings under the wrong tree, smashed every single one of them.  Sakura remembered what Madeline said about her abilities of magic.  Fairies have magic properties to restore something, and making new, physical abilities would be simply moving objects.  One side of the fairies have magic uses of water, earth, trinkets, sunlight, and finally but not least, wind and plants.  There were many of the fairies who had jobs around the city, their jobs were important such as the healer's abilities.  Sakura had only mastered the ability to close a flower, to heal the flowers would be a risky move.

She moved her blond locks behind her back before getting down on the ground, she was willing to try it.  Sakura could tell if a forest was dying, she saw no reason why she couldn’t fix a few flowers.  “Madeline said I was special Lillywater..she said I could just think and my magic would work on its own..all I need is concentration..could I possibly test my magic on these flowers?”

They were practically dead from the fairy sleeping on them, Lillywater didn’t see any problem with it, no harm, just in case though, she took a pixie and tucked it into a basket with some purple mushrooms.  “Alright, just once, if you burn the forest down then it’s not my fault, I will straight up say that before you proceed.”

“Aren’t I you’re apprentice? Then shouldn’t you be the one who follows through with giving me the opportunity with things? In other are responsible for whatever I do-”

“Alright, then I revoke the apprenticeship, just until you are done with whatever you're about to do,” Lillywater sighed.

Once more, the girl crossed her legs then she bent low enough to the small crushed pixies.  It would be rare to have another healer, only because healers are rare, each kingdom only has one assigned to a kingdom, Even though this was the biggest thing she’s ever done in her entire life, she focused on it.  For some time they sat waiting for her to fix the flowers.  Lillywater was about to say something sarcastic to the girl because Sakura was trying to do magic out of her elements, that was until Sakura turned away losing concentration and the pixies started to glow then they looked brand new…just they over grew and became very big like the oak tree standing before them.  Sakura was so amazed by her new ability she couldn’t help but squeal in delight! “What do you think, Lillywater!? Did I do good!? Perfect, right!?”

Gently Lillywater patted the girl on the head, then she caught a glimpse of the child's wings that were fluttering with excitement as she kept jumping up and down, the girl had strange markings on her wings, but after the light faded from the large pixie flowers her wings simply disappeared.  Amused, Lillywater smiled at her.  “Yes, they are very perfect, I don’t think I will need anymore for the year if I simply cut a small opening in it.  This tree feeds off the springs under the ground where most of our supplies are for healing, which means if we are lucky, the roots to these new pixie flowers..more like pixie trees, will do the same giving it the properties to heal.  Now I’m going to task you with a very big responsibility Silverflower.”

Anticipation was written all over the child’s face, she so badly wanted whatever wisdom that her healer had to give.  “I want you to guard these pixie trees until I come back with the right tools.  If you need me, tap on the ground a few times, I will hear.”

With a small wink, the older woman shrank into this tiny image of herself and went into the tree trunk of the big oak.  “W-why can’t I do that?” Sakura whispered to herself.  For a while Lillywater was away for quite some time leaving the young child anxiously waiting, she was finding that her eyelids were starting to get really heavy.  Falling asleep wasn’t what she wanted to do, but then she heard some humming, almost a familiar humming noise, it caused her head to stir with no patience left inside of her to guard the flowers.  She figured if Lillywater wanted more she could always ask her to grow some more.  

In the distance, a man stood, he was very handsome, strong, and yet he was tinkering with something, at first she kind of glanced back at the pixie flowers before sneaking up on him.  He looked like he was having fun, she on the other hand was very miserable that she was leaving a trail behind her of stardust wherever she went.  “W-what are you doing?” She squeaked from behind a tree, waiting for him to turn around.

The voice startled him, then he noticed the tiny girl’s blond hair, she wasn’t hiding that well.  “I’m building a carriage.  You don’t look like you're from here? Ah! Forgive my manners, I didn’t are the new princess right?”

Curiously she came out from hiding, but she still kept her distance, “you are building a carriage? Why do you need a carriage when you have wings?” 

“Trade, we can trade the carriages with other kingdoms, then we filter in from whatever resources that they give us in return, it’s just a trading system, princess Silverflower,” he proudly spoke while hammering a wheel into place along with some nails that kept floating around his head.  Sakura warmly smiled at him, “can I try?”

Being a princess, he wasn’t sure, until she took a small branch that looked like it had broken off the tree next to her, and she just squinted her eyes at the branch, and it turned into a hammer, good enough for building, helping him.  “Now can I help? It’s big enough for me! See?”

He held his hand out, introducing himself to his new help.  “I’m Tip, only because I get good tips from my customers.  I know who you are..I like your attitude, I’ve never met a princess who was interested in building, let alone if she can,” he winked at her making a small giggle come out of her.  “I don’t want to brag, but I bet I can hammer all those nails into the wheel, in just a blink of an eye!” 

Enthused, he stepped back looking at his handiwork, trying to decide if it would be right to allow her to destroy his hard work.  Then he reminded himself that he is a tinker fairy after all, if she did mess it up, he could simply fix it, but as he turned back to the wheel, all the nails that he didn’t put in himself were in the wheel.  

Innocently Sakura giggled, she took some more nails out of his tool box next to him.  “Can I do the next wheel!? I like this have a very fun job Tip.”

Something about this princess impressed him, he couldn’t help but feel suddenly proud, like this was his own daughter.  His family was still at home, his kids are still little trying to learn how to fly.  “Well I don’t see why not, then why don’t you sign this wheel?”

“Really!?” Sakura leapt with joy, it made the big man fairy chuckle, he’s never seen a fairy so passionate about work, just her.  After helping him with his work she returned back to the pixie flowers.  

Lillywater wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t exactly happy all the time anyways.  “I thought I told you to stay put.  Don’t you understand what, stay, means?”

“ sorry,” Sakura started to feel faint, worn out from using the magic, her small frail body fell limp, but Lillywater quickly used some dust to stop her from falling flat on her face.  The girl then was held up on the woman’s shoulder.  Tip noticed and he lent a carriage that he finished before the one he had been working on with Sakura.  

Madeline was worried about the girl’s state.  Rock, the King of fairies, he wasn’t exactly sure what to think, he was very worried inside but he showed no emotions at all, good poker face.

To Elven Kingdom?


Just two days and the elven fairy child had touched everyone's hearts.  “What’s wrong with her Lillywater?”

Regretfully, Lillywater sighed.  “I’m not so sure, she used her magic in the forest to regrow some pixie flowers that died, then Tip explained to me that she overworked herself by tinkering.  Perhaps she hasn’t slept since that incident with those bandits? I’ve noticed that she isn’t quite concentrating lately, almost like she’s not there.”

Rock took a seat on one of the petals, his eyes looking over Sakura trying to figure out what was wrong with her.  “Maybe..the reason she lived between the elven and fairy forest is because she can’t live without both? I have looked into her living quarters, even though it’s not safe for her to return, perhaps she must? Princess Silverflower might be powerful, but she is special.”

The healer started to shake her head in disbelief of what he was insinuating.  “No, she must not go back, she is just what I needed.  I’ve already grown attached to her in the little time that she’s been here, maybe we could just let her rest and see how she does when she awakens?” Lilllywater was really eager to keep Sakura, going back could chance another raid, then the Princess could be lost forever in trauma, if she was powerful, more powerful than the queen and king of fairies, she could go crazy and burn both forests down.  “We can’t chance it, and Lillywater is right, she knows a lot about the plants around us, and maybe our own healer can benefit from her information? I could even learn from the child.  We all could.”

Deep down they all knew she would need to return home at some point, if she wanted to leave then she would, having a fairy mixed with an elven was uncommon, they all were very patient with her to wake up.  

On the fifth day, the girl awakened.  Madeline came to check on the girl, finding her singing a song to herself while using a brush to try and mat out her curls.  She kept singing until her eyes skimmed over to the door that creaked open more.  “Oh no, don’t stop on my accounts darling.  Would you like help? I can tell your brush is stuck..”

She blushed then nodded at Madeline, trusting her to come closer.  “I heard someone speaking to me, she told me to wake up, so I did,” Sakura smacked her hands together trying to make something happen, except nothing appeared before her.  Really, she was just so happy that she couldn’t keep it inside.  “She told me that I was very pretty, and that she would meet me soon and then we would be together…but it was just a dream right? N-nobody wanted me before,” she went very quiet, now there was a very sad cloud looming over the room.  “What did this woman look like? Do you remember?” Madeline tried to bring her back to happiness, but she just closed off again like always.  After a few seconds she began to smile.  “I never saw her, she just spoke to me, and then my nightmares went away..”

Typically it just meant that someone wanted to tell her that she was important, in the saddest times a fairy has, a part of them drifts off into a sleep, in this sleep they are greeted by the goddess of fairies.  Madeline shook off the very thought of this child being the goddess's child.  “I don’t..want to think about it anymore,” she whispered to Madeline.  Things that she just kept pushing aside couldn’t be put away forever.  

Lillywater had come into the room overhearing this, and she took her staff and smacked it onto the girl’s head.  “Get up, we are going back to work, if you ever worry me again you little pip squeak, I might let you die the next time this happens.”

She rolled her eyes before bending down and wrapping a necklace around her neck.  “Now, if you ever wear any jewelry, the magic properties of this necklace will spread to the other jewelry, anything that makes you feel comfortable to sleep with..if it were me I would prefer to wear a shell anklet.”

What she didn’t expect was a very big embrace from the child.  “I don’t want to go back, don’t leave me in the forest Lillywater,” her voice was muffled as she spoke into the woman’s black dress.  Still shocked, Lillywater just patted the girl on the back affectionately, it wasn’t like she got hugs a lot.  “Okay, come pip squeak, we have studying to do..”

A warm smile crossed on her face as the girl backed off, scurrying to pull some clothes over her nightgown.  “I’m ready!”

They loved to see her smile, even though she was different, exceptional, she was lovely to have around.  After about two weeks she was already trained enough to take care of sickly people, while Lillywater sat off to the side watching Sakura take over her job.  “There is something I must tell you, Sakura.”

The girl stopped treating her patient and just glanced over at Lillywater.  “What? Did I do something wrong?”

“No child.  I just wanted to inform you that you are going to the elven kingdom for a while..they are in need of a healer, the queen was informed of your abilities, and that you are both elven and fairy, she is intrigued.”

Sakura couldn’t believe how far her princess title had spread already, but she wasn’t impressed that she had to leave Lillywater, she wasn’t ready to just up and go.  “C-can..I think about it?”

Not once was she ever just a child that had a family, a real family, but now she could tell her new path was to heal people! The only worries that she had were more bandits, if anyone found out that she was probably worth a lot more gold coins because of her magic, then her travels would be more than just bumpy.  

Poison Mushrooms


They got her ready to leave, none of them truly wanted to say goodbye, Madeline was overjoyed that Sakura was going to be someone, that she was finding herself, she gifted Silverflower a small bell.  “If you ever need me, call me.”

That was all weeks ago, now Sakura stood before several dead trees, she couldn’t understand what happened.  Before she was kidnapped the soils of the kingdom were thriving.  As she started walking more into the kingdom, the trees kept creeking.  Sakura looked around a couple sick trees trying to find the source of the vines, yet there was no hope, it was as if the entire forest was burned.  Luckily, Sakura had more of her star dust, she had a lot of bottles.  Sometimes she would always wonder why the elven didn’t heal the forest themselves instead of using a healer, this just happened to be the reason why the Elven kingdom kept losing their healers.  She poured every last bit of her concoction into the dead soil, the soil started to look a lot more better, just no green on any of the trees.  

Sakura set up a small camp near the dead creepy trees, she was going to do some tests before even thinking of arriving at the palace of the Elven.  The girl was very much aware of how many illnesses there were, luckily the bottles she brought of star dust were just enough for the infected areas of the forest.  The very thought of the elven falling ill to probably a water source, caused her stomach to turn in knots.  Water doesn’t usually go bad unless pollution is involved with poison.  Poison is common in these woods, some of the mushrooms that grow aren’t good, if some of the elves don’t keep up on their forest, the water will get toxic, then the trees die, and everything that is touched is terminally ill.

Which was why Sakura was thanking Lillywater for packing her bags, because even a healer must carry around a small tiny shovel! To find out if the roots have rotted out yet, Sakura dug a small hole.  Holding her breath, and keeping herself in a stance to be very careful of what she touched.  

Some of the roots were rotted, but one left made her heart flutter with the greatest opportunity! That was until someone behind her poked her with their sword to the back of the head.  “I-I don’t have anything!” Silverflower trembled.

“You are on elven ground, speak your reasons for entry child!” A man’s voice grumbled over her tiny crying.  “I’m here to heal the forest, then heal the sick, I was sent by the Queen of fairies..if I don’t heal this tree's roots then the surrounding forest might die with it, along with the people.  I cannot save anyone if I don’t have a cure.”

She felt the sword tickle the back of her head then finally that sharp blade was backed off.  “Princess, you were supposed to be in the palace two nights ago.  If this is a waste of time, then just say so and I will relieve you from this duty and you will return back to the kingdom of fairies.”

Sakura felt threatened, she’s never felt so unwelcomed in her entire life, she was looked down on by a lot of people because of her age and size for a elven and fairy, but something about the mystery guy’s voice, told her she wouldn’t be going back, in fact he’d kill her probably where she stood.  Without hesitation she began to pour her stardust on the living root, and just like she had thought, the tree began to sprout of leaves again.  Life began to filter through the roots of the tree, the grass started to change back to green leading a path to the toxic water as the stardust did it’s magic.  “May I follow the water or are you going to kill me before I heal the rest of the forest!?” She snarky replied back meeting his angry gaze.  

The tall elven man in his shiny metal, rolled his eyes, he was looking forwards to killing her, was…

As she led him to the toxic water, a big lake, she began to pour a lot of stardust into it.  She loved seeing how her tears could simply fix everything but herself.  Sakura wasn’t at all the slightest pleaded that her first time in the elven forest was with a man who was ready to kill her right on spot, but she reminded herself of what she was.  

The trees would take time to heal, so in the meantime, Sakura went back to her small camp, the tree with the green leaves, she decided to harvest some bark from it, the tree didn’t resist, only because she saved it, and she gently spoke to the tree letting it know that she just needed to bark to heal the elven, that she would return just to replaced the bark on the tree that she had taken.  After speaking in her fairy language she turned back to the man who had his sword out again.  “Alright, you can take me now, if you think of anything funny then you won’t see a single healing potion from me.  Interesting how you treat a princess, I would have thought you’d be on your knees asking for mercy.  Just be glad that I don’t want to kill you.”

With that, the child took what she had harvested and tossed it up into the air, a trick she learned from Lillywater, then the bark exploded into dust, enough for a lot of people, all she needed now was the drop of healing water, which Lillywater had packed for her.  Everything was coming together except the only thing missing was an elven light.  Sakura would have been able to summon this light herself, but she wasn’t quite aware of elven magic yet.  “I need one last ingredient then the elven sick will be healed, to get this we need the light of an elven, since you are the only one that is here-”

“Aren’t you going to do it? I thought that was why you were ordered to come here?” He grumbled at her.  “Actually, I came here to heal your sickness in the people, with that in doing so..I expect a little help, I’m not all elven, I’m a hybrid between a fairy and an elven, my magic can only do so much.  I know how to cure your sick, don’t look at me suspiciously just because I’m a halfling that comes from the fairy forest, don’t get me wrong, I truly did want to do this myself-”
“Stop ranting and I’ll give you what you need healer!” The knight barked, causing her to back off.  Something about these elven people was starting to worry her, she was always curious to why the healers kept going missing if elven could just heal themselves.  Then it occurred to her why he was sent there, like before he had a sword to her head.  This knight was no escort, Sakura knew that he wouldn’t kill her if she was completely elven, except that wasn’t her fate.  “Would you mind giving me some privacy? I need to go potty,” she innocently played out, she wasn’t willing to die in the elven forest, not next to the tree she just befriended.  

Rolling his eyes he turned around, giving her the chance to tap on a special bell that she was given from the fairy queen.  Sakura pressed her pointer finger to her lips, telling the queen to be quiet as she showed her what the situation really was.  Sakura couldn’t form any vines even if she wanted to trap the knight into the ground for millions of years.  There was only one option, she needed privacy, actual privacy to speak to the queen about what she thinks is going on.  Sakura placed the bell softly onto her chest then turned back to the knight who was still turned around.  “I need to test more water samples, I will be at the lake, when you get the light out, place it into a small cup that I have brought with me in my backpack.”

Sounding professional wasn’t helping her situation, but he seemed convinced that she was really going to go test the water, she was a healer after all, just..she’s already healed the lake, the guy was an idiot.  

Healers Duties


Silverflower made it to the lake, showing the queen all the destruction of the nature around it.  Lillywater had shown up seeing the conditions of the elven kingdom.  “They are killing healers…there have been reports in the past concluding this.  I thought that nature was living and just fine, but that wasn’t until they had gotten rid of their last healer.  Most healers don’t just go missing, and the guard that the palace had sent to retrieve me has already made it clear that he’s going to kill me after I get the potion ready,” she whispered into the bell, then brought it up to her ear as she started to hear the small clinking of the bell, which meant the queen or Lillywater was speaking.  “Then come back child, your duty was to help not die.”

It was of course Lillywater, she was missing the girl anyways.  As much as it was easy to just turn around and go back to the kingdom of fairies, she could be risking starting a war between two neighboring kingdoms because of her new title as princess.  “Alright, I can’t come back just yet, but I promise I’ll return when I can!” She tried her best to sound happy about her situation and how it was quickly escalating, except she was completely miserable, everyone was trying to kill her left and right!

After getting her supposed samples she needed from the water, she returned to camp, finding that the knight was standing with a very tall elven woman.  Her eyes landed on Sakura, making her tense up.  Although she thought of running, maybe even trying a few fairy tricks that Madeline taught her, but instead she stood proud and still.  “I am Princess Silverflower, I’ve come to heal your people, but if you kill me, I’ll send a plague to kill you all, I promise.”

A small smirk appeared on the woman’s face.  “I’m not going to kill you, those are only rumors, most healers settle in my city's Princess.”

“ are..the Queen of Elven?” Said Sakura with a frail smile.  The girl may have misinterpreted things, just there were a lot of questions as to why the knight wanted to kill her right away if she didn’t get the potion ready.  “Most of the healers we receive know nothing of our forest.  Once I was notified of an apprentice who had been living on the outskirts of the land between both kingdoms, I was curious to see what you had up your small sleeve child.  You have impressed me very nicely, and I’m not one who is easy to impress.”

She leant down, her hand was very gentle as it patted at her head.  “Now, why don’t we hurry to the palace and heal our sick? Then you will begin training elven magic, one of our most sacred temples inside of each and one of us.”

Still not sure she could trust the Queen of Elven, she followed the tall lady, something about her voice coaxed her into following, almost like she’s heard it before, her dream then occurred to her, but she shook her head.  “Who are you?” Finally she spoke up, trying to at least get some information if she was going to live in the same palace as this elven woman.  “I am Oku, Queen Oku, you, my child, are Silverflower? Interesting name.  Who named you?” 

Her eyes glared up at Oku, she wasn’t willing to trust more people, certainly not after she was greeted with a sword at her head.  “Your customs here are terrible, next time you want a healer, don’t send a pig who doesn’t know how to tell the difference between a elven and fairy, I am both, I might not be tall like you, or be as old, but I’m just as smart, maybe even smarter.  I’m warning you Queen Oku, if you pull a stunt like you did in the forest by having a knight greet me only to kill me, then you can kiss your ass goodnight, because I don’t plan on staying here long enough for you to kill me.”

She made her point across, she stopped walking with Oku, the silence was very intense, it was probably because Sakura just threatened the Queen who thought it was funny coming from a hybrid.  

Sakura wanted to be taken seriously, she didn’t want people looking down on her like the bandits did, she was doing what she had to do, to survive.  “Also, I have conditions for this job.  Since you wanted to kill me…I want to sleep in the garden, I hear you have a nice garden, but not because I just don’t trust you…but partially because your place looks like a nice dump, I mean it’s nice, then on the other hand, it’s lacking.  Plus, if I’m going to set up my healing station it is best to be somewhere close where I can collect the herbs I will need to cure sickly elves.”

The terms she had were reasonable, that was until the Queen led her to a grand room that had a lot of ingredients stored in glass shelves.  It was everything she could have dreamed of, well the room, not anything else.  The garden outside the room had a door that she could simply walk out and retrieve more herbs if she needed them.  “Will this work? Or do you still wish to sleep in the garden?”

She was speechless, her hands kept filming through all the different sorted out plants.  Sakura didn’t really know what to think, this was after all her first time in forever seeing a room filled with nothing but plants that she used to harvest in her very own patches near her old tree that she had lived in for sometime..

“Well, this is it, and you are welcome to absolutely anything, and our practice on elven magic will begin tonight when the fullest moon reaches its peak!” Happily the elven Queen skittered out of the room, leaving Sakura to explore her room, and the sickly room.  It didn’t take long for her to get situated, she just tossed her bag down near her bed.  The girl was ready to heal the wounded and sick.  While most elves had the same symptoms, Sakura was seeing that some weren’t sick at all, they just wanted to see what a fairy looks like mixed with an elve, she kicked those elves out.. 

The first sickly person she healed was complicated.  She took the light from the knight who gave away some of his magic into a bottle, then added it slowly to the dust she collected from a healthy rooted tree.  The queen stopped a few times to see how Sakura was doing.  She was very impressed that the nine year old was experienced in healing, and fairy magic, with help from Madeline though, this was easy to accomplish, the girl just picks up fast on new things.  Madeline was very specific when she told Oku about Sakura, Madeline had also said the girl was special, too special, which meant she was for greater good in the right hands.  

“Do you really enjoy doing this?” Oku poked around as the girl rushed over to a bottle of liquid just sitting in a holster.  “Of course, and I know what I’m doing so step back.”

Space was always accommodated, she didn’t like being touched, or anyone near her, it was just Sakura being Sakura, it didn’t help that she was assaulted though.  Lillywater had healed her, practically replacing anything that was broken inside her, just her pride, her feelings were hurt immensely, the girl can’t look most people in the eyes even if she felt like it, it gives her great pleasure when she pisses people off because she won’t look at them while speaking. 
The sick little elven boy kept groaning, then to humor herself, Sakura started to groan also.  “Oh please little boy, you in the presence of a healer, smile, and open your mouth so I can shove this spoon into your throat-”

She wasn’t exactly shy when it came down to her job, even the queen could tell that she was serious, maybe too serious.  Sakura practically made the elven kid choke on the spoon before she sent him on his way to his parents outside the room.  Her hands skimmed through some books of healing just to find some notes on her research, the next person had a woozy cold.  Sometimes Sakura just laughed at how her patients had simple things that they could fix themselves.  She gave him a root from a beaten down dead tree, it was just to be crushed then lit on fire once a week, that way the house would smell of a fresh scent of oak, but also cure his cold.  Then her eyes met with Oku’s.  “Why am I here? We both know very well that you people are capable of healing themselves, Queen Oku.”

Although she had been correct, there were just techniques that the queen hadn't seen before, usually the people she hired to be her healer the others lacked ideas, attitude.  Sakura checked out her list, seeing that it was Oku who was next on it.  “You? Seriously? Let me guess you are pregnant?” Sakura was keen and wise, she could tell that the Queen was glowing.  “H-how did you know that?”

“Well, you don’t have a husband, so tell me who’s your special guy and I’ll tell you what you want to know.”

Laughing, the queen denied it, she took a seat on the sick bench after Sakura cleaned it.  “How far along are you Oku? Was it a man from another kingdom? Maybe perhaps the human king who had visited recently? Human hybrids are very adorable.  Now that your city is mixed between all creatures I’m sure everyone would love to know of your expected baby.  Should you lose it..then I think maybe you should get married and live happily ever after-”

“Are you sad?” Oku blurted out seeing how Sakura had a trail of stardust, more than one trail actually it’s like it rains over her.  “Mind your own Queen Oku, I will mind my own too.  Now, make sure you keep your strength up but be very careful, your next check up will be next week, I will use some lightning crystals, don’t worry it’s completely safe…although I haven’t done it before, so you are kind of my experiment! Sounds fun right?”


Magic Lessons

The child took a seat on a wooden stool, seeming how she didn’t have anything else to do now,  most of the guards are treating patients who can’t get out of bed, there was a lot of people who were sick, and Sakura had been working her butt off all day making enough cures for people.  “You are lacking control over your people, Queen Oku.  If you don’t keep the forest under control, this will happen again, and again, maybe something even worse could appear…but what I had found strange was that the lake I was observing, it had lots of poison in it, which means that the mushrooms poison has been dripping into the lake like streams, not only that, some of the mushrooms were outskirted around the lake as if they were planned,” her tone of voice dropped to a very low whisper as she spoke to Oku.  “Someone is trying to kill you, and the kingdom.  Whoever you made enemies with, they are playing dirty.”

Sakura handed the elven woman some fruit that she had in her lunch, seeing how Oku wanted some.  Sharing her lunch was no problem, just it wasn’t really lunch, it was more like dinner.  Oku propped herself up more, she was really putting thought to it.  “I don’t know anyone I’ve made enemies with..”

“Then your people are getting paid for not doing their jobs Oku, this is serious, those plants can’t live here, I can perhaps use some pixie dust to heal more than one person, but sooner or later it’s going to get worse.  So far my star dust has taken care of the mushrooms that had the spores oozing out of as much as I’d like to give you more tips on your first baby, I’m sure you’d understand if I got some rest? It was a very long journey here.  By doctor’s orders, which are from me! I clarify that you need to be extra careful, and don’t eat too much you will get more cramps.”

Oku smiled warmly at her new healer.  “You really did learn a lot in the fairy kingdom, now are you ready to do some training on elven magic?”

Sakura was beyond tired, but learning more magic seemed interesting at the moment.  “I’m curious though,” Sakura whispered.  “Why aren’t you with the man you love, does he know you are with child?”

Sadly the Queen just sighed.  “He knows very well, but he had to return to his kingdom Silverflower.  He has responsibilities to his people, like I do.  We are married actually, but we both haven’t decided on combining the kingdoms, but with this little one on the way…we are going to have to decide soon, won’t we?” Oku’s smile returned after she explained her love for the human king.  

Sakura began to nod, trying to support her theory of love, she didn’t know much of love, nor wanted any of it in her life, she gave up on the idea of love, anything that had to do with affection, after what she went through, she closed up.  “Whatever..let's just go and do some training really quickly then I can finally sleep.”  

Oku noticed more stardust falling onto the child, she wanted to know what was on the girl’s mind, after all, stardust is just as much of sadness, just without tears.  The girl pulled herself together, forcing the stardust to stop.  Oku watched as she kept bottling up her sadness in big amounts into medicine bottles.  “Why are you doing that?”

“Stardust, it has magic to restore, it’s how I healed the tree where I was camping, if I hadn’t done that then the forest would still look rotten.  Stardust may be sadness, but it has healing properties also.  Like a pixie flower, they have the same properties, combined together though, it is beautiful, almost like a small conjunction of a miracle happening all at once inside a bottle,” she finished saying this with a smile, she loved talking about how special she was.  

“I will have my guards look into the cause of this water issue, then perhaps in the meantime we can get going to the garden to study magic? The books I give you Silverflower are very ancient, but they are old magic, I believe you will have use for them in a matter of no time.”

Studying magic was a lot different from trying to concentrate magic, Sakura tried the fairy way, and the elven way, but both failed.  Studying just made her groan and have a big fit about how long the book was.  Even with the moon starting to appear in the sky, Sakura kept reading.  By the time the great moon got to its highest peak, Sakura had finished one book, actually she gave up, she used a skim spell and read it all, but didn’t really read it all.  Madeline had taught her how to read fast, just by using a spell and obtaining information from whatever she desired to read.  

Oku crossed her arms disappointedly at her, “that is not the way we do things-”

“It’s the way I do things, now, how about a spell of love?” Sakura smirked, she thought she was being cocky since the Queen didn’t really have anyone by her side, except before she could do it, Oku shoved a bunch of petals into Sakura’s mouth.  “Never spell anyone to fall in love with someone! Understand me!? I didn’t think this would be difficult, but it looks like we are going to have to learn the basics.  I just wanted you to feel the power emitting off that book, not read it you imp!”

Since the queen was pregnant, she held back on arguing back.  Sakura spit the petals out though before crossing her arms at the queen.  “Alright, then tell me a basic spell and I’ll do it!”

The impatient child stood up fast, she didn’t know what she was capable of, since Madeline told her if she could just think and it would happen, she did it.  “Well..I want flowers, I like flowers, is there a magic spell for flowers?”

“Of course.  It’s very beautiful, especially in the moonlight.  It’s a high spell though, let's stick to the basics-”

Her feet spread apart, then she smacked her hands together.  Oku wanted to laugh, until she noticed a light coming from the girl’s hands that were pressed firmly together, and her wings fluttered out, when the child opened her eyes they were completely white.  Truly it was amazing power the child possessed.  The magic started to fade though, and she plopped onto her butt.  There were small pixie flowers drifting around the garden.  “I love pixie flowers!” 

Dazzled by the girl, Oku stood up, and for the first time she was introduced to a pixie flower. They were much like water lilies, but these flowers had a yellow glow to them, almost like pollen.  “How was that? Did I do it? Madeline said all I had to do was think, and it would come true.  She says I am more powerful than herself.”

That caught Oku’s attention, she’s never seen so much power being held up inside a child, let alone just a hybrid.  “I feel like I’ve gotten a little stronger!” 

She stood up, seeing that her flowers just kept drowning the garden.  “Um..I thought you said this stops in about a minute?” When she looked over at the woman she just had her eyes glued to her, just a few moments she felt like she was being threatened.  

When she got ready for bed, Oku was kind enough to tuck the girl into bed before borrowing the small bell that the girl was gifted from Madeline.  “I am going to have a chat with the fairy queen, maybe she could come for a visit, there are bigger things going on here.”

Confused as to what that meant, she just shrugged at Oku, she would have gone to bed right away, just she still didn’t trust Oku or anyone there in the palace.  Oku had taken the only contact, the only way to let Madeline and Lillywater know that she was fine.  

With caution she followed Oku to a grand room, in the middle was a bird bath stand with water in it, and she placed the bell into the water.  Sakura watched as Madeline appeared like a small glowing dot only to appear in the room.  “Well, it’s about time, did you see? She has the powers of a goddess..which could only mean, her mother Evelyn will be looking for her, that goddess has been corrupted for years after losing her baby, perhaps the rumors were true about the baby?”

Confused, Sakura turned away, she didn’t think of herself as a goddess, although her powers were unique, if what they say is true then Sakura needed to go on another adventure, perhaps not as a healer.  She listened to them speak some more though.  “If she finds her here..if anyone hears of her abilities Madeline, they will come after her, not just because she is powerful, but because she is valuable.  We must contact the goddess if possible.  Before anyone finds out what she’s capable of!”
After she found her way back to her room, she noticed her window was open near her bed just a hair, when she went to back out of the room, her back firmly pressed against someone else.  Once again, another bumpy road…


Kidnapped Again


They had used poppy flowers to keep her sleepy and quiet, but when she woke up, they heard it all, Sakura was the biggest annoying brat that they have ever kidnapped, so much for being a princess.  “I hope you know! I can kill all of you if I wanted to!” She shouted out loud.  

All of the kidnappers kept covering their ears, ignoring the girl, but then she started to sing constantly one song after another until it drove them insane.  When they pulled off to the side, they shoved her down into the poison mushrooms.  “Shut it! For the gods sake! You big mouthy brat!”

Sakura tried not to breathe as her face was pushed into the poison, in a matter of time she’d be having the same symptoms as those other elves, and she didn’t have any cures here! “They will find me! Then you all will die for what you're doing to this forest!”

Her shy looks caused them to keep her innocence alive, up until this point, they now looked at her as a sexual being, nothing more.  One man chuckled.  “How would you like to stuff that pretty mouth of yours?” 

Her eyes started to widen in fear, then she remembered what Madeline had told her.  When in trouble, a flower can protect her, but if she risked showing them what she was capable of…either way Sakura didn’t want to be raped again! Her eyes squinted at them, as if daring them to touch her just as her hands snapped out of the vines that they were using to keep her restrained, and she touched the sick soil.  For a while she kept inside a flower that she grew herself, but then they started to get through to her by pulling apart the petals.  Her hair was grabbed tightly and her face was met with the human’s member and he forced himself down her throat.  The horror of this moment had her crying for help.  Behind her she felt her dress lift up and some chuckles as he snipped her underwear off.  Sakura kept trying to push away but her space was limited to the flower.  She was too small to fight them off, the man held her arms as he kept plunging down her throat, and the man behind her who was sticking his fingers into her, he was holding her legs wide open.  The man chuckled from behind her.  

Then she felt it, another man inside her, he was bigger than any human she had encountered.  The stardust was starting to pile up in frequent amounts just as she felt herself starting to black out from the fucking.  

Just when she thought her nightmares would continue, she felt the gentle touches, someone was waking her up.  Sakura wasn’t completely there, she was just dreaming, yet a very lovely woman was leaning over her curiously.

The cave was dark around them, but she was sure that a light was being held in the woman’s hand as her eyes peeked up at her.  Sakura looked around, she had no idea how she got there either, but she could feel the pain on her body still, all the torture they were putting her through.  She lowered down and simply touched the grass making sure it was all real and that she wasn’t being raped again.  Somehow she’d transported herself away from danger.  Still, her body felt strange, after being raped everything was sore and hurt really bad.  There was blood between her legs that she kept staring at.  Lillywater would know what to do, but it was urgent to get home as fast as possible because of how aggressive those men were.  Not to mention Oku was alone.  “Do you have a paper and quill!?” Sakura shouted out, causing her to jump.  “I..I..”

Without hesitating the woman handed her a paper and quill as asked.  “How did you get in my-”

“I don’t know, I was being raped then I just appeared in here, I’m sorry for disturbing you,” her voice was soft, innocent.  Her hands worked fast though, she wrote down everything and sent it to the King of humans, letting him know his wife was no longer safe in the capital alone.  Sakura then looked at the woman up and down while strangely then looking at something on her.  She recalled Madeline saying something about jewels.  She took the earrings off her ears then sat down on the ground as she pressed her hands firmly into the grass while squinting at the stones.  She was average, but it was good enough to summon Madeline, Queen of fairies.  Madeline was shocked but Sakura had caught her attention getting straight to the point.  “Are you alright child!?” She kept referring to the blood.  “I’m fine, there is more going on! The palace is under threat, the capital, it’s going to come down!”

Madeline shook her head.  “That’s not possible.”

“It is! There are bandits everywhere, we can’t let another war happen! The plants won’t be able to survive! In this case…if..the plants die-”

“Pixies will die..”

There was a main source of water that all plants got their magic from, the capital possessed a lot of it.  “ you know..”

“I was kidnapped from the palace…a-and..I just think you need to help Oku..”

“Y-you what? How is this possible!?”

“I had overheard..your conversation..when you said that I might be the daughter of the goddess whose place I took as healer..then I went to return to my quarters but my window was open.  Oku is in danger.  These humans are aggressive, but you didn’t teach me any spells to kill them like I asked you to!”

“Your magic would grow dark,” the woman spoke clearly behind her.  “Then you’d be cursed for eternity..”

Sakura glanced at the woman then back at Madeline.  “You keep looking at the woman behind me really strange, why?”


Strangers Connect


“ Evelyn..the goddess of Elven..and you are her daughter.”

“Are? Are!? You said maybe! I like maybe!” She freaked out then turned to her mother.  “This is not how I wanted to meet you, I’m a bloody mess!” The small child sobbed then glanced back at Madeline.  “I need to get back to the kingdom, if they have taken over the palace, then they will..likely probably assault the queen, I have already sent word to the nearest kingdom, to her husband actually.  By now he should have it, I used a special messaging bird.  As for your’s no longer safe, they were using fairies and turning them into some creatures then using them…as slaves.  More likely sex dolls really..probably why they took me, I knew of their plans, more like I was close to the truth.  I wouldn’t shut up and I got what I deserved.”

“No, darling, you didn’t deserve anything..” 

She didn’t want to get into any affairs with the capital again, but seeing how they hurt her daughter, she was gravely pissed off.  Her arms wrapped around Sakura, not even trying but she felt the girl lean more back as if she had given up her strength.  “Goddess..”

“We will discuss your later punishments for keeping this from me.  For now, I will take care of matters in the palace.  I want you to take my daughter to Lillywater and have her heal her, do not send any forces from your kingdom, if a war breaks out..Sakura is right, there will be loss.  Then I will return to the fairy kingdom to retrieve Sakura.”

It startled her for a moment, she thought that even her mother had abandoned her for being a fairy and an elven, after all, the great war between the two lands was forever ago.  Sakura doesn’t exactly know her, or why she left her, but as it was being told by Madeline and Oku, she went missing.  “Sleep,” that’s all the woman mumbled to Sakura, forcing her into complete darkness.  

The next time she had woken up, was in a hot spring, just her and Lillywater sitting alone.  “It’s about time you woke up, your mother was worried you’d sleep for ages.  It’s only been a few days dear, take it easy.”

Sakura looked around more seeing only mountains around, it was a temple, well, a home actually.  Evelyn was standing near the edge of the springs, just staring down into the absent fog.  When she turned she had a warm smile.  There was a sudden need to hide but Sakura crossed her arms as she sat up, she was going to be stubborn instead.  “I’m happy you are finally awake.  I have been waiting for you since you have been asleep for the last few days.”

She watched as the water rippled and in the water's reflection came up her, finally she looked up, finding that the woman was still smiling at her.  The affection was starting to make her sick..

“Out of all places, this is it? You brought me to this disgusting dump? I could be working right now, I actually had many people on my schedule to torcher.”

Lillywater smacked the girl silly.  “Don’t talk to your mother like that, you should be greatful that she brought you to her temple to heal, and be safe.”

“Why do..I have to be safe?”

Evelyn gently patted the girl on the head soothing the girl’s little quake of anxiousness.  “Because you are like me,” she whispered.  

Sakura looked up, her eyes bubbling with sadness.  “N-no..I’m not like anyone..and I never will be..”

Something lost her mind of thought, until her mother’s hand lightly tipped her daughter’s head up.  Then it started to come back to her as if the past wasn’t at all the worst to be brought up at the moment.


5 Years Ago


5 years ago…

“I wanna pway..” 

Her small hand reached up just to tap a girl’s shoulder and the girl whipped around telling her what a disgusting thing she was.  After all, around that time she was four, and she had a knack for attention that she craved so much.  Instead of playing they beat her up, causing her to cry for someone to help, but even the woman running the orphanage hated the girl so much.  She didn’t know how to do anything but sit and stay hungry for most weeks.  

It wasn’t until she finally was let out of the room when they fed her, but they had her eat with her hands instead of a fork.  When they finally decided she couldn’t stay, they tossed her outside.  For a while she wandered around looking for someone to take her in, but most of the elven refused because of what she was.

Smaller than most normal elven children, each person she tried to get help from had turned her away because of her fairy side of her.  At some point she stopped wandering around and just sat on a street corner whining about her feet.  There are blood stains on her feet, at some point she had walked through glass shards without realizing how much more pain she was in.  

After some time of waiting around and eating from garbage cans she went to the woods, escaping her horrors from the streets.  To keep her company she dressed a few pencils up in small pieces of her fabric, then she set them aside and started to pretend that they were her friends, she only went insane a little.  As time kept going and she kept hiding, some strangers got lost in the woods, a warrior, and a kind woman, they found her playing outside alone with her pencil friends.  They stayed and taught her how to speak, but as soon as she was attached to them they left her because they realized she was half fairy. 

She went on being alone until she turned the age of nine, at that point though, she was truly alone and still had her pencil friends, then the bandits came along raping her in her own bed before dragging her and raiding her home.  




Now here she was, age nine, staring into the hot spring waters looking so lost because she was nothing but a freak.  “I will make them pay for what they have done to you my dear baby,” the goddess wept, but Sakura didn't, she had long thought of herself as garbage.  “I-I’m fine..” her small voice cut through but her stardust said otherwise.  Lillywater had also seen what the elven had done, and she couldn’t help but feel sickened at the elven’s race, but the only one who could hate the elven empire even more was Sakura.

Then her mother was an elven also, Evelyn took that into consideration.  Being elven would change a lot considering that Sakura was elven to.  

A few sniffles came out of her.  “Are you crying?” Lillywater was kind enough to ask but Sakura made her shut up after asking.  Instead of waiting for Sakura to just turn her away because of her being elven, she wrapped her arms around her.  “It’s alright now, I’m going to protect you with all my might, and you are going to get stronger so one day you can be just like mommy.  Your father and I have not been with each other since you went missing..but Lillywater has prayed to him letting him know that I have matters to discuss with him tonight, then I will tell him that I have found you..”

“Is my daddy a fairy?” She looked up so cutely at her mother while rubbing her eyes.  “Yes-”

For some reason she looked happier to know he was a fairy! She wasn’t going to hold back on being her mother just because of what her own subjects have done.  “Sakura, I’m not like a normal elven..darling, you have nothing to fear, I will not reject you or leave you, not now and not ever.”

“P-promise?” She mumbled while looking up at her.  The tiny little sparkle of her eyes made her smile more.  “I promise, I promise with all my loving heart, you have no idea how many years I’ve been trying to find you.  You, my child, were made with love, all the more blessed.”

She didn’t want to cry, not in front of Lillywater, she had so much pride pent up inside her that she just grumbled something before getting out of the embrace.  “I have duties to the capital, and I wish to return.”

It was an order, not a request, and being that she is now noble, more than noble actually, Lillywater couldn’t possibly refuse unless her mother were to say otherwise, rather instead, the woman stayed silent.  “If that’s what you wish for Princess Silverflower.”

That name sparked interest in Evelyn, she fanned a small giggle, and then she bent down to her daughter’s height.  “Your father named you that.  Also, if you wish to return to the palace then I understand, except you will need help controlling your magic, and I will become your teacher and mother.”

“W-what about the temple?” Sakura bubbled out as she gleaned up at her mother.  “The temple will always be safe, not many travelers come up here since the fairy war, then the great darkness that I…kind of led..”

Lillywater gave the woman a questioning look, there was no doubt about it that she was the one who started the war, and the dark ages…

Sakura didn’t seem to mind that her mother was a pure maddened woman without her baby, she liked that someone in the world actually thought of her, and at least made some people suffer for how many years of violence she endured.  When Lillywater turned away, she then let her guard down, she blushed then took her mother’s hand with a hint smile.  “O-okay, but you must not disturb my work..otherwise I’ll kill you.”

She wasn’t surprised that her daughter was very much like herself, the same plain attitude as her mother.  “My darling, I have only intentions to train and be your mom.”

“Whatever the mom thing is…I’m sure I won’t need it, but I’m in need of a teacher, Oku doesn’t teach well…but she does put me to bed for some reason..Are you going to make me go to bed?”


Her eyes darkened, it was a bad answer.  “What did you just say?” The tone of her voice got deep, she had no intention of listening to anyone, she was a feral cat and didn’t want anyone telling her what to do except for magic.  “I want to learn how to kill people…no matter if my soul darkens blah blah blah-”

She continued to rant about how she wasn't going to be an obedient child, also that she didn’t have any interest in being all sweet.  This continued for a half an hour until Lillywater had enough and got the girl dressed, she was of course a virgin again.  Healed by even the most powerful waters of Aska.  Her mother only listened to half of everything she said before taking the girl’s hand ever so hesitantly and taking her to a very big shrine.  “My daughter, there will be lots to learn, for now you will rest.  Rest is important for your mana.”

“Rest? Rest?? Seriously?” Her face scrunged up then she waited for the goddess to leave before back mouthing everything the woman just said, but what she didn’t know was how close the woman was listening until she noticed Evelyn glaring from the entrance of the shrine, her back was pressed up against the wall as she glared.  

“So? I’m not scared of you-”

“But you should be..after all, I am not just a goddess but your mother.  Which gives me twice as many reasons to punish you for bad behavior.  Example..this moment right now.”

She looked away from her trying to pretend she didn’t do anything.  “Duno…what you're talking about..”

“Really? Absolutely no idea huh?”

“Nope, I’m just an innocent girl who doesn’t like grown ups! You are not my boss, alright? Just because I let you hug me doesn’t change anything!”
Just like a small jelly blob, she gave into another hug that her mother gave her without asking.  Suffocation wasn’t the word for it really, at least she tried seeing it positively instead.  “Um..can you let me go now? I’m kind of pooped and want some sleep.”

“Oh! Pardon me..” sadly she backed away and went away from the temple, the hot spring was where Lillywater was sitting.  “She can hate all people in the realm…she is up to something..” Lillywater hushed under her breath while glancing near the temple seeing that the girl was sitting on a comfy bed just enjoying the view of the mountains.  “I agree,” the goddess eyed her daughter suspiciously from a distance.  “Whatever she’s hiding, I’m going to exploit it.”

“Don’t you think this is all too soon goddess? Maybe she’s just taking it in..after need to focus on what’s important.”

“I know what is at stake, Sakura is more to me than any being in this kingdom or the next.  The temple is safe for her, which is why one Tyran comes around.  I'm sure he’ll take my side on this!”

When he arrived Sakura was passed out from exhaustion.  “It has been..a long time, what brings us together this time? Are you going to blame everything on me again?” He grumbled.

“Look, we were both hurting Tyran…but now I can fix it! I found Sakura.”

He didn’t believe her until Lillywater confirmed it, just that it wasn't an exact happy reunion.  Evelyn showed him what the humans have done to her, they were starting to wonder if the war really was about fairies and elven, that perhaps there were bandits playing their parts to control more land.  They kept discussing this but they were startled to hear a big huff coming from right behind them.  “As if! The human king wouldn’t dare, he is friends with the neighboring kingdom…the capital by marriage.  Oku is to have a baby, a human baby, and likely what’s causing everything to happen is the rates of trade being lost in the kingdom filled with nasty humans…some villagers have been going..crazy, which is why I was planning on heading to the kingdom of humans.  I was summoned to heal, there are too many sick people growing and with people getting anxious…raiding could perhaps be their only response because of the capital and kingdom of smelly humans are hungry, perhaps letting them die is just the answer but since I’m a certified royal of the house of Akasha it’s my duty to heal all.”

Lillywater tensed up.  “They ordered you..already!? If there are anymore bandits-”

“I’ll live.  Nothing I can’t handle or bear on my own, plus it’s not like I was really going to die, maybe my traumatized past is what leads me to the thoughts of finally killing off some of the popu…you know what I’ll leave that part out.  Still, before being kidnapped I had received a letter from the King, since Oku was safe at the time…now she’s fine I hope, and I can now go and see some of my patients.  Still, I have been ordered to battle, just to give the medical supplies that they all need…damn elven..”

Evelyn winced, luckily Sakura noticed her reaction to it, showing no remorse for what she said.  “Your kind is greedy, and so are you.  At least the fairies have a better belief system than your temple, it should be put to shame.  After all these years you now decide it's time to come out of the shadows and help the people? No, I believe not, the reason you stand before me is to play house, but there is a difference between us.  You gave up.  Me, I might be a hybrid, and perhaps I don’t have the same height as fairies or elven, but I have good instinct, smarter than most really.  Do I perhaps find myself in trouble…maybe.”

She chewed her nails while thinking something through, her eyes scanning over Lillywater finally.  “That’s it! I have an idea on how to stop the bandits and calm the raging assholes in the kingdom!” 

Lillywater quickly smacked at her knocking down the idea, any idea the girl came up with was always terrible.  “Alright! Burning the capital…maybe was a part of the idea…but I got another plan! It’s going to involve me, but it’s going to be an epic blood bath!” 

She wasn’t going to give into anyone finding out about her true intentions.  Get rid of capital once and for all, make the King and Queen join together under one rule.  It was more for Oku, luckily she has already started her matchmaking quest. 
“What did you do!?” Lillywater grumbled at her.  “Oh you will see…it seems my family has a knack for destruction, but I plan on fixing things.  Things such as having a grand meeting offered up by me! To all the subjects…while I am destroying the palace in the human realm because of how worthless it is..or maybe I could reside there and rule instead, it is important that she stays with her husband.  The kingdom alone is itself to blame for falling in love with an elven young too.  With her health-”

“Health?” Madeline interrupted out of nowhere.  Sakura rolled her eyes.  “Great, another one, now I’m going to have to expose my secret to you also.  Anyways, like I was saying before getting interrupted by her majesty.  Oku is sick, she lent her hall for the sick when there was no room, and with the baby it’s making things complicated for me to heal her.”

Evelyn crouched down to her height and Sakura sneered.  “I don’t want to take what you just did as an insult…but I guess it’s okay if you are on my level when you hear me, because you're too tall.”

“You are very precious to me, understand?”

That caught her by surprise that someone was being actually sincere with her, it had almost made her cry, just she wasn’t much of a baby in front of others, maybe one person but not other people, she was tough when she wanted to be.  “If you..get hurt..”

“Then I’ll live, won’t I? Of course I may have some advantages to living a long life thanks to…no certain creatures, but I have a plan all figured out, I’m just going to need some sleep powder, and most of my magic.  All four leaders will come to an agreement.”

Madeline raised an eyebrow at the girl.  “We will?”

“Yes, you will, because I can be whoever I want to be.  In other words I’m about to make history..if I was so pleased I would have killed the entire population of elven but instead I let the invasive species live.  Now that this is official, I want all leaders here right now, there are plans I must discuss.”

For a while she sat and spoke to the King of humans, and the Queen of elven, finally she had come to an agreement.  “The palace of human’s will step down,” Sakura rolled her eyes.  “Then I will take its place as ruler.  If anyone so much as objects to this-”

“I do-”

“Mummy, I don’t care if you do or not, you killed people, I didn’t.  As for my work, it isn’t done yet, the territories are being invaded from more bandits being sent out by the orcs.  If the orc kingdom is trying to start a war then I’ll give them a war, which is why as of right now the King has already evacuated his people out, soon the throne will be empty and I will stand and wait.”

A small smirk came upon her as she imagined something about orcs that were completely different from human kind, she wasn’t at all ashamed of her terrible thoughts, it was more like she was brainwashed but a bit of orc did sound good.  

“Now I must leave now that things are rolling, tootles!”

One of her secret tricks she unlocked was disappearing, she figured out her way of teleporting, and even though she’s never been to the kingdom it wasn’t hard to just think of someplace and disappear.  Now it was a rough fall from a couple places in the new castle, but it was just fine.  Everything reeked of humans.

Fighting For The Spirit


There wasn’t a servant in sight, just the tapping of her heels as she went to the throne and sat down in it, with the right hands the kingdom would flourish, which is why she was chosen to take the throne's place as empress.  As much as she wanted to help, she was only doing this for herself.  While living alone in a secluded forest there were many travelers who passed by, including warriors who taught her things.  Magic wasn’t her strong suit, but she knew how to push her magic into a weapon, which she usually keeps at her side, just her’s wasn’t connected to her belt.  Probably went missing some time after she was kidnapped.

Sighing she then kicked her feet up on the arm of the chair, just as long as things went as planned that’s all she cared about.  Killing an entire species of orcs, and ogres!

She got herself prepared with some guards of the palace, strapping on some armor her size, well she had a shrunk of armor bring it down to her size.  “Are you really serious about going into battle!?”

“I’m so serious I even want a few scars!” she blurted out while finally getting ahold of a sword, just when she turned around to face all of the warriors who looked more than scared she just laughed.  “If you wish to die, then stay, because I don’t think any of you are capable of winning this..issue, but me on the other hand I can.”

“You seem so confident for a small child-”

“This new child is your new empress, get used to it.  Now go and check the rest of the village just in case some children, families weren’t left behind.”

Ordering people around was looking a tad bit harder than it seemed.  The man who decided to back mouth was going to step in front of her before she took her sword to his back.  “You dare step in front of me? Just because I’m a child doesn’t mean I have to give you mercy upon my blade.  You are dismissed, leave the palace and go find your family.  Anyone is free to follow him if they think he is so fit to rule, but in the end, do not return to this kingdom.”

After withdrawing her sword from his back, she took her small foot and kicked him down from behind his knee.  Nobody was going to even lay their hands on her because of what she was.  For once in her life it felt nice to have power.  They didn’t turn away, and neither did the man who was making a fuss turn, instead the men smiled.  “All Hail Empress Fireheart!”

That was a new name, but they gave it to her because of how ambitious she was, a true spirited warrior.  The head of the knights introduced himself and pledged his loyalty to the crown.  After all she had it in her hands after pulling it up out of her small bag to her side.  “Now let's get to work!” She barked at them. 

She took her chart and began checking off all of her secret tactics, as another portion of the team announced there was nobody left in the kingdom of humans, that the enemies were starting to close in.  Now her parents weren’t just going to let her do this alone.  

“Sakura!” Evelyn shouted from down the hall, it distracted the girl from shooting her arrow at the target so she aimed it above the goddesses head and let it rip, the magic from the arrow about knocked her over.  “Ah, could I possibly use papa’s head next?”

She pressed her pointer finger to her lips, shushing them as she turned back to the target withdrawing another arrow.  “Are you ready? I have learned how to use magic by transferring all of it into my sword, when I think, my bow becomes my sword.  I learned this enchantment back when I was little, it was from a cursed witch.  Although she gave me her powers in return I let her free, she gave me the gift to change her staff into whatever I wanted, so I made it into a stuffed bunny…she was different like me though, she was a hybrid of a water spirit and a wind spirit.  Not many of them left, since the war the population decreased sending most of the spirits away from the forest.  Which is why I am a healer.  In an agreement it’s my duty as empress to run this kingdom and protect the woodlands.  Because I am the lost queen of the spirits.”

She was serious, then she cracked a smile.  “No, really, my title has come up a lot, just her majesty had hopes for me and I need to make it work so that my subjects can come out of hiding.”

The girl looked around seeing how everyone looked about ready, the door was held back for so long and the chanting outside couldn’t be held back any longer.  “You should both get out of here, it’s no longer safe.”

“It’s not safe for the majesty either don’t you think?” Tyran crossed his arms at the girl.  “I fight, because I have to, this is my kingdom now and I must do whatever to protect it.  Stay out of my way or you will get hurt.”

Sakura slammed her staff down, getting everyone’s eyes on her.  “Today, I will lead you into battle, and tomorrow we will party!-” she noticed her parents glaring when she said this.  “Alright…maybe I can’t, but I can have apple juice at least.”

Sakura’s blood was boiling with rage, she needed something to die, and once the gate opened finally.  In that moment as she went to slice open the orcs stomach, the enemies froze, then fell over dead.  Sakura’s eyes twitched, her sword had almost touched its stomach.  She turned her sword into a staff again then turned back to her parents who stood in the middle of her subjects.  “You dare stop me from this fight!? I don’t know if you know this or not but this is a war, one in which all of these people are going to die in, you don’t get the first wave, the second, you get the last wave, because when I’m done the streets will be coated in orc blood along with the blood of many of creatures from the dark forest! Get in my way again and I’ll make sure-” She quickly flashed back, cutting open one of the last orcs that had been hidden behind the dead bodies.  “I’ll make sure I banish you from this kingdom!”

The king of orcs and ogres had joined forces, there was no chance at all that they were going to win, just Sakura not only had herself using powerful magic, she had the spirit with her.  Let alone her healing abilities.  Without moving, she managed to release her spirit guardian.  “I am under command, tell me what you’d like me to do.”

“I’d like you to help me kill them all.”

“Doing this might-”

“So be it, my magic might be strong enough to keep me going.”  

She was handed a horn from her spirit.  “If we are going to do this, then let's do this, you might be the only one left on the battlefield left alive, do you wish for me to lock everyone inside for their safety and your safety?”

In her past life she wasn’t some magical creature, she was just Po, and now she was many things, a daughter of a goddess, and a noble, an empress, even a sacred spirit.  She wanted to bring peace finally to the lands and didn’t think of even stopping.  With the wisp’s help, she went outside alone and began slaughtering all the monsters while forcing everyone inside the palace, not even a goddess could escape from the prison she put them in.  Spirit magic was different, and with the combination of the strongest magic in the entire universe.  It was easy for her, it only took her about an hour to fall weak from all the ogres and orcs that the King had sent.  When she had finally come face to face with the ruthless orc king and ogre, it was already a blood bath resting at her feet along with theirs.  “Child, you have no place here.”

She growled something under her breath before changing her sword into a big hammer.  “No, you don’t belong here!”
Losing connection with the spirit queen wasn’t exactly what she wanted, after it was all over the queen would perish as planned, giving Sakura more powers to rule which is what her spirit had in mind rather than forcing the small goddess to give up everything.  She was quick, elegant, angry, and everything she had was on the line for her kingdom. 

Instead of killing the kings, she beat them up with her staff.  Then when she started to feel her magic slipping, the orc king could tell.  Although he was a lot quicker.  “You fight well, well enough..”

“Yes, I fight, this is my kingdom you dare lay your dirty feet on my grounds.”

He chuckled at the girl then shrank down to a human, and he bowed down to her.  “Hmm…charming, how is it you think I’m not going to kill you?”

Sakura kept looking at him, over seeing that he looked more elven now.  “Are you..a hybrid orc?”

He began to chuckle again while nodding at Sakura.  When he stood up he planted his sword into the ground, waiting for her to say something else.  “I am impressed with your fighting skills, who are you?”

“I am Queen Heartfire, I am Queen of the humans and spirits of the forest.  I'm the daughter of the goddess of elven and god of fairies…it would be pointless to try and kill me, King orc.”

“Now..must it be formal? If you ask me I’m sure we could come to an arrangement, goddess.”

A small smile crept on her face, she was eager to know what he had in mind, but honestly he would do well to help with the forest, the humans were careless of their poisons, which was why this war broke loose.  “Fine, I grant you to rule the ogres kingdom, but on one condition King orc..”

“Like I said before, call me Julian.”

“Not in a million years to come.  Since you can help me, I can help you-”

“So I scratch your back, and I scratch yours?”

He was taking it out of text and changing it into some flirtatious context.  She shut his flirting down after almost collapsing.  The Queen of spirits was entwining into her soul.

Now nobody would be able to harm her, not unless they stepped on her toes.  Julian helped her up off the ground with a brightened smile, her eyes were just settling in from taking in more magic.  “Tell me, what would it take for you to become my wife? If I would have known you’d be such a beautiful creature that shares love for our forest just as much, I would have never started this war up with the damn ogres.”

“Yes…they stink.  I think we can come arrangement.”

She took his hand in her’s.  “If you even think of trying anything, I will kill you.”

Julian was very astonished by the young girl, but she led him to the palace the more he looking around the more he realized, he’s was fucked either way, she was really going to kill him, all the bodies on the ground were proof of it after all.  When she brought him to the palace, unlocking it from magic she brought him in, finding everyone down on their knees except for Evelyn and Tyran.  “This is the new King, I will be marrying him.”

They all blinked confusedly at her.  “Y-you..-”

“I’m nine, so? I can get married and wait for life to take on. We need a strong king and I cannot fight all the battles alone, which is why I am signing a contract with the Orc king.  In the time being..we should start cleaning up the kingdom..get it ready for a civilization to come back.”

Tyran shook his head suddenly.  “You are not marrying him, you aren’t even old enough, now quit the silly talk.”

“I’m well aware, but I’m sure that if I just sign a contract it won’t be the end of the world.  Would it? It’s not like I’m going to do anything with him.  Although I am older than you both think.  Because of the spirit taking over my soul I actually can make myself into a woman if I pleased.  That way I could bear children with the orc king if I so pleased.”

Julian got down on one knee and patted her on the head.  “You did well, I’m sure we will meet again.  If you think I am good enough to take over the ogres then I will Queen Heartfire, until maybe one day when your older we can marry.”

Her eyes lit up like a billion fireflies just before smacking her hands together.  “Really?? You mean you don’t mind the contract!?”

“I mean, later on, we can get married, for now, this is the time that you should get a little older, let your parents guide you.”

Sakura snickered before looking over at her parents, she turned her weapon into a bunny rabbit and dragged it all the way to them with a big smile.  “Look, I got a husband!”

She was still a child deep mattered nonetheless to them.  Tyran chuckled at how embarrassed the girl was, she just had a crush on the orc king because of how handsome and strong he looked compared to the other side of him, although his orc side was quite dashing too.  Evelyn didn’t like any of this, after all, that was her baby, and she would do anything to protect her.  She took the girl and picked her up, finding that she seemed stronger than before.  “ did you get this much-”

“The Queen..of spirits..” she whispered in the crick of her mother’s neck before slowly resting her head down.  “Are you taking me back to the temple?”

“I am, and there we are going to stay for a million years-”

“No, because when I turn fifteen I’m getting married to Orc.  Then we will have children and live happily ever after like in stories that I used to read! That was…a long time another life.  In that life it was different compared to this world.”

She was interested in what her daughter was saying, further more intrigued by it actually.

Temples Home and a Peek Into The Past


Sakura was taken back to the temple and that’s when she told her parents about the higher ups, how they told her that she would be the goddess of all realms and take on so much magic and sorrow.  It was really just a cruel place to go, but it wasn’t like Sakura was going to change her mind! So she agreed to come and be the world's hero, not knowing that her battles would come sooner than after, or that she’d be homeless and unloved her entire life.  That wasn’t a part of the deal, but she accepted it.  

The god had told her that the goddess and god below were in love, and that she would be their child.  So she then just smiled and agreed again to become their child.  

After she got done speaking about this, her parents looked so estranged.  “S-so you're telling us..that you died in your last life? How did you-”

“I..fell in love with a count..we were to be married, and he poisoned me because my family told him to.  I-I was foolish, and I should have known better, my only family I had were a couple servants in the mansion with me twenty four seven.  My step father had gotten rid of me by selling me to a rich man, who then had me married off to the count..but I didn’t know he was going to kill me just because my sister was prettier than me.”

Sakura leaned back, her head feeling tired from all that talking.  “It didn’t matter anyways, they had tried framing me several times for stealing.  He never loved me but he played with my emotions like I was some doll.  If I could go back..I would have never gotten with him, I would have taken my mother’s name and kicked out my steps.  Mother had died when I was four, I could never remember her but my maids would tell me how fantastic she was as a woman! I wanted to be just like her, that was until I met the prince.  What a turn of events right? Instead I was offered to live here in another life where I’d suffer more and never die..what a pleasure.”

Her parents kept looking at one another, so astonished now of what her world was like, and how the prince could get away with poison, but Sakura just laughed it off like it was nothing, after all, she was happy to be stuck with this new family.


The end....


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Cover: All Rights Reserved
Lektorat: Whisper
Korrektorat: Whisper
Übersetzung: Whisper
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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2023

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