
Into The Graveyard

Daisy stared up at the stars from behind some metal bars, her eyes kept glaring up at the moon trying to decipher its hidden messages from her mother.  This wasn’t really how it all began, her parents were different.  Opal just happened to not be a part of their family, not yet, not until she makes a big entrance to the goddess.  The girl had gone through many big heights in life, the ups, the lows…currently she’s sitting underground in a jail, committed for treason through her town.  All she did was protect a baby from being squashed by a raccoon mount.  It was more of the rich classes that had these strange undergoing animal mounts.  

There she was though, blue fuzz ball, cute as a button.  Tiny for her age, extremely tiny, but food didn’t get around much in her village, then most trades that came around were corrupted by people who needed more money for food.  Daisy had heard of the wickedness of some of her people in the town.  Being a lower class citizen honestly had its weak parts.  For example, most of the trades consisted of about a hundred children of this salty town, some people just traded up their own children finding that food was more valuable than their own people.  Or some unfortunate thing happens like Daisy being held underground because she just simply tried to be bigger than the less unfortunate people who dwelled in nothing but pain. 

Saving a baby who was being sold was the least she could do, her magic wasn’t completely grated yet, which meant it was rough on various edges.  

Daisy didn’t really care for the city, she knew that trying to find her parents was hopeless at this point, but she knew of where they’ve been, leaving nothing but disaster is what they did.  Leaders of such that lost their only child, or think they did, sometimes Daisy doesn’t want to just give up on her search, no matter how close she was getting.  Fate was cruel, known to be cruel.  

But now, the girl certainly got herself in a pickle, considering her situation being behind bars, that wasn’t even close to being a problem, just happened to be one of the first problems.  Daisy has light blue hair, the goddess of the realm has light blue hair, she is an elve, her father is an elve.  Silly how things just fit like a puzzle right?

After days of no water or food, and the consistent realization that she’s probably never going to get any taller than 4’2, it was just hopeless, outrageous.  Age seven, actually she is fifteen, but people always classified her to be a child, several times she was almost sold, which comes back to the part of why she has been sitting in the rotten cell for while slowly becoming ash, forgotten garbage.  

Now the outfits weren’t too grand when being put into a cell with little food or water.  The clothing choice was rags, and a rope tied around her waist, her’s just was double knotted like six times because of her weight and height.  At some point in her life, she questioned her integrity, the people who raised her were farmers of the blue mushroom crops, until they were slaughtered when she was five because they simply didn’t pay off debt to the rich big fat man sitting on the throne of the town.  Love was hard to find, this girl was certainly deprived of it for being so short like a six year old.  Some elves got taller, or most that were in books did, maybe perhaps she just got her age wrong, but she follows the stars, shooting fire balls that hit the ground on occasions, she just counts them thinking it's her age.  Now she was just being held captive.  Small child in a room filled with mud, no shoes, no blanket, perfect temperature to develop a cold, not that there was any medicine so plagues were more frequently to go around.  While waiting for a certain amount of days in the dark, she had come up with a plan.  Since the ground was moist, she thought of piling all the mud near the wooden locked door, so whoever opens the door, ends up sliding in the mud.  

She smacked her heart shaped lips together, as she drew the mud onto her face, getting ready for war.  The sticks she had been using to try to dig herself up, she had scraped them to a point on the brick in her square shaped tiny spaced cell, they were carefully appointed under the mud, with some crispy leaves that blew in from the bars. 

Water was her specialty, just trying to use her magic could just as simply flood an entire city, which is why she tried to not use her magic.  Finding her parents was really the only solution to fixing her problems.  Getting rid of her magic was what she desired.  She was pear shaped, just the perfect fit for plan B.

While she was thinking of the exact plan, the rats came to the door, sliding the lock over.  Tall narrowed man stood in the door, his eyes just connecting with her gray eyes.  “Come on, they are determining what to do with you!”

Just a step, and the pointy stick jabbed into his foot making him fall to his knees, his foot throbbing now in pain.  The girl simply grabbed his keys, thanked him, and left the cell only to be met by three other men.  They left the man bleeding in the cell and dragged Daisy to the trial.  She looked around, seeing bigger people, then a tall woman, who looked very elegant. This was most likely going to end very terribly.  It looked like the grand jury was there.  

“Child, do you know what you have done!?” The lady spoke loud and clear, waking the dead spirits up from the very ground they all stood on.  Daisy was pulled back, then tied to a tree in the middle of the circle.  Everyone’s eyes were glued to her.  “I am not a child you imp! I’m an elve!” That young girl wasn’t afraid to speak for herself.  

They all blinked at her, the ears were visible, but her curly light blue hair mostly covered her pointy ears.  A man came up to the girl smacking her hard across the face.  “You are too young to be an elf, such disgusting manors, who are you calling imp, imp?”

Her ears twitched as she felt the ground start to grumble below her, it wasn’t good, but her tummy happened to be hungry, and well her stomach was speaking more than her head.  Anger was beside the point by now, it came down to food.

The tree's flexible branches came down with grace, then what appeared in front of her was an apple.  Daisy, being only a child, thought it would be okay to just simply grab it, taking her arm out of the bind as if it was never tied to her.  The small elve bit into the apple waiting for them to continue with her trial.  

It was said all the elve’s had died because of a storm blowing the sacred trees to nothing but splinters, as for its people, when they were exposed to their enemies, they came down and slaughtered all of them, except Daisy, she was tiny, actually only a toddler looking for her mother, the woman had left her near a tree, but as the night rolled in the girl found herself looking for her parents while running around in an unknown habitat until she ran into a couple who took her in.  Curiously a man stepped up, his whole outfit made of pure silver.  “Is that heavy?” She poked at him after leaving the apple in her mouth.  

The man took the apple away from her, she knew he was the chief, the man who put her in the cell.  “What is your name, elve!?” 

Almost spitting at her she decided she was no longer hungry.  “I am Daisy,” it didn’t look like they believed her.  The man repeated himself, it was getting tiring after hearing the guy say it over and over, she didn’t know elve’s had names, she remembers Daisy, her papa’s favorite weed that grew in a meadow.  “Daisy.”

Now the elve was being honestly flat out with them, they did note she was a young elve for her kind, not many survived which made it all so curious to how this one did.  Their race had been burned down to the ground not long ago, and the humans had captured the goddess of the forest along with her husband.  Daisy knew if her parents were dead, that if she just met the goddess then she’d make her a human so that she could be normal like the townspeople.  

Usually the girl didn’t put herself in danger, but when she heard the mother of the baby crying she accidentally appeared next to the crib, next thing the elve knew, not only was the baby in trouble but whoever was in the carriage was going to get her into trouble.  

Typically Daisy would have been doing farm work at that time, except the young girl was in need of seeds to grow the fields.  Offering another farmer ten gold coins should have done it.  The very thought of just being set free always rolled left to right in her head. 

When she felt his hand slide up her arm her eyes snapped at him, her mark on her shoulder always burned.  “Water eh? That is your element.  How useless elve.  If perhaps you even think about getting away with more magic, think twice fool,” the man spat at her some more.

Something about humans had irritated the young elve, but even though this guy in silver was spitting in her face she kept absolutely calm.  The woman on the stand took her staff, hitting it on the platform, waking every eye to her heeding command.  “Release this elve, let her return back to her forest!”

Now that was a quick decision Daisy thought.  Now there was a slight glint of happiness shuttering her fully awake, she couldn’t wait to get back home to her cottage house, or the farm.  

Where they had dumped her off was very opposite from what she thought of, she had dreaded walking through the dead forest, fearing that someone may capture her then slaughter her like they did to her own kind.  As she took a few steps forwards, finding that the ground was turning a vibrant green.  Dead fossilized oaks that rest on the ground started to sink below the crusted sand, then out came new life.

It was no shock that Daisy was able to do this with just stepping foot back into the elven kingdom.  What useless power had the strength to revive the land.  Only suspicion was what kept her standing under the sun's heat though, the elve was curious to see if this is just what they wanted.  More land means more money, if the leader of the town had an interest then he’d take it.  Knowing that she was an elve, the abilities of water, something about this was making no sense to why they had simply left her in the middle of nowhere.

Five hours later, she was playing with some mud, the trees around her loomed, getting the heat off her back.  It wasn’t like she could control her magic, so everything just kept proceeding to rip up from the ground.  Colors of her rags turned from a plain tan to a deep blue.  

Daisy waited for hours, until the darkness surrounded her, there was no sound, no light, the only thing she could see was the midnight sky.  Not a day passed when she didn’t think about it all like it was yesterday.  How thriving this once jungle had been before people had burned it to the grounds.  Sometimes she just dreamed of being back in the jungle with her parents, they lived in a huge tree that glowed only when the moon took over the sky.  

At some point Daisy fell asleep in her small area, making all the trees grow bigger, streams of water pouring from the ocean in Belling Town all the way to the jungle.  When she kept dreaming her emotions started to pour out of her dreams of everything she recalled, every detail, little memories that were important.

A leaf with a big drop of dew smacked her right on the head almost drowning her, she lifted herself up though, finding a path leading into the jungle.  “Maybe she will be there.”

Curiously she went forwards, trying not to step on any jiggle mushrooms.  Everything was there, the enormous leaves, sunshine, life.  The stream she followed led her to the middle of the forest, she thanked some large coin fish for keeping her company.  It was as if nothing happened, the jungle was thriving once more, the wooden great oaks that were homes of the elves were standing proud and tall with glowing mushrooms along the wooden arches keeping some of the houses up.  Then in the middle was the old great oak home.  Daisy thought she was still dreaming, but her hair was all slicked back and matted from the water.  No dream.  

To keep this place safe she put a water wall up; she didn’t drain the ocean from Belling, the town on the other side of her original town.  Except she did take a lot of ocean, she’d be surprised if they could doc any boats now.  

Nervously the elve kept walking to the great oak in the middle of the grand jungle.  No shoes, just her previous clothes from the cell that she stayed in for probably roughly three weeks.  Saving a baby was now seeming to be worth it.

Daisy went up into the tree opening it to find everything exactly the way her parents had it.  Just a glint of happiness drained into her mind.  It was disappointing that nobody was around to share this joy, just her, her and the big oak.  “Hello oak, I’m home…but it’s okay, I think mummy and daddy will be back soon too! Then we can be..together..again.”

Her hope was dwindling, being cast out of town surely had its ups to it.  As if Daisy was a key, the jungle had returned, now it was just a matter of time before anyone showed up wondering what her water wall was, if they were lucky though they’d make it through, except only an elve would know what to do.

The girl wanted to keep the place safe for her parents to finally return.  What seemed like days of waiting ended up being ten more years added to it.  The upside part of it, she was now living in the big tree, and only grew to 5’2.  Completely she had forgotten her life before, and she made friends with jungle bugs, coin fish, then the oak trees because they needed to be talked to.  Not a single soul turned up while she lived in the grand oak.  Just turning sixteen, seeing no stars out on her special day, she just stopped counting.  



Jungles Newest Recruit!


“Alright bumblefrogs!” Daisy had gone from a talking child to people, to not remembering a single thing about the past or what she was doing, waiting for, instead she was racing around bumblefrogs, a species of a bee that had legs of a frog.  Not so frightening creatures to Daisy, but just good enough creatures to talk to.  “Start your buzzers!”

Magic wasn’t exactly her specialty, really anything she touched accidently ended up with a blob of bubbled water around their heads, or it just started downpouring.  Her clothes over time had changed to a leaf covering her waist down and bum down, then some flowers she gathered from a vine, she used those to make a top.  The most things that the humans wouldn’t do was expose skin, Daisy has been living alone for sixteen years, she has a lot of exposed skin.  Her hair is always cut short with some river stones, if not it gets too long then she has no choice but to untangle her hair every morning.  Such a beautiful day of racing nothing but bumblefrogs!

To an extent of racing, one of the bumblefrogs zoomed too far into the jungle leaving the other one in the dust, stuck to a sapped jungle oak.  “Um..that wasn’t supposed to happen.”

It would only mean that something was attracting the bumble.  As she followed its sound of buzzing through the forest, finally she ran into the boy that attracted the bumblefrog.  She came crashing into him very fast.  

“Oh!” The boy let a small gasp out finding an elegant elve sitting on top of him.  Her hands touched his face, finding his image to be very darling.  To see that there was another of her intrigued her.  His pointed ears twitched as she lowered down closer to him, seeing that his clothes were particularly interesting, while she wore nothing under her leaf or flowers, but nothing was visible.  “Did you eat bumblefrog? Are you a bumblefrog?”


The cute elve brought his hand up, he took the strands of her light blue hair and moved them behind her pointed ears.  “Y-your..”

Before he could get that sentence out she pulled him to his feet.  “Well I don’t know what you are but I know that you seem to have strange clothing..almost as if you were..outside the water wall..strange, you must be like me then!” She twinkled at him then smacked into a big leaf.  “Oh..are you alright?” He asked, trying to at least sound worried.  The young girl elve just kept smiling while covering her nose, then she smacked the leaf.  “That wasn’t nice,” she mumbled.  

“Are you talking to the trees? How long have you been here?”

His mouth dropped when they got to the trees.  “T-this is just like I remember…”

Daisy jumped with excitement, she let his hand go leaving him dumb fumbled.  Her hands smacked together with some mud and she went back over to him.  “This is Gooey, my friend-”
He stopped her then took her hands in his.  “I don’t exactly know you, or who you are but thank you!” 

She started to think about what he just said to her, it wasn’t until he started running to a great oak that looked fun..oh that’s because Daisy had lots of fun with that great oak, they always had a leafy time.  The disappointment on his face when he didn’t hear any more voices almost made her feel sad too, almost like he was something she just made up to stop her from going any further to crazy town.  His gaze went back to her though.  His black eyes looked so toned with anger, or maybe more sadness.  “W-what were you looking for? Did you live there?” Daisy tried to get him to speak but he wouldn’t, so to cheer him up she pulled him to the big oak, her home.  Around an oak table were leaves wrapped around big berries, with smiles on them.  “That is mummy and papa.”

The elven boy fell to his knees, seeing how sad she was living her life.  “Y-you actually think those are your parents?”

There was slight hesitation when Daisy went to smile again.  “Parents? What..what are those?”

Concerned for the girl, he looked around more.  “This was the goddesses' must be her daughter.  She thinks you're dead, your father is also dead.”

His smile returned when he bowed down more to the floor graced with her presence.  “No wonder you are beautiful..” that’s all he could say next while balling his eyes out.  “W-who is goddess?” Things were sounding familiar to Daisy, but she simply couldn’t put her finger on it.  “Don’t you remember me Daisy? Or anything? How long have you been here? My name is Zen.”

He had long blond braids that went along his back, he wore a lot of black instead of colorful things like around the jungle.  “Oh, do you have a mark on your shoulder?” Daisy didn’t answer his question, she went up to him, making him crisscross while she took a seat right on his lap, not scared of what he would do or say to her.  Her hand took her left hand.  Just a glance at his eyes before pulling his sleeve up.  His shoulder had a plant on it.  “Aww, how cute..”

Zen blushed then accidently pushed her off in the process of freaking out that she sat on him practically all naked.  Her eyes just fumbled over his standing pose, while his eyes were glued to her waist because he had seen a lot more than he bargained for.  “I-I…am..sorry-”

So innocent like, the elven girl shrugged while sitting up, closing her legs because he made her fall back with her legs open letting him see everything.  “I-is there anymore of us, Zen?”

Zen was still petrified, still looking between her legs, Daisy was confused but something about her made a tragic affect on him in the front of his black pants, she knew that much.  “ there something wrong with you Zen?”

His face became serious, and he kneeled down.  “Daisy, I am sorry.  There are no others left, they perished a long time ago, all that lived are either enslaved to society outside the water wall, or like the goddess, trying to erase human life.”

She grinned at him.  “It’s okay, now you have me and you won’t be alone anymore.”

Her hand came down, offering him to stand with her, still he was wildly attracted to her, he couldn’t help it.  Zen placed his hands on her hips pulling her into him.  She was finding that whatever effect he had, was starting to develop now with her in a different way.  


Quite a Turn...


Daisy became pregnant after two months with her and just Zen, she had learned a lot of valuable things about the new beginnings of wars outside the water wall, he had told her many stories, many things about parents.  Daisy didn’t exactly understand what he talked about, but she was loving every second he began to speak.  He was a new item.  Her hand fumbled around his coat that he gave her from his backpack.  Zen teases her a lot telling her that she is too gorgeous to just walk around naked, except he doesn’t mind it when she bathes.  The elven  boy was awfully a confusing book to read, she was always so fascinated with the things he would teach her.  She would teach him things about her world, then he would teach her things also.  

“Z-Zen, may..I ask you something?” She pulled at his sleeve, making him stop talking so much.  “You know…the kissing thing that we do? How it makes I don’t understand it, but um..possibly could that affect my weight?” She was nervous to speak to him about this, but he knows all sorts of things that made her mind wonder a lot.  Zen just began to smile.  “Daisy, let me see.”

Gently he took his jacket, sliding it down off of her, finding that she did have a tummy going on.  “You are with child.  It means that you are going to be a wonderful mother to a new beginning of elven.”

Her eyes lit up while staring at him.  “Really?” she beamed at him, trying to thank him with her mind but not a single thought crossed.  Daisy had developed feelings for this elve, she loved him unconditionally.  No matter what though, he still had seen Daisy as the goddesses daughter.


The Other Side of The Realm


Many times he came back from out of the water wall, Zen always wanted to make Daisy happy, knowing if she left this jungle it would surely turn back to ashes, so he did what he could to get things from the town next door.  Daisy was now in more situated clothing that covered her up, and the books that he brought back is what kept her daily life going.  Zen found his safe haven, it was not only with the one he loved, but in the grand oak tree.  Daisy was ready to give birth to her third elven baby, just when wasn’t exactly noted.  Wearing maternity dresses didn’t seem to impress her considering that she hated clothing, but she wore it around because Zen said it was just how humans had developed clothing for these kinds of things.  Of course he knew it all, she on the other hand still loved him even though she disagreed many times with him about the clothing.

It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy looking at her without clothing, he just didn’t have self control seeing her without clothing.  Most of her bathing times were with him…

“Zen,” she interrupted the eleven man as he looked at the water wall.  “There is a woman outside the water wall.”

“Really? That sounds nice..but Zen-”

He put his hand up to the water, making it clear enough to see who was on the other side, in fact whoever it was, was coming in.  “Right, Zen, there is something I need to tell you-”

Zen shushed her, then they both backed off because Zen was now taking her back to the tree where the two kids were giggling around the big oaks, sliding down big leaves.  “Una! Iris!” Their mother snapped at the two eleven little girls, they were three, of course her first elven child ended up being a two elven baby situation.  The two cuties looked up at her, blinking at her.  Iris had and Una both had a mix between white hair, and blue streaks running through their hair, as for clothing she got away with it, letting them wear leaves for clothing because she didn’t want them to feel suffocated like she was in her outfit.  

The two gathered next to her.  Sweet tiny smiles while they walked with their mother back up into the tree.  Zen waited outside.

In fact it was taking so long he just took a seat on the ground.  Until his tiny daughter gripped his shoulders and started jumping up and down.  “Papa, papa!” Una giggled at him.  He lost concentration then took the small girl into his arms.  “You and your sister better behave for mummy.”

Una just nodded with a smile, but then Una stopped smiling when she noticed a tall woman.  Iris came out into the darkness, feeling that there was a tug between her sister.  Una was all over the goddess.  She kept pulling at every single little thing that the elven woman had on, she hadn’t seen such a thing in a very long time, not since long ago.  “Goddess, you finally grace us with your presence.”

Her hand came up to the child and she just patted the little eleven’s head.  Iris clicked her feet together before joining her sister.  “Twins? What a rare occasion.  I thought that coming back to the graveyard would I ran into a wall of water that had formed around the entire jungle that somehow grew once more? These two children are not half humans?”

Zen watched Iris go back inside the grand oak, then his attention went back to the goddess.  “Would you care to see how your jungle has been tended to, goddesses?”

She picked Una up, such a big smile on the girl’s face.  “They don’t..get out much, so forgive them for being so..blunt.”

The eleven woman shook her head.  “It is nice to see the jungle is thriving once more..what great miracle embraced this land?”

Zen kept smiling while leading her up into the grand tree.  Daisy happened to be in her room at the moment sleeping.  Una and Iris had made sure to help their mother up the stairs though.  Zen showed her around her own home..still Daisy had her leaf parents sitting at the oak table, they didn’t use it much..

“Um, those are my wife’s parents.  Don’t sit at the table unless you want to get barked at several times.”

Una leaned her head on the elven woman’s shoulder, her tiny hand pointing at the woman looking leaf parent.  “Nana.”

Out of all the trees, Dena was surprised that they chose to make her home, their home.  “Are you staying here goddess? I’m sure my wife wouldn’t mind.”

Zen got out a pan from a cupboard, then he filled it with water that happened to be in a jar that Daisy put together for him when she was too tired to cook.  Iris came back from upstairs.  “Um..papa..mummy is no feel good?”

He picked Iris up.  “She’s just sleeping.  Mummy needs so much rest so that she can be ready to give you another sibling.”

The goddess blankly stared at him, she now didn’t really see her home the way it used to be.  Una, Iris, now another baby.  The tree was big, even though she desired to one day be able to give birth to more than one child, but things didn’t work out.  Many years she blamed herself for the loss of her people, her daughter, and her husband.  Seeing how there was at least a little hope but not much, it made her flattered that they were staying in her home feeling comforted.  “Goddess, would you perhaps like to watch these two? It will only be a second.   Then I will..try to show you around like I asked.”

Dena didn’t know what to say, she kept looking between the two girls, one in her arms who was now sleeping, then the other who was picking her nose.  Luckily Zen returned, then properly introduced his children.  “Iris, and Una.  When I arrived here it was just my wife who was living here alone for a long time.  She wasn’t exactly all there..until I told her many things about the outside world.”

Now it was strange to him that his wife was now wearing a very elegant white dress that didn’t hug her, she looked comfy and warm under the blanket.  Iris did perhaps see something, but it wasn’t her mother being sick, just her mother’s outfit changing magically that was all.  “Iris, mummy is just fine.”

The worry on the eleven girl’s face drifted fast as she caught the eyes of a bumblefrog peeking in through the hollow window.  “Buzzz!” Iris shouted, waking her older elven sister.  “N-no, shhhh,” Una shushed her sister.  Zen smacked his hands together, Una had her attention on him, and Iris had slight attention, glancing between the bumblefrog, and her papa.  “Why don’t you girl’s take a nap with mummy just until I am done showing the goddess around?”

Iris wasn’t impressed, but cuddling with her mother certainly got her little feet running up the stairs, Una was let down by the goddess and she raced up with Iris.  There were no stairs, it was more of a spiral slope with a rail.

Dena watched him boil the water with his hands as they walked around outside the old great oak.  “Certainly there must be more reasons to why you have come here goddess, considering you have been working for the great empire..whose been wiping little towns out..”

Dena nodded, there were more reasons.  “This place is in the way of their path, I have been asked to remove it.”

“Remove it? This is our home, why would you even come down to such a conclusion goddess? It isn’t something I can let you do even if I must die.  To protect my wife I cannot let you.”

“What is your name, elven man?” Dena didn’t have any emotions, she just looked at him simply waiting for him to answer.  “Zen, my name is Zen.”

Zen leaned down gathering some berries from a small vine that grew from the ground up, then simply tossing them into the hot pan.  “Zen, this place is lovely to see again, but I won’t forget what happened nineteen years ago, which is why I will do whatever I want..even if it includes getting rid of what's left of us, there is no point.  There are no more of us, the humans have been executing us like weeds being cut from a garden.”

The young eleven man stayed silent while showing her around, finally he brought her upstairs to meet Daisy who had the two toddlers sleeping next to her.  Nap time was surely short for Daisy.  Dena was delighted to see the only woman elve left.  Daisy let a tiny yawn out then she smiled tiredly at Zen.  She was quiet while sitting up with help from Zen, her curly light blue hair fluffed out when her blanket slipped down.  The dress she had on was different from what Zen got her, it was white, very elegant and flowy.  Zen helped her out of bed, she couldn’t help but yawn some more.  “I had a strange dream darling..” Daisy whispered to him.  “I was dreaming elve, she is outside the water wall..and she comes in..with a boy..” Her mind was feeling a little more than light headed.  “There are no more of us-”

“N-no no honey, there are, there are,” she patted him on the shoulder.  “They are coming, slowly but surely.  Go, see, I’m sure they will do well with the children..”

Zen felt his wife’s forehead, she was running a fever but yet he heard some voices outside from the old oak.  “They are children, yes..yes, children.  Invite them in.”

He wasn’t just going to leave her with this fever, but Dena took Daisy’s hand as Zen went downstairs.  “Oh hi there,” Daisy wasn’t flirting but it came out that way.  Then her eyes went over to her children.  Dena looked down at the elve, she reminded her of her daughter, the little girl was a bashful elve, with light blue curly hair.  Out of all elves that were born the day Dena’s daughter was, none had such beautiful curls, or darling light blue hair. 

“I’m Daisy, you are very gorgeous by the way.  Did you always have white hair? Why are you so tall? Am I going to ever be that tall?”

Dena was amazed by how much this girl just wanted to know about her.  “I am…I am..your goddess..what is your name?”

“Daisy,” The young elven woman nodded, almost not convinced about who she was.  “Goddess? That…sounds very..familiar.”

Daisy scrunged her face, then she backed somewhat away from the elven woman.  “Goddess…ohhh!” She gripped the desk nearby.  Feeling the pain finally kick in, she gasped then let a small giggle out.  “Oh I think it's time.  Tell Zen that he can bring the children up here to rest, they have had a long journey getting here, as for me, I will go..somewhere that I won’t be any noise to the children..don’t mind me.”

Stronger than she looked, she wacked at the goddess seeing to it there was no help.  “I will have my help, the great oaks tree will tell me where I may rest, there I will rest.  Just like the first time, just like my next time, and times after that.”

So she made her way back down the tree, giving a smile to the children as Zen helped them to the kitchen.  It was easy to sneak around Zen.  When she finally got outside the oak, the flowers in the vines started growing a path.  Right away she knew where her next path was going to be.  Never has she ever worn such a gown, she couldn’t recall slipping something comfortable and easy to walk in, nor did she wear any shoes to go with it.  Daisies kept growing like a wild fire in her hair.  She followed her jungle vines deep into the roots of the jungle, finding a large oak tree.  “Are you sure this is the one?” Her hands traced the big roots.  “Then so be it..”

The goddess was intrigued with how the roots spoke to her, she had followed the elven woman deep into the ground.  Tiny as can be, a patch of flowers grew as a nest for a bird, as if already prepared the elven woman had a place to rest herself with help.  Dena went over, taking a seat next to the young elven woman.  “This jungle seems to be attached to you like it is to me.”

Daisy was surprised to see her sitting next to her.  “I’ve..been here for!...a long time,” Daisy gripped the vine and she let go of this loud scream.  It wasn’t like she could hold the baby just a bit more to have a conversation with a stranger.  

Even though the young elven woman didn’t know who Dena was, she let the woman hold her hand.  Such a beautiful miraculous time it was.  The rain was pouring into the tunnel, but the vines kept the water a bay, sitting amongst this big oak in the tunnel started to do something odd to Daisy’s thoughts.  When the baby was born, she had slumped down onto her daisy bed, the rain outside had stopped.  As for the baby, the gentle vines placed the boy into the flower bed, leaving the young elven woman passed out because of the great oak.  

All her memories kept pushing through her, it was like the oak was granting her back the memories she had lost.  Time was always hard to tell for her, now she was understanding what she was looking for, who.  

Dena waited for her to come out of whatever it was she was in, as for the elven baby, she picked him up, it had been eternity since the last she picked a baby up.  She had forgotten the reason for being there to begin with.  Everything was coming back, elven weren’t quite yet gone.  When she set the baby back in the flower bed that’s when it started crying.  Those vines that were protecting Daisy, Dena, and the baby from the great water clog in the tunnel, had soaked all the rain up, taking it deep into the roots.  Dena thought perhaps the elven woman had passed out, which was partially correct, so she placed her hand on the girl’s forehead only to be transferred right into the same sleep state that the girl was in.


Lost Rivena


Daisy was sitting in the darkness, her knees pressed to her chest, a child, an elven child with curly hair just sitting in the dark.  Dena could hear the weeping of her.  The memories around them kept showing everything that Rivena had gone through.  As the goddess she had never seen such horror of memories that could haunt a child.  The people that took her in weren't that pleasant, but no matter what she never hurt another human, or touched a human.  

Disgusted by what she was, many shunned her, hit her with things that would be considered as whips, then she ate from the pigs pen at night just to stay alive.  Or talking to herself would calm her down, no matter what she never lost her temper.  Then it came across a very heart stopping scene of course.  Dena had left Rivena near a tree, she said she’d be back, but she never came back.  It explained why Dena couldn’t find Rivena, the girl had heard screams, fire prickling at the forest, she was scared and she kept screaming for her parents as she cried herself all the way out into another land that only bares sands and hot sun, when she had found another forest, she collapsed from the heat, exhaustion from crying, and she just laid there for a while.  It wasn’t until some people kicked her.  Still Rivena didn’t stop them using her magic, she just kept her head tucked between her knees, but it seemed her fear of dying is what got to her.  The men standing around her just dropped dead, while she was left feeling numb from the kicks that they had done.  It was enough, enough to kill her.  She was only four years old in that memory.  

Living through what she endured forced her to silence until she met a couple who weren’t at all nice, but they put her in with the pigs in the barn, yet it seemed wherever the girl went they had beaten her for keeping her head low.  Every little memory was horrifying.  Then to watch her be alone for several years waiting for her parents to show up, she had created her parents out of leaves, then took smashed berries to draw faces on them, still the girl kept smiling and smiling, til she had forgotten about everything.  

The search for anyone died, and she stayed there just waiting and going crazy.  It wasn’t until Rivena met Zen that he had released her from the loneliness confines.  Dena just listened to her daughter speak to Zen, the night she had asked him about her weight.  Rivena was completely just a lost child who was now going to be a parent because Zen couldn’t keep his hands off her, and what the young elven girl kept thinking was how scared she was.  He had let her down several times, leaving her alone in the jungle to go out and retrieve fish for the family in the nearby river, but he took his pleasant time coming back.  Again, the little blue curly haired girl was alone.  

Talking to the great oaks, the vines, anything to keep her distracted was all she could do in the time being when he left her alone.  Sometimes he hunted, other times he fished.  Being successful with everything, left her to only smile when he returned, but nor did she weep.  Her loneliness had made her depressed to the point where she could only smile around him, or the children.  Now it was no wonder why the great oak, the jungle were attached to her. 

Dena looked down at the weeping child, finding that she just sat there in her small space not wanting to come out.  “Rivena, it’s time to come home.”

The tiny elven had stopped weeping, her eyes found the strange elven woman standing in her darkness with her, except Dena had a light.  “Come to me Rivena,” her mother sternly repeated.  Being scared that she would hurt her own mother kept her from moving, she began crying once more while keeping her head ducked between her legs.  Dena didn’t care what kind of magic her daughter had in store, she went up to the little elven girl, picking her up into her arms.  “You won’t hurt me, now come my Rivena, don’t cry no longer, there is no need to be alone once more.”

As Dena turned around holding the elven child, slowly the eleven child became a ten year old elven girl.  She got out of the arms of her mother, and just took her hand while shamefully not looking up, they kept walking until Rivena had grown completely into a full nineteen year old woman.  There was a door now in front of them.  “To get out we just need to open the door,” Rivena was quiet, she looked at Dena.  “My husband is to hear nothing of this, also whatever you have seen in my memories, forget it,” she opened the door not giving Dena the slightest chance. 


A New Revalation


The young elven woman woke up moments before Dena, she had gotten up, taking the baby into her arms then she got out of the tunnel with help of the roots.  Leaving Dena in the tunnel and pretending nothing happened because at this point it was way too late to just go back and change things.

She took the small elven infant back to the grand oak tree in the middle of the forest.  Iris, Una, were waiting with two other children.  Zen smiled at her seeing the baby.  They all gathered around as she took a seat on the ground not being able to walk much further.  The vines had leant her some help getting down.  She looked up at the young two elves.  “Come children,” Rivena held her right hand out while holding the baby close to her chest, both of them were shy, but they managed to get closer.  “Tell me your names.”

The red headed elve pointed at her shy looking brother.  “Tuss my brother, I am Runa.”

She smiled warmly at them, they were only seven years old, she may as well indulge them some.  “Such brave names, would you like to meet your new sibling?” Rivena knew it would confuse them.  Runa gave a questioning look.  “I’m sure your parents would want someone to look after the two of you until they arrive, so I welcome anything to you, this family is just as much as yours.  I have seen the two of you many times in my dreams, you traveled far.”

Tuss nodded with his head dipped down.  The two were redheads, wearing rags for clothing.  “Now, would you two like to change into something different?”

Eagerly they nodded.  Iris snatched Runa’s hand pulling her to the jungle leaves.  Una came in closer next to Tuss, her cheeks all flushed.  “Tuss, this is Una, as for our newest member, this is Evan.”

Iris came back with Runa.  Showing Rivena the flowers she chose for Runa.  “They look lovely darling.  Iris, Runa, this is your brother Evan.”

Zen held his hand out to Rivena, she took his hand letting him help her up.  “Watch the children, Zen.”

Rivena went inside the great oak, leaving him to the children.  Dena returned not so happy, actually more irritated.  Seeing the four children being constructed on how to make clothing from leaves made her smile, yet Rivena was not around.  The young elven woman was inside feeding her elven infant.  Iris popped up fast when seeing Dena.  That big smile on the small elven girl’s face as she waved around a cute outfit that was being put together with help.  “Yes, it’s very cute, where is mummy?”

Iris giggled then pointed into the tree.  Rivena was in there feeding the infant then lightly patting him on the back making a tiny burp come up.  She then undid her shaw, revealing the baby.  Dena watched her set the baby into the crib next to her bed.  “How dare you leave me in the jungle alone!”
Rivena glanced up as she was laying down.  “Do I know you? I don’t..think I know you, sorry dear but I must get some rest otherwise I am going to collapse,” she didn’t even lay down slowly, she just plopped down, extremely tired from giving birth to little Evan.  This was no bashful elven woman, she was just a tired mother who worked herself to the brim with the children she has.  Now Rivena had taken in two more kids just until their parents arrived.  “Pretending not to know me? Is that really how this is going to go? You are seriously just going to ignore me completely?”

Rivena rolled her eyes, she didn’t care what the woman was to her, or personally who she was.  “I sat here long enough waiting for you mother, now it seems I have no room for a motherly figure anymore, considering that I have conceived more children than yourself..I’m sure papa would have at least given me a daisy if he were alive, not shove a discussion down my throat about how I’m doing mentally.  Physically I’m doing great, in fact my body zips back to shape after a day, then I’m all set to have sex again with my husband.  Now can you give me any reason I need a mother? What use of your information is to me? When you left me in the forest that was it, that was when I could never forgive what you did to me, and that was why I was seeking you for so long.  To take these powers away from me, and strip me from being an elven.  When they cast me back into the graveyard, my magic made the jungle live again, but I can never leave.”

The outside world was unreachable for Rivena, even if she wanted to see the outside she would never be able to, the jungle thrived, it felt threatened without her, because the goddess had not returned in many years leaving everything to ash instead of regrowing its roots from the waters of Belling town.  So the jungle took her memories away, forcing her to forget about what she was meaning to do in life, the girl would have no choice but to stay until the goddess would return.  Rivena thought of leaving now, leaving her mother to suffer in everything that she had built from her magic, but she had children, letting them see the outside cruel world wasn’t an option that she was going to give them.  

Dena wasn’t much sorry for killing a lot of humans, or raiding towns with bandits of goblins, she had inflicted much pain amongst the humans before being captured by them and forced to fix all her evil, then a war had begun and they were planning to use her as a weapon, to kill thousands more men.  This big bubble of water keeping the jungle safe was the only thing in their way of getting to the war earlier.  More than anything Dena had missed her child, her own elven baby, so seeing her again came as a bigger surprise.  Now staying started to sound better than living in the human realm.  

Rivena glanced at her baby, her hand slipping down to the little one’s head, she just caressed the top of the baby’s head.  “This is Evan..” she felt her head.  That fever had gotten slightly worse but she just drifted off as she laid there quietly.  Not a single thing was said after that, Dena knew her daughter blamed her for leaving her in the woods, even she blamed herself for making that decision, the eleven woman didn’t want to be elven anymore because of the life she lived until now.  The jungle became her safety zone.  Dena couldn’t help but just stand there and not say hi to her new grandson, it seemed different to her, she had a family now, her own daughter hates her, she paid no attention to it.  

For years of dreadful loneliness that she had suffered, it was finally over.  Outside the great oak she had new generations of elven coming in, Dena was more delighted that Rivena had her own way of living in the great oak, which involved wearing such inappropriate clothes, yet it was just her living there until Zen showed up.  That was one memory that Dena didn’t enjoy watching, in fact it made her very disturbed that her child had sex in the great oak.  The oak doesn't lie..

After quite some time of sitting next to the crib, watching the baby sleep, Dena found herself dozing off herself.  

Tuss and Runa came up to observe the baby, they had been more than surprised that the small baby was a baby of their own kind.  Quiet as can be, they got into a bed, that usually Una, and Iris slept in, the twin elves didn’t mind when they had come up for bed too, they said hi to their new sibling.  Rivena pulled the covers up to their shoulders, then lightly kissed each one on the forehead.

Zen came in slightly catching her as she got dizzy.  “Come, it’s time you go to the water, it will heal you.”

As much as it sounded delightful, she shook her head, “my dear, I am not bathing just so you know,” Rivena scolded him while looking around to make sure everyone was actually asleep.  “I solemnly promise I will keep my hands off you as much as possible.”

Rolling her eyes at her husband in disbelief.  “You know what, you should try pushing out three babies and tell me how it feels! We aren’t the only one’s anymore, quite frankly I don’t even know if I want to have…it anymore with you, possibly I have..just fallen short for you Zen.”

Gently she took his hands, and she pressed them to his chest.  “I’m not a child anymore Zen, you can’t have me whenever you want,” she simply whispered into his ear.  

Rivena smiled, exactly not at him, more at the floor.  Madly she was in love with him, but she felt as though all he cared about was sex, it had been a long time since he actually cared for her.  Such childish ways were now done, Rivena was putting her foot down.  “I will go to the water myself, do not follow me, because I will not be willing to give you what you want.”

With that, she just left him standing there, she followed the path leading to the water wall, she knew there were troops still waiting outside the wall.

To protect her children, she didn’t know how long the water would hold up.  The visions she received were always vivid.  Because of the baby being born, she was weaker than the last time, she hadn’t felt this weak in forever, not since she was an elven child and beaten to the bones.  As she listened to their arrows hit into the water and sizzle with acid as they dissolved, she felt every hit.  

The young elven woman took a seat on the ground, and she started to bring the water down.  If she let them inflict anymore pain on her then she’d surely not make it.  Of course these kinds of people were not friendly whatsoever.  Letting the water walls down could possibly get her family killed, but this divide of the world between them was tiring, and she didn’t know how long she could keep up this wall.

When she finally brought it down the humans stared at her, shocked to find a very elegant elven woman.  “Must I fight you all, or you surrender and walk through my land peacefully!?” Rivena spoke loud enough so that everyone could hear her.  The man sitting on his high horse began to laugh than everyone else began laughing.  

Rivena watched as a man drew his arrow, she knew the kind of murder she could commit, it was time she put her magic to good use.  The jungle started to grow taller and they stopped moving.  “Do you dare try me!? You fools, beware of my domain! If you touch anything so much, you will sink along with my people!”

A smile replaced her sudden knack of anger.  Then she turned around heading back into the jungle.  Rivena would give them a chance to walk through the jungle.  When she returned to the great oak trees she waited for them to even dare set a flame to the jungle, rather they started to come through the path that Rivena had made for them to carefully trend through.  It was silly seeing them tiptoe.  The man on a big horse stared at her continuously.  Iris slipped out of the house, and she hid behind Rivena as the people went through.

“The goddess, she is ours, where is she!?”

Rivena picked Iris up.  “She is my mother, you cannot have her because you do not own her, we are no longer going to fear you humans, pass through peacefully.  As for the goddess of this realm, you shall not take her to war to kill thousands of men.  You will die along with them.  Do you not believe me? Come here if you dare human, let me show you what I have seen.”

It was the first time for a new beginning between humans and elves.  The man got off the horse nodding in agreement.  When he had stepped up to her, the vines had already started to grow closer, ready just in case he did anything.  Rivena asked him to kneel, at least to her height, when he did she touched his forehead showing him what she had seen.  Every man walking through had stopped.  The human backed off nodding.  “Your intentions are clear of walking through my mother’s realm, trend wise soldier.  For this is not your home and you travel far.”

He thanked the elve, took his troops and turned around, for his fate was not well going through the easy path.  

Dena had awakened from this dream, she found Rivena at the river with her children.  Iris and Una were playing with Runa, while Tuss was making a castle out of sand with Zen and the baby.  The water wall was back up.  Rivena smiled and turned to her mother, she had stood up.  The young elven woman had looked completely normal, no sign of just giving birth to a baby look.  “Would you care to join us? Tuss and Runa’s parents are finally making their way through the jungle, they will soon find their way to this spot, would you care to sit and indulge me?”

Rivena was wearing just silk, it outlined every curve on her body but yet it covered her parts from the eye.  Zen sometimes looked up just to see her wearing the outfit, he was seeing more than anyone could.  Dena took her daughter’s hand, joining her into the water.  

They sat awkwardly quiet, Dena was fascinated how Rivena was moving the water around when some splashes came up at Una as she picked on Runa.  “You let them through didn’t you?” Dena asked, suddenly feeling overall guilt.  

“Mother, I did what I had to, the divide is now gone.  The humans will not return, not for millions of moons to come.  Which means in those decades I will have plenty more children, and I will keep coming to this river.”

She winked at her mother as she glanced at Zen.  “After all, why not? I am still young.  As for my children, Tuss and Una seem to be getting along quite nicely, I’m sure you’ve noticed.  It’s the beginning of a new time.  The elven are returning because of the oak woods, our kind never perished, the oaks sunk them into the ground.  They have been asleep for years, now it’s time for them to come back.”

Dena could sense it, when Rivena had gone into the deepest part of the jungle to give birth it was like the jungle was calling to an awakening.  “They will know their children by name, they will come up, and they will reunite with them..”

There was some slight hope inside Rivena that her father was amongst them, but it was unlikely, the last she had heard was that he was with her mother when they were captured.  “Papa isn’t going to come..back is he Mama?”

Rivena sadly looked up to her mother, seeing that her mother looked so sorrowful when she asked.  “He will not..”

The young elven woman leaned on her mother.  “I guess I am stuck with you, to make up for lost time though, Papa sure knows how to be funny sometimes.”

Dena raised an eyebrow at Rivena.  “While I was on my way to the tree he had given me a gift, one gift that he used to give me as a child.  Do not laugh at me, but there were daisies all over my hair.  If Papa is dead you’d think that he wouldn’t be able to use his magic on the meadow?”

Her mother was surprised by this, she hadn’t seen the meadow in a very long time.  “I-it’s bloomed? How is that possible? What is wrong with having only me around?”


Texte: All Rights Reserved
Bildmaterialien: All Rights Reserved
Cover: All Rights Reserved
Lektorat: Whisper
Korrektorat: Whisper
Übersetzung: Whisper
Satz: 16
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.01.2023

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