
The Opera

It had been about five years, Sun had turned twenty nine, her little baby was now a walking funny, crazy girl.  Of course Melony has black hair like her Mother, but she took in her late Father’s eyes brown. 

At the time Sun was a little sick, but she proceeded to play at concerts including royalty palaces for traditional pianist music.  Not once did Sun ever leave Melony home alone though, that little girl grew up with piano music and opera.  Melony was five years old, and only had her Mother around the big mansion.

The two never liked being alone, yet it felt as though Sun was missing something all the time, or rather she forgets a lot, some fevers here and there, but she never would blame her own daughter for her health.  The little one could never keep away from, Sun.  

Just when she went to get ready again for another pianist concert, her hair up, the fancy dress.  Someone showed up out of the blue.  Melony let the person inside the house without asking about it.  When Sun had gotten her diamond earrings in, she patted her dress down then looked into the mirror to see Marnie, behind her was a man who looked older.  Melony on the other hand was holding the older woman’s hand.  “Mummy, look what I found!” She shrieked with happiness.  Now Sun was bad at scolding her daughter for being happy, but at this moment she wasn’t entirely excited.  “You don’t let people in that you don’t know!” She snapped at Melony, but that little girl kept smiling.  “Mummy, could we possibly play with the tea set after the opera?”

“Of course, now go find a dress you like darling.  I'll be right up to help you put it on.”

Melony squealed before clicking her shiny blue shoes all the wall through the hallway, leaving the awkward silence.  “Why did you come here? I told you I didn’t want you around my kid.”

“Yes, you did, but I am here because I finally found out what happened.”

“What happened? Beg a pardon?” Sun snarled while finally looking up at the two.  “Well clearly you forgot, so I’ll remind you Sun.  your older sister and brother fired you, after telling you a lot of things that were untrue.”

“Yes, well it looks like I’m okay now, after all, I told you I didn’t need a family,” She smiled after saying that, “it’s just me, and Melony, now go home, because you keep failing while trying, it’s starting to get sad.”

Even though Sun was trying to act tuff, she wasn’t the woman for the job.  Melony came in dragging a golden dress that out shined Sun’s, “this one Mummy!”

“That one? Are you sure,” she teased while poking the little girl's tummy.  Melony wasn’t going to take no for an answer, she reached up, grabbed Sun by the hand, started pulling until her heels started clicking through the mansion also. 

The sweet girl lifted her arms, letting Sun dress her up in the golden dress with a ribbon tied in the back.  Sun ran her hands through Melony’s hair.  “Sit still honey,” Sun whispered soothingly as she reached over to Melony’s dresser, grabbing from the top small drawer, a golden ribbon.  “There we go.”

She waited for her Mother to stop pulling her hair, gathering it all up into a braid, then the ribbon was all tied up inside that braid.  “I think we are ready dearly!”

Sun was very grown, amazingly beautiful in the starry dress, it was almost as if it draped along her curves.  The Mother had her braid wrapped up in a bun on the top of her head, with a fresh scent of sugar trailed her.  “As a family, we should all go.”

What were two, was now four, it wasn’t like Sun could deny them to go because Melony really wanted the company.  So they all went together.  While the opera played, Sun played the grand piano, while Melony sat by her side clicking one key after another, the little girl was taught well.  When Sun finished, she took her little girl up to their personal VIP booth, where they used binoculars to see the enchanted people sing.  They didn’t expect that personal room to be invaded with Marnie and her husband though.  The two just happened to come in, without the security stopping them.  As Sun lifted her daughter up onto her lap to see more of the stage view, she noticed out of the corner of her eye, Marnie, taking the seat behind Melony.  

“Are you kidding me?” Sun grumbled before looking back at the two.  “You both had seats! Weren’t they good enough!?”

“No.  I wanted to talk to you.”

“I don’t want to talk to you-” She cut herself off seeing that Melony was staring at her now, giving the puppy dog eyes, “Mummy who are they?”

She started shaking her head, “Don’t worry about them, just watch the opera darling.”

Melony wouldn’t turn away, she kept her eyes steel on her mother.  “How about we skip the next opera and go home? I promise I’ll make cookies for you.”

After that was said, she completely forgot about what she asked Sun.  Just like Sun had said though, they went back home to the lonely mansion on the beach.  Marnie kept following like a lost puppy dog.  

She watched as Sun played tea party, but a few times the woman hacked into a handkerchief.  For just a second Melony looked worried and tried tugging her Mother by the arm, but she shook Melony away with a smile, “I’m fine honey, I didn’t get any sugar with my tea, I’m absolutely parched my dearly.”

With that, little Melony quickly tipped her play tea pot into the cup, “there you go Mummy.  What about cookies?”

“Ah, I’m going to need help making about you help Mummy make cookies?”

That little girl was already running out of the room.  “She has a lot of energy, Sun..she’s very beautiful.”

Marnie got closer as Sun started coughing into a handkerchief again, the blood was staining into it.  “Are you alright?”

“It’s just a cold,” Sun hushed while getting up.  “Mild asthma.  I just can’t use my inhaler though, it doesn’t work, and my doctors can’t do much about it now..”

Marnice helped her up, “this is my husband Seth.  Seth, this is my daughter Sunny.  One and only blood relative.” 

He struck his hand out for Sun to take his hand, but she hesitated, she wasn’t fond of strangers just coming up out of the blue.  “I’m sorry, but I really can’t take your hand, I have a problem with germs,” after she said that she felt like a jerk, she even got a glare from her mother who still held her hand in one of Sun’s hands.  Sun gently took her hand back, folding them in front of her, “I must change first before joining my daughter with baking, it is only fair that I do considering she has changed.”

Marnie allowed the young woman to slip right past them, she could feel the cold shoulder rubbing off.  While Sun was getting dressed she went to the kitchen to find Melony dipping her fingers into some cookie dough on the floor, and her face covered in dough.  “D-don’t tell Mummy?” She pouted while giving the puppy dog eyes to Marnie.  “Oh darling you are too cute, come here, I’ll help you wash up before she finds you a mess with all that dough.”

Sun swallowed the dough she put in her mouth before taking the older lady’s hand, Marnie wasn’t grossed out because of her hands being filled with dough, instead she just laughed at the child.  It was clearly obvious that Sun did a good job at raising the child alone.  

Quickly Marnie started washing that little girl’s face and hands, because she could hear the clicking of heels coming from the hallway.  Sun appeared near the door, seeing Marnie kneading the dough with Sun, “I’m surprised,” that’s all she could make out for this situation, “I usually catch Melony eating the dough instead of trying to cut out cookies.”

Sun had a stool for Melony to step on and cut out cookies or bake things with her, it was just the two of them working around.  “She was just getting it out when I came in, Sunny.”

Sun winced when she was called that, it made Marnie laugh.  Seth came in from behind Sun, interrupting the moment.  “May I join?” He gave a look to Sun before his wife.  

“I’m sure Melony wouldn’t mind the help, Seth.”

Melony kept staring after her Mother every time she moved, then she leaned to Marnie, “Mummy is beautiful, she said when I grow up, I’m going to be just as pretty.”

“I agree.”

Melony then started to stare at Marnie, “you..look like Mummy,” with that she got off her stool then quickly snatched Sun’s hand before dragging her over to Marnie, “Mummy you look like this lady!” The girl was smart and very giddy.  “That’s because we just..well..” Sun was finding it hard to explain.  “I’m your mother’s, Mom.  That makes me your Nana.”

She didn’t have to, Marnie spilled it.  Sun didn’t like that she just abruptly said this to Melony without asking for permission.  “Mummy you said you don’t have a Mummy.”

“Oh dearly, it’s complicated, but this is true, this is your Grandma.”

She kept staring at the older lady now, “she’s pretty too Mummy.”

Sun kept glaring at Marnie, “oh darling I’m very sorry that I didn’t tell you but it’s not important okay? She’s not even going to be here long, she’s going to leave, then not come back until the next year or month,” Sun softly stroked her daughter's hair.  “Why does she go away?”

“Because she is… important person back where she lives.  So important that she can’t stay.”

Marnie was now the one glaring, she couldn’t believe what this woman was saying, “I came here to tell you that I disowned my company, gave it to Richard and Jen, I bought a house on the beach right next to your’s.”

Sun wasn’t listening, she has said it many times that she wished to raise the girl alone, without anyone, but this older woman was making it clear that she wasn’t going to let her do everything alone.  “You have pushed me away for far too long Sunny! If you think you are going to push me out of my granddaughter’s life too! You better think twice! You cheated me out of getting to know you! You cheated me out of my granddaughter’s life!” Marnie scolded Sun.  

Sun didn’t flinch, she just stared plainly at Marnie, “ next to me!?” That’s all she seemed to care about, was her moving into the next door house.  

Melony jumped up towards Marnie, “Nana! I want to go!”

“No, no, not unless Mummy says yes.”

“I do not agree, so maybe we should finish making cookies, maybe next time-”

“Oh come on, you’ve been living here alone? Where is the Father of the child?” Seth just smiled while saying it.

Melony glanced towards him then back to Sun.  Sun hasn’t said anything about the Father of the child, and only then did Sunny think back to what her sister said, that she was a skank who slept around and that’s how Melony came to be.  

They watched as her face drifted to sadness, “oh..I’m sorry,” he hushed once more.  “No, it’s okay.”

Melony always noticed every other child with a Father, so she had a big interest in why she didn’t, or where he was.  “There is no Father,” she whispered to them all before slipping out of the room.  She had done her best with Melony.  That tiny little girl, though, grabbed her mother by the hand, making her stop in the hallway, “Mummy, where is Daddy?”

She wished that her daughter would have let it slide, but she has come of age where she did finally need the truth, the truth where her Father really was.  Sun sneezed a little before getting down next to her daughter, Sun’s hands took the small hands of Melony’s.  “Daddy was a hero, and he didn’t make it home one night.”

“I don’t understand Mummy.”

“He’s..gone honey, he died saving good people.”

She kept blinking at her mother, “Daddy..isn’t..coming ever?”

Sun held her breath, she didn’t know this day would come that she would have to tell her this, but it came sooner than planned, and it made Melony cry for her Father.  Marnie happened to be watching along with her husband.

Sun never moved on from her husband’s death, Marnie could tell by the look in her eyes, and the worry lines for her daughter.  Melony cried her way upstairs leaving her Mother distraught.  Seth whispered something to Marnie before leaving.  

“Sun, how about I go speak to her?”

“No, just, go home please, I will clean things then deal with Melony.  She needs time.”

Marnie didn’t take no for an answer, “I’ll finish making cookies, then you will take them up to your daughter.”

Sun looked up at her mother, and the tears were starting to drip down from her face, “I am sorry,” she cried out while getting up, she just turned away from Marnie.  “You have nothing to apologize for.  Why don’t you go sit down in the dining room?”

After the night rolled by, it left Sun alone, awake, she couldn’t help but listen to the waves from outside crashing into some rocks.  There she sat writing into her journal, but then something dropped on the floor behind her, and she turned to see if it was Melony sneaking in to cuddle, but instead it was like she was looking right at a ghost.  “C-Charlie?”

His bag hit the floor, he had a bandage wrapped around his head, and a sling for his arm, the man looked like he went through hell.  He kept just staring at her, blinking only a few times.  She shook her head, then turned away from him, but she was still bothered by the dead man in her room.

“Sunny, why did you turn away?” He questioned her, but she didn’t answer, she rested her head down and wept into her arms.  “Do not weep, I’m here,” he quickly came to her side with a limp, “I am not dead nor have I been, I have come home!” 

She still did not look up at him, until his good hand came down, brushing her hair out of the woman’s eyes, “my love, I’m here.”


Truest Love


The sun arose once again, and the smallest chirping of a bird woke Sun up from her dreams, she had nothing on underneath the blankets, garments tossed everywhere, and a familiar feeling between her legs, she kept looking around, yet there was not a single soul in the room with her, when she had gotten dressed, ready for the day, she looked around some more before going to wake up her daughter from sleep.

Marnie visited again, finding that Sun was a little durranged while making breakfast for her child, “darling, why do you look so glum now?”

“I..don’t know, I had a strange dream last night,” she had said while looking flustered now, she couldn’t believe what had happened.  “Oh? May I ask you?” Marnie got closer seeing how embarrassed the woman was.  

“N-no, it’s best not,” she smiled for the first time in a while, a real smile, not something she’d just fake like always.  “It was a wonderful dream, that’s all you need to know.”


Melony looked over at her mother seeing her warm bright smile, it made the girl giggle a tad at her Mother, the young woman looked over at her daughter, “darling, did someone visit you last night?”

“No Mummy.”

Marnie frowned when she said this, “what? Was someone in the house?” 

“Yes, and no..I woke up with a strange feeling, as if someone had kissed my lips…something other than the bitter nip of the morning frost.  I don’t recall much Mom, but someone was in my room, then I awoke..” she closed near Marnie, “I had no clothes on.”

“What? Are you sure you weren’t..doing something-”

“I am a hundred percent.  I know when a man has touched me and been in  I certainly didn’ all my clothes off just to spend it with myself,” she grumbled under her breath at her mother.  Marnie’s eyes were very wide at how Sun was speaking about the other night.  “Honey…were you..raped by someone?”

Sun shook her head, “that’s just it mom, it was my husband.”

Now she didn’t know what to say, the only thing that came to mine was that she was crazy, but instead she just nodded.  “You think he’s still alive and he came back just to have sex with you?”

“No..but I wish he would.  I can barely remember anything from last night though.”

“Is he..hiding?”

“I don’t know mom, just don’t say anything around my daughter about this, it’s bad enough that she found out her father is dead.”

Marnie agreed, “how about I stay the night here, just in case something happens?”

“No…I’m sure there is no need, mom.”

Marnie patted Sun on the shoulder, “by the way, it’s nice to hear that.”

“Hear what?”


“Don’t even rub it in, if you didn’t want me saying it-”

“I love you darling, now how about you show me how to make some of that nasty rose tea?”

“If it’s nasty why do you want my recipe?” She snarled, but then her mind went back to the other night.  He never returned again.


Not Dead

Marnie sat in silence while the little girl danced to the opera music that was filtering through the room.  She couldn’t understand why her daughter was so in love with the music, and now her grandchild was addicted to it also.  As Sunny came in through, wearing a tight looking dress that was very darling on her, she started pacing.  Seth took a step away from the woman and went to the couch where Marnie sat.  “Honey, are you alright?”

“No! I am not alright!” She squeaked while her mind was flipping around.  Marnie went over to calm her down, but then she started crying for no reason.  Melony circled around her mother trying to find out what was wrong.  

Sunny wrapped her arms around her tummy in more of an affectionate way, “I’m going to find him Mom, and I’m going to kill him.”

“Kill who? Who??” Marnie was so worried at this point, she couldn’t seem to calm down Sunny, then Melony started balling because she didn’t know what was going on.  Seth took his grandkid away from the grown up conversation, leading her to the dollhouse in the corner of the room.”

“I told you someone was in my room,” she grumbled while unfolding a paper and smacking it at her, she looked over the paper then tensed up.  “”

“Don’t you even say it! I’m going to find my husband! Then I’m going to kill him again! This time his death will be real!” She snatched the paper away from Marnie and ripped it up.  The woman was pregnant again.

“You think it was him?”

“Who else looks like my husband and looks all crappy coming back from war? I had sex with him, then he must have kissed me goodbye again.”

Marnie sighed, “you need to calm down right now.”

Sun threw her hands up, then her hands smacked right on down next to her sides, “I’m four months pregnant mom, if I can’t find my husband again, then I’m going to be raising this baby by myself once more.”

“This time you aren’t going to push me, Willow, or your in-laws away.  Even your step father is trying his hardest with you.”

She saw the man already as a father considering she never had a family before.  Her eyes glued to her baby girl that was playing with a barbie, “what about Melony? What is this going to do to her?”

“Nothing, she will love having a sister to play with.”

“What if it’s a boy!?”

“Or it could be both darling, you got pretty big the last time…” Marnie jokes, but it didn’t seem to be funny to Sunny.  “We will find your husband, but for now let's focus.”

“On what mom? The pregnancy, or the fact that Melony is trying to stick her barbie down the toy toilet?”

“Maybe both?..”

Melony turned to see her mother had calmed down, she dropped the barbie more into the toilet then quickly walked over to them but mainly Sun to wrap her arms around her mother.  “Honey, there’s something we need to talk about.”

“Hmm?” Melony mumbled while looking up at her Mother.  Sun rubbed her tummy, “you're going to have another sibling, how does that sound?”

“Well, I guess..but Mummy it has to be a girl!”

Marnie and Sun glanced at each other before nervously chuckling.  Sun was about to have another breakdown.

After she read Melony to sleep, she went to gather her thoughts outside, she sat on the sandy beach, listening to the waves once more crash, and seeing the stars twinkle as if they were talking to one another.  A small chill ran past her, then someone placed a blanket on the backside of her.  “You should keep warm.”

That warm familiar voice, it made her snap back to see her husband standing there, and the footprints that followed after him, it was clear, she wasn’t making it up in her head or going crazy.  Even though she just wanted to leap up with excitement, she felt this sudden cold shoulder from him.  “So, you actually thought I was dead?” He chuckled at his wife before leaning down, planting a kiss on the top of her head.  When he noticed the handkerchief beside her filled with some blood, his eyes traveled back to her complexion.  “You look sick.”

“Just asthma,” she whispered but it came out as the wind made its whistle around them.  He got down on his knees, “I wish you to forgive me.”

“For which part Charlie?” Sun kept her voice down.  Even though she couldn’t come to look him in the eyes, to tell him she had his baby, and now she has another one on the way, she still felt the feeling of lust for this man.  No matter how much time went by, she couldn’t stop thinking about him.  

His left hand caressed her thigh, making her turn to him, he knew that would get her attention.  He tipped her head back, gave a small light kiss to her neck before drawing in a breath of her perfume.  “I have missed you, you disappeared after my fake death.  Is that really what you are going to do when I really die next time?”

“Who said there was going to be a next time? I need you here Charlie, home.  You are badly hurt.”

“If I come home now, I will only cause trouble for you.”

Sunny shoved him away, making his blanket slide off from her, “your daughter needs you Charlie! I need you! This baby needs you!” She slid her hands to her stomach when she referred to it as being the baby.  His face went very pale.  “I-I have..a daughter?” His voice shook. 

The strong man got up off the sandy beach just as Marnie came over.  “Sun? Why are you out here this late?” Marnie kept glancing at the man that Sun was staring at.  “You left me for five years! When is it enough!? Then you come back just to have sex with me!? What is wrong with you Charlie!?” 

He picked his blanket up, “I didn’t know you were pregnant with my baby! What’s her name!?”

“It won’t matter to you! It won’t matter because you're leaving again! But this time you are not going to have sex with me!” She barked at him then stormed her way to the beach house only to be stopped by him grabbing her hand.  “You said that you're with child again!?”

“Yes Charlie! I’m pregnant! But you are dead! Dead to me! Dead to my baby girl upstairs, and the baby that’s not even born yet!”

Marnie kept out of the conversation, but just watched, she had chosen a good looking husband that was for sure, but he didn’t see the way that he needed to go in order to gain Sun’s love again.  He was blinded by duty, and hurt physically.

“I want to meet her Sunny! Don’t keep me from her!”

“You only came to have sex with me Charlie! You didn’t come back to see your child! Go back wherever you came from! Do not come back!”

He stood his ground, “I am still your husband.”

“Then prove it! Where were you when I was here for those five years alone!? Did you just realize that you had a wife mourning for you to finally come home!? Or did you think it was a joke to pretend you were dead then show up out of nowhere!? I told our daughter that you were a hero! But now I have seen my mistake..I wanted her to think of you as a good honest man like I used to know, but by far, this is the biggest freaking joke that you played.”

“Please! She is my daughter too!”

She stepped closer to him, and even though he was taller, stronger looking than she was, she stood very close to him, “then come, home.”

He kept staring into the eyes of his wife who looked more than tired, “I was held captive for five years, I came home, I’m being investigated..if I come here, it will only cause trouble.  So yes, I came home, had sex with you, but it meant nothing of the sorts to be thought of as just using you.  I want to come home, I’ve been wanting to come home for a while, but I was lost.”

She shook her head, “don’t tell me you slept with another woman, do not tell me it was a drunken mistake either! Or if your back with that one dime in the rough woman-”

He stopped her, putting his hands up, “no, I mean, it’s beyond my control.  I want to come home to you my love, but it must wait a little longer, I shall be your husband once again after this month.”

“Why? I have nothing to hide Charlie, I have a daughter, I’ve been alone for five years raising her without help, I pushed my limits so far out that I still yet have strength for another baby.  You ask a lot, and take a lot with you.  My heart isn’t meant to see you alive, it only makes me yearn for you more.”

“Do you wish I were dead?” He started to sound bitter. 

“No, I wish you would have come sooner when I needed you,” she cried out to him before turning away from the two.  Marnie kept glaring at Charlie, then she joined Sun, “lets go inside.”

To keep her from getting more sick Marnie made some tea, then wrapped her up in a blanket, “why were you out there in the cold? Also..what a catch, he is very handsome.”

“I know, impossible to keep him away.”

“Then don’t keep him away, if you love him, then don’t push him.”

She got up, letting the blanket fall, she knew what she had to do, he was still outside, she knew he would wait as long as it would take, after all, it was his house also.  Which was why, he overheard the conversation, then entered into the living room just before Sun could make a start on it.  She hesitated but found herself drawn into his arms again.  “I told you I am never far.”

She remembered him saying this, before leaving her in the sleepy state that she was in.  “Where do you hide during the day when the sun does not shine?”

“I cannot tell you, but I shall visit more often.”

Sun took his hand, pulling him towards the stairs, “h-hold on love, I cannot run like I used to.”

She giggled at him, before going into little Melony’s room, finding her awake listening to soft opera music.  Charlie stood at the doorway, she let his hand go, then went over to her little girl, “darling,” she whispered to the sleepy child as she held her hand out to Charlie.  “This is your father.”

He took her hand, then crouched down to the little girl’s level.  “This is Melony, your daughter.”

She sprang right up, then smacked her hands on his cheeks, “why do you have a bandage? Why is your arm in a chicken wing?”

He began chuckling at how upfront she is, “you are just like your mother,” he glanced towards her seeing a glint of anger brimming as he said that, but there was something more in her eyes too.  When he looked back at Melony she was grabbing her blanket, “sleep in Mummy’s room tonight!”

They glanced at each other, “honey, Daddy won’t be able to stay during the day,” Sun didn’t want to disappoint her daughter, but by the look on that little girl’s face, she was very disappointed.  The little scowl appeared when he got up.  “But he can stay all night, and kiss you goodbye in the morning.”
“Really?” She squealed with delight before jumping into his arms.  Melong held his hand, dragged him right to the master bedroom.  It felt nice to have him home finally, and she could tell the difference in her daughter, how happy she is now.

Sun looked behind her, seeing Marnie standing in the doorway, she gave a kiss on the forehead to her grandkid then wished them all a goodnight before leaving.  

Melony crawled in between the two, Sun and Charlie held hands all night long until he got up to leave.  He accidently woke both of them up though, Melony was first, she got up, then hugged her Father, “Daddy, I want you to take me to the singing people.”

Sun couldn’t help but overhear while laying next to the child as she stood wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on his cheek.  “One day I will, for now, look after Mummy for me, just until I come home during the night.”

“Okay Daddy, you pinky promise that you will come back?” She battered her cute blue eyes at him, waiting for him to answer.  “For you and your Mother, always.”

He knew Sun was listening to him speak, even though they didn’t have much of a marriage because he left for war after they married, she was still the woman he chose the woman he wanted to be with, if fighting for what he wanted was such a bad thing, then he’d fight more until he finally comes home to them.  

Melony giggled as he kissed her mother, but she swooped her arms around his neck like her daughter did, but she planted her kiss on his lips instead of the cheek.  “My love, don’t be feisty, I will return, I am only allowed to spend what little time I can here with you during the night, hopefully soon I can return well.”

“If you don’t?” Sun practically begged, she wished for him to stay with her, stay and be with her through her pregnancy.  “If I don’t, then you shall receive a letter from me every night, telling you and my daughter that I miss you dearly, and wish to return home.  I’m still a well man, qualified for fighting until death does part us.  Until then I will come home every night, and I will spend all my free moments with you.”

Sun was suspicious of him now, she kind propped up onto her elbows, “are you..seeing her?” When she asked this, he didn’t flinch, his eyes darkened though, he frowned at Sun, “I am never going to see another woman, not as long as I live.  You are my woman, that is my child, that is my baby,” he growled at her, making her refrain from any more questions.  With such anger came more love swelling in his chest, making him more proud to call her his wife, after all, she carried Melony for eight months that he didn’t know about because nobody from the corporation he’s working for would tell him.

“Before I go, who is that lady that lives next door?”

“She is my biological mother.”

“Ah, I see, that is why she didn’t look happy to see me.”

He glanced at her right hand, seeing her wedding ring still on, his slight smile replaced his angry face, Charlie quickly kissed both of them on the foreheads before quickly leaving.  Sun knew how hard it was for Charlie to leave, she wanted to help him in any way possible to get him to stay home.  Melony began whimpering a tad after seeing him exit the room, she kept glancing at Sun though, to make sure she was okay before she started crying.  “Oh honey..”

“Daddy said he will come back?” 

She was too young to understand what was going on, more than ever did Sun worry for her husband’s safety.  “He will come home.”

They had taken so much from the man already, his arm, a concussion, there was more to it though, it seemed that the man was on a mission, clearly it wasn’t over just yet, so telling his wife that he was still alive was the best he could do to give her hope, so that she didn’t move on without him consenting, which obviously the man was going to be out for blood if she even tried remarrying to someone else.  Instead, her love mourned for the same man who took her first time, and she raised a child alone for quite some time.  He knew what kind of woman he married, the woman people meet on the outside is shy until they get to know her, she’s a crazy woman who fights until she gets what she wants.  

Sunny tucked Melony back to sleep, then got into bed on the right side, even though the little girl was tucked in, she still found her way into her mother’s arms.  Sun didn’t sleep much, not after thinking too much about Charlie.  Melony slept like a baby, but it had been beyond nap time for her anyhow.  



Waiting To Long

Marnie stared for some time at Sun who was coughing and weezing, the cold temp in the house wasn’t helping in any way for her.  “Oh darling, why don’t you get a heater? Melony might get sick too.”

“I can’t afford it right now..” Sun innocently smiled at her mom, “also Melony already has a cold.  Charlie said he’d fix the heater, but not until tonight.”

She was practically wearing comfy clothes, but with gloves on, and a hat, for an island it was chilly there.  “Do you at least have enough for food?” Marnie questioned next.  “I just paid all my bills mom, there is enough food for the next couple nights, plus, Charlie brings home whatever I ask him.”

“He..supposedly helps a lot?” Marnie grumbled trying not to let Sun hear her though.  Sun shook her head, “I wish he’d just come home and stay.”

Marnie looked at the saddened expression of her daughter, seeing her eyes flood with tears. The woman couldn’t help it at this point, she was pregnant again but not as heavily like the last time, but this baby certainly was draining the life out of Sun.  Sunny didn’t see herself as lucky to even have her husband again by her side, she wanted him to stay more.  She was seven months pregnant already.  Marnie could tell the difference now with this pregnancy.  Sun slept a lot, or she was too weak to do something, she was worried for her daughter.  The young woman had said that she was weak from her last pregnancy, which with this being said, Marnie was always trying her best to help Sun.

Sun tried to make herself not look weak at times, but lately it had been getting harder to do.  “Don’t cry, how about you and Melony come stay with me for the night?”

“I can’t, I must start practice for a play, I’m the pianist,” she hushed.  Sun grabbed the edges of the blanket that was draped over her shoulders, she tugged that blanket closer to her.  Melony was waiting already in the grand piano room, the windows all open letting the sun dip inside the chilled space.  She got to the bench almost tripping over some steps.  

Melony was a tad worried for her mother, after all, she was told to look after Sun, being a big girl included to not only look after herself but others.  Melony was taking her father’s advice to do everything he asked of her while he left every day.

Marnie didn’t wait around, she helped Sun, then took her seat next to them both, just on the floor as she listened to Sun start to play.  While she kept playing the piano, the music had drawn her attention out from every worry, and everything.  Melony had been no longer sitting next to Sun, but Charlie had taken her spot without Sun seeing him, but his hand touched her lower back, then calmly drifting up to her neck, she stopped playing.  “I’m home Sun.”



Texte: All Rights Reserved
Bildmaterialien: All Rights Reserved
Cover: All Rights Reserved
Lektorat: Whisper
Korrektorat: Whisper
Übersetzung: Whisper
Satz: 6341
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.12.2022

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is just the second story to The Daughter of The CEO. Enjoy

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