
Stranger Who?

“Excuse me?”

The nurse gave a nervous smile as she held her hand out, “Becky, I will be your nurse today Amber Anderson.”

“Oh..right,” the pregnancy wasn’t going to be easy to do on her own, but she didn’t have much of a choice. Amber didn’t have parents, family, or anyone to lean on, it was just her. A man she met quite a while ago, hit it off amazingly, two nights with him in Paris, their meetings must have been some sick fate though.

Amber had 40c breast size, her bum shaped like a peach, the girl was a darling redhead, and her eyes had this desiring glimmer to them of an emerald green. Growing up, she had founded over about getting married one day, having children, but at this age, being twenty two, she didn’t plan it then, and it all started, in Paris.

Back to Reality


“Excuse me miss?” The nurse interrupted her thinking. “Right, I’m sorry I spaced out there for a moment.”

“It’s quite alright, most women do that when they hear the next step.”

“Next step? What do you mean next step?”

“Well, you want to see the baby right?”

The doctor stood off to the side, giving a questioning look also, but that woman looked oddly familiar in some way, so she had to pry her eyes away from her, “n-no, I..don’t want to see the baby.”

“Amber Anderson?” The woman asked kind of in a questioning way, but Amber paid no attention to it, “I will schedule another appointment later..I need to get going.”

She never told Davis that the reason she was even in Paris, was because she was on her own honeymoon, of course she was attending by herself though, but only because her fiance decided to leave her at the altar.

“I promise Amber, that this will just be a quick appointment, I understand you may be scared in some way, but if you do this today, you won’t be putting it out further.”

“I-I just wanted someone to be here with me,” she hesitated before finally resting her head back down on the bed. “Then would you prefer us to wait, Amber?” The doctor asked with her gloved hands out awaiting instructions. “No, nobody is coming..I never told him, and plus just because the pregnancy tests said positive, and I missed my period for two months doesn’t mean anything right? I’m just paranoid?”

“He must have been quite the man..”

“Actually, he was so much more..” she began crying for no reason, she just couldn’t believe it, that she was pregnant for two months and she had no idea. The doctor then nodded to her, “I think being emotional is a sign, or you're just really missing this man. Is there any way you could contact him?”

The woman was really just trying to help, the girl was in need of someone, but Amber kept balling her eyes out for no reason while trying to wipe her feelings away at the same time, “I’m sorry,” she blubbered out. “You don’t need to be sorry. I’m sure you will feel absolutely happy after this, I promise, it won’t take long.”


She watched the gel be placed on her stomach, then the doctor started moving around her so called wand that she called it, at first Amber felt a little weird letting her do this, but then seeing the image come across on the machine, almost was heartbreaking. “There it is, would you like to know an assumption of the sex?”

“N-no,” Amber hesitated before smiling, she couldn’t help but think that doing this alone wasn’t going to be easy, but worth it. After wiping the guck off her tummy, she sat up and got all of her things, including the picture of the ultrasound.

It came as a surprise when the doctor came back in though, the woman took a few steps forwards, then she let out a long sigh out, “Amber, I’m your sister.”


“Um..this is a bit weird, but I am your biological sister. I didn’t know you were my sister until my Mother told me I had a little sister, you just..happen to be her.”

Amber wanted to laugh at this woman, but the woman looked very serious, “you’ve been my doctor..for a while though, how could you just assume-”

“Amber Anderson, you look like Mom.”

“Your crazy, and I want another doctor-”

She was trying to be serious, but it would seem that she wasn’t joking. Amber thought back to why the woman looked familiar. “You can’t possibly think that we aren’t Amber..we’ve been looking for you everywhere.”

Amber didn’t want to believe it, after all that time she had been seeing her older sister who was her doctor? She just gave her an ultrasound! “I think..I..think, you're insane, and I want a new doctor. I don’t have family, my parents died, and I have no siblings.”

At this time, it wasn’t what Amber needed, first she finds out she’s pregnant for nine months, then she finds out that she has been seeing her older sister as her doctor for her replacement of her old doctor? “I know you probably don’t remember Amber, because of the accident, but here is a number if you have any questions.”

That woman wasn’t going to take the number, but she couldn’t help but think of the possibility of having a long lost family. Amber was well aware that she went through a stage in her life that involved her getting hurt badly, but she had no memories, and by then she already had another family who was just using her to get money from the state.

“I do have questions, but I don’t trust you.”

Amber watched as the woman took off her cap that was on her head, revealing red hair, “ohh..oh..oh.”

“Now you can probably understand why I assumed you were part of my family? Trust me I didn’t think it was true either, I just thought you were another one of my patients. I only found out because my Mother and Father have been tracing your steps, they also know your name.”

“That’s kind of creepy, but no offense, I need to get going..thanks for my..ultrasound.”


Just a Hint of Love?

The man leaned over her shoulder, looking down at her sleazy drink, and how she was passed out on the bar, “excuse me.”

It gave a startle to Amber to look over her shoulder and see a tall figure behind her, “uh..did I miss something?”

“Oh, I just wanted to let you know that you're drooling on the bar.”

She kept staring at his handsome figure, his eyes that seemed to touch somewhere deep inside her, for a moment she got lost in his gaze, she blinked back then felt herself sit more up, feeling her back pain finally seem to enlighten what she was doing before he awakened her with his smirk charm. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know I was even sleeping, I can’t even remember how long I’ve been here at the bar, my friends must have left my sorry ass..”

This handsome man took a seat next to her, put his hand up, “I’ll have scotch,” then his attention went back to Amber, “well, drinking alone isn’t much fun, they aren’t much of friends if they can’t look after you.”

She continued to stare in disbelief that he was actually going to drink with her, she didn’t dress that fancy, or put makeup on to catch anyone’s attention let alone a hottie that just appears out of nowhere. Amber couldn’t help but only think he’s a part of some imagination she conjured from sleeping at the bar.

His hand gently skimmed over her hand, “what a jewel, just my luck I found someone at the bar sleeping, a redhead, I bet you have a temper redhead.”

“I-I do not.”

She pursed her lips while giving him quite a scowl, the man took to her attention by just chuckling. “What’s your name?” Now he was the one staring, waiting for a reply from his redhead. “I-it’s Amber.”

“Well Amber, tonight is your lucky night, my friends over there sitting in the corner, want me to buy you a drink, to let you in on a small secret, they have been checking you out while you were sleeping.”

She felt his eyes lingering over her breast for a moment, “w-what about you mister?” She squeaked a little, “guilty as charged. Now, may I buy you a drink?”

“Sure, what’s another drink going to do?”

She responded in a settled sarcastic way, it just made the man smile at her, “you have humor, charm, hmm, you might as well be a succubus.”

“But I haven’t said any-”

“You don’t need to say anything to be cute, how you’ve been looking at me, I can tell, there is quite a fire happening in your skimpers.”

She couldn’t hide her blush from him, but she just needed to look away from him before this touch that she wasn’t getting from this man, would show on her face what exactly he was doing to her without his touch. “May I ask..what’s your name? I don’t just drink with strangers, mister.”


He tapped her shoulder, making her turn to him, but his face happened to be a lot closer, and his hand found its way under her dress, “now, I can tell I got your attention. You can call me a pervert and just run away, but I’m sure we have a lot in common, like coming here to this bar.”

“U-I-I..” Her stuttering only made him chuckle, she had an orgasm right on that bar stool because of his touch being so close to her wetness, he was seeing what a desired effect he had on the strange girl. His hand slowly came out from under her dress, “I’m not the kind of man to just have sex with a random girl. So,” he began while bringing her pointer finger to his lips, “tell me, would you like to go out with me?”

Amber began to smile, her pleasure was practically making her gush, and her eyes fluttered with shyness. She stopped breathing fast and calmed herself down, trying to make herself look cool, “well, Davis..I wouldn’t mind that at all.”

“Well, then, I’ll go tell my mates that I’m taking you out.”

“Where..are we going, may I ask?”

“Somewhere that I’m sure you will find divine.”

Amber didn’t know what to think of that comment from him, but she more likely needed to get changed into something else, because her panties weren’t keeping any hidden secret from him, or anyone that would look. He kept staring down between her legs, then finally he took his suit jacket off, “may I?” Those words came out thick and very passionate, as if he was dying to be between her legs helping her out in a different way.

The girl nodded, feeling his hot breath inches away from her mound, “a-and I’m sorry…I didn’t-” his hands slipped over her thighs then he traced his hands up until he got to her waist, “now, what were you going to say Amber? Trust me, this jacket may be expensive, but seeing what a mess I made because of my sudden flirtatious actions, it’s well worth it.”

He wasn’t talking about well worth it to be next to her and let her borrow his expensive jacket, it was well worth it to make her gasp at his touch as he played with her mind again. Her hands covered her face, and he saw it, another gush slowly slid down her legs. “My, you just can’t hold it in with me standing this close, can you? How can I take you out with you being so wet?”

Davis shook his head, he wasn’t going to get any closer to her, not unless she begged him to, but nonetheless, he wished to take the girl out, she had caught his eyes, and he didn’t plan on leaving Paris without at least knowing his time there was with a very foxy, and a interesting girl who wouldn’t stop orasming just from his touch.

He stood right on up, forcing her to follow him, he took out his hand though, “I promise to take care of you, after we are done with a date.”

“But I thought we were going to be drinking buddies tonight..” she whispered, but her voice came out shaky because she had another orgasm. He finally then got closer to her ear, “Amber, I don’t mind asking you this, but I’m sure you do, but I will ask anyway. What do you have up inside your cunny?”

That shocked her, she playfully smacked his arm, to the both of them, it felt as if they’d known each other for a long time, as if in some other life they were lovers. She giggled a bit, “wouldn’t you like to know?”

That got him right on her heels and out the door.


Worry Some

Amber was feeling very overwhelmed now, she was now just trying to mind process everything, being a single Mother, and having parents who have been looking for her since she was little, or the fact that her supposed own sister gave her an ultrasound.

She pressed her back firm onto the bed, feeling the stress slowly slip off her shoulders. She knew how to contact her parents now, but she also had his number before them. Her hand slowly ran circles around her tummy as she couldn’t help but think about her moments with Davis again.

Waky Dream

“Are you taking me on a boat ride?” Amber tugged at his strings making him turn and look at her, it was their second date, the other night they had made love, now he was showing her around. The man must have been a big deal though, because lots of people would ask if he was some star, but the man would just play it off as he was someone different. “Yes, a matter in fact, I am,” he says this while wrapping his arm around her waist while walking past some creeps. He made her feel very much protected. “Now Amber, on this boat ride, feel free to orgasm any time, because we are going to be on the water.”

He teased her making her even more shy towards him, he took her hand after letting his hand slide off her waist. She felt a little off because of how distant he made himself, so she got closer to him grabbing his hand, signaling to him that it was okay for him to touch her, after all, they did have sex, amazing hot steamy unforgetable sex.

Amber was ripped from her thoughts again as the knock on the door startled her, she couldn’t help but want to stay on her bed relaxing. The knocking didn’t last long, but it did start back up, so she went over to the door, answered it, letting her best friend walk in like he owned the place. “Girl..this place looks like a d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r.”

“Uh…what brings you here?”

“You know that guy?”

“What guy?”

“Oh my goodness girl, you don’t?”

She rolled her eyes at him, they have been friends for a very long time, probably since high school, she had been with him probably through everything, including when he came out to his family.

“Well, his name is Louis, and he’s very cute-”

“You're not trying to hook me up with this guy are you?”

“Oh noo, honey why would I do that?”

Her short friend pranced his way over to the couch, he let out a sigh, “o-okay I may have set you up for a date tonight, but honey, tonight is the night you get laid.”

“I-I don’t want to date.”

Jake noticed a bit of distress on her face, “bitch, what’s up? I mean, you got dumped from the altar, two months ago, now you are upset because I set you up on a date? You need to move on girl.”

“It’s not that I don’t appreciate what you're doing for me Jake, it’s just, I love someone. But..I’m angry at him at the same time.”

“What?? Why didn’t you tell me?? All this time I’ve been trying to hook you up.”

“I didn’t tell you, because I’m pregnant. With his baby.”

“Your ex?”

“What!? No! His name..was Davis.”

“Okay, okay, tell me more, bitch.”

“How am I the bitch?”

“I have been your friend since birth-”

“I think you're over exaggerating on that-”

“Shut it! Anyways, I’ve been your friend for how long and you can’t take a moment to tell me you're pregnant and have no baby daddy!?”

“I just found out today Jake,” she rolled her eyes again at him over exaggerating everything. He did overdo it sometimes, but no doubt he did give some good advice, including when it came to men. “So this Davis, when did you meet this fucker?”

“Well, on my honeymoon.”

“I told you, you should have never gone alone on that trip.”

“I’ve always dreamed of going to Paris, you know this Jake. I wasn’t alone though. I met someone, we had a connection, then..he left without saying anything.”

“After you had sex, or before?”

“After..we had sex twice, I mean, it was amazing sex, better than what me and my ex had. He..told me that we weren’t a fling, that he wished to see more of me after our time together, I believed him, but then he had to leave Paris, and..I realized we never exchanged numbers.”

“Oh honey..”

“Then out of nowhere my doctor becomes my older sibling..”

Amber held out the phone number, “this is supposedly my Mother’s phone number.”

He grabbed hold of the phone number, taking it and setting it aside before taking her hands, “honey, do you have any way of contacting this man?”

Her lips thinned, and she found herself looking down and ashamed. “You do? I thought no contact-”

“I got his number out of the newspaper.”


“He’s someone high up in the business..anyways I don’t really care, because I have been thinking it all through.”

“Oh no don’t tell me you're doing this all on your own.”

“I am, and I’m not going to get with my parents, I’m choosing to by myself. Anyways, bitch, I gotta get some rest, I have a new job starting tomorrow.”



After getting dressed for her new desk job, she took the bus to her new job. She could tell she was at the right place after seeing how big the building was. The first person she ran into was an elderly woman, her eyes smashed up into her face instead of tipping on her nose, and such a glare was on that woman’s face. “Alright, here is your desk, and shortly the CEO will be here, so, when he comes, it’s important that you stand and welcome him.”


“Yes of course you dumb girl, think logic, not stupid! If you want to make it here, you're going to need logic, right now you're not making a good impression!”

“I don’t need to impress you, as far as I’m concerned, you are not my priority, or my boss.”

“You are right Miss. Anderson!” That voice came far across the room. The two slowly turned to see that handsome man waiting near the elevator, then finally stepping out, and Amber’s mouth hit the floor. It was like he didn’t remember her though, his eyes were also glaring at her. “This is Chelsie, my second hand boss, well, your boss Miss. Anderson, I think maybe you should keep your mouth shut and your ears open!”

She hasn’t experienced him being so mean like that to her, but she thought that maybe he was just playing it off as boss because they were at work? But Amber wanted nothing to do with him, she looked more hurt than anything to get this glare from him. “So if this is how you both treat your new employees, I’m sure there are other places who will take my resume.”

“I’m sure there are. If you don’t like it here, then leave Miss. Anderson.”

“First impressions matter,” she whispered, but then finally she looked him in the eyes, “I didn’t know you owned this building…”

He looked confused at first, but then it finally started to come down on him. His eyes bulged, as everything came back to him from that night. “Mrs. Fire, I’m declining this job offer, but it’s not because you both are fucking assholes, trust me, I would have kept my mouth shut and just listened after being yelled at by Mr. CEO, but now, after seeing who my big boss is, I don’t think I want to work here.”

It wasn’t that, she had feelings start to come back to her, but she didn’t want any part of those feelings, so she quickly started her way to the elevator. Her hand darted for the first floor button but someone snatched her hand. “I need an assistant, you will do. You passed the test. You see, in this job, you will be tested.”

He pulled her out of the elevator before the doors closed, and Chelsie was finally smiling warily. Amber didn’t feel comfortable, not anymore, not with him finally realizing who she was.

The woman left the two alone in the office, she couldn’t find herself to look at him, but it did make him chuckle at her. “Oh come on, I didn’t know..”

“How didn’t you know!? I sure in hell knew!”

He stared blankly at her trying to find common ground with her. “I can’t believe you fucked me then left me without even giving me your number..” her voice was so faint, but he could hear how distressed she was. “Amber it wasn’t like that. I was honest, we just..never exchanged numbers and when I tried looking for you, it was like you didn’t even exist.”

“You're a CEO, and you're telling me you don’t get what you want?”

Her arms wrapped around her tummy, she didn’t want to stress herself out, but at the moment she wasn’t feeling too well because of her new information that was being shoved onto her. “I’m not working for you,” she gave him a scowl. “Why not? This time it could be different, it would be like you getting to know me better.”

Her stomach knotted for a second causing her to place her hand on the desk to stable herself, “look I’m not interested in being your sex assistant,” she mumbled it because she felt some puke come up in the back of her throat. “Amber? Are you okay?”

“I’m just overwhelmed okay!? But why the hell should you care!? You couldn’t even remember me..”

Before she knew it she was crying, but she couldn’t help it because of her hormones, plus her morning sickness was starting to kick in. He got up, and tried to at least comfort her, but her relentless thoughts kept making it hard for him to embrace her. “I need to go home, I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to work with each other.”

Davis kept glancing at her, her hands having been shaking since she even got there, which was why he was so much in the need to hold her hand, “I need to go, I am meeting my parents.”

“Maybe I can..accompany you?”

“What? Are you insane? Why would I even let you go with me?”

“Because I have a feeling that you showed up for a job, not me, and also you should at least have some company with you.”

As much as she’d like to deny him, she just couldn’t, he was going to be the Father of her child, she just needed the right time to tell him, and it certainly wasn’t going to be at the office. “Fine..”

“Also, another excuse-”

“You don’t need another excuse, just grab whatever and come with me, there is maybe something you will find..and want interest in. Or I hope you will.”

He was now set on a curious fascination with her.



Coffee For Four

Amber stared at the redhead woman and her husband sitting at a four seating table, her nerves were getting the best of her again, she couldn’t help but overthink every possible thing that could happen. “Are you okay?” Luckily, his voice soothed her, and he took her hand in his. “Y-yes..I just..I..” she kept stuttering until the woman looked back at her, her eyes were so wide as they were looking back onto her, “on second thought maybe we should go, I mean it doesn’t look like they are in there. We could always go somewhere else-”

“Stop panicking, I’m sure they will like me if that’s what you're worried about.”

“I-I mean..yeah, yeah of course they will like you.”

Amber couldn’t do it, “but I don’t think they will like me.”

It finally came out, but as it did she found herself feeling very lightheaded, she fell right on forwards into his arms that were ready to catch her, “Amber!”

She looked up into his eyes, and just let out a long sigh, “I need sit Davis.”

Instead, he picked her up, “maybe I should just take you could always do this another day with your parents.”

“I still have work, you can’t just treat me like this.”

“As your boss, I want you to go home and get better.”

Her hand flopped onto his chest, somewhat cuddling close to him, “Davis, I need to go in there..but I can’t.”

Davis smiled, “if that’s what you want, then we will, but if you pass out I’m taking you home.”

“You don’t even know where I live, don’t be courageous, and if anyone sees us from work, I’m surely going to get fired.”

“From who? I own you.”

She knew he was just joking around, but his face had something serious about it, “um..I think I’m good now, you can let me down, I’ve embarrassed myself enough by letting you hold me.”

“Oh? Is that right?”

The smart ass walked right into the coffee shop, with her head tucked away in his chest to hide her embarrassment. Jen was the first to stand up, “are you okay?”

Hearing her voice was starting to make Amber ball her eyes out into his suit, when she looked up at him in an apologetic way, he just smiled, “asshole, I told you not to carry me.”

“No, you told me to let you down, but the thing is, you didn’t tell me if you wanted me to do it physically, or mentally-”

Davis shut his mouth after feeling her grip on him tightening, he let her go very fast. They both went completely white. Amber had orgasmed because of him holding her, but it wasn’t like she meant it to happen. “ room..yes, I really..I uh..”

Jen didn’t quite understand, but she backed off. Amber tried to hold it, but it only made her feel hotter, so he once again took his suit jacket off, and wrapped it around her waist. “Dear would you like some help?”

“U-Uh,” she looked over at her Mother, seeing concern, love, “no, no, I’m as..a fiddle.”

She turned back to Davis, “come with me right now!”


She wasn’t taking no for an answer, she dragged him to the women's restroom. He had his eyes covered as he walked in, but when they got into the biggest stall, Amber smacked his hand away, pulled her skin tight skirt down, and showed him what mess she made, “oh..”

“Davis, I told you hold me.”

She sat down while looking ashamed of herself, “I’m supposed to meet my parents for the first time and I orgasmed in front of them. The worst part is, they didn’t even know, I mean actually that’s probably the best part because I’d be embarrassing myself.”

“ didn’t tell me that this was your first time meeting them.”

“’s hard to explain.”

“What interest is it that you said I’d have an interest in?”

“I guess you're going to have to wait, won’t you?” She teased him then stood up feeling a little better, but he sat her back down, his eyes hungrily staring up at her, “I would never go down on a woman in a nasty bathroom, but, I have been waiting to sink my teeth into you again.”

Her eyes fluttered a little, “b-but-”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick, I know with you, you could cum for me more than once, even when I’m not touching you, so, I’m sure this will be easy. Don’t you think so?”

“Y-you’ve been”

“Fuck you, yes, since those two nights we shared in Paris.”

She blushed again and tried covering her face as he leaned more forwards, “I’m sorry,” she squeaked, “don’t be, the pleasure is all mine Amber.”

When they finally came out of the bathroom, her parents kind of just stared for a while. “So…the bathroom..I hope everything was alright,” her Mother commented with a small smile. “Oh it was just wonderful.”

Finally the waiter came over and put the menus down, this wasn’t much of a place she could really sit down and drink something at, she eagerly looked for something on the menu that was not coffee, but didn’t find anything, and just thinking of food was making her stomach turn. Davis took her hand in his under the table, he could see some frustration. “Actually I don’t really want anything.”

Amber slid her menu to the side, now she was really getting the eyes from all of them. “Well, I’m glad to see that one of us is a very sensible person, your Mother can’t go without coffee.”

Jen smacked Ethan on the arm, at least showing that she didn’t really want Amber knowing that. “No it’s not that..I love coffee..” she stared at the menu again, her desire for it was only making it worse, “I on a diet right now.”

Jen glanced at her a little more, “you're not even that fact I’d say you need to eat more.”


Davis kept eyeing her still, waiting for her supposed interest to come up, but Amber didn’t think it was an appropriate discussion, since it was her first time meeting her parents. “So, this your boyfriend?” Ethan first started to ask questions. As soon as Amber went to say no, Davis just smirked and he proudly said yes, it happened to be a surprise to Amber after he treated her earlier, “woah..wait,” Amber grumbled, “you can’t just be my boyfriend, you are my boss, and you forgot about me, it’s been two months okay? You actually think I’d wait around for you?”

She could tell that it was a very awkward moment to talk about, and the timing was bad. She could have lied and said he was her boyfriend, but she didn’t keep her mouth shut.

“So then, Amber, what are we?”

If it wasn’t for her hormones she’d be angry at him, but all she could think about is how she wanted him between her legs, “friends.”

He leaned more in, until finally it was like that night at the bar, she scooched her chair away from him, “leave me alone, or I’ll…”

“You’ll what? Tell me Amber, what are we?”

The food was suddenly set down, Amber’s face went very white and her dizziness started to return. For a moment she was fine, but now she couldn’t help but feel sick, Jen’s hand reached out first and took Amber’s left hand, “are you feeling okay?”

“Just great,” Amber stood up looking for maybe a little source of water, but she suddenly lost her balance, luckily catching herself. Jen finally got up though, sitting her daughter back down, “are you..okay? I mean you haven’t been drinking have you? Because coffee does fix some issues..or maybe do you have a fever? Or a headache?”

Amber waved it all over, then she turned to Davis, shifting a little to support her back, she just stared at him until finally he looked at her, “I’m tired,” that’s all she could say, the food arrived with the drinks, and she, well she had her head down, her eyes glued to the floor, “nope, I’m gonna be sick.”

When she came back they were staring at her some more, she looked to Davis, taking his hands in her’s, “there’s something we need to talk about.”

She glanced a few times at her parents, nervously she kept shaking again, “uh never mind, it’s not that important, it can wait..” She wouldn’t stop repeating in her mind what waiting looked like, as if waiting was possible!

“O-okay, but are you sure you're okay? I mean, look, we could go outside and talk if you want a private chat-”

Her cheeks flushed again, “n-no, it can wait, I was just going to say that we should probably get back to the office.”

“That’s it? That’s all?”

Amber shook her head, then she turned and addressed her parents, “tell Isabell that I said hi.”

“You know Isabell?” They both looked very confused, but she just left the coffee shop without saying anything else.

Davis didn’t take his time catching up to her and slinking his hand in hers. “Hope you didn’t plan on walking alone, it’s dangerous.”

She got closer to him after he said that, but it was more, more than words that meant something to her. “ come with me somewhere on Tuesday Davis?”

“Next week?”


“My assistant I hope can clear my schedule for that day. Amber, if you have a date planned..” he began, but after looking down at her face seeing how flustered she was, he kept silent and just smiled.

When they finally got back to the office Amber went on her separate way, to being near her desk working on stacks of papers. She didn’t feel the person looming above her, until she stopped working on the papers to let a small grumble, then burp out. “Wow..”

She tensed up, her chair swiveled, “how long have you been standing there?”

Once more the man let a chuckle out, “are you done with those papers? I’d like to look them over if you don’t mind.”

“I-I don’t,” she still had her hand covering her mouth, “I’m sorry..”

“You didn’t eat anything at the coffee shop, I think maybe you should go get a small snack from the vending machines on the first floor.”

Davis kept looking the papers over, “other than that, I’m rather impressed with how much work you’ve done in three hours.”

She ignored that and left, to the elevator. Just as the elevator jerked she felt it, the rush of puke starting to up her throat. Then she gripped the rail trying to steady herself from almost falling, but it was a rather rough stop that made her jolt into the doors.



One Hell of a Trip

“Amber, can you hear me? How many fingers am I holding up?”

Davis kept staring down at her, she had passed out after hitting her head in the elevator, but now she was okay and the doctor was letting visitors see her. “You’ve been away from your desk..for two days.”


Amber slightly looked away from him, trying to think of an excuse, she knew it was more than the elevator, she passed out from the jolt, or so the doctor says, stress, but Amber wasn’t going to let stress get in her way. “Well Amber? How many fingers is she holding up?”

Amber kept staring at the woman’s hand, “five,” but regarding anything from earlier that happened before the incident, she couldn’t recall. “So, you're just fine, I’ll let Mum and Dad know, they just went down to the cafeteria.”

She went completely pale after finding out that they showed up, “how long have they been here??”

“Since last night, I told them that you were brought here unconscious.”

Davis stroked the woman’s back, trying to help relieve stress that was showing on her face, “oh, and visiting hours are almost done.”

Amber glanced at Davis, giving him the look of don’t touch me. “Um..Amber, I’m in full responsibility for your injury.”

She didn’t know how to respond to him, but she could tell something had faded between them, the passion that grew on them in Paris was a little torn, but nonetheless did it make her feelings go away between her legs. “Davis I’m can go now.”

“O-oh, right.”

Before he walked over to the door, he had a smirk on his face, “I believe I owe you after the elevator incident, how about dinner at my apartment, hell, I’ll carry you to my apartment, we don’t even need to take the elevator.”

That made a little giggle escape from her, but she let him go as if he was never in the room to begin with. Ethan took a step in first with Jen trailing behind, they looked more than delighted to see her finally sitting up. It was hard for her not to stare at the food though, she took a few glances at Isabell, “I’m starving, and as an official request of being your little sister..feed me please.”

Isabell stopped looking so serious, her face calmed, then she hugged her little sister, “you need to be careful, I told you not to stress yourself.”

“I’m fine, I swear.”

“Don’t swear.”

She took a few steps back, seeing Amber had a small tummy showing, “that’s going to be hard to explain, to Davis.”

She looked confused until she noticed, then the other two looked after stopping from eating. Everyone was in shock except Amber, “y-yes..and I yet haven’t told him, but now isn’t a good time for me or him-”

“Amber, you wanted him here, remember? You took your first step at being in this hospital, getting that ultrasound. You were scared, you had nobody, but now you have us..except..”

“I wasn’t planning on telling him!” She finally snapped at her, “I can’t! I didn’t even know he was my boss! Not until I had sex with him in Paris!”

She was mind blown, “you went to Paris!?”

“I was on..” her mind couldn’t seem to find the words, it was as if she had long ago tried forgetting why she went in the first place. “All you need to that I appreciate the help, but in time..which obviously won’t be much..I will tell him, now isn’t the best anyways, he’s merging the company, and when he finds out I’m pregnant he’s going to freak out.”

Jen quickly sat her food down, then got over to the other side of Amber, she leaned close to her little girl, “darling, me and your Father see how you look at this he is relentless towards you.”

Her eyes narrowed to the baby, “when you left us, to use the bathroom, he asked us if it was okay he dated you.”

That made her smile reappear, she couldn’t help but smile at something so silly as that. “But I barely even know you both..and he doesn’t know you at all..why would-”

“Just because he doesn’t know you doesn’t mean I give him permission to take you out,” her father scolded. “It’s a little late for that, no offense. I didn’t think it was possible though..we were being completely safe,” she brought her legs to her chest, but not completely otherwise she’d squish the baby. Her mind kept racing now, she couldn’t help but think that it may be..her ex boyfriend’s baby, but she couldn’t recall having sex with him. “I’m sorry, but you understand I wasn’t completely alone..right? You both do know I was adopted?”

“Well..not until now.”

Amber sighed, “they aren’t much to talk about..I’m sure my phone is already backed up with voicemails. I went on my honeymoon in Paris. My ex, Ben, was just a little set up that my adopted parents made..they are obsessed with me getting married..”

She kept staring at the door, waiting for Davis to just come out of nowhere, but she let out a sigh of relief out seeing he wasn’t. “Well, my ex,” she laughed a bit, “he was cheating on me at the time with my youngest sister, then after Paris, after I went off, found someone I thought would care, but turned out he was just the my little sister is getting married.”

Her eyes met with Isabell’s, “I told you I had no family, I have none, because they don’t care. It was more about the money for them. They mean well, they love, more in their own ways. What I’m trying to get’t I just say it’s Ben’s baby and just move on?”

“Finding a way out of this, is going to cause trouble.”

“I was safe! I’m going to have to explain this to them, how can I explai-”

Her words cut off as her nightmare rolled into the room. Mrs. Anderson, and Mr. Anderson. They stared at the woman with red hair before their eyes connected with her’s. “So, blowing off that date with us, instead you go out with your biological parents? May I remind you that we are the ones who signed the papers?”

Jen was surprised to see this woman, “Amber,” she began, but then her words got cut off by Mrs. Anderson’s grumble, “darling, why are you in the hospital?”

“Right, you see the thing is,” Amber stopped to think about telling them, but ruining this woman’s chance at ever setting her up with a man would end, and so would the conversation about her wedding. “Oh, are you showing up to the wedding? Your sister would love for you to come.”

“Last time she called me a bitch, then a are you seeing anywhere in that picture that she wants me to come? What makes you think I want to?”

“She’s your sister, you're going to be there.”

“By then, I’ll be ready to burst like a melon,” Amber snorted back, “sorry, but I won’t be able to make it,” she slowly slid off the bed, getting closer to her Mother, “you see, I got some really good news!”

Before she could say it, Davis came in with some flowers, and this grin on his face, but he started to look at the situation, as everyone was now staring at him. “Uh..well, I guess I came at the wrong time.”

“Actually it’s perfect! Amber was just about to tell some good news!” Isabell lit up like fireworks. Amber on the other hand looked like she was about to puke up a bit, she wasn’t going to tell him, she could feel everyone’s eyes back on her, “right..good news..good news..uh, I don’t have cancer!”

She could feel some glares in the room, but her parents kinda looked at her funny, then Davis just awkwardly handed flowers to her, until that point did she keep everything together, but then her heart rate began to increase, her face reddened. Davis flashed a little smile before leaning to her ear, “I know what you just did.”

It was a very dirty secret that she just had an orgasm with him being in the room, his touch on her arm lingered, but she was more shocked than anything. “Davis, why are you here?” Finally she got herself together, mind was now focused on him being there still after the nurse said visiting hours were done.

“Well, I told them I was your husband and they let me in.”

Her eyes twitched, “you did what?”

“It was just to see you Amber, I’m sure nobody in this room will mind, right doc?”

Isabell smirked, “right.”

Amber calmed herself down, then her hot billionaire took her hand, leading her back to bed, “now, my assistant should get a lot of rest, should she not? I think that some rest after what you went through will do some good.”


He was helping her hide the fact that she did the dirty right in front of everyone. Her heart monitor kept binging, then slowly going down, then binging again. “My, aren’t you quite the helper?”

Amber looked at Mrs. Anderson, her eyes growling at her to shut up. Jen then took a seat very stealthily like, “Amber, I don’t want to embarrass you,” she leaned more, “but I understand.”

Those words coming from Jen, almost made her give a questioning look, what really did the woman understand? “So what was the good news?” Isabell decided to bring it up again. Davis gave a small kiss, before leaving the room once more. “Now, who is that Amber?” Mr. Anderson boomed over the faint sigh. “He’s nobody, never will be someone.”

“Yes, and that’s good, because you have to meet this man-”

“Nobody will be good enough,” Amber groaned, “so stop trying to hook me up with guys! Let this be the last of this conversation! I’m not looking to get married, I’m not looking to even fall in love,” she couldn’t figure it out, what exactly her situation was between her and Davis, “I hate him so much!”

Jen gently placed her hand on the top of her little girl’s head, “you're going to be just fine, okay? If you’re anything like me, I think you will learn and grow from mistakes, and you will love and cherish the good times. Honey, you don’t meet a man like that, he’s like a big pot of gold waiting for you to collect him. All you need to do is tell the man how you feel.”

Isabell shortly sat down, “it’s better to do it now, let him be a part of it.”

Ethan swallowed his pride for his little family before taking his wife’s hand, “what we are trying to say is, this man, you love him, stop pretending and just act.”

They may haven’t been the greatest role models, or even close to being family, but they were close to winning Amber over, until Mrs. Anderson started talking about Ben, “dear, what happened, why are you in the hospital? You never answered our question.”

“It was just an accident,” Isabell whispered. Mr. Anderson nodded to the doctor signaling he wished to speak with her, when she left the room, it was now just Mrs. Anderson glaring at Amber, and her parents who kept staring at the woman who was glaring. “If you don’t have a date for the wedding-”
“I’m not going, and it’s final.”

“But it’s your sister’s wedding! Don’t be so cruel!”

“She fucked the man I was in love with for two years, and your telling me to go, to the same wedding that I was in, but this time he’s not going to object? Look, he could have told me, saved me the money, but in the end it was worth it, I went to Paris alone, I spent..some days in my own room,” she kept rolling in her head of the part where she had drinks, way too many drinks by herself. “ myself,” nervously she looked up at her Mother who raised her, “I know that look, what did you do!?”


“You did something!”

“What would make you say that!?”

“You have that look!”

“I don’t have a look..”

Amber looked down away from that woman, then her Father came back in with Isabell, “you are coming home with us tonight Amber, it’s already been decided so don’t try changing our minds.”

“I’m twenty two! I can take care of myself!”

“You hit your head pretty hard today Amber, it’s best that someone takes you for the night.”

Isabell didn’t want her to go with the parents that raised her, obviously they treated her like garbage.


Good Morning Breakfast


She got up to the smell of bacon, but it wasn’t this satisfying burnt smell that awakened her, she went to the bathroom and let out her early morning sickness, relieving in some ways. Before she knew it, she was in the kitchen, facing away from the food, her head down on the table. “Don’t you have work today? If so, maybe you should take the whole day off.”

“Mother, I’m not going to work today, my boss gave it to me, after almost dying of course in the elevator.”

Her Father grumbled a few things before munching on some toast, “well, you could eat something is what your Father so rudely was trying to say!”

“No, I’m good, I’m not that hungry anyways, I should go back to my apartment.”


When she officially looked up, the table was set for four people, “who else is showing up here?”

“Jake, you know? That kid from highschool you used to get along with quite nicely? Well we’ve invited him over, he really seemed to have an interest in you.”

“Mother, I am not-”

“Just do as your Mother says Amber, it won’t hurt you.”

When the plate was put in front of her, then Jake, she found herself wanting to throw up, “I’m not feeling so well still, maybe I..” then she picked up the smell of his flirty cologne, that did it. Her puking disturbed everyone from eating.

Riley turned up behind her not far from the time they all stopped eating, “Amber, maybe you should get checked out in the hospital again, you did just barf in my bathroom.”

“Well I’m sorry Mother!!”

“Don’t be snappy at me young lady!”

“Trust me, if I had the pleasure of-”

She stopped talking, the bathroom door had squeaked, seeing her youngest sister with her ex linking in arms, “ohh, Amber you look like shit.”

This was the reason, the real reason, “I’m going to go home, enjoy whatever the fuck you had planned Mother, but I have no intentions on going through with this day.”

Abby just smiled at Amber, “well, sis, I hope you're not wearing something plain to the wedding, it would really be a shame if you came with nobody after all, it is my wedding.”

“Good for you Abby, but I got plans that-”

“Plans!? What plans could you possibly have!? Look at yourself!”

“You know what? You're right Abby. I look like shit, I’ve been working my ass off lately, and doing a whole lot more than the two of you.”

There was this silence now, but when she just tipped her head up, she began barfing again, making the two turn away while Riley held her hair back, “you could be nicer to them.”

She couldn’t believe how oblivious her Mother was to their relationship, but yet, Abby was her real child, it wasn’t really new. “Amber..just out of curiosity…you are coming to the wedding?”


“She would-”

“I’ll be in the hospital Mother, I have appointments, appointments that I am attending to! So help me be, shut up about this damn wedding bullshit because I’m tired of listening to you applaud it everywhere like it’s something to be proud of! How do you get off being proud of your own daughter for sleeping with another woman's man!?”

“She’s not a slut. Just come after whatever appointment-”

“I can’t! Giving birth to a baby involves more than one day to rest!” Finally it blurted out, and her tension kind of waved off her shoulders. Riley had no words, but she couldn’t help but think that Amber was just lying to get out of it. “Now excuse me, I’m getting dressed and going back to my apartment, enjoy, breakfast with the date you set me up with!”




Jen sat across the table with her hands folded, “ and your Father suspected that woman of taking you. She told us she had two daughters, but as time went by, we saw you a few times.”

Ethan was next to let a suppressed sigh out, “we took her to court to get a DNA test.”

Amber wasn’t surprised that Riley kept this from her all those years of being the only redhead in the family, she knew it wasn’t some accident. “Well, at some point the truth does come out. Speaking of truth, I am going to tell Davis. Only because I accidentally blurted it to my adoptive parents that I am pregnant.”

“Well that’s a good thing is it not? Davis will finally get to really know how you feel for him also.”

“Really? That’s all you can think about Jen?” Her hands slipped away from her hot coco, “look, telling him is quite the opposite of what I should do. I’m well capable of taking care of it myself.”

“Isabell said you were waiting for someone in the hospital, why is it that you are now no longer waiting for him?”

Ethan gave a questioning look too. “I wasn’t..I was waiting for my best friend, but he didn’t show up because he was working late. I wasn’t waiting for anyone, okay?”

“You love him Amber.”

“ I don’t.”

Ethan smiled lightly, his eyebrows settling just above his eyes, “Amber, you are just like your Mother.”

“I am nothing like her,” she grumbled, trying not to look at the redheaded woman. “A fire, spitting dragon.”

“Look, I get you both want to play the parent card, but I’m pregnant. Also not to mention, twenty two.”

Before they could reply, she picked up an envelope, and started reading the letter. A small smile came across her face as she read it, “who’s that from?” Jen curiously tipped in her chair to see. “From an..old friend that I used to serve with in the military.”

What smiles that were on their faces, started to dwindle, “military? Your saying that-”

“Yes, four years. Before the wedding was when I finally got out, well, I wouldn’t say finally, I didn’t think that I was pregnant..”

Ethan felt the pride swell up, he was feeling like the greatest Father in the world, “I’m proud of you.”

Jen then started looking around some, noticing pictures hanging up on the walls of only herself in uniform, or with some friends, she didn’t look like she had a real life, it was like it was just beginning. Then a very particular photo caught her eyes. Amber in Paris, with Davis, at the bar. Actually the photos kept continuing after that, Davis took her everywhere, he certainly was her guide, but seeing the expressions on her face, she didn’t mind it one bit. “You enjoyed your time..”

“I did, it was..the most magical moment of my life.”

“Then why does it need to end? You're pregnant, it’s not like you cheated on him to get that baby.”

“It’s just complicated, nobody falls in love in two days.”

“You’re right Amber, nobody can, but you did.”


The Forgotten Letter

There was this long pause before her boss slapped that paperwork on her desk, only a few glances and it wasn’t good enough for her, “redo it all. That is the most sloppiest thing that I’ve seen from you.”

She was going to comment on that, beggars can’t be choosers, but instead she swallowed her pride. Some heavy footsteps started behind her, when the yelling began, it had her totally turned around, she couldn’t help but shudder to Davis’s shouting. He didn’t say goodmorning to Amber, but he did just walk to his office slamming the glass door behind him. The hesitation to even bother him with some paperwork she did get finished and approved of was the slight reason she wasn’t in any hurry to get in there.

Everyone started to eye her, all waiting for her to get up and try calming him down, but it was bad enough that she was told to get rest instead of stressing herself and hurting the baby because of it. It may have been a good choice to just let him go, but she couldn’t.

Davis didn’t hear her come in, it was as if stealth was her code mission, but as he turned around, his eyes exploded from his head. “H-how was the merge Davis?”

“Terrible!” Davis growled at her, making sure she at least felt the anger radiating off from him, she wasn’t backing down though. “Get your ass together Davis, because you can get this shit done, I know you can! Now stop looking at me like you're going to force me to leave with your looks!”

“Who the hell do you think you are!?”

“Don’t you even dare ask me that! I know you're pissed off right now Davis! But that’s not what you should be considering asking me!”

Her hands smashed down onto the desk, “get up, get that attitude washed off, and get back in that room! Until you get what you want!”

At first he just didn’t move, but Amber’s eyes twitched at him. The man had never seen Amber so angry, she was such a shy woman before. “Fine, but you're fired.”

It was no surprise, but it felt like she had gotten smacked by the back hand of someone. Before she knew it, she had started apologizing under her breath as he stood up. Davis couldn’t leave her looking so broken, he gripped her hand in his, “Amber, I should be thanking you, because you changed my mind. Except, now I would be owing you something.”

“What could you possibly owe me? How does that make any sense whatsoever?”

“You are quite feisty.”

“Davis, you need to get to that meeting before everyone decides that you never wanted it to begin with!”

Slightly she tried ignoring his touch, but as soon as the man let her go she hurried out of the office. Her legs wobbled, her head was swooning over desire for him, but she knew it was only the baby that was making her hormones whisk her away at his touch. She started gathering her things from her desk, which was a smart idea considering people were starting to have rumors about the two, so Amber found a way to make it all stop.

It was the only connection linked up with Davis, to have to leave made her feel alone, before this feeling had taken completely over, she wasn’t alone, he was always there for her left and right, when she least expected.

Davis returned upstairs, a more happier attitude on his face, but he found that Amber’s stuff was gone, and no Amber. Now he couldn’t possibly get upset over it, but he didn’t know how to feel. So the man ignored it, showing that he didn’t have any feelings whatsoever for her.

When Davis got to his office, he walked in to find a letter on the desk, of course the first reaxtion would be opening the damned letter, but instead, his hands skimmed the opening of it, before letting it fall back onto the desk.

About a couple weeks later he finally mustered up the courage to read what was in the letter.



Amber kept waiting, Jen noticed how often she was in her room, so she stuck around for Amber, then Riley decided to visit, there wasn’t a complete blink between the two, but Riley made it known that she despised Jen for possibly no reason. “So, where is she?”

“Who?” Jen plainly went along. “My daughter!” Snarkly the woman replied.

“Actually, she doesn’t want to see you, funny thing that happened, you seem to be quite the bitch,” Jen laughed hysterically at her face. It was like the two were bound to come together as enemies, well until Amber’s presence appeared, her eyes glaring with no backing down at the two. “Look, it’s bad enough that he hasn’t even shown up in about a couple weeks! I’m hangry! I need to find another job! Also I hate that you are here! Why are you here!?” She directed her anger towards Riley.

“Well, hello to you too.”

“Don’t act like that! What do you want now!?”

“Who’s baby is it..that man’s from the hospital? Honey, I saw how you reacted to him.”

“It doesn’t matter who’s baby it is, because it’s my baby.”

“What about giving the baby away? You could always give it to your sister and let her raise the baby with Ben..which would involve you not in the child's life.”

Jen grumbled then stepped between her daughter and Riley, “if you were honestly anything close to being a Mother I’d let you stay, but if you can’t even support her, then get the hell out. Amber isn’t giving the baby up, it’s her choice, also, she is not going to let your crazy daughter take her baby in.”

Riley felt assaulted at that point, “I’m the woman who raised this so-called child!”

“No! You kidnapped my daughter! We took you to court! Even though you knew it was our baby! You denied her from us! For twenty-two years! Do you understand how it feels!? No! Of course not!”

Amber hugged Jen from behind then twirled her to the side, “thank you Jen, but now I need to speak. Riley, if you want any part of my child's life, or my life, if you ever even cared, then do the right thing. Get out.”

After she slipped out of the apartment, Amber hugged her tummy, she couldn’t figure out what to do, of course keeping the baby was something she had planned, but now there was no job, also there was no money. Jen could see the mixed emotions on her face, “it’s going to be okay, how about you come stay with me and your Father until you get everything together?”

“I have everything together Mum, I just need to find a job, before my rent is due.”

“No. You're going to come home with me, because I don’t want you stressing yourself, you are just as important as that baby.”

Amber couldn’t argue with Jen, the woman obviously knew what she was doing, and cared more about both than just one.


A Fresh Start

When Davis finally showed up, the lady had told him she no longer lived there because of her rent being overdue, so she was evicted, but when he found her working at a coffee shop with her parents being the owners, he was ready.

Amber had a tummy showing, her eyes were lit up more, and her hair had gotten very long since the last he saw her. She wasn’t easy to find, not for him, which made the next part easy.

The door slightly opened but the obnoxious bell rang as it did, catching her attention, but she didn’t greet him, the coffee mug she was filling up again just happened to overflow until the man said something to her about it. Amber slightly smiled, before greeting him, she couldn’t help but wonder who he was, it was like she had seen him before, her mysterious man from Paris was long gone from thoughts, but as he started to get closer and his cologne filled the space between the two, she remembered very well.


He kept staring between the baby, then her, he knew it was his, she was his, “why didn’t you tell me?” Davis was very stern, but he wasn’t going to give her the chance at answering. “You know how much family means to me Amber, and you just planned on keeping this baby from me?”

“It’s not like-”

“Look, that baby is mine too,” his voice was now softening up, the only thing between the two was a table and an awkward customer. Finally she came into full view, “I didn’t keep it from you, I just didn’t know if what you wanted was me, you have a rich family lineage, okay? I didn’t come from that..this is my life, this is what I was supposed to have.”

Her parents stood watching the two inch closer to one another, Jen understood that Amber had real feelings for this man, she convinced herself over the time that he just didn’t exist. Ethan took his wife's hand, they of course knew that things never lasted forever, they based their entire life looking for Amber, and their oldest daughter suffered for all the moving from one place to another. After reuniting, of course they wanted to be the parents that she’s never really had, but the girl is twenty-two, it wasn’t like they could parent her much.

“We aren’t even a couple, and how would you explain this to your parents?”

“Amber my parents mean nothing, if they so choose to pick money over a grandchild then hell with them! Don’t you even try making up excuses for me! If I want you I’m going to have you!”

She felt the goose bumps pricked at her skin, “s-so, what’s that supposed to mean? I could probably kick your ass and make you look foolish.”

“But you won’t.”

“What makes you think that?”

“By the way you are standing.”

Her eyes followed him, then she noticed it, almost a dragging look, “just because I this doesn’t mean I’m falling at my feet for you!”
He chuckled at her, “I’d never let you fall at your feet just for me, you do that yourself.”

“I-I do not..”

She melted in his arms as he embraced her, leaving some space though for the baby, “Amber I would have understood okay? I am trying to understand now. You have your reasons, I don’t need to know them, but I’ve been looking for you for quite some time now. I’d like for you to meet my parents.”


“I’m not saying now, but they would love to meet you also.”

“Y-you mean..”

“Yes, you're important to me.”


His thumb traced her bottom lip, “you are gorgeous, inside and out.”

“How would you know my inside..never mind don’t answer that.”

Davis looked over to Jen, then gave her the look of, I’m going to sit down, and so is Amber to talk. The couple sat down at a booth, Amber kept biting her lip, trying to find the words to say to him. “Amber,” his voice was barely hushed, but he leaned more towards her, giving her an unexpected kiss. “Let me have you.”

The more she tried to deny her feelings for him, the more she found herself giving into him. “I want to, I want to..”


“I am I supposed to let you? We don’t even know each other, but during sex..I mean I think..we can get around on our own ways.”

“So? Then let me take you out Amber.”

“What? You can’t just ask me out, and be so upfront about it.”

“Why not? Are you denying my proposal? I think that some part of you wants to be with me, if you didn’t disagree, you would have never had a quickie with me the first time we met your parents.”

It was then that she finally realized that she just couldn’t stand it anymore, being far away from him only made her hurt more. “Amber, I’m proposing to you.”

She slightly began nodding, “but you only want..the baby, so why don’t we just..have joint custody-”

“That’s enough..stop.”


“You want to say yes, but you won’t. I love you, you love me, there is no reason we can’t be together. We have waited too long and I think the baby has too.”

Jen came over to sit some coffee down, but Amber slid it away, “fine, I’ll agree to marry you. On one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You won’t treat me like a helpless baby bird, I can tell by the way your looking at me, that your not even going to tempt having sex with me.”

He wasn’t going to answer that with her Mother standing close and now eyeing Amber down in a way that made him kind of scared. Amber didn’t mind that she was standing right next to her hearing this conversation. “The sex is good, don’t get me wrong, but I need sex while pregnant, no I want, so if you are going to marry me, make it count.”

Jen was not believing what her daughter was saying, but what could she know? The woman just practically started getting to understand, know her. “So, is that it, Amber?”

“Y-yes,” her eyes finally met his. “Well I think that can be arranged.”

“Good, because I think my shift is done here, maybe we should go now.”


“Yes, you don’t have a problem with you?”

Davis stood up fast, his hand reaching out for her to grab it, when she did, he had her standing very close to him, “I have no problem, now that I got you where I want, I think our little family is going to be complete.”

“Complete by what?” She commented back, of course more kids wasn’t what she planned on, the first was very unexpected.



An Imagined Wedding


Shopping alone wasn’t what Amber had planned, being nine months into her pregnancy already. She was tired, worn out quite a lot, but Davis was always working so he couldn’t go shopping for baby things already. While in the mall she noticed her adopted Mother looking at wedding dresses with her little sister.

Amber wasn’t planning on going in while they were in there because she had yet to pick a dress out that she would find to her liking after the baby is born. It was something on her list, and she figured that maybe she would just take a peek before going to the baby shop. As she tried walking around, trying to avoid their presence they had caught her. “Amber, surprise to see you here!” Abby grumbled. When the woman turned to see them, she wanted to throw up everything she ate this morning. “Ahh…what’s your name again?” Even though Amber was trying to make some small conversation, their eyes were glued to her tummy. “Tell me you're not going to be at the wedding, or at least not dressed like that..”

A few times she blinked at her younger sister before seeing something that caught her attention. Her eyes were right on a dress in the window. “Oh my..that would be just perfect!”

It was well laced, a flower pattern going across the hem, and was perfect to show her tummy so that she could get married before giving birth. She slipped past them both then made her way into the room filled with white dresses and women fonding over each one but she had her eyes fixated on this single dress.

When she got in there to see it, Abby got in her way, “what are you looking at?”

“Not you Abby, not get the hell out of my way before I go all mother mode on your ass.”

“Mother mode? That sounds very you.”

Riley patted Abby on the shoulder, “that’s enough, get out of her way so she can look at the dress.”

The woman let a long sigh out before huffing at her sister then removing herself from being in front of Amber. The retail woman came over fast, “oh my..when are you due?”

“Two weeks, but I’m hoping that me and my fiance could just get this done and over with before the baby arrives.”

“Boy or girl?”

“It’s a surprise, we aren’t sure..but we didn’t want to know.”

The woman then asked her if she’d like to at least try it on, it was her size, and Amber couldn’t decide if she wanted to or not, but then she thought that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

The retail woman helped her into the dress in the fitting room, “so, what do you think?”

“I-it’s perfect..” she didn’t want to cry but she couldn’t hold it in. The woman smiled, “I think you found the perfect dress.”

Just as she said this, a woman peeked in, “I need some assistance please.”

“I am helping this woman right now, can it wait?”

“Urgently ma’am.”

Amber faced her, “it’s okay, if you got to go, then go.”

She watched as the woman slipped out, officially letting her breathe now, Amber couldn’t help but feel this strange pain that was withered away, but only seeming to get stronger by the minute. Riley peeked into the room, “Amber dear, that looks darling on you.”

Her red hair really popped, considering that the wedding dress was white. “Mom. I need to get this dress off me.”

She allowed Riley to come in, there was no more hate being withheld by Amber, her Mother had her reasons for keeping her away from her real parents. “This sure has a lot of buttons.”

“I don’t care, I feel like I can’t breathe!”

Her hands flew over the buttons, when the dress slid down it revealed Amber wearing a little lingerie. “O-okay, stop staring at me!”


“Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean I can’t look good to feel good. Plus, my fiance likes it.”

Her hair accidently unpinned after the veil slid out of her bun, the woman looked very gorgeous, Riley was seeing why whoever the mysterious man had no bother, but when Riley was pregnant, she didn’t bother with fancy things like that, only because she thought it made her look funny while wearing it, but Amber fit it nicely. “Are you still in pain?”

Amber’s face was flustered, her hands were wrapping around her stomach, “ think I’m going to have to wait on a wedding dress..”

Riley adjusted herself to being right next to Amber, “okay, just breathe in and out very calmly. I’ll..take you to the hospital.”

“It’s not even supposed to be born until two weeks from now!”

“It’s an early bird, now let's go!”

Abby watched as Riley helped Amber into the car, seeing her older sister in lingerie almost made her blind, it was at that moment she regretted going to the dress store. Amber had forgotten her phone, her purse, everything.

While AMber was giving birth to her baby, Davis was at work, so when she was released from the hospital, unwillingly, she went home. Seeing Davis so concentrating on his work impressed her, she wished nothing more than to hug him from behind. Riley helped her to a chair, and when the wheels squeaked, he finally said something. “Amber? It’s about time you came home.”

Jen and Ethan came out from the kitchen, the two had very worried looks. Obviously Davis was very concerned but he had no time to show it because of the merge. “Everything is just fine Davy.”

Her voice was soft, soft to the point where it wouldn’t wake her baby up. Riley took a few steps back seeing how Jen and her husband were there, but Amber reached back gripping her arm, “if you think I don’t have room in my life for two mother’s, you're crazy. After all, you raised me, my real Mom is just showing me the life I missed out on, but it kills me that you hate her because of it. I wish you would stay.”

Riley wasn’t thinking much, so she just stayed near Amber, realizing that maybe she wasn’t perfect, but people aren’t perfect. “Davis, I think you should take a break,” Amber’s voice beckoned for him, but he stayed perfectly still at his desk. Riley started rolling Amber right over to him. For some time Amber just watched her almost husband work, until finally her hand reached up to rub his left arm, “honey,” finally that got his attention. When he noticed her pale complexion, he rubbed his eyes, then glanced down at what was supposed to be the baby bump, but instead it was a baby asleep in her arms, and its little fingers were already softly gripping its mother’s hair. “I named him.”


“Yes, it’s a boy.”



She blushed at him, seeing the aww in his face, his eyebrows had finally stopped looking so mean, and the worry wrinkles became nothing but his plain forehead. “I think..the wedding will just have to wait, don’t you?”



Texte: All Rights Reserved
Bildmaterialien: All Rights Reserved
Cover: All Rights Reserved
Lektorat: Whisper
Korrektorat: Whisper
Übersetzung: Whisper
Satz: ###
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2022

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