
chapter 1 : the beginning

walked down the stairs of my house, and picked up the keys to my black Volvo, and shook it by the key ring so that all of the things stuck to it rattled. “Are you gonna get up now?” I asked my 14 year old brother Justin.
“Yeah” was his small reply, and he got up and headed outside, and we were on our way to the first day of a new year to school.
My mother is a very good lawyer, and father owns a few companies and also writes books. Both very attractive and intelligent. My older brother, Paul, left for college on a scholarship. And Justin, is an all rounder, and captain of his swim team. I, Shannon, myself am a 16 year old, gets high grades and all guys fall at my feet, head cheerleader and popular, but single, I’m waiting for the right guy.
I parked her car in an empty space, and both of us headed to the building, and I went to my locker. “Shann!” I hear a familiar voice go.
“Em!” I say back at my best friend Emily, in the same expression, and soon we were in each other’s arms, “wow, I missed you so much!” I said, glad to see her again, she wasn’t a cheerleader like me, she was in the school drama things and got lead parts, and she had a boyfriend, Dan, who is pretty good looking and also takes part in the school plays.
“Oh me too, how was you holiday?” she wanted to know.
“Um, it was… interesting” I shrugged, “and tiring. And yours?”
“Oh, with my grandparents it’s always the same! Stay home and do their chores, and look after Gramps’ farm” she told me, and I listened, and nodded, and then Dan showed up with us.
“Hey girls!” he said with a grin forming across his face, he hadn’t changed at all.
“Oh, hi Dan” I smiled, as he walked towards us, and put his arm around Emily.
“Hey Dan!” Emily said happily, pulling him into a hug, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too baby” he said, and no sooner they were making out. So I smiled at their happiness and walked away, with my favourite book under my nose as I walked. And there was a bump, and I looked up to see a new and beautiful face of a guy, maybe a little older than me.
“Sorry!” we both apologised at the same time and then a second later we were both chuckling.
“Oh, hi I’m Shannon,” I said smiling.
“Hey, and I’m Luke, and new here.” He informed.
“Oh, Luke” I said, “I’m guessing you’re a senior.”
“Oh, yeah, senior” he sighed.
“Right” I said “do you have anyone to show you around?”
“Uh, no” he said.
“Mind if I?” I offered.
“Not at all” was his response. He smiled down at me, he was pretty tall and I could swear he had a six pack under that shirt of his.
“So…” he started as we were walking, “what book were you reading?” He looked curious to know.
“Oh this?” I raised it up to show him, “I’m reading Gone with the wind, I’ve read it like 5 times.” I said.
“Oh, cool! One of my favourites as well” he said, impressed.
“You read?” I asked surprised, “Not many guys do around here, but that’s great.”
“Yeah, I’m not from around here,” he said to me “reading is one of my best hobbies”
“Oh, awesome, me too!” I said “I mean about reading.”
With that we got to his class and I had to leave for mine.
My first period was English with Emily and Daniel.
I walked into class, and the second bell hadn’t rung yet. Emily was sitting on her usual desk, and I sat on mine right next to her. Dan was at the back with his other friends.
Emily smirked as I sat down.
“What?” I asked, settling down in my seat.
“Who was that guy you walked away with?” she asked quietly, but very curiously.
“Oh, Luke, he’s a new guy, a senior.” I said plainly.
“A senior?” her eyes widened. “Wow, Shann you think he’s the one?”
“Emily! I just met him!” I explained to her.
“But he is quite cute.” She didn’t seem to get it.
So I nodded and the second bell rang and we got to our English work.
And then lunchtime came.
We headed out for the cafeteria, me and Michael. Michael is another friend if mine, he once told me about his crush on me, but he wasn’t ‘the one’ so, I guess he got over it… but we’re cool. He had even changed over the summer, I noticed he had worked out a little now, as I could see his buffed up body. He actually looked pretty good.
And when we got there I got to meet up with my other friends.
See in our school, we don’t have any cliques. No popular table, or Chess club table, or the computer geek table, we were all equal with each other.
So anyway, I met up with my friends and we all sat down. Everyone made a topic to discuss with the people sitting close to them, when I spotted him.
Luke was sitting at a table with some guys that were also seniors. And those guys weren’t just any normal seniors. They were the angels as some obsessed girls would call them. Josh and Will, They were the school stars, the president and vice president of the student government. All girls would do anything just to make them at least look their way or something. I didn’t see why though, I mean yeah, they might be very good looking and good in studies and had many extra curricular things, but still…
So, anyway Luke was just sitting and laughing with them and his eyes caught mine and he gave me this breath taking smile.
I couldn’t help but to smile back, and then Josh and Will glanced my way.
Did I mention that Josh and Will were friends of mine? Come to think of it, the whole school was a friend to me.
So when they saw me they smiled as well, and I could sense some jealousy spreading around in the room.
I gave them all a little wave and just then Luke signalled me to go and join them, and so I did.
Luke patted the seat next to him, for me to sit. I smiled and took a seat next to him.
“Hey” I looked at them “Luke, so I see you have met Will and Josh?” I said casually.
“Oh yeah,” he said looking over to them.
“Hey! Shannon!” Will greeted
“What’s up?” From Josh.
“Nothing really guys, so how was your vacation?” I asked.
And the conversation carried on…
Soon enough lunch was also over and we rushed to our next classes, I could see that Emily had a lot of questions for me, but I was grateful that the next two classes I didn’t have with her.
I just waited for school to end.


home warming

 The final bell rang, and I rushed outside, and went up to my car. A few feet away, I could see my brother talking to his girlfriend. Even though he’s just fourteen he has a girlfriend, and I’ve told this to him a number of times, but my parents don’t seem to mind too much, as if they mind anything.
They said their goodbyes and he came over smiling. I rolled my eyes, and we drove home, this was all we said to each other:
Me: “Hey, why are you so happy?”
Him: “Never mind”
Me: “Okay…”
Him: “Yeah”
Me: “Weirdo...”
Him: “Moron”
Me: *Rolls my eyes*
Him: *shakes his head*

Yeah. That’s pretty much it, but I found out he had a date with little miss sunshine.
So we got home and I did my homework. Then my mom called me downstairs.
“Honey, do you mind going to our new neighbour’s housewarming party? We were invited but none of us can make it, would you go for us?” She asked in her motherly voice.
“Um, sure, I guess, since I have nothing better to do, but why not Justin?” I wanted to know.
“He’s going out tonight, with that sweet Angela girl” she said, “so I want you to go.”
I sighed and nodded, “sure, whatever.”
I got ready for the little occasion next door and got downstairs, to see my dad.
“Oh hey dad” I greeted.
“Hello darling, listen, I’ll come with you to the party for a little while, I’m not that busy, and surely I want to meet my new neighbours.” He said smiling.
“Oh okay then, let’s go” I said stepping out the house.
We went outside and walked over next door. I saw a car that I’m I saw earlier today… but it is a small world I guess.
So we were politely welcomed in the crammed up house. My dad found some company of a man around his own age, and they started a conversation.
I just stood there, bored, and someone tapped my shoulder from behind.
I turned around.
“What a pleasant surprise to see you are our new neighbours” He said grinning.
“Oh Luke, you moved here? That’s great!” I said pretty surprised to see him here, myself.
“Well yeah, that’s why I’m here actually” he said.
I laughed, even though I don’t think that was a joke…
“So, wanna get outta this crammed place?” he insisted.
“You bet I do” I smirked.
It was really crowded in that area where the door was, and he held out a hand.
“Take my hand, so we won’t get lost,” he said, smiling.
And just as I did, I felt I wave of electricity flow through my blood, and tingle my bones. He led us to the main entrance and we walked outside.
He didn’t let go of my hand, and I didn’t mind at all, actually he didn’t mind either because we kept walking hand in hand.
“Where are we going?” I asked giggling.
He smiled, “wherever you want to.”
“I don’t mind…”I said because I really didn’t.
“How about the park down the road?” He suggested.
“Sounds great to me” I said truthfully.
He nodded and led the way there. And when we got there he let go of my hand, and the emptiness that had vanished at his touch, came back. I rubbed the hand that he held, it was still warm.
He took a seat on a nearby bench, “sit down now, will you?” he asked me.
“Okay,” I said and sat down beside him on the wooden old bench.
He started to hum something, and I smiled politely, not interrupting.
“Sing me something” he asked, looking at me, “please? I would love to hear your voice.”
I shook my head smiling, “I don’t have one!” I explained.
“Of course you do, everyone has a voice, that is, unless you’re mute.” He shrugged.
“Okay, what do you want me to sing?” I asked, knowing that I will embarrass myself.
“Uh, the song from Titanic,” he said.
“That song? You like it?” I asked.
“Yeah, one of my favourites,”
“Oh me too!”
“Really? Then you should know the words, now sing”
“Okay,” I cleared my voice. And started to sing. “Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you, that is how I k know you, go on …”
He listened very carefully while I kept singing it.
“… Love can touch us one time, and live for a life time, and never let go till, we’re gone…” I went on.
He was enjoying the song, as he joined along at some parts.
“Where ever you are, I believe that, my heart does go on…” he sang this with me, with a beautiful voice.
“You’re here, there’s nothing I fear, and I know that…” I felt really confident in myself now, that he was singing with me, not caring who walked by.
“We’ll stay, forever this way and I know that my heart will go on and on…” and then we ended the song.
I could see his eyes sparkling, and mine filled with water, I always felt sad after listening to it, it reminded me of the movie.
“You’re a very good singer, Shannon” He complimented.
“I’m not near as good as you are, you should like, be in a band!” I suggested.
“Oh, I am, I love music” he said, with a smile.
“You do? That’s wonderful! I play the violin” I told him.
“Wow, I play the piano, and guitar.” He said.
“You are very talented now.” I was impressed.
“And I’m lead singer.” He said.
“Okay, okay, enough showing off!” I joked.
He laughed, “Yeah, alright.”
After that we did some more singing.
“Oh, it’s getting late.” I said looking at my watch, and I wish I didn’t…
“Yeah, lets head back home, we should hang around more often don’t you think?” He asked looking at me.
“Totally, you’re very fun to be with” I said to him, “and I don’t lie” and that wasn’t a lie.
We walked back to our street, and he even walked me to my house door.
“Hey, thanks Luke, nice house warming party” I said smiling.
“Yeah I bet the house is really warm” He said jokingly, and I laughed, “You’re welcome, all the time” he smiled his dazzling, breath taking one and then he put his hand on my shoulder.
At his touch, again I felt the same way, the emptiness filled with joy. He patted it gently.
“Good night” He said softly.
“’Night” I replied, and he took his hand away. And the feeling went away, once more.
“See you later” he said as her walked away.
I waved and entered my house.


 Everyone was sleeping, except Justin. He was watching TV so I sat next to him. “Hey,”
“Hey” He said back.
“So, how was your date with that girl?”
“Yeah whatever”
“Good, it was good.”
I got bored and went to my favourite room of the house, the Study. It was filled with my favourite books, and I would often come here, even to just think things through. I sat down with my book, on one of the chairs, and peered through the window.
That was his room. And he was there. Right before my eyes, Luke was standing in the middle of his room (which was clean!) topless! That was a sight to see now, and I was right about the six pack…
Anyway the thing is he saw me.
But he wasn’t mad or anything… he smiled, it took him a moment to realise that he was standing there topless. The he turned into a scarlet red colour and quickly pulled on a shirt. I laughed, covering my mouth and shaking my head.
He took out his own book and started to read it, on his bed. I glanced out the window every now and then and he did as well, because we caught each other doing it at the same time. But soon he fell asleep. And I walked to my room. I had to text Emily about everything; she would die if I didn’t tell her.
I took out my phone from my pocket and sent Emily a text message about everything.
After a few minutes I saw her reply:
Omigod!! That is sooo romantic!! You guys are totally meant for each other! Isn’t that right?! Omg omg omg!!! I’m so sure he is the one!

I rolled my eyes at her text but couldn’t help smiling, and then I sent her back:

I don’t think so Em, calm down, I don’t think we’re more than just friends in this case, hey I g2g bye! ‘Night!

I changed into my Pyjama’s and drifted to sleep.
I woke up after a good eight hours of sleep, and jumped into the shower. I got ready for school, and went downstairs. Justin was munching his cereal. I swallowed a glass of O.J and gobbled down some toast. Then we drove to school in my car, and again we didn’t speak much:
Me: “So how’s the swim team going?”
Him: “It’s fine.”
Me: “Oh okay.”
Him: “Right.”
Me: “Why don’t you speak much Justin? Everything OK?”
Him: “I’m a man with few words.”
Me: “Oh yeah? I think a few is exaggerating.”

And that’s pretty much it. I mean he used to be better like two months ago. Whatever.
So we got to school, and he walked away with all his friends who were waiting for him, and I walked over to my locker. I grabbed my books and hurried away, but I ran into somebody, and my books and I fell down. I reached over to grab them, and he bent down.
“Hey, oh sorry,” Michael Apologised.
“Oh, its fine Michael” I reassured.
“No, no it’s not, are you hurt?” He wanted to know.
“I’m okay,”
“Let me make it up to you”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I’ll take you out Friday night.” He said.
Oh no…
“I… have plans, sorry” I lied.
“That can wait, I’ll be there at 7 o’clock sharp” He said and smiled. Then he left.
I couldn’t not go, that would just be mean, and he just wants to take out a friend, so what?
Anyway, soon it was lunch time. I walked to the cafeteria with Emily and Dan, and we sat at our table. I saw Luke come along, and I invited him over with us. He sat down beside me.
“Hi” I greeted
“Hey” he said smiling “I heard you’re going out with Michael now.”
Wow, things go around this school faster than you can say Cotton Candy. Oh whatever.
“Oh, um yeah, he’s taking me out on Friday. But we’re not going out.” I said quickly.
He just smiled and nodded, and I rolled my eyes.
The bell rung, after a while for the last two classes. I went to the class and sat next to Emily. She looked curious. I sighed, “What is it now Em?”
She raised her eyebrow, “You’re going out with Michael Peters?” She asked shocked.
Word really travels fast in this school I thought, “He’s just taking me out Friday night, that’s all.” I explained.
“You told me that you didn’t like him. You said he wasn’t the one!”
“Emily! He’s not The One, okay? He just made me fall and he’s making up for that, that’s all!”
“Um, right, and pigs can fly.” She said sarcastically, “Why did you agree to go then?”
“Well, I told him I had plans but he wouldn’t take no as an answer, so I’ll just have to go” I said, and just before she could say anything else, the teacher came in.


 The next day was Friday and I was excited to know that the first week of school was already over. But the excitement ended when I remembered that I would have to deal with Michael that day.
I went down for breakfast, and Justin wasn’t there. There was a note stuck to the refrigerator with magnets. It read:
Shannon, I’m taking the bus today, I have to be at school early for my swimming practise. Oh and I hope you refilled the gas for your car.
Oh crap! I forgot all about that! I mean the car. Oh well, I could walk to school today.
I headed outside and started walking, when I heard a familiar voice.
“Hey” Luke said.
“Oh, hi Luke” I smiled his way.
“I see you need a ride?” he offered.
“Oh, um, no, I need to walk today” I said.
“What? Its freezing out here, I don’t think you can make it, you’re coming with me.” He said and I had no choice but to follow him because he was right, it was freezing.
I got into the passenger seat beside him and thanked him as he started to drive. We were silent for a few minutes, but he broke it then.
“Um, Shannon, can I ask you a question?” he looked a little nervous.
“Sure, ask away!” I said, wanting to know his question.
“Uh, I really like someone, and I don’t know what to do about it, what do you think I should do?” he asked now, turning slightly red.
My heart sank a little, “Oh, just tell that someone how you feel about them, and, uh, wait for what happens next I suppose…” I said, after a minute.
“Okay,” he smiled, “Thanks.”
“Anytime.” I replied, and he parked the car. We both got out and headed to the building. I needed to stop at the girl’s room, for some time. By the time I got out, I saw Kelly grinning near by my locker. I walked over to her.
“Hey Kelly,” I said, opening my locker.
She didn’t even greet me; she just went “You’ll never guess what!”
“What?” I asked half interested.
“Luke just asked me out” she said all joyfully, while my mouth hung open.
Why would he choose Kelly? “Um, that’s great, really” I said, and she smiled and walked away.
Later on I met up with Emily. “Hey Em” I greeted.
“Hi Shann, why the long face?” she asked.
Dan was right next to her as usual. They couldn’t last a moment without each other; I don’t know how they lasted all summer. I glanced up at him and back at her. “I don’t know” I said.
She shrugged, “Okay, well Dan and I need to get to class now, we’ll catch you later.” She said and pulled Dan along with her to class.
Michael came up to me. I wouldn’t know what to say or do.
“Hey Shannon,” He smiled.
“Oh hey Michael.” I said.
“Hope you didn’t forget about our plans tonight,” he reminded me, again.
“Yes, thanks for reminding me or else I totally forgot about it all.” I said to him.
“Oh, okay, remember 7 o’clock sharp.” He said and he left. I didn’t know how anything could get worse, well; I didn’t know why I felt so bad after all. About Luke I mean, I should be happy for him, but there was one problem. I’m not happy. Had I really fell in for this guy who I have only known for a couple of days? Maybe I did, but who can control who they fall in love with? Not me.
I was really down in the next classes, and even the teachers had noticed that. The bell rang for something I didn’t want to face right now. Lunch.
Emily met up with me, for the first time without Dan.
“Oh hey Emy.” I greeted.
“What’s gotten into you?” She asked.
“Um, why do you ask?”
“First of all, you looked like you just swallowed a sock, and second, we stopped calling each other by what our parents do, Shanny” She said, with extra emphasis on my parents old nickname for me.
“Em! Sorry, not in public, I forgot. Oh and I don’t know why I look like I swallowed a sock, okay?” I said.
Then we got into the cafeteria and I saw Luke and Kelly sitting separately. Then we sat down at our usual tables and anyone sat with us.
“Hello,” Luke said, sitting down beside me.
“Oh, hey.” I replied.
“I asked Kelly out.” He told.
“Did you?” I asked plainly.
“Um, she already told you didn’t she..,”
“No, no, not just me, by now I think everyone knows.” I replied.
“Oh, okay then.” He said, “Do you need a ride home?” he asked politely.
I thought about it, “Sure, why not.” I said then.
He joined in a conversation with someone else, and in a bit the bell rang, and it was almost the end of the day.
The next two classes I had a double period, and it was with Emily. I sat down beside her in class, and the teacher came in behind me and started lecturing about some random stuff, which I couldn’t bother listening to. I soon got a note from Emily.
I heard about Luke and Kelly today.
I passed one back:
That’s old news now, Em.
Is that why you are so down today?

Seriously, Em, I don’t know, and I have to pay attention now so, please stop.
Then we stopped passing notes, and the class finally ended.
Emily, Dan and I walked outside together silently. I waved them goodbye and Luke’s car came by. I could see Luke in it, driving, and beside him was grinning Kelly. I smiled and hopped into the back seat. “Hey guys” I said.
“Hi Shannon” Kelly said from in front of me.
The conversation went like this:
Luke: “So how was school today?”
Kelly: “It was so good actually, one of the best! I didn’t even get in trouble for wearing this skirt today!”
Me: “Fine.”
Luke: “Oh, right, I bet you’re excited today Shannon.”
Me: “Sure.”
Kelly: “Why would she be excited today?”
Luke: “Because she’s…”
Me: (continuing what he was going to say) “…going out with a friend.”
And then the car stopped in front of Kelly’s house. We all waved goodbye as she left. Then it was just us two, Luke and I.
The rest of the ride was mostly silent. I knew I had a lot to tell, but absolutely nothing to say. On the way, he put on some classical music, my favourites. He was singing along, his voice naturally beautiful. I also knew for sure we had the same taste in music. And in books, because that’s what we talked about the rest of the way, when there was nothing to say, and I took out Gone with the Wind.
Him: “Have you read Wuthering Heights?”
Me: “Who hasn’t?”
Him: “A lot of people, it’s also one of my favourites.”
Me: “I like it too.”
Him: “How about Harry Potter?”
Me: “Uh, no way! I know its good and all, but not my type.”
Him: “Oh I was just testing you, I haven’t read it either.”
Me: “Oh, so have you read Pride and Prejudice?”
Him: “Ah, that was a very good story, I just finished it.”
Me: “Oh cool, I read it like a month ago.”
And that was about it. It could’ve carried on, if we weren’t parked right outside our houses. We both got out and headed for our own houses.
“Bye!” He called.
I smiled and waved.
After I was done with everything I checked the time. 6.26 pm…

the night out

I went downstairs, where my mom and dad were sitting at the table, enjoying a nice cup of coffee, and Justin was sitting on the couch watching television.
“I’m going out tonight.” I said to them.
Dad nearly choked on his coffee, my mom looked surprised and Justin moved his eyes away from the TV screen and looked at me.
“With who?” Mom was the first to speak then.
“Oh, just a friend…” I replied.
“Oh that narrows it down.” Justin said from all the way over where he was sitting.
“Michael. Michael Peters.” I told them all.
“Oh, that handsome lad, okay.” Mom said and dad looked at her with his eyebrow raised.
“That dude’s on my swimming team as well, and in basketball.” From Justin.
Dad just nodded.
“Yeah, he’ll be here at 7.” I said.
“Okay, then you go off and get ready.” Mom said and took a sip of her coffee.
I went back upstairs and pulled out some casual clothes of mine: A violet blouse and off white Capri’s. Then I put on a pair of my black Converse shoes. I brushed my short hair and put on some hairpins. A little makeup and earrings, and I went downstairs, with my handbag.
The doorbell rang at exactly 7.00, just as he said. I answered him, “Oh, so you weren’t kidding when you said 7 o’clock sharp” I smiled.
He smiled back, looking at what I was wearing. “No I wasn’t, and you look great.” He complimented.
“Thanks,” I said and looked at what he was wearing, a black t shirt with the peace sign on it, and blue jeans with sneakers. “You don’t look that bad yourself” I said.
“Oh, thanks.” He said, “And let’s go now,” he said, stepping back. I followed him and he led me to a shiny, silver motor bike.
“Whoa, we’re riding on this?” I asked surprised.
He smiled, “Don’t worry, its pretty fun” he said and it was. He gave me a helmet, and put one on himself. “Now, hop on.” He said. And I did what I was told.
He sat behind, his arms were supporting me as he held the steering handle bars, and I held on to something as well. He pushed on the accelerator and away we went.
“Not so bad now is it?” he said, loud enough for me to hear. I noticed he was really close to me.
“No, it’s pretty cool! I said. I noticed where we were going. It was my favourite café where I love to go to. He stopped the bike, and I got off, while he parked it. He took his helmet off and helped me take mine, and put them away. The he chuckled.
“What?” I wanted to know.
“Oh, nothing,” he said and smoothed down my hair, which I bet was sticking up, and blushed a little. “Let’s go now, shall we?” he said and I nodded, taking his arm.
He led us inside, and we went to the main area to order.
“May I help you?” asked the person behind the counter.
“Uh, yeah.” He said to him, and turned to me, “What do you want?”
That wasn’t really hard to answer; I only liked one thing most in this café.
“I’ll take cappuccino with cocoa powder sprinkled on top.” I said.
He nodded and looked back at the man, “two of those please.” He said, and he nodded.
We got our drinks, and sat at a table for two. I didn’t know what to say and it looked like he didn’t either.
“So, how is your cheerleading going?” He asked.
“Oh, it’s just fine.” I said.
“Oh okay,”
“Yeah and how is your swimming and basketball going?” I asked.
He smiled, “How did you know that?”
“I have my ways,” I said, but when he looked confused, I added: “My brother told me.”
He nodded, “That Justin dude huh?”
“Justin, yeah.”
“He doesn’t speak much does he?” He asked
“Um, no not really, he says that he’s a man with few words.”
“Ha, I think even a few is exaggerating!”
“Hey, I said exactly the same thing to him!” I said, surprised.
“Did you really? That proves we have something in common!” he said with a suspicious grin.
I laughed a little, because there was nothing else I could do. “Yeah I guess we do!”
We finished our drinks, and then headed out to the door, but this time he held onto my hand. It didn’t feel the same way when Luke had touched me, but it felt good enough that I didn’t stop him.
He led me all the way back to his bike, and handed me a helmet, and then the same as before, he started to drive towards my place. On the way, again, his face had been pretty close to mine, so that if I turned my head a little to the right, our faces would be touching. I pretty much tried to avoid that. Although I was thankful we were wearing helmets, so that couldn’t be entirely possible.
When we got to our street, he parked it away from my house.
“Come on, I’ll walk you safely home.” He insisted, and I didn’t argue because it was getting kind of dark anyway.
Things weren’t gonna get any better.
This time, instead of my hand, he had slipped his arm around my waist. I did feel rather uncomfortable while walking, but it would be rude if I just walked away. So I let him keep it there. Then thankfully we were close to my house. I was about to tell him that I could take it from here, but he pulled me right in front of him, and I couldn’t escape.
He was holding me so that I couldn’t even move, but he didn’t hurt me. I just looked at him in a confused way. Then he started to speak.
“Now, Listen to me,” he started, “and don’t interrupt.”
I nodded.
“I know that you don’t feel the same way about me that I do about you, but I have changed,” He went on.
I didn’t know what he was talking about.
“Just try me, please; I’m really not that bad.” He said then waited for me to respond.
I was not in my thinking mode, and my brain was switched off, so I didn’t quite get it. “Michael, what do you mean?” I asked.
He looked slightly annoyed, “You know what I’m talking about, Shannon, just try me, I wont make such a bad boyfriend.”
That’s when it hit me; I didn’t know how to reply to that.
So I just said what popped right out of my mouth, “Well, okay, I’ll try you.”
His face filled with happiness and joy, and then I noticed what I had said.
I just agreed to go out with a guy, who is not The One!
And then, I was about to tell him that I didn’t mean to say that, and I was about to blurt out all the truth, but he spoke before me.
“This really means a lot to me, thanks Shannon.” He said, and then I felt that I should at least give him a chance, who knows maybe I’ll learn to love him…
That was when he leaned down to my face and his lips, very gently, touched mine. He was kissing me.
And I wasn’t kissing back. Or maybe I was, just a little though. I’ll admit it, he’s a good kisser. So sue me!
But he stopped, very quickly; I guess he didn’t want to get too carried away on our first kiss.
He grinned at me, and I blushed, “Well, uh, good night.” I said to him, and he started walking backwards, still smiling, “Peace out!” He called with his two fingers raised. It really matched what he was wearing, but I kept that comment to myself. I rushed inside then, still in shock.
“Hey, how was your err, night out?” My mom asked.
“It’s okay; you can call it a date now.” I told her and she looked surprised.
“Aw! Sweetie, you already found The One for you! How sweet!” She looked really excited, because her only daughter has her first boyfriend.
“I don’t know.” I admitted and stomped up the stairs.
I sat on my bed, with my cell phone clutched in my hands, wondering if I should tell Emily or not. I decided I would tell her.
Em, I’m just gonna come right out and say it I text messaged, I agreed to go out with Michael.
Then I hit send. I knew already how her reply would be, and I was right:
Now I decided that I wouldn’t go into the detailed parts…:
Em! Calm down. I really don’t know if he’s the one, but I’m still giving him a chance, he really wanted to go out with me…and yeah, I guess we could go on double dates but I don’t know...
I waited a few minutes for her reply; I could tell it was going to be a long one…
Yay!! I’m so happy!!! This is gonna be so cool!! You just see, everything will be the way it should be!! OMG! I still can’t believe that Michael Peters of all people was the one you chose!! I thought you guys were just friends!! But anyway who cares!! But you know, I think that Luke guy shouldn’t be going out with Kelly, no offence but I think he’s more your type… but don’t get me wrong Shann, I’m not complaining! Everybody lives happily ever after now!!!
Yep. And this was my very long and complex reply:
Yeah, that’s all, just a simple Sure. And then I was sleepy so I went to sleep, without bothering to check her reply.
I just hoped that all this was just a nightmare.

y ?

 I woke up late on Saturday morning, knowing that everything was a nightmare. I was so relieved that I was just dreaming. I picked up my cell and had a message from Emily.
Then it all came back to me that it wasn’t a dream after all. I sighed and went to the bathroom. I got all ready, and went downstairs, where my brother was eating his cereal, half sleeping. I rolled my eyes at him and I had some cereal myself.
Later on, I called Emily. She picked up.
“Hello?” she said through the phone.
“Oh hey Em, you wanted me to call?” I asked.
“Shannon! Was I dreaming or are you and Michael going out?!” she wanted to know.
“I thought I was dreaming too, but it’s all real.”
“Oh My God! Okay, let’s, um, meet at the park, in like a half hour?”
“Sounds great.” I said.
“Okay, bye!” she said and hung up.
I was all ready anyway, so I decided to walk outside for a bit.
To my surprise, Luke was doing the same thing. I smiled and waved at him.
“Hey! Shannon!” he said, walking over to me, “what’s up.”
“Oh, nothing, I’m meeting with Emily in a bit, that’s all.” I shrugged.
“Really? Okay.” He said.
“Yeah, what are you doing?” I asked.
“Nothing, just walking around.” He replied. “So, uh, I heard that you’re going out with Michael now…” he said in an expression that I couldn’t get.
“How… did you know?” I asked curiously.
“Oh I looked through the window and saw you guys making out.” He replied.
I blushed bright pink, “we were so not making out!” I snapped.
“Okay, whatever you say…” he shrugged.
“I’m serious, we really weren’t! I just agreed to go out with him last night and he said he was happy, and it was just a simple goodnight kiss, that’s all!” I explained.
“Yeah, I get it, okay.” He said.
I nodded, “Good, um, I better get going now…” I said, although there was some time left.
“What’s the rush?” he wanted to know.
“No rush.” I told.
“Okay, then hang around for a bit.”
“Um, don’t you have any plans with Kelly?” I accidentally asked. I really didn’t mean it in a bad way, but I guess that’s how he took it.
“Well, now that you mention it, I’ll just make some.” He said, not too nicely.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that, I was just asking…” I felt guilty.
“Okay, just forget it, see you around” he said and left.
I hoped he wasn’t mad at me or anything, I really did.
After a while, I began walking towards the park, and met up with Emily.
“Hey Em” I greeted her.
“Hey Shann! So, how do you feel about all of this?” she asked.
“Um, fine I guess.” I replied.
She laughed, “Okay, whatever!”
“So what do you wanna do now?” I asked.
And just then there were a pair of hands over my eyes.
“Guess who!” The disguised voice said.
“Orlando Bloom? Please be Orlando Bloom!” I begged jokingly.
“Close enough” Michael smirked, uncovering my eyes.
“Oh hey Michael” I smiled, and turned to Emily, I guessed that Dan was with him because he was standing with her already.
“Hello Shannon, what a surprise to see you here” he said.
“Yeah, we don’t come here much” I shrugged.
“Oh, but we do” He said, glancing at Dan.
“Cool.” I said.
“Why don’t we all do something?” Dan insisted.
“Good idea!” Emily said nodding.
“Yeah” Michael agreed.
I smiled and nodded, “But what can we do?”
“Hmm, that’s a hard question” Dan said.
“Let’s just… walk around at the beach?” Emily suggested.
“Okay” I said, and everyone else agreed. We started walking towards the beach. Dan was holding Emily’s hand, and Michael was holding my waist. This time I felt more confident and relaxed. We all had nothing to talk about on the way there.
“So, uh, you guys go to the park every weekend?” I asked the boys.
“Not just the weekends…” Michael said grinning.
“When ever we have time to, we always go there” Dan finished off.
“Since we were like, 14, we used to go there to check out the lady’s” Michael said, still grinning. From the corner of my eye I could see Dan was blushing lightly.
“You didn’t have to add that detail,” Dan said when nobody else said anything.
“Yeah, Michael, it’s not like we wanted to know that!” I teased.
“Oh, but I thought you might, because you know, you’re my girlfriend now, and they like to know these things…” He said.
I smiled, “Well, I suppose, but I’m okay with it.” I admitted, and he smiled. Then for the second time he leaned his face down to kiss me. And this time I reached up the rest of the way and kissed him back, the way I’m supposed to. I could tell that Dan and Emily were trying not to notice us.
His arm was still wrapped around me when we pulled apart. I put my own arm on his back. None of us said anything until we got to the beach.
“Oh look we’re here!” I said looking at the blue sea.
“Yeah let’s go!” Emily said, walking faster. We all tried to keep up with her.
It was so peaceful, walking on the beach. And nobody even said much, so I guess they all agreed. Then we decided to take a few steps in the water. I just didn’t realise that I was taking a few steps closer to… Death…
“Hey lets go into the water, good thing we’re wearing shorts!” Emily said to me.
“Yeah okay!” I said and followed her in.
It feels good, water splashing just below your knees.
I turned around for a second, to see what the guys were doing. They were just standing on the sand, talking. The next minute I was blacked out.
So a big wave knocked me down, and then took me back into the ocean, with my head under water. And the next I knew when I woke up, that someone was giving me the kiss of life. I mean, what are the chances that you wake up and there is someone with their mouth in yours? Not so many…
Anyway, it actually felt good, way better than anything I had ever felt. Then the mouth pulled away from mine, and helped me up. I would have been so freaked out if some girl was doing it to me, but I could tell it was a guy, because he lifted me off the ground.
“Oh thank God she’s awake!” I heard Emily say.
Then Michael gave me a bear hug. “Are you Okay?” He said in a sorry voice.
“I’m… fine” I said and it was true.
“Thank God!” he muttered, and let go of me.
And then I turned around, to see the man who saved my life. To my greatest surprise it was Luke.
He looked very serious, and he was wearing a lifeguard suit. “What are you doing here?” I croaked.
“Oh, I have a part time job as the lifeguard here,” he said, “and I saved your life.”
I could have burst out crying, but I didn’t. “I don’t know how to thank you enough!” I said very thankfully.
He smiled, “Don’t mention it.” He said and walked away.
“Let’s get you home” Emily suggested.
“Home sounds great” I said.
And we all walked back to the park, where Michael had brought his car (Thankfully not his bike) and he drove us all to my place.
“Why don’t you all come in for a while?” I asked.
“Okay” Emily said and the other two nodded.
I led them all inside and told them that I would be right back as I needed to change.
I went upstairs, and took a quick, hot shower and pulled on some clothes, made myself presentable and walked down the stairs.
Dan and Michael were talking to Justin, while Emily sat aside, and listened. I sat down beside her, she smiled.
“Tea? Coffee? Anything else?” I offered.
“I’m fine.” Michael said.
“We’re good” Dan said and Emily nodded.
“Okay, so what are we talking about?”
“Basketball” Dan answered, simply.
“Yeah, and Swimming!” Justin said.
“Whatever…” I muttered, and then Michael stood up and sat next to me, while Justin and Dan kept going on and on about how many laps they can swim in five minutes, or how far they can shoot a basket from.
“I’ll be right back.” Emily said, heading towards the bathroom.
“Hey,” Michael said in a soft voice, “I’m sorry about earlier…”
“It’s okay, I shouldn’t have gone in anyway, there was such a strong wind.” I said.
“I mean, I could have saved you myself, but that dude wouldn’t let me.” He said.
I couldn’t help smiling, “That’s okay Michael.”
“Thanks Shann,” he said and kissed my cheek.
“No problem” I said. There was nothing much to talk about. “You were right,” I said.
He smiled, “I am always, but about what this time?” he wanted to know.
“Well, you don’t make such a bad boyfriend at all” I admitted.
His face brightened, and I knew he was about to kiss me right then, but obviously he remembered that there were people here and at my house, so… yeah.


Later on, Dan and Emily went away, to I don’t know where.
“I have to go now as well” Justin said.
“Where to?” Michael asked.
“Oh, I’m going out tonight with Angela”
“Angela?” he said.
“His girlfriend,” I told him.
Michael looked surprised. “You have a girlfriend already? How old are you?”
I held my laughter.
“Fourteen” He said. “Yeah we’ve been together since last year.”
“Aren’t you a little too young?”
“Uh, no, now if you excuse me, I have a girl to take out now, and I don’t wanna be late” Justin said and went upstairs, to spray on some deodorant I bet.
“I have given him the speech already once.” I told him.
“Ah, Okay, but you have to admit, he’s just fourteen! Don’t your parents say anything?”
“No, not really,” I told him.
“Oh…” he said, and turned to face me.
“Yeah…” I sighed; looking at him, there wasn’t much I could see.
Later on, I showed him my favourite room, the study, he looked through everything and nodded, “Cool,” was all he said, and we sat down on the sofa, “I owe you this,” He said then, and moved his lips onto mine, kissing me deeper than before.
I have to admit, it didn’t feel half as good when Luke had kissed me. But he didn’t really kiss me, he had just done mouth to mouth, but why didn’t he let Michael do it? I’m sure that they teach you that at the beginning of swimming lessons, just in case…
Anyway, by then he had pulled me closer to his body, and I had moved my hand to the side of his head. And then, after a little while, I became uncomfortable, because then I remembered something.
Luke lived right next door to me, and his room window was right there, so that if he looked through, he would see a making out couple. But hopefully he might be doing something else, out of his room.
I quickly pulled away and looked out of the window, and he was there, standing behind the window, staring at us. I blushed when his eyes met mine. He just stood there with a rather hurt look on his face. Before I could do anything else, Michael had turned his head to where I was looking, and he too, blushed.
“Aw, damn!” Michael muttered.
Luke, seeing that he had interrupted, pulled his curtains over. Michael did as well, just in case.
“That was, uh, awkward…” I said.
“My kiss or that dude watching us from his window?” he wanted to know.
I smiled a little, “Luke” I corrected, “watching us.”
He grinned, “Yeah, but the kissing was excellent.”
“Yeah…” I sighed, “It was” I said now thinking about Luke, even though my boyfriend was right here.
“What are you thinking about, um, Shannon?” he asked, his face just inches away from mine.
“Oh, nothing…” I said, and pecked lightly at his lips, and then stood up. “Now what shall we do?” I asked.
He was grinning very widely, staring right into me.
“How about uh…” I kept thinking about something, because I knew where this was going, “you can stay for dinner; it should be ready in like a minute.” I suggested.
“Not exactly what I had in mind, but okay.” He said.
I shook my head, then took his hand and led him downstairs, where my dad and mom were sitting.
“Michael is joining us for dinner” I announced.
“Okay” My mom said from the kitchen.
My dad looked up at him from his chair and nodded, “How do you do son?” he asked, not even half interested.
“I’m fine, thanks, and you?” he replied politely.
“Good, good.” He said, and returned to the book he was reading.
Michael looked at me and I shrugged.
Then after a few minutes my mom announced that dinner was ready and we all went to the table, and sat down.
Mom smiled at Michael, ‘Well, hello there” she said.
“Hey,” Michael said.
“How’s it going?”
“Fine, everything’s fine”
“Oh, um okay” mom said.
Then there was a long pause, and then my mom spoke again.
“How old are you?” she asked him.
“I’m 18” he said. Yeah, so he’s 2 years older than me! So is Luke!
“Oh!” she said in surprise “You’re two whole years older that Shannon here.” She told him as if he didn’t already know.
“Yes, she’s sixteen I’m eighteen, two years older, I am,” He said.
“Paul’s first girlfriend was three years younger though, Susan.” My dad said.
“Yes, I know John, He was 17 and she was 14, what was her name again?”
“Um, Julia I think it was, sweet girl, but she was just Shannon’s age.” He said.
“Yeah, she used to be my friend, but she moved to Florida.” I said.
Michael looked bored, “Well, anyway…”
“Hmm…” Michael said, nodding.
“Oh, yes, speaking of Paul, he called earlier” Dad said.
“Yeah, what did he say then?” Mom wanted to know.
“He’s coming next Friday.” He told.
“No way! My baby is coming in less than a week after a whole year!” she said excited, the just like I was, I liked my brother Paul.
After that my mom was dying to call everyone she knew about it.
In a while, everyone was done with their food and I started clearing up the plates, and Michael followed.
“You’re brother is coming from?” he asked.
“Oh, from the UK, he goes to the Oxford University.” I told him
“Wow, that’s pretty cool.” He said.
“Yeah, Paul is a good guy.” I said.
He started helping me do the dishes, kind of. I splashed some water on him, laughing. He splashed some back on me, and we kept going on and on, until all the dishes were done. We were kind of soaking, but it was okay.
“Wanna come over to my place?” He asked.
“Oh sure, but let me just change.” I said.
“Alright,” he said, and followed me upstairs. My room was very messy at the moment, all my clothes were lying around and including my underwear’s, I hope he didn’t notice. I picked out a shirt and turned to him. He was looking around my room.
“Sorry it’s a bit messed up, um, I got to change now, so if you don’t mind…” I said.
“Oh, no of course not,” he said and turned around, “I’m not looking, now hurry up.”
I laughed, but quickly changed while his back was faced to me. I’m sure he wasn’t peeking. “Okay, all ready.” I said, and then he turned around.
“Oh, let’s go now.” He said, taking my hand and we left out to his car and he drove me to his house.
“Wow,” I said looking around, “Very beautiful.”
"You mean the house?" He paused, "Or me?"
I blushed, "The house."
"Oh, well.. My moms an artist." he chuckled.
“Where are your parents?” I asked.
“Oh, they’re not at home.” He said.
“Ooh alright then” I said and he led me to his room, which was even messier than mine.
“Ah, I haven’t cleaned this place in days!” he exclaimed.
“Days? More like years!” I joked.
He laughed, “Yeah I know.” Then without warning me, he took off his shirt and revealed his body. I didn’t have anything to say. He grabbed a clean, dry shirt and put it on. “How do I look now?” he asked.
“No comment!” I said, smiling.
He chuckled, “Fine, but you look great anyway.”
“Yeah I know.” I teased.
He shook his head and put his arm around me. “So, what do you wanna do now?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I said.
“Oh, well…” he said.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“I don’t know…” He replied.
“Oh,” I said.
“Let’s watch a movie,” he suggested.
“Sure,” I said, and we went to the TV room and played a movie.
I don’t really like to watch movies, I prefer to read the books, but there was nothing else to do so.
I’m sure he got bored of it too, because half way through, I saw him looking at me instead of the screen. I was about to tell him how boring it was but I never got the chance to. He was kissing me again I was even starting to get annoyed. Not a lot of people say that, but it didn’t feel the way I always thought it might, I saw no fireworks, but I’m not saying that I didn’t enjoy it, it’s just… yeah, you know what I mean.
So we sat there, glued to each other for like, ten minutes, and then I started to get really bored and tired. “I wanna go home now” I said breaking the kiss.
“Um, okay” he said, and he drove me home. I got out of the car and waited for him to leave. I didn’t go inside, I stayed out, and then I saw that Luke was doing the same thing.


 Luke was standing, not noticing me. I walked up to him, “Hi.” I said. He looked at me.
“Oh Hey Shannon” he said.
“Um, I’m sorry about the whole window thing, I forgot, um, yeah.” I tried to explain.
“Oh that’s okay,” he smiled weakly “So, you enjoy it much don’t you?”
I was shocked by his question but whatever, “Well, not with him really, I don’t know…” I said.
“Oh you don’t? You looked like you were having fun then” he shrugged.
“I really don’t know, I’m not even sure if he’s The One for me. I’m just… confused,” I sighed.
“Oh yeah I get the feeling…” He said.
Then I tried to change the subject, “Hey, Luke, Thank you so much for saving my life earlier, I am so grateful to you, I don’t know what else I can do!” I said.
“Any time,” he smiled, and then he hugged me, and I hugged him back.
The sensation came back. I felt complete, as if there was a part of me missing for my whole life, until the times he touches me, then everything changes.
Then we pulled apart, “Well see you later,” I said.
“Yeah, goodnight” he said and we went home.
I entered my house and sat in the Study, thinking heavily.
I don’t know what was wrong with me, I felt odd, and I don’t think I should have ever agreed in going out with Michael, it just seems awkward.
Well, on the bright side, Paul was coming! He’s my favourite brother. Well, its not like I don’t care about Justin… but I always preferred Paul.
So then after a while I went to bed.
I woke up very late, because I was very sleepy. I got ready and stuff and went downstairs, had breakfast. I had no idea of what I was going to do that day. I went back to my room and turned on the computer, to find out that the internet was not working! That was just sad. So I called Emily.
“Hi Em,” I said when she picked up.
“Oh hey Shann what’s up?” she said.
“Absolutely nothing!”
“Oh, don’t have plans for today?”
“No, but Paul is coming on Friday!”
“Oh Paul, cool!”
“Yeah, so what are you doing?”
“Oh, me, I’m just hanging around with Canine”
Canine is her dog.
“Oh, okay, can I come over then?”
“Please do, Shannon, I’m feeling lonely!” She said and then we hung up.
I walked over to her house and saw her playing fetch with the massive German Shepard.
“Hey!” I called.
“Hi! Shannon!” She yelled, throwing the Frisbee away from the dog. I walked over to her.
“What’s up” I said.
“Nothing, help me wash Canine will you?” she asked.
The dog came and we brought in the hose and washed up the dog, and we got washed as well, all soaked.
“I’m frikkin soaked up!” She yelled in between laughing.
“Well, your not the only one that is, around here!” I said. I was wearing a white top, which was now fully see through, she was wearing blue.
She looked at me, “Um, I think you’ll need to borrow a shirt from me for now.”
“Oh, yeah I guess,” I said looking down at myself. At least nobody else was in the house, because her parents are always at a meeting on weekends and she’s an only child.
So we got to her room, and we dried off a little, she took out two shirts, one for me and one for her, and she let me use her room, while she used the bathroom. So, first I started to dry off my hair, and that took some time, even though it is a little short, but if I didn’t then the shirt would get wet all over again, and then it took ages to untangle! I could already hear Emily’s footsteps now, which mean she had already changed. And then I turned the hair dryer back on and it has a loud noise.
Finally my hair was done, and my shirt was still wet, as I hadn’t changed yet, and then I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in,” I said, expecting it to be Emily.
The door opened slowly, and Michael stood there in the doorway.
My face turned red, and I could feel my temperature rising with embarrassment and anger. I quickly pulled a towel over myself.
“What are you doing here?!” I asked, in a number of different expressions.
“Sorry, I just thought you might be here. You weren’t home and your phone was off, Emily said you were in here, but I didn’t know you were wet…” he said.
Why can’t you leave me alone? What is so important? That’s what I wanted to say, but the words didn’t seem to find their way out. I was standing in a room, with a towel over myself, and a guy is in there, a guy who might be my boyfriend! How embarrassing!
“Just… give me a minute,” I said in a calmer tone, but still annoyed. Then with a nod, he walked out and closed the door behind him.
I quickly pulled the shirt on and calmed myself down a little. Then I walked out the room, and put my top to dry. I knew Michael was following me, but I decided to ignore him for a while. I stomped down the stairs, and walked to where Emily was sitting.
“So I see you’ve invited someone in,” I said to her quietly and annoyed, enough so that he couldn’t hear.
“Yeah anytime,” she said back, as if she did me a favour.
I rolled my eyes, and shook my head. Then Michael came along, and I had to pull on my happy and calm face.
“Hey, so what did you need me for?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing I was just bored, so I though I would drop by, but you weren’t home, and I tried to call but your phone was off, so I came here to ask Emily here, if she knew where you were, and I don’t have her phone number till now.” He explained.
That just annoyed me to much, but I’m a good actor.
“Well, so here I am, now what?” I asked.
This totally got him. He rubbed the back of his head, “Um, I really don’t know”
I bet he was thinking this: Way to ruin the moment, Shannon, you asked something that I can’t answer.
But anyway…
I was so annoyed, angry, and embarrassed.

((i know its gettin' boring but dont tell me i didnt warn ya!))

tissue plz

After a while, all three of us just sat there, watching MTV. Emily and I sang with the music when our favourite songs started, and when some weird song came, we could always hear Michael singing along with them. Did I mention he had a terrible voice, take away bad taste in music? Well he does, and we both tried to hide our laughs when he sang. But I guess he caught us giggling once when he started to rap, because he stopped singing after that.
And then Dan arrived. Emily got up from beside me, and um, greeted him. While Michael and I we sitting in different places, but both uncomfortable. Then they finally stopped greeting, and joined us; Em beside me, and Dan with his best friend Michael. I stayed smiling. I turned off the television, as now no one was watching, but they were talking.
This is our conversation:
Dan: Hey guys!
Me+ Michael: Hey Dan
Emily: So, we meet again…
Me: Yeah so sad
Michael: I think its pretty cool that this happens.
Dan: Yo she was just kidding, this is cool, all of this.
Me: Yeah…
Emily: All of what?
Michael: Meeting each other randomly?
Dan: Yeah, and that (now looking at me and Emily) they are best friends, and so are we (him and Michael), and um, we’re all going out with each other… did I get that wrong?!
(Everybody laughs at Dan’s confusion)
Emily: Yeah I think you got that wrong! Well, we get the point anyway!
(Dan blushes a little)
Michael: Dude, I’m not going out with all of you! (Says in a joke way)
(Nobody laughs)
Michael: Um, yeah never mind.
Me: Uh huh, okay.

Then we just chatted about random things like who wore what to school, but that was just us girls who talked about that, the guys were talking about their other guy friends and what’s going on with them. So it’s true, boys like to gossip a little as well.
So then, I guess Michael got bored…
“Hey, let’s go out for a while now, what do you say?” He said to me.
“Um,” I looked at Emily, her eyes we gleaming and she smiled, “Okay.”
I actually don’t like to spend so much time with him alone, now I have to admit that he’s a pretty boring person, yeah so sue me again! Ah!
We walked out of the door, hand in hand, and he started walking. We didn’t have much to say at all because:
He took out his iPod and put his left earphone on, handing the other one to me. I politely took it and put it in my right ear, after checking that it was clean.
Then he put on some music, some hip hop, but gladly he didn’t sing along. I would have sang along, but I didn’t know or like any of the songs he had, and the number of songs he had were over 500, while I didn’t even make it to a single hundred yet.
We stopped walking and stopped at this juice bar, and took a seat outside.
“What would you like to drink?” He asked.
“Surprise me,” I answered, trying to sound happy.
“Okay,” And then he turned to the waiter, “two fruit cocktails please.”
The waiter nodded and walked away.
I rested my elbows on the table, and my chin in my hands.
He started talking about what happened in basketball practise one day, and all these lame jokes which I have to laugh at, and that sort of stuff. I could swear that I drifted off somewhere in between the part where he was telling me how he passed history, until he asked me something.
“So are you ready then?” He had asked.
I obviously wasn’t even listening, because I just remembered a joke I had told one of my teachers last year, and started laughing.
“Um, Shannon? Why are you laughing?” he wanted to know, and then I shook out of it.
“Oh, sorry it’s nothing, just remembered something that happened last year,” I so didn’t mean to say that! “So, uh, what did you want to know?” I changed the subject.
“I wanted to know if you were ready for the match tomorrow, you know, you’re the head cheerleader.”
The match! I forgot about that.
“Oh, oh! The match, of course I’m ready, yeah” I said, trying my best to show that I wasn’t lying, and then finished off the cocktail, which was delicious!
He smiled at me, shaking his head, then he finished off his drink and we headed out.
“So where do you wanna go now?” he asked.
“I don’t know, anywhere I guess.” I shrugged.
“Hmm okay, you wanna go to…” he thought for a moment, “Lets just go back to my place.”
“Sounds good.” I said to be polite, and we walked off again, with the iPod, and this time I was glad, because I didn’t wanna hear his boring stories anyway.
We got to his house and I followed him in. He pulled me by the hand and led me to a room, which was his bedroom. It was still messy though, he hadn’t though about cleaning it up. He shut the door when we were inside; I took a seat that I found on his bed.
“Okay, lets get your room cleaned up for a start.” I suggested.
“Yes, mother.” He grinned. I nodded and then looked around the room
“So, where do I start from?” I wondered out loud, “How about you start cleaning up your closet and put the dirty clothes aside?” I asked him, because no way I was going near that thing.
“Fine, fine.” He said and went off to work. I practically did the rest of the room, because he was taking a long time.
“Now you have to clean your room at least twice a week! Okay?” I said.
“I’ll try then, for you.” He said and grinned at me again.
“Kay, so now put the dirty pile in the laundry basket, you have over there, and” I pointed to it, “where you had put in the math book you said you were missing.”
He did what he was told then held out his hands, “Okay, mission accomplished, now give me a hug.”
I looked at his hands, which he touched the clothes that weren’t washed for maybe a month with, “Um, not yet, go take a shower.” I said, I didn’t want to get some horrible disease.
He raised an eyebrow, but nodded, “Okay then, just wait here, I’ll be back in a few.” With that he took a towel and headed to the bathroom.
While he was in, I just wandered around his room, looking at stuff. I found a hidden cupboard and opened it. I stuck my head inside it and looked around, it was really dirty there, and ancient, as if it hadn’t been opened for a few years. Well, don’t keep your hopes up, there wasn’t anything much in it, I found some old things like a lost keychain, and a few playing cards and some old torn book that pages were torn and stained. Nothing special really but I think it carried something that I didn’t want. The stupid flu.
I got out and closed the cupboard, then I sneezed, three times in a row which isn’t that normal for me.
On my third sneeze, Michael came out of the shower with nothing but a towel around his waist, “Whoa, are you alright babe?”
Babe? Babe? Since when did he start calling me that? Oh right… now.
“Umm… yeah I’m alright… Michael.” I said, using his real name.
“Good now give me my hug” he demanded, raising his arms.
“I think that I might be sick now, I just looked in that cupboard of yours…”
He laughed, “I like your germs.”
I shrugged but went up to him and gave him his hug. He was warm, but wet and smelled like shower gel. I don’t know why he couldn’t wait till he changed, but whatever. Anyway, I pulled away and stepped back.
“Hey I wasn’t done!” he whined.
“Yeah, and I’ve already gotten wet once today, and I think that enough.” I said quickly.
“Fine,” he said and took out some clean clothes to wear. He took out some and put them on, not bothering to hush me out of the room. I guess he didn’t really care, so before I saw anything, I turned around, “Yeah, you could have warned me you know?” I said.
“About what?” he asked completely clueless, “Oh, oh sorry.” He said in the least apologetic voice. I waited for a bit for him to change, and then when I heard no more noise, I looked back, and he was already right behind me.
That made me jump, and lose balance; thankfully he caught me before I could fall.
“Easy now, baby,” he said softly, but I was still annoyed that he was not calling me by my proper name. He pulled me back up, and this time he was wearing clean clothes, so he was safe, and he came closer to me. I wanted to get away, but by then he was holding me close to him, and tightly, so I couldn’t move. Then he lowered his lips to mine, and started kissing me fiercely. And I let him. Not that I had any other choice, and he wouldn’t let go of me until he got something in return. So I kissed him back, with the same power that he put into it. But he still wouldn’t let go. And I wasn’t letting him get too far…
I pulled my face back as much as I could, “Okay, I think that’s enough.” I said. He actually looked kind of sad. Then came the guilt. “I’m sorry,” I said and put my arms around him and kissed him again, but then after a few seconds, we both pulled away and…

SICK !?!?!??!

His eyes widened, “Oh, no, no, no, no!”
I smiled, “How do you like my germs now?”
He took a deep breath, “They’re okay.” He shrugged.
“Yeah and we have a match to participate in tomorrow!” I said.
“Crap! Okay, okay, we’ll both get plenty of rest and take good medicine, and just try not to get sick, this is gonna be a great match…” he said all panicky.
“Yeah, alright. I better get going then” I said.
“Yes. No, wait I’ll drop you off,” he said and I smiled, “or else you might just get a cold.” Then the smile vanished, “And, it would make me a bad boyfriend if I didn’t.” he said at last.
“Fine, let’s go now.” I said and started heading towards the door. It was just a sneeze! I thought. We got into the car and he drove me safely home.
“Bye, see you tomorrow.” I said, taking off the seatbelt.
“Okay, I was overreacting, I don’t know how anyone can get sick because of a dirty cupboard, it’s just that this match means a lot to me. And it was just a sneeze.” He said.
“I understand that,” I said trying to be polite.
“I knew you would, babe.” He said, and then he was kissing me yet again. I was too tired to kiss back, and then I guess so was he because he let go of me.
“Bye,” he said and I went out and into my house.
I opened the door to see Justin had brought home his little Angela, and I smiled at them as I had nothing else to do.
“Hi, you must be Angela” I said.
“Yes, and you must be Shannon,” she said, “right?”
“Right, I’ve heard so much about you! Justin talks about you all the time.” That was the best lie ever. I don’t like to do two things: Lie and make people feel bad. But if it is Justin it changes everything!
He glared at me to show that he was angry. I smiled at him.
“You do? That’s… nice.” She said.
“Oh, um yeah,” he said, rubbing the back of his head.
Then the funniest thing (funny to me…) happened. Okay so, she was all happy that her boyfriend speaks about her at home, and she moved her face to his, so they were making out and Justin’s face turned all red, I smiled at him and patted Angela’s head and walked away. Oh my god, you should have seen him!
Anyway, I went to my room and lay on my bed, thinking of Luke. I fell asleep very quickly. The sound of the doorbell woke me up. I felt really tired and my head felt heavy.
I went downstairs and opened the door. I smiled and look at who it was.
“Oh hi Luke,” I said trying to look my best.
“Hey are you… feeling okay?” he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
“Yes,” I said quickly, “why do you ask?”
“Um, well first, you sound like you’ve had a frog for lunch, and your face is all red.” He said.
“Oh sure” I said, rolling my eyes.
“Go check for yourself then…” he said.
“Okay… come on in.” I said moving back to let him come in.
He came in, and I signalled him to wait, and I rushed to the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. He was right, my face was red, and I looked horrible, my eyes were pale like my skin and the tip of my nose was bright pink. I quickly washed my face, and then went back to where he was.
Luke was looking at our family pictures on the wall, and was currently smiling at one. I walked to him and blushed. He was looking at a picture of when I was thirteen and I had braces and freckles, and I wore glasses as well.
“Hey, no, that was along time back and I told mom to take it off, it’s really embarrassing,” I said.
“I think it’s quite nice, not bad actually.”
“Oh sure… anyway,” I said walking towards the sofa, as he followed me, “what’s up?”
He sat beside me, and looked serious, “Well, remember the other day when you came home from wherever you went with Michael, you said you weren’t sure that he was the one for you… that made me think, um, what did you exactly mean by that?”
I didn’t know what to say then… “Um, I don’t know…”
“Come on Shann, you can tell me, its okay.” He said sweetly.
“Well, I don’t feel that… that we’re right for each other, I don’t know. I don’t feel that way about him.” I admitted.
Then there was a pause.
“I have a few questions for you as well.” I said.
“Go on then.”
“First of all, why are you asking me this?”
“Uh, no reason, the question was haunting my brain that’s all.”
“Okay, and… when I told you that the other day, you had said that you also had the feeling before, didn’t you?” I asked.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Yes you did Luke, go on tell me.”
“Um, I said I get the feeling sometimes, like my… ex’s” he said.
“You have exgirfriends?”
“Yeah, just one, when I was 12… it lasted for a week, that’s why I was surprised about that thing with your brother and all.”
“Oh, alright. And… why did you save my life that day at the beach?”
“Oh, because that’s well, my job, and you’re my friend so…” he said.
“Yeah, I get that, but…” Why did you do it and didn’t let Michael? I’m sure he could…
That’s what I wanted to say, but I thought it would sound a bit rude, “never mind, I’m still very grateful for that.”
He smiled, “Okay, is that all the questions you wanted to ask?”
I thought for a moment, “No, um one more.” I said, and I really wanted to ask this one. “Luke, do you really like Kelly?” I asked very nervously.
He was silent for a moment, “I’m sorry you don’t need to answer…”
“No its fine, I… don’t know if I do, I don’t think I like her in that way.”
I wasn’t expecting that answer, but I guess it was obvious. “Then why did you ask her out?” I asked.
“Oh I ask anyone out, really, usually I get a no-no or it lasts only for the day, I would have even asked you out” he admitted. I looked really surprised.
“Oh sure, but Michael told me that he would so I stepped back, yeah.” He shrugged.
Oh Michael! Why did you tell him!? Why?!
“Ah, I see, and then that day when you gave me a ride to school, you asked for advice to ask someone out, so how did Kelly take it then? I just wanna know, that’s all.” I said.
“Oh, I didn’t even do that for her, I just went out and asked her, not like I didn’t want your advice, its just that she isn’t the one I was gonna use it for.” He smiled.
I was so shocked; I didn’t know what to say.
“Okay, uh, that’s all for now.” I said.
“Alright… so you don’t love Michael do you?” he asked.
“No, of course I don’t!” I said too quickly.
He chuckled, and I blushed. “Yeah, okay then.”
“Yeah, a few years ago he let out his secret love for me, and I explained to him that I didn’t wanna be more than friends, and we were okay with it then. And then… one day I just bump into him, and drop my books, he invites me for just a night out, and then later on he wants me to be his girlfriend, and I… I was really tired, and wanted to go home, and I just said that I would give it a try…” I paused, and started to think why I was telling him all this.
“It’s okay, I understand,” he said soothingly, patting my back.
“Thanks, Luke,” I said, and I reached up to kiss his cheek, because that’s just normal when friends do it to each other, we always do. But as I was going he turned his head around and I ended up kissing his lips.
Big mistake! Oh yeah, but as wrong as it is, it felt so right.
When I noticed that it wasn’t his cheek, which took like two seconds, I quickly moved away, “Ohmigod! Sorry, it wasn’t meant to be there!” I said so embarrassed.
Unlike me, he was calm, and smiling, “It’s okay, just forget about it, I moved my head.”
“Okay,” I said but I was still embarrassed.
And then I sneezed once. Then twice. Then another few times. Bad sign, very bad sign…
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.
“Um… no I’m not.” I said.
“You’re not okay?”
“That’s what I said, you see I was just at Michael’s place for a while. Oh, man, his room is like hell on earth! I did not know what was living in there. I don’t think I’m okay, neither is Michael, I just need the game tomorrow to be just fine.” I said it all quickly, hoping he understood.
He stared at me for a moment and then nodded, “Okay, well then. Get well soon, I better get going.”
“Right. Ummmm okay then, I’ll seeya around I hope.” I said kind of disappointed.
“Yup! Will do. Bye.” He said and headed out.
I sighed and walk up to my bed and slowly drift to sleep.

break a leg?

wake up just in time to be late.
I groan and feel worse than ever. I pull myself out of bed and then I get a phone call. Michael….
“Hey Michael.” I say.
“Shannon.” He sounds sick as well.
“The game. Are you here yet?” He asks.
“Um IM ON MY WAY!” I say and hang up.
I get my way to the bathroom and freshen up, then change into my cheerleading uniform, tie up my hair and cover my sick face with makeup.
I get downstairs and start heading outside. I meet Luke.
“Mornin’ kid!” He greets with a huge grin.
I roll my eyes, “Luke.”
“You ready for some cheerleading?” He asked with the same smile.
“Yeah pretty much.”
“Need a ride?” He asked walking towards his car.
I hesitate for a moment. “Well… yeah I do actually.”
He smiled, “Come on Shannon. Hop in.”
“You’re going too?” He asked.
“Well yeah… I like basketball. Watching it.”
“Oh okay. Great. THANKS!” I smiled and I ride shotgun in the front seat.
In the car we didn’t talk much, but there were no awkward silences either.

Luke: So, I see you’ve been using a lot of your makeup.
Me: *Blush* Well, yeah… I needed something to hide my hideous face.
Luke: *Chuckle* Your face is fine. How are you anyway?
Me: *Coughs Hysterically.*
Luke: Woah okay I get it!
Me: Yep. *Smile*

Yeah, that’s mostly it. Then we got there, thankfully just in time.
I waved at Emily, clumsily, who was sitting next to Dan. His arm was draped around her waist and he was talking to a guy beside him. Anyway, she waved back, smiling widely and again, I could tell that she knew I looked very bad.
I glanced back and saw that Luke had joined Will, who was there to support Josh. Then I saw Kelly walk up behind Luke. He looked back and smiled at her, and they started talking. I rolled my eyes and then I met up with the squad.
“Shannon! You’re late… and you look awful!” One of them (Hannah) said.
“Gee, thanks Hannah.” I say.
“Don’t tell me you’re sick!” She looks at me.
“I won’t,” I force a smile at her and turn around, but someone grabs me from behind. I look back and it’s Michael.
“Shannon.” He looks at me, letting go.
“Oh my God.” I cover my mouth with both hands.
“Yeah..” he frowns.
His face is all pale and his eyes have dark circles underneath them. His hair is messier than it always is and the tip of his nose is red.
“I have a cold.” He points out the obvious.
“Me too.” I say just like he does. “But we’ll live… maybe.”
“I guess we might. Good luck.” He said backing away.
“Yep! Break a leg!” Only he didn’t, I did.
Okay, this is what happened. I’ll start from the beginning.

Well the game started and we had to go on. I and the rest of the squad started our first act of cheerleading. Nothing too complicated. Anyway it went quite well. Although I have to admit I was feeling quite sick. After that the game was starting, I wiped my nose and we all had to cheer.
The score was good till now. Our team was winning. I was just watching Michael play a bit. Michael is a really good player. But today, we could all tell the difference in his skills.
“What’s wrong with your boyfriend, Shannon?” Another cheerleader asked me.
I sighed, “Well he’s obviously sick…”
“Just like you.” She said. “I mean… what were you two doing!?” She wanted to know.
I looked at her, “I went to his room.” Then I walked away, leaving her in suspense like I do to everyone.
Emily came down to me, leaving Daniel there alone with the guy he was talking to.
“Shannon!” she whispered.
“Emily!” I whispered back. “Wait why are we whispering?!”
“Ah” she groans without whispering, “Anyway, you look different today. What’s with all the makeup!?”
“I have a cold.” I tell her, shrugging. “I really don’t wanna be here.”
“Oh god! And what about Michael!? You got him sick too!?” she asked.
I gasped, “HE asked for it! It’s not my fault. I didn’t know what was living in his room…”
“You went to his room!” she exclaimed. I couldn’t tell if she was asking me so I stayed silent. “Did you?”
I sneezed, “Didn’t I just say I did?”
“Oh… What did you do?” she asked curiously
I would have told her but I wasn’t in the mood to speak. “It’s not important. Gotta run!” I said and walked away, now leaving yet another in suspense. I’m sure she thought of it in a wrong way. Then we came to the interval.
We needed to do a pyramid. And guess who had to be at the top? You don’t even need to guess. The question implies it. Well of course, me.

I climbed up to the top of it while singing and that’s when it happened.
It was like, one minute we’re singing while the guys are eyeballing us, and the next, people are calling ambulance.
You can’t say it was my fault. Because it wasn’t. In fact this is all Michaels fault. All of it!
So when I got to the top of the pyramid, I felt wobbly and lazy. All these weird sick feelings. They all came to me at once. And… I just fell. The really surprising thing was that I was the only one that did. Everyone else was in place, watching me. There was a sudden gasp from the audience. I could sense a large circle forming around me, people yelling for someone to call the ambulance.
I was lying there unconscious and I just knew that I had a broken leg. Before I even got an x ray.
The ambulance crew arrived with a stretcher and someone gently pulled me onto one, taking me in.

When I woke up I was in a hospital room, on a hospital bed.
“She’s awake!” some one called. Dad…
“Honey! Are you feeling any better?” My mom rushed over and crouched next to the bed, holding my hand.
I nodded, and looked around the room. It was packed with quite a few people. There was Dad, mom, Justin, Angela, Emily, Daniel, Josh, Will and…. Luke!
“Yeah I think I’m good.” I looked at my right leg, “Oh my god.” I sighed. There was a cast from my toes to right under my knee.
“Shannon, sweety, you broke your leg.” My mom said.
I still don’t get why people think I’m still five and they tell me things that I kind of already figured out. “Really mom.” I asked her.

“Shannon! Oh my God. That was so horrible! I was so worried! Are you okay!?” Emily panicked coming to the other side of the bed.
I took a tissue and blew my nose, and then I nodded. “Just fine.” I said. “But what’s with all the people here?!” I whispered the last part. No one was paying that much attention to me anyway.
“Oh that, I really don’t know.” She shrugged.
“Well then.” I surveyed around, trying to see if Michael was anywhere in sight. Nope. Not at all. I guess I cant really blame him. He was sick too. “How did the rest of the game go?” I asked, and now Dan was standing beside Emily.
“We lost.” He informed, “Michael needed to sneeze on the winning shot and he did.” Dan chuckled, “Sad but hilarious.”
I smiled, “Oh well…”
“Why are you smiling Shan…?” Emily asked, suspicious.
I shake my head, “Oh nothing. It’s nothing.” I grin and leave her in suspense. Yet once more.
She shook her head as well and sighed, “Okay. Whatever. I wanna be the first to sign your cast.”
“Knock yourself down.” I shrugged.
She stared at me, “It’s knock yourself out… But anyway.”

And that’s the story of my poor little leg. The exciting stuff comes further into it.


A bit later that Sunday, Luke came up to me with a white rose, in the hospital room.
“Hey, Shanny, how are you feeling?” He asked, handing me the Rose with a smug grin on his face.
I arched my eyebrows, taking the flower. “Well… I’m better than before. Now I have a cold AND a broken leg.” I sighed.
He chuckled, “Its gonna be okay” he said, Sitting down on the bed beside me.
Okay so now, mostly everyone had left. Emily and Dan left a while ago and everyone else left right after signing my cast. Mom and dad went to go get my crouches. So it was just me and Luke. Alone in a hospital room. Ooooh.
“Mhmm, so how is Kelly?” I asked.
“Kelly? Oh Kelly…” He chuckled, “She’s Kellyish I guess.” He smiled shrugging.
I rolled my eyes but cracked a smile.
“So do I get a go in signing your leg?” He asked.
I nodded, “Just use a little space. Everyone will want to sign it. My little cousins I mean.” I said handing him a marker set. “Here you go.”
He nodded and took the pack, taking out a few colours.
After a moment of scribbling on my cast he sighed pleasurably, at his master work. “Ah it just makes your cast look so better.”
I got up and tried to see it. “Where did you write it?”
“Oh it’s at the back” he said chuckling.
“What does it say!?” I asked curiously, looking him in the eyes. Beautiful eyes.
He looked at me for a moment. “Just the usual.” He said with a sheepish smile, that made me suspicious. Hey!
“Hey! You’re stealing my thunder!” I complained, “You’re leaving me in suspense?!”
He nodded, smiling, “Yup!”
I rolled my eyes, “That’s my job!”
He laughed, “Okay! Sorry!”
“It’s okay. Anyway…” I thought of something to say.
“Did Michael come?” He asked looking at me.
“Umm no,” I shrugged.
“What a boyfriend.” He said chuckling.
“Nah, he’s sick as well. I heard that they lost the game because of him.” I told him.
“Yeah, he must be killing himself over it, although everyone said it was okay.” Luke sighed patting my knee. He just has to make me smile doesn’t he?
“Why would he be doing that?” I asked.
“He is a guy…” He shrugged.
Then mom and dad rushed through the door, “-can you say that, it might just be- Oh hello!” My mom smiled at us, stopping her conversation with dad.
Luke turned his head, and smiled, getting up, “Hey, how are you guys?”
Dad smiled, “Hey. You’re the new people on the block right?”
Luke nodded, “Right.”
“We’re good. Thanks.” Mom smiled.
“Great.” He smiled and got up, rubbing his hands together.
Dad walked closer to me and handed me the two long sticks, “Can you get up a little?”
I nodded, “Sure,” I said and sat up on the bed, my heavy leg wobbling, “Whoa...”
“Here put your arms into here and hold on to the handles.” He directed.
I did what I was told, and got up on one leg.
“Ah that’s it.” Mom smiled at me and they started walking out, “We’ll be right back we need to pay for them. Some one forgot their wallet…”
Dad gave mom a look and shrugged at me, picking up his wallet from the table.
Luke laughed as they disappeared, out of sight. “I like your parents, their funny. Unlike mine…” He smiled.
“Well, yeah. I guess. You’re parents must be nice as well.” I told him, smiling back.
“Uh huh.” He nodded, “Hey, can you walk with those?”
I laughed, “Of course I can!” And I showed him how I could walk with the crutches. But too bad I didn’t know how to handle them. Yes I tripped but Luke…
I took a step with them and they suddenly started wobbling against the floor and my good foot slipped and I was falling backwards.
“Whoa, easy now.” Luke said smiling at me from his arms, holding me so that I don’t hit the floor. I blushed a scarlet red and got myself up.
Luke was grinning, helping me up, “I’m guessing you take it back that you know how to use them.
“Um yeah.” I said still blushing.
Later on that day I got home, I sat on my bed and continued reading some books I had to read for school, with a box of tissues by my side and the white rose that Luke had given me in a thin and long, clear crystal vase.
I put the book down for a moment and stood up, holding onto my crutches. I walked a few steps to my full mirror which was stuck on one of my walls, surrounded by many pictures and posters. I looked in it and saw a girl. A not-too-tall-or-short-or-thin-or-fat girl. With dark, shocking copper curls dangling from her head. A pale face with bright pink lips, a fairly long nose, which was red at the tip and deep blue eyes which turned a rather green colour occasionally. It was obviously me, because what else do you see when you look in a mirror while standing right in front of it? But this girl, for some reason, I thought looked miserable. I stared at myself for a moment and walked back to my bed, to continue reading my book.
I was just reading when there were a few knocks on my door. I straightened up in my bad and left the open book, face down, drop on my lap. I turned my head to the door and called, “Come in.”
The door slowly opened and my dads head popped out from the slightly open door.
“Hon, there’s someone here to see you.” He said.
“Who?” I asked trying to look behind him.
He backed away, and let someone enter my room. It was a tall blonde girl with cheery, hazel eyes and a bright and soft smile.
I smiled up at her, welcoming, “Hey, Kelly. Come, sit.” I say to her.
Kelly comes and sits beside me on my bed, “Hi Shannon! I just came by to see how you were doing! I heard you broke your leg…” She said glancing over to my leg which was now covered in a white plaster and signed by many.
“Yes, I did.” I said giving her a weary smile.
She fished out something from her handbag and out came a pen. “Can I…?”
“Oh sure! Knock yourself out.” I smirked at myself for remembering to say ‘out’ and not ‘down’.
She looked at it for a moment until she found an empty space. She carefully opened the cap of her felt tip pen, which made a plopping sound. She wrote in some blue scribbles and finished with an, “Ah!”
I smiled and looked over at it. She wrote just near my ankle. It said, ‘Get well soon, and get back to cheering! XOXO Kelly!’ She had written it in neat girly letters, with the dot of the letter ‘i’ circled and the letters looped in some way. Yeah, what people would call girly.
“Wow, thanks Kell,” I smiled at her, gratefully.
She giggled, “Uh huh!”
Knock once.
Knock twice.
Followed by another.
“Come in.” I call, as I turn my head towards the door, and so does Kelly.
The door opens slowly, and a tall grinning figure appears in the doorway. This figure has muddy brown hair, with a slight fringe running down its forehead. Shiny blue eyes, and if seen closely there will be hints of an emerald green circling the blue. Kind of like my own, but more dazzling. A soft face with a light summer tan, and a beautiful heart-melting smile. This figure closed the door, and turned to us.
“Luke!” Kelly grinned at him, walking over and giving him a hug.
Luke… Luke Dawson. No, Lucas Dawson. And he’s in my room. With Kelly Tanner and Shannon Mezzanotte (med-za-not-tay meaning midnight in Italian. Cool? I know).
He wrapped his arm around Kelly, “Hey what are you doing here?” He asked her. “Oh and Hey Shannon, I just came by to see how you were doing.”
“I came for the same thing. But you never come to see how I am doing. Luke?!”
“That,” he looked at her smartly, “Is because you are not my neighbour. You live far away from here.”
She sighed and nodded in agreement.
“Hiya Luke,” I smiled, “I’m alright.” I hear myself mutter, “Just fine.”

So we sat there for some time. It felt awkward. Really dang awkward, to be in my room with Luke and Kelly. Who are a couple, and poor Kelly doesn’t know that her precious Lucas doesn’t even love her.
So anyway nothing much happened. I could see Luke, himself, felt a little uncomfortable himself.
Later on Kelly had to go; she couldn’t be late for lunch on Sundays with her family. So she left.
“Seeya Shannon, Luke.” She smiled leaving us.
“Bye!” I called before she left.
“Yeah, later.” Luke said in his low voice.

He was sitting on a chair near my bed and he started our conversation.
“Anyway, how’s the books going?” he asked.
“Great,” I told him. “And yours?”
“Yeah I just started another one...”

And it went on.

(sorry i know its a boring one!)


Sunday ended and still no sign of Michael wanting to get to me.
I woke up from the deep voice of my dad trying to wake me up for school.
“Shannon, rise and shine bud, its Monday, your favourite day of the week!” He said, grinning at me.
I groaned. He knew it was actually my least favourite day of the week. AND I have a broken leg! Can’t he let me stay in for just a day?
“Gerrup!” he said, his mouth full of something. He patted on my shoulder, and left the room, leaving the lights on.
I slowly got up and looked around for my crutches. I got hold of one and reached for the other, and took myself to the bathroom. Then I did the usual, and got back to my room.
‘Can’t wear jeans. Need to live on skirts.’ I though to myself. No way was my cast going to let me wear jeans! So I pulled out a school appropriate skirt and pulled it on with a little difficulty. Then I pulled on a shirt and I did my hair, and I got my bag. Then I got downstairs with the help of my brother.
“Pancakes today, or toast?” I heard my mom ask from the kitchen.
I looked over at her, “Cereal.”
I sat at the table and poured some cereal and milk into a bowl and began munching my way through it.
“Dad?” I looked over at him.
He put his coffee mug and newspaper down, “What?”
“You do know that you’re going to have to drop us to school today right?” I smirked.
“What? You’re driving your- Oh… Right.” He sighed.
I nodded, “Yep!”
“Lets get going then.” He said getting up.
Justin headed out the door, flinging his bag over his shoulder.
I got up slowly with my crutches and followed my dad, “Bye mommy.” I said while heading out.

I rode shotgun in my dad’s land rover, and he dropped us at school. My dad got out and helped me get out, handing me my crutches.
“Seeya dad.” Justin called, already halfway to the building.
“Bye, daddy,” I smiled at him and pecked his cheek.
“Take care Shanny.” He said and left.
I started walking to the building, and someone came up behind me.
“Shannon!” he called my name.
Oh I forgot to mention that I had quickly recovered from my illness. Yes, it’s a miracle. It was one-day influenza. Nice, right?
I turned around and saw a blonde haired, green eyed boy a bit older than me.
“Michael.” I smiled.
“Oh god, Shannon! I’m so so sorry I didn’t come to see you!” he said hugging me a bit, and kissed my head.
“Michael, it’s really okay.” I said shrugging off him
“No its not, it’s just that, we lost the game, because of me. So I was really worried. I was so sick and when you fell I couldn’t take my mind off you-" he went on.
“Shhh, its okay.” I interrupted.
He sighed, “Oh okay then. Just don’t hate me.”
“I can’t hate you!” I laughed “Come lets get in, we’ll be late.”
He smiled a little, “Alright.” He ruffled my hair and walked with me.
Awwww how sweet.
Anywho, we got to school and then everyone in sight crowded around me. Well the people who really didn’t know anything. And then came a bunch of:
‘Oh gosh! Shannon what have you done to your leg?’
‘Shannon! What happened?!’
‘Can I sign your cast?’

And yeah. Horrible! Then when I got past the crowd to my locker I met up with Emily.
“Hiya Em!” I say all cheerily.
“Shanny!” She jokes around.
I roll my eyes and smile a bit.

Later on we limp to class together and sit down in History.
Classes went okay, and then lunch time came.
Emily and I got to the cafeteria and I sat down with my packed lunch while Emily and Dan went to buy food.
I sat down alone with my book. I started reading The DaVinci Code again, and I was just on page 57.
I looked up at his beautiful eyes in awe.
“Hey Luke,” I said smiling, “What’s up.”
He grinned, sitting next to me, his head cocked to the side, “Nothing, same stuff. How’s your leg?”
“Great…. I guess.” I chuckled softly.
He smiled his eyes sparkling, he looked like—
Luke leaned in towards me, my heart was pounding hard.
—He was about to kiss me!
But he didn’t… Why would he? He has his Kelly, although he doesn’t love her. He’s a player. Even though to me he’s the most decent guy ever.

Anyway instead he whispered to me:
“Your Michael got into trouble with the teacher, he won’t be here soon. He wanted me to tell you…”
My Michael?!

“Oh okay thanks.” I nodded towards him, “ A lot.”
“Yeah. He doesn’t like to know that he’s being a bad ass boy.” He laughed.
I thought that was funny too so I laughed along. What! I couldn’t help it!
“So anyway… anything strange going on lately?”
“Um no, why?” I was suspicious of his weird questions.
He just smiled. “Nothing, don’t worry.”
I raised a curious brow, “okay then!”
“So what were you reading?” He asked completely ignoring my curious brow, and moved his gaze to the book, which I had my arms over.
I blushed, feeling like a number one nerd, “Um, The Da Vinci Code.”
“Awesome, its really good isn’t it?” He smiled, taking it away from me to see what part I was at.
“Yeah, but I’ve read it, it’s just so good.” I said.
He nodded, half impressed, but he was reading the blurb.
Luke soon put it down and smiled, satisfied. “Okay, well that’s that. Lets do something.”
I looked at him again, suspicious, “Like what?”
“Um how about we get outside?” He suggested.
“Sure. Good idea.” I smiled and tucked my book into my bag and got up with my crutches.
He got up and helped me up on my crutches and smiled, “Come on.”
I walked beside him as we left the cafeteria.
There were a few whispers which I decided to ignore, and obviously so did Luke.
Another girl came up to me and tapped my shoulder gently.
“Hey, Shannon! Um, I’m Anna… Can I sign your cast?” She asked, grinning widely. She wore glasses and braces, and had short brown hair.
I felt kind of ashamed that I didn’t know most of the people who knew me. I didn’t want to be the popular girl, it just happened!
So I just smiled and nodded, “Sure thing. Make it quick though!”
She kind of looked flattered, “Really? I mean thanks!” She grinned and fished out a pen from her pocket and bent down. She found a spot right at the back. Where Luke had signed it as well. She signed it and got back up, looking kind of confused.
“You’re going out with Michael right?” she wanted to know.
“Yep…. Um, why?” I asked.
She shook her head too quickly, “No, nothing. Thanks. Seeya.”

Luke smirked, and I knew he knew something.
“What is there that I don’t know?” I asked looking into his pretty eyes.
He shook his head as well, “Nothing! And if there is you’ll obviously find out soon…”

Stealing my thunder and leaving me in suspense… Again!


After that we were already outside on the picnic benches type things (the one that has two benches on either side of the table—I don’t know what they’re called!) and I was sitting on one, facing the table and Luke was sitting on the table, feet beside me.

“So…” He smiled down at me.
“So,” I repeated smiling up at him.
“When are you getting that cast removed?” He asked.
“Soon.” I replied.
“Soon? That helps…” he rolled his eyes.
I chuckled, “Three weeks.”
He looked astonished, “Three weeks? Wow.”
“Yep, so anyway how is your life going?” I asked looking up at him, eyes lost in his gorgeous ones as they met mine.
“Life…” he thought for a moment, “Life is life, I guess.”
“No really? I thought it was death.” I said sarcastically.
“Well it kind of is,” he said ignoring the sarcasm.
“What, why?” I asked him.
He shook his head, grinning now, “Yep, so what shall we talk about? I’m getting bored.”
“You’re calling me boring, Luke?” I said dramatically, putting my hand to my chest, and gasped, pretending to be hurt.
“No, no! Of course not!” He said panicking and when I thought he had believed it I started to laugh.
“Chill, dude. I was kidding!” I said still laughing a bit.
Then he smirked strangely and said, “I know.”
And then before I could say anything else, a big bunch of people joined our table, inviting themselves.
So that was that.

Later after school Justin and I were standing in the parking lot.
I looked straight at him, he was just fourteen and he had grown over four inches over the summer. So now he’s nearly as tall as me, and in a few months I’ll have to look up in his bright blue eyes. I’ve heard from many of the kids in his class say that he’s gonna be the dream guy in high school, the one that’s a jock and blonde hair, blue eyes, tan, tall, muscular and smart. And they’re all jealous of his girlfriend, Angela, who is like, a really nice girl, who doesn’t go around in mini skirts and belly button piercings, etc. But she is really decent, and pretty. Justin is too shy. I don’t see how they can talk about him like that!
So anyway I looked at him and I was like, “Right, I’ll call dad.” And so I did and this is the conversation of me and dad.

Me: Daddy I need you to pick us up from school!
Dad: What did you do to your car?!
Me: Um I kind of broke it.
Dad: you WHAT!?!
Me: Dad, chill, you drove us to school today remember? My leg?
Dad: *breathing heavily* Oh… right.
Me: Waiting!
Dad: Sorry hon. I have a very important meeting in 4 and a half minutes.
Me: Ugh, where’s mom?
Dad: She has to be at the meeting.
Me: Whatever… Bye.

Then I hang up on him and turn back to Justin.
“So? What did he say?” Justin asked moving his gaze towards me again.
“He said that we’re going to have to learn how to fly, to get home faster.” I said casually.
He rolled his eyes, “Shannon, is he coming or not?”
“Not.” I said, “We’ll have to walk. Come on.”
He flung his backpack over his shoulders and carried mine. How generous of him.
I was walking really slowly due to my crutches…

He was walking behind me anyway because obviously he was too busy texting his friend about some party they’re planning (Don’t ask, I have my ways!) and he’s a guy and guys can’t multitask unlike girls… Yeah yeah yeah.
So when he decided he would put it back into his pocket safely, well surely because it ran out of battery, he suddenly started laughing!
I turned around and scowled at him, “What?!”
He shook his head, “Whatever.”
I rolled my eyes, “ Everyone is acting suspicious! Its so annoying!”
He laughed a bit more, “Says you, Shan.”
I sighed, and continued walking.
After a moment Justin breaks the silence again, “Why couldn’t your boyfriend give us a ride?”
I stopped and then started again, “I- I didn’t ask him…”
“Why not?” he asked obviously amused.
And as always, I use my skills and answer something mysterious.
“It’s personal.” I say and shrug as if that settles that.
Have I ever mentioned that our house is like two miles away from school? I mean I would usually walk, but it’s horrible with a broken leg!

Anyway, as Justin caught up with me and stood by my side, looking kind of annoyed that I was walking so slowly, but he had to stand beside me just in case I stumble over some rocks and fall or something just like what I almost did a few minutes ago...

Then a car pulled up and waved at us. I turned my head to the left and looked at the driver who was waving and I waved back with a small smile.
“Luke. What a surprise.” I said.
“isn’t it always?” he joked. “Why are you walking?”
“Parents at work. Can’t drive.” I shrugged.
“You guys want a ride?” he offered kindly.
“Wow, thanks Luke. This means a lot.” I smiled widely, and nudged Justin, “Right Justin?”
“Huh? Oh, right. Thanks.” He said.
Luke just kept his little smile and got out of the car and helped me in the front seat and told Justin that he could sit at the back.

When we got into the car he put on some unfamiliar music that sounded surprisingly good.
“Whoa, who’s this by?” I asked impressed.
“It’s all me and my band.” He grinned watching the road as he drove.
“Oh yeah. I forgot you were in a band. It’s really good, Luke, really.” I said again.
“Thanks. But if you like this you’ll love my other albums. I’ll send them to you one day.” He said as he glanced at me.
I glanced back at him and smiled, “Really? That would be great, thanks.”
“Don’t mention it. If you don’t want to…” He smirked.
I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled softly, “Sure thing.”
“So how’s your violin practise going?” He asked me.
“Violin..? Oh! Of course. Um I haven’t practised recently but I’m getting there soon enough.” I said, amazed at myself for forgetting I was a talented fine violinist.
He laughed softly, “Right.”

After a while we ended up in a small but deep conversation about cars. Don’t ask how; one minute it was just violins and now it was cars. I could tell it was deep because with in three minutes Justin had the most annoyed expression I’ve ever seen.

He parked by his house on the driveway (because we’re neighbours if you forgot!) and then Justin helped me out, handing me my crutches. I took them gratefully and waved to Luke.
“Bye, Luke. Thanks so much for the ride.” I said grinning and walking backwards skilfully with my crutches.
And then the most typical thing happened, and I can guess that you’re guessing it as well.

You’re right.

Well of course I didn’t know I was about to trip because I was too into showing off my skills…


 The days flew by… Everyone was still acting strange, for some reason Kelly was more unhappy with Luke but at the same time wouldn’t leave his side… and now Michael was around again, not wanting to leave myside.
That was kind of annoying because I was insisted to sit with his friends and listen to their boring conversation about sport.
Not that I couldn’t ditch… I could do that.

Anyway, I was just walking with Emily into the cafeteria at Lunch when she finally decides to tell me.

“Shannon.” She sighed grabbing my shoulder.
“Sexy cast, keep it up, winking face, XX L.D” she said.
“What the heck?!” I asked confused.
“Some one signed your cast with the initial L.D and that’s what you wanted to know right? Everyone is acting weird when they see your cast is because you have a boyfriend and someone is flirting. No one flirts with the girlfriend of the basketball team captain.”

I was then quiet for a moment and I had stopped walking, “L.D, Hmm, could it be, Em?!” I asked squealing.
“What!” she demanded.
“Luke Dawson.” I laughed “Oh my god!”
Emily laughed along, “You’re so lucky that Michael doesn’t know!”
“And he won’t...” I sighed and continued walking with my crutches. “I’m pretty sure. He doesn’t look anywhere near that cast when he looks at me.” I rolled my eyes, “Plus, did you see what he wrote? ‘Get better babe, my smokin’ hot lady! Can’t wait to take you out again… Michael Peters XOXOXOX’ … wasn’t that a bit too much?”
Emily laughed a bit more and nodded, “Yeah, saw that one.”
“Anyway, I think it was nice of Luke to write that. Brave actually.” I smiled as we took our seats and the conversation went on about it.

Did I mention that my brother Paul is coming so soon? Its almost Friday. I can't wait!

Later on Michael came by.
“Hey…” he smiled at me.
I smiled up at him, “Yes?”
Emily smirked, watching us. She knew that I didn’t really like him. She was upset of course because of Dan being his best friend and double dating and all. But anyway.

“I thought you were joining me today for lunch” he said.
Luckily I had a good excuse this time. “Nah, I didn’t want Emily to sit alone, since you know, Dan is sick today and couldn’t make it here…”

“Oh…” he frowned, “Oh well.”

I smiled widely, “Sorry Mike. I guess I’ll see you later.” I said waiting for him to go.
“Alright…” he sighed and kissed me, but I pulled away fast.

“I’m sorry but my lips feel really chapped. They hurt a lot…” I said putting a hand over my mouth.
He frowned, “Okay whatever. Feel better.” He kissed my cheek then left.
“Why don’t you just break up with him?” Emily asked, but I could see a small smile playing at her lips.

I shrugged though, “Im not really sure. I guess I don’t have the guts. I mean, its so harsh, you know? To be thrown away.” I sighed helplessly.

Emily nodded slowly, “I guess..?” she said, making it sound like a question.
Emily never gets dumped. She’s the one who ends up saying goodbye.

I shook my head and gave her a small laugh. And before you know it, Luke was heading for our table, with a wide toothy smile on him. And a pouting Kelly behind him.

“Hey!” Luke exclaimed, plumping down on a seat beside us, “Mind if I— or we—join you?” he asked.

Emily shrugged, picking at her carrots.
“Um sure. Why not?” I smiled at him then Kelly.

Luke sat down then in front of us and Kelly sighed, “Why won’t you sit at my table?” she asked.

“well because your table is boring Kells.” He said.

Kelly pouted, “Fine.” She said walking away.

I smiled just a teensy bit, “Luke, shouldn’t you go after her?” I said when he didn’t.

“Nope,” he said. “She’ll be okay.” He said and then turned back to us. “So what’s going on really?”

Emily shrugged, “Nothing, we were just going through Shannon’s cast, you know, seeing what people wrote.” She winked at him.

I looked down immediately at my drink and Luke actually turned kinda red. Kinda.
I looked around the room when that awkward silence started and found Kelly sitting on Michael’s table with other people. I rolled my eyes and turned back again.

“Well this is interesting.” Luke said. “Its nice to sit at a table where people are actually calm, you know?” he said looking around the cafeteria. He was right, everyone is so hyper in this school.

I smiled at him, “Yeah I know right?” I never noticed that me and Emily were too quiet. I guess we were.

So we sat there the rest of the lunch, just being quiet, and talking to each other with body language, and it might sound lame but it was actually quite… relaxing.

((Okay so I'm starting to write again, but it won't be as good I guess! Gotta be patient!))

bigg bubba meets luke (:P)

 My biggie brother is here!

Paul arrived safely on Friday, and we all (Mommy, Daddy, and Justin) went to the airport to pick him up.

“Where is he? Everyone from the flight is out but him!” My mom said eagerly.

I was the first to find him. “Paaaaaaaaaaaaul!” I ummm exclaimed running up to him and gave him the biggest huggie ever.

“Why hello, there, younger one. How do you do this fine morning?” Paul said in a British accent.

I stared at him in disbelief and he laughed, “I’m just kidding with you Shan! How are you baby sister!” he said in his normal voice.

My mom rushed over and hugged him tightly. “Oh Paulie my baby. How was your flight? Are you okay? Was everything okay in Europe? Are you tired? Are you hungry? You wanna grab some lunch? You want –“

“Mom, mom!” Paul laughed rolling his eyes, “I’m fine.”

Dad welcomed Paul home and so did Justin.

“Hey there little wimp.” He winked slapping the back of his head.

Justin laughed, “Its good to see you here too.” He said, and that was all.

Soon we arrived back home safely, having a nice chat on the way home to the airport, nothing personal though. Mostly Mom and Paul were speaking. Dad chipped in a bunch of times, and so did I but of course Justin was quiet the whole way, secretly texting with his phone.

We got home finally and Paul was tired but he didn’t wanna go to sleep. We had some Chinese food (Yummy) and then everyone was back on track and I went to help him unpack his bags.

“So what did you get me?” I asked.

Paul snorted, “My love.” He said.

I laughed and hit him with a pillow, “No seriously, you didn’t get me anything from England?” I faked a pout.

“Awwwww,” he said poking me playfully. “Of course I did.” He said going through his bags and pulled out a t-shirt that said I heart London.

I took it from him, “Thaaaanks.” I said. “I already have three of these now.”

He sighed, “Well I don’t know what else to get you!” He admitted.

I smiled, “Its okay Paulie,” I said “it doesn’t matter.”

He grinned, “I know.”

“Yeah so whats going on in England? A lot of clubbing and partying I suppose?” I said.

He just grinned, “That’s right…”

I raised an eyebrow. “Okay…”

He nodded, “yep, and what’s with you? How’s Emily?” he asked.

“Good, she’s fine.” I said nodding and throwing his stuff into the hamper.

“And how’s your love life? Any boys yet?” He asked casually.

He looked at me when I didn’t answer. “well?”

“What?” I asked crossing my arms.

“Who’s the guy?” he grinned.

I sighed, “I’m dating this guy, Michael.”

He opened his mouth to speak.

“No, its nothing serious, and no to all the other questions you’re thinking of.” I said before he even asked.

He laughed, “you know me too well, sis.” He said. “Lets go for a walk.” He suggested.

“Sure, lets go.” I said slipping on my shoes that I took off.

Paul did the same and got up, heading out.

I followed him out and we got outside and walked, just talking about random things that we talk about. We updated each other on our lives and shared stupid secrets like we always did.

“I missed you.” I said for about the eighth time that day.

“I missed you tooooooooo.” He replied for the eighth time, and slung his arm over my shoulder.

I laughed and slipped my hands in my pocket as we walked. We soon stopped at a park and I saw a familiar figure… called Luke.

Luke was there! Him and his angelic face.

He was waving at me!

“Who’s that? Michael? Nice.” Paul grinned, nudging me.

“No.” I blushed a bit. “That’s Luke. Our new neighbour, and he’s my friend.” I said. “We’re Just friends.”

Luke walked over to us. “Hey Shannon.” He said then glanced over to my brother. “You must be Paul.” He said and flashed him a smile.

“Yeah, you must be Luke. Shannon has told me loads about you.” Paul grinned widely, his devilish smile.

I blushed more.

Luke chuckled, his eyes flickering to mine and back to his. “Has she now. Its nice to meet you.” He said holding out his hand.

Luke nodded, “Yeah, you too.” He said and shook his hand, “and welcome to this neighbourhood man.”

“Thanks.” He said letting go of his hand, still keeping eye contact. “So how’s England?”

I wondered how Luke knew this stuff.

“England is good.” Paul said. “its beautiful, and yeah.”

They went on talking for about another ten minutes, non stop. Seriously. They just kept going on an on, and laughing and blah blah blah! And it wouldn’t end. I just stood there, not sure of what to do, thinking of how awkward this was.

“Yeah.” I said randomly and they both looked at me as if I was insane. “What?” I asked pouting.

They blinked and went back to their conversation. I think they were talking about Pizza. Or the news. Something like that.

Finally they ran out of words and I was probably daydreaming because when I snapped out of it, Paul was gone. It was just me and Luke. Eep.

“Oh. Hey. Where’s Paul?” I asked.

He smiled at me. That smile. Ahh..
“He went to get a drink.” He said nodding over to where he was.

I nodded, “Oh cool. So what are you up to?” I asked.

“Nothing really. Getting some fresh air.” He said. “And getting some thoughts together.”

“What thoughts?” I asked curiously.

He just smiled and shook his head.

Right. Of course he wasn’t going to tell me. Who was I to know what he was thinking of? Just another girl yeah.

“Okay. So how’s Kelly?” I asked.

“She wont speak to me.” He sighed. “Why? How is Michael?” he asked.

I looked at him for a moment. “Umm I don’t know.” I said.

He raised his eyebrows, “He’s your boyfriend you know. You should be more committed into the relationship.”

I looked down, feeling guilty.

“Hey, look, I’m sorry. Michael is my friend…” he said

Wow. Why was he even speaking to me about this? What’s his problem?
I was getting furious. Why is Luke acting like this?

I looked up at him. “No, you’re right.”

He opened his mouth to speak, just when Paul came back. “Hey.”

“Thanks.” I said to Luke then looked at Paul. “Hey, lets go.”

He looked at me strangely. “O-kay.” He said, glancing at Luke, who’s expression I could not read. “Seeya later then.”

Luke nodded, “Okay, bye.” He said before walking away.

I took Pauls arm and literally dragged him away.

“Ow, hey hey. Whats the matter with you?” he asked.

“Nothing….” I groaned. “Lets just go home.”

He sighed and then we walked home, silently.


 The next morning I woke up, to the sound of the little birds chirping, and then I suddenly starting remembering what happened the previous day with Luke. The whole scene played out in my head again, and I couldn’t help but think that Luke had a point. Michael,
After all, he was my boyfriend. Dont get me wrong. I was still kind of pissed at Luke.

So I took my cell phone and I wrote a short text to Michael, telling him that i was sorry for behaving the way i have the last few days and that i really want to meet up with him again soon.

His reply almost came suddenly. He had a smily face and a heart and said to meet him at the park at ten am so that we could go to breakfast together.

And i was actually looking forward to it! To go on a date with Michael!

So i got up and got dressed after taking a nice hot shower. I dried my hair and straightened it from the front, deciding it looked okay and then i slipped on a pair of shoes. I was wearing something casual which i now do not remember. So I scurried down the stairs and i told Justin who was sitting at the table, munching his ceral, “Hey Justin? Im going out for a while.”

He looked up with me and gave me that look that said ‘Does it look like a frickan care?’ but he was going to have to tell my parents so. “Okay, where?”

I grabbed my sunglasses. “I’m going to meet up with Michael for breakfast.” I said “Later.” Then I was walking out the front door.

I started making my way to the park, when i saw HIM again. The same him who i was mad at. The same him who I thought i kinda liked and the same him who I thought liked me back. Maybe.

Yes, Luke.

So I saw him and rolled my eyes, glad he didn’t see me, so I decided to just pretend i never saw him.

I continued making my way to the park but unfortunately... I was stopped.

“Shannon? Hey!” Luke smiled his smily heartmelting smile.

I avoided eye contact but smiled. “Luke. Hey.”

“Whats up? You look nice.”

I made a face.. “Well I’m going to meet up with Michael..”

“Oh...” he said and smiled slightly. “Um thats good.”

“Yeah! And what are you doing?” I asked trying not to sound so eager for the answer.

He scratched his head. “Nothing. Nothing really, off to meet up with some friends maybe soon.” He said.

“Hmm..” i said thinking who that could be. I thought he would have maybe wanted to invite me because i was his first friend.. but i guess he had made better friends.

“Actually I was gonna give you a call.”

Did he just read my mind or WHAT!?

“Oh! Wow. Thanks.” I couldn’t help but smile.

He smiled back. “Yeah... so have fun with Michael.” He said.

“Right.” I said. “yeah, thanks.”

“see ya around then.” He said.

I nodded and then started heading off again. I found my way to the park then looked at the time. Five to ten. Hmm.

I walked around looking around for Michael, sighing when i had failed to find him.

Just a few moments later a pair of hands covered my eyes, and i was blinded. “Guess who.” A voice came.

I grinned and took the hands off of my face and turned around and kissed my Michael.


“You look beautiful.” Michael whispered, kissing my forhead.

I smiled. “You too. Handsome, I mean.” And it was true. He actually did look great! He was wearind a reddish purplish teeshirt and some shorts and flip flops. Casual, but he looked very nice. And he smelt sooo good! Yumyumyum.

“Thanks.” He said and then we broke our little embrace and he took my hand.

I looked down at our hands and intertwined our fingers together and he smiled. “Breakfast?”

“Yeah. Breakfast.” I repeated.

And we walked together.

As soon as we got to the cafe that we were going to have breakfast in, the smell of freshly made strong coffee filled my nostrils. We took seats and then when we sat I looked at Michael.

He flashed me a brief smile, and then he handed me a menu. “Here, just take anything and everything you wish. Its all on me.” He said with a smirk.

I smiled back and looked through the menu, “Hmm...” I scanned it up and down and then decided to order some chocolate pancakes and a large coffee.

After a while a waitress came over to take our order and I told her what I wanted and Michael said:
“I’ll have the exact same thing.”

I smiled slightly “Copy cat.” I murmured.

“Hey!” he laughed flicking a sugar sachet at me playfully.

It hit my forehead. “Ow!” I laughed and tossed it back at him but he caught it, smirking at me.

I raised my eyebrow, a half smile forming at the corner of my lips. “Thats impressive.”

He gave me a knowing smile. “Well after all, I am a star at basketball. You need to know how to catch.”

“Mhmm, a star at basketball, but lost one of the most important games of the year.” I replied, smiling back.

He stuck out his tongue, “Well it wasn’t exactly my fault was it?”

“actually, Michael, it was.” I smiled

“No... I was so sick. That was kinda your fault but I did insist you come closer... And and and... I was worried sick about my girlfriend who broke her leg while cheerleading and was sick at the same time and I couldn’t go and see her.”

“Aww...” I smiled taking his hand. “Thats so sweet.” I said feeling a bit guilty that I wasn’t thinking about him while he was thinking about me.

He smiled slightly, a faint blush forming at his cheeks. “Yeah.” He gave my hand a squeeze. “I’m worried about you sometimes, like when you ignore me. You’re my girl, I care about you.”

I smiled, “Im so sorry for acting like that.” I leaned over and kissed his cheek gently. “I care about you too.”
And at the moment I was actually beginning to be fond of Michael, and I give all the thanks to Luke.
He wrapped his arm around me and gave me a gently kiss.

nice day

t turned out that not only did we have breakfast together, but we spent the rest of the day with each other too.

After breakfast we went out to the park again, hand in hand, this time talking on the way. Yes actually talking. About anything and everything like some normal people would do.

“I would like to meet him some time.” Michael said, sitting down on the bench and pulling me on his lap.

The corners of my mouth lifted into a smile. “Yeah I know. He’s a cool guy.” We ad just finished talking about my brother, Paul, who for some reason has never met Michael.

It was about five pm now, and yes I did get some calls from my parents and a few texts from Emily and some other friends. But for now I wanted to be with him.

“So let’s grab a hotdog or something?” he asked, stroking my hair.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, smiling. “Yeah sure, I’m not that hungry though, so you can get one.”

He smiled and kissed my forehead. “You sure you’re not hungry?” he asked getting up with me, and leading us to the Hot Dog stand.

“I’m suuure.” I reassured him.

“Okay.”He said and ordered one for himself and paid for it.

I watched him as he took the hotdog, thanked the guy and then walked off with me, taking a big bite of it. It did look pretty good.

So I took it from his hands and took a bite from it as well.

He grinned, shaking his head. “Hey, I thought you weren’t hungry?”

“Mmmm, I know.” I said handing it back to him. “Just testing it.”

“If you want we can go back and get another one.” He said.
I just shook my head, “Nahh I’m fine for now.”

So yeah, we just kept talking and talking, laughing and joking, and running after each other, until sunset. The time flew by quickly.

Now we were lying down on the grass, by a tree, snuggled close together as we watched the sunset.

It was very beautiful, almost perfect. Everything felt perfect.

Talk about romantic.

But... It was kind of boring. Just watching the sunset, not saying anything. I wasn’t even tired after all that time. I don’t think I would ever be tired of doing this with him. I was still hyped up.

And so was Michael.

He was grinning down at me. “Romantic eh?”

“Sure.” I said smirking. “But boring as hell.”

He laughed lowly, “Thank God, I was thinking the same thing.” He said. “Its getting pretty late now isn’t it. If you want we could finish off the day with some nice Pizza for dinner?”

I giggled. “That sounds lovely. But first I’m gonna go home and change my clothes.” I warned.

He smiled, “Sure thing. I will too. So we can walk by my place first, I’ll get changed then I’ll take my bike and we can drive to your place.” He said, a teasing smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes, “Your bikeeeee?” I said.

He chuckled, “Would you prefer I take the car?” He said, pinching my chin playfully.

“Actually, yes.” I said pecking his lips gentlty.

He smiled, “Okay, babe.” He said and got up with me, taking my hand.

I didn’t mind it when he called me that this time. I got up and then we walked to his place, talking about whatever there was left to talk about. Our conversations were random. Really random. So random and stupid, for a moment we were talking about toothbrushes and then Barney the Dinosaur.

We got to where his house and then he led me to his room, which was surprisingly clean, the way I left it for him last time I came over.

“See? I keep the room nice and clean now.” He said showing off his bedroom. “And I do it all by myself.”

I grinned, “Yeah, Your mommy must be proud!”

He nodded, brightly. “Yes! She’s very happy! She thinks its because of you!”

I laughed, “Well isn’t it?” I asked.

“Hmmm, yes.” He agreed. “Indeed it is.” He said then opened his cupboard and took out some nice clean clothes. “I’ll be right back.” He said taking the clothes into the bathroom.

I nodded. “okay.” I said and waited, wandering about in his room.

After a few moments he emerged from the room, topless, his clean shirt in his hand. “Ah there it is.” He said grabbing the cologne from his desk, and spraying it all over himself.

My cheeks turned slightly red at the sight, but I smiled. He looked surprisingly hot. Not as much as Luke, I admit. But he looked great. And smelled great as well.

He grinned at me, “What are you staring at?” he asked pulling the shirt over his head.

I blushed and looked away, “Noothiiingg...”

He kissed my cheek and led me outside so we could go drive to my place.

His parents were outside as well and they saw us, and smiled.

Michael chuckled. “Guess we’re gonna have to say Hi first.” He said and waved at his parents.

I waved at them as well, smiling, trying to be polite.

His mom came to us. “Hey darlings. Where are you off to?” she asked.

Michael smiled slightly, squeezing my hand. “Nowhere, we were gonna go get some pizza.” He told her. “You guys need anything?”

“Nope.” His dad said, coming up behind his wife, smiling at us. “You kids go have fun.”

“Okay thanks dad. Bye, mom, dad.” He said slowly leading me away.

“Bye, mister and Mrs. Peters!” I called, catching up with Michael.
He opened the passenger seat of his Mustang to me and then i hopped in and we drove off to my place, bobbing our heads to the stereo. Even though i despised his music.

He parked at my place and looked at me. “I’ll wait here.”

“Um sure, if you want to.” I said, smiling at him. “I’ll try not to be long.” And then I rushed into the house, bumping into Paul.

“Hey sis.” He said. “Back from breakfast?” He smirked.

“Actually, no. I’m going to get changed, we’re going out for pizza. Michael’s waiting outside.” I said and rushed up the stairs and into my room, ripping off my dirty clothes and tossing them in the hamper. I had accidentally left the door open. And my brother Justin just happened to be walking passed my room.

“Eww!” He yelled and ran back to his room, obviously scarred for life.

I blushed. I wasn’t even completely naked. “Grow up!” I yelled, shutting the door. I changed into a dress and s[rayed some perfume on and washed my face and put on some makeup and did my hair so it looked neat, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, and outside.

Paul was talking to Michael. Great I thought and smiled joining them.

Michael broke away from the conversation then stole a glance at me. “Ready to go?” He asked softly.

“Yeah. Lets go.” I said

ONE word

 he night had ended pretty soon. We left the restaurant at about eleven pm and he dropped me back home. But that wasn't the end of it really.

I got home and everyone was fast asleep. So i sprinted up to my room and changed into my pj's. Then as i got into bed I checked my phone for messages, then I replied to Emily. I saw one from Luke too. I quickly read it and replied to it, and he sent an instant reply back, I was just about to reply when I recieved a text from Michael. 

I talked to Michael until I fell asleep.

And you better remember that bit or you'll be wondering later on...

The next morning was Sunday.

Sunday morning. The best time of the week. As I woke up a smelt freshly cooked eggs and cinnamon rolls and pancakes and french toast. 
"Yummy." I said and jumped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I showered and bla bla the usual and went downstairs.

"Good morning pumpkin." My dad greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning dad." I replied and sat down at the table. "Good morning mom, Paul, Justin." I sighed, and they replied.

So yeah, Breakfast went well.

I picked up my cell phone but it was out of charge. "Damn it." i muttered and went to search for the charger, and when I found it (at the last place I looked) I put it on charge.

When it had charged I saw an unread message from Luke. He had sent it to me the night before and I didnt even bother to read it. Feeling bad I opened it and read it.

It said to meet him at starbucks for breakfast. I felt bad because i had already had breakfast and it was now almost noon. I decided to give him a call.

"Shannon." He answered when I dialed his number.

"Luke! I'm so sorry. I didn't read your text until now. My battery was out of charge. But maybe we could hang out later.." I bit my lip.

"Uhh yeah sure. It's okay, I just thought maybe we could chill this morning but its okay. I'm with Kelly at the moment instead." he said.

"Oh.." i said, not knowing how to feel. I guess I didn't feel anything. "Thats good."

"So... You and Michael are really close and stuff now right?"

I smiled slightly at that. "Yeah I guess so."

Then we talked for a short moment before awkwardly ending the conversation.

The way Luke had talked to me wasn't the same. He seemed more distant. But it didn't matter anymore to me. I mean yeah, I did like Luke. But now I know he's just a friend. And I was getting along with Michael now, so I was happy.

Later that day as I was doing some homework I got a message from Luke again. I opened it and it said:

Hey Shannon. I'm going out of town for a while and I don't know when I'll be back. My grandma is very sick and we have to go be with her. I'm leaving first thing tomorrow. Sorry for short notice. Will miss you. Luke.

I gasped and called him but his phone seemed to be off. I then ran to his house and knocked on the door but no one was home. I went back home, extremely upset. I went up to the study and looked through the window, hoping to see Luke. His curtains were drawn. I sighed and got a piece of paper and wrote: Luke. Where are you? Call me as soon as you read this. I want to meet you. Shannon.

I waited for a really long time in that room, sitting by the window, doing homework and reading to pass time. Yeah, I texted Michael a couple of times as well. And I also kept trying to reach Luke but it was not working. Where was he?

It came to me that I should call Kelly. I quickly found her number in my contacts list and gave her a call, nervously waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello?" she answered after a few rings.

"Hey Kelly! Do you know where Luke is?" I blurted.

"Uhh, no. He left here a while ago. He's not picking up his phone. Why?" she asked curiously.

"Did he tell you he was going out of town?" I asked frowning.

"What? No! He's not going out of town!" She exclaimed.

"He sent me a message saying that."

"Oh my God! Is he? How could he not tell me! And tell YOU? Whats wrong with him!" she cried.

"Sorry.." i murmured. "If you hear anything from him, please tell me. I can't believe he's leaving like that."

"Yeah, you too." she sighed and hung up.

I bit my lip, thinking of what to do. What was wrong with him? Where was he?

I hadn't heard from him for the next few days either. It worried me sick. Like really really much. I couldn't do anything properly. Why wasnt he contacting me? he has my number. he has my email address. he knows where I live. And on the other hand I dont know where he is, and when He'll be back. His phone still hasnt been picked up.

School has been so boring. Kelly has been so not worried! And I have been so miserable. And for that Michael is kind of mad at me. Why doesn't anyone understand? What was his problem? Emily and Dan have been very intimate, but supportive. At least I have them. But I know I'm being a little distant to everyone. And I feel really guilty. But I just need to hear from him. One word.

Michael sucks.

 Shannon. Shaaaaaannon. Helloo? EARTH TO SHANNON." Emily banged my head with the book I was reading.

"Ow! Em! I can hear you." I rubbed my head where she hit me.

"Well yeah, you're hearing me, but you're not listening! Where are you?!" she leaned back, taking the book with her.

I sighed. We were at school now and it was lunch time. I was sitting on the table alone with Emily. It had been two weeks now and I still hadn't heard from Luke. My parents had not heard from his parents either. Nobody that I could ask knew where he was. And the worst part was that it seemed like I was the only one worried about him. Worried sick. Like even more than I was before. Emily keeps saying that he will come back, Dan keeps saying that he's okay and that he will contact us soon, my parents say that they're going to have to come back because their things are still here, Kelly has moved on from him and Michael says that he probably won't come back but "it'll be okay" and I should just "forget about him for now". As much as I love Michael(which I think I do) he's starting to act not himself lately. Whenever I go to him he tenses up and doesn't even look at me. And when I talk to him now he wont even talk back properly. But I guess it's still just me. After all, I'm obviously not myself these days. How can I not worry about my friend who just disappeared?

"I was reading that..." I murmured, ducking my head down, feeling guilty for not listening to Emily.

"You know what? Nevermind. I was going to tell you what an amazing day I had yesterday but I guess you don't want to hear it." Emily got up.

"Noooooo, Em. I do! I'm just not... okay." I said.

Emily sighed and sat down. "I know. You should go talk to Michael. I think you're leaving him out a bit now, always worrying about Luke."

I gave her a look. "Seriously."

She rolled her eyes. "Just go. Here comes Dan." She waved at him.

"Fine." I said and waved at Dan before getting up to go to Michael.

"Hey." I said slipping in next to him where he was sitting with a few other people. They were all doing their own stuff, not even talking to eachother. Michael was texting.

He put his phone in his pocket as I sat. "Oh. Hey."

"What were you doing..?" I asked.

"Nothing, just texting." he shrugged, picking up his soda from the table.

"Okay..." I nodded "So..."

He glanced at me.

"Okay. Look, I'm sorry for being kind of distant to you lately. I promise this ends now. I really like you Michael." I said.

Michael smiled. "Don't worry about it. How about we go out tonight for dinner or something. Anything you want."

I smiled happily. "Really?" This was a serious change of attitude. Like yesterday he was so different. I guess he just wanted an apology. Psh, guys.

"Yeah. Okay I'll pick you up at like... errr sixish Kay? Okay gottagoseeyalaterbye." He said and got up, leaving after looking down at his watch and then he rushed out the door.

"Ummm... Okay." I said, watching him leave. There were ten minutes left for lunch and I wondered where he had to go.

So after school that day I informed everyone at home that I was going out with Michael. I was actually pretty excited. We hadn't gone out in a while, and I missed this. I'm just gonna set aside my worries for a while and just have a good time.

I went upstairs and got dressed, taking nearly an hour and a half. By the time it was six, I had already done last minute checking and was waiting by the doors, in a red dress and heels.

He stood me up. He never came to pick me up. He didn't even return my calls. I was soooooooooooo angry. I seriously wanted to wrap my fingers around his little neck and squeeze it until--- well yeah so anyway. HOW COULD HE HAVE DONE THIS TO ME?

At exactly seven fifteen, I kicked off my heels, stomped up the stairs and banged my door shut and started throwing things around before calling Emily.


There was a rather awkward pause.

"Hello..?" I said, softer.

"Shannon. Calm down. Michael stood you up? Woaaaaaaah. Thats weird. Dump him." She said easily.

"What? No. He's not getting rid of me that easily." I muttered.

"Look, if he's gonna stop showing up at dates and stop answering your calls..." She sighed. "Look, you wanna be the Dump-er. Or the Dump-ee?"

"What? Agh. Em. Nevermind, I'll talk to him at school or something." I sighed and hung up. I spent the night doing homework instead of being out.

This was NOT fair.

future to come

 I woke up that morning early. On a saturday. I groaned and rolled out of bed thinking of what had happened yesterday. I pouted and walked into the bathroom angrily and got dressed. I then went outside and dialed Michael's number after checking for any messages or missed calls. There were none.

4 rings later he picked up. "Hey babe."

My eyes narrowed. "Don't you have something to say to me?!" I asked him angrily and sarcastically.

"Uh. No." he said confused. "How are you..?"

"Oh, me? I'm definitely and absolutely NOT FINE. Where WERE you last night? You were supposed to come pick me up by six! I tried calling you so many times! Michael!"

"Oh right! Sorry I forgot." He said, as if thats that.

"You.. FORGOT!?!" I yelled in absolute shock. I know I was being a little over dramatic but I was sick of this.

"Yeaaaaah. I forgot." He said. "Sorry."

"You know what? I know you're not sorry. You don't have to pretend like you are. If you wanna break up with me just do it. You're always ignoring me and being all distant and stuff and now you bail on me? What's gotten into you?!" I shouted.

"Shannon! Stop yelling!" He yelled.

"You're yelling!" I snapped.


He took a breath. "Look. Shannon. I'm sorry. There was a lot on my mind the other day and I forgot. I got... Distracted, you know. I know you're mad. But I'll make it up to you."

"Thats NO excuse! You've been out for so long. Why don't you tell me anything?! Have you ever thought that maybe if you opened up a little that I could help you out, and you know I would understand!" I yapped at him.

"But you wouldn't understand! Okay!"

"Try me!" I dared.

"No. Look I don't want to hurt you. Just calm down. I'll make it up to you!"

"Yeah. Okay you do that." I said and hung up.

After that phone call I just stood there and tried to calm down, trying to think straight and just make myself realise what happened and whats probably going to happen.

I closed my eyes. I talked to the little voice in my head.

Okay. You just had a fight with Michael. It's just a fight. It happens with everyone. Alright. Lets think this out. He's being a jerk, and you totally deserved to blow out on him. He won't talk to you, he wont sit with you anymore and he doesn't even seem interested anymore. But he doesn't want to break up. What could this mean? Maybe he still likes you but he's going through a rough phase. It can't be his family because your parents are friends with his and they're perfect... It's something he's obviously hiding from you. What could he be hiding from me? And why? Its either something good or bad. Maybe he's using me..? Or has he completely LOST it? Maybe I should just give him some space. And he'll come running after me again like he used to. Gosh, I miss those times. Actually I do. Luke used to be there too. Ahh I miss Luke. If he was here I would SO be hanging out with him right now. And not even to get Michael jealous. Because he's someone who actually understands me and he's a great friend and he just knows what to say and do at the right time. I miss Luke.. Ah he would have made me feel better right away. He was cool that way. I wonder when he's going to come back. Wait.. I'm getting distracted this is supposed to be about Michael. Alright?! Oh I wish Luke was here! He would make me feel like Michael isn't worth it.. But is he? i don't know! All I know is that Luke would have made me feel better. This isn't fair! WHERE IS HE WHEN I NEED HIM THE MOST? AREN'T FRIENDS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE FOR YOU? I think I'm gonna turn around and scream.

I turned around and prepared myself to let it all out in a big, loud, deafening, blood-curdling, rambunctious and deadly scr--

"I'm here." he laughed.


friends :D

 Okay, so I know you were totally not expecting that, because neither was I. But it's exactly what had happened. He was here. Luke was here.

Standing right before my own eyes.

And I wasn't dreaming.

Or Hallucinating.

Was I?

Nah, I don't think so. It seemed too real. But I didn't understand one thing.

Why is he laughing at me?

But I didn't care if he was laughing at me. He was BACK! I was too busy attacking him with a huge hug to notice.

"Ohmigosh. You're really back!" I squealed as if I was still trying to convince myself he was actually here. "You have a lot of explaining to do, mister. Do you know how much I was worrying about you? Where wereyou Luke? I needed you. You weren't here. You never even tried to contact me, ever. You know I'm actually really mad at you, but I'm not showing it because you're finally here and I don't want to spoil the moment. And did you know that your giiirlfriend is like--"

"Shannon, Shannon." He smirked, shaking his head. "Shut up."

I felt my face heat up. I was really just blabbering and embarassing myself, so I shut up, looking up at him after stepping back, releasing my tight grip from around him.

"I'm sorry." he said, finally. "I tried, you know, to contact you and stuff."


"Come with me. Lets take a walk." he gave me a slight push from behind which caused me to jerk ahead and start walking.

So I made him start all the way from the beginning. Turns out that he really did leave because his grandma was sick. Apparently Lukes father was very close to her and when he found out she was diagnosed with cancer they had to go there as soon as possible.

"I know thats still not an excuse for not contacting anyone," He had said, and I knew from his look that he WAS sorry. "It's just that it was really messed up over there. Everyone was upset and I was so busy. And to top it off my grandma lived in the middle of nowhere and had no internet connection. There were no signals coming up there either, but that didnt matter because I lost my phone anyway." he sighed. "I really am sorry."

I took some time digesting this and I understood. "It's okay, Luke. I was just worried. I get it now, you don't have to be sorry about anything. Hows your grandma now? Any better?"

"Oh, yeah. She died."

"Luke." I said feeling really bad and sorry and somewhat guilty. I stopped walking and faced him, giving him a comforting hug.

I felt his arms ravel around my body, really gently though. "It's alright. She's in a better place now. She's eased off from the pain that was to come. She's not suffering any more. Anyway, she was happy when she died, you know? It was really... Like she was at total peace."

"Are you alright?" I asked softly.

"I'm fine, Shannon." He reassured me. And to lighten up the mood he laughed, and we parted from eachothers arms.

"All right. Good." I said firmly, smiling. "I'm glad you're back in one piece. It wasn't the same without you Luke."

"I bet it wasn't." he grinned, his perfect set of teeth showing. "As for.. Kelly? Who cares about her, right? Didn't I end it with her yet?"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Uh, no!" I said.

"Oops. Must have forgotten." He dug out his phone, which was new as I noticed. "Should I do it over the phone? Would that make me a total jerk?"

I thought about it. "Actually, no. You don't know what she's like. She'll be fine. Go ahead."

He nodded and looked for her number. "I had some numbers written down in a book, if you're wondering." he said before I could ask. Then he pressed his phone to his ear, grinning at me.

"Hey Kelly... Yeah it's me Luke.. Ahan.. Yeah, about that... I think I'm kind of dumping you... Yeah. Listen, it's not you, it's me... Actually, it's you. Yeah. Sorry. A certain someone told me I was too good for you anyway. Later, bro." he hung up and winked at me.

I looked at him in shock, not believing he actually did that. "Luke. That. Was. AMAZING. I love you for that. How did it go?"

"Welll.... She was okay I guess. She was with a guy anyway so it didn't really matter to her, I suppose." He shrugged.

"Oooooh." i nodded, walking with him again at a steady pace.

"So you and Michael are still good, I see?" he looked at me.

"Ugh!" I rolled my eyes. "I don't even want to talk about him right now. I think he hates me anyway. Please, anyway."

Although my day had started out terrible because of a certain someone (start with 'M' and rhymes with Cycle), in the end, I was glad that I had a friend back.

the call

 The week passed quick. Luke and I had a lot of catching up, and that was about done. But you all must be aching to know what was going on with me and Michael meanwhile.

It was Saturday. I hadn't really seen him since the last time I saw him, which was a while ago. We did talk briefly on the phone, or have dead text conversations... but that was it.

He either finally realised he missed me, or maybe realised how desperate I was for his attention(after I sent him numerous amounts of voice mail in which I cried like a baby, when he wasn't answering my calls. Ehmm.) because finally we were going on a date! Like a proper date. And this time it was his plan, and he wasn't cancelling. He said he would pick me up at five and we would go bowling and then have coffee together at our favourite cafe. But I insisted I would come over to his house instead and we could go together from there so that I was sure he wouldn't bail on me or 'forget' again. I was overwhelmed. Seriously.

At three o'clock I started to freak out. I was obviously sure that he was falling out of love with me. I needed to get that back. I wanted him to love me. I didn't want to lose him. I needed to make sure everything was perfect. But too bad because the dress I picked out for tonight was tight.

"HE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE BECAUSE I'M FAT. I'M FAT!" I yelled at myself in the mirror, naked, examining my fat body. Where did I go wrong? How did I not realise this? I jumped on to my weighing scale. I had gained. I had definitely gained three pounds.

The next half hour I spent curled up in a ball, on my bed, locked inside my room, wailing and wailing. I was in the middle of my wail, when Luke called me. I picked up and wailed through the line, meaning to say 'Hello'.

"Shannon? Again?" he didn't sound surprised.
"Y-yeah, it's m-me." I croaked, forcing myself to suck it up. I know I was crying for stupid reasons but my hypothalamus thought otherwise...
He sighed. Crying was usual for me now. I cried a lot. He was used to it now. "Fine, I'm coming." he muttered before hanging up.

Few minutes later he was over. I had convinced my brain that I was okay. My eyes were still swollen though. Luke invited himself inside my room and closed it behind him, plumping down next to me. "What did he do this time? I swear, if you weren't this crazy about him I would go up there and-"
"I'm fat!" I blurted, interrupting him.
"Huh?" He blinked.
I tossed my dress at his face. "It doesn't fit me! I gained three pounds!"
"Thats ridiculous. Three pounds isn't enough to make a difference on your shape. You look great."
"No I dont! I had it all planned out. I was going to wear this dress with those heels and braid my hair like this and use this colour lipgloss but now I'm so fat and he's never going to love me and-"
"Shannon." he held me by my shoulders. There was a pause where he made eye contact with me. "You. Look. Great."
I was compelled. "Thanks. I mean yeah, okay...." I gave in. "But the dress?"
"Screw the dress! You have a million in there!" he pointed to my cupboard. "You look stunning in every single one of them and if you think he doesn't realise that..." he trailed off and sighed. "Just wear something else, I promise. I'm telling you as a guy, not as a friend. You're hot and it's obvious."

The little talk with Luke convinced me I was okay and then at four o clock I arrived at Michael's house, wearing something totally unplanned, but I guess it was okay because I looked even better in this dress than the one that wouldn't fit.

He answered the door on the second ring. When he opened the door, we just looked at eachother for six seconds before he smiled. "Right on time."
He took me up to his room. He wasn't dressed yet. I sat on his bed comfortably and waited for him to get ready in the bathroom. As I was waiting I heard his phone buzz. Coincidentally it was right next to me. No, I shouldn't. That's just rude. No way to build trust. But I couldn't keep my mind off it. It kept buzzing.
Finally I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. Confused, I picked up and pressed it against my ear.
"Oh, finally, Michael. I've been calling for so long. So when is your little date going to end? Are you planning on ending it today? Just come by when you're done with her!"
I dared not say a word. I hung up right away and pushed the phone aside, looking disgusted. "Kelly."

"Did you say something babe?" Michael walked out of the bathroom, dressed now, heading over to get his phone. He looked at me. "Looks like you saw a ghost."

"I might have."

As we got into his car, we decided to skip bowling and head on to the cafe. I didn't feel like bowling. I just couldn't look at him. Was I being cheated on? It was starting to make sense now. I wasn't going to mention that to him though.

We took a seat in the booth, sitting across from each other. He placed his hand on mine. "You sure you're okay? I know I've been a jerk to you these past few days. I'm really sorry.. It's just that-"

Oh crap. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap. He was breaking up with me. I needed to stop it. I couldn't let this happen, not like this. I needed to do something and fast.

"I forgive you!" I blurted. He looked taken aback. "I get it. You have other things to do, you have a life. I totally trust you and I get it. I love you Michael." Making him feel guilty.

"I.. Love you too." he murmured and kissed my hand, not taking his eyes off it for a moment.

There, that should give me some time to figure this out.

Later that night Michael dropped me home, and walked me to the porch like he usually did. "So.."
I looked at him. "So?"
"Good night?"
"Is that a question?"
"I don't know?"
"All right then." I stood up on my tip-toes and pressed a kiss against his lips. His hands appeared on my hips. I worked on bringing him closer, slipping my arms arouns his neck. I usually wouldn't let him get more than that but I was desperate. He was slipping away from me. I deepened it up and encouraged him to go further. It was definitely working because there was no sign of him wanted to pull away from me. Instead he was holding me closer. Boys, smh.
Gradually it died out and we parted away. "Goodnight." I whispered and then he left.

I called Luke. "I need you to accompany me. I have a plan."


 We followed Michael to a place unknown.

We stayed close behind him, but far enough so that he didn't notice us following him. We kept driving for about ten minutes until he came to a stop.

"Why are we doing this again?" Luke grunted.
"To find out if he's really cheating on me."

Luke had found this whole situation hilarious. He couldn't stop laughing after I filled him up on the news.

Now we were here, and we would just have to watch and wait. But where were we? I'd never been to this place before. It was a small house that he walked into. We waited five minutes but he didn't come out.

"So can we leave now?" Luke asked.
"No! You have to go in there!" I looked at him.
"Me?! I can't barge into someone's house like that!"
"But I have to know what he's doing.. And I can't go! Whar if he sees me?"

After some more arguing I convinced him to go.

When he came back a few minutes later he reported the news. "Didn't see or hear much. He's with a girl, definitely. Don't know who or why."
"What! Why didn't you check?" He was coming my way! I had to get out of there. Can't be sure he's cheating on you though.
"So it wasn't Kelly?" I asked.
"No idea."

With that we went back home.

I couldn't get much sleep last night, but I got enough to wake up early the next morning. I went through my phone. No new messages. I sighed and called Emily. I talked to her about everything that's been going on.((Ahhhhhhhhh i Can't think of what to put here. I mean, I know what I want to happen next but I don't know how to get ther. i hate thisssssss))

((And it's gone. Later guys.))

life etc.

 his had all transformed into a hideous sort of irony, wouldn't you say? Who was he to me? A friend, if not nothing at all? A few months ago I could never imagine, not in a million years, in a different dimension or in another life, that this existing, living, breathing nothing, would be the one keeping me up at nights. The one making me giddy inside. The one that I tried to look my best for. The one that made me happy. The one that I would love. The One.

It all comes down to that day. That day when he forcibly made me go out with him. When he insisted that we should kiss goodnight. When he fooled me into thinking he loved me. If it weren't for that night, I would never be in this wreck as I was now. I would be the normal, sane teenager who didn't force her neighbour to break into someone's property.

The funny thing is, I never showed interest in him. But he still tried his best to make this work. I kept trying to find a way out, a nice way out. And somehow, suddenly the situation reversed. I fell head-over-heels in love with him and slowly, he reversed and drove away from me.

BUT WHY SHANNON WHY, you must be wondering. HE HAS BEEN A COMPLETE AND UTTER DOUCHE TO YOU. Yes, indeed he has. So why do I love him? Maybe it's his cute grin that stretches miles across his face and leaves the deepest dimple on his left cheek which I like to kiss. Or it might just be the way we never understood each other but still managed to be happy together. Maybe it was how he would make me so angry, then apologise softly with his deep voice through the phone that would make my heart melt. Or how he would open my hair whenever it was tied and tell me I look beautiful.

So you must understand. I admit he's been more than impossible lately, but there was a time when he was great. He had made me fall for him after all. I just needed to find him again.

((to be continued.))

the broken hearted

 Well. It was right in front of me all along. Perhaps love had blinded me, preventing me from seeing it. Or maybe, deep inside, I knew, but never wanted to accept. It was a lot to take in. And it really hurt. Stung, more like, right in the heart. But this was life, right? Things like this happened. It sucks, we move on. But why was this so hard?

He cheated. Michael- the boy I grew to love- betrayed me. He straight out hammered my heart into a hundred million pieces.

Of course I'd be alright, though. I wouldn't let myself become one of those girls who spend all their time, hung over on one guy who broke their hearts this one time when they were vulnerable teenagers. I hated those kind of girls.

I had gone to see him that next day. I couldn't take it. I had to talk to him. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. I needed to know. It was killing me, and frankly I didn't think this dude, whoever he thought he was, had the right to kill me, to make me feel this way. I deserved much better and I wasn't going to wait around to get what I deserved anymore. I was going to go right out there and get it for myself.

I was all hyped up, marching towards his house, angrily, that I forgot what I was supposed to say to him. It was only when I was a couple of yards away when I realised this. Crap! What do I say? I can't afford to go make a fool out of myself there.. I thought, slowing down my pace, thinking. Screw it, I'll improvise!

I was banging on the door as hard as I could, impatiently, waiting for him to answer it. Finally he did. It was incredibly obvious that he was surprised to see me. And not the 'Oh my God, Shannon! What a lovely surprise, it's so great to see you, you should visit me spontaneously more often!' kind of surprised, but more like a 'Oh.. It's you again. What on earth are you doing here, you should have called first.' kind of surprised. I didn't really appreciate the second kind.

Michael held the door half opened and just stared at me as if I was someone he once knew. And perhaps I was. I definitely will be, now.

"Shannon." he finally smiled, that half crooked smile I learned to fall in love with. Except it wasn't the same. He wasn't happy to see me. I could tell from his eyes. He couldn't figure out why I was here, or what to say. "Hi."

I looked at him, with my best poker-face on. He couldn't know how I was feeling inside, yet. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" I asked. Hellos were too mainstream.

"Um, yeah. Come on in." he opened the door further, leading me to the living room. "What's up? Are you okay?" he asked. Hah. As if he was actually worried about me.

OBVIOUSLY I'm not okay. You should know that! Why would I be okay. Why do you do this to me, why do you make me feel this way?

"Uh huh... I just wanted to ask you something.. It's stupid really.. But it's bothering me." I said, rather quickly.

He raised his brows and looked at me in a strange way. "Alright." he folded his arms, ready to listen.

"I picked up your phone the other day." I started. "It was Kelly. She said something about you planning to break up with me?" I asked, examining his face.

"You answered my phone?" He asked. His expression was blank. So hard to read!

"Yes.. But that's irrelevant!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Of course I don't want to break up with you." he said, trying to reassure me. I didn't buy it, of course.

"Alright, fine. Okay, don't get creeped out, but I followed you after you dropped me home." I said, hoping he didn't react wildly.

"What?" he widened his eyes, looking at me. "Why? Are you crazy?"

"Yes. No. Maybe. Okay, but look. You were with someone. I know it. You know it. Who is it, Michael, just tell me. Are you cheating on me with Kelly? Michael, look, this isn't fair. I don't deserve to be treated like this. What's going on?" I ranted on and on, as he just stared at me in disbelief.

"Kelly? God, no. She's like my sister." he muttered, shaking his head. That's all he said.

I watched him, expectantly. Wasn't he going to defend himself? Nope. "Who is it?" I asked again, calmly, through gritted teeth.

Just then, as if right on time, someone skipped down the stairs, entering the living room. "Michael, where did you go? I've been waiting so long." said the familiar, feminine voice.

"I told you to stay upstairs." he muttered, closing his eyes as she walked into the room. The girl stopped in between her next step forward, and stared at me. She was wearing his shirt. Only.

This is what hurt more than anything else. I guess I would have felt a little better if it was just Kelly he was hooking up with behind my back, but this was intolerable, hardly reparable. Even insufferable at one point. The first thing I could think of was how could they do this to me?


I looked at her, not believing it. My very own best friend? I could just feel the years of friendship flush down the drain. How could she do this to me? How could she do this to her own boyfriend.

She was starting to explain herself to me, and so was Michael. They were both trying to say something, but it didn't matter. I wasn't going to stick around to hear it. Something like this wasn't easily forgiven. I just had to leave with the little dignity I had left. No way was I standing there in front of the traitors, letting them humiliate me by just their presence.

Soon I found myself locked up in my study. I didn't cry, not once. I just needed some time to process it all. I was locked inside for hours, in the same position. My cell phone kept buzzing inside my pocket, but i just ignored it. My family soon realised where I was, and tried to reach out.

Eventually, the person I needed the most came, right at the perfect time, and he was the only person I let in. Luke.

new beggining

Luke walked over to where i was sitting and wraped his arms around me. As soon as he touched me my eyes flooded with tears and i tried so hard to stop but i just couldnt. He leaned in and said,



I didnt know what to say to him, i just told him the truth,




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.09.2015

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