

Moonlight pack is known as the 2nd largest pack among the werewolf's world consisting of more than 1500 werewolves and the worst future Alpha of all time- "Alpha William".


Alpha William is the most stupid, arrogant, heartless Alpha of the moonlight pack who wants to be praise, respect and appreciate by everyone. He is the king of a pack and the most playful Alpha of the entire country.


Having a girlfriend's will be as easy as changing his cloths since they throw themselves upon him to be his Luna. All he wants is to be with everyone but NOT Rosalina.


Roselina? Who is she?

Well, Roselina on other hand is a proper Tom Boy who is confident, obstinate, stubborn and most importantly a kind-hearted person. She has never been treated nicely in her entire life neither being given any importance by anyone. She's always classified as useless pack member and a trash for the pack.


Werewolf Introduction:

Pack – Group of wolves living together with a Leader

Alpha – Leader of the pack

Luna – Leaders Wife also known as Mother of the pack

Beta – Alpha's Right hand

Gamma- First in hand command after Beta

Mate – Soulmate moon-goddess choose for each werewolf

Moon-goddess – She is the god mother of werewolf world


Quick note: A werewolf always lives in a pack with their Alphaclaimed territory. They will have to follow their own rules and regulations same as human follows their own laws and procedures. Any wolves that do not live in a pack are consider as Roughs/ threat to other packs.




8:00 am in morning


'Rosey, wake up sweetie, it's time for your school' my mom yells at me from downstairs reminding of my everyday routine.


'Yes mom, I am up, just a minute' I replied her waking up lazily but to be honest, I hate this morning, especially going to school and being around with those stupid classmates... Aargh...!


Why the hell does this school has to start so early? Stupid school, I murmured myself still not wanting to get up from bed


Poor me and my pitiful life, it just got stuck in this badass study (I was thinking while my mom gave me another heartbreaking call)


'Sweetie hurry up, your dad's coming home' my mom shouts this time making me jump


Oh gosh, not again please not that stupid old man. Is he really coming home this early? Hasn't he got enough work in the pack house to keep himself busy? Seriously, I will never find any peace in this house. I said myself and quickly jumped out of the bed directly heading towards the bathroom for morning routine.


After getting shower, I changed my cloths in a pair of jeans and T-shirt. Then walk downstairs towards the Kitchen where I can see that old man staring at me as if he can eat me alive from the front door. but guess who cares?


I try to ignore his glaring form the corner of my eyes walking towards the delicious food smell.


'Good Morning mom, hmmm..  it smells delicious' I said


'Good Morning sweetie, breakfast is almost ready, get ready yourself ' mom replies me with a cute smile


I must say my mom is the world best mom. She is caring, supportive and always protective towards us whereas my dad is a completely opposite mess.


'Good Morning dad' I said looking towards my angry old dad


'Good Morning' he replies still staring at me


I can strongly sense his angriness from his voice but still can't figure out what makes him so angry. I mean he is always nice to my younger sister and my brother but not me. Why? Is it just because I failed to meet his expectation? Seriously?


Past imagination during first shift:


I do still remember that day where I became the laughing character for everyone. I know I let him down for not being able to shift but what can I do? honestly I did try my best and I too want my own wolf but unluckily not everyone gets fortune enough to have their wolf. I did accept my faith and believe on moon goddess to have other plan for me. 


It pains my heart thinking about that embarrassing day but who cares? Everyone was happy looking me weaker. And from that day I did learn a good lesson "Life can never be changed no matter how much you try unless you change your thinking not your personality"  I am sorry dad, it's not my choice to become wolf-less especially when I am the daughter of the beta and the member of strongest pack.


I must say these are the bitter truth of my life that can never be resolve nor be completed like a scattered puzzle missing it's pieces.


End of past imagination.


Getting lost thinking about my bitter past, my younger sister Emma (1 year younger) walks out of her room looking like a plastic Barbie doll (Daddy's princess) saying 'Good Moring Daddy' in her high pitch irritating voice


'Good Morning Princess' that's what she gets to hear everyday from our dad with a cheerful smile


I am not surprise that every time Emma gets treated better than me but at least I want her not to show off and treat me down at school. She is my sister and I love her no matter what.


I wish someday she will learn to dress properly and realize that showing off her cleavage and plastering the makeup won't make her beautiful both inside and out.


I too have an elder brother Alan (2 years older than me) who never fails to ignore me. He always pushes me away and never stands out while that Jerk (William) and his team enjoys making fun out of me.


Yes, you are right, Alan and William are the best friend since childhood and the future leaders of the Moonlight pack. William being the future Alpha whereas Alan being the future Beta.


I truly love my family and my pack but I know everyone in my family and pack seems disappointed of having me and they never love me back as I do.


My dad doesn't care whether I exist or not. He's always busy with his beta duties and spoiling my sister Emma whereas my own brother completely ignores me.


This is my life and I can say its a complete mess. 


"Being in a pack is the hardest thing but being among the pack members are the worst"


The only person who loves me unconditionally is my mom. Yes, you are right my mom love is the purest form of love in the world, no matter how I am, She never treats me differently and never  judge me from my failures. She is my light and my love.




Chapter 1

Today is the first day at school after a long vacation from our last semester. 


And a delicious smell of food is making my tummy growl louder and hungry. I don't think I can resist any longer.


'Mom, is breakfast ready? I can't hold my stomach any longer' I said 


'Yes sweetie, Breakfast is ready' Mom says with a beautiful smile


'Thank you, mom, you are the best' I said kissing her cheek 


'Don't worry sweetie, you can have it all. By the way, your dad will drop you and Emma off to school' mom says


I sneak behind my eyes to see my dad's expression which looks disgusting and ashamed. Therefore, quickly tell mom that I am going to school on my own.


After having my breakfast, I quickly pack my stuffs and head towards the garage to get my cycle off to the school.


The path towards our school is very open same as modern cities road but I always choose to go behind the backside road which has jungle path and a little hump and bump with a beautiful flowers bed on its way.


I love the mother earth nature, it's so elegant and beautiful especially when the morning sunrays touches the ground, you'll be in different world. Those morning lights passing through the large dense trees making the whole jungle bright and awake along with the sweet melody song of signing birds are simply the best thing to experience. 


This makes me refresh and happy while biking to school. Now I am finally at my school back gate earlier than Emma which gives me relief.


I must park my bike and walk towards my boring lecture. As I am passing through the corridor, I suddenly hear a cracking voice of William and his gang including my brother Alan bulling someone new.


I guess she must be a new girl in our school, that's why these stupid jerks are bullying her. I must help her otherwise this jerk group will eat her alive. Therefore, I quickly change my direction and walk towards her.


'Hey, what's going on?' I said walking towards them


That jerk (William) slowly raise his head and then shook it off with his smirk after realizing it's me.


'Nothing so important for a Tomboy like you' William bark at me making others laugh


'Do you always bark?' I said looking at his eyes erasing their laugh


'I don't bark, I howl' William replied proudly since he knows I can't shift


'Shut up you Jackass Jerk unless you want some trouble' I said loudly since this non-shifting thing always irritating me


'Really? what can a tomboy like you do?' William said smiling making his group smirk


'have you forgotten so early? Poor Jerk can't even keep up with this memories' I said making him angry


Now, this seriously makes him and his group angry like an erupting volcano since I insult their future Alpha. I can see his wolf is on edge while my beloved brother shouts at me.


'Roselina, get the hell out of here otherwise.' he says while I cut his sentences out


'Otherwise what Alan?' I question him making him furious


A group of his team members tries to get up from their place while I yell them saying 'I don't give a dam shit about your dog group. Just go and die somewhere else'


William lets out loud growl getting everyone sit back.


'I'll get you little brat when I...' he did speak when I cut him off


'I know when you become a stupid Alpha Jerk. You don't need to remind me every time' with that I quickly grab the new girl hand and run quickly. As I don't want to get on their way.


I am sure they will all get revenge on me but who cares? I won't let my guards down as I don't want that new girl to get in trouble with them.


'Thank you for your help' the new girl says


'Oh, don't worry about it. no worries' I said


'you seem very brave. are you not afraid of them? especially talking to future Alpha' she says


'Not really, they are just the bunch of jackasses in this school' I said making her smile


'By the way, I am Julie. Nice to meet you...' she said stretching her hand


'Roselina, my name is Roselina, but you can call me Rosey' I said


'Oh, nice to meet you Rosey' she says looking at her timetable


'need any help?' I said


'Yes, Actually I am looking for this history class' she says pointing her schedule


'then follow me towards that boring class' I said


We both walk by the corridor and reach our history class bit early than other students. we both chat a bit about each other and found out that Julie seems really nice and intelligent girl with a  good grades.


She is hardworking, shy and soft nature person which was amazing. After a few minutes of our conversation, other students slowly approach the class and our lesson begins.


Few hours later, bell rings for the lunch time...!


We both walk towards the canteen chatting about the boring history class when I bump with someone else.


'hey, I am really sorry' I said


'No, no, It's fine. It was my mistake' A dark chocolate eye guy says


He was struggling to carry his lunch along with other notes in his hand which looks so bad. Therefore, I quickly grab his notes from his hand saying 'You are welcome'


This makes him shock and smile. After few seconds he realizes my help and says


'Thank you miss...' he says


'Roselina, or you can call me Rosey' I said


'Yes Miss Rosey, thank you for your help' he says


'No worries, Mr' I said


'Colin, my name is Colin' he says


'Colin, I haven't seen you here before' I said


'Oh yes, I am new here. Just started my class today but you know, getting myself in trouble with beautiful girls around' he says winking at me


I kind of like this guy sense of humor as well as he doesn't look bad like those jerks.


'Don't worry you'll get used to it. by the way, meet my friend Julie' I said


'Nice to meet with you Julie' Colin said


'Nice to meet with you too' Julie said


'by the way, are you heading somewhere else?' I said looking at the notes which I was carrying for him


'No, not really. I came here for lunch, but you know, I mistakenly bump with you and that's why I am here' he says looking innocent


'Oh, we too came here for lunch but got stuck with some guy called Alan' I said rolling my eyes making Julie smile


'May I have a pleasure to join with 2 beautiful ladies?' he says with his puppy eyes trying to impress us


'Unless you stop your flirting with us' I said with smile


'ok done' he says and followed us behind


I order a pasta for lunch whereas Julie order a pizza. Colin was already having his fries and burger while waiting us in table.


We all sit together in same table and start to talk about our life.


'So Rosey, tell us something about you' Colin says


'yeh Rosey, I thought of asking you earlier but didn't get chance to ask you about yourself' Julie says


'Well, my life is so boring guys. Nothing interesting, I've got one elder brother Alan and one younger sister Emma who studies in this same school. To be honest, they are the worst pain in ass whereas my dad is the beta of Moonlight pack' I said


'So, you are the daughter of Beta' Colin says with a wide eyes open


'Just for name' I said with a sad smile


It looks like both understood the double meaning of my words so quickly change the topic.


'Don't worry we will always stick around to cheer you up like a sticky glue' Colin says


'Good for you' I said smiling


'So, what's about yourself Colin' I said


'Well, I don't have any siblings and my dad is a warrior of the pack. I like playing music and I am really not an extrovert person' he says pointing his head towards Julie


'Now it's your turn Julie' Colin says


Julie stayed silence for a while then starts to speak 'I used to live with my grandma studying in a  human world until last month when a group of hunters joined my school. My parents died 10 years ago in rouges attack. My dad was a great pack fighter and did fight until his last breath. My grandma got scared thinking that hunters will kill me if they find out about me being a werewolf. Therefore, I got transferred to this werewolf school'


This breaks both of our heart knowing about Julie life, so we quickly give her a bear hug. She smiles for a while then continue to eat talking about random stuffs.


'Is your grandma not a werewolf?' I asked suddenly


'No, she is a normal human, so no danger from hunters but my grandpa was a werewolf' she says then continue to tell their cute love story.


'By the way, What's the colour of your wolf' I asked Julie with an interest


'It's grey and what's about you both' she says excitedly


'Mine is brown' Colin says


'And I don't have wolf' I said making them shock


'what? but how?' Julie says surprisingly


'I don't know. It was last semester when everyone shifted into their beautiful wolves except me since I don't have my wolf. I am almost 16 years and for god shake, I can't even shift. This is the reason why dad hates me, and my own brother/sister too' I said


'Just forget about that wolf. It's a pain in ass when you have to fight' Colin says 


'Yes Rosey, don't worry about the wolf. We'll always be best friends' Julie says hugging me


This makes my heart blown away with happiness and it's always great to have good friends around you.

Days passes by and we all became a best friend. Colin is really a nice guy with a caring attitude rather than the warrior personality. Julie on other hand is always sweet and soft.


After couple of months,


We were all having our lunch when that stupid Jerk and his group walks down the canteen looking for everyone to create another trouble.


I hate him as much as he hates me (that's what I guess). I wish I could never see his ugly flirty face every day in my life, but who cares? god is so mean to me not granting my wish.


I will always have to see his ugly face with every new slut kissing everywhere. I must say troubles and that jerk are the best mates. They are happily welcoming each other in every steps of his life. what a troublemaker?


I can clearly see that Jerk walking towards me with his group which shows that he's come to take the revenge from last time.


'Hey you Tomboy' William says


'I don't talk with Jerks' I replied


'Don't forget I am your Alpha' he says


'Not yet' I replied


'Very soon Rosey, I came here to give you good news. My dad's planning to officially announced me as the Alpha of Moonlight Pack on my tomorrow's birthday' he says with a smirk


This gives me a chill down on my body not because he's some attractive guy, but since he'll be Alpha, and my life will be hell. Who knows what he plans for me?


I am thinking about it in my head when he splits the ketchup onto my white shirt making others stare and laugh. Seriously, is he just kidding with me?

Is he out of mind? If he wants to play game, then I am on Boy. Therefore, I quickly pick the iced cold drink next from the table and splash it directly in his face.


'You deserve this Jerk' I said loudly and run as fast as I can


Thank god, he didn't catch me otherwise he'll fight with me and I'll surely lose.


We always fight in our school creating a bigger scenario for everyone to enjoy and watch. Almost everyone knows how much we hate each other.


There was an announcement call in the school asking all the students to meet up in the conference room at 3:00 which I guess wasn't a big trouble.


I walk towards the conference room with my friends Colin and Julie when the announcement was made.


'Well students, we all know that tomorrow's our Alpha William's grand 18thbirthday. Therefore, school will remain close for his big day. As well as I would like to make an announcement that Alpha and Luna has personally invited us all the pack members to attain their son grand birthday party tonight. Please, may we request you all to join the party and show your gratitude towards the Alpha's celebration' the head of school says


'What a pathetic excuse to get the school remain close tomorrow?' I said


'At least we have holiday' Colin says


'Whatever' I told him


'What should I wear tomorrow night?' Julie says


'Oh god, don't get your ass too excited' I said


'Of course, I do' she says


Then we all walk out of the conference hall returning to place what we call 'Home'

William POV:


I know everyone calls me ruthless, arrogant and heartless play boy which I can't deny but deep in my heart there is always a special place for my mate.


I always dream about having a beautiful mate by my side, who can be a strong Luna for my pack. I don't want to fall back in love nor want to be a sick puppy and that's the reason why I always hide my emotions being ruthless and heartless.


Thinking about mate, all I want is to be with anyone in my pack but not with Roselina.


Yes, the name Roselina makes my heart creep. It's not because I hate her, it's because she was the one, I used to adore and love while I was young. She was my secret crush, my happiness until that day when she killed my close friend Ian's dad (my pack gamma).


I always used to creep her house making an excuse to meet Alan just to see her angry little face. I still remember her being stubborn, sweet and caring towards everyone in pack. She was the one I never used to get tired of admiring, the way she dresses like us (boy) wearing jeans still makes me laugh and the way she fights with me while I shout at Alan still makes my heartbeat faster. She was not anyone, but she was someone special.


I wish she'd never killed Ian's dad so that I can still annoy her and purpose her to be my girlfriend. I know, this sound bit awkward because the person whom I hate the most was my first crush.


Tears slip down my face thinking about my past young days. Roselina gave me a friendship bracelet on my birthday which I kept it safely but now, it doesn't matter since I hate her.


Yes, I hate her from bottom of my heart for causing so much pain to my friend. I have seen Ian crying for days and weeks because of his father's dead. Roselina sister Emma told us that she did see her killing Ian's dad with her own eyes.


At first, I didn't believe it but when everyone asks her and saw the Ian's dad blood stains in her cloths, we all believed that it was her who killed Ian's dad. She too didn't utter a single word for her defense which proves that she was the killer.


This made everyone hate her and treat her like a trash. I too don't understand why she killed our pack gamma? was she out of mind? Luckily, she wasn't punished for her crime.


And from that day, I hate her for killing Ian's dad, I hate her for making my friend cried, I hate her for forcing Ian to take Gamma responsibility at a very young age, I hate her for being my first crush and I hate her for everything.


There is also a saying that the person who you love the most will hurt you the most and you will end up hating her the most. That's what happened in my situation. 


I still remember that  last semester when we have a school programmed for the first time shifter. On that day, we all werewolves shift in front of our pack members showing their wolf. It was fun seeing different colours of wolves all-round the school except one person. Guess who? It was her 'Roselina'


I was shocked at first and want to protect her from all that embarrassing moment but then realized the past suffering which hold me back. I still can't understand why she didn't shift or she might be a non-shifter without a wolf. Everyone started to laugh and make fun of her making my group laugh especially Emma her own sister making fun out of Roselina.


I didn't feel any sadness towards her since my hatred has already consumed me. All I feel about her now is the hatred nothing more or less. 


Tomorrow is my birthday and the day I'll find my mate.


End of William POV


Chapter 2

I was too tired after today's boring lecture and the announcement. So, just to distract myself away I turn on the Netflix and start to watch the movies and felt asleep. 


Today, I don't feel like doing anything out therefore I locked myself in my room and start to watch Netflix until someone rings on my phone.


Ring...! Ring...!


'Hello' I said


'Hello, it's me Julie, are you ready?' Julie says


'Ready? for what?' I replied


'Did you forget we need to go to William's birthday party tonight?' she says


'Seriously do I need to go to?' I said


'Of course, you do' she says


'what a pain in ass' I said


'Mind your tongue' she says teasingly


'I am a Tomboy, you know?' I said with a smirk


'Whatever, I find you as my sweet friend. Anyways, what are you wearing?' she says


'You'll see when you arrive' I said


'Make sure to show your feminine' she said


'In your dreams' I said and cut the phone


Stupid Jerk and his party. I might just die going there. I murmured myself and start off to get ready. I quickly grab a pair of jeans and t-shirt.


LOL, Julie might kill me. I said smiling at mirror getting ready. Then I walk downstairs towards the front hall.


I can see my family approaching towards the hall after getting ready for tonight's party. Emma's looking like a plastic Barbie with full makeup and sexy dress whereas my brother looks decent with his black suit. My dad was wearing just a normal coat and my mom was in a beautiful golden gown.


Mom quickly glance at me with my outfit and quickly tells me to wear some fancy dress.


'Sweetie, you need to wear some dresses for party' mom says


'Don't worry mom, I am fine with it' I said


'no that's not fine, you are not going to school' mom says


'Please mom, I am neither going to any fashion show nor any dress competition. I am fine' I said rolling my eyes


'Ok fine, I can never win you' mom says giving up


My mom knows me very well that I don't wear dresses, therefore she gave up the conversation. To be honest, I am more comfortable in jeans than in dress so I did try to give mom my best smile saying sorry for not listening her. Shit Roselina, you make your mom sad (I crush myself)


'I can't believe today's Alpha William's 18th birthday and he will find his mate' Emma says happily


'My princess looks excited' dad says


'Yes daddy, I am so excited to be his mate. I need to look beautiful' Emma says


'Don't worry sis, you're the most beautiful, magnificent and the prettiest she-wolf in our pack. No one can ever match your beauty as well as William likes my sister. Trust me' Alan says


'Thanks bro but you better tell me the truth' Emma says


'Of course' Alan says making Emma jump in happiness


Seriously, their conversation makes me laugh thinking about how childish Emma is and her actions are.


'We need to move otherwise we'll get late' dad says walking out of the front door


'Roselina, are you not coming with us sweetie?' mom says


'No mom, I am waiting for my friend Julie. I'll come with her' I said


'You better not get late' mom says leaving me behind.


I was waiting for Julie when Colin rings my phone.


'Hello Col' I said


'Hey Rose, where are you both?' he says


'I am at my home waiting for Julie' I said


'What? Still in home?' he says as if he's having a panic attack from my reply


'Such a drama king, breathe boy, we'll there in 20 mins' I said


'Better be here quicker' he says 


Then Julie arrives at my front door yelling 'I am here'


'Julie is here, we'll be there in 10mins' I said hanging his phone up


'WTH Rosey, what are you wearing?' she says


'Of course, cloths. Now hurry up, Colin's ready to burn us down if we get late' I said


'No, you are not going like this' Julie says


'Yes, I am' I said


'No, you are not until you want me to kill you' she says


'Come on Julie, you know how I am?' I said


'But still you are not wearing that' she says looking sad


'I am sorry but No buts, Now let's hurry up. I promise to wear dress next time' I said


'You sure' she says


'Yes 100%' I replied making her smile


I win against her argument which makes me feel good. I know she is too soft to push me and that's what I like about her.


We both then walk out of the house heading towards that Jerk birthday party. Pack house is only 10 mins drive from my home and if you run with your wolf then it will only take 5 mins.


Julie and I both arrive at the party where everyone's already having fun. Colin seems to notice us while we entre, so he came rushing towards us.


'Seriously?' Colin says looking at me


'Yes 100% serious' I replied which makes him roll his eyes


'You know you can't convince her' Julie says


'Too stubborn, let's have fun' Colin says and drags us in the dance floor


I wasn't the type of dancing person, so I excuse myself from dancefloor when I saw my sister and few other girls surrounding that Jerk. It feels so disgusting seeing my own sister playing those dirty tricks to get his attention. What a shame? Too much flirting.


I feel suffocation looking around those flirty scenes with my innocent eyes and the loud music was causing me headache. So, the only best thing I can do myself is to walk out of the pack house towards the large garden.


This pack house garden always catches my eyes. I mean It's simply beautiful and magnificent. I can see different varieties of flower blossoming and the green grass path all the way towards the Forest is unbelievable. Amazing wow...!


From the corner of my eyes, I see the wooden bench in the edge of a garden which seems perfect for seating whilst enjoying this view. The moon is shining so brightly, the birds were singing so sweetly, and the flower were smelling too addictively. This is perfect...! I think in my mind.


Then slowly I walk towards the bench enjoying the cold breeze of wind touching my bare skin. It feels so refreshing being away from all those party vibes and loud music. I start to think about the beautiful nature and about my past while sitting down on bench. Why does my past hold so much of pain? I don't know what have I done wrong? Everyone just hates me.


Then I close my eyes getting flash back.


I still remember that day when Ian's dad died in front of my eyes. I will never forgive myself for being the reason of his dead.


It was back on summer when I was walking on woods while I suddenly heard a loud roared coming from south direction. It was painful, terrified and dangerous. Therefore, I did follow the sound wishing that it might be some wild animals stuck in trapped.


I can go and free that poor animal but then when I reached the place, I did gasp at the scene in front of me. I saw Ian's dad surrounded by 3 rouges.

Rouges were looking scary with their killing eyes while Ian's dad was struggling to stand up on his feet. This broke my heart seeing him on that critical condition.


I desperately want to help him, and the next thing which I did was my life biggest mistake.


I stepped out of the bush with a stick on my hand challenging those fully grown up rouges. They all laughed at me while Ian's dad asked me to run away to inform the Alpha since he can't mind-link them.


It looks like rouges has injected Ian's dad with a wolfsbane making him weak. I did listen to him and try to run away while I was blocked by another rough.


This is terrible, I shouldn't have been here. I was thinking while that rough attack me which I manage to doze at first but then no luck. I was quickly surrounded by another rough.


They tried to attack me from both direction while I closed my eyes screaming my heart out. My body was trembling with fear thinking that I'll die today.

But nothing happened like that instead Ian's dad saved me getting himself Killed. I was crying on Ian's dad dead body while I heard more footsteps walking towards us.


Rouges suddenly got alert listing to it and ran away. I saw my sister Emma behind the tree while other warriors' approach towards me.


Everyone was shocked and start to ask me questions on Ian's dad dead while I couldn't utter a single word. I was still in a deep grief knowing that It was all my fault that Ian's dad got killed.


My sister Emma on other hand starts to spread a rumour saying that I killed Ian's dad, and, on the meantime, they couldn't track any rough scent which makes them believe that Emma was right.


I was known as the killer in the pack which I partially agree. My brother Alan, William and Ian has stopped talking to me and completely ignores me. I tried to apologies to Ian, but he wasn't in a condition to hear me.


Emma seems to have filled their ears and I am not sure why she did like that? And from that day, she became a hating bitch towards me.


Deep in my heart, I know someday in my life, I truly need to apologies to Ian.


End of Flash Back


I was deep in my thought while I heard the clock sound striking 00:00. I knew it was his life best time and my worst time.


Then I see some bunnies hopping out of Jungle towards the garden which looks so cute and adorable making me smile, while I feel someone approaching towards me from behind.


I get annoyed as well as afraid by the person approaching me at the middle of the night. As we all know werewolf world is full of dangers so I slowly turn around hoping it won't be rouges like last time but then my everything froze. There is the person standing in front of me whom I least expected in my thoughts none other than that Jerk.


His deep blue eyes hold lots of love, passion and happiness along with the fear of losing me. He's standing still with a sweet smile trying to memorize my every move which I can never imagine in my dreams. For the first time in life, I see him this handsome, almost shining in the moon light with his perfect jaw line and a fair dark skin. I never knew that he was this hot, no wonder girls throw themselves upon him.


I was thinking while I see his expression suddenly change to disgusting to angry. Before I speak out or realize anything, his wolf speaks 'Mate' making my body numb. WTH?


'Jerk is my mate' is the only word that comes out of my mouth


'Fuck, this can't be true; Tom boy can't be my mate, moon goddess can't be this rude to give me this non-shifter ugly pathetic girl as my mate' William barked


It hurts my feeling knowing that William said all those words to me. I know I am not good enough for him, but it doesn't mean that he has every right to insult me like this. He is truly a heartless and ruthless person.


Thank god, I don't have my wolf otherwise she won't be able to tolerate this pain.


Then the next thing what William did took away my breathe. He directly look into my eyes and speak out those worst breaking words that anyone can ever want to hear in a werewolf world.


'I alpha William Stains rejects you Roselina Kail as my mate and a future Luna of my pack' William said

His words were like a sharping blade that's piercing in my innocent heart giving Goosebumps all over my body. I get hit by a sharp pain in my heart making me difficult to breath.


But honestly, I can't be weak in front of this Jackass Jerk. I know he is the worst monster in this earth and I'll never forgive him for this cause.


Getting some courage, I reply him saying 'I accept your rejection William stains'


With that I run towards the forest with my tearful eyes promising myself to never see him again.


William POV:


Tonight, is the day when I will finally become an Alpha of the Moonlight Pack with my beta Alan and Gamma Ian. I was feeling excited thinking about it while I get interrupted by someone mind-linking me.


'William, are you ready dude?' Alan says


'Yep I am on my way. Where are you?' I said


'I'm in party. Hurry up, Ian's already here' Alan says


'Ok, be there in 2 mins' I said


I quickly grab my coat and head towards the party hall, where I saw Ian and Alan flirting to girls. Wow, these boys will never get tired of flirting with girls especially that Alan is the boss.


Seeing them flirting, I walk towards their direction while I got hold by Emma.


'Hi, Handsome' Emma says


'Hi Emma' I said


'Let's have some dance baby' Emma says


'Really baby? But you know I can't now; I need to talk to my beta / Gamma' I said


'Ok baby, lets go together' Emma says grabbing my arm


I let her grab my arm and walk towards my childhood best buddies.


'Hey Man, how's going on?' Ian says


'Not bad' I replied


'Looks like you got better company' Alan says with smirk


'Yeh, better than yours' I said


'Enjoy dude' Alan says


'Of course,' I replied


After that we all have our few random conversations while Emma keeps on showing her flirty moves to get my attention. Once a while I give her a quick smile just to let her know I am with her.


To be honest, I don't have any love or affection towards Emma. It's just that she is my beta's sister and always around me which makes everyone think her as my girlfriend.


Soon we all drop our ass towards the dancefloor shaking our hips like a newbies teenager while the clock strike 00:00 and it's time for announcement.


'ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please' my dad speaks out gaining everyone's attention.


'As you all know today's my son 18th birthday and a special day to celebrate. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all my pack members for those past years of support & help as well as everything you have done till today. Please bear in mind that I am getting old now and would like to take a few step back handing over my Alpha title to my son William who will be your future Alpha. I hope you'll respect and love him as much as you do to me. Please enjoy the party' dad finishes his speech making the crowd cheer up


Quickly I got surrounded by all pack members wishing me and congratulating me on my Alpha title. Especially girls were dying to touch my hand since It's their time of becoming LUNA.


I try to smell my mate but couldn't find any sign of her feeling myself down. This was the moment, I've been waiting for so long and now when its time, I can't even find my mate.


I feel sad deep down in my heart while Emma grabs my hand pretending to be my mate. But sorry I couldn't feel any sparkling neither any mate bond towards her.


The loud music and a party vibe starts to irritate me, so I excuse myself towards the garden to get some fresh air. To my surprise as soon as I step outside the hall, my nose gets hit by the most addictive scent that I have ever smell in my life.


It's a 'fresh cut rose' which's making my wolf go crazy and myself irresistible. Truly I can't keep myself away from this smell, so just following it makes my heart stop when my eyes laid to the most beautiful women sitting on the bench.


She's sweetly smiling at something looking into our garden making my heartbeat faster. I can't stop staring at her action which looks so adorable even from this distance.


I don't think she did realize my presence as she was busy looking into the garden while seating on the bench. This bright shining moonlight is making her look like a real angel from the heaven.


I seem to stare at her from behind don't know how long until my wolf Xavier speaks out in my mind saying 'Mate is beautiful'


This spreads a smile on my face knowing that how beautiful my mate is until Alan mind-links me breaking all my imagination about my mate. Fuck...! I curse it.


'Hey dude, where are you? Emma is searching for you' he says


'I'll be there' I replied him shutting the link


Seriously my curiosity is eating me up and I can't stand here staring at her so, I walk towards here while my feet slip on the stone making her aware of my presence.


She slowly turns around me giving me 1000 volts of surprise. She was no other than a Tom Boy 'Roselina'.


Before I could speak anything, my wolf takes over me getting myself lost on her beauty. Her beautiful black round eyes were shining like a twinkling star, her cute little face was glowing like a moon light and her soft pink lips were so pure wanting me to suck it forever until I can put my whole soul into hers.


Nothing can compare her beauty and I am totally lost in her not wanting to blink my eyes. I can't imagine the pain of losing her because I love her.


I was lost in my mind while my wolf speaks out 'Mate' getting me back to reality. I can't imagine Tom boy is my mate, the one who killed my best friend dad, the one who can't shift and the one who causes all these pains. My hatred slowly consumed my mind thinking about her making myself feel disgusting and angry


I can see her eyes froze with the word 'Mate' while she speaks out 'Jerk is my mate'


'Fuck, this can't be true; Tom boy can't be my mate, moon goddess can't be this rude to give me this non-shifter ugly pathetic girl as my mate' I split out


My anger wasn't on control, so I directly look into her eyes and speak out the worst heart-breaking words to her getting my wolf in pain.


'I alpha William Stains rejects you Roselina Kail as my mate and a future Luna of my pack' I said


As soon as I speak out those words she quickly replies saying 'I accept your rejection William stains' and run towards the forest.


Suddenly I get hit by a sharp pain in my heart while my wolf howls in pain which I ignored it.


'You stupid Idiot human, why did you reject my beautiful mate? You'll pay for this rejection' My wolf says


'Go ahead' I said and shut him down without any emotions.


Then I inhale a deep breath walking towards the party. I see everyone dancing on floor having great funs while I feel something missing on my heart. It might be the feeling of breaking mate bond, I guess and didn't give much attention to it.


'Hi handsome, where were you? I've been looking for you. You know that I miss you' Emma says


'Hi baby, I miss you too' I said pulling her towards my arms


I seriously want to forget everything from earlier, so I kiss her hungrily which she replies quickly. After a good 5 mins kiss, I drag her towards the stage where my dad did his earlier announcement.


'Good Evening everyone' I start to speak while everyone's getting their attention in curiosity


'Today I would like to introduce you all to the most important person of my life and for the pack. Please give a round of applause to your future Luna and my mate' I said making everyone gasp


Then after few minutes, I can hear clapping and happiness all around the hall. This makes Emma eyes widen and kiss me on my lips. 'Thank you, handsome,' she says


'Anything for you baby' I replied


I feel bad lying to my pack, but what I did was good for them. I didn't bother to give any more explaining and let the things flow on time. My parents and Emma's family were so happy knowing that we were mates, while the reality is different.


Emma stays behind the pack house on my birthday and we made love the whole night. It still surprises me that Roselina didn't cry or beg in front of me after the rejection instead she accepts it and run towards the forest.


Next day early in morning Emma parents come rushing towards our house saying that their daughter Roselina is missing. I did feel cool spin chilling down my body while I order the guards and warrior to search for her.


It's been more than a week and we couldn't find anything about her. Everyone in the pack loses their hope apart from Colin and Julie who keeps on asking me about Roselina which I have no answer. I know they were her close friends and cares for her, but no one knows where she is? People starts to think that she might be dead.


I am the only person who knows that she wasn't dead because of our mate bond. I know she accepted my rejection, but our mate bond remains attach until we mark another wolf which case, I haven't yet mark Emma.


End of William POV



After that rejection, I feel so much pain in my heart which seems unbearable. My tears were slipping down my eyes getting it soak in my t-shirt.


I did run as fast as I can towards the jungle reaching my home. I know my life is hell but does that Jerk has to be my mate? I feel like killing myself but that won't change the fact that everything will be back to normal. This rejection was killing me inside, but again I promise to  myself that I'll never give up and let anyone control over my life especially that Jerk.


I must be strong and independent. Then I realize that I can't stay in this pack anymore getting myself killed every day. I know everyone hates me and being that Jerk an Alpha, who knows what he planned for me? he might just torture me until my last breathe.


The only best option for me is to run away from here. I know it's very dangerous outside this world, but I am ready to face every challenges. It's better to die outside this pack rather than dying inside the pack.


Therefore, I quickly pack my stuffs and shove my credit card as well as some cash from my piggy bag just in case If I survive outside this world then I need these cash for my expenses. I know if I use my credit card outside the pack territory, then they'll easily track me in which case, I withdraw all the money from the card before I head towards the border.


I throw the credit card on the ground and run towards the border. Now, I have got everything ready for me to live if I survive. 'Please god save me and give me courage to live outside this world' I pray to moon-goddess and break all the pack-link stepping out of territory.


It was a night-time and the path was very dangerous but who cares? I am in the position to either survive or die which case both are welcome. I was walking while I got hit by sharp burning pain in my lower abdominal getting myself kneel on my knees.


Fuck that bastard, I curse him knowing that he was having sex with someone else. I personally hate this mate bond when it takes ages to break it down. I will never forget neither will ever forgive him in my life. I hope I'll never have to see his ugly face in my whole life.


I slowly get on my both feet after couple of minutes then start to walk along. I wasn't sure where I can go? Or where I need to go? Darkness has consumed everywhere making me difficult to see ahead but still I manage to walk on the path.


As I was walking in unknown direction, I suddenly remember my friend Julie who used to tell me all about the human world. As far as I remember, she told me that human world is full of dangers with hunters everywhere and no werewolf dare to step on it.


This give me a better idea thinking that no place is safer for me other than human world. I don't have to worry about rouges neither worry about stepping into other pack's territory. That Jerk and my old pack will search me everywhere (Just in case if they remember me) but not in human world.



I can live happily being human and might even find some great friends. For the first time in life, I am happy for not being werewolf as I don't need to worry about hunters chasing me and killing me.


I smile at myself and just walk towards the human world. I walk hours and hours until I see some lights far beyond the jungle. 'Finally, I reach my new destination and my new life'



Chapter 3

I need to be more careful towards my action as I don't want any humans to suspect me. Julie told me that humans are always busy in their own little world and they don't normally be friendly towards me.


Some humans are very generous whereas others are very cruel. We should always maintain a distance between them and don't get yourself in trouble.


Thinking about it, I head towards the human town where I see lots of humans rushing, fighting, cursing as well as hurting each other. I get shock knowing how human lives peacefully in their world with so much hatred towards each other.


In our werewolf's world, we do love all our pack members and live in peace. Some cases are different but still everyone is treated like brothers and sisters from same parents.


I stare at them for a while then walk towards the electronic shop to get my new Phone and sim card.


'Hello Miss, may I help you' one sweet lady speaks to me


'Hiya, I am looking for a new Phone and a sim card' I said


'yes sure, I'll show you the latest iPhone which I hope you'll like it' she says handing me the new iPhone which catches my eyes.


'wow, this is beautiful. Can I have this iPhone in Gold please? as well as a sim card' I said


'Yes sure, I'll get you right now' she says


After a while she gets me a new iPhone and a sim card which cost me around $2,000.


I too feel hungry, so I walk towards the fine restaurant right opposite of electronic shop. Wow, this restaurant looks amazing, so classic and elegant with beautiful floral decorations.


A young guy then came towards me to get my order which I did happily while asking him some cold water.


I need to get my room sorted out before night-time otherwise there won't be any place for me to stay. Therefore, I quickly open my mobile data and start to search for the rents.


I see lots of room advertisement online, but nothing catches my eyes other than one apartment which was magnificent. It has got its own swimming pool and a heated jacuzzi which I loved it, but the cost seems bit higher. It says $10,000 per month which case I only have around $30,000 cash.


I think about it for a while but then made my decision to rent it. I ring the room advertisement lady and talk about it agreeing to rent it from today.


After finishing my lunch, I head towards the room to-let office to get the keys of my apartment. It took them for a while to input my information which were all incorrect (you know the reason why I lie) then head towards my new apartment.


This apartment was on the 15th Floor with the breath-taking view. I get stunned by the interior design and the rooms itself. I can't believe, it has got a huge living room, one large dinning/Kitchen, along with the heated jacuzzi near bath. Wow can't find any faults. So perfect.


I took a warm bath and slip over my comfortable bed in my new apartment thinking about my current life. It makes me happy that I ended up here.


From tomorrow onwards, I need to search for a new Job since the money which I got it from my home is not enough. Yesterday, I was asked to pay $20,000 as a deposit and rent for the apartment. So, I desperately need a job for my next month expenses.


It's a morning time and I wake up around 9:30am feeling sleepy but I need to get my ass down this bed.


I walk towards the bathroom to do my morning routine before I hunt for my new jobs. I get on my normal jeans and walk out of the room while I bump with a teenage girl (around my age).


She has dark hair with brown eyes.


'Opss, I am so sorry' that girl tells me


'Oh...! that's fine, never mind' I said


'Thanks, miss...' she says


'Roselina, you can call me Rosey' I said


'Hi Rosey, I am Mel' she says


'Nice to meet you Mel' I said


'Well, I haven't seen you before. Are you new here?' she says


'Yes Mel, I came here yesterday and not too much familiar with surrounding' I said


'ok fine then I'll catch you some day. I live above your apartment 16th floor. Don't ever feel bad to knock my door' she says


'Sure, that's so kind of you. By the way, you seem rushing' I said


'Oh shit, I forget. That blonde will kill me today, actually I am running bit late towards my job' she says


'Wow, lucky you got job' I said


'don't you have any jobs here?' she says


'Not as lucky as someone' I replied


'well girl, we have one vacancy in our retail department. Why can't you try applying it? or come with me, I'll let you meet my manager' she says


'are you sure?' I said


'Absolutely' she replied


I like this girl. She is straight forward as well as kind enough to help others. I think we can be good friends.


We both talk about our random life stuffs. I lied her about my real-life story as usual but then she believed on my fake story which was great.


After around 45 mins interview, that manager gave me a retailer job. Manager seems a nice person, it's just that blondie supervisor which Mel hates her guts out. Ha-ha


Days were passing by happily while we both become a close friends and start hanging out very often. It was last weekend when Mel gets drunk and curses her boyfriend making me laugh. Looks like her boyfriend cheated on her with some blondie girl and breaks up.


3 months pass so quickly with my apartment friend Mel.


'Rosey, get your ass down here' Mel shouts at me


'What happened bimbo?' I said


'We need to get your form filled for university' she says


'Wait, What?' I said quickly jumping out of bed when I see Mel already in my living room with a deadly glare.


'God knows when I get killed by this bimbo' I said sarcastically


'And god know how long this bitch takes to get her ass down' she says making me smile


She is funny and I must admit it. She is always there for me supporting both in goods and bad, and I love her.


By the way, I totally forget that we have planned to study in university to get our degree. In human world, you need to have higher degree to get a better job and more salary.


Mel and I quickly fill out our forms and submit it online. Mel wants to study Psychology while I want to study Business. Therefore, we both fill out different forms.


Next week Monday, we will be starting our university life. This excites me.


Today is Wednesday and my longest shift in the middle of the week. WTF


Mel texted me saying that she's going home and not to worry too much about dinner since she will cook some pasta for both of us (so sweet of her)


It's 6:55pm (5 mins to my home time) when I get hit by a sharp pain in my body making me scream. Luckily, I was alone and there was no one around who can hear me.


I can't let anyone see me like this, so I try to bear the pain until clock strikes 7pm making me rush out of the job. I don't know what kind of pain was this as if my whole body is tearing apart, it feels worse than the mate bond.


I can't walk on the street screaming and crying which people might hear me. Therefore, I run towards the forest to get some fresh air.


The pain starts to irrupt in my body as if an active volcano. I was sweating all over my body and my head is spinning like a spiral. Then I realize It might be my first shift.


Fuck sick, I am a werewolf.


My bones start to twist making me scream each time, my heartbeat start to pump rapidly getting my body rumble, my skin slowly starts to cover with a fur and after around 15 minutes, I am on my 4 paws.


'I can't believe I have my own wolf' I said practically jump in happiness


'Yes Rosey, you have me' someone says in my mind which I know is my wolf


'are you my wolf?' I said


'Yes, I am your wolf Jasmine or can call me Jas' she says


'Hi Jas, nice to meet with you' I said


'Nice to meet with you too Rosey and I am sorry for everything you have gone through in your life because of me' she says


'Don't worry Jasmine, its not your fault. I am lucky I have you. By the way, what's your wolf colour? I can only see its white paws' I said


'We are legendary white wolf Rosey and this is the reason we didn't shift earlier' she says


I gasp in surprise knowing about my wolf and a fear chills down my body thinking that hunters will now kill my wolf


'Jas, I can't lose you' I said with sadness as I don't want to lose her


'Don't worry Rosey, I know what you are thinking, and hunters won't find us' she says


'But how?' I said


'Because we are a legendary wolf and I do hold a special power like masking scent, invisibility, speedy, healing etc.' she says


'You are awesome Jas' I said which makes her smile


'Thank you Rosey' she says


'Can you teach me how to change back to human?' I said


'Please think about your human form closing your eyes. This will change you back' she says


I did it exactly what she says, and I get changed back to my normal form. But most surprisingly, I was in a white gown.


'How did I get this gown' I said


'This is also one of my special power' she says making me smile


'You know, you are the best thing I ever wish in my life' I said


'I know everything Rosey, I have been seeing you inside your heart. I know all those days of yours where you secretly wish moon-goddess for me as well as all those hurtful pains that you buried while our mate rejects us' she says


'I am sorry Jas, It's all because of me. If I were beautiful then William might not have rejected you' I said


'No Rosey, it's not your fault. It's his choice to reject you. I felt sad at first but then realize he doesn't deserve us. He is a complete Jackass jerk.' she says making me smile


'You too calling your mate as Jackass Jerk?' I said


'Of course, he is an idiot Jerk. By the way, since you have me, please bear in mind that your eyes colour will now change to golden as mine' she says smiling


'I'll happy accept anything for you' I said


'More surprise to come Rosey' she says


'Happily waiting for it' I said then walk towards my apartment


By the way, I did mask my scent after Jas teaches me how to do it.


I walk back to my apartment where Mel was waiting for me worriedly. As soon as I knock the door, Mel burst out happily.


'Bitch, where were you? I got so worried about you' she says


'I am fine, you know I was late' I said


'Yeh Yeh I know you are right. by the way, you look different today' she says while noticing my eyes colour, she screams 'OMG your eyes, it's golden colour' she says jumping


'I thought you won't notice it bimbo' I said


'Shut up and tell me how?' she says


'Well, I got my permanent eye colour change from specs shop. You know we are going to University so need to look different' I said with a wink


'Bitch, you could've told me, I too have done it. Anyways, it looks spectacular amazing and beautiful' she says


'Thanks Bimbo, I am hungry' I said


'Dinner is ready, lets eat it' she says


We have our dinner then straight to bed. Mel seems excited about my eye colour, so she too booked her appointment this weekend. Our university will start from Monday.


'I hope everything will go fine in Uni' I said


'It'll be fine' Jas says making me smile


I am still not used to with my wolf in mind. Sometimes it makes me jump when she speaks. 



Soon weekend arrived and Mel did her eye colour which matches her hair perfectly. She's looking beautiful which I honestly complement making her smile.


She too told me that my skin tone has gone few shades lighter which I am sure it's because of Jasmine and all my acnes, uneven marks and dark scars has now disappeared which makes me look bit younger than my age.


Being a werewolf, you should always be fit and doing exercise to make your wolf strong. Therefore, I ask if Mel wants to join any GYM classes with me or not? which she says she won't, but she'll join a yoga class while I'll be having my GYM class. (That's so kind of her)


Tomorrow is Monday, and our first day at university. I am excited about it while Mel is buffering about it saying why she choose psychology. Ha-ha


I tease her saying she wants to know what's going on boy's head that's why she chooses to study Psychology. LOL


She gives me a huge grin saying not a bad idea. LOL


Now days, I don't feel much of mate bond pain since I am used to it now. My wolf sometimes wimps knowing her mate is having some physical contact with another she-wolf but then she just ignores it.


I have never thought that my wolf will be this much strong to handle the pain of rejection. Normally, I have heard that wolfs will be reckless and try to kill themselves if their mates reject them but then my wolf is completely different. She is strong, brave and confident as well as she is beautiful and legendary.


I promise her to keep her safe and never let anyone lay a finger on her neither will let anyone break her heart. I'll stand by her side no matter what's the situation is. I love her.


Finally, its Monday and we both (Mel and myself) head towards the University. My eyes got wide to see so many students as well as hunters everywhere. My wolf instantly recognized the smell of hunters but luckily, we always mask my scent.


Mel tells me that she'll go towards her class to meet newbies whereas I walk towards my class. I can see we have nearly 19 students in business course which seems not much.


Our tutor came into the class and starts his lecture. I did try to take notes as much as possible so that I won't forget it in exam. Seriously, Study was my biggest enemy while back in werewolf world but then now, I must win against this enemy if I want a better life.


Therefore, I shut my mind to focus on my studies. Soon, there's a lunch break where Mel promises to meet in Canteen. Therefore, I walk towards the canteen.


I didn't see Mel in canteen so thought of waiting for her before I order anything. Whereas, I saw one girl from the corner of eyes who's sobbing.


I don't know what happen to her, but I don't feel nice seeing her crying alone. Therefore, I walk towards her saying 'Hi, my name is Rosey. Can I have a seat next to you'


She looked at me shocking then says 'Yes sure' ignoring me


'Are you too a new student here?' I said


'No, this is my second year' she says


'Wow, you might know everything about this university' I said trying to talk to her


'Yes, a bit' she says


'May I know your name and why are you sad' I said


'My name is Lily and' she says


'And?' I replied


'Nothing, after all you are not my friend' she says


'Does that mean we can't be friends?' I said


'But you are a fresher and newbie' she says


'Does it matter to you?' I said


'Not really' she says


'Then let's be friends.' I said smiling and stretching my hand


She stays quite for a while then happily stretch her hand for handshake with a huge smile.


'Thank you Rosey for being my friend' she says


'No worries lily. By the way why are you crying?' I said


'It's just that my dad is always busy with his business meetings and my mom died when I was child. I'm always left alone with loneliness until last year I found my boyfriend.' She says looking at me then continues


'My boyfriend cheated on me and today I find him kissing another girl making fun of me. He only uses me for my dad's money' she said with a tear slipping down her face.


This makes me angry. I mean why the hell in this earth all the boys need to be jackass. I will kick that bantered who makes her cry.


'did you say or do anything to your boyfriend?' I asked


'No' she says


'Why?' I said


'Because he is a boxer of this Uni and very strong' she says


'Well then he must pay for this deed' I said standing from my place


'Wait, what are you saying? Please don't Rosey, he'll beat you' Lily says


'No bae, you don't know me. Anyways, lest move on. I think Mel is too here on her way. She'll enjoy beating his ass' I said walking out


Lily follows me behind while I see Mel on the canteen door. I quickly tell her everything about Lily's bastard boyfriend which makes her angry too.


3 of us walked towards Lily's boyfriend who was flirting with another blondie girl. But before I do anything, I look at Mel reaction who has a deadly killing looks since she hates any blondie girl which reminds her about her boyfriend. Ha-ha


By the look, I am sure that blondie will be in hospital getting beaten from Mel. LOL


As soon as Lily boyfriend sees us, he turns his face towards us then starts to speak.


'Well my pathetic puppy, sick love, how come you here standing...' he was speaking while I punched him so hard with my anger that he's gone flying and landed 10 feet away from us.


Everyone gasp with my punch whereas I too was shocked.


'That's what he gets for hurting a girl' My wolf jasmine speaks out


'Oh no Jas, you punch him with your strength' I said


'Well I got angry while he insulted Lily as well as don't worry, hopefully I didn't break his whole-body ribs' she says shutting herself


Shit, I cursed myself thinking that I need to make an excuse. I too can't believe that Jasmine took over so quickly over me. LOL, she is a great wolf.


'Wow Bitch, what was that?' Mel says


'That's what you pay, dumbass' Lily says being happy


I was standing still getting nervous since I have already created a trouble for myself in the first day at University. Lily seems to notice me then quickly says.


'Don't worry about beating that dumbass. Even if you break every inch of his body bones than also, I'll ask you not to worry. My dad secretary will take care of this situation. You won't get yourself in trouble' she says


'Really' I ask her with a hope


'Of course, Rosey, you don't know who I am, do you?' she says


I nod 'No'


'Well I am the only daughter of Tony Starkluck, the Millionaire of starkluck company' she says making our eyes widen


'Thank you' I said


'No worries Rosey,' she says while we heard someone screaming


LOL it was that blondie who's been beaten by Mel. I knew it she will beat her ass off. Ha-ha


After that incident we 3 became a best friend. (Mel is studying Psychology; Lily is studying Fashion while I am studying Business).


Normally, we all will be together every time. Lily often visits our apartment and does sleepover nights talking about her dumb ass boyfriend whereas Mel keeps on talking funny stuffs about any blondie girls.


Luckily Lily wasn't a blondie otherwise it'll be very difficult for us to corporate. LOL

It feels like finally, I manage to breathe after a worst past. These girls are too feminine, I mean they do so much of shopping and makeup that I'll sometimes feel hard to find my clothes.


Now days, I too wear a dresses as well as do a light natural make up. Everyone just admires at me saying I look beautiful which I am so much thankful.


There were so many boys proposing me to be their girlfriend, but I am just happy being single not in the mood to mingle. LOL


To be honest, if anyone from my pack sees me now then they won't recognized me. I have completely changed myself. My skin looks as pure as snow, my eyes has golden colour and my body has perfect curves in its place after going GYM for nearly 3 years.


Yes everyone, it's already 3 years I have been living in this human world and I am enjoying my life the fullest. Lily has finished her study last year and now she has opened the fashion designing company whereas It's the last year for Mel and Myself.


Lily always send us the latest fashion cloths to both Mel and me requesting us to wear it. Don't take me wrong, but last time on her fashion show, she did even ask me to walk on the ramp.


God, that was the most embarrassing moment of my life as well as the best moment. It was a great fashion show and I got so many offers from multinational companies which I reject it since I want to focus on my studies.


It's just lily whom I can't reject it, so I'll always be her model no matter where I go. Anyways, Mel did change her future career and decide herself to be a model. She is still studying psychology but tells me that after her Uni, she will be a model and already got a contract from one of the well-known fashion company.


I like how my life ends over here and I never regret any decision of my past. Oh, by the way, Mel made her new boyfriend few months ago and quite busy nowadays.


Last week I had my final year exams and waiting for its results which will get publish after 3 weeks. In the meantime, I have nothing special in my life apart from my boring part time job and being Lily's model.


I spend most of my time with Lily talking to her and chatting about my life. Lily is more like my sister than my friend. Yes, at first, we started as a friendship but then she became more caring towards me like a little sister which makes me call her sissy.


We did meet Lily's dad who was really a nice person. He is caring, kind and generous but always busy with his business. He loves me as his own daughter and ask me to stay with Lily in his house.


Nowadays I live with Lily in her dad's mansion. We too request Mel to move in but she says she'll be fine with her boyfriend in the apartment and doesn't want to be disturb. LOL


To be honest, after coming to human world, my life has become a fairy tale with the only one missing part which was my Prince.



William POV:


My wolf never talks to me neither shifts when I need him. He always blames me for his mate disappearance and punish me for making his life miserable. He is not like any other Alpha wolf whom I can control instead he's something different.


3 months later after Roselina left, my wolf suddenly became reckless. Not sure why? He's banging in my head as if there was a pain erupting all over his body but never told me the reason for it. And after every few hours, he will come back to normal.


I always think that Emma will become a perfect Luna of my pack winning everyone's heart but then I was wrong. She's not the person I think she'll be.


Having your mate's mark is very important in a werewolf world. Therefore, my parents always ask me why I haven't marked her yet? I normally tell them some random excuses until last month my dad got furious and warned me to tell him.


I didn't have courage to lie them, so I tell them the truth that Emma wasn't my real mate instead it was Roselina. I even tell them that I did reject Roselina and accept Emma as my mate and the Luna for this pack.


I explained him that I've numerously tried to mark her but then my wolf always takes control over me pushing Emma away. He doesn't want me to mark anyone apart from his mate.


At first my parents become angry at me but then afterwards they accept my decision since I didn't give them any other option from accepting it.


Normally people say that their wolf will become weaker after rejection whereas mine was complete opposite. My wolf became more stronger than before punishing me inside my head banging every time not letting me sleep peacefully. WTF


For good few 5/6 months I feel happy that I choose Emma over the Roselina but then slowly I start to feel guilt, heartbreak and pain inside me.


My days start to get worst & worst every day. Slowly in my heart I felt incompleteness looking over Emma since I finally find out her real face. She is the most selfish and mean person I've ever meet. she doesn't treat the pack members nicely instead she holds the proudness of her Luna position.

She spends lot of money in the designer stuffs, buying makeup, best brand cars etc. which I really don't care but the only thing is that I want her is to be pure and kind.


My pack members gradually start to hate her and tells her the hating bitch Luna. She punishes anyone who doesn't listen to her or agrees with her. Last time, she even fights with her own brother Alan and request the guard to lock him in prison.


I can't really believe how can she do like that to her own brother and from that day, Alan seems completely changed. He doesn't speak with me neither comes to our pack house until it's an urgent matter. I can see the guiltiness in his eyes but then he hides it every time when around the pack members.


Everyone in my pack knows that Emma is not my real mate, but no one has guts to raise their voice against their Alpha. I didn't tell anyone about my rejection and the name of my real mate apart from my parents.


It's been exactly 3 years Roselina left this Pack. I am not sure how's her life? What's she doing? I don't know whether I'll able to see her or not but secretly pray to moon-goddess for her happiness.


Yes, you are right I pray for her happiness and regret my decision of rejecting her. My life has completely turned upside down leaving behind nothing for me to smile. I am only left behind with the bitter memories of my past.


Emma on other hand is a non-stoppable irritating Luna of my pack. She always argues with me resulting a fight. I want to kick her out but then my parents won't be happy knowing that I've already rejected my mate and now kicking my chosen mate.


Therefore, just to make my parents happy and keep my Alpha title strong, I don't fight with her neither will kick her out. My pack needs Luna.


I did try to search Roselina everywhere even after everyone stopped but then no luck. I secretly contact the council and all other world packs but then no one have ever seen her.


My wolf really misses her a lot and howls in pain which I too did miss her every seconds of my life. I wish I had never rejected her, and we will be happily living together till today.


Now I don't really care whether she can shift or not, whether she killed Ian's dad or not, all I want is only her to be my side. I know Roselina will never treat unequal to any pack member neither will disrespect their opinion. She will always love and protect my pack being their godmother which I ruined it myself.


I cursed myself for all the pain and sorrows that I have given to her. She was my life, my love, my crush and my everything. If only moon-goddess can be generous enough then I want to meet her, see her once in my life and ask for forgiveness, ask for any punishment or even can kill myself if that makes her happy. Tears slips down my eyes every time I think about my mate.


End of William POV



Chapter 4

My results are finally out after studying 3 weeks continuously without resting and I'm on the moon. Yes, I passed my exam with a 1st class degree. Now nothing can stop me from having my dream house and a car.


I am doing my happy dance when I get a call from Tony uncle.


Ring Ring...!


'Hello' I said


'Congratulations Roselina for your 1st class degree' Tony uncle says


'Thank you, Uncle' I said


'I knew,you can do it. by the way, I have an offer for you in my company as a head of business if you would like to accept the position' Tony uncle says


It was overwhelming to have such a great position offered but then I think it won't be a good idea to accept that position without my hard work. I mean I haven't applied on his company neither have done any interviews and he is happily offering me such a huge position which won't be fair for other candidates.


Therefore, I replied him telling all my above thinking which he appreciated saying that one day I'll be a great leader. He too told me that if I need any help in finding jobs then he'll always be there to help me.


Tony uncle is such a great man with a great heart. I like him the way he supports Lily, me and Mel. He never fails to treat us like his own daughters.


After declining Tony uncle job offer, I start my job hunts in internet applying for a different position. I see one interesting position in internet for the business manager offering attractive salary as well as advertised by the multi-billionaire Starluck Company.


I applied for that position secretly hoping for my luck. Hopefully, I can get a phone call for the internet.


Rest of my day passes by searching and applying for a online jobs while I get a phone call from Mel.


'Hello bimbo' I said


'Hey bitch, don't forget to get your lazy ass down in Roxy club at 7pm' she says


'What? But why?' I said


'It's my graduation party. So, be here on time with Lily' she says


'Done bimbo' I said cutting the phone call


Then I ring Lily about tonight's party which she tells me that she's already aware of it. I need to get some dress for tonight party. Therefore, I walk out of the house towards the town.


I was walking on the street alone while I see a group of hunters heading towards the jungle with lots of bows/arrows and a modern equipment. This scares me thinking about other werewolves.


I know I don't belong to that world anymore but also I need to follow them to find out their plan. I don't have any hard feelings for any werewolf. Therefore, I start to follow them without them noticing me.


I can see them walking deep down the forest towards the rogue territory. I wasn't sure whether they know any rogue, or they are just walking randomly.


After following them for nearly an hour, I start to hear some fighting noise far ahead. OMG, it might be a fight between a rogue and a pack. Cold wind chill down my body thinking about the pack. (I mean which pack?)


I need to rush towards them before hunter gets on their way and need to aware them for their safety. Therefore, I run towards the fighting spot with my full speed.


As soon as I reached the spot, my heart froze with the scene in front of me. I mean it was the exact same scene I saw 12 years ago with Ian's dad. 


And The only difference, is that it is Ian this time not his dad.


Chapter 5


I'm really sorry everyone for taking out all this chapters.


I've recently published this 'Rejection Pays Off Alpha Jerk", my ebook on Amazon kindle for very reasonable price. It has exact same cover page and book name.


My book is available in Amazon worldwide. So, everyone can read it.


It's completely free for Amazon kindle unlimited.


Don't forget, the next upcoming chapters are much more interesting than you ever imagined.



Please do support me and thank you for reading so far.


Your love & support means a world to me.


Thank you all..




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.01.2021

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