
The time is now




It seems want and greed

Have taken over from need

Now everybody just takes

We seem to be surrounded by snakes


What happened to self respect

The need to guide and protect

We are living among savage beasts

Our weak and elderly are their feasts


Stand up now and be counted

Before you are surrounded

Fight for our women and our weak

Now is not the time to be meek


Its time to step into the fire

We can no longer wait to see what will transpire

Legends will be forged

When on vengeance we are engorged


The time has come for blood

It will flow through the streets like a flood

It is time to rise

We will no longer allow them to terrorize


Like those who went before

Our heritage we will restore

Regardless of the price

This evil we must excise





They were just eighteen

Innocent, wholesome and clean

Then their people called

They were whipped into shape and overhauled


Marched into battle

Like so many cattle

With our brothers we would learn to kill

Fear into the hearts of our enemy we would instill


In combat fearsome and wild

Yet deep inside still a child

Before us none would stand

We were willing and did die for this land


They may have taken our childhood

But they gave us this brotherhood

Everyday I see it in their eyes

We all have the ability to recognize


We share a common past

Our bonds are forged and not cast

When the rest have fled

These are the men the enemy will dread


You may think he is just a zero

But this is the child soldier turned hero

He may now be a little grey

But your enemies he will surely slay


When he stands beside his brother

Rage and courage you will discover

They know not how to run or lose

With bravery they do each other infuse


They are the kind of men who know only victory

And will gladly die for liberty

A different prescription



Wether you need equilibrium

With some lithium

Or total bliss

With some cannabis


Always do what is required

For you to remain inspired

Only you know what you need

Be it magic mushrooms or honey mead


Only you can hear the music

That is for you so therapeutic

So pay no heed

To those who want to impede


This is your only chance

Your life dance

So swing and run and jump

While sucking on your asthma pump  


Never doubt that you are perfect

While your insulin you inject

Everybody needs an additive

To navigate life's narrative


Wether its health food or exercise

We all use something to maximize

Yours is just a prescription  

Of a different description

What happened


Where did we go wrong

When did we start to follow the throng

Stop thinking for our self

In the hands of others put our health


Eat mass produced junk

That can only be described as gunk

When the world has so much to offer

Without throwing money in some greedy bastards coffer


Every vitamin and protein we will ever need

The earth will provide and feed

If we treat her with respect

Our needs she will never neglect


We need to turn our backs on modern progress

Start to focus on more sustainable concepts

Time to give back to mother earth

Time for us to experience a true rebirth


Time to get back to our roots

Leave behind all that pollutes

We need to stop abusing every stream

Make the world once again beautiful and green

Never alone


The highest mountain I


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Shane Jansens van Rensburg
Lektorat: Shane Jansens van Rensburg
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.09.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-1447-2

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

As always this body of work is dedicated to the women in my life. My beautiful and supportive wife Michelle and our three girls - Bokkie the hunting dachshund; Pugsly the lap warming pug and Olive the bringer of kisses and our youngest pug child.

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