

I decided to write this poetry book because poetry has become a delightful escape for me.  Living in a country that can only be described as harsh and violent at the best of times I have often needed a means of escape from reality.  Well seeing as I dont abuse any substances words have become my means of escape.  They allow me to see the beautiful side of life, to conjure up dragons and slay them while riding on the back of my unicorn.




What follows is just my words, or as I see them, my friends.  the subject matter is whatever crossed my mind at any given point.  I also attempted to tread ever so softly in Afrikaans so if it is not perfectly correct please dont stone me or you will get to deal with my unicorn.


I sincerely hope that by sharing my poetry with you I will have been able to lighten your load for a little while and shine a little light on a dark world.

The author


Shane Jansens van Rensburg is a writer and a blogger who spends a great deal of his time trying to inform the world about what is going on in his home country – South Africa.

He is outspoken and is not afraid to inform the whole world about the corruption that is rife in every aspect of his countries government, this has not made him very popular with the people in power.

He is also actively involved in trying to help the poor people in South Africa who have reached desperate levels of poverty under the current regime.

He is also an ardent biker and animal rights champion who shares his life with his wife Michelle and three dogs Bokkie, Pugsly and Olive, a sausage dog and two Pugs.  The four of them are his biggest fans.






I dedicate this book to my beautiful wife and my three dog children; they are a constant source of joy and inspiration in a dark and disturbed world.


As long as I have the four of you in my life, how could life be anything but wonderful?







Why are you so afraid of the dark

What does it hold that awakens your fear

Is it because nothing is clear

That everything is so stark


Fear not the dark embrace

                                                             Let it freely flow

Caress your frightened face

Away your troubles will blow


Nowhere you will fear to go

When true darkness you know

It will become your only friend

When evils will you bend


For within the dark is true light

The kind that wins every fight

When darkness becomes a feature

You will rule all manner of creature


So let it into your soul

So that you may endeavour

To be completely whole

And understand forever






My warrior creed




In my head I hear them scream

Will I never again just dream

When will the bloodshed end

Your soul to evil you lend


  You cannot just close your eyes

   For you will still hear their cries

 They who came before

Now tortured behind the closed door


  We owe them more than this

Without them you would have no bliss

They created and built

Will we allow them to merely wilt


It is time for us to stand

Take hold of an elderly hand

Let the savage understand

They will die by your hand


  We will no longer stand by

  And watch our elderly die

  Through me you will not go

   Only pain and death you will know


  For I am the warrior that fights for the old

My blade is sharp and bold

I will stop


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.09.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-3606-8

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my beautiful wife and my three dog children, they are a constant source of joy in a dark and disturbed world.

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