

Published by the author.


First published 2014


All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.



I would like to thank my loving wife Michelle, without who life would be a grey, sad affair.

And my expanding collection of bitches who I suspect live exclusively to make my life pleasurable.

Bokkie, Pugsly and Olive – you truly are a man’s best friend.



My most sincere thanks to the people who purchased the first book, it sold out in a month and has travelled to all the corners of the earth.

I am truly humbled by your on-going support and it is you that makes this labour of love worthwhile.


My eternal thanks to Joan van der Merwe who took the time to find all the little faults that I had overlooked and guide me along the way to a better book.



A shout out to my good friend Betsy Bruwer Gibson for allowing me to make use of our friendship and include her in my ramblings.  That being said, if you ever meet her you may want to be on your best behaviour because she really is that deadly.

Thank you my friend you rock!


1)       Please take note that there is violence and torture in this book, but violence is a reality in South Africa that the people have to deal with on a daily basis.


2)      All the characters in this book are completely fictional and any resemblance to actual people is purely coincidental and not the intention of the author.



After his release from prison in Pretoria, Shane had found himself on a farm in the Freestate area of South Africa.  The farm and its residents had been subject to a vicious farm attack in which the owner had been shot but not killed.  Shane took it on himself to prepare them for the inevitable revenge attack.


He had become close with Karien, the farm owners daughter and Samson their Zulu foreman.  The three of them had enlisted the help of Samson’s Zulu friends and taken the fight to the enemy.  It was bloody and brutal but they dealt the corrupt ANC criminals in the area a brutal blow and had restored peace to the area.


When Karien’s father returned from his stay in hospital he was deeply grateful for all that Shane had done but had not wasted any time in letting Shane know that he was not what he wanted for his daughter.  So Shane left the farm, much to Kariens distress as she had fallen hopelessly in love with him.  Her feelings were not unrequited and Shane loved her deeply but he also knew that after years in prison watching the ANC turn his beloved homeland into a bloody warzone it was time to act.


Shane had declared war on corrupt murderous officials, farm attackers and specifically Julius Lamella, an especially outspoken political leader that was whipping the masses into a feeding frenzy.  They targeted white people, especially the elderly and those with no means to defend themselves.   Most of the whites had been systematically disarmed by the government and were now at the mercy of criminals who were usually well armed with the same guns the police had confiscated from the white people.


He had unbeknown to Oom Koos remained in contact with Karien and Samson who now ran a very efficient security company, and they kept him updated on what was happening and where it was happening so that Shane could always be where he was needed most.


Shane had been riding hard since dawn, he loved seeing the sun come up while tearing down the road on Jezebel (Jezebel was his pride and joy, she was a Harley.).


He had been traversing the country on his bike for a couple of weeks now and Karien and Samson had been steering him in the direction where he could be the most effective in protecting the poor and elderly white folks.  He had been very successful in his exploits and the word was getting out among the corrupt officials that there was a dangerous white man out there that was handing out justice in the name of his people, and he was doing it “old school”!  If you came to hurt or kill the old or innocent then Shane had no problem killing you and sending you to your ancestors.


This was not a game, it was war, and the rules had been set by the ANC and their hordes of violent criminals.  Shane was playing by their rules and he was winning.  In the grand scheme of things they were probably small victories, but even small victories were felt by everyone when it had been so long since anyone had done anything at all.  The authorities were stumped as they were not having any luck catching him.  The people that remained behind at the crime scenes where he had been active seemed to be suffering from some sort of mental block and the information the police received from them never actually made any sense at all.


Some said he was small, some said he was extremely large, his hair colour ranged from white to red and any colour in between, some of the older Boer aunties had even described him as having wings and that he had descended out of heaven with a flaming sword to take revenge on the enemies of Gods people. No matter how they threatened the victims of violent attacks that had been saved by this white man, they could never get a decent description of him.  The things they had been told were enough to make anyone superstitious.  Some said he had arrived in a flash of bright light, and other said he was riding General Delarey’s horse, the same horse the general had ridden in the Boer War.  Other said he just appeared and disappeared at will.  The police had no idea why their best detectives could not get any straight answers out of all the people they had interrogated.  Even when they used threats, a lawyer would arrive and defend people that the police knew had no money to pay legal fees.


This was the work of Karien and Samson advising people what to say when they were interrogated and using the money Shane had stolen from the ANC officials to pay for lawyers, and help the victims put their lives back together after Shane had dealt with the attackers that were bent on destroying their lives.  The kitty of cash was growing exponentially because every time Shane dealt with the criminal underworld that was feeding on his people he robbed them blind and left them with nothing.  The money and goods were always dispatched to Samson and Karien who used it to continue his good work among the poor and victimised. 


Yes, the legend of Satan Mshlope was coming along nicely.  Evil people were paying for their deeds with their lives and the people in the firing line of the criminals were starting to feel something they had not felt in a very long time – Hope.   


The feeling of Jezebel vibrating and roaring maliciously between his legs was something Shane had grown to love.  Since leaving the farm in the freestate and heading out on what was to become his cause and his purpose, Shane had become one with this amazing machine and they knew each other intimately.  It was almost as if the bike understood him and knew what he wanted from it.


They had ridden across South Africa delivering swift and deadly justice to those who would try to destroy the Boer people.  Shane had also looked up a bunch of old friends that had served with him in his previous life, there weren’t many left.  Some had passed on and some were no longer in South Africa.  But those who remained were older and deadlier and more importantly they were fiercely loyal and could be depended upon when Shane needed assistance.


  These were the kind of people you wanted in your corner when the shit hit the fan!!  In the last couple of weeks Shane had built up and touched base with these reliable warriors all over the country.

The task at hand was never going to be easy but it was much more achievable and easier on the soul now that there was a network of likeminded people who were in his corner.  He was headed in the direction of Polokwane in the Limpopo Province to see an old friend who had served with him in the bush.


  His friend had sent him information on a savage criminal that was preying on old woman in the town of Polokwane but was getting away with it because of his contacts in the corrupt local government.  Shane could not stand any form of violence toward women especially rape, for rape there was no excuse and no forgiveness, there was also only one appropriate sentence.

Anybody who raped deserved to die a brutal and painful death.


About 30kms from Polokwane he slowed down to avoid any speed traps or cameras in the area, after all Jezebel was still in Karien’s dads name and the old man would not be happy if he received speeding fines.  He had let go of the throttle and was basically freewheeling when he rode under a large concrete bridge.  There was a traffic cop’s car parked under the bridge but no cops in sight.


  Shane had just about cleared the other side of the bridge when he thought he heard a woman scream.  He cut Jezebels motor and slowly stepped on the foot brake to slow her down and then he heard it again and it was definitely a terrified scream.  He coasted off the road and pushed Jezebel into the brush on the side of the road where she would not be seen.  He started to jog back toward the bridge, on the way he checked his side arm and his knife just in case he needed them.  He reached the traffic cop’s car and walked around it, there was nobody in the car and the keys were in the ignition.


He removed the keys from the ignition and tossed them into the bush on the other side of the road.  Then he heard the scream again and it was very close by.  Whatever was happening was going down on the other side of the massive concrete support that held up one side of the bridge.  He stepped up to the support beam and peeped around the other side to see what was happening.


There was a Volkswagen Golf that had been driven to the other side of the concrete beam where it was out of the public eye and would not be seen by motorists driving past.  The scene that unfolded before Shane’s eyes instantly had his blood boiling.


  There were two traffic cops, the one closest to Shane had a young man on his knees and was beating him with a Maglite torch and forcing him to look in the direction of the golf where his partner had a young brunette on the bonnet and was raping her.  Her assailant had ripped of her underwear and it was lying on the ground in front of the car.  She was doing her best to protect herself but the cop was very large and was forcing himself on her without much effort.


There was not much time to consider a plan of action so Shane stepped up behind the cop that was closest to him and whipped a hand around his head and cupped his mouth, with his other hand he unclipped his knife and with one swipe he cut the man’s throat, the knife was supremely sharp and cut all the way to the bone, and Shane slit him open from ear to ear.  He held him in that position until his body stopped convulsing and the blood stopped pumping and started dribbling out of the massive wound, and then he quietly slid him on to the ground.


  The young man still on his knees was staring at him with terrified eyes but never made a sound.  Shane winked at him, it was all he could think of doing to put the young man at rest.

He quietly relieved the dead cop of his pistol, slowly and silently cocked it and then shouted,


 “Hey asshole!”


 The other cop turned in their direction and saw Shane; he instinctively went for his side arm which was not by his side but around his ankles.  The realization of his predicament was not evident on his face for more than a second because when Shane aimed the bullet always hit its mark and he simply shot him between the eyes; his body twisted around from the impact and rolled onto the ground landing in front of the car.


The young girl just lay there on the bonnet of the car weeping.  Shane stepped up to the car and took her by the hand and helped her off the car and said.


“It’s going to be alright, he can’t hurt you anymore.  He is never going to hurt anyone ever again.”


  She held onto Shane and cried, slowly she stopped crying and whispered,


“Thank you, thank you, thank you.”


“Its ok girl, it’s all over now.”


She then looked past him and saw the dead cop with the back of his head blown away.  In a split second she pulled away from Shane, he thought she was going to run or get sick but much to his surprise she went around him and started kicking the shit out of the body!


“You fuck!!  You sick fuck, you had no right to touch me you black bastard!”


Shane gently eased her away from the body and calmed her down.


  “Sorry Oom (sorry uncle) but I am just so pissed off!!  That black bastard raped me!”


“Yes I saw and you have every reason to be pissed off, but I don’t want passers by to stop here and see two dead cops, ok?”


“Ok, Oom”


She suddenly looked embarrassed and started to re-arrange her clothing and make sure that it was covering everything it was supposed to cover and tried to tidy her hair.  Shane looked across to where the young man was still sitting on the ground; he was crying and making strange noises.  Shane picked him up and he started to cry even louder.  Shane did the only thing he could think of doing and slapped him hard across the face which instantly shut him up.


“You need to pull yourself together!  Right now!”


“Ja Oom, sorry Oom”


“It’s ok, you two have been through a terrible experience but the shit is over and you and your girl are safe now!  Understood?”


“Yes Oom, sorry Oom, but what are we going to do now?  Those cops are dead.”


“I will tell you what we are going to do, we are going to go our separate ways and forget that we ever met, ok?”


“Yes, but”


The girl stepped between them.


“But nothing, sorry oom, but Pieter can be really stupid when he wants to but I will make him understand.”


Shane stepped up to Pieter and looked down at the frightened boy and said.


“Pieter my boy, you just got your ass handed to you while your pretty young lady friend got raped by a savage?  Is that a story you want to tell people?  That you were on your knees crying while your lady friend took one for the team?”


“No sir, not at all!  But I was scared to death; I thought they were going to kill us!”


“They most certainly were going to kill you when they had, had enough fun at your lady friends expense!”


“Oom my name is Janet , and I will always be grateful for what you did, thank you again.  Just tell me what you want us to do and I will make it happen.”


“You young lady have spunk and are going to be fine, of that I am sure.  Take this card and when you leave here, you phone that number and speak to Karien, tell her what happened, she will put you in contact with a doctor in this area that will put you on a course of antiretroviral medication just in case.  You never know with these savages.”


“Thank you Oom, what is your name?”


“ You don’t need to know my name, it’s not important, what is important is that you two kids grab anything that belongs to you and get the hell out of here, leave nothing behind that can be traced back to you.  Now get going and forget you ever saw me, I will deal with the rest of this mess.”


“Yes oom, thank you oom, you saved our lives  today.”


“It was a pleasure Janet, and Pieter, you need to man up and start taking much better care of this young lady, ok?”


“Yes sir”


“And Janet when you phone Karien make sure Pieter gets to talk to Samson about the virtue of keeping a secret, ok?”


She stepped up to Shane and hugged him hard,


“Yes sir, I will make sure it happens, and thank you again.”


“It’s fine, and if you need any counselling or anything like that then you contact Karien and she will make a plan for you.”


“Yes Oom, thank you Oom.”


They picked up their stuff including Janet’s torn panty, climbed in their little car and sped off in the direction of Polokwane.  Shane made sure they had left nothing incriminating behind, relieved the dead cops of their weapons and walked away in the direction that he had left Jezebel.  It seemed that Polokwane was going to be busier than he thought.


Shane rode into Polokwane and stopped at a petrol station where he made a call to his friend.  They had served together for a while on the border although they were not from the same unit.  Chucky as his friends called him was a police officer even back then and had done his border service as part of the police force.  He was still a police officer but was not even remotely a supporter of the current government.


  The only reason he was still a cop was that he did not want to give up on a pension he had worked so hard to achieve, he was biding his time and waiting for the day that he could just leave it behind and flip his superiors the proverbial bird!

He pulled up to the petrol station in a bakkie that was kitted out and looked as if it might actually be able to cross Africa if need be.


“Shane!  Long-time no see my brother!  I was starting to wonder if I would ever see you again and then out of the blue I get a call from you.  What you are doing is fucking brilliant!  If there was ever someone who could pull this off then it is you.”


“Good to see you Chucky!  But this is not just me, it’s a group effort made


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Shane Jansens van Rensburg
Bildmaterialien: Shane Jansens van Rensburg
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.06.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-2093-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I would like to thank my loving wife Michelle, without who life would be a grey, sad affair. And my expanding collection of bitches who I suspect live exclusively to make my life pleasurable. Bokkie, Pugsly and Olive – you truly are a man’s best friend. Sadly I must take this opportunity to pay homage to my best friend Chucky on whom the character of "Chucky" in the book is based. Chucky died of a massive heart attack while I was still writing this book. This tragedy came as a huge shock to all involved as he was one of the healthiest and most vibrant people that I knew. Chucky was not only a good father and husband but he was my best friend and a man that I could trust with my life as proven so many times over the years. He was a warrior and a soldier and we guided each other over the rough patches through the years. He was my friend, my brother and my confidant. He was also the best police officer I ever had the pleasure of working with. I feel truly lost.

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