
Time to Start Being Prepared for What is Coming in this Country


 A guide to surviving the new South Africa and the Genocide that will surely follow

                                        By Shane Jansens van Rensburg


This guide is serious - the advice is for real and may save your life if it seems funny at times then I am glad and can’t help it, and don’t want to, we need to make funny comments from time to time and laugh at ourselves.

Please note that this guide is my intellectual property and if you copy, sell or otherwise distribute it without my express permission you will be breaking the law. 



The first thing you need to do is stop waiting for it to get better!  Seriously - that ship has sailed and it aint coming back!  You have more chance of winning the Lotto than the situation in this country getting any better.  It is going to get a lot worse so you need to start developing a "prepper" mentality if you want to keep you and your loved ones safe.  The days of laughing at all the weirdo's who were preparing for some terrible catastrophe are long gone and if we don’t start catching up the weirdo's are going to be laughing at us for being so complacent.


1) Start making lists of what you already have and what you need, it sounds stupid but trust me when I tell you that you are going to forget something important that could save your life if you don’t have a list.

2) Start by talking to your family members, and make sure that they are all included in your preparations.  Make sure each one has definite tasks to do when the proverbial shit hits the fan; these tasks will help keep them calm and focused.  Always remember that panic is your number one enemy and will get you killed.

3) It will be a good idea to improve the general fitness level of everyone in your group, relax - I am not saying you need to run the comrades marathon, but you do need to start doing something.  Try going for walks or take up a sport that you can do together - anything that will get your heart rate up and the blood pumping.

4) Now is a good time to start taking your family on camping trips, it does not have to be far away or expensive.  Just get them out into nature and into a situation where they have to learn to make a fire and maybe catch some fish, hike over some rough terrain.  You never know when living in the sticks and surviving will become your only option.  It will be much less of a traumatic experience if they have done it before.

5) Start collecting, especially food - everybody has a corner in their house or garage that they can clear out and dedicate to a stash of non-perishable food.  You need to collect canned foods but remember anything containing meat should not be kept longer than six months, the ones without meat can last years.  Rice and Pasta are great as they last for ages, get an airtight container and fill it with the South African staple - Mielie pap!  That shit will keep you going for ever and a day ask any mund!(black savage)

Important foods are:

1-      canned goods

2-      biltong

3-      dehydrated foods

4-      MRE’s (meals ready to eat) or as we know them rat packs.

5-      Beans

6-      Rice

7-      Flour

8-      Grain

9-      pasta

6) You will need weapons, if you have firearms that is awesome - make sure they are clean and in working order, buy a shitload of ammunition but most importantly make sure your family members know how to use them safely and can access them in an emergency.  Don’t rely on only guns and rifles; make sure you have a veritable collection of knives and bats.  Invest in a compound or cross bow - they are silent, deadly and require no permits.  Anything that can be used to fend off an attacker is good to have in your kit, especially if they serve more than one purpose,


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.05.2013
ISBN: 978-3-7309-2823-3

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To my lovely wife Michelle who has been the most loving and patient companion while I lend my skills to others. Love you babe!

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