
Leaving the home and entering the hell

Stella after doing a last goodbye to the Smith's house leaves for the airport in the taxi with her 3 year old brother Sky.She never wanted to leave her heritage but she has to as she can't disobey laws at this tender age of 17.Her brother is poking her from time to time irritating her to hell."Sky bad manners" "sorry sis"he said in his sqeaky  voice.She took a glance at his innocent face and a smile spread across her face.He return her smile.By the time they reached airport.They boarded for the plane and in 3 or 4 hours they are at their aunt's house.Her welcome is a cold one,she didn't even ask them about their journey and just directed them towards their room.The room is a normal with a king size bed with orange covers,curtains and rugs.A wardrobe is situated in a corner while on the other corner there is a door that leads to a small bathroom.As compared to her old room it is quite small but still is nice.

As the days passes Stella came to know two things about her aunt that she is greedy and b****.Although she had fairly amount of money she doesn't let her spend on herself and her brother.The only thing she gave them food which is also snatched when Stella is ordered to cook and end up burning the food.It's not her fault she doesn't know cooking.After the mess created by Stella in kitchen her aunt orders the food and starv them in punishment.Stella always manages to steal the biscuits from the upper shelf of kitchen but that is not enough to feed them both.She is fed up of battling for food everyday even when she got enough money for feeding them.This is not like her,back at her hometown she was considered as crazy for her pranks.She is a lively girl back there.It's not like she doesn't prank on her aunt,but every time she pranked, her aunt end up skipping their meal of the day.So she give up on her aunt but her hopes are still awake.The only thing in her mind now is escape.

What the hell I'm gonna do

 Camden is sitting on a park bench thinking deeply.The sun is about to set and there are very few people left.He is kicked out of his job for arguing with his boss and he is left with nothing.He lives away from his parents on his own,two years from now.He asks his father for money but he declined as soon as he made his offer.He had to pay the rent of his little appartment within this week else he will be homeless.As it begins to dark he started to head towards his home.As he is 10 minutes away from the park he tripped and falls, kissing the ground.He groaned in pain.As he stood up he saw a nice house in front of him.He knows about the owner she is misery.She doesn't lend someone a single penny even though having a fair amount.

He fastened his pace and reaches his house ,taking a long bath headed for his bed.He maked up his mind,he will rob that evil old women.

The Plan

 On the very next morning Camden decided to take his plan into action. He got ready and takes his first meal of the day. He by his little investigation knows that the owner of the house leaves her home for 2 hours at 11am. He leaves his house as the clock struck 11. It’s a 15 minute car ride from his home to his destination. As he reached their he parked his car 2 blocks from THAT house. He took a deep breath “Is he really going to do this” he asked himself “but now it’s too late to think about it I have to do it” and he leaves his car to the place where he planned his robbery. The car is not in the driveway and the front door is locked too, so probably the old lady already leaved. He searched for the entrance and finally found the balcony door open. He climbed the pipe and entered the room. Shit! There is a child in the room probably 3 or 4 years old playing. The old lady doesn’t have a heir, he knows that she lives alone so from where the hell the child came? Cool down Camden a child is of no threat he told himself. Then a door yanked open and there stood a girl, a beautiful one.I took in her features. A pale one with towel around showing her perfect curves. Her eyes were unique it’s purple with a hint of silver in it. Water is dripping from her perfect blonde hair that is reaching down to her waist. When she saw me everything fell silent.She tilted her head to one side and we just stared at each other then out of no where she screamed and ran to the door she came from, probably bathroom and locked herself. Oh my god this is going to be my last day as a civil citizen from tomorrow onwards I am going to have a tag of criminal. Someone Save Me.

Escaping The Hell (Part 1)


Stella was in the shower when she hears ruffling outside more than every day. “What sky is up to” with that thought she wrap a towel around her and opened the door to find a boy probably 2 to 3 years older than herself in front of her. He has sharp features she was taking in his features and probably he was doing the same then they locked eyes. Wait a second who is he and what is he doing here, she screamed and ran to the bathroom door and locked herself. She quickly dressed up and came out of the bathroom. That stranger was nowhere in sight. I mouthed to sky that where is that guy and he pointed his fingers under the bed. I peep under the bed and ask him to come out. Time for some fun she thought. “So what is your name and why the hell you entered my territory” she asked him in a strict tone making him more nervous than he was before. “My name is Camden and I enter your territory………to..” and he began to shake with fear he never had committed any crime this is his first time and that too he is caught. Watching him shaking with fear Stella can no more take her laughter she burst out laughing, it was her first laughter after entering this hell. This made Camden confused. Stella make it clear to him “Ok........ok.......let me tell you this is my aunts home she really is bitch and is pain in my ass, I will help you stealing the money but only if you help me in escaping this place and we wil divide the money in half” she asked Camden in a challenging tone. Knowing that he had no other choice Camden nods his head in yes.

Escaping The Hell (part 2)


“Ok so follow me immediately because she will be home soon” she orders him. “Don’t you have to pack” he asked. “No I have a bag ready, anyways I was planning for an escape from awhile” she replied. “If you will escape with your aunt’s money doesn’t she call the police?”he asked her. “She will not because if she will she knew that I will tell the officers about her mistreating me and keeping me in her house only for money” she replied. He still didn’t get it but decided to leave this topic for now. “ok so now hurry up” she ordered and they both sneak into her aunt’s room. She kept all the money in her locker. Stella knew that her locker’s duplicate key was under her pillow which she saw her keeping a few days back, she never knew that she will do something like  that but seeing this guy Camden make her determination for escaping more strong. They open the locker with the key and Camden starts to fill the bag with money. Stella just stood there watching him robbing her old aunt. “Leave the last 500 dollars” she blurted out. “What? Why does you care about that old b**** when all she does is to enslave you” he asked her in defensive tone. “I don’t know. It’s just she is my aunt and” she sighed “I just can’t do the same she did with me” she whispered waiting for his harsh reply. “It’s okay” he said and passed her a genuine smile. Stella returns his smile with the same warmness. This little incidence made Camden grew respect for Stella in his heart. After that they came upstairs, Stella tied sky on her back and the three leaves the place through balcony. They settled themselves on Camden’s car and drove off.

New place New drama


“So did you have any place to go?”Camden asks. “No I don’t have any” she replied and a frown took place on her forehead. “You and Sky can live with me until you get a place, if you want” Camden asks hesitantly. “Thanks but what about your parents?” Stella asks as it is obvious that no parent will allow sheltering a stranger girl and her little brother. “Don’t worry about it I live on my own” Camden made it clear. Stella opens her mouth to say something but find herself with the shortage of the words so she kept silent. Camden saw her lips moving but never bothered to ask her about it. The ride to the apartment was short. Soon they find themselves in front of a small building which was poorly maintained. The trio went out of the car and headed towards the building. Camden leads them to a brown wooden door. He unlocked the door and they enter his so called home. “I have 2 rooms so you and sky can use the left one but we have to share a bathroom and you obviously can see kitchen”. “Thanks for your help and I will shift as soon as possible” “Take your time and by the way I am going out to buy groceries and other foods while you can unpack” Cam said.  He went out the apartment and she entered the allotted room. As she opened the bag Sky grab his toy car and ran into living room. Stella starts stuffing her clothes in the wardrobe. “Sissy I’m hungry” Sky came to her pouting. Stella began to search for some readymade food in the kitchen but found none. She found some eggs and thought of making pancakes. “Sky is pancakes ok for you?” the child not having it from ages got his mouth watered at the name and squealed. Stella laughed and started mixing flour with eggs and milk preparing the batter. Here Camden got involved in talking with James, his best buddy since a long time. He was a 6ft and tanned guy with blue eyes, he has killer looks that every guy yearned for. On the other hand Cam is a normal guy of 6’2ft with pale skin (I mean seriously girls consider guys with tan skin hotter) .It’s Friday night and he was coming to Cam’s home for the movie that they supposed to go together. “Sorry dude but I don’t feel like going anywhere” “Ok dude I know that you are upset, I heard of you being kicked out” “who told you?” “Tiffany” he said as a matter of fact. Tiffany is Cam’s colleague and was a gossip queen. She is known for her being nosy into others matter. No wonder she had spread this news to the whole town till now. “So if you need me I can come over to yours place” “No, no, no I am perfectly fine” Camden wobbled. “Ok call me if you want someone to talk” James leaves patting his friends shoulder. Camden rushed to his apartment as it took him a good time talking to James. He saw smoke coming from his apartment and got panicked. He rushes to see what happened and saw a terrified Stella attempting to flip something on a pan which cannot be identified as it is burnt completely. “What are you doing” he asked all horrified. “Can’t you see I’m trying to make pancakes. I poured the batter on the pan but it’s stick to the surface” She said pouting. “Don’t tell me you don't even know how to make pancakes” Cam asked.Stella just shrugged her shoulders as she doesn’t even knew the abc of cooking. Now Cam cannot hold his laughter and burst out laughing “if...if you don’t know how to…….then you shouldn’t…t...touch it” he managed to say between his laugh “I almost got an attack” and he was still giggling. He entered his room still laughing after telling her that he will order something. Stella stood there as her pride just got hurt. Now her embarrassment is changing into rage. “Wait up Mr. Camden Seth Wood because payback is a b****”. She smirked and entered her room followed by Sky. 

Revenge time (part 1)


Next morning Cam woke up to a piercing scream of his neighbour. He got startled and fell of his bed. He got out seeing what happened and saw Mr. White babbling and cursing someone for ruining his garden, Mr. White is the owner of that small building. “Who the hell can do that? After all who wants to get kicked out?” Cam said that out loud. “Isn’t it funny to see him getting pissed” Stella whispered in his ears. Camden gasped “you did that?” She just giggled in response. “It’s long since I got my pranks worked” she patted herself proud over what she has done. They came back to the living room as no one knows about Stella being the culprit. “Stop, Stop! Let’s play a game” Stella squealed grabbing his wrist at the doorstep. “What game?” Cam asked groaning. “The second one to reach the couch is a loser” She said. “Ok…………..” he answered still unsure. And they began to run, Stella slowed her pace down. Cam smelled something fishy and just as they are about to reach the couch he stopped abruptly and move to the side at a swing. Stella can’t able to stop and inertia made her fall to the couch at her face. The water balloon planted by her under the cover made her wet and a fool also. Cam starts laughing hysterically. Just then the doorbell rang. Cam went to answer it and Stella ran towards her room to change. Cam opens the door to reveal her girlfriend Cassandra. She is not much beautiful but she is the definition of sexy. “Hi baby I mish u show much” She said trying to fake her voice and jumped in the arms of Cam. Besides all of this Cam like her or you can say so. Here Stella hears some ruffling outside and decided to stay in the room. Cam remembers about Stella and made an excuse to warn her. “Listen miss trouble my girlfriend is here so pls don’t come out of the room” and he ran outside. These words are enough to encourage her for her next plan.   

Revenge time (part 2)


There is Stella sitting in her room waiting for the perfect timing to execute her plan with Sky still sleeping in the room. She heard some footsteps and peeped through the door to see her gf going to washroom. Perfect timing she thought. She entered the living room in lingerie. Yes, we are talking about Stella Matthew. She is probably the craziest person living on the Earth if it comes to pranks and revenges. “Hi Cam” Stella whispered in his ears. “What the hell are you ……” he said stopped midsentence when he see her in lingerie. “So how I am looking” She asked him seductively while nibbling on his ears. This sent shiver through his spines. Its working she thought smirking inside. She started a trail of kisses down his neck and returned to his lips and kissed him lightly. He returned the kiss and it turned into a passionate one. Stella pulls apart smoothly and whispered in his ears “The game is on” and walked inside her room. “Don’t take too long I am waiting baby” she yelled from her room. Camden turned his head to see Cassandra their fuming with anger. Stella in her room changed and can hear the yelling outside. She smirked “I am back” she mumbled to herself. “Sissy what happen” Sky asked rubbing his eyes. “Nothing, you sleep well?” she asked in a baby tone. Sky nodded his head. “Ok, go play with the toys but don’t go outside the room” she told him and got outside when the shouting died. Now Stella felt guilty as her prank was way too much, she thought of apologizing to him. He was sitting in the couch with a red mark in his one cheek and his face was red with anger. “I didn’t mean...........” Stella begun but cut off by Cam “what didn’t you mean you just stay here for two days and my life already became a hell. You know what your parents did the right thing to leave you with your aunt. You deserve that” He yelled and leave to his room slamming door behind. Unknowingly he brought up a sensitive topic up and the tears which she always defended came out involuntary. This was the last thing she ever wanted to hear.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.12.2014

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