

Kangu’s Adventures



Story 1 - Australia

Do you know Australia? It's a big, big island in the sea, with some deserts, but also mountains and lakes. There are also a lot of rainforests, which is a kind of jungle, where there are many animals and plants. Surely you know something similar from the zoo. If you have ever been to a tropical house, then you can imagine how one must feel in these huge areas in Australia.

Australia also has many animals, even quite dangerous ones. For example, there are crocodiles, poisonous spiders, snakes, and many others. But Australia is especially famous for its kangaroos. Do you know kangaroos?

You have to imagine a kangaroo so: A kangaroo's head looks a bit like a mouse's head. A kangaroo jumps upright on its hind legs and has very long feet. The kangaroo's arms are a little shorter. The special thing about a kangaroo is that it can box with its arms. With this it defends itself. And another thing a kangaroo has. On the belly of female kangaroos is a kind of pouch, where the babies are carried.

To go somewhere, a kangaroo doesn't walk as you do. It jumps on its big hind legs. It can make big jumps and also jump quite far and fast. It uses its strong, long tail to balance and support itself. Just as you sometimes lean on your arms, the kangaroo leans on its strong tail.

Kangaroos love Australia because it can get very hot there during the day. They love to eat plants, and there are plenty of them in the jungle, but also in the vast bush and


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.04.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1276-2

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