
Chapter 1

Have you ever feel like you are being watch? Like something is in the glade just watching you. Waiting to pounce and take you as it’s victim. Well maybe you are like me.

I was just a girl of a beloved family. There wasn’t much to me nor was there anything less to me. I had a passion for art and music and that was it. I really couldn’t see why someone would want to take me away to be theirs. It just seemed stupid in my opinion.

But what do I know really. I was always locked in the house to remain a secret from the world. My parents didn’t even tell the public about me for why would they. No one knew that I even was there.

I would sit in my room and watch the people out of my window. I would draw what I saw or if I was bored just take pictures. Mom and Dad had families that loved my pictures I took of them. They would come and my parents set up a fake camera while I sat in my room and took the pictures. Easy money if you ask me. But that was just as far as I got with seeing any real danger.

My father feared that one day something might happen to me like it had when I was younger. He was scared that I would just disappeared from him and never return. My mother was the same way. But much worst. If I even set one foot out of my room she screamed and yelled at me for even thinking about leaving. My father well he didn’t care as long as I didn’t leave the home.

But as every good thing there was it’s horror that followed it. For a while I didn’t let him bother me but it began to scare me. One day this boy just showed up at the gates of the house and just stared up at my room as if he knew I was there. At first I thought nothing of it but soon he was there everyday just staring at me. It began to go uneasy and I became scared of him.

His shoulder length blonde hair and baby blue eyes just staring up at me. As if I was all he saw for those long hours. I began to close my curtains to get his eyes off of me but he only found another way to gaze up at me. My room was in circular tower with windows that lead in the four directions. But he somehow found out that I have to leave one open for my stuff. He began to circle my tower looking for that one and when he found it he stared.

Today though I left them all shut in fear he would try something. Maybe he would think that I’m not here today. For my father takes me out rarely. Hopefully he would think that today is one of those days.

“Amelia what are you doing?”I heard my father ask,”Why are all of your windows closed off to the public?”

“There’s no special reasoning,”I said hoping he wouldn’t catch my lie.

“Amelia,”He said in a warning tone,”Why are your window blocked today?”

“There’s a boy outside that just stares up at my window,”I said showing him the kid,”He looks about my age.”

“How long has this been going on?”

“For I think three months. Why Daddy?”

“Why haven’t you told anyone about this?”

“You all were busy and plus mom would ground me for life if I had set one foot out of my room without your say in it.”

He nodded and left me there. I looked over the edge of the window to see him there just trying to get a glance at me. I hurriedly close them and went to my bed. There had to be something to get my head out of this whole thing. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. What to do what to do?

I looked over and saw a book about wolves. Why not. I picked that up and leaned back in my chair and opened it to the front page. I let my eyes gaze over each word as the tale of werewolves played in my head.

Chapter 2

 “Honestly the wolf shouldn’t be the monster here,”My only friend said,”If anything it should be the girl.”

“Kimmy the wolf attacked her in the story and made her serve them for life,”I said back looking at the book again,”The wolf IS the bad guy here and you know that.”

“Whatever,”She said hanging up on me.

Kimmy was a family friend. She had a golden heart for any kind of living animal. In my opinion it was a little out of her league to. I mean you can’t keep every animal alive now! But she is a kind redhead. Even though her ice cold blue eyes could kill a man.

I pulled my black hair out of my face. It was down to the middle of my back. I looked at the mirror to see the girl I had become. My green eyes looking scared as I knew that boy was still there. My lips holding the red lipstick my mother forcefully put on me along with the blue eyeshadow. My pajamas I wear everyday for I don’t go out anywhere. Today they were sweatpants and a tank top that both were blue. I stood at about 5’3” and was nothing special. I was also a little bit tan for I loved to sit in my window and watch the outdoors. I had gotten that from my dad. I watched as the girl I saw wasn’t the girl I use to be. This one was emotionless and not as free spirited as I use to be.

I could remember when I ran around the town with Kimmy playing games. Now though I can only call her and listen about her day. My life was boring and plain. Nothing stood out any more to me.

I went over to my bed as I shut the lights out. I crawled in wanting all of this to end. I want my old going everywhere life. Where I did have to stay in this room but could explore some? Whatever though. I shut my eyes as I heard something opened to my left. My door was that way. Must be my father or something.

Chapter 3

~The Boy~


I waited till I knew she was down speaking with her friend and her parents went to sleep. I have to get her out of there and to safety from other wolves wanting to claim her as theirs.

I climbed up the side of the house to get to the second floor. If I’m right she is on the forth floor, or that’s what it looks like. I jumped in and saw that the house was mostly empty. Wow I thought this would be harder. They probably thought they no one would take her. Whatever.

I went to her room and slowly opened the door. You will be safe my little kitten. 

Chapter 4

I ran outside as my father followed behind me. I was only four at this time. I loved just running in the woods near my house. It was just an amazing feeling.

“Amelia don’t go too far now,”My father called to as I ran far ahead of him,”I want to make sure I can see you.”

“Okay Daddy,”I called to him as I saw a puppy.

I slowed down and went up to it. I got on my hands and knees as I looked at it. He was so small and cute. I giggled as he sniffed my face.

“Hello Puppy,”I said as he just looked at me.

I was going to pet his head as I heard it. I turned around and saw the massive beast behind me. He attacked as I scream for my Daddy.


I soon woke up in a hospital room. I looked around and saw my Dad beside me on my bed. My mother was talking to the Doctor I guess. I was also in my father’s arms.

“Dada,”I said as I could barely talk.

“You're alright Amelia,”He said as my mother looked at me.

“Baby can you say that again?”She asked as I did,”Kyle her speak is…”

“This won’t last long,”The doctor said as Daddy petted my head,”But you will have to work with her in getting her speak back to what it was suppose to be.”

“Will this ever happen again down the line?”Mom asked worried.

“I don’t think it will,”He said leaving,”If you need anything just buzz for me.”

She nodded and Daddy just went over what had happen to me. The beast had knocked me down and I hit my head. Then he also had hit me in the throat. There was a lot more about it but I really didn’t care.

To me this was the most scareful thing that had ever happen to me. This was also the reason why I’m not allow outside anymore for fear of this happening again.

I woke up slowly as something felt different about my room. I was also by someone and when I fell asleep there was no one there. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I wasn’t in my room anymore!

I could see just out the door a grand living room with fur skins on the couches. To my right was a bathroom but I could hardly see in it. On the bed I was in was also fur. On the walls animal figurines or stuff was there. The walls were also wooden as if I was in a log cabin or something.

“I didn’t think you would want to hold me so soon,”Someone said next to me.

I looked to my left and there sat a boy. THAT BOY! I looked down as I was holding onto his arm. I let go and fell backwards out of the bed and onto the wooden floors. He jumped out of the bed and came to my side.

“Are you alright Kitten?”He asked checking me out.

“Who are?”I asked backing away from him,”And why did you bring me here?”

“That’s easy Kitten,”He said calling me that name again,”You’re my mate and I had to get you to safety. I really don’t want you to go through anything like the last time we met.”

“What?”I asked as he smiled.

His eyes seemed to glow now as if he was part animal. He was also just wearing a vest lined with grey fur and skinny jeans. His smile was pure white and looked very K-9ish to me.

“I’m that puppy,”He said as I went wide eyed,”I felt so bad that I couldn’t help you out more than what I could trying to get him off of you. But I promise that you will never have to go through something like that ever again Kitten.”

“Why are you calling me that?”

“For your my kitten.”

“You still haven’t gave me a name.”

“Oh I’m so very sorry about that Kitten. I’m Garroth. But you can call me whatever you like to.”

I stared up at him as I was at a wall and he was in front of me inches from my face. I took in shaky breaths out of fear what he might be up to. He seemed so tame but I could tell he was holding something back by the look in his eyes.

“What’s wrong Kitten?”He asked in my ear as I turned my head away from him,”Am I not doing something right?”

“Please just leave me alone,”I cried out of fear.

“Now my little kitten there is no need to be scare of me,”He said picking me up and placing me back on the bed,”You weren’t that day in the woods.”

“That was before…”I started as he hushed me.

“I know,”He said making me look at him,”But that won’t happen again. And I’m going to make sure of that my dear little Kitten.”

I stayed still as he got closer to me. He seemed lost in just watching me. This is so making me uneasy.

“Please stop,”I whimper out as he stopped.

“Garroth!”Someone yelled from just outside the room we were in.

“What!?”He yelled back and in my ear,”Sorry for that Kitten.”

“Your father wants to have a word with you,”A girl said walking in,”I’ll watch her for you.”

“There’s no need to,”He said as she left with a nod,”You’ll be coming with me.”

“What…”I started but he dragged me off the bed and outside to the cold weather.

I was barefooted and in my tank top. So I was freezing. He ran all the way there dragging me behind him as he did so. I tried to protest against this but he ignored me at all cost I presume.

I was so happy when we got there. He stopped as I was pretty sure my teeth were chattering. He looked at me as if just now seeing what was going on. He brought me close and I was enveloped in his warmth. I wrapped my arms around him wanting to be warm. He laughed at me but didn’t move.

“I forgot that you really weren’t wearing something for cold Kitten,”He said in my ear,”I’m sorry for that.”

I didn’t say anything while he walked me in like that. Inside it was warm. I saw a fire and went over there. I sat in front and let the heat run over my body. I heard him laugh at me again as I heard a door open.

“Here,”A voice said handing me a rob,”This might help keep you warm.”

“Th-Th-Thank you,”I said putting it on.

“No need for that,”He said walking somewhere else,”Garroth a word please.”

I turned around to see the guy that must be Garroth’s father. He was taller than his son by about five inches, and his son was only taller than me by two or one inch. He had black hair and the same blue eyes as his son. He seemed nice but yet powerful. He scared me a little bit if I do say so myself. He turned to me with a nod before closing the door behind him.

“What is going on?”I asked myself in nothing more than a whisper.

I shut my eyes and laid back on the couch. I have to get out of here before something happens. I have to get back to my mommy and daddy before something happens. I just need a plan. Come on Amelia you’re a smart girl! You can think of something now.

I opened my eyes up and just stared into the fire. He had said that HE was THE puppy from that day. I shut my eyes yet again but this time the attack seemed to play in slow mode and I saw what all had went down

I laid there as he had knock me on my back and my head was throbbing now. I looked up to see that the puppy was trying to defend me from the bigger wolf/monster thing. My vision was blurry but that wasn’t what got me.

As I laid there I saw something that I never saw before. The pup had turn into a boy and he was checking me out. The other dog was going after my father since he had gotten it to follow him.

“Are you alright?”The boy asked,”Please be alright.”

“Meow,”I said.

I was trying to say no but my throat hurt. Too much and my head was hurting as well.

“You’re not a Kitten though,”He said as I heard footsteps and my vision was going out,”Be safe Kitten.”

And with that he ran away. I blacked out from it all as I heard my father’s voice over me.

I had meowed at the guy when I was trying to tell him that I wasn’t alright. Yep that sounds like something I would do. But that boy had dirty blonde hair while Garroth had blonde hair. But other than that they looked the same. Could he really be a…

“You alright Kitten?”I heard him ask as I jump,”Jumpy now are we?”

“What?”I said panicked now.

“Woah just calm down Kitten I didn’t mean to scare you like that,”He said sitting beside me,”Is there anything bothering you?”

“No,”I said coldly as he seemed shocked by that.

“Really now,”He said now matching my tone,”Kitten I demand to know what’s wrong.”

“No,”I said getting up and walking to the door.

“You will listen to me,”He said grabbing my wrist roughly,”Now what is wrong with you?”

I didn’t say a word as my wrist began to hurt. I cried from the pain as he held me there like that. Once he notice what was going on he lessen his grip on my wrist. He then brought me into a hug.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you like that my little Kitten,”He said into my hair just holding me,”I just want you to be alright and safe from that outside world. I can’t let you get hurt like that again.”

I kept my mouth shut as he just held me there. I didn’t hold him back but just stood there. He soon sighed most likely getting the hint I wasn’t going to do it back. He let me go and took my hand. He then lead me back to where we had originally started out.

He didn’t run this time but just walked and showed me around the little village. It wasn’t like where I use to live at but not that bad. It was also in the woods. Noted. He told me in what direction everything was in. I guess he didn’t think about me escaping this place and going back home.

He then finished up with the tour by dragging me to his house again. I looked at the grand house but it was only him in there. The other houses in the village were smaller and less grand. Some of them held huge families in them. And he got all of this.

“Now Kitten,”He said bringing me closer to him,”What would you like to know now?”

“What are you?”I asked backing away from him as he sighed in disappointment.

“I thought you figured that out by now,”He said coming closer to me,”But Kitten I’m a werewolf. And I have been watching after you since the day I had found you out to be my mate. You do know what that is right?”

I nodded as I had read about that. I only thought that was for their own kind. But why was it me. Shouldn’t he be with one of his own kind.

“Alright,”He said trapping me to the wall with his hands on either side of me,”Well this kind of mate match up has happened only a few times in history. When a wolf is to be with a Human. It only means we are one of those lucky few. And I can’t wait to turn you.”

“Turn me?”I said scared.

“Yes,”He said kissing my neck,”It will make this all easier but I’m waiting for you to get use to all of this. So for now you are still my little Kitten.”

He rested his head on my neck and that’s when I made my move. I kneed up and he fell to the ground. I took off the rob feeling bad for taking it from them. I ran out of the door ignoring the cold and his calls for me. 

Chapter 5

I ran North from the town since that was South. I ran at my full speed. It had honestly been forever since I had last ran anywhere. But I did enjoy the free feeling I was getting even though I could hear the distant sound of wolves chasing after me.

I pushed myself to go faster than I could. I was getting whacked in the face by branches but I didn’t care one bit about that. All that mattered was getting back home. Back to my room and safety.

I soon came to a clearing and freaked out. I had no idea where I was going. No why to tell which way home was. My legs hurt and felt like Jelly. My feet where bare and sore now. And to make it worst I was hungry now. Great plan Amelia. You don’t even know what was going on around you before you ran.

“Miss,”I heard someone say may I help you.

I turned to face the guy. He looked around my age at seventeen. He was tall but about three to four inches from me. He wore a vest with brown fur on the edges, and black long sleeve shirt under that, and skinny jeans. He seemed nice and as if he wanted to help me out.

“Yes,”I answered him wrapping my arms around me to save some warmth. I wish I had just kept the rob that man gave me. It was really warm and soft to the touch.

“You look cold,”He said bringing out a Jacket,”Here put this on.”

“Thank you,”I said doing that.

“Are you lost?”


“Where are you heading miss?”He asked as I noticed something.

I looked closer and his eyes were almost a golden glowing color. His teeth were white and his K-9s were at a point almost. He was one of them!

I backed up slowly in fear he was going to take me back. I had already said too much to him.

“You figured it out,”He said coming to me as I kept quiet,”Miss Amelia first off you ran in the wrong direction from your home. It was east from Garroth’s house. Plus you really need to come back. He really misses you.”

“No,”I said as my back hit a tree,”Please don’t take me back.”

“I’m under orders,”He said reaching into his bag,”But I am going to make sure you are taken care off.”

I shut my eyes in fear of punishment. But instead I heard a bag get open. I opened my eyes up to see he was giving me something to snack on.

“Here. You look hungry,”He said as I took it,”Now will you please follow me.”

“I don’t want to,”I said eating the chips,”And thanks.”

“No problem,”He said picking me up bridal style,”And don’t try to kick me.”

I tried and he just dodge it. Dang it. He sat me on a rock before going back into his bag. I watched as he brought out a medicine kit and shoes. What is he doing?

I watched as he played doctor and then put the shoes on my feet. He stood up as I was wondering how he found me so quick.

“How did you find me?”I asked as he just looked at me.

“I’m a tracker,”He said picking me back up,”And therefore knew where you were faster.”

I nodded as he sighed.

“You are much heavier than I had thought,”He said as I glared,”Meaning I thought you were going to weigh like nothing. But you weigh like three pounds or something.”

I laughed a little as he smiled at me. At least he made a joke out of it.

“I’m Caden by the way,”He said setting me on my feet,”And next time you run. Remember it’s East from here.”

“That would make it too easy than,”I said noting what he had said.

“But you wouldn’t get lost or run into the wrong town,”He said as he pushed me into the house.

When the door closed Garroth was right in front of me and he looked ticked off. I looked at the ground as Caden just left me here by myself. I heard him get closer to me as I just remained looking at the ground.

“Kitten look at me,”He said as I didn’t,”Kitten don’t make me force you to.”

I remained the way I was. He grabbed me and made me face him. He made me make eye contact as I could see the wild side of him in those eyes. He seemed beyond pissed off and I did this to him.

“Why did you run?”He asked as I didn’t answer,”You know this means you need to be punished now.”

I shrunk down as he dropped me. I heard his footsteps go somewhere as I tried to think of somewhere i could go. Anywhere would be alright. But I had no luck. Soon he was back in front of me.

I looked down as he took the jacket off of me. Please don’t do what I’m thinking it’s going to be. I soon felt him put something over my head. He’s dressing me why?

“You look cold still,”He said sounding mad.

I looked at him as it was a long sleeve shirt he had put on me. He also slipped my arms back into that rob.

“Better,”He said as I only nodded,”I’m letting you off with a warning this time. But it won’t go so well the next now Kitten. I’m just glad that you’re alright.”

He hugged my body as I tensed up a little bit. He’s hugging me. I felt him relax as he did so. What just happened here? I patted his back awkwardly as I’m not use to this at all.

“Come lay down Kitten,”He said leading me to the bed,”You seem sore from running away from me.”

I didn’t say a word out of fear he would do something to me. I was placed on the bed and he laid beside me. I looked at him weirdly as his arms went around my body and he just held me there. Please let this all be just some strange dream or something. Please. 

Chapter 6

I sadly didn’t have that fantasy. He was real and this all was happening around me. I was kidnap and this boy is claiming that I’m his Mate. Isn’t this just great! I hate sarcasm sometimes.

After a little nap, I hd awoken to him playing in my hair. He was just running his hand though my tangled and nappy hair as if it was entertaining. I didn’t move but he somehow knew I was awake.

“Had a nice nap Kitten?”He asked as I didn’t answer,”I’m going to brush you hair. It’s so tangled today.”

With that he sat me up and got the brush from out of the bedside table he had next to him. He began to do what he said. He didn’t yank my hair like my mother did but did it as if I was going to break.

“There that’s better,”He said as I nodded,”Kitten you need to talk more you know. You aren’t in that tower anymore and I’m not going to let you be alone anymore.”

“I don’t care,”I said as he got in front of me.

“You should care,”He said pushing a strand behind my ear,”I’m here to make sure that you’re alright. I’m here to see that amazing smile you have. I don’t want you to feel like you are a prisoner here but a princess.”

“Meaning,”I snapped.

“Meaning I’m the next alpha male,”He said proudly,”And you are going to be the next Luna.”

I looked at him for a minute. He was going to be the next alpha. Oh I’m so going to die here ain’t I.

“Okay,”I said in a small voice not wanting to anger him again.

“I’m not mad anymore my little Kitten.”

“Why do you call me that?”

“For when we first met you Meowed at my question. Why was that now?”

“I was hit in the throat and I was hurting.”

“You don’t have to fear that ever happening again,”He said kissing my forehead,”Come. We need to eat.”

I nodded as he took my hand and led me out. I followed close behind him as we walked past the village and everything. Why?

“Don’t we need to go there?”I asked shyly.

“No Kitten,”He said with a smile,”We have a bonfire to go to tonight.”

“What?”I said stopping.

“Dad wants the pack to meet you,”He said turning to face me,”I’m not going to let anything happen to you while we are there. I promise.”

I just stood there as he sighed. Soon he had transformed in front of me. I backed up at first scared but he soon nuzzled my hand. He WAS that grey wolf pup that day. Okay Amelia just calm down. You will be alright and you know that.

He soon shot under me placing me on his back as he took off. I held on for dear life as he raced out to the beach I guess. I closed my eyes as he was running fast.

“Stop,”I said as I think I heard him laugh at me,”Please stop! I’m scared.”

He soon slowed down and we were at a river. Oh please don’t do what I’m thinking you are going to do. He looked at the other side and began to cross the river on the stone path.

“Oh dear,”I said hiding my face in his fur,”Please don’t fall. Please don’t slip.”

He gave of that wolfy laugh as I rolled my eyes at it. So what if I’m kind of scare. I have been in my tower for how long. Wow I sound like I was in a fairy tale. He soon began to run again but this time I watched. It was kind of amazing.

I sat up as it felt like flying almost. I watched everything pass in a blur around me as he ran. I soon felt the heat of the fire. I looked up and saw the huge fire. I mean did they cut trees down to make it this big.

“You can get off my back now,”He said as I didn’t notice he had turn back,”You better be glad I caught you before you fell on your butt.”

“Sorry,”I said jumping down.

“Don’t be Kitten,”He said walking with my hand in his,”Come we have people waiting to see us.”

I only nodded as he dragged me along. I saw so many people there just looking at me like I was an outsider. In this case I was. I nodded toward them as Garroth introduced me to them. They only nodded my way before going back to ignoring me.

“Don’t worry about them Amelia,”I heard Caden’s voice say,”They are just not sure about you yet.”

“Caden,”Garroth said in a warning tone as Caden stood in front of me,”What is it that you need?”

“I just came to see how she was doing,”Caden answered,”She was pretty badly scratched up when I found her. I’m just making sure she is alright.”

“I’m fine,”I said in a small voice.

“You need to be proud of who you are Amelia,”Caden said before leaving,”Just remember that.”

“I don’t know about him sometimes,”Garroth said leading me away.

He took me to a table full of different kinds of meat. Nothing that I saw was what I liked. He smiled at me before heading farther down it. I soon saw what I liked to eat. He handed me a plate and asked what I would like. I just pointed as he fixed my plate. He got him something and took me to the far ends of the bonfire. There was a little set up there.

“I thought you might not want to spend that much time with the others,”He said as we ate,”Now though I think I can answer some of those questions you had.”

We just sat there as he went on about what everything was. I mean I read about this but I never believe it to be true. I mean why would I? I was so young at the time of the incident. I had pushed it behind me to have to resurface.

“Let’s head back,”He said helping me up,”You must be tried my little Kitten.”

I just nodded as he walked me to the outskirts of the fire and turned. He did what he did last time and ran. I held his neck this time trying to stay as warm as I could. I could hear my teeth chattering as he slowly made it back to the falls.

I looked over them as he went slow over them. The little path was right there by it. I heard a growl and turned to face were it was coming from. There stood a pure black with black eyes.

“Garroth,”I said uneasy as the past flashed before my eyes.

Before I could react my form fell off his back and down with the falls. I heard a howl follow by a whimper from above. I shut my eyes as the freezing water went around my tired form.

Chapter 7

~Garroth’s father~


I heard the howl and everyone turned to me. My boy is in trouble. He also had his girl with him. No please don’t let it be him again.

I turned with several others and we went to the falls there stood HIM. He just laughed and ran away. I looked over to see that they both had fell over the edge.

“Split up and find them both!”I ordered,”No one shall rest till they are both back in the correct village. Now go!”

They nodded and went in different ways. I went straight down hoping that at least one of them were still down there.

I looked around but didn’t see either of them. Then that’s when grey fur popped out of the water not to far from the base. Garroth!

I went over to my son and helped him out. We both turned back as he seemed scared.

“Where’s my Kitten at?”He asked looking around.

“Son take it easy,”I said as he just stared at me.

“Dad she’s my mate,”He said sounding scare like when she got hurt the first time,”Where is she?”

“I have people looking for her Garroth,”I said trying to calm him down,”We’ll find her before anything happens to her.”

“Dad I need to find her,”He said running off from me,”I promised her that nothing was going to happen.”

“You need to rest.”

“No I need to find her!”

“Garroth you will listen to me! Now go to the village and let the adults handle this.”

“I can help,”He said not wanting to back down,”She’s my mate I and I need to find her. I won’t listen and you know that.”

With that he ran off following the river. He’s not going to stop is he. I looked up at the cliff as a fall like that could have killed her. I just hope he doesn’t find that out.

Chapter 8

I came up for air and the darkness around me. I looked around as the stupid cold air brushed against me. I was laying on the beach on my stomach. Great! I stood up as I was freezing now. Where is the rescue team when you need them?

“Garroth,”I called at least wanting to know if he was around,”Garroth if this is some prank on my or a punishment I learned my lesson now. Please show yourself.”

I got no answer back. Where is that wolf at? I looked at the sand as it was cold. I need to get out of the air. I saw a little house and decided to go there. I soon saw that it was a village and not just some house. I smiled as I have hope again. I ran to it as fast as my tired legs could take me.

I went up to the first door a banged on it. I was freezing cold and I think my lips are blue now.

“Please someone help me!”I cried out as the door opened.

“May I help you?”An old lady ask as she looked me up and down,”My dear what has happened to you? Come in please your shivering and your lips are blue.”

“Th-th-thank y-y-you,”I said as now my teeth was chattering with the rest of me,”I kind of fell into the river from a waterfall.”

“My dear,”She said handing me all kind of things to help me warm up,”Now you stay here and get warm. I’m off to find something you can wear and contact someone to help with your medical needs.”

I nodded and did just that. She left the house as I shut my eyes. It was so cold out. Why must it be December when all of this happen to me. Agh I hate my life.

“Yes Mrs. Tulip, I’m here to see if my Mate is here,”I heard Garroth say,”We both fell into the river after an attack. And well she went first off of my back. I couldn’t grab her in time for when I tried he pushed me over. We got separated in the water.”

“Well Garroth this might be your lucky day,”She said as footsteps came my way,”A young girl came just a few minutes ago looking for help.”

“Kitten,”He said as I faced him,”You’re so cold. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I should have seen him behind us. I should have went down to a narrower spot to cross.”

“Cold,”I said wrapping myself up more in the piles of blankets,”So cold.”

“I know you are,”He said getting under with me. He wrapped his arms around me as I snuggled up to the warmth he was giving off. “I’m here now. You don’t have to worry.”

“I thought you were punishing me for running,”I said honestly,”But you never came out.”

“I would never go this far to punish you Kitten,”He said into my hair,”I would never put you through something like this on purpose.”

I only nodded as a doctor came to check me out. It had turned out that I walked into a wolf village. And they knew Garroth’s very well. He had told me that he followed the river till he got a small bit of my scent and check the neighboring villages starting with this one. He couldn’t believe how lucky he had gotten.

“Their this way,”The lady said leading someone else in,”Garroth found her here.”

“Are you two alright?”His father asked kneeling in front of me.

“I am,”Garroth said as he held me,”But Kitten is cold. Like very cold.”

“When we get back I’ll order her some warmer clothes to be brought,”He said as Garroth picked me up,”For now blankets will have to work till then.”

I nodded as I was covered up more. I sighed as this felt better than freezing my tail off outside. Garroth followed his father back to their home. I looked at the sky as I tried to stay awake for now.

“They're beautiful aren’t they?”Garroth asked as I looked at him,”The stars.”

“Yeah,”I choked out.

“But not like you,”He said as I rolled my eyes,”I mean it now. You could rival them any day.”

“Whatever,”I said laying my head on his chest,”Why are you so warm.”

“I’m a wolf,”He seemed to laugh at me.

I should have known that one. I looked into his eyes to see that he seemed worried about something. Other times it was love and confidence. But now it was worry. What could’ve changed in him this much now? I took an uneasy breath as he carried me back.


“We’re back Kitten,”He said setting me on my feet,”They got a fire going for us already.”

While he was saying that I had ran to it. He laughed as I sat in front of the flames. They felt so warm to my cold body. He joined me as people walked in and over to the room. I watched as they left as if not wanting to bother with this.

“You can take the first shower if you like,”He said as I looked at him,”To help you warm up.”

I nodded and did just that. The water felt nice to my body. I stayed in there for a little bit to just warm up some. Once I was down the bathroom was warm as well. Better than the one at home with its could everything. I looked at the clothes they had brought me. Some sweatpants like the ones I was wearing when I got here, a black tank top, and a long sleeve blue shirt with ‘wolf gal’ written on it. I changed into that and walked out with my hair still wet.

I saw him on the bed waiting for me. He turned to me and pushed me back into the bathroom. What is he doing? I heard a blow drier going and soon he had dried my hair for me. I looked at him as he seemed to be making sure I was perfectly dry now.

“I don’t want you to be cold,”He said leading me back out and to the bed,”Now stay here for me.”

I nodded as he went to take his turn. I got off the bed and looked around the house. But mostly the living room. I stayed close to the fire as I looked at pictures. There was a couple of me in my room and just one of me running in the woods. Creepy much. There was also some of him and his dad. But I couldn’t see one of his mother. I shouldn’t ask about it.

“Kitten?”I heard him ask from the other room.

“Don’t worry I didn’t run,”I said not moving.

“You scared me there for a little bit,”He said walking over to me and putting his arms around my waist from behind,”What you doing in here?”

I shrugged as I really didn’t know myself. I guess I was just bored or something. He nodded before leading me back to the room. He must like it in there.

“You feel better yet?”He asked with a look of a lost puppy.

I watched as he acted like a lost puppy wandering around scared right now. I took a step back and out of his arms and that looked change. It was now like I was challenging him to something. He smirked and took a step closer as I backed up again. He acts like a dog. Noted.

“What are you playing at Kitten?”He asked as I had made it into the living room with him following me.

I stayed quiet as I know how I’m doing this one. I had my back against the door as he trapped me. I looked down as if I was ashamed to look up. I may have a few acting tricks up my sleeve. He raised my head and I only shock it out of his hand and looked at the other side.

“Kitten what’s wrong?”He asked scared again.

“Nothing,”I said with a sniffle.

“There’s something wrong,”He said trying to meet my eyes,”Please look at me.”

I ignored the call and smirked when the door opened hitting him in the head. Perfect timing. I looked as the wolf that had open it went to his side allowing me to sneak away. I looked at the sky as this time I was warmer and knew where I was going. 

Chapter 9



I held my head as I woke up. There was people all around me asking questions. I looked around but couldn’t find her. No where is my Kitten now!

“Where is she?”I asked not caring for my throbbing head.

“We don’t know,”Kimmer said looking around,”When most of us got here, she was nowhere to be found.”

“When I opened the door I saw her run,”Catherine said,”I presumed it was for help.”

“She never came and got us though,”Kimmer said as she had ran again.

“Find her!”I bellowed as they all left me there,”Oh Kitten what awaits you when you get back.”




I pushed myself to go as fast as I could. He would be waking up about now and I had a good five minute head start this time.

I had went east like Caden had said. But made a few ‘wrong’ turns to help throw them off. It was raining in some of those parts I went in and hopefully my scent got lost in that.

I looked up as I saw a village. It wasn’t mine but maybe they could help me. I smiled as I went there. I slowed down some in fear that they were also wolves. Caden didn’t tell me how many of the wolf villages were in the middle of my town and theirs.

“Please can someone tell me where I am at?”I asked everyone that passed by me,”Please can anyone help me?”

“I can Amelia dear,”I heard my Gran say.

“Gran Gran,”I said jumping into her arms.

“Hello dear,”She said holding me,”Your parents miss you so much right now. You gave them quite a scare when you went missing.”

“I was kidnapped Gran,”I said as she lead me to her home,”By a boy that would look at my window for hours at a time. Oh did I mention that the boy was a wolf.”

“Oh my,”She said closing the door,”You must have been through a lot.”

“He said I was his mate.”

She had stopped what she was doing and only stared at me. It was like I had said the wrong thing. She shut all the blinds and made sure nothing was open before sitting in front of me at the table.

“What’s the wolf’s name Amelia?”She asked.


“Did he tell you the pack name?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Did he mark you yet? Or turned you?”

“No and no. But why are you so scared now Gran?”

She stared at me for a few second as if thinking about telling me. She took a deep breath before getting up and grabbing a book form the self. She brought it over and I was the mark of the wolf. Gran had told me stories when I was younger from that book. But why get it now?

“A long time ago,”She said opening it beside me as she read,”A young maiden was walking down the path of the forest. It was much like you were when you were allowed to. She had came up on a wolf pup much to the same age as herself. She looked at it as the poor things was hurt and needing great help.

“By the kindness of her heart she picked him up and took him with her. At home she took great care of the little thing and nursed him back to excellent health once again. Days had past since she had brought him home. In those days he had found her as his mate. Her scent was all that had told him that they were to be together forever.

“When he was fine she let him go. But he never left the area. He stayed around there watching after her. For she WAS his life now. Everything that happened to her he had to know about it.

“One day the wolf changed into his human form and went up to the door. He knocked three times before she had opened it. There he told her about everything he knew. She didn’t know how to think at that or what to think about it all. But she did accept him. And left with him.”

“And how does this affect me?”I asked as Gran looked at me.

“This was the story that started it all,”She explained to me,”Not many have Human mates but the few that do tries to make sure that their mate is allows alright and healthy. Safety was a first in a long time.”

“Meaning…”I started as she glared at me.

“Meaning that I know since you were attacked by that wolf when you were smaller,”She stated as she watched the door,”that wolf you were talking about will want to make sure that you are safe from all harm.”

I nodded as soon there were screams. Gran went to the window and looked out of it scared now. I looked at the mark on the book. I traced it with my fingers as she went somewhere real fast.

The mark was something that I had allows loved. It was a wolf paw print that had swirls in it. Around the outside was “Fiat cor lupus viam vobis demonstro” or in english “Let my heart I will show you the way of the wolf”.

“Put this on Amelia,”Gran said snapping my head to her as she gave me one of her jackets,”It will mask your scent a little but enough to throw them off. Also wear this.”

She gave me the mark of the wolf on a golden chain. I looked at her as this at one time belonged to my Grandfather. I had always loved it and forever will.

“Grandpa,”I said with a tear.

“I know baby,”She said hugging me,”Go out the back door. They won’t see you that way. And remember to keep the hood on till you are back home, if you make it. I hope you do baby girl. Be careful.”

“I’ll try Gran,”I said as I went for the door,”You stay safe for me now.”

She nodded as I ran out and began the rest of my journey. If I was right my home was only twenty miles or fifty away. I have a long run ahead of me. I looked back at the town to see that there was a lot going on in it now. Why must this have happened to me? Of all the people in the world, it was me.




After what seemed like hours of searching we found the right trail of her scent. It lead us to this town she use to go to all the time. Everywhere you looked her scent was there but just barely till a strong version came to me. My men were looking and yelling at the people while one house stood out. The windows were blocked off from the inside. Got ya now Kitten.

I turned back and went over there. I knocked three times and the door remained shut. Oh so we are playing this game now. I jerked the door and it opened. Really Kitten that was your best try.

“Now you fix my door this minute!”I heard an old lady say,”I was coming to get it and you break in! I should tell your parents about this kind of behavior.”

“Miss I am sorry for this but I’m looking for someone and didn’t have time to wait,”I said facing her Grandmother,”But I bet you know where my kitten is now?”

“Your what?”She asked confused.

I just rolled my eyes. I don’t have time for this now. So I gave her the shortest version I could think of to tell her. She only nodded as more of us came in. She didn’t seem scared at all.

“Now which one of you are going to fix my door now,”She said holding something behind her.

“No one,”I snapped as she faced me shocked,”Now where is she?”

“Young man I would look at who you are talking to again,”She said showing the mark on the book off,”Now you will fix that door.”

“Jeff fis the door,”I said as he nodded,”The rest of you looked for her in the house.”

“You won’t find her that easily,”The old woman said,”For if she wants to run than let her. Don’t make her be it.”

“Yeah well I need to protect her from everything and anything,”I said looking at the back door,”The rest of you go that way and cut her off. Don’t let her make it back home!”

They nodded and ran that way but something was off. Her scent was off by something. What did this old lady do to my Kitten?

“Your lucky that mark is protecting you,”I said heading back home,”You better hope she makes it back to me.”

“You’ll be surprised at what my little Amelia can do,”She said as we shut the door. 

Chapter 10

I looked ahead as I knew the path now. I have traveled it so many times before. I’m almost home. I smiled as I took in the fresh air for once. It’s nice not having to stay in the same room for ever now. And right now I could just walk the way there. For my Gran was an expert at fooling wolves. Grandpa was as well.

I sighed as I really miss him. He passed away five years ago. I shut my eyes as I let him words go over me.

“We are all special in some way Amelia,”He said the day before he pass,”We just have to find that way. It really could be anything. Just shine for me my little girl.”

“I will Grandpa,”I said to myself as I continued on the way.

He had pass from an attack. I monster had taken him away and the only thing they found was his necklace. The very one I’m wearing now. This was all Gran had left of him and she is letting me keep it.

“Stop right there Amelia,”I heard someone say behind me.

I took off scared of what it could be. I heard footsteps behind me closing in as I got scared even more. Soon I was tackled down and hit my head. I blacked out as I saw the wolves picking me up and carrying me back.



I woke up to my head hurting but also something was holding me down. I looked around as I was chained to the bed. I sat up as my waist was chained to the wall. What is this?

“Welcome back Kitten,”I heard Garroth say beside me,”Have a nice trip.”

I turned around to see that he was beside me looking not too please with me. I turned back to the chain. I need to free myself from this and fast.

“Don’t try to break the chain,”He said in my ear,”I made sure that you couldn’t break out of it so fast. Now why did you run this time.”

I looked down as my hand went up to the necklace. I held it as I gained power from it. Something Grandpa said that happens when I’m scared and hold it. I felt strength and not fear this time talking to Garroth.

“For I don’t want to be here,”I spat at him,”Now let me go this minute!”

“Oh she finally snapped back,”He said getting in front of me,”How nice?”

He was mad at me like the last time. But this time I was only feeding the beast on the inside. I could see him wanting to burst out and attack me. But I need to remain strong. This is me we are talking about. I don’t need some pup telling me what I can and can’t do.

“I said let me go,”I said lacing each word with venom,”I don’t want to be here.”

“And what are you going to do?”He asked as I let go of the necklace and he saw it,”That’s why you're so brave this time.”

“What do you mean?”I asked death glaring the bastard in front of me.

“Your Grandfather,”He said pointing at my necklace,”That mark means that a wolf can’t hurt nor kill you. Didn’t you know that Kitten? Or why would you be wearing it now?”

I looked at it as I knew the stories behind it. Grandpa was a strong hunter and some say he hunted with the wolves. I had always wanted to be like that but could never find a way to. After that attack on me I never had the chance.

I shut my eyes hearing his voice tell me the tell over again. It warmed my heart hearing them.

“Once there was this huge bear that attacked me Amelia,”Grandpa said telling a hunting story,”It had to be ten feet tall with razor sharp claws.”

“Grandpa I know THAT story,”I would say every time,”Tell me the one about the mark again.”

“Well my little pup,”He said bouncing me a little before messing my hair up,”You should know that one. But I guess I’ll tell  you one more time.”

I grinned to let him know I was ready.

“This mark was passed down to the strongest of the family. One day I think that might be you. Well this mark means that we are one with the world. Even though some of us are scared and others fearless they don’t make the world go around. No it take one who can balance out being scared and being fearless.

“At one time many years ago, my great grandfather at that time era was walking in the woods. He soon came up on this maiden in the woods who was lost but yet found. She told him that she had lost her pack. Not knowing that she meant wolves he agreed to help her search for them.

“When they finally came up on the pack he realized what had happen. Men and wolves were never the type to get along like they did. But as a thanks from the alpha wolf for returning his child he was given the mark necklace and book. He thanked them for not eating him alive and went on his way.

“He was scared of them but not at the same time. He took the things and went home to his wife and kids. Every night though the pack would watch after the family for they were the pack’s human kin now. A kind of bond that grew to much more.”

“What happened next Grandpa!”I said bouncing on his lap.

“When the man son was old enough the mark was passed down and only went to those of the family that were worthy of it. Hence why your father doesn’t have it. I think one day it will go to you my pup. To change the world. And remember to call on our wolf kin you only need to howl for them. They will know our call for help.”

“Even if that means losing them?”I had asked at the time.

“We will never lose them,”He said kissing my forehead,”For we are family to them and them to us.”

“Yeah I know it,”I spat at him seeing what Grandpa saw in me now,”What’s that to you?”

“It means something different to wolves,”He said leaving,”And again you wouldn’t be able to break through those chains. Not even your ‘wolf kin’ can.”

He left me there as I tried to get out of them. I couldn’t no matter what. Maybe I can call for help...But that might put them into danger and I have never seen the size of their pack like this one. No I can’t put them into danger like that.

I looked at the chain as I got worried now. I guess this is punishment for running again. I sat on the bed thinking of anything that could help. But nothing useful came to my mind.

Chapter 11

I laid there as Garroth was asleep. I could sleep but he made me lay here with him. He had me in his arms against my wishes. I just want an answer on why this is only happening to me right now. I mean I didn’t do anything! Why must this happen to me?

I looked out the window at the moon. I was really pretty tonight. I got out of his arms and went to as close as I could to the window to look at the stars one last time. I got to the chair next to the window with the chain pulled tight. It was as far as I could go. He really isn’t letting me out of this house is he.

I watched the stars as it was peaceful right now. Everything seemed perfect at the moment, well except for the fact that I’m chained up in here. Like a caged animal.

“Hello Human kin,”Someone said scaring me,”Are you alright?”

“Who are you?”I whispered as she leaned on the window.

“Oh silly it’s me Kimmy!”She said as I noticed the same girl I called my friend.

“You kept this from me,”I said as she laughed.

“Sorry but your grandfather said it will be best till something like this happened,”She said as I rolled my eyes,”So how ya doin?”

“Can you get me out of here?”I asked watching Garroth,”Without him noticing I left again.”

“Hey a third time's the charm,”She said just staring at me,”BUT you said that wolves are mean and monsters.”

“I take it back.”

“I’m messing with you Melia. I know you had your reasons for saying that. Now how would like me to help you?”

“My parents!”I said in a whisper,”Do you think you can lead them here?”

“Really,”She said with the look,”Amelia my pack has members to spare. We can get you out of here.”

“No I don’t want to risk starting a war,”I said as she nodded,”Thanks Kimmy.”

“Yeah, Yeah, I know,”She said leaving,”Just hold on Amelia.”

“I’m chained up,”I said as she gave a laugh.

I watched her leave me there with hope again. I looked at the stars secretly thanking them for sending Kimmy to my rescue.

Soon arms went around me picking me up. I looked behind me to see Garroth was there. He placed me on his lap and rested his head on my shoulder.

“The stars are pretty aren’t they,”He said calmly.

“Yeah there are,”I snapped not wanting this.

“I can tell you who killed him you know,”He said gaining my attention,”Your Grandfather.”

“How do you?”I asked as he looked hurt at my venom words.

“I was there during it,”He said going into a trance it was like,”The night he died was dark and stormy. He was headed to you wolf kin pack. Trying to find a way to get rid of the wolf that had attacked you. He knew that you forgot about the stories he told you and that you were thinking they were just fake. So he took actions into his own hands.

“I followed him knowing that you cared for him deeply and loved him. He saw me but didn’t attack but just allowed me to follow. He went to turn back around when it happened. The beast attacked him.

“I went into action as your wolf kin came to help. But there was nothing we could do. The beast had won that fight. I knew I couldn’t let that happen so I brought him here to see if there was a way to heal him. But when we got here he was dead.”

“You let the monster get away!”I screamed at him.

“Your wolf kin went after him,”He said calmly,”I had to save your grandfather. We buried him just outside this house. The tombstone is here and everything. If you want to see it yourself.”

“I do,”I snapped as he got up and took the chain off of me.

He took my hand and lead me out and to the back of the house. There it stood. It was a huge tombstone but not just any old stone. It was beautiful.

The stone was marble with jewels in it writing his name out and the mark. It was as tall as me with a picture of him engraved into it. There was dirt, where I guess his body laid. Flowers around it that I use to pick with him in the summers. Rose, sun flowers, tulips, and spider lilies, all arranged around him with a little part open to the person.

“Grandpa,”I said in a whisper. I didn’t believe he was being truthful about it all. The reason you couldn’t find anything but the mark was for he was here. Waiting “You really did try to save him.”

“Why wouldn’t I?”Garroth said behind me,”I love you Amelia. And I just want you to be happy here. I tried so hard to make it that perfect little fairy tail for you. But I guess I should have asked you to come with me.”

“You did all of this for me,”I said in disbelief. I had only saw that he took me from my home and didn’t see what he done FOR me.

“Yeah,”He said looking a little embarrassed,”You’re my world. I don’t want to see you get hurt again by that wolf. The same one that pushed us into the river. I just want what’s best for you and everything.”

“Garroth I didn’t know,”I said feeling bad,”I never been in love before.”

“Well now you can be,”He said coming close to me,”I promise Amelia I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise that I’ll do anything I can to make you happy. I will go to the ends of the world for you. Please just give me a chance.”

I looked into his blues eyes and saw that he was being honest with me. He also was using my name instead of Kitten. I looked at the grave and wanted to fall into tears seeing it.

“You didn’t call me Kitten that time,”I said as he laughed.

“Yeah I noticed,”He said rubbing the back of his neck.

He came closer to me and our faces were only inches apart. He soon closed that space and kissed me. At first I didn’t kiss back but soon I did. Something just felt right to. It was also my first kiss.

It was sweet and short. He ended it all to soon in my opinion. He looked at me as if I was all he saw in the world. I looked one last time at the grave and threw myself into Garroth’s arms and broke down. I had to cry about this before it killed me.

“It’s alright,”He said petting my hair,”You’re alright my little Kitten.” 

Chapter 12



I ran into their house as fast as I could. Her father would not be pleased with this one now. Since he wanted to hid all of this from her. I mean come on she needs to know about her wolf kin.

“Mr. Ryan!”I screamed walking into him and his mother,”Um...Did I come at a bad time?”

“No you didn’t Kimmy,”He said as I nodded.

“What is it dear girl?”Mrs. Laura said.

“Well I found Amelia,”I said as her father looked happy,”But we got one tiny problem with that.”

“What is it?”He asked knowing he wouldn’t like it.

“ see,”I said trying to word it right,”It involves a wolf pack.”

“WHAT!?”He screamed as I jumped back,”Which one? How many is there? Do we need to go to war with them to get her back?”

“Ryan calm down you’re scaring the poor girl,”Mrs. Laura said as she came to me,”Go on Kimmy.”

“She doesn’t want to start a war,”I said first,”That’s why I’m here. She doesn’t want anything to happen to us. And yes I told her.”

“Kimmy,”He said warning as I hid behind his mother.

“Ryan stop scaring the poor girl,”She defended.

“She wants you to go and get her,”I said peeking out,”I can lead you there but I’m not allowed to help for that would start a war and she said no to it. Also it’s the…”

“Get ready to go,”He said walking off,”We’re leaving in one week to go and get her.”

With that he walked off leaving me behind Mrs. Laura. She shook her head and looked at me. I was on the mission to kill that beast that attacked Amelia and her grandfather.

“I can’t say we found him yet,”I answered the unasked question,”But I feel like we are getting closer to now.”

“Thank you Kimmy,”She said nicely,”Right now just bring her home safely, IF she wants to. You know how these mate things go now.”

“I do,”I said walking outside,”I’ll be in my little hut.”

Chapter 13

I had learned to actually love Garroth somehow. I mean he was so sweet and caring. He took the time to make sure I was alright and love me. I had lost the chain for we talked about that. He has even allowed me to walk places by myself.

“Morning,”He said into my ear as I finally woke up.

“Morning,”I said with a smile.

We have been acting like a couple more and more everyday. It’s really nice to have someone like him in my life. Someone that wants to be near me instead of just hiding me away from the world.

The mark my grandfather had I wear at all times. It’s my symbol of power. And because it reminds me of my grandfather and grandmother. The two people that loved the wolves more than anything.

“Garroth I got a question,”I stated as he was playing in my hair.

“And what is it?”He asked.

“What’s the name of your pack?”I asked looking up at him.

“I can’t believe haven’t told you that yet,”He said almost laughing at himself,”It’s Firestone, Kitten.”

“Okay,”I said snuggling into him as it was freezing this morning,”You’re so warm.”

“Perks of being a wolf I guess,”He said as I laughed,”What’s so funny now?”

“That statement,”I said as he laughed.

We laid there for a little bit before he got up to go to the bathroom. I heard a tap at the window and went over there. I saw a little boy there smiling up at me.

“Um...Hello there,”I said as he perked up.

“Hello sister Amelia,”He said taking me surprise,”I”m Mark! Kimmy’s little brother.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you,”I said with a smile on my face.

“I was sent to make sure you are alright,”He said in that cute little six year old voice,”So are you?”

“I am,”I said with a laugh.

“Good. Now what can you tell me about the bad wolf that hurt you.”

“Nothing much. I’m sorry if that doesn’t help.”

“It’s alright. Now have a nice day Sister Amelia.”

With that he ran off in the direction Kimmy did four nights ago. I rolled my eyes as I heard the bathroom door open. Garroth came out with wet hair and a smirk on his face.

He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. It was like he knew something was up.

“Who were you talking to?”He asked looking up at me.

“Just someone I knew apparently,”I said not giving it away,”Why?”

“Just wondering that’s all,”He said with a sigh.

Something’s up I just know it. I looked at the sun rise as I knew something was going to happen soon. I don’t have any idea on what it might be but I knew something would happen. 

Chapter 14

I looked at the meadow that Garroth had brought me to. It was only me and him today and no one else with us. It made my day that he was doing this for me and only me.

I laid on my back with my head on his stomach as we watched the clouds. It was a peaceful day for all of this right now. Just nothing more than being by ourselves.

“Garroth,”I heard someone say ruining it for us,”Your father says he needs you this moment!”

“I’ll go in about an hour,”He said looking at me as I looked at him,”Right I’m busy.”

“Doing what?”They asked walking over to us,”The two of you are just laying here doing nothing. Now go to your father this minute!”

“No,”He said not moving.

“Garroth he says he needs you now,”They said getting on my nerve now. How does Garroth put up with these people always bossing him around. “He said that it could be life or death right now.”

“Fine I’ll go,”Garroth said looking at me,”Kitten you’re coming with me.”

“Okay,”I said in a small voice.

He took my hand and we headed to that house. It was quiet as none of us wanted to say a word. I was honestly scared at what it could be. Was it my wolf kin? Did they want to hurt them for coming on their land like they are doing? What if they want to go to war with them? Oh no please tell me that this isn’t all because for me.

“You alright Kitten?”Garroth asked me at the door.

“I haven’t been all honest,”I said as he nodded at me,”Some of the mark has came to see me.”

“I figured that was who you were talking to,”He said with a smile,”Don’t worry about them. Dad’s not going to hurt them.”

“I hope so,”I said rubbing my bear arms,”But it’s cold out here now.”

“Then let’s go inside,”He said leading me in.

I sat on the couch next to the fire like when I first came here. He was behind me as his father walked in. He looked at the two of us with a smile. It was like seeing us was the perfect sight to him.

“I wanted to talk with the two of you,”He said as we nodded,”As I have been inform the two of you are getting rather close to one another. And Amelia you have stopped trying to run away from us.”

“Yes,”I said as he nodded.

“I was wondering if the two of you would like a week or so to just go out and not have to worry about anything,”He said as I went wide eyed,”After he attacked the two of you I been thinking about it.”

“We’ll have to think about it father,”Garroth said as I was stun,”Is that all?”

“With you my son,”He said before turning to me,”But I would like to have a word or so with Amelia here.”

“Yes sir,”Garroth said before whispering in my ear,”Don’t worry he’s easier to talk to than you think.”

I watched as Garroth left the scene and went somewhere else. There’s goes my chance of staying calm in front of the alpha male. I looked at him as he nodded my way.

“Amelia,”He said as I jumped a little causing him to laugh,”I’m not going to bite you head off now.”

“Instinct,”I said as he nodded.

“I know little one,”He said like my father would,”Garroth told me about your hardships when you were younger. And I know that this is all something new to you.”

“But why do you want to talk with me,”I said gripping the mark I wore around my neck.

“For I know your ‘wolf kin’ has been on this land,”He said as I got scared,”Now I don’t have a problem with them doing it. But the others are getting nervous. But I was wondering what you knew about them.”

I blanked out as I really didn’t know that much about them. I just knew that they were there for me when I needed them. That was it actually. Grandpa was very careful when it came to talking about them. It was like he was watching what he told me. But what reasons would that be for.

“It’s alright if you don’t Amelia,”He said as I looked about him,”Their pack name is Waterstone. They are close with us. So don’t worry about them that much. What I really wanted to talk about was the wolf that attacked you.”

“You know about him?”I asked in a small voice.

“I do,”He said handing me a picture,”He once was offered a spot in this pack.”

I looked at the man on the picture. He had red hair much like Kimmy. But his wasn’t as fire red as hers was. It was like a ginger color. His eyes were brown with a red tint to them. He had a nice smile on his face but there was also something different about him. A hidden kind of hate.

I know this man. I looked closer and I saw it. He was the man that my Gran used to like before she met my Grandfather. Was this man a wolf and his mate was my Gran. No she would’ve said something about this.

“This man claimed that a woman was his mate when she wasn’t,”He said as I looked at him,”Your Grandfather knew that. And she knew that her friend was lying.”

“But how?”I asked as he smiled.

“For his true mate pointed it out to them,”He said as I nodded,”He killed her for saying that to them for he loved your grandmother dearly. He wanted her for himself and tried to take her forcefully.”

“He killed someone to get her,”I said as he nodded,”But what does that have to do with me?”

“When your father was born he wanted revenge from your grandfather,”He said looking past me,”So he tried to get your father. But he had always failed at it. Then you were born and your Grandfather loved you. That set him onto your tracks.

“They tried everything to keep you safe. Even letting you be best friends with one of your wolf kin. But she wasn’t to tell you anything about it for your own safety. With every step you took outside they watched you to make sure that you would be alright.

“As I was told one day you ran a little too far ahead and found Garroth. That’s when he took the advantage you gave to him.”

“I put myself into his hands,”I said in my small voice scared.

“But you didn’t know that child,”He said putting his hand on my shoulder,”You were lucky that Garroth was there to defend him off of you till your grandfather and father could get to you. Not many people are that lucky when it comes to him.”

I nodded as I let it all sink in. My life was in danger of that monster all of this time. I was something close to grandpa and he died trying to protect me. I left him whip a tear away as I looked up at him.

“I know you're upset and can tell that it’s bothering you. But I promise that his death will not go without justice. We have some of our men looking for that monster. And some of your wolf kin is searching for him as well. Just relax some alright.”

I nodded as he let me leave. I looked at Garroth as he sat in a tree not too far from the house. I guess he really wanted to give us some time alone. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back for him and tried to hid my newly found sadness. He jumped down from the tree and came toward me. Maybe I should joke around.

I turned and ran toward my home. He looked at me and chased after me like I was his next prey. I ducked as he went to tackle me. I busted out laughing as he rolled right into a boulder.

“What’s that for?”He asked getting up.

“Just messing with you,”I said as he laughed at it with me,”Just having some fun that’s all.”

“And I love that in you,”He said kissing me. 

Chapter 15

 I looked over the red eyes as they looked me down. I saw nothing more but them at this moment. What’s going on? I saw that they were ready to tear me apart as I backed away slowly. I wanted to scream for my life at that moment but who would hear me.

I began to run for safety. Anywhere would be alright right now. But where is that? It was just darkness all around me. There was nothing I could do but try to out run those eyes.

I looked around but saw nothing. I ended up looking behind me to see if this was my last day alive. But the eyes were gone. It only made me more scared for my life. And like that they attacked.

I woke up screaming my head off as Garroth was trying to calm me down. I looked at him as he seemed scared for me right now.

“It was just a dream Kitten,”He said holding me close to him,”You’re safe.”

“But it seemed so really,”I cried as I heard the door open.

“Is everything in here alright?”I heard someone asked as I shut my eyes seeing those eyes there looking back at me.

“Yes Caden,”Garroth said as I heard footsteps come closer to us,”She just had a bad dream.”

“You want to talk about it?”I heard Caden ask behind me. Should I talk about what I saw. No I shouldn’t bring them into it. It might get them worked up as well. So I shook my head as I was still close to Garroth.

“Kitten you might need to,”Garroth said into my hair,”It might make you feel better.”

“I’m good,”I forced out.

“You’re lying,”Caden said as I looked at him,”I can tell you really want to.”

“I don’t,”I said as he gave me the really look.

I had ended up telling them about it. The whole time they both just sat there as I tried not to let it get to me. At the end they both seemed the same. I did feel a little better that I had spoke about it but at the same time I feel as if I had hurt them saying it.

“No one is going to hurt you ever again,”Garroth said calmly,”While I’m here, no one will do anything to you.”

“Plus you have your wolf kin,”Caden said going to the window,”Like the little one there.”

I looked over and saw Kimmy’s little brother there. He jumped in the window and ran over to me. He hugged me as if I was going to leave him.

“Never ever think you’re going to die on us,”He said in tears,”We won’t have that now.”

“Alright Mark,”I said as he smiled up at me,”Now why are you here.”

“Hehehe,”he kind of laughed,”Well Kimmy wanted me to check up on you since she is super busy right now. She wouldn’t let me help.”

“You’re too cute,”I said messing his hair up.

“So I came here to see what was happening,”He smiled at me,”Now I got to go back before dad gets made at me for leaving without my sister to watch after me.”

And like that he left the same way he came in. I turned to Garroth as he wanted to laugh his head off. I rolled my eyes and went to him for more comfort. I have oddly feel in love with him. He was sweet and loving toward me. He didn’t force me to do anything but to just be happy.

“Everything is going to be alright,”He said as I heard Caden leave.

“I should know that now,”I said into his chest,”I’m just scared that’s all.”

He sighed as he held me close to him as if I was going to run again. I loved the little we were sharing. We moved to the bed and tried to go back to sleep.

Chapter 16

 ~Her Father~


I looked at the time. She would be asleep now and so would that wolf. He took her from me and my family. I bet that other one tried to kill her again. He just better hope that I never cross his path again.

“Kyle,”I heard my wife say,”I’m coming as well.”

“Catherine,”I said facing her,”Let me bring her home. I don’t want you to get hurt out there.”

“If this is about showing your father that you were tough enough for the mark, you can just drop that,”She said as I laughed,”That belongs to Amelia and you know that.”

“It’s not that Cath,”I said kissing her head,”I have to prove to myself that I can do this. You know my past with my father. And here we are doing it to our own little girl. We took her freedom away out of fear he would find her again and kill her.”

“Kyle I know that,”She said looking down,”I just don’t want to lose our only little girl. She’s just so young and needs protecting and you know that as well. I do wish that we went in another direction but we have to live with what we did.”

“Just please let me go and bring her home,”I pleaded with her,”You can stay here and think about how we can change what we did to her.”

“I’m going,”She said walking past me,”We both can talk about it while we bring her home.”

And that’s where Amelia gets that trait from. I laughed and shook my head and followed behind her. Mom was staying behind to prepare for us to come back. Kimmy was also coming with us to make sure that nothing happens on the way back or there.

I took my father’s pistol and loaded it with iron bullets but decide to remove half of them and put silver in it. I c made sure it was ready to fire and put the safety on. I put the holster on my belt and the gun in that. I looked at the other two and nodded.

“Alright well we don’t have to worry about them attacking us,”Kimmy said as I stared at her,”The pack is Firestone. I’m good with them.”

“Kimmy!”I heard Mark yell as he ran up to her,”I want to go with you.”

“No Mark you need to stay here,”She said getting on his level,”Daddy said that you had to.”

“But…”He said as you could see it was breaking his heart.

“There’s an old lady here that needs protecting Mark,”I said as Catherine slapped me for calling my mother old,”Maybe you could do that for us.”

“I’m telling her that,”He said running it.

“Okay so let’s leave before I die,”I said as we did.

We did as I heard my mother glare from where we were. I looked back to see that they both were there waiting. Hopefully the pack isn’t too far away from us.


In about a good journey there we made it. I smiled as I saw her in there with him. At least she’s safe from that other wolf. I went in and took her from him. We left and headed home. But soon I heard a howl. I looked at Catherine as she nodded. That only means two things for us right now. Either that one that had her knows what we did. OR...

Chapter 17

I woke up when I heard it. I looked up to see my Daddy was holding me. I smiled as he looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

“Amelia,”He said as he sat me on my feet and hugged me,”We’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too daddy,”I said as I looked around for Garroth,”But where’s…”

“Kimmy take her home,”Mom said as Kimmy yanked me in that direction,”We’ll talk more later. But right now we might be in danger.”

“But…”Before I could finished I was out of sight.

I stopped in my tracks as Kimmy looked at me. She looked surprise that I did what I did.

“Amelia homes this way,”She said as I wasn’t listening.

“Where’s Garroth?”I finally got to ask.

“You love him,”She said as I nodded,”Oh my...Why didn’t I ask Mark about that before we left?”

“The world will never know,”I said as she laughed,”But where is he?”

“I think facing your parents,”She said as I ran there,”Amelia!”

I ignored her calls and went there. Sure enough there he was in his wolf form snapping at them. I saw Dad go for his gun as Garroth looked at me.

“Daddy Don’t!”I screamed as I grabbed his arm.

All I heard was the shot rang out and Garroth’s whine in pain. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.11.2016

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