
Chapter 1

I looked around me and all I see are woods. I wished sometimes that wasn’t it but it is sadly for me. A young girl with no family or even one with a place to call home. I travel around hiding from them. The people that took that away from me. But everywhere I go they are one step behind me.

My family use to be apart of this secret organization that was kinda like spies. You didn’t know we were there till we had left. I had taken up that ability at a young age. They all were so happy for me. But I guess that was how it was when that place was home and everyone there cared for you.

When I was eight they came and killed everyone but me. I was placed in a get away pod they had there and was put in it by my dad. My mom looked out for them but nothing came our way. They looked at me for one last time before pushing the button and sending me away. Just like that the waves carried me off far from them with the last image I ever had was of them being killed.

My name is Maria Eliza Kingsley or Agent 885. I use to be apart of Werewolf Unit 30 that hunt down the Vampires that we all know need to disappear for a good while. I have black wavy hair and green eyes that sparkle in the light. I have a scar that runs from above my right eye down to the left side of my mouth where I hit something and got it. I have a scar from when a rogue got my back and it goes from the left side of my back to my right hip.

I’m about five four with a tannish skin tone. I looked like my dad most of all. My mom had the green eyes and that is what I got from her. I miss them so much. But I have learned to deal with that and push myself to go farther than I already can. I guess that is what drives me to stay alive these days.

But again there is the fact that I’m being hunted down by some freakin crazy people who are out for blood. But not just any kind of blood. No, It’s wolfblood they want. And more importantly it’s mine.

Chapter 2

I looked around my new surroundings to see what all I could find. Nothing but trees and a forest. Great! My white paws were hurting from the run here. And to make it worst I was also bleeding from my back left leg. I found a little cave and decided to go there.

I looked around and saw that no one was there. I shifted back and slipped the clothes I had on. I went to the back of the cave and laid down on a rock there. I had to fix myself up before I go any farther.

I looked at my leg as it stung. A guy decided to shot me with a silver bullet. So you can see the pain I’m in. I wrapped my leg up and began to walk around the cave since I have lost the feeling in my leg. I didn’t see much to it at first. But the farther in I went the more I noticed it looked familiar.

It’s a wolf cave! I smiled as I tried to run to the back entrance but my stupid leg wouldn’t let me. I saw no one there though. Just couches and what look like to be a hangout place. I sighed as my hope was destroyed. I just want someone to help me out. I looked behind me as I heard a noise of something. I saw nothing so I decided to hide and wait it out. I got behind a boulder there and hid as I heard voices coming in.

“Come on Mase,”A boy said,”You got to give that new girl credit. She did kick your tail today.”

“Well Jase,”The guy Mase, I think, said,”She had the far advantage over me. By I don’t know getting a head start.”

“You’re just upset dude,”The first one said again as they sat down on the couch facing my hiding spot,”She has at a disadvantage for being in the hospital all month and so the leaders decided to give that to her. They didn’t think that she was going to win.”

I looked at the two of them as he was speaking. The one speaking looked like a cross between a mexican and someone from England. He had brown eyes and curly brown hair but yet seemed proper like it was the thing to do. Wow I spent way too much time over there with mom and dad. The other one had black hair and blueish eyes. He seemed to be a native american kid or something like that. He also seemed to be the leader out of the two.

I looked at them as the Native american one sniffed the air. What’s he doing? He closed his eyes for a sec and then I smelt it. No, no, no. Not this. Not right now. I looked at him as he seemed to be searching for me. I hide deeper into my little shadow as he got up and was walking around now.

“Mason are you alright man,”Jase said.

“You don’t smell that,”Mason said walking around,”Jason there’s a girl here. But yet not just a girl. My girl.”

“Your mate is in here,”Jason said looking around to,”In the pack Hangout.”

“Or at least she was,”He said looking upset,”I got to find her.”

“Let’s go to dad then,”Jason  said as they left me there.

I came out when I knew that they were gone. My mate was a boy named Mason. I smiled at the thought of him. I should have came out when he started to notice my scent. I stood up and continued to the back. What else do they have in here? 

Chapter 3- Mason

 I couldn’t get that scent out of my head. I need to find her before something happens to her. I shifted into my black wolf and race there with my brother close behind me in his grey wolf. I looked at the organization and smiled. Maybe we all can find her before it’s too late.

I went around back and shifted. I slipped on my gym clothes and ran in. Dad was the head of it all. For hey why not put your Alpha there. I now hear what dad meant by I’m sarcastic. I shot up to the office to seem him working. I looked behind me but Jason wasn’t there. Okay I left him behind.

I was about to talk when something ran into me. I went forward and looked up at Jason. He laughed and I did as well. Dad looked at the two of us like we were idiots. Which you can say we are sometimes.

“Yes boys,”He said picking something up and walking out.

“I found,”I said following him,”My mate.”

“Well then bring her here so I can meet her,”He said as I said that wrong.

“No I mean that I found her scent,”I said as he looked at me,”I couldn’t find her though.”

“Where was it last?”He asked.

“The Hangout,”Jason said as I glared at him,”We went there to cool off and he found it.”

“She must be new in this town,”Dad said at the door to the meeting hall,”We’ll find her but first we got another problem.”

We all walked in and dad went up front as we stayed close to the wall. He looked over everyone as we were now the top spot of spies. Yep that no good of WAW or Wolfs Around the World. They use to be at the top with us. And it was just a battle to get the best missions.

“This girl is our target,”He said as her picture showed up behind him,”Her name is Maria Eliza Kingsley or as we know her Agent 885. She was seen last leaving Texas heading our way. She is from our old rivals. If you see her take her in for questioning. They have said that she was the main cause of their defeat.”

“We get to take them out for good,”I said to Jason,”And find my mate. That’s a bonus.”

“She is dangerous for her parents were the head team,”Dad said looking at us,”I want all of you to practice caution when you see her. For others have tried to bring her in but yet failed. They want us to put a stop to the madness she is bringing around her.

“The first group to bring her in will get the honor of questioning her. But be warned when she begins to speak. She is said to have a silver tongue. You are dismissed.”

Dad then came to us and lead us back to the office. He handed me and Jason the file of her. She really wasn’t that tough looking. But yet she looked scared of something. I looked at dad as he smiled at me. Okay what’s going on.

“She was last seen around the cave,”He said,”She was shot by one of the hunters out of fear she would harm him. There should be a blood trail to follow. While we are there we should be able to locate her and help you find the girl you are looking for.”

“Then let’s get started,”I said as we walked out and got on our hunt.

Chapter 4- Maria

I looked out the outside part of the cave. I went through the back door which was a surprise to me that they had a back door. I limped my way into town and went up to the nearest hotel. I got myself a room since I was loaded with the emergency money my parents had put up for me. I got a room on the second floor so it would be easier for me to get away in case they come for me again.

I unpack a little bit so that I wouldn’t be rushing to get everything into my backpack. I was glad that it turns into like a saddle bag when I run. Makes it easier to carrier and keep up with. I flopped down on the bed after I got settled in. My leg though still couldn’t feel that.

“Better check my leg out,”I said to myself.

I undid my bandage and saw that it wasn’t looking any better. The bullet hadn’t skin by my leg but went through one part of it. I was glad that it missed my blood vessels but at the same time my muscles and tissue in my leg I couldn’t feel that. The bleeding had stopped but it was still big red and puffy.

I redid the bandage and looked at the phone by the bed. I could call someone but at the same time it would allow them to know where I’m at. I frowned and looked at my leg. Is it really worth it? Worth getting caught by them? I shook my head as I shouldn’t try and get help. I’m a big girl now and I don’t need that kind of help.

I stood up and a slight sting went up into my hip. At least that helps me know my leg is still there. I looked out the window and saw the town I was in. Not much to it but at the same time there was so much to do.

I might like it here for a little while. I normally would stay a week in a place but maybe seeing how I’m barely walking I should stay a little bit longer. Just to make sure that I can make it out alright.

Chapter 5- Mason

I looked at dad as he stopped all of a sudden. He looked around and you could see a patch of blood on the ground. Jason followed the gaze to a man sitting in a tree now. It was Mr. Rider. The old man knows everyone and everything that goes on here. I can’t believe he was the one that shot Maria Kingsley.

Dad looked at me as if telling me to go do my thing. I looked at him as he motioned to the direction of the cave. I gave a nodded and Jason was going to follow the trail and see where she went. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too far. We can’t have innocent people getting hurt. It would look bad on dad’s part and that would hurt all of us.

As dad and Jason went on with checking out the blood trail and chatting with Mr. Rider about shooting her and what not, I went back to the cave to find my mate. I went in human form not to scare her out of fear that was why I couldn’t find her the first time. I started out where me and Jase was when I noticed it there. Like before it was strong still. She must have been in here when we came in then. Or just came back from something. I followed her scent to the back and went out the door. Soon I was running toward town. Okay what are you up to?

I looked at the hotel and went there. I followed her scent to room 240. I knocked on the door and hard racket on the other side. Please please be here. The door knob shook and soon a girl a little bit shorter than me opened the door.

She had it crack as if scared I would attack. I smiled at her as she looked at me. I could only see her eyes though. She wouldn’t let me see her face oddly enough.

“Hey,”I said smiling at her,”I’m Mason Black. Your…” 

Chapter 6- Maria

He’s here. Oh my goodness! He’s here of all places. How did he find me? Wait my scent. He had to have followed that here. Yikes I was so stupid to not go back like I did before I found that cave. I’m an Idiot. Go ahead and give that reward to me.

“Hey,”He said smiling at me,”I’m Mason Black. Your mate.”

“I know,”I said in a small voice,”I was there when you were looking around.”

“Then why didn’t you come out from your hidden spot?”He asked as I kept my door a crack.

“You wouldn’t understand,”I said looking down and about to close it.

“Yes I would,”He said keeping it open,”Let me in and we can talk about it.”

“You just don’t get it do you,”I said stopping him from making it open wider,”Wherever I go people get hurt. Good people that don’t need to die do. You should just forget about me.”

“I’m not,”He said opening it wider and then staring at me,”You’re Maria Eliza Kingsley.”

“So,”I said going back to the bed.

I had stumble getting out of it for I literally think my leg hates me. So my picture of my family was on the ground. A bottle of water was on the ground. The phone was on the ground. Not to mention a pillow I threw down there to make my landing soft.

“My family is looking for you,”He said shutting the door,”I’m agent 985 from…”

“W.f.H.P. or Wolves for Human Protection,”I said as it clicked,”Why are you all on my tail? I’m just passing through. Or well was till that guy shot me.”

“You tried to attack him,”Mason defended.

“Was not,”I argued,”I saw that he was caught on a wire and struggling to get free. So what do I do. I go and help him out. As a thank you he shots at me after I leave to pass through. I’m sorry if saving people is in my blood. I didn’t think that was a crime.”

“Well people say that you were the one that killed everyone at your ‘Place’,”He said as I stood up.

“I didn’t,”I said almost crying,”Something killed them and my parents sent me away to protect me.”

After that he pushed me up the wall. Our lips connected and you could feel fireworks going off. He was taller than me and my back was up against the wall. I had my hands playing in his hair as his kept me trap.

Soon my legs were wrapped around him as he didn’t stop kissing me. We soon stopped and stay the way we were. Okay so that just happened. I looked at him as he seemed to be happy about what just happened.

“I been looking for you,”He said placing his head on my chest as his hands were on my back,”I been looking for someone that I can call my own.”

“I been looking for a new family,”I said as he put me down,”Someone to help me out in all of this.”

I had my head on his chest as he held me close. I looked him in the eyes as he smiled back down at me. I returned it to him as he seemed to be thinking of something.

“I know a place you can stay and not get caught,”He said getting my things,”Where the thing chasing you nor my family will not find you.”

“And where is that?”I asked as he took my hand and I threw the hood to my jacket up. 

Chapter 7- Mason

I took her to the cave again. I know of one little spot that no one knows of but me. And Jason only goes to it if he knows that I’m there. I walked her into the cave back so that dad and Jason couldn’t find her out. I then snuck to the far left till a little rock still door showed up. I pushed it open to reveal the small bedroom.

There was a twin bed in the middle of the room. A music player for the room is sound proof thankfully. A dresser next to the small closet. And a bathroom for the person using it. It was small but yet comfortable.

“This is my hide out,”I told her as she smiled at it,”No one but me and my brother knows about it. And he doesn’t come here often unless he knows I’m here.”

“Thank you,”She said hugging me tightly.

“I’ll do anything for you,”I told her as she took her things and began to put them up,”How bad is it?”

“How bad what is?”She asked as I walked to her.

“Your leg,”I said sitting her on the bed.

“It’s not good,”She said moving it away from me,”But I will be fine.”

“Please let me see it,”I begged laying my head in her lap,”I can help you know.”

“Lets just go one thing at a time,”She said making me look her in the eye,”I might let you later on. But not right now.”

I nodded and told her to stay in this room and I would take care of her. She nodded and laid on the bed. She soon fell asleep I think. I smiled and walked out the door locking it from the inside where she was at. I placed the key for it under a small little flower on the wall. Jason put that there. So it was the hiding spot for it.

I then ran back out the front but saw that they had left. I went back to the organization and went up to the office. Jason and Dad were talking about something when I walked in.

“She couldn’t have gotten that far could she,”Jason was saying,”The trail ended at the mouth of our cave but her scent was also missing the whole trip.”

“Mr. Rider said that she was a pure white wolf with green eyes,”Dad said,”She didn’t seem wild but she also acted like she was ready to attack if she had to.”

“None of that makes sense though,”Jase said,”If she is attacking like that then maybe she knows that we are looking for her or something.”

“Maybe she’s being hunted down by something else,”I said leaning against the wall,”It would make sense for her to act that way. I mean a new place but yet the same fate over and over again. She’s just scared by it all.”

“She could be Mason,”Dad said then looked at me softer,”Did you find her?”

“Which her?”I asked as he laugh,”No I didn’t find my mate yet. But I think I’m closer to.”

“Well just remember that if you find Maria to turn her in,”Jason joked as I gave off a laugh,”So we can break her down.”

“Yeah,”I said walking home with them.

But I can’t bring her in though. She’s my girl after all. I looked at our house since it was five minutes away from the building. I went up to my room and grabbed a few things for her. She did seem like she was in pretty bad shape after all these years alone I guess.

I ran down stairs and saw mom cooking. I snuck some of it into a to go container and smiled at her. I took mine to my room and go to work on the things for Maria. I slipped them all into a bag and when I knew everyone was asleep I went out my window and down to the cave.

I walked in to her looking at a picture of I guess her family. She seemed heartbroken about it. I shut the door and she kind of jumped at me. I locked it so that no one could get in and hid the key on the dresser. She smiled at me before walking over to me. She wrapped her arms around my midsection since she was shorter than me.

“I brought you some things,”I said as she looked up at me.

“Like what?”She questioned not moving.

“How about something to eat. And some things to help you out a little bit.”


“It’s been rough on you hasn’t it.”

“No family and nowhere to call home. But you learn how to go on with it over the years.”

I nodded and we sat on the floor. I watched as she ate and she looked happy to be having something home made. She looked at me as I laughed at her. She joined in and it was magical. Everything used to be right in my fingertips. All I had to do was ask and I would have gotten my wish. She had lost everything and yet had to battle to stay alive.

I guess sometimes you lose sight of what’s real important in these days. Having someone there that loves you. She looked at me before crawling to me. What is she up to? She laid her head in my lap and her body seemed to relax some since the time I brought her here.

“Will you stay here with me for the night?”She asked as I nodded.

She stood up and we both headed to the bed together. She got in and once I did she snuggled up close to me. I felt her breathing go easy before she went to sleep at last. I played in her hair for a little bit before I too went asleep with my alarm set to get me up before my family finds out I wasn’t at home. 

Chapter 8- Maria

When I woke up he wasn’t there any more. I know he was there when I went to sleep last night. I stood up and went over to the little desk in there. I saw a note from him and smiled that he at least thought about me before he left.


Hey I don’t want to seem rude when I leave in the morning but my family doesn’t know I’m helping you. I mean I want to tell them about you but after all this has blown over. So I might disappear some mornings if I stay with you. So please understand. They want you and I’m on that case. But I don’t want them to have you and put you through all of that. So Yeah I got to go before my mother wakes up.

Love you,

Mason Black

I smiled at it and i do understand it. I mean if it was the other way around I would want to protect him from my family. For when we question you, sometimes you don’t even remember you backstory that you made up or not. We had someone to help with that.

I looked around the little room and went into the bathroom. I smiled when I saw a shower. I’m not ashamed to that I need one right now. Those stupid people had me running for days now with no stopping to breath or take care of other needs.

I grabbed something from the few clothes I had and went to freshen up. I took in the hot water and enjoyed the feeling. I can’t say that I had many hot showers but cold ones have the lead with almost everywhere I have been.

I soon got out and slipped into my black tank top and gym shorts that had pockets. I went over to my bag and took out my Ipod. I stared at my bag for a little bit till pushing the bag away from me. I don’t even know why I keep that with me.

To remember mom and dad, A voice said in my head, And Uncle Max and Jackey. The people you care about and loved. You hope one day Jackey would return there and send you a message proving he has.

I sighed as I plugged my headphones into my Ipod and turned on Fly by Maddie and Tae. It was something that helped calm my nerves when I got the chance to listen to it. I soon didn’t realize I was singing with them.

“Baby blue staring in the window pane

Just counting drops of rain

Wondering if she's got the guts to take it

Running down her dreams in a dirty dress,

Now her heart's a mess

Praying she will find a way to make it


So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake

Just keep on reaching though the limb might break

We've come this far, don't you be scared now

'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down


Searching for a sign in the night even like a lonely string of lights

That'll burn just long enough for you to see it

The road's been long and lonely and you feel like giving up

There's more to this than just the breath you're breathing


So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake

Just keep on reaching though the limb might break

We've come this far, don't you be scared now

'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down


On the way down


You won't forget the heavy steps it took to let it go

Close your eyes, count to ten, hold your breath and fly


Keep on climbing, though the ground might shake

Just keep on reaching though the limb might break

We've come this far, don't you be scared now

'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down


Oh, oh


Fly,”I sanged with them as I had my eyes close the whole time.

“That was amazing,”I heard someone say.

“Thanks Mason,”I said looking at him.

“You get my…”He said kind of worried.

“I did,”I smiled going over to him,”And I get it. I wouldn’t have wanted them to find you if it was the other way around.”

“I’m glad,”He said kissing the top of my head.

He lead me to the bed and we laid down with one another. That was all we did. Was lay there in each others company just talking and getting to know one another. It was like a perfect moment till his phone went off. I guess work has its perks.

“Sorry,”He said looking at it,”I’ll be outside.”

“Boss man calling,”I said as he turned red,”Go I get it.”

I then watched him leave but not before he looked back at me with a smile. He locked the door from the inside before closing it. I guess he doesn’t want anyone running in on me and taking me in. I looked at the ceiling then to the things he brought me yesterday. What all did he bring for me? 

Chapter 9- Mason

I can’t believe I forgot that I had a time limit on how long I could be there. Or well at a ‘special look out’. I bet dad figured out that I wasn’t really there. Man I got to figure something out for this nonsense.

“Sorry,”I said running into the office,”I got held up.”

“Right well I need you to go over Maria’s file,”Dad said handing it to me,”Then think about why she really could be acting like that.”

I nodded and went to my office. Or well dad calls it that, to me it more of a place where I goof off more than at the cave. I went in and no one was there oddly. Someone is always in here when they feel like I’m here.

I took a seat and looked at Maria on the file picture. It was taken in Texas and like I had said she looked scared for her life. Which she should be with what all had happen to her. She told me about that. I opened it up and went over it and I was surprised to see what all she could do. It was also very detailed about her. It’s kind of scary how much it was.

Maria Eliza Kingsley

Agent 885

Born: September 2, 1997 at 2:00 pm

Family: Randy Kingsley- father, Nancy Kingsley- mother, Max Kingsley- Uncle, Jackey Kingsley- Cousin

Family job: Head of patrol- father, Second head of patrol- mother, director of the organization- Max, Operative- Jackey

Her job: Operative in Training, Patrol helper with father, Next for director after her cousin, Interrogation assistant, Resources

Favorite color: Blue, green, silver(just the color), Black

First words: Daddy, Mama, Jakey, Maxy

Favorite book: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter

Abilities: Hide-n-seek, Alpha tone, Silver talker, Harmless helpers

Abilities meaning:

  • Hide-n-seek - Meaning you won’t know she was there till she has left. Her father and mother hold it. As well as her Uncle and Cousin
  • Alpha tone - When she is angry she gets an alpha voice. But if you listen closely you can hear her lace some of her words with it. She doesn’t use this often though.
  • Silver talker - She is a quick one. She has a silver tongue when it comes to finding something out. Whether it’s for herself or the people she cares about she will get it out of you with her silver laced words.
  • Harmless Helpers - She seems harmless yes but that’s not what set the ticket. People can’t get past her eyes. They hold all of her secrets. Only a few held this gift to hold all their emotion in but yet show it in her eyes when she needs to.

 Training: Black belt in mix martial arts, Theatre(she is good at making stories up), weapon training highest grade

Weakness: Unknown


Maria is skilled beyond compare. She was a talented young girl with a loving and caring family. She had a heart of gold toward the world and humanity. That is what people says drive her to work hard.

When Maria was only five she dislocated her sensei's windpipes on accident but yet proved she was worthy of her next belt. Her sensei was also a close friend to the one that trained world Champs for the MMA fightings. He also took her training a step farther to show her techniques ancient Japan used to do and to their surprise they worked.

Maria has also a knack for picking locks and at a young age she picked her way out of her crib and into her cousin’s room which they lock to keep her out of. She learned to pick the most protected places for later missions.

She had sadly been to a few with her parents but on all been sent back for the got too dangerous for the young child. This made her heart broken and took up theatre as a down time.

She worked on reinventing herself to take on roles of others. This also helped her understand why a person would do something and became a part of resources and interrogation. She could have brought anyone to telling her the how and why in a matter of seconds.

Her abilities were never something she worked on. But she has used them before and they get stronger every time she does. Maria just hates having to depend on them for anything and everything.

Wow. Just wow. It was basically what she told me about herself in paper from. But she left out the abilities on purpose to me. I guess I shouldn’t have read this behind her back. I sat it on my desk and looked at the my own file. Maybe I should. I took it out and put that into my bag before heading back to my dad. He still hasn’t proven his point about it being an act. For she was eight when they lost contact to her. So of course it seems like she is a B.A. but I think I know the weaknesses.

“So what you think now?”Dad said as I placed it back on his desk.

“Well seeing how some of it is pretty impressive there is still a lot missing from it,”I said sitting in front of him,”Like how has she been doing since she lost contact with them when she was eight. Also what kind of weaknesses can she have as of right now. To me she seems to be running from something from that past that is still full unknown.”

“I can’t change your mind on it all,”He said as I was walking out.

“Nope,”I said leaving to go and see her. 

Chapter 10- Maria

 I went through the books he had brought me. I was surprisingly loving them. I even had acted out a scene or two while I was bored to get the feel of what the main character was really like. My parents shouldn’t have left me there while they had all of the fun.

“Now my dear prince Charming,”I said doing Marisia from the Tail of her Prince,”You said that you were here to help me out. Does this really seemed to be up to what you had in mind. For it looks like I’m doing the saving around here.”

“That’s one of my favorite part,”I heard Mason say catching me in the act,”Do you do that for all of them.”

“Not really,”I said placing it on the bed,”Just sometimes to help me get to…”

“Know the person better,”He said as I looked at him,”Dad made me read your file today.”

“You know then what all I can do,”I said rubbing my arms now.

He came over to me and placed his hands on mine and looking at me. I looked at him and saw love there. The main drive for helping me right now. He gave me a smiled before just staring at me with a different glint in his eye this time.

“Can I see the Silver talker thing?”He said as I laughed,”I heard so much about it.”

“I use that one the most,”I said doing it,”It’s like people can’t really seem to grasp what I’m saying till it’s too late. For like now I bet you want to hand me your bag and then take ten paces to the right before you can ever figure out what just happened.”

He did that but sadly it was five. He looked at me impress before coming back and opening the bag. He brought out something for me to eat then a folder. He handed it over to me and I saw his name on it with his picture.

“Fair is only fair,”He said kissing the top of my head,”I’ll see you later alright.”

“Alright,”I said as he left me there.

I looked at the file in my hand. He wants me to read his. I would have hid mine from him. But like he said fair is fair. I went to sit down and ate as I looked at the picture. I smiled at it before opening it to see the not really detailed file.

Mason Lucas Black

Agent 985

Born: August 29, 1997

Family: Mickel Black- Father, Elizabeth Black- Mother, Jason Black- twin brother

Family job: Director- father, Second in command and Medic advisor- mother, operative- Jason

His job: Operative, interrogation, Medic in training

Abilities: Alpha voice, Mind reader

Abilities meaning:

  • Alpha voice- it is what it says to be
  • Mind reader- he can judge a person base on their body language and facial expressions. This allows him to know who is a friend and who is a foe

Training: Track and field, Black belt Mixed Martial Arts, a little bit of language, Medical

Weakness: Family matters


Mason is a strong kid. At a young age he was always faster and stronger than his brother and others around his age. He also figured out he loved track and field for he got to train his skills farther than he thought he could.

Mason also took up Mixed Martial Arts to past time which then became a hobie. He dislocated his sensei’s knee on accident when he was told to go for a low attack. This proved to him that he was worthy of higher up training than most kids. But when he couldn’t be thought no more he stopped but yet still helps out with it though as a senior black belt.

Mason’s weakness is his family and loved ones. To him they are the world. If someone was to take them out then he would crash and crumble under the pressure. Mason learned everything under his mother about the field of medicine and has taken up in learning how to better himself in that field. He evened learn Spanish and Latin under her to better himself with it all.

I looked at it as it was impressive. But I sadly know more than two languages. I’m pretty sure I was up to five before all that had happen. But I know hardly anyone would be able to write that down in my file. Uncle Max made sure to not include that type of stuff for our shakes of surviving incase something like this had happen.

I’m fluent in English (of course my native language), Spanish, Latin, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese. Well I miss counted that. But why would they write it in there that he was good in those fields. If someone on the wrong side go their hands on this then he wouldn’t have hardly anywhere to hide.

“Maybe I should rewrite this for them,”I said pulling out my chromebook from my bag with its charger,”Just to be on the safe side.”

I remember what he had told me about himself and went into major report mode. I was in resources so I was use to writing up things like files and such. So I know how my uncle would have wanted this.

I looked at the time and smiled at it. He would most likely come see me again around three to five. So I would have to redo this before 2:30 to be on the safe side. If not I will have to rethink about what all I can do to hide this from him. Well enough chatting let’s get to work.

Chapter 11- Mason

Umph! How is she taking me down so many times. I looked up at Minnie as her being back has got on my last nerve. I sat up as the Sensei was talking to her. I looked at her as she was happy as she can be. I would be too if the guy stronger than me had to go easy and I won every time.

“Hey Mason wait up,”She called as I was leaving.

“What Minnie,”I said facing her and allowing her to catch up.

“Thanks for sparing with me,”She said as we headed back to the main office,”I was hoping I could join you and Jason on the search for Maria. You know to get back into the swing of everything.”

“My father would have to say that’s alright,”I said opening the door to just find Jason,”But if he does I guess that’s alright.”

I sat my things by the door and we took a seat to wait for dad to come. He soon walked in and looked over at me. Please tell me you don’t have more about my Maria.

“I was recently told the there is a channel on youtube with videos of the Kingsley family,”He said looking at me and not the other two,”Take a look at them and see if she is worth the claim you are making about her. You two help him with this and you three figure this kid out before someone gets hurt.”

“Director Black,”Minnie said as he looked at her,”I want to know if I can join Mason and Jason on their search for her.”

“If they say it’s alright,”He said and she lite up,”Now get going on what I had asked of you.”

We got up and headed to my office. I put the videos he sent me up and they were mostly of her and a boy. I guess that’s Jackey. We sat down and watched about eight of them and I’m still supporting my claim on her.

“It seems like she someone who would get the job done no matter what,”Minnie said,”Like she knows no matter what the mission must be finished.”

“It seems like she has had the proper training to survive by herself for a while,”Jason said before looking at me,”What about you?”

“It seems to me that Maria is still upset about what had happen to her family,”I said looking at the frozen picture of her on the big screen,”But she seems to be hiding something in her eyes. Like a kind of weakness that they all are trying to hide.”

“So what are you saying,”They asked to me.

“I want to see her father’s file,”I said going through what dad brought in here,”To see if his weaknesses are listed here or not.”

I went through her whole family and on every part with the weakness there was nothing there. I looked back at the box and knew dad didn’t write these up. Someone else had. But why keep so much about them a secret from the world. Like it says they know multiple languages but none of them are listed. It also goes on about how they are also taught at a young age about five or six.

“Who wrote these up?”I asked looking at them.

“Why are you asking that?”Minnie said looking at Jackey’s,”They seemed detailed like someone from resources has done them up.”

“These weren’t done by any of our people,”I said as Jason looked through them.

“Then where did dad get them from?”Jason asked as we had a silent agreement.

There was something else dad wasn’t telling us about this. I looked at Minnie as she seemed to be having a debate about something. She then stood up and smiled at the two of us. Okay the last time you smiled like that toward us you ended up in the hospital.

“I can get them ran to see if I can pull anything off of them,”She said holding up the file she had in hand,”Then we can narrow it down to who wrote them and see if they know anything else about Maria.”

“When did you become so smart,”Me and Jason said together.

“When that tire hit my head knocking me out,”She said leaving with five of the files,”I’ll see you later boys.”

I looked at my brother as that was the most confusing thing she had ever said to us. I rolled my eyes and looked at him for what he thought about all of this.

“I pity the poor fellow who is her mate,”He said pointing to Maria on the word ‘her’,”He would have to watch his back with her around.”

With that he walked out leaving me there. I gave off a laugh as that fellow was me. I looked at the frozen girl and gave off a smile. At least I know the truth behind her. I picked up the file about her parents and decided to bring them home with me. I could see if I can better understand her that away.

For the way the parents are the child was raised about the same way. I looked down at her uncle’s. Maybe she knows more about all of this than she is telling me about. Baby steps Mason. She’ll tell you when she feels like she can trust you with that kind of information.

I packed it up before walking back to dad. Jason was already in there talking to him but was finishing up when I walked in. He left as dad turned to me. He has always depend on my judgement about people. So for Maria I know he would be doing the same thing as he did with the others.

“I stick with it,”I said as he nodded,”Everything seems to point to she loved her family and that she didn’t do it.”

“We’ll take her in nicely then and not shooting at her,”He said before I left,”Good luck on your search for your mate son.”

If only he knew I found both of them. I gave off a laugh before heading over there since it was 4:00 already. 

Chapter 12- Maria

I finished it up and just finished printing it out when he opened the door. I quickly slipped them into the folder as he walked over to me. I felt his arms go around my waist as I smiled. He looked at me as I handed him the new file. He took it and opened in front of me.

“You wrote this,”He said in almost amazement.

“Being in resources we had to write files on people,”I said as he had one arm around me holding me close,”So I learned from my Uncle how he wanted us to do it.”

“You left a lot out of it though,”He said looking over it.

“Well things like Language should stay hidden,”I said looking at him,”My Uncle said that if we ever get attack and people found our files that they shouldn’t be able to know about what we can do fully. It gives us a chance at hiding and then coming back home when it is safe again.”

“Then you can tell me who did these,”He said bringing out more,”My dad had them and I’m curious on who did them up.”

I took hold of them as ever one who writes up a report or files as their own mark. For heaven sakes my own Uncle did mine. You can tell for he seems to be bragging about me in quiet al alot of it. He uses things like ‘She’s a quick one’ or talks about my skill levels as if no one else can do what I can do.

I looked over the file on my dad and sure enough it was my Uncle. Wait. How is this file so much like the ones at the base. I went through the ones he brought and my parents were done by him. But in his there were two.

“This one I did as well,”I said taking that one out,”It was the first one I ever wrote. But also my dad did the original one.”

“So what you are saying is that somehow my dad got your files from your base,”He said as I nodded,”But when?”

“Must have been after they attacked us,”I said looking away,”And I lost everyone.”

I turned away from him as a tear rolled down my face. He made me face him as he whipped the tear away. He hadn’t ask about that day. I hugged him tightly as I been running from that day for the past years. My whole life has been a mess since then.

“You want to talk about it?”He asked petting my head.

I nodded and we sat on the bed as he held me close to him. It was like I was just that eight year old again watching the world take away the one thing I can’t live without. My weakness.

“It was just a normal day there,”I started out,”Dad was watching the outside while I was in the sea bay goofing off with my favorite Ocra.”

“You had an Orca,”He said as I nodded,”Tell me how later.”

“Well I was practicing the Hydro jump like Sea World did,”I continued as I nodded,”Buddy had learned how to do it some how. I never taught him how to, but he just did it one day.

“Well soon my Uncle came in and laughed at us. I was on his back laying down as he swimmed me around in my black and white swim suit. Soon I heard yelling and me and Buddy went out to see what was going on.

“Dad was there yelling at a guy to give him our password to show they were a friend. But he refused. Dad nodded at me and Buddy and I did the Hydro jump. I was small enough that when he came back from the bottom of the ocean it pushed me on to their boat. I landed and saw their eyes. I knew then that they weren’t friends.

“I jumped back into the water before they could get me. Dad sounded the alarms and Buddy rushed me back inside. Soon everything started to go wrong. One by one everyone started to die. I was with my Parent and we ran to see my Uncle. But as we ran in he died by their hands. My parents rushed me to a pod and sent me own my way after telling me what all to do and that they loved me. That’s the last time I saw them for as they shot me away they were the last to die I think.”

I cried as he stayed there. I never really got over that but just pushed it away. I looked at him as he hugged me tightly. It was relaxing and I knew Buddy was trying his long distance call to get me pack. He was one of my best friends after all.

I looked at Mason as he wanted to know about how I had Buddy. I got up and went to my computer. I showed him that day for I left out a lot of it. He watched it as I stayed close to him for it hurts watching it.

Soon I showed him the thing on Buddy. My dad found him when I was just a baby and so was Buddy. Dad said that he was tangle up and the pod left after a while thinking that he had died. But we took him in and introduced him to the rest of the rescue Orcas we had. Orcit and Marvy were the two dominate at the time and took Buddy in.

Buddy was named by Jackey but soon when I was old enough I began to work with him. When it came time to let him go he left but before we closed the door like the others from our rescue pod he came back. I laughed as he slid up onto our water platform and stayed by my side. I had taken care of him ever since.

He sat there and watched the Sea World performances with me and I guess he learned them that way. He even saved me from a shark attack before.

“It say here he saved you,”Mason said as I laughed at the memory,”Care to explain.”

“I was laying on the platform relaxing,”I began,”The gate was up for we were letting the whales and dolphins we kept for they didn’t want to leave us out. I was in a red jacket and I wasn’t paying attention. Buddy was also in the water so I didn’t think twice about moving.

“I soon was dragged into the water. I wasn’t wearing my wetsuit which had an air helmet built into for underwater doings. I held my breath as I trashed around. I looked up to see the great white that had me.

“I became scared at that moment. I tried harder but it was getting hard to hold my breath. I looked and saw Buddy coming my way. He took hold of a string I had around my ankles and yanked me out of the sharks grip. He pushed me up and rammed into the side of the shark. I watched him take him out but he soon come back.

“He put me on his back and stayed still in the middle of the pool as I caught my breath and calmed down. Dad watched the whole thing as he had a shark that was mean but listened to him. He was about to let him go when Buddy took care of the problem. That was when I knew the bond we had was true. We were a team and I wouldn’t let anything happen to him.”

“How old were you,”He said looking at me.

“I was seven,”I answered honestly,”I was taught to swim ever since I could walk. So I was a pretty strong swimmer at that point. But I guess the cool part about the whole thing was that my Jacket hangs up in the Sea Bay as a reminder of what an Orca is really like. Sweet and caring if not treated like a caged animal.”

He nodded before kissing the top of my head. He left but looked back at me as he was thinking about something. He gave me a smiled before he spoke again.

“You're stronger than most people,”He said with a smile,”If that was me I would have broken down not wanting to live through all of that.”

“It’s a weakness of mine I learned to cope with,”I said as he went wide eyed,”Yes I just told you the unknown things.”

He left after that and I was left to my thoughts again. I shut my eyes and saw my Buddy in the pool most likely trying to get me to come back. I’ll soon be back with you pal. Just give it some time. 

Chapter 13- Mason

It has been three days since she has been with me. And each day she seems to relax more and more. Her little shield she put up to kept from being hurt slowly comes down for me. I think it’s nice when I learn more about her each day. I also found out she gets happy talking about their rescue operation they do for the sea life around them.

She was apart of that but her Uncle left it out for hardly anyone knows that they have that going on. She has even told me that their base was in the middle of a sea and could go underwater to hid when it was necessary. It brightens my day hearing about her old life. As well as gives her joy talking about it.

I was heading into the office to see if Dad would let me skip out today to go on a ‘date’ with a girl. I was planning on spending it all with Maria. Since I know she has to be lonely being by herself 24/7.

“What do you need Mason?”He asked looking at me.

“I wondering if it was alright to not come in today,”I said as he looked at me, “It’s for a girl.”

“Is she someone special to you,”He said with that knowing look.

“You can say that,”I said thinking about her now, “So can I?”

“Just this once,”He said as I smiled, “But you better be working on the Maria case. She should be leaving soon. The week is about to be up.”

“I promise I’ll figure something out about that,”I said running out.

I ran around the corner and right into Minnie. She went down as I flipped over her head. She gave me her devil look before picking up the papers she dropped.

“I got that analyses we agreed on,”She said looking at me, “They are from somewhere in the sea. And by the work of the thing the person who wrote them had to be thinking about the person a lot to leave out the valued things we need for the case.”

“Thanks Minnie,”I said grabbing the copy she was handing me, “I will go over this while you and Jason go back to work without me today.”

“You be good to that girl now,”She said as I stopped,”And don’t act like I can’t figure out you are in a rush for someone special like a girl.”

I gave off a little laugh and ran home. I grabbed some things and went back to the cave. I went to the room to see her in the middle of the floor doing some kind of form. I watched her movement as if it was golden.

She was doing something from her training I guess. With every attack she huffed as if for a yell. Each attack was well thought out and planned. She faced me and smiled as she finished up what she was doing.

“That was amazing,”I said as she rolled eyes at the comment,”No really what form was that?”

“It’s an ancient Japanese technique my Sensei taught me,”She said getting some water,”It helps calm your inner spirit animal from exploding forth and getting real with the world.”

“I’m guessing you just quoted him,”I said as she nodded,”You two seemed close.”

“He was a friend to me,”She said sitting on the bed looking at her chromebook,”He treated me like I was his child. Even though I was smaller than the other students he went harder on me. Saying that the true size of a warrior was what was on the inside. I would focus for hours a day about what he had said till I knew about it all. I soon passed everyone in the class and he started to teach me the ancient techniques.”

“Like I said close,”I joked as I laid the stuff out,”I was thinking maybe we can watch a movie or something today.”

“Alright,”She said helping me lay down the blanket I drop for us,”We can screen a movie on the ceiling.”

We agreed to that and soon we were watching Pixels. We laid side by side holding hands as it progressed. She was just like a regular girl that was taught differently like me. After that movie I went out and got us something from home as she went to the bathroom.

“Mason what are you doing back here already?”Mom asked as I looked for an excuse.

“I forgot to get the picnic stuff,”I said as I saw the basket on the table.

“When will I meet this mystery Mate of yours,”Mom said packing something else into the basket,”You talk to me so much about her it’s like I should have met her by now.”

“You’ll get to meet her soon mom,”I said getting the basket,”Thanks.”

“Welcome honey,”She called as I ran out and back to the cave.

I walked in to her on her computer typing. She’s been doing that alot lately. I walked up behind her but she turned it off before I could see what she was doing. She just smiled as we sat down to enjoy what my mother made for us.

I watched her eyes as they seemed to get that glow back. The one you see in peopel when everything in their life is going good and nothing had happen. It has finally returned to her green eyes as they sparkled in the light of the room.

“What?”She smiled at me.

“Your light is returning,”I said as she laughed,”What I’m just saying that it’s nice to see the light in your eyes.”

She nodded as we finished up. I loaded up the left overs into the basket and we laided down back on our blanket. I had my arm around her as she laid beside me. We watched Little Mermaid next for why not a clasic disney movie.

She was almost in love with seeing something like that from her child hood. It brought a smile to my face to notice I was making a difference in her life. She made the normal comments about the movie like all kids do which if I’m honest I did as well.

When it was all over she looked at me as if making her mind up. Okay what are you up to now? She didn’t move but just stared into my eyes like it was our moment.

“You can take care of my leg now if you still want to,”She said as I smiled,”But just a warning I can’t feel anything in it.”

I nodded and sat up. She did as well as I removed her mixshape bandaid. When I did I saw how bad it was really. It was swollen and looked like it became infected. She lost her smile as if she knew it had gotten this bad.

I went to the basket and got out the things mom packed last. It was a first aid kit and something to help remove silver filings that could be still in her wond. I went back to her as she looked at me.

I cleaned the wond better since it looked so bad. It turned out the redness was form it bleeding every now and then. I guess she went to the bathroom to see if it had or not. So it wasn’t that red but just a little pinkish around it.

I pour the silver looking liquid onto her leg and she jumped at it. I stopped as she laughed at her action. I guess it’s been a while since she gotten Medical help. I continued to pour it till I knew that it was clean out.

I put some sab on it to help it heal better before wrapping her leg up with a long piece of medic wrap. I tied it off as she looked at me with a smile. I sat beside her since she moved to the bed for my to wrap her leg up right.

“Thank you,”She said hugging me.

“You don’t need to thank me,”I told her,”I would do anything to keep you safe and happy.”

“You’ve tooken so many hits for me though,”She said looking at me,”You could get caught and who knows what all trouble that can get you into. So I’m thanking you for that.”

“You don’t need to,”I said kissing her,”I would jump off a cliff to make sure your alright. I would swim all the way to China to make sure you're safe.”

“I know,”She said as our kissed deepen.

There was passion in it as our lips moved in perfect sync. I could feel her smile into it as it deepened more. We soon stopped for air. I rest my hand on her cheek as our foreheads stayed together. She was smiling as she was regaining her breath back.

“My dad had always wished that my Mate was caring and would take care of me,”She said looking me in the eye,”I think his wish came true in you.”

“I’m glad that I can be that person for him,”I said kissing her nose and she crinkled it up,”You look cute when you do that.”

She laughed as that spark seemed to grow everytime it was just us. I smiled as I love to know I’m helping her out. It makes me feel good about myself and that my Mate is happy with me. 

Chapter 14- Maria

I watched him leave at around 8:00 pm after his dad calling asking him where he was. So I was alone again. I went to my Chromebook and got back to the S.O.S alert I was doing. Maybe just Maybe I could get some help with all of this. Some intel would be nice.

I wrote up most of it the other day. I was sending it to our friends at HQ. Yes there was a bigger part of my situation. I hadn’t kept up with them but right now I want to see why I’m on the wanted list for his group.

I finished it up and looked at the wording I had used. I know my uncle said that for it to be undetectable I should write in the third person and have what I want clearly written in my note. So that what I based this one off of. I just hope they will help me out some.

Mr. Sims,

Hey I have been wondering what really happen after the Night Hunter pack was whipped out almost completely. Like is there anything about the girl Maria Kingsley? What all has went down for her to be put on a hit list for W.F.H.P. Was there something she did or something? If you can help me out in my hunt please share the following information to this email. I would really like some kind of help during this time of wonder. I was close to the pack and want to know what all is going on with them.

I sent it using my real world Email, whitefurredhero through gmail. It was undetectable and I was safe from anyone knowing about me truly being myself. I then went to the other one since I had worked on that one the most. It was to my base and home. I wanted to know if anyone had survived or at least came back home.

This is Agent 885,

If you are reading this and know anything about regrouping or who all has survived the attack. I’m right now in the care of someone that is really special to me. So if I can get word about any of that right now that would be good.

I’m also being hunted down and if we have back up that is good as well. They are from the attack on us. I will try to give you word about what all is going on with that if you send me the news about what I have asked. I would really like to know about what all is going on.

Also to make you know more about my hateful life right now I must say that I’m being watched down by W.F.H.P. for the whole attack thing. I would like someone to help get that remove or provide them with the proof they are so far looking for. If anyone is out there and can receive this email please contact me for I need to know that someone from my pack is alright. Please don’t leave me hanging out in the world with the piece of mind that all of you have died on me. I can’t bare to know that I might be the only survivor from the whole thing.

I sent that one through my base email. So I know that people would get it. I looked at the screen hoping someone would contact me soon. A hope that always seems to end after the day has. I looked at the screen one last time before getting up and going to bed. Maybe in the morning I would have something in one of my inboxes.

Chapter 15- Mason

I total had forgot that Mom was taking me and Jason out for some mother sons time. I hurriedly changed into some comfortable as Jason waited outside my door. I ran back out in a red polo and some gym short. He was also wearing the same thing as me. We made eye contact but neither of us made the move to tell the other to change.

“Mom also said she liked it when we matched,”We said together before laughing.

We went down stairs as she was waiting for us at the door. When we came down her eyes lite up at the site of what we ‘did’. Seeing her smile like that brightens up my day even more. The three of us got into the car with Jase up front with mom while I stayed in the back.

“I’m taking you two to something quite special to me,”She said as I looked at her in the rear view mirror,”A place where some of my friends and I use to meet up at.”

“Who were they?”Jason asked as the beach showed up.

“The alpha family from the Night Hunter pack,”She said as Killer whales were in the background of the beach,”They passed that day when that girl Maria’s family died.”

“I’m sorry to hear that mom,”I said as I’m now wondering if Maria is from the same pack.

“Well I did promise myself one thing that day though,”She said a little bit happier,”That I would find their lost child and take her into my household like my own since she lost her family.”

We got out and we watched the Orcas in the background. One though was almost whining it seemed like. It was a whale bigger than the others. I want to say it could have been a Male whale. He jumped out of the water as if hitting a ball or something before going back under.

“A train whale I guess,”Jason said with a smile,”Seaworld has set some free I’m guessing.”

“I don’t think that’s it,”I said going for a closer look,”He could be from someone’s past.”

Buddy learned tricks from sea world some how, I heard Maria’s voice explain to me again, I never knew how he did but I never questioned it. Sometimes I could hear him calling me if I didn’t reinforce that I was coming back soon. Or if I did and didn’t it scared him. He would sit in the pool and use his long distance call trying to bring me back to him.

“I think he misses someone,”I said as mom got a closer look,”Like a friend or something.”

“Those are rescue whales,”Mom said,”I think my old friends told me about how they were one of the few groups to save sea animals and then release them back into the wild but some refused to and came back home to them. If I’m correct they build bonds with one person after almost imprinting on them. Like a personality check.”

“So you're saying that whale could be from that pack and he is looking for an old friend of his,”Jason said joining us,”If it’s like the thing with Telekum than they have another thing coming.”

“They don’t do that,”Mom said before I did,”They let them make the choices. Asking if they would do something and giving them positive reinforcements when they did it or even for trying. They let them stay wild and not caged up.”

I watched as he almost did a hydro dive but was missing his partner. I closed my eyes thinking about an eight year old girl and that whale at only eight. Maria bursting through the water and diving into it perfect to complete the move. I took out my phone and took a picture of the whale as him and a female jumped straight out of the water. I snapped it then and looked at it.

I hope she can tell me if it was Buddy or not. I would love to get them back together. I looked at mom as she smiled at me. Is there something she knows and not telling me? I laughed as we waded in the water and watching the black fishes in the background. Mom always knows how to picking a relaxing time with us.

“What all can you tell us about the Night Hunter pack?”Jason asked as I just watched the whales.

“They were close to one another,”Mom said with a smile,”They were also kinder than most wolves would have ever took it.”

“What do you mean by that?”I asked looking at her now.

“They didn’t just take in whales and dolphins,”She said with a smile,”But Sharks, octopuses, and I think they have a giant squid in there house. But the greatest kindest ast was taking in the rogues as well.”

“But they were put out for a reason,”Jason said.

“Or they ran away from it all,”I finished for him looking at the big whale again.

“Yes but to them they were just lost and needed help,”She said,”They took them in and gave them a home. To some they were just rogues but to my friends they were members of the pack.”

“What else is there to them?”Jason asked wanting to know like always.

“They a bright ones,”Mom continued,”They have gifts that most would never have seen coming. Mostly for that was also one of them. Another well known gift of theirs would have to be Memory Locker.”

“What’s that?”I asked now curious.

“It’s when one can go to a certain place or see certain things and unlock their memories or regain them if they lose them,”She said looking out at the sea,”Mason why are you watching that one whale?”

“I feel like I know who he’s looking for,”I said as he watched me sticking his tongue out as if in a kissing motion,”And I think I know where she’s at.”

“Well he might be Maria’s,”She said as Jason was out of earshot,”I know you know where she is Mason. Is there something you're not telling me?”

“Is there something you're not telling me?”I questioned as she gave me the mom look,”Yes.”

“Then what is it?”She said looking at the whale with me.

“She’s my mate,”I claim as she rubbed my shoulder.

“Our little secret,”She said turning me around,”But I get to some with you tonight if you go and see her.”

“Deal,”I said as Jason was coming back.

Chapter 16- Maria

“You’re only second rate,”Younger me was singing was Buddy took her under then came back up,”How was it Uncle Max?”

“Amazing Maria,”He said as I laughed.

That’s when the yelling began. And she was off. I shut it down after that. I been watching mine and Buddy’s performances we did for the family. But now I don’t get to do that. For something to them away from me. I stood up and went to the bed. I looked at the picture of me and Buddy and Jackey and Marco.

Marco was a dolphin that was from the same area as Buddy. Him and Jackey had a bond and like Buddy, Marco was the dominant male in the dolphin pod. I would do things with Marco like get him to jump through a hoop. And he did it out of his own will power.

I didn’t know how much I missed them. I missed getting into the water with them and goofing off. Going on our underwater rescues and saving the poor thing stuck in the fishing net. Everything about it.

I was only seven when Jackey left. And he did it a few days after the shark attack on me. I never saw him after that but always knew he was alright even when he didn’t come back from the mission. I just wished I knew why. Then when we were attacked I knew he would come back right then but never did.

“Why are you looking upset?”I heard Mason ask as I faced him.

“I’m just thinking about Jackey that’s all,”I answered as he nodded,”Why are you standing in the doorway?”

“I want you to come out,”He said as I went to him,”I got a surprise for you and someone I want you to meet.”

I nodded and walked with him out to the main part where I first saw him. I looked to see a woman that looked like him. She smiled at me as I knew she was a friend of my parents. I didn’t move though. I didn’t want him to know that I knew her.

“So your Maria,”She said as I nodded,”You seem so harmless and just a normal girl.”

“I am normally,”I said as she laughed,”You must be Mrs. Black.”

“I am,”She said sweetly,”But hurry and get into the car. Mason wants to show you something.”

I did as I was told and hid in the back seat. Mason was up front as I laid down on the back seat to make where no one could spot me. I soon felt the car spot and slipped on the things they brought to hid my true appearance. Mason took my hand and lead me onto the beach. I followed him to the water till it was to my knees.

I looked out and I saw him. I saw my Buddy jump out of the sea and act like he was hitting the ball on the ceiling. He’s gotten so big. I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheek. My pal and best friend was right here in front of me.

“Can we go farther,”I asked as he laughed.

“Mom,”He called as I saw the fin of something.

“Beach Mason,”I called pushing him in that direction,”Get to the beach.”

We ran there but it got my shoe. I kicked it in the nose and it let go of me. I ran there but saw a baby dolphin there alone. No you don’t. I ran back to the water edge and looked at Buddy. Please notice my voice pal.

“Buddy behind you,”I called and he turned around,”Save the poor thing.”

I watched as he took the shark out and looked at me. He swam close to the shore as he could. I went in till it was about my chest height. I looked at him as his mouth was about all of him the could reach me.

He gave me a kiss like he does before I leaned on him petting him. I let out a tear as he was looking for me all this time. I rubbed his flipper as he turned away from me.

“I’m fine Buddy,”I kept saying as I petted him,”I promise to be back as soon as I can. Just give me some time.”

He nodded his head as I said my goodbyes to him. I made my way back to shore with Mason as he looked happy about it. I looked at him hugging him tightly.

“Thank you,”I said with tears coming down my face,”Thank you for showing me my Buddy again.”

“You’re welcome,”He said holding me tightly,”I know he means a lot to you.”

I looked at him as my cell buzzed. I took it out and looked at a picture of him and Crystal the second dominant female and Buddy’s kind of girlfriend. I looked at him as smiled. He got me a picture of them.

“No thank you for that one now,”He said as I took my shoes off,”I’ll get you some new shoes later.”

“Yeah,”I laughed,”These were my only pair.”

We got back into the car and Mrs. Black drove us back to the cave. She left us there as we went back to that room. I walked in still wet but I don’t care. I reminds me of the old times with Buddy. When I would say I’m hot and then and wave of water hit me from him to cool me off.

“I’m staying with you tonight,”He said as I nodded,”Mom got dad to let me off for the day tomorrow.”

“Cool,”I said walking into the bathroom to shower,”I’ll be right back then.”

“Don’t take long I need one too,”He called as I laughed.

I got into the hot shower and let it warm my body up since that water was freezing cold. I got out fast and changed into some clothes he got for me. I walked out changed and he went in. Like me he soon walked out and we got into the bed. I laid my head on the pillow as his arm wrapped around my small body. 

Chapter 17- Minnie

I walked around everywhere but couldn’t find Mason. I looked at Jason as he hadn’t said a word about what was going on today. I went up to Director Black to see if I can get something out of him instead.

“Sir Where’s Mason today?”I asked as he looked at me.

“He has something to do today,”Was all he gave me.

I nodded and told him that I was going home for I had an ‘headache’. He agreed and I walked to the cave. I know about Mason’s hiding spot for when he doesn’t want to do anything today. I went up to it and found it unlocked.

I walked in to see him with a girl. I laughed and walked on in to see if I knew who she was. I watched him to make sure he wouldn’t catch me. I should take a picture of this to use as blackmail against him.

I took out my cell and put the camera as I made my way closer to her. When I could see her face I was met with…Maria Kingsley! I backed up dropping my phone on the ground. Mason looked at me with wide eyes before jumping up and slapping a hand over mouth. He took me out of the room shutting the door behind us.

He led me over the the couch with his stupid hand over my mouth. I looked at him as he seemed worry about something. What are you doing with her? And why are you worried about this? AND get you hand off of my mouth.

“I will answer all of that and remove my hand when you promise not to tell a single soul about what you saw or going to hear,”He said as I had mind linked my questions to him.

Whatever. I promise not to tell anyone about this.

“Good,”He said removing his hand.

“Now tell me,”I said as he looked in that direction,”Or I’ll drag someone here.”

“You’re evil you know,”He said looking at me,”Can’t I just protect someone I can’t live without.”

“She is her,”I said looking at him as he must have mentally facepalmed,”Why haven’t you told anyone you found her?”

“I told my mom,”He said looking at me,”And what would you think dad would do if I told him? For hey dad Maria the girl you asked me to hunt down is my mate. Sounds really nice thing to do.”

“He would put it off,”I said looking at him,”He wouldn’t take her in for that would be hurting you.”

“Yeah for hurting me is the last thing he wants to do,”He said looking upset about something,”For all those times he said that he wouldn’t cross the line and miss something big for me and breaks it sounds just like not hurting me.”

“He never made those,”I said looking at him shock,”That must hurts.”

“I’m scared he’s going to take her from me. That I’ll never get to see her again. She already hardly trust anyone. I don’t want her to get hurt more than she already has.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“She told me what really happened that day. I was even showed the video proof from it happening. She lost her family that day and so much more. She’s scared that she’s the last person from it all.”

I noded and he took me in there to see her. I walked in to her just getting out of the bed in some short shorts and a baby blue tank top. She looked like a normal girl and not some super chick that can break you hand off if she wants to.

“One time I only did that one time for he was in my face and I gave him the warning not to do that,”She said as I looked at her,”I mind linked Mason to ask him what was going on and heard that comment.”

“Oh,”I said looking not too excited now.

“But at least you don’t think I can harm you,”She said sticking her hand,”I’m Maria Kingsley or Agent 885.”

“Nice to meet you,”I said not wanting to anger her.

“I won’t hurt you,”She said sitting down,”I can barely do anything right now.”

“Why’s that?”I asked as Mason was at her leg.

“Got shot at,”She said as he was changing her bandaid.

I saw the wound on her leg. It wasn’t really that swollen or pink looking. But almost like she was recovering quite nicely. I watched Mason play doctor as he took care of her leg. It was really sweet of him to. I wish I had someone that would do that for me when I get hurt.

She smiled at him as he looked at her when he had finished it. He kissed the bandaid and she laughed at it. They were cute together. I wish some day Ricky, my five year old brother, would treat his girl like that and not how dad did to mom. Well when he was alive at that.

“So tell me something about you,”Maria asked looking at me,”For someone who holds herself higher than others must have some kind of back story.”

“I don’t really,”I said doing as what she pointed out,”Just got to keep up with my competition.”

“You know I don’t believe you right,”She said as I nodded,”I seem how interrogation works and I know how to get into people’s head. Just tell me the truth and I’ll believe it.”

“My dad,”I said as she nodded.

“An abusive father,”She said as I snapped my head toward her,”Told you that you were worthless I’m guessing. So you had to build yourself to show him that you weren’t. Then someone came a long and changed your life around. Most likely a younger sibling. You started to defend him/her from your father till he went after your mother. Soon you had enough and went after him. But he knew you would. So he chase you all the way to the beach. You went into the water to try and lose him but he was a stronger swimmer than you were.

“The two of you went farther out sea than you had planned. You had tried to go back but the current was to strong. Seeing what he did pushed him to help get you back to safety. So he threw you to the easier waters. But you didn’t see the shark behind him till it had him. You tried to help him but he scream for you to go home and watch the family.

“So you followed out with that wish. And swam back home. You called the police to let them know about it so that you could have tried to help him. But they were too late and you lost your father.”

I stood there frozen as that was my life in a nutshell. How? How did she know that by just looking at me? I faced her as she seemed to have read me better than most have.

“I knew someone with that same story,”She said,”She was a rogue from around here or Canada. She was stronger than most after that day. She worked on something special with me for a while. Brightest and sweetest girl I knew till you tick her off.”

“What happen then?”Mason said as Maria looked at the both of us.

“Think of smurfette against that cat in the smurf movie,”was all she gave.

I smiled at her and we talked the day away. I told her about my baby brother and she told me about her cousin. The only boy she could be herself around. Mason joined in every now and then but listened nethertheless.

“Well it was good meeting you,”Maria said as Mason and I had to leave,”Be safe heading back though.”

“We will,”Mason said before locking the door and hiding the key.

“I won’t drag anyone here,”I told him as he relaxed,”But she is what you told your dad though.”

“I know she is,”He said as we went our own ways.

Chapter 18- Maria

I looked out at the little room around me. It has became home to me. I was on my chromebook when I heard screaming. I walked out of the room as it seemed to be near me. I walked out to the edge of the cave’s entrance. I didn’t want to leave it for I know that when I do they will be trying to kill me again.

If you haven’t notice this but some vampires are trying to do away with me. I don’t know why but they can’t enter the perimeter of a wolf cave. It’s like our most protective thing and they can’t enter for we don’t enter theirs. So it like our deal. Free game when we are not around it or inside. So I get excited when I find one.

I looked out and turned into my white wolf and ran out making sure they weren’t near me or behind me. I saw that guy that had shot me. He was hanging upside down by his leg and one of my enemies were watching him. I let a growl out and they saw me.

“Hello little miss wolfy,”The girl vamp said to me,”You want him.”

I shook my head as she smiled. She went to attack and I went into action. I jumped in the air and took her down. We went rolling as she tried to get on my back. My leg stung for that. I locked eyes with her as she grinned evilly. I don’t think so sweetheart.

She came at me trying to get past by I took her arm off. She looked at me as I spit that out. I growled again as she stared at me.

“You’ll pay for that,”She hissed coming for me.

I grinned as I waited for her to get in the right position. As she was almost on top of me I finished the job. I scattered her around the woods before going back to the old man. I helped him down as he had his gun ready. I looked up at him with puppy eyes and he seemed to have understood.

“Sorry for that,”He said petting my head,”But it’s not often a scared wolf comes in here.”

I looked at him as nodded as I ran back to the cave. I shifted back and slipped the clothes I had on back on. I was about to go back to the room when someone took hold of my wrist.

I spun around to see it was only Mason. He looked at me like I was insane. I smiled sadly at the floor as we stayed there.

“What were you doing?”He asked making me face him,”Maria please answer me.”

“I was saving the man that shot me,”I said looking into his eyes,”He was hanging there helplessly and I was here listening to his screams for help. I could just let him die now could I.”

“He notified us,”He said as I got wide eyed,”Dad and Jason are on their way here to see what all had just went down.”

“I didn’t know,”I said as we hurried to the room,”I just had to help him out. I can’t stand watching humans being in trouble form a stupid vampire waiting for their next meal.”

“A what?”Mason said looking at me.

Oh my gosh. I just told him what we do. I looked into his eyes as he shut the door behind us. He looked so confused on what I meant by that. What do I do?

“A vampire,”I said letting my mouth just go,”You know blood suckers. Leaches.”

“I thought that was only a tell,”He said looking at me,”We never fought them before.”

“That’s because my organization did,”I explained sitting on the bed,”When I was little my dad told me how we were the human chance at surriving against the blood shuckers. We took the missions that had them in it. It was our way of showing that even though we were who we were that we still cared for people and their well being.”

“I’m guessing then that they can’t come near the cave,”He said as I nodded,”Well thank you for helping Mr. Rider out. He really is thankful for that.”

“You saw me.”

“I did.”

I looked into his eyes and we kissed. It was sweet but not like the others we shared. He made it short as I heard people coming our way. He left me there and I heard talking outside the door.

“Yeah he said that wolf he shot saved him,”Jason’s voice said,”We still might have a chance before she leaves.”

“What else did he say about the whole thing?”Mason asked.

“That there was also a pale girl there,”Jason said sounding confuse,”He said that it was most likely a vampire and Maria most likely has been trained for that right.”

“Why do you think that?”

“For he said that the wolf that saved him knew what she was dealing with. That she attacked the girl like she knew what could happen and how to avoid death.”

“Sounds to me like she does.”

“Dad thinks she near by still but today is our last day to get her. Or she’s gone from this area.”

“Well get Maria Jason,”I heard Mason say as I wanted to laugh,”You just got to keep up hope that we will.”

I wanted to laugh as Mason just didn’t tell him about where I was really. I heard footsteps leave as I went back to my chromebook. I opened it up to see a picture of me and my family. I miss them more than anything. 

Chapter 19- Mason

 I walked into the Dad’s office as he was upset that we didn’t get her before three days ago when she would have been leaving. So now it was just the regular days. Paperwork, training, and updates for everything and anything.

I walked in to dad staring at Maria’s file. He’s been doing that since three days ago. He sent people out looking for her cross country. Why can’t her give up on looking for my mate? I mean she’s not the one we should be looking for. It’s those people that took her home and family…

“You wanted to see me,”I said stopping that mess.

“Yes,”He said trying to get his stuff together,”Mason if you were right about Maria where would she be headed right now.”

“Dad I’m not that kind of person,”I said for I really didn’t know,”I mean if it was me I would be heading home or to somewhere that was a safe haven from all of this.”

“She would be looking for that,”He said getting maps out,”But where is their base?”

I walked out and headed home. It was the end of the day and he was working late yet again. I went home as mom handed me things to stay with Maria. I smiled at them as I went to the cave. I made sure no one was following me as I went to the room. I unlocked it to find her upside down leaning on the wall. I think I walk in on her doing the most absurd things ever.

“Hey,”She said flipping back up right.

“I don’t even want to know,”I said as she laughed,”How are you today?”

“Good,”She said hugging me as I shut the door,”What about you?”

“I’m good,”I said kissing her nose,”Better know that I’m with you.”

She smiled and we laid down with one another before she went to sleep in my arms. I smiled at her as she smiled in her sleep. I pulled the covers up on us as I closed my eyes and held her close to me.




I woke up to see that Mason was yet again missing this morning. I left the house and Minnie caught up with me. I know he isn’t where I thought he was at first for he is never there when I’m looking for him. So that means he’s at the cave in that room he found.

“Morning Jason,”Minnie said happily.

“Morning Minnie,”I said looking at the cave.

“Were you going?”She asked nervous now.

“A special place,”I said heading to the back.

“Why back there?”She asked more nervous now.

“To find my brother,”I said getting the key from its hiding spot,”Why else would I be here?”

“I mean you don’t really think his is here do you,”She said as I faced her,”He could be with his girlfriend you know. Or out trying to find his mate. I mean there is a lot of possibilities of where he could be right now.”

“Is there something you're hiding from me Minnie?”I asked as she looked down,”What’s behind this door Minnie?”

“Nothing,”She said as I stared her down,”It’s just that I know Mason doesn’t want you to open that door when he’s not even in there.”

I ignored her and open the door any ways. Inside was Mason with a girl. I looked at her as she smiled like she did something. I walked in to get a picture of the girl and him for blackmail but almost had a heart attack.

Maria Kingsley was the girl. I looked at Minnie as she looked like she didn’t know which was a lie. I woke Mason up and he went wide eyed to see me here.

“You were hiding her,”I said in a whisper,”Dad will have you for that.”

“Jason it’s not like that,”He said as I cuffed her,”You don’t understand her situation.”

“Yeah I do,”I said as he faced me,”You are helping out the one girl Dad was trying to get. What did she do to you. Brainwashed you with silver tongue or something.”

“Jase,”Mason tried as I took her to the jeep on the outside of the perimeter with him and Minnie following me,”You need to let me explain.”

“Explain what,”I snapped,”You were sleeping with her and you hid her from all of us. We could be the ones in there right now breaking her down but no you had to chose her over the people that you care about her.”

“She’s my mate,”He said as I loaded her into the back of the jeep,”I couldn’t let you have her. I know what went down that day. I know more about her than you think.”

“I’m taking her in,”I said as he looked at me like I was insane.

Chapter 20- Maria

I woke up to yelling. My hands were bound together and I was on the outside of the cave. No I need to be near the cave. I started to move as I heard the distant sound of running. No they know I’m on the outside.

“Mason,”I called as the car rocked.

I heard the sound of something being hit and before I knew it the car went rolling. I screamed for Mason as the car tumble. The last thing I saw was what looked like a vamp watching me.




“Maria,”I called after her.

I watched our red jeep roll down the hill side as this was all Jason’s fault. If he would have just left her alone none of this would have happened. I looked in a tree as I saw a vampire smile down at her.

“No more Maria,”He said as that broke my heart,”Tell the boss that the girl is gone at last. She’s so hard to kill.”

They left and I turned to Jason as the organization came to help out. Thank you Minnie for calling for help. Mom stood by me as I wanted to find my girl. I let a tear roll down my face as Jason and dad was down there looking for the wreckage.

“She not gone Mason,”Mom told me,”If you did push the shield button before she began to roll down the hill she’s still alive.”

I nodded and ran down there to go and find her. I looked at the jeep and in the back seat was her. Her head was bleeding and her arm was as well. But nothing too bad. I picked her up as Dad growled at me to not. I took her back up and we went to the cave.

I laid her on the couch as mom got something out to help me fix her up. I looked at her as her eyes were shut. Please Maria don’t leave me.

“Jason you work on her leg,”Mom told me,”I’ll get this head injury and Jason you tell your father to back off on any questioning till she is better.”

I undid her bounds and unwrapped her leg. It still was bad but not like it was when I first saw it. I cleaned it out with the stuff mom handed me as everyone watched us. I soon was rebandaging her leg and help mom with her arm injuries. It took us in all about three to five minutes to finish.

“I’ll carry her,”I said picking her up and going with mom to the car.

“Mason,”Dad said as I looked at him,”We will talk about this afterwards.”

“Yes director,”I said knowing he wasn’t my father right now.

I got in the vehicle and mom drove us back to the organization. Why must this have happened all at once? And to make it worst she almost died in that. 

Chapter 21- Mason

 I went up to the office as Dad was watching us out of the window. His office had a lookout toward the medical room. So he had a clear view of My Maria. I opened the door as he remained to stare down at her like she was his prize. Jason was also in the room in the corner. Mom was right behind me as back up I guess.

“Mason why did you break protocol?”He asked not even looking at me.

“For she’s my…”I tried to say.

“Are you sure you want to go that way?”He asked looking at me this time,”I trusted you to find her and bring her in. Not stay the night with her in the cave. Or hid her there till I thought she was long past. Now tell me why you did that?”

“For she’s MY Mate!”I screamed at him,”I wasn’t going to let all of this happen to her. She told me what happened that day. She also has video proof that it wasn’t her.”

“Stop lying for her.”

“I’m not lying for her. If anything I’m telling you the truth for her. She hadn’t done anything wrong and you are accusing her for something she didn’t even do.”

“She did do it.”

“Why would someone like her take out her whole pack that loved her. If anything that could be her weakness. I seen her broken from all of that.”

He stare me down as Jason didn’t even move to help me out. Mom had her hand on my back as I stormed down to were Maria was. She was laying there helpless. I took her hand into mine as I sat in the chair mom put there for me. I looked at her face as she had lost some of her color.

“You’ll be alright Maria,”I said holding her hand close to my chest,”I promise that to you.”


~Elizabeth Black~


After Mason was back with Maria, I motioned Jason to leave me and his father here. He left as well and went down to watch Mason and Maria. I looked at my son as he seemed lost on what to do to help her out. I must be hard on him for all of this to just fall out from under him like it did.

“You should talk to him as his father,”I said to Mickel,”He could use your support.”

“But her also broke the rules,”Mickel said looking at me,”You know if I let that slide they will only think about it as I was his father and was going easy on him for that reason.”

“But he was just doing it for they are meant to be with each other,”I backed him up,”If it was you in his spot what would you have done.”

He looked at me then to the two in the room below. He didn’t move or say anything. It was quiet till Jason came back in. He looked at me as I sighed and went to my other boy. He’s the one needing help right now.




I looked at her as mom came in. She smiled at me before pulling a chair up beside me. I leaned on her as Maria hasn’t moved or done anything. I was starting to get worried that we might have missed the chance to save her.

“She not gone Mason,”Mom said rubbing my arm,”If anything she is only knocked out from it all. Just give it some time and let her gain some strength back from that.”

“Yes Ma’am,”I said as she smiled at me,”Dad’s not going to let up on me is he?”

Chapter 22- Maria

All around me was darkness. Nothing else but that and well like a man that reminded me of my daddy. Wait a minute when did he come into my darkness. Am I dead or something? No I can’t be dead can I? I mean I have Mason and Buddy to live for. I can’t just be dead.

“You’re not dead Maria,”My dad said to me,”You are just knocked out or in a coma.”

“Daddy,”I said as he smiled at me.

My dad had black hair and green eyes. He was tan like me but I got my hair from mom. I looked liked him mostly but with mom’s hair. He walked up to me and placed a hand on my cheek. I held it close to me as he started to dissolve.

“Daddy don’t go,”I tried to say but he was gone,”I miss you.”

Soon all around me started to disappear. A bright light came at me and before I could get away from it, it took hold of me. I opened my eyes up to a dim lighted room. I looked around and notice I was in a hospital type room. Above me was a room with a man watching down on me. Okay you’re most likely the head of this.

I turned to the right a little to see someone beside me. I moved my left hand since he had my right and poked the person. He looked around and I saw that it was Mason. He was by my side this whole time.

He looked at me and smiled in relief. He seemed to have been worried for a minute there. He stood up and went somewhere before coming back with a cup of something and some water.

“Here take these,”He said helping me,”It might make you feel better.”

“Thanks,”I said as he made me stay down,”How long was I out for.”

“A week,”He said sitting by the bed again,”I was worried I lost you.”

I took his hand as some people came in and I tensed up. He told me that it was alright and that they were just here to take some x-rays of me. I nodded and Mason and them took me to that room. Mason stood by me as they did my whole body to make sure nothing was too bad I guess.

After that I was put back where I woke up. I looked up and saw that man still there looking at me like I was a pian. Okay only a few look at me like that and you are not one of them.

“Who’s that?”I asked Mason nodding my head up to the man.

“My dad,”He said looking down at the floor,”He’s playing director toward me right now.”

“I know the feeling,”I said remembering when I was in trouble with my uncle,”Uncle Max would play that when I was in trouble for something like this. But he always went easy after a while.”

“I don’t think that’s my fairy tail right now,”He said looking at me again,”My father has been trying to find you the whole time. I had orders to bring you in and I broke that. I don’t think he’s going to give that up so quickly.”

“He’s your father,”I said looking at the man again,”He will for you’re his son. All parents soon give in to see that their children’s happiness is more important than their wants. It’s all about growing up in this mess up world that we call home.”

He nodded as he had to leave me. I watched Mr. Black as he watched me. Okay I get you think it’s my fault but you will be surprise to know that it’s not me. I looked out the window as I saw something change. Then I heard a voice in my head. One that made me want to cry out.

“No more Maria,”It said as I shut my eyes,”Tell the boss that the girl is gone at last. She’s so hard to kill.”

What could he have meant by that? Why were they after me and only me? The questions ran through my head as I got light headed. Soon I heard running but it stopped as I opened my eyes and saw that I was still in that room. The people around me were making sure I was alright as I nodded. I looked at the man as he turned away from me at last. 

Chapter 23- Mason

I went up to see Dad was still there staring at her like she was a monster. I cleared my throat and he faced me. He seemed stun to see me there. I looked at him as he moved away from the window and took a seat. I sat in the chair across from him as he kept his eyes on me.

“I want you to stay away from her,”He said without a said tone or anything,”And that’s an order.”

“I can’t,”I said standing up,”Dad she’s my mate. I can’t just leave her side like that. She’s all I can…”

“Mate or not you are being ordered to stay away from her Mason,”He said matching my tone,”If you step out of line you will be punished.”

“What if that was you?”I asked as he looked at me,”What if Mom was in that room and all you could think about was her well being?”

“It’s not me and I wasn’t the one to break an order,”He said as Mom walked in,”Now do as you're told and stay away from her.”

I looked at him in disbelief. Instead of getting better everything and I mean everything took a turn for the worst. I stormed out of there and to my office. I was glad when I saw that no one was in there. I slammed the door and turned on the cameras in the room to her room. At least I can watch her and make sure she’s alright that way.


~Elizabeth Black~


I looked at my husband as what he just did was un call for. I watched as Mason left heart broken and a little upset. She was all he could think of and like that his father just threw it away for him.

I looked at the girl as she seemed lost without him there. Everyone was running around trying their best to make it easier on her but she just seemed scared by it all. Like she wasn’t use to it any more.

“I want to see Mason,”I heard her tell one of the doctors trying to help her.

“He’s busy right now,”They told her taking her blood pressure,”So please calm down so I can get this right.”

“I don’t want your help,”She said as Alpha tone was in play,”I want Mason to help me and only him. I trust Mason.”

“He has something he has to do,”He said fighting the tone,”So please allow me to take this for him.”

I watched as she was slow to allow him to. A rough past most likely. Being alone and all. I looked at my husband as he seemed unphased by it all. Come on the girl is scared of something happening and you are acting like you don’t even care for her.

“I know what you are thinking,”He said not even looking at me.

“And that is,”I pressured him.

“That I’m being too rough on him,”He said facing me,”But it’s for his own good. If he isn’t around her it will be easier to get what we need out of her.”

“You think because of him she knows what is going to go down,”I said as he seemed impressed by the thought,”Mickel I think that was the hardest thing you asked of him. What you be like if I was her? If I was the one that someone wanted and you were told to not be around me?”

“I would follow out,”He answered as that gave me an Idea.

“Fine then stay away from me,”I said as he went wide eyed,”If you want him to then you have to. It’s only fair that way.”

I walked out as he tried to argue with me. If hurting your son is more important then let's play that game shall we. You hurt him like this it will happen to you.




I was looking at the video feed of her as they were doing the job I should be right now. Why must he do this to me? I bet if it was him he would be begging for it to stop. I know I want to right now.

“Mason you’re alright?”I heard mom ask as I faced her.

“No,”I answered looking at Maria,”Why must this happen all of a sudden? I mean it’s not like she did something to be in this mess.”

“Things happen for reason Mason,”She said rubbing my arms,”For if that mess didn’t happen would you have found her?”


“Then why try and change it. I bet after all of this things will be going back to the way it was.”

“I’m starting to doubt that now.”

“Come with me to see her then.”

I looked at her as she asked me to go and see her. I nodded and walked into the room where Maria was. I smiled at her as mom told everyone else to leave. I took her hand as she ran her thumb over my hand. She smiled up at me like I was the only that could make her feel better about all of this.

“Please don’t leave my side,”She said looking me in the eye,”I had too many people leave me already. I don’t want you to be one of them.”

“I want on will,”I said kissing her head,”But my father has ordered me to.”

I looked into her eyes to see her last bit of hope began to fade. I rubbed her cheek as mom was going over the work. I guess I’m Mom’s helper now since that will be the only way to see my Maria.

“Will you at least try to stay?”Maria asked looking up at me again.

“Yeah I will,”I said smiling at her,”For you are my girl.”

“I love you,”Maria said closing her eyes before darkness took her I guess.

“I love you too,”I said kissing the top of her head.

I moved the covers over her as she laid there. I looked up at dad as he seemed set on what he had told me. I looked back at her as she seemed to be in peace with me near her.

I looked at Mom as we left. Dad began to follow but Mom told him that he wasn’t allowed to. What’s up with that? I looked at Jason as for Mom is allowing trying to get dad to come home. Not the other way around. He stared at her as she pushed the two of us out the door and locked him in there with Maria.

“If you can’t see her then he can’t see me,”She said as I smiled,”I’m not allowing my son to be hurt like that now.”

“That’s like punishing him,”Jason said not getting that was the point,”Mason had that coming for what he did. Dad’s just trying to show him that he can live without her.”

“Then he can live without me,”Mom said as Jason looked shocked at what she just said,”Now no more arguing with me.”

He nodded as we went home. I smiled as this should be fun. For if he breaks mom’s order than I get to break mine. It’s sometimes scary how my mom can think like that. I mean with a double go round. If it happens to me it happens to you. I’m afraid to cross that line.

She smiled at me as we walked in and she locked the door. I went up to my room and pulled up her file. I looked over it yet again but something was still funny about it. She told me her uncle wrote and you can tell he was proud about her. But there was still something there like it was hidden.

I had a hard life, I heard her voice say to me, But one thing I think that I learned from it has to be that no matter what the people that care about you will always be there. Even if it’s not the way we want them to be. I know my family is out there but just not here with me. I know for sure though that Jackey if alive somewhere.

I looked at her weaknesses and something popped out from that statement. The word family and people that cared for you. Her weakness was the people that cared for her. That means I might be it. 

Chapter 24- Maria

 I looked out at the little room I was in. It was my prison now. Mason only came in with his mom and then his father sent in people to see if when I’m loopy if I will ‘speak the truth’. So this has been my last week. I was sitting up now and had recover from all of that better than they had thought.

Right now though I was being questioned by the sixth guy they sent in here. I mean come on I told you like a hundred times already it wasn’t me. Now give it up already. I was getting ready to break one of them. I looked at the camera as I knew they were watching this. I looked up at Mason’s father and pointed to the guy. I made my really face as the guy kept going on and on about what all I had did and what he thought about it.

“So which one is true Ms. Kingsley?”He asked as that was it.

“So which one is true Ms. Kingsley?”I asked copying him so I could get into his head.

“Stop copying me,”He said throwing his hands up.

“Stop copying me,”I said following the leader.

“Right now young lady!”

“Right now young lady!”

“I mean it!”

“I mean it!”

“If you say the same thing as me one more time,”He warned as I got what I want.

“You were denied by your mate weren’t you?”I asked as he looked at me amazed,”Most likely over something stupid. For I’m guessing you both do the same thing here after all.”

“We do,”He said as I got him,”She thinks that I should show her more of my time and not this. But it’s hard for when you are one of the top ones at what you do you can’t just make more time of the other stuff.”

“What we did was we made sure our people were good at more than one thing,”I said smiling at him,”It helped us out. You should just tell her that you will try and watch it get better from there.”

He nodded at me as he left and I smirked up at Mr. Black. I told you that if you send one more in here I will break them but in this case I helped fix a relationship. I got my Chromebook out and opened up some of my things.

I looked at my emails and I still had nothing in them. Come on I can’t be the only one left now can I? I stared at the window as Mason’s dad is getting on my last nerve. Sending everyone in but at the same time not believing me stories. I guess the truth can’t set you free.

I laid back as I heard the door open and saw Mason and his mom. I’m saved for a little bit. I smiled at them as he came over to me to check out my battle wound. He removed the bandage as I sat up and his mom was going to get something I guess.

“It’s healing amazingly,”He said looking at me.

“I have a good doctor I guess,”I smiled at he laughed at me,”Why won’t your dad believe me?”

“I wish I knew why,”He said as he was redoing my leg up again,”He’s making this harder than it should be.”

“At home we wouldn’t put one person through hours and days of this,”I said as he sat beside me,”If they were telling the truth and we knew it we didn’t push. But if they weren’t than we went till they did.”

“For the truth will set you free,”He said as I nodded,”Give it sometime alright.”

“I guess. I just want my family back here. To have them be here and meet you and your mom.”

“I know.”

I had my head in his lap as he was playing in my hair as his mother was going over everything about me. She says in about a week or so I would most likely be moved to a real room for the fun and not this hospital room. After that they left me to my misery but not before Mason looked back at me.

“Why does the world hate me!”I screamed at the ceiling so that I know he heard me.

Chapter 25- Mason

I looked at her one last time before leaving her. I heard her scream out about the world hating her. Right now it seems like it does. Dad hadn’t even cracked to the thing he is making me go through. I so badly want to just stay in there with her but I can’t.

Mom took me up to the office as I saw Dad looking at her as Jason was just there. When we entered Dad looked at mom as if this was the only time he could see her. Which it was. I made eye contact at my brother as he seemed to be blaming me for us not being in there breaking her down now.

“I’m getting tired of her,”Dad said sitting at his desk,”I wasn’t planning on sending you in, Mason, but she is leaving me no choice.”

“She’s asked to see you quite a few times,”I said as he glared at me,”Dad she’s telling you the truth. Can’t you see it in her eyes when she talks about it. She wants to freakin cry. But she knows that is weakness in our eyes.”

“But if you remember her file,”He said throwing it on the desk,”She has Harmless Helpers. That’s when she…”

“Holds her emotions in her eyes,”Jason and I said as he looked at us,”You said that more than enough.”

“But come on dad,”I said looking through the window to see her holding a picture of her family,”She’s been telling you the truth straight up. Why won’t you just believe her about it?”

“For I know their kind,”Was all he said.

I snapped my head to him as he never has addressed someone like that. What’s so different about her than us? I looked at mom as she looked at him like he went too far with that one.

“I would resay that one,”She said as he faced her.

“It’s true though,”He said looking at me again,”She is trained to know how this goes. She is also prepared enough to know how to make up stories and how to keep track of what she had told someone. The two of you just need to see that. They train them at a young age to know more about what goes on.”

“For it was to help them rebuild it if something like what happened to her happens,”I finished as he looked at me,”She told me that already. It seems to me that you don’t get the word trust like I do then.”

“What are you saying Mason?”He asked as now I wasn’t in son mode by agent mode.

“I seem what something like this can do to someone,”I said as mom just took a seat to watch,”When someone’s trust is broken they don’t know who they can rely on. That has happened to Maria down there. It took me a good few day to show her that she can trust me.

“Now here you are showing her that this place isn’t her friend. I had told her about here and what we do. And she told me what all they use to do before they went down. It seems to me that I understand what kind of fear something like that can do to someone like her. While you are up here doing nothing to insure her that this place can be called home to her.

“No you just want her to say that she did it and call it quites. I mean come on she even told me what their missions where about and here you are just trying to get her to say something that’s not true.

“We should be trying to help her out with her search for someone from her old pack. Help her find the bastard that took her family away from her in the first place. But no you want her to lie about something she didn’t even do.”

“Because I know what they are capable of,”He fired at me again,”She will just use us to get what she wants then disappear. I’m trying to look out for you and not let you get hurt that way.”

“SHE WOULDN’T DO THAT!”I screamed at him as everyone looked at me,”If anyone has hurt me like that it would have been you. Right now I had everything that I ever wanted just taken from me for you don’t understand what all she went through!”

I ran out of there before I phased. I went to the race track and just let the wolf ran free. I went to the cave and found some clothes that I had left here. I went to that little room and saw what all she had written down still on the table. I looked at one thing and saw that it was a from she was doing one day.

“Calming and relaxing,”I read out loud,”To help kept the beast at bay with the mind and heart.”

It seemed easy enough and I began to do it. I closed my eyes as I could see my wolf. As I did it I felt like we both were the same person at that time. It helped clear my head but at the same time understand what I was doing when I screamed at my father for what he was saying.

You're just being protective over our mate, the wolf said as if he now had his own voice, We both know what he is doing isn’t right but we just have to wait for the right moment to prove to him that. We just have to wait for a sign or an event to happen. Then maybe he would be our father.

I nodded as I finished as ran normally the way back. I went straight up to the office as I notice she was doing it too. She seemed to have known what it was. Maybe because she invented it.

“Mason are you alright?”Mom asked not letting me in.

“Yeah I’m good,”I said as she nodded letting me in.

“Mason,”Dad said with what looked sympathy in his eyes now,”It’s your, Jason, and Minnie’s turn at her. BUT only Jason can ask the question and no answering for her.”

“Yes sir,”I said with a smile as Jason got the file we had made on her.

The three of us walked in as she had finished and was on her chromebook. I looked over it as she looked at me. She was playing the dinosaur game. The one that when the internet doesn’t work you can play it.

“I know I gave you the password,”I said as she laughed.

“You did but I just turned it off to play something challenging to me,”She said as she hit something,”And I died.”

“It’s my brother’s turn,”I said as she shut it and faced him,”Please don’t break him.”

“I won’t for you,”She smiled at me. 

Chapter 26- Maria

I looked at Jason as he sat at the table. Okay let’s go for round...I forgot what round we were on. Now that’s funny. He did the normal questions and when it got to the one they all loved I noticed something about the way he was doing this.

I gave off a laugh as they all looked at me. I looked at him as he waited for my answer. You can tell he had watched this show to get this act from it. I shook my head as he seemed unphased by it.

“Maria did you kill your own men or not?”He asked as I had to say it.

“Do you watch NCIS?”I asked as he looked at me confused now.

“What?”He asked as he seemed lost now.

“Do you watch NCIS?”I asked as he gave me a blank face,”Come on you are acting like Gibs from it. The whole act like you know that you already have your answers and are acting like you know me. It’s right there and you just can’t bite at it. So you are putting on the Gibs act as I call it.”

He stared at me confused now. Wow I confused someone with just a simple question.

“What?”He asked again as Mason wanted to laugh.

“I didn’t break him I swear,”I said as he nodded.

“No one has pointed that out to him before,”Mason said helping his confuse bother up,”I guess you now can confuse people.”

“I must have done that on accident,”I said as him and Minnie looked at me,”It’s a technique we used for when people didn’t want to give it to us. We chased as rabbit hole then brought it back and it seemed to put them in shock that they gave us our answers for they forgot their story in the progress.”

“I got to try that at some point,”Minnie said as I nodded.

“Oh and Jason the answer is no I didn’t kill off my family and friends,”I said thinking about it,”Unless I was possessed but that’s not even a real thing now is it.”

He gave me a blank face as I said sorry as they left. Why must this only happen to me? I mean like in this questioning and not the others. Man I must have forgot what all I was thought then. 

Chapter 27- Mason

I’m not letting Jason forget this moment ever. He seemed to be lost in thought about what just happen. It was honestly funny watching him react to that little question. No one has ever called him out on something like that. I guess it just caught him off guard or something.

“That just happen,”Minnie said as I was still laughing,”Jason are you alright now?”

“Did she just use some kind of technique on me?”He asked as I calmed down.

“On accident,”I said as he looked at me,”Oh she didn’t think that would have happened asking you that question.”

“Mason this isn’t funny,”Jason said as we went back to Dad’s office.

“Oh yes it is,”I said as we entered,”She was being truthful and was wondering why you acted like Gibbs from NCIS.”

“She did that to trick him up,”Dad said as I stared at him in shock,”She gave herself time to learn what would mess him up.”

“That’s not even…”I started as he glared me down.

I walked out and to the cave. I went to my secret room and locked the door. Why must all of this be so hard. I mean she was telling him the truth and he won’t believe her. I looked at the room as now it seemed empty without her in here. I took a deep breath in and out to calm my nerves. It worked till I got a call saying that we were under attack.

I ran all the way back just in time to see the small team of about four. Each seemed to be from a different background. I watched them till something came into contact with the back of my head. 

Chapter 28- Maria

I was wondering what all was going through my head when I asked that stupid question. Ugh. I mean come on Maria you knew that might have happened and yet you did it anyways.

I was laying on the bed till I heard the alarms go off. I looked around as the room I was in went red with the flashing siren. Okay what’s going on now? Soon I got my answer. I faced one person that use to be a rogue that my pack took in.

“Clara?”I asked as she faced me with a smile.

Clara Washington was from England and acted like it as well. My parents brought her in. He had long dark brown hair and loving green eyes. She was being trained for resources. My uncle thought she was be excellent at keeping paper work and documents in check and organized. And he wasn’t wrong.

“We came to help,”She said as I went wide eyed,”Sorry we couldn’t email you.”

“What do you mean by we?”I asked as she pulled me up and out of the room,”And what’s with all of this?”

“An idiot put this together,”She said as I went wide eyed,”It’s just me, Bobby, Yang, and Yhamma. We are all that were hiding when they had attacked.”

I stared at her as I saw three figures being pulled to the underwater car. I looked at her as she pointed to Bobby.

Bobby Western was Idiot to me. He was from Texas and was as country as you can get. He was also the one being trained to be the second in command incase the next one couldn’t be there to help the Alpha/director. He wasn’t the beta but a rogue as well. He had brown curly hair, tan complexion, and brown eyes.

“Idiot really,”I said pointing to Jason, Mason, and Minnie,”I didn’t need this kind of help. And kidnapping people isn’t apart of a rescue mission.”

“Oops,”He said with a smile,”Forgot.”

“And you got my Mate knocked out,”I said kneeling by Mason,”What did he do to you?”

“He was watching us,”He said as I rolled my eyes again,”Maria we were just trying to help.”

“I know,”I said going to the front of the vehicle,”Hello Yang and Yhamma.”

“Hello,”They said in their asian accents.

Yang was from Japan and a use to be rogue. He looked like he was from there and everything. He was in tech with Yhamma. They both worked well with one another. They also could fix anything technical in a matter of seconds it seemed like.

Yhamma was from China. I know what you are saying. They are from the two different asian cultures and work well with each other. Well both are rogues and both came around the same time. I can’t remember a time when you could see one without the other. But he was also a could guy to have on your team like like Yang, Clara, and Bobby.

“We also need you back Maria,”Bobby said as I faced him,”We have to rebuild the pack back up. And you are the only person we know that is still alive that can. We need our alpha.”

“But taking me will only have caused more problems,”I said looking at them,”The main head could have sent hel…”

“They wouldn’t,”Clara said as I faced her,”When everyone died, I had to ask my family to give them all a proper burial. The head of the organization didn’t send anything and told us to handle it all by ourselves.”

“What about now?”I asked as they all shrugged,”Okay when we get back put them in some rooms to wake up in. Don’t tie them down or nothing. I will try to contact the head to see if we can get some help and clear my good name.”

They nodded as I looked at Mason. He slept so peacefully. I smiled as I sat on the ground beside him. He was there for me the whole time. Now it my turn I guess. Or well till we can get them back home.

I went straight to the main tower. Our building could go under water if needed, so the top floor was the main work place. It’s where the director would go and make his choices and see how everyone was doing. It allowed him to keep an eye on everything we had going on and every mission. It was also the place you go to make a call to the head.

“Yang begin the call,”I said as him and Yhamma got to work for me.

I waited for a little bit till a man that was like in his thirties or maybe fifties showed up. I nodded at him as he nodded back at me.

“What is it Maria?”He asked as I took a deep breath.

“Sir I was wandering about help in rebuilding my section,”I said clearly like I had saw my uncle do so many times before.

“Sorry Maria but that’s a no,”He said as I went wided eyed yet again today,”You are not the said alpha and without proof that you cousin is gone I can’t give you the authority to make this work out for you section.”

“But I was after Jackie,”I said going over everything,”My uncle said that if he was never here to take the spot I would. Why can’t I do that? I know jackie isn’t here so it should be me.”

“But we don’t know what had happen to him,”He said eyeing me,”But I tell you what. If you can bring back either Jackie or his body then we will. If not we can’t help you Maria.”

“Alright I’ll bring him back,”I said smiling,”It should be easy.”

“You have three days,”He said as I looked at him shock.

“How am I going it in three days?”

“That’s your problem. But when you leave to start tell us and the count down then will start. Be wise when you being Maria.”

With that he ended it as I felt like I couldn’t breath. I had three days to find my lost cousin and bring him back. How am I supposed to do that? I mean I don’t even know where he was last.

“Maria you go and take a breather while we try to find his last known placing,”Bobby said rubbing my back,”We’ll call you if we got anything.”

“That’s a good idea,”I said heading to Buddy and the sea bay,”I’ll be with Buddy.”

I ran out there as everything went racing in my head. What if I can’t find him in the time limit? 

Chapter 29- Mason


I looked around when I woke up. I was in a whole different room. I got up and searched around trying to place where I was. Nothing came to mind. The baby blue walls, white doors, and carpet floors didn’t match anything at the organization we had. I thought back to what had happen when the door opened. I spun to it and saw a girl standing there. She was on the attack.

“You awake,”She said looking guilty of something,”Um...Sorry for what happen.”

“What?”I asked her as she turned red.

“I mean for Idiot knocking you out and then us bringing you here, when we only meant to get Maria out and help her out,”She began to rant with her British accent,”we really didn’t mean for all of this to happen you see. We aren’t really aware with this type of things. None of us are operatives. Well Maria is but the rest of us aren’t. SO it kind of went what we thought we should do and Maria told us that kidnapping wasn’t apart of it. And…”

“Okay I get it,”I said stopping her,”But you said Maria was here.”

“Oh yes,”She said motioning me to follow,”Welcome to our base. Maria is the rightful Alpha to this pack. Or well she’s suppose to be.”

“Meaning,”I said as she shook her head.

“I should let her explain it to you,”She said as I saw the hall way.

There were doors that lined it all the way down. I looked around as some had fade names on them. This must be some kind of rooming hallway. I kept walking till I passed by Maria’s room. It looked like the room was well kept even though she wasn’t here.

“We knew that she was most likely alive,”The girl said as I looked at the door as she shut it,”So we made sure her name never faded away like the others that has pass.”

I nodded as we headed to the elevator. She pushed the ‘Bay’ button as I think that was their ground level floor. The building had about twenty floor and by the looks of the inside it could go under water. The top floor button said ‘Main Office’.

“Why are two of the buttons different?”I asked her as she looked at them.

“The main office IS that whole floor,”She explained,”Mr. Max Kingsley liked his office to be where everyone else was and where he could work with others and make sure everything was going good even though he had his own office to do behind the scene things. The Bay is also almost a whole floor. There are many but the one we are going to is the sea bay.”

“Were Maria use to hang out alot,”I said as she nodded,”Not to be rude but what’s your name?”

“I’m such and idiot,”She said facepalming as I just looked at her,”I’m Clara Washington. I know already that your Mason Black for Maria told us your names and such.”

I nodded as we she went on about the four bays. There was the medical bay where they would bring sick or injured sea life and the sea bay where Maria said the wildlife that stayed with them stayed at. Those two stayed facing north and south. Then there was two docking bays located on the west and east side of the building. I guess they are in the middle of the sea.

“Here we are,”Clara said as we came up on a pool with whales,”Maria is somewhere in there with Buddy.”

“Where is that?”I asked not seeing my Maria.

“Here,”Maria said as they resurface and she was in a wetsuit that was black and white,”It’s good to see that you're awake.”

“Again we are sorry for that,”Clara said as Maria rolled her eyes.

“It’s alright Clara,”I said before watching Buddy push Maria onto the platform,”You’re base, I’m guessing.”

“You wouldn’t be wrong,”She said rubbing the back of her neck,”It would be busier but you know.”

“The attack,”I said as she nodded,”At least there are five of you.”

“Yep just the five of us,”She said looking down,”and hopefully my cousin.”

I looked at her as she explained what was going on. It shocked me to know that she couldn’t take over without proof that her cousin either died or didn’t want it. She seemed stressed for once.

I wrapped my arms around her as her body seemed to relax to my touch. I smiled at it as she hid her face in my chest. I sat my head on top of hers as we just stayed there. Clara went to check up on my brother and Minnie leaving us to be.

“It’s just not fair,”She said like she was crying,”Everything went downhill and I have to go and fix it all in three days. Who can do something like that.”

“I guess you can,”I said as she looked up at me with tears in her eyes,”Or why wouldn’t they give you that deadline.”

“But I hardly ever been on a mission,”She said looking down,”I was always sent home before it got too dangerous. I don’t even know what to do if that happens.”

“Says the girl that survived for how many years alone,”I said making her look at me again,”being hunted down by the people that took her family.”

She smiled at me as I heard footsteps coming our way. I ignored them as she just seemed happy to have a support on her side.

“You planned this didn’t you?”Jason asked as I rolled my eyes,”All along you wanted to…”

“Get information about my pack,”She said letting go of me to face Jason,”I didn’t know that this would happen. And they are sorry for the misunderstanding of a rescue. Even though I didn’t ask for one.”

“You’re lying to me,”Jason said as she went somewhere,”Where are you going?”

“To get my laptop,”She said bringing it out and showing us the emails,”See. I never asked for a rescue and they couldn’t tell me that they were alive for they needed me to come and try to put my pack back together somehow.”

“And which pack would that be?”He growled as she was getting pissed by the second.

“Night Hunter,”She said as me and Jason both stared at her in shock.

“You can’t be,”He said as she smirked,”You’re lying again.”

“Nope,”She said putting her laptop up,”My family was the Alpha family of the pack and my Uncle was Alpha. Under him was my dad and me but mostly me. Now since that is out of the way, would you be willing to see the footage from the attack?”

He stared at her before agreeing to see it. She smiled as we all headed to the Main Office. She seemed nervous about something. I guess the thing with her cousin.

I rubbed her back as she jumped a little bit. I gave off a laugh as she rolled her eyes at me. Soon we made it to the floor and walked through the huge double doors into a grand room. There was a big window that showed right now the undersea. But what got me was that it was also a computer screen where you could see what was going on.

There on the walls in a giant U shape were computers and chairs. I guess this is where most of them worked. In the middle was a chair with four computers around it like that was the main head.

Maria walked up to it and stood on a round circle and the computers around her came to life. I stared shock as that was where her uncle must have been at most of the time and not in some office. But a grand room where there was easy access to him.

“Yang can you pull up the footage from the day we were attack,”She said as he stopped what he was doing and slide over to one of the other computers and pulled it up,”Yhamma do we have anything on my cousin’s last whereabouts?”

“Still working on it,”He said as the video pulled up.

“It’s been so long since he checked in that it’s taking longer for it to come up,”Yang said going back to his spot,”But we are doing everything we can.”

“And that’s all I ask for,”She said playing the video as she went to work on the computers around her trying to find the information as well.

Chapter 30- Maria

I looked up Jackey’s files as I let that day play for Jason. I mean you would have at least thought that my cousin’s last known whereabouts would be somewhere easy to access it. I looked at my log in and thought about my Uncle.

Maybe just Maybe. I typed in what I knew to be my Uncle’s log in information. And the world opened up to me. I went into Jackey’s stuff and made it visible for all to see.

“Got it!”Yang yelled after I did that,”Maria how did you do that?”

“I log in as my Uncle,”I said logging out as the video ended,”Then made my cousin’s stuff visible to everyone.”

He nodded as he went farther into the stuff for me. I looked at Jason as he seemed to be in a war with himself.

“So,”I said as he faced me.

“It proves that it wasn’t you,”He said as I smiled,”BUT that doesn’t mean you weren’t behind it. It’s only part of the truth and not the whole. It would take more than just some simply video and a few people saying that you would have been brain washed to clear anything.”

I shut my eyes and began to count. You gotta be kidding me. There IS nobody left that can protest for me. I looked at him as I had calmed down a little bit. I’m already stress as it is and I don’t need this boy telling me what I’m not.

“Well they were here that day and know me,”I said stepping out of the middle of the director ring,”So it looks like you will have to take their word on it. And as for that video we have the whole building covered with them. So if you want to check them all I will be willing to let you on my log in and let you at it.”

“Maria he was in Busan, South Korea,”Yhamma said as I faced the computer window to see the map,”That was the last time he checked in that we can locate at this moment.”

“Jackey would most likely have went to a small apartment place somewhere toward the ports for Marco,”I said connecting the dots,”Which mean I would need to head in the same way. But that would also mean that he would have change the location every so often and not being in the same place for days at a time.”

I went over it all as there was very few ways I could do this. It was all just so confusing. I looked at Mason as I really could use their help. But I need to send them back home.

“What’s wrong Maria?”Mason asked as I faced the ground.

“I could use the extra help,”I said looking at them now,”But I was planning on sending you back home so that I wouldn’t be put into more trouble.”

“We’ll help,”Minnie said as Jason stared shock at her,”Right Mason?”

“Right,”Mason said taking my hand.

“We are not,”Jason said coming forth to intervene in this mess,”Mason, we need to bring her back with us. Think about Dad in this. And Mom would be worried sick if we don’t return back home.”

“If you help me Jason,”I started as he watched me closely,”I’ll come back with you willingly. No fighting and I will answer any questions you and your dad can think of.”

He looked at me for a second then to Mason. I saw Mason give him the ‘help me please’ look that Jackey use to give me. I faced back to Jason as he seemed to be debating it.

“If not I’ll have Idiot take you back now,”I said as Bobby looked at me,”Yes you Bobby.”

“Making sure there was only me,”He said as I faced palm.

“I’ll help,”Jason said as I smiled,”BUT if we can’t find him you come back straight away with me. You can talk with the head of this on the way back home.”

“Sir Yes Sir,”I said smiling as I looked back at the screen,”Now we just will have to leave in the morning heading to the Korean division.”

They all stared at me as I had to explain the whole thing to them. I mean come on. We are Wolves Around the World for a reason. But I also had to explain to them about how our buildings are in the middle of the oceans or sea and that they can go under water. Mason knew most of it for we talked for a little bit about it.

After I finished explaining, Bobby and Clara took our guest on a tour. I ran to the Sea Bay to hang out with Buddy some more and think of a way to find my cousin.

“Hey pal,”I said as he looked at me.

Buddy was HUGE now. I thought that he could be bigger than Tilikum. So I measured him and weighed him and I was almost right. I have no idea what Buddy was eating or doing but he had grown to be a big boy. I sat on the edge of the water platform with my feet hanging in the water with him.

He nodge my foot as if saying for me to get on. I shook my head at him as I petted his big head. He looked at me like I had just wronged him.

“I don’t feel like get a rid pal,”I said looking at the ceiling,”If anything I want answers.”

Before I could say anything else Buddy pulled me in by my shoelace again. I held my breath as he got under me and pushed me up. I laughed as he pushed me around the pool. I looked around as I remember me making fun of Jackey because he couldn’t rid his dolphin like a whale.

I closed my eyes as I saw one time shine out. I smiled as we use to sing songs in the other languages we knew. Jackey and I posted most of ours on youtube for just entertainment.

I was on Buddy’s back as I watched Jackey and his Dad. I was bored out of my mind. I began to sing a song that had a high part and a rap part in it. Soon Jackey was singing with me. I laughed as Buddy suddenly submerged and I swam to the platform to my family.

“You’re weird you know,”Jackey said as I laughed.

“Yeah for I’m related to you,”I said as Uncle Max laughed at that,”Jackey do you think that we can do that and find each other?”

“Well yeah,”He said as Uncle Max left,”It’s like a howl. So why can’t we.”

“Well I’m saying that for when you leave for this mission I want to make sure I can find you if it comes to that,”I said looking down.

“I’ll always come back to you Maria,”He said getting to my level,”And no one can make that not true. You’re my little cousin after all. My little sister it seems like at times. I’ll always answer you call for help.”

I looked at Buddy as he must of knew that would trigger something.

“Haha,”I said as he swam me back,”Very funny old pal. But thanks for that.”

I fed him and the rest of the whales before running to my room. I went in my room and tried to find something. I looked over the blue walls and saw the pictures of me and him. I looked at the messed up floor as I had put papers there to find him myself. Oh my gosh that was right. I was going to help my Uncle go and search for my long lost cousin. To make sure that I was right and he just didn’t die on us.

I picked up the papers and went over them all. I had a plan forming out in front of me and was unaware of it. Younger me had thought about it all and was placing together the points that he could have been at. Okay so I just got to finish what I started.

I sat down on my black wooden tiled floor with my back against my bed that was pushed into a corner. I moved the stuff animals out of my way as I got my laptop out to type all of this up. It was easy pointing the pieces together but harder putting the possible places into play. There were too many places and not enough time. This plan was for a month search and not three days.

“Need some help,”Mason said as I smiled up at him.

I nodded and he joined me on the ground. We went from place to place as I soon saw one pattern younger me wasn’t getting at.

“I got it,”I said putting it into the plan and it fit perfectly,”Jackey has to be in there somewhere.”

“Well let’s get started in the morning,”Mason said kissing me softly.

I nodded as we got into my bed. I laid my head on his chest as his arms went around me. I smiled as I had a bit of hope left now. Jackey was out there somewhere and I was getting close to finding him. Maybe even closer to clearing my name and putting the great Night Hunter pack back on the map.

I thought back to Jackey goofing off with me as I fell into dream land. But with joyful memories of my family and friends. 

Chapter 31- Mason

I looked at her as she smiled in her sleep. It warmed my heart up to see this. I shut my eyes and went to asleep.

I looked around the room to see that Maria wasn’t there. I walked out to see that we were at my place. I walked around everywhere looking for her. I couldn’t find her anywhere.

“Maria,”I called,”Maria, Where are you?”

“I’m in here,”She said as I walked into her bedroom at the base,”Why are you looking for me?”

“I was just getting worried about you,”I said as she wrapped her hands around my waist,”I didn’t know if you were alright or not.”

“Now why would you think I wouldn’t be alright,”She said looking up at me.

“Maybe I thought that the Vampire came back and got you,”I said as she smiled,”And I would be too late to stop him.”

“Good,”She said as I felt something on my hands,”For you were.”

I looked down and her midsection was bleeding. Her eyes had gone white like she wasn’t even there really. Her form looked as if they had torn her apart and tried to put her back together. She looked like she wasn’t even herself anymore.

“You let them kill me Mason,”She cried as blood came instead of tears,”They destroyed me Mason.”

“Maria that’s not you,”I said looking around,”This didn’t happen.”

“But it did Mason,”She said as her last remaining people joined her looking the same way,”My whole pack is gone because you were too late to help me. What will it take now Mason!”

I looked around as I saw the battle of her against ALL the people that took her family away. Then with them trying to put her back together in the worst way possible.

I woke with a start and checked to see if she was still beside me. She was and smiling in her sleep. It was just a dream. She’s safe from that mess.

“Are you alright Mason?”I heard someone ask.

I looked at the door to see Minnie and Clara standing there. I took a deep breath in and let it out to calm me down. It was just a dream Mason. Nothing like that is going to happen in real life.

“Yeah I’m fine,”I said as they nodded,”I just had a nightmare that’s all.”

“About Maria,”Clara said as Minnie stared at her.

“Yeah how did you know?”I asked her.

“Your holding her pretty close now,”She said leaving as I notice that I was.

“She scares me,”Minnie said as I laughed,”I came to get you and Maria up. Yang says it about 4 am in their time. We need to leave now to have a whole day to look for her cousin and to go to that base.”

“Yeah,”I said more calm now,”I’ll get Maria up.”

She nodded and left. I sat up and laid her on her pillow. I went to the bathroom to make sure I wasn’t just crazy.

“Mason,”Maria said sitting up as I was about to get to the door,”Are you alright?”

“Yeah I’m fine,”I said as she nodded,”But it’s time to get started.”

“Okay,”she said rolling back over.

I laughed as I walked in to do what I was going to do. Whatever that was it seemed so real to me. It scared the living hell out of me. Why did that happen? 

Chapter 32- Maria

Mason was lying to me. I rolled back over till I heard the door shut. I sat up and went to my closet. I was surprise to see my size in there plus some that weren’t. I guess they were ready for me to come back home. I picked out the one that looked the most like I was a regular kid again.

I ended up putting on a green and blue designed shirt that had a pocket, blue jean shorts, combat boots, and a pair of spiked gloves. I had my hair in a ponytail as I sat on the bed waiting for Mason to come out.

Before he woke up he was jerking in his sleep a little bit. I was going to wake him up to see what was wrong till I felt his body stop. I blocked everything else out after that but knew that his grip on me tightened as we laid there. So something must have been up.

“You finally got up,”He said walking out as I snapped my head up to him.

“Yeah,”I said going over to him and wrapping my arms around him,”But what happen while you were asleep? And please don’t lie to me.”

He took in a deep breath before holding on to me. I could feel his body get ridge as he told me his dream. I was shock that had happen. I mean I would never have that happen to me. But when he told me in detail about how I looked I shut my eyes. I only knew a few that would do that to a wolf. But I don’t know about these. Maybe Jackey would know more about them than I do.

“I thought that I lost you and everyone you cared about that was still alive,”He said holding me tighter,”I wouldn’t be able to live with that kind of knowledge.”

“Mason that won’t happen,”I said wiping his tear away,”Like you said to me. I’ve been running from them for too long. I know how to handle all of this. I was trained to protect people from them. It won’t happen like that.”

“I know,”He said hiding his face in the crock of my neck,”I guess after the car flipped with you in it, I got scared that it would happen again to you.”

I nodded as we both let go and headed to the main office. I saw a table of food there and went to it. Uncle Max had it where not only could you go to the dining hall but if you worked in the Main Office or was apart of the Alpha family you could just have breakfast and the other meals up here.

“Is everyone ready?”I asked as the three of them nodded,”Okay so Yhamma is going to take us to the Korean base then come back. I have been informed that they will give us the ride to where we need to start our search. But we are also following their rescue pod of whales with Buddy and ours to make sure that they get there safely.”

“Why are we taking whales over there?”Jason asked as I rolled my eyes.

“For the Korean base had ask us to help make sure that their pod gets over there safely,”Clara said for me,”It’s our duty to help out any base in need of our help. Plus if I’m correct Maria’s family is close to that base and their Alpha family and Director.”

“You are,”I said looking out the window as we were above sea level now,”And the lovely whales are here and Buddy is outside waiting for us to go. So let’s not keep them waiting.”

We all went to the subcar and got in. In there I got my handheld gun that only shot out deadly bullets for just vamps. If it was shot at a wolf or anybody else it would feel like getting shot by an airsoft gun. I accidentally shot Jackey with it and he said that it hurt like that.

“Now she has a freakin gun,”Jason said as I rolled my eyes looking at my other weapons I had trained with,”And you still say that she’s innocent.”

“First off this gun’s bullet if shot at a wolf or anyone but a vampire, it would feel like an airsoft bullet hitting you,”I said slipping the gun into my backpack,”Plus we would need it incase a vamp comes. You can’t really phase and take them on in the city. So my pack made another way to take them out.”

He glared at me as I put the others away with the gun. I had taser knives that only affect vamps, along with a comp to check in with. I hope Jackey still has his or at least knows something about what all is going on. It would be hard to explain it to him if he didn’t.

After a long while we made it to the base. I got out as Buddy swam around the building happy to be back with me. That whale is something else at times. I had my backpack over one shoulder as we walked into the hallway to the elevator. There base was pretty much like ours. So it was all the same, just in another language.

“Before you ask how will we know where to go I speak the language here,”I said as Jason shut his mouth,”Plus Nina is coming down here.”

As I said that she ran to me and I ran to her. We hugged it out she she went on about how sorry she was that I lost everything it seemed like.

“Geugeos-eun alsrightida,”I said.

“I’m glad it’s alright,”She said in my native tongue,”This way please. My father is waiting to see all of you.”

“Lead the way,”I said smiling.

Mason took my hand as we followed her to the elevator. I smiled at it as we all got in and Nina told everyone about herself and how we met. Nina was a beautiful Korean girl that reminded my of Ravi from VIXX. She even sanged on some of the videos me and my cousin posted on youtube. His idea not mine.

I actually met Nina when I was about four. Dad and Mom took me and Jackey here to meet the other directors of the other divisions. I got along great with Nina as we were the same age and everything. She was smart and funny. Just an all around amazing person. She was so supportive of everything.

“So Maria, I heard that you are wanted for killing your family,”She said as I faced palm in my head,”What kind of person came up with that lie?”

“Thank you,”I said happy she got what I was saying,”Please tell Jason that I didn’t do it.”

“But you did,”He said as Nina stared him down before laughing her head off,”What’s so funny about that?”

“That you believe she would have done it,”She said trying to catch her breath,”Maria loved her family and friends. She’s protective of everyone in her pack and division. Maria would have been brain dead to have done that. Plus the video footage shows that she was rushed to the pods after her Uncle was killed and she was crying the whole time. Something like that would have killed her to watch. If she did it, would she really be called dead around here.”

“What do you mean dead?”I asked as she faced me.

“The main vamp squad here proclaim that you were killed by one of their own,”Nina said as we head to the main office like in ours,”Dad was so upset and been trying to help locate Jackey to make sure that he wasn’t gone as well. For your pack was loved by so many. When you called saying you needed help he was so overjoy that they really didn’t kill you. He jumped right back on to help locate Jackey.”

“If it wasn’t for Mason and his Mom I would be dead,”I said giving his hand a little squeeze,”He's my mate after all.”

She smiled happily at us as I saw her dad. Now he was tall and well like an older version of her almost. He smiled at me before I walked over there to him as he gave me a hug. He held me tight as if I was going to leave.

“I’m glad that you're alright Maria,”He said as I nodded,”But i have very light on your cousin’s where abouts.”

“Anything will help,”I said as he nodded.

“Who are your friends?”He asked with a smile.

After everyone was introduce and what not, He told me what he had gather about Jackey. I was shock that they think he never moved from his last known location. It was off from the city but also not that far. In a little apartment set up about five miles or so from the water.

I nodded my thanks and Mr. Night took me and my friends himself to the closest port near where we needed to go. We told him bye as we headed to the apartment. I had my fingers cross that he would be there. 

Chapter 33- Mason

As we were walking on the shore line, Not only did Maria had a hoodie on with the hood up and sunglasses, but I’m pretty sure I saw a dolphin jump out of the water. I watched him a little bit as he did so. It was like he was trying to get someone’s attention on him.

“Hey Maria,”I said as she faced me,”I think that dolphin is trying to signal you.”

“What do you…”She start as she noticed him,”Oh my gosh, it’s Marco.”

I laughed as she waved at him. He nodded his head at her before disappearing and Buddy jumped out of the water. I guess they know each other. She laughed as we continue on our way. I watched her back as I had this uneasy feeling that we were being watched.

I checked everywhere as it grew. What’s going on? I looked in a tree as I saw red eyes peering back to me. I tapped Maria as she turned to face me.

“What is it?”She asked not noticing the eyes,”We should keep walking.”

“But there’s,”I said gesturing up at a tree.

She face palmed as they jumped down. Guess she knew they were there. They circled us like prey. Maria was in front of us as we all faced the main one. He laughed at it as Maria’s hand went into her jacket Hoodie’s pocket. I watched her finger trace over something as if waiting for the right moment.

“If it isn’t four lost puppies,”The main guy said as Maria growled a warning,”Awe is little miss pup growling at me.”

“If you know what’s good for you, you would leave us alone,”She said not phasing to what he said,”I’ll give you five seconds to leave us.”

“Or what,”He challenge her getting into her face,”You’re going to shot me.”

“Not really,”She said hitting his chest as hard as she could sending him back,”Now though I might.”

With that she took out a minigun and shot the others around us. The main guy laid on the ground groaning from the pain. She walked up to him as he jumped up and ran away from her.

“Stay away from me,”He cried leaving as fast as he could.

“Don’t remember what happen but the pain,”She said putting her minigun up,”Next time don’t point them out.”

“Noted,”I said as Jason was in shock mode yet again.

“Let’s go,”She said walking again,”Or you can wait till they come back.”

With that we all raced after her. I took hold of her hand intertwining our fingers together. She gave a smile off as we kept walking to the complex. It was quiet the whole trip. I guess none of us wanted to have another circle up with vampires. Maria although seemed antsy about something else. It was as if she knew something was up but couldn’t figure out what it was.

I looked ahead as I got the feeling that something bad was going to happen. I looked at Maria again as she was my main focus of protection. I don’t want anything to happen to her. Not like the jeep flipping with her in it. I barely saved her that time. I don’t need it to be worst like in my dream. 

Chapter 34- Maria


I looked at the building to where they said Jackey was living nowadays. It wasn’t much but a few people did live here so I guess that would work. I went in with everyone else following behind me. I went up to the said room and had to pick the lock which got Jason talking again.

“Another reason why she could have done it,”He said as I picked the lock for us,”Plus did anyone else notice that our scent ended when we got to the shore. I mean who else knows what she is capable of.”

“Maybe if you shut up I’ll tell ya,”I said opening the door,”Plus picking the lock is in my profile like the scent thing.”

“There was nothing about scent in it,”Jason said as I rolled my eyes.

“Hide-n-seek,”I said as he still seemed confused as we walked in,”I can hide in plain sight for you can’t pin point my scent. When I go out I hid it or make it almost disappear. I’ve been doing that this whole time with everyone.”

He nodded as we walked in. I told them not to touch anything while I tried to find anything that would tell me that Jackey was still in this building. I went around and saw that the setup was like someone from the pack but not proof enough that it was Jackey.

I went into the kitchen and saw a cap hanging on the back of the chair. I looked closer and noticed that it was MY red and blue cap he got me. I went over to it and checked to make sure I was correct.

On the inside of the bill it read my name and when he gave it to me. I remember giving this to him before he left so he had something to keep me in mind while he was over here. I smiled as I began to notice everything else. Like Jackey’s dirty clothes all piled in the corner of the bathroom. I laughed as this was Jackey’s apartment. He would never leave things like this behind.

“Okay well Jackey lives here,”I said with my hat on backwards,”But we still shouldn’t mess with anything.”

“You did,”Jason said as I glared.

“To let Jackey know that someone he knows was here,”I said as Mason put his arm around my shoulder,”Plus it’s my cap. I can take for it is mine.”

“Yeah for I guess he will notice something like that missing now wouldn’t he,”Jason sassed me as I heard the doorknob move.

“Everyone hide somewhere,”I said as we all did.

I was right above the door with my back on the ceiling as I made myself stay up there. Mason, Minnie, and Jason all hid around the backs of the furniture. Why even hid in the same area? I rolled my eyes as the person walked in. I looked at them as they walked in. I soon got a big old smell of Vampire. I looked down at them as I could tell that was what they were. I stayed still as I tried not to puke on them. I hate that smell, even more so when it was over powering.

“Oh Jackey,”He said as I noticed a gun on his belt,”I have some more news about your cousin.”

I remained quiet as he walked around. My arms and legs were getting tired of holding my body up above the ground but I can’t let him know that I’m alive.

“I know you are here wolf,”He snapped going to the kitchen,”Someone stole your stupid hat that stupid cousin of yours gave you.”

Wow he noticed that quick. He went to the living room as I got nervous. And like my nerves told me he found them.

“Who are you?”He asked as my little team stood up looking for me,”How did you get in here?”

“Um…”Minnie said as she spotted me,”We had a little help.”

“Who helped you?”He asked going for the gun as he backed up to the door,”Jackey has no friends, just people he helps with their school work.”

“Try me,”I said falling on his back taking his earpiece out.

“How?”He questioned as I stabbed him with my glowing baton that looked like a glowing stick.

He went into nothingness as they all looked at me. I was surprise that Minnie was that good at making up lies like that.

“Good job Minnie,”I said high fiving her,”But why all hid out in the same area?”

“For your team is more important than yourself,”Jason said glaring at me,”Why did you hid up there?”

“For rule number one in my pack,”I said looking him square in the eye,”Never hid where you can get caught. Always hid in the last place they would look and stay away from grouping in one place. Only do it when you have a fallen teammate. For grouping brings about more chances of getting caught.”

“That’s a long rule,”Mason said as I saw that Jason was just glaring at me,”Must be why your family was so successful in the long run.”

“Let me guess there’s another reason,”Minnie snapped at Jason as he was about to speak which just made him close his mouth,”Jason, she was taught different from us. Just drop that mess now and help her find her last family she still has.”

He glared at me only last time before marching out of the apartment. We all followed him out and into town. Maybe I can get Jackey to meet us somewhere. I hope I can get him to.

Chapter 35- Jackey

I left the school house after the teacher called me in to help teach a lesson with her. It was honestly stupid for I really need to finish this mission and go home to see Dad. I know that he would be upset that Maria had past. I know I am. I even put her hat where I know I could be able to think about her now.

The last time I saw her was when that Shark almost had her and our last video I force her to make with me. She thought that they were stupid and that we needed to train more or at least work on our language skills more. I bet Maria has past me up by now. If only I could call in to check up on them. Maybe then she wouldn’t have past away on me.

“Why must she be the one to leave everyone?”I asked as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I should have took them out when I had the chance. But Dad said never move in unless you know you would be successful. For it would save not only your life but the lives of humans. But if I did than Maria would still be here with us.

I took a deep breath as I opened the door to my apartment. I looked on the floor and saw what you would have used to pick a lock. I rolled my eyes and took it inside with me. I laid it on the table and went to the kitchen. I went to the fridge as I heard something. I took out my pistol I kept on me and turned around as fast as I could.

All I saw was a little Maria standing there laughing at me. Great I’m seeing things now. I put it away as she went away. Come on Jackey this is your cousin you are fighting for now.

“No I’m your weakness,”Her little five year old voice said in my ear as she was sitting on the counter,”But where’s my hat at?”

“On the chair,”I said pointing at is to see it was gone,”Where is it?”

“I don’t know,”She said as I stared at her,”I’m only in you head nitwit. How am I supposed to know who took it.”

Wait the tool was on the floor. I looked at it and saw that ONLY Maria used something like that. And she knew that I would still have her hat. Could she still be alive and trying to reach out to me. I took my bag and ran out to see if I could find my lost cousin. I need to get to her before they really do get her.

“And he’s off,”Her little cute voice said with a laugh. 

Chapter 36- Maria

“Okay so you took the hat and left the tool thing,”Jason said as I really want to strangle him now,”Now how are we to find him? Did you think this far ahead Maria? Or are you lying to us ready to strike us down now?”

“Jason leave her alone,”Mason said as I really was thinking about taking him out now.

“Jason just shut up,”Minnie said as I smiled that she cares for me,”You are making this harder for her than it already is. I bet she has a plan. Or at least one forming in her mind. Now shut up.”

It was quiet as I closed my eyes and listened to the song I was listening to. Beautiful Liar by VIXX. I began to sing Leo’s part and stopped knowing Jackey wouldn’t sing with me now.




I heard her voice singing a two people song. One of them was a rap part. I smiled as I knew that song. So I began to sing with her as I ran to that voice.




I stopped when I heard him join me. I began to ran to his voice as he sang. We did both parts perfectly as the others raced after me. I can’t believe her answered me back like that. I saw an old warehouse and went into that. It was on the five octaves part and I sanged them as I heard him land behind me. I smiled as soon the song finished and we faced each other.

“Who knew you could sing and find someone?”Jason and Minnie said as I punched my cousin in his right shoulder.

“What was that for?”Jackey asked me as I was mad that he never came back and I had to come get him.

“For not returning,”I said before jumping into his arms to hug him,”And this is for I missed you like crazy.”

“I’ve missed you to Mar,”He said holding me tightly,”When the vamps told me they got you...I couldn’t bare the thought. I can’t live knowing my little cousin died because I hadn’t finished my mission yet.”

“I had someone great that made sure they didn’t get me,”I said as Mason walked up behind me.

“Please tell you didn’t…”Jackey said as I’m pretty sure I was blushing,”If you hurt her I will destroy you.”

“See,”Jason said as I rolled my eyes.

“Jackey’s the closest I have to any siblings Jason,”I said looking at him,”He’s just doing the older brother thing. So please shut it.”

Jackey patted my back as I heard the doors close around us. I looked around like Jackey as I could hear fast running everywhere. Oh no.

“Back to back,”Jackey said as everyone had their backs to each other,”Please tell me you three have this kind of training.”

“Um..about that,”I said as I could sense him wanting to scream at me,”There from W.F.H.P. or Wolves for Human Protection.”

“Maria,”Jackey said like that was the worst thing ever,”And my dad allowed you to come with them.”

“You don’t know,”I said as that shocked me.

Before anything else could be said they all rushed in. I took out my gun as Jackey got his. The others got ready for the fight as I’m pretty sure Jackey and I were looking for the main on.

“I was told that you were dead,”One tall blonde vamp said walking toward me,”It looks like I have to do it myself now.”

“You leave her alone,”Jackey said pushing me behind me.

“Oh a weakness,”He said as I facepalmed myself for Jackey,”I thought it would be her. Too bad you get to watch it in person.”

“I don’t think so,”I said shooting him in the head.

“Dang,”I heard the other three said,”Sniper skills.”

“Ano…”Jason started as I heard a smack.

“Say it one more time and I will fight you,”Minnie said as I looked all around us.

“Wouldn’t be so happy yet,”I said as I pointed up,”For that was round one.”

Let’s just say that there was a lot going on at once. I mean I didn’t even know that all of that could have went down like it did.

When the vamps jumped down Jackey and I went into battle mode and was sniping and fist fighting most of them. Mason and Jason was holding their own pretty well against three of them. I guess being twins help with that. Minnie had took my little gun and was shooting people with that behind some boxes.

I soon heard help come our way. I looked and saw Nina there. Oh happy day.

But just when I thought everything was going in our favor. I get hit with something and go down twitching like crazy from the electric shock.

“Jackey,”I managed to get out before anything else. 

Chapter 37- Mason

“Jackey,”I heard Maria almost choke out.

I spun around and saw her on the ground twitching like crazy. I ran over to her with Jason watching my back for me. Jackey was also over her trying to help. Her friend Nina and their group came just in time to help, so they were fighting for us while we get Maria out of here.

“What’s happening?”I asked Jackey as he pulled something off of her and she stopped twitching like crazy.

“A vamp shot her,”He said looking at the catwalk before shooting someone off of it,”And now they are dead.”

“But what was that?”I asked as he picked her up.

“I’ll explain it all when we get back to the apartment,”He said looking at Minnie,”Can you hand me that hat please.”

Minnie did and we followed him back to the apartment. I watched as he laid her on the couch before getting a pillow and blanket for her. I went over there as well to check her leg out.

As I undid it I was Jackey watching me very carefully. I looked at him as he seemed worried now.

“What happen there?”He asked as I showed him the almost healed bullet wound she had gotten.

“She was shot by an old man thinking she was going to hurt him,”I answered as he nodded,”Are you going to hold up you end of the deal now.”

He sighed and took out what it was. I never really have seen something like that. It was like a dart thing that was mix with a taser type of build. It was almost like a spider looking thing.

“This is what the vampires use to knock out wolves,”He said like it wasn’t in our know how,”It tases you till you literally makes it where you can’t do anything to prevent them from advancing on you.”

“That’s all basic information,”Minnie said as I watch Maria sleep,”Why did she freak out when it got her.”

“For if you are not careful it could kill you,”He said as it got quiet,”Maria knows what this is and what it can do. We trained against this and learned how to take care of ourselves. When she notice it was on her it was too late for her to get it off of her. We were lucky that she was able to speak at all.”

I looked at her as she seemed to be peaceful now. At least she’s safe once again.

“So does anyone want to explain why you are helping her out?”He asked as we all snapped our heads to him,”I mean can my dad really want your help with vamp stuff like this. He never lets anyone talk about the stuff we take.”

He really doesn’t know about what happen to their family. He waited for an answer but I don’t have one. But Maria does I know.

“We’ll let her explain,”I said looking at my Mate,”She might need to break that to you.”

He nodded before showing Jason and Minnie to a spare room he had there. I touched her cheek and she smiled at it. I guess she’s going to be alright now.

“You know Maria’s tougher than you think,”Jackey said scaring the daylights out of me,”I really do hope you can make her happy and keep her safe.”

“Been doin that for a while now,”I said looking at her again,”She’s one of the best things that had happen to me. Someone I can connect with.”

“She does make it her job to understand people in different situations. It’s like she has to make the world safer or better for them. If you ask me, I say that she puts too much into it.”

“Yeah. Maybe she does.”

“You seem alright Mason,”He said as I faced him in shock,”I can see why her dad would trust you.”

“Why you think that?”I asked for her dad is kind of dead.

“I mean you are all he ever wanted in a person for her,”He said smiling,”I remember seeing them in the sea bay arguing about what her mate could be like. I guess they both were right that day.”

“Glad I can be,”I said standing up,”Um...If you don’t mind I would like to stay in here with her.”

“I thought you would say that,”He said disappearing,”You can sleep on the cot in here. Just put it by the couch.”

I nodded as he brought it back with more blankets and pillows. I thanked him for everything and set it up. I had it were she could get off the couch without waking me up but also close enough where I can get to her quick.

“Night Maria,”I said kissing the top of her head before going to bed myself. 

Chapter 38- Maria

 I hate those stupid shockers those stupid vampires have. I mean come on really. You have to bring us to great pain before trying to kill us. At least we make your death semi painless.

I groaned as my eyes open and I looked at the dark room I was in. I was back at the apartment. I sighed in relief as I wasn’t dead yet. I also notice that someone was holding my hand.

I turned to see Mason was there holding my hand. I smiled as I sat up still a little light headed. I hate those things in the training and still now. I swung my feet on the other side of the couch and got up. I let go of Mason’s hand before kissing his head and heading into the kitchen.

I walked in to see that Jackey was there with two cups of something and paperwork for days. I let out a little laugh as he looked at me.

“One’s for you,”He said as I sat on the other side of the table,”How you feel?”

“Light headed,”I said drinking the tea,”Just like Uncle Max’s.”

“Your favorite right,”He said going over all of the paper work,”So why are they working with you?”

“Do you really not know?”I asked as he looked at me confused now,”Jackey everyone is dead. All but me, Clara, Idiot, Yang, and Yhamma. Vampires killed everyone else.”

“That’s a good one Maria,”He said laughing at it,”You remember the last time you and Dad pulled that one. I was freaking out. But that was a prank. I thought you didn’t do the same prank twice.”

“I don’t Jackey,”I said serious,”You know that. This is real this time. And I’m the one they say did it, but I didn’t.”

“Okay you killing them is funny,”He said laughing as I rolled my eyes,”You killing the people you love. Your weakness. Were they on drugs or something coming up with that one.”

“Jackey I don’t know,”I said drinking some more of my tea,”But the other part if true. I watched Mom, Dad, and Uncle Max die right in front of me. You got to believe me.”

He looked at me one last time before laughing again. What part of this is so funny? I telling the truth now.

“Okay, okay,”He said trying to stop,”If they did all die, then why would you be here and not there trying to rebuild it?”

“Because the head won’t let me,”I said as he stared me down,”Unless you come and say that I am Alpha and director OR you come yourself and help us then they will help us. But I have three days starting when you first found us or we found you. I don’t know how many now.”

“You were out for the whole night Maria,”He said as that means I have two days,”But you’re lying about it all and want me to come back so you can prank me. Did you really get that bored there?”

I looked at him as this was getting nowhere and fast. I dropped my head on the table as that really didn’t help with my headache.

“Ow,”I said as he laughed at me yet again,”Jackey I’m being serious with you. Everyone we knew but four are gone. I need you to come back with me.”

“Maria I got a mission I need to finish,”He said getting up with my nad his mug and taking it to the fridge,”I can’t go back till I have finished it. I’m sorry that I’m making all of you wait till then but it’s for the best.”

I groaned as he brought the mugs back but this time had some advil for me. I thanked him as I took it and watched what he was doing. He had ideas all over the table. I picked up one and saw that they all had phases on them. I held phases 6 in my hand.

“Jackey what all is this?”I asked trying to get it off of the subject.

“I’ve been working on something to finish this plan out,”He said showing me,”But I can’t find the missing part to make it foolproof.”

IDEA!! I looked at them all as I saw what he was missing. They all were out of order and therefore made no sense to him. I smiled at him as he looked a little scared now.

“Let’s make a deal then,”I said leaning forward so he knew that I was being serious,”If I help you find this missing piece you come back with me to check out if I’m lying or not. If I’m not lying you help us out a little before continuing on your mission.”

“Fine I’ll take that one,”He said motioning to the phases,”So what am I missing.”

I sat there and rearrange them on the floor since there were like twenty parts in all to it. He looked at it as I had renumber them all for him. He looked them all over as I drinked the rest of my tea.

“I had them all wrong,”He said as I smiled,”Fine I’m going with you back to the base. But if this is a prank, I’m coming back here.”

“I can take that chance,”I smirked.

“Hey everyone,”Mason said as I was sitting in my chair as Jackey was putting the plan together,”What’s going on in here?”

“A master plan coming together,”I said with a wink.

“We’ll leave at noon,”Jackey said as I looked at him,”The traffic will cover our tracks from vampires following us and it would be easier to walk then. But how we get to the base I don’t know.”

“Nina and her dad,”I said as I took out my commicacter,”Hey Jackey why did you never check in with us?”

He looked at the ground as if not wanting to answer that question. He then looked back at me as if it needed to be said.

“The last time I checked in, that day after the vampires that been coming by took it,”He said as I secretly wanted to laugh,”I tried everything to get back in touch with y’all but everything I tried didn’t work. So I hoped that maybe one day you and Dad would come for yourselves to try and find me. I guess y’all waited a little bit.”

“Or he died before we could,”I mumbled as he looked at me weirdly.

I stood up and went into the living room to see that Minnie and Jason was up. That’s good. I was about to go back into the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. I looked at Jackey as he told the rest of us to hid.

We all chose the same spots we were in the last time we were here. But this time Minnie, Jason, and Mason chose them in different rooms. I nodded at Jackey as he opened the door. A girl walked in looking quite pissed at him.

“Jackey what happen to my brother,”She hissed at him having him at gun point,”We were nice of enough to let you live this far but now we are thinking that it is getting out of hand.”

“Well you see there was a little mishap and the old warehouse,”Jackey said trying to do my silver talk,”I tried all I can to help him but there was nothing I could do.”

“If you love that dolphin of yours I would give me the real answer,”She said with a smirk as that ticked me off,”Now what happen?”

“I did,”I said jumping down behind her shutting the door as I did so,”Now you better not threaten my cousin.”

“How your dead,”She said scared to death now.

I smirked as I can use that to my advantage. I took a step forward as she took one back. I smiled evilly as I felt a prank coming up. Jackey saw and nodded his head as if getting it.

“Who’s dead?”He asked looking around,”There’s no one here but the two of us Carol.”

“You cousin,”She said shaking her gun at me,”She’s right there. Can’t you see her?”

“No,”Jackey said walking past me to open the door and then closing it,”Are you alright?”

She went to shot me as I grabbed her hand and took the gun from her with her hand behind her back pinned down. I got close to her ear as I could feel her body shaking with fear.

“Now you listen to me now,”I said as my lips were right next to her ear as she nodded to me,”You are going to go back to your daddy and tell him that Maria’s ghost says to leave her cousin alone or we spirits of unity 30 of WAW or Wolfs Around the World will come back and haunt your sorry little tails. Now I wouldn’t upset the dead if I were you now.”

With that I let her go and she ran out at her top speed scared to death. I laughed with jackey as the others came out. I have never done a prank like that before in my life. I haven’t even pranked since that day.

“You are good Maria,”Jackey said ruffling my hair up,”Let me get my things and then we can head home so that I can up show your lame prank on me.”

“It’s not a prank though,”I said as he left and I got my things together.

I looked at the other three as they seemed terrified at me. I smiled and Mason and Minnie bust out laughing. I joined them as her face was priceless to me. Jason although seemed unphased by that little joke I pulled. What will it take to show him that I’m on his side?

Chapter 39- Mason

 After we all got our things and the laughing fit was over we left. Jackey had to turn in some things before leaving the apartment. Apparently he was renting the place from a friend of theirs. So we had to run by there to do that.

During the trip there Maria and Jackey were catching up. That left the rest of us to talk about the thing with my Dad.

“Mason we have to take her in,”Jason was saying as I watched for anything to pop out at us,”It’s the right thing to do. You might even get to see her freely if we do.”

“Like that would happen Jason,”I said looking at him now,”Dad will never remove that call on me till she admits that it was her when it clearly wasn’t.”

“Mason has a point Jason,”Minnie said loving where we were at,”Your father seems to have it out for her for no reason. I mean she told us what she knows about the attack and the reason why it could have happened. To everyone else it seems like she really didn’t do it. Which she didn’t for she has video proof and people to defend her case. You just need to see that like the rest of us.”

“BUT if you remember on her file there were a list of things she could have done to get them to help her,”Jason said as Maria looked back at us,”She could have used one of them on someone and they did her dirty work for her.”

“You know something that makes it sound like I’m heartless,”Maria said stopping right in front of Jason,”If you were to walk a mile in my shoes you would fall the first step. For I have been through more than you have in your whole life. So I would stop trying to make it look like I’m the bad guy here when I’m really not. If you want reports on what happened that day I can get them for you. Other than that I lost count about how many times I have proved to you it wasn’t me.”

With that she went back up to the front with Jackey as he was laughing at her again. She punched his arm as they just talked as if nothing had ever happen and this was just another day to them.

I turned to Jason as he was red. I would be to if I was in his shoes. Minnie was laughing at him as we continued on to the place.


After what seemed like a day’s walk, which was actually about four hours, We made it to the house of the friend. Maria ran in excited about something. Jackey followed after her with us behind him.

When we entered Maria was in a bo staff battle with an older man. The guy had to be in his mid fifties or something.

He had white hair that seemed to have some grey in it. A beard that made him look like an old teacher of something in Japan. He wore white robes with a black belt around his waist. Soon it clicked what was going on. This man thought Maria how to fight.

“Good job Maria,”He said with a smile as she had him on the ground and the bo staff in one hand behind her back,”You were always my best student.”

“Yeah for you pushed me harder than the others,”She said as he got up and clamped his hand on her shoulder,”But it helps in the long run.”

“For you needed to be…”He started for her to finish.

“Faster and stronger from your enemy,”She said spinning the bo staff showing off,”For you always keep your back protected and your front ready for a fight to the death. Never let your guard down for that’s when they will strike.”

He smiled at her before turning to us. He gave us that same proud smile as Maria put up her bo staff. When she turned around he striked and she barely jumped over it and used the staff to get to the wall.

“You missed,”She said as he nodded.

“I see that all these after your family past still haven’t infected your reflexes,”He said as Jackey went to laugh,”Jackey what’s so funny about that?”

“Wow she even has you on the prank she’s pulling on me again,”Jackey said as the man looked at him like he was insane,”Sensi Ryan. You can tell me that it’s a prank. You did last time.”

“He thinks you're pulling that one again?”He asked Maria as she nodded coming back over to us,”Jackey you’re in for a rude awakening then.”

Jackey nodded as Mr. Ryan introduced himself to us. His full name was Ryan Night, and he was from America but moved to Korea to study his art more. He also knew Maria’s family for a long time. That was when Maria interrupted saying that he was like family to her with Jackey nodding as well. What really scared me was what he said after he finished saying all of that to us.

“You must be Maria’s mate,”He said pointing to me as she blushed like mad.

“How did you know?”I asked stepping forward as he smiled at me.

“For you keep looking at her like you might lose her,”He said as if it was right there for me to see,”Her dad and Jackey’s dad did that to their mothers. That’s why I know that move so well. I can also tell that you took great care of her when she needed someone to help her.”

I nodded as Maria asked if he would come back to help teach the new recruits if they get some. She got overjoyed when he said that he would. And like that we left for the shore line where you could see a dolphin and whale waiting for us.

Maria ran there as Jackey laughed at her. I ran after her as the two animals seemed to just watch us. But what got me was when a sub popped up like the one Maria’s team has. Out walked Mr. Night and Nina. Maria hugged her as Mr. Night shook hands with Jackey. I guess maybe every organization has friends in different units out there.

“Glad to see you again Jackey,”He said as we entered,”And before you all ask me I wanted to make sure that you all got home safely. So I will be personally taking you back home.”

“Thanks Mr. Night,”Maria said looking at the glass circle on the floor were Buddy was,”For everything.”

“Anything for Randy’s kid,”He said as she went back to her Korean talk with Nina.

It was quiet almost the whole trip but there was conversation about Maria killing her unit and Jackey not believing that. Some was to catch up with Jackey and everything but mostly just quiet. So when we got there Maria sighed as if ready for something to happen.

Chapter 40- Maria


I walked up to the platform and waved bye to Mr. Night and Nina. Now time for Jackey’s freak out moment. He laughed as how quiet it was today. So I headed to the Main Office to get a video chat up for when Jackey runs in there acting like he has lost his mind or something.

Mason and the others stayed with Jackey just in case. I took a deep breath in as I shut my eyes. I was blasting When You’re Gone by Avril Lavigne. It was a beautiful song and I just loved it for right now I feel like this is what it is happening to me.

I opened my eyes up when it dinged and the doors opened up for me. I walked over and threw my bag in my spot at the great rows of computers. I needed to do something while Jackey had his talk with the Big Guy.

“Begin the call for me,”I said to Yang and Yhamma,”Before Jackey runs up here with his hundred of questions about what all is going on.”

They nodded as the call pulled up. I counted for a little bit as on a separate part of the glass screen was the footage of that day and Jackey running around asking where everyone was at. Dude I told you where they were at.

“Yes Maria,”The Big Guy said.

“I got Jackey here,”I said with both hands on the back of my neck,”But he believes I pulled a prank on him like the one me and Uncle Max did that one time. So he might run up here acting like this isn’t real and freaking out at the same time.”

“So he is alive,”He said as I nodded going to my computer logging in,”I guess we need to start the countdown for him then.”

“Nope,”I said pointing to the doors as He ran in.

“Okay Maria where is everyone,”Jackey said as I ignored him,”For they can’t really be dead right? Maria please tell me that they are alive and this is just some big prank that…”

“Hey we are talking to the boss you know,”I said pointing to the screen as he froze.

Let’s just say that Jackey is staying with us now and forgetting his Mission. Reports will go out that I wasn’t the one that did it. And we are getting new recruits to help build this unit up again. YEAH!

BUT I can’t leave yet for we have to get the place back up to code. We had so many areas that needed to be rebooted or fixed to get back online. Just our luck right. Some looked easy but the other’s would be that easy.

“Jason,”I called to him as he turned my way,”we can send you all back but I have to stay. I promise when we get everything in working order and up to code I will come to keep our deal up.”

“I’m not falling for that,”He said eyeing me,”I’m staying here to make sure that you do keep that promise.”

“Little lost here,”Jackey said as I looked at him,”What deal?”

I told him what all had happen and made sure not to leave a detail out. He nodded and told Jason and them that we would love to have them as our guest. They all agreed to stay and help as much as they could. Which warmed my heart even though Jason was just doing it because he didn’t want me to NOT break my promise.

Chapter 41- Unknown

So Jackey has returned to his base now. That means he is now off of my back. Great. I can finally break down the other wolf organizations one at a time. I’m doing it in order of their ranking. Which means W.f.H.P was next on the list.

“Prepare to go to America,”I told my lead assassin,”I want them to fall like the Night Hunter pack did. And this time don’t let ANY of them escape like that girl did.”

“Yes boss,”He said smirking,”We will make sure that nothing gets by with this attack.”

“You better now,”I said facing him,”Or it will be the end of you if it happens again.”

He gulped before running out of my office. I looked at the empire I was building. Those pesky wolves will ruin this if not taken care of. So I just have to make sure they just die. 

Chapter 42- Maria

It has been a month since Jackey has been back. We have also got all of them back up and running almost. I was walking from the Sea Bay after feeding everyone down there. I smiled as I walked in and the chart for the building was almost green.

“The Sea bay is back up to the green,”Yang said changing it’s color.

“Which means that we have got everything up,”Clara said as Jackey smiled.

“Time to relax some,”I said as everyone nodded,”I can finally tell Jason that we can leave tomorrow.”

“You’ve been talking to him a lot lately,”Jackey noted,”Why?”

I took a minute and noticed that I was. I wanted to be on his good side and not the enemy. So I been telling him about my life here hoping that maybe he would see it like me.

I have gotten very little done with that. But he has been making me less of a bad guy now. I don’t know what happen but I’m glad it did.

I was about to go to my room when alarms went off. I looked at Jackey as it was a Blue Flashing light. I ran to computer and logged in quickly to help pick it up.

“What’s that?”Mason and Minnie said as the three of them ran in.

“It means as family friend is having a Vamp trouble,”I said for Jackey.

“And it looks like Your parents’ friend Elizabeth Maria,”He said pointing to it.

“Mom!”Mason and Jason said at the same time.

“I’ll tell ya that part later,”I said pulling the feed up,”This is what’s going on right this minute.”

I showed them the fed as we all watched. That place looked like the attack could begin at any moment. Soon a voice was heard on it as the woman was being asked questions.

“So Mrs. Black what would you say all of this would be like when something overthrew it?”The male voice asked.

“What would you say is the password,”Mrs. Black said as I knew it.

“Watch the Dolphins fly and Whales Protect for they are amazing today,”I said as Jackey said it as well.

“What?”He asked her as she stepped back.

“The password,”Mrs. Black said as Jackey and I shared a look.

“Night will fall over time if not careful,”He said as that was code for Vampire attack please help.

“Now when did you say all of you would be ready to begin?”

“In about ten minutes.”

“The surprise would happen in ten minutes.”

“You’re acting strange,”The guy said leaving.

“That’s because I’m letting help know,”She said looking at a badge,”Hurry Maria and Jackey.”

“Grab your gear,”We said at once.

“What’s going on?”Jason asked looking at me,”Is this your doing Maria?”

“No but if you don’t want what had happen to me happen to you I would get a move on,”I snapped running to the armory with Jackey.

We grabbed our things and suit up. I changed into my wetsuit knowing I would need to get wet for this. I put the one for this type of missions. I slid my gun into the hostlers and my tiny one into my shoe. I put extra bullets on my belt with the clips they were in with my botan like sticks of death.

Jackey was just in his normal wear was doing the same thing as me. You see in the armory there as sections marked off for Operatives. So I had one with the things I’m great at.

“What about us?”Jason said as I eyed them,”This is our pack and Family in danger. We are helping.”

“I didn’t say that you weren’t,”I said getting three guns and their matching clips,”You just need to give me time.”

“Well,”He said as I began counting down from twenty in my head.

“Minnie you’re using a gun my mom use to use,”I said passing them out,”Mason and Jason you two have my dad’s. And I do want these back!”

“What if we shoot the wrong person?”Minnie asked as Jackey laughed.

“It hurts,”He said as I stared at him.

“That was one time,”I said looking at him,”I’m sorry that I forgot the safety wasn’t on when I threw it on the floor. Geez.”

“It still counts as you shooting me,”He said as he popped me,”And now we are even.”

“Hope you're happy,”I said rubbing my ankle,”If you shoot a wolf it hurts like getting shot by an airsoft gun as Jackey says.”

“It does,”He said as we all walked out,”Also shoot for fast and red eyes being. They are normally the vampires.”

They nodded as we got into the subcar as I call it and we were off. I looked at the time as it was ticking down. Come on we got to get there in time before something happens like it did to family. 

Chapter 43- Mason

I watched Maria as she kept watching her watch as Jackey was tapping the frame. Maria also seemed antsy about something. I looked closer and saw that her eyes were holding the same pain looked they were when she was telling me about that day.

“How much longer?”She asked as everyone looked at her.”

“Soon,”Clara said as if it was the easiest thing.

“Maria will get there in time,”Jackey said as she glared at him,”Why are you so worried now?”

“It’s nothing,”She said not breaking eye contact.

“Okay you are lying big time now,”Jackey said taking a similar stance as her,”What’s wrong Maria?”

“It’s nothing,”She said as both Alpha Voice and tone was being used by both.

They looked in a stare off as we just watched them. The Alpha and Next in line just standing there staring at the other waiting for one to break.

“Maria please tell me,”Jackey said as Maria looked like she was about to break,”Please.”

“I..I,”She started as Jackey’s expression changed to pity and sadness,”I’m worrying it would be like the attack on us. It seems to be playing out the same way. I just want to get there before it happens to stop it. For once it started we couldn’t stop it.”

“You broke her,”Jason said as Jackey lifted up her chin as her head fell to look at the floor.

“You used my weakness,”She said punching him,”Not fair.”

“I know,”He said as Jason’s eyes almost bugged out,”But I love you. And I can’t stand to see you that way either.”

Maria looked at me as I nodded at her. She seemed to have relaxed some just by that. She watched out as Jackey passed out the ear pieces for us.

“Yang, Yhamma, Clara, and Bobby will stay in here to help us out,”Jackey said as we were approaching it fast,”The rest of us might have to split up to take out everyone. And remember to not let them get to you.”

“Stay one step ahead of them,”Maria said staring off to face,”My dad use to tell me that all the time when I was training with him.”

“Always remember that one,”Jackey agreed with her,”For if you do lose a step from them you are dead.”

“Kind of harsh way to put it,”I said as Maria looked at me.

“No it’s not,”She said,”Just look at what happen when we lost that step ahead.”

I nodded as that was a good point. We all took a deep breath as alarms began to blare like crazy now. Ten minutes are up.

“I’m going with buddy to take the waterfront and will meet you all on the upper levels when I get there,”Maria said standing on the glass circle.

She nodded and it drop her in but no water came up from it. We watched as her and him went to that area. Jackey nodded for the rest of us to get ready to do our part in this now.

“We aren’t doing that now are we?”Jason asked as Jackey shook his head no.

“We are going by ground,”He said as we surfaced,”But Maria did tell me that the two of you NEED to get to your father before they do.”

We nodded as we all ran inside to see that all of hell had broke loose. I shared a look with Jason as we walked in with Jackey free firing.

“The bay is cleared,”Maria said as we just started,”See all of you in a little bit.” 

Chapter 44- Maria

I waited for a little bit under the surface as I saw them lining people up on the bay ends. I saw boats as well waiting for them to get in. I tapped Buddy’s side as he surfaced just enough so they caught his fin only.

“Shark!”I heard someone scream as a guy looked at the water and smiled.

“Looks like we get to fed you to the sharks,”He grinned as Buddy and I hydro jumped.

I was pushed into the air and threw him in. He screamed as I smirked and faced the other five there. Come on really only six vamps for me to start with. Whatever I can still make this work.

“I would try killer whales,”I said going for the second closest to the water.

We fought but I managed to get him to the edge as he was about to fall in but managed to not. He smirked as I pointed behind him and Buddy dragged him down. I took out a baton thing and struck one in the arm as he screamed bloody murder before I struck him in the head making him disappear. I shot the other one as the he went to shot me. The last one though was a lot smarter.

He ran at me as we went into battle. He pushed me almost over the edge but I caught myself. He smirked as he charged at me. I jumped up and grabbed a chain thing that was just hanging there as he went straight into the water. Idiot!

“You don’t mess with the Kingsley’s,”I said as I faced them,”Okay what I need you all to do is to make sure this area stays clear.”

“With what?”One of them asked as I brought out a spare gun.

“This,”I said as the one I helped with his mate issue took it,”If shot at a wolf it will only hurt and not kill. So you’re alright incase you miss your target.”

“Thanks Maria,”He said as I ran to the elevator.

“The bay is cleared,”I said as the doors closed on the elevator and I began my work up to the main part of the building,”See all of you in a little bit.”

“Be careful now,”Mason said as I smiled.

“I will,”I said making sure I had plenty of bullets left.

I put on In the End the nightcore version as I stepped out and began my fire. I walked down each hallway and fired at the vamps. I watched the scenes play in my head as anger fueled my actions this time. THEY took my weakness away and THEY will not do that to Mason and his family. It’s time I got my revenge for everything I was put through to get my life back on track.

After about the fifth floor I made it to the others. I was surprise at how small of a group took us out in one go. I walked into the Medical room as I got the news that the vamps had the director in his office.

I watched Mason and them run in to stop it but nothing happened just talking. I ready my grappling hook and waited for my shot.

“Maria take the shot,”Clara said into my earpiece.

You always need to wait for the perfect time, my uncle’s voice said in my head, That is when you know you won’t miss you target Maria. You wait till the right time where you team won’t be in danger AND you get your man. Just be patient.

I looked at the man and when he was about to do something I fire it at the last second. 

Chapter 45- Mason

We almost didn’t make it. But when we got there it was also at the wrong time. For dad was tied to his seat as the vamp was about to go for the kill.

“Well if it isn’t the Blacks,”The vamp said walking around our father to watch us,”I would drop those weapons of yours. Or I might just make the death as painful as I can.”

We did that as I knew Maria would advise against it. He chuckled as mom was there beside us as well. He seemed like this was just game to him and he was the master of it.

“You see this is how it will go down young wolves,”He said with a laugh,”Just like that stupid Maria kid you will watch me destroy your family and there would be nothing you can do. BUT unlike that stupid girl you won’t get away. And do you know how hard it was to place the blame on an eight year old kid. I’m still surprise that the lot of you believe that lie.”

“First off Maria isn’t some stupid kid,”I said stepping forward,”and this time you're not going to get away with this. You’re not even going to finish all of us off that is stand or sitting in this room.”

“Mason,”Dad warned as I was tired of all of this junk.

“For unlike you I know that I have someone somewhere willing ready to take a bullet for me,”I continued not even listening,”BUT unlike you I’m probably going to get preached at after all of this.”

“Kid you don’t scare me with that kind of talk,”He said moving towards me.

As he took that first step something was shot and wrapped itself around him. He looked at it as whatever it was yanked him out of the window and into the Medical room.

We ran over that away and saw Maria standing there with her glowing batons ready. The guy stood up and went wide eyed as if he was seeing a ghost or something.

“How?”He asked as she advance on him eyes pouring out anger,”You're dead.”

“I would check your facts buddy,”She said striking as he dodged it,”And now I get my revenge from you killing my uncle and parents.”

“That’s only if you beat me,”He said kicking her back,”But you’re just an inexperienced operative that is all alone.”

“I’m not alone in this one,”She said as Jackey appeared behind him.

“YOU,”He said as the double team went down.

When one wasn’t attacking the other was. But somehow he was ready for them both. He smirked as you could tell that something was up. He kicked Maria to the wall and Jackey to the other one. I looked as Maria got up and ran that way as Jackey just seemed tired but again something was up.

“Awe is the wolf about to cry,”The vamp said as Maria was closing in,”Too bad daddy’s not here to make it better. Nor Mommy.”

“I would watch out for the cousin,”Jackey said as Maria got the guy in the lower leg and neck,”She got a issue with you.”

After that was said Jackey also attacked and on three they pulled their batons out and he exploded into dust. It was quiet for a while but they high fived and Maria seemed to relax some.

They came to the edge and asked if they can just shot the ceiling and grapple hook their way up. Mom told them yes oddly but when Jason or I want to do it it’s a you’ll hurt yourself deal. They did that and landed perfectly on the ledge.

“You haven’t untied him yet,”Maria as we remember that dad was tied up.

“Sorry,”The three of us said doing just that.

Chapter 46- Maria

 I stayed close to Jackey as they untied their father. He looked at me as they did so. I smiled as this was getting kind of awkward for me now.

“Um Maria,”Clara said in my ear piece,”There’s a problem.”

“What’s wrong?”I asked as everyone just watched me.

“Well a vampire is trying to get Buddy,”She said as that pissed me off.

“They are trying to do what,”I said racing out there as everyone just seemed shook at the moment.

I ran to the bay and saw that one had a harpoon aimed at my Buddy. Oh no you don’t! I ran up there and before he could shot at my whale I raised it up and made it miss him. The guy looked at me with a smirk as I fought for the gun. I had disarmed him and knocked him in so that Buddy could finish him off.

As that happen another one came up behind me and pushed me in as well. I grabbed a hold of a cable hanging down and swung back up. He turned around fast and went to hit me. I ducked out of the way tripping him in as well.

“Does anyone else want a piece of me today?”I asked as no one said anything,”Good.”

I looked at the door as the others took hold of me and was cuffing me. You got to be kidding me. I just help you out and you do this to me.

“Let her go,”Mr. Black said as they did,”She’s on our side.”

“And,”I pushed but got glimpse of the look he threw my way.

I looked at Jackey and hid behind him. I’m not trying to dig my grave. I heard Mason and Jackey laugh at me but hey my cousin got my back. Mr. Black then took things a step farther and told everyone that if it wasn’t for us they would all be dead.

“Like how it happened for us,”I said as it just slipped out.

“Yeah right,”One of them said as I snapped my head toward them,”If it really happened like this then you all should of beat them.”

“Maybe if you open your ears and listened to what I have been saying you would know what had happened,”I snapped standing my ground this time,”We were caught off guard and too many had invade us. We barely had any time to prepare for battle and unlike all of you. Help wasn’t just a drive away. Honestly if it wasn’t for one of you notifying us you probably wouldn’t have been ready either. For if I’m right I jumped in right when they were going to either drown you all or shot you.”

It just went quiet. I guess no one wanted to cross the line with me now. I wouldn’t have either at this point. I mean I just did help save their little tails. They could show me some respect and not point fingers at the fact that I had lost everything.

“Have anybody seen Ricky?”Minnie asked looking around.

“Where is that ship going?”Someone asked as I saw what they meant.

It wasn’t from here. I looked closer and saw something off with it. I drived in the water and Buddy took me over there. I was shot up onto the deck as I saw the kid. Why did I have to guess this right? I sighed and rolled my eyes.

The men then put two and two together and decided to attack me. Really? I took out my guns and shot two. The other two stared at me before diving off themselves. Good thinking. I went up to the captain as he was yelling at the men to get rid of me.

“Either you turn this boat around or I shot ya,”I said my gun pointing at his head,”I would choose wisely.”

He too jumped off the edge. Really. I shook my head and took the kid’s hand. I went to the edge and grabbed a rope.

“When you get down there,”I began to explain to him,”Grab a hold the fin down there. Alright. I will be down shortly.”

“Ok,”He said as I began to lower him down.

I watched out for anything that could hurt the kid. I smiled as I managed to get him down there without any problems. I was about to begin my way down when something grabbed a hold of me.

I looked behind me and groaned. Why can’t this be easy for once? I punched him as I pushed myself away and dived into the water below.

I soon was on Buddy’s back with Ricky as we headed back to them. I smiled and wave as everyone seemed overjoy to see the boy still alright.

“Minnie,”He said running to her,”I rode a whale!”

“I saw,”She said holding him close to her,”I saw.”

I smiled as I know what it is like to lose the ones close to you. I looked at Jackey as he placed his arm around my shoulders. At least I still got him with me.

“Are you all heading back?”Mrs. Black said as I nodded,”Be careful all of you.”

“Don’t worry about us,”Jackey said with a smile,”We’ll be alright out there by ourselves.”

“Yeah,”I said smiling,”You just remember to come and see us every now and then.”

“We will,”Mason said as I saw Minnie smirk.

“You mean that you will,”She said as he glared at her.

“Shut up Minnie,”Mason said looking more embarrassed by the minute.

“Well we are gone,”Jackey said as our ride popped out,”Keep in touch with us now.”

They all nodded as Mason gave me a kiss. It was short and you could hear the cat calls from it. He rest his hand on my check as we just stood there. It was like we were parting ways.

“I’ll make sure I come out there to see you,”He said as I nodded.

“And I’ll try to come here,”I said as he smiled,”I’ll see you later Mason.”

“See you later Maria,”He said as I got into the sub.

With that we left. I watched as they all disappear from my view. I know we will cross paths again. For hey we are suppose to be together.

Chapter 47- Unknown

 That idiot! He had only one job to do. To get rid of them ALL. Now not only are they still here but that pesky Maria is still alive. Can’t these egg brains do anything right.

I shut the door as I need a way. A way to get rid of them completely. Maybe we can…

“I want a group to prepare for another attack,”I said over the intercom system,”I need those wolves from Night Hunter to forget what they do. I want them to not remember anything or die. Whatever comes first!”

I watched as my men prepared for the job. You won’t out do me this time Maria and Jackey. I will watch your pack fall. And this time it will be faster than it had the last. You just wait and see. I will rise above all.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 09.03.2017

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