
Chapter 1

I looked out the window as my foster parents took me to a new school. For new town new school. I looked over the building as it was like looking at a new life. I was expelled and my foster dad had gotten a new job in this town. So it worked out for me really well.

“Have a good day sweetie,”My foster mother said.

“Will do,”I said nicely,”See ya when I get home Mom.”

I watched her drove away as the nightmare of a new day looned over me. It can’t be that bad right. It’s not like you have been at that other school all your life and had really good friends there. And then not only is your best friend the one that knows your secret life only there but you are all alone here.

Wow I really need to get this over with before I have a heart attack. I shouldered my bag as I walked into the dreaded building. I went around as people stared at me. I kept my eyes up looking for the main office. I found it easy enough and went inside. I walked up to the table to a lady with greying hair.

“Nicole Mang,”I said nicely.

“Yes our new student,”She said getting my things,”Your books are in your locker and that is an excuse for you might be late to your first class.”

“Thank you,”I said turning around and leaving,”Have a good day.”

“You too dear,”She said then going back to work.

My name is Nicole Mang and I’m someone really special. I was bitten at the age of five but have learned how to deal with this on a natural bases. I’m about 5’4” with midnight black hair and green eyes. I have tan skin for I love the outdoors and I don’t burn from the sun for staying out too long. I was just a fifteen year old trying to make it in the world.

You might be wondering what my secret is or why I said bitten. Well I’m a werewolf and so have to control myself. I mean no harm to people but when you're in my face it ticks me and the inner wolf off. That was one of the reasons I was expelled from my last school.

I walked up to my locker, 382. I undid the lock as the bell rang at me. I looked at my schedule and saw the three classes I needed books for right now. I got them out and headed to the classroom as the teachers were trying to calm down their classes. I looked around for the Math room for I needed to be there at the moment.

I found it easy enough and knocked on it to let them know I needed in. Soon the teacher walked in and smiled at me. I handed her the note as she nodded her head at me. I smiled as she soon allowed me in.

Chapter 2

~A guy in the room~ 


I looked at the guys as soon the smell came to me. It was forest, green apples, and all around beautiful. I looked at the door as SHE walked in. I stared at her as she was amazing in everyway. I smiled at her but she didn’t seemed to have noticed me there. I watched her smell the air but she brushed it away.

What was that about? I looked at Mike and Marc as they watched the scene. Mike was to my left while Marc was to my right. They looked at her as the teacher talked with her about today and the work we were doing.

“Mason is that her?”Mike joked.

“Get ready for a big puppy,”Marc added on.

“Shut up,”I said in my alpha voice,”She might hear the two of you.”

They looked at me as I looked back to her. My name is Mason Black. My family was the alpha family in our pack. I was next in line at this given moment. I had sandy blond hair and blueish eyes. I watched her as she move to see the whole class.




I looked over everyone trying to find a seat. I took in a deep breath as that smell was still there. It was intoxicating to me but why can I smell it. I brushed it away as I went to sit behind a guy with sandy blond hair and blue eyes. To his right was a guy with ruffled brown hair who looked like a mexican. To his left was a guy with brown hair but not black brown or the light brown. He had brown eyes as well.

All three looked like they were built for anything at that. I took my seat behind the one in the middle as he seemed to have began to smile at that. What is with him?




She took the seat behind me. I smiled at that for at least now passing notes will be easier now. I faced Mrs. Martin as she looked at me. I smirked to let her know about it. She smiled as she was Mike’s mother and he looked liked her all the way.

“We have a new student,”She said surprising us all for she doesn’t do this to them,”Will you introduce yourself to the class my dear.”

“Do I have too?”She asked as everyone looked at her.

“It will help us get to know you,”She said smiling evilly at me,”It might even give you a head start on making friends.”

Everyone watched her stand up with a short of fear to it. I looked at what she was wearing and it looked amazing on her. A plaid shirt undone to show the black shirt that read ‘Let the WOLF run free’ and it had the outline of a wolf to it. She had on blue jean shorts that went to the middle of her thighs. She wore cowboy boots that were blue and green. She had what seemed like a cowboy belt buckle on her belt.

I looked closer at it to see it said ‘Little Miss Roundup’. What was that about? I faced her as I noticed a cowboy hat sat on her bag. Was she a cowgirl or something?

“I’m Nicole Mang,”She said with a wave,”I’m from Delhi Louisiana and just moved here for my dad got his new job. I was a three time award winning cattle herder. Which is something my mom made up to get kids out and about instead of on the computers. I was known as Little Miss Roundup for I never give up on the job.”

She sat back down as she seemed to have answered everyone’s unasked questions. She put her head down as everyone faced the teacher again. Mrs. Martin looked at me as if saying that I was in charge of helping her today.

“Nicole,”She said as Nicole sat her head up,”Mason here will be helping you around today.”

“I fine by myself,”She said as if scared by that,”Thanks for the offer anyways.”

“Well if you need anything just find him,”She said going back to the class.

Chapter 3: Nicole

Where is that stupid smell coming from? It was like it was everywhere around me. I can’t figure out what is going on with it but I had to find it. I looked ahead of me as I heard paper ruffing in front of me. The guy wants to pass notes. Sorry but I’m trying to be good on my first day.

I took it then laid it to the side of me. The person in the seat next to the empty one took it as I smiled evilly. A girl got it and she smiled. I pointed to Mason as he was unaware of what was happening. She undid it as one of the students saw.

“Note passing!”They cried as she tried to hide it.

“Pass it forward Mrs. Langley,”Mrs. Martin said as Mason looked at it.

“Glad it wasn’t the one I passed to Nicole,”He said as I smirked.

“Dear beautiful,”She read as his eyes went wide,”I was wondering if you wanted to come over to talk about here. You seem really nice and all. Please write it back and don’t get caught by Peeves the teller. Mason.”

Everyone laughed as he snuck into his seat. I gave a laugh as Mrs. Martin looked at him. He put his hands up in defense and motioned his head to me. She walked over to my desk and looked at me.

“I think this was for you,”She said as everyone awed at it.

“I could have sworn he told me to pass it to her,”I said innocently,”But I guess he wants to get me into trouble.”

“No I don’t,”He said facing me.

“Then why did you want this to go to me then,”I said waving it.

“For I thought you might want some friends,”He said defending himself,”Instead of being at the bottom I thought you wanted to be at the top with us.”

“Yeah right,”I said as the bell ranged.

I left the room as he slammed his head on the desk. I heard a low growl followed by a whine come from him. Could he be one too? I shook the thought away and went on with my day like I had planned to. I went to science class and talked with the teacher about what all was going on as he walked in.

He gave me a shy smile as I continued on with what I was doing at hand. The teacher told me to take one of the last seats left and sadly it was by Mason. I sighed and took it. He seemed to have lightened up a bit by that. I groaned and put my hat on as the teacher went over how we were each were going to cut open a fetal piglet. This day is going to be the longest day of my life isn’t it? 

Chapter 4: Mason

I watched her as she had her head down with the hat on. It was like she didn’t want to be here right now. Soon Mrs. Rachel passed out the piglets. I looked at it as she stared at it. She looked hurt to see a poor like thing here like this.

“Dude it is so small,”Marc said behind us.

“Why is ours a girl?”Mike asked him.

She looked at it and filled out the sheet like we were suppose to. She looked at me as if waiting for something.

“Aren’t you going to start?”She said.

“Why don’t you want to?”I asked as I got to work.

“For I love animals,”She said looking at me and not the pig,”And I might get sick if I do.”

I nodded as we worked on it. I looked at her as she pulled her hair back into ponytail. I looked at her neck to see a tattoo. She looked at me as I guess I was staring at her now.

“What?”She asked with confusion all over her face.

“Nothing,”I lied as she looked away.

She had a paw print tattoo on her neck but it was also surrounded by something. I looked closer to see that it was snow flakes. I looked at it as I felt a sharp pain go in my hand.

“Sh…”I said but she cupped her hand over my mouth stopping me from finishing.

“Don’t finish that word,”She said removing her hand,”Why are you pay attention to me and not what you were doing?”

“I was admiring you tattoo,”I defend as she took out something from her bag,”What are you doing?”

“I’m going to fix you hand up,”She said looking at me then mumbled,”For a silver knife in my hand would be bad.”

I gave off a laugh as it really was iron with that color to it. She did my hand up as Mike covered our pig up for us. She didn’t looked up at me but I could tell she was feeling the tingle in her hand as she helped me. She finished right when the bell ranged and packed up.

Before I could asked anything about the whole thing she was gone. It was like one second she was there and the next not so much. I looked at Mrs. Rachel as she told me to leave her room. I ran out and tried to find her again. 

Chapter 5: Nicole

 I walked out the building at 3:05. I was glad the day was done with and now I can go home and get started on catching up. I smiled when I saw my foster dad there. I ran to him as he opened his arms up to me. Me and mom got here late and in the morning he was gone before I could say hey to him.

“Ready to go Nic,”He said using my nickname.

“Of course,”I said as Mason walked out,”Let’s go before he asks more about me.”

“Him,”He said motioning to Mason as I nodded,”His father’s my boss you know.”

“Yeah right,”I said as he drove home.

He told me how it was really his friend to the family. I listened to how his day went and smiled when we got to the new house. It wasn’t grand but that didn’t matter to me. I ran in and went up to my room. I put my music on and listened to my friends and I play. We did our own lyrics but we also did some that were already out. I was listening to My Wolf from our little track my real dad had made for us.

Maybe I should explain how I got into this care in the first place. I was only three when they came for me. My dad was a big record deal and my mother was someone who loved making things for people. Well my father was reported abusing me by my mother. They had split up on me when I was still young and my dad won the right to raise me.

Well they came and took me out of his hands. My mother was in no way possible to take care of me. So I was shipped away to the Mang family. They adopted me and allows my dad to visit and spend time with me.

I sat there as I listened to Max on his guitar playing the opening for the song. Soon Madison came in on her drums but it was low. Then my voice came out and I sang the words as I looked at the scream in front of me.

“Little girl all alone in the night,

Sitting in the tree with nothing but herself,

A howl sounds in the distance,

She looks up at where it came from,

With tears in her eyes saying,


My wolf save me,

They have no heart of gold,

They want to take me away,

To put me away.

My wolf help me,

They want to take me away,

From everything I know,

Save me My wolf.


Young Mother and her baby,

Stuck in a loop of heartbreak,

Taken for granted and lost of all hope,

Wanting a way out,

Looks up at the sky as the howl sound,

She whispers to the wind,


My wolf save me,

They have no heart of gold,

They want to take me away,

To put me away.

My wolf help me,

They want to steal me away,

From everything I know,

Save me My wolf.


Standing in the window,

A mother of three looks out,

She is looking for the slightest of hope,

She watches the wolf come out,

She smiles as the children run to him,

With a smile she say,


Take care of them My wolf,

They need you to show them the light.

Save them from the world,

My wolf take care of all of them.


My wolf save me,

They have no heart of gold,

They want to take me away,

To put me away.

My wolf help me,

They want to take me away,

From everything I know,

Save me My wolf,”I sanged as it soon came to a close.

“Amazing Nicole,”I heard my dad said as I looked at the skype to see him smile.

“Hey Daddy,”I smiled,”How are things?”

“Good,”He said as I heard people down stairs,”Baby girl if it’s them you have to run for it.”

“Dad that will put them on me,”I said looking at my door,”I can’t outrun them.”

“You can when you turn,”He said as I heard them coming up the stairs,”GO!”

He ended our talk as they came through my door. I jumped out of my window and made a run for it. I felt the forest under my barefeet as my shoes were at home. I looked back to hear them coming. I turned and ran faster as the black mass I was. I was a pure black wolf with greenish red eyes.

I looked behind me to see that they were not there anymore. I smiled as I soon hit something else. I fail backwards as the thing I hit did as well. I looked up at see another wolf. Soon I was surround by them. I lowered myself to them as they stood tall and proud around me.

The one I hit growled at me as I got low to the ground. He stopped over me as I let out a punny whine. Where I use to live there weren’t many wolves like me. Like maybe one or two. But not a whole pack of them.

“Come with us,”He said mind linking me.

“Okay,”I said in a small voice.

I got up as they got on all sides of me. I stayed in the middle with my tail in between my legs as we walked there. I looked at the one I hit as he was a black wolf with a single white paw. He looked back at me as I looked back down at the ground as I walked in silence with them. I looked back as I heard my mom and dad calling my name. I have to get back to them.

I looked at him as he glared at me. I guess not as soon as I thought I would get to. I looked back as I was glad mom knew how to fix shredded clothes. She did it for all of my favorite clothes that got destroyed when I turned. I let out a howl to let them know I was alright.

“Shut up,”The one I hit said.

“Yes sir,”I said as he stopped.

“Bring her clothes,”A man said that looked like Mason,”And let the females go with her so she can change.”

They nodded as someone brought me clothes out. I nodded my thanks as I heard the calls from those guys for me show myself. I looked at him as the females in the group pushed me to somewhere for me to change.

Chapter 6: Nicole

I walked in with them on all sides of me. I don’t know what I did wrong for I know I didn’t do anything. They lead me all the way till I was standing in front of the man I saw earlier. He looked at me as I guess his son came in by the masculine voice ranged out.

“Father you called me,”He said walking by me and to him.

“Yes I did Mason,”The man said as he turned to face me,”How about you take this young girl around to show her around.”

“No I’m good really,”I said as they all looked at me,”I just need to get back home.”

“Nicole what’s up,”Mason said smiling.

“Nothing,”I said crossing my arms over my chest,”I just need to get back home.”

“Well at least look around in case you want to join our pack,”The man said walking away.

“I don’t need…,”I said as he disappeared,”A pack.”

“So you have one,”Mason said as I shook my head,”Then maybe you would love to join this one.”

I groaned as that smell was back. I looked around and it seemed to be coming from him. I looked at him as he looked at me confused now.

“What?”He said as I watched him.

“That smell,”I said as he smiled,”It was you.”

“Yeah what about it.”

“Why does it smell so nice?”

“Because I’m your mate,”He said confused,”Didn’t you know that?”

“No,”I admitted,”I had no one to help me figure things out.”

“Then let me,”He said holding his hand out to me,”I can help you with all of this you know.”

I looked at it as he smiled sweetly at me. I nodded and he seemed to become happier at that. He showed me the grand house as I looked at the time. Soon he showed me the door and I was good to go.

“Please think about staying here with us,”He said as I was walking away,”It would be nice to have a pack with you.”

“I have a family to get to,”I said running now,”But thanks for the offer.”

I ran home and walked into my parents there talking with the police. I ran to them as the officer smiled at them. He left as they held me close to them. I smiled up at them as it was nice to be here with them. Mom took me up the stairs and to my room. She sat me down on my bed as I told dad about that smell.

“So did you figure out the smell thing,”She said as I laid on my bed.

“Yeah I did,”I said as I sat up,”It means I found my Mate.”

“I googled it,”She said leaving,”Don’t stay up too late now.”

I smiled and went to my desk to get started on the work I had. I looked at my laptop as I saw my friends there. Max, Madison, Lacey, and Josh. I smiled as I looked at the three way chat.

“Hey guys,”I said working,”Homework time.”

Yep,”They all said but Max. 

Chapter 7: Mason

 I watched her get out of her father’s car I think. It was a limo and she seemed to be trying not to get caught in the action. A man stepped out and smiled down at her. She gave him a hug and told him bye. It was like watching a girl leave her father for a while.

She looked like she wanted to cry. Before she turned to face the school and straightened herself up a little bit. She head into the school but was stopped by a boy with dark brown hair with what looked like blue bangs. He had grey eyes as we watched him walk up to her.

“Yo Nikki,”He said as she smiled,”What up?”

“Max,”She said hugging him,”How are you here? Why are you here?”

“My mom and dad got a new job,”He said slinging his arm over her,”Then after you left the school one last time I might have punched the guy that got you in trouble.”

She smiled as they walked into the building. I followed behind with Mike and Marc. We followed close behind as I didn’t like him near MY Nicole like that. I let out a low growl and she whipped around so fast her hair hit Marc and Mike in the face.

“What’s your problem?”She asked me.

“What you mean?”I asked as she eyed me,”All I did was you know.”

“Growl,”He said as I looked at him,”Nicole who is this?”

“Mason,”She said,”The guy I told you about after everyone else left our chat.”

“Okay,”He said facing me,”I’m Max Lucas. Nicole’s best friend and her wolf helper.”

“You're a wolf,”Mike said looking at him.

“Not really,”Nicole said,”He’s my best friend and he must know about this.”

I looked at her as you were not suppose to tell humans about us. I watched as she and him walked off. What was that all about? I looked at them as I saw her walk into the classroom. We were having class outside today for it was nice and a free day.

I told them to go and watch Max while I talked to her. I went in and saw she was looking for something. I closed the door and she jumped a little bit that. She spun around and met my eyes.

“You scared me Mason,”She said with a smile,”Why are you in here?”

“You,”I said as her eyes got wide,”But not like that kind of you.”

“I would hope not,”She said putting papers down on the desk.

“But why did you tell him about werewolves?”I asked as she looked down.

“Why wouldn’t I?”She asked.

“The law.”

“Well I didn’t know there was such a thing on us. I only knew that you shouldn't show the people around you. Max is like my brother. So I should tell him.”

“No you shouldn’t,”I said taking her wrist,”Now tell me the truth.”

“I was bitten,”She said crying,”Who else was I supposed to go to? I told my parents about it and I didn’t want to hurt him.”

“Where?”I asked moving my hands off her wrist.

She lift her shirt up to show a bite mark on her left hip. I traced the scar as she looked down at the ground. I held her chin up as there were tears in her eyes now. I brought her into a hug as I heard the door open.

“Ms. Mang,”I heard someone say,”You are suppose to be out here. You as well Mr. Black.”

“I was turning something in,”She played off as we walked out.

“I was making sure no one tried anything,”I said walking out with her.

We walked out to see Mr. White. The biggest record deal in the history of them. She ran up to other people by him as they seemed to be setting up for something. I took my seat by Mike and Marc as they watched them.

Mr. White stood up at the front as I saw a woman walk up and looked at the scene. She sneered at him as he glared at her. What can that be about? He looked at all of us and smiled as Nicole whispered something into his ear.

“Children of Westfront High School, Start, Louisiana,”He said with a smile,”You really didn’t move much you know.”

“Still,”Nicole said looking at him.

“I’m here today to show you a young girl with talent,”He said looking at her,”And her friends. Now before they start with a song I want to know what will be happening. They will sing a song then one of you get to challenge them to a battle. You as the guest will choose who wins. It will go on like that till it is time to end it.”

We all nodded as he stepped back and Nicole stepped up. She looked at them and looked at us. She took a deep breath in and they began to play a song.

“Up in the middle of fear,

I will show you the fire of me,

You think you don’t know me,

You think you can control me,

Shoot you can’t do anything.


Fangs out and ready,

Claws that pierce through you,

I’m a wolf girl.

Legs taller than you,

Faster and stronger,

You should have seen me coming.


You think that was nothing,

You act like that was lame,

Please tell me you didn’t say that,

Maybe you miss judge me.

But with my…


Fangs out and ready,

Claws that pierce through you,

I’m a wolf girl.

Legs taller than you,

Faster and stronger,

You should have seen me coming.


This is your last chance,

If I were you I would back down.

For I’m not here to play any more,

Like some baby you are.


I’m the big bad Wolf girl,

I strike fear into those who are nothing.

I’m sweet but dangerous,

Try and see if you can,

Escape my wrath babe,”Nicole sanged as they played.

Everyone cheered for them. Mike and Marc looked impressed as I knew she just sanged it to everyone. I looked at her as the name of her band was ‘Nicole and the Pack’. I looked at her as she smiled brightly at everyone.

Chapter 8: Nicole

 I looked at everyone as they seemed happy about that. We called Inner Wolf for we all knew that was me if I had one of my moods. I stood up as Dad came on again and looked at the crowd. There were very few hands up that wanted to challenge us to a battle.

“Okay so you,”He said pointing to the back.

“Sing Blow,”They yelled as we laughed.

“We are not on that,”I called back as everyone laughed.

“I will,”Mason said standing up,”Not being challenging you.”

Everyone laughed as he ran off somewhere as I watched him. I looked there and saw his dad. I looked at mine and motioned to the man in the woods. He saw and there stood mom sneering our way.

“Sadly our time is up,”Dad said as they started to pick up,”And Mr. Lincoln I’m checking Nicole out.”

“Go ahead,”He said as dad pushed me back into the limo.

“Drive,”He said as my other friends were picking up and talking about us.

I looked behind us as I saw mom and a man coming up fast. I looked at dad as he seemed to notice it. He took me back home but there really wasn’t a home to go to. I looked up as I saw the place I called my home for so many years was gone.

“Noo,”I cried as I was going to it.

“Don’t,”Mason said tackling me down.

I laid there and watched them bring out my things that were still fine but also two bodies not moving. I went to them and cried into my father’s arms. Without them I would never to get to see him again.

“What are we going to do Daddy?”I asked as he held me close.

“I’ll figure something out princess,”He said petting my head.

“We’ll take care of her,”I heard someone say behind me.

I turned to see Mason and his dad there. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. I forgot about their offer was still in the air. I looked at dad as he knew about the wolf thing.

“Fine,”He said as they smiled,”But she stays with Max for a little bit.”

“Why him?”Mason said looking ticked.

“For my parents are Foster Care approved,”Max said as I went to him,”It’s alright Nicole. Everything will be alright.”

I hide my face into his chest as he brushed my hair out of my face. I felt more arms go around me as everyone held me close. I smiled but heard Mason growl at them all. I felt them jump and look around.

“What was that?”Madison asked looking around.

“Most likely a dog,”I said glaring at Mason,”A really big dog.”

Chapter 9: Mason

 She has been staying with that Max guy for around a month. It was like she wasn’t allowed to leave them. I looked at dad as I heard chatter around the house. Everyone was screaming about rogues but I have a feeling that is not what is going on.

I looked at my father as he motioned me to go and check it out. I ran out with Mike and Marc by my side, since they had to guard me sadly. I walked out to see five wolves there. I looked around and saw that two were trying to fight the others off.

“Shift,”I said as we all did.

I landed in my sandy wolf in front of them. I mindlinked all of them and listened on their little talk. I was surprise when I heard her voice.

“Get out of here!”Nicole was demanding.

“Why should we,”They played with her,”For we are the ones that made you into this.”

“You attack my friend and that was the last straw,”She said with an alpha’s voice.

“What’s going on?”I demanded as she turned around to face me.

“Mason I can explain this,”She said snapping at the guy as he tried to attack her,”And you stop that before I let you know what crazy is.”

“Like you would do that,”He said as she seemed to get ticked.

As she went to attack the grey wolf beside her jumped taking her down. She looked at him like that was stupid. He allowed her up as she looked at the others in front of her.

“Thanks Max,”She said then looked at me,”I haven’t been able to come here for them. They came the day after my foster parents died, wanting me to come with them. I tried to tell them about this but they never listened to me. So as a reminder of what happen when I was five they bite Max. Lately it has been a battle to even get to school and back.”

“All need to say,”I said looking at the rogues,”Now leave before it gets worst.”

“Your puny little pack against ours,”He said as about thirty more wolves walked out,”You think she was the only one I had bitten.”

“But why her,”I said looking at Mike as he ran for back up.

“Can’t you hear it,”He said standing proud and tall,”The alpha in her. She would have made a perfect daughter to me. I want her in my pack and I will get her all to myself. For I am her WOLF father.”

“That’s it,”She said attacking.

No one stopped her this time. I think no one was dumb enough to stop her. She bite his neck as he went to dodge her attack. I watched as she tried to hang on while he threw her around. She lost her grip and was thrown into a tree.

I watched as it fell on top of her pinning her to the ground. She whinned as it kept her there. I watched Max go to her side as they were surrounding her now. Come on Dad where are you at? I watched as he couldn’t take them all on alone.

“Save her Mason,”I heard dad said coming to my side,”Don’t just stand there.”

I ran and stood by Max. I let out my growl as she whinned again. I looked at Mike and Marc as they came to get the tree up. We fought them off as they removed the problem.

“It hurts,”She cried.

“What hurts?”I asked standing over her now.

“My side,”She whinned as the pack fought them off,”It hurts too much.”

“Will be back for her,”The rogue alpha said.

I watched them leave before turning my attention back to her. She laid there unshifted holding her side. Maria brought a blanket to cover her as they took her away. I looked at Max as he been silent this whole time.

“What,”He said looking at me.

“Stay here real quick,”I said going to find something to change back into after.

Chapter 10: Nicole

My side felt like I was hit by a truck. Or would it be an eighteen wheeler? I can’t even think right now. But What the hell was I thinking when I attacked him? I mean come on Nicole you know he can take you on in a heartbeat. I looked around as the darkness has been around me for quite some time now.

It soon started to fade to that day. I looked at it as my dad was in his office as I was getting lessons from one of his clients. I laughed as I hit the wrong note and my dad’s head shot up at that. He rolled his eyes at me as I began to play the song he was teaching me. I sat there as he played the piano and I was on guitar by him.

“Now start to sing it,”He said.

He was from a group and I was learning one of the songs they liked. He really liked The Script and so I was learning Hall of Fame.

Yeah, you can be the greatest

You can be the best

You can be the King Kong banging on your chest


You can beat the world

You can beat the war

You can talk to God, go banging on his door


You can throw your hands up

You can beat the clock (yeah)

You can move a mountain

You can break rocks

You can be a master

Don't wait for luck

Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself


Standing in the hall of fame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame


You can go the distance

You can run the mile

You can walk straight through hell with a smile


You can be the hero

You can get the gold

Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke


Yeah, do it for your people

Do it for your pride

How are you ever gonna know if you never even try?


Do it for your country

Do it for your name

'Cause there's gonna be a day...


When you're standing in the hall of fame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame


Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion

On the walls of the hall of fame


Be students

Be teachers

Be politicians

Be preachers



Be believers

Be leaders

Be astronauts

Be champions

Be truth seekers


Be students

Be teachers

Be politicians

Be preachers


Be believers

Be leaders

Be astronauts

Be champions


Standing in the hall of fame (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame


You could be the greatest

You can be the best

(Be a champion)

You can be the King Kong banging on your chest


You could beat the world

You could beat the war

(Be a champion)

You could talk to God, go banging on his door


You can throw your hands up

(Be a champion)

You can beat the clock (yeah)

You can move a mountain

(Be a champion)

You can break rocks


You can be a master

Don't wait for luck

(Be a champion)

Dedicate yourself and you gonna find yourself


Standing in the hall of fame,”I sang with him.

Daddy clapped for me as I smiled. I was only three but was very musically inclined as daddy put it to people who doubted me. The guy who was giving me the lesson told me a few things and I listened to each word as he went over it with me. I nodded my head as he had to leave.

I went to sit with daddy as the door knocked at us. He placed me in his lap as he told them to come in. In stepped the police force and my mom. I smiled at her as she smirked at us. I lost my smile as they took hold of me.

“Daddy,”I cried as he stood up.

“What do you think you are doing?”He questioned them trying to get me,”I have the right to raise her.”

“There was a report of child abuse sir,”The guy that had me said,”So we have to take her.”

Daddy tried to get to me as I cried and tried to get to him. The darkness slowly came back as soon it was replaced with the light. I raised my arm up and my eyes began to work finally. I looked around to see I was in a hospital type place.

“Nicole,”I heard Mason say as he came to my side.

“What happen?”I asked as Max came as well,”Did we win?”

“She fine,”Max said as Mason looked at him,”Yes we won.”

“Good,”I said horsely,”What happen to my side?”

“You broke three ribs,”Mason said sitting on the bed beside me,”I thought I lost you.”

“And yet you stood there for some time,”I said as he gave a laugh,”Why?”

“I had to wait for the order I thought,”He said as I gave a weak laugh.

“It hurts to laugh,”I said going to hold my side.

Mason took my hand and gave it a sweet kiss. Max looked at us and then walked out as if feeling awkward now. Mason looked at me as I blinked my eyes a few times. He smiled at me as if thinking about something. What could he be thinking about now? 

Chapter 11: Mason

I stared at her admiring her now. It was only the two of us in here but it felt like we were alone everywhere. She gave a smile as I thought about life when she was mine forever. But then I wondered how she was bitten by him?

“What?”She asked looking at me.

“How did you become one?”I asked rubbing a spot on her hand,”The full story.”

“I was playing in the woods by myself,”She said looking at the door,”I was running around with a stick playing a game I made up. That’s when I heard it. I snapped my head to the sound and saw the brown wolf with a scar running down his face.

“I didn’t feel afraid of him but the opposite oddly. He came to me and that’s when I saw the real size of him. He was bigger than me and I slowly became scared of him. I started to run back home but he had me block that way by another one.

“So I spun on my heels and ran the other way. I was barefooted so I didn’t worry about losing my shoe. I really didn’t care if I DID lose a shoe. He followed me and When I thought he was gone I stopped and turned around. I saw nothing there. I smiled but soon I felt a pain on my hip.

“I spun and saw him standing there. I lost conscious for a little bit but came back and they were gone. I raised my shirt up and saw the mark there. I wanted to cry but I knew I had to tell them about it. So I ran home to tell my parents and real father about it.”

I nodded and soon she went back to sleep. I smiled down at her as I had to leave her side now. But Max took that spot in the chair to make sure she was going to be alright. I went to my room and saw her things were in there. Dad had always wanted a little girl but Mom told him her limit was only me.

I smiled as I went to the closet to see some of her things there as well. Dad has been working on this for a while now. He said that he wanted her to feel wanted. I looked at a picture she had and saw three people in it. Mr. White was there holding her. But I didn’t know who the last person was.

“Nicole,”I heard his voice come from her computer.

“She’s not here right now,”I said taking the seat in front of it,”How may I help you?”

“I was going to see how she was doing,”He said,”Max told me she woke up.”

“She did but then fell back asleep,”I answered then looked at the picture,”Who’s the woman in this?”

“A girl I was dating at the time,”He said looking at it,”I wanted Nicole to have a motherly figure in her life. I had her approval on them and I went from there. She is actually Nicole’s step mother now.”

“Was this at y’all’s wedding?”I asked.

“Yes,”He said,”I got to go but tell Nicole when she gets up to call me.”

“Will do sir,”I said as he ended it.

I looked at the picture as he was in a white suit like the girls. The woman was in a flowing wedding dress and wore a flowery tiara. Nicole was barefooted with sand on her feet and in a pouffy white dress. She held in her hand a basket and a bundle of flowers. In her hair was starfish and a tiara. They all looked happy together.

Why did she have to be put into foster care then? Mr. White would never hurt her. He seemed to be a caring parent that wants the best for his little girl. I sat her picture by her computer as I heard the door open. I looked up and there was Nicole.

“Hey,”She said looking at me.

“Your dad just called,”I said as she nodded.

“I know he did,”She said pulling up a chair,”But I wanted you to talk with him.”

“Why?”I asked as she smiled.

“For if you want me you have to be approved by my dad,”She said showing me it was still up,”And my awesome step mom.”

The lady walked over to him as they both smiled at me. Nicole gave a yawn and leaned her head on my shoulder as she looked at them. Her dad gave a laugh as he looked at me. He nodded his head before Nicole ended the call.

“Love you all,”She said going to sleep.

“Sleep tight Nicole,”I said moving her to the bed,”Love you as well."

Chapter 12: Mason

I laid in the bed with her as she had her head on my chest. She has been here for two months and she seems to like it here. Dad has adopted her and that made him very happy to have a little girl now. He even has been spoiling her a little.

Nicole even fits in with all of us. Max has been offered to join but he said that he wanted to stay with his parents a little bit longer. I get what he means by that. For gaining a bigger life over one with your parents. You would chose the one closer to home.

I looked down at Nicole as she began to wake up a little bit. She looked around before looking up at me. I smiled down at her as she gave a sleepy smile. I laughed at her as she rolled her eyes at me.

“Mourning sunshine,”I said as she smiled up at me.

“What time is it?”She asked as a yawn escaped her lips.

“Eight,”I said looking at the clock.

She nodded before getting up and going into the bathroom. I heard the shower water go as she forgot to grab some clothes. I went to the closet and got out a black shirt that read ‘Power is in the eyes’, her plaid shirt that was blue and green, and some skin blue jeans. I waited as I heard the water go off.

The door opened and I handed them into for her. She thanked me as I went to get ready myself. She walked out putting her hair into a ponytail. She looked up at me as she was eye catching every time I saw her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes at me again.

I watch her go sit by her computer as I was walking into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed. I walked out to her doing the homework I had to bring home for her. She was chatting with her friends as they worked on the different work together.

“You need anything before I go,”I said as she shook her head,”Well text me if you do.”

“Okay,”She said talking with Madison and Josh.

I have learned that those two are siblings and when one is out they both are. It was odd when they were not like that. They both had the same golden hair but Madison has her bangs a pink color. Josh has his tips a blue color that was spiked up. They both had greenish blue eyes and a pale look. Lacey was a tan version of them and she was their cousin on their dad side if I am right.

I walked down to the door as Mike and Marc came with me. We took my car to school and got there good for first period. We stopped by the office to give them the excuse my dad wrote for us being late.

I walked into the classroom as the girls all looked at us. The head cheerleader came up to me and looked me in the eyes oddly enough. I looked around and gave a huff as this only happens when she wants something.

“What is it this time?”I asked as the sub looked at us.

“When is Nicole coming back,”She said nicely.

“Why do you care,”Mike said getting overprotective over her now.

Mike and Nicole have become ‘Adoptive’ siblings. They are close surprisingly and now he doesn’t allow anyone to talk bad about her behind her back. Her dad likes that he has taken that up. Dad is glad as well. Where do I win in this?

“So I can ask if she wants to join the cheer team,”She said smiling,”We can use her talents.”

“She doesn’t cheer,”Max said walking in behind us,”She says it’s a waste of time. For why go to every game if you can’t even watch it and see who beats the other.”

“Where do you come from?”I asked,”The thin air.”

“Mom had to go to the hospital so it made me late,”He said taking a seat.

I rolled my eyes as we all sat in our spots like normal. He sat by Nicole but to her left. The sub gave us our work and we got started on the sheet she passed out. I put Nicole’s in my folder for her as the bell rang all too soon. I stood up and walked out as Mrs. Preppy followed behind me.

“Do you think I can come over and talk with her?”She asked,”I really think she would like it.”

“I don’t know,”I lied as a buzzed happen,”One minute.”

I took it out to see that she had texted me. I smiled at it as I opened it up. I looked at Sara as she was over my shoulder trying to read it.

‘Mason, Max texted me that the head cheer pain wants me on the team. Tell her that I don’t want to be on it. For I might die if I am. I might be musically inclined but I am not like them,’ She sent me.

“Sorry she say no,”I told her as she got red faced,”Why do you want her anyways.”

“She looked like she can be the perfect flyer,”She said giving my a puppy dog face,”Please allow me to talk with her.”

“Fine but she said no,”I told her as she got happier,”And why did I date you?”

“For a captain you thought you should,”She said walking away.

Sara Elizabeth King cheer captain and my ex girlfriend. She was tall and thin but flexible. She had blond hair and blue eyes. She was what every boy here wanted. I don’t see why since she makes you do everything for her. 

Chapter 13: Nicole

I sat on my computer talking with my dad about something I was working on when the door flew open and she walked in. I looked at Mason as he mouthed that he told her I said no. I looked at my dad as he gave me a laugh. She looked at my computer and smiled at my father.

“Hello Mr. White,”She said trying to impress him,”How are you today?”

“What do you want?”I asked ticked now,”Dad I’ll talk to you later about the song.”

“See you then princess,”He said as I ended it and faced her.

“So I was thinking we get you out on the field and do some stunts,”She said from behind me,”We could use someone like you on the team.”

“Um...Let me see,”I said as her eyes lite up,”Risk breaking my neck and risking my death when I can sit in the stands and watching it where I can be safe.”

“So,”She said happily now.

“I chose my life,”I said as her face dropped,”My answer is still no doll face.”

“But without me as a friend you can’t do anything,”She said storming now,”You will stay at the bottom of the food chain you know.”

“Really now,”I said standing to face her,”My father is Alexander White. I’m in a band that has a recording contract with my dad. And you think I’m at the bottom.”

“I can ruin you if you don’t,”She said smirking,”My daddy is a lawyer and has never lost a court battle since he has started.”

“My dad has five lawyers,”I said getting bored,”My stepmother was a judge now turn into one of those lawyers along with my two aunts and two close friends. They have won everyone since I have been breathing. I can do this all day you know.”

She looked at me as she hit a brick wall. I looked at Mason as he seemed to be laughing a little on the inside. She looked at me and smirked. You think that will stop me from something sweet heart.

“I know you real mother,”She said as that got my attention,”And all I have to do is make one call and she can report that your father has been abusing you and make it where he can NOT contact you if you don’t.”

“Hey did your brain ever think that I had him on this whole time and recording it,”I said showing it,”All I really did was turn the scream off a little and he heard the whole thing.”

“Fine have it your way,”She said calling my mom,”Mrs. Golden I know where she is.”

I picked up my phone and called that number as well. But I also had 911 going on as well. Sara looked at me as my mother picked up as well as the police.

“Hey mom,”I said as my dad looked at me,”What all did Sara tell you?”

“That you are at the Black’s house,”She said,”And that she wants me to put a false report about your dad in.”

“Ma’am we will be over there as fast as we can,”The police said and mom hanged up.

“Okay Sara this is how it's going to play out,”I said getting into her face,”You can leave now and your record stays the same as when you first walked in here. Or you can still stay and try to win me over, which we both know won't happen. But you have about five minutes or so to make your choice. I would chose the wisest one and leave though.”

She looked at me and left like a good girl but with a smirk plastered on her face. I called it off as I watched her leave. Mason held me from behind as I looked out of the window and into the drive way. My mom knows where I am now. Isn't that just great. I sighed as I went back to dad. Mason placed me into his lap as Dad looked at me. I can’t keep this up for much longer.

“Dad what are we going to do?”I asked as he looked at me,”She’s going to ruin my life you know.”

“We’ll think of something princess,”He said looking at papers,”Your mother will not get you away from them or me. Now where did I put that song you sent me.”

“It’s in your hand,”I said as he turned it around.

“What will I do without you,”He said as I looked at him,”I love you sweety.”

“Love you dad,”I said as he left the screen.

Mason held me close as tomorrow I was going back to school. I looked at him as he gave me a smile. I returned it as I knew something was up with that. Why did she really want me on that team? 

Chapter 14: Nicole

I looked out as I sat in the classroom. It was a boring lesson today in Art. My first day it was free so I drew a wolf in my book. Today I was doodling little pups that were black or sandy coated. Weird right. I looked out as I saw her walk up to the school.

What does she want now? I sat there as the teacher went on and on about what the popper way of shading was. I know that already. My father got me a whole website devoted to teaching kids how to draw and color.

“Ms. Nicole Elizabeth White Mang please report to the office,”They said over the overcome,”Nicole Mang please report to the office you’re being checked out.”

“Elizabeth,”Everyone called my middle name.

“Shut up,”I said and they did,”Thank you.”

I walked out but had my hand on my pepper spray for if she tried anything. I looked out as she was smiling at me. I saw no one with her but I had this sick feeling inside that told me to run for it.

“Come,”She said as we walked away,”Now Nicole I know you think joining the cheer team will be bad. But if you don’t I will allow them to attack you again.”

“He was…”I started but she stopped me.

“No he wasn’t,”She said evilly,”But he is now. And if you don’t join he will attack and I will have you removed from your father for the rest of your life. Then to top it all off I will reveal the secret to my husband now.”

“Yes Ma’am,”I said looking down.

“Good now go home and give Sara a call,”She said pushing me in that way,”Her number is already in your phone. Love you.”

I turned around and ran the rest of the way there. I was crying as forcing me to do something was worst when there was blackmail behind it. I went up to mine and Mason’s room and threw my things down. I took out my phone and went through the contacts.

Like she had said there it was. Sara/cheer in big pink and white letters with pumpums around it. How she got my phone I will never know. I pushed the call button and waited for her to pick up.

“Hello,”She said.

“You win,”I said as I heard jumping for joy,”When do I start?”

“What you got after school today?”She asked as I had nothing.

“I’m free,”I said toneless,”I’ll ride over with Mason when he goes to practice.”

“Good,”She said,”But we have some rules about being in cheer. 1 is you have to come to every party we throw. 2 is you are to dress like us.”

So like a slut I’m guessing.

“3 and the most important one is that you can NOT date exs of another cheerleader,”She said with the venom in her voice,”So that means Mason and you can not work.”

I hung up on her as the evil plan was revealed to me. Mason and I weren’t a thing yet and I guess she saw that coming soon. I threw myself on the bed and screamed into the pillow. There was a knock and I mumbled a come in. I heard the door open and felt a hand on my back.

“You alright Nicole,”I heard Mr. Black say.

“NO,”I said still into the bed.

“There is a bed in the way,”He said turning me over.

“No,”I whinned,”That stupid cheerleader.”

“Sara,”He said understanding,”She dated Mason one year telling him that all great captains do it. He didn’t know that he could have anyone and did as she said. All she wanted was for him to buy her whatever she wanted. I hope you know that you didn’t have to agree to do that.”

“My mother made me,”I said sitting up,”She gave me a list of reason of why I should. I couldn’t have said no. Or a lot of people could have gotten hurt.”

He nodded and patted my back as I sat there heartbroken now. He told me things to help with it as I tried to think of all the positives to it. None was helping me out now. 

Chapter 15: Mason

 I got home and went up to get some things for practice. I walked into the room to see Nicole getting ready for what looked like practice. I went up to her as she was putting her hair up into a ponytail.

I wrapped my arms around her as she stopped and her body seemed to tensed up a little bit. I turned her around as she looked at me as her eyes seemed to trouble with something in them.

“What’s wrong Nicole?”I asked her.

“Nothing,”She said in small voice,”May I come with you to the football practice.”

“Of course you can Nicole,”I said as she grabbed her bag,”But I don’t think you will need that stuff.”

“I might,”She said as she left.

I drove to the field and she seem to get more antsy as we got closer. I pulled over when we were almost there to make her late for it. She looked at me as she seemed to relax more now. She looked at me as if saying thanks. I nodded and when it got to be about thirty minutes after I drove the rest of the way.

I pulled up to see Sara looking ticked by now. Nicole looked at her with a hard expression as I saw Max was there as well. The team looked at me as I was never late for this. I looked at couch as he saw Nicole.

“You are LATE,”Sara said to her,”We start when the players start and end an hour later.”

“I know,”Nicole said,”But I’m doing this out of my reasons. And I can arrive when I want to hear me.”

“Sorry but you're not captain,”She said with a smirk,”Now get over there so we can go over the cheers with you.”

“Bye Love,”I said kissing her in front of Sara,”And don’t mind her.”

“That is rule number three,”Sara said as she walked off,”You are not to date guys another cheerleader has dated.”

I laughed at the couch looked at me then at Sara. We normally don’t intervene with them but maybe for her first day we will. I went to suite up before as the guys were talking it out. I ran out and by the girls. Sara said a sweet hello but when I made a kissing face to Nicole she was ticked again.

We got into line and when I had to throw the ball I threw it straight at them. Nicole caught it with ease and the coach saw something in her. He went up to her as we all looked at him.

They talked with each other and then they started to head over here. He handed her the ball and told our running back to go long. He did and she fired it straight toward him. We all watched as the perfect spiral spun till he caught it with so much ease.

“Boys I give you number 5,”He said as she smiled,”Or The Killer.”

“Go gators,”She said happily.

“That was you,”I said as she nodded,”Who would’ve known that.”

“She is not joining your team,”Sara said taking her back over to us,”She has us.”

“Wait a minute now,”Coach said as they turned around,”She can if she wants to now. I know that she doesn’t want to break her neck now.”

“She…”Sara started but was cut off.

“Nicole tell me why you are on a cheer team,”Her father asked,”You have no experiance with what they do.”

“Tell them that,”She said going over to him,”And Mom blackmailed into this.”

I looked at her dad as he got on the phone with someone. Sara tried to pull Nicole over there but She didn’t budge. I watched as he got down and went up to Sara. He looked at her as her eyes got wide to be seen by him.

“She will be choosing what she wants or I will have it my way,”He said as Sara’s eyes went wide,”And if something happens I will finish out bigger than you will ever think.”

“And I am know scared of her father,”I whispered to myself.

“You’re safe from that wrath,”She whispered into my ear,”SO you can relax.”

We watched Sara as she looked like she was trying to come up with something to say to him. You could see the struggle she was having by the look plastered on her face. She looked up at him and nodded her head. She ran off without Nicole as she was smiling.

“Thanks Daddy,”Nicole said jumping into his arms,”You saved me from flying for them.”

Chapter 16: Nicole

I looked out my window as I saw movement in the far corner of the house. I looked over at Mason as he was still asleep. I got up slowly and went out to go and checked it out. I went down the stairs and to the door. I looked behind me and saw no one.

I pushed the door open when I felt someone’s hot breath on my neck. I turned to see Mike was behind me. I took a deep breath in as he looked outside with me. Sad thing is it is Halloween night and everyone doesn’t go this far to trick and treat as I was told.

We both snuck out and went into the woods around us. Everywhere I looked there was nothing there. What is going on?

“Mike let’s go…”I said but something made darkness go around me.




I heard screams and noticed that Nicole wasn’t here anymore. I ran out of the house with Marc and dad to go check it out. We went around the house and the woods but we found nothing. I looked up in a tree and saw something there. I took it down and saw that it was her cell phone. On it was a video there waiting to push play.

I did and her faced showed up and left as if something was supposed to come from that. Soon Mike showed up tied up like he couldn’t get to her. That’s when the voice came out.

“I told you I would get her,”It said,”And now I have a plus one as well.” 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2016

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