
Chapter 1

I looked at everyone as I took my seat in the classroom. I sat by my best friend as I looked around to see that everyone was here from the winter break. I went to face her when it hit me. The smell was so intoxicating, I had to cover my nose a little bit. It was getting stronger as I looked at the door. There he stood.

I uncovered my nose as the smell came in all at once again. I closed my eyes as his scent was amazing. Pine and the ocean. I couldn’t find anything better than that at that given moment.

“You are in total crush mode,”Maggie said in my ear.

“Shut up,”I said as she did what I told her too,”And he is him.”

“Go girl,”She said as he looked at me,”He looking at you girl.”

I faced her as he gave off a laugh. I waved a little bit to him as he gave me one back. I looked down at my notebook as the teacher was up there talking to him.

Chapter 2: His

I looked at her as I walked into the room and looked over the class. Her scent was amazing to me. I couldn’t get enough of it. I looked at her as she removed her hand from her nose. Why was she doing that? I walked over to the teacher as I kept my eyes on her. I faced the teacher as she was talking with me about work we were on.

“Go take an empty seat Liam,”She said as I saw that the only one that was open was by her.

I walk over there and sat down as she was facing her book. I let out a low growl and she jumped to it. Being an Alpha gives me the greater control over my wolf. She looked at me and then went back to her notebook.

“Ms. Lucky,”Her friend said as she looked at her with fiery eyes,”I wish I could get that.”

“Shut up,”She said and the other girl listened.

I looked at her black hair and when she faced me her sparkling green eyes held me there. I smiled as she went back to her book. I looked over her shoulder to see that it was notes for something big. I looked at them till she closed them up and got the ones out for the class. I looked at the teacher as she smiled at us all.

“Okay so today we have a new student,”She said nicely,”Liam Marks.”

I waved and saw that almost every girl there was daydreaming as they looked at me. I looked ahead as I heard her growl lowly. Her friend slapped her arm as I faced them both. What was that about?

Chapter 3: Her

I looked around the class as the girls were staring at my mate. Um no way. I let out a low growl on accident and thank goodness Maggie slapped my arm. I ducked my head to my desk as he looked at me. What is going on with me today? I looked ahead as Mrs. Steven looked at Liam then me. She gave me a nod and I gave her a smile.

Mrs. Steven was the Beta’s wife and thankfully she was here. I got up from my seat and ran to the bathroom. You are not suppose to use your phone unless you have to and right now I need to. I lock the bathroom door and went to the far most stall.

I dialed in my dad’s number as I doodle his name in my notebook where the pack information was in. I smiled as I did so and loved it when I finished it.

“Maddie what’s wrong?”Dad asked as I was snapped out of the dream.

“He is here,”I said.

“Stay there I’m coming to…”Dad started as I said the wrong thing.

“No daddy not that him but the good kind of him,”I said as I heard him laugh,”I’m going crazy here.”

“What did you do?”He asked as I knew he wanted to laugh at me.

“When Mrs. Steven said his name all the girls were staring at him. So I let out a low growl without thinking about it. But when he walked in I covered my nose up. I am so embrace it is not even real.”

“Every wolf has that moment when they embrace themselves around their mate honey.”

“He’s sitting right beside me in that class.”

“That is bad isn’t it.”

“Daddy what do I do?”

“Is Maggie there?”

“What you think?”

“She will help you. Then when you get to the class with Max tell him. He can help you out more.”

“Okay,”I said as the handle started to wobble,”Got to go.”

I hung up and slipped the phone in my shirt for safe keeping. I walked out of there as the detention lady was there. I showed her my pass and she let me go free. I went into the class and gave Mrs. Steven her pass back. I took my seat and got to work on the essay for her. As I saw that no one was looking I slipped my phone into my boot where I kept it.

I looked at my book as a note had appeared there. I looked around but saw no one who would have wrote it. I picked it up and saw his lovely handwriting. I looked at him as he mouthed open it. I slowly did and saw what he wanted to know.

Hey there. Can I get your name or something. You are leaving me here with nothing to work with. I at least deserve a name right.

I looked around the class and saw that no one was looking. I quickly wrote in my almost good handwriting the answer to it. I passed it to him as his eyes lite up as he read it.

They call me Maddie but my real name is Madison Elizabeth Shepherd. But I have one question for you now. What is the name of your pack?

He gave me a smile as he wrote something on the piece of paper. He looked around the class and saw that no one was looking at the two of us. He passed it back to me as I lite up from it.

My pack is something I have to ask my dad if I could tell you. For you see we are kind of jumping around a little. This pack is going everywhere we use to live and are taking the land we had own. Dad thinks this time will hopefully be the last time but he isn’t so sure yet.

Right before I could write something else the bell sounded. I got my things together and walked out as he watched me. I slipped the note in my note book as I wander out into the hallway.

You see I’m Madison Shepherd. The youngest child of Mathew Shepherd. My brothers had found their mate and went to live with that pack. So I was next in line for my father. I’m only seventeen but hey my dad is someone who I know it will take forever to bring down.

I was also someone high up on the line but to us that was only a way. We only kept everyone safe but treated them like family which we are now when you join our pack. I smiled as I looked at Max who was standing at the door waiting for me. 

Chapter 4: Liam

 I looked at her as she walked out the room again. I had to let her meet my parents but we had something big going on today. Well it was the middle of the day for I came to school late in the afternoon. We got out at three and it was only twelve forty-five. I looked at her as she walked ahead of me.

I smiled as I picked her up and ran with her in my arms. I heard her scream Kidnapping as I did so. I took her to my car and place her in the front seat. No one followed us as she stared at me like I was insane.

“You know a normal person would have asked before kidnapping their love,”She said with a light blush.

“I know but I was scared of what you would have said if I asked you,”I said as she smiled.

“At least you're man enough to say that,”She said as I drove away,”I should tell my dad that I’m not finishing school today.”

I watched her pull the phone out of her boot and send him a quick text. She put it back as her books and stuff fell on the floor when I picked her up. The only thing she had with her was her backpack and I think that notebook from earlier.

“So what was that thing you were doing earlier before the class started,”I asked to make things go a little bit faster.

“Oh that was something for my pack,”She answered with a smile,”I had to see what all we had going on and to make sure nothing ran together.”

I nodded as my house came into view. Her eyes looked at it amazed. We had three house for the pack. And my family being alpha got this one to ourselves. I pulled up as she looked at it with wide eyes.

Chapter 5: Maddie

It was amazing. There was all kind of words to tell you about it. The whitewashed pillars and grand steps in the front. It beat the one I called home where the whole pack lived. He opened the door for me as he lead me inside it. I looked at the inside for that where the real cool was.

On the walls were pictures of him and a girl, I guess his sister. There were some of what I think of his friends from his pack. He lead me between the two staircases leading to the next level. In that room sat a lady with his dark brown hair but she had grey eyes while he had blue ones.

She was about twenty-five if I had to guess with a slim body. She looked like she was from a modeling magazine like Liam. He was taller with ads that you could barely tell from the outside of his shirt. She was reading a book.

“Mom,”He said as I had to look away,”I want you to meet someone.”

I closed my eyes as my mother was dead. I was only five when she died and it was to save my life. I was in the way of the hunter’s silver bullet and she pushed me out of the way taking it for me. It got her arm but we couldn’t save her. That night I laid there with her as her life faded from us. I never really had a mother after that.

“Sweetheart what’s wrong?”His mom’s angel like voice asked me.

“It’s just my mom died when I was younger,”I said facing her,”I never really got over it.”

“Well you can be my little girl,”She said holding me,”For mine has grown up and is looking for her mate.”

“Thanks,”I said smiling at her.

“Laim how about you go get your father while I have a few words with Madison here.”

“You can call me Maddie if you would like.”

Liam nodded his head and went to do what she had ask of him to do. She sat me on the couch as she rubbed the top of my hands with her thumbs.

“So Maddie what happen to her then?”She asked as I wanted to curl into a ball now,”I’m just wondering now.”

“She was shot and we couldn’t get the sliver out in time,”I said looking away,”She died for me to live.”

She nodded and brought me into a hug. I felt the tears roll down my cheeks as she held me there. I would only let a few people see me cry for if everyone did then they would think wrongly of me. I closed my eyes as I saw her face there.

She had midnight black hair like my brothers and the same sky blue eyes as them. I was on the other hand was like my father. We both had black hair and green eyes. Everyone thought that it was weird for how that had happen.

“We are here for you now Maddie,”She said in my ear,”We will always be for now on.” 

Chapter 6: Liam

I walked into my dad’s study as I saw that he was working on something for the meeting today. I went in and looked over the plans as he raised his head up to me slowly.

“Aren’t you suppose to be at school today Liam,”He said as I looked around.

“I have someone I wanted you to meet,”I said backing up as he raised an eyebrow at me,”She is someone you might like as the possible next Luna.”

“We haven’t decided if you are getting it or not,”He said as we headed down.

“I said possible.”

“You say that a lot. Now who’s pack is she from?”

“I didn’t ask her.”

He looked at me as we walked into mom and her hugging. I saw the tears roll down her face as I heard mom tell her that we are here for her. Losing a parent must be hard. I went to her side and rubbed her back as she looked at me.

I gave her a smile and she returned it back to me. Dad looked at her as she stood up proud and tall. Well up to my chest tall anyway. She faced him as he looked her up and down.

“You must be Liam's father,”She said nicely.

“I am,”Dad said as his blue eyes looked her over.

“You and your son have the same eyes,”She said with a smile,”I can tell he’s going to be a good leader one day.”

“And how is that?”Dad quizzed her.

“For the look of you says that he was raised to be highly respected,”She answered with a smile,”My father always told me that the greatest of leader take after their father.”

Dad smiled at her and nodded his head as if approving of her. I put my arm around her waist as the phone ranged. Dad went to go get it as I took her to the table. Mom went into the kitchen for something while Maddie took out her notebook again.

“You know that I might be the alpha next,”I said as she went wide eyed,”Then that would make you my luna.”

“Yeah,”She said as she went back and forth on something,”But that might be an issue.”

“Why?”I asked as Dad walked in clearly ticked.

“Well…”She started as Dad looked at us.

“They challenged us to a fight here,”He said stopping her from finishing,”I have everyone coming to help us. So take her somewhere so she will be safe.”

“I can help,”She said standing up and making the chair slide behind her.

“You need to go somewhere safe from this,”Dad said looking down on her,”That is my order.”

“It’s not mine though,”She said not even backing down,”I can fight and I know this land better than either of you do. You will need me in this battle if you want to win it.”

I watched them have a stare off and my dad cracked under her. She smiled and said a small ‘I win’. He looked at me as if saying that she can come along. She smiled and stuffed her things back into her bag. Her phone buzzed and her eyes went wide. 

Chapter 7: Maddie

 I looked at my phone as my dad was calling me. I excused myself from them as I went outside and into a tree. I answered the call as I heard yelling from the other side.

“Hello,”I said as he stop.

“Maddie where are you?”He asked clearly scared now.

“I’m at my mate’s house,”I said as the line went silent,”He wanted me to met his parents and now they are in danger from a fight. I’m going with them.”

“We’ll meet you there,”Dad said as Mr. Steven was yelling at Max now,”Steven stop yelling at your poor boy.”

“Then get your daughter here so I can yell at her as well,”Mr. Steven said as everything was getting ready to go.

“Dad bring me some clothes but I have one more thing to tell you,”I said as Liam was looking around for me,”My mate might be the next one for his pack.”

He hung up as it looks like I have to tell Liam that I am the alpha in line. I jumped down from the tree and landed on my feet perfectly well. He smiled up at me as I looked at him with bright eyes. I have to tell him about my being next in the line but how.

“Lian before we go I have to say…”I started to yet again get cut off.

“Laim man we got to go,”A boy said walking up.

“Who’s the pretty one here,”another said as Liam growled this time.

“Marcus and Chris,”Liam said to me,”My best friends.”

I nodded as Marcus was a blond with blue eyes and Chris was a light brown headed boy with brown eyes. I smiled at both as Liam introduced me to them.

“Liam I really got to tell you this,”I said as they came to get us.

“It’s time to go Liam,”They said.

I should give up on this one now. We all went and got ready for the journey there. Mr. Marks told me where the place was. I nodded and turned into my stunningly white wolf. I looked at Liam and saw the black wolf standing there. I nodded as I lead them to the place. I past by my place and let out two howls to show that I was going.

I heard Mrs. Steven’s howl as I continued on my way. I felt Liam’s thoughts enter my head as I only let his thoughts in. I stared ahead as I heard my father’s ordering the pack around.

“What did you want to tell me earlier,”Liam said as I looked at him.

“You’ll see it,”I said as we came onto the grounds.

There stood one of my brothers and his Mate. I looked at them as I saw dad on the halfway part of the field. I looked at it all and saw my brother make the first move. No one followed him and I knew none of them can defeat him.

“Don’t get involved,”I said over them all as I ran ahead.

None of them moved for my alpha voice casted it’s effects over them all. I ran to the middle and me and him fought with one another.

Chapter 8: Liam

I watched her fight him. When I tried to go help I couldn’t. It was like she had an alpha’s voice...She can’t be. I looked at dad as he was as well having trouble not listening to her. I faced the battle as they both back flipped.

She turned mid jump but she was threw clothes so she landed in shorts and a t-shirt like the guy she was fighting. I watched as they charged each other like that. I looked closer to see that they both were the same but by a little bit.

“Clark don’t do it,”She yelled at him as they both stood tall,”Please Clark.”

“Why shouldn’t I Mads,”He said as it hit me.

They were siblings. I looked over as a man walked out from the other group. He had to be the alpha but he looked like...That can’t be her father. I turned back to those two as they looked at each other.

“For he is apart of that pack,”She said as I took a step toward them,”That’s why. I didn’t hurt yours pack so why should you do that to mine’s.”

“Mace we have to stop,”He said as I know everyone was amazed by it.

“Why should we,”She said as she saw Maddie,”Oh my Madison I didn’t know.”

“It’s alright Macey,”She said smiling,”But next time try to talk it out and not go for the kill. But I am curious on how this had started up.”

“My father’s death was by one of their own,”She said as my dad had turned back and was by Maddie’s side,”It was one of their own.”

“We did off with him,”Dad said as I went to change,”But when we tried to tell you you pushed it off.”

I ran out to Maddie as we had finally got a truce. I smiled as she faced me. I locked eyes with her as her and my pack went to turn back.

“Maddie,”a boy that looked like Mrs. Steven called her,”Where you at girl?”

“Where’s your brain at,”She called to him.

The boy had Mrs. Steven’s light brown hair but he had blue streaks in it. His eyes were also a green but lighter than Maddie’s. He was the same height as her oddly. He came up to her and they did this weird handshake that looks like it was from the parent trap.

“So this is him I’m guessing,”He said pointing to me.

“Um yeah,”She said sounding nervous now,”Max this is Liam Marks. Liam this is Max Steven my best friend.”

“Nice to meet you,”I said as we shook hands.

“He’s my beta,”She said with a smile,”I was trying to tell that I was next in line for my two older brothers both left and left it to me.”

“Fun,”I said as I saw Clark run up behind her,”But you might want to…”

“Clark!”She yelled as he threw her over his head and pinned her down.

“I win,”He said as they laughed.

“Cheater,”She said kicking him,”You lost that and you know it.”

“Yeah my ego is forever shamed by that,”He said looking at me,”You better not hurt her or I will take you out.”

“That is noted,”I said as that girl that sat by her came up.

“There you are,”She said as Maddie laughed.

“Hello Maggie,”Maddie said,”You didn’t help me when I was being kidnapped.”

“But it was so cute though,”She said defending herself then looked at me,”Scared of what she was going to say weren’t ya?”

“What you think?”I said as dad came up looking at us.

He looked at her dad then to her. I saw something change about his look. She stood tall like her father as they stood side by side. I saw dad smile at her as if seeing something there.

“You got a strong leader in your hands,”Dad said facing her’s. 

Chapter 9: Maddie

 I looked at dad to see what he was going to say to him. I felt his hand go on my shoulder as he faced Mr. Marks. I smiled as I saw his happy face look at my Mate again.

“Yeah I do,”Dad said,”My girl here told me that you are still choosing your next Alpha.”

“I am,”Mr. Mark said as I looked to see my other brother and that pack walking up,”But I think you should tell me what is going on in yours first.”

“She’s the only I have to take it over,”Dad said as I was lifted into the air,”For those two got their own now.”

Clark and George where my older brothers and pains. Clark was the eldest out of the three of us. He was like mini mom while I was mini dad. George was the middle and older than me by about five years. Clark was older than George by a year.

“Hey,”They said as everyone laughed,”We got this talking together thing down pat.”

“You two are so weird,”I said as Liam looked at George,”That’s George. The other brother.”

He nodded as I smiled at him. I was placed on the ground again as Dad looked the two boys down. I turned and saw mom in them so much. I let a tear slide and they both wiped it away from me. I smiled as we all gave one hug. It has been forever since I seen them last.

“Maddie,”Mr. Marks said turning me around,”We are having a meeting today and I would like it if you came to it.”

“I will after ours,”I said as Maggie and Max stood behind me,”I have to hit on some points that I found out today.”

He gave me a nod as I got my bag and went with Maggie to go get my truck. I saw the white beauty and jumped into the front seat. I pulled out after Maggie and left for home. I drove a good five minutes in the opposite direction Liam had took me when we went to meet his parents.

I looked up at the mansion type house. I smiled as I saw the younger kids running around the yard playing. I pulled into my spot next to Dad and Max and got out. It was about six floors in all. We had rooms for everyone in the pack and there was a lot of us. Mine was on the same floor as my dad’s thankfully.

I walked in and over to the living room where our meeting was starting up. I got my notebook out and flipped it to the page I was on this mourning. I looked at it as the patrols were still on but some had to take other times.

“Okay,”Dad said as I showed him it,”We have switched around some of the times so the new times will be put up in the front room for you all to see. But now we are needed to talk about something bigger than that now.”

Everyone looked at me as I became a little confused by this. I looked at everyone and only one was jumping for pure joy. Maggie was in the back hopping around as Max was trying to get her to stop.

“Not only do I have two grandchildren on the way,”Dad said looking at me,”But my last angel found her mate today.”

“Dad,”I said hiding my red face with my book.

“So we are going to see how this will work out later in time,”He said almost laughing at me,”But for now that is all we have to talk about.”

One by one everyone left except for me, dad, Max, Maggie, and my brothers. I looked at them all as I became scared by the minute. George and Clark put there arms around me as I wanted to sink down right there and then. I looked at my dad as he seemed like he wanted to cry right there and then

“Daddy don’t,”I said going to him as his arms were opened,”I’m not going to leave you that easily.”

“I know you're not princess,”He said as I looked at him,”You just grew up so fast. I want that little girl learning how to hunt for the first time back.”

I smiled as I held him there. I would miss him when it was my turn to take over. I looked up at him as he told me to go to their meeting. I nodded my head and got on my way.

Chapter 10: Liam

 I looked out for her as the meeting was starting soon. But there was no sign of her being there. I looked at the time as she texted me that she was on her way about thirty minutes ago. Where is she? I looked back out as I heard this heart shattering howl come from somewhere.

It belonged to her. I ran down the stairs as everyone looked at me. I ran out the door with Marcus and Chris following close behind me. I ran to where it came from and saw her truck I guess in the ditch.

We looked it over as I heard it. The mating howl. I looked around for it was near here. I followed the sense that it gave me to see a group there. I looked around for the white fur girl but she was nowhere in sight. I saw her dad looking to but again she was no where.

I mindlinked her like before and I heard her thoughts. I smiled at that as at least she is still alive. I looked around as she was trying to get away from them as that was what her thoughts gave me.

“Maddie where are you?”I asked trying to get to her.

“Liam,”She said sounding scared,”Liam don’t follow the sound. Please don’t follow it.”

“Why not Maddie?”

“Tell my dad it was HIM. Tell him that He got me. He’ll know what that is all about.”

“Maddie please tell me where you are?”I begged as I looked everywhere for her,”Please I need to know where my girl is.”

“I’m trying to protect you Liam,”She said as her voice sounded small.

“Then there is only one thing to do,”I said as I howled my mating call.

“Liam no fair,”She said as I got the answer back,”Don’t follow it.”

She sounded like she was trying to fight it off. I did it back again and when she responded it was closer than before. I ran straight for it and I saw her there tied to a tree struggling to get away from it.

She looked at me and we locked eyes. She looked worried at something as I heard movement. I saw her struggle to get loose but I stayed there looking at her.

“Liam run,”She called to me,”Please Liam run for it.”

“Why?”I asked going to her,”I can get you out right now. Why should I?”

“For how are you going to help me if you are trapped like me,”She said as a cage sounded,”For that is what just happened to us you know.”

I turned around to see a man in his mid forties. He looked at me then to Maddie. He grinned as they separated the two of us. I snapped at everyone and when I went to howl for help they tased me. I can’t use my mating for only Maddie would know it.

I look at her as she was trashing around the cage rocking it. But no matter how hard she did the bars wouldn’t bend or even fall over. She let out a blood crying howl as the guy tased her side. She fell to the floor as she became more relaxed.

“So someone had found their mate,”He said getting closer to her,”How nice.”

“Told you,”She said very tired now,”He was the hunter that killed my mom.”

I looked at him as I began to try and break the cage. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and soon it went numb. I fell to the bottom of the cage like she did. I looked at him as he had his men load both of us up before we could call for help again. I looked at her as she whimpered a little bit.

I looked behind me to see her brothers there looking at the scene. I let out a weak howl to throw them off as they both ran for help. I looked at the truck as everything around me began to phase in and out.

I looked at the outside world one last time as the door shut. I looked at Maddie as she was knocked out now. Soon the darkness around me became too much for me to fight off. The last thing I saw was Maddie in a little ball.

Chapter 11: Maddie

 I can’t tale you what I was seeing for I knew it was just in my head. I opened my eyes to a dim lighted room. I looked around for anything that could help me out. But I saw nothing. I stood up on my four paws as I went around trying to find a way out. I looked around and I couldn’t see Liam anywhere.

Soon the walls began to raise up and people were there flashing pictures. I looked away as the flashes were getting too much. I snapped at them but they just laughed. I hide behind a rock there but those people were also taking pictures of me. I ran around in a circle but everywhere I went there was a group of people there flashing a picture.

“Okay people let’s not freak out the wolf too much,”HE said,”For this is the first time ever we have a real werewolf here for all of you to see. And it is her first time with all of this. Her mate is in the next pin for you all to see.”

“Is she going to be a mommy?”A young boy asked as I took that hard.

I’m only seventeen boy. And I DO NOT plan on being mated with that fast. So slow your roll down some before I come out of this glass and show you who you are messing with now.

“We are hoping she will soon,”He said as I glared at him,”But right now we are still unsure about it.”

Oh really. I looked at the glass and went to break it. But all that happen was I hit it and the people laughed at me. Come on that was not something to laugh at. You are suppose to be scared of me. I am an alpha wolf of a very tight pack. One does not simply laugh at that.

“Settle down some girl,”He said as I peer at them all,”They will be leaving you only soon enough. She is not liking this very much so how about you go to the next one and look at the other animals while we get this one to calm down some for all of us.”

“Bye, Bye wolfy,”The boy said,”We’ll come again to help.”

Wait that was Nathan. I looked at the man and saw my brother. He smiled and nodded his head as he took my nephew as they left me there. I watched them leave as I saw him look at me evilly.

“Good mourning Madison,”He said coming up to the glass,”And welcome to our little Zoo.”

I death glared him as I heard the doors open and the glass slide back down over me. He grinned as I heard kids walk into the room. I listened to him go over what a werewolf was and everything that had to go on with it. Then as the wall blockers went up he introduced me to them.

I freaked out worst this time and they had to get people in there to seduce me for I was scaring the kids. They left as I gave a wolfy grin to him like the smart alec I was. He came in here as he had men cover my mouth up so I wouldn’t snap at him. He bent down to my level as they had my head on the ground.

“Listen here Madison,”He said as I watched his every move,”You will be a good girl for this next group or I will send old poor daddy up there with your mother the same way.”

I felt my heart beat go faster at that and I whimper a little bit. I couldn’t live without my dad here. I wouldn’t make it yet as the Alpha. He smiled at me as he walked out and the men let me up. I looked out as the glass thing went down. I looked behind me as the rock was where my pin and I guess Liam’s meetup.

I went over there and rubbed my paw up against it. I listened closely and got a response from him. I smiled as I mindlinked him through the wall. But oddly it didn’t work. I started to scratch at the wall as the blockers went up to show me off.

I whined at the wall as people were aweing at me. I sniffed the bottom of it to see if I could get his scent and I did. Okay so he is over there but how do I get to him from here.

“What is she doing?”Some woman asked HIM.

“You see her mate is over there and I guess she wants him,”He answered as I let out a pity howl,”They probably both getting tired of this and it is almost time for them to be fed. So after this we are going to let them go down and fed them both. They can see each other there.”

“Can she do tricks,”A kid ask as I was back to scrating it again.

“Madison,”He yelled as I death glared him,”How about you play with the ball.”

I huffed at him and went back to what I was doing. Sorry but you are not making me do something for a kid’s entertainment. That would be all the nonhuman animals here job.

“This is her first time doing this,”He said looking at me,”So please forgive her for not wanting to behave for us.”

I just learned why the snake doesn’t want to move when you walk up to it. For people like this. I huffed and laid on this circle like pad that was in the middle of the pin. I laid down and just stared at the wall I can’t get through.

“She is just being a pain today,”He said looking at me,”Let’s go and see the other one. Maybe he is still doing something over there.”

Chapter 12: Liam

I was at the wall trying to break it down when the next crowd came. Don’t these kids have something better to do today. I looked at them and looked at the wall. Maybe I can scare them into going away.

I walked up to a young boy and snapped at him. He laughed and told me to do it again. I shook my head and went to this little baby girl a woman was holding. I growled and snapped at them. I got results the way I wanted them.

The baby went into tears and the woman was freaking out. I did it again and the family backed away as I got closer to them. But the stupid glass was holding me back. I rested my front paws on it as they were screaming. I let out a howl and everyone started to freak out.

Lesson learned if you want to scare people start out with a small child and go from there. I circled around them snapping and growling as they screamed out of fear. I heard Maddie howl as well from the other side of the wall.

“Get them both under,”That mexican-american looking guy said,”I want them both down there when I get there. People let’s continue for they are clearly not in the mode to be looked at right now.”

Men came in with pointy sticks that sparked. They made me stand on this rounded padded area and it went down with me on it. I felt my body forcefully get shifted back with clothes on. When I landed I saw Maddie there the same way I was.

“Liam,”She said running to me,”Please tell me that didn’t just happen.”

“It did,”I said looking up,”When I tried to turn back up there I wasn’t able to.”

“I think he made it like that,”She said holding my torso.

“Maddie who is he anyway?”I asked making her look at me.

“I’m professor Jefferson,”He said,”Madison here knows me as the killer of her mother. Or the caze guy who wants to show you both to the world. I bet she even told you not to come and find her.”

She turned her head into my chest as he left us there. Food appeared on our table in a matter of seconds. I lead her there and made her sit in my lap. She was so fragile right now. I rubbed her back as she held onto my neck She wouldn’t even look up at me. I petted her head as she held onto me tightly.

“Maddie are you alright?”I asked her as she shook her head no in the crook of my neck,”Can you tell me why then?”

“Someone asked him if I was going to be a mommy,”She said into my neck,”The answer he gave the kid was hopefully soon.”

“You wouldn’t be having a kid unless you wanted to,”I told her as she faced me,”They can’t make us do it.”

I heard the outer door open as he appeared on the outside edge of the glass room we were in. This man was like in his mid forties with the mexican-american feel. He had greying hair and almost or use to be bloodshot brownish eyes.

“My boy I can for I have both of those two howls on my phone,”He said as she looked at him,”If you two won’t do it like good kids then I will just have to make you myself.”

“We’re only seventeen,”Maddie cried to him,”That is way to young to have children.”

“Kids do it all the time at sixteen Madison,”He said leaving us again,”SO just drop it already and tonight get it over with.”

He shut the door as she looked at me. Those howls were for the full moon when we can mate if we choose to. I watched as her body raked from her tears. She started to mumble that she was scared for her life now.

“Maddie I promise you nothing bad will happen to you,”I said as she looked up at me again,”We will get out of here before then. Plus who knows if he even knows when they will work.”

“But what if he does Liam,”She said hugging my neck again,”I’m not ready to be a mother.”

“We’ll get through this,”I said rubbing her back,”And you will not become a mother if I have a say in this.” 

Chapter 13: Maddie

I looked out the glass as kids past by me. I watched as they all screamed for my to do a trick but why should I when I really don’t want to do anything. Can you all just leave me alone or go do something else from this.

I looked at the wall that kept me from Liam for so long. I walked to it as I heard him whimper though it. I want to talk with him but nothing will work. I did it back as the crowd looked sad for me. I let out the saddest howl I could do and I heard people want to cry for me.

“Can’t you allow them to go back to each other?”Someone asked as I scratched at the wall.

“Ma’am I know she is putting this act on,”Mr. Jefferson said,”And I can NOT simply allow her to go to him or him to her. That would mean we would have to just separate them again when the day is over and that would mean more work for me.”

“But they want to be with each other,”A little boy said as I howled again,”Can’t you tell how heartbroken she is without him.”

“Will you shut up then,”He said.

“We will,”they all said as a man came in.

“Hold her back while we let the gate up for him to go in there with her,”He said as they put a rope around my neck.

I stayed there as the wall slowly raised up and when I could see Liam I tried to go over to him. The man had a hard time holding me so they had to get someone else to help him with me. I jumped happily when the door shut behind Liam and they let go of me.

We both ran over to each other and rubbed over heads together affectionately. I mindlinked him and it worked this time. I smiled as I looked up at him.

“I miss my dad,”I said as he rested his head on top of mine,”I want my brothers here too.”

“I know you do,”He said as Awes went up,”I miss my family too.”

“Will they be able to get us out of here before the full moon?”I asked looking up at him with big eyes.


~Mathew Shepherd~


I lost my little girl to him. How did I not see that coming? I should have sent Max or Maggie with her for safety reasons. Now her mate is gone with her. What was he thinking about?

“Dad,”I heard Clark yell as him and Nathan ran inside the house,”She’s at the zoo like you thought.”

“Some good news for once,”I said walking to them.

“He said she might a mommy soon,”Nathan said coming into my arms,”I don’t want Aunty Maddie to be a mommy yet.”

“Neither do I,”I said looking at him,”Nathan how about you go play with Maggie and Max for a little bit. Since Maddie isn’t here they might want someone to do something with.”

“Yes sir,”He said as he went to them.

I watched them leave the room as George came in with the other two. Clark put his arm around Macey and George did the same to Lexie. I looked at them as the boys’ mother came to my mind. I sighed as I never told them something very important about Maddie.

“What is it dad?”Clark asked as I looked at all of them.

“You remember the day we brought Maddie home right,”I said as they nodded,”Well she was unplanned.”

“What do you mean by that?”George asked getting overprotective about it.

If I learned one thing about the boys and Maddie, it would have to be that her and George are close to one another. If you say something bad about the other they will fight you. Clark was the same way with her and she to him. But it was when George and her got involved into it.

“You can NOT say this to her for it might break my little girl’s heart,”I said looking at them,”But that night when me and your mother disappeared it was because of HIM. We were there for a month and he figured out that on the full moon he could put her into heat with a recorded version of my mating howl. He did and we got Maddie out of it.

“We never told her about that for if she knew that he was after her at that age it would have broke her. You both saw how much it hurt her when your mother died saving her. Just imagine what it would have done if she knew about being not planned.”

“Dad why are you telling this to us now,”George said as Clark looked like he figured it out.

“For he’s planning to do it to her,”Clark answered looking at me,”The full moon was yesterday. That mean we have one month to get her and him out before it’s too late.”

“But that doesn’t give us much time to figure out how we are going to do that,”George said getting more worked up now,”If he dares touch a hair on her I promise it will not…”

“George calm down,”Lexie said as he looked at her,”We are going to get her out in time. We will figure this out.”

“Grandpa,”Nathan said running up behind me,”They're chasing me.”

“Come here,”Maggie said tickling him,”You were the one that wanted to play tag.”

“Because I usually win at it,”He said laughing as I laughed at them.

Max walked in and looked shook at me. He didn’t hear that I hope. He walked up to me and motioned me to go walk with him. I nodded as the others were busy with Nathan. That little six year old is just so entertaining. We headed out to the garden to Maddie’s favorite spot.

“She wasn’t planned,”He said as my heart dropped.

“Max I need to know that you won’t tell her this,”I said as he looked me in the eye,”Even if she begs of you to. You can not tell her that.”

“I promise,”He answered going silent.

He hasn’t spoke to anyone since she disappeared. I understand why though. They were best friends after all. He was there for her and she was there for him. They worked as one to help each other out.

“Max we are going to save her,”I said with my hand on his shoulder,”We are going to get her back to us.” 

Chapter 14: Liam

I was pushed back to my side at the end of that last tour. They shoved me to the plate from as I saw Maddie go down before me. Like before it was a forceful change back with clothes on. I looked around as I found Maddie on the bed. I smiled as I went to her as she looked at me.

She had it rough for he was taking everything out on her from some odd reason. I petted her head as she laid her head in my lap. I looked at the glass as a very ticked off Man stood there. Hey we are doing this for you. We just didn’t say that we were going to make it easy on you.

“Madison why are you being too hard to work with,”He said as she stood up walking to the glass,”This can’t be about the whole thing with your mother now can it.”

“It has always been about that,”She growled at him,”I’m only doing this for you threatened my daddy and family.”

“Yes for brother George and Clark,”He laughed,”The two that are over protective about their little sister. I almost forgot them. How are they doing Madison?”

“None of your beeswax,”She snapped as you could see she wanted to curse at him.

“Yes and Liam I haven’t seen a wolf like yours here before,”He said turning away from her,”Did you just get here or something?”

“Like she said that is none of your...Business,”I said stopping myself for mom does NOT like cursing.

“When a werewolf is involved it is always my business Liam,”He said leaving,”And don’t worry about how I know Madison. I think she will tell you that tale soon.”

With that the door shut and our supper came up. Maddie went to sit on one side as I did the same on the other. She looked at it as if it had legs or something.

“Maddie are you alright?”I asked as she looked up at me.

“Um...Yeah...I’m fine,”She said like she was worried about something.

“You don’t seem like it,”I said as she picked at her food,”What is it?”

“The thing he was talking about,”She said looking at me,”I was in the forest playing by myself one day. Both of my brothers had something to do and Max and Maggie had to go to something at school so I was alone. My mom was watching me from afar while I played. I saw a frog and decided that I was going to catch it and show my dad.”

“A girl wanting to touch a frog at five,”I mocked as she laughed,”I never thought that would be my girl.”

“Well I followed it away from my mom. I saw a man there and he was just staring at me as if I was something new to him. I caught the frog and just looked back at him. I never knew why he was looking at me like that. I cooked my head sideways as he walked up  to me.

“He asked me for my name but I just backed away from him. He got to my level as I held my frog close to me. He gave me something to put it in and I thought that he was a nice man. So I gave him my name. It was also before I knew that Maddie was my nickname and that I liked it more, so he calls my Madison.

“He asked me about my family and I just told him that I had two brother and my parents and that was all. He kept asking me things about my life but never once I said the words werewolf. After twenty minutes my mom came looking for me. I heard her call my name and I told the man I had to go. He didn’t want me to go although.

“He took my arm roughly and demanded me to go with him. I cried out to my mom as he pulled out a needle. I screamed for I was five and needles were evil at that age. Well they still are to me. My mom came and ripped me out of his grip. She stood in front of me and let out her powerful growl. He stood up and laughed at her.

“I watched him pull out a gun and say ‘If I can’t have her then neither can you’. With that he pulled the trigger. It happened so fast but there on the ground with me was my mom and Dad, Clark, and George stood in front of me protectively. He ran and dad told me to get on George’s back and I did. They raced home but my mom was too late. I laid there with her till she took her last breathe.”

“Wow,”Was all I could say till I remember one thing,”What happened to the frog?”

“My dad let me keep it as a pet,”She said eating a little bit,”He was a bullfrog and is now twice the size of when I found him that day.”

“Well at least something good came out of that unfaithful day.”

“Yeah I got a pet.”

“Who are you closer to?”


“Should have known that.”

We laughed as the finished plates went down. She stood up and went over to the bed. I watch her flop on her back as the room look like a prison. She closed her eyes and I decided to join her on the bed. We both got under the covers for I knew she wanted have this day over with.

She laid her head on my chest as she snuggled close to me. I wrapped my arms around her as our lights went out. I guess it was time for us to go to bed.

“Liam,”She said.

“Yes Maddie,”I answered her.

“Do you think my family will be safe?”She ask looking up at me.

“If I know my dad and my mom they wouldn’t let anything happen to them,”I said playing in her hair,”Right now though we just need to have hope they will come through for us.”

“I love you,”Was the last thing she said before sleep took a hold of her.

I looked down at the sleeping angel as she took easy breathes. She looked so peaceful in that one moment. I was afraid to move a muscle for it would wake her up. I kissed the top of her head as I saw a smile on her face.

“I love you Madison Shepherd,”I said laying my head down as sleep took me as well. 

Chapter 15: Maddie

It was two days before the full moon. I found out that not only are there special passes to see us when we are not out but I can mindlink people on the other side of the glass, Thank you Nathan. I walked around as I didn’t see my nephew or Clark as the last two weeks when they came everyday. Please tell me they didn’t put an every other day limit on those passes.

I looked around as I saw George and Lexie there looking at me. Yes at least one of them are here. I mindlinked them as I saw a baby in Lexie’s hands.

“Baby,”I said as I saw that he wanted to laugh,”What it’s name?”

“Her name is Baylee,”He said as I stood on the glass to try and get a better look,”What are you doing?”

“Trying to see my niece,”I said as Mr. Jefferson walked over to me,”Help!”

“Get down Madison,”Mr. Jefferson said as George walked up with the child,”Sir I will have to ask you to take your child back in the back of the group.”

“She just wants to see her,”George said to him,”Isn’t that right.”

“UH...I can’t really answer that one,”I said to him.

“Then act like it,”He said in our little talk.

I looked around the glass as the baby giggle at me. My niece knows who I am for Nathan did this when he was her age. Wait what is her age?

“Three weeks old,”George said to me.

“Thanks,”I called as they went to the next group,”George please tell me you have a plan.”

“We are still working on it,”He said giving the child back to Lexie,”We will get you out as fast as we can.”

“Don’t leave,”I said as they had to go,”I miss you.”

He waved to me as I saw a tear wanting to roll down his cheek. I howled sadly to let Mr. Jefferson know I wanted to make a scene now. George look at me as I started to pace around the wall that blocked me from Liam. I scratched and howl as everyone began to tell him to let us go together.

“Hold Liam back and we’ll let Madison come to his side this time,”He said looking at me,”You stupid little pain.”

What else would I be to you? I ran in when the gate was up. I went to Liam and mind linked him and George at the same time. I smiled as I looked at George as him and Lexie came up. I felt Lexie’s thoughts come into my head as George added her in our little talk.

“That’s your niece isn’t it?”Liam asked looking at her,”She looks like you Lexie.”

“Thanks,”Lexie said as I wanted to hold her,”Maddie you are bouncing you know.”

“I figured I was,”I said as I stopped,”I want to hold her but I kind of can’t.”

“What you mean you can’t?”George asked as he looked around.

“They have it where we can’t change on pure willpower,”Liam said as George’s eyes went wide.

“I don’t know how but I really want to touch my niece,”I said as I saw a spark in George’s eye,”What’s the idea?”

“Both of you howl and whine,”He said getting the baby,”I can act like I know some wolves and say that you want to interact with the baby. Then Maddie you get to touch her.”

“Yeah,”I said as I got a sad look on my face.

Me and Liam howled sadly as Mr. Jefferson looked at us again. I nodded to the baby as he shook his head at me. I howled louder this time and Baylee gave a laugh as everyone’s heart broke at the scene. They turned to him as he shook his head again.

“Sir I work close to wolves,”George said bringing the baby around as we followed,”Some of them will not hurt my little girl here.”

“Very well,”He said as men held me and Liam back,”But only a short time.”

When the door shut behind George they let us go. We both walked up slowly to him. I put my nose up to Baylee and she tapped it. I mind linked her as I heard her little laughs.

“Hey there Baylee,”I said nicely,”I’m your Aunt Maddie.”

She laughed as George rolled his eyes at me for this happens every time I am around a kid. I looked at him as he petted my head. I leaned on him for I missed them all.

“We’ll see you soon Maddie,”George said as they held us back again,”I promise we will get you out one way or the other.”

I watched them leave as they made me go back to my side of this. I laid down for the rest of the day not wanting to do anything till I see my family again. Mr. Jefferson took note on my behavior and when it was time to go for lunch I was already on the pad for them.

When I stood in the room I went to the bed and fell face first on it. Liam laughed at me as I didn’t budge for him. He sat by me as I felt his hand rub my back.

“I want my brother,”I said into the bed.

“I didn’t catch that for the bed,”He said.

“I want my brother,”I said rolling over,”I want my niece and nephew. I want my dad and friends. I want out of here.”

“Then that makes two of us then,”He said as Mr. Jefferson came in,”Now what does he want?”

“Madison, why not so playful today?”He asked with fake sympathy toward me.

“Because I hate you,”I said looking at the ceiling.

“Now let’s not say that,”He said as the howls went up,”For soon you might be thanking me for the child.”

“I would rather shoot you or my own foot with a dull iron bullet then that,”I said as I saw the pian looked on Liam’s face,”For like I said earlier I am only seventeen and I am NOT ready to have a child.”

“Kids get pregnant all the time around your age Madison. So just get over it and get it down.”

“I would rather not.”

“Why are you being so stubborn?”

“For you are an idiot.”

“You will do as I say or maybe next time someone from your family comes I will not hold back.”

“What you mean by that?”

“I mean like when your father comes again to see you. I will not hold back on shooting him in the head with a silver bullet.”

“You will leave him alone,”I said running to the glass and hitting it,”For when I get out of here I will finish you off myself.”

“We’ll see about that,”He said leaving us,”Plus you are staying down this round. So Liam hurry and eat for the next group comes soon.”

I looked at Liam as I slide down the glass. I couldn’t bear losing my dad. I had a rough time when I lost my mom. But I would be crushed if that happened to my daddy. 

Chapter 16: Liam

The day of the full moon and we are still here. He made Maddie stay down for we both know that this will not go well if he knew about this. So while I was up here acting like a dog, she is down there rigging something to prevent herself from getting to me.

Wow I can not believe that just came out like that. I looked at the kids as I saw none from her pack. I did however see my sister there. She looked at me as a boy was with her. Hey she found her guy.

“Shut up Liam,”She said in my head.

“That was to be a private thought Candice,”I said as she laughed,”Who is he?”

“I’m Jake Red,”He said as the group left,”And we get to stay here and watch you all day long.”

“Great,”I said laying down,”DO you have a plan on getting me and her out of here before tonight?”

“Sorry bro but we are stumped,”Candice said as the next group came,”And hers can’t even get in here to finish the planning it out.”

The joy of being us I guess. I looked around as kids were saying ‘Do a trick’, ‘Come on big puppy do something’, ‘Why is he just standing there’. I rolled my eyes and laid on the pad thing. People started to tap the glass as I was getting ticked now.

I stood up and growled at everyone who was doing it. When they say don’t tap the glass they mean it people! I snapped at everyone scaring the kids. Parents took hold of the children as men ran in to get me under control. I snapped at them and wouldn’t let them get close to me.

Candice ran in as people yelled at her to stop. She put her hand out as I really didn’t want to calm down. She started to shh me as I wanted to get the men. She got closer as her voice became calmer.

“Liam it’s alright,”She cooed to me,”They are not going to get you. You can relax now.”

I stopped backing up as she rested her hand on my head. She ran it through my fur as I nudge her hand. Mr. Jefferson walked in and I snapped at him.

“It’s okay Liam,”She said softly.

“Ma’am how did you do that?”He asked her.

“I use to be around wolves my whole life,”She said as she played in my fur,”I guess sometimes it takes that touch to help calm them down when people tap on the glass.”

He nodded and left us there. He asked her to stay and she did. The whole time when the next group came she stay out there and when they ticked me off she came to help me out. When the last group came by she and Jake came in. He made me go on the pad and as I was going down he was talking to them about a possible job opening. 

Chapter 17: Maddie

 I watched Liam come down as I had successfully chained and tied myself to one side of the room. He looked at me as My foot was chained up and I had a rope around my waist to stop me.

“You sure that will work?”He asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

“I didn’t get the time to try it out,”I said as the food came up,”I can go to the table but anything past this side of the bed is out of reach.”

“So if he does know then I can just get on this side and hopefully ignore your calls,”He said as I nodded,”This has got extreme now.”

I nodded as we both ate what they serve us today. I sat in my corner as he sat in his. Soon we knew the moon was up. I stayed there as the sound came over the speaker in our room. It was like a rush all at once. I didn’t have control over any of it anymore. SHE was the one in control.

I tried to run to him but the chain around my ankle caught me. I tried to get loose but I couldn’t. I saw the rope around my waist and tried to undo that. I clawed at it as I couldn’t get free no matter what I did. How did I tie this earlier? I looked at Liam as he stood there watching me.

“Liam, untie me,”I begged as the heat on my body got worst,”Please.”

“I can’t,”He said as I got the rope to snap,”Maddie this isn’t you. You don’t want to do this. Maddie please remember that you don’t want this.”

I didn’t listen as my howl call to him as well. I looked at him as he tried to get to me. He too was stop. I looked at him to see a similar chain stopping him from getting to me. I looked at it and then to mine. I put my hands on it and pulled as hard as I could on it.

I heard a pop followed by another one. I looked at it as I looked at him. We ran to each other and kissed each other passionately. It began to progress as his hands went up and down my back and I began to unbutton his shirt. He placed me on the bed as soon everything became a blur to me.

That morning I woke up to a sick feeling. I got out of the bed with a sheet covering my body. I ran to the bathroom and got sick. I looked at it as everything went in my mind at why this could be. Then it hit me on a good reason why.

I looked around for a test and found one easily. I took it and sat there as it was something I didn’t want it to be. I hid it in my hand as Mr. Jefferson’s daughter walked in on me.

She was about the same age as George. She looked like her dad down to a tee. The only difference had to be that her hair was slightly curlier than his.

“May I see it,”She asked as I held it to me,”Maddie I promise I don’t want to make a scene. Will you just let me see it.”

I did as I felt sick again. She held my hair for me as I did. I looked at her wide eyed as she rubbed my back for me.

“Why are you helping me?”I asked her.

“For I want to help people like you,”She said taking a picture of it,”I think this is cruelty to your kind. Treating you like animals and all. I mean you are people just like us. But to him you are just an animal that needs to be thought who is higher.”

“That wasn’t my question,”I said as she handed me clothes.

“For I want to study you the way others don’t,”She said throwing it away as I changed,”You are not meant to be showed around like a prize. You were meant to be free like a human.”

I nodded and went out and looked around for my Liam. Where is he? I went to the bed and took a seat to wait for him to get out from hiding.

“Dad sent him up since he thought your night last night was eventful enough,”She said coming by me,”I’m here for you Madison.”

“Please don’t call me Madison,”I said simple.

“Maddie, sorry,”She said leaving,”If you need anything page me.”

Chapter 18: Liam

 I circled my prison as the people looked at me. I saw Maddie’s brother, Clark, and his son, Nathan, in the crowd. They looked at me and we three started a mind link. But it didn’t get anywhere when a kid asked the question Nathan asked that first day here.

“Is she being a mommy right now,”A kid asked randomly.

“We are unsure right now,”Mr. Jefferson said with a smirk,”For we don’t know if she will be or not at this moment.”

I watched as his daughter came out and showed him a pictured. I looked over his shoulder to see that the test was positive. No I got her...I didn’t want to. Stupid howls and stupid phones with their recorders.

“I’m going to have another cousin,”Nathan said as I remember the mind link.

“We are going to have to tell your parents,”Clark said as Candice looked at the picture,”And your sister as well.”

“I’m going to be an Aunt!”She yelled in all of our minds,”Sorry.”

“Guess we don’t have to,”Nathan said as Mr. Jefferson looked at him.

“You were the one the first day that asked if she was going to be a mommy right,”Mr. Jefferson asked as Nathan nodded,”Well we got some results in and she is.”

There was clapper everywhere. I growled and snapped at everyone wanting to be sent down to her. He looked at my sister as she nodded to him. Clark took Nathan away to tell their father. Candice came in with Jake to try and get me to calm down.

I didn’t and so they lowered the blockers and sent me down. I saw her on the bed covered up and went to her side. She looked at me as I kissed her head.

“We broke iron chains,”She said as She looked me in the eyes,”How was that possible?”

“I don’t know,”I said bringing her to my lap,”But are you alright with this?”

“I wanted to have a kid when I was older,”She said leaning into me,”I guess this was his way of making it go this way.”

“I won’t leave your side,”I told her as he came to the door with my sister and brother in law I guess.

“You were not suppose to do that,”He gripped at me,”I left her down here for I knew she would over react after that. She will be emotional and moody everyday now.”

“Well you know something,”I said getting up and letting her lay on the bed,”I just found out by a picture that she was pregnant and you want me to not react. Then don’t plan things for the day after. I want to be here with her and not out there being your monkey.”

“You better not act that way for the next group coming,”He said leaving us there.


~Walker Marks~


I looked at my wife as she missed her baby boy. She held his picture close to her as we waited for anything from Maddie’s pack. Something about how they were doing. I looked at her as the door opened and in came her brothers Clark and George with their families.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Marks,”They said as my wife looked at them,”We have some news about them.”

“What is it?”I asked rubbing my wife’s shoulders.

“Our sister is pregnant,”George said sounding upset,”But they are alright.”

“Thank goodness,”My wife said as she looked at them,”When you get to go and see them again please tell her that she will be welcome to stay here if she needs to.”

“We will,”Clark said as a little boy ran up,”Um that’s Nathan. He doesn’t talk much but only to the ones he knows really well.”

“Aunty Maddie said to tell you that,”He said looking up at me,”She wanted to tell you thanks for what you have offered to her.”

“What do you mean?”I asked getting on his level.

“Nathan when did she tell you this?”His father asked.

“We talk a lot,”The young boy said,”She says that it’s a connection of hearts. That when she gave her blood to me we became like one mind. I talk with her more than you think.”

“Nathan how long has that been going on,”I asked him as he looked down,”I’m not going to yell at you now. But I need to know something.”

“A few weeks now,”He said as I gave him a questioning look,”Or the last few months.”

I nodded as Crystal took him to another room to talk with him. I looked at his parents as they looked worried about what was going on with him. I smiled as this hasn’t happen but once or twice that we know of.

“When you get home tell your father about that,”I said looking over them all,”For it is a blood connection. Or it’s like the twin thing.”

“Wait you're saying that Nathan and Maddie have a twin connection,”Clark said amazed.

“Why don’t we?”George asked his brother,”we share blooded like nothing.”

“That is the amazed of the world,”I said looking at them,”And I don’t even want to know what you meant by that.”

Chapter 19: Maddie

I looked in the mirror as today was a week since I found out. I looked at the heart broken girl for I didn’t know how my family would have taken the news about this. Clark and Macey had Nathan at a young age but if we are really serious about this I think it was for she had her own pack and Clark could go there. I didn’t have that just dad and my buds.

“He’s about to send me up,”Liam said from behind me as his hands went around my waist,”Will you be alright down here without me?”

“I’ll be fine Liam,”I said facing him,”If you see any of my family tell them I miss them like crazy for me.”

“Will do,”He said kissing me.

After our few second kiss, they ordered him to go. I watched him go up as I stayed there now bored out of my mind. I sat on the bed and looked at my Ipod and phone. It would be easier for me to call them but that will also put them in danger of him knowing.

“Maddie?”I heard Nathan say in my head,”I got a question.”

“Then what is it baby boy?”I asked laying on my back.

“This thing we do like right now,”He said as I closed my eyes imagining his face,”Grandpa says that only a few people can do it. What does that mean?”

“It means we are special,”I said smiling,”It means we are one of a kind that are able to talk like this even if we are far away. We have a stronger bond than anything since we have similar blood that runs through our veins.”

“I miss you Maddie,”He said as the voice left my mind.

“I miss you too baby boy,”I said a loud looking at the ceiling.

I wonder if they are alright or not. I sat up as the Doctor came in. He walked over to me as I groaned. Why must this only happen to me.




I looked at the picture of Maddie and me. I want my aunt back. I hate being six for no one thinks you can help out with the big stuff. I sat in Maddie’s room trying to look for something. I loved her room for it was so neat and amazing.

Her walls were a black and blue with pictures she took, drew, or about her family. She also had posters with Harry Potter or Percy Jackson on them. Her bed was in the middle of the room next to a wall with a black and white colored wolf looking over the room. She had a window seat with a great view. Her desk held a computer and speakers for her Ipod.

I smiled as I crawled under her bed to see if I can find it. Maddie stances all kind of stuff in her room. As I looked I found two si and a nunchuck. I laughed as I went farther under. I found one of her candy stances but that’s not what I want. I popped out the other side and went to her closet.

Maddie always had something on the top self in it. I climb up the the side of the wall and got up there to see the self. Nothing I wanted was up there. Where could she have put it? I jumped down and looked around the room.

I saw a poster that looked out of place. It was one of the two of us she had made. Maybe it is there. I went to it and pulled back a corner. I looked at the safe there. Wow she is good at hiding things in a spot. I did her birthday but that didn’t work. Her passwords are always something she loved. I looked up and put in my birthday. It opened up and there it was. I took it out and went to grandpa after hiding the safe again.

I ran in to them talking about a plan to get them out. I went to grandpa but he just pushed me off. I tried again but he didn’t care for me. I saw Liam’s family and went over to them with it.

“What’s that Nathan?”His mother asked me.

“Something Maddie and I play with,”I said as she got to my level,”We can use it to help but Grandpa won’t let me help with this.”

“Walker,”She said as Liam’s dad walked up,”Nathan here has something that can help.”

“What does it do Nathan?”He asked as I smiled that they wanted me to help.

“Me and Maddie used it for pranks,”I said turning the metal box in my hand,”It wipes out the cameras and anything needing electric power. We made it together for something like this.”

“Mathew come here,”He said to grandpa.

“What is it?”Grandpa asked then looked at me,”Nathan someone will play with you later. Right now we are all busy.”

“But I can help,”I said looking at him.

“Nathan right now this is for the adults.”

“Maddie says that I would be able to help.”

“Maddie’s not here though.”

“Yes she is,”I whinned as everyone looked at me,”We are connected. And just because she is not here physically doesn’t mean that she is not here at all.”

“Mathew your grandson can help,”Mr. Marks said patting my back,”For HE found something you are missing out of your plan.”

Grandpa looked at me as I held up the little metal box. There was settings on it for how you wanted it to work. We use the lowest function for pranking but it only wipes things out for thirty minutes. The highest is for a whole two days.

“Me and Maddie made it,”I said as he took it out my hand,”She said that it could be used for saving people that are locked up. We used it play tricks on you all but this time it can be used for more than just a prank.”

“Where did you get this from?”Grandpa asked for he has been looking for it.

“I can’t say,”I smiled as he gave me THE look,”Me and Maddie have made a promise to not give away secrets.”

“Of course she has,”He said looking over it,”I can’t believe I’m about to say this. But Nathan how does it work?”

I smiled as I showed them how to work it. I told them what each color meant and how to make sure not to use the red for here. It was the high setting on it. Blue was low while green was medium. Grandpa looked at me as I smiled up at him.

“You are just like Maddie,”He said as I smiled at that.



    He left me there as the check up went well for me at least. He on the other hand got kicked about five times when he wanted to do something very wrong. I took out my Ipod and looked at the picture of me and Nathan for my unlock screen. I love that little six year old like crazy. I had my brothers as the lock screen. 

Chapter 20: Liam

 I looked out at the people as they all left for our time was up and we only had one group today. Candice and Jake came in to mess with me. Soon Maddie came through her side for they must want us up here today.

“Hey what’s up,”She said sounding not very happy herself.

“You must be Maddie,”My sister said since there was no cameras and we were all mindlinked,”I’m Candice. Liam’s sister.”

“Well it’s nice to meet you finally,”Maddie said going over to her,”Do you know anything good about the plan?”

“Sadly I heard nothing about it,”Candice said petting Maddie,”But I know that it is coming along.”

“Everything will be fine Maddie,”I said rubbing my head against hers,”We will not live here forever.”

“I know,”She said as I heard laughter from somewhere,”Nathan are you listening in on this?”

“Maybe,”He said as I looked around,”How does the mind link thing and our connection thing work like this?”

I looked at her as she laughed and explained it to us. Candice laid down as Maddie did the same with her head in my sister’s lap. I sat behind them as Jake was near my sister. I smiled as it looked like it came from a story book.

Maddie closed her eyes as her and Nathan talked about something doing with the no electic thing. Why am I scared by that a little bit? I looked out the door as Mr. Jefferson looked at the scene. It was like he knew about Candice and Jake being wolves and mates. I watch him leave as Maddie looked his way. It was like he was waiting for something. But what?

Chapter 21: Maddie

It has been a month since that day. He made me come out even though I wasn’t feeling good today. He had us separated as I laid on the pad not wanting to do anything for their enjoyment. I watched as people came to me and began to look bored with me. I saw Nathan as he peered at the glass.

“Can I go in there with her?”He asked as everyone looked at me.

“No boy you can not,”Mr. Jefferson said as I stood up,”For she is quite moody every now and then.”

Not when family is here. I went to the glass and stopped in front of him. I laid down as he placed his hand on the glass where my head was. I saw George and Clark both looked at each other then to Mr. Jefferson.

“What you want for him to go in?”They asked as everyone looked at them.

“May I ask why you want this so badly?”Mr. Jefferson asked back,”For she is a werewolf and they are something you are not suppose to mess with.”

“Then why are you?”Nathan said as I wanted to laugh at him,”She’s not going to hurt me. I even bet that she doesn’t feel good enough to do anything.”

“Fine kid but if you get hurt that is your fault,”He said as the others went to see Liam.

I stood up as he ran in and over to me. I laid down as Mr. Jefferson left with that other group. He knows they know the way for they been here a million times. Nathan petted my head as my brothers looked at the two of us.

“I miss you Maddie,”Nathan said hugging my neck,”We are almost ready to get you and Liam out of here.”

“That some good news,”I said placing my head down so I could hug him as well.

“What are you going to name him?”He said looking at me,”Liam says that if it’s a girl it was going to be Abigail Maria.”

“If it’s a boy I was thinking more of Zachary Martin,”I said as he smiled at me,”Or Zack for short.”

“I love you Maddie,”He said as Mr. Jefferson walked back to us.

“I love you too baby boy,”I said as I watched them leave.

I laid back on my pad as they had to leave me there yet again. As the next few groups came in I showed no emotion. I felt horrible from it all. I didn’t move much and I wasn’t going to do anything for them that bad.

“Move Madison,”I heard Mr. Jefferson yell at me,”People are here to see a wolf not something that looks like she is stuff!”

I stood up as I was about to get sick. His daughter told him to send me down but no he was not doing that. I turned and got sick but someone cleaned it up. I saw young couple that was looking like they were waiting for the bundle of joy of their own looked at me.

“Send in her mate,”The woman said as he looked at her,”She will not feel better if you don’t.”

“And how do you know that,”Mr. Jefferson said as his daughter pulled the switch.

Soon Liam ran in and over to me. He rubbed his head against mine affectionately as I did the same to him. Everyone awed at us as I laid down and he went around me to make sure I was alright.

“Still feeling bad,”He said as I looked up at him,”Why not act up to be sent down.”

“He wouldn’t let them send me down even if I got sick,”I said as he laid by me,”I just want this day to be over with and soon.”

“Me and you both,”Liam said as the group looked at us happily.

For the rest of that boring day we stayed together for we both did something than just laid there. When it was time to go down Liam went to his side and we both went down at the same time. I looked at him as the days that past were getting longer than they needed to be for us.

I looked at the door as if waiting to see my dad come through them to save me. I found myself doing that alot lately. Liam wrapped his arms around my waist from behind as he held me close to him. I smiled at that as for he was the best part about all of this mess we got ourselves into.

I placed a hand on my stomach as the little tike was getting stronger and bigger by the day. I guess that’s what it’s like when you are waiting for it to be over. Liam placed his hands over mine as I looked up at him.

“I love you,”He said kissing my nose as I scrunch it up,”And I will never leave your side.”

“I know you won’t,”I said kissing his,”And please don’t get any ideas that the baby will be a girl.”

“She is a girl,”He said placing me on the bed,”For only they can go first.”

“Then how do I have two older brothers,”I countered as he drew shapes on my stomach.

“Luck of the draw.”

“Well HE is going to be my little boy.”

“No it’s going to be a little daddy’s girl.”

I laughed as we went back and forth on the gender of the little thing. I smiled as we both gave our stupid reasons for why it would be this way. I looked at the door as I had a weird feeling that this happened before for some reason. 

Chapter 22: Mathew Shepherd

 We waited for the lights to go out before we made our move. It has been three months since she found out about their new child. I only wish we could have got here earlier than that. I looked at the few we brought. Max, Maggie, Clark, George, and me were from our pack and the only ones that came. We told Liam’s family to be there for when we get back.

Clark took the box Nathan told us to use and did the magic. A girl walked out and faced all of us. She looked at me and smiled like she was waiting for us or something.

“Hurry in,”She said as we didn’t argue.

“Who are you?”I questioned as she lead us to Maddie’s and Liam’s room.

“I’m HIS daughter,”She said as she looked at us,”But I want to help get them out of here. It’s unfair for this to be happening.”

We nodded as we walked in to see them on the bed asleep. Liam was holding her from behind as they rested. I told Clark to get Liam while George and Max looked out for anyone. Maggie helped move Liam’s arms while I took my girl into my arms. We all ran out as there was a truck waiting for us. The girl was in the front seat telling us to get in.

“Why should we?”I asked as everyone watched her.

“My name is Kelly Jefferson,”She said as that was my wife’s name,”And I want to study y’all where you belong. I only ask that you help me help you all out.”

“Good enough for me,”I said placing the two on the bed in the truck,”But you can NOT tell anyone where we live.”

“We have a deal then,”She said driving off.

I told her where to go as the others watched Liam and Maddie for me. She pulled in and there were beds waiting for the two. I smiled as she was finally back home again. We placed them on the bed and took them to her room. We made sure to put them back the way we had found them together.

Nathan ran in and looked at Maddie. He climb up and kissed her head as I rolled my eyes at him. He got down and went to lay down on the soft place they made for him. He wanted to help with this so we told him that he could watch them when we bring them back.

“Are they here?”I heard Crystal ask as they walked in,”My babies.”

“Babies?”I questioned as I looked at her.

“Yes for when she became his mate she became my child as well,”She said as I like that very much,”But when she told me what happen to her mother it became more to me.”

“Well at least I know she will have a motherly figure around for a little bit,”I said looking at them.

“You want me to do an ultrasound?”She asked as I looked at her,”I use to be a nurse and did this more than once.”

I nodded and she went to get her things. I watched as they laid there peacefully. Soon she came back and woke up Liam. He looked around before seeing us. He looked happy at that.

“Put her on her back for me,”She said as he did that.

“You are about to tell me that it’s a girl right,”He said as she laughed.

“We’ll see,”She told him,”It’s good to have both of you back.”

“Liam it’s going to be a boy,”Nathan said getting on the bed with them,”For Maddie is always right about things like this.”

I laughed as she took a picture of the sound for Maddie and she showed us him. Maddie was right I’m guessing as I watched the little guy. Nathan placed his hand on her stomach and jumped after a little bit.

“What happen?”I asked as he looked at me.

“He kicked me,”He said as we laughed.

“He does that,”Liam said looking at her,”And she was right about it.”

We allowed them to go back to sleep and as if by habitat Nathan stood there. I cracked the door as I waited for him to go to his spot to sleep. He looked at Maddie as she smiled.

“Come on Nathan,”She said allowing him to get in the bed with them.

Chapter 23: Maddie

I woke up to something poking me. I opened my eyes up to see Nathan standing there. He gave me a smile as I noticed I was in my room. I sat up as Liam walked out of my bathroom. I smiled as I was back home again. I looked at the picture on the table to see my baby. I looked at it as Nathan sat by me.

“He looks like you,”Nathan said as I gave a laugh,”Oh and I put the thing back in that thingy.”

“Okay,”I said as he laughed at Liam’s confused face,”I stance a lot of things in my room.”

He gave me a nod as I went to go change. I put on one of George’s shirt since Nathan brought it to me. It was baggy but really soft and comfortable on me. I put on some middle of my thigh length blue jean shorts on before walking out. I put my hair in a messy ponytail as Nathan lead us out of my room.

“Can I get a piggy back ride?”He asked as I nodded.

“Get on my back,”Liam said stopping me from getting down.

Nathan nodded and did as he was told. We walked down like that as I saw my parent and his standing there. I smiled as my brothers came out and George looked at me. I smiled as he gave me the ‘seriously my shirt’ look.

“It’s warm and soft,”I said as everyone laughed at me.

“There always mine though,”He said handing me Baylee,”Why not steal Clark’s?”

“His is not like yours,”I said in my baby voice,”HI there BayBay.”

“Already got a nickname,”Clark said amazed.

“Too much free time,”I said as I made faces at her.

“She is a cutie,”Liam said with Nathan on his shoulder,”ISn’t she Nate?”

“Yeppy,”He said as I gave the baby back.

I looked at dad as he smiled at me. I smiled at him as his eyes sparkled again. I went to him and gave him a gentle hug as he did the same to me. I closed my eyes as I missed my daddy more than anything in the world.

“We are going to keep you here while Liam goes home,”He said as I looked at him,”But you will visit them every other day.”

I nodded as I knew I wasn’t going to win if I didn’t. I looked at Liam as he hugged me before they left me there. I looked at Nathan as he watched Liam leave. I picked him up and he laughed as I missed my little buddy.

“Maddie?”He asked as I placed him down.


“Will we still be best friends even after the baby is borned.”

“I can never replace you Nathan. You are my rock for when I even can’t do anything about life itself. AND I care too much for you to not care for you.”

“I know,”Was all he said as we hugged it out and I watched Liam leave us there. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.02.2016

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This book is like the one Sarah Flint has done, I read hers and this Idea came from it. I want you all to take a look at hers. The book is call Mine. You wouldn't reget reading it.

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