
Chapter 1

I looked out the window as when you thought you know someone till they kick you under the bridge. For me that really did happen to me. I had been thrown under a bridge because no one wanted to be there for me. Everyone thought that I was the problem in the world. Maybe they are right.

Let me explain what is all going on. My name is Megan Elizabeth Peterson. I’m the child of lawyers Mickel and Kristen Peterson. They are well known around the world and I’m just thier kid. Now don’t get me wrong I love my parents to death but they are not the problem in my life.

I am eighteen right now and one day they just disappeared. No one knew of the great Petersons. It was like they just got erased from the world. I looked them up on Google and nothing shows my parents. So I went to live with my friend Josh who knew me well. Now there is where it went wrong.

Josh Killings was this kid who I had known my whole life and he was the one that had been there for me. His dad and my dad hated each other but were alright with the two of us being friends. Well you would have thought that I could stay with him for a while to figure out what had happen. And they did let me but they were also the only ones who knew about my family name. The only ones that knew my parents were who they were.

So I did some snooping around and found something that scared me half to death. In their basement was papers on me. The way I did everything was on the wall. The way I had acted and what I loved to do. There was a room of information on me. But that’s not what got me so scared. On a camera was my parents and they were frozen in what looked like a room in some lab.

Josh had came down at that moment and saw that I was in there. He looked at it and finally knew that his dad was using him to get to me. He drove us away and before I could do anything he knocked me out and left me somewhere. Moments later I woke up under the Mississippi bridge at on of it’s banks. I had my things but beside me was Josh Killings dead body. I had no idea what he was doing at the time but I had no idea what had happen.

I got on a plane and flew out to a little place call Monroe since we were really in Mississippi at that time and the car was in the water. I got off and went to a nearby place to see if anyone could help me out. I got lucky and this woman and man took me in. Right now is where I’m looking out the window as they took me to their house.

I was in some blue jeans, a black v-neck shirt, combat boots, and my blue hoodie jacket. I had the hood over my head with my Ipod blasting music in my ears. The woman was looking back at me as I stared off into space.

She was in her early thirties with black hair and blue eyes. She had a tannish skin tone and a bright smile. She wasn’t plump like the man was but at the same time not like a toothpick. She wore a sundress without a hat to fit her style. Her husband was around the same age with brown hair and brown eyes. He had her skin tone and was a little plump like I had said. He was in what could have been sunday school clothes.

I had a hand on my locket that my dad had gave me. It was pure gold and in the shape of a heart with a halo and horns on it. I opened it up and saw my family. We were close and I was an only child. We were smiling sweetly at the camera with the beach in the background. I was sixteen in that one. In the other one on the right side was a picture of them when I was just born. They looked so happy to have me. I missed them more than anything right now.

“You alright honey,”The woman said as I smiled.

“Yeah,”I said taking an earbud out so I could hear her better,”Just thinking about my fam.”

“A Peterson like you should be thinking of that,”The man said as I was shocked they knew who they were,”We do get who they were sweetheart. I was close to your father.”

“How do you though?”I asked not getting it in my head,”I never had met you in my life.”

“He was my best friend,”The man said pulling up to a house in the middle of nowhere Delhi,”When they went missing and the world forgot them of ever living only the ones who really knew them still do. That day your parents sent out a warning for us to kept a lookout for you.”

“Why?”I asked as we got out of the truck he drove.

“For you are special,”The woman said,”I knew your mother like they did. She was knew from the start you were special.”

I nodded as they showed me the room that was prepared for me to stay in. I went in and saw that it was like the one back at home. I ran my hand over the fur cover and felt the pelts of a black panther. I had always hated killing things but this one was fake but felt real. I had clothes there that was what I wear. There was posters of my favorite stories and the fandoms I were in. So Percy Jackson and Harry Potter were all over my walls. The walls were black like night and what I wore was based on the mode I was in.

My bed was on the wall next to a window with a tree by it. I had a desk and chair for my things. There was a tv in the room that was a flatscreen. My floor was carpeted and also a black color. The only thing out of my old room that is not here were the pictures I had taken over the year. I had them in between the posters and they covered the wall. Other than that the room was the same as my old one.

I threw my things on the bed and looked around. I had lived my life in my room and now that it is almost here with me, I can feel that safe feeling again. I looked at the tree next to the window and saw the same tree sitting pad as the one back at home.

“Mom and Dad must have been close to them,”I said smiling at the room,”Home away from home took to the extreme.”

I laughed a little bit and took out my computer as pics of me and Josh were playing on it. He was my best friend and almost my brother. I set it on the desk as I got my speakers and chargers out of my bag as well. I had a backpack and filled it with my laptop, chargers, speakers, and a few clothes and money in it. My life is made up of the tech around me.

“Mom, Dad we’re home,”I heard two male voices say from below me.

“Okay Jace and Lucius,”The woman said,”Oh and someone important is going to be staying here for a while. So be nice.”

“K mom,”They said together.

I stuck my head out of the door a little two see to boys around the same age. One had dark brown hair like his father and the same dark eyes like him as well. That one was taller than the one beside him but look younger than him. The other one had brown hair and blue-grey eyes. He had to be the older one of them both. They went into two different room about a door or so from mine. The brown haired boy was on the other side of the hallway while the taller one was on the same side as me.

I closed the door and looked back at the picture of me and Josh. Josh was my height and age. He had blonde hair and grey eyes. I said that he could have been Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter. He said that would have been cool on so many levels. I miss him like crazy.

“Hey there,”I heard someone said as I jumped sky high,”You know spying is not polite.”

“I wasn’t spying,”I said turning to see them both right there,”I was looking outside my door to see who was coming my way.”

“So spying,”The older looking one said,”I’m Jace by the way.”

“I’m Lucius,”The other one said,”You must be our important guest.”

“Okay,”I said going to the bed,”I’m just trying to figure things out. So bye bye now.”

“If you want peace then just ask for it,”Jace said to me,”Come on Lucius.”

They left my room as I looked out at them. I watched them go into their rooms again and I heard the doors shut. I exhaled and went to my computer. I logged in and saw all of my favorite things pop up. I logged into one of my programs as I took out my notebook I had in my backpack. I ran my hand over it and it opened up for me.

I looked at the tablet inside as I hoped my room was sound proof. I smiled as the home page to my blog came up. I took out a bracelet and turned on the tablet like that. A face popped up as someone talked to me that way.

“Hello Megan,”The person said,”How may I help you today.”

“Mathew show me the latest crimes committed in the delhi area,”I said getting my blog ready.

“None have been active,”He said,”But in China someone had just jumped off the Great Wall.”

“Wow,”I said as he pulled it up on my laptop for me,”Do you think the readers would want to hear about that?”

“Let me run it by a few real quick,”He said as I turned on my music to blast the talk away from the others,”Yes they would. I already have ten people wanting to know more about it.”

“So let’s read and write about it then,”I said going over the words.

I’m a blogger and I write about the things people don’t want to go public. My parent think that is what good I can do for everyone. I had over I think a billion of followers or so. But I write to keep the people going on with the news of the world. I was alone in this but I had my notebook and Mathew. My notebook was something to throw people off my tracks when I am in the field. Matthew is my trusty computer networking pale. He is like Jarvis from Iron Man but mine. I made him with my dad when I was eight and my blog been going on since I was six.

You can say my life revolves around the technology I am around. I finished my blog and turned the cover back over on Mathew as Lucius walked into my room. I turned my laptop off and faced him. He was oddly the one that would have done this to me.

“Um mom wants to see you,”He said looking at me,”What were you just doing?”

“Nothing,”I said smiling and grabbing Mathew,”Where is she may I ask?”

“Kitchen,”He said as I walked out the room.

I walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen where she was. I gave her a smile as she had me sit down at a table. I watch her write something down as she was writing when I came down here. I sat Mathew on the table next to my hands as I looked at her.

“I’m Catherine Shade,”She said as I nodded to her,”You can stay here but you have to figure out what is going on.”

“How am I supposed to do that?”I asked,”I don’t even know where to start.”

“Have we tried the lost network,”Mathew said as she looked around.

“What was that?”She asked looking at me.

“Nothing,”I said as eyes fell on me,”I think I left my computer going. Let me go turn that…”

“You shut that off,”Lucius said as I tried to go to my room.

“What’s in the notebook,”Jace said getting closer to me.

“Nothing,”I said gripping it tighter.

“Boys leave her alone,”Mrs. Shade said,”Megan you can go on up if you want to.”

“I’m going to,”Lucius and Jace said at the same time.

“No you two are staying down here,”She said as I went to the stairs.

“Mo..”They went to say but were cut of.

“Jace Liam Shade and Lucius Death Shade  you will not go up and bug that poor girl,”She snapped as I snickered a little at them,”Megan wants to be by herself and you will let her have that peace. You hear me.”

“Yes mom,”They said as I shut my door and had everything going again.

I sat at my desk and got ready to begin again. I opened up the notebook to show Mathew as my music was going again. He looked like he had done something wrong in which he had.

“That was my fault,”He said as I looked at the laptop as it turned back on,”I forgot to be more careful when around new people.”

“It’s fine Mathew,”I said pulling up pictures of my parents,”But run the Petersons one more time on every known data base for me.”

“I will,”He said as I looked at the pictures,”There are many things going on but one that is for you is the…”

Chapter 2

I went all over the site Mathew had found. It was site that had everything that had ever happen and where the person was sent. I looked up my parents’ names and sure enough they were there. I smiled as I went deeper into the website.

They were something for it didn’t say what they were. But I did see that they had been taken to first Hawaii and the next place wasn’t there at all. I smiled as I looked at Mathew.

“Looks like we are going to Hawaii,”I said happily,”I wonder what goes on there.”

“Let me find out for you,”Mathew said as My door opened again.

I closed the notebook and closed my laptop as Jace walked into my room this time. He smiled at me as I waved. He looked around as if trying to figure something out.

“Um Dad wants to talk with you out at the barn,”He said still looking around,”What was that voice?”

“Youtube video,”I said getting Mathew and going where he had said.

I went down the stairs and saw Lucius at the table looking at me. He smiled nicely at me as I waved at him. I gripped Mathew tighter and we went to the barn. I walked in to see Mr. Shade was working on something. It looked like a tractor or something. I stood by that as he looked up at me.

“I see Jace had got you to come here,”He said as I smiled,”I wanted to talk with you about your parents. It might help you out a little bit.”

“Alrighty,”I said as Jace walked in to help his father,”Will it be alright if I take notes?”

“Yes,”He said as I opened it up to see Mathew getting ready to write for me,”Your dad is the main one I know. He had a talent for the weird things in life. He would spend hours at a time figuring out how something, no one knew about, out. He has happy when you came into their lives.

“I remember him saying that when he found out that you were special like him he was overjoyed. You are like him in many way but I think the tech side is more of the talent he sees in you. He would talk for hours about the things you were up to. You made him happy.

“When he was here he would had me help him out with it. Now I want you to know that if you need that help the boys here will give it to you. You all have to ask them first.”

“Okay,”I said holding Mathew closer to me as Jace was trying to look over my shoulder,”Do you know anything about my mom that could help me out.”

“I would ask Catherine,”He said looking at Jace,”Jace leave her alone.”

He nodded and I ran to the house hoping I could get something out of her. So my dad loved the things no one knew about. That is a good start for me. I ran inside and saw that her and Lucius were making something. I stood by the stairs as she smiled at me.

“Mrs. Shade can you tell me anything useful about my mother’s past,”I ask looking at Mathew,”SO that I could take notes about it for the thing you asked me to do.”

“Your mother was the kindest person I have ever met,”She said looking at me,”She loved messing with new things. When she found something that needed to be created and understood, she would do it. If it was something no one dared mess with she was the one who did it for them.

“When you were born she told me that she saw a new life there in her hands. Something she had made and loved dearly. But when she saw the special part like her and your father, she was overjoyed. It was like watching her get a new pet dog for her birthday.

“She use to come here often for help. She loved making things with me and going over what she had found out. Being a lawyer was like a cover thing for what she really could do at home. If you need anything ask the boys to help, and if they don’t come to me and I’ll help you.”

“Will do,”I said going up the stairs,”Thanks for the information.”

I ran into my room and let Mathew ran the notes into my Laptop. I opened them up and ran them against any database known to man. I got hardly anything from it. I looked at the room and thought about something that seemed crazy.

“Mathew run the notes one more time but wait till I get through,”I said getting to work on something that could end badly.

“May I ask what it is,”He said looking scared for once.

“I have to hack the Pentagon to see if I can get something,”I said pushing my black frame glasses up to my eyes since they were falling.

I ran over the numbers like it was elementary as Sherlock would have said. Wow I really need to find my life somewhere. I looked over the numbers till finally I was in. I gave Mathew the go and he ran it in there.

“We have one hit,”He said pulling it up for me,”In this town young children from two families have been known to be ‘special’. It says that they had a need to find what was really going on and what science or the government wasn’t giving off. Here it says that each group had a different way of doing it.”

“That’s cool,”I said looking at the names given,”Hey it’s my two families. The Petersons and, my mother’s maiden name, Geers.”

“Yes but that is not what gets me,”Mathew said pulling something else up,”Here is the Killings line of work. There is a set of difference that might lead us to your parents.”

On the file was Josh’s dad. He was actually smiling as it was the day before my dad disappeared from me. Under it was his family name history. They were from Delhi as well but from a different part. His family as on the verge of busting the special kids with talents to throw off anything and hide what they thought need to be hidden. I read over how his family wanted to show that people with unnatural gifts were there. That we were the problem and having some with powers as friends were not good.

“Do you think he did it?”I asked looking at Mathew.

“He could have,”He said as I heard what sounded like lightning hit behind the house,”But maybe we should ask the right question. Like what in Tartarus was that?”

“Read my mind,”I said getting him and running outside.

I stayed by the window and saw Lucius and Jace out there. I held up Mathew’s camera so he could get what was happening for me. I watched as Jace lite himself on fire and had lightning going around him. I turned to Lucius to see darkness and shadows around him. He had flames as well. It was really cool watching them out there. I had Mathew looking at both of them. I knew that this shouldn’t go on the web but I needed it to have Mathew run something with it. They both laughed as I saw their mother walk out there.

“You two need to be more careful,”She yelled at them,”If people knew that you two are special the Killings would…”

“Mom we will be more careful,”Jace said as I watched them,”I know that Megan won’t find out about this for she is in her room looking at things and listening to her music. Plus we are not the only ones at stack now.”

“We just wanted to do it once a week starting today,”Lucius said,”We promise no one will find out about us.”

“Too late,”I said running back to my room.

I went in and told Mathew not to publish that online. He told me yes and got to looking for something online like that. I had to block those things if there was any.

“I got a hit,”He said bringing it up,”But if you delete it from the Pentagon then what would happen?”

“Who ever it is in this would be happy if it is still really new,”I said looking at the date,”Lucky for us it is from way back like maybe from my great grandparents time a hundred time. So it would be useless to delete that kind of stuff.”

“Nice notebook there,”I heard Lucius say as I jumped high up,”Where did you get it?”

“Lucius,”I said looking at Mathew,”How long have you been there?”

“Long enough to know you are in the Pentagon,”He said looking at it,”How did you do that? Mom tried to do that to find out where your parents went but failed many times.”

“What all have you seen?”I asked closing the Laptop again,”Then Maybe I will tell you.”

“I just saw that you were in the Pentagon and you notebook there,”He said looking at Mathew,”He is really a computer isn’t he.”

“Yes I am,”Mathew said,”For a kid who’s middle name is Death you figured that out faster than I had thought.”

“Not helping,”I said as his brother walked in,”I guess you two don’t know what the meaning of leave her alone is.”

They looked at each other than back at me. I will take that as a what do you think. I turned back around as I made them promise not to tell anyone what they had saw here.

“I am a blogger,”I said bringing up my blog and their eyes almost popped out,”And hacking things for my information is what I do. This is Mathew and he is a computer help that I made with my dad when I was younger. You will not tell anyone about my pale here or I will sue you for everything you have.”

“Got that princess,”Jace said as I glared at him,”So you are like your parents I’ve heard.”

“I guess,”I said as I looked at Mathew,”And you two have powers.”

Their eyes went wide as Mathew showed them what we had saw. They looked at me terrified. I gave a laugh and turned back to my laptop.

“Mom is going to kill us,”Lucius said as I rolled my eyes.

“No she is not,”I said looking around the Pentagon for anything I could blog about,”For Mathew here is not posting it to anything. Plus if he does I can make it look like I used special effects and have the whole world in a lie.”

“You really are Night High Detective,”Jace said looking at me,”I read your blogs and every now and then I get ask if I want to hear about new topics. Like today it was about…”

“About someone killing themselves,”I said smiling,”Mathew here runs that so I know if I should put time into writing something my readers want to hear about. China is always a fun topic to talk about for you would have never known that it’s government really wants to hide things like someone jumping off the Great Wall of China.”

They looked at me as I smiled and turned back to the new story I found. I looked over it as I could take down the government in one move.

“Mathew see if there is anything on the topic of mutating animals,”I said as Jace’s eyes went big,”Maybe I could use an article from the reg. internet.”

“Yes there is,”Mathew said as I got out of the Pentagon and into what he had found,”It is like the one you just saw but not as importantly there. I had also ran it and the people want to know about it.”

“Yeah for Jace’s face says it all,”I said reading it,”Who would have known that the US was so bad at keeping things hidden.”

“So you chose what goes on the internet by what the readers want to know,”Lucius said looking at me as I typed it up,”But what if you want to write something about your wants.”

“Then I do it,”I said publishing it with a ding from Jace’s phone I guess,”What about you two. Why must you keep the act up?”

“People like the Killings,”Jace said as my heart broke,”They are the ones trying to figure out the how we work. Your parent keep people like us secrets and when in court fight to help us out.”

“Didn’t one of them have a son name…”Lucius said as I had enough.

“New topic,”I said looking at Mathew,”I want a full report on Josh’s death Mathew. And you can leave now for I want peace and quiet.”

They nodded at me and left the room. I turned on my music to let it blast again. I couldn’t take knowing that Josh killed himself to protect me. That’s not right on so many levels. I closed my eyes as I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I whipped it away as I looked at the report. There was hardly anything there and I didn’t care that people wouldn’t want to read my blog of it but I had to for him. So I wrote this as my thrid blog of the day.

On the day 12-30-15 a boy I was close to died for someone he cared about. He was a good friend to me and I would like for you all to take a moment to respect this death. He was driving somewhere from his home in Mississippi. He pulled over and got out of the car.

He had just found out that his father was using him to get to someone close to him. Without another word he had kill himself. People are saying the it was the way his car was in the water. But I think it was by his doing. That he wanted that person to forget that he was there and to be safe again.

I know this is shorter from the ones I normally do but I wanted to share that with you. His Name was Josh Killings. And he was the one person I had cared for. So please give a minute or so to respect that death for me.

I published it and as soon as I did people were reading it. I waited a few seconds and they had left me their respect for my best friend's death. I smiled a little bit as I looked at the picture of him I had used. He was smiling at me as the water was behind him. That was our eighteenth birthday. His was before mine and it was a great day for the two of us. 

Chapter 3

 Night skies are something to wonder about for a lifetime. In my case it is something to hope you are just dreaming and you are going to wake up any minute now. I had wished that for the last five months my parents have been missing. I looked out the window as Mathew was propped up on the bedside table. I had my glasses by him as I watched the stars.

“Mathew is there any chance on finding them,”I asked as I looked at him.

“A very slim chance Megan,”He said as I heard the door open downstairs,”But it is there.”

“Megan you got a guest,”Mrs. Shade called for me.

“Who would know where I am?”I asked getting my glasses and Mathew,”I’m in the middle of nowhere.”

I made my way down there with my glasses showing updates on my blog about Josh. People were really showing me that they felt my pain and things. I smiled as I shut that off and just used them like they were suppose to be. I made it down the stairs and looked at the back of a guy’s head and his friend’s.

“May I help you?”I asked as he turned around and smiled at me,”No way Joshy.”

“Meggy,”He said as I jumped into his arms happily,”I guess you missed me.”

“Missed you,”I said as they laughed at us,”I was lost and wanted to go with you. I thought we had the same brain power. But how are you here? I saw your dead body there.”

“It was actually a thing called science,”His friend I guess said,”I mixed it up and gave it to him. When your blog came up about his death I revived him and found out you were with the Shades. So I brought him here so he could help his best friend out again.”

“Who are you?”I asked as Josh laughed.

“He’s my cousin Hermione,”He said as I let out a laugh,”His name is literally Ron.”

Well Ron looked like Ron Weasley from the movies. That should be enough for me to say. Also the whole thing about me getting called Hermione is that when I was younger my hair and her’s matched. Brown wild hair. Yep I had that but now it’s wavy and blackish brown. I smiled as Jace and Lucius came down the stairs.

“You are friends with a Killings,”Jace said looking at Josh,”And he is in the place I live now.”

“Josh is not some Killings,”I said with my arm around him,”He is my best bro and he just saved me from his dad and faked his death.”

“So now you can take that blog off and we all can know you had false information,”Jace said Happily.

“No for we have to keep that up,”Me and Josh said at the same time.

“People thinks he is dead,”I said looking at Josh,”His dad thinks he is dead. If I take it down saying that I was wrong then we all could get caught by him then you will go public like he wants you to.”

“She got a point,”Lucius said looking at Jace,”We could all go down if he thinks that Josh is dead we are good but if not…”

“When did you get smart,”Jace said as I smiled happily,”But you better be on our side.”

“Would he have faked his death to help me if he wasn’t,”I said dragging him to my room,”Now we have things we got to do right now.”

“Like what?”Jace said looking at us.

“Fake ID now,”We said together as he stared at us.

We ran to my room and I set Mathew up for us. I smiled as he got to work on getting the ID ready for us to make. We know it is illegal but for us we make sure that it isn’t. We think of a name no one has or could find out the we are lying about it. We have Mathew run it against everything and if we got one we use that.

“So what will the name be,”I smiled at him.

“Maybe Draco Red or Mason Black,”He said as I nodded at Mathew to go.

“Draco Red is the one to use,”Mathew said as we made it,”Mason Black there is a family for the Blacks.”

“Thank you Mathew,”I said handing it to Josh,”One Draco Red ID.”

“Now what all do you have on finding them?”He asked putting it in his wallet.

“Not many,”I said showing the website Mathew had found for me,”Right now all we can do is go here and see if we can find anything useful.”

“Like when the population rate was way to high and we had to find out why.”

“Yep but twice the risk and then you have what we are going up against this time.”

He nodded at me as we went back down to see that Ron was gone. I looked at Jace as he was looking at Josh. Okay this can’t be anymore awkward than it has just become. I sat down at the table as everyone watched me.

“You need anything dear,”Mrs. Shade said as I looked at her.

“Yeah,”I said looking at Josh,”Do you think I can get to plane tickets to Hawaii at this hour?”

“Why do you need that,”Mr. Shade asked looking at Josh now.

“She found something there and we need to go and look to see if we can get the next location before they move again,”Josh said looking at me again,”So do you think we can?”

They looked at me as I rolled my eyes. What was I thinking about? We would be able to book it but where would the money for it come from.

“You wouldn’t need a ticket,”Mrs. Shade said nicely.

“We won’t,”Josh and I said at the same time.

“No you won’t,”Mr. Shade said,”For your parents have a plane of their own. We keep it here so no one could use it.”

“May we,”I asked as he laughed at me.

“It is in your name as well Megan,”He said walking out,”You just need some way of flying it there and back.”

I looked at Josh as he got my idea. We had made things computer operated before. There was no need of a ploit for us. We had Mathew and Josh could change it to where Mathew could drive it for the two of us.

“May I ask where the tools and it is?”Josh asked as they looked at him,”For I can have it ready by the morning if I get started right now.”

They looked at him but Mr. Shade lead him to it. I smiled as Mrs. Shade looked at me. She went from the boys to me and finally stopped as if she had made her mind up.

“Take them with you,”She said as I stared at her,”They can be of use out there.”

“Take your only children on something that could put us in jail or show them that they have powers,”I said as she looked at them,”It wasn’t their fault I found out by the way.”

“Jace is good with any tool,”She said looking at me again,”Also if you get into a bind they can talk there way out of almost anything. Lacius now can get you through any type of problem when not in his own way. I want you to take them to save your parents.”

“I guess I will,”I said smiling at her,”If they will be okay with Josh coming as well.”

“Only if he…”Jace start but Lucius cover his mouth up.

“We are,”He said as Jace looked at him.

I nodded and went back up to my room. I closed the door and got my things ready for in the mourning. Mathew was with me and Josh was fixing up our way. I heard the door open up and footsteps come in.

“Can you please knock next time,”I said as I heard a laugh.

“Why do you trust him?”I heard Jace say behind me.

“Because I know everything about him and he does me,”I said facing him,”Josh has been through everything with me. People sometimes ask if we are twins or siblings. Josh was there for me when no one else was. That is why I trust him so much.”

Chapter 4

I sat up as Josh was on the ground. When did he get in here? I got out of the bed and went around him so that he wouldn’t wake up. I made my way to the bathroom and got ready for the day. I was still in a black mood so that is what I went with.

A black v-neck shirt, blue jean pants, and combat boots with spikes at the toes. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and went out. I walked in the room to see Josh was up and looking around. I gave off a laugh and finished putting my things in my bag.

“Everything is ready,”He said getting my laptop,”And Mrs. Shade told me that her sons are coming along.”

“Yeah,”I said putting my glasses on,”But it would be nice for a change. You know not the two of us but the four of us.”

“So do they really have powers?”He asked looking at me,”I overheard you say that.”

“Don’t tell anyone about it.”

“I promise I won’t.”

“But yeah they do. So that should help if we need to use that.”

He gave me a nod and we went out of the room. I saw that the other two were waiting for us as I held Mathew close to me. I smiled at them as we headed outside.

“If you need anything call us,”Mrs. Shade said as we were getting on,”But how are you going to fly this?”

“Computers,”I said going to set Mathew up.

I heard the door to it close as I sat in the driving seat. I saw the plugs ready for me to finish the job.

“Ready for your wings,”I said as I plug him up.

“Hawaii here we come,”He said as the engine started up,”Go get in your seat Megan.”

I did as he took off right as I was seated. I smiled at Josh as we have proven that nothing can beat tech. I looked outside as the little town went under us.

“So how are we flying?”Lucius asked looking scared now.

“Mathew,”Was all I said getting my laptop out.

He nodded as I looked up ways to get into the place we were going to. It was in the middle of the island. Was an easy get to but a hard get into. I looked at the three floors and how each was different. My parents were on the top one but to get to it you had to go through each level of the building. There were card keys and all kind of weird things you had to do to go around the building.

“That looks like it took time to make,”Jace said looking over my shoulder.

“Yeah,”I said looking over at Josh,”Do you think we could make the key cards they use right now.”

“Well it depends on what you mean by that,”He said looking at one I had pulled up,”The master one is the one we need but there is all kind of challenges with that.”

“Not my question,”I said as he looked at me.

“You got that old box of key cards,”He said as I pointed over at it,”We could use them to make one and then go from there.”

“Let’s get to it.”

We both grabbed three and got to work. I normally would have Mathew help us but he is busy at the moment. Jace came over and looked at the work we had going on. His eyes almost bugged out of his head just looking at the project we were doing.

Lucius went to keep Mathew company as Jace wanted to help us out. He sat on the other end as we took apart some parts of the cards and put them back together again. It took us about three hours to finish it.

“Okay so that is one problem down and ninety-nine more to go,”I said getting a laugh out of Josh.

“How long have the two of you been working on this,”He said looking at the two of us,”And I mean together.”

“Well ever since I started to gain information that people hate,”I said looking at him,”When I need to go deeper for the story to continue Josh here had my back. No one knows who I really am but a few. I would find ways inside the project and get what I needed. We are a team in everything. I can’t do anything without him there to help me.”

“So a long time,”Jace said looking at Lucius,”Are you really going to keep this a secret Josh?”

“May I ask one thing before giving you the answer which you should already know by now,”Josh said as Jace nodded,”Why do you hate me?”

“For people like you dad,”Jace said as I looked at him,”Your dad took my mom’s youngest child. My baby sister. We haven’t seen her in years.”

“How old is she?”I asked getting the site ready,”And I don’t have a name of her either.”

“Kate,”Lucius said,”She is younger than me by a year.”

“You dad took her when she was trying to get away from something and had to use her powers,”Jace said as I looked her up,”Mom has been so worried about losing us like that we can’t use our powers at home anymore.”

“Got a hit,”I said as they looked at me,”I found her.”

They came over to me and I had my blog up and the site up. I smiled when I remembered writing this one. I just found a kidnapping of a little girl at only eight. No one knew who did it but that wasn’t what I had on mind. I looked at the blog as I readed it out loud to remind Josh about this one.

Yesterday at around 5pm or 1700 a little girl went missing from her family. She was playing in the forest when a man came out and took the poor little girl. She was only eight years old and her family was left upset at the lost. Police doesn’t know if she is alright or not. I have found out that the only people who could pull this one off would have to be rich. For the girl lived in the small town of Delhi, Louisiana.

People around that area said that the girl could have had powers for the kids around her age said that she talked about magic like it was in her life. I did my own little bit of snooping and found out that she was the child of the Shade family and had excellent grades. Her teacher gave me all good comments about her and none that would lead into the kidnapping of her.

I talked with people about it and they all said that it was a lost the family is taking to heart. I wish I could get a talk with the family but they have refused all kind of contact with me and my family. So that was a little bust but I have found out that she was the youngest of three. She played sports and loved to help out her father.

The little girl’s name was Kate Melody Shade. She was the sweetest girl as I was told from the people who knew her. I will try to get more information if I can but right now it looks like I have hit the brick wall for her. I had attached a pictures people gave me of the girl and if you see her please comment and tell me. I would love to get this little girl back home to her family and town. So please keep an eye out for little Kate for me. Love your Night High Detective.

I looked at Jace as he almosted cried that I had wrote that about his sister. I looked at Josh as he was almost bouncing up and down.

“I remember that one,”He said as Jace and Lucius looked at him,”For we tried everything to get to talk with y’all. We even tried to get the police to give us a form saying you had to. But we decided against it and left y’all alone.”

“You were trying to get people to help us out,”Lucius said.

“Yep something I wanted to write about and not them,”I smiled,”But that is not what I mean I got a hit. This is the website my parents are on. I looked up the name and found something that might give you some joy.”

I showed them the article and Jace almost went into tears. I smiled as I read over the print there. It was amazing.

Kate Shade here. Wow that sounds weird even for me. I’m making this website for the Killings without them knowing it. I know my brother has the blogger that finds everything that is wrong with the world and shows us the hidden parts. So this is for her. It is a hidden site for people who disappear from the world. I know that means me but I’m not one of them. This is for the people who a different and disappear like they were never here.

So if you ever have someone missing and want to talk about it email me and I can hopefully get to you before the Killings know anything about this.

“She’s alright,”Jace said as Josh smiled at it,”But how is this up.”

“I have no idea,”Josh said looking at him,”But I was the one to find this site but didn’t tell my dad. I can’t believe he was the one who did this to them.”

“It’s not your fault Joshy,”I said getting on the blog,”But I got to tell people about what is going on or they might think I had died somewhere.”

“Write about Kate,”Jace said as I looked at him,”I will answer the questions for you.”

“Do you really want me to,”I said looking at him,”For that was like eight years ago.”

“Do it if you want to,”He said as I nodded.

Josh went to keep an eye on Mathew as I did my thing. I asked them the questions that got me wondering about her. As they told me I was writing it up. It was different from the others questions and answers I do but Mathew ain’t here to take notes for me. When I finished it this was what we had.

What up my lovely readers. I know you must be thinking wow Night High Detective hasn’t been on for a while. What had happen? Well for your information I was revisiting one of my old blogs I had done. There will be a link at the bottom for you to revisit it as well. Well I got to ask my questions to her siblings. So this one is a little bit different that the others.

Q: What was Kate to you?

A: She was the rock that held our family tight together. She was the person who made us feel better when we were kicked when we were down.

Q: What happen to her in your owns words?

A: She was walking around the woods around the house when she was attacked by something. We didn’t know what was going on and when we got there a man was over her. As we got closer he picked her up and left as we ran after her. We never got to her in time and lost her.

Q: How do you think the people could help you out if they have anything about her where abouts?

A: Call the police and tell them. If you are out of town then I guess tell Night High Detective and let you help us from there. If you can’t find someone who can I guess.

Q: What was the man in? Or how did he look like?

A: He was tall with blonde hair and grey eyes. He looked like he could have been in his early twenties then. He had a black suit on and a hat that covered up most of his face.

Q: What is something you would say to him if he read this?

A: J-“Give me back my $%#% sister back you little *&^$^$&$...” L-“What he said but If you don’t we will kill you ourselves.”

So as you can see she means alot to them. Even if the first one said some curse words that I will not put on this blog. I hope that you all have a heart out there and want to help them out. Please do and make these two happy again. Peace out From Night High Detective.

I looked at Jace as he actually said eight words that I didn’t want to put in here. I didn’t want to put those two in there but I had to stick to the answers as close as I could.

“You good from that rant,”I said as I looked at the comment I was getting.

“I actually feel better than when we had started,”He said looking at them,”People really do care for the topics people go through don’t they.”

“It’s amazing when you see a spark in people and you know you put it there,”I said as one of the comments stuck out,”And I think someone has gave you a clue Jace.”

I showed him the comment and I saw the joy in his eyes. It was private so only I could see it. I looked at it as I knew that name has read almost all of them and privately commented on them all.

Jace really needs to learn how not to curse when he is mad. But I can’t give it away or they might give me something far worst than you could think. I’m moving with the Petersons. I hope you know a Megan Petersons and I’m trying to get the whereabouts as fast as I can. ~Kate the Cat

I looked at Josh and them as Jace turned a red color. I laughed a little bit as I saw one that showed wildly out of the blue. It was from someone I use to know surprisingly.

“Brightness Will Shine High,”I said reading it out loud,”Said ‘Find the way to the Islands. There will you find something shocking. To hide the night away from the heart you can’t do. To find us the next time will be hard. But not if you know your foe.’”

I looked at Josh as that name was someone who would write and write to me about new things all the time. Then one day she/he stopped. It was like they were getting into trouble about something.

“Do you think they are trying to help us again?”Josh asked.

“I have no idea what so ever,”I said looking at them,”But maybe I can look into it. Or I could try and…”

“Keep that Website up,”Jace said looking at me,”Kate will keep you posted on things if you let her. I got a feeling she will soon post something on a location then we can go there and save them all.”

I nodded and they went to do their things. I looked at the comment as I had to know whether or not they were helping us again. I typed up something to the private thing and sent it. Please say you are. 

Chapter 5

Hawaii was just a few hours away from us now. I had heard nothing from either one of them about the location or about the helping us again. Why must waiting be so hard. I had blogged about a shooting, a robbery where he did it to himself, China and a story about a kid getting rapped by her father. It is surprising how sick some people can be. I had check back on Kate’s two stories wanting to do another one but I couldn’t think of how or what to write about.

I sat in the back as Josh was with Mathew making sure his battery didn’t die. Jace and Lucius was past out in the seating. So I went somewhere private for me. I was looking at the pictures of my family and I wanting to have them back.

I looked away as my laptop started to play My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark(light em up) by Fall Out Boy. I answered the skype as a girl was pulled up on my laptop. I looked at her as she looked like Mrs. Shade with Lucius’s eyes.

She was in a room that was dark and I think soundproof. Wow this must be top secret. I watch her look around before smiling at me. I waved as she her eyes went big.

“You are Megan Peterson,”She said as I nodded,”I thought Night High Detective wouldn’t have been the child of Lawyers.”

“Yeah it shooks people,”I said as she looked around again,”May I ask who you are?”

“I’m Kate,”She said as I almost choked,”I noticed that you were using my site and wanted to meet you. So I hide away in one of the other rooms that I know I can’t get caught.”

“I want to do another blog about your story,”I said as she nodded me,”Do you think you can email me something about your experience and all.”

She nodded and we both promise not to tell anyone about the other. I looked at the pages as she had to leave after that one. I smiled as I could take down some people right now that need to be showed who they are messing with. For not only was it her stuff but a lot more people as well.

I began to type as I laid in the bed I was in. I told them to get in one but it was too late. I smiled as I listened to my music and I put it into the beautiful work of it. I was listening to Whistle by Flo Rida. A weird song to listen to when you are ruining the lives of men who are taking away people’s family. I smiled as I published the master piece and looked out the window at the sky.




I woke up to the ding of Megan’s blog. I took out the phone and opened it up. I looked at Lucius as he was still asleep. I rolled my eyes and read the words she had wrote.

Today I wanted to write more on Kate’s lovely tale but I got one better. I have found out there are more people that have been taken from their families. Guys this is what people are doing when they think you are weirder than they are. What will happen to the kids of the future. ‘Oh hey you like superheroes and act like you got powers. Come with me and let me run test on you to see.’ Yeah no thank you. I have found out that people are being tested on for they are not the same as me and you.

What has happened to the world. Have we taken the term weird and special to far. I think so. I feel like this might turn into a rant so just go with me on this one. I have talked with a girl who had to hide from people that took her. I didn’t get her name but I was given a list and I am sadly not going to give it to you. But if you have a family member that went missing please private comment me and we can talk about it.

But people that you would think that no one would care about are the ones getting kidnapped. People who love the supernatural are going missing. Guys looked around you and what do you see. A sibling, Friends, Family, a pet even. Now think about them going away for someone said that they had a power or even they were special. Heartbroken aren’t you. Well that is what is happening right now. I had someone taken from me that was special. I haven’t seen them in five mouths and they left the day after my birthday.

I was hurt and found shelter in the people who care for me. You know what I went to the police but they told me they couldn’t help. Like hey you are suppose to help people like me out. Now do something about it before I take it into my own hands. You know what Mississippi State Police thanks for nothing. Well that was my little rant I guess. But if you have people missing and want help with it. I’m here for all of you. You guys are the people that I write for. To let you know what is really going on in the world. So this one is to all of you. I love you guys and keep being SPECIAL or WEIRD. For that is who you are. Peace guys.

Where did she get the names from? Is Kate on that list? Maybe I should go see if she is. I got up and went to the back where I knew she was.




I watched the comments come in like mean ones to the police force that didn’t help me. The people who took my parents and surprisingly some of them really had people missing. I was answering question for those as Jace walked in here.

“What up,”I said as he sat by me,”And before you ask she sent it to me.”

“Kate talked with you,”He said shock.

“It wasn’t for long but she did get to me,”I said looking at the names to find the one a person had sent me,”She is alright but said that it was something they would punish her. I got to find out why. And why are there some many people on my blog with people missing that are on my list.”

“You give them hope,”Jace said as I looked up at him,”They think of you as a voice for them. Someone who is not afraid to discover new things and bust the government for it.”

“That is what you think of the blog?”

“Yeah I guess it is. I read it to give me hope that somewhere Kate is. That I can find her if the government will not hide her from me. You gave me that kind of hope Megan. People need you to right and figure things out.”

“Wow. I didn’t think I was that important to everyone Here.”

“I bet you people know your birthday by heart.”

“No they don’t,”I said looking at him.

“August 2,”He said looking at me,”You told everyone on that day that at 2:oo pm you would be sixteen that one year.”

“Okay I was happy about that,”I said looking back at the one from this year,”I always say it’s my birthday on them.”

“Do a poll with three random dates and then yours and see,”He said walking off,”People care for you more than you think Megan.”

I looked at the door then back at the screen. They don’t know when I was born. I set up a quick poll with my dad’s b-day, mom’s b-day, Josh’s and mine all there. I made it look like you had to match them and sat back to see how many knew it.

I was wide eyed as they were all getting mine and Josh’s right. My parents they mixed up many time. I went back out as Jace had been the first to start the poll and got them all right.

“Did you ask Josh my parents’ birthday dates?”I asked as Josh was the second to get them for he lives with me kind of.

“Nope,”He said as Lucius just woke up,”You say them often but not every year likes yours and his.”

I sat down as Mathew put the seat belt light on. I stared Jace down as he had proven his point to me. How does he do that? I looked out the window as I saw Hawaii. I had always wanted to come here. Well that wish came true but not like I wanted it to. Now to find anything on my parents’ whereabouts. 

Chapter 6

We got off the plane as we had set it down not to far from the building. I had Mathew with me was we walked the rest of the way there. I kept in mind that this was going to be not like the other times we got onto a restricted area for answers. I had the card in my hand as we walked on to the base thing.

“Okay so we have to get to the third floor,”I said as they looked at me,”We got this.”

“Just like getting on the base for the use of illegal drugs on the military base in brazil,”Josh said as they looked at us,”Good times speaking or well trying to speak their language.”

“You have been everywhere haven’t you,”Lucius and Jace said together as we unlocked the door.

“Not really,”I said looking at them,”This is my first time here in Hawaii.”

They nodded and we went inside. It looked like a hospital meet mad lad. It was scary weird to see. I looked around with a flashlight in my hand. There were many beds there as if something went wrong here. I walked to the back where I was hoping to find the head of this place. As I went around I saw that there were different things going on in the rooms. I looked into one and saw paintings on the wall. But they weren’t just normal. No far from that. They were moving around. It was like seeing Harry Potter come alive right in front of me.

“That’s Kate’s power,”Lucius said in my ear,”She could paint something and it would come alive right in front of your eyes.”

“Wow,”I said looking at it as it was me and my parents.

“She said for us to say that there will be waves at the edge of the world,”Painting me said,”She wanted you to know that the heart of the city will soon be known to you as fast as she can find it out.”

I nodded and went on my way. I looked into another one and saw two little things inside it. I went in wanting to know more about them. I watched Josh, Jace, and Lucius watch me as I saw them there. I touched one and it curled around my hand like a toy. I uncurled it as it was a little robotic animal that was a little furry animal. I laughed as it curled up next to my neck.

I touched the other thing and my parents popped up on it. I let out a tear as this was their cell. I looked at them as they looked scared for their lives.

“Megan listen to us,”Mom said as I looked at them,”We are the special people from those stories you use to love. And you are as well sweetheart.”

“The little fuzzy ball there has the secret you will need to help keep people like the Shades safe from Josh’s father,”Dad said with a smile,”We don’t have much time but we are going to try and make a little bit sense right now.”

“We know Josh is a good kid unlike his father,”Mom said,”We know that when you find out that he is after you that Josh might do something big to hide your tracks. Keep that cover on him for his dad would think that he is gone and will not try and track you down.”

“Chinchilla there will be something to use when you are ready to know,”Dad said as the picture started to buzz around and alarms went off in it,”We don’t have much time but we love you so much Megan. Do us proud.”

“Dad mom don’t,”I said as they disappeared again,”Leave me.”

I looked at the Chinchilla as she was curled up on my shoulder. She was cute and I know mom and dad made her for me. I smiled and pet her head as I at least had one thing from them.

“Come on Meg,”Josh said dragging me out of the room,”We need to continue on.”

I nodded and we went on our way. I looked around and saw a lot of talents there. But one stuck out to me. I looked in a room to see a girl there lying dead. I went up to her and looked at the papers. It was like some kind of Military thing going on.

Name: Leah Carol

Power:Sees the dead and talks with them

Birthday: Feb. 2, 1990

Age: 18

Mrs. Carol here is the one that can see dead people. Her town was spoke when she had first started doing this. It was at a young age but as she grew older the creepier it got to them. She was walking around talking to no one. When one of us asked who she walking to her excuse that she was speaking to herself. When we watched her closer we found out she can do this power set.

Death Bed: Shut up from everyone and wouldn’t come out to speak with anyone.

Death Date: Spet. 2, 2016

I looked at the girl as she looked dead to me right now. I touched the cover over her and she still didn’t move. Wow can you imagine her life.

I walked out and to the computer there. I hook Mathew up and began to hack my way in. As I was doing that someone was making it harder on me by the second. I looked at Mathew as he was trying as well.

“I don’t know what is going on,”He said as I felt hands go around me.

They ripped me away from it with Mathew as the computer explode. No it couldn’t have just explode. How am I supposed to find them now?

“I don’t think she was dead,”Jace said as I looked up at the girl.

“No I am dead,”She said as I saw the body,”I was just hunting them to make them move.”

“Why?”I asked her.

“For this town is my home town,”She said looking at me,”I can’t let people take it over for they don’t like people like me. They left two months ago. Three weeks after I died and was scaring them.”

I nodded and we went back to the plane. I took out that file of hers and knew I had to let people know about it. I let Josh hook up Mathew as I got to work on this one.

Today I found out that someone by the name of Leah Carol had died in the passion of the people that took the list I had told you all about. I have her file with me and will be putting up it for that family to see it. I am so sorry for you lost.

She was specially gifted. Like in the one when I told you about the list she tried to hide it. You should do it if you are very gifted like she was. I know that I said you should be you but for her sake and people like her please kept those a secret.

I hate seeing death and when you leave someone in their hometown to rout is the lowest of low. How about we let you die and leave you out to the birds. How would you nasty people like that? Okay so that was my moment of talking to no one. I would like you to all give your respects for I have a feeling you will in the comments in below. I hope the family would see them and know that people are out here for you.

Also guys I want to know what you have a topic on. If it is the weird and unexplained tell me and I will try and hook you up with a blog like that. Anything like the gov. is hiding from us and you know about it tell me. So I will see you later. Peace out!

I published it as the file went with it. As I had thought people were paying their respects in the comment for the family. I looked ahead as I saw Lucius right there. I smiled as he came in and sat beside me.

“What may I do for you?”I asked looking at him.

“Can you email Kate,”He said looking upset,”Or next time you talk to her let me say something.”

“What is the matter?”I said as he looked at me,”Since we met you have not leave me alone except when Kate was said. Tell me now!”

“Kate is my baby sister,”He said looking at me,”I was close to her. I wouldn’t let anyone get in her way of having fun. When Kate was mentioned I knew that it was for a cause. She use to love writing these stories were the prince gets the girl and live forever. Her art was unique. I just really want her back.”

“I get that Lucius,”I said recording this whole thing,”What would be something you would like me to say to her.”

“That I’m looking for her,”He said looking up at the top of the plane,”That she is never far from my mind. She was the one person that had my weakness in her hands. That I miss her like going through hell on a day death is in one of his moods.”

“I will,”I said as he left,”Send this to her in a special way.”

I put in a lot of weird effects to it and messed it up but where she would know it was from her brother. I smiled as I sent it to the email she gave me. I looked back to see Jace and Lucius talking about it. It must suck losing a younger sibling. Well I would never know how that feels. I looked through the window as Chinchilla was on my shoulder.

I stroke her fur as I felt the vibration. Dad made it were she could purr like a cat. I laughed as she got closer to my neck. It was soft and very sweet. Will we meet again Dad? 

Chapter 7

 We landed back in Delhi at their house. We all walked off and Jace and Lucius raced inside as I lingered back a little bit. I looked at Josh as he was ahead of me now.

“Megan what’s wrong,”Mathew asked me.

“Nothing,”I said walking inside the house.

I watched as Jace and Lucius tell their parent about Kate still being alive. How I was the one wanting to get an interview. Everything about the trip. Josh was at the window looking at something outside. I went over there next to him.

“What the matter?”I asked him smiling.

“Look out at the woods,”He said as I did,”You see the people lining up out there.”

“Why are they here?”I asked as my glasses zoomed in on the faces to give me names.

“You don’t think…”He said as the names popped up.

“Get back on the plane,”I screamed at everyone.

“Megan what is…”Lucius tried to say as they opened fire on us,”Nevermind.”

We all ran out but their parents. They went somewhere inside the house. We all ducked down as the shot at us. I fell as something went in my leg.

“Megan!”Josh yelled coming back for me.

“Can she walk?”Jace said looking out at the men as we stayed down low.

“She has a bullet in her leg,”Josh said picking me up,”We are going to need some cover to get her to the plane safely.”

“Lucius,”Jace said as I shook my head no,”We need to do it.”

“Get her there and leave the cover to me,”Lucius said smiling at me.

“Just be safe,”I said as Josh ran with me.

I looked back as all around the house and everything went dark. I looked at Lucius as the shadows were binding to his will. Jace had lightning shooting at them as they ran to get to the plane with us.

“Give me Mathew and you stay here,”Josh said sitting me down,”We have to get up in the air before anyone else gets hurt.”

I watched him run to the front as Lucius and Jace came inside closing the door. They took their seats as we got into the air. I looked down at the little house as the men had it surrounded. Why does these things happen to the nice of people? I sat there as Josh came back taking out his pocket knife.

“What are you doing Josh?”Jace said stopping him before he got to me.

“I’m going to remove the bullet,”Josh said kneeling down to my leg,”What else would I...I don’t want to know why you thought that. Now this is going to hurt.”

He stuck the knife in my leg as the burning feeling got bigger. I gripped the arm of the seat as he slowly took it out with the bullet on it. I looked at him as he bandage my leg up. He was always good at medical things.

“Get some rest Megan,”He said giving me a pillow and covering me up,”We will land shortly to refuel.”

I nodded and gripped my pillow. I had it on the window as my body shifted to the side so I could sleep nicely. I closed my eyes as I heard them walk away from me.




I looked at Megan as she got comfy and went to sleep. I can’t believe someone shot her with a tacker. I put it on the ground and smashed it with my foot. If Dad wants her he will have to go through me.

“Why did you do that?”Lucius asked as Jace was with Mathew.

“You want them to track us down,”I said taking her glasses off.

“Well no,”He said as I laughed,”You care for her don’t you.”

“She is like my sister,”I said getting my laptop out,”We both are good with tech but she is good with people while I tend to her when things get ruff. It is our little bond we hold together.”

“What do you blog about,”He said as I was still logged in my secret blog that dad didn’t know about.

I smiled as I had one that I was working on for a good few weeks now. It was about Megan and how her parents disappeared. I did it when she was asleep for I knew she followed it.

“This one here is about Megan’s problem,”I said writing more to it,”But I try to help people fix their life problems.”

“So the opposite of what she writes,”He said as I nodded,”She states the problems and events while you try to fix them.”

“We help each other even if she doesn’t know that,”I said as he looked at it.

I finished the blog and turned her phone on silent as I published it to the world. Lucius’s phone dinged as he went red.

“You read it,”I said as he took it out,”There is no shame in that.”

He nodded as I put her phone back beside her as he read the whole thing. I had wrote it longer than the others for she was my best friend.

I have someone close to me that has a thing with her parents that have gone missing. She is someone close to me and I care for her more than breathing. I know that you all have something going on but have you ever felt like the world is going on a craze taking what you hold close away and making it like you were never there.

That is what is going on with her. She had that happen to her and it is killing the smart smiley girl I know. The one that likes to goof around and find new things that people would freak out if they touched it. She is the one that I want to help today and for the past weeks. So bare with me for a little bit on this one.

She was a good kid. Got goodish grades and was the one everyone thought to be a little off. She wasn’t really social unless people didn’t want to go for it. She is an only child and around the same age as me. Her family was close to one another. I know you don’t want to hear about what she is like but let me just go with this.

One day she woke up and she was alone. At first she thought that it could have been for her parents had to work. So she stayed at home but they never came home. After a month she started to get worried. Soon It got too much for her. She called the police and nothing happened. They told her that they can’t find anyone that are not real. Well then how is she alive if they are not real.

They told her no and she had no one to turn to at that point. So she stayed with a friend for a little while. They were me and her. I took her in for I know she would have done it for me. I tried everything to help her get some kind of lead on her parents but nothing work. All I found out was that my parent was trying to get to her. It hurts when the person you call Mom or Dad are using you to get to someone.

Now with that in mind what do you think she should do. We are not with my parent but out on our own. I want to know what you think we should do for this issue. Please give me your ideas for I have no clue what to do in this one.

I looked at Lucius as he looked at her. That answer your question Luke. Hey there is a nickname for him. But why is it spelled like that?

“You gotta be kidding me with this,”He said looking at her as she turned,”You helped her when no one would have.”

“You try living through that,”I said as he looked at me again,”She had it hard. Then when we found out my dad might have been the cause of it, I was hurt. For I knew that I might have been the cause of her pain.”

“Wow,”was all he said as I looked at her.




When someone dreams it is perfect. I looked at the memory of the day I met Josh. Preschool was the best time of my life...NOT. It was terrible but when I met Josh life was good. I was the shy girl who no one would come to. No one would talk with me unless they wanted something out of me.

I sat in the corner with my art book close to me. My mom had drew things she wanted me to color for her. So I sat there coloring in all the animal she drew. She should have been an artist for the coloring books.

I was there coloring in a wolf a nice sandy color. I smiled as I loved making my mom’s art come to live. It gave me joy looking at her as she smiled at them.

“Hey there,”A boy said as I looked up at him,”You look lonely over here.”

“I’m fine,”I said as the bleached blonde boy sat by me.

“I’m Josh,”He said sticking his hand out at me,”Your new best friend.”

“I’m Megan,”I said shaking it,”Megan Peterson.”

“I’m Josh Killings,”He said a little happier,”You dad beated my dad when I was three in the battle against the Laynes and Mikes.”

“I remember that one,”I giggled as he looked at the drawing,”My mom drew it. You want to help me.”

“Yeah,”He said getting his colors out.

It is funny how kids can just say that you are their new best friend and then you are. Josh was the best friend I could have ever had. He was there when people were jerks to me. When I had to do a field trip for my blog. Anything I had to do he was there.

“She is the best person I know of,”I heard him say as I woke up,”I don’t know who I would be without her.”

“And you two met in Preschool when you saw that she was lonely,”Lucius’s voice said as I faced their direction,”You were a cooky kid.”

“He still is,”I said sitting up,”But that’s the way I like him.”

“Good afternoon Megan,”Josh said coming to my side,”We landed like five minutes ago. Where you at?”

“Preschool of death,”I said as he laughed at me,”Where’s Jace at?”

“Right here,”He said looking at me,”We landed and people started to fill us up. Who are these people?”

I looked at him as someone walked up to me. He was taller than my dad and I’m shorter than him by two to three inches. He had red hair and green eyes. I looked at him as he looked at me.

“Miss Night High Detective,”He said as I laughed at him,”Your fill up will be free you know.”

“HawkEye View,”I said as Josh bust out laughing,”I saw you last at the round the world talk. How ya been?”

“Good,”He said looking at my leg,”Josh here said that you took a tracker to the leg.”

I looked at him as he told me it was a bullet. I nodded and he undid the bandage to check it out for me. You might want to know that some of the blogger I know are like family. We do things like Youtube does but with words and adventures. HawkEye View flies a plane and writes about it.

He tells people what to expect what is going on in the place he is at. We met at this talk were the top bloggers get together and get to know one another. Josh and me got invited to it and we met him plus a few. He took us under his wing and acted like a big brother.

“You are going to live,”He said as my leg looked all nice,”Plus Megan you know that if you need us to…”

“Send the SOS,”I said as he laughed,”I know.”

“Good for you are clear to go,”He said as Jace and Lucius got ready to fly,”After about an hour or so.”

“What!”They said as Josh and I laughed.

I rolled my eyes as HawkEye View left us there. Josh was talking with them about him as I took my phone in hand. I noticed that I had something to read. I had this one blog that I had to read for it was good. I read my friends’ blogs but there was something about this one.

Apollo Rise was someone who wrote about how to fix something. He talked about how to solve your problem and would talk about something you were going through. I read his and as I was going over the words it finally came to my senses. Josh was him and he wrote about mine this time. I looked at him as he smiled at me.

“Sly,”I said as he laughed at me,”Apollo Rise.”

“Thank you,”He said as he looked at them,”It took you long enough.”

I looked out the window as Chinchilla was on my leg. He was so cute and cuddle.

Chapter 8

 I stood up as my leg was still not alright. I had this numbing pain in it that did not want to go away. I took pain killers but none of them worked but made me loopy. So I stopped that for they wanted to video it. I sat up there with Mathew as he was doing his thang. We were going to Greece to visit someone I met at the get together.

She allowed me to stay once before when I had to get something about this company. I smiled as her in the middle of nowhere house showed up. Mathew landed the plane behind this huge barn she had and I undid him.

“We haven’t been working together a lot,”He said as I stood up with a jolt of pain to my whole left leg,”Take it easy Meg. It takes time for something like that to heal.”

“I know Mathew,”I said making my way to the door,”But I have to move around to get stronger.”

“And Mathew has a point,”Josh said with a wheel chair for me,”You need to rest it out Megan.”

“I’m fine Josh,”I said trying to go around him and it,”I will be alright.”

He rolled his eyes and made me sit in the stupid chair. I rolled my eyes back at him as she walked in. She looked at me as my leg was bandage and I had tried to get the blood to flow to it. So it could also be a little red.

“You better not have been walking around,”She said as I smirked,”Megan Peterson you know better than to do that.”

“I sometimes thinks she doesn’t,”Josh said as I whacked him,”We tried to tell her that.”

“You are not to move one muscle while here till I say so missy,”She said as Josh rolled me out and to the house.

The house was like a little cottage. It was cute and not flashy. No one knew where it was and it wasn’t on Google either. She was about twenty-three with greying hair and blue eyes. The people who read her blog called her Legend Knower. To us she was Miss Alexandra Hero. She was the nicest person ever.

She did the things about greek legends and how they were still here. She had Josh put me on the couch as the other two walked around the house. Mathew was resting for he been working hard flying that plane for us. I watched as she told Josh to go get her a few things for me.

“You really need to stop worrying,”She said,”For I bet the greek god Poseidon wouldn't like his only daughter to get hurt.”

“Yeah like that is going to happen,”I joke as she looked at me,”But I will take it easy for a little while.”

“I can’t find the extra pillow,”Josh said from somewhere in the back,”Nevermind I found them.”

“I thought he was dead,”She said as I smiled,”Don’t worry your secret is safe with me and the others.”

I nodded as she went to go help him. They had my things near me like in reaching distance for me. I looked out the window and saw the countryside. I was use to this but sometimes it makes you miss home.



I was laying down on the bed when ChinChilla started to act up. I looked at him as he looked back at me. He bounced around and looked at Mathew.

“It is the middle of the night Chiny,”I said curling back up,”It can wait for in the morning.”

He bounced on me and pulled the covers off of me. Okay what is so important now. I picked up Mathew and unlocked it like I did after he is off for a long time. He came up as Chiny bounced around.

“What is it?”He asked as Chiny flashed something,”Wait one minute...Megan she updated the place.”

“Show me,”I said as Chiny looked at me,”Good ChinChilla.”

“The new place is,”Mathew said then looked at me,”Rome, Italy.”

“That is far from where we are at,”I said knowing I had to get them up,”JOSH!”

I heard something hit the ground and then running came my way. He is so easy to wake up. He looked at me as I waved him over to me.

“Rome,”I said as he looked at my laptop,”They are in Rome.”

“That is miles away,”He said as Chiny looked at me,”How are we to get there in time?”

I looked at Chiny as he seemed to get more excited by the minute. What is with him tonight? I pet his head and something clicked. I had my bracelet that get Mathew up when I’m not using him.

“Hello Megan,”Dad’s voice said,”Smart animal isn’t he. You are probably asking the impossible questions right now. Well think of this one. How does a robin fly? How does life make sense to those who look? Well they are both because we are the people who look at the most out there reason. ChinChilla here is someone to help you when you meet the impossible. My parents helped me figure them out and now this is what I have to help you. Your mother doesn’t know about this part. So the question is What makes it go faster?”

Then it went off and Chiny looked at me. I am so spoilt it is not even real. I looked at Josh as the question was in my head now. Science was something I loved. But what would make a plane go faster. As fast as Lightn…

“Jace!”I said as another thump happen.

“You like waking us up like that,”Josh said as Jace ran in.

“Who’s dying?”He asked as I wanted to laugh now.

“No one,”I said bringing up the plane on my computer,”But I need you and Josh to make the plane go fast. As fast as Lightning.”

“That is impossible,”Jace said as Josh smiled at me,”How will we do that?”

“Just shut up and come with me,”Josh said dragging him out,”You stay there and figure things out as I tell him how.”

“Hey I’m the leader here,”I called as Alexandra came down,”And I was planing on doing that.”

She sat by me as I got the plans of the building to come up. But as I got them I was shut out of them. I never get shut out of things like this. I went into hack mode as Mathew looked at me. I pushed my glasses up as they were...Woah ChinChilla put my glasses on me.

“Smart little animal,”Alex said,”Have you tried the right round way.”

“The right round,”I said smirking,”No I haven’t yet.”

I got to work on it as she joined me. I sent the IM out for help for it. The right round way is when people like Bloggers get others to help hack the system. We attack it at once and therefore the one that needs to get in it can. I started my hack as about twenty other ones said they began it as well. I looked at Alex as she was helping me as well.

Soon I was in and downloaded it before they got all of us out. I hugged Alex as I got the information out. Josh came in as I knew he had helped out with it.

“Right round always works,”He said going back out.

“Thank you,”I said to Alex,”You have just saved the mission.”

“Megan I know I just did that,”She said looking at me,”But I did that for you to promise me you will sit out that one.”

“I promise not to physically get involved with it,”I said as she smiled at me,”But you know it’s for my parents and the other two’s sister.”

She nodded at me before walking out of the room to go back to bed. I looked at my laptop and smiled. This was to save others like us. To have the people that hide to show yourself. I shut everything off and went back to sleep. Chiny curled up with me again as I slept.

Chapter 9

I stayed on the plane with Jace as the other two went out to see if we got to them in time. I had the cameras working for me as they walked in as two workers. The place was busy with workers, Doctors, and nurses. They were running around like they had no idea what was going on.

“What is with all of them?”I asked through my headset.

“Does it looked like we know,”Josh said looking into a camera,”But you did say that we should be able to go up to the people right?”

“What do you think,”I sassed as he rolled his eyes at me.

They walked into the third floor where people were. In the cage like rooms as in Hawaii were people. They all were doing something special as others watched them. Lucius looked at Kate and had a moment of him wanting to go to her. Josh nudge him to continue on as I looked at the door.

Key pads were what they were using. I looked at a camera that all of a sudden popped up and clicked it. You see I have to follow them so as they go up a level I get access to the other cameras. I looked at it as the people I wanted showed up. I saw mom and Dad taking things apart and then making them into new things.

“Mom, Dad,”I said as Josh looked at them.

“We’ll get them back Meggy,”He said as his dad was coming his way.

“Drace you dad is coming your way,”I said as he straightened up looking at him.

“You must be Mr. Red and his partner Mr. Death,”Mr. Killings said,”It is an honor to meet you both.”

“Now before we go on from here how about you tell me the operation you do here,”Josh said as I smiled.

“He’s good,”Jace said looking at it,”I even believe that he is not a kid.”

“My magic of a profile,”I said pulling them up,”If they forget something I can feed it to them but if Lucius let’s Josh do all the talking we should be fine.”

“Of course,”Mr. Killings said looking around,”Here we take the people with the most special or weirdest gifts and put them all together to better understand them. We then think of what to tell the world about them. Like how the power works and if it is a danger to us.”

“Like my sister,”Lucius whisper as I saw Mr. Killings look at him.

“Lucius I said to watch what you say,”I said as Mr. Killing ask him about what he had said,”Tell him that you had a sister that was gifted and she killed herself for people didn’t believe that she could help them out.”

He did as I told him and thank God that it had worked. Mr. Killings went on about how the people here had powers that no one would ever have. Then he showed them my parents.

“These two are not like them,”He said as my dad glared at him,”They want to keep these people from us. They say that they should stay in hiding. That we can’t figure out their powers when they tell the world about the government’s secrets.”

“These are people not experiments,”Dad snapped at him,”They shouldn’t be here and are not apart of things like that.”

“You mean like your Daughter Megan,”Mr. Killings said,”That girl took my son away from me. She poisoned his mind with things and when they went around the world for a blog they shared I never got to see him.”

“Then why aren’t you feeling something about his death,”Dad said looking him in the eye,”When he died and word got to you all you did was push it off like it was nothing.”

“For you learn that sometimes you have to feel nothing for the people who helped you,”He said turning back to a now upset looking Josh,”I want to know by tomorrow if you two will like to work with us or not.”

With that he walked out of there leaving Josh and Lucius. I saw Kate pull something down and looked at my parents. She looked at Lucius with a knowing look.

“You almost blew it for them,”She said as he turned red,”Way to go.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,”Lucius said looking at her.

“He didn’t even care,”Josh said as my mom went to the glass.

“Here,”She said handing something to him,”We record his reaction to it than ours. Josh take care of Megan for us.”

“Be good baby girl,”Dad said looking in the camera.

Josh nodded and they walked out of there. I shut it down as they walked back outside. I can’t believe his dad did that. I was thinking about killing myself when he died. I looked at Jace as Josh ran in and threw the first thing he saw.

Lucky for me it was a pillow and not Mathew. He looked around as he gets worked up when his dad gets involved.

“He didn’t even care,”He said as I took the disk thingy,”What kind of parent is he?”

“Not the one you can live with,”I said putting it in my computer.

“I know,”He said as this happens more than you might think,”I died and he doesn’t care but to get to you. What am I some toy to him.”

“Hey let’s watch my parents fit,”I said as he looked at me,”On the disk.”

He nodded and took a seat next to me. I pushed play as the big screen showed his dad looking at them. Did they record the whole thing?

“You daughter is smarter than I had thought she was,”He said as Josh’s aunt ran in,”But maybe stupid for taking Josh with her.”

“Nathan,”His aunt said,”They said they found Josh’s body under the bridge. I think he killed himself.”

“Why would he?”Mr. Killings said.

“The people around there said that they saw him drag Megan’s body out of the car and then killed himself,”She said almost in tears,”Why would he do that?”

“I don’t know,”He said looking at my parents,”But right now we need to get to the place and fast. Megan will most likely be on our tracks soon enough.”

With that he left as the aunt left in tears. Wow that hurt more than he could have thought. The camera turned to face my parents as I just noticed Kate was filming it.

“This thing is harder to turn around then they show it to be,”Her voice said.

It showed my mom crying as my dad looked hurt by it. I was right. I saw that my mom was holding a picture of me and Josh close to her heart as she cried to my dad.

“He killed himself for her,”She said as I wanted to cry.

“I think there is something bigger in play,”Dad said looking at her,”We know Josh wouldn’t do that for any reason. But he is gone I guess.”

I shut it off as seeing them cry wanted to make me cry. I turned to Josh and curled up to him. He wrapped his arms around me as this was hard for the two of us.

“Wow who has it worst over there?”Lucius said as we both cried.

“I have no idea,”Jace said as they laughed at us,”But you two must be really close to one another.”

I looked at them as I had to email Mr. Killings to tell him they want the job with a plus two. I put my name in as Miley Fulford and Jace’s as Kevin Feroben. I waited as he sent me the okay to it. I looked at Josh as he looked like he was getting better again.

I rubbed his back as he checked my leg out. I was going in the wheelchair if it was still like it was five days ago. If not I would be walking with help near me. He smiled at me as he gave me the you can walk nodded. I squealed as Jace and Lucius rolled their eyes at me. I petted ChinChilla as he was on my lap. I love him so much for my parents made him for me. I looked at Josh as he knew he was my family now. 

Chapter 10

 I looked around as I was the only one that wore something different. I wore a red shirt that looked like blood, a leather jacket, black skinny jeans, combat boots with spikes on the toes, spiked gloves, and my hair was down today. I had my glasses on as they were the regular.

Jace was in a silver color shirt, blue jeans, silver tennis shoes, and a yellow jacket. Lucius was almost the total opposite of that. He wore black everything. A shirt that was untuck, black jeans, a leather jacket like me, and tennis shoes.

Josh wore something simple. A white t-shirt, blue jeans, white tennis shoes, and no jacket like the rest of us. I was pleased with the outfits we had chosen for this task. It took us about thirty minutes to make it just right this morning.

“Well if it isn’t the team,”Mr. Killings said happily,”Welcome to the group.”

“Yeah, Yeah,”I said as he looked at me,”Just tell us what you want us to do and let us go from there.”

“Sorry about her,”Josh said placing his hands on my shoulder,”Miley here can be a little mean at some points.”

“Well he is acting like we don’t want to work but to stall,”I said looking at him,”Plus he is in a business suit. Who wears that to meet people you want to do the dirty work for ya.”

“Well let me take you up to the third level to let you get started then,”He said looking at me,”And you have a good point there Miley.”

“I sure do,”I sassed as I know Jace and Lucius want to laugh at me,”So let’s get going.”

He lead us up to the levels as I smirked at Josh. He gave me a chuckle as we know the fake profiles really good. We told Jace and Lucius to stay near and if something happens, to let Mathew talk them through what to say.

He took us past my parents as they went wide eyed as I passed by them. Kate went wide eyed as Jace and Lucius did.

“I was going to have you work with the people we keep under survation 24/7,”Mr. Killings said,”Since your reputation says that you are good with any kind of person.”

“Then let’s get started already,”I said as he took me while three other people took the other three,”Who am I doing?”

“I was thinking about the big bad one for you but no that’s not you,”He said as he stopped in front of one,”So these two are yours Ms. Fulford.”

He pushed me into my parents as they turned the cameras off for us. I had made that a part for many reasons. I faced them as they looked at me and almost cried at the site of me.

“What are you doing here,”Mom whispered as I looked around.

“Give you three chances to get it right,”I said facing them,”But remember I am suppose to be making you act right and all.”

“You shouldn’t have came for us,”Dad said hugging me,”So why are you really here beside to get us back.”

“Kate and that is mainly it,”I said taking pictures,”Plus this isn’t right.”

“Don’t blog about the…”Mom said as I gave her an insane look.

“I know not to go that far,”I said looking at them again,”I was going to say something about how they are using humans for testing to see if they can create their own super heroes.”

They rolled their eyes as I got the notice to act the part. I nodded at them as we began the scene we all knew was not happening. Mr. Killings walked in as they looked at him then at me. I saw them think about it and seemed to back up a little bit.

“Wow you are the best,”He said coming near me,”Who would know that a girl no more than eighteen could get adults to act like that.”

He placed his hand on the back of my neck and dragged me out of there. I looked at my parents as they ran to the door and it shut off on them. I looked around as Josh and them were walking around. They looked at me as Mr. Killings threw me on the ground.

I rolled and landed in the middle of the floor. I lost my glasses and everything that was far away became blurry to me. I looked at him as people were holding Josh, Jace, and Lucius back from me. I put my glasses on as Mr. Killings looked at me with a smirk.

“Hello Ms. Peterson,”He said as everyone looked at us,”You were the cause of my son’s death. And now I will show them why I had kept a close eye on you.”

“Leave her alone,”Josh yelled out.

“Mr. Red I don’t have time for you,”He said as I saw Josh look hurt,”I got bigger things to deal with than some stupid boy.”

“That was all you thought I was,”Josh said looking hurt,”Just some stupid boy. The Petersons have taken me in and treated me like family.”

“No it can’t be,”Mr. Killings said as I was trying to get away.

He looked at Josh then back at me. He took me by my hair as I let out a blood crying scream. The windows all broke as I hit a high C. He dropped me as I smirk. Josh let out a laugh as everyone looked at me.

“You little piece of…”Mr. Killings said as Lightning hit right in front of him.

“Jace you didn’t,”Kate said as everyone turned to him.

I looked at the electricity come off of him as the building's power was going into him. I looked at my parents as their doors open and people were grabbing the subjects. Mr. Killings looked at me.

“See you later Megan,”He said as smoke went around and someone picked me up.

I couldn’t see anything till we were outside and I was in the arms of Josh yet again. I looked behind me to see that Jace and Lucius also had two people with them. I saw a plane like thing go up as I knew that my parents were on it.

“We can catch them if we hurry,”Josh said about to run to the controls,”Just give me Mathew and we can…”

“Can what Josh,”I said looking at him,”If we hang back and make it seem like they can’t find us we have the upper hand. We have witnesses for it now. It would be no use in going after them like that.”

“We can find them though,”Josh said,”You ALL can be united with your family again.”

“She’s right you know,”One of the extra two said,”If you chase them down they got you. But if you don’t move and wait for a few days like you will then you all can be alright.”

“What are your names and Powers,”I said facing them,”I’m Megan Peterson aka Night High Detective.”

“I know who you are,”She said smiling,”I’m Lindsey Fulford. And I can see the future. I know what path someone will take and the other one they will go down if not careful.”

“Cool,”I said looking at Josh as he rolled his eyes,”Mathew is in my bag so can you put the tablet on charge for me buddy.”

“Why not,”He said doing it.

“Olivia Morris,”Her friend said,”I can read minds.”

“Cool,”I said smiling,”So do you want us to drop you off at your home or what?”

“We want to help you for a little,”Lindsey said as I nodded,”For you will be glad we did.”

I nodded again and went to see Josh. He was in the back talking with Mathew about his dad. Wow I talk with people, while you talk with my computer pale. I rolled my eyes as I went in there to talk with him.

He looked at me and smiled as Mathew disappeared from the screen. I took the seat by him as he seemed to still be a little bit worked up from that still. I leaned my head on him as he smiled at me.

“You alright buddy,”I said as he played in my hair.

“Yeah I’m good,”He said picking it up,”How do you get your hair this soft.”

“My secret,”I whispered to him,”But are you really alright from that? I know you better than you think.”

“It just stung a little,”He said looking at the wall,”Your family has been so nice to me while my dad has been a jerk. Then my mom was never there for me and didn’t even care to stay. I guess that I thought more of what I was suppose to have than what I got.”

“You still got me. Your Best Friend like sister.”

“I know that one.”

“Hey we will fix this and you can get yourself fixed up to live with me.”

“That would be nice of you. But there would be a court case you know.”

“I know that,”I said getting my computer out,”My parent would have your back you know.”

“I do,”He said leaving me to be.

I logged into everything and uploaded pictures to the site. I looked out at the land outside. I smiled as I faced my computer and began to write.

Today was a very interesting day for me. I got to see the guy who was over my parents disappearing from the world we know. I got to look him in the eye and saw what he was up to. It was a scary thing for me when he knew who I was really. In this one I have pictures of what these people are going through there. But maybe I should start with something else.

As everyone knows Kate was taken from her family and disappeared. A lot of you have family that got taken away and were on my list. I feel y’all’s pain and know what you are going through. So I want to do something that is different from the news the world hides away.

I want to start a revolution for those people that went missing. If we can get more of us to stand up and start looking for a way to stop them then we can get people to make a change. I’m not going to post the list but I will leave a section for the ones that have family or friends missing. I would love for you to put your name there so we all know who we are helping out. Now don’t put their name but yours.

But what I saw there was bad. Everywhere was a camera and they were caged up like animals doing things that no human would be forced to do. They were trying to make super heroes I guess but I will let you decide that. I don’t know if they are doing it for a profit or to get rid of the people who out do others more than we have ever thought. We got to show them that these people mean something to us. That they are taking away the people that we care about and love. They are the reason the world is going down by the second. How the world is falling for they are making it.

So guys I’m not asking much from you but just a simple thing. To start something to show them who they are messing with. To stand up for the people who are specially talented for us. Guys can you do that for me. Am I asking too much of you?

I published it and got out of all of that. I know that my people will come out for me. But how many will put their name there? Will they even do that for me to give people a hope that someone is out there facing a pain greater than their owns. I looked at everyone as Jace was reading it. I smiled as I looked at Josh.

“A revolution,”He said as I gave a laugh,”That is a little much don’t you think.”

“Oh no,”I said as I heard a ding after a ding from my phone as people were commenting to it,”I think that the people want to show them who is really in charge here. To fight back.”

Chapter 11

Today was a good day. I saw that everyone wanted to do it and everyone who had someone missing and were on my list put their name there. It made me happy to know that someone was out there to help us out. We had flew back to Nowhere Delhi, Louisiana yesterday and stay there for the night.

It was nice seeing Mr. and Mrs. Shade was alright and not in jail. I sat in my room blasting music as Mathew ran everything to see if I could get a hold of Kate again.

“Have you tried the unknown,”I said as he looked at me.

“Five times Megan,”He said looking at me,”I think she lost her computer or something.”

“Why are you saying that?”I asked as Jace and Lucius walked in.

“Her site had stopped updating itself to their whereabouts,”He said as I looked at it,”Do you think he figured it out to who was giving it away?”

I looked at him as I got an email from someone. I looked at them as my email was for two things. People who knew me or my working in one that my parents sat up for me. It was the working one and I was scared. People didn’t use that one unless it was important or they didn’t know the other one. I opened it up to see a video was attached to it.

I clicked it as I saw Kate, mom, and dad there. I looked at them as they were freezing in a room. I watched as they were blasted with water and you could see the ice forming around them. I wanted to cry as I knew Jace and Lucius did as well. Soon Mr. Killings walked out with an evil smile.

“Hello Megan,”He said with poison laced in his voice,”I wanted to tell you that if you want them to be free you just have to give me you and my son. That is all I want out of you. The other two that were with you will be left alone and everyone here will be alright.

“I will leave some of my ways out if you and Josh give yourselves up to me. You know that the thing with the computer doesn’t work for you are not a worldwide kid. So I will tell you where we are and you will have a month to get yourself and Josh to me.”

“Don’t do it,”Kate yelled out with her lips going blue,”The people have to know what is going on.”

“Let the power secret go honey,”Mom said as she looked up at me,”Tell the people about them.”

“Shut up both of you,”Mr. Killings said as Dad looked at me.

“Let Chinchilla tell you,”He mouthed to me.

“We are in the great west,”Mr. Killings said,”Are location will be linked to this email and I would be waiting for the two of you soon Megan. We will let these three go for you and him.”

With that they blasted them one more time and the video was ended. I looked at Jace and Lucius as they both looked hurt. I notice that Josh had walked in and was staring at me.

“We got to,”I said looking at it.

“No you don’t,”Jace said as I looked at him,”You have the readers that are backing you up. We can all go and get them out.”

I looked at the message as Josh pushed them out of the door. I saw Chiny was on my bed and knew dad must have really wanted me to do something. I went over there and petted his head. He perked up and looked into my eyes. I let them stay there as I was looking for the question to ask him.

As I was going to ask something a vision like before popped up. In front was my dad and he looked worry again. I wanted to cry as he had a sad smile on his face.

“This is a manual thing,”He said looking at me,”I have a button I would push and when Chinchilla looks at you he would let it play if I pushed it already.

“If you are watching this than he wants you and Josh. The world is going all wrong and something has happened. So I’m going to answer something for you. I know that you are looking for answers to all but let me say that they are not coming to you.

“When you were born there was something different about you than most kids like us had. I remember looking into your eyes and seeing this hidden power behind them. I saw the light of a new world come alive. I saw the mind of a young girl growing to out show the greatest minds in the world.

“When we brought you home Josh’s mom was there with him. She tolds us that his father was someone that might want to hurt you one day. And asked me to not tell you or him that she was your aunt. My sister had tried everything to hide all of this from the two of you finding it out. She tried everything to make sure Her husband and Josh’s dad didn’t find out about you.

“She disappeared a few year later when you were just five years old. That was also when I saw that he was looking more into you now. Without her trying to hide you from him the world was at risk for going down hill.

“I want you to tell that story in one of your blogs and hopeful someone else will know about that. Will be able to help you out again and so your mother’s wish to show the world the power side out. Please follow that wish of mine Megan.”

With that it fell back. I let a tear go as I looked at my computer. I went over to it with ChinChilla was on my shoulder. I logged in and typed that up like he said it. I asked for nothing and said that my dad wanted me to do this for him. I looked at it as people were reading it like wild fire.

I only got one comment and it was from an old one. Brightness Will Shine High was the only one to say something and it was a private one as well. I looked at it as the person was asking where I was. So I told them and got a give me five minutes to get there to you.

I looked at Chiny as he laid down on the little bed there. I rolled my eyes and went down stairs to the others.

“You know wondering about going or not will not solve it,”Olivia said,”Jace is right about the revolution thing you got going for you.”

“You know that I have to for I could get a family back together,”I said going to the livingroom,”And it is my choice not y’all’s.”

No one talked about that but stayed silent. I sat by Josh and waited for the person to come to me. I couldn’t wait to see who that was really. And to ask why they had helped me this much already.

“Come in,”Olivia said as the door knocked and someone laughed.

A woman walked inside and smiled at the Shades. I looked at her as I saw something that reminded me of my dad and a little bit of Josh. She looked at me and him and smiled brightly to the two of us.

“Hello Brightness Will Shine,”I said as she nodded,”I’m Night HIgh Detective if you haven’t already guess it.”

“I been knowing who you were Megan,”She said as I almost had a heart attack,”Just like I know Josh is Apollo Rise.”

He looked at me as I looked at him. Talk about having a heart attack that someone knew that you were really that person. She came and sat in front of Josh as I had a mental breakdown but I couldn’t show it.

“I would know my baby’s blog and my nieces anywhere,”She said as I looked at her.

“You're my aunt,”I said as Josh almost had a heart attack again.

“You're my mom,”He said as I was connecting the dots,”Why did you leave?”

“I had to Josh,”She said as I looked at her,”Your father shipped me away from you and Megan. I was protecting the two of you from him and I guess now he knows why. I tried everything to come back but nothing worked. When the two of you started the blogs I followed you on them. I had to make sure you were alright. I had to see that no one would shut that light out.”

“You knew that was us,”I said as she gave me a knowing look,”But how are you going to help us now?”

“I will leave that for the two of you to think out,”She said looking at us,”I am here to make sure he can’t get to you but if you chose to go I will need to know.”

I looked at Josh as he looked at me. We both had a good bit of followers each. Mine are ready to fight when I ask them to. His are loyal and know who to solve the problems of life. We had close to over a billion or so followers together I think but will they be able to work together.

I stared at him as he gave me a nod for my answer. I looked at Jace and them as Olivia stayed quiet about this. We both looked at her as she waited for the answer. What if this is the wrong way to go?

I looked at Lindsey as she didn’t give me anything but a nod as if for go with it. I looked back at my aunt as Josh leaned back some. It is a now or never thing.

“I have made a decision,”I said as eyes landed on me,”We will be…”

Chapter 12

We walked up to the location with Aunt Maria behind us. She said that she had to go with us on this one. Josh and her had forgave one another and were happy together. I smiled as I saw His dad with the three he was letting go.

Dad looked behind me with a smile when he saw who I had with me. Mom and Kate looked around for anything to help with this. We stopped in front of him as he looked at his use to be wife.

“Hello Maria,”He said as I looked around for anything to help me out,”I wouldn’t think you would be the one to bring these two to me.”

“I’m here for they asked me to be,”She said holding both of our shoulders,”And to make sure that you are not cheating them out of a deal here.”

“You see that it is being done,”He said pointing to the plane,”And the three you want free are here as well. No one is being cheated here.”

“We just wanted to make sure,”I said looking at him,”For I am quite a big deal you know.”

“Where is that Megan,”He said with a smirk.

“A little bit of everywhere,”I said as Mom and Dad went wide eyed,”I blog and people love what I write.”

He chuckled as they put me and Josh in cuffs and lead us to the plane. I looked as my parents and Kate were freed and we went into the air. I looked at Josh with something new to me now. I hope this works out.


~Mickel Peterson~


I watched them leave as Kristen broke down at losing Megan. I looked at Maria as ChinChilla popped out of her bag. I looked at it as he jumped to me. I laughed at him but why did megan leave him here.

“Have they left Mrs. Maria,”Mathew asked as I looked at her.

“She got a plan,”She said taking him out,”They are. So send the notice to her followers along with Josh’s.”

“Are we missing something here,”I asked looking at them.

“You daughter has a revolution at her fingertips,”She said showing it to us,”People around the world have someone in there. Now they know that her and Josh are in it now and when you take away them you got trouble in your hands.”

I gave a look to the plane as ChinChilla looked at me. I looked into his eyes as he fluffed up to me. Okay he doesn’t do that.

“Hey dad,”A vision of her popped up like the one’s I did,”I figure out something cool about Chiny. I want to tell you, mom, and Kate that the power world should stay hidden. We have to watch it more than hide it. IF something happens it is us who have to fix it. I learned that trying to find you.

“I left Mathew and Chiny for the two of you to see what I have been doing. I will also be putting a tracking signal in my shoe to let my followers know more of where I am. SO I should be making us run more than you did Kate.

“The Shades have taken great care of me and Josh. They are good people and I’m glad that they knew who you were. I love the both of you so much. I also need you to trust me and follow the Revolution for the wickedly talented.”

I watched it disappear and looked back at Maria. Soon Mason pulled up with his boys and they attack Kate in a hug. I laugh as he walked over and clamped his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him as he smiled at me.

“She is your child,”He said looking around.

“Yeah and that is what scares me about her,”I said looking up at the sky,”But will she come back to us again?”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.02.2016

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To James Ferobean and Layne Reddick who are the two people Jace and Lucius is based off of. They are really my best freinds kind of. Sometimes they are like my brothers.

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