
Chapter 1

 Life was just something we all wondered why we had. I went on with it as light would shine through the clouds on a stormy day. I just wished that I wasn’t the person I am. You see I’m not the person who can be normal, in fact I’m far from that. I can control your worst nightmares and see what you fear most. I was just a project that was supposed to be the biggest breakthrough in science.

  The world thinks the project was lost in a fire, but I actually was the one that started it. I was smarter than you think, and can figure things out in a matter of seconds. I was going to be a weapon for the government but I serve no one. If they want a weapon go and find their own like Tony Stark in Iron Man and leave me out of this mess.

  I walked through an alleyway not even caring if anyone saw me. I was wearing a black hoodie that said ‘dark is my only light’ and a pair of jeans. I looked around and saw the army looking around as if they were trying to find something. This should be fun.

  I climbed up the side of the building like I was taught in school since I got bullied and waited for them. They got right under me as I sprung on them as the normal phobias showed up on my head. Spiders, clowns, and flying, what whimp is scared of those things and apart of the army. I made their fears come alive in their heads as I looked into their eyes.

  They screamed as I laughed my head off. I walked off as they ran into each other and passed out. I went to their jeep and took money from a compartment that I knew they would have. What I got to live off food and I also have to keep moving so I won’t get caught you know.

  I went to a nearby fast food stop and ordered something to eat. I sat there as this boy walked in looking like he was like me. Homeless, alone, and being hunted down. He ordered something and took a seat at the table next to me.

  He had brownish hair, blueish-greenish eyes, and about 5’5”. He looked at me and I saw his darkest fear and almost choked on my Dr.Pepper. He was afraid of being caught and being a weapon like me.

“Are you alright?”He asked,”Is there anything I could do to help?”

“Are you like me?”I questioned,”Can you do something no one else can? If so what is it? What part of the project did they put you in?”

“Yes I am,”He answered in a whisper,”I can control fire and I was in Makes on the project. What about you?”

“Danger is the part,”I answered keeping it a low whispered,”I do fear to its full danger. Did you get away when I started the fire that day?”

“I did,”He answered sitting at my table,”I walked right through the flames and made a run for it.”

“Names Randi,”I said sticking my hand out,”Randi Young. OR as they called me The Fear Watcher.”

“I’m Righley,”He said shaking my hand,“Righley Morris. OR as they called me The Fire Bomb.”

  I smiled that I wasn’t the only one. I might want to explain everything about the project. There are five parts in all and each have different parts. They are dangers, makes, hounds, mask, and kills and they all are dangerous. My part, or dangers were 4 kids with different powers that could take someone down.

  Makes we’re the ones who could make their power and was all natural like the elements. There were 5 of them in all and I guess it was a big deal. Hounds were the ones who could turn into or talk to animals. There were only 3 of them in it. Mask were the ones that could do mind tricks and make you believe they were someone else. There were 8 of them but they were alright I guess. Lastly are the kills and they do not play.

  Kills were the ones that got the worst of the powers. They could do things that were not the best and soon kill you. There was only 3 in that group for a good reason. Those 3 were triplets and did NOT play well with others.

  Our parts were each split up and put into different spots all around the world. I was put in Dallas, Texas with one from Makes, one from Hounds, and 2 from Mask. The others were harder to find but luckily everyone from that place got out and was safe.

  I was chosen by my father to be a part of this, and sadly when I was still apart of it someone murdered him. I was hurt and didn’t let anyone near me as my power went crazy. I couldn’t control it till I had calmed down enough to think. So I had to take some practice to stay calm since my power could kill someone if they are scared to death by it.

“So what are you doing now?”I asked eating some fries.

“Trying not to be caught,”He answered doing the same as me,“Wouldn’t it be easier if we just killed them off?”

“I don’t kill people,”I answered remembering my dad,“Someone involved with the project killed my father. My dad always told me that going out for revenge is never the best way. I lost him but I will never go against his word.”

“If they killed him you should,”He said watching me,“He was your father and they killed him off. You should do off with them, since they got rid of him. An eye for an eye.”

“Hey don’t go against my logic or I can turn you into them,”I snapped with venom pouring from my words,“I was raised to think highly of people and not become a monster. If they want me they can try and find me. I am NO tool of theirs. So if you got blood in mind, keep me out of this.”

   He looked at me with big eyes as I stormed out of there. I was so mad at that little prick for even thinking that was right but maybe he had a point. I felt a hand fall on my shoulder as I turned to see Righley.

  I turned and ran off to the woods around us. He followed me and soon was right next to me. I rolled my eyes as 3 figures popped up out of nowhere. No, not them they can’t be here right now. There was 2 guys and 1 girl standing in a line. They looked like robots that couldn't do anything on their own. I looked into their eyes and saw lose of each other and a life of hate. Nothing to work with, Great now I got to wing it.

“May I help you?”I asked nicely.

“You can come with us,”The girl said as a spider came into view in my mind.

“Too bad I can’t,”I said backing up,”I have a spider to go and take care of.”

  She soon went down screaming as her brothers just stared at me. I threw them the middle finger and ran away from them. Righley was laughing at what I just did. Those three were from kills and you got to make a run for it if you want to stay alive long enough. I ran till something hit me or did I hit it. I sat up to see a boy with dark brown hair and almost black eyes as if he was trying to kill someone. I stood up as he was towering over me.

“Sorry for that,”I said dusting myself off,”I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“I didn’t notice that, Oh wait I did,”He said smart aleck like,”What are you even doing here anyway. Did the circus leave without you or something?”

“I like him,”Righley said,”I’m Righley Morris. What’s your name?”

“I’m Jeffery Reddick and I’m from Mask,”He snapped at us,“Like how miss Fear over here set the place on fire.”

“What did they call you Jeffery?”I asked counting to a hundred.

“The Demon Child of Hades,”He said a little too proud.

“So Jeff it is,”I snapped,“Isn’t that funny.”

“What about you princess,”He said smirking as I glared,“What do they call you?”

“The Fear Watcher,”I said as I thought about everyone in my part,”Name’s Randy Young. That’s The Fire Bomb.”

  He rolled his eyes and I felt my mind being invaded. My eyes glassed over and I was in my room, at only eight years old, crying my eyes out. Then it went to the progress of getting the power. It changed again to when my dad was shot in front of my eyes. I finally thought about IT from the movie and he finally stopped.

“Don’t ever do that or tell anyone about what you saw,”I snapped at him.

 All he did was nod as I death glared him. I felt Righley tap my shoulder as I noticed everything someone can be scared of flying everywhere. I took deep breathes and thought about my dad and my part, since we were like family. I felt much more calm and less likely to choke someone. I looked at the two boys and rolled my eyes.

  I began to walk as they followed me to a house that looked old. I went in and noticed it was my grandparents home. I was in Houston, Texas. I sighed and went on to a room I used when I was little. I fell on to the bed as my mind went blank and darkness took me.

Chapter 2

  I woke up to alarms going off outside the house. I shot up and saw that the army was outside and the boys were in the room with me hiding. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my hoodie and put it on. I pulled the hood over my head and went to the backdoor. I looked out the window and noticed they had us surrounded.

  I crawled over to the closet and found my grandfather’s shotgun. Jeffery came down and I threw it to him. He gave me an evil grin as I took out a pistol and threw it to Righley. I got up and went to the door as those two went to the window. This is most likely going to end badly for one of us.

“Come out and none of you will get hurt,”one of them yelled to us.

“You don’t know what you’re dealing with,”I shouted back,”We got out for a reason and we're not going back.”

“Come on Ms. Young,”Someone I know all too well said,”It doesn’t have to be a bloodbath out here. You can stop this right now, if you will only go with them.”

  I peered out the window to see my old science teacher. He was short with greying hair. He was the only teacher that believed I could change the world, and he spent hours helping me out. He was like family to me and now he is telling me to stop running.

“I’m sorry Mr. Ryan Lee,”I said as I found a cherry bomb,”I can’t stop now. I’m trying to save the world from the weapon they are trying to make us into. I got to do this for everyone.”

“Rand,”He said as I lit it,”You don’t have to do this. You can still make a difference by not taking this way.”

“I’m sorry,”I whispered as I threw the bomb out the window.

  It exploded and the three of us made a run for it. I watched my teacher smile at me as I noticed the gun they had pointed at him. I heard gunshots and felt something hit my leg. I looked down to see that my leg was bleeding from a small wound where a bullet ran by my leg.

  We stopped as the pain started to overwhelm me. I fell to the ground and bit my tongue to keep me from screaming my head off. I found some fabric I kept in my pocket just in case and fixed up my leg. I tried to stand up but I couldn’t and silently cursed in my head. Why must the world hate me so much? I just put myself up against a tree as the boys put the guns down.

“What was that about?”Righley asked looking at me like I could be a ghost.

“She’s someone more than who she said she is,”Jeffery said as I gave a small laugh to try and cover that up.

“Is that true?”Righley asked.

“Kinda,”I answered with a sigh,”My father was over it for a short time. He thought it would be able to give the world a peaceful state but a man took over it and made us weapons. My father was against it and since I was in it and his little girl it made it worst.”

 They looked at me as I pulled out my cell phone. I turned it on and put in a response that only my part knows. I typed in three words that were: Night is High. I sent it to them as my leg felt better. I stood up and started to walk away. The boys looked over at me before we started to walk.

  We needed to go to New York and take a flight to Greece. We would be heading over thousands of miles without time to think or hardly do anything. I took out the wallet from one of the men that had us surrounded and found over $5,000 in it and 5 major cards. What an idiot to leave all of this in his wallet?

 I pocketed the money and cards while throwing the wallet into a trash can. I went to an ATM and used all the cards to get as much money as I could. At the end I had over $500,000 on me and not that poor, poor Mason Jacks. Yes I did hack his bank account and everything he had I left him $200 all together.

“When did you learn how to hack?”Jeffery asked watching me,”That had to take years to learn and per…”

“I always been good with this kind of stuff so this was like a second nature to me,”I interrupted him,”Also my dad called me his little hacker, when I hacked all the way into the Pentagon. I was only 6 when I did that and let me just say that is something. What all can you do?”

“Nothing like that,”He said still amazed,”How can you do something like that at only 6.”

“I’m very smart for my age,”I said typing in the last password to get into the airline,”I was bullied for it but also got to go to cooler things. My dad loved how I was like a mad scientist at that age.”

“What about your mom?”Righley asked,”Is there anything about her?”

  I froze at that statement. My mom was never there for me and still is not. She left my Dad and me, when I was only a baby and never even helped. I never had a mother in my messed up life. So how can I say stuff about her? It’s not like I’m a bad kid and don’t want to know her. I shook the thought away as I returned to the task at hand.

“What about her?”I said getting the flight ready for today.

“You never talk about her,”Righley said.

“Yeah why is that,”Jeffery said going into my head.

“If you dare go into my thoughts I will take your manhood away,”I snapped and he stopped that second,”My mom was never in my life. I don’t like to talk about it end of story.”

  They nodded most likely not wanting me to finish that threat. I logged out of it and walked into the airport. I went up to the desk as the boys watched me. I went up to the lady and gave a kind smile.

“Tickets for Young please,”I said nicely.

“Here you go Ms. Young,”She said,”Your flight is leaving in a few minutes.”

“Thank you,”I said as we walked off,”Sometimes I believe people are idiots and don’t get that kids can do so much…”

“More,”Jeffery finished,”I know how you feel about that. I can kill anybody with any kind of technique. It’s like they undermine us to much. It’s sad really at how stupid they are.”

“So Randy is a super smarty that can control people’s fear,”Righley said as we boarded the plane,”And Jeffery can kill anyone and invades people's mind set. Is there anything else I might need to know about before anything happens.”

“Your fly is down,”I said as he looked down to see I was right

  I laughed as he fixed his little problem and took my seat as we were leaving. I watched as everything flew past me and went to nothing. I was thinking about the past which was the wrong thing to do. I passed out right there to a day I would never forget no matter how hard I try for I'm glad that I can't.

I just woke up from whatever they did to me. My head was spinning and I honestly don’t know if I’m even alive or not. I looked around to see 3 other people in the room with me. They each looked like how I felt.

  I turned to my left and saw a guy’s fear of drowning. I turned to my left to see a girl’s fear of china dolls. I looked in front of me to see another guy’s fear of surprisingly girls. I looked into their eyes and it was like all I could do was ponder on what was going on.

“I can see your fears,”I said as I looked at all of them,“I’m Randy Young by the way.”

“Jason Pearce,”The guy to my left said,”I can control the blood in someone.”

“Mason Kelps,”The guy in front of me said,”I can control time and space.”

“Lindsey Mathews,”The other girl to my left said,”I can make sonic booms and control the frequency of a sound wave.”

  We were all in black like goths and we decided that was going to be our color. I turned to see my dad there smiling at our little group and smiled. He walked in and told us that we were the dangers and that our powers could drive anyone to kill themselves.

I woke up to a light shaking from the flight attendant. She handed me my things which was a small backpack and a little laptop. I walked out and over to the boys before getting on the next flight. I stayed awake for this one as everyone around me just talked. There was something off this time though. I looked behind me to see a man staring at me like a prize. I took off my black hoodie and put it around my waist by tying its arms.

 I stood up and headed to the back as the boys watched me. The man that was staring at me got up and followed me to the back. I walked with my hand in my back pocket as he followed me. I stopped and turned to see him in my face. He pushed me up against the wall and grinned evilly.

 He went to possibly rape me but I had my tricks at the palm of my hand. I kicked him in the stomach then went into fear mode. I saw nothing but decided not to freak over it. I went to punch him but he caught my hand. I tried again but he stopped me once again.

“Who are you and What do you want?”I spat at him as I tried to get away.

“I’m here to help you get Jason,”A female voice said from the man,”It’s not a raping Rands. It’s me your older sister, Kate.”

“Don’t do that to me Kat,”I said as she changed back,”You almost gave me a heart-attack.”

  We laughed as we went back to our seats and smiled at the fact my sister found me. She was wearing the same color as Jeffery which was a blood red shirt and jeans. Kate was my older sister by 5 years. I’m 17 right now, so she would be 22 as of the moment.

 The parts have this color we decided to wear to show who we can trust and who is family. Dangers were black so that was perfect for me since I owned a lot of that color. Mask were the blood red for who knows why. Hounds were brown for the color a hound dog. Makes were green for nature of course. Now kills were a dark blue which was odd but they wore any color for what they were doing.

Chapter 3

  I looked outside to see the lands of Athens, Greece. I walked off the plane with everyone following me. I walked over to a little area where no one was. I turned to see my sister and Layne hugging it out. I looked at Righley to see he was just so confuse on what was going on.

“That’s my sister Kate,”I said as he look at her,”She’s a mask from the fire. They call her The Mystery Child.”

“Anything else we need to know then?”Righley questioned.

“I need to hack into their database and to see where we are going,”I said taking out my laptop,”Then we can go there and break out Mason and anyone else you want out.”

“Just like dad,”Kate said with a smile,”Mom should had never left the two of you. Also we need to find where the head of it is so we can…”

“NO WAR,”I said a little too loud,”We are just going to go in and set everyone free. I don’t want to go against the way I was raised. We will do this MY way.”

“OK,”Kate said as I began my task,”I was just going to say we could just take him out then the world will be better off.”

“She has a point Randy,”Righley said,”Take away the head then no one can do anything. Also that man could have had your dad killed. It would be easier than to just run away.”

“The bible says to turn the other cheek,”I said remembering how I was raised up in a christian family,”God doesn’t want us to murder anyone. So why should I kill someone just because they took away the one person I loved. It makes no sense to me. Also for a Hydra if you cut one head off two more grow back. So why do it?”

“You got a point but it still is not right to let him live,”Kate said,”That man is the reason Dad is gone forever. We need to take action against him. He is the reason we are like this. I use to be popular and had everything I ever wanted. Now I can’t have that because of this.”

“She’s right you know,”Jeffery said,”Everyone from Mask were popular and had a good life style. They took that from us and gave us this one. HE or SHE has to be put into their place.”

“ WELL I WAS NEVER LIKE THAT,”I said stopping the task,”I didn’t have friends to call my own. I was the outcast that no one liked. I was the kid no one saw or cared for. So this never affected me but gave me some friends like me.”

“Rans, I never knew,”Kate said as a tear rolled down my cheek,”You should have said something to me.”

“I did Ms. I’m-too-cool-to-help-my-little-sister-out,”I said leaving them all,”You never listened to me.”

  I ran away from all of them as they just stared at me. I ran to the forest to find a giant building there. Weird for this to be here. I went up to it and started to climb to the top of it. I let my thoughts go as I reach the top. I looked into a window to see a boy about 5’4” with raven black hair. He was wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers. I smiled as I know that boy anywhere. Mason was right below me and I beat the window to get his attention.

  He looked up and gave me a big smile. I opened the window and dropped a rope down to him. He climbed up and was out when the guards came. They started to fire darts at us but Mason had that one covered. He slowed time around us down and we both went back to the others. I smiled when we were alone and free from that little face off.

“How have you been Fear Chick?”Mason said as he stopped time around us,”It’s been forever you know.”

“Still cracking lame jokes about your power Mason,”I said and faced him,”I’ve been good. Running for my life every other day but still good.”

“Any idea on where the others are?”He asked as we walked to the group I came with,”That would be good news.”

“Who’s that?”Righley said as Mason had stopped what he was doing.

“This is my FRIEND Mason,”I said remembering our little fight,”He’s from my part. The Time Lord is what they called him.”

“You didn’t get our groups out of there,”Jeffery said clearly pissed off,”Where are they? We are going to go save them right now!”

“Calm it down,”Mason said confused,”The others are most likely under heavy protection by now. It’s going to take a while to get them.”

“I don’t care,”Righley said heading off in the direction I came from,”We need to save our parts too you know. I don’t care if time is not on our side, we are going to save them.”

“Mason can do that you know,”I said as Mason did his thing,”Also he means that our powers don’t work unless we are outside. That is how we are going to have to do this you know.”

  They all laughed at him but I rolled my eyes. When did I become the babysitter of this lot? We headed to the building and we all climbed to the top of it. I looked for a entry spot so I could get in without being seen. I found an air duct and decided to go for it.

  I went in by myself and started to crawl through the tight space. I hate tight areas and thankfully Mason knows that. He made it a little bigger so I wouldn’t start to freak out. I went down till I saw two people fighting together. They each had a colorful language but who cares on that. I set a timer on their door and continued to move forward. The next door had a girl floating on air.

  I jumped in her room and she fell backwards. I laughed as she got up clearly mad. She huffed as I went to the door to start on the explosion I had plan.

“You Dangers just think you own this place don’t you,”She hissed at me,”Wait till the guards get here and take you away.”

“Don’t care sweetheart,”I said as I finished,”Right now all I want to do is get this over with and get my part out of this.”

“What do you mean by that?”She questioned as the door open and the guards came.

“She means that you all are getting out of here,”A man behind them said,”Or at least that is what she thought.”

“I don’t care for any of this right now,”I said as I looked at them,”Right now I ‘m going to get away from all of you.”

 I push the button but nothing happened. No, no, no this can not be happening right now. I turned to see that they had stopped it, so I just smiled a little before running out with the girl on my heels.

 I saw the other two behind me and gave an evil grin. At least I got everyone out of the rooms. I saw the door open and my group outside waiting for us. I looked behind me and saw darts flying our way. Ms. Air decide to blow them back as a fire ball went over my head and started the sprinklers. They didn’t have that when I set our’s on fire.

  I was almost there and heard a gunshot. I turned to see my sister on the ground bleeding. I turned to the building and felt anger, sadness, and hatred boiled inside me. I let out a scream and the building started to shake violently. A hound ran out of the building as I let everything go on the bastard that killed my sister. The hound ran away to who knows where as I passed out and fell into someone’s arms. The last thing I heard was Jeffery cursing a long line of words. All I wanted to do was hide away from the world but that doesn’t happen here.


  I woke up in a bed next to someone. I sat up to see it was Mason. I looked around to see everyone was here except for the Mask group. I went to get up but felt hands on me. I turned to see Mason had a hold on me. He pulled me back down and got up. Mason was the same age as me and we both were born on September 1, 1997, so we were like twins. He was older by 2.5 minutes though.

“You need to rest,”He said like the overprotective person he is,”You took the building down in a matter of seconds.”

“Did anyone get hurt?”I questioned closing my eyes,”Did I kill anyone?”

“No they got away,”He said turning the air on,”The Mask people left after that hurt they lost a member of their part. I thought they were suppose to be good people and not total out for blood people.”

“They were before this,”I answered with a laugh,”I just think they don’t get any of this like we do.”

  He laughed and disappeared to another room. I stayed there feeling everything go wrong inside my head. Let me just say that you do not want to tick a Danger off. We would then lose control and bad things happen. I thought about the map my dad had shown me with the riddles of the locations to the other parts were located.

  I figured out Mason’s pretty easy since I love greek mythology. I was going to go for Lindsey next. Her location riddle was kinda hard but I think I got it now. The riddle goes like this:

Sound is high in the air,

The Earth and Sea will meet,

To find where they lay,

You need to look for where they play.

Some will try but fail,

Some will shine and some will drown,

Come to the place of fun,

To find the heart of all of them.

  It’s weird and very confusing but yet it is simple. It’s the beach but also a special one at that. The heart could be the heart of fun and good time. Surfing is what comes to mind and the only place with the most of that is Hawaii. She got so lucky she got that beautiful island and not some old factory.

 I got up and went to where Mason and them were. I took a seat as they argued back and forth on where to go next. They didn’t even know I was there. I laughed and thought about the riddle over and over.

“We need to find Minni and Candy,”The girl said.

“No we don’t need to find them, Terra,”Mason snapped,”We need to find Lindsey first.”

“What are their powers Terra?”I asked making everyone jump.

“Earth and Water,”Righley said,”Why do you need to know that one.”

“The location riddles say who is at the location,”I said,”We can get all three in Hawaii.”

“What do you mean by that?”Righley asked clearly confused,”What riddles do you mean?”

Where terror meets the flame,

Is where the minds are at play,

The whisper stays hidden,

They are bigger than the world,

but only seem by the smoke.

To find them follow the big cow,

To see what they are follow the smoke,”I said,”That was for Dallas, Texas.”

“What was mine?”Mason asked.

Kronos ruled here at one time,

The air spirits play all day long,

Apollo and Artemis off fighting about everything,

They sit and wait for a hero,

To find them in the woods,”I recited.

“So that means Athens, Greece,”Terra said in awe,”How do you know them so easily.”

   I stood up and went over to the door. I had to find where to go though in Hawaii to find them. I stared out the window there and then thought about my dad saying how he always wanted to take me to Honolulu, Hawaii since I was little. He was also the one that came up with the locations of everyone.

“My dad,”I said as I went to hack into the airline again,”It’s Honolulu, Hawaii.”

“How did you figure that out so quickly Terror,”Righley said,”You haven’t even told us the riddle yet.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t see that at first,”I continued to no one at all,”My dad made them base on what I like or what he wanted us to do together. It is the smartest thing ever and I’m just now getting it.”

“RJ!”Mason yelled at me,”What’s the riddle for them.”

Sound is high in the air,

The Earth and Sea will meet,

To find where they lay,

You need to look for where they play.

Some will try but fail,

Some will shine and some will drown,

Come to the place of fun,

To find the heart of all of them,”I said.

“Alright then,”Righley said as I finished my task of getting the flights,”So we get to go surf and have a good old time.”

“Not really since we are being hunted down and have to get them out,”Mason said for me,”So therefore we will most likely not be having fun there.”

“Buzz kill,”Terra said as I shot up.

“Let’s go,”I said getting my things.

  We went to the airport and got on our flight to New York. The whole time I was talking with Mason on what all has been going on since the fire 5 years ago. He was surprise that I had actually took it to myself to mess with others fear. I’m surprise his fear has changed from 6 years ago.

  It went from girls to losing me which I thought was the sweetest thing ever. I have to admit that I missed him with all my heart. He is truly like my twin brother.

“Do you know anything about Jason?”He asked me.

“No but I hope he is alright,”I answered with a sad look,”It’s been years since I’ve seen him.”

  Jason and I are a thing and very close at that. After we first met we both knew we were the most dangerous. We talked for a little bit and my dad even said we could. So the two of us became a thing then we got separated.

“You want him near don’t you?”Mason said letting me put my head on his shoulder,”I understand you know.”

“I really miss him,”I said as I looked up at him,”It’s like the imprint thing from twilight. I can’t be without him.”

  We laughed at my comment as the flight ended. We got off and got on the next one. We did this all the way to Hawaii and got off there at around 6 pm. I had booked a room with the money I had on me which now I was out. Mason tapped my shoulder and handed me a wallet. I opened it to see $4000 and 6 major cards. What are these people, idiots?

  We walked to the nearest ATM and I did my magic. I ended up getting a good $500000 from five of the cards. The last one had $1000 on it. So we were balling for a good few days or so.

  We went into our room and sat down. It was about midnight and we all had to get ready for the day ahead. I turned to everyone as I thought about where the building could be. I laid down and ponder on where it could be. Then it hit me.

“We’ll check out near the volcano first,”I said thinking about it.

Chapter 5

 The next morning, we headed out for the volcano. We went to the base and walked around it. I noticed a path that lead into the forest and knew it was not on the map. We took it and walked about a mile before coming on a glass building.

  I looked in and saw Lindsey with her nose in a book. I rolled my eyes at her as I noticed two other girls in the same room opposite of Lindsey. They looked out and noticed us. I picked up a rock and threw it at Lindsey. It hit the wall but she didn’t seem to notice it. I picked up a bigger rock and broke the window.

  Lindsey stood up and walked out with the other two girls. She stared at me as the people inside went around looking for us. We ran to the hotel and hide in our room. I was packing when alarms went off and the building was locked down. I mentally face palmed myself as I let my brain go into autodrive for a plan. It has to be brilliant but also not that hard.

  I was brought out of my thought when the door opened. A man in his 20s with brown hair and grey eyes stood in front of me. He looked me up and down as if he was expecting something from me. I eyed him as he took my things and began to head to the door.

“Ms. Randy your plane is waiting for you and your friends,”He said like a butler,”If I was you I would get going.”

“Who are you?”I asked following him.

“I work for your mother Ms. Randy,”He said like I was a princess,”I been keeping an eye on you this whole time. You may call me Frederick.”

  I nodded and got in the plane with him and my friends. It was a private jet with a snack bar and drink bar(it had cokes, water, and tea) on it. I took a seat and the pilot started the plane. I watched the island disappear from my view. I turned to Frederick as he looked at me.

“Care to explain all of this,”I sassed,”Or do I need to be a little brat to get the answers I want.”

“Your mother is Maria Elizabeth Camron Young,”He started,”Your mother was a bright lady and wanted you to have a real life. So she left you and your father there. She had me watch over you and your father. So I’m like you personal butler. So where to Ms. Randy?”

 I stopped at the thought of my mom wanting to help me. I thought back to the last riddle since it would be the hardest one. I let it play over in my head as I tried to think of all the places it could be. The riddle was:

Blood is always hard to find,

The killers will only know,

Two mask will try and fight.

If you search for them,

You will have to look in your heart,

That is where your secrets are held.

Night will be your guide,

To find where they lie.

Try to find,

Where you love to hide.

The fictional world holds the key,

To the one you are to love,

Let your heart tell you where he is.

 I sat there wondering where it could be. I don’t know where he could be. I tried everything to think about it. My dad told me all his hopes for me and I don’t know where it is. Why does life hate me?

“Try thinking about the times he was happy,”Frederick said.

“What do you mean by that?”I questioned him,”My dad told me everything. He would have told me about where my heart will tell me to go.”

“What about your mother?”He questioned me,”Did he tell you about her?”

“Yeah,”I said getting a little tick,”He said they met in New York. Then went to LaPush where they had my sister. After her and my birth they took us to England to tour around there. Then she left us.”

“Where was she from?”He pushed me.

“Orlando, Florida,”I said,”The same place I was born in. I see what you did there.”

  I laughed at how stupid I was for not seeing it. My dad loved my mom and me with so much passion it was a gift from God. I took out my laptop as we headed that way. I typed in the address of my mom’s old home on Google Maps. A picture of it appeared and I saw the men outside the HUGE house. This is going to be a hard one.

Chapter 6



  I was sitting in my room bored out of my mind. I had to be in a whole different place from the people I love and care about. I sat up and went to the door to see if I could get out of here but it was lock. I haven’t been out of this room for some time now.

  I threw myself on the bed as the door opened to reveal the kills. They smiled at me before entering. I honestly hate them so much. They come in here and push me around like I can’t do anything right. The sad thing is no matter what none of our powers work on them. I do know though that they can be mess up by a few things.

The kills have been trained to with-do anything. They can’t be harm by no one and honestly I hope they go die in a hole. I have learned their names over the many years I been locked in this room. The girl is Max and she is like the leader. Her two brothers are Jake and Mark. They both cannot think for themselves and follow their sister around.

“Hello Jason,”Max said evilly,”I was just walking around the other day and noticed your little girlfriend with someone else.”

“So,”I said standing up,”What is that to me, you little brat?”

“I was going to kill her but something came over me,”She said holding her two idiot brothers back,”It was like I was frozen in that one spot. I couldn’t do anything. I want to know if you know what had happen to me.”

“I have no idea,”I lied to her.

  She stomped her foot and they left. She clearly has some kind of fear and Randy found it. So there is hope for us after all with those three.




 I walked with the part as I let her death play over and over again. I just stood there and let her die to save her sister. I was beating myself up for that mistake. Kate jumped in front of the bullet to save her baby sister. We were in Florida for some odd reason.

  I walked up to this huge house that had dogs running around. I went up to the door with Gracey, Mikel, Sarah, and Luke. Gracey and Mikel were in Greece and they are twins with a habit of cussing at each other. The other two just showed up out of the blue two days ago.

  I knocked on the door and a lady with black hair and almost black eyes came out. She looked like Kate with the eyes but like Randy with the hair. I remembered their father had Kate’s brown hair but Randy’s green eyes.

“May I help you?”She asked with a smile.

“We were wondering if we could stay here for a little bit,”I said for everyone.

“I can’t believe my mom was the one to be helping us,”I heard a familiar voice said behind me,”So my schooling, the bills, and the lab dad worked at was her doing.”

  I turned to see Randy with a bigger crew. She snapped her head to the women and froze in place. This must have been the mother of those two. I faced the woman to see a motherly smile on her face. She looked like she was going to cry but didn’t want to.




 We got off the plane and was drove to a huge house. Randy was so nervous it was like she couldn’t even function. She would ask something then go on about her mother helping her out for all these years. I wanted to laugh but also kind of understood why she was like this.

  My mom was who I got to stay with. My dad didn’t even care about the two of us so it was similar to Randy’s problem right now. We just pull up to the house Frederick or Fred, as Randy started to call him by, told we will be going to.

  We got out and all you could hear was Randy getting more confused by the second. She honestly hates not knowing when something is going on and how it was possible. She said something then faced a woman at the door. She froze and just looked in shock.

  The woman looked liked Randy but not like Randy, if that made any sense. She walked down and over to my adoptive sister. I elbowed Randy’s side and she unfroze but still had a shock face.

“Mom,”She said almost in disbelief.

“Look at you Randy Miria Elizabeth Max Young,”She said,”You are all grown up. I wished I could have seen that. But right now you got to go over and kick some butt.”

“Your mom is cool,”Righley said,”and your name's a mouthful.”

“It is,”Randy said looking at him,”I don’t hurt people on purpose, Mom. Dad raised me better than that.”

“I know that,”She said,”But I was talking about the kills. You need to find the deepest fear they have.”

“What do you mean by this?”I asked this time,”You saying she can take down the kills. How can that…”




   If I put the thingy-ma-bob here then the circuit should follow through to the main wire and boom I’m out. I was making an explosive to get me out of this room. I do NOT know how Randy can do this and make it work so easily. This is my 5th try and I’m losing hope on it working. I pushed the button and got a small boom but nothing that I wanted.

  I heard laughter and decided to stop with everything. I’m just going to let them come and hopefully save me. I feel like my brain is going away and it hurts like a thousands fire in my head. I let my mind drift back and forth till nothingness took me away.

Chapter 7

 I walked away from everything to get some air. They want me to drive the kills insane with their fear and I just want to live a happy life. I left the gates with my old dog Ace. He is a german shepherd and he is my baby. He was just a sweetheart and just love go play with me and my weird self.

  I walked for about an hour before heading back. I was walking with my Ipod blaring music when I felt hands go around me. I turn quickly around but my mouth got covered by a piece of cloth. I tried to fight back but nothing work. I was holding my breath as Ace ran to go get help. Soon I couldn’t do it anymore and let the darkness take me.

~~~~~~~~~5 Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~

 I woke up in a room with dim lights. I had no idea where I was and why I was here. I looked around to see if I can figure it out but had no luck. I stood up and head over to the door.

  I opened it and went into the next room. I looked around and saw Jason asleep on a bed. I ran over to him and kneel by the bed. I lightly shook him as I tried to figure out how to get out.

“Jason please wake up,”I whinned into his ear,”Jason.”

“What,”He whinned waking up,”What do you need right now?”

“I need you to help me get out of here,”I said as he faced me.

“When did you get here Rands?”He asked hugging me,”Where is everyone else?”

“I don’t know,”I said as I sat beside him,”I was walking with my dog Ace. Then someone attacked me and then Poof I’m here in a connect room next to your’s.”

  He pulled me into his lap as the door open and revealed a man with an evil glare and smile. He walked over to us and two nurses walked in with syringes in their hands. I jumped at the sight for sadly my own fear is that. Jason stood up and put me behind him.

   The nurses looked at us and then toward the door. Four big men walked in and two took Jason and the other two tried to hold me down, but you do NOT put me near a needle. Two more came in and held me down while one nurse put the syringe into the back of Jason’s neck. The other one did the same to me and it was like I couldn’t think for myself anymore.

“Stop struggling Fear Watcher,”The man said and I did,”That’s more like it. The two love birds and most dangerous out of everyone in my hands like mindless drones. Funny, isn’t that funny.”

  He left and I turned to Jason and he knew the same thing as I did. We ran to each other and I started to cry. The man that killed my father was Jason’s stepfather. So that man that just left was him. Life was going to be getting a lot harder than it is already. We are now playing for the other team.

Chapter 8



  I followed the dog to where it wanted us to go to. I looked around and notice music blasting from something. I went over to it and notice it was an Ipod. I picked it up and noticed the black case with a trident on it. It was Randy’s and I only know that because I tried to take it and she almost beat the hell out of me.

 She wouldn’t leave something like this here. This was her only way to keep from killing people. Why would she leave this here? I looked around and saw a footprint not to far from her Ipod. They didn’t dare...but they did...or could it be something else.

  I ran back to the house and saw Mrs. Young looking at something. She looked so sad at something. I went up to her and she noticed the Ipod in my hand. She gasp and took hold of it.

“They took her,”She said heartbroken,”First they take her father. Then her sister and now her. I should have suggested to go with her. I should…”

“It’s not your fault Mrs. Young,”I said trying to calm her down,”They were ready for her. But right now we just need to try and find away to save her.”

“There is a secret entrance from the house to the building,”She said going over to a computer,”If you can get there still undetected maybe you can get to the main office. Then you will need to shut off the cameras and hope the triples don’t catch on…”

“I’m not the one to be telling this all to,”I said walking up to her,”We need everyone on this and not just a few of us.”

  She nodded and I went to get the others. They were all in a different spot with their parts. I got everyone but the dangers. I went around looking for those two and couldn’t find them. I went up to the room we were told was Randy’s. I opened the door to see them sitting in the middle of the floor. How come I did not see this happening. Lindsey had a book and Mason was playing with a ball.

  I had found out that Dangers are surprisingly harmless, unless you give them a reason not to be. Lindsey was with a book or doing other things that would come in handy. Mason was always goofing off but yet kept busy. They all were the outcast that no one payed attention to. Randy was the only one who was more tech about anything. I wonder what Jason was like.

“You know staring is rude,”Lindsey said bringing me from my thoughts,”If you have a question or something go ahead and say it.”

“Randy got captured didn’t she,”Mason said turning to me.

“How did you know?”I asked him.

“Time remember,”He said standing up,”I went out there with you and saw there was no trace of her but her Ipod.”

“Also why are you all like this but yet in that part?”I asked confused,”Is Jason like this?”




   Righley just asked the one question we didn’t have an answer to. I turned to Lindsey hoping she had an answer to it. She shook her head no and I mentally face palm myself. Randy always had an answer to these type of questions.

We are special and not in the way they made us but in our own way, Randy’s voice said in my head,Life is what we make it. It’s not the other way around. We are in this part for our past and because they thought we would be easier to control than anyone else. Our past shows the future we all hold.

  I stumble back as I noticed Randy just went into my head. I shook it away as a hologram of her appeared behind Righley and it smiled. I stared at it as the others looked around.

“Mason what’s wrong?”Lindsey asked,”You don’t act like this when Randy is around. So why now?”

“You can’t see her?”I ask pointing behind Righley to see Randy laugh,”She’s right there like a hologram.”

“No one’s behind me Mason,”Righley said.

“They can’t see me Mason,”The hologram said,”I’m in your head. You want answers but don’t know where to start.”

  I ran past Righley and down stairs. They followed as I went to her mom. I walked over to Randy’s bag and took out her laptop. I opened it and saw she had a hack going. I ended it and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I typed in a name that had me wondering for days now.

 Then to my surprise a profile popped up. I clicked on it and saw what was all in it. I went through it and found out the answers to what we have been searching for. This was the file:

Max Kelps

age: 34

Child:Mason Kelps

Reason of uses: Control

  Max is the father to Time Lord. He is here to make sure none of the dangers get out of hand. He is the head guard for Randy Young and Jason Pearce. He will be sent to Orlando with Jason to make sure nothing happens.

  He will be killed only if he besides to help his family. He is only to be dealt with for Mason or the other dangers. He left his son for protection but doesn’t know he is here.

 I stared at the scream before I went to another one. There was still the fact of my mother but that wasn’t what I wanted to know. I looked up Righley’s Bio. I pulled up the file and was shook at what I found.

Righley Morris

Age: 16 on July 2

Part: Makes

Purpose: to burn through other forces

Reason of selection: Spoiled then given away to the project

   Righley is strong willed. He has a strong will to protect the ones he loves and will die trying. Righley was spoiled at a young age then at age 13 became sick. He was given to us to find a way for him to live. His parents live in Delhi, Louisiana and own a family business.

   Righley has a main purpose to destroy anyone who gets in his way. He has a talent with firearms and will never miss his target. This is why Righley will be grouped with fear and two powerful mask.

 I turned to him as he backed into a corner. This must be embracing for him but it also makes sense. He was to be partner up with Randy but wanted the bastard to die or did he.

“I don’t want war but if it happens I say death to him,”Righley answered as a plan came together.

“I got a plan,”I said closing the computer.

Chapter 9

  The door won’t open to anything and my laptop is at home. Jason had Centuries by Fall Out Boy playing as I was working on an explosive. I was going to get out of here even if it was the last thing I did. Which right now I think it is.

  I put the last wire in and went to put it on the door as my body froze. Stupid chip. We tried to get it out but there was no use in anything we tried. The triplets walked in and took the explosive out of my hand. They laughed and destroyed it.

“Why even try Randy,”Max mocked me,”With the chip in place you can’t do anything. We have control over you and no one can say other wise.”

“Maybe you should thank us for this,”Jake said as I saw his fear of water,”It’s not like you have a chance now anyway.”

“So just give in,”Mark said as his fear of butterflies showed up,”It’s worthless you know. You can’t do anything about it.”

  They left as my body decided to walk over to Jason. I was released from it and fell on the bed. Jason took a seat next to me as I flung myself onto it.

“Life hates me,”I said with no emotion,”It’s official. Life has no future for me but a stupid weapon.”

“Are you giving up,”He said resting his head on my raised knees,”I thought you never give up.”

“I don’t know anymore,”I said as he laid beside me,”Maybe it is time to let it play out and stay away from it all.”

  He laughed at me and stood up. He went over to his player and put on I Love it by Icona Pop. He came over to me and pulled me off the bed. We started to dance to it and were just laughing like nothing was happening right now.

  It was like the world didn’t matter but we were just being teennagers who were looking for fun. We bounced around like the kids we were then it hit me. If we wait for them then this moment can last forever. I ran to him and he caught me. I kissed him and he kissed back. I pulled away and made it short.

“How about we wait to see what happens,”I said as someone made the lights go out.

“I like that plan,”Jason said as my body froze again.

  I was in his arms with my head on his chest. He had his chin rested on the top of my head which made it perfect. Someone walked in and turned to us. He looked like Mason but I could care less since they were with my mom.

  He walked over to us and I noticed he was Mason’s father. The file on my laptop said he left to protect his son. He smiled at me and Jason before removing us from one another. He grabbed me and headed for the door.

  He put me on a medical bed and nurses put this thing on my mouth. I felt my body feel like it was floating in the air. I looked by me and saw the same thing was happening to Jason.

  We were then wheeled to who knows where. A dark medical room came into view. I went into it as they took Jason somewhere else. They put the bed in the middle and left it there. My vision soon gave out as doctors walked in.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  I woke up in the same bed as Jason. He had his arms around me protectively. I went to sit up but my midsection hurt. I pulled up my Black T-shirt to see it was wrapped. It made no sense to me. How could this had happen? What had happen to me?

  I turned to my right and saw I had a long scar on my right side. Then it hit me that they did surgery on me. I got that scar for when they put a device in me to make sure nothing could harm me and to make me heal faster.

  I laid back down with my head on Jason’s chest. I felt his steady breathing and it made me feel better. I noticed he had the same thing down to him. I let a tear roll down my cheek as the door opened up. I stayed still as two voices came into the room.

“Poor things,”a woman said,”They just don’t stand a chance.”

“I Know Kimberly,”Max Kelps said,”They just got to wait a little longer for their rescue team.”

“What if something happens to Lindsey,”Kimberly said worried,”I can’t loose my baby girl. She is all I got.”

“We can only hope,”He said walking over to us,”For now let’s let them rest in peace.”

  I felt him kiss my forehead like my dad use to and then left. I opened my eyes to see he gave me Mason’s warm smile. I looked and saw Lindsey’s mom give a motherly smile. They shut the door and darkness consumed the room once again.

  I stayed how I was a few minutes after that. I soon felt a hand pet my head and looked up to see Jason smiling at me. I gave it back as he stayed still.

“Does your midsection hurt as well,”He said with a small laugh.

“Yes it does,”I said laying my head back down,”Do you think we’ll last that long?”

“I do,”He said as he pecked my head,”For now let’s get some sleep.”

  After that I let my eyes shut and fell into my own little fairytale. I just wish everyone would hurry and get here already.

Chapter 10

*Mr. Peach*


 I took out the file on the little brat. She is really the problem with this and it is her fault I lost so many people. She was picked for her special talents and everything. I just didn’t think she would have been the one for Jason.

 Her no good of a father had to be the one to get that message across. If he didn’t figure out the plan then none of this would have happened. But he had to and now gaining this kid’s trust will be much harder.

 Then her sister had to get shot instead of staying away. So we lost a division and everything has been in total chaos. But now she is in my hands and in my control.

 I opened the file to see a gangster style picture of her. She looked so dangerous, NOT. I thought she was a kind kid not a super freak. I opened it to the first page and read:

Randy Miria Elizabeth Max Young

Age: 16 on September 1

Talents: computers, drawing, music, hiding in shadows, smart

Reason chosen: Talents and father

Part: Dangers

Purpose: to scare away anything that gets in the way

  Randy is a girl who has been left in the shadows. Her father was the only one to see her as an angel and didn’t ignore her. She has been to many convictions on many different occasions. She has skipped three grades like Jason but has started to be homeschooled after the the 9th grade.

  Randy has a strong will to do what is right no matter the cost. She will not kill or harm no one but will try and save someone if not hurt by them. Her father is her life and only family. She will be the one to either ruin the project or bring it to victory.

  She was the one everyone talked about and the girl everyone was so proud of. She was the one that would make this work but she was the one to bring it to it’s knees.

  Well now that the transmitter has been removed she will have to do what I say or the chip will bring pain to them. I went into the room to see both of them still asleep. It was nice really but now they will have to try and not kill each other.

  I flipped on the lights and they both stayed still asleep. I brought up my watch and put it to command mode. I then told it to wake them up. The room filled with alarms and both of them covered their ears. I stopped it as they looked at me.

“Time to get up,”I said like a father,”Today we see what you can do.”

“Says who,”Randy tried to countered.

“Me of course,”I said as the doctors came in,”After they see how you are doing we will begin with power development. Then when you are completely heal we will start with combat training.”

“Like we would do that, Steve,”Jason countered this time.

“Now,”I said and soon heard a scream from both of them,”If you try to refuse doing it a pain shock will run through your body.”

  The screams stopped and I left the room. I took the file up to my office to see my kids goofing off. My little ones were the kills and they knew better than to disobey me. I threw the file on the desk next to that no good of a step son I have. They circled the desk as I took my seat and looked at them. Max smiled her lovely smile.

“So do they become mindless drones daddy?”Max said,”Or do we have to wait again?”

“Soon baby girl,”I said as I watch those two on a monitor,”Right now we got to wait to see if their ‘friends’ come for them. When that happens then we will set them on them. For now we can only wait and watch.”

“Let the fun begin then,”Jake said as we all laughed at the two things.




   We sat in the bed as the pain soon stopped. I looked at Randy to see she was crying about something. I pulled her into my lap as she cried out all the pain. The doctors rushed to tell Steve Peach that we couldn’t do anything today do to it having an affect on us.

   I raised Randy’s head up with my fingers. She had this look of pain and lost of hope on her beautiful face. I whipped a tear off her cheek and laid down. She was ontop of me but that was for her sake. I let her roll to the side but kept her close.

“It hurts,”She whimpered.

“I know,”I said into her hair,”But you gotta let it go. It will pass sooner or later.”

“I want to go home,”I heard someone mock,”It hurts to much.”

  I looked to see the kills at the door laughing their heads off. I felt Randy stand up and stare them down. She for once had pure hatred in her eyes. She stepped forward and then all of them dropped to their knees.

 I heard something come up and saw Lindsey and Mason looking at us like idiots. I gave a small laugh as some others came as well. One of them took Randy since she was swaying back and forth.

“Let’s get going,”The man said.

“Who are all of you?”I asked as we ran down the hall.

“Friends of Randy,”A boy said next to me,”We’ll finish the introductions in a little bit.”

  We ran to a small exit that came out of nowhere. They all went in and the man passed them Randy’s sleeping body. I followed them all the way down as it soon closed and we were walking somewhere.

 Then a bright light showed through and they all went to it. I went to and saw a woman standing there with a man in a white lab coat. The man took Randy and placed her on a bed. He told me to get on the one next to her and I didn’t argue.

“What’s going on?”I asked as the Labcoat man removed the chip from Randy,”Where are we?”

“Your at Mrs. Young’s place my son,”Labcoat said as he removed mine,”In safety.”

   I looked around as the room started to spin. The man in the lab coat look a lot like me. Then it hit me, that he was my father. I passed out on the bed as I heard someone reach one.




  Jason is so predictable. They took Randy and Jason to the next room to see how they are doing. I turned to Mason since this was his plan and it worked like a charm. I ran over to him and threw my arms around him. Everyone else seemed to be confused on what was happening.

“Mason that was brilliant,”I cheered,”I told you that you were like Randy.”

“No you said that Randy was the smart one while I was the clueless one,”He said quoting me,”Randy and Jason said that her and I were so much alike.”

“Whatever,”I said walking over to the couch,”Tell me when they are awake.”

  I went to my book as the others just laughed at us. I’m just glad everyone is alright and not working for HIM. Also who is HIM? I would like to know that one and how to beat him for sure.

Chapter 11

  I woke up to something wet touching my face. I slowly opened my eyes to see my Ace was licking my face. I lifted my head up to see a bright light coming from under the door. How in the world did I get here?

  I looked around and didn’t see Jason anywhere. I started to panic thinking of the worst when my door open. My mom walked in and took my hand. She smiled at me and I started to calm down some.

“How are you doing baby girl?”She asked.

“Good,”I said like a question,”Where is Jason at? Is he alright? How did I get here?”

“Calm down Rans,”She said helping me up,”He is down stairs talking with your friends. Also they came to your rescue when you clearly got ticked by the kills.”

   She led me down to the living room and over to Jason and Mason. I sat down in the middle as my mind started to go over what all had happen. I sat there as the group stared me down as I sat there thinking about our next move. He will be thinking about what we would be doing right this minute.

“So what are we…”Righley started.

“If we go to a straight attack they would be waiting for that,”I interrupted him,”If we do a sneak attack then Jeffery could go in and finish what he wants. If we hide away they can slowly find us and take us away one by one.”

“Is she alright,”Gracey said.

“She fine,”Lindsey, Jason, and Mason said together.

“She is just going over everything,”Mason said like it was natural, in which it is.

“Give her a minute,”Lindsey said.

“So then the best way to go at this would be to make a fake then go from the back with all we have,”I said as I finally stopped,”What were we talking about?”

   They all stared at me except my part. I rolled my eyes at them and turned to Mason. He had a big smile on his face and I knew something was up. I gave a laugh as I shook my head.

“What did you do, Mase?”I asked with a smile.

“I made the plan that save you after I saw a picture of you,”He said as I eyed him,”Yes I’m still sane, Rans.”

“Just making sure Time Dork,”I said,”You know that the fear value is never like a GIRL.”

“That’s not funny,”Mason said as everyone else laughed at us.

“Love you Mason,”I said hugging him but being careful of my side.

“I know you do Fear heart,”He said hugging me back,”I love you too.”

  Soon everyone was hugging me. I laughed but it hurt to much so I stopped and everyone got off of me. I looked at the guy in a lab coat and just stared at him. It was really weird since he had black hair and grey eyes like Jason. He is Mr. Pearce or Jason’s dad.

“Is it still bothering you?”He asked as I nodded.

 He walked into a different room then came back with a small cup and a cup of Tea. He handed me both and I took them without a second thought. Soon my side stopped hurting and I felt a lot better.

   I thanked him and turned to Jason. I then felt my mom tap my shoulder and point to the other side. I turned to that side and saw a figure that looked like my daddy. He had an athletic built and looked like he was coming from some kind of war.

  I jumped up and ran over to my uncle Slade. He was one of the first to do the project and inject himself with something to show that it would work. He picked me up since he was 6’ and I was 5’5”. He places me on my feet and gave me a smile. We did our little hand shake and if you have seen the Parent Trap, it is the same one. My mom rolled her eyes at us as we finished.

“How you been Shorty?”Uncle Slade ask.

“Still alive somehow,”I answered honestly,”What are you doing here of all places? I thought there was a war that needed to be won.”

“That one can wait,”He said kneeling to my height,”For right now there is a battle to be won. So what do you think we need to do Daniel Jr.”


*Mr. Kelps*


  I was going through some of the old files for the big man. I was on the Young family and I’m surprise that there were more than I thought there was. I was putting away Slade Mack Young’s when I saw HER father’s file. I picked it up and stared at the red X on it. That was a sad day for all of us but not like for Randy. I opened it to see a picture of him with his little girl. The report read:

Daniel Elijah Young

Age: 23

Purpose: Child, development, and head

Child: Randy and Kate

Reasons: his girl and brain

  Daniel is the father to Randy and Kate and one of the main finders of the project. He works hard to get everything just right for the children and everyone. Daniel is a brilliant man and only needs to be killed if he ever crosses the line.

   Daniel’s life and joy is his youngest daughter, Randy. He only wants to make sure she is alright and happy. He never wants to put her into danger and will only agree to certain things if she is alright with it.

 I put it up and went over to Kimberly. She was going through the kids’ files and was almost crying. She looked at Randy’s and almost went into a fit.

Chapter 12

  I sat there thinking about what all could happen if we tried something this big. Everything could go wrong and we all die or their plan gets to move forward. Then again it could work and the world can see what they have made us to do and help us. It was just so confusing right now.

 I sat in the back of the car with my part as Fred drove us to the location. I can’t believe I had agreed to do what I had to do in the first place. I looked over to everyone in the car and knew it had to be done. I closed my eyes and thought of everyone he had taken from me.

  Kate Alicia Young, my big sister who took a bullet for me. Grammy and Gramps, who tried to help me whenever I needed it the most. Maria Elisabeth Stirling, the girl who was like a friend to me. Lastly, My dad, the one person who told me what was going on. I closed my eyes as that day ran into my mind.

  I was walking down the hallway as I heard yelling in the distance. I ran to it as my father’s voice was loud and clear in it. I turned the corner as the guy had him at gunpoint. I watched him as he pushed my dad up against a wall.

“Now Daniel you will listen to me,”Mr. Ping said,”You have to finish this out with us or it will get ugly.”

“This was to save kids and people,”Dad said,”To ensure that we have heroes to save the world when War is there.”

“Well plans change,”He said as I watched him pull the trigger.

  My dad fell to the ground in a lifeless manner as the guy just looked upset. I ran to my dad as the guy noticed I saw it all. I  weeped over it as the guy ran away from me. I felt everything as my heart was torn in half.

  I shook that out of my head as my heart didn’t want to break. Jason wrapped his arms around my waist as I took deep breathes to calm my nerves. It will just be in a few hours than we could go on with our lives.

“Ready Randy,”My mom said with a smile.

“No,”I said as I looked at the building.

“Just think about how many people you will be saving,”She said rubbing my knee,”Those little kids that will be looking up to see their heroes. Think of your father’s idea of this. Right now that Man is the villain and needs to be taught a lesson of Jesus.”

“I’m not going to kill him,”I said getting out of the car,”But I’m not stopping the others from doing it either.”

“That’s my girl,”Mom said as Fred pulled away leaving my part.

  It was only us on this mission for we are the ones to take them out. I should have told you this but we are the ones that watch others and learn how to deal with them that way. I looked at my group as we had our weird things in hand.

  Lindsey had her books and a bag for them. Mason had his bouncy ball and bag of trinkets. I had my electronics and bag I had carried around with me. Jason had his stuff already here and honestly it wasn’t much sense it was a mixer of All of our things.

“Are you sure this will work?”Lindsey said,”For if it doesn’t we are screwed.”

“Honestly there is a good 99.9% that this will backfire in our faces,”I said as the gaurds saw us,”But that .1% is good enough for me to take.”

“If we die at least it’s together,”Mason said as people ran over to us.

“At least we have each other now,”Jason said as we had our hands tied up.

  We were led to this room that looked like an office. I gently kicked my bag as my computer buzzed and the program started to hack. Mr. Peach walked in and grinned at all of us. He had the kills walk around and soon punch me and Jason. We both fell to the floor as it was bad enough without that.

“Stop that,”Lindsey yell at them,”You’re hurting them.”

“Whole point girly,”Max said kicking me in my face,”Bad kids get punished.”

  She went to do it again as my eyes glowed a back arua to them. I heard her scream and hit something. If you want to play that way alright let’s play then. I was pulled up as Mason’s dad walked in and shook his head at me. I stopped as she was looking around.

  They looked at me as I gave my wicked evil grin. They must have connected the dots as they all went away from me. Mr. Peach looked at me and smiled evilly. I heard a light ding of the hack being completed for us. At least that part went good for us.

“Put the chips in them and put them into those two rooms,”He order as Mason’s dad did that.

“You had to bring them,”He said as I felt his hand on my back,”Couldn’t leave my son out of this.”

“He’s my twin brother,”I said smiling,”I need him on this one.”

  They brought out the needle thing as I freaked out again. It took five guys this time to hold me down as I didn’t stay still for them. They got it in though and took us all out to the two rooms Jason and I were in.

  I was thrown in one room with Jason as the other two went into the other one. I stood up as the doors closed and they locked us inside. I took out my laptop and smiled as I was in control of our actions now.

“Do your magic,”Jason said putting an unlocking device on the other door.

“Let’s see how they like being at the mercy of us,”I said making me the control of us,”Then maybe they will at least see how this will play on the field.”

  As I finished that my computer shut down for some odd reason. No, no, no not my computer. I felt my spin rush up with pain as the chip tazed me. I fell to the ground in pain as I heard the doors open.

 My vision went blurry before I noticed that they had us. The one thing that I didn’t want to happen had. We were playing for them now but not if my mom could somehow work a miracle for us.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.11.2015

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This is to my freinds who are some of my charectors. James Ferobean for the idea of Righley and Layne Reddick for the idea of Jeffery. Slade Pate for uncle Sade. Plaese don't steal them from me.

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