
Chapter 1

“She just sits there and watches out the window,”My mom said to my dad,”Why does she not see that this is good for her? He can’t hurt her anymore and that is the best thing for her.”

“Maybe because they were in love with one another,”My dad defended me,”She wants him to hold her and be there. She feels empty without him here.”

“Well sometimes love is not there,”My mom said leaving the doorway of my room.

  My heart has been ripped out of my chest and now there is a hole there. I sit in the window seat of my room and wait for them to come back to me. The pack of wolves outside that always come to see me have even disappeared from me. I couldn’t make sense of it now and the world seems to hate me even more.

  I can’t get lines right with our new lead and he keeps on messing them up. I have to restrain myself from beating the life out of him for it. Soccer has become the way I relieve my anger from my system but I just get more frustrated that I can’t make a goal anymore. It has all went down hill to me and it all began with him leaving me behind.

“Come on princess,”Dad said pulling me up,”Let’s go get some ice cream to cheer you up.”

“Yeah maybe that will help,”I said as he wrapped an arm around my little frame.

  We walked down the stairs and he got his keys from Jacob as he handed me a coat. I slipped it on and put the hood up. It has been raining all day today and I want to say that the sky was feeling my pain. I looked at the sky as a drop hit me in the eye and I gave a sad smile. The world hates to see me like this but it took him away from me.

  I jumped into the front seat of dad’s black mustaine and closed the door as he got in the front seat. He started the car and See You Again by Carrie Underwood began to play. I closed my eyes as I let the words go over my body to relax my tense muscles. I opened them up again as I saw the faint from of the black wolf that would watch me past by as a cloud. He was the kindest one of them and looked after me as if he would never leave my side.

“Have you tried calling him today?”Dad said as we went to the highway.

“I tried for the last year and still no answer,”I said holding my phone out,”What if mom was right about him and I was just blinded?”

“She’s not right about him Cathy,”He said rubbing my arm,”You were and I know he will come back to you. He will always be there for you and I know that.”

“How then,”I questioned looking out the window.

“Because I was that way for your mother,”He said as I turned to meet his eyes,”She had a weird past but I loved her. I had to leave for a time but I came back to a broken girl as I had left her. She won’t admit that to anyone but she was heartbroken when I had to leave her.”

   I nodded and hit the phone button to call him for the hundred billionth time in this past year. I listened to the rings like normal and to my surprise I got him to pick it up for once. I smiled as I waited to hear his voice once again.

“Hello,”Layne’s voice said.

“Layne is that you,”I asked as I heard yelling in the background.

“Yes it is,”He said in his cute little voice,”Alex can’t come to his phone right now.”

“Why is that?”

“ something big for his dad.”

“Layne are you lying to me.”


“Hey Catherine,”K.C.’s voice said this time,”Layne is just trying to make it sound like he was busy today.”

“Hey K.C.,”I said as I knew she would tell me,”So why hasn’t he been picking up the phone?”

“Catherine,”She said in a sad tone,”He is a broken figure and can’t take the pain of it. He is always busy with helping his dad out and it has gotten to him over the last year. He really wants to talk with you but he is doing this to protect you from the others.”

“What others K.C.?”I asked as she stopped.

“Don’t tell her that,”I heard the faint voice of my Alex.

“He is scared someone will hurt you,”Kate said before they hung up.

  I stared at the phone as I was now confused on what had just happen. They were all saying things as if I wasn’t to have known something about them. Could Josh have been right about them being werewolves? I was thrown from my thoughts as the ice cream shop came into my view. I smiled at the thought of ice cream.

  We walked in and I got my usual of a chocolate ice cream cup with caramel cups and chocolate chips. I sat next to one of the window seats and watched the people pass by as I ate my chocolate delight. Dad was there looking out with me knowing how hard it has been for me with all of this. I closed my eyes as I watched the people pass by. They all seemed to be happy with their lives and had no cares for the real world. If only they knew about the pain I been through this past year.

Chapter 2



   I scowled at the three little people in front of me. I had told them NOT to answer Catherine’s call but Kate took my phone and Layne had to answer it. I looked at them as I fell on to my bed in the new house. We had to move to Dallas, Texas. Thankfully Mr. Clark allowed us to stay in their old home for the time being.

“She need to be answered Alex,”Kate said getting on the bed,”You have started to become a different person.”

“No I haven’t Kate!”I snapped at her.

   She cowered back and went over to Layne and K.C. as I sat up. My own sister was scared of me now. I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair. K.C. walked up to me and handed me my phone back with her number in it and ready to dial.

“She needs to hear your voice Alex,”She said,”I’ve talked to Kristy and she said that Catherine has locked herself up and is thinking about stopping theatre. Her life isn’t that much different from yours right now. Call her.”

“I can’t for if I give her hope of us coming back…”I started as I saw Jacky and Kristy’s Sister walk in.

“She needs you,”Alicia snapped at me,”If my sister calls me again and says that she has stop doing what she loved to do because you are not there to help make sense with it I will throw a level eighteen tantrum here in this room.”

“What is a level eighteen?”Layne and Kate ask.

“One that I put on the map for all kids,”She said evilly.

  I grabbed my phone and climbed out the window in defeat. I have seen a video of that tantrum and trust me it is scary to witness. I went to the roof of the building and looked out at the sky. It was 6pm and I knew that she would have her phone near her. I looked at the number as her smiling face flashed in my head.

  I pushed the call button and listened to each ring as if they were the pain of my days. I really must have changed if Kate is scar of me now. I soon heard the phone get answer and her melody like voice came from the other end.

“Hello,”She said in an almost sad like tone.

“Hey Catherine,”I said in the same tone.

“Alex you called me,”She said in a happier tone now,”How have you been?”

“Good,”I said with a smile,”I miss you everyday. I also heard from K.C. that you are thinking about dropping the theatre. Why is that?”

“The guy that took your spot is horrible. He can’t even learn his lines correctly and when it is my turn to say mine he has screwed it up so much I’m confused on it.”

“Wow who is he?”

“My cousin.”


“Hey I gotta go now. I’m glad to hear your voice again.”

“Yours too.”

  With that she hung up and I climbed down the tree and back to my window. It was Catherine's room but I turned it into mine now. I hated how I could feel her here but open my eyes up and she is not here. I looked around and gave a smile at my family. Kate squealed and ran over to me with her arms opened wide.

 I picked the little ball of fun up as she had her arms around my neck. I must have scared them with how I was acting now. Dad walked in and turned to me as if he was up to something now. I gave a confused look as I was tossed a little blue book. I looked down and saw it was a play.

“We got three days to learn them,”He said as it hit me.

  I opened it as the lines were already marked and there was even Catherine’s. I let my eyes scim it as if it was now the main focus of my attention span. I heard laughter as I held onto Kate and the book.

“We have got him back at least,”Lindsey joked. 

Chapter 3

    I ran down the field as the other team was on my heels again. I looked behind me as I saw a slight movement in the woods. I kicked the ball and it curved to my favorite right top corner. It went in so gracefully it couldn’t have been real. I looked at the girls as they all cheered at how I was almost back to my old self.

  I just got to keep the bullying to go down and we be set for life. I turned as my mom walked up with Josh beside her and a smile. I’ve been spending a lot of time with him since they left and I was getting ticked by it. He should be learning lines and not bugging me 24/7.

“You two are going to do that thing we had discuss last night,”My mom said.

“Really,”I said a little ticked,”He needs to learn his lines before the play in two months mom. We don’t have time for the thing.”

 She glared at me and I knew I had no choice. I groaned and went to change into a black shirt with black pants and combat boots. I was going on a ‘werewolf’ hunt with Josh tonight and I was going to learn about it. I sighed as I head down stairs and over to Josh. This was the first time I have ever gone and I was more focus on learning lines instead of doing this.

  I looked at my dad as he nodded toward me. I smiled as I was pulled outside by Josh. He was being annoying as always and I wanted to take a pencil to his leg. Yes somehow this past year was full of me slowly getting more violent with my temper. I tried everything and nothing worked but Alex’s phone call.

  He dragged me all the way out into the woods and didn’t stop till we were facing a cave. He pulled me down as we watched people walk in and out of it. I noticed two little people playing tag and rolling on the ground. Kate and Layne were here. I looked closer and saw Alex walk out with a smile on his face.

“Told you they were wolves,”Josh said in my ear.

“I haven’t seen them turn yet idiot,”I said watching.

  As I said that Alex had to turn into that Black wolf that left me when he did. Kate and Jacky followed him and turned into the two sandy ones. My breath was caught in my throat as one by one they changed into that pack. I just stared as they ran around the boulder as if trying to get a feeling of it again.

“Get your gun and follow me,”Josh said as he slowly stood up.

  No I won’t allow him to hurt them like that. I fell to the ground and fake having a seizures in front of him. I scream his name as the pack seemed to notice us. They ran away as Josh bent down to my level and tried to help me. He was freaking out about how I was acting now. I stopped after a little bit and we both went back. He was scared I would do that again. He helped me to my bed and left to go home.

  I stood up and looked out my window. There he stood looking up at me with his big green eyes. I waved down as the others stood there by his side. I smiled as my dad walked in with a laugh as he knew what I did.

“You are the little actress,”He said looking out the window with me,”So they are really wolves like your mom and cousin thought.”

“Yeah but they're in MY protection now,”I said as I saw Alex’s wolf stare up as if I was a sight to behold,”I just wish he had told me before all of this mess had even began in the first place.”

“Well there is your mom,”He said leaving,”Tomorrow be at the business for the interview with Mr. Morris. Knowing your mom she will try to keep him out.”

“I will I promise that,”I said going over to the desk.

  I took out a piece of paper and my pens. I was going to get some answers now that my mom thinks I was going to have seizures now. I wrote down the things that were on my mind at that moment.

Dear Alex,

  I’m glad your back but why did you hide this from me for so long. I had to fake a seizures for y’all and I think that should be rewarded with a few answers to me. I still trust you but please give me the truth on this questions for me..

  When did you turn and how did it happen? Did you really attack my cousin and uncle? If you did thank you because he had that coming for killing your mom. I just want you to tell me about this and the truth. I honestly won’t freak out about it but please tell me.


Catherine Clark

I folded it up and put it into the envelope I had for it. I opened my window up and strapped the letter to a book that I had wrote down my ideas of werewolves.

  I dropped it down to them. I watched as he caught it and looked up at me. I mouthed the words read it and looked at my door. My mom stood there with a kind smile on her face. I shut the window as the wolves had left the scene.

“I know how you feel about all of this,”My mom said sitting on my bed,”But there are plenty of other guys out there that would treat you right.”

“I love him though,”I said sitting on my bed,”He has taken my world and I’m alright with that.”

“Well when you have another seizures tell us alright,”She said kissing my head,”I don’t want you to be hurt baby girl.”

 “Yes ma’am,”I said sweetly.

    She left as I looked toward my window and hoped he would come through my window. He never did and I’m alright with that one. I took out my phone and saw he had texted me. I smiled and I looked at it.

“Tomorrow my place,”He sent,”I will explain it all.”

“Well that would be nice,”I said.

“I know that my dear Mandy,”he said quoting the play.

“You got a copy of it.”


“Thank the lord.”



   I sat there going over the play with him. He got it about yesterday of we talked and now he was cramming it all in at one time. The play was close but I knew he could do it for us and that made me happy. I layed in bed and spent that time texting him.

Chapter 4

“Catherine!”A voice yelled in my ear.

  I jumped out of bed and fell to the floor. I groaned and rolled off of my face. I looked up to see my dear friend Kristy standing over me. She had a way of waking me up in the mornings. I got to my feet as she yanked me to my closet. I pulled a blue and black shirt and my blue jean shorts on as she was going on about her sister was home.

  I rolled my eyes as I walked down the stairs and yawned. I was up all night talking with Alex about the play to get him caught up enough to take Josh’s spot. Kristy ran to me and pulled me down the stairs and out to her car. It was almost seven and school started at eight. I shook my head and got out.

  I threw my bag on my back and grabbed my dirtbike keys. I got on with the helmet on my head. She laughed at me as I zoomed by on my bike. I have been riding it more lately since I loved the wind flying by me. I watched as I saw the truck of my once boyfriend. I noticed that Josh was there waiting for me.

  I went to my parking spot as I saw that Alex had parked by me. I laughed as he ran over to me as I got off and put his arms around my little waist. He picked me up and spun us around. I laughed as he placed me on my feet back on the ground. He looked at me as if he wanted me to say the words.

“No you're not doing it,”Josh said coming over to us,”He left you and hurt you.”

“Alex will you take me back?”I whispered to him.

“I was going to ask you,”He said kissing me.

“You gotta be kidding me right now,”Josh said.

   I laughed as we walked into the school. I went to my locker as he had to go get his schedule. I was getting my book as the brats of north town came over to me. Great this is how we are starting this day. They walked up and hit the books out of my hands and slammed me up against the lockers.

  Kelly, Cecil, Mathew, Walker, and Madison were all around me. Three girls and two guy were the people that bullied me everyday. They laughed as I picked up my things that I had dropped. I looked at them as I saw the pack run over to my aid. I stood up and turned to them as Alex walked up to me.

“Well if it isn’t lover boy,”Madison said with a smirk,”What are you doing here?”

“I came back to see my girl,”He said wrapping his arm around me,”For she is my world.”

“Well if that isn’t nice,”Cecil said.

“Leave her alone,”Alex said with a warning tone in his voice,”Or I’ll get involved with it.”

   They laughed at him as Mathew went to punch me. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but it never came this time. I opened my eyes up to see that Alex had somehow put him into a chickenwing. I smiled as I walked around them and tapped Alex’s shoulder to tell him we should go now.

  He dropped Mathew and took my hand into his. I watched Mathew get up and there was a low growl that came from his throat. Is he one as well? I shook it away as we walked into our first class of World History Dual Enrollment. I took my seat in the back with Alex sitting right beside me to my right and Kristy to the left of me.

  I smiled as Mrs. Taylor noticed the three of us. She shook her head knowing that we would be passing notes back and forth in her class. We had her for our whole high school time and now since it was senior year she got use to it. I looked at the board as our notes were put up there.

  I took out my notebook and started the long process of copying it down. I felt a tap on my right shoulder as a note was placed on my book. I looked around and made sure the teacher wasn’t looking at us. I opened it and let my eyes go over the words.

Hey princess. How long has that been going on with those idiots. I don’t want them hurting you like that you know.~A-Stunner

I rolled my eyes at that codename. I would have to talk to Kristy about changing that. I looked around as I saw that we were still on the same slide. I quickly wrote down the answer to the question before passing it back.

The week after you had left. They saw that I was alone and took advantage of that. It was hard to deal with but now you are back I guess I can relax some, my big bad wolf.~C-Alpha

  He read over those words and gave me a full hearted smile as I knew he was glad that I knew his secret now. I looked forward as his schedule was pass to me. I looked down and saw that it was the exact like mine.

7:45-8:42 World History DE

8:45-9:42 Advance Math DE

9:49-10:42 Math elec

10:45-11:42 English IV DE

11:45-12:41 Environmental Science

1:06-2:05 Theatre

2:07-3:05 Digital Arts

I smiled as my eyes looked at the piece of paper. I had my heart given to me right then and there. I looked at the board and saw more notes for me to write. At least Alex is here to help me get them all now. 

Chapter 5



    I watched the time count down as it slowly went to 3:05 and then school was out. I was watching her make the dance poster as the teacher walked by us. She stopped and admired the poster as it was beautiful and they all knew it. She went to the front as Catherine sent it in for the teacher.

   I watched as Mrs. Nealson opened it up and showed the class the blue poster with dancing feet and happy face of the poster. Everyone was in awe at it till the teacher started to tell us what all was wrong with it. I looked at Catherine as she plugged in to her music and didn’t pay attention to it.

   The bell rung and I tapped her shoulder to let her know it was time for practice. She stood up and grabbed the green and blue backpack. I watched her move to the door and opened it as if nothing just happened in here. I looked at the teacher as she pulled the different things from it and made it look like she had did it. That was so wrong on so many levels.

“You know you just ruined a perfect piece of art,”I said as I left the room.

  I ran to catch up with Catherine as I noticed that Kate and Jacky were there waiting with her. I saw Kate lite up as Catherine was smiling down at the little girl going on about how she was a princess and I was the prince. I rolled my eyes as I went to see the little weirdos.

“You ready to out show Josh,”She said as I walked up.

“I have been doing that since I met him,”I said cocky like,”He is in my territory now.”

“Well I hope you know that the play is about a young madan girl and her wolf,”She said as we head to the stage,”He has to overcome his fear of her family since they are the Van Helsing.”

“Sounds familiar to me,”I joked with her.

“Ok I get it,”She defend,”We should have no problem with this.”

  We laughed and went into the building where Josh stood on stage acting out the wolf. He was bad and I felt insulted by it. I went to the stage and looked at the script in his hand. Act III Scene 5 was what he was on. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“My dear Mandy why have you not told them,”I said as Josh stared at me,”I don’t fear your father as he has no hold on how I love you.”

“Well my dear Demetre,”Catherine said from the floor,”I have been wondering if this is correct for us to be us.”

“What do you mean by all of this?”

“I mean my father is the world known monster hunter and you are a simple werewolf. It would never work out with him.”

“But I will try to show him I’m not like the rest of them. That my heart aches for you and you alone.”

“That was beautiful Alex and Catherine,”Mrs. Young said,”I have my two leads back and they already got those lines down. Josh they need you back in technical theatre.”

  He nodded and looked at me like I was the deise here and not him. He handed the teacher the book and went to the back of the room. Catherine rolled up here as I got ready for the rest of that scene.

   We went over the placements of everything and then over how we are suppose to be. I let Catherine be my guide for that as she knew how I was suppose to be at. I had her hand in mine as it was the scene where her dad was going to catch the two of us here. I was leaning in as the teacher yelled cut out to us.

“Perfect as always you two,”She said,”It’s like you two are the two characters. You know their pain and their love of one another. I love it.”

“Well you could say we are them,”Catherine mumbled to herself.

  We left and I had the guys put her dirtbike in the bed of the truck. I had some questions I promised to answer for her today and I was going to do it. I got in as the others were there waiting for me. I looked over to see Catherine was in the front seat waiting for me to go. I sighed at her and pulled out of the school.

“So are you going to tell me,”She pressured me.

“Yes when no one can hear it,”I said as she leaned on my arm,”This is top secret and if someone hears it I could get into big trouble.”

“Well we got to go to the business first for your dad,”She said as I went to turn into the road heading there,”My mom would love to tell him off today.”

“I already got that one going,”I said as the building came into view.

Chapter 6

    I walked up to the office where my mom was there chewing him out. Dad had followed me and the others as I walked up behind Mr. Morris. I placed my hands on my hips as I heard Jacky yell ‘Things are getting serious’. I put on my best glare as she faced me with an equal one plaster on her’s. I walked up as she walked to me and we locked in a stare off.

“What do you want Catherine?”She said with no tone to her voice,”For I’m kind of busy right now.”

“Mr. Morris can keep his job here for he is a hard working person that gets the job done,”I said like her,”So I don’t see why you are chewing him out for something so little now.”

“We don’t need people like him,”She said with ragged in her voice.

“He is what we need,”I said matching her,”That is what we got to look for in workers and not just who they are.”

“They’re monsters.”

“So one bit me not to long ago.”

“Where then?”

“Right on my arm in the same spot as they were.”

    I rolled my selve up to show the wolf like bite mark on my arm. Jacky rolled his and saw that I had it in the right place and everything. I had drew it on when Alex was a sleep in Math Elec and copied his. I made sure it looked real and worked on a story to back it up if she was to wonder how I got it.

“How did you get that?”She questioned.

“You see when I was having that seizures a wild wolf that was not from this land came up,”I started to see if I could make her seem crazy,”He bite me and I had to scream before it ran off and Josh didn’t see him. I hope that those werewolf stories you told me aren’t real or I’m in danger.”

  She looked at it then at Mr. Morris. She had taken the nut story I made up like two hours ago. Mr. Morris got his job back and us ‘kids’ all left the building. I got into the front seat as everyone else got into the back.

“How did you really get that?”Jacky asked,”I know you were lying about that.”

“I drew it when Alex was asleep in our Math class,”I said rubbing it off,”The story I made up in Digital arts while the teacher was bad mouthing my poster.”

“Well that was a good save there,”Alex said as he kissed my head,”We owe you one.”

“Then where are these answers I need,”I said leaning on his arm as he drove,”Those would be nice.”

“We were all bitten by the same wolf,”He said knowing that I wouldn’t stop,”He was after us for some reason and he took it out. He got my dad first then our mom. I was running with Jacky since he was only three at the time. He caught up to us and took my baby brother. I tried to fight him off but nothing worked one bit. Soon he took me as his victim and sadly it was a full moon that night as well as my birthday. He took us to the cave and we started a pack as he left us.”

“So you thought it was ironic you first turned on a full moon that day,”I pieced together,”And Kate was born into it and not bitten like all of you.”

“Pretty much,”He said smiling,”I have also found out that when you are around the age of ten to twelve that is when you can find your mate.”

“When did you find me,”I ask knowing I was his.

”When you first moved here. My mom took me to your house and I watched you save that kitten.”

  I watched his face as we pulled up to the house. It was the same as they had left it. I was once again swarmed by them and raised into the air as if I was a hero. I laughed at them all and let them carry me inside again. I looked around to see that there were four more people here.

“Sandra King is Paul's mate,”Alex said as I was placed on my feet,”Thomas Night is our dear K.C.’s mate. Mackenzie Light is Mason’s. Lastly Leo Vector is Lindsey’s.”

  I nodded as we went to his room for some privacy. He locked the door and took a seat on his bed with a notebook in his hands. He handed it to me and I opened it to see that it was all I wanted to know about in one place.

“For the questions you have on this,”He said,”If you ever need an answer on it just look through this book and find it.”

“So how did you know it was me?”I said sitting on his bed.

“Your scent was the most beautiful thing I had ever smelt,”He said in a trance,”It was like I was being pulled to you and the world didn’t make sense to me till I saw you.”

“Puppy dog moment,”Paul yelled through the door.

“No one asked you,”Alex said as I gave a laugh.

“Just saying man,”He called back,”You were all over her like a puppy.”

“You can’t talk,”Alex countered.

   There was silence as he must have got burned on that one. I laughed at the childish behavior but I can’t talk. I looked into his eyes as he gave me a laugh as I let mine go again. It was like he never had left me in the first place and life just made sense to us all at that one moment in time. 

Chapter 7

   I was laying on Alex’s stomach as my phone started to buzz like crazy. I picked it up to see that it was Kristy calling me. I put it on speaker as she squealed like a little girl that got to meet her favorite rock star.

“Guess what Cathy and Alex,”She said as we laughed.

“What?”We said together.

“The new skating rink they were building is finally up and running,”She squealed again,”So get Jacky, Alicia, Kate and that little Layne and get your little…”

“Okay just don’t cuss,”I said as I sat up,”We’ll be over there as fast as we can.”

“You better be or I’ll come and hunt you down,”She warned and hung up.

   I looked at him as we both raced down the stairs like little kids. I found Layne and Kate playing outside and told them to get in the truck right now. They did as Alex and the other two walked out to join us. I took the front seat as Alex got into the driver’s seat.

  He pulled out as we all were excited to go skating. The new ring was suppose to be like Skate Town but had all these different ring that you could try out. There were two that had courses you do, two were the regular rings, and one for the couples skate. I was excited to go for I been there when they were first building it.

   I took Alex’s hand as he seemed to be happier now that we were back together. I looked forward as this kind of fire looking type of wolf walked out of the forest. He’s new around. I looked at him as his eyes locked on mine as if waiting for me to leave Alex’s side. They looked like Mathew’s eyes to be excate.

  I watched them pass by us as I was slowly becoming scared of those red eyes. I looked at Alex as he had began to rub circles into my hand. I calmed down as I heard Kate growl at him. That was cute of her to do.

“Don’t worry Catherine,”Alicia said,”We got your back.”

“Like the team,”I said facing her.

“For we are family now.”

“Glad to have you back Alicia. Kristy missed you like crazy.”

“I know and I might have threaten Alex with the number eighteen.”

“Alicia! That is only for my mom or yours.”

“What is that?”Layne and Kate asked together.

“The worst tantrum in the history of them,”I said showing them the video,”The first phase is scream as loud and high as you can. Next it is the fist that will punch you if you get to close. Third you don’t do anything but cry all day long. Lastly you put all of them together and hope that no one is near you to get hurt.”

“That scary,”Kate said as it finished.

   I nodded as we drove the rest of the way there. It was peaceful as the quietness seem to be hanging everywhere now. I looked out the window as the multicolor building showed up on my right. I looked at it with amazement as it was beautiful to just look at. I was just in awe by it all.

  Alex pulled up by Kristy and we all piled out with each other holding hands. I saw that my cousins were here and I wanted to mess with them. I walked over and went to wave but faked another seizures in front of them. They both began to freak out as Alex had to fake helping me get over it. I stood up and the two of us walked back to the others trying not to laugh our heads off at them.

“Ready to skate!”Kristy said all too happily.

“Of course,”I said pulling her in,”That’s why we are here now isn’t it.”

   We laughed and went to enjoy our day on skates. We walked in and it was amazing. There was a blue floor, green floor, and pink floor. We got our skates and for about three hours we took on all the floors. Alex and me had a time racing each other on the obstacle course while Kate and Layne were on the couples skate. We had a good time and left after a little while.

Chapter 8

   I looked out the window of my room. It’s been a week from the skate thing we did and Alex had distance himself from me. I don’t know why but he has been doing this for a while now. His dad had past away from a heart attack that made no sense to me but hey that’s what we were told. Kristen was with me as I stared out the window.

“Maybe you should call him,”She said looking at me,”That could get him to hang with you again.”

“I think it’s more than that Kristy,”I said getting up from my window seat,”He seems distracted for a reason and I’m not allowed to know about it.”

“Have you tried to go to his house?”She questioned.

“Twice,”I said sitting on the bed beside her,”They pushed me out the door and even gave me a ride home.”

“That’s harsh.”

“Yeah. They all seem to have started this whole I can’t be near you thing.”

“Alicia has too now that I think about it.”

“Yeah it’s weird.”

“Why do you think they are doing it.”

“Maybe because it has to do with losing Alex’s dad.”

   She nodded and turned on my TV. I looked out the window and saw nothing but a blur of red. I looked at it as it followed my every move. Weird. I walked down stairs thinking it was just a regular wolf and it would go away if I walked outside. That was my first mistake. He jumped on me as I let out a scream. That only brought out the rest of his small pack. They circled me as he had somehow dragged me into the forest and away from the house.

  I stood up as he joined their circle. I looked around and my bullies were circling me closer than the other six were now. I watched as they snapped at me and I went to run but they blocked every chance I had. I looked around and didn’t see Alex or any of the pack that I loved. I let a single tear roll down my cheek as they got closer to me.

   Walker turned and came over to me with a wicked grin on his face. He rubbed my cheek as I was crying for my life now. He felt up my body as the scene with Marcus went through my mind. Walker had the same built as him and he seemed to have the same want. He went around me and felt up my back as I went into more tears.

“No Alex to save you now,”He cooed in my ear,”This time no sending my brother off or should I say getting rid of him.”

“He was your brother,”I said in a trance.

“Yes and now he is no more,”He said as his hand slapped my face sending me down,”But now I can take one of the things that Alex love.”

“But why me,”I begged,”I did nothing.”

“He took away my family!”He growled,”So I took his and now I’ll take his mate away from him.”

  I looked up and saw him turn into a brown wolf with pure black eyes now. I laid there on the ground as he jumped at me. I closed my eyes ready for death but it never came to me. I turned to see the one black wolf that I cared about. Alex came to save me.

  I looked around as around twenty or so wolves walked out and circled me. They all came to my aid. I watched Alex and Walker fight as everyone took someone on. I felt two hands pulling on me as I quickly turned to see Layne and Kate tugging on my arm.

“Come on,”Kate said as I stood up.

“We got to get you home,”Layne said.

   We began to ran as the others were in a heated battle with the others. I turned to see Alex getting rid of Walker as he turned to me with loved full eyes. I looked at him as Kate pulled my hand into the direction of my house. I looked and saw my dad was standing there looking around as if searching for something. He spotted me and ran to me with Kristen trailing behind him.

“You’re alright,”Dad said holding me,”You’re going to be alright.”

“Dad we got to go help them,”I cried into his chest,”We can’t let them fight them alone.”

“This is out of our hands Catherine,”Dad said holding me at arm's length,”This is their world not ours. Did he tell you that before you left?”

“NO. But we have to help them.”

“Catherine we can’t.”

“Daddy! We got to help them!”

“Catherine Elizabeth Clark this is out of my hands! I can’t interfere with this!”

  I cried as Kate and Layne disappeared back into the woods. Kristen wrapped her arms around me as they took me back inside the house. I looked at the woods wanting Alex to run out and hold me. But that never happened to me for right now I’m at war with Life.

  Kristen left to go home since her mom called wanting her to help with the level eighteen Alicia was throwing. I walked up to my room with Ace running around my legs as I didn’t have a care in the world now. All I wanted was to help out the pack against them.

  I threw myself down on the bed as I heard the howls in the distance. I curled into a ball and held onto my legs as I laid down in the soft comfort of my bed. I looked toward my window wanting one of the pack to come through it and tell me everything was going to be alright.  

Chapter 9



   We took care of that pack that attacked Catherine. I ran to her house as Mr. Clark said her mother was out on a business trip to texas. I looked at her window and decided to go up the tree. I had to make sure that she was alright and nothing was changing her. If she was bitten I would never forgive myself for it.

   As I reached the window she laid in a ball asleep on her bed. I looked down to see the pack and told them to give me a minute. I went in and over to her tired sleeping form. She had marks to show that she was crying her eyes out a while ago. I should have been with her before that had happen. This is all my fault for even wanting to come back to her.

    I took a seat next to her as she turned in her sleep. I put her head in my lap as she gave a sweet smile. At least she’s safe from them now. I petted her head as she slept peacefully in my lap. I looked around at the wolves on her wall and saw that she added one to them. It was on the wall her bed was up against and it was mine. She had me looking over the whole room as if watching them all.

“I should have told you about them,”I whispered to myself,”Then this wouldn’t have happened to you.”

  I kissed her temple as the door opened up a little bit with a creak to it. Ace must have went out of the room or something. Catherine moved again and I gave a kind smile down to her. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I wish I could see that every night. Yep there the puppy dog moment again. I’m going to have to kill Paul for bringing that up.

“Alex what are you doing here?”Kristen asked at the door.

“I came to check up on her,”I said standing up,”I heard howls in the distance and thought one of them got her.”

“Well she is worried sick about you,”Kristen pointed out to me,”She has stopped eating for she wants to make sure you are alright and not hurting.”

“She stopped eating.”

“Yes and she can barely sleep at night. This right here is a miracle since she has been upset about you. You got to pull yourself together and make sure she is fine.”

“Watch out for her will you.”

“I do that.”

“This time she’ll need it more than you think she will.”

   She looked at me dumbed folded as I went out the window. I landed perfectly on the ground and went to the others. I was going to make a round on the perimeter of the house to make sure they would be safe and no rouge could hurt her or her family.

“We’re going to make a run around the house,”I said.

  They all nodded and we turned one by one. I was last to go and the first to start the run. I separated our group to make them little and more functionable. I had sent the girls and Layne home to make sure everything was fine there. I had the alpha job now and it has been tough. All I can do now is stay away from Catherine for her own safety and when I do that a rogue pack attacks her.

“Man it will be fine,”Luke joked,”She’ll be cool if you tell her the reason why.”

“It’s not that easy,”I said.

“She’s hurting,”Jacky thought,”We have to do something about it.”

“I will tomorrow but right now lets just make this round and I’ll go back to stay with her.”

“If you say so.”

  It went quiet after that and we all ran in silent. I faced forward as I saw Josh walk up to the scene. We were still a good four miles away and he was near. I looked at the guys and they all went to finish the run. If anyone can watch after Catherine after what I’m going to do he would be able to do it. I turned back and went up to him.

“Josh I got a favor to ask of you,”I said with my hands up.

“Why should I do anything for you?”He asked holding up his gun,”All you did was take MY cousin from us.”

“It has to deal with her.”

“What happen?”

“A pack tried to kill her.”

“Is she alright? Did they bit her?”

“We got there in time from her screams of help.”

“Then what is it you want.”

“I need you to watch after her for me. Be the big brother she will need after I do what I got to. She’ll need all the support she can get.”

“Why are you asking that?”

“You’ll see.”

   With that I turned back into my wolf and ran the rest of the way back to her house. Kristen had left and the lights were out in her room. I turned again and went up to her window. It was still unlocked and opened for me. She laid there staring at the ceiling as if in deep thought.

“You want me to stay with you,”I said as her head shot toward me,”Or I can leave you to the peace.”

“Please stay with me,”She said running to me,”I need you here with me.”

“I guess I can,”I joked as she wrapped her hands around me,”But just for you.”

  She smiled and we headed to her bed. She laid down as I sat up thinking about all of this. I laid beside her as she put her head on my chest. I felt her ragged breathing from getting almost killed today. I took a deep breath as she seemed to have calmed down a lot from it all. Is this the right thing to do? 

Chapter 10

    This morning I woke up to my wolf. He was looking at me with his beautiful green eyes that shine on my day. I smiled as he kissed the top of my head. I sat up slowly as he seemed to have let me get up. I faced him as his face seemed to have dropped to sadness and regret. I placed my hand on his cheek as he turn away from me as if he couldn’t face me.

  I raised his head to my face and went to kiss him. He just pushed me away from him. What did I do to get this kind of treatment? I looked at him as he stood up to face me. What’s going on with him?

“You got to stay away from me,”He said with no emotion to his voice,”It would be better for you.”

“No it wouldn’t be,”I said getting up and walking over to him,”I want to be with you Alex.”

“But with me being Alpha now it’s too dangerous for you,”He said as I wrapped my arms around him,”I can’t risk losing you to something like that.”

“Then turned me to a wolf,”I said looking at him,”It would be easier for all of us.”

“I don’t think so,”He said pushing me away,”You got your life here. A life you got to live.”

“But I can’t with out you.”

“You’ll have to Catherine.”

“No I won’t!”

“Yes you will for I’m not yours any more.”

“Alex don’t say that! I need you in my life!”

“Good bye Catherine.”

“No you’re not leaving me again!”

   He jumped out of the window leaving me there. I cried as my heart ached for him to come back to me. This is not fair to me. I just got him back and now he’s gone again. I want Alex to be here with me and not somewhere I can’t hold him. Where I can’t touch him. Where I can’t see him. I need him to be with me. I need his touch and warmth. I need his kind eyes and loving smile. I NEED HIM to be here with me.

   I ran down the stairs and out the door as he was leaving. I ran as fast as I could but he was way faster than me. I dropped to the ground when I noticed he was to far off for me to catch him. The sad thing was he didn’t even look back at me like he did the last time.

   I got to my room and found my cell phone on the charger. I unplugged it wanting Josh to be here right now. I need someone that know wolves to be with me right now. I quickly dialed the number and listened to the rings of the phone.

“Hello,”He said sounding sleepy.

“Josh,”I cried as my heart was broken.

“Catherine what is it?”He said sounding like he fell off his bed.

“Can you come over right now,”I asked as a tear fell down my cheek,”I really need you here.”

“I’ll come as fast as I can Cathy,”He said hanging up.

  I threw myself on my bed as I let the memory of us play in my head on repeat. He just left as if it was nothing. I thought I was the one thing he couldn’t live without. He told me that he wouldn’t leave me like this again but here I am broken into many pieces once again.

  I put on Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling as I laid there with my broken heart. I listened to the words as they played in my head. I began to sing as the hurt I was feeling rapidly increased with every beat to the song. I flipped onto my back as I was crying again from it all.

“Catherine,”Josh said at my door.

“Josh,”I said running to him with tears,”You were right.”

“No I wasn’t,”Josh said,”You were about him.”

“What do you mean,”I said sitting on the bed with him,”He ended up hurting me.”

“But he did it because he cares for you,”He said as I leaned my head on his chest,”He left you for your own good.”

“But it hurts.”

“I know Baby girl. But you got to know that we are here for you.”

“Just don’t shoot them.”

“I won’t.”


“What Catherine?”

“Why does it hurt so much that he left me.”

“Because you both were in love Cathy.”

“He didn’t want to turn me.”

“Then none of us will have our Catherine then.”

“He didn’t even look back at me as I tried to stop him.”

“He did that to stop you from getting hurt more than you are now.”

  I nodded as he held me on his lap. I let all my tears go as he calmed me down from what I had just went through. I was now broken and I wanted him to be here. I wanted him to stay with me. For MY HEART



 It hurt to leave her but my heart will always ACHE FOR HER.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.12.2015

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This is the second book to my first ever written werewolf book. This is to the people that loved the first one so much.

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