
Chapter 1

   I watched as my dad fought for the pack. He was the beta and got challenge with the Alpha to fight the rivaling pack of untamed wolves. I watched as they both only had my dad in the circle by himself. Our alpha was outside waiting to rejoin it as I stood there and watched. I’m only ten and I do this every time they have to fight. They said I was like their good luck charm.

  He told me that the Beta was like the second man that had the perfect way to help out the Alpha. He was the one that told me everything about being a beta and was the one I cared for the most. I was watching him as claws raked down my neck and back. I fell down to my knees as it felt like it was on fire. My dad looked at me as the other two looked at him.

   They took advantage of that and killed him right there as if it was planed. My eyes started to water up as our alpha got rid of them as they fled the scene. I cried as my mom came and tried to calm me down. I stood up and ran from it all as I felt the need to get away from it all.

 I shot up as that memory was now haunting me. I stood up as my heart was racing like crazy. I had left the Moonsong Pack when I was ten and not at sixteen and a half when I was of age. Right now I live with a new Pack called the MoonHowlers and I was at the bottom of the ranks with a whole bunch of the others. I was told to be the bodyguard for the alpha and I had to obey all of his orders. So I was like his servant and not that Beta I was suppose to be.

  I walked out of my little room next to the alpha’s. The beta here eyed me as I crossed past him and went to the kitchen for the days start. I was consider the outsider here but thankfully I had two friends down here in the lower ranks. Kristy Maxwell was the servant to the beta, so we worked close together. Alex Jackson was the one who made sure we all were in order but yet had to help with one of the others. They were the only ones that knew who I truly was and what I could really do.

“Hey Adere,”Kristy said as I walked in,”Master was just in here looking for you.”

“Did you send him to my room?”I asked fixing a bowl of cereal for him and myself,”Or did you lie to him again?”

“He went to your room and saw that you were still asleep but was having some kind of a nightmare,”Alex explained sitting on the counter,”He told us to tell you he wants you to bring that bowl to his room and he wants to talk with you this morning.”

“Just my luck,”I said eating my bowl of food.

“Was it the memory again?”Kristy whispered as I nodded,”It might be a sign to go back home you know.”

“I’m eighteen now Kristy,”I said as I finished my bowl,”I could have left at sixteen and a half so what is the point in it now. I would just be putting myself into more trouble.”

  I walked past as they eyed me from afar. I held onto the bowl as I climbed the stairs to his room. I could smell his scent from the hallway that led to his room and it was intoxicating to me. My mate was indeed the Alpha of this pack but only my friends and I know this. I didn’t want people to make a fuss about it for I didn’t know what they would think of it.

  I pushed the door open as I saw that he was staring out the window. He did this as he was given this position at only sixteen and sadly he was half a year older than me. I placed the bowl on the table and stood by the door. I was the only one he trusted to see him like this and I could read him like a book. I was told by my dad that it was like a beta instinct. I leaned on the door as he was listening to my pack’s songs that could be heard for miles away. I was told that I had the best voice out of them and now that I was gone you could tell it was missing.

  I closed my eyes as the song was a replay in my head. I would sometimes lock my door and make it sound proof to sing with them. It brought me joy to hear the songs so near me and close to my heart. They were singing a song my dad made up for me. I opened my eyes up to see he was swaying to it. I loved to see how happy it made him to listen to them sing. My wolf loved to see this and wanted him to hold me as he did it. I held her down as the song came to an end and he had that lost look in his eye. He told me that he would forever be alone since he had not found his mate yet and I sadly felt guilty for allowing him to think that.

“You wanted to see me,”I said as he turned around.

“Yes I did Adere,”He answered sitting at the table,”I’m guessing we are running low on food aren’t we.”

“I couldn’t find the good stuff,”I said as he motioned me to sit down,”But I will make sure I do next time.”

“It’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, but right now I would like to ask you somethings.”

“Fire away.”

“What do you dream of that makes you stir in your sleep so much?”

“Past things that I can’t let go of.”

“What do you think of me as Alpha?”

“You’re amazing Jason. You think of the pack first and not yourself. You are amazing and I know your parents are proud of you for doing all of this.”

“Thanks for that Adere,”He said standing up,”But it’s time to start our day.”

  I stood up and picked the empty bowl up as he placed a hand on the small of my back. I straighten up as I felt the tingling sensation through my shirt. I quickly opened the door and walked out of the room. I was scared he was going to do that and find out who I was suppose to be to him. I ran to the kitchen as Alex was telling the others what we were doing today.

  I handed the bowl to a maid and she went to go a clean it for me. I took a seat at our table in the for back corner and danged my head on it. I wish life wasn’t so hard for me and was like a fairy tale where the prince tells the princess he loves her or like one of those werewolf books that should be how we really are. Kristy always said if it was like that we would be meaner or more weird than we already are.

Life is going to be harder than we think of it,Mickels voice said in my head, We can only hope it gets better.

  Great now Mickel is in my head for the time being. He was the son of my past Alpha at my home pack. We were very close and thankful he was only older by three months. We did everything together and even planned out how we were going to run that pack one day. He was truly the alpha as I was the beta. We made a perfect team and even our parents agreed we would shine higher together and not apart.

“You’re going to lose your brains doing that low life,”Marvin, the beta, said to me,”So stop it right now.”

“Fine,”I said raising up to met his eyes,”But I will do it for Jason and not you.”

  Marvin was about six foot with black hair and dark brown eyes. He was the one that hated how close Jason trusted me and not him. I always thought that he looked very different from Jason who had midnight black hair with the most beautiful stormy grey eyes. Jason was five foot six while I was five foot five. He called me fun sized since everyone was around his height. Marvin also knew I was different from them for ALL of this pack’s wolves were dark colored while I was plain white.

  Moonsong was a lighter color from them and Marvin had pointed that out to Jason that I was different from them. I had green eyes and pure white hair that looked like snow as my dad said it was. I was also quicker than them and I was flexible. They had black hair and had dark eyes or stormy grey. I was the sore thumb out of this group but no one took notice of me. Kristy and Alex both said I was unique and even Jason said that to Marvin.

“I will get you out of here low life,”He said as Jason walked up,”You're lucky he likes having you around here.”

“I know what you mean,”I said as Jason sat down,”But I will always be here for my Alpha.”

“What are you two talking about?”Jason asked knowing when we talk it is bad.

“Nothing,”Marvin said looking at me,”Where is Kristy?’

“I don’t know,”I said as she walked in looking for someone,”But she did just walk in here.”

  He turned around as her eyes landed on him. She ran over and whispered something into his ear. His face morphed into what seemed like fear, confusion, and anger all at once. Wow he does have feelings in that soulless body. He turned to Jason and told him about an alpha and his pack here challenging him to a fight. Jason stood up and tapped my chair for me to get up. Yes I get some action today. I sprung up and led him out to the main living area. There stood tall was the Fire empire and I noticed that there was more than one alpha here. I looked over and saw the Firesong alpha looking around as if looking for me.

  The empire left when they saw Jason come in and only one group remained here. He looked at Jason as we stopped and I crouched down into a protective stance I was taught when I was younger. All my fighting was done the way my dad had taught me and it worked everytime for me. He looked at me and laughed at how my white hair followed over my shoulder.

“A girl is your beta,”He said as I wished it was true.

“No he is,”Jason said as Marvin towered over me,”She is my helper, bodyguard, and basicly…”

“The servant girl,”Marvin finished laughing at me.

“Well how about we do this,”He said getting ready.

“If you can get past Adere here,”Jason said as I smiled wickedly.

“Easy since she is just a tiny girl,”The opponent said.

  He went after me as I sprung onto him. I had him down as I punched him in the jaw. I was trying something Alex had taught me and so far it was doing good. The guy got me off of him and I flipped to my feet. He looked at me as his claws grew out. I gave an evil smile as mine grew out and I faced him. He went to get up but I ran at him and put him on the ground again. This time it was out of rage from being called a girl as if I couldn’t do anything.

  I dug my claws in him as I heard him scream out at me to stop. I did and went back to my spot in front of Jason as my claws went back in. He stood up as the blood flowed through his shirt. They all ran as I looked at him and laughed with Jason and Marvin. I loved watching this but Marvin stopped and death glared me.

“That’s our girl,”Jason said with a hand on my back,”Teaching them not to mess with us. I’m glad you are still here.”

  I smiled as he led me to his room for an odd reason. I looked at Marvin and stuck my tongue out at him. He glared at me since if they got through me the alpha and beta was going to fight next. I was led to the door as he opened it and pushed me in for once. I was never treated like this before.

Chapter 2

    He sat me down on the bed after he locked the door. I stayed there scared of what he was up to for once. He came around to me a raised up my shirt revealing the scars I had from that day. He removed my shirt leaving me in my bra as I wonder what he was up to. I felt his hand touch them and wanted to shrivel up to his touch as he traced it from my right hip to the left side of my neck.

  He stopped as it ended and moved to the front of me. I had always hide them from everyone but my two friends in fear they would say something. Today though I was only in my black tank top so it showed my shoulder where one of them started. He looked at me as if trying to figure me out for some reason.

“Adere how did you get those?”He asked clearly worried.

“My past,”I answered fearing he would hurt me if I said the real tale,”I kind of was apart of this brawl and got them from it.”

“Why do you hide them Adere?”He asked clearly taking the half truth.

“I feared people would be mean to me if they saw,”I said not telling a lie all the way.

  He nodded and handed me my tank top back and helped me put it on. Sometimes I think he knows about me being his mate. I looked at him as he walked out leaving the door wide open with me sitting there in awed at what he did. Jason was kind to me but he also didn’t treat me as an equal for sure. I stood up but heard him growl a sit down at me. I did as he disappeared into the unknown. What is he up to now?

   I sat there for a good few minutes after he left me sitting here. I looked toward the window as I wished I was with my dad and not without him. I looked at the door to see he was back in the room and had once again locked the door. In his hands where paper and pencils with a board for some odd reason. He sat them down and made me stand up and placed me in the middle of the room.

   He went to his bed as I stood there still confused on all of this nonsense now. He got his things ready as I watched him move with such wonder. I pushed the wolf back as she wanted to be in his arms right now. He got up and turned me around so my back was facing him again. I was told to remove my shirt and I obeyed the order as his hand traced the scars again.

“I want you to stay like this till I say other wise,”He ordered and went to his things,”I want to do something real quick.”

“Yes sir,”I said and closed my eyes as I waited.



  It was a half hour later when I felt my tank top get placed on me again. I opened my eyes as I must have tuned out what was going on. He led me to his bed as he sat the paper in front of me. On it was a picture of me with my scars. He had my hair flowing to the left side as if it was going with them. I was standing there was my face turned slightly looking over the shoulder to show the lines on my neck. I looked beautiful in it and I was struck in awe by it. He really knew how to make people feel beautiful even when they didn’t own that kind of need.

   He did it for all the girls here and they all adored his leadership. I admired the page as he smiled at me like seeing me like this was a pleasure to him. I looked at him as he took the page and put it on his wall with the others but mine shown the most out of them all.

“You know that one is my favorite now,”He said smiling at me as he hangs it up,”I hope my mate will be like you when I find her.”

“Marvin is going to get ticked when he see that,”I said smiling at his comments,”She will be lucky to have someone like you Jason.”

  He smiled at me before telling me to get out and go help the others. Yep, he has a way of treating me differently than everyone else. I walked into my room and closed the door and started to sound proof it. It was time for them to leave for the monthly hunt and the main wolves that were in the higher positions. Kristy and Alex was in here as I did it and they were in awed by it all.

   I put my Ipod in one of the the little speakers I had. I have recorded the songs of my childhood and the ones I loved so much I had to have them. I put it the one my dad made and had just the music play as the lyrics were flying around in my head. I closed my eyes as the tune was going all around in my body.

Spread your wings and fly through the air,

 You are brighter than the shining sun,

 Let your voice be heard by millions.


 Take out what you love in the world,

 and hold it close to your heart,

 Fight for it when it seems lost,

 Change the world one thing at a time.


 Let your paws dig into the ground,

 Find a way to show the world who you are,

Take your heart and give it to your love,

Find out who you really are.


 Take out what you love in the world,

 and hold it close to your heart,

 Fight for it when it seems lost,

 Change the world one thing at a time.


 Shine brighter than the sun,

 The world is waiting for you,

 Shine my child and show them who you are,

 Love, Live, and Laugh

 Be your heart and let it lead you,”I sanged as it came to an end.

  I looked at them as they stared at me in awe. This was the first time they ever had heard me sing to anyone at that matter. I changed it to the recordings of my old pack singing and went to sit on my bed. I was home sick every now and then but I didn’t want to go home.

The pack goes last is first and first is last,my old alpha’s voice said,We treat the others like we treat ourselves.

“It’s sad when you are hearing the voices of people who you left behind in your head,”I said laying on the bed,”I just heard Adrian Morris’s voice tell me something I hold to heart.”

“The Pack is life and life is the Pack,”Alex said.

“That was my dad,”I said,”It was In this pack Last is First and First is Last. We treat them like we treat ourselves. He was big on that one.”

“You miss them!”Kristy yelled in victory,”I knew it!”

“We were family Kris,”I said sitting up,”There was no you don’t matter or you are a low life. We were all treated as an equal. The alpha and beta was the people they looked up to and wanted to hang with. Mickel and I were both the ones every kid looked up to and followed when the adult had to take care of something.”

“Then why don’t you go back,”They asked together.

“The FireSong pack run me off,”I said remembering their faces peering at me,”They were the reason my dad is dead and I was in fear I was going to be next.”

“Why?”Alex asked.

“They said my voice brought them there,”I said as I wanted to go to sleep,”It haunts me everyday now and I feel lost without my father and want him to hold me like he use to. I loved him more than anything and now he is gone. I left my baby brother and mother behind for their own good and maybe for me to start a new.”

“But you had your life set,”Kristy said holding me at arm’s length,”You were one of the big people. You were loved by so many people and…”

“I’m going to bed,”I said pushing her out,”See you two in the morning.”

   I closed the door but left up my sound proof stuff up. I went to my bed and fell onto it. I was tried and I didn’t have time for any of this right now. I curled up under my covers and let the moon take me away. All I was thinking about was that day my dad had taken me for my first hunt and how I felt during it. I loved doing stuff like that and I miss it, now that I was always caged up here in the mansion house of the pack now.

Chapter 3

 “Adere, Wake Up!”I heard a voice say into my ear.

    I looked around the room and I was in my old room and it was around three in the morning. I looked up and saw Mickel was standing over me. He was my height with blue eyes and light brown hair. Everyone in this pack had light brown hair to blond while I had my white hair. I looked into his eyes as he held a hand out to me.

“About time you woke up,”He said as I took it,”We were getting worried about you.”

“What am I even doing here?”I asked clueless,”I was at the MoonHowlers hours ago. How did I get here?”

“What do you mean?”He asked now confused,”You been here since ever. You got knocked out about two days ago and have been under since then.”

“No Mickel,”I said stepping back,”I been at another pack.”

  He stepped forward and slapped my face. He started to yell at me to wake up and I felt like I was being shaken as I finally came to my sense that I was dreaming. I woke up as I saw that Jason, Marvin, and a nurse was over me. How long was I asleep for? I sat up as Jason was inches from my face and he was leaning over me.

  He moved away as I rose up and swung my feet over the edge. I was so lost in thought and just needed time to understand it all. I’ve been here for eight years and not once has that dream ever came to me. Was I really going insane or something? I stood up as Jason told the nurse to help me outside so I could get some fresh air. She obeyed and we walked all the way there in silence.

   I loved being outside for that was where I felt free and could do anything. I closed my eyes as the cool air hit my fragile body. I could tell December was coming soon for two reasons. One, it is November and my little brother’s birthday was today, November 25. Second, my wolf lived to be in the snow and the cold air it was born in. I was born December 25 on a full moon, so I was called the Full Christmas Moon Baby, by our alpha, Adrian Morris.

  I went to sit by a rock as the cool air went over my body and calmed my nerves down. I loved this feeling of being in control of things and not the lack of it. It helped me contamed the wolf on the inside. She wanted to go to Jason and let him help but I wanted to stay away from him and be me.

“Odd what had happen?”Kristy said walking out to me,”Everyone didn’t see you this morning.”

“Nightmare got me,”I said looking up.

  She gasped at me as if it was really noticeable. I looked at the ground as my bare shoulders was hit by the the cool breeze. I couldn’t understand it one bit but I had to figure something out fast. I looked at Kristy as she sat with me and the nurse left.




   I had walked into her having an attack of some sorts. I watched her hand move in a pattern as she was trying to do something. I had raced to get paper and she wrote out three little words on it before we finally got her to wake up and sent her out for air. I went to my room to hide it from Marvin since he would use it against her.

  I looked at it as the words were there in plain sight. She would have to explain it sooner or later to us all. I put it on the table as I traced the words with my fingers. They didn’t make sense to me but maybe it would to someone else. Someone from that pack that was here on the paper. Was she feeling guilty for it?

“Jason what was that?”Marvin asked.

“I don’t know,”I snapped hiding the paper,”But she must be having those every night or something.”

“It could be because she doesn’t belong here,”He said taking a seat,”She knows that and it is getting to the little low life.”

“Her name is Adere,”I snapped at how he called her that,”She is apart of this pack and I will not have that from my beta.”

“I’m just saying,”He said in mock surrender,”She has to be from somewhere else. She could be a little spy sent here to gain your trust then destroy you.”

“She wouldn’t do that.”

“You don’t know that. She is the fastest one here and we all know that. Jase she could be doing this to hurt you.”

“Marve I don’t want to see that part. She could have had a bad past and just need to let go of it all.”




“So then he slapped me,”I finished telling Kristy my dream as we walked into the house again,”He would never have done that to me. We were too close for any of that to have start up.”

“I don’t know Adere,”She said nicely,”It sounds like you are afraid of going back but at the same time want to. Is there something you’re not telling me here?”

   I looked at my friend as her grey eyes looked into mine with so much trust. I have never told anyone about how my dad died. It was my secret and I didn’t feel right telling people about that for it was heart breaking. I sighed and shook my head ‘No’ for I was not ready for them to know about that.

   I ran to my room and took down my sound proofing gear. Then walked over to my closet and picked out a black t-shirt that read ‘Born to be Wild’ and my favorite blue jean shorts. I changed into them and walked out as Jason grabbed my arm. He pulled me into his room for some reason.

   I was thrown into a chair as he closed the door. He walked over and made me face forward. He circled me like prey as I sat there getting scared by the minute as he did this. I looked to my left to see Marvin was over there with a stupid smile on his face. I sat still as I was afraid of what would happen if I stood up.

“What happened this morning,”Jason started,”I want to know something about your past.”

“Yes,”I said knowing I wouldn’t get out of this for both Marvin and me could smell a lie from a mile away,”What would that be, Master?”

“What made you so protective over it?”He said winking at me,”What had happen to make you join this pack?”

“I had a very bad experince,”I said eyeing Marvin,”I had to watch someone close like very close to me surfer.”

“She’s lying,”He said walking over to me,”She has not seem that kind of pain.”

“Says who,”I said looking up at him.


“Well you are mistaking.”

“Then who was it?”

“My father died when I was only ten,”I said as tears started to pour down,”He was the one I watched suffer for me live today.”

“Marvin leave us,”Jason said rubbing my shoulders as I let the tears go.

  He did and I was there sitting in my chair as I was now a broken mess. I never cried here for it was a sign of weakness. I looked at Jason as he sat in front of me with a rag. He whipped my tears away as I looked into his perfect grey eyes. They held the world to me but I didn’t want to ruin his life with mine.

“I want to show you something,”He said going behind me,”I just need you to stay still for me.”

“Ok,”I said straightening up for him.

   I felt a brush go through my hair as I thought this was weird to me. He was brushing my knotty hair for what he wanted to show me. Then I felt it get tacking back as he began to do something with it. This is weird since the only people who have ever touched my hair was Mickel, Mr. Adrain, my mom, and Dad. I didn’t have an older sibling to teach me how to do stuff like this, so I usually left it down and it cover the scar on my neck for me.

  I sat there as he did what he wanted to and didn’t question it. Soon the song of the day for my old pack flowed through the room. He had the window open for them to sing to us. I closed my eyes as Fix you by Coldplay was sung by Mickel. He seemed to be hurting from it all.

  I swayed a little as Jason seemed to be laughing at me a little bit. I didn’t mind since I was all about the music at this time of day. I would normally go to the top of the roof and listen to them, if Jason didn’t need me. It helped me clear my mind on it ALL and with Marvin that was a blessing to take in. I let the song play as I started to hum along with it. Soon Jason spun me around and I opened my eyes up to see he was smiling at it. I gave him a confused look as he gave me a mirror to look in.

   I did and saw a french braid that went from the left side of my head and met the rest of my hair into the braid down my back. It showed my scar and It was so beautiful that I was afraid to touch it. How did he know how to do this kind of stuff? I could barely make a bun in my hair let alone make a single braid.

“My older sister taught me that before she left with her mate,”He said sitting on his bed,”She said that it was a good skill to learn for when I was a father.”

“My dad use to do this kind of braid for me,”I said remembering Mickel trying to do it,”He said it was the best one for a young girl to wear for it showed her…”

“Strength from the inside out,”He said smiling,”I would always make fun of her for it but it was a real booster to her and she hits pretty hard.”

“Thank you Jason,”I said standing up,”But I must go now for I got kitchen duty today.”

“Bring mine up here,”He said as I left the room with a smile on my face.

   I got my Ipod and let that song go on replay as my earbuds blasted the song into my ears. I let my fingers run over the braid as I walked into the kitchen to see my weird friends staring at me. Alex clapped as I twirled for them all. It was my little way of saying hello to them. I grabbed my mittens and went over to get the bowl of chili off the stove. I held it as Kristy made the bowls for everyone to take. We waited to do our for they would have wanted to be here first.

   Marvin walked in and sat at the table as Kristy went to his aid. Adrain was out giving his person his bowl as I made up Jason’s. I went to the cabinet and got out the crackers for him. I looked at Marvin as he eyed me evilly as if he was up to something.

“Staring won’t help you,”I said getting the drink and food on a tray.

“Maybe not for long Low Life,”He said as I walked by,”But you should go ahead and go back to the hole you crawled out of.”

   I ignored the comment as I walked by and up to Jason’s room. I heard talking then ripping was sounded through the hallway. I went in as he looked hurt at the dead Macey on the ground. She was his slutty girlfriend who had cheated on him with Kelp and he was sent to live in the wild. I guess she ticked Jason off a little too much.

“I’ll clean this up as you eat something,”I said buzzing the maids.

“I will never be love,”He said sadly and my heart broke.

“You’re loved trust me,”I said as the maids got to work. 

Chapter 4

    It has been a week since all of that mess and still I have those dreams and they are getting worst. Every morning I wake up to Jason, Marvin, and a nurse over me as I was freaking out. I know that they are just my senses doing this but is my wolf trying to punish me for not telling Jason about me being his mate. Maybe I should tell him when I’m nineteen or eighteen?

  This morning I woke up in Jason’s room since he had told me to sleep in there. He was over me checking my temperature out. He was thinking it was because I wasn’t feeling well but I honestly didn’t feel bad. I looked into his eyes as I stood up and took the clothes I was laid out to put on.

   I ran to the bathroom and did my morning routine. The black shirt said ‘Messing with Fire over Here’ on the front and on the back read ‘Take it you don’t know my Level’. Jason’s dad got it for me when I was first assigned to them. He was a good man and called me little Bady for my attitude toward others at first. I put on the green gym shorts and ran down to the kitchen to start my day.

   I saw Kristy talking to her ‘MATE’, she found last week and told him yesterday. They were cute together and I loved seeing them together. He even got her an upper spot in the pack and helps us all out. His name was Mark and he was also Adrian's person. I thought it was funny but he said it wasn’t. I went to them as I was being waved over. I skipped to the little weirdoes as now Mark knew my secret of my old life.

“How did you sleep?”Kristy asked sipping her cocoa.

“No dreams at all,”I said smiling,”I think the wolf is the one doing it.”

“Here comes Marvin and Jason,”Adrian said standing behind the couple.

   I turned around and there they were. Jason caught my gaze and walked over to us. Marvin was trailing behind clearly ticked by something. It must have to do with me since he is like that. They stopped in front of me as I gave a sweet smile to them.

“Your going out with us tonight,”Jason said with no tone at all,”I want to see something.”

“See you at five right?”I said with a spark in my eye.

   He nodded as Marvin stared at me. He was up to something and I don’t know what. They left as I turned to my little group as they seemed excited for me. I was almost jumping out of my skin from excitement. I was going on a hunt after eight years of staying locked in.




  I walked outside as the others were coming. I watched as they were bigger than me and I just stood there as I was the odd one out. I watched as Jason walked down with a bag full of clothes for us and something to put what we caught in. He looked at me as I tailed him all the way to the sight they hunt on. I watched as the boys looked at me like I was a new toy here.

“Howl if you get hurt,”Jason said hiding the bag,”If it is bad howl for me and only me. There will be NO messing with our dear Adere and there will be none of the weird stuff that you do.”

  Everyone nodded and turned to their wolves before running off. I looked at Jason as he motioned me to turn into mine now. I closed my eyes as the wolf was glad to come out and play. I felt my body ache as it went into the glory I was. As I ripped my old blue t-shirt I had change into I landed on all fours.

   My white fur glisten in the night sky as I shook to get the feeling of this back. My eyes had a now piercing green tint to them as I more wild looking in this form than when I’m in my human one. I looked at the spot where Jason was a black wolf taller than me by a few inches with his grey almost red eyes faced me.

   I turned around and ran for the first thing I saw move and to my delight it was a deer. I ran as my legs carried me twice as fast than when I was a human. I loved feeling the wind in my fur as I ran. I caught the deer my first try and drug the thing to the bag as I saw no one else had done that yet. Stingy little people thinking of themselves first. I put it with it and watched as Jason walked up with a rabbit. He looked at my eight point deer and almost did a double take on it. He helped me put it in the bag and I went again.


   I had gotten eight rabbits and four deer, two eights and two does. I was now looking for something I could sink my teeth in. I saw a little rabbit with a broken leg and took it out of its misery. I started to head back as I heard a twig snap near my left. I went to see what it was as a rogue went after me.

   I turned and ran the other direction as fast as I could to get away from the flaming fur I saw. I went to turn to my right and noticed she had disappear on me. I began to walk back but a sharp pain went into my back right leg. I looked to see that a male version of the one I saw had came after me.

   I let out my howl for Jason and sadly the only one I could do was one that would give away who I was. I let out the melody like sound of my mate call and hope he heard it. I laid on the ground as the male circled me like I was pery. I snapped at him as he got to close to me. I looked into his black eyes and knew he was wild.

  He went to take me out as Marvin and Jason appeared over me. Jason was standing protectively over me as Marvin circled the rouge. Jason stared at me as my vision went black then back to the regular. I looked in front of me as I saw Jason standing there in his human form with only a pair of shorts on. I looked at myself and notice that I was nude in front of him. I went to cover myself up but my leg felt like it was on fire.

  He laid a blanket on me as Marvin was fighting the rouge. Jason picked me up bridal style and began to carry me back to the house. My body was up against his bear chest as he held me close to him. I looked into his grey eyes as the darkness around me began to overwhelm me. I heard his voice gently telling me to stay awake. I looked at him as more arms went around my tiny frame and I left his arms.

“Jason,”I said as my voice didn’t want to work.

“You’re going to be alright Adere,”Alex’s voice said as the darkness went to surround me again.

“Jason,”I cried as he turned around and left me there.

   I let the darkness take me away as I heard the howls echo through the forest. I let it envelope me as the pain was taking me away.

Chapter 5

“She’s useless,”Marvin’s voice said some where near,”She couldn’t even defend herself against him.”

“It was the twins,”Jason said,”They work as if of one brian. You even had trouble fighting him away give her a break.”

   I opened my eyes as I looked out the door to see it was still dark out. In the doorway was Marvin and Jason talking about me. I looked at my leg and saw it was wrapped up nicely in a bandaid. Alex had put his name on it as if saying it was alright. I surprisingly had many names on it but the two that caught my eye was Jason’s and Marvin’s there.

  I looked at them as they were headed my way. I noticed that Kristy had put clothes on me. I stood up and ran to the window to see we were on the third floor, the one me and Jason stayed on. I opened the window up and went out of it. I heard them calling my name as I jumped down and grabbed a hold of a vine. I landed safely on the ground as my friends came to my side. I looked at them and shook my head but they did NOT take that.

“Get on my back when I change,”Alex said as he helped me run.

“We’re going with you,”Kristy said.

“We are family now Adere,”Mark said,”You can’t get rid of us.”

  They helped me to the middle of the forest before two russet wolves and a brown one came out. I got onto the brown one as they all ran toward my once home. As they neared it Alex and Mark took a hard right and I almost fell off of him.

  I tightened my grip on him as he ran us to a safe house, I hope. I had ran from the alpha and that was a big fat do NOT do. It was greatly a thing you did not want to get caught doing and with all of this going on I could die if I was caught. Marvin must be thrilled that I did this.

“Make a right up here and please don’t throw me,”I said knowing the way I had came,”There is a safe house I had found out about when I was ten.”

  He nodded and did as I had said to. As we round the corner the little cabin came into view. I had stayed here for at least three months before I found the MoonHowlers pack. I slid off as everyone took turns changing back and getting clothes out of our little suitcase.

  I head to the door and saw the small hand prints of red I had put on it. It sady was from my almost bleeding out on the way here in the run. I pushed open the door and the kind old lady was sitting there on the couch holding a picture of a kid. She looked up and came over to me with a bright smile. It was like the first time I was here.

   I had put my hands on my back and neck to see if it was bad. I was bleeding quite a bit and it was everywhere. I looked ahead and saw the cabin out here and it was in the middle of nowhere. I climbed the steps and pushed open the door as my head started to hurt. I was getting dizzy from the blood lost.

“Help,”I said as a nice lady walked up,”Please.”

  She bent over to me and lifted me up. She walked over to the couch and placed me on it. She went to the kitchen and came back with things to doctor me up with. She got to work as my vision started to blur a little.

“What’s your name deary?”She asked as I laid there.

“Adere,”I said closing my eyes,”Adere White.”

“Well get some rest Adere,”She said as I fell to sleep.

“Adere,”She said smiling at me,”It has been a while you know.”

“I do Mrs. Langley,”I said hugging her.

“Who are they?”She asked with a knowing look,”Did you run again?”

“Yeah, but this is Alex, Mark, and Kristy,”I said pointing to each,”They should be heading back but they refuse to leave my side.”

“Well welcome,”She said going to the kitchen,”You must be hungry from your journey here.”

  She disappeared into the kitchen as the others looked at me. I gave them my best fake smile but I knew they wanted me to explain. I took a deep breath as she came in with a tray of food for all of us. I gave her a sweet smile as she went to prepare rooms. Mrs. Langley was the best person ever and I’m not lying at that one. She told me if I needed a place to stay to come out here and she would help me out.

“Who is she and How does she know you?”Alex said.

“She was the lady that helped me,”I said rubbing my scar,”She took me in and let me stay here till I found y’all’s pack. Mrs. Langley is the nicest lady and we can stay here for a little bit.”

“Well we’ll stay here for a few weeks,”Mark said,”Then we have to keep moving. This is the…”

“Untouchable area,”I finished,”Where wolves come and can get lost. I know where we are and I know that they are looking for ME. I want y’all to stay here and let me go on the run. She can help you to stay tame and not go wild like the others do. Let me go on this by myself. I need to grow on my own now and maybe find a way through this.”




   She ran from us and didn’t even looked back. Why did she not tell me about her being my mate? I paced my room as a beautiful sound went through the air. That voice was singing again as if trying to find a way out of all of this mess. I opened the window as the song rolled through the air. She was singing Where Is Your Heart by Kelly Clarkson and it was good. It helped clearly my head from it all.

“I told you she was a little liar,”Marvin said with a grin,”She ran because she knew we had her now. Her plans were ruined and those other three are probably her little helpers.”

“Marvin, I need you to leave so I can think,”I said looking out the window as if I could see the voice,”Then we will talk about Adere.”

  He walked out as I went over to the paper she had wrote those three words on. They still didn’t make sense to me but maybe they were of her past. Only one was a little clearer now sense that whole thing with Marvin calling her a liar. I took it out and wondered about it.

Adere is a strange girl with a hard past,My dad’s voice echoed,She will talk when she is ready for it. Just don’t give up on her just yet.

“Easier said than done,”I said going to the window where the song had finished,”She is something more than a servant or a friend.”

Moonsong, Daddy Fight, the paper read as if it was a puzzle we had to figure out. Moonsong was a pack that could sing really well and her dad had died when there was a fight. I just can’t make them click together as if they were to stand out all on there on somehow. What if they were really a plan and she wanted to bail on it?

Chaoter 6

   Because of you I try to do nothing. I had lost everything because I was scared of what he would say about me being his mate. What have I done now? I waked to the roof of the cabin and sat down as I heard my mom’s voice singing one of her old songs. I let it calm me down as I was getting worked up again.

“Life is what hurts people and not what we hurt,”Alex said sitting beside me,”You know returning to your old home won’t be that bad.”

“I know but I just can’t bring myself to go back to that place,”I said hugging my knees,”I had lost to much and now can’t live without it.”

“What’s IT?”He asked holding me like an older brother would,”You can tell me Adere. I won’t judge you because of it.”

“My dad,”I said with a tear,”He died fighting to protect the Moonsong pack and I was the cause of it.”

“What do you mean by that one?”He said as I rested my head on his shoulder and began to cry.

“I was hurt during it and he faced me. He was distracted with my pian that the other challengers took that advantage to get rid of him. He was killed because I was there and I did that to him.”

“No you didn’t. You were just there to support him and they did it. Odd it’s not your fault for it.”

“But if I wasn’t there he would still be here with me and not gone for ever.”

“But then you wouldn’t have found us and Jason. We would be lost without our little Adere.”

“But then I would have been with the others and I would not be in this mess right now.”

“True but didn’t you tell us that it is about the adventure of the run that takes you away. That it was the wind flowing in your fur when you run for a new start.”


“Well where is that girl right now.”

“Heartbroken and upset.”

  He brought me close and gave me a hug as I let my eyes close as my dad’s face popped up in my head. I was going to return to the pack but not know. I just needed to stay low and regroup myself for now. I felt hands get placed on my back as we soon slid off the roof. I screamed as hands caught me before I had hit the ground.

“Don’t hurt yourself dearies,”Mrs. Langley called from inside the house,”We don’t need none of you to be hurt worst than Adere.”

“We’re good Mrs. Langley,”I called as I was set on my feet,”I just slipped and almost hit the ground. Alex had to catch me before I died.”

“Well at least you're alright,”She called as we walked inside to see everyone there,”For right now I want to see that bite.”

  I nodded and took a seat on the couch for her. She slowly unwrapped it as if it was going to explode. I watched as it soon revealed the nasty looking gash on my leg and I let my eyes almost bugged out. It wasn’t infected but it was just a huge gash. That freakin wolf has a big mouth and that is the truth.

“It was worst when you came in,”Kristy said as I looked at her,”We had to give your painkillers for the scream to stop as we tried to give you stitches for it.”

“You don’t like needles,”Mark said with a laugh,”You kicked Marvin three times as he held you down to try and get you to be still.”

“He said somethings that we are not going to repeat now,”Alex said,”But his favorite was ‘Low life wake up and stop kicking so much’. You just did it harder and we all gave up.”

“Inner wolf doesn’t like him,”I said as we laughed and Mrs. Langley did my leg up.

  I watched her move over the sore with a needle and closed my eyes as she gently gave me the stitches I needed for it to heal. I took deep breathes as my leg started to twitch from the needle. I thought of it when she did my back for the first time.

“It hurts to much,”I complained to her,”And needles hurt to much to do anything with them.”

“Adere, I’m almost done with them,”She said as my sensitive back was stinging a little bit,”I just got a few more to go then you can play.”

 She gently pushed the needle in as I jumped at how it felt to the pain I was feeling. I winced as I tried not to jump to much so she wouldn’t have to redo it.

“No complaining this time,”She teased with me.

“Wow wait this time,”Alex said,”When was the first time this had happen.”

“When I got my scars,”I answered as the needle was being pushed through my leg,”She gave me stitches and I didn’t shut up till she was done.”

“She hates needles,”Mrs. Langley said as she looked at me,”For it hurts to much.”

“I was ten and didn’t love needles,”I said looking at it,”I still don’t love them.”

“So what is the plan?”Kristy asked.

“We are going to stay here for the month then I was thinking I would go back and clear all this up before I come to get all of you,”I said standing up,”I don’t want them to hurt you for helping me when I said for you to NOT to help me.”

  They nodded as I went to the room I was staying in. I opened the door as the coloring pictures shown throughout the room. I was the joy of her life when I was here the first time. She called me little girl and treated me as I was her own girl. I smiled at it as I flopped down on the bed for the time being. I turned my Ipod to Titanium By David Guetta as I let out a sigh for the time being. I had a life that was in hate with me. I just wished life could be easier on me.

“Jason I promise I will make all of this right,”I said out loud,”I promise I will for as long as I live.”

Chapter 7

  It has been three weeks from when we had left the pack house. I was sitting in the living room as I was writing a letter to my family. I had promised Kristy I would if she had snogged Mark for about thirty minutes. She did and now I got to do this letter. I had written not very much but a good bit.

Dear Mom and family,

   Hey, this is Adere. I want to say that I’m sorry for the pain I had put you through over the years. I had found this pack that took me in and had treated me like I was family. They are really nice and I had found my mate in it. He is the greatest leader in the world and maybe better than Adrian. I’m alright and have been for years that I been away from. I hope you are not mad at me for doing this but I felt like I was the one that did it to him. I wish that my brother is still alright and has Mickel to look up to as an older brother. Please tell the others that I miss them all greatly and I might return one day to see all of you again. I love you all.


Adere Alicia White

I closed my pen as I looked at the letter. I had poured all I could into it without giving away where I was. I put it into the envelope as I walked into the kitchen to see Kristy still there with Mark holding her. They were making out again.

“My eyes they are burning,”I said covering them,”I’m blind now. I need help from a doctor.”

“Over react much,”Alex said taking my letter,”They been doing that for about ten minutes.”

“Get A Room!”We yelled together.

  They walked away with her sticking her tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes as it was the full moon tonight and there would be mating howls going off tonight. See we can mate during the full moon once a month and we could only use that howl for finding our mates.

  I walked with Alex outside as the moon was about to shine high in the sky. It was the wonderful December moon and my birthday was next week. I loved the snow that was falling down to the earth and covered the forest floor. I let the inner wolf wonder around as she loved this weather like me.

“We will mail this today and hopefully it will get to them by your birthday,”Alex said as I watched the snow fall down,”That would be a good Christmas present for them.”

“Yeah it would,”I said thinking of Jason,”I need to write one for him to.”

“That would be nice,”Alex said putting it into the mailbox,”He would like that.”

“Then let me go and get started with it,”I said heading back to the house.

  As I was about to walk in a howl caught my ears. I froze in that spot as I couldn’t control my actions now. The wolf had the control of me since that was Jason’s mating howl he had used. I closed my eyes as I was about to howl for him but Alex covered my mouth. I started to thrash around as I wanted to get free from his grip.

  I started to squirm till I was free from it. I looked at the direction it came from and started to run to it. I looked ahead as I saw the Flaming twins fur shining ahead. I went to jump over them as Alex had grabbed a hold of me. We both went down to the ground as the twins ran the other direction from us.

  I rolled on my back as Alex had me pinned down to the ground. He looked at me and I didn’t want to let him won this one. I tried to fight him off but nothing worked and I couldn’t get him off of me. I went to howl as he put his hand on my mouth again. Mistake my dear friend. I rolled out from under him and began to run again.

“Adere you got to use your head,”He said tackling me again,”If you go now then what about the rest of us? What about Mrs. Langley? What about your dad?”

“But Jason needs me,”I said struggling again,”He needs to be happy and he needs me to love him.”

“That’s the wolf talking,”Alex said as I got free,”We need our Adere back.”

“But Jason needs me right now,”I whinned as he was blocking my way,”He needs me right now and you are NOT going to stop me from getting to him.”

“Sorry for this,”He said as I let my howl go and my head hit a rock.

  I fell into someone’s arms as everything went black but I could hear the person running somewhere. In the background was a howl that made my heart ache to answer for. I slipped into a daydream that made my heart happy to think of.

  I was sitting there with the one person I needed right now. He was there holding me as we were watching the little ones playing in the sun. I was holding our new baby girl that we had about a month ago. She slept in my hands as a little princess. She was a sweet little girl and like the other two she was a darling.

“She has your eyes,”Jason said into my ear,”She is just as lovely as you.”

“No that would be you Jason,”I said as I watched the other two playing,”They are all like you.”

“But they have your heart and bright mind,”He said kissing my neck as I rocked the bady girl,”They are the people I will hold when you are gone and the ones I will hold close when you are not here.”

“I love you Jason,”I said as it all began to go away.

   I shot up in a cold sweet and my body was get hot. No I can’t be in that. I looked around as I noticed I was in my room of the cabin. There in the corner sat Alex as he looked at me. I looked out the window to see the sun was high in the sky.

   I looked at Alex as he sat on the bed beside me. His arms wrapped around my small figure as I was still burning up. He had a cold rag to help me out a little bit. I couldn’t be in heat right now. This is messed up and it needs to end right now.

“I had to knock you out Adere,”He said dabbing my head with the rag,”It was to strong for me to talk you out of it. Your wolf is stronger and smarter than me.”

“Sorry if I had hurt you,”I said as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes,”I just didn’t know she was like that or wanted him that bad. Thanks.”

“Your welcome,”He said handing me the paper,”How about you right that letter to him now.”

  I nodded as he left me in the room. I took a deep breathe as the cold air from the window hit my warm body. It felt nice and I knew what I wanted to say to him in that letter. I took out my pen and went to begin with it.

Dear Jason Mason Walker,

   Sorry for not telling you about me being your mate. I was just scare about what everyone else would think. I just didn’t know how you would have handle it and now I feel worst about it. I know there are something you might be thinking of now but please don’t take it out on the others here with me. I told them not to help me but they did anyways. I really meant that you are loved part a few weeks back and I still mean it. Jason I know that you might not believe me but you are the one I love. I wished you were here to comfort me right now and last night I think I was just being a little drugged by it all. I will keep in touch but in my own way. Stay strong my Alpha.

Love and forever yours,


I folded it nicely up and put it away in its envelope. I walked over to my window and looked outside. No one was there and it was a nice day out. My leg was better and I wasn’t hurt from last night by Alex.

  I closed my eyes and grabbed my black jacket. I went through the window and landed on the ground very gracefully. I began to run the direction in which I was headed last night. I know leaving them without any instruction or where I was going is wrong but I have to do this. I looked at the sky as the blood in my body started to pump rapidly as I ran. There’s no turning back now.

Chapter 8



   I sat in my room looking out the window for the hope I would see Adere come running back. After I heard her howl back I knew there was still a hope she would came back to me. I turned away as Marvin walked in holding a letter up from the Moonsong pack. I had written them about two weeks ago to see if they could put the words together.

  I took the letter from him as I was hoping it would prove to Marvin she was not against us. I opened it up slowly as I heard footsteps and people yelling out the words ‘Stop her’. I looked at Marvin as I continued to open it up. I took it out and read:


  We can’t help you much if we don’t know who this Adere is. We had one of our own that run away after she lost her dad in a fight. If that is what this one means by any of that we would be glad to know about it. Please write to us if she does.

Adrian Morris

That hardly helps with it. I closed it up as I saw Marvin get stiff as a small figure stood at the door. He was leaning on it as if he was making fun of the my Girl.

“What do you want sir?”I asked throwing the letter on my bed,”Please don’t stand like that. It reminds me of someone who use to be the one I depend on.”

“You depended on me,”Her voice said as the hooded figure kept his head down,”I thought I was just someone who didn’t matter.”

“What do you mean?”I asked as Marvin went around the figure.

“I mean that I never thought you would have depended on me like that,”The figure said as Marvin snuck up on him/her,”I thought I was just someone that was suppose to be there for your every need like a servant girl.”

  Marvin ripped away the hood and there stood my Girl. She had the nicest look in her eyes like she did every Christmas. I looked at her as Marvin took hold of her. He looked at me as I made my way near her. She held out a piece of paper that I took. That was when the lights went out and she disappeared on me. I opened the letter and read every word of it. When I finished there was a few words she had written on the front of it.

Meet me in the spot you first found me.

  I looked at the door and started to run to the forest. My dad and I found her in there under a pine tree and he took her in. I had that memory in my mind since that day and I would never forget it. She was like a snow angel to me and will always be.

   When I got there, she was sitting in the branch that I would have been in. She smiled down at me as if I was to come up. I climbed up the tree and got on the same branch as her. She gave me a kind smile before getting closer to me. It was like I had dreamed of it but this was real now.

“Did you read my letter,”She said nicely.

“I did Adere,”I said placing my head on her warm body,”Are you in heat right now?”

“What gave it away,”She joked as it clicked,”But did you understand why I ran.”

“You thought I was going to freak out. I get where you come from in that one. I would have been scared if I was to tell someone who was like my boss I was there true love.”

“Yeah and with Marvin it just seemed the right thing to do at that moment.”

“Well will you be mine then?”

“I will Jason,”She said kissing my cheek.

“Be my luna,”I said kissing her head.

“If my friends can come back without worry.”

“Sounds like we got a deal.”

   She jumped down and looked at me with a smile. She turned to walk away but not before nodding her head. I watched her walk away and I had the smallest hope she would come running back to me. I went to the house as her smiling face was in my head a perfect picture. Adere was the perfect girl and she was the perfect leader.

“We have to hunt them down and destroy that little spy,”Marvin said as I walked in the house,”Who knows how many people have she had told about this place.”

“She will not be harm as none of her friends,”I said heading back to my room,”She is now Luna and will be treated with the same respect as me.”

“You made that little rat your Luna,”Marvin said shock,”She is not even from this pack and she’s not…”

“She my mate and I made her my Luna,”I said closing the door.

  I open the door as now the christmas songs came through the window I kept. That voice that went missing was singing them and it was amazing to hear them. I sat down and looked at the picture of Adere I drew as they played in my head. She was the one for me and everything was working out now.

Chapter 9

 “You did what!”Alex yelled at me.

  I just told them about me sneaking out of the cabin and going to see Jason. I had done it all without getting caught by one of them. I can be a ninja in this life. I gave a small smile as I didn’t tell them about the little moment in the tree. I kept that one to myself for fear they would hunt me down and try to kill me.

“Trust me in this one,”I said trying to break the tension,”Everything would be alright now.”

“We broke the big one that everyone know not to,”Kristy said sounding more worried now,”We can get killed for this kind of thing.”

“But not if I say so,”I said backing up onto the corner.

“Adere what did you do?”Alex said sounding a little upset.

“I may have went to him and we sat on a branch together and talked for a little bit,”I rambled on,”Then he asked me to be his. I said yes to that. Then he asked me to be Luna and I said If you all can go back without worrying about the punishments from all of this. He said that it sounded like a deal and I jumped down and nodded my head yes before coming back here to see all of you here looking tick at me for what I just told you.”

“ADERE!”They all yelled at me.

  I gave a weak smile at them as it seemed to have clicked to them that this was a good thing for all of us. I looked at Alex as he seemed the most ticked at me but that slowly went away as I gave my smile. He laughed as I spinned around looking happy to go back to the old pack.

“I should be a ninja,”I said remembering my get away.

“For tricking them and getting out of Marvin’s grip like a pro,”Kristy said as she had our things,”Yes I think we all think that to be a good suite for you.”

“Let’s go before we have to answer for this,”Alex said holding my shoulder.

“Only Marvin would fus at us,”I said as I hugged Mrs. Langley,”Thanks for everything again.”

“You are always welcome Adere White,”She said hugging us all,”If a letter comes for you I’ll send it to you.”

“I’ll be waiting for it then,”I smiled as we headed home.

   I waved as we walked the way to the old house. I heard the song of the day and to my surprise it was one that I knew by heart. If you have ever seen Les Miserables then you should have heard the song End of the Day. I was humming to it as I listened to the words. I sang the parts that the mother of Corset does as they all looked at me as I did it. I know I’m weird and I don’t need you to remind me about that.

“So where are you really from,”Mark joked,”Mars or Plant weirdoes.”

“Plant I’m-cooler-from-you,”I said sticking my tongue out at him,”I was always taught differently from others.”

“Yeah for you are really a Beta that is now a Luna,”Alex pointed out,”You jumped up a little bit don’t you think.”

“Yeah,”I said surprise at it,”That never came to me.”

   We walked for a little bit till I saw Marvin’s wolf in front of me like I was the monster here. I rolled my eyes and went around the idiot. He ran in front of us like he really wanted to get rid of me that much. At least he put effort into it and didn’t push it to the side. He huffed as we got to the gate as he wouldn’t let us inside.

“Marvin move,”I said not afraid of him anymore.

   He huffed at me again and didn’t move like I had asked him to. I rolled my eyes and made an attempt to get past him. He moved in front of me as I huffed this time. Idea!

“Move or I’ll get Jason down here,”I warned as his eyes had a change of expression for a second.

“Marvin what are you doing?”Jason’s voice asked.

“He ain’t letting us through,”I said looking under him,”So can you help us out.”

  Marvin walked away and Jason laughed at me. I smiled as he wrapped his hands around my waist. I heard the others awe as I turned redder than a balloon. We all walked in as I got this weird feeling that something was going to happen soon to us all.

    I walked in as Mickel’s howl was close by and that scared me more then anything right now. I turned around as I saw a red flash sped by that caught my eye right there and then. It can’t be them and now would not be a good time for them to attack us. I looked away as they seemed to have disappear from my sight. What if they are looking for me again?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2015

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