
Chapter 1

“My king what is it you want?”I asked.

“I want you to be honest with me Maria,”He said,”Do you really love me?”

“Cut,”The teacher called,”That was perfect Catherine and Alex. You two were amazing.”

  I’m a teenage actor and in the school play. We had written a play and I was lead girl. My high school crush was the lead boy in it. He was like me and it killed me that he didn’t see that I loved him. He patted my back as we left the stage, stage right.

  Alex had amazing bleach blonde hair and the sweetest green eyes. He was about five foot five or two inches taller than me. He was captain on the boy soccer team, played on the football team, and was apart of the theatre acts and plays. He was the guy that stole my heart.

  I was just on the girl soccer team and theatre. My parents were proud of me and loved what I did. I had my father’s black hair but my mother’s waves. I had his green eyes but her golden specks. I was short compared to them but the same height of my grandpa.

  We walked into the makeup room and grabbed our things. I had soccer practice in ten minutes and he had football than soccer. He walked next to me and I felt his hand brush against mine. My heart fluttered and my hand started to tingle where his had brushed it.

“Hey I was wondering if you wanted to have a study date with me,”Alex said looking a little nervous,”But If you are busy it’s alright.”

“How about around eight,”I said as I stood at the door leading into the girl’s locker room.

“It’s a date,”He said running to the boy’s.

  I walked in and my heart felt like it was going to explode. Everyone looked at me before they all squealed and my ears started to ring. I raised my hand and they shut up. I was the captain of the team and the girls were like family to me. I was number five or The Stone Hard Killer. We changed into our shorts and practice jersey. We ran out and got started on running.

“Where arth thou Cathy,”Kristen said mockingly.

“Right here my dear, Kristen,”I said laughing.

  Kristen was my best friend and she knew everything about me. She had flaming red hair and bright blue eyes with a one of a kind deathglare. She was the one that knew about my home life and my parents. She was the best and my co-captain.

“You got a study date,”She said as we ran ahead of everyone,”Is it going to be at your place or his.”

“I forgot to ask,”I said now very worry.

“Then he is going to find out about your parents.”

“What am I going to do?”

“Girl I don’t know what you should do.”

  I sighed as we finished our last lap. We did our practice which was just us dividing up and playing each other for the day. When we finished the boys came up and we walked away. I looked back to see Alex was staring at me as I was walking away. I turned back around and a blush came to my face. I heard the girls awe at me before we all started to laugh.

  We walked to the locker room and changed out of our practice uniform. I walked out with Kristen as the boys waved to us. She put her middle one up as I waved to them. They laughed at the two of us, seeing how our personalities are totally different.

  She went to her car as I went to my dirtbike. I had a blue Ram truck but I like to keep my profile on the down low. I rode it till I got to this grand mansion in the middle of the woods. It had seven floors but the fifth one was all mine. I jumped off and began to walk up to the house as my dog, Ace, came running up to me.

  He was a german shepherd and my little baby. I got him when I was only three and he was just a newborn pup. I have been training him to do things around the house and some cool tricks. My dad said that the two of us are unbreakable and that is fine with me.

  I waked into the house to see my mom was in the living room talking with Dad. I rolled my eyes and hurried on up to my room with Ace. I passed by Mrs. Heyman, our maid, as she was cleaning the third floor. I saw Jacob, our butler and my caretaker, on the fourth floor straightening up somethings. If you hadn’t figured it out yet I’m a rich kid but act like I was not. It helped me fit in and get friends that like me for me and not money.

  I ran to the third door on the right when I reached my floor. I opened it to revile the a room that looked like the woods around the house. I had painted different wolves to make it look like I was being watched over by different types of wolves. It helped me stay on Earth and not go insane with the world.

“Catherine Elizabeth Clark,”Mom yelled up to me,”Are you home yet?”

“I don’t know you tell me,”I hollered back down,”Also there will be a guy coming over around eight.”

“All righty then,”She called back.

“Who is he?”Dad yelled.

“Alex Morris,”I shouted back,”A guy from school that I know. It’s only a study date.”

  I shut the door since he didn’t say anything after that one but I’m not complaining. I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes trying to calm my nerves down a little bit. I heard a knock on the door and opened my eyes up to see it was my dad. He walked in and took a seat at the end of my bed. Out of my two parents, my dad and I were the closest. We had this weird kind of bond that we really didn’t understand at all.

“So this Alex kid,”He said with an evil look,”Is he the one you like or something.”

“Dad,”I said hitting him,”That’s not funny at all.”

“I’m taking that as a yes,”He said in mock surrender.

“You are impossible you know.”

“Well I am your father. So why is he coming here tonight. Also at what time do we need to leave.”

“He wants to study and He will be here at eight. So if you want to before then.”

“Don’t do anything with him,”He said leaving with a smirk.

“Eww Gross dad,”I said fake gagging,”Why would you even say that to me?”

   He laughed and left the room. I rolled my eyes and turned on my flatscreen TV. I flipped it to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and grabbed my pillow. I was a kid at heart and loved cartoons even though I was sixteen.

Chapter 2

   I turned the TV off when I heard Jacob open the front door to someone. I looked at my clock and saw it was seven fifty-nine. He’s a minute early for our study date. I shrugged and went downstairs with Ace in tow. When I reached the bottom floor I saw eight guys and my eyes widen. I looked and saw that Alex was in the middle trying to get them to leave.

“Dude come on. Let us stay with the two of you,”One said.

“No,”Alex snapped,”Now go back to the house. I’ll see all of you later.”

“We might need help in Math too you know,”another tried.

“Then find your own pretty tutor,”Alex said looking at them,”Catherine is MINE.”

“You think I’m pretty,”I said right behind him.

  He quickly spinned around and I saw a light blush appear on his face. The others laughed at him and left the house. He began to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly as if he was at a lost of words. I giggled as Jacob went to prepare a spot for the two of us.

“I-I-I don’t know how to answer that one,”He said honestly,”I’m at a lost of words at how you shine brighter than the sun and moon.”

“You just answer it,”I said walking into the living room with him and Ace,”So it is the dreaded Math my King needs help with.”

“Yes it is my dear Maria.”

“So where shall we begin my King.”

“How about the dragon of complex fractions.”

“They shall be slayed hopefully by the end of the night.”

  We laughed our heads off before taking a seat on the floor where Jacob had set us up at. We took out our things and started on the homework for Ms. Kingsley. I looked at Alex’s notebook to see a white wolf and my name on it. I held back my excitement but I didn’t want to get my hopes up that he liked me.

“You like wolves,”I pointed out.

“Yeah,”he said smiling,”It’s like they are apart of who I am. I love the pack and everyone in it. What about you?”

“I love them,”I said almost jumping for joy,”My room’s walls are covered with a forest and a pack of wolves. My parents think they are kind of creepy but I love them.”

“What is your favorite fur color?”

“Sandy or black. I just think that those two or the coolest. What’s your favorite?”

“The same but mostly black.”

  I nodded and took out my notebook. It had a black and white wolf on it. I had drew his name on the black one and wanted to cover it up. He noticed and we both laughed at each other. He showed me the problems and we got to work. I also found out that if he thinks of it like how a wolf pack would he gets it easier. That made my job easier and luckily we got to spend some time just hanging out.

  It was around midnight when he got a phone call. He went to take it and I got one from my flaming headed cousin. He was my mother’s brother’s son and sadly he had my mom’s family hair and attitude. I rolled my eyes and picked it up.

“What is it Josh?”I asked clearly ticked.

“Can’t a guy call his cousin at midnight to just say hello,”He said like a two year old.

“No because it is you.”

“Fine you got me. I want to warn you about that Alex Morris guy. He is bad news Cathy. Please tell me you won’t try anything dangerous.”

“Josh you know about my crush. I don’t want you to stick your hand in my business. If he is so dangerous then that is my problem and not yours.”

“Just be careful will you.”

   With that he hanged up and I noticed that Alex was standing at the door looking upset. My heart broke and I just wanted to make him alright again. I stood up and made my way over to him. He looked at me before opening up his arms. I gladly gave him the hug and didn’t want to leave his arms. He played in my hair as I took in his scent. He


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.11.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7438-2810-0

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