
The Beginning

   I was told that there were guardians for world and their special talents. They were there to keep the peace in the world. Each was from a special family that had every member had the power. I was told that there was once a war that made everything go out of balance and the guardians had to fight to protect their special ability.

  A man by John Mang was the one who did this to the world. He wanted to be like them and have what they had but he was only human. He got jealous and went to the temple of fire to take what he thought should be his.

  The young master who was learning how to control it was there alone. When John walked up the young master fought him off but that didn’t stop him. At last the master defeated him and the man went back down. He then rallied his town to take what they thought to be their.

  The young master called the others and a war broke out to see who had the true right to the sources. It took ten years for the guardians to win and everything went back to the way it was supposed to be. It was perfectly in balance but John Mang’s descendents vowed to finish what their father had started and would never rest till they did succeed with it.

   Shortly after that the guardians had to find love in dear maidens. They all did and once married to a guardian the maiden becomes as powerful as her lover. So they could live as long as the guardian would.

   I was shown the family trees of these great guardians and smiled as my father spoke their great tells. He talked about them like they were here today even though that was a million years ago but to us they were still here. My father was the new guardian of time and I was his only child and this angered the others. They thought of me as a weakling and not worthy to hold the power of time.

  My father didn’t listen but my mother still had my baby brother, Marcus, and that pleased everyone. I was overjoyed to have a sibling but he was just ordinary with no special power like my mother. This was because the law says only the eldest child can wheeled the power and till that eldest says other wise the younger sibling will never be like them.

   The others tried to get me to stop but it was no good. I wanted to be different and the law never said anything about a girl being a guardian. You might be thinking this is where our tale starts but I’m not done yet.

  The Mang family had attacked my home or the temple of time. I ran out to see my father fighting a man as he tried to get the source. I watched a boy about my age and ran after him. I tackled him to the ground and he spent around and was trying to get me off. I heard a cry and turned to see the man had killed my beloved father. I wanted to cry but knew I had to get them away from the time source.

  I ran over to it and grabbed it. The world stopped for a few seconds as I ran away. I undid it and when I reached the bottom of the mountain. I looked up to my once home and felt like my life was ruined. I went into hiding as the Mang’s took my home.

   I held the small orb to my chest as I made my necklace make it a charm. My brown hair went into a bright color before it went to a human shade. My bright green eyes went to a human shade. My features morphed to make me look more like a human being and not a guardian. I’m Alicia Kingsley and I’m the keeper of time.

School Trip to Ruin my Life

   I’m sixteen and have been at this boarding school near my home. I have a little group who believe in the guardians and they like me for me. I didn’t tell them my secret since it was law and I didn’t want to risk anything. There was Mason and Miria who were twins but Mason was older. Then there was Katey, Minnie, Mickey who were in foster care and were like sisters. Last there was Luke who was someone I fancied and we were close.

   We got on the bus and we all headed to my once home. It has been a few years and I left Marcus when he was only six and I was his older sister by two years. I had to hurt him for this but it was the only way to protect the source. I was taken from my thoughts when Luke nudge me.

“Is something on your mind Alicia?”Luke asked.

“Yeah,”I lied,”I just can’t wait for the tour.”

“I know,”Luke said lighting up,”The Mang’s are a legendary family. I still can’t believe that they took the temple from the guardians. The one that has the source must have been smart. I hope he is alright out in the world.”

   I smiled at that statement. I was watching the world pass by and soon the top of the mountain showed the temple. It was a bright white, blue, green, and black colored building that stood high and proud. There was an hour glass on the top to show the meaning of it. I felt my necklace to feel the silver orb still there.

   We got out of the bus and was met by Mark Mang or the guy that murdered my father. I counted to ten as he motioned us inside. As I walked in the memories of me and my dad playing games to train me came to mind. It was perfect to be back home but now I have one problem. The Mang family were still here.

  We gather in the main hall where the source would have been. I looked around and saw the battle play out in my mind and I winced when my father’s death played out. I looked at the family to see the boy that I fought with, Jasper. He locked eyes with me and I felt them glaze with brightness but as fast it came it was gone.

“You can explore around but what you break you buy to repair,”Mark said with a smile,”Make sure you check out the tree of guardians. That is where the shocker is. But before you go let me tell you a story of the young master.

“She was the eldest one in the family. Her little brother is still here but works for us. Marcus was left behind by his older sister. She left to protect the source but was that really worth it.

“If you can find her name come here and tell me what it is. If you are correct then you will get a prize. So have fun and don’t mess anything up.”

   We went our separate ways and my group went to my old room. The song Burning House by Cam played through the room and I gave a smile. The room was enchanted to play the music that I thought of. Right now it is this song.

   The others laughed as I looked around the room watching five year old me run around as my dad chased me. I miss him so much but I can’t fix it now. We left the room and went to the tree to see my family name on it.

“Hey Alicia,”Maria said,”That must be cool.”

“Yeah I feel honored by that,”I said as I noticed the little twerp walk up.

“Hey the girl he was talking about also has your name,”Mickey said,”Alicia Kingsley.”

“Weird right,”I said as the twerp was right beside me.

“You know I actually fought her,”Jasper said,”She looked a lot like you. And I’m guessing your name is Alicia.”

“Yes, it is,”I said ready to fight if he attacks,”Is there anything else.”

“Yes there is,”He said raising his hand,”Give me that source guardian.”

   He went for my necklace but I ran away from him holding it to my chest. He ran after me as I jumped up and landed on a bean twenty feet in the air. The two Mangs came under me and looked up as my body started to glow it’s slight glow. They looked at me as I sat on it.

“Alicia,”Mark called up,”Come down and hand over the source.”

“Never,”I snapped back.

  I watched as they brought Marcus out. He looked at me and my heart almost broke. He was being beaten because of me. I had to look away from the scene in front of me. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I heard laughter. I looked down to see Jasper was snickering.

“Give it over,”Mark said,”And then you and your little brother can be united again.”

“Licia don’t do it,”Marcus said full hearted to me.

“I’m Sorry Marcus,”I said standing up as a tear fell down,”I should have taken you with me.”

“It’s alright Licia,”He said with a smile,”You had to protect it. So go and show them they didn’t need me here.”

  I nodded and froze the time around me. I jumped down and ran back to the school. I unfroze it and fell to my knees as I cried for the first time in years. I stood up and grabbed my backpack. I stuffed all my things I had.

   I only had a few things of clothes, a picture of my family, a laptop, and my Ipod. I stuffed it all in as my friends walked in. They saw what I was doing and almost had a heart attack.

“We’re going with you,”Luke said and my heart broke to tell him what I have to.

“No your not,”I said as I threw my bag on my back,”You are not to know about me. I didn’t tell you this for it is law not to. Now that they know where I am, I have to leave.”

“You’re not going alone Alicia,”Maria said,”We’re a team. We don’t give up on each other.”

“Just forget about me,”I said walking out,”Just go on with your life. Move on from me and just live your life without me.”

  I walked out and froze time so they couldn’t follow me. I ran all the way to my father’s dearest friend. He lived three hundred thirty miles away from us but I got all the time in the world.

Old Friends to Help

    I didn’t unfreeze time till I was at the base of the mountain. When I did I knew my heart was hurting for doing what I just did. I walked up the trail and looked at the golden temple. The light source of the world was here and my dad’s friend had a son my age. I went up to the temple to see that there was no one there to open the door.

  I walked in to see that he was there in front of the source. I smiled as he saw me and walked over to me with open arms. I walked over to him and gave him the bow, which was when you went down on one knee and lowered your head to the guardian in respect. He motioned me up and I obeyed.

“Alicia,”He said walking toward me,”How have you been my dear girl?”

“Good Kevin,”I said with a smile,”Just been trying to stay hidden from the Mang.”

“That was a chose you had to make,”He said as his son came in,”The others think it was smart but yet stupid to leave your brother behind.”

“Hello Alicia,”Clark said,”Did you finally find your way here after all this time?”

“No I just wanted to make sure that when they leave my home I could take it back,”I said walking toward him,”I was wondering if I could stay here for a little while.”

“You know you can sweet heart,”Kevin said patting my back,”We’ll also try to finish the years of training you had missed.”

   I nodded a thanks and Clark showed me to an extra room. I put my stuff down and walked over to a looking glass and looked into it. I stared into it and saw Luke walking up something with the others. It can’t be something here. I went into the bathroom and freshened up.




  I watched as Alicia walked into the extra room as I looked out over the city. I saw a group of kids walking up and only noticed two looked familiar. I looked closer and saw a boy with black hair and blue eyes. He had the same radiants as Alicia and carried himself the same way.

  I heard water run as they walked in and looked at me. Humans were in the temple and most likely here to see Alicia. The two that looked familiar bowed and the others followed their suits. I shook my head and they stood up.

“How may I help you?”I asked as they stared at me,”Or is there a certain purpose for this visit?”

“We came here for Alicia,”The boy that stood out said,”We want to help her but she won’t let us.”

“She has good reasons to not,”I said as I showed them to the room that had the sleeping girl,”She lost her father at only eight to that Mang. She had to make the choose to leave everything she knew behind to protect the source. She couldn’t have you help for the others already think she is not worthy for her title.”

“Why is that?”One of the girls asked.

“They think a girl is not worthy to be a guardian,”I said watching her tired form,”She is thought to be a disgrace to her family. Her father and mother loved her and said that she was a true guardian.”

“So it’s law not to tell humans about yourselves because of the Mang family,”That boy said again,”I’m Luke by the way. That is Mason, Maria, Mickey, Minnie, and Katey.”

 “Nice to meet some friends to Alicia,”I said noticing the love in Luke’s eye,”You know that the Guardians go down and find love around the age of eighteen. For the Kingsley’s that is around sixteen to seventeen since time is on their side.”

“So you’re saying that Alicia might like someone we know,”Minnie said looking at Luke.

  I nodded and Clark took the others, leaving Luke, to some rooms we had. I looked at him to see he was watching Alicia with worry hidden in his eyes. It reminded me when David, Alicia’s dad, and I were finding our beloved wives. I gave a chuckle as Alicia started to shake with fear on her face.

  He walked in and took her hand. He looked at her as she woke up panting like she had a nightmare of some shorts. He told her that everything was fine and that seemed to calm her down a whole lot. I watched and saw that she had the love that her father had for her mother.

“Stay with me,”She said as he was about to walk out of the room.

“I will,”He said laying in the bed next to her.

   He put his arms around her as she laid her head on his chest. I smiled at the two as they seemed to have found each other well enough. I closed the door and walked out and to my own room. I walked in to see my lovely wife sitting in her chair with a book in hand.

“You know they will come for her,”She said not even looking up from it.

“I know and when they do she knows what has to be done, Carmen,”I said taking the seat next to her,”For now let’s let her get use to her old life again. She needs some form of hope now-a-days.”

“The others will not be to please with this you know,”She said putting the book down to look at me,”They will try to make her give the spot up to Marcus.”

“But there is also the ones who believe in her,”I countered,”The four of us that believed in her from the start. Alicia can and will be fine.”

Training with Clark

   I woke up to a body next to me. I looked up to see Luke was next to me and had a tight grip on me. I smiled as I laid my head back down. I then felt him kiss the top of my head. I looked up and saw he was smiling like an idiot.

  I kissed his nose as he let me get up. I went over to my bag and pulled out some gym shorts and a blue tank top. I went to the bathroom and changed into it. I walked out to see Clark holding out my old cloak. It was silver like the source but had black and blue streaks in it. I took it and fastened the clip. It adjusted to my height and soon fitted perfectly on me.

    I ran with Clark to the main hall as the cloaks followed behind us. I reached up to make sure the source was still on my neck and was relieved that it was. I do this every morning out of fear it wouldn’t be there. I stopped running as all my friends stood in front of me. How did they get here in the first place? I shook my head as they walked up to me.

“We are helping if you like it or not Alicia,”Katey said with her hands on her hips.

“But I could get into trouble,”I said as the laws ran through my head,”I could have broken about ten laws already by just telling you this. Then there is the thing with them trying to find a reason to dismiss me already.”

“That’s not your fault Licia,”Clark said,”They told me that the Mangs made you show yourself and therefore the others can not do anything to you for that reason.”

  I rolled my eyes as we went to breakfast. I looked to see everything that I use to love as a kid. I took my seat and my friends followed my suit. I waited for Kevin but my friends began to eat. I elbowed Minnie and she passed it down. They turned to me as I shook my head at them. At that moment Kevin walked in and took a seat at the head of the table.

“Let’s eat shall we,”He said and we all started to eat the lovely breakfast.

  I watched my surroundings wishing I could have still been with my father. I pushed my plate away and asked to be excused. I was granted permission and went to the main hall again. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as a hand touched my back.

  I turned around to see Luke was there rubbing my back. I threw myself into his arms and he caught me easily. He held me as I cried my eyes out. I heard footsteps and saw the golden cloak of Clark and his father.

“It will be alright Alice,”Luke said into my hair,”We are going to fix all of this. You don’t have to worry about it all alone anymore.”

“Thank you so much,”I said looking up from my position,”I will always need someone like you in my life. You actually make me forget my father is even gone.”

  I froze at what I had said. I loved my father more than anything and I mean anything. He was my world and my hero. Now I’m telling Luke he is that to me. I remembered my dad saying that I would someday find someone that I would love more then him but I denied that over and over again. I looked into Luke’s blue eyes and smiled.

“Time to start Alicia,”Kevin said As I let go of Luke,”What will be your weapon of choice?”

“Twin daggers,”I said as they appeared in my hands.

  He nodded and I watched Clark get his weapon, two broad swords. I took my spot toward the back as he took his in front of his father. We faced each other and wait for the commands.

“Fighters ready,”Kevin said and we went to our stances.

  Clark stood tall with his swords out in front of him with his right foot forward. I got down a little low with one dagger pointed away from my chest as my hand stayed near. The other one was out in front of me facing Clark. I had my left foot forward and my back one facing the wall.

“Powers can be use,”Kevin said with a sharp tone to it,”This will not be a bloodbath of any shorts. So if you get cut or cut the other the session is over. Only make tages by making it seem like death is near. Now fight.”

  When he said that Clark raced toward me. He raised his swords to slice me but I flipped in between them. I kicked him and he went flying back. I sped up time around me and had him at dagger point. Everyone stared at me as Clark looked P.O. at me. I smiled and went to my mark.

“That’s not fair,”He whinned,”She has her source around her neck. She has the extra power from it.”

  First off I’m not even using it at all. His father walked over to their source and put it on the chain for his son. He tossed it to him and I tapped mine to feel the extra power it was giving me. I looked at Clark to see he was ready. When Kevin gave the order he charged at me again.

  He went to slice me again and I flipped backward five times. I stood up and went to make my move. I went to kick him and he went to block but I went under and hit his back with my foot. He stumble forward and shot a ray at me. I flipped out of the way and sent a sonic wave at him. He flew back and hit the wall.

  I stood tall as he came at me once again. He sprung into the air and I joined him. We both did an attack and landed on the opposite side we had started from. I stood up as he fell to his knees. I smile as I had jabbed the butt of my dagger into his side. I turned around with my arm hurting from him jamming his sword’s hilt into it. I walked over to him and put my dagger up to his throat again.

“I win,”I said with a smile,”Also that was with the extra power Clark.”

“That hurt you know,”He said taking my hand I had held out to him,”But you are good at that matter.”

“You been practicing haven't you,”Kevin said.

“Time is in my hand,”I said with a smile.

  He gave me a smile before telling Clark to put the source up. I was about to handed my daggers back but he told me not yet. I looked at him as he got his staff. I tapped the silver orb and the extra power stopped. He took Clarks mark and went into the same stance as Clark. I took mine and was confused on what he was going to do.

  Clark gave the order and Kevin came at me. I spent to the side as he went to hit me. I turned and knock his staff out of his hand. It landed five feet away from us and I faced him. I went low and tripped him. I went to pin him but he had rolled over to the staff. He stood in front of me spinning it. He shot out a ray and I dive out of the way. I rolled over and took my stance on one knee as I thought of a new tactic.

  He ran toward me and I came up with the perfect one. I stood up and hit the tip of the staff with my dagger. He flew over me and hit the wall. I hurried and kicked the staff away. I Pushed my dagger to his throat in hope I was done. Right before Clark could call it he flipped us so I was on buttom. My daggers skitted across the floor a good ten feet away. I looked up to see his staff as right next to my hand.

  He was going to say something but I took the staff and pushed him off of me. He went backwards and I put the staff to the middle of his chest. I heard a gasp as I realise that I had just won. I back up as Kevin motioned to me to. He stood up and gave me a hug.

“Just like your father,”He said overjoyed,”There is always a way to be victories in the battle. I’m proud of you and I know your father would be as well, Alicia. You have earned your way to the guardian of time. Never let anyone tell you other wise.”

“Yes Guardian Kevin Maxwell,”I said handing him the staff,”It was an honor to fight against you.”

“No the honor is all mine,”He said,”Now go and enjoy yourself for a little while with your friends.”

   I nodded and ran over to them. I took Luke’s hand and we all ran to the room I was in. I opened the door and let out a laugh.

Running Again

 “I can’t believe you won,”Mason said,”That had to have been hard.”

“It was,”I said honestly,”I can’t believe I won either. I honestly thought I was done for.”

   We sat in my room with Luke and me on the bed as we talked. I was enjoying being there with them when Clark ran in out of breath. He looked at me and I saw what was going on. I grabbed my things and ran out with the others. I sat them down as the daggers I had used came to my hands. I looked and saw two from the Mangs.

“Tic Toc Dickery Doc,”The older one said,”The guardian ran up the clock. The clock struck one and the guardian was done.”

“That is really old,”I said walking up,”The time puns are my thing.”

“Well how about you give it over then we can go,”He said pointing to his son, I guess,”And you can have your brother back.”

   At that Jasper walked in pulling Marcus up by a rope. I felt anger boil inside me but remain an emotionless face. I faced them and thought of all the ways that this could end as. I saw the future attacks and the lost of the source. I also couldn’t attack a human unless I was attacked first.

“Time to give up time Alicia,”Jasper said,”This is easier than you think.”

“For time you must pass my riddle,”I said evilly,”Do you accept these terms?”

“What’s the stupid riddle?”Jasper spat at me,”I was told that there was no test to get it.”

“What has the IQ of  TRex but still knows how to run the world. What is the only thing none of us can hold but it holds us. It can’t be seen but only on the wall. No matter how hard you try to stop it, it will run forever,”I said making it up as I go,”It can run in many directions at once. Life is said to be centered around it. What is the answer to my riddle, Jasper?”

  He turned to his family and I saw Marcus give off a laugh. He mouthed time to me as I gave a nodded. I was doing this to buy us some extra also I thought it would be funny to watch them try and figure it out. Luke walked up beside me and gave a laugh.

“It is obvious on what it is,”He whispered to me.

“I know but they don’t,”I whispered back pointing to them,”If they get it right I’m going to stop it and we will run. If they don’t get it right the same thing will apply for it.”

  He nodded and went to tell our friends. I watched as Jasper struggled to get an answer out of thin air. I looked at them with a smile as Kevin took the light source and hid it around his neck for safekeeping. I turned to the group as they were almost laughing.

“Do you have my answer or not?”I said sweetly.

“It is many things,”Jasper said looking proud of himself,”Air, water, and all the other elements. So hand it over girly.”

“Sorry that is really wrong and kinda sad,”I said getting my things from Clark,”It was right there and you still got it wrong.”

“Then what is it stupid girl,”The older man snapped at me.

“Tic Toc Dickery Doc the Mang ran up the clock,”I said putting my daggers up,”The clock struck twelve, the Mang had failed. It was time idiot.”

   I froze time around them but not my friends. I turned to them and we started our journey to the next temple. It was four hundred miles away and I really was going to have a time with this one. We started to walk to the next temple in the ring. I always thought that it was like the ring of fire.

“Where to now?”Mickey said,”Who are going to see next on this route?”

“Four hundred miles east,”I said pointing in the direction,”To the Earth guardians. They really don’t like me to much for the whole me being a girl.”

“Who would be after that?”Luke said knowing I would be leaving soon.

“Sound and they like me as one of their on as Kevin did,”I said was we walked through a small frozen town.

  They all looked around in awed as I kept forward. I remembered when my dad had first thought this to me. I was five and life was just great then. He had took the source with us as we went down into the town. He held up three fingers to tell my to wait. I did and he went step by step on how to do it. I did and got it my first try.

  I smiled at the memory as we walked into a little fast food stop. I went in and took a few things for us. I left money there and head back out. We ate and continued our walk. I had my Ipod blasting music with my earbuds in. I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw that it was Maria who did it. I pulled my earbuds out and turned to Katey.

“Are the temples in a circle like the…”Kate started for me to finish.

“The ring of fire,”I said with a smile,”Yes they are. I can also say that three of the four who like me is on this side. The other one is on the other side.”

“So you use to travel a lot as a kid,”Maria spoke up at last,”That seems good.”

“If by good you mean going to each one with my dad and listening to the reasons why I should give my position to my brother,”I said looking at them,”I was thought like everyone else but the others thought I was just a useless girl.”

In Trouble

   We walked into the temple as I had unfroze time when we were at the base of the mountain. I walked in to yelling at someone. It must be one of those days. Why can’t guardians be frozen like everyone else? I heard my name being said over and over again and I knew it was the wrong day for this to be going on.

   I went over to the main hall to see Bret, guardian of earth, and Max, guardian of air. I lite up when I saw Max since he was the one that I didn’t see much and that like me. He was the one defending me against Bret. I walked in and luckily Max was the one that saw me.

“She has humans following her,”Bret yelled,”We had forbid telling them about us. She has about twenty people knowing about who she is!”

“But the Mangs made her do it,”Max said calmly.

“I didn’t know you hated me this much Guardian Bret,”I said bowing down to him,”I have come to ask you if we can only stay one night. We would be gone in the morning and heading to the sound temple.”

   He stomped off after he told me only one night. I gave him a grateful smile as his son, Zack, showed us to some rooms. I was lucky that he didn’t make a big deal about me staying here for the night. I was glad that was all of it.

  I fell on the bed and felt a little bit relaxed at the moment. I was in a guy that hates me’s house and there is the eco maniac family tracking me down. Life is good right now as they all want me to die or give something over. I sometimes think I have too much sarcasm now and then. I started to close my eyes to try and go to sleep.

“Alicia Kingsley come here right this minute!”Bret yelled for me.

“Yes sir,”I said getting up and walking out the room,”May I ask where you are?”

“Main Hall young lady,”He yelled at me clearly ticked at something.

  I went into the room and saw he was in the middle of it. I bowed down as he stepped forward to me. I stayed down as he circled me like pery. I kept my head down to be respective to him. I counted the steps and wanted to scream as he got closer to me. He stopped right in front of me and gave a sad and disapproving laugh.

“If you can defeat the Mangs that took the time temple and find you love before your eighteenth birthday then we might agree to let you keep your title,”He said evilly,”If you do not we will give it to Marcus and get rid of the problem.”

“Yes Guardian Bret,”I said looking up,”I will do it for my father.”

“Yeah,”He said in disbelief,”Now go off to your room and I don’t want to see you here in the mourning.”

  I nodded my head and went to the room. I jumped into the bed and got under the covers. I just wanted life to make sense in some way to me. It was never fair that I had no one there to help me or my dad and now I was paying the price for that one. I let darkness consume me as I fell asleep.

   I was running to the temple to stop them from killing Marcus. No mattered how hard I tried I couldn’t do it but I had to find a way to get to him before it was too late. I ran into the room to see the blade go through his heart. My life ended watching him die.

“Marcus,”I screamed as his form dropped to the ground,”Noooo.”

  They came to me and I was surrounded as I felt my heart get ripped out my chest. They each took a turn in stabbing me as the source was pride from my dieing hands.

 I woke up screaming as hands were placed on my shoulders. I looked up to see Luke was there looking scared as heck. He brought me into an embrace and I hugged back. He pulled me away and got in the bed with me. He brought me close as we laid down on the bed together. He petted my head as I started to calm down some.

“You alright Licia?”He asked into my hair.

“I am now,”I answered listening to his heart,”It was just a nightmare. Can you stay with me for the night Luke?”

“I will,”He said as I started to fall asleep again,”I love you Alicia.

Help Me

    The next morning before the sun even rose, we were gone. I left time only this time and we took a train to our next stop. It was three hundred thirty miles away from the earth temple. We sat in one of the compartments near the back of the train as it sped away. I took out my laptop and saw the pictures I had downloud off a website the guardians use. It was mostly of my family when we were whole and full of hope.

  I smiled as I logged in to the website. I notice Mickel was on and decided to tell him that we were coming his way. Mickel is the son of Jackson, guardian of sound and a friend of mine. I decided to email him so no one can see it.


  Me and a few friends are coming to stay with y’all for a little bit. I hope that is alright with all of you. I don’t want this to go live so please keep this on the down low.

Your friend and partner in crime,

Alicia Kingsley

  I sent it to him knowing he would get it or at least know there was something there. I went online to see what has been going on when I received a chat from Sounds Of Fury. Mickel can be so retarded sometimes.

“What up gurl,”He said,”I’ve been worried for eight years. You almost scared me half to death.”

“I’m good retard,”I typed,”How is everyone?”

“You left us with a mess you know,”Light Out, aka Clark, said.

“How are you,”Air Way, Madison, said.

   I rolled my eyes and told them to keep quiet. I looked over my shoulder and saw that Luke was watching me. I giggled and ended the chat with those idiots. I faced my friends and saw the twins look nervous at something. It was weird that they were actually not talking for once.

“So what is after Sound?”Mickey said looking happy to know more.

“Fire,”I answered,”The place where the Mang family had started out and started the war. I been there only a few times. Greg is very sweet and I love him to death. He is like a father to me and I use to spend every day over there. He had twins but I never met them though.”

“He seems like a nice guy,”Minnie said looking happy as the twins slumped down into their seats.

“Yeah,”I said looking out the window,”Also Jackson is who we are going to. He loves me and his son is pretty cool but acts like a retard. I think it is funny but hey that is him.”

“Do you miss this life?”Katey asked,”Do you wish that you could have it back and be normal like that?”

“I do miss it,”I said honestly,”But then I wouldn’t have met all of you. I would have been raised to fight off people like the Mangs and just now come down to find my true love. Whoa that sounded cheesy even for me.”

   We laughed and talked the rest of the trip. It was nice except the twins were quiet and that is never a good thing. I was about to ask them what was wrong but the train screeched to a halt. I looked out the window and saw dark clouds start to form around us. I shot up and grabbed my things.

“We got to go,”I said as they all got their belongings together.

“Why?”Minnie asked.

“Trust me alright,”I said leading them out the compartment and into the hallway,”Very bad things are going to happen if we don’t move and get away from this train.”

   We got off alright and went into the nearest town as the clouds started to follow. I threw on the hood on my blue jacket up to keep it from seeing me. I went up to the nearest car and noticed a for sell sign. I jumped in and saw the keys were not in it. I sigh and began to hotwire the thing. I heard a growl mixed with a schreck and got to work faster.

“What was that Alicia?”Mickey asked.

“I’ll tell you when I get this thing going,”I said angrily that it refused to start,”It will just be a second...There we go.”

  The engine roared to life as the monster showed its ugly self. It was a mixer of a TRex, Hound dog, and a Dragon. Its main purpose was to find the person its master wants and bring it to them or kill it. I gulped when I noticed it was Rexy, my little baby. I wanted to cry as it locked on me.

“Get in the car NOW!” I screamed as he came toward us.

   Everyone jumped in without a second thought. I stepped on the gas and drove the rest of the way with him following close behind us. I made a hard right and went into a narrow alley way. He stopped and I drove straight out and began to head to the temple hoping Rexy wasn’t going to find another way to us.

“What was that thing?”Katey ask as pale as a ghost from seeing it.

“We call it a Dark Hound,”I said keeping my eye on the road,”They are quite nice when they are not hunting you down. That was actually Rexy and he belongs to my family. He is actually a big baby at that.”

“That thing was your pet,”Minnie said in awe.

“That thing tried to kill us,”Mickey said scared.

“I think the Mangs made him do it,”I said as I saw movement it the mirror,”And I think he has found us again.”

  I pushed the gas all the way down as he chased after us. I soon heard it sputter and then it just started to roll. I looked at the gas gage and saw it was laying on empty. It soon came to a stop and I just froze as did everyone else. Rexy walked up to the edge of the car and bent down to my window.

  I heard it open up and hands wrap around me to take me out. I started to scream my head off as they pulled me out. I threw my first to punch them and the person dropped me on the ground as they dodge the hit. I went to get up but the person stepped on my cloak keeping it on the ground.

“Dang Alicia,”He said,”I came to get you to the temple faster and you try to beat the…”

“Don’t curse Mickel,”I said looking up to him,”I thought Rexy was with the Mangs. So sorry.”

“I get that now,”He said helping me up,”Maybe I should have called you or something. Then maybe this could have not even happened.”

“This is why we call you the retard,”I said motioning everyone out,”Mickel this is Luke, Katey, Minnie, Mickey, Mason, and Maria. Guys this is Mickel, son of Jackson.”

  They said their hello's and we all got onto Rexy to get going. Rexy stood his full height, which was like sixty feet high, and began to run. My friends held on tight as I hugged onto Mickel. I felt Luke’s grip tighten around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. It was great to be able to share this part of my life with them.

   In the next few minutes we had arrived at the white temple. Rexy lowered himself and we all got off. He rubbed his head up against me and I gave a laugh while I petted his head. Luke stepped forward and did the same. Rexy allowed him to and I got overjoyed at that. I watched him run off and head into the temple with the others.

Night Terror

“Alicia,”Jackson said happily,”You are still alive.”

   I laughed as he gave me a bear hug. He picked me up and I got spinned around. He finally stop and put me back on the ground. I looked up to see everyone was watching the two of us. I went to walk over to them and felt arms go around me.

   They turned me around and I saw it was just Kayla. She was like another mother to me and treated me like her own daughter. She pulled back and held me at arm length. She gave me a warm smile as Jackson turned to me with his famous knowing look.

“We are trying to get you more time,”He said,”They should have not given you to your eighteenth birthday to have all that done with. It is complete nonsense for them to have put a deadline on it.”

“It’s alright Jackson,”I said calmly,”I think I have already got one of them done.”

“Really now,”Kayla said happily,”Who is he? Do we know him?”

“Mickel met him a few minutes ago,”I answered pointing behind me to Luke,”I hope he likes me back though.”

“Are we missing something?”Minnie asked clearly confused on what was being said.

  I laughed at her and we went to a special room that I loved. It was a room that only sound and time had for some reason and not the others. It was a room where you can see your past memories of the user. I loved to come here and sit for hours at a time watching the happiest times of my life.

  We walked in and Jackson placed me in the middle of the room. I took a seat as he motioned everyone to the back of the room. I stared forward as the room showed my happiest memories. One stuck out to me the most. I watched the first time I met Luke and it played out in slow mode.

   I just walked into the building to start the new year of my human life. I went to sit in the back of the class as Katey, Mickey, Minnie, and the twin walked in. They joined me as a new kid walked in the classroom. He took the seat next to me and took out his things for math. He turned to me and smiled in my direction.

“I’m Luke Golding,”He said with that loving smile.

“I’m…,”I tried to say but couldn’t find the words.

“She’s Alicia Kingsley,”Maria said,”I’m Maria Baxter the awesome twin.”

“I’m Mason Baxter,”Mason continued.

   They all went through with their introductions but all I was worried about was him. It was like everything I knew was now making sense to me a fifteen year old. It stopped when Jackson pulled me up and threw me at Luke.

  He caught me easily and held me bridal style. I gave a smile as he looked down at me. I’m going to hurt Jackson for this one when I get my chance at him. I heard an awe from my girl friends. I rolled my eyes but yet kept my eyes on the boy in front of me. His blue eyes pierce my green ones as we stared at each other.

“It’s me isn’t it,”He said as footsteps left the room.

“Maybe,”I said noticing I was still in his arms,”You can put me down now if you want to.”

  He did and we just stood there not doing much but looking at each other. Soon he started to lean in and I was as well. We met in the middle and we both kissed each other and it felt amazing. I felt sparks. No, more like fireworks. No, it was like nuclear bombs were going off in my head. Our lips moved in sync as if they were made for each other.

   He pulled away first and cupped my cheek in his hand. It was the perfect moment for me and I was glad to have found someone like him. We were leaning in again and was about to kiss when something hit me. I fell to the ground and saw a little monster.

  It was small like a rat but as big as a ferret. It was covered in fur and was showing fangs. The thing was blue then changed to purple then was pink. I looked at the thing and got scared all the sudden. A Fanged Fire was attacking me. I got it off but felt light headed.

   I reached up and felt my neck. I could feel two little dots there. I saw Mickel run in and took care of the Fanged Fire. He looked over at me as I tried to stay awake. Mickel and Luke ran over to me as I started to drift off.

“Ali, stay with me,”Mickel said as I was lifted up.

“I’m trying, Mike,”I said in a weak voice,”It hurts to much and I’m really light headed.”

“Focus on one thing,”Mickel said and nudge Luke.

 I looked at him and saw how worried he was. I wanted to cry but yet somehow felt the strength to try and fight it. I blinked my eyes as I heard running coming from in front of us. I made myself focus on him as my head started to hurt more.

“So I’m guessing you know when the world is going to come to an end,”Luke said with a smile.

“I have no idea when that will be,”I said as I was placed on a medical bed,”I can’t go that far into time. It’s just a few minutes ahead.”

   I saw Kayla hurry and hook me up to a machine that kept up with my heart rate. She gave me an IV in my left arm and hooked it up to something. My vision started to blur and I couldn’t fight it anymore. I let darkness consume me and the last thing I saw was them dragging Luke out of the room.

What the What

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep

  What is that annoying sound? I was surrounded by darkness with no sign of how to get it away from me. I could only hear that annoying beeping sound in my ear. I was lost with a little knowing of how I got here or how to get out.

“Alicia,”A voice said,”Alicia what are you doing here? You are suppose to be out there.”

  I looked and saw a man that looked like me. It was my dad and he was really there. I went over to him and he looked down at me. I missed him like crazy.

“Wake up Angel,”He said as the world around me started to dissolve around me.

  I opened my eyes to see a bright light shining in the room I was in. I turned my head to see a sleeping form next to me. He held my hand as if he was scared to let it go. His head was next to my hip and he was sitting in a chair next to the bed. It was a sweet moment to see that someone care for me enough to stay by my side.

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep

  Where in hell is that stupid sound coming from and why has noone turned it off yet? I turned my head to see the heart monitor was going. That explains so much right now. I went back to the sleeping form to see he was holding onto my necklace, that was in my hand that he was holding on to. I moved my right hand, since he held onto my left, and poked him in his forehead. He didn’t move and it was then that I noticed that someone had walked into the room. Kayla walked over and put a bowl on the nightstand next to the bed.

“How are you feeling baby girl?”She asked in her motherly voice.

“Good,”I answered as I remembered what had happened to me,”How long was I out for?”

“Five days,”She said looking at the person next to me,”He didn’t leave your side the whole time. We tried to get him to do something but he refused to leave you all alone.”

   She patted my shoulder and walked out the door. I went back to the mystery man next to me with a smile on my face. I watched him and finally figured out who it was. Luke had been here the whole time for me. I poked him again and he moved a little bit.

“Luke,”I said in a whisper as I start to shake him,”It’s time to wake up.”

“Hunh,”He said looking up clearly tired.

  He looked around before his eyes landed on me with a smile tugging on his lips. He had bags under his eyes but still looked alright. He took the necklace out of my hand and put it on me.

“I took it off you incase they came to get us,”He said looking me in the eye,”I was worried that you wouldn’t make it. Also what was that thing?”

“A Fang Fire,”I said scooting over to make some room,”They are nasty things.”

“I can tell,”He joked a little.

   I patted the spot next to me and he got in the bed. I placed my head on his chest and he put his arms around me. I felt him go to sleep as he held on to me. I heard footsteps and saw Mickel run in smiling like the idiot he is. He took Luke’s seat and stared at me.

“Saved your life,”He said in a whisper.

“Technically you were there when I was close to death,”I whispered,”So you really didn’t save it.”

“You’re leaving in the morning aren’t you?”He asked looking a little upset.

“Yeah,”I said a little upset myself,”We got to keep moving. We are going to Greg next though.”

“What do you think happen to the twins?”He question,”No one has ever met them. But Greg loves us as his own. So why get rid of his?”

“I think there was a purpose to it,”I answered sitting up at last,”I have my theories on it but the biggest has to be that they were banis for doing something wrong. OR they could have been sent away to learn how to deal with the world."

  He nodded and we gave each other our thoughts on it. It was around eight when Luke woke back up and the others walked in the room. I got up and Kayla checked me out to make sure I was all clear for the journey ahead. I looked over and saw that Maria and Mason look a little bit worry on something. I shook it off as we got our things and walked outside to see two Dark Hounds standing there goofing around.

“Rexy,”I shouted and my baby looked at me,”Come here boy.”

“Ryan stop playing with Rexy,”Mickel called as Rexy ran to me with Ryan in tow,”You’ll see him again, boy.”

  I rolled my eyes at the two. Rexy got down and my group got on him. I waved goodbye to the family as Rexy stood up. I gripped the holder as everyone took hold of the person in front of them. I looked back to see Mason was holding onto me. He gave me a smile as I kick Rexy’s sides.

  The Dark Hound jumped and I froze time around us. We sped past people and the three hundred thirty miles went by in a flash. He stopped at the base and bent down. We all slid off as he stood up and started to whimper at me.

“You did good baby boy,”I said throwing up a treat to him,”Go back to Ryan and Mickel alright. I’ll call you when I need you.”

   He gave his weird howl and went on his way. I unfroze time and went to began up the mountain. I looked back and saw they were following me. We were almost there when the twins stopped climbing with us. I turned to see that they were looking down at the ground as if in shame. What is up with these two lately?

“Come on,”I said motioning them to follow,”We got to keep on going.”

“Maybe we can skip this one,”Maria said,”I’m not feeling good on meeting him.”

“What is wrong with the two of you,”I said in disbelief of them,”You two loved the fire guardian and now you don’t want to meet him. Is there something mentally wrong with you two?”

“We just don’t want to do that right now,”Mason said with a shrug,”It is just ify right now.”

“Or it could be me,”I heard someone say from behind me.

   I turned around and saw a tall man with red hair like the twins and brown almost black eyes. I hugged him as he gave me a laugh. I pulled away clearly shocked at what he said. It makes no sense to me that they were like this because of him.

“Hello father,”Maria said and I had to do a double take.

“Maria, Mason,”Greg said looking at them,”Why are you here?”

“Alicia brought us here,”Mason said,”I know we don’t have it but maybe we can work something out.”

“Wait,”I said still a little confuse on this,”I need a minute to process this....You are telling me that you are their father....Then they didn’t tell me after I was reviled to everyone.”

“The law,”Mason said taking his hands out of his pockets,”You should know that one pretty well.”

“Yeah I was accused of breaking it,”I said looking at them,”Why have I never met you before the Mangs took my home.”

“We lost something and had to get it back,”Maria said looking down,”It was the key to the room of everything.”

“I can see why now,”I said looking in awe.

   The room of everything was a secret room that could be anything you want it to be. It is lock because if someone gets in it the room will do anything they wish for. My dad hide our key in a place that only we would know about. If they lost their key then who knows what could happen.

“Where did you lose it at?”I asked still confused as heck about that.

“We don’t know,”They said together.

   I looked at them then saw something sparkle on Maria’s charm bracelet. I looked closer and saw it was the shape of a key and had a flame on it. She told me her father gave it to her when she was little and she never took it off. The key was on her wrist the whole time.

“Yes I put it there,”Greg said,”I wanted them to help you on this. I found it the day you disappeared.”

  I rolled my eyes and walked over to them. I gave Maria my are-you-stupid look and held her wrist up. Her eyes got huge and I heard Mason say the F-word. I looked at him as he turned a deep red color.

“That wasn’t there when we started this mission,”She said taking it off,”I thought it was just a key charm that he sent to me in the mail.”

“Ask your father,”I said walking up the mountain. 

Plan for What

   It was about three in the morning and I could hear the sound of the twins talking right outside my door. I got up slowly and walked over to the door. I cracked it open and peered out to see them standing there with their father.

“You have to continue with her,”Greg said with an ordering tone.

“We know but how are we supposed to help her when we don’t even know what we are up against,”Mason said looking around to see if anyone was wake.

“Also I don’t have any powers,”Maria continued,”How am I supposed to help out. I can barely even fight off a crazed football player.”

“Figure something out soon or she can lose everything,”Greg said opening my door,”Also we got to talk somewhere were she can’t hear us.”

“Hello,”I waved to them with a smile,”So what you doin?”

“I bet you know,”Mason said with a smile.

“Little old me,”I said acting like a child,”I don’t know.”

“Yes you do,”Maria said watching me.

“No I didn’t hear you talk about me,”I said and dashed out of the room.

  I heard laughter as I turned the corner. As I did I hit something or should I say someone. We went tumbling and when we landed I was on buttom. I looked up and saw that it was Luke and he had me pinned down. I gave a blush as he got off of me and helped me up.

   We both gave a weak smile and walked toward the dining hall. We had to get some type of a plan before tomorrow. I was going there that day to get my home and family back. But it will honestly be harder than I know possible.

“So what are we going to do?”Luke asked.

“Go there and that is all I got,”I said honestly.

“We got to do something about it,”Mickey said.

“How about we just go up there and battle them for it,”Minnie said,”That should work.”

“Rule number 18 You can not attack a human unless they attack you first,”I recited.

“How about we get the twins to make fire rain down on them then go and get it all,”Katey said.

“Rule number 23 You can not use powers of another to fix your problem,”I recited again.

“This sucks doesn’t it?”Luke asked us.

“Yes,”Maria, Mason, and I all said together.

   I looked around and remembered something my dad told me when I was younger. It was going to be a wild card but it might work. I tuned out the ideas as it was on replay in my mind. He only did this once but it might be my only shot.

   It was dark outside as it was only five in the morning. The two of us were standing on the hill side as the sun came up. He turned to me and for the first time ever I heard him sing. The world seemed to freeze and everyone seemed to stop and listen. He was singing the song he used to calm me down. I swayed to it as he continued with it.

“Don’t worry about the world,

 Leave that to another day,

 Just stay with us for the night,

Let the world deal with it all.


No one will run you over,

No one can push you down,

You are in charge of your life,

You are the strongest child the world can’t touch,”He sanged for the world to hear it.

  I let the words go over in my head and just enjoyed hearing his voice in my head. It was peaceful and life seemed to make sense to me at that moment. I closed my eyes to see his face there looking at me with his smile.

“Put a flower up on the wall,

 Let it shine for everyone you love,

 Lie down on the river banks,

 Stay for a while in my arms.


No one will run you over,

 No one can push you down,

 You are in charge of your life,

 You are the strongest child the world can’t touch.


 Sing this when you are lost,

 Sing it when you need hope,

 Sing it when you are upset and all alone.

 Stay with us my beautiful little girl,”I finished it as every one stared at me.

“You can sing,”Minnie said surprise.

“Why didn’t you tell us?”Katey asked.

“I thought we were your Best Friends Forever and ever,”Mickey said.

“It never came up,”I said trying to play it off.

   I looked at the twins and they gave me a nod. I knew what I was going to do and this time I will win and not stop till I do. We packed our things and trained the whole day but it was mostly the others. I went to get my father’s and mother’s old song books. I was going to beat them even if it is the last thing I do. I will honor my father’s last battle to protect us all. I will prove to everyone he was right to believe in me.

Waiting for Her to Rescue me



  I watched out the window at the clouds that were forming around the city. I guess one of the others were mad at someone here but who. The thunder rolled and lightning flashed by a little house by the railroad tracks. That poor family that has to deal with that. I looked at a picture of my sister smiling and being her stupid self.

  She was all alone and I couldn’t help her this time or the last one. The room started to play a mellow and sad tune from some kind of instrument that I can’t recall. I looked at the picture and brought it close to me as tears ran down my checks.

“I miss you Li-Li,”I said using her old nickname,”I really want you here with me.”

“There’s magic in us all,”Her little voice played in my head,”Daddy said we just got to find it.”

“I wish it was that easy,”I said still upset.

“You can my son,”I heard dad’s voice say right in front of me,”You just did some.”

  I looked up and saw my father and almost dropped the picture. He was like a vision of some sorts. He held himself up proud like Alicia but had the same hint of worriness I have had since I lost Alicia. He had her same smile that I hardly ever saw anymore.

“I told you to just look for it,”Little Alicia said smiling behind him,”This is how we talk when you are upset.”

“It’s small but there,”Dad said sitting by me,”I had this talk with Alicia so it is only a memory and that’s why it is only the two of us.”

  I nodded as they left and Jasper walked into my room. I place the picture back where it belongs and turned to him. He looked at me and turned around as he laughed at me. I watched him leave but I didn’t stop him. I felt little Alicia look at me with her hands on her hips as if she was talking to Clark or Mickel. I turned to her as the door shut.

“What was that Marcy?”She asked.

“What do you want me to do?”I asked totally confused now.

“Fight back or at least don’t let them run you over,”She said her age changing,”If I had learn one thing that is to fight for it all. I still can’t believe this is working right now.”

  In front of me on my bed was no longer a cute little seven year old Alicia but her sixteen year old self standing on the bed. She jumped off and looked at me with her green eyes shining like they use to when we were whole.

“We are coming tomorrow,”She said low enough for only me to hear,”There is going to be music and mom and dad’s old songs. I need you to be here and get ready for me to run in and have the weapons ready.”

“What if I can’t be here at that moment?”I asked in complete worry of messing it up.

“Leave that to us,”She said evilly,”You are not going to mess anything up because when you mess it up that is when you just go with it.”

“You never messed up before,”I said sadly.

“Really is that what you believe,”She said almost laughing,”When I was seven and a half I left Rexy’s cage undone and had to chase him down all the way to the Earth temple. Bret was so mad but still glad I didn’t let my baby go. Then there was one time were I almost let someone on the secret and had to play it like it was my costume when I was clearly BatGirl. You just got to go with it.”

  With that she was replace with the seven year old again and back on the bed jumping. I rolled my eyes and heard the door unlock. The little girl disappeared and they walked inside. They grabbed me by my hair and pulled me out to the main hall. I saw the empty holder as it rose from the ground in front of me. It shined the same colors Alicia was feeling right now. It went from blue to yellow to orange, or sadness to excitement to annoyed.

  They threw me down and it went to red with all those other colors. It responded to me that time. I turned to see Jasper with his whip and heard little Alicia’s voice chant kick his butt. I looked at him as he got ready to hit me.

   I reached up and grabbed the whip as he went to hit me. They looked in awe as I heard the little Alicia voice say “Destroy them or at least make them pay for your pain” as a giggle followed it. I stood up as Jasper came after me.

    I raised my hand up and punched the bastard in the face. He double backed and held his bloody nose as I was being pulled back into my room. They slammed the door and I was satisfied with myself for doing that. I flopped down on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

“Good one bro,”I heard older Alicia say,”Yes I did it twice. That is so cool for my first time doing this.”

“Weird much,”I said sitting up to not only see her but that boy name Luke, I think I heard her say,”You got company as well.”

“I did that,”She said in awe,”Man dad would have been proud of both of us.”

“This is you,”He said in shock,”What can’t you do?”

   She rolled her eyes and they disappear. I looked out the window as her little voice started to sing that song she made up to calm me down when it was the two of us. I started to hum it as it played on the speakers. I closed my eyes and let the music take me away. Her violin played each note like it was a blessing to her it just like her beautiful voice. I loved them both and wished to hear them now when happiness is needed in this place.

“Little brother, Little boy,

 Hurt by the big bad world,

 Please stay with me.


 Don’t let them hurt you,

 They don’t know you,

 You are here for us to love,

 No one is going to hurt you.


 Little brother, Little boy,

 Hurt by the big bad world,

 Please stay with me,

 Let me take you away from them.


 Night shines through the door,

 But all you hear are the words,

 Let me remove them from you,

 Let me take you away,”Her voice sanged to me.

“Little brother, Little boy,

 Hurt by the big bad world,

 Please stay with me,

 Let me take you away from them,

 Little brother, I love you,”I finished for her.

   I went to my bed and closed my eyes. I looked at the picture one last time and knew she was coming for me. I laughed for the first time in forever at the Mang family. They don’t know that inside that little body she could be a little troublemaker. 

Time to Get it All Back

  I raced on Rexy as the others left on Mason’s and Maria’s, Sunshine. I knew I had to take the obvious course but at the same time wanted to. It was faster and I could get the attention of everyone in the town. I saw the little town of Kings Ming. It was in the little country of Timothy as the other island was Grates Mates. The two islands don’t touch but they make a circle with one another. They were in the Atlantic ocean and no one knew about them.

  My town was small but we held power in one another and that is what I need right now. I looked toward the rising sun and felt the heat rush in my body. I closed my eyes and let my body get its glow back once again. I felt the power that ran in my veins after so many years.

  I looked toward the temple to see Marcus was flashing a flashlight at me. I took out my mirror I use for morse code only. I sent him ready and got off of Rexy. He ran home and I let my cloak hide my body and head. I walked up to the center of town as everyone looked at me.

“Time plead with me,

 Time shine on me,

 Give me the strength to shine,

 Power me with the power I need,”I sanged mom’s song,”Let it run over me,

 Let it power me.

 I fight for you,

 I love for the fate of the world.”

   I looked forward and saw the Mangs running down to see what was happening. I sanged those words for a few minutes before they made it down to me. They looked me in the eye but didn’t recognize me. I smiled evilly as I said the last word.

“Name yourself,”Mark snapped at me.

“There are no names,”I sanged my Dad’s song,”Where I stand only disappoint,

 I stand for the innoce,

 I stand for the hurt.

 You can’t stop my wave of power,

 So give up and…”

“Stand up with me,”One of the town people sanged along,”I’m here to preach my law,

 To show you where I belong,

 I want to help y’all out,

 To show the world who I am.”

“Keep your head up don’t let it down,”The mayor sanged,”It’s time to stand up and fight,

 Time to shine above all the rest,

 So back down foe,

 Because we came to shine through the night.”

“Is it sing along time?”Jasper asked stupidly,”You don’t even know who this is and you’re singing with her. How stupid are you?”

“She’s one of us,”The Mayor corrected,”Any person who knows David Kingsley’s song is one of us Mark. I’m also close to this one actually.”

  Jasper laughed and his father motioned him to do something. He came up and punched me in the jaw. I looked at him and gave an evil smile. Should have not done that one idiot. I removed the cloak and the town cheered for me. The Mangs looked at me and laughed at me.

   I gave a small smile before sending a sound wave at them. They fumble back and I did it again, but that time they fell down. My cloak went around my neck as I ran to the temple. I hope the others are there already. I looked behind me to see them try to get up and then run after me.

  I made it and they allowed me in. I went over to Marcus, who looked terrified right now. I gave him a hug since I missed so much in his life and I knew he needed it. He hug me back as if I was going to disappear on him.

“I’m scare Li-Li,”He said using my old nickname,”I don’t want to lose you.”

“I’m scare to Marcy,”I said using his,”I don’t want to lose any of you but we have to do this for everyone. We got to be like mom and dad in the battle. We have to be brave and fight for what we hold close to us.”

“Nice speach Girly but it’s too late anyway,”Mark growl as Marcus handed me MY knives,”We already won this round. No more running. So hand it over right now!”

   I looked at everyone and walked up to them. I reached toward my necklace since he had a gun toward Marcus and Luke. I hand over the stone and backed away from him. He grinned but frowned when nothing had happen. I motioned Marcus to move to the side. He did to reveal the time source in it’s rightful spot glowing.

“You tricked me!”Mark growled crushing the stone.

“No I only played fair,”I said as my eyes grew brighter like my body did,”You should know not to mess with a girl. P.S. I hate being called girly.”

  He went to shoot me but I was there with my knife at his son’s throat and had him in front of me. I saw him freeze but quickly laugh at me. Dang it, I messed up again or did I. He pointed the gun at where Marcus was suppose to be but all that was there was himself. The room changed and soon I walked out of the room of anything smiling as I felt the source around my neck.

   I heard gunshots and then the screams of him going insane about the mirrors. I forgot to say that the key was always in Marcus’s room behind his picture of me. I twirled it around my finger before I saw the police run in and got Mark and his son. They ran out and I went to my baby brother standing in the middle of the room waiting for me.

“Marcus,”I cried happily as I ran to him,”You were amazing back there.”

“I can’t believe that worked out,”He said hugging me,”I thought they got you. I missed you like crazy Li-Li. Don’t do that again.”

“I won’t without you,”I promised looking around.

   I place the source where it should go and watched the place come to live. I laughed as I saw dad making weird faces and grandpa acting like a pirate for me. It was just the memories I held on to for all the years. I was glad to be back home.

Is It all over?...

    It was a week later and everything was perfect once again. I looked at my friends and wanted them to stay here but it was their choice. I walked to my old room, that is now a little more teen-a-fied it a little. I heard it play “Warriors” by Imagine Dragons and laughed at it.

   I heard a knock and knew it was my Luke. Man I sound like a twilight person. Dad was right this finding your true love is hard but amazing when you do. I turned and saw him staring at me.

“Hey Mayor Baker is here,”He said with a smile,”He said he had to see you.”

“I know,”I said smiling as I took his hand.

  We went to the main hall and I saw the old man standing there. He gave me a smile before opening his arms up to me. I ran into them and smiled as he embraced me. I went to that unfaithful day and had a small smile on my face.

  I ran to the one place I knew they would help me after I finished the changing thing. I banged on the door till the man walked outside and picked me up. He held me close as the once shining temple faded to a darker color. He knew what had happened and took me in.

“Can you stop crying Alicia?”He asked kindly.

  I nodded and stopped the tears from falling down my check. He called my cousin to come take to the school house. I looked into his face to see my mother. He gave me a nod and I jumped into his arms needing the embrace.

“Thank you, Uncle Max,”I said happily,”For everything you have done for me.”

“He’s your uncle,”My friends said together.

“He’s,”Mr. Baker said,”She also needs to give me her last term paper as well.”

“You said you were going to take it easy on me,”I said punching his arm,”You lied Jakey.”

“My dear cousin that was when you were eight and not sixteen,”He said punching mine back,”Where’s the paper?”

“Pretty sure Mickel ripped it up,”I said looking at him,”But since it was on my life can’t you give me an A+ on living in it.”

“You tried that one last time.”

“Give me three days to get seetal and to write it.”


“Thank you.”

   We walked to the dining room and sat down to discuss what will happen next. I was happy when Katey, Minnie, and Mickey were in my Uncle’s care and got to stay with me. Luke promised to visit me everyday, since his house was a block away from the foot of the mountain. The twins left to go home but I knew they would be back. I would stay here and get ‘home school’ since Max said I had to be smarter than I am now.

 They all left and I was with my brother and three best friends. I walked into the main hall with them as they all talked about life here. I went to the main door and saw a storm coming and not the good kind. I let the wind hit my face and my cloak fly in the air as I stood there feeling strong for once.

“What now Alicia?”Minnie asked out of the blue.

“Who knows,”I said as the darkness seemed to consuming everything.

  She nodded and we headed back inside. I took one last look at the cloud and saw a figure in it. I don’t think it would be peaceful for long. I went back in and saw that everyone was enjoying themselves. SO bring it on world I’m ready for whatever you have to throw at me. As I thought that there was a rock that went over the temple. Please tell me that wasn’t mean for me?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I would like to dedicate this book to my family that believe I was good enough to write it. To my friends that always said that they were good to write and publish a book. Thanks for reading it.

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