
Crypted Books




A Scientific Love By


Praveen Crypty R






Original Title: Anuptaphobia Lover

Praveen Crypty R, 2016

Ages: 6 and up.

Classification: Romance, Fiction, Scientific, Drama



Anuptaphobia: The fear of being or staying single forever.

Welcome To My World

The life of every teenager is pretty much the same, a leisure life and no big future plans, mostly spending money of parents, friends to spend time with and finally love of their life. Love is a serious emotion and that's how I consider it; maybe that's why I couldn't find my love. My life was totally nothing of these; it was the vice versa of it. I wanted to prove myself worthy of something to the world.

My friends considered me totally weird and lousy. According to them, I am a man with an unknown destination and I am a total impractical person. And coming to the love life, not everyone is a Casanova. Actually, half of the guys are shy and afraid when it comes to love and I belong with them. But why do they call me Anuptaphobia? The thing that I have a different thought need not make me a weirdo. I tell all of them one thing, "I am not suffering from Anuptaphobia, am not a weirdo and I am not losing my ambition to prove my presence to the world". My name is Ryan and welcome to my world.

The Party

The normal Sunday as always, woke up with no hurry and was still lying in bed daydreaming. College, a place to study is no more like that; it's just another business in this world. Colleges provided Education but not Knowledge. Deep thoughts kept lingering in my mind.

“Ryan! Ryan..!! Come out” screamed Sam outside my house banging the


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2016
ISBN: 978-3-7396-4094-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Most men are afraid about expressing their feelings to their girl they love. Make a move and express it to them. Save yourself from being Anuptaphobia. Thanks To All Readers.

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