
Chapter one -


" you want to , go get some ice cream or somethin' ?" I asked my younger sister , Destiny . She's only younger than me by a year , her being 17 . She has a smooth caramel complexion without one flaw insight , light brown hair and hazel eyes . And her body . . . . let's just say she is , developed very nicely . I sighed at that thought , i make my self sick sometimes . How can i think about my sister the way i do and not feel any guilt about it ? I should feel bad , i should stay the farthest i can away from Destiny but , it's something about her that just draws me to her . The way her eyes smile at me before her lips do , the way her dimples sink into her cheeks when she pouts , how soft her voice is when it hits my ears . . .

Dammit , i'm doing it again !

She smiled up at me " can't we go see a movie or something ? Ice cream is going to make me fat one day ."

" i'd still lo-" i caught myself " a movie it is ."

I got my keys and we got into my truck .

We were silent , i was preoccupied trying to figure out what was on her mind . I glanced over at her slightly and saw her just staring at me with a small smile playing on her lips . What the hell ?

" you know , you shouldn't stare ."

She leaned over to me playfully " you know , you shouldn't tell me what i shouldn't do . "

" little girl , " i laughed and pushed her hand away that was slowly touching and running her fingers threw my dreads , it feels good . . . too good " you must think you run something ."

" i do . I run me , there for i do what i want ."

I let a smile inch it's way onto my face . Destiny has and has always had a slick mouth . If you let her she would play you so many ways just in one sentence or confuse the hell out of you . But i like that about her . She knows how to handle herself and she doesn't take shit from anybody .

I kept my mouth closed for the rest of the way to the theater , we bought our ticket and went to the right room in the theater to see our movie . We sat all the way at the top next to each other . We still had 20 minutes left until the movie would start so we started to talk .

She began " so , how's your girlfriend , Jessie ?"

" drivin' me fuckin' crazy . But i love her though ."

I could see her Smile disappear and a hint of jealousy entered her eyes , but just as fast as i saw it it was gone and replaced with a sad smile .

" she's not the girl for you , Damon . I know a girl way better than her ."

" then tell me who ."

She shrugged her shoulders and turned to face the screen with a little smile on her face making her dimples just visible enough that i could see . God , this girl is going to be the death of me , i swear .

Some guy sat next to her and her and him struck up a conversation and it was my turn to get jealous . But i tried to mask it by acting like i didn't see them talking , and checked the new text messages on my phone . But i still listened .

Him " how are you ? I'm Stan ."

" well Stan , i'm 'none of yo damn business' . It was nice meeting you though , bye ."

I cracked a smile and tried to cover up my laugh with a cough . Any jealousy i was felt was out the window at this point .

" bitch ," he mumbled as he stood to walk away .

" yo' watch your mouth . You don't call no female a bitch , especially not her unless you want a couple of problems , okay ?"

He looked at me and twisted his mouth to say something that i could tell would be the cause of me going off off but Destiny stopped him by saying " quite it , okay ? I can handle my self . And you , Stan , bu-bye ."

He walked away shaking his head with his fists balled up tightly .

" asshole ."

I laughed at Destiny and she laughed too . We're the perfect match . I'm not talking about in a relationship , but i think we would be in a relationship too , but i'm talking about as brother and sister . I loved her as my sister long before i had feelings for her as a lover . Growing up we were practically joined at the hip . My friends were always her Friend , she looked and dressed like a girl but she was one of the boys . You name it , she did it with us : shoplifting , skipping school , smoking , football . She's the perfect combination . I think that's why i like - no , love her so much .


I rolled out of bed the next morning and already i smelled breakfast in the air . I wasn't surprised though . My mother always cooks breakfast on Saturday morning .

I slipped on my basketball shorts and made my way way to the kitchen expecting to see my mother standing over the stove cooking but instead it was Destiny . I stopped at the entry way of the kitchen for a second just admiring her . Her long light brown hair was pulled into a bun . She had on a plain white t shirt that rose a little high showing off the bottom portion of her flat stomach and her belly piercing , and booty shorts that very barely long enough to cover the bottom of her nice plump rear end .

I sighed , i could feel myself getting a little too excited . She's my little sister for crying out loud !

She turned around but i kept my eyes glued to the lower half of her . When i looked up to her face her cheeks were a bright red and her eyes were glued to the floor . I walked over to her , placing my fingers under her chin , to bring her face to mines so her hazel eyes were staring directly back into my hazel eyes .

" Damon - " she whispered slowly , her breathing a little uneven " what are you doing ?"

I licked my lips slowly , i want to do so much to her at this moment that i can already feel myself touching her , running my hands up and down the curves of her body . She doesn't pull away either , she just leaned her body closer to mines .

Damn , i'm torn .

I heard the front door close and i pulled away from Destiny , turning to the stove .

My mother walked into the kitchen carrying a grocery bag " good to see you both up . Hey , somebody started breakfast ? Thank you ."

Destiny hugged her and swiftly walked from the kitchen with her head down .

I sighed , i can't keep doing this , i can't keep thinking about her the way i do . It's just not right . I should love her the way i did when we were younger , not the way i do now .

" move out of the way son , before the pancakes burn . And put the milk and eggs up ."

I moved , put up the groceries and rushed off behind Destiny . I know it's wrong , but i can't help myself . I want her .

I knocked on her bedroom door lightly and it slowly creaked open . I stuck my head in and she was sitting on her bed , face in her hands sobbing lightly . I sat down on the bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her " i'm sorry ."

" no , " she said lightly as she pulled away from me " it's okay ."

" it's not really , Your my little sister . I shouldn't -"

" i wanted you to ."

Take a deep breath , i keep telling myself . Just because she wanted me to doesn't mean it's right ,learning to control myself is crucial or i'm going to do some shit that won't be good for either one of us : and i know if i started neither one of us will want to stop .

" I , um , i should be going ."

I stood up but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto the bed " don't leave ." she said the words so close to a whisper that if i wasn't as close as i am i wouldn't have heard it . I wanted to make her happy , i'd give her anything she'd ask for .


-Destiny -

" don't leave ."

He just looked at me for for a while , licking his lips hungrily but not knowing what to do .

Why do i feel like i want him , like he's it for me and that we're made for each other . But it can't be , he's my brother , and these feelings are wrong , they're wrong . But why can't i convince myself that this isn't right . I mean , here i am crying because i want him so bad . That's how much it's hurting to not call him my own .

He shook his head " i can't . You don't know what your saying -"

" i know exactly what i'm saying . We're not kids anymore , Damon . And i know it's not right but ," i paused " i thought -"

His lips came crashing into mines , pushing all thoughts from my mind . He put his hand on the back of my neck so i couldn't move my lips , but hell even if i wanted to i wouldn't dare to , he slowly laid my body back and climbed on top of me without breaking his lips from mine .

" we can't ," he mumbled against my lips .

I didn't respond i just kissed him harder and opened my mouth to greet his tongue which he happily let enter my mouth . It felt like nothing i've ever felt . My body got completely taken over by lust and want and i cann't stop . It's wrong , so wrong , taboo even , but i can't bring myself to stop .

He pulled away enough to look into my eyes . And i can't help but wonder what's on his mind . The way he looks at me is like i'm the only girl in the world , the only one he'd ever think of . . . but i'm his sister , he can't be thinking like that .

" move ."

His face turned from lust to confusion but he didn't move , he just kept looking down at me . He doesn't want to move , i can tell and i don't want him to either but , it it what it right , right ? I won't have sex with my own brother , it is bad enough we kissed and felt the way we do .

" why ? "

" why what ?" He asked as he slowly kissed down the side of my neck .

" why do you want me ? I'm your sister -"

He rolled his eyes " don't you think i know that ? Do you think i want to feel like this ? "

" no , but -"

" but nothing . I see you walking around here everyday and i know you know what's up . I'm trying so hard , so damn hard ."

I believe him , it looks like it's paining him not to be able to do what he would do to any other girl to me . And i want him to , it's unbelievable how bad i want him to .

" be mines ," he mumbled against my lips as he kissed me again . " please , be mines ."

What am i supposed to say ?! No is out of the question . I want to be his , but it will bring along too many different things . Like , what if somebody finds out ? We'd both be labeled . I'll lose the sanity i have left and he'll just shrug and continue on about his day like nothing ever happened . I want a relationship , to be happy , to show public affection , i can't do those things with him .

So i opened my mouth to tell him no , i want to tell him we can't be together because we are brother and sister , i should want to push him off of me , but in reality i want to do none of that so i did it . I said the answer that i know will bring about the most problems but make us the happiest " yes ," i whispered " yes yes yes ."

He smiled down at me and began to lick my neck causing me to moan in pleasure , it felt so good but it wasn't supposed to . Oh no .

I pulled his face back up to mine " don't ."

" why not ?"

" because , " i don't have a reason , i'm supposed to be his but i can't get over the fact that he is my brother , no matter how deep my feelings are for him we can't go that far . . . . not yet anyways " just because ."

He backed off of me and sat on the end of my bed " wanna go get breakfast ?"

I smiled down at him for more than one reason " sure , i would love to ."



" sure i would love to ." She said as she smiled at me , showing her dimples and her eyes brightening just a little .

I asked her to be my girl , i groaned internally , i know it was the wrong move . I should have just let it be and let my feelings for her slowly fade away , but they never had . Over that past few years my feelings for her have only doubled , making this way harder . But i felt helpless , i want to call her mines and i can now , even if it is just in the privacy of our own home .

Through out breakfast i watched Destiny eat . I watched how her lips curled onto the glass when she drinks making her dimples sink in a little , i watched how she opens her mouth to eat each bite . Man , everything is turning me on . She is doing it on purpose . When she caught me looking at her she just blushed and ate even more seductively . She knows what she's was doing , and if she doesn't watch it i'll have no choice but to take her .

" you two are awfully quiet " my mother said halfway through breakfast " you're usually cutting eachother's thoats by now ."

We both laughed and i spoke to my mother without taking my eyes from Destiny " we made a deal , no more fighting , right ?"

Destiny shook her head " right ."

" well , i'll say , i can live with that , at least you two aren't driving me up a damn wall ."

I chuckled and finished off my food then i took a quick shower and got ready to go out . Me and Jessie have a lunch date in a few hours and i have to go to the mall and pick up a new pair of shoes anyway .

" where are you going ?" Destiny asked as i was standing at the front door on the phone with Jessie .

" hold on Jessie ," i took the phone away from my ear and pulled Destiny's body close to mines " i'm going out with Jessie . "

" oh ."

She began squirming trying to get out of my grip but we both know well enough she isn't going anywhere .

I laughed " it's just lunch ."

She shrugged " that's your business , not mines . I guess i'll just go out with Tj then ."

I let her go and pinned her body up against the wall and said right before i planted a long wet kiss onto her lips " you ain't going nowhere ."

She rolled her eyes and mumbled under her breath as she walked away " watch me ."

All i can do is laugh . Destiny is one of them girls who doesn't like to be told what to do , who thinks she's right all the time , who thinks everyone is out to get her when that's never the case .


Chapter one - part 2


I slung my book bag over my shoulder and began to make my way into the school building . Good thing this is the last week left of school before summer break because i'm sure i can't make it another month or 2 . School is like an ultimate low for me . Don't get me wrong , i've got quite a few friends but school just isn't my thing . I only go because of my mom , if she wasn't in the picture school wouldn't be either .

" was supp ?"

I don't turn to see who's behind me because i know whoever it is has a big grin on their face too early on this Monday morning . I continued to stuff my jacket and book bag into my locker , grabbed a notebook and 2 pencils , and then i decided to turn around . It's Jamal . The cutie Jamal . He's Damon's friend but he's really cool . I've know him since forever , i guess i was about 4 or 5 when him and Damon met each other , and with me and Damon it's like a package deal : if you meet him you meet me not long after . And i'm very love-able !

" hi Jay ."

" what ? You finally decided to turn around and acknowledge me , i'm shocked ."

I cracked a smile and locked my arm with his so he could walk me through the crowded halls to my class " because , you're always so happy on Monday morning . It makes me sick ."

" oh , so you hatin' now ? I'm not all grumpy like you ."

" grumpy ?!" i playfully punched him " i'm not grumpy . I'm just a little , not happy all the time ."

We both laughed as we swerved in and out of the crowd and i said hi to a couple people i know . High school , it's not as exciting as i thought it'd be . When i was in 8th grade i couldn't wait till i could finally get to 9th . But now , in 11th i can't wait for this last year to pass . High school is nothing but boy problems , backstabbing friends and drama . Lots and lots of drama .

" here you are ," we stopped in front of my class just as the first bell sounded signaling we only had 10 minutes left to get to our class rooms " see you at lunch ."

" okay , bye ."

I watched as he walked away back in the direction we'd come . He is truly a nice person , although i know he has a bad side , i know that for a fact because i've seen it . But he never lashes out on me at all . He walks me to class every morning and every time i see him outside of school he gives me candy of some sort . I know , i know , i'm not a kid but i love candy with an absolute passion . And he takes the time out of his day to make me smile , i actually think he has a crush on me . And i can't deny , i might feel something for him . Might !

I sat in the row from the back of the class by one of the only girls i truly trust , Jasmine . She's a very sweet girl if i must say . She's always there when i need her , she's smart in class and she's funny too . We're like , best friends , only we're not best friends . Get it ? Got it ? Good .

" hey Jass ."

" hey , girl . " she looked through her glasses at me " you okay ?"

" yes , i'm perfect ."

She rolled her eyes but kept quiet .

I rolled my eyes too " come on Jass , when have you ever known me to be happy on a Monday ."

She thought are adjusted her glasses on her face " good point ."

She bothers me with the glasses . She doesn't even need them ! They're the glasses that Chris Brown wears , you know , the over sized ones . I've even seen Kanye West and Jay-Z with them too . I don't get it though . If they're not prescription then take them the hell off ! End of story . You will never catch me wearing those like a big dumb ass .

" right . Anyways , how was your weekend ?"

" boring , as always . I had to visit my uncle out of town and um , let's just say he isn't the most pleasant person to be around . He's a pain in my ass . And i know i shouldn't talk about my elders but , does he have to stink as bad as he does ?!"

I cracked up laughing . I told you Jasmine is a trip and very very real . She says what's on her mind whenever she feels the need to which isn't always good but hey , it isn't me .

" did you tell him ?"

" if i didn't tell him my name wouldn't be Jasmine Turner ! Okay ?! You know i told his ass ."

" Jass ! No you didn't ."

" Destiny ! Yes i did ."

I just shook my head smiling lightly and opened up my notebook to a clean page to get ready for class . We've got math , which i hate even more then school but it's just a part of life . You've got to work for what you want and what i want is a little piece of paper with my name on it that says i graduated high school and that i have the grades to go to college . I'm by no means lazy boo boo , i don't mind working .

" today class we'll be learning -"

My mind went blank as he walked in , Damon . He isn't even in any of my classes except my math class because you know , he's a little "special" . ( lol ) . Just kidding , he's actually very smart and he passes every math test but for some reason he doesn't want to be in the math class with his class , the 12th grade class . And just my luck , he picked the empty desk that just happened to be behind me . God ! Why ?

" was supp , Jass . How you going this morning ?"

No he didn't just not speak to me ! Wait , why am i tripping ? I don't want him to talk to me and break my concentration , even though it's already broken . If he speaks to me i'm afraid i might break out into a sweat and start to stutter . So maybe it's best he doesn't speak to me .

" fine ," Jass turned around and gave Damon a big smile , she has sort of a girlish crush on him which is going to kill me if he starts to flirt with her .

And wouldn't you know it , he flirts back " you damn sure are fine , baby girl ."

Jasmine batted her eyelashes as her face turned Rosy red .

At this point i want to smack Damon and Jasmine both but i keep my cool and try to focus back on the notes . They aren't going to help me pass .

" you know , you're sweet ."

" i know , it's in my blood or something . Ain't that right , Destiny ? I'm sweet to every body , especially the girl i love ."

I buried my head in my hands trying to suppress my smile and a blush as well .



" i know , it's in my blood or something . Ain't that right , Destiny ? I'm sweet to every body , especially the girl i love ."

cute , right ? I know .

I had to say it or else Destiny would think i'm interested in Jasmine , and Jasmine would think that too . Just because i tell a girl she's fine and flirt a little doesn't mean she's anything more than an acquaintance to me . I'm just a nice guy i guess .

The teacher dimmed the lights and i pulled out my notebook getting ready to take some more notes that she was putting on the over head projector . I sighed as i checked my pockets , no pencil .

" Dez , let me get a pencil ."

Destiny handed me a pencil over her shoulder with out even looking back at me . Instead of just grabbing the pencil i grabbed her hand and softly rubbed circles on the back of it . I could feel little goosebumps rise on her skin and laughed lightly to myself , i'm going to enjoy messing with her . I took the pencil and started on my work .

The first part of the day went smoothly , all my classes were easy as hell and i was able to avoid Jessie but at lunch i know i'll see her . So when i entered the cafeteria i kept myself alert to my surroundings but some how i still missed her as she slid up behind me " hi babe ," she said in her high pitched voice .

I groaned a little payed for my hamburger and my apple juice and made my way to my normal table where some of my friends already were and Jessie took her usual spot next to me .

" man , " my friend Derrick said directing his sentence to me " you know Jamal tryna mack on yo' sister ?"

I twisted my face a little and laughed , he must be playing .

Trevor shook his head " he's serious ."

I just can't believe that . Jamal has know my sister for years and years , they have never felt each other like that , at least i don't think they have . . . . oh well , i'm not too worried about Jamal . He can't take Destiny from me .

I unwrapped the hamburger and bit into it as my friends came over to the table one by one . I just zoned everybody out including Jessie . Jessie , she can't even compare to Destiny . She's cute and all but , it's just not the same . She's 5"4 , long blond hair , pale white skin and light brown eyes . Her body is thick too but i guess i'm just feeling Destiny more , which is a fucked up thing to say about my own sister .



I stood next to Damon's car waiting for him to finally come out of the school building . He has a bad habit of making me wait at least 10 minutes for him , When the winter rolls around i'm not going to continue to do this crap . I'll just ask our mom to buy me a car . I stopped and laughed at that thought , she'd never trust me with a car . Although i have my liscence and i've driven before she just doesn't trust me at all . And Damon is way worst than me , how does he get her trust ?!

" ready ?"

Damon unlocked his door , got in and then unlocked my door . I settled into the car buckling my seat belt as he pulled from the student parking lot .

" you really shouldn't leave me out here waiting all the time . What the hell do you do in there after school anyways ?"
" um , i mind my own business ."

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him and he just laughed . He got me for the first time and i finally got to see how it feels for someone to be smart to you all the time . I don't like the feeling .

When we pulled up in the driveway of our house i jumped out the car and slammed the door before he could say anything . I'm pissed , not because he got smart with me but becuse he was flirting with Jasmine this morning . I shouldn't even be mad , but then again i shouldn't be my brother's girlfriend either .

" wait up ! "

I didn't wait for him , i barged into the house and went straight to my room , slamming the door behind me . I want him to chase after me and to tell me he didn't mean it and he is sorry but he doesn't . I sat and waited 2 whole hours and he never came , asshole .



I was tempted time and time again to knock on Destiny's door but i decided not to . It's the whole pride thing . I sat outside her door 2 and a half hours waiting or her to come out and when she finally did come out she was looking even more pissed than before . Oh shit .

I stood up and blocked her path to the kitchen " you know , you gon' have to stop being mad at me sometime soon ."

" yeah , when you stop being a dickhead ."

I shook my head " you got that one ."

" i know i do . And you ain't gon' do shit about it ." She folded her arms over her chest and mean mugged me but i could see she was holding back a smile . She was challenging me to see what i'd do . It was just a little friendly competion .

When i didn't do anything she walked closer to me " oh , i'm sorry , did i offend you ?"

" no harm no foul ."

Before she got a chance to speak i picked her up by her legs and swung her over my shoulder carrying her into her room slamming her on the bed , with her screaming the whole way . I climbed on top of her smiling down at her " so , you thought i wasn't gon' do nothing , huh ?"

She laughed a little " maybe i did . You're still a dickhead ."

I just shook my head as i lightly kissed her lips " i'm sorry , babe ."

" it's okay i guess . "

" aww , i think Destiny is jealous ."

" jealous ? Boy please . Jasmine couldn't get you in her wildest dreams ."

" and why is that ?"

" because i've got - " she paused and started a new sentence " so , how was school ?"

" you just gon' change " i kissed her lips " the " i trailed my tongue down the side of her her neck " subject " softly nibbling on her neck i watched as she arched her back a little " like that ?" i pulled away completely and watched her bite on her bottom lip .

" what ?"

We engaged in another kiss , this one longer deeper and more pasionate . I'm going to take her right now , fuck what anybody has to say about it . " please , just let me ."
Chapter two -


I kissed Destiny passionately and pulled her shirt over her head swiftly bringing my lips back to hers . So many questions popped into my head : is this right ? , should we really do this ? It doesn't really matter though because i know what her body wants and i also know that i refuse to stop at this point . I unclasped her bra in one swift move and threw it onto the floor , i took each one of her breast in my hands and massage them lightly running my thumbs over her already hard nipples . She let out a slow moan into my mouth .

Someone cleared their throat and i know for damn sure it's not me . I froze in place for a second , then i pulled away from her a little to look in her face , she has the same expression i do " Dez , please tell me that was you ."

She bit her bottom lip and shook her head no .

I sighed very heavily and turned my head to look out of the door where my mother is leaning against the door frame with a disapproving look on her face .

" ma' , let me explain - "

She put her hand up to stop my sentence " explain what ? That you're about to fuck your sister ? That's what you want to explain ? I'm going to finish cooking . Destiny , in the kitchen , NOW !"

My mother walked away and Destiny scrambled from under my body and but back on her shirt not carrying about the bra .

" Destiny , come here ." I said lightly as she made her way to the door .

She turned to face me and began to walk slowly toward me " why ? So you can get me into more shit ? "

" don't start ," i grabbed her waist and pulled her in between my legs watching her pout which only makes me want her more " you didn't stop me so . . . "

" whatever ."

I sighed and stood up so now i'm looking down on her " give me a kiss ."

She got on her tippy toes and pecked my lips . I was about to go for a deeper kiss when our mom called from the kitchen " i said now Destiny Yasmin Davis , not when you fucking feel like it ."

Destiny hurried out of the room leaving me to plop down on her bed wishing i'd know what's going on . All i want is Destiny , no problems , no nothing else . Why is that so fucking impossible to have ?! I turned on Destiny's stereo and put in a mix tape the was sitting on her nightstand . And wouldn't you know what old r&b song came on : 'sex with you' by Marques Houston . I slammed my hand on the off button , sexually frustrated and a little pissed off .



" yes ma'am ?" i asked as i entered the kitchen .

My mother didn't answer right away , she put some chicken breasts in a pan and stuck them in the oven and began to make some stir-fry before spoke " my own children , in my house , together . Humph , i don't like it not one damn bit . I'm a Christian , you know this , now i don't force my religion on you or your brother because it's your choice but it's just not right . Incest ?! Really Destiny ? What happened to that nice boy you were dating , Kevin ? "

" He was nice but - " i paused , what else should i say .

" but what ?"

" - he's not Damon . "

My mother shook her head and breathed deeply never looking in my direction " you're siblings ! Please . God ." She sounds like she's close to tears by this time .

" i know . It's not something i want either -"

" then don't do it . It's that simple !"

" it's not that simple , at all ! You don't know until you've been in our shoes , okay ? Can you drop it please ."

" Destiny , i love you kids . I love your oldest brother D'Shawn too , and no matter what decisions you all make in life nothing will ever change that . I just wanted to express that to you . I don't agree but , i can't stop it . True love concurs all , and a decision like this is forever , just remember that . Now , go get Damon , i want us all to talk about this . "

I really don't want to talk about this , at all . I wish it could still just be between me and Damon , it felt much better that way . But now that she knows i guess we might as well get this conversation over with .

" come here Damon ."

He got up off my bed and walked over to me pulling me into his arms " wassupp ? What she say ?"

" she said come here . And can you please stop touching me ? Your not making anything better ."

He removed his hands " but do me a favor ."

" what ?"
" get naaakkeeedd , " he said copying off of that Travis Porter song .

I just laughed a little bit and we walked into the kitchen and sat at the kitchen table across from our mom . The silence is becoming too much for me to bare but i'll e damned if i'm gonna be the first to say something . And from the looks of it Damon is thinking the same thing .

" Damon , son ,"her voice cracked a little " i told your sister i do not approve , at all . But , i can't stop what's going to happen . I just want you two to make sure this is what you want and that you'll be able to deal with your decisions in the future ."

Damon spoke next " this is what we want . ma' . I don't mean to disappoint you or anything but i've been loving Dez for some years now . I thought the feeling was nothing , you know ? I thought i was reading too far into shit - i mean stuff . But , i know i'm not . I want this girl right here ," he grabbed my hand up under the table "to be in my life as more than just my sister . I can't help that i want her to have my kids , and that i love her . "

I saw my mother cringe a little bit when Damon said he wants me to have his kids , but she tried her best to hide it . I can tell how much she really does love us . She just wants the best for us and i'm glad for that .

" mom -"

Before i could finish she cut me off " no sex ."

At about this point Damon's got a look on his face like what-the-fuck " ma' ! What you mean no sex ?"

" exactly what i said , no sex ."

Damon let out a groan and dropped his head on to the table .

" damn . Is that all you want from me ?" I asked with a amused grin on my face .

Damon leaned over toward me so his forehead was leaning against mines and he was looking deep into my eyes " baby , you know it's deeper than that ."

" so be quiet then ," i said as i quickly pecked him on his lips and pulled away .

My mom smirked a little " as much as i hate to say this , you two are a cute couple . "



Don't get me wrong , me and Destiny go way deeper than just a physical connection but , do you know how much i love sex ?! Obviously not . When all else fails sex can put a smile on my face . What am i going to do ? I at least need to hit it once . I laughed in my head , how can i say that without feeling guilty ?

" as much as i hate to say this , you two are a cute couple ."

Me and Destiny both glanced at my mother shocked , Did she just say that ? I didn't think she'd come around even though she doesn't approve of this . Hell , i'm not sure if i even approve . But it's happening , she said it , and i'm happy . Now all i can hope is that i'm good enough a man to make Destiny happy .

" did you really just say that ?"

"yes , son , i did . And another thing , no kissy feely stuff either , okay ?"
" damn , mama . What can we do then ?"

" boy , watch your mouth . And you can't do nothing . Now watch the food , i gotta go to the restroom ."

When my mom exited the room i looked at Destiny who looks ecstatic " what's so exciting ?"

" that we won't have to hide this from mom ."

" so , can i kiss you ?"

" make it quick ."

As soon as our lips touched i got a slap on the back of my head and the shit started to sting . I pulled away from Destiny quick fast and in a hurry .

"i'm gone for less than 5 minutes and you kissing her already ! Keep it in your pants ."

I looked at my mom who looks slightly amused " it was just a kiss ."

" and i thought i told you no kissing . "

I just took a deep breath and shook my head while Destiny and my mom both laughed at me . Then my mom went to go check the food and i just watched Destiny watch me .

She stuck her tongue out at me and ran out of the room laughing before i could grab her . I watched her butt switch back and forth as she ran and i began to wish that she's not my sister , that would make this so much easier .

We ate dinner , mostly in silence , it wasn't an awkward silence or anything but nobody had anything to say . And i'm kind of happy because i can hear my own thoughts flow through my head . After dinner i kissed Destiny and we both went to our own rooms .


Chapter two - part 2


My mind is focusing strictly on Damon , his eyes , his dreads , his muscles .

It's Tuesday , lunch time , and through all the people in the cafeteria i'm still able to spot him sitting at a table with his friends laughing and cracking jokes . I love how when he smiles his dimple sinks straight into his cheek . Yes , he has only one dimple that sits perfectly in the middle of his right cheek .

" Jass ! Hello ?!"

" Jasmine !"

I heard Destiny and Chelsey calling my name but i don't pay any attention . I just keep my eyes glued to Damon , studying his every move hoping he doesn't see me .

Destiny followed my gaze and then gave me a fucked up look "Jass , i don't want to hurt you but , you know Damon doesn't like you , right ?"

I snapped my head from Damon to Her " what are you talking about ? Please ! That boy loves me . Did you not see how he was flirting with me yesterday in math ? Oh , he wants me ."

She laughed at me like i'm stupid and shrugged her shoulders carelessly "don't say i didn't try to tell you ."

" tell me what ?!" i snapped " that you're a hater ? I know that already ! Don't be mad because some one actually wants me and you're still single ."



I laughed in Jasmine's face once again "you must have slipped and bumped your fuckin' head . Not one to toot my own horn but i believe i'm much prettier than you sweet heart . You better ask somebody ."

Jasmine stood up like she was about to do something " let's fight about it ."

" fight about what ?"

She hesitated but she knows it's way too late for her to back down because half of the cafeteria is already watching us with their cameras pulled out waiting on a fight .

" let's fight about you being a ugly , bitter , a stupid ass , hatin' ass , skanky -"

It took everything i had to restrain myself up until that point . I stood up , and leaped over the table tackling her to the ground and pounding her face repeatedly . I really didn't even want to fight her , but she just had to keep talking and get her ego and stuff all up . I'm not even the drama type at all but i can only take so much before i snap . And i just realized how little i can actually take before i lose it .

" oh shit " the crowd erupted in laughter and stupid comments "ay , Jasmine i bet you can't beat her ."

"bitch !"She got one good punch in on my chin but other than that i continued to pound her ass .

"okay , okay , break it up ,"that's definatly Damon's voice . And those are definatly his arms lifting me off of her , instantly calming me . He slung me over his shoulder to carry me ot of the cafeteria with me still screaming "and if you ever fuckin' talk shit again , i swear ! This ain't over bitch ."

Damon put me on my feet in the hallway and held me back from going back in there and beating her ass again " man , if you don't chill out you gon' fight me next ."

I pulled away from him , the sexy smile he's giving me is defiantly calming my nerves but his touch was irritating me "whatever , Damon ."

" what happened ?" he asked as he pushed lose hair that had come out of my ponytail from my face .

" she was staring at you and i told her that you don't like her . That bitch - i mean , that girl had he nerve to get mad and want to fight . I was not going to fight her for no reason . But then she start calling me all type of names so i jumped over the table on her stupid ass ."

Damon's face told me how amused he is " but , i really don't like her ."

" i know . But her dumb ass talking about you love her and want her . She's really stuck on you ."

He pulled me into his arms " and i only want you ."

We were silent for a few minute just standing there hugging , my anger now completely gone .

" Damon , Jasmine wants to talk to you . "

Just at the mention of her name my body tensed up all over again .

Damon turned to whoever it was talking " tell her she not my girl , i'm not and never have been feeling her, man . Tell her i got a girl that i love with all my fuckin' heart .Damn ." He turned back to me dragging me out of the school and to his car . He pulled off and we headed straight for home . Boy , am i glad .
Chapter three -


I opened the front door to the house and me and Destiny both entered , going to the living room . I Iaid with one leg on the couch and one leg off , Destiny laid in between my legs with her back to my front and her head laying on my chest . I took a deep breath in just inhaling the sweet smell that's just flowing from Destiny's body in waves . She's always taken care of herself and i think that's an even bigger turn on than anything .

" Damon , " she looked up at me " i'm thinking of dying my hair black ."

I chuckled a little and she smiled " where did that come from ?"

" i don't know , just a thought ."

I grunted " keep yo' hair yo natural hair color , every body dyin' they hair and shit . Keep yours natural ."

" what about highlights ?"

" nope ."

" quick weave ?"

" quick weave ?!"

She laughed " i'm just playing . I wouldn't mess up my hair with all that ."

I peered at her face , studying every detail , taking in every expression she makes . I know i say alot of girls are fine and cute but , Destiny is truly beautiful . I'm not just saying it because she's my sister or because she's my girlfriend but she really is . And sometimes i don't think she notices her true beauty , i wish i can make her see what i see every time my eyes land on her face . I slowly leaned over , right before our lips connected there came a knock at the door . Destiny laughed and sat up straight so i could go answer the door " aww , poor Damon didn't get his kiss ."

The feeling i'm feeling is pure frustration . It's already irritating enough i can't touch her at school or around our mom which basically gives me no time at all for us . I just want a kiss , and maybe -

The knock came again .

I swung open the door and the visible annoyance on my face got completely washed away by a smile . " big bra ! " i yelled as i hugged D'Shawn . It feels good to finally see him after a full year . He's in his first year of college . At 19 , he stands about 6"3 , he's light skinned like me and Destiny , he has good hair like Destiny except his hair is black like mines , his eyes are light brown too instead of hazel like me and Destiny's . D'Shawn , or Shawn as we call him , is real cool and laid back . And he's smart too . But by the way he acts most of the time no one would ever think he's the one in college . He's extremely wild and doesn't give a fuck who knows it , but he's a mama's boy though .

" boy , " we pulled away from each other , both cheesing like a mug " i ain't seen yo' ass since you had slob dribbling down yo' chin ."

I laughed and stepped out of the way so we could enter the house " funny , i ain't seen you since you became a father ."

" a father ?! Nigga please , I know Chelsey still ain't tryna pin that baby on me ."

" you know she is . But , ay , really , the baby got brown eyes like you and good ass hair too . You might want to check into it ."

He waved off the idea as we entered the living room and he hugged Destiny " aahh , baby sis ."

" big brother ! , " she pulled away from him " are you coming back ?"

" for the summer , yeah . I figure i gotta find a way to annoy the hell outta ya'll or i ain't doing my job no more ." I groaned a little , D'shawn coming back for the summer means i'll get even less alone time with Destiny ! Shit , just can't get any worse .

" no , no , no , Damon annoys me enough !"

I gave her a sly smile and a wink then plopped on the couch " whatever ."

We all sat around the house chilling and catching up until our mom came back home . D'Shawn decided he wanted to surprise her so he hid in the living room closet .

" son , who's car -" she paused seeing Destiny's body leaning against my " haven't you two heard of personally space ?"

I didn't say anything because i didn't want D'shawn who's in the closet just a few feet away to hear anything about me and Destiny .

" what were you asking ?"

" who's car is that in the driveway ? I had to park on the street ."

I shrugged " i have no idea ."

" oh , okay , well , i'm going to go start dinner ."

" okay ."

She turned around to leave the living room and D'shawn jumped out of the closet startling her making her stumble backwards and smack him before she even knows who he is . When she finally gathered her self she looked up at D'Shawn smiling " son ?"

" the one and only . But damn mama , that smack was kind of hard . Don't you think ?"
" watch your mouth !" They left and went into them kitchen and i could faintly hear them talking and laughing .

I looked at Destiny with a mischievous smile on my face " can i get my kiss now ?"

" sure ."

She climbed onto my lap so she is straddling me and leaned forward like she was going to kiss me but at the last minute she turned her head so my lips landed on her neck . She shivered a little under the touch of my lips . She wants play i guess . I Kissed her neck again , sucking and nibbling lightly on whatever part my mouth touched .

" stop ." her words came out shaky .

I placed my hands on the bottom of her back so she can't move , even if she's thinking about moving she won't . I kissed down and around her collar bone to the other side of her neck continuing sucking . This time though , i sucked hard and more passionately with a point this time , to give her a hickey .

" please , " she was able to moan out as her breathing quickened and her hands attached their self to my hair as she began to grind her hips into mines .

I pulled back and looked a her face laughing " you know you got a hickey right ?"

She smacked me on my chest and jumped off of my lap rushing from the living room .

I let out a sigh because i hadn't even realised how horny i am until now . Damn .


All through dinner my phone was blowing up , getting call after call from Jasmine . She is becoming beyond annoying in my book . Why does she keep calling me ? I'm not her man , it might sound harsh but i don't give a damn about her ass . She's a nice looking girl and all but she's becoming way too possessive over some one that's not hers . I got who i want , i wish she can just except that so we can move on and possibly be cool . But why should she do that ? This whole damn thing is my fault . I shouldn't have led her on at all knowing that i don't want her .

I switched my phone off and continued eating .

" Jasmine , what is that in your neck ?!"

I chewed up the piece of meatloaf that was in my mouth and with a smirk on my face looked back and forth from a silent Jasmine to my mom who looks like she's going to lose it at any given moment .

Jasmine stuttered a little " w-what ?"

" don't act stupid , the red spot n your neck , " my mother looked at me " is that a hickey ?"

I shrugged holding back another smile " i don't know . It's her neck . It's probably one of them boys at school . "

My mother stared at me for a while longer , scolding me , she knows damn well i did it but i wasn't admitting to shit , and plus D'Shawn may look like he's eating but he's focused more on the conversation . Destiny mugged my head to the side and stormed from the kitchen without finishing her food and i heard her bedroom door slam . I know i'll pay for that later .

" what crawled up her ass and died ?" D'Shawn asked snickering as he continued to stuff his face with Meatloaf and Mashed potatoes .

Damn , why do i gotta be so stupid sometimes ? Don't get me wrong , it was funny blaming the hickey on somebody else but i knew i would piss her off . I just hope not too much .

I knocked on her bed room door after dinner " house keeping ." i said trying to be funny .

I waited , and waited , tried the door knob but it's locked , so i waited some more until finally after 20 minutes Destiny opened the door . " what do you want , ass hole ?"

I stepped in and closed the door behind us " are you mad at me or something ? Because i did nothing wrong ."

" you didn't ?! How about blaming this whole hickey thing on me when you're the one that did it ! Asshole ." She mugged me again .

" baby , " I pulled her into my arms and although her body is tense she doesn't move away " i'm sorry , it was funny though ."

" is it going to be funny when mama kicks both our asses ?"

" you right , you right . We can just lock ourselves in here and do whatever , " i kissed her lips " we " i kissed her again a little harder " want " i slipped my tongue into her mouth , letting it slide around and explore the sweetness inside . Feeling her tongue wrestling with mines got me instantly hard . I walked her all the way to her bed , my lips never once leaving hers , i put her down lightly and climbed onto of her body looking her up and down hungrily , savoring the feel of her skin under my hands .

She has on nothing but a pair of black boy shorts and a 2 sizes too little wife beater showing off all of her assets .

At this point , i want her more than i've ever wanted any girl in my life , and our mother or D'Shawn can kick in the door at this moment and it wouldn't stop me .

I put my knees in between her legs and pushed each one back as far as they will go with out me used my hands . I began to grind my hardness into the warmth between her legs . She moaned lightly raking her nails over my back " Damon ," the way my named rolled off of her tongue hit my ears so smoothly and i instantly want to c*m . But i shockingly held myself together .

I stopped grinding into her and practically ripped her shirt and bra from her body , slowly kissing and licking down her stomach , nibbling on the area around the waist band of her panties , and came back up again . Her hands entangled themselves in my hair , pulling lightly , only turning me on more . The shit started to become painful to not be inside of her .

A knocking came at the door and my nostrils flared up . Really ? What the fuck ?! Can't i get it in just one time without a fuckin' interruption ?

I sighed and looked at Destiny's face who looks just as irritated as me " babe , we need to get a hotel room ."

" don't worry about it ," She pecked lips , quick but sweet " ignore it ."

" what if it's mom ?"

" i said ignore it ."

She damn sure isn't going to have to tell me a third time . I slipped of her boy shorts and as i ducked my head between her legs my nose is instantly hit with the sweet aroma of her woman hood , and even though i'd just eaten i got hungry all over again . I Kissed up and down her thighs sweetly and the fucking knocking on the door came again .

Frustrated i stood up " baby , i gotta get it , " i kissed her " i'ma be right back , don't move ."

I opened the door just enough for me to look out and as much as i was expecting it to be my mom it's D'Shawn .

I tried to hide my annoyance " Shawn man , wassup ?"

" man , my homeboy told me about this party . I''m tryna roll , was supp ? Wait , yo' why are you in Destiny's room anyways ?"

" man , " my brain started working coming up with a quick lie " it's nothing , we tryna have a conversation about some very important things and you interrupted ."

" my bad , D . But is you tryna roll ?"

Hmmm , a party is sounding really good right now but , on a Tuesday night ? I don't think so , and plus i'm so close to getting inside Destiny it's not funny . I can't just pass up this opportunity , not unless i want blue balls all week .

" man , it's Tuesday , i got school in the morning , and i have to finish this conversation with Destiny or i'ma be mad for days ."

He looked at me strangely " aight man . Maybe on Friday ?"

" yeah , Friday ."

I closed the door and turned back to Destiny who has the covers pulled all the way up around her neck . I undressed , but left my boxers on and climbed into the bed and under the covers with her . I climbed onto of her once again hoping and praying we don't get interrupted anymore because if we do i just might lose my cool completely .

She pressed her hands against my chest " maybe we shouldn't ."

" what do you mean ?"

" i mean , we keep getting interrupted so , maybe we shouldn't ."

" do you want to ?"

" that's not the point ."

" answer my question , " i pulled her hands from my chest and with one hand pinned them above her head and with the other i rubbed her cheek " do you want do ?"

" yes , but -"

" ain't no buts . Either you want me to or not . And you just told me you do , Dez ."

" Damon , " she looked kind of hesitant , closing her eyes she said barely audible " i'm a virgin ." She opened her eyes and looked at me to see my reaction , i just put on a light smile . " you're not mad ?"
" why would i be mad ? I want you , but we don't have to do this if you don't want to ."

I said it even though i don't want to pull away at all . I want to take her virginity from her , making an even deeper bond between us and letting her know that she's mines . I want to make her feel good and let her know that not only is she mines but she will be , forever .

I made a move to get up but she wrapped her legs around me pulling me back down to her " don't go ."

" then was supp ? There's no rush , Dez . It's okay ."

" no , i want you to ."

With that , a huge smile began to spread across my face and i got ready to handle my business , making sure i pleased and took care of her first , making her have orgasm after orgasm on my tongue before i even decided to enter her and take what's rightfully mines . Making her not only my girl but my woman .



I became very scared when he pulled his boxers off . Not only is he long but very very thick . My mind went into overdrive . Is he going to fit ? How is he going to fit ? Because i know damn well that has no place to fit up inside of me . And if it does fit inside me , he'll be lucky to move it anywhere .

He must have seen the panicked looked on my face because he kissed my forehead " baby , you know we can stop whenever you want . You look like i'm about to amputate your leg or something ."

I smiled trying to ease my mood . I want this so bad , just a little scared that's all . I won't even let that ruin this though .


Chapter three - part 2


" mmmmm , shit , " i felt myself exploding inside or Destiny and i became wobbly trying to hold my weight off of her . I pulled back a little and rammed into her one more good time making her scream out in pleasure and making me shoot another load inside of her .

I rolled off of Destiny trying to catch my breath . " baby , Dez , shit girl ."

She rolled onto her side laying her head on my chest breathing heavy as well " i've never felt like that before . No boy has ever made me want to do that ."

" no boy bet not ever even think about making you feel like that . And besides , i'm not a boy i'm a man ."

" okay , Mr. Man ."

I laughed a little and wrapped my arm around her pulling her body closer to mines , damn near on top of me . " i'm glad i finally got to do that ."

" me too . I never thought it would happen . . . . Babe ?"

" yeah ?" i asked sleepily .

" promise me something ? Promise me you'll be mines and only mines . I-i love you Damon ."

I looked into her face and instantly know how serious she is . " i love you too , babe . And i promise i'll be yours and only yours . Now , come on , let's get some sleep ."

She shook her head and with that we drifted off to sleep , satisfied .


My Eyes slowly opened to a smiling Destiny " good morning sleepy head . Get up ."

" get up ? The sun Isn't even out yet , Dez . Go back to sleep ."

" nooo , mama is up . And if she catches you in here we're going to catch hell . So go . "

I made up my mind that i'm not moving , shit , i don't care . I'm way too tired and right now i don't want Destiny to not be by my side . " Destiny , i'm not moving girl . Lay back down ."

She sighed and got back into the bed , in the same position we had fallen to sleep in " fine , but if she finds you in here and goes off , don't say i didn't warn you ."

" babe, " i pulled her closer to my body " i don't care . I want you by my side right now , okay ? I love you , go back to sleep ."

She obeyed and we were sleep within minutes , not waking up until her alarm clock went off at 6 .

I went to my room , took a shower in my bathroom and did all the other stuff i need to do to get my self ready in the morning . I got dressed in a fresh whit v-neck , a pair of tan cargo shorts and i put on my white and black polo shoes . I took off the rubber band that always holds my neck length dreads in place and let my hair swing free . I'd recently cut my dreads from where they used to hang at just below my shoulders . They began to get too much to handle all together .

I look good if i must say so myself .

I went back and knocked on Destiny's door . She opened and i'm blow away by her look altogether . Not because she's never looked pretty , she always does , but because i can't believe she's mines .

She has on a rather short yellow sun dress , a white belt wrapping around her slim waist , and she has on 2 inch white and yellow wedge heels . Her hair which is usually pulled into some kind of lose bun and rarely wore down , she had down bone straight flowing to her shoulder and a little down her back . All of a sudden i got this urge , this strong urge , to take her again .

I walked in , kicking the door closed behind me and picked Destiny up , she wrapped her legs around my body instinctively . I kissed her deeply , making it well known what i want . After last night , it seems that's all i can think about . Her , her , and her . Knowing she's all mines .

" no , Damon ," she pulled away not really wanting to though , i can tell by how tight her legs are wrapped around me and home heavy her breathing is that she doesn't really want me to stop "i'm still sore form last night ."

" so , let me fix it . "

" how ? By causing more freaking pain ?! Put me down ."

With a long sigh i put her back onto the ground and we exited the room , leaving for school .


Me and Destiny are standing in her room . We have plans to go to the mall today .

" Damon ."

" yes ?"

Destiny began to look paler and paler by the second until vomit erupted from her mouth spilling onto the carpet and running down her chin . I grabbed her and guided her into her bathroom and she reached the toilet just in time to release another load . I held her hair back and rubbed up and down her back trying to sooth her " it's okay , Dez . Did you eat something bad or something ?"

" i don't know , i guess i could have . "

I'm going to go tell mom to call the carpet cleaner people so they can clean this shit up . You still want to go to the mall or no ?"

The look on her face looks like she's on the verge of crying when another load of vomit flowed from her mouth and into the toilet " i can go ."

" i knew you would say that , i don't even know why i asked . You're staying home today ."

" no , but -"

"i don't care what you say , you staying home . Aight ? Now here , " i put her hair into a rubber band so it wouldn't fall into the toilet " i'll be right back . "

I jogged into the living room to find D'Shawn and my mother laughing and talking " mom , can you call the carpet cleaners ? Destiny just threw up . I think she ate something bad . We're gonna stay home today ."

She just grunted , not even looking in my direction and continued her conversation with D'Shawn . I shrugged and went back to find Destiny brushing her teeth .

" you got me as yo' own personal servant today . I'm here to give you anything you need ."

" babe ," she spit and washed her mouth out " you don't have to ."

" yes i do . Besides , the shit that's in the mall today will be there tomorrow . I got you , Dez . Go lay down in my bed so you ain't in here with this shit and put on a comfy t shirt or something too . I'ma go make you some soup ."

She shook her head and hurried off to my room looking kind a worried , maybe i should take her to the doctor . What if she's got food poisoning or something ? Or what if it's something serious ? Damn , here i go over reacting . It's probably nothing and will go away by tomorrow morning .

I made her a bowl of chicken noodle soup and fed it to her slowly trying to make sure she eats it all but as soon as it was all down she rushed into my bathroom and threw up again . So much for the effort .

When she finished and brushed her teeth again we laid in bed , cuddled up .

" i heard you two last week ." i sat up and looked at my mother who's standing at the foot of my bed just looking .

" ma' , please -"

" oh boy , shut up ! You , Destiny , go into the living room or something now ."

Destiny's making a move to get up but i grab her arm to stop her " ma' , she's sick . Can we do this later ?"

" no ! DESTINY . OUT . NOW ."

She walked swiftly from the room and i turned back to my mom " what is this about ?"

" it's about you two . I thought i said no sex -"

" mom -"

" i am not done ! Please don't interrupt me again . You know , that baby can come out with all kinds of mental problem ? You know that right ."

I looked at her completely confused " what baby ?"

" the baby that Destiny is now carrying . I heard you 2 last week . And Destiny isn't throwing up for nothing . Now , either it's one hell of a coincidence , and i'll bet my last dime that it's not a coincidence . Now , that baby can come out with all kinds of birth defects , down syndrome , anything ! And you , have to deal with it ."

" mama , no disrespect , but no matter what i'm going to love my fucking kids , no matter what because they're coming from me and the woman i love . I don't have a problem with it , i'm happy . I'll love them , care for them and do whatever else i have to do to make them happy and safe , okay ? Can you see how happy i am - how happy we are ? I would never ever have had sex with any other girl with out protection but with her , i don't care . I'll love her and our child . . . unconditionally ."

She sighed , sitting down on the bed next to me looking at the anger that has to be written across my face by now " Damon , Damon , Damon , you sound so much like your father . He loves you kids , you know ? Although he's always away on business , he calls you every chance he gets . When i first got pregnant with D'shawn he was there , made promises that he still lives up to today . I remember he would always come over my house and rub my belly , you know . I'm not criticizing , me and your father love you kids unconditionally even though me and him weren't in you alls position , i know you'll love your child or whatever unconditionally too . I just hope - "

" it'll be fine mom , trust me . "

" okay son . "

And with that being said she got up and walked away , as calm as can be , like none of this ever happened . I dropped my head in to my hands . . . . . pregnant . I know i love Destiny and i know if she's pregnant that i'll love her and our child no matter what . I refuse to ask her to get an abortion , in my eyes only weak men do that shit . If the baby comes out with mental problem or something like that , it won't change the way i see the child . It'll still be mines and i'll cherish it and love it no matter who has anything to say about it . I smiled a little , i hope it's a boy .

" Damon ?" Destiny stood in the doorway in one of my t shirts looking as sexy as ever with a worried look on her face " you okay ? What happened ?"

I held out my hand for her to take and i pulled her down onto my lap " you know you could be pregnant ."

" yeah , " she said lightly dropping her head " i thought about it . What ? Do you want me to get an abortion or something ?"

" no , i want the exact opposite . Look , ma' was saying how the child could have birth defects , and i just wanted to let you know . It's not 100% though , and i know in my heart that if you're carrying my seed that it'll come out a healthy , beautiful baby . There's no doubt in my mind okay ? I love you , i want yo be with you , and i want this baby ."

A tear slipped down Destiny's cheek , and she leaned in to my chest soaking my Shirt with plenty more silent tears . " it's okay , Dez . You trust me right ? " She shook her head yes " then it's gon' be okay , aight ? Just rest , that's all i need you to do ."

I rested my hand on her stomach rubbing it lightly as she laid down in my bed and drifted off to sleep . I'm going to be a father , i repeated over and over in my head .


Chapter three - part 3


I let the hot water run down my body later on that night , massaging my skin and relaxing me . At this point my nerves are just shot . Pregnant ? It's just shocking . Well , not that shocking i guess , i know we didn't use a condom when we had sex , i know but i don't really care . I don't know how i feel about having this child though . I know i won't kill it , i know that , but what if it comes out mentally ill ? It'll be , sad . I'll still love he or she just the same and i'm sure Damon will too but , i want my child to be perfectly healthy . To be perfectly honest with myself and everyone else , i don't know how i feel about this situation .

" come here , babe ." Damon said .

I just stepped out of his shower soaking wet with a towel wrapped around my body . I dried off and put on one of his t shirts before i walked over to him " what , Damon ?"

" what's wrong ?"

" i don't know . I'm just thinking . I'm scared , Damon ."

" it's okay to be scared , aight ? It 's going to be okay . I promise you that baby , okay ? Look at me . It's going to be okay . "

I shook my head , not knowing whether to believe him or not . For the rest of the night it began to feel as though i'm all alone , a feeling that passed as i awoke Wednesday morning .



I wake up every morning since me and Destiny's fight feeling more pissed than i ever have been . Not only have i lost some one that was very close to me but she also kicked my ass , just adding insult to injury . I'll never say she kicked my ass out loud but , it's not like everyone doesn't already know it . The video is on everyon's facebook page and on everyon'e phones , and i have bruises to show that she got me good . Busted lip , Black eye . I went to school the day after the fight and i could just feel everyone's eyes on me , just making me feel worst than i already did . None of my so called friends wanted to talk to me , and no boy is interested in me . Well , not that any were even interested in me before . But now the count has dropped even lower . And Damon . . . he doesn't return my phone calls or anything but i know he likes me , he has to . If he doesn't then he wouldn't have flirted with me , point blank . And that's all there is to it .

As much as i don't want to , i lazily dragged my body from my bed and began to get ready for summer school . I put on a pair of loose jeans and a tight fitted t shirt , with Nike slippers . It's not like i have any one to impress or any one looking at me for any reason other than to point and stare . I shouldn't have challenged Destiny , maybe she was right , maybe Damon doesn't like me . I mean , after all , she is his sister , she should know . And then , i already had know Destiny is good with her hands , why i even started anything is beyond me ! I should have just sat there , not said an ything and thanked her for telling me , but i'm stupid like that , so stupid that i didn't .

" homework people , hand it in . Pass it forward ." The teacher said to the 15 of us sitting in the class room for summer school

I pulled my homework from my folder and tried to pass it forward but the girl sitting in front of me wouldn't take it , so i stood up and began walking to the front to turn it in when a foot reached out in front of me and before i can stop myself i'm stumbling forward landing flat on my face . The room erupted in laughter . . . . this is all Destiny's fault .



I woke up around 11 a.m. on this morning to hear Destiny in my bathroom getting sick again . I didn't go help her , i just lay here , listening . It really sounds like this shit is killing her : not being able to keep a meal down , being sleepy alot and shit . I hate seeing her like this really , it's all my fault . I should have just kept my hands to myself like my mother said to .

She brushed her teeth and came back to lay with me . I kissed her cheek " i'm sorry , Dez ."

" it's okay . Don't apologize . Please , don't . It's not your fault ."

" yes it is , actually . I should have just let you stay a virgin and let me stay horny ."

" i wanted you to . So shut up and kiss me ."

" kiss you where vomit has been pouring out of for 2 days straight ? Hell no . "

She truly looks like she's abut to break down in tears , she pulled her body away from mines " fine ."

" baby , " i tried to pull her back to me but she didn't budge " i was kidding."

" don't , don't touch me ."

She got up from the bed and walked from my bedroom .

All i can do is shake my head , what did i do ? Am i fucking up or is it her that's just got emotional problems or some shit ?!

Whatever the reason , i followed Destiny into the kitchen where my mom and D'shawn sat at the table across from each other talking . Destiny sat down on the side of the table with D'Shawn . So , What do i do now .

" oh honey , it's nice to see you ."

Destiny put on a fake smile " yeah , yeah , i had to come in here before someone dies because of their stupidity ."

D'Shawn looked from me to Destiny enjoying the show . All i want is to get her out of the room so we can talk in private .

" Destiny , can i speak with you in the other room ?"

" can you go to hell first ?"

" i can , but only if i'm dragging you with me , now can we talk ?!" I raised my voice a notch or two .

My mother shook her head " son , i wouldn't do that if i was you . Her hormones -"

" Damon can you please just fucking go ! I'm sick of your face ."

I understand her hormones and all but she's making this too damn hard . And anyways , she's only a couple days pregnant . I went over to were she's sitting and picked her up out of the chair carrying her bridal style . But i ended up putting her down after a few steps because she began to squirm and beat against my chest .

" dammit Destiny ! "

" what ?! I know your not about to blame this shit on me , you're the one who keeps making smart ass comments about the morning sickness !"

" this is the first time i've said anything about it . And i'm trying to fucking apologize if yo' stubborn ass would let me ."

" oh , so not only do you not want me , but now i'm stubborn ."

" i don't want you ? Where the hell are you getting that idea from ."

She went from anger to sadness in a matter of seconds " your gonna want another girl , i'm gonna get fat ."

" aww , babe . " I pulled Destiny into my arms and she began to sob into my chest . But not at all do i mind .

I heard D'shawn talking to my mom " if i didn't know better i'd think they are going out ."

" Shawn shut the hell up ," my mother said .

There was a quick silence and D'shawn spoke again " wait , morning sickness ? Is Destiny pregnant ?!"

" yes ! " i screamed at him just hoping he would shut up . But it didn't work .

" so , uh , who's the father ?"

I don't say anything to that , neither does my mom or Destiny . The only sounds that can be heard in the room are Destiny's sobs .

" wait , " D'shawn started again " don't tell me . . . . . . Damon ?! Lil bra ?"

My mother swatted at his arm as i just watch " boy , can you shut the heck up ? Mind your own business ."

D'shawn still doesn't let it go after that " so , wait : Damon is banging Destiny , got her pregnant and now she's gonna get all fat and shit ."

Hearing him say that added fuel to the fire and Destiny began to cry harder .

" Shawn , can't you keep your mouth shut some fuckin' time ? Damn , learn when to speak and when to keep yo irrelevant ass comments to yo' self . You not helping shit !"
Chapter four -

- Damon -

I sighed and Destiny kept her head buried in my chest as we stood in the middle of the kitchen floor , everyone silent .

" ay , man , " D'shawn started " im not judging or nothing but , does it feel good to fuck your baby sister ?"

" does it feel good to be a dead beat ass dad ? Huh ? Does it feel good to have already had 2 STD'S ? You must be proud . Oh , man , it must feel real good to know that you -"

" shut the fuck up , " he stood up from his chair making it slide against the wall behind him " stop right there ."

" naw , you want to try and put me on spot let's put yo' ass on spot too . Huh ? You want mama to know yo' secret ?"

" Damon , i swear to god man , shut the fuck up ."

I pushed Destiny's shaking body behind mines as i took a few steps closer to D'Shawn " you swear to god what ? What you gone' do ? Hit me ? Give me yo' best shot , right here . " i pointed to my cheek as i searched the movements of his body . His fists balled at his sides , he looks like he wants to hit me but he's not going to . Growing up me and him always used to fight , and i mean like street fighting . To the point where our mouths were bloody and our hands were aching and we still wouldn't stop . We'd end up eventually getting pulled off of each other by police and be taken to the hospital for our cuts and bruises , sometimes broken bones . I had given him a fare share of ass whoppings and he's given me some too , we just aren't really a match for each other , we fight too much alike . We have similar height and build and plus we know what the other is going to do before they can do it . Fighting with him is like fighting against myself .

My mother stood up " listen - i don't know what problem it is you two boys have got but i want it over and done with now . If you want to fight take it out side . I done got too old to be trying to worry about you two and Destiny's not in a condition where she should be stressing about anything . "

I took a deep breath searching his face " nah , we good . Am i right ?"

He unwillingly shook his head " yeah , we straight . "

My mother exited the room and D'shawn started to talk again " you remember what we said , right ? That shit goes to our grave man . "

" to be honest , i wasn't gone say nothing . I just wanted to see the look on your face when you thought i was ."

He chuckled " man , i was seriously contemplating beating your ass ."

" we both know how that's going to end . The same way it always does . "

" right .So , uh , ya'll really together ? " he gestured toward Destiny who's still standing behind me , now hugging herself .

I wrapped an arm around her shoulder " yeah man , this is it for me ."

" i just , don't get it ."

" nigga , i don't either but this just how it is . She carrying my seed and shit , " i kissed Destiny's forehead " she gone' make me a father man . You don't get how happy that's making me ."

" yeah , well , i wouldn't know shit about that ."

I gave him a knowing look " man , i know Chelsey's baby is yours , you know that shit too . "

He shook his head and sighed " naw man , i can't be a father . Maybe in a few more years ."

" man , you gotta grow up . I don't give a fuck what you say . I'm growing up for mines , you need to do the same shit ."

" you right but -"

Destiny spoke up in a light voice " Chelsey is spending the night tonight . She's bringing her son too . If you want to she'll let you see him ."

He reluctantly shook his head yes and we stood silent for a moment .

I can see the excitement in D'Shawn's eyes but i can also see the fright and the pain . I think he's scared because he doesn't want to fuck up anything , he doesn't want to seem like a dead beat either . It has nothing to do with him wanting to party , although he wants to , it's about his fears of not being good enough .



5 minutes .

Destiny talked to Chelsey on the phone a few minutes okay and she said they'd be here in 5 minutes . That had to have been at least 4 minutes ago . And , i'm scared shit-less . What if she doesn't want me to be around the baby ? Then that'll just make me feel even worse and even more scared and thinking about the fact that i don't belong . For a whole twelve months i've been able to put this off by going to college but deep down inside i knew this moment would come . The night before i left for college Chelsey was spending the night over our house , she wasn't paying me any attention though . Her and Destiny were watching movies and talking about school and all that other shit . I'd been attracted to Chelsey for a long time but she never seemed to give me the time of day , i could have had any girl i wanted except her , and that made me want her even more . The fact that she didn't give it up to me at all until that night kept me chasing after her . But anyways , that night i was coming out of my room and she was coming out of my sister's room and we bumped into each other in the dark hallway . I grabbed hold of her to keep her from falling and i didn't want to let her go so i didn't . One thing led to another and the next thing i know she's on my bed letting me pound the hell out of her . And of course we used protection but i hadn't realised it had broken until afterward , but i didn't say anything to her i just kissed her and she left my room . I know , i know , it sounds cold hearted but it's really not .

I honestly didn't think she'd get pregnant , but hey , i guess i was wrong .

I went to college the next day and about 2 - 3 weeks later Chelsey began to blow up my phone talking about some baby , leaving me voice mail after voice mail . I knew it was mines , Chelsey is really not the kind of girl who just goes around giving it up to anybody . I know i wasn't her first but i was damn close . I eventually got my number changed . 9 months after we fucked Damon called me and told me Chelsey had a little boy , and 3 months after that here i am : scared . Yeah , scared .

I heard the doorbell ring but i didn't move from my spot on the couch , Insted Destiny went to go get the door and i'm left sweating , talking to Damon .

" man , what if she says i can't be in my babies life ?"

" she won't ."

" what if she hates me ?"

" she don't ."

" what if -"

" Shawn man , stop . Here they come ."

I could here the light cries of a baby , not crying as in screaming , but like a yawn , like he's just waking up . I put my head into my hands wanting to cry . How can i leave something that's going to be the biggest part of me , and the girl who has always had the biggest part of my heart no matter how many girls i talked to through out my life and my time at college .

" yeah girl , he's been sleeping all day . I'm suprised his butt woke up " Chelsey laughed a little , that sexy laugh , the one that got me hooked on her in the first place . But the laughing soon stopped , i can feel her standing close by me , and her eyes burning a whole into my head .

I looked up and into Chelsey's face not exactly sure what to say . I stood up and walked over to her " Chelsey . "

She gave me a nasty look , the one i have been afraid to receive from her " it's you ! You know what , Destiny , i think i gotta go ."

" no , let me talk to you . We need to talk . "

She pushed the stroller over to Destiny before i could even see his face and she walked off to the kitchen with me following closely behind .

She sat up on the counter " talk , D'Shawn , i don't have all day ."

" i'm sorry ."

" for what ? " she damn near laughed but i can see the pain in her eyes " for fucking me ? For getting me pregnant ? Or are you sorry for ignoring my calls and changing your number ? Huh ?! So i guess you don't got nothin' to say now . Hmm , or are you sorry for not being their to sign the birth certificate , not helping naming him , not taking care of him . Do you know his birthday ? No , better yet , do you know his fuckin' name ?!" I didn't say anything because she's right . I don't know his name or his birthday . I wasn't there for him or her and there isn't anything i can say to make up for that .

" oh , " she jumped off the counter and walked up to me " you still don't have shit to say ? When i was giving birth you weren't there , when i found out the sex of the baby you weren't there , WHEN I FUCKIN' NEEDED YOU DAMMIT YOU WEREN'T THERE !"

"i know ," i grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her slim body bear hugging her . She tried to pull away but no matter how hard she tries i'm not going to let her go . She let out a scream and broke down completely . Her legs gave out and next thing i know we're sitting on the floor , her head still in my chest and my arms still holding her tight .

" yo , what the -" Damon said but he stopped in the door way once he saw me holding her , he turned around and walked away smiling . I'm sure he's going to get tell Destiny .

" i'm sorry Chelsey , " i began " i'm sorry . There's no excuse for what i did , babe , none whats so ever . I should have been there and did what i needed to do , but i didn't , but i'm here now , and i want to make it up to you . Will you let me ?"

She shook her head yes trying to keep her voice from cracking she said " D'Shawn , i promise you , you're not getting a-any more chances . His birthday if February 12th . And his name is D'Shawn Omari Davis Jr ."

" you named him after me ?!"

" yes , he's yours . And , he needs you . I need you too . "

I lifted her chin so we were looking eye to eye and before i pressed my lips to hers i said " i'll be here , i promise ."

I think i'll call him , DJay .
- Damon -

Destiny's small frame sat on my lap as i sat on the couch , with Chelsey doing the same thing to D'Shawn . We all sit , silently in the dark watching a movie on our 52 inch flat screen TV . Chelsey put her baby to sleep about 10 minutes ago and it's been peace and quiet ever since . I'm so happy D'shawn finally got over his fears and is getting his shit together with Chelsey and his son , D'shawn Jr . That's what's up , because i would hate it if i had to go through the rest of my life denying a baby that i know is mines , like D'Shawn probably would have done if Chelsey didn't come over tonight . And speaking of kids , i can't wait to hold my own in about another 8 and a half months . Just thinking about my son ( or daughter ) growing inside of Destiny's tiny belly is making me proud . It is no longer bothering me at all that i love Destiny the way i do , love is love , it has no name or race . I'm glad me and Destiny both feel the same .

I wrapped my arms around Destiny's waist and pulled her body closer to mines " baby , " i whispered in her ear " i love you . "

" i love you too , " she turned around , gave me a light peck on the lips making me want more , and turned back around to face the TV .

I slid my hands under the front of shirt , rubbing circles on her stomach and playing with her belly ring . I began to slid my hand down lower , untying the string on my basketball shorts that she has on , and slipped one hand down her pants to play in the sweetness i long to be inside of again .

" Damon , " she moans out as lightly as she can trying not to be too loud " stop it ."

" why ? You know you don't want me to . "

With my free hand i moved hair from her neck and began to kiss up and down it , just want to please her . She let out another moan but this one was way louder . Chelsey looked at us as i quickly snatched my hand from inside the shorts " i swear , ya'll is nasty ."

I laughed and shook my head " i have no idea what you're talking about ."

Chelsey rolled her eyes " you know i know , Damon . Stop playing stupid ."

" who says he's playing ? He might just really be stupid ." D'Shawn chipped in , laughing " but no , for real , you could have just asked us to leave . That's just trifling . You don't see me feeling up on Chelsey like that ."

" boy , even if you wanted to feel up on me you wouldn't be able to ."

" we both know that's a lie ."

" okay , " i started , running my hands up and down Destiny's hips feeling her body heat up under neath my touch " so , can you two go then ? "

" hell naw , can you go to your room ?"

I huffed , taking her all the way up the steps and to my room is way too much to be doing when i have a full hard-on damn near pushing through the slit in the front of my boxers and my pajama pants .

" come on , D'Shawn , i'll owe you man ."

He shook his head and dragged Chelsey from the room and holding his son in his arms .

Destiny turned around to face me straddling my lap " why did you do that ?They could have stayed . We don't need to be doing this any way ."

I pulled her shirt from her body with ease and began to kiss up and down her bare chest as i palmed each one of her butt cheeks in my hands " you know damn well , you want this like i do . Stop playing ."

" maybe ."

" what if i do this , " I leaned forward to kiss her but my phone began to ring ruining the moment completely . Destiny tried to get up but i held her in place " please , Dez , don't move ."

" you might want to get your phone before one of your little girlfriends gets mad at you . "

" stop it , " i pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen " it's Jamal . " I show her the screen so she can stop freaking out and i answer " yo' !"

" ayy , where you been man ? You been M.I.A for a minute now ."

" man , i've been busy . I'm just tryna take care of my future wife and my seed , that's all ." I pecked Destiny's lips " i can't have no shit going down without me here ."

" future wife ? Seed ? Oh hell naw ! What you do with my friend , the one i been knowing since i was 5 , the one who swore up and down he was never getting married and never having kids . What happened to that Damon Davis because this sure as hell can't be the same one ."

" nigga , things change i guess . But i'm happy with it though . Anyways , was supp Why you calling ? "

" i was just tryna see if you wanted to go over to Jessie house , you know she having that party tonight , and i ain't got shit better to do . "

" um , " i put the phone in between my shoulder and my ear so i can run my hands up the shorts and along her smooth bare thighs " give me about a hour , and i'll come by there and pick you up ."

" cool ."

I hung up and tossed my phone onto the floor , lifting Destiny off of me and laying her on her back i got ready to climb on top of her but she pushed me away " next time you want to do something , think about that before you agree to go to a party ."

She stood up and left the living room , leaving me sitting here looking stupid as fuck , with my body yearning for hers .



I stumbled out of my bed , rushing to the bathroom so i can release another load of vomit , making me feel sick but taking away my nausea all at the same time . I'm not sure how much longer i can do this . I took a quick shower and got myself together , then i dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts a fitted pink wife beater , and my pink and yellow plaid Sperry's . I left off the earrings and bracelets , i'm not going for cute just for chilled and laid back .

I peeped inside of Damon's room , not really caring about him though , to see him passed out on the floor leaning up against the side of his bed . I snagged his car keys out of his hand and got my wallet and phone getting ready to leave . I drove a few blocks over to a coffee shop . I need time alone , to get myself together and work through my thoughts . Somewhere in my mind i know i shouldn't be dating my brother , i know i shouldn't be pregnant by him , i know i shouldn't even be attracted to him either . But i am all of those things , i'm just a sick - very sick - person .

" a glazed doughtnut and a Vanilla Frappe , please ."

I took a seat in the corner , where the lights are slightly dim , so i can scan the coffee shop with ease . And then my eyes spotted them . The first one ; He's got to be about 19 , light skin with deep waves in his hair , tattoos littered across his shirtless chest . The second one ; i'd say he's 16 , dark skin , with a fade but no waves and less tattoos on his bare chest than the first one . And the third one : about 19 as well , dark skin like the second one , waves in his head like the first one , and tattoos across his chest and arms like both of them . They're not from around here , i can tell because hell i'm not from around here . My mother didn't move into the suburbs until i was 13 , so i know a thing or two about not being rom around here . And they are definitely from the hood . The hair on the back of my neck stood up and my body instantly begins to tingle .

What the heck .

I can't just see boys and all of a sudden be drawn to them . Oh who am i kidding , yes i can . It's been four long years since i've seen boys straight from the hood . Now , some of Damon's friends that go to our school are from the hood but they've been living in the suburbs for years like us so they don't count .

" excuse me , can i sit down ?"

I'd gotten so wrapped in my own thoughts i hadn't even noticed the light skinned one of the group standing in front of me , smiling down at me .

" uh , sure ."

He took the seat across from me not stopping the smile spreading across his face " i'm Maceo ."

" and i'm pregnant . " it slipped out , i swear . As soon as i heard the words exit my mouth i began to regret them . I just have to ruin everything don't i ! A hot boy wants to talk to me and i'm pregnant , yay me .

He laughed " and i didn't finish high school ."

" sowhat ."

"Exactly . I thought we were stating shit that we hoped the other would look past ."

I gave a light smile " you can't look past a baby ."

" i've always wanted a child . So like i said , i'm Maceo ."

" i'm Destiny ."

" Destiny as in , your Destiny is to be with me ."

I smiled again , i can't help it . He's so darn cute looking at me so caring and lovingly like he really knows me , but he doesn't . All he knows is that i'm cute . . . and pregnant . Those two things don't even make up half of who i am .

" i hope you're as sweet as the things you say ."

" i'm very Sweet , ma' . So , where i yo' man at ?"

" home ."

" oh , see , he slipping . I'ma mess around and take his girl ."

I raised my eyebrows slightly amused and flattered " you think you can ?"

" no , " he reached across the table and grabbed my hand " ma' , i know i can . If he was any type of a good boyfriend he'd be here with you but he's not which gives me all the right to try my luck ."
Chapter six -


" this is Tye and Sammy . "

I smile at both Tye and Sammy as Maceo introduces them to me . All 3 of them are cute really , the tattoos giving them a rugged look and the smile on their face giving them cross between dangerous and mischievously dangerous . It's cute but , it's not always a good thing .

" damn , ma' , you looking nice ," Sammy let the words slip from his lips looking me up and down as i sit in my chair uncomfortable .

Maceo shook his head twisting his face up " i don't think she likes that ."

" i'm just being honest . She look good enough to take home to moms ."

I saw Maceo getting ready to cuss him out so i stepped in " thanks , appreciate it , got to go ."

I stood up , grabbing my Frappe and wallet from the table and begin to head towards Damon's car with my stomach turning slightly , uh oh , i know that feeling . I bent over the curb in front of Damon's car to release the doughnut i'd damn near gobbled down a few minutes ago . I cough slightly as i stand up straight to see Maceo . Damn , was he following me . I didn't even see him walk in front of me seeing as how my head was so low trying to give my stomach relief .

" damn ," he said handing me Damon's car keys that must have forgotten " you left your car keys . You left without giving me your number too . "

I laughed and walked around him to get to the driver's door " i told you i'm pregnant ."

" and i told you i always wanted a child ."

" come on now . You look like your like 19 ."

" actually i'm 24 , and what's age got to do with it Because you don't even look like you've reached 18 yet ."

I sighed " i haven't . "

" okay then , what's the problem ."

" i , um , " gosh , i'm trying to think up something , i have a child he wants one . But he's just saying that because he thinks i'm cute of something . I don't know ! And plus i've got Damon . Deep down in my heart that's the only man i want but it doesn't hurt to have a friend , right ? No biggie . " fine ."

I put my number in his phone and he put his in mines and i got back into Damon's car , started it and pulled off . The whole way home i only have a few things on my mind : like Damon , he's definitely on my mind almost all the time in a day . 22 out of 24 hours in a day he's on my mind . But why . When did i get to the point where i fell in love with my own brother , and the point where i thought it was okay to fuck him and get pregnant with his child . Where the fuck is that okay ? And why the fuck in my mind am i trying to make myself feel guilty for something i feel almost no guilt about .

Speaking of Damon , this child that's in my belly is on my mind . A child , that more than likely will have a countless number of problems because of me and Damon doing what we're doing . I know we'll love the baby regardless but how can i explain to my child that i'm his or her mother and auntie . That's messed up .

And then this Maceo dude and his fine friend's . . . . i want to know their story . Well , Maceo's story at least . He's the one i'm interested in . No , wait , i can't be interested in him ! Nope , i'll just push him as far out of my mind as i can .

I put the car in park and begin to walk up to the front door but before i can unlock it the door swings open and i'm face to face with an angry - no , he's past angry - Damon .



Imagine how i felt waking up with my car keys gone and my car no where in sight . Plus my little sister is gone and she's carrying my baby . How do you think i felt .. . . . . . don't worry i'll wait . . . .. . . . i was fucking pissed ! That's how i felt . She could have been anywhere from point a to z and i wouldn't know where to start looking . My head was already banging from an extreme hangover and to add to that i began to worry about Destiny . Sometimes the only person she thinks about is Destiny . . . . but isn't that what i was doing last night when i went to that party . . . i was thinking about me and only me .

I heard my car pulling up in the driveway , i gave her a few seconds to walk up the driveway and to the door before swinging it open " where the fuck have you been ? ! You take my car and shit , what the fuck is your problem , Destiny ! Huh ? " i snatched my car keys from her and put them in my pocket as we just stared at each other . I swear my heart began to break in 2 pieces when she dropped her head to stare at the ground . I expected her to give me some smart ass remark or some shit like she usually does but instead she just gives me a look of sorrow .

I pulled her body close to mines like i've always ended up doing lately . She's not her self anymore . When she's feisty it's times 10 but when she's sad it's like she just lost a family member or something . I like her a little less loud than she usually is but this shit right here is just weird .

" wait right here ." I put her into the passenger side of the car . I jogged back into the house to brush my teeth , pull my dreads into a rubber band and to change into a fresh outfit . I grabbed my money and my new credit card from my night stand .

" where are we going ." Destiny asked as i pulled from the drive way.

" somewhere where if you cry you can't get it , okay babe ? Cheer up for me ."

She shook her head but remained silent for the rest of the ride , and when we pulled up outside of our destination a smile spread across her face " are you taking me to get my hair done ? "

I laughed as i went around to open her car door " no ."

" then why are we here ."

" don't worry about it . Can you just sit patiently and wait because , if you do that then i do have a surprise for you ."

She shrugged and we entered the beauty salon and she took a seat .

" i'm Damon , i've got an appointment with Keshia for 11:30 ."

The lady behind the desk smiled at me a little too big , showing all of the teeth in her mouth " yes , um , Keshia's in the back but if there's something i can get you please , " she winked at me " let me know ."

I can't help but smile " can i wait in her chair ?"

" sure ."

I sat down in her chair which is at the back of the room the furthest from Destiny so she can't see what's going on . Thank god there are 7 other chair on this side before you get to me . I started to relax myself and then i hear that familiar voice saying my name .

My head snaps into the direction it's coming from , the chair directly right of me , i'm surprised i didn't see her walking to the chair " yeah , was supp Jass ."

" nothing , trying to figure out why you played me ."

" i didn't play you girl , you played yourself . Yeah , i flirted with you and yeah you're a nice looking girl but , that's as far as me and you are gonna go . "

" you didn't say that shit at Jessie's party last night . You were all over me , and when i went to the bedroom you followed , so you must like me some how ."

" excuse you ? Girl , i was drunk as fuck last night . I didn't even know my left from my right so anything that happened was strictly the alcohol . Man , i got a baby on the way , you didn't even get as far as my girlfriend ."

Jasmine shook her head as the stylist continued to try and curl in " all i'm saying is , you won't be saying that in 9 months when you got another baby on the way ! Play with that , bitch ."

" little girl , " i didn't even realise Keshia standing beside me " i swear he just said you weren't even his girl , meaning you didn't really mean to much to him . I know all about you , girls who pin their babies on a random man . Not this one . So get your hair done and then get out . "

Jasmine scolded me but didn't say anything to Keshia . I laughed out loud . Man , i know for a fact didn't anything happen between me and Jasmine . I might have been drunk - very very drunk - but i wasn't stupid . I know how to keep it in my pants

Keshia smiled at me as she turned the swivel salon chair i'm sitting in to face the mirror " what would you like today , Damon ? You want them re-twisted again ?"

" nope . I want them cut off . By the time i leave here i want a fade ."

" um , are you sure " she took the rubber bands from my hair to play with my dreads " the 3 years i've known you you have cherished these dreads ."

" Keshia , me and you both know how fast my hair grows . I figure i'll just try something new and if i don't like it , i'll be visiting you in about a month ."

" okay ." She got the scissors and began to cut the dreads a few at a time the closest to my head that she can without cutting me " so , what's this about you having a baby ?"

I sighed " i knew that was coming . But , yeah , my girl is pregnant . In about another 8 months i'ma have me a little Minni me ."

" word ? You better treat that girl right Damon , unlike how you did me ."

I looked in the mirror at her face and i saw a hint of pain , hell it was more than a hint of pain . It was a whole lot of pain written all across her face .

Me and Keshia have history . 3 years of history to be exact . We started dating back when i was 15 and she was already 18 . Age didn't really matter though because she fell for me harder than anything in the world . and i admit i was falling for her even though i tried to hide it . I spent countless numbers of nights at her house and all my weekends were dedicated on her and only her . We'de go to the movies , the mall , have picnics , anything as long as we were together . And then a couple of months ago , i say about 3 or 4 , that's when i started to date Jessie . My feelings for Keshia never faded not one bit but Jessie was just a play toy . It wasn't like i was falling for her at all . Then one night i was over Keshia's apartment and i was in the shower , trying to get my shit together before i went back home and out of no where Keshia stormed into the bathroom throwing my phone into the shower with me . She was screaming , yelling , everything . She'd gone through my phone . She say pictures and videos she didn't need to see , she saw texts she didn't need to see . It was a complete disaster . She broke down crying in front of me and there wasn't a damn thing i could do at all .

No doubt , i still love her to this day .

" Keshia , you know i love you girl . It's just , the weakness got to me . You gone always be my number one lady , no matter what ."

" yeah okay . " she tried to sound tough but the blush on her cheeks is saying other wise . I know she still loves me . But i've got Destiny and my child to think about . And plus if i go back to Keshia i'll just end up hurting her again , the same way i'm afraid i'll end up hurting Destiny .


It took a hour and a half for Keshia to cut off the dreads and give me a fade and a shape up . I stood up out of the chair leaning closer to the mirror inspecting everything " damn , Keesh . I like it . I look weird as hell but i like it ."

Keshia came to stand beside me and held out her hand " money please ."

" girl , stop acting like i won't pay you . Besides , you know where i like anyways ." I handed her a 50 dollar bill and before she can turn away i grab her gently by her waist pulling her body toward mine until our mid sections are pressed together " you know , i didn't hurt you on purpose ."

" so , cheating on me wasn't on purpose , you just repeatedly slept with a girl for the hell of it ?" She let out a sarcastically laugh as tears coated her eyes " you know Damon , i loved you ."

" you still do ."

" you're right , i still do .But , you've got a baby on the way . You shouldn't even be touching me like this ."

I don't know what came over me , maybe i'm trying to prove something , i slid my hands down her waist to her butt , squeezing tightly " i love my unborn child , i love my girlfriend , but i still love you too . "

I kissed her forehead and walked to the front of the salon back over to Destiny . My brain is working , wheels are turning , and the the shit hurts . I love Destiny , yes . And i love Keshia as well . Maybe i still love Keshia because i'm afraid to love Destiny 100 percent because she's my sister . No , that's not it . Maybe i mistook the sisterly love i have for Destiny and turned it into something more . No , that's not it either . I've gotta face facts , i love Destiny and Keshia both , and it's some confusing ass shit .

Destiny stood up from her chair as she saw me walking to her , she's got a pained look on her face , not even noticing the fact that my dreads are gone ." babe , what's wrong ."

" my back , you took so long that i went next door to the piercing place ."

" so ?"

She's about to show me something on her back but before she does she finally notices my dreads are gone " Damon ! No you didn't ."

" yeah , i kind of did . Like it ?"

" love it boy ! " She hugged me and pulled away , turning around and lifting up her wife beater in the back to reveal 2 sterling silver studs in her back right above where her butt starts . There is one placed in each one of her back dimples . It's cute , unique .

I touched one and she jumped a little , pulling away and dragging me ouside " do you like 'em?"

" shockingly , yeah . But let's go . Because this isn't my surprise ."

As soon as i stepped both feet out of Damon's car in the mall parking lot i hear my name being yelled , or rather squealed . I closed the door and turned around greeted with a familiar face that i haven't seen since 8th grade since we moved to the suburbs .

" Gabby ?"

Gabriella threw her arms around me and we hung onto each other for dear life , ignoring Damon behind me who is impatiently clearing his throat . Hugging her i once again feel love . Me and Gabriella used to be the closest of friends in middle and elementary school . We both went to our first party together , had sleepovers almost every week , we even had some of the each others clothes . In fact the shorts on my body right now belong to her . For some reason i just never found myself able to throw them away . After all , Gabby is my child hood best friend !

We both pulled away at the same time , Gabriella looked me up and down smiling " i'm so glad i saw you . It's been at least 4 years , right ?"

" yeah girl . four long years . Sorry we lost touch . At the time , there was just so much going on with the move and all ."

" don't worry about it . We've got serious catching up to do ."

" okay , " i smiled at her as i hooked one of my arms with her's and grabbed Damon's hand with the other " who are you here with ?"
" oh yeah , " we stopped at the entrance " i forgot about those knuckleheads . My brother and his friends . "

" i never knew you had a brother ."

" step brother . And believe me , he is fine ! Maybe i can hook you all up ."

Damon heavily sighed and as if on cue i hear my name being called from another direction , except this time i don't want to turn and see who it is because that voice . . . . that voice , i know it . And that's not a good thing at this moment . Maybe if i was alone then i would love to hear that voice but right now it's bringing goose bumps to my very skin .

" okay , Gabby , i'll see you inside ."

I pulled Damon inside te mall , never turning to look in the direction of the voice . It's Maceo's voice of course . I hope that's not Gabriella's brother . God , come to think about it , they do look alike . Shit ! What have i gotten myself into now . All i'm trying to do is have a good day with Damon , that's all . Well , it's a big mall , maybe i won't see them again . . . . maybe .



She grabbed a tighter hold on my hand and begins dragging me into the mall acting more than strange . Her eyes are darting all around the mall like she's extremely scared of something . Time and time again i begin to try and comfort her but she just says she's fine and walks away , so after ten minutes of trying that i give up . Maybe she really is fine . Yea right ! She's hiding something . . . . . something i know i'm not going to like at all .

I picked a purple bikini swim suit and hold it up so Destiny can see but of course she's not paying any attention . " you want this , Dez ? You will look sexy in it ."

She just grunts and goes back to looking around the store in a rush . I sigh , once again . She is really about to piss me off . I'm trying to spoil her a little and take her to the beach later on as well so she can lay out in the sun and do all the other shit girls do but she's not paying me any mind . I slammed the hanger that's holding the swimsuit back onto the rack and as soon as Destiny turns her head in the opposite direction i swiftly sneak from the store .

What else do you expect me to do ? Be ignored all day long ? Be cluelss as to what's got her jumping all over the place uncomfortably ? Hell no , she can do that on her own .

I spotted a baby store in a distance , that's where i need to be , i thought to myself . I can buy some baby stuff in neutral colors like yellow or something , or maybe i can just buy a pair of baby shoes , hell i don't know ! But i do know i need something to take my mind off of Destiny or i'm going to explode in anger . That girl is cute though , Gabriella , light skin , nice long hair which is longer than Destiny's , baby hair that frames her forehead . She's got a nice sense of style too . I don't remember her from when we were younger though , maybe because Destiny never mentioned any of her friends to me . For all i knew all of my friends were the only friends she had but i guess i was wrong . Maybe that's where she was all those nights when she wasn't home .

Drifting in and out of thought and in and out of awareness , i ended up stumbling over air a few times and even accidently bumping into a few people .My mind is just not fuctioning right , i know something is wrong , hell , my whole body can feel that something is up but i can't put my finger on it .

When i exited the baby store , bag in hand , i spot Destiny standing in a crowd of people going back and forth around her . She looks so lost , like she's going to cry at any minute .



I'm watching Damon walk from the baby store , and right behind him walking from the same store is Maceo . God , they both see me ! They're both walking over . Damon in front of Maceo , Maceo smiling as wide as can be and Damon more than slightly frowning . They both have bags from the baby store meaning they both bought the baby something . I smile a little on the inside thinking how sweet they are but then i realize once again that OH MY GOD ! THEY ARE BOTH WALKING TOWARD ME !

What do i do ? What do i do ? What do i do ?

Okay , i'll just walk over to the escalator and get out and disappear into the crowd . Uh-oh , too late .

Maceo jogs around Damon and up to me before i can do anything and Damon stops dead in his tracks a few feet behind Maceo giving me the strangest look .

" Destiny , wassupp ? I was calling you earlier outside ."

" yeah , uh , uh , i was kind of in a rush ."

" well , that's cool . But look , i got you something . " He hands me the bag from the baby store . I take it and i'm instantly smothered in a hug from Maceo . His arms are wrapped tightly around me and i feel comfortable like i belong . Next he whispers in my ear " not tryna break yo relationship up or whatever but , i just had to give you this before old dude got over here . No sweat , okay ? You mines for real anyway ." Then he kisses my cheek lightly and swaggers away as if nothing ever happened . Now Damon , he's just watching me in utter shock . No , not shock , anger . He's angry at me . He drops the bag from the baby store and calmly walks off in another direction .
Chapter eight -



First day of my senior year in high school , yay ? No , nothing is exciting about it . D'Shawn goes back to college today and Chelsey decided she's moving to college with him so he can be closer to his child , and closer to her too of course . Her mother didn't have a problem letting her go , she is actually quit happy to have a screaming baby and a teenager out of her house . So , i'm losing my brother and my best Friend at school . Hopefully we get new students .

Then , Damon isn't speaking to me . He hasn't spoken two words to me since that day at the mall . Every once in a while he'll rub and kiss my belly but other than that he keeps to his self . He'll stay out of the house for days at a time and not telling anybody anything . My mother is usually at work most of the time but she knows , she tries to comfort me and things but it doesn't work . I need Damon like i need air to breath or like i need water to stay hydrated . Ever felt like that ? No ? Me neither .

He's breaking my heart to pieces and breaking me as a person without even knowing it . But at this point i don't even think he cares .

I've been hanging out with Gabriella though , she's coming to my school this year which i'm kind of excited about . And Maceo really is her step brother and he's really sweet . Me and Maceo have been getting closer and closer lately , He really is gaining a place in my hear but it'll never be as big as Damon's spot .


I put on a pair of sun glasses with cheetah print on the rim , a cheetah print shirt that hangs off my shoulders and a pair of cut up jeans with black flip flops showing off my perfectly manicured toes . " i look . . . . . . fat ." Blah ! I'm making myself sick . This is all a part of pregnancy , i know that but i've never been this big in my life , i'm new to this completely .

A knocking came on my door and it swung open " hurry - " Damon's words were caught in his throat as he watches me , looking me up and down like it'll hurt if he moves his eyes from my body . He hasn't looked at me like this in a long long time . He entered the room , walking over to me slowly he drops to his knees laying his head on my stomach . We remain like this for a while , him lifting up my shirt placing kisses on my slightly bigger stomach , rubbing circles all around my stomach .

I want to pull away so bad and tell him that he can't touch me , i want to scream at him and beat on his chest , i want to make him feel horrible . . . but i can't . This feels too good , too right . I can feel the love just pouring from him to me . Why can't it be like this always ?

" tell me Dez , who is he ?"

" who is who ?"

" do't play with me right now . " he stood up looking into my face desperately " who is the nigga that's taking you away from me , that got you chilling with him all the time , that's got me going fucking crazy ."

" Maceo is nobody . . . Just a friend ."

" a friend ? I'm not stupid , Destiny ! I know it's something else ! So help me god , if he is calling our baby his own i will - "

" stop it !" i screamed " he is just a friend okay . He likes me , that's all ."

He sighed pulling me into his arm and letting his chin rest on the top of my head " i love you , Dez . "

" you sure got a funny way of showing it ."

"i know , it's just that . . . i was pissed . Just thinking about another man with you . Destiny i swear , he bet not touch you or anything . And when this baby is born i don't want him around it either . Okay ?"

I shook my head yes . I have no problem with that . And anyways , Maceo knows we're just friends although he treats me like his girl when we're together .

" now , let's go . I'll drop you off at school then i got a job interview . Jamal said he'll pick you up for me later on ."

Now , maybe this school year won't be so bad .

Before we left i went to sneak into D'Shawn's room and jumped on top of his body which is laying underneath the covers in his bed . He flipped me onto my back and climbed ontop of me tickling me to death . Making me burst out into fits of laughter and tears begin to roll down my face . I'm not sure if the tears are happy ones or if i'm really going to be sad to see him go . Both i guess .

When he finally stopped tickling me we both sat side by side on the bed . " you know , Dezzy , another long year kiddo and you'll be up at college with me because we both know that Damon's ass ain't never coming up there to keep me company , " we both laughed " we can go to frat. parties together , you know . I can fight the college niggas off of you -"

" Shawn , i'm not going to college . Not with this baby on the way . I figure i'll just get a job after high school . Yeah , that's all ."

" Destiny , you've got dreams . I know you do . Let me hear some . Tell me just how you used to tell me when you were little "

" i want to dance , " i said barely audible .

" say it louder ."

" i want to dance ."

" then don't let nobody get in the way of your dream . You can be a great mother and a great dancer . . . . i know you can . I know my little sister ."



" every girl in the world love a young nigga / never fuckin' smile just mug my nigga -"

I turned up the volume on my stereo so that the Waka Flocka Flame song is blaring from my car as i pull into Jamal's drive way right next to his new truck . I just dropped Destiny off at school about 2 hours ago and went to my job interview at this fancy office building , but of course they took one look at the tattoos on my hands and neck and basically all but kicked me out . Sometimes i wish i would have never gotten these tattoos at such a young age , 10-14 . It only took 4 years to get a nice collection of about . . . 15 tattoos i guess , maybe more .

I shut off the car and slowly walked to his front door , the whole way loosing the tie that i thought would impress the people at the office .

" man , let me guess , you didn't get the job ." Jamal said as we sat down on his couch and my eyes fixed on the football game on the TV screen .

" nope , they barely let me get a foot in the door before they labeled me as some shit ."

" right , how you think i feel ? I'm still getting tattoos too ."

" you need to stop ,that's why the only job you got now is at McDonald's ."

He laughed " joke all you want to but McDonald's is better than nothing."

My response is just a low groan as i study the television screen trying to busy my mind . I need a job , bad ! If i don't get one . . . . i just need one . I want to move Destiny into a house or an apartment so i can take care of our child the proper way . I want to be a good father , husband and provider : just like any man would want . I want to make Destiny happy , and i can't do that living under the same roof as our mother .

" ay man , if you serious about getting some paper i know a guy that'll put you on . "



The first 2 bells in school went by fast . We mainly did introductions . I haven't spoken to Jasmine all day , who just sits in the corner mean mugging everybody . I mainly kicked it with Gabriella but i met a few new people . I met a white girl named Alexis who is pretty quiet but when we got into a conversation she wasn't at all quiet . She's really cool and down to earth . I met a boy named Ramone who is basically a class clown , he kept me laughing through the whole first few hours . I met a few other people also but none too memorable .

Ramone kept wanting to rub my stomach saying how cool it is that i have a little life in my stomach , i didn't mind too much seeing as how that put me straight to sleep . But like i said , the day is going pretty good . Can't wait to get home and see Damon though , i can't believe we actually made up . Now all i want to do is curl up into his arms and never have to move .
Chapter nine -


I just begin to continually stare at Jamal . " you must me stupid ." He's talking about getting into some illegal shit that's gon' get me locked up . No , i'm not that stupid , maybe when i was younger i did a few things , but now ? No . I'm about to be 19 in a week and Destiny's birthday is in 2 more months , you think ima be stupid enough to miss that ?

" what ? " Jamal asked " i'm just tryna help you ."

" you trying to give the wrong kind of help , man . If that's yo' thang -"

" na man , why you think i'm working at McDonald's . Man , i'm not cut out for that . "

" right , right ."

" yeah ." he paused for a second " man , how Destiny doing ? I ain't seen her in a while ."

" yeah , since she got pregnant she been in the house a lot . You know ? She ain't even been to the doctor ."

" i thought they had to go and get exams and vitamins and shit ."

" they do . But Destiny stubborn ass . . . she just been taking regular vitamins from the store and eating healthy . She killing me ."

" who the father ?"

" um , " shit shit shit shit shit , think " she won't say ." i lied .

" oh , shame . I'll still fuck with her though , real shit . She fine as hell and she got a nice ass personality . She just my type ."

My mind began to ache to give him a piece of my mind telling him he isn't good enough to have her and that if he tries i'll fuck him up , but instead i play it cool and in a strained voice i say " man , she don't want yo' ass ."

" says who ?"

" says her older brother . Now roll that piff so i can smoke before i go to this other interview ."

We smoked a strong blunt , one of the strongest i've ever had and right when i thought i was about to get up to get in my car i felt myself drifting off to sleep .




The bell sounds , signaling the end of the day and boy am i glad . My eyes are damn near closing every 5 seconds and my feet are killing me . This stuff here is not what i like . I'm going to have to get home schooled .

Ramone walked out the front door of the school with me with mine and his bookbags as kids bumped passed both of us " the next one who bumps into me is going to catch hell ! Please , i dare you ."

Ramone laughed " you a trip . Besides , you know you can't do nothing but waddle yo ass over to somebody and talk shit ."

" very funny , but i'm not big at all !"

" you showed me a picture of you last year . . . . you are kinda big . You actually a lil too big fa 3 and a half months . You sure that's when you had sex ?"

" yeah , i think i would know . The shit hurt like hell ."

He laughed " that's one of the perks of being a man , first time i had sex i ain't feel shit but pleasure ."

" oh shut up !" I smacked the back of his head and we both laughed as we sat down on the bench in front of the school to wait on Jamal to come pick me up .

" you know Ramone , your not that bad ."

" you aren't either , Ms. pregnant lady ."

I giggled a little " will you stop it with the pregnant jokes ?! God ."

" i'm sorry , i'm sorry . I just figured you'd see my point . I've never really met a pregnant person as fine as you ."

I gasped , acting fake shocked as a smile curled onto my lips " are you hitting on me ?"

He smirked " now why would i do that ? Then i'd have to admit that i've been checking you out all damn day ."

" how can you do that to somebody who is pregnant ?"

" a baby don't take away from your beauty . And plus , i know we just met but , i can tell you're a wonderful ass female , unique and special ."

I can feel myself blushing , and for what reason i don't know . He's a friend . . . like Maceo . Just a friend . He can't take care of my baby or me and i don't want him to . That's why i have Damon . . . that's exactly why i have Damon . I shouldn't even be admiring Ramone's smile and his light brown eyes , i shouldn't be watching the way his upper lips curls slightly when he smiles or how muscular and toned his body is . I just met him and already i love his sense of humor and behind it i know is all smarts . His -

" Destiny ?! " I hear Ramone yelling . He caught me staring at him .

" huh ?"

He laughed " aww , i guess i'm just mesmerizing , huh ?"


" i'm just saying . I'ma have you falling in love by the end of the week , watch ."

I laughed again as i see Jamal's truck pulling up " well , Mr. Ramone , there is my ride . I'll see you tomorrow ?'

" yeah ."

He handed me my book bag , gave ,me a light hug but not forgetting to kiss my stomach , and i climbed into Jamal's truck .

" dang , Dez , i don't see you for a couple weeks and already you got a new boyfriend . I'm so hurt . "

" boy , stop it . He's just a friend ."

" not by the way he was looking at you . God , i'm so hurt ."

" hurt ? Jamal , let's be real , you never gave 2 shits about me in that way . I was like your little sister ."

" believe what you want , but on some real , i been lovin' you for a while ."

God , when i'm in a relationship and pregnant that's when everybody wants to confess their love ! But when i was single and wanting somebody nobody had anything to say . Boys , are so fuckin' stupid . And like i said in the beginning i felt or feel something for Jamal . But once again i'm reminding myself that i've got Damon . Dammit , Damon .



I pulled Destiny onto my lap as we sit on the couch in the complete dark . No TV , no music , no lights . Just me and her , with me softly rubbing her stomach and her leaning against my chest .

" you know , Dez . I think you really should go to the doctor ."

" and i think you really should shut up ."

" for real , what if somethings happening to the baby , don't you think we need to know ? Plus i want to know what you're having ."

" oh , " i can hear the amusement in her voice " that's what this is about . You want to know if your going to be teaching a little boy to play basketball or shooting after little boys who chase after your daughter . . . . i get it ."

I laughed " that's part of the reason . I just want you to be healthy ."

" i'm fine Damon . Really . But ,we do need to talk ."

" what about ?"

" The baby . I'm scared Damon . What if it really is sick or something ? Then what ?"

" then nothing .I'ma still love it and take care of it and i know you will too . End of story ."

" then how do we tell it about us ? Huh ? Since you know everything . How do you tell it that it's your child and niece or nephew . Huh ?"

I sighed " i don't know , but , it'll all work out . Trust me . "

" i love you Damon , i haven't told you a lot and , i don't know . I'm just stressed ."

" it's cool , babe ."

Destiny begins to snuggle up in my lap and i know this is the position we'll fall asleep in , but i don't mind . I love Destiny , i love holding her in my arms like this . I hope it'll be like this always .
Epilogue -


-6 months later-

" don't tell me to push ! Tell me not push one move time and i'ma push my fist down your throat and - aaarrrggghhh ." Destiny yelled .

I wanted to grab her hand , and kiss her all over her face , i want to ease her pain .But every time i try she just shoves me away and calls me names i've never even heard of . She's looking at me like i disgust her which , is not exactly the best feeling in the world . Of course she never screamed out that i did this to her because incest is against the law but the look in her eyes is saying all it needs to .

" get this damn baby out of me !" She took a deep breath sat up , held onto her legs and pushed . She didn't stop to take a breath , she just pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed until she fell backwards on the bed and a loud cry erupted from between her legs .

I stuck my head down there , the doctor was holding the baby " can i um , cut the umbilical cord ?"

" sure ."

He handed me scissors and i snipped it trying not to show how proud i am . " it's a girl ." Before me or Destiny could hold her the doctor handed her to the nurse to be cleaned . I didn't like the nurse holding her before i did but i kept my mouth shut .

" we're going to run some tests to make sure the baby is healthy . By the way Ms. Davis , who is the father ?"

She shrugged and closed her eyes . I can tell just how exhausted she is . Just then two more nurses entered the room and took Destiny to get cleaned up . She rolled her eyes and all the way to the bathroom was cussing them out . I smiled to myself , seems like i got my old Dez back .

I went into the waiting room to talk to everybody who showed up . Keshia , Alexis , Jamal , Ramone , Maceo and his friends , Gabriella , my dad Dougie , Jasmine , Chanel . D'Shawn , and a few aunts and uncles showed up as well along with a couple of my friends . I wasn't happy to see Maceo or Ramone , shit not Jasmine either but i'm way too happy to let that ruin my mood . As soon as they saw me they stood up : " is she okay ?" " what is the baby ?" " how come we couldn't watch her give birth ?" " i'm glad i ain't see that nasty shit ." Those were all comments coming from the crowd .

" it's a girl ."

My mother squealed " can we see her ."

My dad grabbed her arm " calm down ."

" Dougie , let me go . I want to see my grand baby . She's not even yours because you're never around so , why are you here ?"

He shook his head , " your right ." Then he walked out the hospital . Part of me didn't want him to leave , the kid inside of me was screaming for him to stay but the man in me was screaming fuck him . Some things just never change .

" the nurse took her to get cleaned and Destiny is getting cleaned up too . How about later ? I want to be the first to hold her . I mean , after all , she is my niece ."

Chanel , and D'Shawn both gave me a knowing look " okay ."



As soon as the nurse put me back into the bed with clean sheets i fell right back to sleep , only to be woken up 5 minutes later from a bunch of chatter . When i open my eyes all i see is a group of people gathered around Damon , who has a little bundle in his arms . I can just see the joy radiating off of him . No one even noticed i was woke " bring me my baby . "

Every one turned to me continuing all of their noise . Damon put her into my arms and kissed me lighlty on the forehead " she's beautiful , just like her mother ."

I beamed a bright smile up at Damon " so what are we going to name her , seeing as how you're the god- father of course ."

He shook his head smiling , " how about . . . . . Yasmin , since that's yo middle name ."

" no , how about Damaira ?"

" And we can use Yasmin as her middle name ."

" Damaira Yasmin Davis ?"

He smiled and tuned to the crowd announcing her name " Damaira Yasmin Davis ."

The crowd broke out into " oohhs " and " aahs " . .

. . . . . Damaira Yasmin Davis :)



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.08.2011

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