

*Marco -

I could feel my temples throbbing .

My head was pounding so hard as the ball bounced between the black top and my right hand . I dribbled . I took two steps back and shot the ball . The i waited for it to hit the back board or the rim or if i was lucky ( which i usually was ) it would sink in the net . It seemed like i was waiting for hours . On a basketball court in the middle of the night all alone i felt pressure . I felt the pressure of all the 18 years of living coming down on me . I always wanted to make my mother proud . She always told me to be better than the next man . And the only way i could be better was on the court .

I closed my eyes and waited to hear the noise . The noise that sounded like heaven to my ears . And when i heard it , i knew the ball had sunk into the net . I smiled to myself . No doubt i had skills on the court . Any man or woman could see that when it came to basketball i was like on honor roll . But when it came to actual school , lets just say i had problems .

I heard a feminine voice to my right and my eyes jolted open " nice shot . "

I turned my head to see who it was . I'd never seen her face before a day in my life but i wish i'd seen it a thousand more times . Although the darkness of the night had my visions limited i saw something . And what i saw was pure beauty . She had a light complexion , almond shaped eyes , deep dimples that sunk into her cheeks as she stood there smiling at me .

I shook my head , grabbed the ball from under the rim , dribbled and shot again . I didn't say anything until i made that shot as well " thanks . I didn't know any one was watching . "

" I was just walking but , you caught my attention ."

" You look a lil too pretty to be walking out here alone . "

She shook her head and dropped her eyes to the ground like she was ashamed of something or had something to hide " i - um - so , " she changed the subject " you look really comfortable on the court like it's what you're meant to do . You're shots are just so confident . "

I smiled and walked closer to the fence where she stood " I've been playing ball since . . . since . . . . . i could hold a ball . You know when it's just that one thing you want and it's the only thing that relaxes you ? "

" i wish i knew the feeling , " she backed away from the fence and turned to walk away .

As she stepped into a street light i got a better look at not only her body but her as well . She was about 5"3 , her body was the definition of a coke bottle shape . She rocked a white sun dress with black flip flops . Now i'm not one to pay attention to feet but her toes were beautiful and the nails painted to perfection . Damn .

She peeped back at me , her long hair was flowing down past her shoulders .

If i had a camera i would have taken a picture of her .

I yelled after her " what's yo' name ? "

I didn't think she would answer but after she crossed the street and before she rounded the corned she quickly said " swoop . "

swoop ?

I didn't say anything , i kept quiet and watched her walk away .

Later on that night after i shot around on the court a couple more hours i ran up the 5 flights of steps in my apartment building that it took to get to my floor . My brain was occupied thinking about that girl . Swoop . I mean , i knew it wasn't her real name but it was stuck in my head . The way she walked , the way she talked . All that was stuck in my head too . I usually think of females as objects . Sex objects to be exact . well , the females around my way always wanted to be treated like shit . So you know what i do ? I give 'em they wish . I've yet to find a special girl . These bitches want the thugs , the pimps , the murderers . Now , i'm not a square but i couldn't see myself pimpin' or selling drugs . Simply because it's not in my personality .

How can anyone enjoy smackin' a girl upside her head all for the mighty dollar ? Or selling drugs to a pregnant woman all for the same damn couple of bucks that you could make if you worked at the store down the street . I just didn't understand . And murder someone ? Everyone is really a murderer . Or has the ability to murder if pushed far enough . agreed ?

" i'm home ," i yelled as i walked into the small apartment .

My little sister , Meisha , was stretched out on the couch sleep . She looked so innocent when she slept . But when the girl was woke every other word out her mouth was a cuss word . Meisha raised so much hell at the tender age of just 13 . She has the ability to be so great , so wonderful , so successful . But instead she chooses to run the streets all day and do like all the other hood rats i know . I didn't want to put Meisha in a category with all the other girls i know because she's not like them . or is she ? I don't want to think so but sometimes , i wonder .

There are only 2 women in my life i can put in the category of a woman . And the first one was my best friend Lisa . I called her my lil sis . She's the only girl i ever let get close to me . She's been by my side threw my up's , down's , mistakes and conflicts . That girl there i could honestly say had my back . She wasn't like the other girls i knew . At 17 , she attended high school , had plans for college , had a job , AND SHE'S A VIRGIN ! Now that's really , really a lady . And no one can say she's a virgin because she's ugly , oh no . She had a sexy face and body to match . I'd even tried to hit it on a occasion or two throughout the years when i might have gotten drunk but she never let me . I love that girl .

And the second woman was my mother . Strong , beautiful , black . Enough said .

Speaking of my mother she wasn't in the house as i checked . She was probably at work . She sometimes works the night shift cleaning up hospitals .

I took a quick shower and went to bed .

. . . . . . . . swoop .

*Lisa -

I had my bag packed sitting by the front door . I couldn't stop smiling . I was so happy . It was 7 o'clock on a Saturday morning . I should have been in bed peacefully getting in my beauty sleep but instead i was getting ready to go to my girl Marie's house for a sleepover . We had the whole day planned out actually . First , we were gonna chill at her house for a while and then walk around the neighborhood and chill with a few friends , and close to around 8 go to the movies and out to eat , then back to her place to take pictures and eat junk .

I hadn't slept over anyone's house in a while . Since the end of the school year is coming up shit in school was getting hectic . My work load had basically doubled , i had to study extra hard . And plus my after school job at the clothing store 'simply beautiful' was starting to demand more from me . I was really exhausted and needed time to chill and catch up with my girl . Since Marie was always in a new situation keeping up with her was kind of hard to do .

Me and Marie couldn't have been more opposite but that's why we worked . She's light skin i'm dark sin , she's loud i'm quiet , she's a sex-aholic i'm a virgin . But in this case i guess opposites attract because we couldn't have been closer friend .

" mom ? " I called for my mother who i found in the kitchen stirring a large pot of hot grits .

She didn't even look up as i entered the kitchen " yes , sweetie ?

" where are the car keys ? "

" here , " she handed the keys that had been sitting on the counter next to her " don't crash my car and put gas in it before you come home tomorrow . "

I laughed , kissed her on the cheek and was out . You'de think after all these years she'd trust me , but nope . She never has and never will .

" ay , shorty in the pink shorts ! "

I ignored the comment and didn't even turn my head to see who it was as i put my bag in the trunk of the red charger .

I can't stand when boys feel the need to call all the way down the block for a cute girl . And it's bad enough they all loud but they don't even know the girls name . Dang , how about you come over here and introduce yo'self and then MAYBE we can talk . But don't ever . ever scream at me yelling out what color i got on .

" Dude played his self , " i thought as i got into the car and pulled off .

*Meisha -

I rolled my hips a little to the song .

Nothing seductive but i did it just enough to make sure the boys took notice . It was a hot day on the block and me and my girl Tamara were just standing on the corner with a few of her friends . No one i knew . And to be quite honest i didn't feel comfortable with the whole situation but ever since one of them start playing music out their car i felt a bit relaxed . Music was like my natural sedative . My body worked naturally .

I could see lust on a couple of the boys faceses but i pretended not to notice .

Tamara just looked at me and laughed . I mouthed the word " hater " in her direction and she gave me a look that could kill .

She rolled her eyes " Don't do it to your self . please don't play yourself . "
I ignored her and continued to dance . I didn't want to get into it with Tamara because if i did she would say some slick shit and we would probably end up fighting . If we did it wouldn't be the first time . Tamara's body was a thick but perfect size 8 . She had just enough hips and just enough ass . Her body was that of a girl a few years older than us and she knew it . My body on the other hand wasn't bad . A skinny size 3 with just a handful of ass and titties . But i worked it though .

Tamara had a way of always being better than me at everything ! She said she was my friend but she made it her business to show me up . And we'd actually gotten into arguements before that ended in us whooping eachother's asses in the middle of the street . Not something im exactly proud of though .

It was all good though until Tamara started to dance . That's when i broke out . I would not be taunted or embarassed . not now , not today . I had no idea where i was going but i knew i had to walk and get some fresh air . So i walked . shit , my feet where killing me in my flip flops . I usually just wore gym shoes but i'd taken my time to paint my toes a pretty orange so i decided to rock that .

I sat on the steps to a abandoned house a few blocks from my apartment builldind . The trees in front of it casted a perfect shade and everything .

*Marco -

I looked at Meisha like she had lost her mind and she really must have . She couldn't be so stupid to think that just because you live in a certain place you have to give in to it . Don't be a hoe because you live around hoes . Be a lady and i guarantee you'll get more respect and attention . I wanted to grab her ass and shake her but i just slid my hands into the pockets of my saggy , black jeans and listened to her rant and rave about nothing .

" I'm 13 ! About to be 14 . Don't you think i need a little privacy and a little bit more respect , " She looked at me like she wanted me to say something but i kept quiet . Sounded like a rhetorical question if you ask me .

She threw her hands in the air and gave me a twisted look " And i know you out of all people are not talking . The way you use females - "

" The way i use females is the exact way them boys out there will use you ! Do you get that ? ! , " she looked shocked at my tone of voice " you must not understand it . But you know what , that's okay . i'ma back off and let you do you . See if you don't come running back for help ! "

I grabbed my work shirt that was thrown over the back of the couch and made my exit . I could hear her mumbling something under her breath about how she would never need me but i let it slide . I was really getting fed up with her fuck-the-world attitude . She wasn't as hard as she thought she was but she couldn't realise that . It was 5 o'clock on a Monday morning and it was too early to be starting with anybody .

" ayo , Marco ! " I heard my name being shouted from across the street .

It was my homeboy Orlando . But we all just called him Lando for short . The nigga was really crazy but we had a bond so tight we could have been brothers . We might as well have been . Since sand box days i ran thick with that nigga . Nothing could block or change that .

I slowed my stride a little so he could cross the street and catch up " wassupp Lando ? "

" aww nothin' man . Moms is tripping , man . That's the only reason i'm out so early . She talkin' 'bout i need a job and if i don't get one i'ma be out on my ass . Can you believe that shit ? "
" man , Don't be giving my second mom no problems . I love miss izzy . "

" And she love you too ! Man , i think i got born into the wrong family . We need to trade ! shit . "

We both laughed " Then maybe you can talk to Meisha for me 'cause shit getting outta hand with her . "

He shook his head as we crossed the street " yeah man , i ain't wanna be the one to tell you so i kept my mouth shut and was just looking out for her . She's growing up way to fast . "

" man , ain't she doe ! And it's crazy 'cause moms can't even see it . She be working so much that i feel like i'm Meisha's guardian . And that's one thing i can't be . "

We were silent for a while both thinking about the same things . Lando loved Meisha like he loved his own blood sisters . It was like that with our families . I know he's always looked out for Meisha and from the bottom of my heart i appreciated that shit .

About a block and a half from my job Lando broke the silence " Man , word is bond , i'll always look out for Meisha . But , ayy , i meant to tell you about this fine shorty im dating !

" Oh word ? "

" YEAH MAN ! Lil mama is bad . She's like mixed wit Jamaican and puerto rican too ! when i say she got it all , she got it all . Plus her family is paid . But she be in the hood all the time hangin with them 4th && 3rd street girls . "

" For real ? What's her name ? "

" azsia . "

I shook my head and stopped in front of my job " Yo , i got my eye on a lil shorty too . She thick as hell and light skin ! Thing is , i've only seen her once . "

" Well, you know what they say - "

We smiled at each other and both said " They all go the 2nd time around . "

And it was true . If you met a girl twice in my hood she'd more than likely let you hit it .

I looked at Lando " she let you hit ? "

He started walking away " naw man . She's different . We been going out for 4 weeks and i ain't even got to touch her ass yet ! "

I laughed . Lando was a impatient ass nigga . He'd never known a girl for more than 2 weeks with ought getting head or getting up in her thang so i didn't believe he had been with her no damn 4 weeks with out hittin' it . So if he was waiting on this girl she must be special . But i knew he had a girl on the side that he was fuckin' regularly . That's how you catch std's , man . But that's my boy though .

I stepped into the clothing store named 'oligone' . The name might sound funny but trust , the store brings in mad dough ! And sells all the name brand clothes . From baggy jeans and basketball shorts to suits and ties , from shorts and tights to skirts and dresses .

I went back to the lounge room where a few employees were drinking their morning coffee or sitting by the window smoking a early morning blunt . I didn't bother to socialize with anyone except my boy Sean . He worked the floor like me helping customers but i saw he hadn't arrived yet so i kept it moving , changed from my white Sean John shirt to my blue work shirt with my name pinned to it and got back to the main room of the store . It was quiet for once in the day . The store was always packed come 10 o'clock . I sat on the counter , pulled out my phone and called my best friend Lisa . She was sure to be up getting ready for school .

She answered the phone in a groggy but still sexy voice " what Marco ? ! "

" Damn , a man can't say hi to his wifey ? "

" wifey ? who ? "

" you , Lisa . You know what it is . "

She laughed " boy , stop playing . "

I laughed too " i'm just fuckin' with you babe . I was just tryna call and see how my best friend is . Is that aight ?"

" yeah . But do me a favor and next time don't call at 5:30 in the damn nornin' . "

Click !

I laughed to myself . She really hung up on me . Dang . I slipped my phone in my pocket as the first customer entered the store . I mumbled to my self " love you too . "

*Lisa -

Fist bell was boring .

Second bell was even worse .

And third bell ? Man , don't even ask . I felt dead !

I swear sometimes i wanted to go home and just flunk out of school . But be like these other girl ? No , i don't think so .

" miss stephon , " my english teacher called me by my last name because he saw i was damn near sleep "do you mind reading the first 2 paragraphs of the story . "

I flipped open the book . It was tittled "Midnight" by Sister Souljah . I didn't feel like reading it but i did anyways . It actually looked like it would be a good book .

I started the first paragraph "I am not who you think i am . If you love me , you love me for the wrong reasons . . . "

I paused . That was actually the whole first paragraph and the second wasn't much longer . So i took a breath and read the second one " Females tell me they love me because I'm tall .They love when i stand over them and look down . They love when i lay them down and my height and body weight dominates them . "

As the class read on i kept reciting the first paragraph in the story inside my head . Especially the first line : I am not who you think i am . It's deep . Deeper than it sounds .

The next 3 pages really caught my attention . The character , Midnight , was talking about where he came from and how it is . There was one paragraph in particularl stuck in my head: " Our women know their place . They stay in it and live and thrive there . They remain there happily . Our women give love and our loved even more . She is respected , protected , and provided for . She lives proud and at peace . "

wow . I wish i lived in a place like the one spoke of in the book . A man to provide for me and take care of me and love me even more than any one in the world could ! I'm independent and all , yeah , But just for a second i thought it would be nice to depend on someone .

*Meisha -

" boo , i keep telling you no . "

I pushed Eric's hands off of my ass and kept walking . Boys could be so pushy . Sometimes too pushy !

If i say get yo hand off me that means don't get yo hands cut off just move 'em , if i say don't kiss me it means keep ya syphilis infected mouth to yo self , and if i say don't look at me then don't get yo eyes blown out pott'nah .

I might have sex alot , but i do have certain people for that . And i DO have standards , thank you and keep it moving .

*Marco -

I got off work around 9 that night . it's funny i don't work a 9 to 5 i work a 5 to 9 . Get it ?

Even though the sun had already set it was warm as hell and humid out side . Me and my co-worker sean decided to walk home together since he lived a building down from me . No gay shit , man . Pussy is my ONLY priority when it comes to sex .

"so man , " sean started as we exited oligone " you heard about that party on friday ? "

" yeah man . The one Ceazar throwin' for his lil sisters 18th birthday party or some shit . "

" yeah , you going ? "

I thought about it " i might roll threw fa a minute but i'm not too sure . Man , you know Ceazar got some beef with them outta town niggas . If them niggas get wind it's a party goin' down and Ceazar's people gon' be there you know they gon' roll threw and start some shit . "

" yeah , you right . I ain't even think about that shit . Good looking , fam . "

" Anytime my nigga . "

We were quiet for a few seconds until i spotted a familiar face across the street " damn . "

Sean looked around " what ? "

" man , i know shorty over there . She was watching me play ball the other night . I'm finna go holla at her . "

" aight man . Be careful my nigga . catch you on Wednesday . "

He said Wednesday because i worked everyday except tuesday's and saturday's . It was my thing . And on sunday's i only worked 4 hours .

I crossed the street with out swoop even seeing me . She had her back facing me while she spoke to her girls . Them was some 4th street girls . I could tell . All the girls that rolled in they clique had a face and a body to kill . And they all were some fuckin' ride or die type chicks .

I fucked 3 or 4 of 'em standing there outta the 7 or 'em .

I snuck up behind swoop and put my hands over her eyes " guess who ? "

She stopped in the middle of her sentence " a nigga that's finna get his ass beat if he don't remove his hands from my face . That's who . "

She pulled away from me and spun around . Her frown instantly turned into a half smile " my bad . "

Damn , she looked even more beautiful now than she did the other night if that was possible !

I checked her out from head to toe and then did it all over again " it's cool shorty . "

She saw me checking her out and she blushed a little . She tried to hide it with her hands but it was way too late .

I grabbed her hands to move them away from her face " nah , it's cool girl . Don't hide it . You got a pretty smile and a face way too sexy to be coverin' . "

She shook her head " boy you can't run game on me . "

" swoop , what i do on the basketball court is what you call game . "

Her girls laughed a little and she had a smirk on her face .

One of the girls behind swoop whispered in her ear . Looking at the two they actually looked alike . Damn , almost just alike . Maybe they were sisters . Yeah , sisters .

The only differences between the two was swoop was little bit lighter than the girl and swoop didn't have the beauty mark over her top lip like the girl did . And plus swoop was a bit shorter .

After they finished whispering back and forth a couple more times the girls were on their way and i was left walking with swoop .

" so what's yo' real name ? 'cause i swear if i call you swoop one more time ima kill somebody . "

She laughed " my real name is deaisha . But everybody calls me dede . "

" Ima call you deaisha . no more nickname shit ! and why did you tell me swoop ?"

"because i didn't need you all in my business , that's why . "

I laughed " you got got a smart ass mouth ."

" so i've been told ."

I just shook my head and she laughed . Although i found her attitude mighty sexy it could end up being a problem down the road . And i don't hit girls by i damn shole will check 'em if they get too far outta line .

I turned to her " hungry ? "

She thought for a second before a smile appeared on her face and her dimples sunk in " i could eat . but i warn you , i'm not a McDonald's dollar menu kinda girl ."

*swoop aka DEAISHA -

He was cute .

Had to be about 6 feet , clothes were fly , chocolate complexion with his hair cut into a fade . The waves in his hair were deep . I found waves to be very very sexy . His smile was bright too , it was oh so cute . And the light brown color of his eyes made me want to melt .

But i still didn't know his name . I wasn't afraid to ask or anything but i thought maybe it was best if i keep us on a need to know bases . Meaning we only know something about eachother if we NEED to . And so far he knew my name . I don't know why i told him . I started to just stick with swoop but then that wouldn't be right .

I had just met the bost for christ sake !

I saw him playing basketball in the park a few nights ago while i was on my way home . He looked so good on the court even though it was dark out side . The way he moved on the court i could tell he was comfortable . His body language spoke volumes . It said he was in control , it said he was confident , it said he knew exactly what in the hell he was doing . I watched him that night and when he noticed me my stomach fluttered . His eyes looking me up and down had me shook and i felt my heart race . Why ?

I had been thinking about him none stop for the past few days , i knew i would see him again . But it wasn't like anything was gonna go down between us . I couldn't be in a relationship with him . If my older brother , Ceazar found out he'd probably kill him . And i couldn't have that .

Wait , why am i even worrying about this guy i just met ? He probably has a girl .

And besides we're just going out to eat . It's just food . We won't swap numbers and i won't catch feelings . . . Right ?
*Marco -

3 days had passed since i'd taken Deaisha ( aka swoop ) to get something to eat . It was now Thursday and i hadn't seen her at all . No lie i had this funny feeling in my stomach . I was missing a girl that i hadn't even got to know the proper way . Anyways , maybe i could be tripping . Maybe i didn't miss her , maybe she was just on my mind . Wait , ain't that the same damn thing basically ! If you can't stop thinking about somebody it's either good or bad . And i was definitely having all good thought about her so it must be me missing her .

I'll tell you , i've never caught feelings for a girl . Well , at least not that i'm aware of . Girls aren't that special to me like i said before . They all seem to be sex object . Disposable .

My mother looked at me after stirred the spaghetti " and where is Meisha ? "

I shrugged " i don't know , ma . Out somewhere like she always is . Maybe somewhere sucking a dick . "

My mother smacked me so hard and so fast across my cheek i was stunned . I wanted to scream at her an tell her Meisha was being loose , I wanted to grab her and shake her so she could see . . . I wanted to storm out the room and punch a whole in the wall . But i don't . Part of growing up is learning to control your emotions . So i sucked it up and took it like a man .

" that's your little sister and i won't have you speak about her like she's some kind of whore ! You have crossed the like Demarco . You really have . "

She must have been missed because she never calls me Demarco . Even though she's barely home enough to ever said my name , when she does she says Marco like everyone else .

I stood up and hugged my mother " your right , ma . I'm sorry . "

I shocked myself for a minute . Did i just apologize for telling the truth ? She probably was somewhere sucking dick . And although that's my little sister and i love her i can't fix her mistakes or help her stop making them .. I told her i'd stay out her business and that's just what i'm gon do . She gotta realise i want the best for her on her own . And better yet , she's gotta want the best for her on her own .

*Lisa -

I layed in bed reading the book from my English class . It had my attention , yes it did . It was so , deep and so detailed . I loved the book . Hell i began to all in love with the character if that's possible . The way he did things was so smooth and quiet . He was smart about shit .

Chapter 5 started " there is no place for fear in a man . There is no place for fear in the ghetto . "

I reluctantly shut the book and turned out the light . It was 1 in the morning . I started to call Marco but thought against it . If i did i would never go to sleep . But i decided i'd call hum first thing in the morning since i hadn't talked to him in a few days . We seriously needed to hang out .

I said a quick prayer and closed my eyes ready to embrass sleep .

*Deaisha -

Waking up friday morning felt good .

It was me and my twin sister , azsia's birthday .

Yes i have a twin and no its not always fun !

Our older brother Ceazar decided he wanted to throw us a party today . Word had been out about the party for quite some time and i'd been getting mad love from everyone ! Not that i didn't already get love though .

I was secretly hoping that the boy would come threw . No , i still don't know his name ! Maybe it was stupid of me to not ask . When he took me out to eat he ask me did i want to know and i shook my head no . " keep it a secret . " I had told him . And now look where that got me ! I was longing to see the boy again . Just the thought of not seeing him kind of brought me down . But i was determined to let nothing ruin my 18th birthday .

The door to my bedroom swung open and Ceazar and azsia jumper on me tickling me . I could feel tears rolling down my face from all the laughter .

"happy birthday big heads , " Ceazar said as they stopped tickling me .

Azsia shook her head : you jus had to say big heads didn't you ? "

Me and azsia nodded to eachother and at the same time we bounced on Ceazar , knocking him of the bed and sitting on him .

" now who's the big head ! "
*Deaisha -

I started to sing 'red light special' by tlc " take a good look at it , look at it now , might be the last time you have a go round . . . "

Azsia joined in " i'll let you touch it if you like to go down , i'll let you go further if you take the southern route . . . "

We sang together " don't go too fast , don't go to slow , you got to let your body flow . . "

That had to be one of my favorite songs even though it was old . And me and azsia just had to sing it at our birthday party . A room full of over 50 people was silent as we sang the song acapella . We rocked it . We definitely did .

We had a sexy look going on to match the song . I wore a tight strapless red mini dress that hugged my waist and my thighs perfect . And some white and red 3 inch heals . Azsia wore a dress identical to mines but her's was blue and she had on blue flip flops . She couldn't stand heals .

But point being , we were sexy up on the mini stage in the middle of the crowded living room . And it felt good to be the center of attention . I was checking the lustful looks in the eyes of some of Ceazar's friends eyes , and some other boys and it felt good . no doubt .

I had the strongest singing voice so on the chorus she took the back up " baby it's yours , . . "

Azsia came in the back round " all yours . . "

" if you want it tonight . I'll give you the red , light , special all through the night . "

We ended the song and room erupted in claps and screams . I hugged Azsia and we left the stage and went our separate ways . I went to dance because the DJ had started playing music again . And he decide to play 'like a virgin again' by Chris Brown . And i was gonna dance to that even if i had to dance by myself . Which it seemed like i would have to .

I was some where around the hallway grinding on nothing but air . I was feeling sexy . A little too sexy .

I felt a body come up behind me and there was nothing but heat between us . I was grinding my ass against him and he was grinding his body into mines . It felt way better than it was supposed to . I could feel the heat rising in my body , The heat and the warmth rising in between my legs . Not to mention i could feel him growing hard against me .

When the song was over i didn't bother to move or even see who i was dancing with and neither did he .

We danced to 2 more songs and then i turned around to see who he was .

I almost lost my breath .

Armillio ?

He had a huge smirk on his face as he pulled my body close to him . I didn't know what to do . I didn't know if i should pull away or try to get closer .

Armillio was Ceazar's friend . From time to time i'd tried flirting with him but it always ended in him looking the other way and me just letting it go . It was always like he never really gave a damn about me . So now you see why i was so confused ? !

He kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear . I think he felt the shiver in my body because he kept doing it . He whispered in my ear " i been tryna stay away from you outta respect fa yo' brother but , this shit is getting hard , baby . "

I could feel him sucking on a part of my neck and it was driving my body crazy . I wanted him so bad . But , i wasn't sure if i was ready for sex .

He gave me a quick passionate kiss on the lips and walked away . I was left panting and out off breath in the middle of people . I couldn't control my body . It was thinking for itself . And it was yearning for some attention finally .

I enjoyed the rest of the party . Dancing and socializing with my friends . It was fun . If this was my 18th birthday party i couldn't wait for my 19th . Ceazar said we had to start out smaller and do it bigger and bigger each year . And shit , i was down for that . It sounded like it included more gifts to be gotten and way more fun to be had .

Speaking of gifts . . . In money i raked in about 300 , I got a pink g-shock watch , a couple new tongue rings , a few new outfits and car keys . Car keys ? Yes , just car keys . I personally didn't get it because nobody said shit about a car the keys were just in a small ring box .

Azsia got about 6 pairs of shoes , a new cell phone , a couple hundred dollars and a ring . I'm pretty sure the ring was from her boyfriend . Lando , i think his name was . He was cute and sweet too . At least he was sweet to her . To anybody he didn't like he was a complete ass hole .

But over all it was a good birthday .

Toward about 1 in the morning i found Ceazar sitting on the porch with Armillio smoking a blunt .

I couldn't stop looking at Armillio but not once did he look at me .

" car keys though ? "

Ceazar looked at me in confusion " what ? "

" why did you give me car keys ? "

" i ain't give yo' ass no damn car keys . I ain't even give you yo' present yet . And if you do got some car keys i hope they go to that Benz sitting right there ."

He pointed to the driveway and sure enough there it was . A black Benz with a licence plate that read 'All his' .

The car was hot . All black with silver trimming , a cream interior with leather seat , with a wood grain dashboard and steering wheel . The car was bad !

I ran over to the car and prayed the key worked and when it turned and unlocked the doors i let out a scream that came all the way from the pit of my stomach .

I looked back at Ceazar . I didn't get it . Who else would buy me a car . I peeped a Armillio just for a second but it was long enough for me to see him wink at me and give a pretty boy smile . I almost fainted . Him ? Buy me a car ? A Benz at that ?

Now i understood why the licence plate said 'all his' . But i wasn't , was i ?

I hadn't seen Deaisha in 2 weeks . Then again i hadn't seen too much of anybody . If i wasn't at work , i was at the gym working on my hooping skills . Night and day , night and day , that's all i did . And anyways , from what i saw she hadn't been around too much anyways . Shorty probably wasn't checking for me anyways . My feelings weren't hurt but i just thought the way i was feeling was the way she was feeling , I guess i was wrong . For the 2 times i saw her i felt drawn to her . It was like she had some sort of un-explainable control over me . I wanted her bad . And i'm not speaking in a sexual way although she was fine . I wanted to know everything under the sun there was to know about this Deaisha girl , i wanted to spend countless nights on the phone with her , take her out to movies and out to eat , i wanted her to be my girl and i was suprising myself by thinking that i wanted her to rock my last name . I'm way too young to be thinking like that , but that's how she made me feel .

It was tuesday . I had the day off like i always do so i was over Lisa's house cooking breakfast with her . Her mother was at work and she took off school just to spend a little quality time with me . Seeing as how we hadn't kicked it in about 3 weeks i felt it was much needed .

I stood behind Lisa and watched her .

She pointed to the pancake on the left side of the skillet and said " i'm gonna flip it ."

I shook my head " if you flip it , you gon' mess it up ."

" but i think it needs to be flipped ."

"Lisa - "

she cut me off " i'm doing it ."

Now i might not be 'chef boyardee' but i'm 'chef i know when to flip a damn pancake' and it wasn't ready . But she wouldn't listen . She just had to be a stubborn ass .

She flipped the pancake . Well , attempted to flip it . As soon as she got the spatula up under it and picked it up , the damn thing fell apart .

I laughed at her as she stood there just staring at the stove " i told you ! I ! TOLD ! YOU ! "

She shot me a mean look as she dumped the pancakes in the garbage and turned off the stove . She didn't say a word as she exited the kitchen .

I called after her " you couldn't possibly be mad at me."

She walked into her bedroom and closed the door behind her so i just sat plopped on the couch in the living room and closed my eyes . I knew how stubborn Lisa could get . Sometimes she thought she knew it all . Damn . I had to go apologize or we would never talk again .


After i closed my bedroom door i striped down to just my panties and look at myself in the full length mirror . I was planning to take a shower but i was just kind of mesmerized by my own body . I love the skin I'm in . i don't see how people could hate their selves . I'm not cocky or anything but i had self esteem that was threw the roof . I had perky c cup breasts , a flat stomach and a nice round butt . My chocolate skin tone was nice and smooth , i loved it . Black is beautiful .

You know how you just get the feeling someones watching you ? That's the feeling i got . I turned around and there was Marco . He was looking my body up and down licking his lips . But i somehow felt comfortable . I think i wanted him to see and that confused the hell out of me . He wasn't in a rush to leave but he slowly exited the room anyway with a huge goofy smirk on his face . I didn't have a clue what to say .


The whole walk home all i could think about was Lisa's body . It was my first time seeing her without clothes on and it had me spent ! I wanted to pull her in to my arms and show her what it felt like to have a man stroke you for the first time . But i wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do . It didn't feel totally right . Part of me wanted to just leave the room and give my best friend her privacy . But that didn't feel like what i wanted to totally do either . But i left anyways . But not after i got my full look .

I found myself comparing Deaisha's and Lisa's bodies although i'd never seen Deaisha without any clothes on . I wonder if her body looked better than Lisa's .

From the moment i put my key in the lock of my apartment i could tell some shit was about to pop off . Shit just didn't seem right . And i had a gut feeling about this . And my gut never steers me wrong .

I swung the door open and was instantly hit by the smell of sex , oh yea , somebody was about to get it . My mother was at work so that could only mean one person .

I lightly but swiftly walked down the hall . I checked in the kitchen , bathroom , in my room and in my mother's room but no one . When i got to the end of the hall all i had to do was turn left and it would the the living room . But i was scared . Not for me but for whoever was in the .

When i made that quick left , there it was . The answer i was looking for . I felt my anger boiling over , my palms were sweaty and my vision was blury . But yet i could see them so clearly . Meisha was laying on the couch with her legs wide open getting done by sean . Yes Sean . The nigga i considered a friend !

I let out a yell and tackled sean . And from there i couldn't tell you what happened because i don't know .

*Meisha -

I rushed to put on my pants while Sean and Marco beat each other's asses . Sean was holding is own but Marco was still beating his ass .

It was all happening so quick .

I didn't even mean to have sex with Sean . He came over looking for Marco but i told him he wasn't in and that he could wait for him . He agreed and we sat in the living room watching TV . I could see him checking me out but i tried to ignore it . I tried so hard ! But one thing led to another and we were kissing . And after that . . . well , you know what happened .

*Deaisha -

Armillio had me pinned against the wall with his body pressing against mine . Our faces were so close i could fell his breathing on my lips .

He brushed his lips across mines but didn't kiss me " where you going with that on ."

I had on a pink mini skirt , and a plain white tank top with my pink g-shock and pink accessories . And some white and pink Jordans 6 gs's . It wasn't bad to me but the skirt was kind of short .

I smiled . He was being protective of me and we weren't even together . I was actually going to that boy's neighborhood to see if i could find him . It had been far too long since we'd seen each other and i really wanted to talk to him and finally know his name . But i couldn't tell all of that to Armillio . Because truth is , i like him too .

" i was jus going to kick it with my girls ."

He smirked and pressed his lips against mines " yeah right ."

We both heard footsteps coming toward the living room so we moved apart . He sat on the couch and pretended to watch the news and i acted like i found a scuff on my shoe .

Ceazar walked in " ayyo Armillio , you ready to roll ? "

" yeah man . "

Ceazar exited and Armillio wasn't far behind but he stopped and looked at me before he left and said " damn , i'm not gon' keep pretendin' i don't got feelings for you , ma . I just refuse to . If you become my lady ima express my feelings to the world . Including to your brother . . ."

4 hours in a holding cell and i was back on the streets . My mom had to come get me since i wasn't 18 . And boy , when we got in the car did she let me have it .

" boy , what were you thinkining ? ! "

I looked at her twisted " i was thinking that i don't want no nigga fuckin -"

" watch yo mouth ."

" - having sex with my little sister . That's what i was thinking !"

She rolled her eyes " sex ? Wasn't nobody havin' sex ! Meisha told me what happened ."

" and what exactly did she tell you happened ?"

" she said you brought yo' friend over and ya'll start arguing over a basketball gam and next thing she knew ya'll were fighting ."

" that's a damn lie ! You believe her ?"

" yes i believe my baby ! And boy , cuss at me one more time and you gon' regret it ."

I couldn't believe it . She believed Meisha's lying ass over me ! She would twist what really happened to make her ass seem innocent . I felt myself get mad all over again . I didn't like the thoughts running threw my head anymore . I kept thinking about whoopin Meisha's ass . I could feel my hands wrapped around her neck . And at that point and time i didn't trust myself around her . I couldn't go home .

"pull over."

She pulled over and i got out the car . As i walked down the block and around the corner i could hear her yelling after me but i seriously could not be bothered by her . Both them bitches can kick rocks . I'd never called a female a bitch but . . .

" hey , wait up ! "

I looked behind me and there was Deaisha . She hoped out the drivers seat of a Benz and ran up to walk with me . I felt my heart flutter just looking at her but i was still pissed the fuck off . Her warm smile was changing my mood though .

She grabbed my hand and entwined our finger then she spoke " i havn't seen you in a while you know ."

I shook my head but remained quiet . I didn't know what to say . Was she checking for me for real ? Or did she have a man and is just tryna hype me up ? I had too many questions running through my head . I looked over at her face . The sun was glimmering off her skin . She was beautiful . The look on her face was like she knew something about me that i didn't . The look was actually more than that , it was like . . . . . . i can't quite explain .

" why you looking at me like that shorty?"

" because , i'm just looking . The way your jaw line twitches when your mad , it's , cute ."

I smirked " How you know i'm mad ?"

" I can tell . When i first walked up , your eyes were dark . And cold . They're back to normal now . Is that because of me ?"
I took a deep breath " if i said yeah , you wouldn't believe me . Hell , i wouldn't believe myself ."

She paused " sometimes , it's okay to take risks you know ? Sometimes it's okay to trust some one , give some one a chance . I can't explain it but i feel connected to you in some way and i'm not sure if i should explain it to you or just leave it be . It's crazy because , i still don't even know your name ."

I laughed and she did the same . Her smile was so bright . She changed my whole mood in a matter of minute and i didn't get it . What was so special about her that she could do that to me . I don't even know her . And like she said , she doesn't even know my name . Is it possible to love some one you don't know shit about ?

I was about to tell her my name but a car pulled up along side of us and the guy in the driver's seat called out her name . She looked shocked but told me she had to go . She walked back to the direction her car was in and the guy in the car eyed me rudely . His goal was to intimidate me but he missed his goal by a long shot . I gave him the same look he was giving me . And just like that i'd signed my death wish and didn't even know it .

*Armillio -

I don't know who the cat was that Deaisha was talking to but i pulled up and put a end to that shit . Can't have that . I watched as Deaisha walked back to the car i'd bought her and got in . Then i turned back to the guy and eyed him mysteriously . Who was this dude with his hands in his pockets watching me watch him ? One thing was for sure , the kid had heart but , i'm about to end that right now .

As i pulled off i pulled my phone from out my pocket and called Ceazar " yo ."

" ayy nigga , meet me at 4th and ferbout ave. right now . I got some business we need to handle , asap ."

I didn't wait for him to respond . I just hung up . He'd be here .

I parked on the corner and waited . 5 minutes went by and there he was . He parked behind me and came to sit in my passenger seat " wassup man . What was so urgent ."

" man , i just spotted some nigga walking with yo' sister . They was holding hands and shit . I sent her ass home . And this nigga looking at me like i made some fucked up decision . "

His face changed a little . I could tell he was thinking about his sister getting busy with some nigga he didn't know and that's exactly what i was thinking about . I wanted Deaisha getting busy with me not no other nigga . My feelings were really hurt . I been feeling Deaisha for at least a year or 2 now . It was hard not to say nothing to her but i watched her from a distance . She didn't know it but i checked everything she did . She acted like she liked me but , if that was the case why would she be out here with this nigga ?

Ceazar pulled his gun out his waist band " fuck it , lets go."

*Meisha -

I felt bad , i really did . I lied on Marco to save my own ass . My mother thought of me as her little innocent daughter who could do no wrong and i didn't want to ruin that . I couldn't help it . I loved Marco , always will but . . . I don't know . I can't explain my action and i can't justify them as right either .

My mother entered the apartment all by herself .

"where is Marco ?"

" i don't know . " she sat on the couch next to me " can you believe he tried to lie on you and say it was your fault and all this other bullshit . I was getting sick of all of the lies ."

I just shook my head and kept quiet . What was i supposed to say ? It was too late to back out the lie and i didn't want to lie more either .


I ducked and so did my mother .

BOW BOW ! . . . . . BOW !

We layed on the floor , her stroking my hair and me silently crying . I wasn't crying because of the gun shots . I was crying because of who i was . I wasn't proud of myself at all . I'm supposed to be innocent , i'm supposed to be sweet . I questioned myself over and over why that wasn't me . If my mother found out about me , she'd be more than disappointed . She'd be heartbroken .


15 minutes later we were still laying on the floor when the phone rang . I reached up to answered it " hello ?"

" may i speak to the mother of Demarco Jones ?"

My heart skipped a beat and my breathing picked up " why ? What's wrong ? Is my brother okay ? "

There was a pause " he's been shot."
*Marco -

"Aaarrghh !"

It felt like my fuckin' leg and arm both were on fire . It was like no feeling i'd ever felt . When i heard the first 3 shots being fired all i could do was run . But i realized i wasn't going anywhere and when i looked down and saw blood gushing from my leg that's when i felt it . I felt a pain rip threw my whole left leg . I was so in shock i barely heard the next 3 shots ring out . That one i felt right away . One of the bullets ripped through my shoulder .

The nurses cowded around me , one nurse said " the first bullet entered and exited his left calf . But the second bullet is lodged in his shoulder . "

Then another nurse spoke " let's get this man to surgery . "

I rolled my eyes " can i get a fuckin' pain killer ? "

And then i blacked out .


6 hours later i blinked my eyes rapidly . I felt tired as fuck . like , i could barely move my body really . And when i did i got a tingly sensation .

I found a remote on the side of me that controlled the bed . I made the top part of the bed lift up so i could look around the room .

Everybody was sleep . My mom , Meisha , Lisa , Deaisha , Lando , and even punk ass Sean was there with a bandage over his right eye and a busted lip . I laughed to myself , i'd fucked him up . And i was proud of that .

Meisha was the first one to wake up , she jumped out of her chair and rushed over to my bed side " are you okay ?"

I shook my head yeah . I didn't feel like talking to her at all but she was my little sister so i had to get over her lying . I almost blamed her for me getting shot but i stopped myself . It was no ones fault . " yeah , i'm good."

" um , Marco , i'm sorry ."

" sorry ? You sorry ? really ? "

" yes , i am ! I shouldn't have lied ! It was all my fault . If i didn't lie you would have been at home . If i wasn't doing what i was doing then , youwouldn't have even went to jail and -"

" please , just stop . Me getting shot was nobodies fault . And listen , the only way i'm accepting your apology if if you stop doing what you doing man . You going down the wrong path and don't even realize it . So , do me that one favor , De'Meisha."

She smiled " don't use my whole name , DeMarco !"

We laughed . It felt way better not to be mad at Meisha . When she smiled i felt like everything was all better . She was happy , i was happy and it was gonna be okay . At least for the time being .

Lisa and Deaisha woke up almost simultaneously . They both rushed to the right side of my bed .

Deaisha spoke first " baby , are you okay ?"

Lisa gave her a look like 'who-the-fuck-are-you' but she turned her attention back to me " yeah , i was worried about you ."

"i'm fine . Thank ya'll for being here ."

Deaisha kept giving me an apologetic look and i couldn't figure out why exactly . Did she know who . . . ? No , she couldn't know . What the heck am i thinking .

Lisa grabbed my hand " i'm glad you're okay Marco ."

" ooooohhh ," Deaisha smiled " at least i know your name now , finally . I'ts been about 3 weeks , and i've been making stuff up in my head ."

I smiled at her and kept quiet . Her and Lisa kept throwing each other mean looks and shit . I just found it funny . Lisa had never acted like she was acting . She was acting like she was my girl and Deaisha was tryna take her spot . But it wasn't even like that . As i thought about it , i did kind of have a feeling or 2 for Lisa but , i think i covered 'em up because . . . .

" Demarco ! " Lisa snapped me out my thoughts .

" what ?"

" is this your girl ?"

I laughed and looked at Deaisha " hopefully ."

Lisa stormed out the room like i'd said something wrong but all i did was tell her how i felt . I didn't know that it was a bad thing to have feelings for someone . I swung my legs off the bed and it took all my strength to limp after her . She was all the way down the hall with her head in her hands . It looked like she was crying . I wrapped my good arm around her " what's wrong ?"

She removed her hands from her face and she had tears rolling down her cheeks " i don't know . To be honest , i'm confused myself . One minute i think of you just as my best friend and the next minute i think i want you to be way more than that ."

I stopped and my heart sped up . My brain was working a million miles a minute . She wants to be with me ? She never acted like it . Maybe that's why she didn't cover up when i saw her naked .

I lifted her chin so our eyes met . And lightly pressed my lips against hers . I wasn't sure how i felt . She had everything in a girl i could possibly want and so does Deaisha . But Deaisha's not as classy as Lisa . I would be able to introduce Deaisha to my mom but not to the president of the united states . But with Lisa on the other hand , i could see her having my kids and shit .

Taking a deep breath i led us back to the room with lisa supportin me half way because i couldn't walk too good on my left leg . By the time we entered the room everybody else was awake . I ended up shaking hands with Sean and squashing the beef . It was a good day in my world .



They finally released Marco from the hospital 2 days later . He was healthy but he'd have a limp for a while and it would take his shoulder a few weeks totally recover . He was just fine though , he didn't mind . As long as he got home nothing else bothered him .

I loved helping him around his house and "accidentally" falling on him . It was funny . I wasn't sure if he liked me how i thought i liked him but if he did i'd be honored to have been his girl . But then as he'd kiss me i'd remember that Deaisha girl from the hospital . Who exactly was she ? Whoever she was she was definitely beautiful . Her face , her body , her smile . She seemed like the model type . But i was beautiful too . I had a wonderful smile and a bright personality . So didn't that make us alike ? Couldn't i steal Marco's heart just like she could ?

I helped Marco into bed and he pulled me down on top of him " i know you don't think you just about to leave me here by myself ."

I laughed " oh yes i am ."

" come on now ! You know what i need ?"

" what ?"

" you . right here right now ."

I laughed and stood up " boy , goodnight ! I'ma be on the couch if you need me ."

He got a devious smirk on his face " can i call you nurse, Lisa ?"

I just shook my head and left the room .

I heard him say " damn , i already got blue balls . Now my fine ass best friend walking 'round here ."

I took a quick shower and changed into my pj's . I had brought a over night bag . I just wanted to spend the night for his first night back home and his mother said it was okay . It felt odd sleeping on the couch , i felt like i should be in his bed , in his arms .

At about 12 that night i had had it . I slipped into Marco's room and layed in his bed snuggling up next to him . " you woke ?"

" yea ," he wrapped his arms around me " i see you changed yo' mind about my offer ."

" boy ! listen , i'm just laying here. No funny business ."

" fine . . . . . ."


*Deaisha -

"so stupid !" I mugged Armillio's face " i swear , man ."

He shook his head " so what you like that nigga ? You wanna be with him or some shit ?"

" maybe i do . He not stupid and reckless like yo' ass ."

" so i'm stupid ? I'm just looking out for you ."

I laughed " looking out for me ? No , you was looking out for yo' self . You want me right ? You think he's a threat ?"

" man , be quiet .." he lowered his voice " you talking too much ."

" I'm not gon' be quiet for you . You could have killed -"

He grabbed me and pulled my body close to his , kissing me gently and then deepening the kiss . I was mad , still mad , but he was making it hard for me to stay mad . He ran his hands lightly up and down the middle of my back . I shivered a little , i didn't know what he was doing to me but i liked it .

Maybe i should be with him and focus on him . Armillio had perseverance , he just would not give up on me and i liked it .

He pulled away from me " Deaisha , will you be my lady ?"

" yes ."

" okay . But like i told you , i refuse to hide my feelings for you anymore . I'ma be straight up baby . And wherever it takes us is where it takes us ."
*Marco -

I woke up a little dazed but seeing Lisa face pressed against my chest quickly snapped me back to reality . She was beautiful . Even with her hair slightly out of place and a light snore escaping her lips , she was stopping my heart . I never knew i felt like this about her . I mean , i always knew she had a special place in my heart but ever since she admitted to me that she liked me that day in the hospital i was seeing her in a new light . It was like ever time she looked at me my heart fluttered a little , every time she spoke to me i felt like i needed to give her her the world . But then there was Deaisha and believe you and me i like that girl a lot . Until i start realizing my feeling for Lisa , i was about to be sprung on Deaisha . Man , her body , her face , her soft voice . Damn . But Lisa had the body and the face too . I knew first hand she had the body ! Boah . And Lisa was smart too ! Man !

Even though i haven't spoken to or seen Deaisha since the day she came to see me at the hospital , i still think about her from time to time , But with Lisa in my arms ain't no need to think about her .

I softly ran the back of my down Lisa's cheek and her eyes fluttered open. She was just , heart stopping .

" good morning sleepy head ."

She gave me a light smile and then a look of confusion wiped over her face . I could tell she was confused . And then she looked shocked .

" um , did we . . . ?"

I laughed " no ."

She looked relieved and sighed " thank god ."

" girl ," i kissed her on her neck and her body stiffened but the second time she melted under my touch " if we did do something you wouldn't care ."

"y-yea right . You not t-that cute " she stuttered .

" then why you can't get yo' words out straight ?" i left a trail of kisses down her neck and down her shoulder too " swear you don't want me ."

She laughed and pushed me in my chest lightly so i would back up . I could tell she didn't really want me to move , the look on her face said it all . But i slide back and respected her space . Although i wanted her i could wait , i think . And beside , i need her to know that it's not about the sex and that its really about me and her bonding . But sex is good with the right person . And plus i know she's clean . I'd love to be her first .

She grabbed my shoulder that i got shot in not realizing it .

I winced in pain and she removed her arm " damn Lisa . Is that's yo' idea of a joke ."

She shook her head trying to hide her smile " no , i'm sorry ."

I layed back down trying to ignore the pain that was shooting through my arm but it wasn't worth . It felt like somebody was just constantly pressing against it . I jumped up and limped to the bathroom to get the pain pills my doctor prescribed me . I took one and was praying that shit would kick in very soon . Getting shot wasn't no joke .

" baby - "

I looked to my left in the bathroom door way to see Lisa standing there with a apologetic look on her face . She was so damn cute .

I had to stop myself from taking her right there .

"- i'm sorry ."

I shook my head and pulled her to me feeling the medicine kick in " its cool ."

I pulled away slightly and looked down at her face rubbing her cheek lightly " i can't figure this out , man . Up until a few days ago i would have sworn i didn't have feeling for you . I mean , i knew you were special to me in every way but , i can't explain it . It's like i want you in every way but i don't wanna lose out friendship " i said to her truthfully .

She smiled and got up on her tippy toes to kiss me I pressed my lips back against hers . They were so damn soft . I instantly wanted her . I grabbed her by both her thighs and wrapped her legs around my waist never taking my lips from hers .

I ran my tongue lightly across her bottom lip and she spread her lips instantly deepening the kiss .

" eww , take that somewhere else ."

Lisa jumped off of me put i kept her body pressed tightly against mines .

Meisha was standing at the door grinning at us .

I shook my head " gone lil girl . "

" no , i gotta piss ."

I reached my hand up to closed the door but Lisa grabbed it and led me out the bathroom and back to my room . As soon as we hit the bed we started back up where we left off . But i took my time and did her body right , kissing and caressing her body slowly . I was glad i was gon' finally get to show her how much she meant to me .



I noticed Armillio and Deaisha walking around getting all buddy buddy and feely touchy . I wasn't really feeling it . If they were in the living room and i walked in he had his arm swung over her shoulder , If they were in the kitchen and i walked in he was always pressed up against her in some way , and if they were in her bedroom and i walked in he'd be looking pissed and she'd be looking guilty. Man , don't let me find out ! That's my best friend man , i would feel kind of betrayed if he was trying to get with Deaisha behind my back . I just shot a nigga the other day for that shit . But then again , i'd feel better if he was with her than another nigga . I mean , i trust him and all too . And i know he'd treat Deaisha good , that's how he is when he's really feeling a girl . But it still bothered me a little .

I peeped around the corner into the living room .

Deaisha was sitting on Armillio's lap kissing him . This wasn't no church kiss . I'm talking , she had to have her tongue all in his mouth . What bothered me was he had his hand reached up under her skirt and i could hear her lightly moaning . Uh-un ! I had had it . No way was he going to just feel up on her like that .

I ran into the living room and punched Armillio on the side of his head . He laughed and pushed Deaisha off his lap , standing up . He squared up and was ready to swing any minute .



I t happened so fast , too fast . All i know is i was kissing Armillio and i all of a sudden ended up on the floor watching them , with their fist balled circling each other getting ready to swing .

I shook my head , i admit i was a little frightened but i wan't too sure of which one would hurt which . I've seen Armillio fight and the punches he threw were dangerous , smashing anything in their way . And i've seen my brother , Ceazar , fight too and his hands were deadly . One time he'd snapped some boy's neck just by one punch . That's how powerful they were .

Ceazar made a move to punch Armillio but right before he threw the punch they both busted out laughing .

I shook my head . I must be confused . What the hell just happened ? I could have sworn just a few seconds ago they were ready to throw down and now they were smiling at each other like Ceazar didn't just punch Armillio .

Armillio held out his hand for Ceazar to shake and he shook it .

I knew if it was anybody else that Armillio wouldn't be shaking his hand , he'd be burying a body right about now .

" man , i'm not disrespectin' you or anything am i ? I mean , i got feelings for Deaisha and i was sick of hiding that shit . You know how it is ."

Ceazar shook his head and they both sat on the couch " i get it . But just do me a favor and take care of her . . . . . And another thing , keep her completely innocent ."

" oh , " Armillio laughed " i ain't know you saw that . My bad . I couldn't help it ."

" yeah yeah yeah ."

They both looked at me sitting on the floor in a state of shock and once again they busted out laughing . Armillio pulled me onto his lap " baby , we been boys too long for us to fall out over this . He knows i'll take good care of you . Even though he did just punch the fuck out of me ."

I smiled and kissed him .

" woah , " Ceazar held up his hand " wait til i leave the damn room please !"

I just shook my head and turned my head back to Armillio . I was happy with him , truly .


2 months later :)


It had been 2 long months and i was proud to say me and Lisa were still going strong . It took us another week or two after i took her virginity for us to figure out what we were going to be . But my feelings for her were deep and getting deeper with each passing day so i wouldn't have her with anybody else but me . She had recently decided to move in with me , my mother and my sister and i loved every minute of having her around . Not only did we have constant sex but we were closer than we had ever been as best friends . I could feel her getting attached to me and shockingly i didn't mind .Meisha's school went all year around but Lisa's school year had just recently ended so she was mainly with me and sometimes with her girls .

I hadn't spoken to Deaisha but that wasn't bothering me . I obviously wasn't on her mind . She acted like she was feeling me , I swear all girls are the same . Except Lisa of course . She was my angel , my baby , my world . Man , i'm stuck on her . Speaking of the women in my life Meisha was doing much better . She was going to school everyday and she stayed in the house on the phone instead of going out partying . Every once in a while she'd go kick it but that was cool . I hadn't heard anything bad about her . I was seriously proud of my little sister . And my mom was becoming more distant . For some reason . I couln't understand that . I never told her that Meisha had lied about her not fucking Sean but that was no reason for her to become distant even though she thought i was a liar . She'd go to work at night and then she'd only come home long enough for her to take a nap and clean up then she was right back out . Something was bothering her , but i didn't want to pressure her into feeling like she had to tell me what was wrong so i gave her her space .

I was fully healthy , my wounds healed up well . I still had scars , always would but , what don't kill you makes you stronger . I was back to work at 'oligone' and i was even promoted to manager . Not that that was too exciting but i was glad i got paid a little bit more . Since my mother was being distant she neglected to pay the rent or buy Meisha anything so i ended up doing that . Not that i minded or anything , i could handle the responsibility .

" mmmmmm , " i came up behind Lisa wrapping my arms around her waist as she stirred the pot that held spaghetti . I put my chin on her shoulder " that smell good ."

" i know right . "

After she finished cooking us two and Meisha sat down to eat .

I was the last one to start eating because i was too busy watching Lisa shove food into her mouth . She'd been eating wild lately like she was always starving . I'd seen her gain a little weight in her stomach and thigh area but it was sexy to me and anyways i'd be attracted to her still if she gained 20 pounds more so i didn't really care .

She caught me watching her and she looked embarassed . She covered her mouth and just laughed . It honestly didn't bother me .

Lisa broke the comfortable silence that was in the room "i'm - " she paused drinking from her cup .

Meisha finished her sentence " pregnant ."

I coughed . I had noodles going down the wrong pipe in my throat . I shook my head and gulped down the rest of my coke that was in my cup . Slamming the cup on the table i looked from Lisa to Meisha .

Meisha's pregnant ? !

I stood up so fast my chair flipped over " Meisha i know damn well you ain't pregnant . Yo' ass bet not be pregnant ! I swear -"

She stood up too " i was tryna tell you -"

" that you a hoe ? You still out there fucking around ?"

" damnit Demarco - "

We were having a shouting match . I wouldn't let her finish anything she was saying . I just knew she couldn't change ! Females !

Lisa screamed stopping us from yelling at her " she's not pregnant Demarco ! I am . If you would let her finish a damn sentence you would know that ! Shit . "

I tried to grab Lisa's arm before she left the room but it was too late . She had stormed out the room and i heard my bedroom door slam shut . I looked at Meisha " i'm sorry ."

" save it ! " She walked to the living room and sat on the couch .

I didn't mean to . . . . I mean , i over reacted . I should have let Meisha finish talking but i was pissed . I thought she had been still being her old self . I guess she did change . Damn ! Now i got Lisa and Meisha both mad at me .

I grabbed my basketball from out the hall way closet and made my way down the flights of step and outside . There was a basketball court out in front of my apartment building so i made my way over to it .

It was 9 at night and surprisingly the court was empty .

I dribbled the ball a few times and shot . I took a deep breath , missed . My mind wasn't focused at all . I tried again over and over again and they were all off . I was getting frustrated . I hadn't played ball in a while and i was missing the court but on this night when i finally came down to just shoot around and clear my mind i couldn't make shit . I knew i had it in me , i just had to relax .

Deep breaths , i dribbled the ball , raised my hands to shoot and let the ball roll off the tips of my fingers flying into the air on it's way to the hoop . I closed my eyes , then i heard it , that noise that i always hear when the ball sinks into the net . I smiled and opened my eyes .

She was standing in front of me . I hadn't seen her in the longest and to see her now i was confused but the smile i had from making the shot never left my lips . She looked as beautiful as ever . And then i noticed it . . . her busted lip . I noticed the bruise on her neck . I noticed the slightly puffiness and redness of her eyes . That made my smile fade a little .

She spoke in a small shy voice " i thought i could find you here ."

" Deaisha , " I ran the back off my hand across her cheek and she shivered a little and gave me a small smile .

" hi Marco ."

I pulled my hand back quickly " long time no see ."

" i know , " she shifted her eyes to the ground just like she did the first night i met her " i've been busy . "

" i bet ."

We were quiet . I tried to look in her face but every time i did she just turn her head a different way . I could tell she was hurting in every way . Not only physically but mentally . I could tell by the pained expression on her face . I'd never seen that look before and i hoped at that moment i'd never have to see it again .

I got my ball and grabbed her hand without a word and led her into my building , up the steps and into my apartment . I just wanted to help her and get her cleaned up . That wasn't bad , right ? I dropped my ball in the hall way and led her to the kitchen . I stopped in my tracks seeing Lisa sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands . When she heard me enter she looked up at me and rage filled her eyes .

I shook my at my own stupidity . I knew this would only lead to trouble .

Lisa shot up out her chair and walk toward us . I pushed Deaisha behind me .

" so , what , this yo new girl or somethin' ? After i just told you that -"

" baby , i'm just tryna help her out . She's just my friend ."

" yeah fuckin' right ! Like , i'm gon' believe that shit . I'm not stupid ." she took a deep breath and looked over my shoulder at Deaisha and her expression got all the more pissed off " i'm about to beat her ass !"

*Deaisha -

I admit i was mean mugging Lisa from behind Marco . I was having fun pissing her off . I mean , come on ! She stole the man i had my eye on . Well , i was with Armillio , but still ! I wanted Marco through out that whole relationship . I couldn't help at this moment to think i picked the wrong man . Armillio ended up beating me , why do you think my face is like it is ? !

I was jealous . Yes , pure , jealousy was pumping in my blood .


I was holding Lisa back . She was not about to fuck up my baby just to fight Deaisha . I wasn't having that . " calm down , baby . Please . "

Lisa snatched away from me and sat down at the table putting her head back in her hands .

I turned to Deaisha " maybe you should go . This wasn't a good idea ."

She had a genuine look of hurt on her face and i felt bad . I knew she was already having a bad day and i just made it worse . But Lisa needed me & i wasn't about to risk our relationship for Deaisha .

She stormed away and i heard a door open and close . I just assumed it was the front door .

I sat on the floor next to Lisa and layed my head on her leg " i love you baby ."

She just grumbled and pushed my head off her leg . I swear she was breaking my heart slowly . I got on my knees and looked her in her eyes . I kissed her cheek " baby please . You know she don't mean nothin' to me . I just wanted to help her out ."

" but i could tell she still wanted you by the look on her face . You don't understand . We need you ."

I wiped away a tear that was rolling down her cheek , i kissed her lips softly "i'm here for ya'll . Me you and our child . Baby i love you . And nothing is gonna come between us ."

Her eyes lit up " really ?"

" yeah , " i hugged her and placed kisses all down her face face and her neck . As soon as i was about to kiss her lips i heard a big bang .

I froze . It was a gun bang . My heart sped up . I felt felt adrenaline pumping through my veins , What do i do ? I pulled Lisa onto the floor and crawled to the living room . Meisha was crouched on the floor next to the couch . I crawled into the hallway and saw their was a pool of blood coming from inside the bathroom .

I already knew what happened . . . . . Deaisha .

I said a silent prayer for her and went to call 911 .


*Armillio -

I threw the white rose onto the casket " descanse en paz . " i whispered meaning 'rest in peace' .

I slowly walked back to my spot next to the grave as every one else dropped their flowers on top . It had been a weak since she commited suicide at Marco's house and i couldn't help but think it was my fault . I mean , i had hit her that night . Maybe she couldn't deal with it .

I took a deep breath and ran my hand over the tattoo on my neck . I never got a chance to tell her . I'd hitten her for a reason , even though that didn't make it okay . I had went to the clinic earlier on in the day to get some test results . I'd taken a few tests a weak earlier to make sure i had no std's or anything like that . Every thing came back negative . Every thing except my aid's test . I was destraught . I had no idea what to do . Good thing i hadn't slept with Deaisha . It would have killed me knowing that i'd given her that . When i came home that evening she was bitching about me nor calling her back and all type of shit . And i just snapped .

But unfortunately every body wasn't so lucky not to have slept with me. About a week or two before all of this went down i'd had sex with a girl . A girl standing across from me , a beautiful girl , the one standing next to Marco . I heard she was pregnant with his baby . That meant they'd have to have had unprotected sex more than likely . Although i'd used a condom with her it was still possible for her to have it .

I stared at her . . . . . Lisa .

I couldn't tell her . No , i wouldn't be able to . Knowing that i would ruin someones life by telling them i could have given them aids is not something i could do . If i tell her and she has it then she'll fall apart . But if i tell her and she doesn't have it then she'll be admitting to Marco that she cheated and i could tell she truly loved him with everything she had . But either way her life is fucked .
7 months later :)

♥ ♥



"push !"

I could have sworn i was gonna die . This little bastard felt like he was splitting me in half . Wait , i didn't mean to call my baby a bastard . I really didn't . I'm gonna love my son with all my heart and Marco will too . I felt the need to push , like i had to but the pain wasn't something i could deal with too much longer .

I gripped Marco's hand tighter , inhaled and pushed " aaaarrrgghh ."

I felt a small relief but it still felt like i was getting ripped from one hole to the next . " good Lisa . The head is out . Give me another push . A big one . "

I shook my head " no no no ."

" come on . That's the only way you're going to feel better . Now , PUSH !"

I wanted to tell that damn doctor to shut the hell up . His ass couldn't even dream up the pain i was feeling . I couldn't even explain it . I snatched my hand from Marco and grabbed the railing of the bed preparing to push " this is your damn fault !"

I pushed , i pushed , i pushed . I bit my lip to keep from screaming . I tasted blood in my mouth but that didn't stop me . I didn't stop until i had pushed the baby all the way out .

I fell back on the bed " thank god ."

Marco went down to the end of the bed to where the doctor was at and he instantly puffed his chest out and snipped the umbilical cord . I could tell he was proud he'd made a baby . I hope he's a little handsome little fella . Well , what am i saying ? I know he'll be handsome . And i'll love -

" aaaarrrgg ," i felt the need to push again " doctor ! I don't think this is supposed to happen ."

He handed my son to a nurse to be cleaned and got back down between my legs . I couldn't help but think i was gonna die . It was just a thought . And when i say die i don't mean literally die . But i was just in so much pain .

" looks like there's another baby ."

I shook my head . No , i couldn't go through that pay again . But i didn't really have a choice . Shouldn't they have seen two babies on the sonogram ? !


*Marco -

Once the second baby was out i was even happier . Who knew i'd make such a beautiful baby . I sniped the second umbilical cord and the doctor handed the baby to the nurse to be cleaned just like the first .

The first child was a boy , we decided to name him Demarco Larel Jones Jr . I was proud to have a junior . The second child was a girl . We named her Demarla Latisha Jones . Their names were both based off mines and i was glad . I'd be a proud father even though i was still young .

I would be there for Demarco jr and Demarla and love them and care for them always . I wouldn't be like my father or any other dead beat father out there . I had bigger plans . Like walking them into the classroom on their first day of school , packing their lunch everyday , putting them to bed every night , protecting my daughter from dick heads , teaching my son to play ball .

I smiled as i watched the nurse wrap Demarla in a pink blanket , and Demarco jr in a blue one .

I said a silent prayer " god , i know your listening and i also know i havn't been the best person possible . But i promise to love my girl and our babies no matter what . I . . . . . I'm proud . Please . . . "

The doctor took a tube of Lisa's blood " we have to do some blood work to make sure you don't have any diseases or anything like that that could be passed onto the children . "

She shook her head and the nurses took her to clean her up . She was extremely tired . Her eyes were puffy , her hair was out of place and her face dropped . But even like that she was the most beautiful woman in the world to me . I mean , how could i not love her even more than i already ready did ? She had just given me the 2 things that would now dominate my life and make me happy .



I drunk until my vision blurred , until my words were slurred . Hell , i drunk until my body didn't function . I would never , ever commit suicide but believe me it was on my mind heavy . The past seven months had been hell for me . I cut my self off from the world , i was homeless , had no car , no life . What was going on in my head !

" i did it / it was me / i slept with them chicks / now i can barely breath /

how was i so stupid / how couldn't i see / . I couldn't see / see that they

would in the long run be killing me / . So as i look at this gun / the gun is

loaded with bullets / and my life and my lifestyle took my brain a long time

ago but i couldn't see that it took it / . Deep breath / no stress / my girl is

dead / & i'm next . . . "



" all of your tests results came back negative ."

I shook my head at the doctor and continued to rock Demarco Jr in my arms . He looked exactly like his daddy . I kissed his cheek and Marco entered the room holding Demarla . He was gonna be a really good father , i could tell . The way his eyes sparkled when he held either of the children said it all . I mean , i didn't expect to have my first child fresh out of high school , let alone have 2 fresh out of high school but , i was happy , could you blame me ?




I pulled my phone out my pocket . I could barely make out the number on the scream but i answered it anyway " yo ."

" is this Armillio jackson ?"

" y-y-yeah , why ?"

" my name is doctor even , i did your test results a few months back . Listen , i don't know how or why we are just now figuring this out but , you don't have aids ."

I jumped up but fell back down on the porch " WHAT ? !"

" our machines were malfunctioning at the time . I'm really really sorry about this but -"

I stopped listening . This whole time i've been falling apart and shit and these niggas were the ones who made a mistake , not me . Dumb fucks . I hung up the phone and just sat the . This can't really be happening .

The babies were beautiful . Little baby Demarla and little Demarco Jr . Demarla definately took after her mother in a lot of ways : Same color eyes , same fluffy cheeks , but she had my hair color , that brownish color . And i could tell she was definitely going to be a daddies girl . And Demarco Jr , well he took after me in every features he had , that made me even happier . Not only did my soldiers march but they knew how to double up . Twins ? Yes , twins .

A week after they were born we were able to take them home , and everything was good . . . . . for the first week and a half after they came home . Then after that shit start to get strained . I was at work mostly everyday and almost all day and when i got home there was less time for me and Lisa to kick back on our own . It was like , i was happy doing what i was doing , but a part of me was slowly dying in a way . If i wasn't at work i was changing shitty diapers and if Lisa wasn't making formula than she was trying to put one of 'em to sleep . It was hectic . There was never a quiet moment in our home and the twins were really starting to put a strain on me and Lisa's relationship . We argued - hell , we argued non stop .

At first the arguing was little and about petty shit like me not coming home from work on time or her being tired or waking up in the middle of the night to a crying baby . But then the shit started to escalate to bigger things . We'de end up in a shouting match because she'd accuse me ever night when i came home from work saying that i was cheating on her . I couldn't tell her enough that i would never do that and that i loved her too much . There was just no convincing her . After that we had arguments about the bills . Lisa wasn't bringing in any money to the house hold but i didn't say anything because she took care of the kids and i loved her a lot so i wanted to provide for her . But after we'd pay the rent , buy diapers , food for the house , and get Meisha the little things she needed my paycheck that i got every other week was damn near gone . But Lisa seemed to think i was hiding money . She was getting paranoid like no shit i'd ever seen . Then slowly as the weeks passed I'd noticed that Lisa started to leave the house at night while i was sleeping and wouldn't be back until the sun came up . So not only did i have to go to work everyday of the week , i'd picked up more days to get more money , but i also had to wake up and feed the kids in the middle of the night and change their diapers and not be able to sleep for a hour or two .

Before i knew it a whole nother month had passed , and i was down in the dumps .

I promise you , this is not how i imagined it . This wasn't supposed to be happening like this , we were supposed to be happy ! Why weren't we happy ? I was doing everything i could . And i slowly began to realize it wasn't my fault and it wasn't me who was changing , but it was Lisa .


"you gon' get all the girls ," i sat Demarco back in to his crib and went across the room to Demarla's crib " and you , stay away from boys ." I chuckled to myself . Since my mom had all of a sudden stopped coming home all together we ended up cleaning out her room and making it the twins's room . We'd even painted it half blue and half pink . But , of course i realized that one day we'da have to get a bigger place to live . Boys and girls over a certain age aren't really aloud / supposed to sleep in the same room . Man , finding a new place that was cheap but bigger would be a huge problem . And then i'd have to get people to check the house and make sure it was okay plus hire a moving crew . I know you're thinking we don't need a house , we just need a slightly bigger apartment but i wanted my kids to have a front and back yard to play in . I actually wanted so much better than the hood for my kids but , i'd just have to take it one day at a time .

The front door opening and closing caught my attention and snapped me out of my thoughts but i didn't move from looking inside Demarla's crib . I didn't have shit to say to Lisa . It was 4 a.m. on a Monday morning and i woke up to kicking and screaming from both Demarco Jr and Demarla and i had to be at work at 5:15 and i hadn't even showered yet . Plus i'd have to wake Meisha up so she could get ready for school , change the twins again before i leave , look at the bills that came in the mail a few days ago and i'd also have to do a whole bunch of other shit i didn't want to do before work . To say the least , i was exhausted .

" hey ," Lisa poked her head in the room and spoke in a raspy voice .

I remained silent , pushed past her an made my way in the bathroom , i didn't close the door behind me because if i did she would have just opened it back .

" Marco , heeellooo !"

Turning the knobs on the shower i made the water mostly hot to wash away any hate i was feeling at the moment , stripped down naked and got in the shower . I looked down to the bottom of the bath tub and let the water run down my head and straight down my body . Every nerve in my body was screaming for me to get out but i didn't . Although it was burning i stood there until my body adjusted to it , although it never did fully .

" Demarco , what have i done to you ?"

Once again i didn't respond to Lisa's dumb ass comments and questions . I was afraid that if i opened my mouth i'd say something i would regret or i'd say something i couldn't take back . I smiled , but then again she deserved every little thing i had to say to her . So after i lathered my body with soap once and rinsed it away i cut off the water , wrapped my towel around my lower half and stepped out of the shower . I'll be truthful , i expected to see a Lisa who was in a state of shock or had sadness written all over her face but instead i was greeted by a Lisa who had a half smirk on her face and looked like all she gave a damn about was herself .

I lost it " you selfish bitch ."

"excuse you ?"

" you heard me . I've been nothing but good to you but yet . . . . . " i took a deep breath to lower my voice " but yet you've just turned into a self centered , bitch who doesn't even give a fuck about her own children . I -"

" how dare you ! " she cut me off " i might be self centered and a bitch i might also be but i am a good damn mother . I have those kids all damn day -"

" yeah , while i'm at work , then as soon as i'm home your off chasing something else ! I feed them , bathe them . . . . hell , i'm more of a damn mother than you could ever be ."

A look of pain and hurt crossed her face . I could tell my words cut her deep so much so that her eyes had filled to the brim with tears but she was too proud to let them fall . If she let one fall , just one , i'd know she was the same Lisa i fell in love with and that she was just putting up a act because this was a lot for her to deal with . If she would just cry and let me wipe away her tears then i'd pull her into my arms and apologize for everything i had said . But she couldn't do it , she couldn't cry in front of me .

She turned away sniffled and headed for the front door mumbling something about how i didn't know the pain she went through .



I walked slowly out the house with his words echoing in my mind ". . . hell , i'm more of a damn mother than you could ever be ." He meant those words . He probably thought i was a horrible person and a horrible mother and that i didn't give a damn about Demarla and Demarco Jr but that's not the case . Those kids are my world , i would do anything for them . How could he think . . . . .

He hated me , he said he was a better mother than me . Maybe the kids didn't need me . I was strong but this whole process was breaking me , it really was . All i thought about was being happy and having there be peace in the small apartment but i knew it wasn't happening any time soon .

I walked down the block , still walking slow , hoping Marco would catch up to me , pull me in to his body and show me just how strong we were and that we could make it through this . But deep down i knew he wasn't gonna come after me , maybe it was time for me to grown the fuck up and go back , handle my responsibilities as a woman , and a mother too .

I stepped into a restaurant that had a help wanted sign in the window . " hi , can i get a application ."



I ended up having to stay home to watch the kids since i didn't want Meisha to miss school and i also didn't have any extra money for a babysitter so i had to do it myself . Now i'm losing money at work . . . this is not good . I can't do this on my own , i'll admit , but it's not like i really have a choice at all .

Knock , knock , knock .

There was a knock at the front door but i really didn't feel like answering it . Well , actually , i couldn't . I had Demarla over one shoulder while i was leaning over Demarco's crib trying to hold his bottle up to his lips . Demarla was screaming her head off right in my ear and it wasn't nothing i could do about it at that minute .

The knock on the door quickly turned into a banging noise . I was getting so annoyed . As soon as i removed the bottle from Demarco Jr's mouth he started to scream his head off too . I layed the bottle in the crib and went to answer the door .

Her face shocked me . I didn't expect to see Lisa standing there will a look of guilt and sorrow on her face . She pulled Demarla off of me and without a word she went into the babies room but she turned back around " go to work ."

I put on my uniform shirt and was out of the apartment within seconds .

Maybe she was still the same Lisa i fell in love with .


"good evening miss , welcome to oligone . Can i help you with something ?"

The lady looked me up and down with lust in her eyes and i could just tell this wasn't going to be good . She was sexy though . Her body was lovely . She had a nice sex appeal as well . She wore a pair of blue jean booty short and a whit tank top with a pair of blue and whit Griffey's on her feet . It was simple but , she was working it . And her long hair that fell just above the middle of her her back was a light light brown . I just pictured myself hitting it from the back while i was pulling that shit .

"yes , actually you can help me . i'm looking for some pink tights that fit this ," she turned around doing a complete 360 degrees so that i could get a good look at her body " can you help me out ?"

" yeah , um , come with me ."

I led her over to the a rack that was filled with tights " look through here , maybe you might find something you like ."

" can you help me ?" she said with a sexy smirk on her face .

I shook my head and when she stepped up to the rack i stepped right behind her pressing my body up against her's wrapping me arms around her i went through the hangers with her . She slowly swayed her body against mines and i felt myself growing hard behind her .

" damn shorty ," i whispered in her ear and rubbed my hands on the upper inner part or her thighs " you playing ."

I felt her body melting under my touch " no i'm not . I just see something i want , that's all there is to it ."

" you want me , huh ?"

" yeah ," she moaned a little as i slipped my hand down her shorts and was playing with her spot .

I didn't realize what i was doing or why or how much i wanted to until her back was up against the wall in the storage room and i was seconds from entering her . I felt the tip of me rubbing against her and i stopped , i just froze . My girlfriend . . . . My children . . . . . I couldn't do this to them .

" i cant man . I'm sorry shorty but i can't do this ."

I put her down down and fixed my clothes , watching her do the same and led her back to the front of the store where she stormed out but not before making sure her number was save in my phone and my number was in her's . I didn't give a damn about her storming out i had other stuff on my mind like the fact that i'd almost cheated on Lisa . But nothing in me would let me . Why ? Why ? Why ?

I wasn't complaining though . I was kind of happy . At that moment i realized just how in love i was with Lisa . And how i'd do anything to keep our family together .

" he dribbles the ball ! He takes two steps to the left , shakes his opponent . " i was on the basketball court late night once again to clear my head , acting like i was a sports anchor yelling out all my moves as i went along . Although i was by myself i pictured a room full of fans all screaming my name . " he shoots and " i let the ball fly from my finger tips and land in the net " HE SCORES . And the crowd goes wild , aaaaaahhhhhhh ."

I smiled picturing myself shaking hands with all my team mates with smiling faces " Demarco a.k.a the-man-to-be takes his team to the champion ship once again ! Can he be stopped ? i don't think so ."

I must have been going crazy out of my mind . I was picturing myself , number 03 , on any NBA team that would have me . I promise i'd be one of the best damn basketball players you'd ever see , I would take my team to champion ships , get champion ship rings ( more than one ) and more importantly i'd take care of my family . Yeah , MY family . I needed to be the man that i'll need to be for the rest of my life . Hell , all i needed was one shot . . . . my one shot . And i'd make sure the person who gave it to me wouldn't regret it .

I thought back to the commercials i'd seen on TV lately . It was about a basketball contest . The Nigga with the best jump shot , lay-up , and cross over would get a full scholarship to any college of his choice and then after his first year if his grades and GPA were up he'd get a chance to be drafted . But , i was never good in school . Shit , i barely got through high school . I had about a c average all because i did a cram session before the final tests we had . I knew i could do the basket ball thing , i knew it . But when i picked my college and the first year passed they'd surely see that i wasn't shit when it came to academics .

"and there goes my shot right there ."

A flier blew across the ground and landed right at my feet . It was about the basketball contest . I picked it up and tore it to shreds letting it blow away in the wind . I left my basketball on the court that night and entered the apartment building with my head down . For once in my life i'd realized i didn't have shit but me and my family . That basketball thing wasn't gonna get me anywhere . It was a dream . . . a stupid dream at that . I wouldn't be needing that ball anytime soon .



I looked into Marco's face when he entered the apartment , i didn't like what i saw . He didn't look like himself , of course we'd been under stress a lot lately but he'd never gotten this down . I noticed his empty hands as he plopped on the couch " where's your ball?"

He shook his head and his jaws clenched " i don't need that damn ball ."

I was shocked . The basketball was given to him by his mom when he was just a little boy and he'd always held on to it for dear life and plus basketball was . . . IS his dream . Why was he all of a sudden acting like he was .

The commercial about the up coming basketball competition came on the TV and he got up and kicked over the TV shattering the screen . I jumped a little and just stood there . I was scared .

" aaahhh !" he let out a scream and stormed into our bedroom slamming the door behind him . Good thing the babies and Meisha were spending the night at my Mother's house .

I went outside , got his ball off the court and sat it in front of the bedroom door . Maybe he didn't believe in his dream anymore but i still did .

2 days later the babies and Meisha were back and Marco was still walking around in his own little world . He'd go to work , come home and lock his self in the bedroom . He'd shower but he wouldn't eat and he wouldn't spend time with the kids either . It was kind of like i was a single mother when in reality i didn't have the strength to be . I needed Marco like nothing else . And more than that his children needed him .

I decided that i needed Marco happy and for him to be happy he needed to fulfill his dream of being a basketball player . And if that was what he needed to do to become a good father then i'd get him his dream. I still had a video on my phone that i took of him playing basketball one night . I'd just go down to the building where the try-outs were and i'd show them that my baby could play and that he deserved this more than any of them other boys . He needed it too . Without basketball he was slowly slipping away from me and all that he needed to live .


I waited in line , my feet where killing me . It was a Monday but Meisha took the day off of school and i had her watch the kids . I couldn't take to screaming babies to a try-out and expect to get listened to . I really really felt good inside at what i was about to do . I was helping the man i loved even though we weren't on the best terms .

Someone yelled something but i was too in to my own thoughts to hear it .

"i said next !"

I looked up and realized i was at the front of the line looking face to face with a bald dark skinned man who was looking at me like i was worth less than dirt and like he had something better to do than be in the hood all day . Oh , he looked good and his outfit looked like it was some fancy designer , his jewels were sparkling too so by the way he looked he was from the hood and now looking down on anybody who was here now . He was about to make me sick .

I stepped up pulled my phone out of my pocket clicked on the video of Marco playing basketball and turned the phone toward him so he could see the video but he didn't even look down . He just stared at my face with a bored expression and yelled out " next !"

I rolled my eyes " can you look please ?"

" next !"

The man behind me was trying to step around me but i held up my hand . " uh-un . Listen , i'm really trying to be civil with you but ain't enough time in the damn day . I'm tryna show you a talent unlike anything you've ever seen ." He still looked un moved .

I restarted it so he could see but still he just looked at my face " look , i don't have time to -"

" get your head out your fucking ass and look , dammit !"

His eyes finally shifted to the screen of the phone and he gave me a wide eyed look . " restart it please ."

I did as he asked with a satisfied look on my face . The video was all of 4 minutes which showed Marco doing a few lay-ups , a alley oop ( where Lando had thrown the ball to him and he dunked ) , and ended with him dunking .

When it ended he look up at me and taped the end of his pen on the table like he was thinking " why isn't he here himself ?"

" because , he's basically given up on his dream . We've got 2 newborn children and . . . . it's just hard for him ."

" well , listen , i don't know what to do . I'll be tied up in here all day ."

" maybe your friend ," i nodded to a man who was standing close by " can cover for you ."

He shook his head called the man over and we left . We walked to the apartment since it was only 2 blocks away . When we entered Marco was sitting in the kitchen with his head in his hands and his back toward us , he didn't even look up when we entered .

"Demarco -" i said it lowly into his ear hoping he would look up but he didn't even budge " can you talk to me ."

He let out a irritated sigh and sat up but kept his eyes pointed to the table " i don't have words to speak right now . I'm . . . . . i'm going to see my son ."

He stood up and spun around and was face to face with the man who was doing the try-outs . Damn , i didn't even know his name , i realized . Marco's face went from irritated to confused to shocked and then to joy .

" ex basketball player Troy masson ? "

The man held out his hand and he and Marco shook " man , i saw the video of you playing basketball and i couldn't pass up the opportunity to come talk to you about the competition . And i can't let you pass up the opportunity either . Demarco , is it ? Listen , you've got some skills that can't me taught no matter how much effort is put into it . What i'm gonna do right here right now is offer you a scholarship ."

"i can't , i-"

" man , listen , don't let your dreams go to waist because of anything stupid . I'm paying for your scholarship out of my own money this has nothing to do with the competition . So what i'ma do is i'ma write my number down and i'ma give it to you . Call me ."

He wrote he number down , sat it on the table and left the apartment .

Marco looked at me and a smile so huge covered his face i was proud of myself . He picked me up kissing me a thousand time before finally putting me back down . Then he said words i was glad he still remembered " i love you , Lisa . I love you with all my heart . " then he walked out of the kitchen .

"i love you too ."



The next day i was walking on cloud nine at work . I gave everybody extra help and an extra smile coated my face even when no one was in the store . My mood had really picked up . All thanks to Lisa . Troy had left his number and i'd made up my mind that i'd call him when i got off work . There of course was still the problem with my academics but im sure me and Troy could work something out . When i saw him i was speechless . He'd taken time out of his day to come see me and that meant something , a huge something .

I sat down on the couch after work staring at the piece of paper in my hands that had Troy's number scribbled on it .

I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed it .

It rang twice and then a recording clicked on " i'm sorry , but the number you have dialed is invalid . Please hang up and try again ."

I shook my head , hung up , read the number closer and dialed it again . I was sure i'd gotten it wrong . " i'm sorry , but the number you have dialed is invaled . Please hang up and try again ."

That son of a bitch ! Everything he said was just talk ? He didn't think i had skills . No , i know i've got skills . But maybe . . . . .I don't know .

I threw my phone against the wall infuriated and jumped up off the couch .

Lisa ran from the babies room into the living room " what happened ."

"it's all your fault !"

I saw red . I put all the blame on Lisa . It was her who had brought Troy over here in the first day place .

I lost control as i charged toward her .

I felt my hands wrap tightly around her neck . I was choking her but i didn't know why . I was pissed yeah but deep down somewhere inside me i knew it wasn't her fault , but she was the closest one to me .

I'd never laid my hands on a female , but , i guess with time everything changes . Maybe i should get to used to this . It would turn me and my life into shit , but it's already headed there anyways . I should pick a profession that allows me to hit women and act stupid for no damn reason . . . . a pimp .

" your a sick bastard ," i grumbled to myself at my own thoughts as i felt my hands loosening around Lisa's neck . I began to feel bad as my adrenaline was nowhere in sight anymore and i saw Lisa gasping for breath on the floor when i'd let her go .

I'd did that , it was me . And , it didn't feel good at all . How could i hurt the woman i love ?

" your , bastard ," she was able to say in between breaths " you sick sick , bastard . "

She hurried to her feet when she finally caught her breath and marched off to the kids room .

god , what have i done .

" i'm taking our kids , and i'm leaving ."

I looked up no less than 2 minutes later and Lisa was fully dressed with one of the kids in each of her arms and they were fully dressed as well . She had a few bags swung over her shoulders .

" Lisa , i'm sorry ." I felt my heart breaking it side of my chest , it felt as though it was being stomped on repeatedly . If i had to i would get down on both knees and plead with her . I'd beg in any and every way possible . Even though it would hurt me i would let her leave , but i wouldn't let her take my kids . . . I couldn't let her take 'em . " it'll never happen again , please . You can't take my kids from me ."

" oh i can't ? Watch me ."

She walked right out the front door and it wasn't anything i could do to stop her without physically touching her and that would freak me out more than her . You know , maybe i deserve to be alone and fucked up . Maybe i don't deserve happiness .



2 weeks later

I was staying at my mother's until Marco could get his act together , i was actually hoping and praying that he would but so far he hasn't called or been by once . And of course it hurt . I was still furious with him because a man should never put his hands on a woman no matter what but that didn't mean i didn't still love him . And more than that his kids need a father in their life , i refuse to be just a baby mama and i refuse to have my kids not knowing who their father is or not caring who their father is because he wasn't around .

No , that wasn't acceptable , but all i could do was pray that once again he comes to his senses .

*Marco -

" number 27 , Demarcooooooo Joooooones ."

I jumped up and down in the locker room and as soon as they called my name i jogged onto the court , head held high breathing in the smell of the new jersey draped across my body .

It was mines , the name Jones in big blue letters on the back right above the number 27 .

I never thought i'd be this happy again . Not since . . . . well , since :


" your , bastard ," she was able to say in between breaths " you sick sick , bastard . "

She hurried to her feet when she finally caught her breath and marched off to the kids room .

god , what have i done .

" i'm taking our kids , and i'm leaving ."

I looked up no less than 2 minutes later and Lisa was fully dressed with one of the kids in each of her arms and they were fully dressed as well . She had a few bags swung over her shoulders .

" Lisa , i'm sorry ." I felt my heart breaking it side of my chest , it felt as though it was being stomped on repeatedly . If i had to i would get down on both knees and plead with her . I'd beg in any and every way possible . Even though it would hurt me i would let her leave , but i wouldn't let her take my kids . . . I couldn't let her take 'em . " it'll never happen again , please . You can't take my kids from me ."

" oh i can't ? Watch me ."

*end of flashback*

She'd taken 'em , my kids , the only 2 things that were really keeping me sane . I haven't seen them since . When she left i really went off the deep end . Meisha would try to help but it was no use . I stopped going to work , i stopped eating . I really didn't give a damn whether i lived or died that's how much she hurt me . This went on for 3 weeks , i didn't try to contact Lisa at all , not that i didn't want to but i had to get myself together first . I was no good for anybody doing the way i was .

The first step was to get my job back . One morning when i was walking out the front door to go see if i could get my job back i ran right into Tory . Yeah , the ex basketball player , the one who said i had skills and a whole bunch of other shit but gave me a fake number .

I felt my body tense up as i watched him watch me . He didn't look pissed though , he looked amused and that was making me lose my cool even more .

" what the fuck are you doing here ?"

Turns out , the day he gave me his number he lost his phone and had to get the number cut off and get a whole new one . Ain't that a bitch ? My girl was gone , my kids were gone , my life was coming to an end and he showed up .

After he explained everything he rested his hand on my shoulder " listen , when i'm serious about something i'm serious about it . I want to pay for your scholarship out of my own pocket because i know with your set of skills you'll have my money back to me in no time ."

" what's in it for you ?" i asked as i shrugged his hand away .

He cracked a smile " publicity . If i play like your manager and you start raking in money and doing good in your career then ever other basketball player out there is going to want me to manage them . It's that simple . I pay for you to make it big , you pay me back in a year or so and you'll pay interest by having me at conferences , and shouting me out in interviews . Deal ?"

I'd thought about that offer long and hard . I couldn't back out , i couldn't say no . If i did i would be going back to the same shit , possibly getting nowhere in my life ever . I had to make it big and with him was the only way .

" deal ."

I moved me and Meisha into a condo a few blocks away from the hood and we'd been living there ever since .

I shrugged off the memory as the ref. threw the ball in the air and i jumped up to smack it to my side . My first game being in the NBA and before i even made that winning shot i already felt like a winner .

" yeah baby !"

I jumped up and down in the locker room . I'll be damned if i wasn't on top of the world .

My team mate , Steven , patted me on my back " yeah , you was aight . . . . for a rookie ."

Richard laughed " yeah , watchu getting all excited for ? I scored more points than you nigga ."

He was right he did , i shook my head and cracked a smile " but you didn't make the winning shot ."

Another team mate of mines , Galvin walked up , " don't be mad Richard because you lost the ball and he got it ."

Richard scowled Galvin and he and Steven walked towards the showers .

Galvin shook his head as i pulled my sweaty jersey off my body " Richard is a hatin' ass dude ."

" i see , " i said as i wrapped my towel around my body .

" i personally think he's sticking Steven in the booty , but hey , that's they business ."

We both erupted with laughter " man , them boys in kind of close ."

We laughed again " yeah , but ay , that was a nice ass shot out there boy ."

" yeah , " i shook his hand as we made our way to the showers and steam immediately smacked me in my face " i think ima like the NBA ."

After i showered Galvin invited me to some party him and his friends were throwing at his house . So , i agreed to go . I hoped in my hooptie of a car and followed Galvin's nice Mercedes . I'd love to have a car like his , maybe one day soon . The endorsements were rolling in quick , even though i'd just played my first game i just earned $15,000 just by wearing a companies watch . Now that , was beautiful .

His house was 20 minutes away , it was protected by a big gate and the house it self was huge .

The party was already in full swing . Music was blaring from the house and cars ere parked bumper to bumper in the driveway , going around the house , and some even on the lawn .

" man , you know when them cars pull off yo lawn its gon' fuck it up ."

He shrugged like it was no big deal " i pay every week to get it done over 'cause niggas fail to remember that its a big ass garage behind the house ."

He mumbled something under his breath and when we entered the jam packed house he yelled over the music " get a drink and a girl ."


" man ," it was about 2 in the morning and i couldn't even keep my feet straight trying to stagger to the driver's side of my car and pulled out my key in .

I pulled out from the gate and drove down the street on my way home .

My vision was off by a long shot as objects on the road blurred together and my car swayed from left to right dodgeing imaginary object .

" come on man ."

I pressed down on the gas pedal a little harder and squinted my eyes trying to get a clear view of the road .

" oh shit !" I pressed down hard on the breaks when i almost hit a red ford truck . I parked my car on the side of the road and went to catch a bus . The last thing i was gonna do was get killed when my life was just now getting to the way it was supposed to be .

I put my money into the bus and made my way to the back dosing off slightly in my seat .

" wake up , wake up ."

I looked up at the bus driver , i hadn't even realised i had fallen asleep .

" this is my last stop . You gotta get up ."

He looked at me closer while i swayed back and worth getting to my feet and a huge smile spread over his face " yo , man , number 27 right ?"

" yeah , " i tried to put a smile on my face but my muscles were entirely too weak at that moment .

" ayy , can i get a autograph ?"

" if , " i started and plopped back down in the seat " you drop me off at my house ."

" no problem ."

I signed his shirt and and he dropped me off in front of the building that i lived in .



" here ."

I held pulled a brownie from Marco's fridge , split it in half and gave a half to Demarla and a half to Demarco Jr .

They smiled and plopped down on to the floor in his kitchen happily eating it .

My nerves were shot at this point . What if Marco didn't want to see me or his kids , what if he kicked us out ? No , he'd kick me out before he kicked his kids out .I remember how he used to look at them and the way he'd hold them , the way his eyes lit up when he even spoke about them was pure love . But , i had the be the bitch i was being and change my phone number and move out of the state . For the first couple of weeks i thought i wanted him in their life , i did really and i still do , but then it started to piss me off that he wasn't around and wasn't even making an effort , and i guess i just lost it .

I just moved out the state from my mother's house , with no money and no job . But it all worked out for the best . I got a job and got a little apartment with the kids and that's where i've been ever since . But the kids were getting old enough to where they could say daddy , and i knew if he asn't in their life by the time they could fully talk they'd be asking where he was .

And not only that but i was missing Marco like crazy . It broke my heart to leave him , but i had to let him know that he wouldn't just put his hands on me and get away with it . I sometimes think i went a little too far .

Meisha got in touch with me a few weeks ago through my mom and she was telling me about Marco and how he was changing and doing what he needed to do . I was proud of him and that was all there was to it . So i moved back in with my mom and a few weeks later , here i am : just hoping and praying Marco will except our family with open arms .

I heard the front door open and close and Meisha put her head into the kitchen and whispered " he's here ," then she disappeared down the hallway .

I felt my palms get sweaty and my head start to spin .

There were so many what-ifs running through my head that i coudn't even focus on one at a time . My heart was racing , jumping against my chest like it would fly out at any moment . My breathing sped up .

Lord please don't let me hyperventilate .

But it was way too late . Before i could do anything about it my body was crashing to the floor and my world went black .


THE END . . . of part one


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.08.2011

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