

I can't believe this ! I'm only 15 . Can they really force this upon me ? Well , maybe it won't be so bad . I mean , after all , he is cute with his cream colored skin , his 6 foot 2 height , muscular build , heart warming smile . . . his bad boy look . And he wasn't too bad of a guy . He was funny and smart as well . No , no , no ! What am i thinking ? ! This will be bad . After all , he has like every girl at our high school sprung off just his looks and , this just wouldn't work ! How could this be happening to me . I've never done anything bad . Except the tattoo of my name on my lower back and my tongue piercing . But , that is nothing compared to what i'll do if they force me to marry Carlos .

Knock , knock , knock .

The dressing room door opened and in walked my mom and my aunt Mary and aunt Tonya .

My mom had a huge smile on her face " sweety , you look beautiful ."

My aunt Tonya squealed " oh , Chanel ! The dress fits you perfect . "

They went on and on . I really couldn't listen anymore . They were really starting to make me sick . I looked beautiful ? Really ? How can they be so excited when they're about to force me to marry this sweet talking , silly , secretive , Cuban boy who can't even look me in my eyes for 2 seconds before he's looking at another girl ! This wouldn't work . I was praying it wouldn't . I spun around and looked at myself in the full length mirror . I did look cute though . I'd chosen a long strap less gown that flowed long past me feet and hugged every curve in my body perfect . My hair that flowed almost to the middle of my back and that i'd recently dyed a permanent red had been straightened and pulled into a bun in the center or my head and had my veil attached to it . I had light make up that was done by my hired makeup artist . And my shoes , if you could see 'em were 3 inches high , and they were Christian Louboutin . I knew with all the financial problems going on in my House hold that they were a gift from Carlos's family .

His family had way more money than mines but he never rubbed it in or did anything in a snobby way , he was actually very down to earth and talked with a little spanish accent . I admit , i loved his accent .

I liked the way i looked but who was i kidding ? I'm the name brand sneakers and Aeropostale sweats kind of girl . No heels , no dresses . Just shorts and jeans with sneakers and maybe a skirt occasionally .

" Chanel ! " my aunt Tonya waved her hand in front of my face to stop my day dreaming . I then realized we were the only 2 in the room " Sweetie , i understand you being nerves , i do . "

I shook my head " do you really ?"

" well , okay . Maybe i don't . " we laughed " but that boy out there is what's right for you right now . I know you're not stupid . I know you know about the financial issues your mother and father are having . As much as they'd love to , they can no longer take care of you ."

"what are you talking about ?"

"you're going to go live with Carlos in his home . Your mother couldn't tell you so she wanted me to . I'm sorry . . . "

My words were all caught in my throat . I hadn't been told anything about me moving . This stuff was all new to me . I wanted to run and find my mother and beg and plead for her to keep me , then i wanted to find my dad and tell him he didn't have to buy me anything anymore and that i'd get a job and buy my own things . But , i couldn't . They wanted me gone . It was way deeper than the money , i knew it in my heart . They'd spent countless nights arguing about me , how i was starting to get out of hand but i wasn't . I had only had a piercing and tattoo and went to an occasional party . That wasn't bad , right ? I mean , my grades were godd and everything .

Tears were in my eyes waiting to flow freely but i held them in . I couldn't afford to cry . Then Carlos would off the wedding . Wait , isn't that what i want ? Maybe , i'm not sure anymore . If he offs the wedding i'll still live with my parents and then they'll be in a even bigger financial hole if possible and i didn't want to put more stress on them . I convinced myself i had to be strong for them . Yeah , for them .

Before i knew it i was looking in Carlos's face saying i do and he was slipping the big 5 carat wedding ring that had little diamonds surrounding it onto my ring finger . I slipped his wedding band onto his ring finger as well .

" . . . By the power vested in me , i now pronounce you husband and wife . You may kiss the bride . "

Carlos pulled the veil from my face and softly kissed my lips and i kissed him back . I felt . . . . . i felt something ? He pulled away and sexily bit his bottom lip as the church erupted in applause . I took a step away from him and turned to face the crowd . My heart was pounding fast as i plastered a faked smile on my face . Well , it wasn't completely fake . I'd just kissed one of the hottest boys in the school , and i was his wife . I mean , it felt kind of good , but i would never say that out loud .

At the church i'd met his father , Mr. Ramirez , and i met a few of his sisters who i'd never remember their names . They were nice though . I wondered if they knew this was an arranged marriage . Of course they did ! I'm 15 for crying out loud , they had to know . While his sisters rambled on and on trying to get to know me i had my eyes fixed on Carlos across the room . I never realized how . . . how cute he was . And how when he smiled his lips went slightly to the left . I kept looking at him until he caught me and then i pretended to be deep in conversation with his sisters . I remember one was named Isabella . I only remembered her because she was un-ordinarily beautiful . I'm not just saying that either . She looked like she could have her pick with any man she wanted .

The ride from the Church was a comfortable silence , when we finally got back to Carlos's house it was empty . He actually had his own house that his father bought him specifically for this marriage . It was huge from the outside . I was sure it'd be even better once we got inside . I couldn't help but get excited . His driver drove through the gate ad up the long drive way to the front door . He opened the door for me and when we got to the house Carlos carried me over the threshold and i giggled a little as he put me down in the hallway .

The hallway was cute . The walls were white with yellow trimming and the floor was marble . Everything in the house matched perfectly . While Carlos showed me around i was shocked .

" what do you need 5 bedrooms for ?"

He shrugged and opened the door to the second bathroom on the 3rd floor " i guess for guests ."

" wow . "

I peeped in and it had a huge jacuzzi bath tub in the middle of the floor , i reminded myself to use that . On the far side of the bathroom was his and hers sinks and mirrors . There was another door in the room that had a toilet in it .

" we walked back to the first floor and he led me to the last bedroom at the end of the hall " i'm impressed ."

He smiled and shook his head like it was nothing " don't be ." He gestured to the closet in the room " it's filled with all kinds of new clothes for you . Change and i'll meet you in the kitchen in a few ."

He left before i could say anything .



She said she was impressed . I didn't really want her to be but oh well . I tried to get my father to buy a less flashy house for me and Chanel but he was so stubborn . " nothing but the best for my son and his bride ," he'd said with a smile on his face . My family had had money for as long as i could remember so it wasn't really something that surprised me anymore . And i didn't try to rub it in to anybody who didn't have as much money . I'm no better than any one else .

I went to the bedroom that was next to the one i put Chanel in and changed into a pair of white basketball shorts , a black t-shirt , and some black nike flip flops . I threw my suit into the back of the closet . I wouldn't be using it any time soon .

I still didn't get this whole arranged marriage thing though . I get that my father wanted me to have a bride , some one to share our wealth with that i could depend on and love but i should have a choice in who i marry . I'd seen Chanel around school though . We had a few classes together and i always thought she was beautiful . But i would never tell her . Any time i tried to talk to her something happened so i eventually gave up . Like , the second day of school i'd noticed the fiery red color of her hair and when i tried sit next to her in class to tell her her best friend , Evelyn , bumped into me . And by the time i got that straightened out the seat next to her was filled . Or at lunch one time i sat at the same table across from her and right when i was about to talk to her a announcement played over the p.a. system calling all cheerleaders to the gym and she left .

When i got to the kitchen Chanel was already at the table sipping a cup of orange juice . I got me a cup of water and sat next to her and as i sipped i slyly watched her drink . I watched the way her dimples sunk in slightly when she drank ,i watched how she closed her eyes every time she drank like she was parched .

She sat her cup on the table " what ?"

I tried to play it off but i knew she'd seen me watching her " huh ?"

" don't play stupid . I saw you looking at me . Why are you just staring ?"

" i can't look at my wife ?"

She fell silent and dropped her eyes down to the table . I could she her cheeks turn a red color but i kept quiet about it . I mean , i didn't want to embarrass her so i just changed the subject " tell me about you ."

" there's nothing to know really . I sing , dance , i like to have fun . I'm like any other girl ." she said as she made eye contact but quickly broke it .

I didn't know what else to say . It was getting late anyways and we had school in the morning so i decided to cut the conversation short . She left the kitchen and went back to her room .

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket . I pulled it out and red the screen . I had a message from Tisha . She was this girl in our school , she was on the cheer leading team with Chanel too . I read the message :

message sender : Tisha

Cum c me :)

I didn't reply . I didn't need a reason for her to say i slept with her . I mean , i'm married now . Feels weird saying that ! I'm only 15 . so young . . . so damn young . I just deleted the message , put my cup in the sink and returned to my own room . I'd get to know Chanel in time .



I looked through the closet the next morning and found a pair of pink and white jordan's , tan cargo shorts and a fitted pink t-shirt . It was plain but cute . I also found a under wear and bra set to match .

After i showered , put my hair in a curly ponytail and dressed i went to the kitchen . Before i even entered a burnt smell hit my nose . I stood in the doorway and watched Carlos look at the piece of burnt toast in his hand in frustration . He shook his head and studied it . By that time he forgot about the pancakes on the stove and they were burnt too . " oh shit ."

I laughed " you don't know how to cook , do you ?"

He smirked and threw away all the burnt food " i mean , i wouldn't exactly say that . "

"i would ."

I pushed him away from the stove and made us some bacon and eggs while he just stood and watched . Once i was done i put the food on 2 separate plates and we sat down to eat . The way he gobbled down the food you would have thought he hadn't ate in days . I , however , took my time while he just watched me . When i finished i looked at him " why do you always just look at me ?"

" because , i think you're beautiful ."

"if you say so ."

He stood up , grabbed both our plates and put them in the dish washer " what ? You don't think so ?"

" i didn't say that ." i gave him a slight smile . He was cute this morning . He had on a pair of black baggy skinny jeans , a red tee shirt that read 'the definition on real' on the front , and a pair of red black and white jordan's . He had on his wedding band , and a iced out red watch on his right wrist . And boy , the waves in his head were deep .

He caught me checking him out and gave me a once over letting his eyes linger on my chest longer than they needed to . I rolled my eyes and said " excuse you ? My face is up here ."

He put his hands up as if to surrender and we both laughed " i'm sorry , i'm sorry . You just look -"

" don't ."

He stopped . I didn't want him to keep telling me i was beautiful or nothing . It's just a word . Did he see me when i first woke up ? When my hair was everywhere , when my make up was smeared ? When i still had sleep in my eyes ? No , so he couldn't exactly call me beautiful . We all had a bad side and if he thinks i'm beautiful during that then maybe he'll get the privilege to call me that .

" come on ." he grabbed my hand and we walked out side , down the drive way and out the front gate . The school bus was waiting on us .

When we got on i felt like everybody was staring at us even though they really weren't . It just , didn't feel right . Since none of my friends rode this bus i sat in a seat at the back of the bus with Carlos . I sat on the inside because he kept shaking hands with people .

" Carlos ! Wassup man ." That was Carlos's friend Stan . He had gotten on a stop after us and sat across from us . He wasn't a bad looking guy either but every time he opened his mouth i swear something stupid came out .

" whats good . Where you been hidin' ? You didn't even come to my wedding ."

" oh man ! That was yesterday ? I forgot ."

" smoking all that weed , i should have known it ."

Stan shook his head " i'm sorry dude . Look at this ."

He pulled a small bag of weed out his pocket and handed it to Carlos and he put it in his .

I swear i was about to tell him about his self " Carlos , are you stupid ? Give it back ."

He just looked at me and laughed " why ? It's just weed ."

I rolled my eyes and stood up so i could get out the seat " move ." But he didn't budge . He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back into the seat " chill out , mami ."

" no , i'm not sitting with a pot head , now move ."

Truth is , i didn't want to move . But the fact of the matter is , i didn't want to be around any drugs like what he had just put in his pocket . I swear , people put stereo types on black people but when it comes to whites and people of other races there should be just as many .

He kissed my cheek " i'll give it back , okay ?"

He handed it back to Stan and i smiled at him . Before i noticed it i had kissed him but , he didn't stop me , he just placed his hand on the back of my neck so i couldn't move as the kiss grew deeper .

"dude ," Stan started talking and Carlos pulled away from me and for the first time looked like he was annoyed with Stan because i could tell he didn't want to pull away from our kiss " she's hot ."

I rolled my eyes . "stupid ." He's seen me almost everyday of the past year and a few months because we go to the same school and he's too stoned to know it . It's sad actually . I turned my head to face out the window and stayed like that for the rest of the way to school .

3rd bell : gym .

I hit the locker room , changed into my shorts and tank top and made my way outside to the basketball court . We always played basketball on Monday .

Evelyn was right next to me as we stood on the court and waited for the rest of the class " so how is he ?"

" he can't cook , " i laughed " this morning he burnt toast and i ended up cooking !"

We both giggled . " you're kidding me ! Mr perfect can't cook ? Wow ."

" right . And so far , that's all i know about him ."

" oh ."

I shook my head as some of the class made their way over to us . There was Tisha , Raymond and Will .

Will was really cute actually . I'd been crushing on him and we'd flirt back and forth from time to time but it was nothing serious . He wasn't the type to be tied down by any chick and i didn't mind . Raymond i saw kind of like a brother . Anytime i needed anything Raymond was the one who was there and i appreciated that . We were actually there for each other . Now , Tisha i couldn't stand at all . We were on the cheer leading team together and she was actually captain so she made what i love into hell . I did every move she asked me and more without a problem , and did them probably better than she could and that pissed her off . She knew i should be doing flips but instead she had me holding people in the air when that should be me up there !

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and i heard Carlos's voice in my ear " you know , them shorts kind of short ."

I laughed " so what ."

He pressed my body into his in a protective way as i noticed Will and Tisha both staring at us . Was it that serious ? I couldn't just stand in my . . . . . . friend's arms ?

The rest of the class joined us as well as the teacher and the class started .

The rest of the day actually flew by . It wasn't much . Carlos was by my side a lot and i didn't even mind . We needed to get to know each other better anyway and he was making it easy . He was on my mind all day and as we passed notes in every class i started to feel something . If he wrote me something sweet i'd look in his direction and smile and if i wrote him something sweet he'd lean over and kiss my cheek . I was getting a feeling i couldn't explain at all .

Chapter 2 -


When we got home that evening from school i just wanted to spend time with Carlos so while Carlos was in his room changing i laid a blanket on the ground outside and laid on it waiting for him to hurry up and come out . But while i waited i was thinking . How could i be forced yo marry a boy and actually start to like him . That is crazy . I mean , he does have a lot of good features , and i'm not talking about just his face and body but his personality as well . How can a boy be so . . . . so . . . .

" waiting on me ?"

Carlos came to the back yard , laid on the blanket next to me and turned his head to face mine " nope , i was just , enjoying the sky ."

" yeah , yeah , yeah . Can i ask you something ?"

I wanted to say no . I didn't want to completely reveal myself to him just yet but i said yes any way .

" how do you feel about this arranged marriage thing ?"

"to be honest ? Um , " i bit my bottom lip and thought " i don't too much know . I mean , i might like it . I don't know . At first i wasn't sure but , now that i'm getting to know you , your an okay husband ."

The rest of he night was , relaxing . We laid out in the back yard , my head laying on his chest and his body keeping me warm . We talked about nothing and everything all at the same time . I learned all about him and him the same with me . I told him what i liked to do , i told him about all my worst ex's , and how fast i'd grown up over the years . But i wanted to do more than just talk , i wanted him . . . . . i mean , we are married ! So I'm entitled to have him , i think . He would never know i wanted him though . I wouldn't have him think i was some kind of whore who'd just give it up to anybody when in reality i'd never given my body to any one . Shocking i know right . People think because i have a tongue piercing , tattoo and i love to party that i'm some kind of . . . . . of . . . . hoe . But i'm not ! And i wouldn't have Carlos think i was one and i most certainly would not be treated like one .

" i want to go to Hawaii , China too . I want to explore the world and . . . . and see so much more than what's written in a history book , you know ? "

Carlos stood up off the ground pulling me with him and into the house . We sat on the couch . He layed down on it and pulled my body with his , my back to his front , his body keeping me warm " i want you to have everything you want . That's my job . You are . . . so beautiful and you deserve so much out of life . I'm not trying to sound corny or nothin' but , i'm really starting to feel you , Chanel . And i'm glad my parents picked you to rock my last name . "

My heart fluttered . The way he said my name . . . the way his words were so smooth and held so much love even though he'd just now really started to get to know me was crazy . But i held the same love for him . No i wasn't in love with him and no i didn't love him but i was developing love for him . In just a short time he'd made his self a place in my heart . And i was loving it .

" hold me tighter ."

He did as i said . As soon as i got ready to tell him how i was feeling his phone rang . I rolled me eyes , pulled myself away from him and sulked all the way back to my room . His phone ruined a good moment that i didn't feel like trying to repair .



" hold me tighter ." she said . And i did exactly as she asked , pulling her body even closer to mines if it was possible . I could smell her sweet sent and it was intoxicating . I wanted nothing more than to take her right there on the couch . But i respected her to much to try . I knew she wasn't that kind of girl , but that didn't stop me from wanting her that much more .

My ring tone filled up the comfortable silence of the quiet room . Damn !

Chanel pulled away from me , stood up and walked quietly to her room and slammed the door . I didn't blame her . I mean , i was pissed too . As soon as we get time to bond it's fucked up . I'd definitely have to make up for that . Maybe we'll take off from school tomorrow and i'd take her on a shopping spree like one she's never had . Yeah , that's a good idea . Then i'd take her out to eat at some high end restaurant .

I pulled out my phone and without looking at the screen i answered it " this better be good . Speak ."

" so that's how you answer yo' phone now ?" it was Keshia , a girl i'd met a week or two ago at the mall . She was no doubt cute and her attitude had me chasing her but i was happy to do it . All thoughts of Chanel vanished from my mind " and here i was thinking we could have had something ."

" oh no , my bad mami , i was just sleep . You know you don't like people interrupting you while you sleep either ."

" yeah , you right .so . . . what's up with me and you ?"

I thought for a minute and looked down at my hand , staring right back in my face was a million and two reasons why i should hang up the phone . . . my wedding band . I took a deep breath , have fun with Keshia or go console the girl i might be falling for ? I was weighing my options heavy . But obviously in the end i had no choice but to pick Chanel and it was a good choice if you asked me .

When i hung up with Keshia i thought to my self , i'd have to get my number changed , entirely too many people had it , mostly girls , and i didn't want that to cause any problems between me and Chanel . I needed to focus on her and only her if i was going to be faithful . And i wanted that more than anything .

Before i knew it i was standing outside Chanel's bedroom door knocking and waiting on her to answer . When she opened the door she was wrapped in a towel and her body was soaking wet from head to toe . How could i resist ? I grabbed her by her waist and pressed my lips against her's . A light moan escaped her lips as i pulled her body to mines until we were pressed against each other and her body heat was combining with mines .

The kisses were getting heated , each one was hotter than the next and each one had my head spinning more any more . I mean , she had to know how bad i wanted her . She was so sexy and the rock on her finger said i had the right to do to her what i was feeling .

I backed her up until she was laying on the bed and climbed on top of her looking deep into her eyes . It had never taken me this long to have sex with a girl but i wanted to take my time with her . I needed to show her just how special she was to me . I brushed her hair off her face and noticed how short her breath had become . " can i ?"

She shook her head yes and pulled my face back to hers so we could get lost in another kiss . My tongue danced with hers and her hands were running over the little hair i had on my head .

I stripped her down to nothing and slowly kissed and licked every inch of her body , i even nibbled on certain places and it drove her wild . She was begging for it . Begging for me to do to her what we both knew was gonna happen .



We did it , again and again and again . In the bed , In the hall way , in the shower . And the next morning while i was cooking breakfast . It was wonderful . Losing my virginity to the boy i felt so deeply for was like a dream come true . And plus we were married . I felt like i wanted to go back to last night and start back from the beginning so i could feel him enter me all over again . I didn't even expect us to end up doing that but i was happy about it .

When we were done all i could keep thinking was i just had to tell Evelyn ! She wouldn't believe it .

" baby ," Carlos pulled me body in between his legs while he sat on the couch " please ?"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes trying to hide my smile " no ."

" just one more time ? I promise . Just one more time today ." he whispered as he lifted up my shirt and kissed down my stomach and around the waist band of my pants .

" no ! " i shiver a little and pulled away from him laughing , he was so cute " anyways , didn't you say you had a surprise for me ? I didn't skip school for nothing ."

I could tell he was kind of disappointed but i didn't care at the moment . I wanted my surprise !

chapter 3 -


I was finally back home . It was like nothing i could have dreamed of . The feeling i got when i stepped foot off that stuffy plane and smelled the air i'd smelt for the first time in 2 months , it was like a dream come true . I couldn't wait to be back in my own house , in my own school , and finally have my own girl back in my arms . Aaaah , Chanel , yes i couldn't get her off my mind even if i wanted to . She had always been the apple off my eye and to try and shake those feelings would have been impossible .

My first stop would be by house to see my mother . She would be happy to know i was home to stay this time . Then my next stop would be to the mall to pick Chanel up something nice . I felt like a little kid all over again .

I remembered the first time i'd ever kissed Chanel . She had to be at least 10 . I think i was 12 , but i was muscular and mature for my size . . I was teaching her to play basketball and she wanted to dunk . Since she was a little too short i had to pick her up so she could put the ball in the hoop . When i put her back down on her feet she stumbled into me and both our lips locked into each others but neither of us pulled away , it was like it was meant to be , and it would be soon . Very , very , very soon .



I want that , that , that , oh my gosh , that too !

We walked into the first store in the mall and my eyes instantly saw everything i wanted . It was like i was adding up how much it would cost if i even asked Carlos to buy me half of the stuff i wanted in this store and the price i came up with was way too high .

I bit my bottom lip slightly and turned to look at Carlos . I couldn't ask him to buy me anything . Then he'd think i was just some freeloader and i wasn't . And plus i didn't feel comfortable with him buying me anything more than lunch . I mean , he'd already bought me all of the stuff that was in my closet at our house , i couldn't and wouldn't ask him for anything else .

Carlos laughed when he saw the look on my face . He took my hands in his and pulled me close to him " what now ?"

" um ," i looked up at his face where he had an amused look plastered all over it " nothing . Let's go ."

" we just got here . And we not leaving until you pick someting ouh , mami ." It was so cute when his accent accidentally slipped in while he was speaking .But i tried to put that out of my head for the time being . I pulled away from him , looked around and picked up the cheapest thing i could find which just happened to be a $5 bracelet . God , who pays $5 for a damn bracelet .

" is this good enough ?"

He shook his head and flashed me a smile " yeah , if that's all you want ."

I wanted to scream to him that i actually wanted the whole darn store , but i didn't . I kept quiet while he payed for the bracelet with a credit card and handed it to me . I slipped on the simple white bracelet and we left the store . In all actuality he pissed me off . I didn't want him to tell me that all i had to get was a bracelet . I wanted him to force me to get everything i wanted . I think he knew that and that's why he didn't say anything . He was torturing me and he knew it . But he wasn't gonna beat me at my own game , so i kept my mouth shut and we walked hand in hand through the mall .

We stopped in at least 15 other store where i got nothing but he made sure when we stopped in Hollister to buy his self at least 15 shirts and a few jackets . When he turned his back towards me i shot him a mean look but i smiled in his face though . Gosh , why was he doing this to me ? !

When we stopped into a jewelry store he immediately told me to wait outside which i didn't have a problem with . He was probably just going to buy his self another flashy gift , but i couldn't be mad . After all , it was me who turned down all his offers to buy me things so what did i really expect .

I saw a face in the crowd that made me do a double take . But as soon as i looked back it was gone . As quickly as i had seen it it had been gone , like it was never there . Boy , did that face bring back memories . Memories i wasn't quite ready to relive . But , i think i was tripping . He couldn't be back , what would have even been his purpose to come back ? To beat the crap out of me again ? No , i wasn't going back down that road . And anyways Bucky left pursuing his career , last i had heard he had a record deal and was working on a album to put out . 2months , it'd been 2 long months since i'd seen that face and i'd been praying i'd never seen it again .

I felt a body behind me and my instant reaction was to pull away but then i heard Carlos's soothing voice " calm down and hold your hair up ."

I did as he said and i felt something cold around my neck . A necklace ? I instantly perked up .

After he was done i dropped my hair and looked down trying to see it but it was no use , i couldn't . He laughed , picked up his bags and led me over to a mirror inside the store . I gasped . It was a gold necklace that read "C & C" and it had 2 little diamonds on it , one in the middle of each c .

I turned to Carlos and wrapped my arms around his neck "i love it , i love it . Thank you ."

He laughed and literally had to pull me off of him " i got it specially made the day before our wedding ."

" how much did it cost ?"

" really ?" he rolled his eyes " i just got you this and all you can think about is the price ? You've gotta be kidding me ."

Right when i was about to respond i saw him again . Out of the corner of my eye i saw Bucky and fear as well as shock sat right at the bottom of my stomach . How ? How was it possible . I grabbed Carlos's hand in a rush " can we please go ."

He pulled his hand from mines and we walked from the Jewelry place . I could tell Carlos was annoyed with me but at that moment i didn't care . My main focus was just to get out of there .



When i stopped home my mother had told me Chanel was married but , i didn't believe her , i just had to see that shit with my own 2 eyes . And when i stopped in the mall to buy her present i saw her hugging some boy with a huge ass ring on her finger .

How could she ? I thought , i thought we were in love . I mean , i know i left her for 2 months but it was for us , so i could build up my career and get a little money so maybe we could move in together . But she'd moved on without me and she way going to pay , by any means necessary .



I got into the back of the car after Chanel , my driver closed the door got into the driver's seat and started the car . I was quiet the whole way home . I just didn't have shit to say to Chanel . I was trying to be nice and treat her to nice things and all she wanted to do was worry about the price . She deserved so much and i was trying to show her that i'd do anything to give it to her but there she was acting like a . . . . like a . . . bitch . Money wasn't a issue , and as long as i had it she would too . I deserve the right to be able to spoil my wife .

I sat down on the couch and watched as Chanel went to her room and closed the door . Great ! I don't need these problems .

3 hours went past and it was now 4 in the afternoon , and i hadn't seen or heard a word from Chanel but i didn't care . I ordered a pizza and after i ate i turned in early .



I woke up feeling , like shit , if i must be honest .

I picked out a pair of blue tights , some blue and white Griffey's , a blue jean mini skirt and a white t-shirt . After i did everything i needed to in the bathroom , put my hair in a loose ponytail and made my way to the kitchen Carlos was already gone . But he was early , he must've gotten his driver to take him to school . But i didn't worry about it one bit . I really wasn't ready to apologize to him anyways .

When i made it to school and everyone was rushing off there own yellow bus i caught a glimpse of Carlos and Tisha hugged up kissing next to the front door but i acted like i didn't even see it , held my head high and walked into the school building .

" you okay ?" Evelyn asked .

I was at my locker and she just happened to walk up . I put on a fake smile for her benefit so she wouldn't ave to listen to me complain " i'm fine ."

She looked at me skeptically " if you say so . But listen , i hear that Tisha's friend , Riley , is fucking Carlos . And i heard that Tisha is too . I know it's just a rumor but , if you saw the picture going around you wouldn't think so ."

Picture ?? So not only is there a rumor but there is a fucking picture ! Just great . Now Carlos isn't just a dickhead but he's a cheater too !

I pulled the wedding ring off my finger and unclasped the necklace that Carlos had gotten me yesterday from around my neck . I gave them to Evelyn as i struggled to hold back tears " i guess i won't be needing these . Oh , and if you see Carlos tell him i'll be moving out ."

Evelyn shook her head " oh , okay . And Chanel , guess who's back ."

I wasn't really in the mood for stories . I needed to find the nearest bathroom , lock myself in a stall and cry my eyes out . . . alone .

" who ?"

" Bucky ."

She said that like she thought i'd be excited . I knew already . And just the sound of his name being said was making me cringe . Please , let this all be some cruel dream .

And as i started to think about it , Bucky could have something to do with this whole Riley and Tisha fucking Carlos situation . Bucky was , dangerous . The people that he ran with and the things that i'd seen him do over the years we were together was crazy . He was crazy . And he was protective . If Bucky thought a girl belonged to him then 9 times out of 10 he would do anything to prove it . He would beat people up , he would lie . . . . . . he would break up relationships between two happy people .


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.07.2011

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