
in the air port

Today i was travling from California to Itally.It was five hours before i was going to leave.Once I packed all my stuff for the month i will stay there.I will pack a language book and more.I`ll have my head phones for the air plane. Packing my bag only took two hours a long time to pack.I will drop my cat off at my best friend valerys house.Her long dark silky hair was oh so pretty with a pretty bow in it everyday. After i droped off my cat and went to the air port.I grabbed a bite at subway.Well the service ladies were calling what plane was whos."Flight 205"flight 206" I had log ways to go i was flight 222 quite an easy number to remember.time passed so fast it was already my flight.I showed the ladie with the bun in her hair my pass port .She read it over."So your name it  "Julia teff"the ladie said with a straight voice."yes,and your name is erin musto".She looked at me with her large big pimple and purfectly shaped bun."Go,go get on your plane, I dont want to see you again"she says.I couldnt believe i just said that but now its over with and i can go get on my plane.


When i got on the plane I walked by many people I hoped I dont sit with.I found my seat and next to me was a young women with a beautiful black dress on.The dress sparkled when the sun hit it threw the little window."Hi,Whats your name mine is Julia,Julia teff""oh mine is Brenda doffin".By the time we stopped talking the ladie came over with some drinks she said"would you like a beverage"."Yes I would like a sprite"Brenda had a ice cold water .The condensation on the cup reminded me of a rain cloud.I pulled my mini table out in front of me and placed my sprite on the cup holder.


I fell asleep for about 3 hours .that was the longest nap I took.By one sip,slurp,I finished the sprite.there were 10 hours left.brenda asked me if i was  going to paris I said "No im going to Italy but I guess its the same place"."Im going to paris to see the beuty i could draw. once i finish i post it on instagram or other websites to explain my art"would you like to see a drawing,i just finished it yesterday"I said ok and she puled  out a peice of paper it was water painted.




When the plane landed i was amazed how beautiful Italy was.The people are so nice.But when one man stood talking in front of me i was washed away.The man said"Ciao,Buona Sera Benvenuto Come State'" but then i remembered i had a language book i pulled  out and the man said"hi,good evning welcome how are you"I respounded "bene grazie"which is italian for good thank you.The man walked away smiling.I walked to a near by hotel. I rented a room for 2 just because a room for one are to small.I packed my stuff in a cabinit and bin.It was about 10 at night i was tired.I went to my balcony and looked at how pretty  italy was.I could see all the bright lights and the smells of italian food.I went over to the fridge to look in it there was an italian ice.I laughed.I cracked it opened and grabed a spoon.they have made italian ice better than california.I soon went steped into bed and sliped the covers over me and fell right asleep.

places to go

I wanted to by some cloths from italy.So i went to a store named"Max Mara" they had pretty nice dresses i only bought 1 because the price was the time passed my stomach was growling.So i went to a resturant near max mara called"MAGGINO`S"there was pretty good food and the rice was not even high at all.At 6 i went to a little river it was near a park i sat near a girl that i recognized.It was brenda she was crying.I went up to her to ask why she was crying."My,My,My mom,she has just passed  yesturday and shes all the way in california i havent seen her since i was going on the plane." "oh im so sorry but when i was 16 my mom died by a heart attack and i never seen her since i was only 13".Brenda stoped crying and also said me and brenda talked i told her i was leaving tomarow."Before you go can i havee your phone number so i never foreget you." "yes it is 1 800 948 8488"we then huged and i went back to the hotel i wasnt hungry.

im going home

When i woke up i was eating breakfast i just had cerial. I packed my bag.Not forgetting the dress i bought.when i finished packing i went to the air port.By the time i got seated i saw brenda again she sat in her same seat right Next to her.She said "when you meet a nice person it feels like you can never stay away from them" when we got to california i went to valerys house to pick up my cat me and brenda both bought a house they were neighbors for the rest of there lifes.


Texte: lilly
Bildmaterialien: google
Lektorat: lilly grieco
Übersetzung: lilly
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.06.2014

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

i dedicate this book to enyone, reading it

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