
Book 1













Table of contents:


Chapter 1: Cookie’s Bad Day

Chapter 2: Camp Seek

Chapter 3: Camp Weird

Chapter 4: Cookie’s New Friend

Chapter 5: Haunted Basement

Chapter 6” Haunted Play

Chapter 7: Legend of Fox’s cave

Chapter 8: Tracy’s Magic Jar

Chapter: 9: The Greedy Lesson

Chapter 10: The Pie Mystery













Chapter 1:

It all started on a Saturday afternoon. While I was walking back home after playing video games over my friend Vicky Dragonfly’s house. I was almost reaching my driveway when I noticed a mysterious metal box

That was half buried underneath the maple tree that’s next to my house. I walked over to it and dug it out I slowly opened it

Inside the box was a silver collar with a note next to it. I took the note and read it:






After reading the note for the second time. I took the collar out and looked at it closely

“There’s no way that such a beautiful collar like this would cause any kind of bad luck.”

“This’s probably someone’s idea of a stupid joke,” I thought to myself as I put on the collar then buried the note and box where I found it


I wasn’t even inside for five minutes when my mom walked out of the kitchen and yelled

“Cookie!” Where have you been?” You should’ve been home an hour ago

“I’m sorry mom, I was over Vicky’s house playing video games and didn’t notice how late it was,” Cookie answered

“That’s no excuse young lady,” Her mother frowned.

“Now go and clean your room!” I’ll call you when dinner’s ready,”

“Aww mom!” Do I’ve to?” Cookie whined

“Don’t aww mom, me now go?” Her mother snorted

Chapter 2:

From that day my luck turned from bad to worst. Not only was my mom mad at me. But the next day I totally forgot to study for my math quiz the night before and failed it. But I also forgot that Miss Dragon, one of my favorite actress was coming to my school that afternoon to speak on the importance of reading


“Hey!” Where have you been?” My friend Daisy Penguin asked me.

As I met her by the gyms double door

“I’ve been waiting for you for more than ten minutes,” She added frowning

“Don’t ask,” I mumbled.

As we walked inside the gym and even though it was almost full we managed to find two seats in the front row

Then after what seemed like hours finally Miss. Dragon walked through the front door. Everyone started clapping and yelling out her name including myself. In fact I was so excited that I forgot that I put my water bowl down next to me

And accidently knocked it over with my paw. A minute later everyone gasped when they saw that Miss. Dragon, slipped on the wet floor and fell right on top of me

“My ankle!” She cried out horrified

Her ankle? What about my paw?

Believe me she wasn’t as light as she appeared to be

Miss Fox and some of the other teachers rushed over to help Miss. Dragon who was still crying about her stupid ankle. None of them even bothered to ask me if I was okay

All they cared about was about her precious ankle. A few minutes later Miss. Fox came back inside the gym and told everyone that Miss. Dragon had a really bad sprain ankle and wouldn’t be able to speak with us today


“Oh, nice going Cookie!” You just had to spill your bowl didn’t you?” Daisy scowled me.

Once we were outside

“Hey!” it was an accident and how bad could she have sprained her dumb ankle. She landed on top of me and not the floor,” I whined

“Yah, that part was funny you should’ve seen the look on your face. When she landed on you it was hysterical!”

Daisy giggled.

“Well see you later I promised Vicky, that I’d help her with her science project,”

“Gee, what a pal,” I smirked to myself

Chapter 3:


When I got home my paw began to swell up like a balloon and if that wasn’t bad enough. A few minutes later it started to go numb from all the ice pack that my mom kept putting on it


Later that night as I laid in my bed waiting for the feeling in my paw to return. I knew that I had to return the collar

I got up really early the next morning and sneaked outside before my mom noticed that I was even missing. Once I got there I started digging for the box but it wasn’t there

“Oh great!” Now what I’m going to do?” I sighed.

I was about to go back home when I noticed a small piece of paper sticking out of hole next to the place I was digging

Which read:






“Well that was a big waste of time. How on earth am I going to do that if I can’t find the stupid metal thing?”

I started to crumple the paper when something caught my eye on the back of it. Someone had drawn a picture of my bed room

“Now that’s weird,” I thought to myself as I stared at the picture over again

That’s when I saw it I saw the metal box it was sitting on top of my toy chest inside my room


Feeling both nervous and confused I ran inside and to my room. And just as the picture showed there was the metal box

And though it was driving me crazy how it got there I was so relieved that I was finally going to get rid of the stupid thing


I quickly took off the collar and placed it inside the box. I was about to go outside to bury it when my mom walked into my room

“Oh, good you’re up we’ll be leaving in thirty minutes,” She said

“Leaving?” Leaving where?” I frowned

“I promise Ms. Tiger, that I‘d help her with the school’s bake sale,” My mom answered

“Aww mom, do I really have to go can’t I just stay home?” I asked

“Sure sweetie,”

“I can?” Really wow!” Thanks!” I cried out

“Sure, about in ten years or more!” She interrupted laughing.

“Now move your little tail and start getting ready. We don’t want to be late,”

“I really hate when she does that,” I frowned to myself once she left the room



Chapter 4:

The next day I guess that my mom noticed that there was something wrong. Because when I got home from band practice she had my favorite snack waiting for me

“Cookie, you look a little down is there something bothering you?” She asked. And after I finished the last bite of my meaty bones. I told her the whole story

“And did you rebury it?” She asked after I finished

“Yep, right after we got home from the bake sale,” I answered her

“Oh wow!” I hope that I never find something like that!” She smiled

“Yah, I learned my lesson the next time I see something that doesn’t belong to me.

I’m leaving it right where I found it,” Cookie told her

“I’m glad to hear you say that Cookie, because I’ve to tell you a little secret,” Her mom began


“It was me, I’m the one who left you the box,” Her mom added

“What? Why?” Cookie cried out

“Well remember last week when I told you not to play with my stuff without asking me first?” What happened?” She asked

“I lost one of your favorite rings then lied about it. But you grounded me for that,” I mumbled

“I know, but grounding you didn’t teach you anything did it? She asked frowning

“No, I guess not, but gee mom, did you’ve to go so far,” I whined

“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean for you to go through such a hard time.

But sometimes you’ve to go through them to understand what the other person really goes through,”

“When you get a little older you’ll understand this a bit better. So what do you say do you forgive me?” Her mom asked smiling


For a minute I was so mad at her for making me go through all this. But even though she drives me crazy and acts weird at times. She does mean well and I’m sure she thinks the something about me sometimes. I went up to her and gave her the biggest hug and smile before I answered her back

“You’re the best mommy in the whole wide world!”


Copyrights © belong to jack 2006










Chapter 1:

The bus driver growled at them to pipe down, as the bus hit a bump. Causing them to bounce off their seats. Daisy Penguin stared out the window thinking about what her mother told her before she got on the bus

“Now, whatever you do try to your very best”

“I wonder what she meant by that?” Daisy wondered to herself

“Hey, check it out!” Cookie cried out “I just saw a wild cat run by us!”

“Huh?” Are you sure?” I didn’t see anything” Daisy answered her.

As she looked in the same direction Cookie was

“Yah, it went behind those rocks,” Cookie added

“Oh, I wonder how much longer until we reach the camp?” Daisy asked

“I don’t know, but I don’t think it should be much farther,” Cookie shrugged.

Daisy was about to answer her back, when the bus suddenly came to a rough stop

“Okay, you little creatures!” Every one off the bus!” The driver yelled

“Why are we getting out here?”

I don’t see any camp site around Tommy Cub asked the bus driver, who just ignored him and walked off the bus

“Hey!” I was talking to you!” Tommy yelled after him

“Can you believe that jerk?” Tommy added once they were outside

“I still don’t understand why, we’ve to get out here in the middle of nowhere. Is someone from the camp coming to pick us up? Vicky Dragonfly frowned

“I’m not sure, hold on I’ll go ask the bus driver,” Cookie answered her

“Umm, excuse me, but is someone from the camp coming to pick us up soon?” Cookie asked the driver

“I don’t know, and I really don’t care” He growled. He then walked passed her and back on the bus and drove off

Chapter 2:

Cookie joined her friends a couple seconds later. And before she could speak a loud growl interrupted

“What was that?” Sammy Turtle nervously asked

“Don’t know, hopefully, it wasn’t one of those wild cats I seen earlier,” Cookie answered him

“Quick!” Just in case pick up some rocks maybe we can scared them off” Daisy added

They had just finished gathering their rocks, when they spotted the wild cat approaching

“Wow!” It doesn’t look very happy, Sammy muttered

“Okay, on the count of three throw your rock as hard as you can. “Okay, ready?” one, two---

And before Tommy would reach three. There was a loud bang making the wild cat to turn around and run off

“Wow!” Look at the little wimp run!” A high laugh cried out from behind them

“You kids okay?” Howdy!” I’m your friendly camp director Mr. Law, now grab your things and jump on the bus

“Where did that thing come from?” Tommy asked Mr. Law, once they were on the bus

“Oh, just forget all about that nasty little kitty and just enjoy the ride,” Mr. Law smiled

Less than five minutes later they arrived at the camp grounds

“Wow!” That was quick I wonder why we had to switch buses?” Cookie whispered over to Daisy. She was about to answer her back when Mr. Law jumped up from his seat and cried:

“Welcome to your new summer homes Camp Seek!” My assistant Freddy, will give you kids, your bunk numbers. And once you finish unpacking and grabbing something to eat.” I’ll see you all a bit later at tonight’s campfire,”

The girls were assigned to bunks number one and the boys were in bunks number two. They quickly finished unpacking then went looking for the boys. But couldn’t find them

“I wonder where they disappear to,” Vicky asked

“Let’s go check in the mess hall knowing those two. They’re looking for some food” Cookie laughed

“Where have you guys been?” We’ve been looking all over for you,” Daisy asked

“We had to see the camp nurse,” Sammy answered her

“Why?” Vicky asked him

“One of our bunk mates Jay, had his paw bitten by a snake,” Tommy started to explain

What!” The girls exclaimed

“Creepy huh?” he was making his bed, it was hiding underneath his pillow,” Tommy added

“Oh wow!” Is he going to be okay?” Cookie asked

“I guess, his paw blew up like a balloon and was pretty freaked out by the whole thing. But I’m sure that he’ll be fine in a few days” Tommy shrugged

“How did it get inside?” Vicky asked

“No clue, Freddy, told us that this whole camp is probably filled with them. Maybe you guys, have some hiding inside your bunk!” Tommy laughed

“You’re not funny dude, so what did you do with the snake?” Cookie frowned

“Oh, we put it inside a bed sheets, then went out into the woods and dumped it there. Hopefully, it won’t find his way back,” Tommy shrugged



Chapter 3:

Later that night.

They were all gathered by a big bon fire by the lake eating hot dogs, and toasting marsh mellows. Mr. Law got up and said:

“Okay, I’d like to welcome you all to camp. I hope that you all found your bunks comfortable. Now that we got that out of the way, I’d like to go over some of our camp rules”

“First, lights out will be at nine sharp, now I’m sure that some of you might get an itch. To break this rule and try to sneak out after lights out” But I’ m only going to warn you now, that would not a very wise idea. We’ve our ways of dealing with you rule breakers,” Mr. Law frowned

Some of the older kids laughed at that

“The other important thing these woods are filled with wild bears” He continued

Some kid made a loud growling noise that made the group laugh more

“Okay, settle down, I don’t think you’d be making jokes. When one of these bears want to rip your heads off,” Mr. Law smirked

“Now, I need two volunteers to help me,” He added.

Both Tommy and Sammy made their way towards him

“Okay, now I’ll show you, how to survive if you do get jumped by one of these creatures.”

“First, lay float on your stomach and cover the back of your head and try your best not to move until the coast is clear” Okay, thank you boys, you can join your friends now,” Mr. Law smiled

“Have there ever been any attacks?” Daisy asked him

“A few, but let’s not worry ourselves about that. Okay, now, before we break out for the night, please do your best to have a great time during your time with us. You’re all dismissed, enjoy, the rest of your night and I’ll see you all in the morning!” Mr. Law added

Chapter 4:

The next morning, they quickly got dressed and went to breakfast. When they were done they went by the lake for a day of water sports

On their way back Tommy and Sammy heard a horrifying scream coming out of the woods

“What was that?” Sammy asked

“I don’t know, but it sounded like some one’s getting their heads ripped off or something,” Tommy shrugged

When they reached their bunks they noticed that. All of Jay’s stuff was missing

“Well maybe, after what happened to him. He decided to go back home,” Daisy shrugged. Once the boys told them the story

“Then why didn’t he just tell us, instead of just taking off without saying a word to anybody?” Tommy shrugged

“Well did you guys, ask Freddy?” Maybe he knows what happened to him,” Cookie suggested


Later that day

“So, what did Freddy say?” Cookie asked the boys

“He didn’t. When Tommy, asked him if Jay, went home. He just shrugged and said that there was never been any camper, by that name staying here,” Sammy answered her

What!” Are you kidding us?” How can he say, he was never here?” When we all have seen Jay here!” Vicky cried out

“I know, that’s what we told him but Freddy, just laughed. And thought we were just pulling a fast one on him then ran off before we could ask him anything else,” Sammy added

“Oh, really we’ll see who’s pulling a fast one on who?” Let’s talk to Mr. Law, hopefully, he can tell us what really happened to Jay,” Daisy frowned

And as Cookie and her friends walked over towards Mr. Law’s office. Her mind started racing

There’s something very strange going around here?

But what?

“Well, that was a big waste of time,” Tommy sighed. As they walked back to their bunks

“Yah, I can’t believe that he also denied even knowing Jay. He just laughed like it was all a big joke”

Sammy added

“Ha-ha really funny. Well, I guess they’re not going to tell us anything it looks like it’s going to be up to us to figure what’s going on. Before we suddenly disappear too,” Daisy told them

The next day the boys were surprised to see the girls. Sitting by the lake

“Hey!” What are you guys, doing here?” I thought you were supposed to be going on a nature hike this morning,” Tommy asked

“We were. But after we got ready for it Freddy, popped into our bunks and told us to report to the lake that our hike was concealed,” Vicky explained

“Yah, that jerk just walked away laughing when Cookie asked him. Why the hike was concealed,” Daisy frowned

Chapter 5:

A few minutes later Freddy walked over towards them and asked

“Who’s ready for some awesome wild water rapes?”

Then after instructed them on the rules they drifted from the shore

“Hey look!” At those cool pearl fish, I bet I can reach over and grab one,” Freddy told them

“Umm, Freddy, I don’t think you should be doing- “.

And before Cookie could finish her sentence. Freddy leaned over to far and fell into the cold water

“Whoa!” How do you stop this thing?” Sammy yelled as they drifted farther away

Cookie without thinking suddenly jumped into the water and started to swim back

“Cookie!” Where are you going?” Daisy yelled at her

“I’m going to help Freddy, don’t worry I’ll meet you guys, back at the camp!” She yelled back

A few minutes later Cookie found Freddy floating a few feet away. She quickly swam towards him and help him swim back towards the shore

They rested for a few minutes before starting their way back to camp

“Do you think the others will be okay?” Cookie asked him after a few minutes of silence

“Yep, I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Freddy answered her back


A few hours later they wandered back at camp

“Are you two okay?” I’ve been worried sick and was about to send out a rescue team to go look for you,” Mr. Law cried out

“Umm, I accidently fell out of the canoe and Cookie, here saved my life,” Freddy explained

“Have the others make it back yet?” Cookie asked Mr. Law

“Yes, about a few minutes ago and told me the whole story” He answered

“Now, let’s dry up we’ll be leaving in half an hour for our hike,” Mr. Law added

“Can’t we just skip the hike?” I’m wiped out after what happened I don’t think any of us are in any mood to go on a hiking trip,” Cookie muttered

“Skip the hike?” Don’t be silly. It’ll do you kids, some good, now I’ll see you all a bit later don’t be late!” Mr. Law laughed

“I can’t believe that we’ve to go on this stupid hike after what happened,” Tommy frowned. As he and the others into the woods

“Mr. Law, is this going to be a long hike?” Vicky asked. But he just pretends not to hear her and kept walking. Then after a few more minutes she asked again. Freddy was about to answer her when Mr. Law interrupted


“Okay kids, instead of this being your normal nature hike. It seems we’re now going to be doing a seek and recovery

“One of you kids, seemed to believe it’d be funny to break our camp rules and take off without telling anyone.” That’s a big no-no and must be punish for it,”

Punished how?” I don’t remember hearing about any kid running away?” Cookie frowned. Mr. Law reached inside his bag and took out a couple of rifles

“And what are you going to do with that?” You really aren’t going to shoot some kid just because they ran away from camp?” Cookie cried out in a disbelief tone of voice

“Well, we can’t have them break the rules without some kind of punishment can we?” Mr. Law smirked

“What!” But that’s nuts!” That’s no reason to kill them,” Vicky yelled

“Oh no, this rifle is filled with sleeping darts!” Mr. Law laughed. “Here let me show you,”

He pressed the rifle into her chest and was about to press the trigger. When Daisy suddenly stepped in front of her and cried out

“Sorry, Mr. Law, but I can’t let you do that,”

Chapter 6:

Mr. Law just smiled evilly before he started to pull the trigger. Both Cookie and Daisy shut their eyes and were about to scream. But instead of the sound of the rifle going off his laughter interrupted

Congregates!” You all just passed!”

Cookie opened her eyes and noticed that the others were all staring and smiling at them

“Hey!” What’s going here?” What do you mean we passed?” Passed what?” Tommy frowned

“Okay, the testing stage are over you can all come out now!” Mr. Law cried out happily

The gang’s mouth dropped open as they watched their parents walk out from behind the trees

“Now, I know that I’m really in the twilight zone!” Sammy sighed

“Would someone please mind telling us what’s going on around here?” Daisy cried out

“Oh, honey!” I just knew that you’d pass!” Daisy’s mother smiled before giving her a big hug

“Umm, thanks, I think but we just passed what exactly?” Daisy shrugged


“Well kids, you see this isn’t a real camp. This is a testing center,” Mr. Law began

“What?” How come anyone never told us?” Sammy interrupted

“Because if we did, that’d be breaking the rules. And this whole test would have been a complete failure,” Mr. Law answered him

“So, you all were on in on it?” Tommy asked

“Yes, I’m afraid so, we wanted to make sure that you kids would be ready. For when you and your parents, go on the space shuttle and travel to a very scary planet," Mr. Law

“A very scary planet?” Daisy gulped

“Yes, one called earth. Our research show that so far this planet is both a very exciting and dangerous place--. And before Freddy could finish explaining Tommy interrupted him “Dude, maybe, but I’m sure it’ll be. But I’m sure it’ll never be as exciting as the week”

“We just spent at camp seek!

Copyright © belongs to jack 2006










Chapter 1:

“I can’t believe that our parent’s all agreed for us to spend the summer. At some camp that none of us ever heard of before”

“Instead of letting us, stay at my uncle’s dude ranch. I mean who lets their kids, go off to the middle of nowhere, without knowing where that place is like?” Tommy Cub whined as he stared out the camp bus window

“Tommy, are you going to whine and complain the whole time we’re out here?” They didn’t just dump us off. Cookie’s mom researched the camp before our parents all agreed that it’d be a great place for our summer vacation,” Daisy Penguin frowned

“Oh, yah, for all they know we can all be slaughter as soon as we get there,” Tommy smirked.

And before Daisy could answer him back the bus driver yelled

“Okay, everyone off the bus!”


They followed the driver off the bus and collected their bags

“Why did we’ve to get off out here?” Is the camp around here cause all I see is just a bunch of over grown trees,” Sammy Turtle frowned? The bus driver laughed at Sammy, before he answered him

“It’s just through that pebble path you can’t miss it,”

He then shut the baggage door shut and walked back inside the bus

“Okay kids, you all have a great time here at camp Joy-Joy, and I’ll meet you all right back here in a week,” The bus driver smiled. He gave them all a wave good-bye before he shut the bus doors and drove off


“Oh great!” You’d think that someone from the camp would be here to pick us up,” Tommy sighed

“Tommy, would you please stop being such a whiner. You heard the driver the camp is just through those trees”

“So pick up your stuff and let’s get going. Since we all know by now how wonderful life would’ve been if we all would’ve just spent the summer at your uncle’s dude ranch!” Sammy laughed

The driver didn’t lie they only had to walk short ways before they came across a wooden sign

That pointed towards the camp entrance

Chapter 2:

“Oh wow!” It looks so—

“Peaceful,” Sammy finished for Cookie as they looked around the campgrounds

“Yah, but it also looks so empty,” Vicky Dragonfly added. “Shouldn’t there be kids running around and swimming in the lake,”

“They probably are inside that cabin over there,” Daisy answered her pointing to a stone cabin that looked bigger than the others

“They’re probably eating lunch or something,” She added

“Or the bus driver dropped us off at the wrong camp,” Tommy smirked

“Oh, yah, right. Since all these camps are right next to one another I’m sure they get confused all the time”

“On which camp is which I’m sure that they’re in there,” Daisy frowned


They followed the path down towards the cabin. Vicky opened the door and found a small hound dog staring out the window

“Umm, hi I’m Vicky, my friends and I just arrived at camp. And were wondering where everyone was at?”

“Hi, I’m Amy, I’m the only one here. Everyone else left a few days ago,” She sobbed

“Left?” Left for where? And why didn’t you go with them?” Cookie asked her frowning. A smile spread across Amy’s face before she busted out laughing

“Sorry you guys!” I couldn’t keep a straight face anymore, you can all come out now!” She cried out


Soon the cabin was filled with smiling campers all of them just staring at the gang

“Hey!” What’s going on here? Was this some kina joke?” Tommy frowned

“Oh, don’t get upset little one, we do this to all the new campers. My name is Mr. Jug, your camp director, Amy why don’t you show them were their cabin’s”

“Then after you all finish unpacking I’ll see you kids a bit later at the campfire,” Mr. Jug smiled “So what’s there to do around here? Besides playing unfunny pranks on the new kids?” Tommy asked frowning. As they headed towards their cabins Amy, just laughed before she answered him

“Oh, there’s lots of things to do! We play sports, do arts and craft, we go swimming. And we’re also planning a fishing trip” Whoever catches the biggest fish will win twenty bucks”

“There’s only one thing--”

A scream coming from the end of the cornfield interrupted Amy

“Oh my! This is just awful” The voice cried once they ran over towards him

“What’s the matter Mr. Howard?” Amy asked him

“The corn! It’s ruined!” He cried.

The gang lend over to take a closer look and noticed, that the corn ear that he was holding. Had a nasty brown color to it and was filled with worms

“Oh gross!” Cookie cried out. “What’s wrong with it?”

“Sorry kids, but I can’t talk to you now I’ve to go and see if I can help the corn with my spell book,” He answered her

“You’re spell book?” Sammy asked frowning

“Yes, my spell book tells me everything that I need to know on how to take care of the crops. And other things around here” Now I’ve wasted enough time I’ve to run,” Mr. Howard explained

“What a total weirdo! He really believes in all that magic stuff,” Amy smirked as they watched him running off still mumbling to himself. And before Daisy could answer her back. A paw reached out from behind her and tapped her on the shoulder

Chapter 3:

“Boo!” Tony Cow laughed

“Tony, you creep! You scared me half to death!” Amy cried out

“Relax Am, just trying to having some fun.

“What’s wrong with creepy Howie?”

He ran passed me like he had to go to the bathroom or something,” Tony shrugged

“Oh, he’s freaking out cause the corn ear that he was holding was filled with worms. And went to check that stupid spell book looking for a cure,” Amy explained

“Oh, so are you guys just going to stand around here waiting for him to come back? Or do something fun like taking out the boat for a spin,” Tony asked smiling


Later that night the gang noticed that the camp director looked really nervous. Every time he’d look over to the table in where Mr. Howard was eating at. Cookie leaned over to Daisy and whispered in her ear

“Is it me or do you find that there’s something weird on how everyone’s acting?”

“Yah, somewhat. But so far everything around here is a bit weird,” Daisy whispered back. Cookie was about to answer her back

When someone yelled out from across the room

“Hey, Mr. Jug!” Are you going to tell us one your famous ghost stories tonight?”

Mr. Jug glanced nervously at Mr. Howie then answered

“Umm, sorry kids, but it’s been a very long day.

I think that it’s best if we just all call it a night”

“I’ll see you all bright and early,”


A few minutes later they were back inside their cabins

“Was it only me to think how weird it was the way Mr. Jug, kept staring at Mr. Howie, like. He was scared of him or something,” Cookie asked them

“Yah, I could’ve swore that old Howie, nodded his head no. When that kid asked him about telling ghost stories” I thought that was part of the whole camp experience to sit around a big camp fire and spook another?” Tommy added


“So what are we going to today?” Daisy asked them after breakfast

“Don’t know, why don’t we go by the lake and see if we can take the boat out again?” Tommy shrugged. A few minutes later the gang waved over towards Amy, who was getting out of the water and walked over towards them


“Hey guys! What’s up?” She asked them

“We were just looking for Tony, to see if we could take the boat out again,”

Tommy answered her

“Oh, I saw him by the dock earlier. Come on I’ll walk you guys over,”

Amy smiled


Minutes later they found Tony sitting on the dock slowly rocking himself

“Tony, are you okay? What’s the matter?” Amy asked

“The water! He’s in the water!” He grabbed me and kept pulling me under until I finally broke myself free,” Tony sobbed

“Huh?” Who tried to pull you under?” Amy gasped

“I don’t know but I could’ve swore that it was Mr. Howard! He was the one who tried to drown me!” Tony cried out

“Whoa, what! Either this is another dumb prank or you’ve been sitting out in the sun to long?” Tommy frowned

“It’s not a joke! He really tried to drown me! He yelled at them

“Okay, okay, we believe you let’s go back to our cabin and we can discuss it more,” Cookie added

Chapter 4:

When they got back to their cabin they all read the words aloud that was written in big letters

On the walls



“Okay, you two start talking. What’s going on around here?” I know that you’re hiding something!” Tommy cried out. Tony looked over towards Amy’s direction and shrugged

“We might as well tell them it’s probably too late anyways,”

“Too late?” Too late for what? Enough with the riddles and tell us what’s going on already!” Sammy cried out

“Okay, we’ll tell you, there have been stories going around from the older counselors about campers disappearing into thin air. And they say it’s all because--,” Amy began

“Well hello kids!” Nice day isn’t it? Have any of you seen Mr. Jug around?”

A voice from the door way interrupted her

“Umm, I saw him earlier by the food hall,” She mumbled

“Oh, I looked there just a few minutes ago I must’ve just missed him.

“Okay, well you kids, have a good day and I’ll see you all a bit later,”

Mr. Howie smiled before he walked away


“Now there goes one weird dude,” Sammy muttered

“Yah, he didn’t even seem to notice what was written on the wall

“Look it’s not safe to talk here. I feel like there’s something is watching us,” Amy nervously started to explain. “I didn’t like the way he kept smiling like nothing was wrong. Let’s meet by the lake house tomorrow morning, if anyone asks you were you’re going just say that you’re taking a nature hike” I promise to tell you the rest of the story then,” She added. Then Tony and Amy left before the gang could answer her back


The next morning the gang woke up to find that their shoes were all missing

“I can’t believe that someone broke into our cabins in the middle of the night and stole our shoes!” Daisy cried out

“I bet it was Tony and Amy, I bet this is another of their stupid jokes,” Tommy added frowning

“I don’t think it was them I’m telling you guys, there’s something very weird going on around here. I say we go and hear what they’ve to say,” Cookie told them


A few minutes later they made their way towards the lake house waiting for Tony and Amy to arrive

“I wonder what’s taking them so long.” Sammy asked them

“I don’t know but I bet they’re not coming let’s just go back,” Tommy added

“Oh great!” Sammy groaned

“What’s the matter?” Vicky asked

“The stupid door doesn’t open its stuck or something!” He cried out as he continued trying to open the door. Cookie was about to answer when a loud noise made them all jump

“Now what?” Tommy frowned. Vicky took out a small flashlight from her back pocket and turned it on. They screamed when they saw that Tony and Amy was staring at them from across the room

“Whoa! Where did you come from?” Tommy cried out

“Yah, you nearly gave us a heart attack! How long were you guys, hiding back there?” Daisy asked

“We sneaked in through the back door just in case we were followed. Cause if they found that we were talking to you about this we’d be in some real trouble,” Amy answered her

“If who found out? What are you talking about?” Cookie asked

“Mr. Howie, he’s gone mad. He told us that his spell book told him that we have to stay in camp so the crops could be saved!” That we’re all cursed and can never leave,” Amy started to explain

“What!” He can’t just keep us here against our will!” Sammy interrupted. Tony was about to answer him when a loud noise interrupted

“What was that?” Daisy asked

“Don’t know, but if Howie, really had become nutty it’s better that we go back before anyone notices that we’re all gone,” Vicky answered her back

“Good idea Vic, we can figure out how to escape easier without letting anyone knowing that we know what Mr. Howie’s up to,” Cookie agreed. Then after talking it over for a few more minutes they huddled close together making their way back to camp

“Umm, I don’t think that we’re going the right way. I don’t remember seeing that water fall on our way here,” Sammy told them

“Don’t start Sammy, you probably didn’t notice it before. Let’s just keep going the faster we get back the better we’ll all feel,” Tommy answered him back smiling


They continued following the riverbank but after a few more minutes Sammy repeated

“Are you guys, sure that we’re going the right way?”

“Shh! Did you hear that?” Vicky asked them

“Yah, it sounds like someone’s beating on some drums. But I can’t tell which way it’s coming from it sounds like it’s coming from all over,” Cookie answered her

“It must be coming from over there! Were that smoke is coming from over those bushes!”

Tommy cried out

“Are there could be some mass murders just waiting to chop us up into little bitty pieces. Just as soon as we walk through those bushes,” Sammy smirked

“Wow!” Sammy, there’s a spirit! Now let’s go before I starve to death,” Tommy answered him back laughing

Chapter 5:

Still huddled together they walked over to it and onto a bunch of kids who were sitting around a big campfire. Who just stared at them with big smiling faces

“Oh wow!” Talk about your perfect timing I was just about to tell one of my famous ghost stories!” Mr. Jug smiled. “Where have you kids been?”

“Oh, umm, we went for early afternoon hike and just lost track of time,” Cookie shrugged

“I see, any ways you kid look hungry why don’t you go to the food hall and see if the cook can fix you up a snack or something. “I talk to you kids a bit later,” Mr. Jug smiled then walked away before the gang could answer him


“Okay, I need someone to pinch me because I feel like I just fell into the rabbit hole,” Daisy sighed. Cookie was about to answer her when Tony came running up to them

“Hey! Have any of you guys, seen Amy, around I’ve been looking for her since we got back. But I can’t find her,”

“Nope, but if we see her I’ll tell her that you’re looking for her,” Cookie answered him. Then after grabbing a quick bit

They decided to head towards Mr. Jug’s office to see if he could clear up what was going on

“It looks like he’s not here,” Tommy shrugged

“Yah, but there’s a phone,” Sammy told them before he went over to the desk and picked up the phone. Then put it back down again

“Oh great! There was no dial tone,”

“That’s because it’s not plugged into the wall,” A voice coming from the doorway cried out. They turned around to see Mr. Jug staring at them

“Oh umm, we were just looking for you,” Cookie began. “Have you seen Amy, around?”

“I believe that I saw her by the lake house a few minutes ago. Why don’t you go and see if she’s still there,” He answered her back smirking

“Umm, thanks, I guess we’ll see you later then,” She mumbled


“I’m telling you guys, somehow we got sucked inside the twilight zone,” Daisy whispered over to them as they headed out towards the lake house. Tommy was about to answer her when a startled cry for help interrupted him

“Now what?” Cookie thought to herself as they rushed over to see who had cried out

“Amy! How did you get down there?” Vicky asked her. Once she and the others looked down the hole and saw who it was

“Mr. Howie, hit me over the head with something then threw me in here,” Amy began. “So I couldn’t tell you guys the truth. He figured if he keeps me in here you’d never find out and it’d be too late!”

“Too late for what?” Daisy asked frowning

“To escape then you’ll never see your parents again! Now please help me out of here before they come back!” She cried out. The gang just looked at each other with scared and confused looks on their faces


A few minutes after Amy was out of the hole. She dusted herself then took off running

“Hey, Amy! Wait up!” Where are you going?” Cookie yelled after her

“We’ve to get out of here before they come back!” Amy cried

“This is totally nuts,” Cookie thought to herself as she and the others continued to run after Amy. A few seconds later the sounds of drums floated through the woods

“Oh no!” They know just keep--,” Amy was interrupted when she bumped right into Mr. Jug

“Amy, what were you thinking? Did you really think that we’d just let you break the rules and leave?” He asked her frowning

“I don’t care I hate it here! And I hate you!” You can’t keep me here any longer!” She yelled at him

“Will someone please tell us what’s going on around here?” You’re not really keeping us here against our will are you?” Vicky asked

“But of course we’re!” Mr. Howie laughed

“Huh? Are you two crazy or something?” You can’t just keep us prisoners in here and think you’ll get away with it!” Daisy cried out

“Now, now let’s not get our furs all ruffled. Let’s just all claim down and let me explain,” Mr. Howie told them

“Don’t listen to him! He’s only going to lie to you!” Amy began yelling. Mr. Howie only ignored her outburst as he continued

“You see kids, many years ago this camp was built over some hollow ancient ground. Years later the spirits that once lived here returned and cursed anyone who stepped foot on it”

“But instead of killing us, off they offered us a deal instead,”

“What kind of deal?” Cookie asked

“A very powerful one. You see during the winter months we all go to into a deep sleep. But each summer the whole camp including us, we come back to life”

“We promised to take care of the land, we keep it pure and grow new crops and cure those that are not doing so well. And in return we’re kept alive so now do you understand if we allowed you to help her escape we’d have broken our part of the deal”

“Our secret would have been exposed and the spirits of the land would’ve given the power to punish us for it,” Mr. Howie answered her

“Oh wow! We almost destroyed the whole camp without even knowing it!” The girls cried out in unison. Mr. Howie looked up towards the sky

“We’ve to hurry and get everything ready. It’s almost time for us to rest again,”

“Okay, don’t let us stop you just tell us how we can get out of here. And we’ll be on our way,” Sammy smiled. And before any of them could answer him back

Chapter 6:

Amy took out a lighter from her pocket and lite one of the trees

“Amy, no!” Stop you don’t know what you’re doing!” Mr. Howie yelled out horrified

“Who cares!” Let it all burn!” Amy sang out happily

“Sammy, quick! Grab those blankets and help me put it out!” Tommy cried out. A few seconds later the fire was out

“Oh, thank you! Now quick ran towards the river as fast as you can. And remember to always keep our secret safe”

“Now go! Before it’s too late!” Mr. Howie yelled as he and the others began to fade away


They took off running as fast as they could along the river. And didn’t stop until they came across the water fall

“Oh wow! How are we going to go through it we don’t have any canoes or life jackets,” Sammy asked. “Maybe we should turn around and find a way around it,”

“No, you heard Mr. Howie, we’ve no choice we’ve to go through it. If we want to get back home canoes or no canoes,” Tommy answered him. Then huddled close together they climbed to the top then jumped

“We’re never going to make it,” Cookie thought to herself. As she closed her eyes and before she jumped she could’ve swore that she heard Mr. Jug’s voice whisper in her ear

“Relax, you’re all safe you helped us save our land now we’ll return the favor,”


A few minutes later they were back on dry land

“Wow!” We made it! This is where the bus dropped us off!” Tommy cried out happily. And before any of them could answer him back. The bus driver walked over to them and said

“Sorry, that it took so long to fix the flat tire. But you kids, can get back on now and I’ll drop you off at camp!”


Copyrights © belong to jack 2006











Chapter 1:

Cookie is a very happy mutt who loves to play and go on all sorts of adventures. So one day when her mother asked her to go to the local store to pick up some lamb bones for dinner. Cookie was very happy

to do it. For in her mind every time Cookie’s mom asked her to go anywhere she thought of it as if she was going on a new adventure then doing some kind of chore


Soon Cookie was inside the store picking out the juices' bones she could find. There were two poodles standing a couple of feet away from her talking rather loudly

“I swear sometimes I think that husband of mines has the courage of a cat stuck outside during a rainstorm,” Mrs. Crabby was telling Princess

“Excuse me Mrs. Crabby, but what is your husband so scared of?” Cookie asked

“Cookie, were you listening to our conversation? “Didn’t your mother teaches you that is not polite to listen to other people’s conversation?” Mrs. Crabby snorted

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to, but you were talking kina a bit loud so it was hard for me not to listen” Cookie mumbled

“Cookie, have you ever gone to the mountains behind the shore?” Mrs. Crabby asked

“No why?” Cookie shrugged

“Well, never do, “Cause there’s an old mean fire dragon who will eat anyone who dares to enter the mountains'” Princess answered “And it will eat you too if you try,”

“But if nobody has actually ever gone there. How do you know it’s true?” Cookie asked

“Cookie, you shouldn’t ask so many questions there just is!” Princess answered


Cookie walked away trying to make sense of what she just heard

“I bet there really is no dragon I bet those two old ladies, just made up that stupid story.” Because they were upset that I interrupted their dumb conversation,”

Cookie frowned

“Tomorrow morning I’m going up to those mountains and see for myself if there’s any dragon living there” She added to herself


Chapter 2:

So the next morning after an early breakfast Cookie asked her mother if she could go exploring

“Okay Cookie, but don’t wander off too far,” Her mother smiled


Cookie walked and walked for a very long time until she reached the entrance that led towards the mountains. She started to get a little nervous

“What if there really is a dragon?” And he wants to eat me. What am I am going to do then?” She thought to herself.

For a second, Cookie wanted to turn around and go back home. But a little nagging voice inside her head urged her to go on. Shortly she started to climb the mountain until she reached the top

“Finally I made it boy!” I can see the whole shore from up here!”


Cookie was feeling proud of herself when she suddenly remembered why she climbed the mountain in the first place

So far, so good no sign of any dragon I knew there wouldn’t be

It was getting late Cookie knew that she had to go back before her mommy started wondering where she was. She was half-way down when she tripped over a loose rock and fell

“Oh wow!” That was some fall are you okay?” A soft-spoken voice asked. Cookie slowly opened her eyes and cried out

“Oh my god!” I am so sorry miss dragon,” I never meant to climb your mountain without permission.”

“And if you don’t eat me I promise never to do it again!”


The dragon just stared at Cookie for a moment then burst out laughing

“I’m not going to eat you. Why would you think something like that?”

Cookie was very scared as she repeated the story that she had heard the day before at the market. And after she finished she was certain that the dragon would eat her then. But the dragon just laughed even harder

“What’s your name little one?”


“Well it’s very nice to meet you Cookie,” “I’m Joy.

“Why don’t you climb on my back, and I shall take you down the rest of the way.”

Cookie seemed hesitant to move

“It’s okay Cookie; I promise not to eat you on the way down,” Joy laughed. Cookie slowly climbed on her back and soon they both were joking and laughing as they slid the rest of the way off the mountain

“Wow!” That was fun!” Cookie cried once they reached the entrance. “But I better go my mommy is probably having a cow not know where I am,”


Joy agreed “I hope that you come back and visit me sometimes.” I do get a bit lonely up here having no one to play with,”

“Oh, I’ll!”

“And Joy, I don’t why they talk so bad about your one of the nicest dragons I’ve ever met!” Cookie cried out happily

Joy laughed “I thought I was the only dragon you’ve met so far.” But to answer your question Cookie, my grandma taught me a long time ago that no one could ever tell by just hearing about someone or seeing them what they’re really like or what they feel.” I’ve been living inside these mountains for many years

Now and just because one person spread some false story about me.” “The rest of the town chose to believe it; I’m sure they must have their reasons why they do.” I just learned how to live with it.” I guess

They aren’t as brave as you were to come out here and judge for yourself then to just believe what has been said about me.” Now get before your mommy really tans that little butt of yours!”

Chapter 3:

Cookie waived good-bye to Joy then took off running up the path that led her back to the shore. She got home just before nightfall

“Cookie!” Where have you been young lady?” I’ve been worried sick about you,” Her mother frowned. Cookie quickly told her about her new adventure and about meeting Joy

“Wow!” “It sounds like you had a very busy day but next time just let me know where you’re going okay.”

“Okay” Cookie answered kissing her face all over

“Okay, okay!” Her mommy laughed “I’ll tell you what tomorrow after you do all your chores.” Why, don’t we take a panic basket and some of your friends to meet Joy?” I’ll even ask Mrs. Crabby and Princess to come with us; I’m sure once they all meet your new friend.” They will be more careful about what they say and what they chose to believe”

Copyrights © belong to jack 2006










Chapter 1:

It all began when Sammy Turtle aunt’s car pulled up into a dusty drive way. Right next to a sign that in bold letters read:


But someone had added the word mare in spray paint so now the sign read like this:


“Oh wow!” Someone really needs to work on their spelling jokes what a waste of paint,” Daisy Penguin smirked after reading the sign

“And brains!” Wow, I bet this place was beautiful before they let it go,”

Vicky Dragonfly added once we all got out of the car

“Whoa!” This place is a dump!” Tommy Cub frowned

“I can’t believe that your aunt actually brought this place Sammy,”

“Well, she said that with a good rub down it’ll look better than it did before!”

Sammy laughed

“Oh, yah right, and I ---“

“Okay kids,” Sammy’s aunt cut Tommy off

“I put all your bags inside now I want you kids, to be very careful walking around the house.

“Some of the floor boards are loose so try to watch were you’re walking”

“We’ll Aunt Jan,” Sammy answered her

“Okay, now before I go---“

“Go?” Where are you going?” Sammy interrupted

“I won’t be gone long Sammy, just a few hours I need to go into town and see Mr. Cash,

About some signing some boring paper work about the house.

“Now why don’t you kids, go inside, and pick out your rooms

And when I come back we’ll go out and grab some ice cream sodas okay”

“Okay Aunt Jan, we’ll see you later” Sammy answered her

“Great, and kids remember to ----“

“We know, we know, watch were we are walking!” They all laughed

Chapter 2:

“Hey!” What is wrong with the TV all I get is just a bunch of static,” Tommy frowned

“Well, pounding on it isn’t going to help I don’t think that my aunt connected the cable to it yet,” Sammy answered him

“Oh great!” So what are we supposed to do until she gets back?” Tommy asked

“Tommy, will you please stop complaining that’s all you’ve done since we got here,”

Daisy scowled him

“I can’t help it, I get cranky when I’m bored,” Tommy shrugged

“Hey!” I’ve an idea why don’t we explore the house,” I suggested

“Umm, I don’t know Cookie, I’m sure that my aunt wouldn’t want us to be wandering around without her being here.”

“You heard what she said about some of the floor boards being loose,” Sammy answered


“Sammy, we’ll be careful it’ll just give us something to do until she gets back “I smiled

“My brother, told me that the reason your aunt is getting such a cheap price for this house.

Is because a family was murder in one of the rooms upstairs,”

Tommy was telling them as they went downstairs towards the basement

“And you believe that stupid story?” Daisy frowned

“Hey! “Look, what I found I think it’s one of those old board games,” Sammy said.

He then blew off the dust from on top of the box and held it up so the rest of the group could see it

“Oh cool!”

I bet if we sold it we’d get lots of money for it even if it does smell like old moth balls,”

Tommy answered taking the box away from Sammy

“Are you talking about the box or yourself? “Daisy laughed

“Oh, ha-ha very funny”

Vicky jumped out from behind one of the boxes and yelled

“Whoa!” Check it out!”

Hey!” Where did you guys come from?”

“Oh, very funny Vicky, you almost scared the fur off me where did you get that spooked looking mask from? “Daisy frowned

“Okay, where did they disappear to?” Vicky asked once she took off the old ox tail mask that she was wearing

“Where did who go?” I asked

“You mean you, guys didn’t just see a bunch of strange looking kids dressed in funny clothing?”

“Playing with the old board game that Sammy found?” She asked

“Umm, Vicky, did you bump your head or something?” What kids?” There’s nobody in here expect for us?” I frowned

“Here, just put this on” Vicky answered as she handed the mask over to me. I slowly put it on and gasped


Suddenly the basement looked older and creepier and where Vicky was standing.

A group of kids just as she described were playing with the game

I yanked off the mask and handed it back to her

“Well did you see them?” She asked

“Yah, expect I couldn’t get a close look at their faces they were to blurry,”

I answered

“Oh, please!”

Do you think that we’re that lame to believe that you two just saw

A couple of ghost kids,” Tommy frowned

“Well here, if you don’t believe us why don’t you put it on?”

And see if we’re lying or not,” Vicky frowned back

“Oh wow! “Sammy, here dude you gotta check this out!” He cried out

“Nah!” I’ll pass thanks, I’ll just take your word for it,” Sammy shrugged

“Oh, let me see!” Daisy said taking the mask away from Tommy

and put it on then yelled out loud before yanking it off and running upstairs

“Whoa!” Daisy!” Wait up!” What did you see?” I cried after her

Chapter 3:

A minute later they were all gathered upstairs in the living room

“So, are you going to tell us or what?”

What did you see that freaked you out so badly?” Tommy asked

“When I put the mask on I saw the kids, I even tried to touch them but a big ball of light.

Blinded me and when it cleared they were all laying on the floor. I think they were dead,

“She sobbed

“I don’t think that we should go down there anymore,” Sammy said

“Wrong Sammy, there has to be a reason that we saw what we did” I answered him

“Like what?” Sammy frowned

“I don’t know maybe they want us to help them somehow,” I added

“How?” If they can’t even, see or hear us?” Tommy asked

“Umm, don’t know?” I haven’t figured that part out yet,” I shrugged


That night after we had our ice cream sodas

I asked Sammy’s aunt if any kids ever lived there before

“No, not, that I know of. “Why Cookie?” She asked

“Umm, no reason, we just found a couple of kids toys in the basement

And was curious that’s all,” I shrugged


The next morning, we got up early and had a club meeting

“So, where did your aunt go so early in the morning?” Tommy asked

“She had to go back into town to sign some more papers,” Sammy answered him

“I came up with a way that we could help those kids,” I told them


“Last night when everyone went to bed I went to the basement again and tried to reach out to them. But it didn’t work

I started to look around and found a box full of old fashion cloths.”

“So, I thought what if we put them on maybe it’ll get their attention if they thought we were in their same time period,”

“Are you kidding?” I’m not going to put on any smelly old cloths on!” Sammy cried out

“Oh, don’t be such a wimp Sammy, what do we’ve to lose,” Tommy told him

“Do you really want me to answer that question?” Sammy frowned


A couple minutes later they were in the basement

“I still don’t think this is such a good idea,” Sammy mumbled

“Stop whining Sammy, and just put on the cloths,” Tommy sighed

“Okay, who’s going to put on the mask?” I asked. None of them moved

“Oh, this is stupid here I’ll do it,” Vicky said “Okay, I see them,”

“Hey, don’t be scared we’re not going to”

Chapter 4:

A voice yelling and a couple of strong hands dragging us upstairs pulled us out of our trance

“Are you kids alright?” What in the world were you kids doing down there!” Sammy’s aunt cried out

“We were just playing Aunt Jan, we’re sorry we didn’t mean to do anything wrong,” Sammy sobbed

“Why would you want to play down in the basement of all places?”

“Didn’t you kids, smell all the gas that’s coming out of there if Mr. Cash and I didn’t come down here to see where it was coming from.”

Oh, never mind!”

I’m just glad that you kids, are safe come on let’s go to the kitchen and I’ll make you kids, one of my mouth watering deserts,”

And as I watch my confused friends follow Sammy’s aunt to the kitchen.

It hit me why we couldn’t see their faces or touch the ghostly kids.

It cause instead of looking at a couple of ghosts we were looking at ourselves

Somehow the mask was showing us the future and what it’d be like if we had stayed inside the basement

Copyrights © belong to Jo 2006











Chapter 1:

“Oh my god Cookie!” You’ll never guess what just happened, I got it!” Daisy

Penguin cried out as she came running down the school hall and towards Cookie’s locker

“You really go what?” Cookie asked her frowning while struggling to get her locker open

“I just came from Miss Hill’s class to see if she had posted the casting list.

For this year’s school play Haunted Heart’s and guess what?”

Daisy began.

Cookie only laughed

She had seen Daisy excited before. But she never seen her this excited

“Okay Daisy, just tell me already before you bust a gut or something!”

“The lead role!” Can you believe it?” Daisy cried out happily

“Oh wow!” That’s great! I knew you’d get it,” Cookie smiled

“Whoa!” What’s wrong?” She added noticing that Daisy’s expression had changed

“Well two things, first, can you believe that Tommy, got the role of the phantom.

Of all the kids in our class, she had to choose him!” Daisy cried out.

Cookie just laughed harder

“Oh, come on Daisy, he’s not that bad. What’s really bugging you?”

“Sally Whitehead, she got the role of my understudy,” Daisy sighed

“Oh wow!” I bet she’s upset. She was so sure that she was going to get the lead role,”

Cookie laughed. “Did she get any other part besides understudy?” She added

“Well congrats Cook, she’s all yours!” Daisy laughed patting her on the back

“Huh?” Cookie frowned

“She’ll also be working with you in the prop dept.” Daisy smiled


Oh great!” That’s all I don’t need I’ve enough work to do.

Without teaching Miss Wonderful, how to paint.” Cookie smirked


A few minutes later they were all gather inside the drama studio waiting for Miss Hall to arrive

“Did you hear what Sally is saying about the play?” Vicky Dragonfly asked Cookie

“No, what?” Cookie shrugged. Vicky was about to answer her back when a voice from behind her interrupted

“This play is rumored to be haunted”



They turned around and noticed that Sally was standing right behind them

“Cursed?” Oh yah right!” There’s no such thing as curses.” Tommy Cub frowned

“Well according to my great aunt there are. She went to this school a long time ago”

And told me all about the curse, she said that every time they’d try to perform this play something awful

Would happen—“Sally answered him

“Oh yah right, you’re making this up.” Tommy interrupted

“No, I’m not!” She even told me that one of the stars of the play.”

“That’s enough you lady! Now if you don’t mind entertain us with nonsenses I’d like to start,”

An annoyed voice cried out from the stage interrupted

“Certainly you’ve heard the stories, haven’t you Miss Hall,” Sally innocently asked

“Yes, of course but they were never proven to be true. I believe these stories are nothing but urban legends”

Which have been passed down through the years,” Miss Hall answered her

“How come we never heard about this curse or whatever before?” Sammy asked frowning

“Okay, settle down and I’ll explain around twenty plus years.

The school’s drama teacher decided to perform this play, which she found in a book inside a prop trunk”

Who wrote it was never know?”

“It was about a ghostly phantom who lived underneath the school’s basement. And fell in love with the principal’s daughter,

” Who later kidnaped her when her father tries to keep them apart,” Miss Hall started to explain

“And despite props mysterious disappearing, lighten problems they’d practice every day after school.

And were so excited about opening night that they never minded until—“Her voice trailed off

“Now before I continue I want you all to remember this is just a story.

There’s no proof that any of it actually happened” But on opening night they were all so nervous and excited at the same time”

“Minutes before the play was about to start the boy who was to play the role of the phantom. Suddenly disappeared they looked all over the school”

“He seemed to vanished into thin air. I guess you’d that instead of playing the role of the phantom” He became on!” She added laughing

Chapter 2:

“Wow! So we’ll be the first to ever perform this play ever?” Cookie asked

“Yes, Cookie, after that night the principal decided not do it,” Miss Hall answered

“But what about the curse” Sally whined

“Sally, there’s no curse there never was.

Now let’s get down to business I’ve made a copy of the script.

I want you all to take them home and study it”

And before she could say anything else she disappeared into thin air

“Whoa!” Where did she disappear to?” Someone cried out

“I’m down here kids, a little help please.” Miss Hall said


They all climbed on stage and in front of the opening in where Miss Hall had fallen through

“How did you get down there?” Daisy asked

“It’s more how do we get her out of there?” Sammy added looking inside the hole

“Just press the small peg that’s next to the opening.” Miss Hall explained.

A few seconds later she was out

“I guess I forgot all about that trap door and must’ve pressed the peg by mistake.

It was built for the first play” So the phantom could appear and disappear without anyone noticing.” She added

“Oh cool!” Will we be using it for our play?” Tommy asked

“Yes, but not until I’ve made sure that’s perfectly safe to be used until then it’s off limits, understood?”

Miss Hall answered him. Everyone nodded their head yes

“Good, now before we call it quits for today. I’ll like to read over the play once so you could get a feel for the charters.”


The next day after school they all meet inside the drama club so they could rehearsal

“Hey!” who’s that?”

Cookie asked pointing to a young goat, who was sitting on the edge of the stage.

Reading a copy of the script they walked over to him and Cookie asked

“Hi!” Can we help you?”

“Oh, hi, I waiting for Cookie, Miss Hall, told me to see her I’m going to be her new assistant,”

The goat answered her

“Well you found her and this is my friend Vicky Dragonfly.” Cookie smiled

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Roy, and read to be put to work what do you need help with?” He smiled back.

Cookie was about to answer him back when Daisy came running in yelling

“Okay, where is he!”

“Where’s who?” Vicky asked

“Tommy, that’s who he thinks he’s funny!” Look what he left inside my locker!”

She cried out pulling out a creepy looking mask and piece of paper out of her book bag. Vicky unfolded the paper and read it out loud:




“What does that mean?” Vicky frowned

“How should I know? All I know is that when I get my paw around his little throat” He’s going to wish that he was the real phantom.” Daisy smirked

“Hello, did someone call out my name!” Tommy laughed as he and Sammy walked in and joined them

“Tommy!” You jerk! I didn’t find your little joke a bit funny!” Daisy yelled at him

“Huh?” What joke?” Tommy frowned

“Oh, please knock off the stupid innocent act and just admit that you left those things inside my locker.” Daisy told him

“Sorry, Daisy, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tommy shrugged

“Oh, yah sure, then I guess it was the phantom who left them.” Daisy frowned

“I guess so, because it wasn’t me.” Tommy smiled. She was about to answer him back when all the lights went out

Chapter 3:

“Hey!” Who turned off the lights!” Someone yelled out.

A terrifying scream let out as the lights suddenly came back on

“Okay, who’s the knuckle-head?” Cookie frowned then asked.

They looked up towards the cat walk standing there staring was a black mask creature.

Wearing a long black coat holding a rope

It swung down from the cat walk landing a few feet away from Sammy then took off running

“Oh, ha-ha Tommy,” Sammy smirked

“Umm, sorry to disappoint you there Sammy, but that wasn’t me.

I was standing right next to you when the lights went off.” Tommy told him

“Well, if it wasn’t you then who?” Sammy shrugged

That’s what I’m going to find out I didn’t think that little stunt was very amusing,”

Miss Hall frowned


The next afternoon they were all sitting around studying their lines

“Did Miss Hall ever find out who the cat walker was the other day?” Roy asked the gang

“No, but I’ve to admit that was totally weird.” Vicky answered him

“Yah, and if she wasn’t standing right next to me when the lights came back on. I would’ve sworn it was Sally, up there”

She’d probably do anything just to prove that stupid curse was real!”

Cookie added laughing

“Or it still could’ve been Tommy—“Daisy began

“Ha-ha! Sorry, but as awesome and brilliant as I’m.

I could never be in two places at the same time” So it couldn’t have been me.”

Tommy grinned

“Well Mr. Brilliant, I’m still not so convinced that you weren’t the one who broke into my locker,”

Daisy frowned. Tommy was about to answer her back when Sally walked over towards them and interrupted

“It wasn’t me if that’s what you all are thinking. But I think I know of a way that we can find who it was.”


Later that night the gang was outside the school playground waiting for Sally to arrive

“Remain me again when we started listening to Sally again?” I should be home watching wrestling.” Sammy protested

“We’re not Sammy, it’s not like we’ve any choice.

If we want to find out what really is going on around here.”

Vicky answered him back shrugging


A few minutes later Sally showed up

“Well it’s about time.” Tommy told her

“Sorry, but my mom gave me the third degree before she finally let me out of the house.”

She answered him

“Okay, okay, now that we’re all here how are we going to get inside the school? I’m sure we just can’t walk in and say”

“Hello, Mr. Phantom, are you here?” Sammy smirked

“Or Sammy, we can just climb in through that open window.” Tommy chimed in


“I hate to sound like a broken record, but I don’t think this is such a great idea.” Sammy protested as they sneaked inside

“We know Sammy, just pretend that we’re starting in a scary movie.” Daisy smiled

“But I don’t like scary movies.” Sammy cried

“Oh, stop begin such a big wimp and give it a rest already.” Tommy groaned

“Why don’t you both just zip it, before we get busted?” Sally scowled them before she opened the auditorium door

“Cookie, can you turn on the lights?” She added

“Are you nuts?” Sure, let’s turn them all on and let everyone know that we’re in here, great idea!” Sammy began


“Oh no! My scenery!” They’re all ruined who’d do something like this?” Cookie cried out

“Your scenery?” I worked on them too.” Sally frowned staring at the words




That was sprayed painted all over in all sizes and colors. Vicky was about to answer when a horrified voice interrupted

“What’s the meaning of this?” Why are you kids, in here!”


They all turned around and found Miss Hall standing right behind them with a horrified look on her face

“Miss Hall!” I swear we didn’t do this!” Cookie began

“That’s enough young lady, not another word understand?” What kind of fool do you kids, take me for?

I can tell from here that’s fresh paint it’s dripping for god sakes!” Miss Hall cried out

“But we’re not lying we really did find it like this!” Sammy protested

“Oh, really?” Why are you kids even doing here? I

Was on my way home when I heard a noise coming from in here to find this!”

I really want to believe you kids, but this is pushing it too far.” Miss Hall frowned


Chapter 4:

Three days later



“I’m so glad that Miss Hall, calmed down and changed her mind about concealing the play. I’m so nervous that I’m about to bust.” Daisy stated

“Well relax, because you look great! Now go out there and break a leg!” Cookie smiled. A few seconds later Daisy walked out on stage

Which looked dark and eerie due to the gloomy back ground “Phantom, are you there?” I’ve come to visit with you.”


The audience began to cheer when the phantom slowly crept from behind and quietly stood behind her.

Daisy turned around and was about to say her next line

But froze for a second. When she noticed that the phantom that was standing next to her wasn’t Tommy.

Daisy swallowed hard before she continued

“Oh phantom. Please don’t be afraid and tell me why you stay and haunt this place?”

“My story is a tragic one. I haunt this place to hide my pain of how I was destined to be a star”

My destiny was to perform this play many years ago”

“But it ended before it could ever begin.” The mysterious phantom began

“Oh wow!” He’s not saying his lines he’s telling the story of what really happened to him.”

Daisy thought to herself

“You see, hours before I was about to perform I accidently took a wrong step and stepped on the peg, which opened the trap door”

When I fell I broke my neck and died instantly

“My body fell inside an open trunk that was hiding behind other boxes”

“Never to be found it’s still rotting away down there.” He continued.

The audience began to cheer louder

“Whoa!” They really believe this is all just part of the play, if they only knew.” Daisy thought.

She reached up and tried to rip his mask off but the phantom pushed her away and cried

“No!” You could never know my true identity!”

Then took a few steps backwards to get away from her.

But didn’t realize that the secret door was still open and fell inside of it


When the curtains closed Daisy was so scared that she couldn’t talk nor move.

Cookie ran over towards her and asked “Daisy, are you okay?”


“Are you okay?” Cookie repeated.

“Someone hit Tommy, over the head knocking him out cold and stole his costume—“

“Oh my god Cookie!” It was the real phantom, he told me how he fell through the trap door and died.

His body is still down there we’ve to get it out!” Daisy cried out

When they climbed through the secret passageway all they found was the phantom mask. And an old yellowed year book next to it

Vicky picked up the year book and slowly started flipping through the worn out pages

“Oh wow!” I don’t believe it!”

They all gathered around her and read the article that was inside of it









Chapter 1:

Daisy Penguin opened her gym locker and was surprised and confused. To see that there was a heart shape box inside it.

She looked around to see if there was anyone else hanging around the locker room.

But she was the only one in there

“That's weird I wonder who could've put this in my locker and why?”

She thought to herself. She began opening it when a bad smell started to fill the room

“Urge!” What’s that smell?” She cried out dropping the box on the floor.

She bent down but instead of picking it up she noticed that there was some green smoke coming out of it.

Daisy quickly kicked the box across the floor then grabbed her stuff and ran out of the room


After school she met her friends at the local pizza shop and told them what happened

“Okay, let me get this straight someone broke into your locker”.

And left you some smelly box that pours green smoke out of it. “When you open it?” Tommy Cub frowned

“The green smoke came out after I dropped on the floor,” Daisy began

“Why'd anyone leave you something like that?” Vicky Dragonfly interrupted Daisy

“I don't know but I don’t think whoever it was is very funny,” Daisy frowned

“Hey!” Maybe you've a secret admire” Sammy Turtle added

“Or a smelly one!” Tommy laughed

“You're so-so not funny Tommy!” Daisy smirked

“So where’s this famous box now?” Cookie asked

“Probably where I left it why?” Daisy shrugged

“Cause maybe whoever left it also left a clue of whom they're or why they left the box,”

Cookie also shrugged

Chapter 2:

Soon afterwards they were back inside the locker room

“It should be right underneath that bench that’s where I kicked it to,” Daisy told them

“Are you sure?” Because it's not there,” Sammy answered her after he looked underneath it


“Maybe it grew little feet and walked away on its own!” Tommy laughed

“Oh wow!” Do me a big favor and remain me to laugh later hey!” What’s this?” Daisy smirked

“It's nothing but just some candy wrapper” Sammy shrugged

“I know that dummy what I meant was there's something written inside it,”

Daisy frowned as she picked it up from the floor then read the message out loud:





“Oh wow!” “It looks like we got ourselves a little mystery to solve!” Cookie laughed

“What do you mean we?” Daisy's the one who got the stupid box why do we all have to go?”

Vicky frowned

“Oh come on Vic, Sammy's the one who usually chickens out.

“Don't tell me that you believe all those dumb stories about Fox's cave?” Cookie asked

“Hey!” Sammy cried out

“Cookie's right not only is this our chance to prove to everyone that those rumors about the cave.”

Or nothing but some made up story but also see who left me that stupid box.” So what do you say are you in?” Daisy added.

Vicky could tell by the way that Daisy was staring at her that she didn’t want to go up there either

And she definitely didn’t want to go up there alone so after thinking about it for a few more minutes she smiled then said “okay”


The next day they all meet in front of Cookie's house

“So are we ready to go?” She asked them

“Yep, Sammy, what you got inside the bag?” Daisy asked him

“Umm, let's see I got some snacks, a couple of flashlights and some other stuff.”

“That we might be needing,” He shrugged

“Gee Sammy, we’re only going to be there for maybe an hour or so.” Not the whole night!” Daisy laughed

Chapter 3:

A few minutes later

“Okay here's the plan me and Sammy, will check out the left side of the cave”. “And you girls can check out the right then we'll meet back here in hour.

“And if you guy see anything just yell,” Tommy explained as he handed them each a flashlight

“Okay, where do you guys, want to start?” Cookie asked but the other girls didn't answer her

“Umm hello, what's the matter with you two?”

Vicky shined her flashlight on the object so Cookie could've a better look.

Standing in front of them was a strange looking monster that seemed to be growling at them. For a few seconds none of them could move nor speak

Until Vicky let out a loud horrifying scream and took off running followed by Cookie and Daisy.

And they didn't stop running until they got back to Cookie's house


Ten minutes later the boys showed up

“Hey!” What happened to you guy? “Why did you just take off like that? Tommy asked frowning

“The rumors they're—“Vicky began

“What rumors?” Okay will someone please tell us what she’s blabbing about?” Tommy asked.

Cookie quickly told them what they had seen inside the cave

“Oh wow!” Sammy cried out then popped his head inside his shell

“Well at least we solved one mystery not the one I hoped for. “Since I still don’t know who sent me that stupid box”

Daisy sighed “Oh Sammy, before I forget here's your flashlight back” she added

“, Just put it inside my bag,” Sammy answered her

Daisy unzipped Sammy's bag and was about to put the flashlight back when something caught her eye.

It was a cardboard cutout of the monster that looked a lots like the one. They just finished seeing inside the cave and a tape recorder


The next day at lunch Daisy told the girls what she saw inside of Sammy's bag

“So you think they planned this whole thing?” Vicky asked


” But Tommy was probably the master mind behind the whole thing.

And talked Sammy, into going along like always” Daisy laughed

“I thought it was kina of weird the way Tommy, acted when we told him what we saw.

“He had this look likes he was trying not to laugh” Cookie added

“I can't believe those little jerks would do something like this and think that they'd get away with it!” Vicky cried out

“Now ladies let's not get our furs all uptight I say that we turn the tables and pay them back,” Daisy smiled



Daisy leaned closer towards them and whispered her plan

“And you think this will work?” Cookie asked

“I certain hope so,” Daisy laughed

“What’s wrong with you guy?” Tommy asked noticing that the girls had sad looks on their faces

“I can't find my ring I think I dropped it when we went to Fox's cave,” Daisy sighed

“Oh, bummer, what are you going to do?” Sammy asked

“I've no choice I've to go back and look for it my mom will kill me if I told her that I lost it.

” Especially out there,” She shrugged.

She then slowly got up and started to walk away followed by Cookie and Vicky

“You guys aren't planning to go now are you?” Tommy asked them

“Yah, why not?” We’ll see you, guys a bit later wish us luck,” Daisy cried over her shoulder

“Hey Sammy, you did pick up all the stuff from inside the cave yesterday right?” Tommy asked him once the girls left

“Umm, only the cardboard cutout I thought you'd pick up the rest of the stuff,” Sammy shrugged

“Oh great!” Come on we’ve to get there before they do,” Tommy groaned


Chapter 4:

A few minutes later they arrived

“Good, they're still not here we still can---“Tommy began

“Hey!” Did you hear that?” Sammy interrupted him

“No, what?”

A piece of small rock suddenly hitting them in the head followed by an earth shattering noise.

Dropping everything they were holding and ran out

When they got back to Cookie’s house

“Okay, now Sammy, remember we never left we’ve been here all this time waiting at them,” Tommy told him


A couple minutes later the girls showed up

“So did you find it?” Sammy asked Daisy

"Oh, I feel so stupid we were half way there when I suddenly remembered.”

That I gave it to my mom so she can have it clean,” She laughed


The next day Tommy and Sammy went to library to help Miss Sunny stacked some books that just arrived

“Hi boys!” There's a package on the table for you,” She told them

“For us?” Tommy asked “Why would anyone leave a package here for us?”

“Don't know it there when I came in this afternoon with your names on it,” Miss Sunny shrugged then walked away

The boys slowly made their way to the table it was on. It was a heart shape box along with a message that read:












Chapter 1:

Cookie and her friend Daisy Penguin were trying their best not to laugh.

As they watched Daisy’s younger sister Tracy keep messing up her card trick

“Was this your card?” She asked Cookie holding up the card king of hearts

“Sorry Tracy, but my card was the ace of spades” Cookie giggled

“Maybe you should try doing another trick.”

“And maybe you should just go home!”

Tracy cried out before she ran out of Daisy’s room


I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings” Cookie said

“Do you think that I should go after her and apologies?”


Don’t worry about it she’ll get over it she always acts like a brat when I’ve one of my friends over.

“Hey!” let’s call Vicky, and see if she wants to go with us to the movies.”


Daisy was about to pick up her phone when Tracy walked back into her room

“Hey!” You little snot how many times do I’ve to tell you that you’ve to knock.

Before you come in here,” Daisy scowled her

“I don’t have to.

Mommy said that we’ll be sharing your room until she finishes remolding mines. “

So this is my room for now too so ha!” Tracy snorted

“What you got there Tracy?”

Cookie asked noticing that she was holding a glass jar along with a silver wand

“This is my magic jar” Tracy smiled “Do you want to know what I’m going to do with it?

“No!” Daisy smirked

“Well, I ‘m going to tell you any ways I’m going to put you in it. And have you turn into a feather!”

Tracy opened the jar pointed in her sister’s direction and pretended that she was lifting her up and placing her inside the jar

She then placed the lid on the jar and waived her wand over it

“Magic jar turn my sister Daisy into a feather!”

“There you’re under my power now!”

I can do whatever I want to you and there’s nothing that you can do about it!”

She laughed before she ran out of the room again

Chapter 2:

“Wow!” Your sister is really---” Cookie began

“Weird?” Tell me about it but if she—,” Daisy suddenly smiled

“Umm, hello earth to Daisy come in Daisy!”

Cookie cried out as she snapped her paw in Daisy’s face

“But if she wants to believe that jar has magical powers.

Then I’m going to make sure that all her magical dreams come true and become a feather!”

Daisy laughed

“Huh?” Cookie frowned

“And this is what we’re going to do” Daisy smirked


The next afternoon Cookie had just finished eating her lunch.


And was watching her favorite TV show when there’s a knock on the door

“I’ll get it mom!”

Cookie wasn’t at all surprised to see Tracy standing there.

After hearing what Daisy had plan on doing the day before

“What’s the matter Tracy?” She asked “You look like you just saw a ghost or something,”

“Oh my god!” Cookie!” “You won’t believe what happened to Daisy!” She---

“She what?” Cookie asked

“My trick it worked!” I turned her into a feather!” Tracy cried out

“Oh, come on Tracy, you’re kidding me right?”

You really don’t except me to believe you?” Cookie laughed

“Does it look like I ‘m joking?” I’m telling you the truth!” Tracy yelled

“Okay, okay, calm down and tell me what happened?” Cookie asked

“Okay, last night I heard some weird sounds coming from Daisy’s bed” Tracy began

“So?” Maybe she was having a nightmare or something?” Cookie shrugged

“That’s what I thought too. But in the morning when I woke up she was gone!”

And my jar was on top of her bed with a feather inside of it.” At first I thought it was a joke” Tracy explained

“Did you ask your mom where she was?” Cookie interrupted

“Yah, I did.” But she told me that she was over Vicky’s house. But I called Vicky and she told me that she hasn’t seen Daisy all day.”

You’ve to help me Cookie, I don’t know what else to do!”

My mom is going to kill me when she finds out what really happened to Daisy!” Tracy exclaimed

“Okay, let me just tell my mom that we’re going to your house. “I’ll be right back,” Cookie told her


Chapter 3:

A few minutes later they were at Tracy’s room

“Okay, here are the instructions maybe there’s something in there.

That can help us bring her back” Tracy said handing Cookie a small booklet

“You mean that wasn’t just a regular glass jar?” Cookie asked frowning

“No why?”

“Umm, no reason where the jar is now?” Cookie asked

“I hid it so my mom wouldn’t find and--. Oh no!” I put in the garage next to the heater!”

Tracy cried out then ran out of her room and towards the garage

“I put it right over there—

The sound of glass breaking cut Tracy off who let out a horrifying scream. Before she fainted


“Come on Tracy, wake up please!’ It was only a joke!”

Daisy cried as she slapped her sister in the face to wake her up.

Tracy slowly opened her eyes and saw both Cookie and Daisy staring at her with worried looks on their faces

“Daisy?” What happened?”

“You fainted after the jar broke I’m so sorry Trac.” “I was just so upset with you for pulling that stupid trick on me.

Well I just thought it’d be funny to teach you a lesson do you forgive me?” Daisy explained

“I was mad at you too.

“Every time one of your friends come over you always boss or make fun of me.

I just wanted to hurt your feelings like you did mines,” Tracy sobbed

“Oh, come here you little snot!” Daisy laughed reaching over and giving Tracy a big hug


Chapter 4:

“I can’t believe that my mom grounded Tracy and me.

We can’t watch or use the computer for a whole week.

” Daisy told Cookie as she waited for the school lunch lady to serve her carrot sticks

“Oh, bummer why?” Cookie asked

“Because big mouth told her that I broke her stupid jar and my mom went nuts”

“Why?” Was it valuable or something?” Cookie asked

“According to my mom it was a real magic jar the guy that she brought it from.

Told her that the guy who used to own it was some a kind of witch,” And used to keep his secret spells inside that jar,”

Daisy explained

“A real witch right!” Cookie laughed

“But wait!” It gets better after my mom told us that stupid story.

Tracy actually believed her she now believes that her trick really worked.” And when the jar broke it released the spell!”

“Oh wow!” Cookie whistled

“Hey Cookie!”

Do you think that you can come over our house after school today?”

Tracy asked

Once she joined them

“Yah, sure why?” Cookie shrugged


Because I want to show you a new trick that I learned,”

Tracy smiled proudly

before she took out a glued back together glass jar

Out of her book bag


“Oh no!” Here we go again!” Cookie laughed


Copyrights © belong to jack 2006








Chapter 1:

Cookie was taking her usually walked through the neighborhood park one afternoon.

When she stumbled upon a big apple tree that made her stomach growled loudly

“Oh, wow!” I bet one of those apples would fill me up” she thought to herself.

Cookie started circling the tree looking for the reddest apple that would be good for her to eat

But all she could see were only a bunch of green ones

She then tried climbing the tree but each time Cookie attempted to climb she’d come sliding down

Her legs weren’t neither strong nor long enough to lift her up.

After all she was just a small mutt and who ever heard of a dog climbing a tree before

So she tried of another way she gathered some rocks and piled them on top of one another in hopes of

Reaching the apples. But once again she came tumbling down rocks and all


Cookie’s stomach was really growling now so much that she was growing even more and more determine to reach those apples.

She was deep in thought on how that she didn’t noticed when her

friend Tommy Cub came walking up the path

“Hi Cookie, what are you up to today?” He asked

“Oh, nothing much I’m just sitting here enjoining this warm beautiful day,” She answered him back smiling

“Have fun then see you later,” Tommy smiled back. Now Cookie could’ve asked Tommy to help her pick one the apples

But she was too greedy who only wanted the apple for herself

Chapter 2:

She was still in deep thought when her friend Daisy Penguin, came strolling up the path

“Hello Cookie, why do you look so mopey is everything okay?” She asked

“Oh no, Daisy, I’m not sad I’m just relaxing underneath this beautiful tree,”

Cookie smiled

“Well, okay, just as long there’s nothing wrong,” Daisy answered before she ran off.


Cookie sighed because she knew that Daisy was the best tree climber in their school and would’ve been more than happy to get an apple for her

But once again Cookie’s greed got the best of her.

She was getting hungrier by each passing second. Soon another of her friends past by this time it was Vicky Dragonfly

“Good day Cookie,”

Why are you wasting such a nice day just sitting underneath this apple tree?”

When you could be playing or digging up bones

“Oh no!” I’m perfectly happy just sitting here enjoining the day,” Cookie answered her

“I see ok, then I’ll see you later then,” Vicky said then she took off down the path

Cookie could hardly sit still any longer she tried climbing the tree again.

But one more time she fell on her butt. A few minutes later Andrew the weasel came towards her

Chapter 3:

“Say Cookie, what do you think you’re doing?” everyone knows that dog can’t climb trees

Now it was known throughout the neighborhood that Andrew, couldn’t be trusted.

He had played many mean tricks on Cookie and her friends

So the last kid Cookie wanted to tell about was him.

But she was so hungry that she couldn’t think straight anymore

“I’m so hungry and this tree is fill with ripe apples but the red ones are hidden in the middle of it”

If you’d climb and pick one for me I’ll gladly share it with you,” She explained

“Why sure Cookie, no problem I’ll be more than happy to get it for you,” Andrew smirked

“Thank you,”

“Don’t thank me just yet wait until I get it for you first!” Andrew giggled


Minutes seemed like hours and there was no sign of Andrew

“What’s taking him so long?” maybe I should’ve kept my mouth shut,”

She started to get a bit more nervous when she saw that her friends coming towards her

“Cookie, come and play and hide and seek with us,” Vicky told her

“Sorry, but I can’t” Cookie sobbed

“Huh?” Why?”

“All day I’ve trying to grab an apple from this tree I didn’t want to tell any of you guys, about it.

Cause I didn’t want to share any with you,” Cookie continued sobbing. “But I became so desperate that I finally

asked Andrew,” To help me but he has been gone for a very long time”


Cookie’s friends just looked at each other than busted out laughing

“Cookie, how dumb can you be?” Tommy laughed. “Don’t you know that Andrew’s the last kid you can trust?”

He’s probably up there eating all the apples not even thinking of you,”

Cookie was going to answer him when Andrew climbed down the tree licking his lips

“Thanks Cookie, for having me find such a yummy apple. It was so nice and juicy see you losers later!” He laughed

Chapter 4:

“You see!” That’s what you get Cookie, if you had only asked one of us to help you.

You wouldn’t be so miserable right now,” But you were too greedy and wanted it all for yourself and got ripped off!” Vicky scowled her

“You’re right, I’m sorry you guys, I was only thinking about myself.

I learned my lesson the hard way and promise never to do something as dumb ever again!”

“Begin greedy isn’t worth it you lose too much cause of it” Cookie cried

“Oh, don’t cry, Cookie

It’s okay we forgive you come on let’s get out of here.

And find you something to eat before you starve to death!”

Daisy laughed.

Cookie wagged her tail happily as she and her friends walked off joking and goofing with each other to enjoin the rest of the day

Copyrights © belong to jack 2006







Chapter 1:


On a sunny Friday afternoon Cookie and her friends Vicky Dragonfly and Daisy Penguin were sun bathing inside Cookie’s back yard

“It’s so hot out here that even your pool looks like. It’s wishing that it had a pool to jump into!”

Vicky laughed

“Oh wow!” Either you’ve been hanging around Tommy, or sitting out in the sun too long.

Cause your jokes are getting just as lame as his!” Daisy added also laughing.

They were still giggling and goofing with each other, when Tommy Cub and Sammy Turtle walked into her backyard


“Hi, what’s up?” Cookie asked them

“We just got a new case,” Sammy answered her

“That’s great, it’s been a while since the last one.

I was starting to think that the kids, around here”

“Forgot that we started a detective club. So what’s this one about?” Vicky added

“Some bozo, stole Miss Horse’s pie. The one she was baking for the annual bake off.

So she hired us to find out who did it and why,” Tommy explained

“Oh wow!” Who’d do something as stupid as to steal her pie,” Daisy frowned

“Duh!” That’s why she hired us to find out,” Tommy smirked

“Okay, let’s not fight. So what do we know about the case so far?” Vicky asked

“Well, according to Miss Horse, she placed her cream pie on her window still.

So it could cool off then went to take a bath”

“And when she went back to check on it, it was gone.

There’s a note left in its place warning her to drop out of the contest,” Sammy began

“Oh wow!” Cookie interrupted


“Oh wow!” Is right before we left we asked her for a list of the names.

Of who were entered in the bake off,” Tommy added

“Why?” Daisy asked

“To see if anyone else pie was stolen.

Maybe whoever stole the pie or pies believe they’d stand a better chance of winning”

“Since almost every year it’s Miss Horse who wins the contest,” Tommy answered her

“Good idea. So let’s see the list,” Cookie smiled.

Sammy took out a piece of paper out his back pocket and handed it to her which contained five names:


The owner of the travel agency Mr. Starfish

Rocky Shores vet Dr. Bones

Cindy Jellyfish, a local high school student

Oliver Wolf, the local baker

And last but not least

Miss Whale, the local dean scout teacher


“Okay, we only have one day before the contest. So that doesn’t give us a lot of time so let’s divide the list”

And meet back at the clubhouse in about two hours to compare notes,” Cookie told them

“It’s a shame that Miss Horse, won’t be in the contest this year. I’m really going to miss testing her pies,”

Vicky said as they were walking out of Cookie’s backyard

“Who said that she was dropping out?” She told us that she wasn’t going to let anyone stop her from winning”

She was going to bake another pie as soon as we left!” Tommy laughed

Chapter 2:

Later that day they were gathered inside the clubhouse exchanging notes

“Okay, here’s what we found out the good doctor was operating at the time of the crime”

Sammy, check with his nurse to confirm with his story” “Also Mr. Wolf’s dropping out of the contest,” Tommy began

“He’s why?” Daisy asked

“It seems that he got the same note too. At first, he played it off as a joke”

But when his cherry pie exploded in his face. He started to take it seriously”

According to him, he believes that someone switched his flour with explosives power,”

Tommy finished explaining

“Hmm, that sounds a bit fishy. How can someone switch them without him noticing it?” Cookie frowned

“To us too, so we asked him about it. He said that half way through making his pie”

He ran out of cherries and ran out to the store to buy some more. But instead of just crossing him off the list”

“We put a question mark next to his name,” Tommy answered her

“So how did you guys, do?” Sammy asked


“Well, it looks like all of them got the same note. According to Mr. Starfish’s assistant,

He’s out of town until next week” So we crossed off the list Cindy, told us that.

She went to the movies with her friends”

“But she could’ve just made that up,” Cookie started to explain

“And what about Miss Whale?” Tommy asked

“Oh, she was off with her dean group, so we crossed her off also,” Vicky answered him

“So, it looks like it’s just between Cindy and Mr. Wolf,” Daisy added

“Yah, but which one?” Tommy frowned.


Cookie thought about that question for a few minutes. Suddenly an idea popped into her head

“I’ve to go and check on something I’ll see you guys, later!”

She blurted out then ran out of the clubhouse before any of the gang.

Could ask her where she was going

Chapter 3:

Later that night she called Vicky to her know that she figured out who stole Miss Horse’s pie

“I just need to confirm on one more thing before I can prove it.

Call the others and tell them to meet me by the front gate of the park”

“So, I can update everyone before the contest starts, thanks,”


The next day at the annual bake off it seemed like the whole town was there

Waiting for judges to announce the winner


“Excuse me, may I’ve your attention please!” Cookie cried out

“Yesterday Miss Horse, hired us to find out who stole her pie.

And I’m happy to announce that we’ve solved the case”

“It was Mr. Wolf!”

“What?” Young pup, I’m afraid that you’re very much mistaken!” Mr. Wolf snorted

“I’m afraid not, yesterday you told my friends Sammy and Tommy, that someone sneaked into your bakery”

“And switched your flour with explosive power. While you were at the supermarket buying more cherries for your pie”

“But I found your story a little fishy,” Cookie began

“So I went to the store and asked the manager.

If she had seen you go in the store yesterday” And she told me no,”

“Well maybe, she wasn’t working when I was in there. Or I came in after her shift ended,”

Mr. Wolf interrupted shrugging

“No, she was working all day because someone called in sick.

Admit it Mr. Wolf, you made up that story and you wrote those notes warring the others to drop out,” Cookie answered him

Chapter 4:

Everyone just stared at Mr. Wolf with surprise and confused looks on their faces.

A few seconds later Mr. Wolf broke down and confessed

“Okay, okay she’s right it was me. But I never meant to hurt anyone”

I just wanted to scare the others into dropping out so I could win the prize money”

“Things aren’t doing so well at the bakery and the money from the contest”

Would’ve sure come in handing in paying some of the bills,” Mr. Wolf sobbed

“I’m sorry Mr. Wolf, about your situation. But you’re no longer welcome in the contest”

“Please, remove your pie off the judges table,” Mrs. Stable ordered


A few minutes later she announced the winner of the bake off Miss Horse


Soon after the judges praised Cookie and her friends for doing such a good job. In solving the case

Miss Horse was so happy that she offered them her prize money as a reward. But they turned her down

“Well I insist in giving you kids, some kind of reward. After the terrific job you did,” She told them

“Well if you insist I can think of something that you can give us. That we’d be very happy with,” Tommy giggled

“What?” Miss Horse asked

“A big slice of your winning cream pie!” He laughed

Copyrights © belong to jack 2006












































Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.03.2017

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