
Family Ties

mom can you hurry up please?" I yelled through the driver seat of my Chevy 2016 CRuz. "Have fun trying to hurry her up" said my twin sister Carla from the passenger seat
"un minuto Carmen , i have to get the twins bag ready." Elania, my mom yelled back.
"Ugh!" i mumbled as i looked in the back seat at my 4 month old new baby brother and sister. they were sleep as usually , they always are. The way people known my family as the richest family in California and it might be true but i am more than that. At that my iPhone 6s Plus started to ring and i knew exactly who was calling me. It was my best friends Juliee and Alicia who were also twins , they when to my school even thou there family wasn't as rich as my they still were rich. "Hey Sweetie, whats up?" i said answering the phone.
"Oh nothing really how about you ?. Yea !",i heard Alicia say in the background.
" hahaha , nothing , just going back to school shopping with my mom ! but she taking forever!, i yelled the last part so she would hear me.
" oh okay well text me when you get back okay ?" "she said.
" okay " i said and hung up .
And as soon as i hung up i saw my mom coming.
"finally" i mumbled as i reached for my seat belt.

The way the Grey Angel's Party

my twin and I am apart of the Grey Angels. Its a group of rich girls and i am the president and Carla is the vice president so we have random party when we are bored and tonight was one of those nights. That night, after my house cook Lisa cooked dinner and my maid Leslie cleaned the table, i was walking up the stairs to my room until i heard my iPhone ring playing "It Will Rain" by Bruno mars. i knew who it was automatically at with a smile i answered my boyfriend Alex.
"Hey you", i sang.
"Hey babe" he replied
"whats up?"
"oh nothing really thinking about you."
"awe aren't you sweet, by the way what are you doing tonight?"
"nothing why whats up baby?"
"the twins are having a party, you wanna come?"
"you know it"
"okay babe pick me up at 9:30 okay?"
"okay baby ,iloveyou"


"a salir esta noche Carmen",my mom asked from the door frame.
"ahh si the twins are having a party", I answered
"oh bien, tienen cariño divertido está bien" , she said as she walked away to the cry of the twins. It was 7:00 now so i decided to go jump in the shower. When i got back out it was like 7:32, i could not see it well without my glasses or contacts on. So i decided to do my make up and curled my hair and by the time that was over it was around 8:35. When i was done i walked to my closet and took out my 5&1/2in black heels and a black spaghetti strapped skin fit dress. When i was strapping my shoes,my phone rang and when i looked down , it was Mandy.
"hello" , i answered
"hey, you wanna come with me and my guy friend to see hunger games?", she asked.
"Wtf !, Mandy do you know what tonight is bitch ?"
"Umm no not really , what is it ?"
"the twins summer party is tonight!"
"oh shit i forgot, im so sorry"
"its okay just tell you little guy friend the plans have changed"
"i cant"
"and why the fuck not"
"he isnt the type of guy that would like our partys"
"so. he cant be that bad"
"he is a pk" (Preachers kid)
"wtf so you are going to pick him over us?"
"Im sorry ,can i make it up?"
"all i have to say is that if you miss tonight, you will not be welcome back into the Grey Angels! "
"but lola missed a party and she was okay"
"thats because she paid a grand to be excused , you poor may i remind you. The only reason your in is because you dad is my dads coworker and he wants me to be nice to you . So chose now!"


"hello", i replied.
"yea , um wat time is the party again?"
"thats my girl its at 10 but we have to be there at 9:30 for a meeting, and by the way bring your little guy friend also i want to convert him to the boyfreinds of the Grey Angels if you know what i mean"
"okay but can you come pick us up , he is already over here now"
"okay i will call you when i get there okay"


After i hung up it was 8:55 so i walked down stairs to my dad working on his laptop.
"going somewhere honey?", he asked looking up.
"um yea the twins house"
"okay have fun"
as i closed to refrigerator door with a hand full of grapes i hear to door bell and walked to get it. When i opened it i say Alex wearing a black and white holister shirt and black areopostale jeans with black Jordans.
"Hi mister and misses Serrano " he said.
"hi Alex", my dad said looking up
"come on in sweetie ", my mom said
" um mom we have to go" i said
"Oh yea well have fun", she answered                                                                                                         "Is Carla here" i asked my mom                                                                                                               "uhh no she took her car and said she will meet you there. she went for david(bf)"                                          As we walked to his 2016 BMW i paused and looked at him.                                                                      

"what?” He asked                                                                                                                                                      "do you know where Mandy lives? , I asked.                                                                                                                     "no why, but I can learn babe"                                                                                                                                 "no give me the keys"                                                                                                                                                 He started at me then smiled and gave me the keys. as we drove I turned on the radio to b96 and started singing how to love. we go to Mandy house around 9:18 and I called her to come out. when they got in Alex asked her who was that and I found out his name was Eric. I turned around and said,                           " Hi I’m Carmen and this is my rude ass boyfriend Alex"                                                                                   "hi" he said shyly and I giggled not seeing anyone that shy in a while. As we got to the twins mansion it was 9:28.                                                                                                                                                                  "good with two minutes to spare" I said getting out. " Alex take Eric to the boyfriends for the Grey Angels club" I continued " and you come with me I said looking at Mandy.                                                          "hey you bitches" I yelled walking in Alicia, one of the twins room.                                                                     "hey Carmen and Mandy" Alicia and Juliee said in unison as usual.                                                                     " Okay so why the fuck am I heard so early", I asked sounding annoyed.                                                               "because you love us" Alicia yelled. And at that we got our meeting started. as we walked out of the room it was 9:50 so we went to go see what the boys were doing. when I got there I say Alex, David, Eric, Peter, and Michael watching the game.                                                                                                   "What the fuck do you think you’re doing! " I yelled then giggled when they started at me like I was crazy. Around 9:56 a lot of people started to show up and the party really started. As I walked around I noticed this guy staring at me like I had something on me . So I quickly walked to the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror to make sure I was okay. When I was sure I walked back out and went to go find Mandy and mister preacher kid.                                                                                                                                    "hey", I said as I walked over to them sitting around a table.                                                                                                   "hey Carmen wats up?" Mandy asked looking up.                                                                                            "how do you like your first Grey Angels party so far? " , I asked Eric.                                                                     " um its, its different”, he said.                                                                                                                                 "hahaha , Mandy babe is it okay if your guy friend take a walk?"                                                                                                   "no prod , I was going to go look for Lola anyway", she said walking off.                                                                           "so ,what’s up with you and Mandy?", I asked when we were on the patio.                                                     "um , nothing really, I guess well I mean I really like her but I don't know how she will react if I asked her out or told her I wanted to be more than friends."                                                                                                      "I say you ask her out, she really likes you."                                                                                                              "really? " he asked smiling                                                                                                                                                          I nodded my head yes                                                                                                                                                           "well can you help me cause I tend to freeze when I want to say something to her", he said continuing.        "sure sweetie", I said as I texted Mandy to get her ass over here asap.                                                            As she walked over she looked kind of puzzled and worried. when he got up he looked at her and froze and I knew this was what he was talking about and he would need my help.

"He really likes you and he wants to be more than friends and he asking you to go out with him". she started at me as I finished talking like I was talking Chinese or something and then back at him and shock her head yes in disbelieve.                                                                                                                                          "anyways , I am go find my boyfriend so I can tell him the news", I said walking off. when I got back in the house I say Alex talking to a girl at the bar who was wearing a really tight purple shirt that showed off her b cup boobs and her want to be stylish out aged jeans and a want to be Louis Vuitton bag.                "hey sweetie" , I said walking over there                                                                                                             "hey baby , um Samantha this is my girlfriend Carmen”, he said looking at me.                                                  "hi", she said quietly with envy in her eyes. I just smiled and looked back at Alex.                                                              " okay babe , so I just hooked up Mandy and Eric so you got to make an announcement to the other boys"                                                                                                                                                                               "okay baby, um Samantha nice talking to you excuse me" he said kissing my forehead and left leaving Samantha and I alone                                                                                                                                                                 "so, um you’re the Carmen everyone talks about and says your drop dead gorgeous, I don't see it ha-ha " ,she said bitchily                                                                                                                                                                          "and you’re the whore that sleep with everyone's boyfriend cause she can’t get her own. oh and BTW he’s not interested in you cow" I said walking away with her speechless.                                                                As I walked in the house I saw the twins with the same guy that was staring at me.                                                 "Oh, this is our president, Carmen" Alicia said smiling.                                                                                           "Hola", I said laughing.                                                                                                                                                        "hi" he said looking into my eyes and for a split second I thought we were the only two people in the room and I could tell he saw it as well.                                                                                                                                We-ell, I h-avee to g-ggo" , I said stuttering and walking away quickly.                                                                           All night he was on my mind. As the night ended I got in the car and felt sleepy. We drove in silence as we dropped off Mandy and Eric and headed towards my house. I woke up as he was carrying me into my house and laying me on my bed.                                                                                                                                         "Don’t go please" I begged                                                                                                                                                 "but your sleepy" he answered                                                                                                                                         At that I kissed him as he started to take off his shirt and the lights went out.


School Starting

When i woke up Alex was gone. Then i remembered that it was the first day of my senior year. I looked at my clock at it was 6:15 so i was late to get up. Im usually up doing yoga by 5:30. I walked into the shower and just stood there as the hot water ran down my body. As i got out i walked into my closet with only underwear and a bra and just stood there looking at my clothes blankly. My mind kept going back to the night before and that mysterious boy Kevin and what about him drew me to him. I decided to wear a short black pleated skirt with a lace white tube top and a black see through stocking with stars up the outer sides of it with some black rhinestone pumps when i was done with my clothes and makeup, it was 7:20 and since school didn't start till 8:45 i decided to curl my hair and braid half of the front. As i walked down stairs i hear a familiar voices and saw that it was Kevin sitting with my mother at the dinner table.
"What the hell", i said as i got down all the stairs.
"Sé amable miel" my mom said as she handed him another glass of orange juice."This is Kevin his dad got a job at the hospital daddy works at and they moved in next door, i want you to be nice to him and show him around school okay" she said finishing.                                                                                                          She came over and whispered they are the third richest family now
"sí mamá" i said grabbing a bowl of fruits from Lisa and my protein shake.
"gracias", she said walking out into the living room.
"Do you need a ride to school",i asked looking at him.
"yes please" he said shyly and quietly.
"okay hold on let me get my bag and jacket",i said walking away to the den. When i returned he was standing by the door with his stuff.                                                                                                                      "mami did Carla go for david"                                                                                                                "No he picked her up like an hour ago"
"adios mami" i said as i walked though the door and out to the car

when we started to drive i turned on the radio and noticed it was 8:00 and decided to stop at Starbucks. when i parked in front of Starbuck i undid my seat belted and looked at him as he looked out the window.
"come on" i said reaching over and undoing his seat belt he looked at me and opened the door. when we walked in and i was waiting for both of our orders i noticed that he was staring at me.
"what" i said catching his attention.
"ummm question are you black?" he said looking at my hands.
" haha , no im a mulatto. which is a dark Spanish hence the hair" i said pointing to my long curly light brown hair. "are you?" i asked
"umm yea i am" he said looking at the floor.
"cool haha" i said laughing causing him to smile and noticing for the first time he had perfect teeth and dimples.
"awww you have dimples, that's so hot"i said staring as he blushed.
"lol really i hate them"
"wtf is wrong with you?" i said laughing and getting out the car.                                                                  "there okay but i like you smile better" he said opening the door for me                                                      "awww thank you"   when we got to school i went to the main office, showed him his classes and locker and since we had 4 classes together, i told him i would help. as i walked off he yelled out thanks and i just smiled.


 At lunch was the next time i saw Kevin. He was in the lunch line talking to some nerd. As i walked over the nerd started to hyperventilate. 

" what are you staring at?" i asked the nerd.

" nothing carmen you dont really talk to me unless its to move my head in ap english class or ap calc." he said

" well would you like an award or something sir?" i asked impatient.

" no your beauty is enough, i cant wait to tell all my friends!" he screamed wallking away in a hurry.

"weird! anyway what are you doing eating school lunch it is a no-no." i said dragging him out of line. 

" what do you eat then?" he asked puzzled

"we go out to eat. It is the 21 century you know sir." i said walking to the doors as he followed.

" is this even legal?" he asked lookinhg around.

" No duhh, i wouldnt do it if it wasnt. I do have a 4.0 and won school president, also head cheerleader and volunteer after school every monday and thursady." i said starting my car

" i know! You are very talked about at school. Even by teachers" he said smiling

"whatever anyway im hungry where do you wanna go?" i asked


"okay chipotle" 

"never had it" 

"Please tell me your lying?"

"No, sadly. My parents arent usually in to the eating out


We walked in school the same time the first bell rang 




" well you better get to gym sir" i said laughing.

" Dont you have gym, 6 period everyone has gym." 

" well unlike everyone else i only have 6 periods other than 8 so i dont have gym i usually leave before everyone is even out of gym i took most of the classes i needed this year online last summer to get ahead." 

" oh smart you!"

"okay well i will see you after school i will be back and come get you after i spend my 2 hour at the mall with my twin"

" let me guess she did the online thing as well?" 

"all the girls in my club did! haha! Bye"


" get sweaty for the both of us"i yelled back."


As i started my car, i called Carla to let her know i was on the way. When i got there all of the club members were sitting at a froyo store laughing with some older guy. 

"Oh is this what life is about now? Hiting on older poor guys to make them think he has a chance even though all of you whores have boyfriends?"

"Bitch don't start!", Yelled Carla. " We all saw you at school flirting with that new sexy hunk Kevin, so bitch you are not a saint either"

"Wtf are you are you talking about?" i yelled back. "If you call that flirting you dont know the meaning of the word.

"Well you were kinda giggling"

"What do you mean? Im just a nice person." i said with a sacrastic undertone.

"Whatever dont like we havent known you for 11 years" carla says as she walks away and into the victoria secret semi-annual sale. I follow as i laugh and roll my eyes at her comment.






Texte: LOVE
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.04.2012

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