
The Clan: Jayson’s Point of View
By Camme Sharkey

Hello, my name is Jayson. I am a thirteen year old girl and live in a treehouse. Yeah, I know it seems weird for someone my age to be living alone in a homemade treehouse, not to mention it’s ten feet of the ground. Well, you would too if your dad never pays attention to where you were or what happened to you. I don’t live with any one except for this one girl named Micah. I don’t consider her a friend because of what happened to my last one, Olly. He was my best friend ever until he disappeared after the incident. I’d rather not elaborate on what the incident is but I guess sooner or later you will find out. It was sort of my fault that he disappeared because, well...........................I’m just not normal, many people would believe I am a fairy tale. Let’s just say you better not think anything bad about me either. This story I am about to tell you is before I knew all of this about myself.

Chapter 1
The Beast

Today was a day like any when I awoke I was alone, it was normal for me. Micah was usually off buying breakfast or already at school. Klo was always off somewhere, not school, but somewhere. We think she spends her days out in the woods with the animals, but no one knows.
Besides any of that, I got up and got dressed for school. I know it’s way too early to go, but since we live in a treehouse, I built, we have to use the showers and sinks at school.
Once I got to school, I know that Micah has been here because she always has this weird smell, so you can always tell where she has been. I grabbed my tooth brush and headed over to the sink. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a tall girl with bright blue eyes and long black hair. She was wearing a navy blue zip up sweat shirt from Aeropostale, a ragged old yellow shirt and black sweat pants. That’s what I usually wore for my PJs.
After I brushed my teeth and hair, I took a quick shower, got dressed in one of my Huron Riverside Bowling shirts, dark skinny jeans, my plaid converse, put on my sweat shirt and was off to school.


After a long day of school, I was climbing up to my treehouse, that is in a tree far from any other houses. I like this spot though, it has a small pond and many flowers around it, which is very calming. Anyways, I was almost to my tree house when I heard someone behind me, “My name’s Catty. What’s yours?”
Curious to whom they were and why they were all the way out here, I turned around, and there was a girl, with black hair, deep green eyes, and she was fairly short. She also had this weird smell to her, different from Micah’s but somewhat similar. She seemed to be talking to me so I answered, “Uh, Jayson.”
“Is there room for two up there?” I wanted to know why on earth she wanted to come up in the tree with me, I mean I have no idea who she is or anything, so I just continued into my treehouse, “Never mind.” When I heard her say that I was happy that she was going to leave me alone, until I saw a wolf emerge from the woods behind my tree. This was no ordinary wolf either is was humongous and it is the beast that has been chasing me for months now. I turned to see if the girl was still there, and of course she was, on the tree even.
“Hurry up and get in here!” I had to get her in because if she was as strange as I was, and if that was the reason that wolf has been after me, then she needed to be safe.
“Whoa! This is cool!” I guess she was referring to the tree house. I ran to the window to see of the wolf was still there. I didn’t see it anywhere so I settled down and turned to see if she was still there. “What’s wrong? Why did I need to get in here?”
“Um, I just........... I just didn’t want anyone to see where my tree house was.” I know it wasn’t the truth, but I needed to cover for what the real reason was.
“Oh, I understand why you wouldn’t want anyone to find this. It’s so cool. Did you build this yourself?”
“Yeah, well I had help from my friend before he........” Right then I was cut off by the sound of scratching. I ran to the door and found that the wolf was trying to climb up the tree. “Hurry jump!” I pushed her towards the window and grabbed my bow and an arrow to slow down the wolf. When I got to the door the wolf was already half way up. I shot an arrow into one of it’s front paws just as it reached the top. As it fell, I turned to see if Catty has jumped or not. She was still standing there! All she was doing was staring out the window. Then it happened, I could really hear her thoughts. “I don’t care if it’s high! Just jump!”
“Wait, how’d you know....”
“It doesn’t matter just jump!” I took ahold of her arm and jumped. As we landed I could hear the wolf jump into my tree house. I looked at Catty and she looked terrified, the blood was drained from her face, she also had a cut across her cheek.
“Are you OK?” She asked me. I was confused, I didn’t feel any pain. She pointed to my arm and I had a huge cut. It was bleeding, but as I said no pain which was weird.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine, but we need to get you to safety.” She looked at me in confusion, “Meaning you need to run home and stay away from me unless you want to be killed, this wolf has been chasing me for a while and will kill anyone who is in its way or tries to stop it from capturing me.” She sat there and stared at me for a bit, till she ran out of time to run.
The wolf was in the window, ready to jump. “OK, I’ll go home but you have to come with me so you are safe too.”
‘Is she deaf? Does she realize she could die by trying to protect me?‘ That was all that was going through my head, but I had to give in so she would be safe. “Fine. I’ll go, but we better hurry.”
We both got up, and just in time too, and we started running towards her house. Like I said it was just in time, the wolf would have crushed us if we hadn’t moved. It had dull white eyes, a coal black coat, long sharp talons and was murmuring something under it breath. In latin?
I looked over at Catty and I knew what she was thinking, again. Literally I could hear her thoughts. “ Yeah that’s its real eye color, but don’t worry they really only look like that when she’s angry.”
The last thing I saw was Catty’s confused face, once again, before she was tackled by the beast.
Chapter 2
Are We Safe

I looked back at the wolf on top of Catty, “ HELP! HELP!” was all that was coming from her. As for the wolf, a look of satisfaction for catching a delicious dinner.
“Get off her!” I yelled as I jumped on it’s back. It didn’t do much good for me, but at least Catty was up and on her feet. “Run! Run home to where it can’t get you!” It was hard for me to see if she was actually running or just standing there, because the wolf was bucking and growling.
I finally got knocked off, I was laying on the ground with the horrible smell of the wolf’s breath. I thought these would my final minutes when a great force pushed the beast off of me. I got up, dazed, but nothing was there, just Catty. She looked like he was concentrating really hard on something. I got up just as the wolf did, but instead of attacking either of us, it was.........was........floating? I didn’t understand. How could the wolf be floating? Just then is was thrown against a tree, like some invisible person was taking care of it for us.
“Come on get up! We’re almost to my house!” She was yelling at me just as the beast hit the ground. I didn’t argue with that, I got up on my feet and ran.


When we got to her house she gave me a tour. Her house was amazing, it wasn’t like anything I had ever seen. It was a gigantic house with an indoor pool, home theater, bowling alley, pretty much anything you could think of.
When we got to her room, I felt like I just ran a mile with the beast on my back, that’s how big her house was. Her room was the most normal room in the house. All it had was a bed, dresser, TV, computer, and a bookshelf chock full of books. I guess I looked like I was surprised by how normal it looked because she said something about it. “Yeah we ran out of money by the time we got to modeling my room.” she said with a giggle.
“Hey at least it’s better than what I have to live in.”
“I would take that for this any day. After you live here for a while it all seems to get boring. Enough about that, tell me about this thing chasing after you.” I really didn’t want to talk about it. All I really knew was that a few months ago it appeared out of no where and started chasing me. My friend Olly tried to protect me, but that didn’t work out well, he was taken by that beast and never saw him after that.
“There’s not much to say. Instead let’s talk about how it was floating.” Catty looked flushed again. I could tell this wasn’t going to be easy for her to explain. “Well?”
“Um.....I don’t usually talk about this to people but.........I can move thing my minds. I know it sounds weird but it’s true.” It was happening again. I could hear what she was thinking.
“Don’t worry I won’t run away, and you mean telekinesis.” She looked at me like I just killed someone or something.
“Um, I don’t...........understand, how’d you know I didn’t want you to run away, and yeah I guess that’s what it’s called.”
“Well, I am not exactly what you call normal either.” I don’t really know how to explain it, but I know I am capable of doing things other people aren’t. After a few minutes talking about her ‘curse’ her mom called us down stairs and said we had a visitor. We? I didn’t know anyone, well at least it use to be that way until I met Catty.
We walked down stairs and there was this girl standing there with Catty’s mom. I had never seen this girl before and by the look on Catty’s face I can tell she hadn’t either. This girl had pure red eyes and blonde hair that fell just below her shoulders. She looked very gothic, with her thick black eye liner, and her black clothing. The weirdest thing though was her lip ring. “Hi, Jayson and Catty. We need to talk. It’s very urgent.”

Chapter 3
The Truth

“Well you girls go have fun.” Her mother seemed very happy that her daughter had made two friends today without them running away.
We went up stairs to Catty’s room with this mysterious red eyed girl. When we reached her room the girl closed the door and started whispering, “OK you two, I know by now you know something really weird is going on, don’t you?” We both nodded. “Well I don’t know how to explain this without making it sound weird, but I am just going to flat out say it. You two are werewolves, just like me and some others. About this “beast” chasing you, she is actually one of us. Her name is Otsana, but she had decided to work for Rudi. He is the all powerful leader of this group who wants to wipe out the whole human race. They call themselves The Vexians. They take in the smartest humans and werewolves to try to help them with this devious plan. Most don’t have a choice because they threaten to kill your friends and family. And that’s exactly what they are doing to you, Jayson. They took your friend Olly and plan to kill him if you don’t join them.”
“But they can’t! No one would be so cruel to do so!” I really couldn’t believe what I was hearing this girl just walks in on our lives, says that we are werewolves, and tells me that these evil Vexians have captured my friend and plans to kill him. Does she really expect us to believe her?
“I know all this is hard to take in, but it is all true. They believe you will become a great wolf yourself. And now that Catty has defeated Otsana in battle, they probably will plan to threaten her too. If you don’t believe me about all this I will show you my self.” She took a deep breath and her ears started to get fuzzy and pointy. She grew a tail and very sharp teeth and before we knew it there was a huge wolf with a silver coat, and the girl’s bright red eyes.

Chapter 4
Our Journey Begins

Through all of this explaining, questioning and yelling this is all that I figured out; that werewolves are not some creatures that turn forms during a full moon. They are a more complex creature that has some extra ability, like telekinesis, and also only change forms when wanted or when we are really angry. Also that this strange red eyed girl, her name is Zui and her extra ability is shape shifting but in a more complicated way that is hard to explain. She said she that she can look like one person to me, look like a different person to Catty, and be completely invisible to everyone else all at the same time.
“So what you are saying is that you need to take Catty and I to this, whatever you called it, so we can be safe?” I had no problem with leaving to go to this place but I still wanted to know what they were going to do to us there. Also Catty looked like she had a problem with leaving her mom here unprotected.
“Yes, we need you guys to come with me to the Palazzo di Recerca so I can teach you how to control your powers and anger.” I could tell Zui was getting very bored and annoyed with all these questions. I just agreed to go along since I had no one to say bye to, but Catty wouldn’t go with out more questions.
After what was about an hour of questions, Catty finally came to the last one. “What about my mom? What am I going to tell her?” I could tell that she was very worried about leaving her mother alone in this big house. Partly because of her expression and because I could hear her thoughts again.
“Your mother has known about this since the day you were born. If you come with me now, you are also be able to meet your father. He has been waiting for your mother to allow him to see you for awhile now.” This was very surprising to the both of us.
“Well what about my mother? If her father is there waiting for her, then my mother must be there too. I know that my dad isn’t a werewolf. So my mother has to be.” I had never known my mother. When I was born the only person I had ever saw was my drunk father. I have always wondered where my mother was.
“Um, I’m, not quite sure if your mother is still alive or not. We won’t know until we get there. But first we need to teach you guys how to change form. One because you need to know how to and two, we can travel faster in wolf form.” Zui was standing there with her red eyes staring at us, with determination to get us to this research place, and safely too.
Catty an her mom had a teary good bye, but we had to eventually leave. This place that she was taking us, Palazzo di Recerca, was a place for our kind to stay and to be safe. Not to mention it is all the way in England. I was all ready to leave with my bag packed. I had a extra pair of clothes, my glasses and contacts, tooth bush, a sleeping bag with a pillow, and a good book to red on this long journey. I almost forgot my necklace. It was a gift from my mother, well that was I was told by my father. It had three amulets, two from her and one from Olly. I had a silver heart and a silver circle with stars inside of it that said; When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile. The one I have from Olly is a silver music note that said; You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough. This necklace was the only thing I had to remember both of these people by.
Catty and Zui meet up with me at my treehouse. They both had bags packed too. When it was clear that we were all ready we headed into the woods.
At sunset, we stopped and decided to rest. We were talking about what we liked the most about our lives, and strange enough Zui said it was her capability to become a wolf whenever she wanted. Just then she changed forms and ran off. Catty and I thought this was funny. We had nothing else to do, so we sat there and waited for Zui’s return.
When she returned she came back with my bow and arrow. She dropped them at my feet. “You will need these.” She said, it was in latin, but I could understand it. I guess it’s something that comes with being a werewolf, so I didn’t question it. I still can’t get use to the fact that I could change into a wolf though.


Once she was back in human form she was getting ready to teach us how to change forms. I was so excited to learn how to change forms. Zui even had a mirror so we could see what our wolf-selves looked like. She said we had to relax and concentrate on being a wolf or think what made us most happy.. I was always relaxed so that wasn’t hard to do. Then I thought of that day. The day I had met my best friend. I guess it made me happy enough because when I looked in the mirror, I saw a regular sized wolf with a pure white coat, red streaks all over, it also had shimmery blue eyes. It looked albino almost, and it would if it wasn’t for the streaks. If that was me then how come I am not as big as the others?
Catty had also changed form. She had a light brown coat with black streaks running through it. She was gigantic though, all I could wonder was ‘Why aren’t I?’
“Hey, why am I so small and you guys so big?” I was surprised when that came out of my mouth, I was speaking in latin i guess. It sure wasn’t English.
Zui was very quick to reply, with joy in her eyes too. “Well, legend has it that every millennium, there is a tantillus werewolf born, meaning very small. That turns out to be you.” She looked like she had more to say, but was trying to hide it, so I just left it alone.
After we were back in human form, we started a fire and cooked some chicken Catty had packed from her house. We were all eating, and ready to go to sleep when we heard something in the foliage behind us. We all turned to see what it was and there, standing right in front of us, was.....”Otsana!”

Chapter 5
Our Little Visitors

Instead of being a werewolf she was human. Her human form looked nothing like I thought she would. She was a redhead, and her hair was cut just above her ears and she had a bright pink shirt with a white clip on tie. She also had a white miniskirt on, long stockings and black velcro dress shoes. Her eyes were still the same though, dull, and white She pretty much reminded me of an overgrown school girl, but I knew she was much dangerous then she looked.
“Hello girls.” She had this high pitched voice that sounded like it would break a wine glass by her just saying a few words. “I have been sent to to take you two to my master, Rudi, he also gave specific orders for you also, my dear Zui.”
“What ever you have planed will not work! You are outnumbered and will never win!” I could tell Zui has been in many battle against this she-wolf many times by how she yelled. I could tell she hated her as much as I did for taking Olly from me.
“Ha ha ha, you amuse me. You girls are no match for me. Even if your two new additions have beaten me once they will not again.” She waved her hand forward and more wolves came out of the shrubs. Their colors ranging from a dark orange color to a very light creme color. The only thing they had in common was their eye color. They all had these blank looks and big black pupils. Kind of like they were under some mind control. “See. Against my army you weaklings have no chance!” She waved her hand one more time and they all lunged forward and attacked.
Most of the them went after Zui but she seemed to be handling them pretty well. I had my hands full anyway. It seemed that out of all these wolfs here, I had to go up against the biggest one. It was a light brown color with white paws and stomach, with these deep brown eyes. All it had to do was bark at me and I fell to the ground. I tried changing forms, but it wouldn’t work with this thing chasing me. I tried to tried running but that didn’t work either, he was so big he would be right next to me in one step.
Only a few minutes have passed, and I was really tired. I still had my bow, so I placed an arrow in readying position and lifted it. It was pointed straight at it’s heart. It was right in front of me, but instead of attacking it was spoke to me.
“You need to run, run far away where we can never find you.” I was awe struck. I had no idea why it wanted me to be free. Especially since he was just trying to kill me “I know you are probably confused, but just run I will make sure your friends are safe and will be with you soon enough.” Weird thing was, his mouth didn’t move.
“But I can just leave them here. They’re the ones who were trying to help me in the beginning, instead of attacking then telling me to run!” I was mad. Who on earth would pretend that they are going to kill you then the next they are telling you to run and be safe? How could I trust him, or it at least sounded like a him, about my friends? He probably didn’t hear me anyway because he was on his way back to the fight.
I wasn’t going to listen to him and run. Instead I ran right after him. When I got back to where the fight began, I saw Zui in wolf form and half her ear was bitten off. Catty, also in wolf form, was fighting back, she looked as though she was ready to pass out any minute. I relaxed and thought of him, my friend. Soon enough I was seeing in black and white so I knew I was my small wolfy self.
I tackled one of the wolves on top of Catty, we were fighting it out like there was no tomorrow. Soon it was on top of me, ready to tear me apart, when another wolf tackled it to the ground. I could tell it wasn’t a wolf on our side. “I told you to run!” I was right, it was the one who was so certain I had listened to him and ran away to let my new friends die.
“You really think I would listen to you!” I yelled back.
“Well I was kind of hoping, you know I would never let you down!” He was still fighting with the one wolf. He sounded so familiar though. I felt like I knew him now. I felt like I could trust him. “What are you waiting for! RUN!” I grabbed my bow and arrows in my mouth, and started to run as far away as possible.


When I finally stopped I was back in human form. I felt dizzy from all the fighting, and from running. I tried walking just a little farther, but I guess I pushed it too far because I fell over and blacked out.
The last thing I heard was someone yelling my name.

Chapter 6

When I woke up I was in a bed made of leaves and the sun shone right in my face. There was someone sitting next to me singing with the birds. She had blonde hair, it fell just a few inches above her shoulders. A little like Zui’s but shorter. She was wearing this orange shirt that seemed to get lighter towards the bottom. She had light blue jeans on and black tennis shoes too. This girl seemed very familiar but I just couldn’t tell who it was.
“Who...who are you?” I could barely get those words out, without stuttering. The girl turned and she had these beautiful amber eyes. And the way the sun shone on her face she looked like an angel. I thought I was dreaming until she spoke.
“Well good morning to you too.” She didn’t seem happy that I didn’t know who she was. “I guess I won’t be getting a thanks for all the care I gave you through the night, just so you could be awake today.” Before I could answer Zui and Catty came running to me.
“Jayson! We were so worried about you. Where did you go? Why’d you leave us? Wait, Who is this?” The girl seemed to get even more angry when Catty asked that last question.
“Well for your information, I saved my friend’s life, and my name is Klover, but people call me Klo.” No wonder why she seemed so familiar she was the one of the girls that I let stay in my tree house. The one that had always left bright and early into the woods.
“Oh. Well Jayson never told us about you.” Catty seemed to be offended by Klo saying she was my friend.
“Of course she didn’t. She was too busy worrying about being taken away to some weird place in England.” She seemed to have a little temper because of Catty and Zui. Then she took out a radio and spoke into it, “Micah. Micah this is Klo. I found Jay.”
When the girl on the other radio replied she sound so happy, “I can’t believe it! Where are you guys?” I noticed that voice too. It was the other girl that stayed with Klo and I.
“We are in the woods. At our usual meeting place.” I now even noticed this place now. This was the place us three girls meet every weekend to go hunting. I did the shooting, since I worked so well with a bow and arrow. Klo attracted the animals into Micah’s cleverly set traps. I could tell by the tree that was above me.
This tree was the biggest in the forest. It’s branches reached out ten feet at least. This is where we always met because we could always hide in the tree waiting for the others to arrive. We also had this little two note whistle to let each other know that it was us and not some stranger out for a walk in the woods. Surprisingly though, that does happen a lot. Anyway, the most special thing though about this tree, is that we all claim that we have been born here.
“Does any one know who the one wolf was that told me to run?” I was still unsure on the whole thing, and it seemed like they were too. No one seemed to have even noticed anyone yelling at me. I concluded that they didn’t hear because they were preoccupied with fighting.
A few minutes later, Micah showed up. She had light brown hair that came down to the middle of her back. She was the only one of all of us that had bangs too. But the weirdest thing about her was that she had these deep purple eyes. No one knew why her eyes were purple because she was an orphan from the start. Her parents had never been there to take care of her. The same thing happened to Klo. Another weird thing about us three, is that we were all born on the same day but all three hours apart. Another thing about MIcah though is that she is incredibly fast.
“I’m so glad she found you Jay. We were so worried about you when you never came back to the tree house.” She really did sound worried too. “Who are these two girls anyway?”
“” I couldn’t even think straight now.
“I think she just needs to rest more. By the way I’m Zui and this is Catty. We ran into each other on the street and started talking.” I could tell Zui didn’t want to tell Klo and Micah just exactly what happened just in case it would creep them out, but I could hear Micah’s thoughts and she didn’t believe her at all.
“Then tell me how you guys ended up in the woods.” Micah seemed confident that Zui wouldn’t be able to answer this question.
It didn’t even take Zui a second to come up with an excuse she answered right away just like she had practiced it many times. “Well, Jay here wanted to show us this special tree of yours.” This made Micah mad.


For a few hours Zui and Micah were going back and forth about how they knew me and stuff like that. Klo, Catty and I were just sitting there watching them.
This was going on for so long I was about to fall asleep. Finally they stopped when they realized how bored and tired they had made us. It was already night too. I climbed in the tree to sleep because Zui felt that I should be safe, just incase we were attacked again.


After I was asleep for a few hours some sound had woken me up. I looked down at the ground and saw an Indian guy. He had short black hair, he was tall, and wore glasses. He was looking around like he was lost. I took out my bow and put an arrow on it. When I was about to shoot he yelled, “No! Don’t shoot! I am here to help you. My name is Ace I was sent by your friend Olly.”

Chapter 7
Finding my Friend

Ace was telling me about how Olly was taken to this old abandoned house and forced to work for Rudi. He said that he also pretended to be sick so he didn’t have to come and fight me.
I can tell you right now that there was never any romantic going on between me and Olly all we ever were, were friends. I was pretty sure of this because he even told me one day that he liked Micah.
“Anyways, Olly said he was one of you guys. You know a werewolf and he has known ever since he was five, but he didn’t tell you because he didn’t want you to run away in terror.” Even though this Ace guy was telling me things that Olly had wanted him to tell me, I had a feeling he was putting more humor into to it then there actually was. “He also knew you were one because of your smell. He didn’t want to tell you that, well, because of the same reason. So yeah, that’s pretty much all he had to say. Besides that he wants you to be safe and to not to come after him. Oh and there is this other kid there with him, he’s just a regular kid but he’s there with him. His name is Grayson.”
“Well I don’t care if there is some guy there with him or not I am going to just sit around while he is held as a prisoner. I plan on doin’ something about it.” I was really mad though, that Olly just wanted me to sit around while he was going to die. “By the way, do you know who that wolf was that told me to run, I mean if you were even there?”
“A wolf that told you to run? Hmm......OH! Yes. That was probably Olly’s twin brother Otto. Yeah he was also sent to make sure you were safe.” I remember Olly saying something about his twin. He said that they use to be very close until Olly ran away. Besides that, he never said anything about his family.
“Well OK, as long as Otto isn’t around anymore to keep us from going, wanna show us the way to this abandoned house, Ace?” It took me a while to persuade him but he eventually gave in. He swore to take us to where Olly was being held, and we were to start our journey bright and early in the morning.
In the morning we all packed up. I am even amazed that Catty and Zui even remembered to grab the bags when they left that area. I know i wouldn’t have. When we started to walk I noticed that we were heading towards a place where there was a bunch of wolves. I could smell them.
After what felt like hours, we finally came to a clearing full of dummies sat up for some kind of practice, and also a huge lake. There were also some kind of flowers all over the place and when I touched one I felt reenergized and ready to take on any thing that would come my way. There were wolves all over the place, but I couldn’t find Olly any where. I was going to take a step in the field when Ace stopped me. “I wouldn’t do that. They have a alarm set specially only to go off if Catty, Zui or you take one step in that field. I don’t know if they know about your other friends here yet but I wouldn’t take any chances.”
“Well someone has to go in to this place and free Olly.” I just couldn’t stand it. I was so close to finding my friend but there was so many things in my way.
“You see that big house just past the lake? I have to go in there to turn off the alarm and..” He held his and for awhile, like he was waiting for something, then finally continued. “That’s where they are keeping your friend Olly hostage.”

Chapter 8
His Savior

We were standing there staring into the meadow, I was amazed as to the many wolves they have recruited to their side. I mean we only had the four of as as far as I knew. If we ever attacked we would never stand a chance. “We should camp out around the edges tonight. In the morning I will go in and turn off the barrier.” Ace looked very determined to help us save Olly.
The thing is, though, I couldn’t wait till morning to save him. I had to do it now. I came up with a plan, when everyone fell asleep, I would sneak through the barrier by jumping from tree to tree. I would then make my way to the house where Olly was, save him and be done.

Once everyone was asleep, I was ready to put my plan into action. I started to climb the nearest tree, when I got to the top I heard a sound below. I looked down, man i was really high up at least thirty feet, but everyone was still asleep. Ignoring it, I started to jump from tree to tree. I was on the last tree outside of the barrier, it wasn’t close enough. I had to take the chance though. I jumped, but I was too short and I started to fall towards the ground. On my way down I prayed that I would survive this, or at least just get a small injury from it. I was feet away from the ground when a large, blond I think, wolf ran underneath me and I landed on it’s back. “Hold on if you wish to see you friend,” it whispered to me. I was confused alright, but I decided to hold on.
It ran me across the field at a very fast, steady pace. When we got to the lake it set me on the ground and talked, “You better change into wolf form if you don’t want to be noticed.” Without an argue I did as said, I relaxed and thought. Soon I was my wolfy self again, seeing in black and white. “Good, now follow me.”
“Who are you? Why did you save me if you are working for the Vexians?” I just had to ask I was so curious. The wolf didn’t answer, instead he turned and started walking.
“I am a worker for the Vexians indeed, but that doesn’t mean I want to be. I was actually forced to. They threatened to kill my family if I didn’t.” I could he, well it sounded like a he, was telling the truth because he sounded close to tears.
“Well why did you save me instead of escaping? You were already out of the barrier. You could have you know.”
“I know that was my intention, but I saw you falling, I couldn’t just let you fall could I?” He was walking much faster now. “Keep up.”
I was scared to ask another question because he sounded angry and sad. We walked the rest of the way in silence. We were in the practice area now. I could see many pieces of the dummies torn up and spread out.
When we finally reached the house, he stopped and turned to me. “Once you enter, turn left and the door at the very end is where your friend is.”
“You’re not going to tale me there? You never even answer my question of who you are, too.”
“Fine if I must my name is Grayson. I can’t take you the rest of the way because if I am seen going down that hall, they will know something is up.”
“And they won’t when they see me head down there?”
“, that’s only because the wolves here with gray or white coats take care of the prisoners. There are mostly gray wolves though.” I knew that from yesterday when I saw them all in the fields. “Well, good luck!” With that he turned and left me standing there. I was frightened to enter the door, but I had to. When I walked in I almost fainted. The inside looked nothing like you would expect from seeing the outside. There was a drinking pond in the middle, many stairways, and hallways. ‘OK he said the first hall on my left.’ I turned to my left and saw that it was very long, and had many doors. I headed down the hall. There were a lot of whimpering coming from behind many of them. ‘This must be the torture hallway’ I thought to myself.
When I finally reached the end, there was a big black door. It was very heavy too. When it was opened there was a very big room. “So what torture do you have in store for me today, huh?” I looked to my right and in the very back corner there was a cage. This cage wasn’t fit for a human or wolf either, it looked like it was meant for a bunny.
As I got closer though it goy bigger. Inside there was a boy with mid-length hair, he was a red-head and had very deep brown eyes. “Uh......” was all I could say. It was Olly I had finally found him, I couldn’t believe it.
“Haven’t decided yet. Well, take your time I’m here all day and night. No need to rush.” He seemed very angry. I wouldn’t blame him. If I were stuck in there for so long I would be too.
“I’m not here to torture you......”
“So you are here to battle, huh?” He just didn’t get. I was here to save him. “Well, let me out of here and we can start.” Not thinking I walked over to the cage and looked at the lock. It had a very big key hole. I looked around the walls and saw on the other side there were some very large keys. I ran over got them and ran back over to the cage. “You really must want to fight me. If you think you can win your better rethink it.” I unlock the door, it swung open. Just as fast, Olly had turned forms and was on top of me. “Told you you might want to rethink it.” He was snarling and ready to tear me to shreds. If I hadn’t known him from the past I would have been scared to death.
We stayed in this position for awhile, staring into each others eyes. His expression softened. He looked like he was about to cry even. The orange wolf who was about to tear me apart, had changed. “I know those blue eyes. Jayson, you must be Jayson.” After a few minutes Olly started to talk, “Jayson you have to leave, if they find you here they will...........”
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here. You were perfect bait Olly, thank you for your help.” When I turned around there was Otsana with her wolf goons. “Now we can finally put our plan into action. To destroy the human race!”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.03.2010

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To all my amazing friends Emily Mingus, Kristen Lafene, Cece Jenkins and Jenna Miller.

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