
Chapter 1
“Roslyn Lee James! Get out of bed this instant!” My mother’s shrill and frantic voice filled my head. “Roslyn Lee! Oh, I don’t want to have to do this, but I have to.” My mother left the room for about five minutes, but soon came the heavy footsteps of my step-father up the stairs, and through my door. “Ros. Get up.” I grunted something along the lines of “Go away.” But he didn’t go away. Not at all.
Instead a pitcher of water greeted me on the head. I squealed and jumped out of bed, “What the heck!” My step-dad’s face turned from still and steady to furious. “What are you wearing?” I looked down at my black tank top and white short shorts. I cast a quick look at my mom before turning back to my step-dad. Promptly I put my hands on my tiny hips. “For your information Rick, I am in my room, in my home. I can wear what I want!” My mother gasped, and shooed my little brother out of the room, she shook her head in disappointment and walked out, closing the door behind her.
Rick crossed his arms over his chest and spoke, his voice strong and steady. “Ros-“ I yelled at the top of my lungs at him, “Don’t you dare call me Ros! I am not your daughter, nor will I ever be!” The good thing on my part was he was standing in the door way. Why? I didn’t know. But I walked quickly and slammed the door in his face.
I had only one major fight before with Rick, and it was over who sat in front seat on the family trip to Branson . But this was so of the charts, especially since I just got over from a grounding, that I was even confused at why I had that sudden outburst. Quickly and quietly I slipped on red skinny jeans and a black short sleeve tee. But I couldn’t find my converse. I looked all over my room, in my closet and in m y bathroom. Then I realized they were down stairs.
I mumbled and groaned until I figured I would just run as fast as I could and put my shoes on in my car. Taking a deep breath, I made sure I had everything and sprinted down the wooden steps. I grabbed my black converse and shot out the door to my car safely. “ Thank you God.” I blew out a breath and backed out of my drive way. My top down and Chris Tomlin blasting through the speakers.
As I pulled into the parking lot of North Hughes high school, I heard many commotions. Teachers already yelling a kids, couples already breaking up. But the sound that stuck out most was the sound of my one and only crush pulling up right beside me. His name was Shawn, and I had been totally in love with him for two years three weeks four days. Not that I’m counting. I knew we would never hit it off because of my friends, but I would not leave them for a guy. Not now, not ever!
Soon my thinking time was over because Zack. He was my best guy friend ever, Zack was like a brother to me. I loved him to pieces, except when he jumped into my car and yelled “Hey Toss Ross!” Right in front of Shawn. Like he did now at this very time. “Zack! Do you even care about my dignity? Shawn is right there.” I said the last part in a whisper, you know why. “No I don’t Roslyn.” He said, all serious looking. I returned the serious look and said equally, “I hate you.”
“Nah, you know you love me.”
“Nope! I don’t love you anymore!” I tried to suppress a laugh. But I couldn’t keep it in. Soon, everyone in the parking lot was looking at me and Zack laughing. Me, because I was laughing about Zack snorting, and Zack, because he was laughing at me snort. This fest carried on for about five minutes when Becca, my best friend in the whole wide world walked up and yelled over our laughter, “I don’t even know why I hang out with you guys.” But she got in the back seat and soon laughed along with us.
I don’t have first period with anyone I know or like. And I know why, it was Spanish. Our teacher was a skinny twenty-four year old male who just got out of college. Every girl gawked over him. But I didn’t, he was too short and had too much freckles. “Umm. Mr. Fichu?” He was an Italian teaching Spanish. He looked around before finding my hand in the air. “Yes Roslyn?”
“How do you say number five on the homework?” He shook his head and smiled. Then turned and wrote on the board the words:
Los padres son el paple en la mente de cada niño.
Meaning “Parents are the role in every child’s mind.” When he turned around and pronounced it, I shook my head and went back to work.
Soon the bell rand and every one rushed out of the class and into the hallway. “So, Ros. How was Fichu today?” Zack hated him in every way possible. Why though, I didn’t know. “Fine, just don’t ask what number five is. I hate that term.” He nodded and went to catch up with his other friend, or boyfriend I should say. Hmm, something’s wrong with him. Becca soon caught up with me and filled in all the details from history. “Well, I have to get to my next class before the bell rings. See you at lunch.” I nodded and smiled.
At lunch, neither Zack or Becca showed up. But one person did. Shawn. He walked right over to me and sat down. “Roslyn. Is Zack gay?” I drew back at his sudden approach. “No. Why?” Shawn did a weird little eye roll and spoke like I was the dumbest thing on Earth. “Wow. You really are clueless aren’t you?” Clueless huh? I laughed, a short cute laugh before I dumped my whole tray on his head. “Well, look what Miss. Clueless whipped up now.” I let out a loud laugh and left the lunchroom.
I thought about the lunch incident through the whole day right up until seventh period. When I got called to the office. I tapped on the door. “Um, You wanted to see me?” The secretary nodded and buzzed something into a walkie-talkie. “Yes sir. I’ll send her that way,” she looked at me, “Right through that door.” I took a deep breath and walked through the door. Where the possibly ugliest man in the world sat.
“Roslyn James. Sit.” He pointed a thick finger to the metal chair a few feet away. I walked quickly over and sat down. Smashing my chocolate kiss. I had to fight the urge to blurt out something. “I understand you dumped your tray on some young mans head at lunch. Am I correct?”
“Yes Sir.”
“Why did you dump your tray on him?” I took a deep breath and spoke the truth. “Well, he came up to me at lunch and asked me if my friend was gay. I told him no and asked him why. He called me a clueless person and I dumped my tray on him . End of story.” I shrugged my shoulders and slapped my hands I my lap. “Very well Miss. James. You may leave now.” I hesitated for a second, but flew out of the office and to my car since the bell had already rung.
When I got home a note was tapped to the door. It said:
Ros. You step-father and I had to run some errands.
I am sorry that we were not home. But we will
be home around ten o’clock. Love you darling!

I laughed at her pathetic note. I know they really were out to dinner and possibly a movie. So I just popped a movie in myself and watched T.V until twelve o’clock. So much for being home. I slowly got off the couch and dragged myself up the stairs and down the hallway. Undressing to just a sports bra and a pair of pajama pants, I slipped into my cherry smelling covers and fell asleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.08.2011

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