
Chapter 1

Fire and Ice
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice

Robert Frost

This book is dedicated in the loving memory of Donna Dean a loving Aunt, Mother, and Sister she always inspired me to go after what I believed in.

New town, new house, new family and once again a new life, I'm 18 and I've never stayed in one place longer then 2 months do you have any idea what that does for my college transcripts? Well I do. I'm sick of moving I guess that is what happens when your father dies and your mother leaves you in a park when your five. This new town is so small probably the smallest yet, at least the house is pretty big from the outside anyways. For some reason I always get dropped off by cops not just any cops though the U.S Marshals you think they would put me on a bus or something it's not like I'm a bad kid or anything I'm a straight A student hopefully a Harvard student next year, If I play my next semester right I will be.

We pull up to the house. Agent Jones opened the door for me and grabs my bags out of the back. We start to walk to the door. That's when I heard someone scream go long, thats when I turned and finally looked around. Not only was the house big but the yard was as well I just smiled. This was gonna be fun not only was this gonna be fun, but very easy as well. This is the best foster care I will have ever had. When we got to the door Jones knocked.

"Come in" we heard someone scream.

I slowly opened the door and told Jones good bye hopefully it will be the last time I ever had to see him as my escort. He gave me a hug and started to walk to his truck. That's when I walked into my new home and dropped my bags off my shoulders and turned around slowly looking for where the voice had come from. A women walked out of what I guessed was the kitchen with a towel in her hands. She was a beautiful women almost to beautiful but I shook it off and introduced myself.

"Hello I'm Midnight Silver, I know kinda stupid but it's what my dad wanted I guess"

"My dear it is far from stupid it is quite unique welcome to your new home, I'm Lucy Stone"

"Well Lucy it is great to be finally near a shower" She just smiled

"Well the other kids are all around the grounds, and my husband won't be home till around supper, which will be at 7 by the way. Oh let me show you to your room darling"

She threw her towel on the couch and started to walk toward me. She turned and started up the stairs, So I grabbed my bags and followed. We went up two flights before she stopped.

"Midnight you are the last room on the right. You and my daughter Hope are on this floor only and the bathroom is right there as she pointed to the first door. Hope the room is to your likings and if you need anything just let me know.

"Thanks Mrs. Stone"

"Please call me Lucy"

Chapter 2

I walked to the end of the hall towards my room and opened the door. There against the wall was a queen bed with a black and green quilt on it, a book shelf off to the right side, a couple of end tables and some chairs and in the other corner was a ipod dock with an ipod on it and a laptop next to it, and a dresser with a mirror next to the door. I just smiled and threw my bags onto the chairs. I walked over to my bags and opened them up and grabbed clean clothes and went in search for the bathroom.

"Did you hear mom and dad took another charity case in"

I heard voices when I shut my bedroom door.

"Yeah some chick"

"Did you see her, is she hott"


I heard foot steps coming toward my room. The door knob started to turn so I jumped on my bed. Then the door opened.

"What the hell, oh shit"

"Hi I'm the new charity case and you are"

"Well great now this room is ruined" and they walked out the door.

Well that was just great Midnight way to be a bitch towards your new family. I got off my bed and put my shoes on and ran out my door.

"Hey wait up"

They stopped dead and slowly turned around like they just heard a ghost or something. I finally caught up and stuck out my hand towards them.

"Sorry about that" I said pointing back at my room

"Whatever I'm Luke and this is my brother Dan"

"Hey I'm Midnight"

"Nice to meet you Midnight and welcome to your new hell hole" said Luke.

"It's great to be here, it's not like this isn't my 100th house since I was 5 or anything" I smiled and started to walk towards the stairs.

"That many really" said Dan following me

I turned and nodded my head and then I descended the stairs. While being followed by my new brothers. I made it to the bottom and got to the front door and threw it open and ran smack into someone and they dropped everything. I bent down to start picking everything up when my head hit theirs on the way down. That's when I decided to look at them. He was beautiful some what long hair that covered his beautiful green blue eyes and, his smile was perfect and he was way taller then me that's for sure. He just put his hand out in front of me and said.

"I'm William Stone" I shook his hand and smiled

"I'm Midnight Silver it's really nice to meet you William"

"Would you two stop being weird" said Luke as he stepped over us and Dan followed.

I stood up with a hand full of books, I smiled and turned and walked back into the house and followed him up the stairs to what I guessed was his bedroom, but it wasn't. it was a library a really big library. I smiled and turned slowly because I was in heaven if there was anything I loved more to read it was to play sports and to run. I didn't realize that William was trying to talk to me until he dropped books on the floor and scared me out of my day dream.


"It's ok I'm just really surprised"

He just smiled and nodded his head. I put the books on the table nearest me and walked towards the door.

"Hey where are you going"

"It's almost 7, Lucy said supper was at 7 and I haven't eaten in 10 hours so I'm hungry"

He just laughed.

"Your cute"

I don't think I've moved that fast since I punched that kid for calling me a bitch my freshmen year. Next thing I knew I was in front of William with my arm on his throat. I smiled and said thanks and turned and walked away.

Chapter 3

I finally made it down stairs and found the kitchen just in time to see Lucy pulling the food out of the oven, which by the way smelt amazing.

"Hey Lucy, do you need help setting up for supper at all"

"Oh dear Midnight you startled me, No I think Hope has got everything laid out already but thank you"

"No problem"

I walked into the dinning room to find Dan, Luke, William and who I was guessing to be Hope and three other people. Lucy walked in shortly after me. Everyone turned to look at me and only William smiled at me. I slowly sat down in one of the open chairs, I was just hoping it wasn't Lucy's. When Lucy finally got in the room with all the food and sat down, she introduced me to everyone. I already knew some and one I could have guessed but the three other people I knew one must be Mr. Stone whose first name was actually Charlie. Then the two other boys names where Adam who also happened to be the oldest and then Bradly who was the youngest. I just smiled and nodded my head each time they talked to me.

When supper was finally done, I walked back up to my room and opened the door and fell face first into my soft bed I reached over and fumbled to turn on the radio on my nightstand. Soft music came out of it, I didn't care what the music was I just wanted noise this house was to quiet, which is weird when there are 6 kids here. There was a knock at my door. I walked over to the door and opened it.


There she was standing there perfect. She had long almost white hair and I don't think it was dyed either. She had bright green eyes and the most perfect smile. She had to be at least 6 foot and I was the tallest in the family standing at 6'5 last I checked anyways.

"Uhm hi sorry did I wake you"

"No I was just listening to music" She said pointing to the Ipod

"Oh I just thought you might want a tour of the grounds"

"Yea sure that would be awesome let me grab a hoodie" she walked to her bags

"Well as you already know this is the second floor their are three total" he started to walk toward the stairs

I followed along trying not to look at him like he was a piece of meat, It didn't work. We went to the third floor which I found out was the boys floor, Which had two bathrooms instead of one, and this was also the floor with the library on it which I really wanted to go spend hours in but I resisted. We then went down to the first floor and he told me there were 3 bedrooms down here and one of course was his parents and the other two were when company came over. We finally made it outside which I was so happy because that house was almost to big for a one day look around.

"So what did you think of the house pretty big right" he turned toward me

"Yea it is really beautiful you guys were lucky to be able to grow up with a family and house like this"

"Well we are not done yet we still got the yard which is huge we own 30 acres but we won't walk it all"

"Wait what that's insane"

"Yea we have about 15 horses and we have dogs too but I have no idea where they are right now, they usually come home when it gets dark out. Come on follow me"

He turned toward a huge barn. That I did not see when I was walking up to the house I guess I was to nervous to really pay attention to everything in the yard. We walked toward it and he pulled open the doors.

"Do you ride at all" he said as he walked toward the first stall

"Yea I lived in Montana at horse ranch I had to learn other wise they said I would have to leave, So I learned how to ride and from what the trainer said I was pretty good. So where is the tack room"

He pointed toward a room by the barn doors and started to walk toward them. I got all my tack, he told me to pick a horse so I picked the a black one his sign said Buck. William laughed at me when I lead him out of the stall.

"What is it"

"No one rides Buck"

"Why doesn't anyone ride Buck William"

"Because he doesn't let anyone ride him"

"I'm not just anyone" I smiled

I put the blanket and the saddle on him and he didn't huff once, Now just to see when I get up in the saddle. He didn't even move all I did was smile. I looked at William he just shook his head at me.

"Alright I guess your not just anyone, Lets head out"

I turned Buck and took off after William. We rode around the property for what seemed like hours. We raced and we jumped some of the fences. Then William just stopped dead and looked up.

"We have to go and we have to go now"

"Why what is wrong"

"We just have to get inside it is getting dark"

William took off for the general direction of the barn and not slowly either this made me very curious to know what happened here when it got dark out. I leaned forward in my saddle just a little and pushed Buck a little harder he rocked forward like he was enjoying himself. I just let out a small laugh I ended up beating William to the barn even though he started before me.

"Don't worry about brushing down the horses tonight its getting to late, We can do it in the morning"

"I can get it done quick I don't mind"

"Just try to be in the house in 30" he said walking away

I pulled off Bucks saddle and walked to the tack room and hung it up. I grabbed a couple of different brushes and walked back to Bucks stall. I finished brushing him down and put him in the stall and walked to the barn doors, I closed them nice and tight and walked to the house but not before I heard a howl off in the distance all I did was smile.

Chapter 4


I went up to the third floor and walked right into the library and started looking up the history of Price, Utah it was harder then I thought it would be. I looked for a hour and found one book and grabbed it and headed down to my room. I threw the book on my bed and grabbed my laptop new and old I looked up everything I could on Price by the time I read everything I looked at my clock it was 3 in the morning I closed everything and cleared my history. I changed into my pj's and crawled under my blankets and flicked off my lights and just listened to the house and everything outside of it too. I heard more howling and the house loved to sing it was like it wanted to talk to me about something.

I got off my bed slowly and quietly as I possibly could and walked to my door and locked it. I crawled into bed again. The howling sounded like it was getting closer and closer each time. I just smiled I could feel my eyes changing colors which you would think would be weird but it happened when something bad was about to happen, like every time the family I lived with decide they don't want me in there homes any more. I bet on my fathers grave they were as black as you could guess Midnight with a hint of Silver.

Morning came and I was still sitting straight up in my bed trying to figure out when the bad was gonna happen I grabbed some work out clothes and my towel and took off for the bathroom and made sure no one was in the hallway to see me eyes. I took my shower and got dressed, I went back into my room and grabbed my sunglasses and the Ipod I took off down the hallway and then I descended the stairs.

"Midnight there is breakfast on the table if you are hungry"

"If it is ok I'll make something when I get back from my run"

"That's fine my dear be safe out there if you want to take one of the dogs you can, Zip loves to run"

"Thanks I think I will"

I walked out the door to find three dogs laying on the steps I called out Zip and one lifted his head I grabbed the leash off a peg and put it on him and started to stretch. When I was done I grabbed the leash and took off down the drive way. My eyes where still Midnight and Silver I had to be sure no one say them. I think I ran for 6 miles before I saw a house. I stopped and decided it was time to for us to turn around by the time I got home it was lunch time and I was really hungry. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some bread and some turkey from last night and made a sandwich then I walked out to the barn. I grabbed some reins and put them on Buck then grabbed a hand full of hair and pulled myself up. I rode Buck out of the barn and noticed Lucy and Hope standing by the house, Lucy waved me over I got Buck to a trot and went over by them.

"Hey Lucy what's up"

"Was just wondering how you slept last night since it was your first time in a new house"

"I slept great" I lied I didn't sleep at all

"Good I'm glad. Looks like Buck has finally found someone he likes"

"Yeah he is a good horse"

"Yes he is I'm glad he finally likes someone we almost were gonna get rid of him"

"Well I'll take care of him"

"Good glad to hear that"


She was sitting on that horse like she owned this place I wanted to slap her. She had no idea what really went on around here or what happened at night, She had no idea that I had two sisters that were taken from us by them. I missed Lynn and Mayflower. I noticed Midnight was smiling at me so I smiled back so my mom wouldn't notice that I hated her. I walked over to the barn and went to the tack room and got my gear and grabbed my horse Shadow out of his stall and saddled him up and took off toward the drive way.


I noticed that Hope was riding a horse down the drive way.

"Hey Lucy when is supper"

"At 7, Midnight like always"

"Ok I'll try to be back by then, I'm gonna go and explore"

"Midnight if you see William out there will you tell him his school called him"

"Yeah I can do that"

"Thanks be safe out there"

"I will"

I turned Buck and took off at a run. I started at one end of the property looking for anything that didn't seem right and I found a lot of things that should not be on a fenced in property like this I found holes the size of bears and big paw prints at least the size of two horse prints put together. I took off at a trot and followed them and at the end I saw William laying under a tree with only shorts on. I got off Buck and ran toward him and slide to a stop in front of him. He almost didn't look alive.

"William are you ok" I slowly touched his arm

He slowly opened his eyes and smiled up at me, So I smiled back.

"Sorry I was just taking a nap didn't think anyone would find me out here. The other kids usually don't get this close to the fence so I come out here to get away from them"

"Well last night I heard what I thought were wolves so I wanted to see if I could see the tracks and there are a lot of them, and Lucy asked me to tell you your school called you"

"My school I wondered what they wanted, and ignore the wolves don't go poking into something you might not be able to get yourself out of"

"What do you mean by that"

"Nothing just don't get involved"

Chapter 5

Me and William sat out there for a couple hours talking about everything and nothing. He had graduated from high school a year ago and was attending Utah state University he was already done for the summer. I told him I planned on going to Harvard and he laughed at me and I told him I wasn't joking. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 6:50.

"William it's almost supper time we should get up to the house"

"Yea in a minute" as he leaned closer to my face

I didn't move I had a feeling I knew what he was gonna do it wouldn't be my first time doing it either. He got closer and closer and then he kissed me. Now I know what your thinking he is like my brother now but I could turn down any adoption from the parents now that I was older then 16 and I would if he wanted to make this something. I don't know how long we sat there like we were just kissing each other and I didn't care it felt so right. Then all of a sudden he pulled back. I could feel my eyes change I quickly got up and looked around I pulled my sunglasses down from my head to cover them. William looked hurt I didn't mean to hurt him I just knew someone had saw what we did and then I saw Hope riding as fast as she could toward the house.


"What is it" William jumped up and looked where I was looking

"She won't say anything she has no one to talk to who will believe her since Lynn and Mayflower left"

I had no clue who those people were. I walked over to Buck grabbed the reins and some hair and pulled myself up, then I offered and arm for William to use to get up. He grabbed it and I helped pull him up then I turned Buck and we trotted toward the house. He jumped off before we got to the barn and I put Buck in the coral so I could wipe him down when we were done eating. I noticed Will had waited for me so I ran to catch up with him. We walked up the stairs and into the house. I could smell the food all I had eaten was that sandwich. I could hear people talking in the kitchen about how they had gotten in the yard again and one of the horses were missing probably dead. I had to get Will to spill about what happens here.

We sat at the table next to each other our legs touching I realized I still had my sunglasses on I so hoped my eyes had turned back I couldn't tell I wasn't able to consecrate on it hard enough to tell so I took them off and waited for a gasp but nothing I let out a sigh.


I knew she had seen me out there, I wanted to scream at her and tell her not to touch my brother ever again but I didn't. I saw her glance at me once and awhile and every time I did I would stare right back Will would stare at me like he wanted to tell me not to tell anyone which I wouldn't because no one would believe me. When mom walked into the room and put the ribs on the table I went for them first. They looked great I grabbed about a half a rack. Everyone gave me a dirty look I just stuck my tongue out at them Midnight laughed I just glared at her but she wasn't looking at me any more. I slumped down in my chair a little and slowly ate my food.


I rubbed my leg up and down hers slowly I wanted to kiss her more I don't know why I had pulled away out in the field I just felt like someone was watching and Hope had been there watching us. I glanced over at her and she was staring at Midnight again. I gave her pleading eyes and then looked away back at my food. Before I knew it all my food was gone and I was walking to the kitchen. Someone was following me it was probably Hope coming to say something to me but when I pushed the kitchen door open and turned I saw that it was Midnight she walked right past me and put her dishes in the sink, Then leaned against it and smiled.


He just stood there and smiled back at me. When I walked past him I whispered meet me in my room in 30 and walked out of the kitchen toward the barn to brush down Buck I finished in 10 minutes and ran to the house and up two flights of stairs to come face to face with Hope she looked like she wanted to fight. I tried to slip around her but she put her arm out.

"If you hurt him I will kill you" I smiled

"You can try to, and I won't hurt him not unless he hurts me first"

I went side to side and faked her out and got around her and ran to my room for my towel then to the bathroom I took one of the fastest shower ever and walked back to my room. I got inside and got dressed and layed on my bed about 5 minutes later someone knocked on my door.

"Come in" Will walked in with blue jeans on and wet hair

I took a deep breath and let it out really slow. He closed the door behind him and walked over to my bed I sat up.

"May I sit down"

"You didn't have to ask" I smiled and tapped the bed

"Well I thought I would be nice" he crawled up on my queen size bed

"You look good with out a shirt on"

He smiled and leaned over me and kissed my forehead then my cheek then my lips he started out slow then got faster. He lowered himself on top of me, my body arched to his and a moan escaped my lips. He went down to my neck and started to kiss it softly I moaned again. Then there was a knock at my door Will jumped up and grabbed my laptop and made it look like we were looking at stuff.

"Come in"

The door opened and Luke and Dan were standing there.

"Hey Will there is a party at Becky's you wanna come with"

"I'll pass this time guys but thanks"

"Your loss then bro it's suppose to be awesome"

"They always are bro"

"Hey Midnight what about you want to come along get to know some other people"

"Maybe next time Luke but thanks for the invite"

Luke closed my door with a soft click. I looked over at Will who was getting up and walking to the door. I frowned.

"Hey where do you think your going" I said as I crawled to the end of my bed

"Up to my room it's getting late"

"Oh come on you can stay down here a little longer can't you"

"Why don't you come up to my room" he smiled and opened the door and walked out

I slowly got off my bed and took off my hoodie and threw it and took off out my door, I took off at a run and took the stairs two at a time I moved really fast my eyes changed color and next thing I knew I was in front of his door. I knocked softly looking around making sure no one was in the hall way or peaking out of there doors at me. Will opened his door and he was just wearing a pair of shorts, I smiled and walked into his room it was about the same as mine but with a king bed and no book self.

I walked over to his bed and took my shorts off and sat down. He shut his door and walked over to me.

"Your bed is soft"

"Yea you know what is soft"

"What is that"

"Your lips" he smiled and leaned closer

His lips tasted so good we made out for awhile and then we just cuddled. My head was on his chest and I was listening to his breathing next thing I know I'm falling asleep.

Chapter 6


She was passed out cold. Her warm breath on my chest felt so right. I brushed some of her hair out of her face. Her face was so beautiful and soft. I touched her face softly with the back of my hand. I smiled then I heard it the howling I wanted to shoot straight up but then I remembered. The howling was getting louder and louder and I knew they were getting closer to the house. I wanted to move to get up and lock my door but more then anything I wanted to protect Midnight, I wanted to kill those bastards who took my sisters. I put my head back on my pillow and took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I wanted to go for a run so bad it needed to be morning. I kept hearing the howling. Then Midnight shot straight up like a bullet.

"Midnight you ok"

"What oh shit Will I'm sorry"

"Hey it's ok did you have a bad dream" I was looking at her really close and I had to do a double take her eye were so dark blue with a slit of silver they were so beautiful

"No well sorta Will what happens here at night I need to know you said you had two other sisters and there are gone. I found wolf prints the size of bear paws and there are holes all over the grounds and not little ones. I need to know if I need to get the fuck out of here or if this house and town are worth waiting around for."

"Midnight your eyes are beautiful, They are getting closer you will find out in a couple of days they will get in and you will find out and after last night do you think this house is worth waiting for"

"What do you mean my eyes are beautiful they are just blue and the house is not what I want to wait for it's you. Also what do you mean they will get in" Then it hit me when he said my eyes are beautiful so I just shut them.

"Hey don't shut your eyes they are to pretty to hide"

I moved toward her.


His hands found my face and next I felt his lips on mine. I wanted to get out of the house and just run.

"William do you run"

"Yea I love to run I've been itching to run since last night I just never get to do it anymore because of school and helping out around here why do you ask"

"Because I need to run and I use to run with my old foster dad but he dyed and that's the reason why I'm here"

"I'm sorry to hear that well go put some work out clothes on before everyone gets up and we will go fun a run I'll meet you down by your room"

"Ok I'll meet you down there"

He kissed my cheek and I ran out of the room right into Adam.

"Oh hey Adam how's it going"

"Going good, was about to ask Will if he wanted to go fun a run but it sounded like he was busy, So I thought I would wait"

"Oh yea I came up to find out if he wanted to go running, so I guess I beat you too it"

"Guess you did" he said while walking away.

I ran all the way down to my room feeling like I was flying. I got dressed and waited I looked at my clock ten minutes had pasted then fifteen I finally sat on my bed next thing I know my door is opening.

"Hey sorry Adam caught me in the hall"

"I was getting worried, well lets go for that run"

We ran down the stairs well more like he chased me down them we got out front and I ran straight into something I screamed so loud my own ears rang. My eyes turned and that's when everything around me blurred and I heard William yell my name. I turned and I saw three more of what ever they were taking William and not slowly either I tried to check them but then I just collapsed. When I woke up I was laying on the grass with everyone standing over me, Adam stuck his arm out toward me and I grabbed it. He pulled me up.


"Midnight where is William, We heard a whole bunch of noises and next thing we find is you looking like someone killed you on the ground"

"This town is fucked up, What ever those things are they took Will and I tried to save him and then I just I really don't know"

I walked over to the barn while everyone was calling my name. I grabbed Buck didn't put any tack on him and jumped on I took off galloping everyone ran after me. I followed the tracks getting off Buck and looking at the tracks every so often. Then they just stopped right after they jumped the fence I got off Buck and just collapsed I started to cry. Buck nudge my head with his nose, he bowed down and I pulled myself up. Buck just walked I don't know where he just walked and I let him.

Chapter 7

Before I know it, it's dark out and I have no clue where I am just that Buck was still walking. I looked around and where ever I was it was beautiful. There was a lake and the full moon shone off of it and it was so bright. Buck just stopped and stood there I got off and walked over to the lake and sat down. Morning came and I was still sitting there all I heard all night was howling, I didn't feel like moving all I wanted was to know if Will was still breathing where ever he was.


All I remember was going outside to go for a run and they were there and Midnight tried to stop them and I don't know how she moved like that or killed that wolf thing but she did and fast too then they that's all I remember. I woke up here where ever here is and my head was killing me. I looked around and saw nothing but dirty and tunnels it was really weird.

"Hello is anyone out there" I yelled and all it did was echo back

Then I heard it.

"Hello" it was really soft and it sounded familiar

"May is that you" I started to walk toward the noise there sitting at the end of the tunnel was my sister Lynn's head was on her lap I ran toward them and slid in front of them.

"May are you ok, Come on get up I'll get Lynn"

"Will what are you doing here"

"They got me too I was going out for a run and they were waiting for me. Come on get up" I offered my hand to her and she grabbed it.

Lynn woke up when she got up. She smiled at me.


I was still relaxing by the lake by noon I was so hungry I just didn't want to go back to that house and face that family they would hate me even more. They would ask me tons of questions and I wouldn't be able to answer any of them. I heard someone behind me I ignored them.

"You know this is where I came when my sisters got taken I didn't know what I was gonna do, did you know that Mayflower is the oldest I'm not and we were the closest out of all the kids" Adam sat down next to me

"I didn't now that, Adam did you know I've lived in every state except for Hawaii, Alaska did you know when I was five my mother dropped me off at a park and when I thought she was parking the car she was leaving me there to find food and shelter by myself"

"What I've heard of foster care it does sound bad but I never knew what happened to you before you went into it I wouldn't have been able to do"

"The only reason why I've been able to do it is because all I have to remember is as long as I can run and read I'll get out of it" I got

"That's one way to do it, I guess"

I offered Adam a hand he grabbed it and pulled himself up I noticed he had a horse with him so he must know how to get back home. I called Buck and he trotted over to me I pulled myself up and followed Adam home. When we got there I got off Buck and put him in the stall. Then I ran right past everyone coming out of the house. I ran right up to his room and jumped on the bed it smelt just like him and I just smiled. There was a knock at the door.

"No ones home" I screamed Charlie walked in laughing

"I'm gonna use that one day if that's ok with you"

"I sat up, yea that's fine"

"So Lucy tells me you are a runner is that right"

"Yea I love to run in my down time, I ran track and cross country at my last 5 schools I feel like nothing else matters, why"

"William loves to run always has for as long as I can remember anyways. He use to tell me it made him feel like he could fly it made him feel free"

"That's how I feel too like no one can touch you"

"Well I'm glad. Midnight do you know what I need to talk to you about what really happens around here, You gonna find out sooner or later"

"What is it Charlie"

"There are beasts that roam and kill and take people to be turned into them they are human but not at the same time, they got two of my daughter already if they aren't dead I will cry when they come home because they won't be the same. So I came up hear to ask you to go get my kids before they get hurt or worse I know you can, your dad use to tell me you were gonna be special"

"Wait you said my dad? How did you know my dad? Charlie I need to know this"

Charlie got up and started to walk away, I got off the bed. Charlie turned around and pointed at me.

"Get your shit in your head right and you can do anything you put your mind too and I'm not just saying that you will be able to do it"

Then he walked out. I sat there for a while then went down to my room I got some loose blue jeans on work out shoes and a black t shirt. I walked out my door and there stood Adam.

"Hey Adam what do you need I'm on my way out"

"Just take this and be safe ok"

He had handed me a sniper rifle. I have no idea where it came from and I didn't care I just had a feeling that all of a sudden I knew how to use it, just like it clicked into my head like I was writing a book or something. I swung the gun over my shoulder.

"Thanks Adam, I'll use it"

Then I just walked away, I descended the stairs and grabbed my jacket off the hook when I walked out the door. I was walking to the barn when Hope stepped out in front of me.

"I'm coming with you"

"The hell your not, I'm taking any chances with you getting hurt"

"You have no choice you bitch, they are my family not yours"

I didn't even think about I moved and flipped her onto her back, she gasped. I looked down at her.

"Look you fucking bitch you think I wanted this bull shit, I want to finish high school and go to college but holding this gun I might do some other shit. So you will stay here and if you don't something bad is gonna happen worse then those fucking animals taking you, do you got that"

I walked over to the barn got Buck out and saddled him up jumped on and took off toward the lake.

Chapter 8


We sat there for a long time talking about what happened the night they were taken and if they had done anything to change them at all. May do they check up on you?

"No, they dropped us off down here and that was the last time we saw of them"

"So why haven't you tried to find a way out of here"

"No it's too dark down here"

"Yea I guess it is"

I got up and grabbed Lynn and we started to walk Lynn in my arms and May next to me. I felt like we were walking for hours listening to everything around us and trying to find a way through the tunnels. We stopped a couple of times to rest, I felt like we had been walking for hours and Lynn was still passed out she looked so small and scared.

"May we got to get our little sister out of here you know that right"

"Yea we have too, no matter what bro"


Before I knew it the full moon was rising over me god it looked so big and the stars were so bright if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be able to see ten feet in front of me. I stopped Buck and got off and walked over to the nearest tree I was beat I would have to say we traveled at least 10 miles or so. I got my bag down off the saddle and rolled out my sleeping bag and grabbed some food as well. Lucy had stopped and gave me some supplies enough food for 6 days and some first aid stuff as well. All she had said to me was (bring them home) then she walked away and I left.

I woke up to the sun in my face. I rolled over to find Buck standing over me. I smiled and got up I stretched and put all my shit away I walked around and just listened. I sat down and listened, I heard the grass moving in the wind and Buck eating then my eyes changed and I heard everything the water moving and the worms and then I heard things running under me and fast then I heard a scream.


We were running and Lynn kept screaming, William kept telling us to keep going don't stop all I could hear was the howling Lynn screamed again I wanted to cry they were gonna kill us I just knew it.

"Will I can't keep running I'm tired"

"You have too, we have to get Lynn out"

"I know I'll do all I can"

Then William just stopped and just turned around.

"William no" I screamed

"Go don't stop get Lynn out of here.

I turned and grabbed Lynn's hand and pulled she just cried. Then we just left Will behind. I felt so bad but he was right I had to get Lynn out she was our little sister.


I ran to Buck and grabbed the gun. I followed the screaming the I saw a hole I almost smiled I whistled Buck trotted over to me I grabbed rope and threw it down the hole. I just jumped in and ran right into one of those things I just cocked the gun and shot it close range I got sprayed by all the blood, I heard a scream and I stepped over the werewolf I guess that is what it was. Then I took off running my legs were moving so fast and I could see everything. I ran right into two girls, they screamed so loud I grabbed them and ran back to the hole.

"You must be May and Lynn. I need you guys to get up that rope and get up the tree that's out there. I need to know where William is"

"He stayed behind so we could get out"

"Where which way" She pointed and I took off

I was running so fast then I heard him, his heart beat was so soft it scared me I found him laying on the ground he was covered in blood I fell down next to him and grabbed him in my arms I stood up he was heavy but I didn't care I took off running.

"Will hold on you have to make it"

His eyes opened and he smiled, I smiled back then all his cuts and everything started to heal and the bleeding stopped. I kept running while watching the cuts heal I got to the hole and I jumped up out of it.

"Get my first aid stuff now"

"I'm fine Midnight, they are healing I don't know how I blacked out after I hit my head"

"Are you sure"

"Yea I'll be fine, or at least I will be"

I grabbed Buck and grabbed the food and gave it to Will, May and Lynn they ate almost all of it which was good. I sat there and looked around making sure we were safe that they were safe. I could hear them moving below us and I heard some talking fighting how they wanted the captives back. I stood up then and stretched.

"Midnight where are you going" Will sat up

"I'm gonna go look at some stuff, You guys take Buck back home get there stay safe and lock the doors ok, I'm gonna finish this"

"Midnight you don't have to do this" Will tried to sit up and failed

"I'm sorry but I'm not letting anything happen to you guys or anyone else I'm gonna go take a look at what's down there"

"I'll go with you" he tried to get up again and failed again

"No I got to do this myself you almost dead down there and that is not gonna happen again"

I walked away toward the hole and didn't look back and jumped in they were all around me the second my feet hit the ground. I just stood the and pointed down the tunnel and started to walk toward the end of the tunnel I could hear them following me which was good well I hope so anyways.

"So why exactly do you guys do what you do"

"Because we were here first" one of them said

"Well that's cool"

"What are you, you don't smell right"

"You know if I knew do you think I would freak out every time my eyes did this" I made my eyes turn

A couple of them chuckled at me, I just smiled.

"So where were you born"

"No idea don't remember, my dad would but he's long gone"

"Well that sucks, So when do you bloom"

"What the fuck are you talking about bloom"

Chapter 9


I finally was able to get up with Lynn and Mayflowers help then got up on Buck which knocked the breath out of me. I gasped May flinched.

"I'm ok"

"You sure"

"Well I'm as good as I'm gonna get for now"

"Are you sure"

"May I'm good ok, I'll be better when Midnight gets out of those tunnels"

"You like her don't you"

"What, oh yea kinda. She's not like anyone else May"

"Yea I can tell bro lets get you home like she said too"

"Yea lets do that, get Lynn up here too"

We got Lynn up on the horse with me and headed toward home. But not before I looked back at that hole. We took off at a trot with May running behind us. We stopped a couple of times to give May a break she finished the water up and we set out again. We got home around 10 to see Midnight leaning up against the barn talking to Adam. Then everyone else ran out of the house to see us Adam and Luke helped Lynn off the horse, I got down slowly and limped over to Midnight.

"Hey how you doing"

"Pretty good, go spend time with your family we will talk later"

"Are you sure"

"Yea I'm sure, I'll come up and see you later"

"You better"

I turned and limped over to my family, my mom gave me a hug, and my dad just smiled. He had May and Lynn under his arms. Adam and Luke helped me up the stairs to my room and I layed carefully on it.

"Do you need anything"

"No Adam I'm good, but thanks"

"Yea no problem get better bro"

"I will"

Adam and Luke left. I layed there for a while then my door opened. I tried to lift my head up but my body hurt so bad the cuts were healing slowly. I smiled when I saw that it was Midnight.

"Hey, it's good to see you're not hurt"

"Yea apparently I don't get hurt easily. How are you feeling"

"I think I broke a couple of ribs because I can't sit up easily"

"I'll get the first aid"

"No I'll be fine just come sit by me" I tapped the bed

She walked toward me she looked completely different but same all at the same time. Her eyes where so dark blue with the silver slits. Her hair was no longer white but pitch black she looked like she was ready to kill someone or something at any moment. She was watching me very carefully when she sat on the bed. I gasped because the bed jolted. Her hands shot out toward me like she wanted to help.

"I'm fine just a little more sore then I thought"

"Yea they told me you would be"

"What do you mean by that"

"I mean I was talking to the wolves and they said you would be hurting real bad. They said you would heal all the way on the next full moon which by the way is in 4 days"

"What are you talking about"

"Never mind it's nothing, we will talk about it later"


I walked those tunnels for about an hour listening to everything the wolves had to say how when I turned 18 I would bloom and how everything would change and the war would begin. I just laughed but then it sunk in and I was sitting there in those tunnels thinking about what they said and I headed out for the house. I got there around 9 I guess the tunnels were all over the state and could get to a place faster then when in a car. I got there and I waited by the barn it was about 10 at night before they came up the drive on Buck. I just stayed where I was and the family came running out.

I went to my room after Will talked to me I got clean clothes out and went and showered, I almost screamed when I got out and saw that my hair was black as night and my eyes where still midnight blue with silver. I didn't want to be like this I wanted my normal and go to school but what it sounded like I would be some kind of god it didn't want that not at all.

I layed on Wills bed and just looked at him he had fallen asleep. His breathing was really shallow every time he took a deep breath he gasped. I wanted to make sure he was gonna make it through the night I believed he could he was strong. I stayed there all night watching him he woke up around 6 covered in sweat breathing fast.

"Are you ok" I grabbed his arms to help him up

"It hurts real bad"

"Come on lets get you to the shower maybe that will help"

I walked him to the bathroom and helped him get undressed he tried to tell me he could do it him self but every time he move he screamed he could barely stand by himself I got undressed myself and got in the shower with him. I held him up while the hot water ran off us his ribs were bruised and he had cuts every where some were healing right there in front of me the bruises were starting to disappear. I wanted to cry they told me this would happen. By the end of the shower he could stand by himself his bruises were all but gone all but a little one right below his rib cage.

"How you feeling now"

"Pretty good how about you" He got out of the shower and stretched all I could hear was bones cracking

"I'm good. It's weird I'm not tired or sore I feel more alive, they said that would happen closer to my birthday",

"Whens your birthday Midnight" he looked really worried now

"One week, May 5th I'll be 18 then I can get out of here and get away from whatever they mean by the war , I don't need that"

"Ok you need to explain to me what is happening"

"A world we don't understand or know are fighting in a war, most people think that they are just reading about people killing other people homicide but really it's the werewolves and witches and any other thing that you thought was a fantasy it's real. And I'm the reason why I guess I got a little bit of everything I'm like they say a hybrid, that I will be able to stop, well at least that is what they are hoping anyway"

"So this war is that why those wolves take people from the area, to build there army"

"Yea and it's not just the area it's the whole state those tunnels that you were in the run all over the state it's kinda handy"

"Yea handy to steal and kill our family members with"

"No ones dead they are just turned into wolves and are trained for the war unless they die while fighting"

"So what happened down there with you?"

"Nothing really just talked and learned things about my past that I can't remember or don't want to remember. They explained kinda what's gonna happen or at least what they think is gonna happen"

"I'll help you with what ever happens I won't leave you ok"

"I'm not gonna be the only one who is gonna need help William"

I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom and went down to my room I wanted to cry he had no idea what was about to happen to him. When I left the bathroom I could tell that William wanted to follow me but he just stood their and watched me walk away. I sat on my bed then I fell backwards I started to cry and cry I tried to stop but I just couldn't my eyes burned. All I could think about was my part in this world how I could be the key to stopping all of this. There was a soft knock at my door and I shot straight up and wiped my eyes.

"Come in"

"Sorry did I wake you"

"No Lucy you didn't, what's up"

"I just wanted to thank you for risking your life to go and bring William and the others home. I know that you care for William. That's why I'm not gonna ask you to join our family as my daughter I will let Will decide what happens there. But in the mean time I want you live here under mine and my husbands care if that is ok with you that is"

"Lucy I'm surprised you noticed with all the stuff that goes on around here, I'll give you some major credit for being more aware then I thought"

"I also now for a fact that you didn't dye your hair when you were out their in the woods and that your eyes never use to be that color until you came back. I also now that you came out of the tunnels you didn't walk home above ground. Your father said you would be special but I never believed him.

"How do you and Charlie know about my father"

"Oh we tried to get you here when you first got into foster care, but they wanted to keep you close to home, but then we found out that you were way across the country and every time you got moved it was to a different state. It's like they knew you were special and were trying to protect you or hide you"

"But then why didn't they just send me here?"

"Because your mother never trusted us"

"Why didn't she trust you guys?"

"Because she wanted them to find you so she wouldn't have to care for you any more"

"That can't be true, can it, why would my own mother do that to me I was only five. I had no idea what would become of me and I still don't"

"We will help you. Your mother did what she thought would be best for you at the time she only wanted you to grow up in a real home with a real family"

"Yea that didn't work out so well know did it"

"No but it is now and I think that is what matters the most"

"If you think so Lucy"

"I do now why don't you get some sleep, you look like you need it"

Lucy got up off the end of my bed and walked out of my room the door closed with a click. I fell backward on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. So many thing were running through my head. Like how my mother could leave me or how my father really died or why it took me nearly 13 years to get to the foster home I was suppose to be in right away. I sat there and thought about this for a long time before I knew it the sun was shining through my windows. I got up and wondered to the bathroom towel in hand I knocked on the door but no one answered so I walked in. I turned the lights on and there sitting on the toilet was William he just smiled at me.

"What are you doing in here"

"I wanted to see you, plus I figured you didn't sleep at all last night either and would be the getting up to get a shower soon"

"So let me guess you didn't sleep at all last night either"

"Nope I wasn't tired even after all that happened yesterday and the day before"

"Interesting, so what did you want to talk to me about"

"I wanted to know what to expect in a week when you have your birthday. Are you gonna run or are you gonna stay" He looked so sad

"I'm not sure yet, why what would you like me to do"

I shut the door and started to get undressed.

"You want me to leave I can"

"No your fine you saw everything the other night any ways"

"That doesn't mean you want me in here though"

"Your fine if you want to join me you can"

I got in the shower and turned on the water it was cold at first then finally got warm. I felt Williams hands wrap around me from behind I smiled. He kissed the back of my neck then my ear I turned around toward him. We started kissing slow at first then it got faster, he pushed me against the wall of the shower I moaned I could feel his man hood against my vag. I moaned he picked me up I felt it go in I moaned some more it felt so good. We got out of the shower dripping wet he layed me carefully on the floor the sensation was amazing. My body arched toward him I moaned so loud then there was such a wonderful feeling and then there was a knock at the door. I scrambled for my towel, I opened the door and Lynn was standing there.

"Hey Lynn what's up"

"I was just wondering if you were almost done"

"Yea I'll be done in about 10 minutes or so"

"Ok thanks, just come get me when your done"

"Ok I will"

I shut the door and turned toward William he was smiling at me.

"Well that was fun" I smiled back

"Yes it was you might want to finish you shower"

"I will"

William got dressed and left the bathroom so I could finish my shower. I didn't want him to leave but he told me we could go for a ride later. I got done and knocked on Lynn's door she opened her door.

"Hey the bathroom is open"

"Oh thanks"

"Yea no problem"

I walked to my room, I layed down on my bed and looked at my ceiling. Then I heard howling I jumped up so fast and grabbed jeans and a tank top. I didn't even bother putting shoes on I ran out of my room and saw that May Lynn and Hope standing outside of there rooms.

"Get in my room NOW. Just the door lock it and barricade it I don't care with don't come out until I come and get you ok"

"What's going on"

"Just go"

They ran into my room I heard my door slam. I took off as fast as I could the boys were running down the stairs too.

"NO turn around get safe" I screamed

I saw William look at me like he wanted to come with. I just shook my head and took off down the stairs. Lucy and Charlie were waiting at the bottom, they looked sad and worried.

"Charlie get Lucy safe"

I ran out of the house I took off toward the tunnels I ran as hard and fast as I could. I slid into the hole.

Chapter 10

They were dead every where. I ran and ran looking for any survivors their was blood all over the place. I finally stopped and listened I collapsed on the ground and dug my hands into the dirt the ground was talking. I never felt any thing like this before then I heard a very faint heart beat I took off toward it now that I was looking for it I found it easily. I found the wolf whose name was Kota he was a young one still turned five moons ago, he was back in human form he must have taken a lot of damage.

"Kota stay with me ok I'll get you fixed up"

"Midnight they were looking for you they killed everyone just to make sure you weren't hiding among us"

"Kota why would they do that"

"Because they tracked you here"

"How did they Lucy said they did a hide me spell"

"I don't know"

"Alright, lets get you out of here and safe"

I picked Kota up and took off running. I found a hole and jumped up out of it. Buck was standing there looking at me I just smiled thanking god that he had gotten out of barn some how. Buck bowed down and I got Kota up on his back, then I pulled myself up. We took off for the barn going as fast as Buck could go. We got there and I jumped off, Buck stopped and I grabbed Kota. Lucy was standing in the door I ran up the stairs and into the house I ran up to my floor Kota was barely breathing I kicked open the bathroom door and grabbed towels and put them on the floor I set Kota down carefully and grabbed the first aid kit. I noticed Lucy standing in the door.

"Go get me some raw meat please"

She turned and ran out of the door I heard her go down the stairs. I heard someone breathing behind me.

"William go you don't need to see this"

"Can I help at all"

"No I need to save him myself he is my responsibility"

"Midnight it's not your fault"

"Yes it is. They attacked because of me"

"No they didn't"

"Whatever I'm doing this myself"

"I'll be here if you need my help"

"Thanks Will"

Lucy handed me the meat. I had most of Kota cuts cleaned and bandaged. I gave him the meat and he ate fast. The cuts that weren't bandaged started to heal and some bruises disappeared. Lucy gasped when she realized what he was.

"Lucy he's not gonna hurt the family I guess you could say he's a cub"

"How are you so sure"

"Because he's a friend of mine and I trust him. Plus we will be out of here by full moon"

"You don't have to leave Midnight"

"I do though because I'm not letting this family get hurt any more"

"It's your family to"

"Not anymore it's not safe for you guys and I'm not making it any better"

"Well let me know when your headed out and we will get you guys set up"

"Thanks Lucy"

I helped Kota up and started to walk to my room I banged on the door.

"It's me guys your safe open up"

There was a lot of noise then the door opened and Lynn, May, and Hope walked out and just left I walked in helping Kota lay down on my bed. William was leaning against the door frame looking sad and mad at the same time.

"What did you want me to do"

"I don't know, but I don't want you to leave"

"Why not you can get back to your life but now you won't have to worry about waking up head or your family missing"

"You are my life Midnight don't you get that I wouldn't have done what I did this morning if I knew you didn't feel the same way"

"You know that I care for you, why would you even say that"

"Because you are leaving me"

"I'm not leaving you, I'm saving you and your family"

"No your not you breaking me"

William turned and walked away from me I wanted to go after him but I just closed my door.

"Midnight I'm sorry"

"It's not your fault Kota your as close to family as I got right now"

"Thanks again Midnight"

"It's nothing Kota get better ok try to get some sleep"

I walked over to my stuff and started to packing everything I had my laptop and packed I grabbed all my money and my Ipod. I layed down on the bed carefully next to Kota and tried to take a nap. I woke up because the be jolted and saw Kota sitting up covered in sweat and tears falling down his face.

"Kota your fine, your safe I'm here"

I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug and held him tight, he leaned into me and just cried. When he let go of me and wiped the tears away.

"Kota suppers in a bit are you hungry"

"Yea I could eat a horse" he smiled

"Well we aren't gonna do that, but Lucy usually makes a big meal so I think you will get full pretty easy"

"Yea that sounds good to me"

I helped Kota off the bed and we started to walk down the hall we took the stairs very slowly. When we got down to the kitchen and everyone stopped talking. I looked up and saw everyone staring at Kota and me I stopped walking.

"What is it Adam"

"Heard you were leaving"

"Tomorrow some time why"

"Well us kids wanted to thank you"

"Guys it's my fault they were attacking"

"We don't blame you, we are glad that you came around and brought back our sister's and brother too"

"Your welcome guys"

I helped Kota the rest of the way into dinning room. I hadn't seen William anywhere since I got back and we fought. I would have to look for him after supper. We all ate in silence and Kota ate his weight in food which everyone kept watching because it just wasn't right. After we were done eating I helped Kota up to my room.

"Kota try to get some more sleep I'll be back later"

"Ok Midnight I will"

When I left the room I turned off the light and shut the door. I walked down the hall to the stairs and started to go up them slowly one at a time instead of racing up them like I would have 5 hours ago. I got to the top and walked to Williams room I stood there and just looked at the door. Thinking if I wanted to just go in or knock, I grabbed the handle and opened the door. William had a bag full of clothes on his bed and he was walking to his dressers and grabbing more of his stuff he grabbed some books and his laptop then he opened his top dresser drawer and threw a box at me I caught it out of instinct. I opened it up.

Chapter 11

I opened the box and there inside was a beautiful necklace. I smiled and collapsed on the ground. He walked over to me and grabbed the necklace out of the box and put it on for me, he helped me up an kissed me.


"I'm coming with you I can't live my life without you"


"No you don't get to tell me I can't come with or that I have no choice, because last time I checked I was an adult"

"You are but what if you get hurt, I could never live with myself"

"I can take care of myself"

"I know"

I leaned in and kissed her again her lips tasted so sweet. I backed her up against the door and kissed her more. She moaned and arched toward me I picked her up and carried her to my bed I set her down carefully. I took my shirt off and layed down on top of her we kissed. Then she just put her hands on my chest and lightly pushed on it.

"What's wrong"

"I'm just finally tired after all that has happened the last couple of days"

"I understand"

I layed down next to her and pulled her close to me before I knew it the sun was shinning through the windows and Midnight was still sleeping. I rubbed her arm softly and she turned toward me she had a sleepy smile on her face.

"Morning sun shine"

"Hey when did I fall asleep"

"Not sure but didn't it feel good to sleep"

"It did, I'm gonna go check on Kota"

"Ok I'll be down in a bit ok"

"Yea that sounds good"


I walked out of the room and down the stairs to my room. I opened the door and Kota was laying on the bed he looked like a little kid. I walked in and closed the door softly.

"Kota it's time to wake up" I rubbed his back

"Mom just a few more minutes"

"Kota we got to get going soon"

Kota rolled over and looked at me and smiled.

"Oh Midnight sorry I guess I was dreaming"

"Hey your fine. So how are you feeling"

"A lot better most of the cuts are healed up. I just need to shower and get some food"

"Well I think we can manage that"

I showed him were the bathroom was and then went to find Lucy. I walked down to the living room and found her sitting on the couch reading the paper and drinking coffee.

"Hey Lucy I was wondering if you had any clothes that might fit Kota"

"I might have something around here somewhere other Bradly might have something that will fit him. "

"Thanks I'll go ask him. Oh and I was also wondering if you could make up some food for Kota too before we leave"

"No problem my dear let me know when your gonna head out and I'll get some stuff together for yea"

"Thanks Lucy"

I walked back up the stairs toward Bradly's room. I knocked on his door and he answered.

"Oh hey Bradly I was wondering if you had any old clothes I could have"

"Oh yea sure give me a sec to get them for yea"

"Ok thanks"

I waited and he handed me a bag full of clothes. I walked back down to my room to see Kota in a towel waiting for me.

"Hey Kota I you some clothes"

"Thanks I was just thinking about that"

"No problem, you get dressed and go down stairs Lucy will have some food for you ok"

"Thanks Midnight"

"No problem Kota"

I left my room and grabbed my bags and took them down with me I threw them on the couch to what I guessed were Williams. I walked into the dinning room to see Will eating a plate full of food. I smiled at him and walked over to the table and made a plate of food up.

"Well someones hungry"

"Yea all of a sudden"

"That isn't a bad thing"

"True it isn't"

Kota came down about 5 minutes later and made himself a plate he ate 3 helpings. When we were done Will and I walked out to the garage to get his truck which by the way was huge after we loaded all the our bags up and stuff he backed up to a horse trailer/camper and we loaded up 3 horses and some sleeping bags and other camping stuff. Lucy helped load things up and gave us food and drinks.

"Lucy thanks again for everything, Oh when you see Charlie tell him thanks too"

"I will, If you guys ever pass back through the state again stop by and be safe"

"We will, thanks again Lucy"

We got in the truck I sat in the middle and Kota sat in the passenger seat. We all felt safer this way there was a back seat but we wanted to be by each other. We took off down the drive way I grabbed the map out to see where we could stop first we picked Yellow Stone National Park. We took Hwy 191 to 40 and we made it to Wasatch National Forest and we stopped off at a horse trail to stretch and get some food. We got the horses out of the trailer and and went for a short ride. Kota had never rode a horse before so I lead him around so he could get use to it. We rode for about an hour then went back to the truck loaded the horses and set out again.

We crossed into Wyoming on Hwy 30 and then back out onto Hwy 89 we finally made it to Jackson about 7 at night we set up camp.

"Hey guys I'm gonna go for a run ok"

"Alright be safe"

"I will be"

I took off down the path closet to the camp site I ran a good 3 miles down the trial and collapsed.

Chapter 12


William and I were setting up camp. I looked over at William. Midnight had been gone for an hour and a half.

"I know what your thinking, your thinking you can't trust me and I understand"

"Yes and no, I'm thinking what's taking Midnight so long"

"She's fine"

"How do you know that"

"Because I can hear her"

"You can hear her when she is that far out"

"Yea wolf ears come in handy sometimes"

"Yea until that moon comes right"

"You know that isn't true people think we are a wild beast with no mind while in wolf form, but we do. We're like dogs 300 pound dogs. I walk on all 4's not my hind legs like my ancestors. It's been like this for 400 years now there are so many stories from our pack that I wouldn't even know where to start"

"I know most of them already. You don't have to tell me the rest"

"William quiet for a sec"

"Why what's wrong"

He put a finger to his lips he tilted his head up.

"I'll be back, if I'm not back by 11 leave and go home" I looked at William

"Let me come with I can help"

"You would help me more by staying safe, Midnight would kill me if you got hurt"

I turned and took off as fast as my human legs would let me.


I dug my hands into the earth and listened I heard 4 things coming at me and fast and something off in the distance headed this way almost as fast. Then their were only 2 running at me, I guessed the other two dead I couldn't hear a heart beat any more. The one that was off in the distance was a lot closer and still moving fast toward me. I got up off the ground and readied myself for the worst. I was listening hard now there was only 1 coming at me and the one that was off in the distance was closing in faster and faster then it was just that one.

"You won't be able to beat me" I bluffed

"Well I hope you won't try to beat me at all since I just saved your ass"

"Kota is that you"

"Yep who else do you know that can move that fast"

"Not to many people, that's for sure"

"Come on lets get you back to camp"

Me and Kota took off at a fast run toward the camp site. When we got back William was pacing back and forth.


He ran over to me and picked me up.

"Oh thank god you are ok, Kota had me worried"

"Yea well if it wasn't for Kota I might not be here"

He looked over at Kota and nodded his head.

"Alright boys I'm beat I think I'm gonna call it a night and you guys should too we're gonna go hunting in the morning"

I walked up into the camper and changed out of my work clothes, and into my my sweats. William came in shortly after I crawled up on the bed. I smiled and tapped the bed, he put on shorts and crawled up on the bed he was out within minutes I put my head on his chest and fell asleep myself. I woke the next morning to banging on the camper door.

"Yeah what is it"

"I thought you said we were going hunting"

"Let me get ready"

I got off the bed slowly but William still woke up.

"Hey can you get the camp packed up and ready to leave we are gonna head out for Olympic National Park after we are done here"

"Yea but I would rather come with you"

"I know and I want you there too but I don't want you to get hurt. Plus you can have everything ready for when we get back and we can leave right away"

"Ok but you got to be safe out there"

"I will be don't worry"

I took off out of the door but not before I kissed Will. Kota was waiting for me and we took off out into the woods.

"So what are we looking for exactly"

"More wolves like you"


"Your pack was building an army against something I want to find out why"

"Alright lets keep going then"

We stopped by a river and I put hands in I could hear everything from miles around any place the river went I could hear. Then I heard howling.

"I hear them, let's go"


"Down the river about a mile, come on"

We took off as fast as we could. I heard Kota howl, I whipped my head to the side and smiled. The howling continued and we kept running. Then we found them I ran right into it was growling and snapping it's teeth at me.

"Hey I'm the good guy, not what was in the forest last night"

"Well I know that but I don't think he does a man came out from behind a tree"

"Well then why don't you tell him"

"Frank back off. Give the lady and the wolf some room"

"How'd you know he was a wolf"

"I can smell it on him. So what do you want lady"

"Well first off stop calling me lady I have a name. It's Midnight by the way and the wolfs name is Kota he's from the Price Utah pack"

I saw the lead guy back up and then sit on the ground.

"Did you say Midnight"

"Yea I did why"

"Like Midnight Silver, was your Moms name Yepa"

"Yea it is it's an Indian name for Snow women why"

"I knew your mother. She said you would come looking for us one day that you would need our help. How is your mom doing any way"

"How do you know my mother"

"Well she is my sister, I'm surprised she never talked about but then again at the same time I'm not, Names John"

"I had no clue that my mom had any family. Also I haven't seen my mom in nearly 13 years she left me at a park in Springfield, Massachusetts when I was 5. I haven't heard from her since"

"She was always a runner doesn't surprise me at all. You guys gonna stay long"

"No I'm just here to give you this don't worry about it getting traced or the bill I got it expect a call for help"

"I will be, its was finally great to meet my niece, good luck with the journey"

Kota and I turned and left running back to camp as fast as we could we got there and everything was packed up and William was sitting in the driver seat waiting we climbed on and in and headed out took hwy 22. We stopped in Victor to get some food and tank up this was gonna be a long drive I took over driving so William could get some sleep. I ended up having to pull over at a rest stop because I got to tired to drive and Kota wasn't old enough. I woke Will up long enough to get him in the camper and then we both passed out. About an hour later I heard the door open and I threw a pillow at the figure.

"Night Kota" I whispered

"Thanks" he whispered back

Then I passed out again. I think we all finally woke up around 10 it felt good to sleep. I rolled over to find William staring at me, I smiled and kissed him then it got faster but still stayed sweet.


I walked into the camper and got hit in the face by a pillow. I threw it on the floor and fell asleep again at least it was warm in here. I fell asleep within minutes. I woke in the morning to hear giggling.

"Ok I know your guys are in love and all but I really don't want to hear that"

I got attacked by pillows then Midnight jumped on top of me and man she tickled the shit out of me. Then there was a knock on the camper door. Midnight got up and answered the door.


"Hello sorry to bother you Miss but you aren't aloud to camp here"

"We just stopped for the night officer we were about to head out actually"

"Alright Miss you take care"

"Oh excuse me officer do you know where the nearest horse trail is"

"Yes I do it's about 10 miles up the rode"

"Thank you officer, you have a great day now"

I shut the door and turned toward the guys.

"Alright lets head out were about 30 miles from La Grande, Oregon. They're is a horse trail about 10 miles up the road we can get the horses out and get them feed and stretched"

"Sounds good to me" they said at the same time.

I jumped out of the camper and got into the driver seat. The boys got out shortly after me, and climbed into the truck. We took off down the road then turned onto the hwy we drove for about 10 miles and finally we saw the horse trail I pulled off on the side of the road and into the parking area and turned the truck off.

"Alright guys we got to be safe out there so watch each others backs"

"That means you too" Kota looked at me and nodded in agreement

"I will"

We all got out of the truck. I listened for anything that might sound different. I looked over at Kota and saw him doing the same thing, William was looking at us like we were crazy. Everything sounded safe but I still looked at Kota and he nodded so I walked to the back of the trailer. I unhooked the latch and Buck looked at me I smiled because he walked right out. I grabbed a hand full of hair and pulled myself up and took off I waved at the boys and left. I rode for a hours no where but everywhere at the same time, it was so peaceful and quiet I loved it. It was around 3 by the time I made it back to the truck, when I got back I saw the boys looking around then Kota's head turned toward me.


William and I stayed together just because I couldn't ride well yet. We rode for about an hour then headed back to camp because something didn't feel right we looked for Midnight on the way back but saw no sign of her and I couldn't hear her either. When we got back to the truck I got off the horse to see if she was already here but she wasn't. We tied the horses up so they could eat. I sat down on the ground and pulled my knife out and stuck it in the ground and listened.

"William stop pacing I can't hear shit"

"What are you doing any ways"

"Seeing if I can feel her coming or if she going"

"Oh that's cool"

I looked up at him.

"William please shut up"

"Oh sorry"

I listened. Then I heard something but I couldn't make out what it was or where it was coming from.

"William do you have any kind of weapons"

"Yea always why"

"We might need them"


"Just go get them"

I saw Will run for the camper and came out holding a couple of knifes and two guns not little ones either. I really wanted to know where he got those guns. I could ask later.

"Is that a sniper"


"Good try to get somewhere high until I know if it's safe"

"Ok here"

"Nope don't need it"

"Oh right"

William walked over to the tree line and climbed up one that looked like it had the biggest branches. Good he listened I didn't want Midnight to kill me if he got hurt. I leaned back down and kept listening an hour pass and I still had that feeling like someone was watching us then I heard someone coming. I pointed at William then down next to me he moved fast down that tree. He was next to me in seconds.

"Go get a small gun if you got one"


He made it to the camper quick and back out again.

"Just relax and hide the gun"

"What, why do I have it then"

"Just in case it's not her"

I listened closely then I heard the horse break through the tree line. I turned and looked at Midnight.


"What is it"

"Nothing just get everything packed we're leaving"

"Kota what happened"

Kota looked at me and twirled his finger in the air. I knew exactly what he meant I ran Buck to the back of the trailer and loaded him in the other horses into the trailer I.

"William come one get in the truck"

"Midnight what is it"

"Just listened to me please" I just whispered the end


I looked at Midnight she looked scared. I nodded my head and got into the truck in the passenger seat.

"You drive ok" I gave the keys to Midnight

"Okay" she whispered again

She cranked up the truck and pulled out of the parking area and not slowly either. We drove for hours and hours we finally crossed into Idaho. I never thought she was gonna stop driving until I say the turn off for Idaho Falls then I looked at the dash board and saw we were on empty.

"Midnight we need gas"

"We're fine"

"We're on empty already and the lights on"

I touched her hand softly and she turned and looked at me. I nodded my head and she took the first exit and pulled into a truck stop.

"Kota go tank up"

I handed him my credit card. I reached over and pulled Midnight closer to me she started to cry I held her tight and close.

Chapter 13


Will held me close, I was so happy he was here I wouldn't be able to do this if it wasn't for him.

"I'm good now thanks"

"You sure"

"Yea thanks, it's just a lot to take in"

"I understand"

"I'm gonna go see if there's a place we can camp but also board the horses"

"Alright can you get us some chips and soda"

"Anything specific"

"Sour cream chips and Dp would be nice"

"Okay I'll be back in a bit"

"Be safe"

I climbed down out of the truck and walked up to doors. When I walked in pretty much every head turned and looked at me I smiled. Kota walked in after me. Ok I know I'm tall I stand about 6 foot but Kota is 6 foot and all muscles. He grabbed my hand and squeezed I was so glad he was here.

"What are you doing" I whispered

"Well three are wolves and the rest are people so I know this way you aren't gonna get into any trouble" he whispered back

"Thanks Kota" I squeezed his hand back

We walked to the cooler and got the soda's and then I went and got the chips. Then to the counter.

"Will that be all for tonight"

"Yea but I was wondering if you happen to know where the nearest camp and board is"

"Yeah there is, it's up the road a bit in Ammon, and your total is gonna be 9.76"

"Thanks and here you go"

"Have a great night miss and drive safe"

"Thanks and you too"

Me and Kota walked out of the truck stop and to the truck. Then Kota stopped dead not moving at all but the slight rise and fall of his chest. I looked ahead of us and there was what I guessed what was the three wolves he said had been in the truck stop I just smiled and thought this what gonna be fun.

"Your not from around here are you"

"What made you think that"

"Just a feeling"

"Well if you don't mind we would like to get some sleep"

All he did was stick out his hand. So I shook it. Kota looked surprised, and really worried.

"Never thought I would live to meet you"

"Well I'm not even sure what I am yet, but we are on a tight schedule so if you don't mind"

I moved around them Kota close behind then I felt one of them grab me. I tried to yank out of his grip but he was a lot stronger. I turned and looked at the men. I noticed Kota was almost growling.

"If you don't let go of me, my friend there is gonna rip you apart and I'll help" I pointed to Kota and smiled

"He's only a pup he can't do shit, and you haven't bloomed yet little lady so guess your just out of luck"

"Ok you asked for it"

Kota moved so fast I barely saw him move, I twisted the guys arm around and behind is back then pulled up and put my knife to his throat I had already put the soda and chips down when I spun. Kota had taken care of one of the guys and the other one took off running I let go of my guy and took off after him to see him get clothes lined. I looked at the man who did it, and saw that it was Frank I smiled.

"Boy what do you think your doing this far from the pack home"

"Frank how did you find us"

"Well you smell of hate, and I followed you because of that"

"Frank I'm sorry but if she doesn't die we all will"

"You don't get to make that decision Bobby, I'm sorry"

Two more guys came out of the shadows and grabbed the guy named Bobby, Frank walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"You ok"

"Couldn't be better thanks Frank and sorry about your guys"

"They will be dealt with properly pack law and all"

"Alright well thanks again"

"It's my job" He turned and vanished

I turned and looked at Kota his eyes were a beautiful grey blue.

"Alright let's get the hell out of here"

"Sounds good"

I heard someone running toward us fast too. I turned and almost hit William in the face but he ducked just in time.

"Shit William are you ok"

"The question is are you guys ok I heard fighting"

"Yea all thanks to Frank and his guys"

"Thank god" Will hugged me tight and nodded to Kota which I noticed his eyes still hadn't changed back yet.

We got into the truck and I drove to Ammon and found the place the guy in the gas station told me about we checked in and got the horses in the field closets to the camp site they were the only ones in the fence which was nice. I crawled into the camper and up on the bed I sat there and listened for a while to make sure it was at least safe enough to sleep I didn't hear anything which I was glad. Their was a knock on the camper door.

"Come in" it was Kota

"Hey thanks for earlier"

"I should be thanking you Kota not the other way around"

"No need to"

"Full moon is tonight you gonna be ok"

"Yea just can I sleep in here"

"Yea that folds out into a bed" I pointed to the wall on the other end of the camper

"Thanks again Midnight for bringing me along and saving my life"

"No thank you Kota"

William came in about 10 minutes later he locked the door and turned the lights off. He crawled into bed and pulled me close. I put my head on his chest. I woke about 2 hours later to feel something hairy under my head I ran my hand on it to see if I could figure out what it was then it hit me. I slowly lifted my head and there was a wolf on the bed. I looked across the camper to see Kota in wolf form sound asleep. Kota was pretty big too for being so young. The thing next to me was not only big but I could tell it was fast and strong too. I started to move very carefully.

"Kota" I barely whispered

I notice Kota move his big head turned toward me, I heard a low growl. It wasn't Kota that growled I turned and looked at the wolf next to me it had bright green eyes. I was on verge of screaming until I saw those eyes.

"William" I whispered. I noticed that Kota was now standing.

I slowly extended my arm to touch his head. Kota growled at me this time not the other wolf. I looked at him questionably he just shook his head it was like he was still human. My arm was still extended and I felt something heavy lean against it. Kota growled really loud this time. The other wolf got in front of me and growled right back. I stood up and hit my head against the ceiling and collapsed I woke to up on the floor about 10 minutes later with two big wolves standing over me. Then it hit me who the other wolf was.

Chapter 14

It was William, I scooted back away from them. I started to cry, I cried for an hour. When I was done I noticed that William and Kota were curled up one on each side of me but Will's head was on my lap I put my hand on it he looked up at me a whined.

"It's almost morning you'll be fine"

There was a knock at the camper door I looked at the clock it was 4 in the morning I didn't move Kota and Will looked at the door then at me. I shook my head and then put my finger to my lips. After about an hour who ever was by the door left. I guess because the sun was coming up, I could feel it coming up. I looked next to me and Kota was almost human again but when I looked at Will he was still in wolf form whining at me.

"Kota why hasn't he started to turn back"

Kota held a finger up then pointed at his throat I guessed he couldn't talk yet still transforming back. Then he held up his hands all 10 fingers guess that meant 10 minutes. I waited patiently, for the time to pass I looked at him.

"I don't know why he hasn't turned back yet. I've never seen this before, but I have heard about it. The only way he will turn back is when a female wolf finds him or when he doesn't feel endangered any more. The chief almost always said it was, they had to fall in love or make sure the one they love is safe. He probably doesn't think your safe and you might not be but no one is out there right now or near by either, but we're not gonna take any chances. I'll go the horse field meet me there"

"Ok I will, be safe"

"I always try"

Kota took off out of the camper door and Will and I followed. I opened the back door of the truck and Will jumped in. I got in the driver seat and headed over to the horse coral.
I parked the truck and hoped out and helped Kota load the horses. I heard Will whining trying to get out of the truck.

"We're almost done"

We finished up and ran back to the truck and then left we got on the high way about 15 minutes later I drove until the gas tank was on empty again we were about to hit Twin Falls I got off and tanked up then we left right away didn't go inside or anything. We pulled back onto the highway we got about 100 miles or so from Idaho Falls before William finally turned back into himself. But his eyes stayed that bright green instead of turning back to his soft green eyes, they were still beautiful though.

After he changed back he passed out right away. We finally passed into Oregon around 1 or so in the morning, I now had another wolf in the truck with me Will had turned back about 30 minutes after the sun set. He was in human form for about 2 hours passed out for 1 then back into wolf at the end of the other. He sat in the back seat staring at me. I had to stop and get gas again in Baker City, I did it quick didn't want people noticing the huge animals with me, just what I waited to explain to the cops. I was getting tired but no one else could drive so I kept right on at it, I turned the radio up and opened the windows for so fresh air I looked in the rear view mirror and say Will hanging his head out the window I started to laugh.

"Ok you two I'm getting tired we need to stop for a while"

They both whipped there head back and forth at me.

"You can protect me we'll stop at a truck stop and I'll rest there a lot of people around then"

I stopped off in La Grande at the first truck stop I saw. I parked by all the semi's and turned the truck off. I crawled into the back seat William layed on the floor and put his head on my lap I fell asleep about 10 minutes later. I woke to a horn blaring next to the truck. I shot up William and Kota growled I looked at the truck stereo it was 4 in the morning I got about 3 hours a sleep and I felt rested I climbed into the driver seat and got back on the highway. An hour later Kota and William were in human form and they both were sleeping.


I turned into a beast while sleeping, I woke and Midnight was staring at me she looked worried and was trying to figure out who I was I wanted to hold her but I also wanted to run away from her I didn't want her to see me like this. The sun came up and I wasn't turning back Kota was talking about how it could be different things and I knew it was because Midnight wasn't safe yet not until we got out of here. I changed back about 2 hours before sunset and passed out it too so much out of me then, I woke up and pretty much turned back again. I turned back again when the sun came up and I fell asleep about an hour later.

"Hey were are we"

"About 15 minutes from, The Dalles I'll stop and get gas and we can stretch"

"Wake me when we get there, then you can get some sleep"

"Ok sounds good to me"

I fell back asleep for a little bit. Midnight woke me up when we stopped. I pumped the gas and went to the restroom. When I got back out to the truck Kota was sitting in the passenger seat sleeping but I didn't see Midnight any where. I looked around and listened then I heard soft breathing in the truck other than Kota's I walked over to the truck and looked in the back seat Midnight was fast asleep. I smiled I climbed up into the truck and go onto the highway. I drove the rest of the way to Olympia, it was beautiful out here.

"Hey Midnight"

I tapped the back of the seat Midnight shot straight up and Kota sat straight up and wiped at his eyes.

"What's up"

"We're almost there about ten minutes or so"

"Okay thanks"

Midnight climbed up front between me and Kota and was looking around.


I had lived here a year ago I really enjoyed it there was always something to do. I enjoyed going to the coast and surfing.

"Get on hwy 101"

"What I thought we were staying in Olympia" Kota looked confused

"No just another town we are passing through we're gonna head toward Capitol State Park. Theirs a place called Straddle Line Raceway we'll stay there for a couple of days to get some rest and go looking"

"I've heard about that place it's pretty big"

"Yea theirs a lot of National Parks and Forest around here"

"So how long you think we'll stay"

"Well Kota I'm not sure, depends on if those things find us here too or not"

"Yea I guess that's something we got to think about too"

We drove on Hwy 101 for about 45 minutes then we turned onto hwy 8. We stayed on that for probably an hour then we saw the sign for the Raceway. We pulled in and got a sight right away we let the horses out on lead roped and they walked around grazing.

"Hey Will you want to help me get the grill out"

"Yea give me a second"

We got the grill out and made some food the boys ate 4 hamburgers each I had 2 they tasted great we sat around for a while and enjoyed not being in the truck. I decided to go for a walk by myself to see if I saw anything that looked out of place, I didn't hear anything or smell anything like I did at the last place. It was weird it was to quiet. The sun started going down so I took off at a slow jog toward camp then I heard a scream and ran even fast.

When I got back to camp Kota was sitting in a chair listening to the screams ignoring them was more like it.

"Hey what the hell is the screaming"


"And your not helping him why"

"Because I don't want to get shredded"

"So you could still help him, you heal fast then me. Plus why is he changing"

"No idea don't want to find out either"

As I walked by I tipped his chair backwards. I ran the rest to the camper and opened the door and got in side quick. William was on the camper floor withering in pain I fell on my knees and pulled him to me.

"No get away I might hurt you"

"I'll be fine"

William started to shake and he screamed again, He was so hot to the touch.

"Kota I need water"

The camper door opened and he threw a bottle of water in then shut the door, I could hear him walking to his chair again. I opened the bottle and had Will open his mouth and poured some in. His shaking got worse, I lifted his shirt and he was getting furry. I got up slowly and set him down carefully.

"Get out" it was all slurred because he was changing

"I'll be fine you won't hurt me"

I got up on the bed and watched him. I felt so bad for him, but I also wanted to know why this was happening looks like I would be searching hardest the next couple of days to find a pack and learn some things. I looked up at the clock it was about 9 and by the time William was fully changed it was 10:30 his fur was beautiful it was almost all black with a couple of grey spots where as Kota's was mostly red with so black.

William lifted his head off the floor and looked right at me I smiled. He got up and I could feel the whole camper move. There was a knock at the door I guessed it was Kota.

"Is it safe"

"Yea Kota your good"

The door opened and Kota got into the camper quick and shut the door.

"Well I've never seen a wolf this color before. Which by the way is weird because I've seen tons of wolves"

"Really never"

"Not once"

Kota pulled his bed out and looked at me making sure it was fine if he slept in here, I nodded my head that it was fine. I threw a pillow at him and William grabbed it out of the air and spun and threw it back at me. We both started to laugh William did little yips like he was laughing too. I finally was able to get the pillow to Kota. William must have decided he was tired because he jumped up on the bed and curled around me like he was a blanket. It felt good to know that I was wanted and safe.

I woke up around 3 in the morning to see William was still curled around me and Kota had crawled up on the bed too. I smiled and tried to go back to sleep but before I became unconscious again I heard things moving around outside of the camper. I sat up and when I did it woke Will up and Kota woke up because Will almost rolled over him.

I put my finger to my lips and then touched my ear they both tilted their heads up.

"You hear it" I whispered

Will opened his mouth and made quick biting movements like he wanted to attack something and Kota nodded his head and I saw that his eyes had changed to his blue grey. We sat there and listened and before long sleep took me. I woke again around 9 in the morning to Will sitting over me and Kota laying next to me. When I looked up I noticed Will was not asleep and looked like he hadn't slept since I last woke up.

"They still out there" I whispered

He shook his head at me. When I tried to sit up he got off the bed and that woke Kota up. Kota sat up slowly yawned and rubbed at his eyes.

"You guys want to go for a run"

"Yea that sounds great"

Will nodded his head and stretched the length of the camper.

"Go wait outside and I'll get changed"

Kota opened the door and him and Will got out and shut the door. I changed into my work clothes and put my shoes on. When I got out of the camper the people surrounding our camp site was looking at Will. Their eyes were huge I just hoped no one asked me what kind of dog he was. We took off down a trail Will stayed by my side while Kota took the lead we ran for miles. By the time we stopped it was around 1. I looked around and listened it was to quiet William was pacing back and forth and Kota was sitting on a log.

"You want to keep going"

"I haven't heard anything out and about or moving underneath us either. So it's up to you"

"How about we go for a couple more miles then turn back"

"Sounds good to me"

Kota got up and took off then he just vanished into thin air.

Chapter 15

William growled and pawed at the ground.

"KOTA, Where are you"

I listened and very softly I could hear "Help me" I ran in the direction of the noise. I looked down into a hole and there were spikes and a couple of dead animals and Kota layed there looking up at me.

"I'm coming don't worry, I'll get you out of there, try not to move"

When I looked closely I saw that he had a couple spikes in him one through his leg and one through his right shoulder.

"William watch out for us up here ok"

He nodded his head. I slowly started to climb down the hole toward Kota.

"Be careful don't fall" Kota was watching me closely

"I won't"

I got down to the bottom started to pull stakes out on my way over to Kota. When I finally reached him I grabbed the stake in his leg and pulled he screamed so loud it made me gasp.

"You ok"

"I've been better"

"Ok one more you ready"

"Might as well surprise me"

I grabbed it and pulled he screamed again. I pulled him up onto my back he was bleeding pretty bad I climbed up the hole this time it was harder because Kota was not light and I lost my footing a couple of times too and almost fell back in.

"Will grab him, but be careful"

I saw Will bend down and grab Kota by his shirt collar and slowly pulled him up. I got the rest of my way up and looked at Kota he was laying limp on the ground. I pulled him up on my back and then took off at a jog trying not to move to fast. Before I exited the woods I made sure no one was out by our camper or on the rode and I ran for the door I got it opened and layed Kota on his bed I didn't care about the sheets I got his shirt and shorts off. I got the first aid kit and I got to work by the time I got it all cleaned out and stitched up he had passed out. I got him taped up, I went outside when I was done to get some fresh air William was sitting right by the door.

"I wish you were human right now because I could really use a hug"

He whined at me and layed his head on my lap. I started to cry and I slide down the side of the truck and hid my face. I sat there for an hour and cried it started to rain so we got up and went into the camper Kota was still laying on his bed is chest barley rising. I crawled up on the bed and grabbed my pillow and moved it to the foot of the bed and before I knew it I was sleeping. When I woke from the rain and thunder being so loud I noticed William was back in human form covered in sweat shaking on the floor.

"William" I got up and practically fell on the floor and pulled him close to me.

"I'm so glad you turned back"

"I never thought I would be able too their for awhile. How's Kota"

"I'm not sure he hasn't woke up yet that I know of, I fell asleep"

"Yea I know I was watching you"

"Your sweet" next thing I felt his lips on mine and he picked up and laid me down on the bed. He kissed my lips then my neck he took my shirt off because it looked like it got in the way he kissed the inside of my breast, then my stomach. I giggled because it tickled, I grabbed his face and pulled it up to mine and kissed him again and again I got him on his back and layed down on top of him, I kissed his chest. His manhood was pushed against me and I smiled. Then I heard a gasp, I sat up and turned toward Kota. He was moving his head around and I saw his fingers twitching and his toes which made me smile. I got up off the bed and walked toward him.

"Kota, it's alright I'm here" I touched the side of his face he growled and whipped his head toward me his eyes were that beautiful blue grey. I felt arms wrap around me from behind and pulled me off my feet.

"He's about to turn stay back"

"He needs my help Will"

"If he hurts you, he'll never forgive himself. I know I wouldn't"

"I will be fine" I tried to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't budge.

I turned toward William.

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what"

Then I elbowed him in the gut and got onto Kota'a bed and picked his head up and put it in my lap. I looked up at William and he seemed shocked and hurt at the same time. I touched Kota's face softly he turned his head into my hand then he started to shake he gasped and withered in pain then he just exploded into wolf form and that's all I remember.


I had pulled her back from Kota to keep her safe but she didn't want to be safe she wanted to help like always. She turned toward me then she just elbowed me I doubled over and when I looked up she was next to Kota with his head in her lap then it all happened to fast for me to react. She layed there on the bed so limp barely breathing cuts all over her some healing but very slowly.

"How's she doing"

"Not any better but not any worse either it's like she's in a coma but at the same time she responds when I touch her so I know she's not"

"William I'm sorry I had no control my wolf didn't want to be in pain anymore, I would never hurt her you know that right"

"Yes Kota I know that"

I sat down on the bed next to her and just watched her making sure she was still breathing. She took shallow breaths, then screamed out of no where she didn't move when she did just opened her mouth and screamed. That had been the second time she had done that within the last 2 days it made me wonder what was going on in her head right now. Her birthday was a day and a half away. I noticed she had white and red streaks running through her black hair.


I layed there I wanted to wake up I wanted to tell them that I was ok but I couldn't my mind and body wouldn't let me I could feel things changing with in me I wondered what I looked like on the outside. Then out of now where I screamed again I tried to hold it in so I wouldn't cause William any pain anymore but I just couldn't anymore. I've been out for 2 days and I know that my birthday is soon and this must be part of my blooming. I still wanted to wake up I tried so hard to open my eyes but nothing I tried making my breathing faster nothing, I even tried to wiggle my toes and fingers still nothing. I screamed again this time I felt a tear run down my cheek. I felt my head being picked up and being put into something soft and warm and I realized my head was in Will's lap. I felt my lips twitch into a smile. I was so happy I was able to show some emotion.


She screamed again and I saw a tear run down her cheek, I picked her head up and layed it in my lap so she knew she was safe. Then I saw her smile which made me cry I wanted her to wake up and really smile at me. I stayed like this for hours then I had to get up and go for a walk.

"Kota I'm going for a walk ok need to think"

"I'll keep an eye on her"

"Thanks Kota"

"No problem"

I took off at a run down the road slow at first then faster and faster and before I knew it I was a wolf running as fast and as far as I could. I ran down the Olympic Hwy till I hit North Bay then I just stopped by the shore and listened for animals then I heard some I took off down State Route 105 till I got into the Johns River State Wildlife Area it was late around 11 or so it was as dark as could be outside their we're no stars out to many clouds. It was so peaceful I sat there and listened watched the waves out in the distance come to shore then back out again. I don't know how long I stayed there but the sun started to come up so it had to have been at least 5 hours. So I took off back toward the camp site I arrived shortly after the sun had come up.

I changed back and opened the camper door to see Kota asleep on his bed and Midnight right where she had been when I left last night. The clock said it was 5:30 I wasn't tired but I crawled up into bed and layed down next to Midnight anyway. I fell asleep staring at her beautiful face. I woke to the feeling of someone touching my face I knew it wasn't Kota, I opened my eyes slowly to see Midnight sitting up in front of me her hair had changed again black and white this time no red her eyes were so silver almost white. Nothing else to them but a hint of green they almost looked like wolf eyes.

"KOTA" I screamed

Kota sat up and whipped his head around looking for the danger.

"What is it"

He must have saw Midnight because he smiled until she turned toward him then he growled and not a happy growl either more like a your not trusted growl. I looked at him in question.

"What is it Kota what's wrong"

"She doesn't smell right Will. She's not like what she use to be she has changed"

"What do you mean changed"

"I mean she's like us but not at the same time she has something else living in her other then a wolf"

"What do you mean something else"

"I don't know everything William, we would have to find a tribe leader or a pack somewhere"

"Where could we find something like that"

"Where ever we're heading next I hope"

"Let's head out then"

We packed the camp and left headed toward Quillayute Needles National Wildlife Refugee.


I awoke to find William laying next to me I smiled it felt good to be awake and able to move again. I touched his face softly and he awoke smiling up at me, but at the same time he looked really worried, almost scared. He called Kota and they started talking about me even though I was right in front of them. They loaded the horses and everything else up too. They didn't look at me or talk to me, it's like they thought I was about to explode or something. So I went and sat in the truck out of every ones way.

I was listening them move around and talk to each other.

"Where did she go"

"She's in the truck can't you hear her breathing"

"Now that you said something I can, Kota is it always like this even when in human form"


I stopped listening to them because I didn't care anymore, they didn't trust me and I don't know why they didn't. I was still the same person just something happened to me that I couldn't control, or change. I was sitting in the back seat I layed down and closed my eyes, I wasn't tired I just wanted them to think I was asleep. The truck doors opened and then slammed shut. I could feel them looking at me so I tired not to smile. Then the truck started up and we pulled out of the camp grounds and onto the hwy 8 I guessed we drove for 45 minutes and then we pulled off the highway and into what I guessed was a gas station. I sat up and got out of the truck and went into the truck stop to find a restroom. Everyone was staring at me.

I got into the bathroom and looked into the mirror I gasped when I saw my eyes no wonder they didn't want to be by me I looked like I was about to turn into something. I finished in the bathroom and went back out to the truck and climbed into the back seat and layed down again Kota watched me the whole entire time too.

"Take a picture it will last longer"

"Sorry didn't mean to stare"

"I would be too if I were you guys, so it's whatever"

"I'm sorry I attacked you"

"You what"

"You don't remember do you"

"Nope guess not, so what happened"

"Well after you pulled me out of the trap you wouldn't leave my side. I guess I started to screamed and shake so you put my head on your lap and then I turned and you got hurt pretty bad. Looks like everything is pretty much healed up thought so I'm happy about that"

"Wow man kinda glad I didn't remember that"

"Yea you scared us when you didn't wake up"

"Yea sorry I tried but my brain wouldn't allow it"

"Well we are gonna try and get some answers for you"


I laid back down because I heard William coming toward the truck and I put my finger to my lips, Kota nodded. I closed my eyes and stayed still and slowed my breathing. I heard William get into the truck.


I went inside to pay for the gas and use the restroom. When I got outside I heard Kota and Midnight talking but not sure about what. I slowly walked back to the truck to give them time to finish. When I got there I noticed that Midnight was laying down she looked like she was sleeping but I knew she wasn't. I climbed up into the truck and started it up then I pulled out of the gas station. I drove for awhile till I saw the exit for hwy 109 and took it I thought going along the shore would be cool and I was right. I looked into the rear view mirror to see that Midnight was starring right at me I smiled.

I sat up and looked into the rear view mirror to see if William would look at me then he did and he smiled. I crawled into the middle seat between Kota and Will. I smiled and lifted my arms and threw them over their shoulders.

"So are we no longer scared of me"

They laughed. We drove down the road a ways. I layed my head on Kota's shoulder and before I knew it I was sleeping again. But this time I could wake myself up. When I woke the sun was setting and I felt a weird feeling go through my body I started to shake and I got really hot I crawled into the back seat Kota watched me the whole way with a worried look on his face, then he turned toward William.

Midnight layed her head on my shoulder and fell asleep I set my head on top of hers and then all of a sudden she got so hot to the touch it was almost to hot for me and I was always warmer then most. Then she woke up and started to shake, she crawled into the back seat.

"Get off the road pull onto a side road or something we need to get out of the car"

"What's wrong Kota"

"Just do it Will"

Kota crawled into the back seat and pulled me close to him all I wanted to do was stop shaking. It almost hurt I was shaking so bad. William finally turned off the main road and onto a side street.

"Midnight I'll be right outside ok you will be fine in a few"

"Kota what's happening"

"I'm not exactly sure, I just know that everything will be ok"

I got out of the truck the same time as Will and we walked to the back to check on the horses, then I heard her scream. I saw William try to go to her but I grabbed him.

"I have to go be with her"

"She has to do this on her own, she will be fine"

"How do you know"

"I don't"

Chapter 16


I layed there, then I felt something protruding from under my skin. When I looked down I saw that is was fur white fur. I opened the truck door just a little and made sure it wouldn't close. I layed down again and let the wolf take over me. I stood up and shook my white coat out and looked into the rear view mirror I had one black spot that was over my right eye. I pushed the door open with my nose and got out of the truck. I walked to the rear where I could hear them breathing.

"You hear that"

When I rounded the corner I heard them gasped. I turned in circles.

"I've never seen a white wolf before I've only heard about them in the legends"

William just starred at me he didn't talk or walk toward me he actually took a step back I whined and took a step toward him and he took another step back. Instead of taking another step toward him I turned and ran I left Kota and William behind me I ran threw the fields and I didn't stop. I kept running then I heard a howl off in the distance I dug my paws into the ground and shot myself forward even faster. The howling faded into the distance before I knew it the sun was setting and I came to a stop and looked around me. The stars were starting to show there wasn't a single cloud in the sky I turned back the way I came from and ran as fast as I could I almost felt like I was flying. Then I ran right into another wolf I barely saw it because it was so black then I realized it was William. I fell over him and got tangled.

He nipped at me, then growled. I circled around him growling low and snapping my teeth at him. The I ran and he chanced after me I got pretty far ahead of him then he tackled me out of nowhere I thought I was ahead of him but he was right next to me I really needed to learn how to listen to things around me better. I got back up and growled at him and nipped his ear then all of a sudden I really couldn't move real good any more then I just collapsed. I looked up at William then I felt myself turning back into a human.

"What's happening"

I saw William turning back.

"I don't know we will find out"

He picked me up and walked out of the field toward the truck. When we got there he opened the back door and layed me down on the back seat. I smiled up at him and fell asleep, I felt the truck get back on the road. I awoke to hear the ocean and when I opened the camper door there it was about 50 ft away it looked so beautiful the horses were running on the beach and the boys were sitting in the water laughing at how high the waves were getting I smiled. I stepped down out of the camper and walked toward the shore then I noticed that there were more people on the beach all sitting around the fire talking telling stories this made me wonder where we were. Then I realized this was the next tribe we were looking for I walked toward the fire and they stopped talking.

"Well look who has finally joined the living again our beloved pure blood"

"I am far from pure blooded sir"

"That is where you come from a pure blood line one of the finest blood lines I might ass from what I hear your fur is as white as snow and your eyes as silver as the bullet that could kill most of us but not you"

"How do I know I can trust a man that I don't even know what his name is"

"Oh my dear all you had to do was, my name is Ben and I'm the leader of this pack and the one who has answers you are seeking. Please sit down and ask me what you please"

"Why did I turn into a wolf I was not bitten or near death any time in my life that I remember"

"Not every man, women, and child needs to be near death to become one of us. You can be born into this but only if you have wolf parents and then you are truly a true blood other wise yes you would normally have to be near death"

"But neither one of my parents were wolves I would have known wouldn't I"

"How long did you know your parents"

"5 years before my mother left me to be taken by whatever hunts me now"

"What hunts you know is your other half they want you for there side of the war"

"I don't know what my other half is Ben, and I don't think I really want to know"

"You must know to expect it. It needs to be apart of you other wise it will rip you apart"

"Then tell me what it is"

I sat down next to him he held his hand out to me, and I took it there was a slight pain that shot up my arm. Then I felt the change take me and before I knew it I was sitting as a wolf not a human but also as something else but I wasn't sure what.

"Ben what has happened"

"My dear you are done they will be after you now more then ever you are the god the middle they have been waiting for what we have been waiting for"

"Ben how can you hear me"

"It's because we are connected the wolf part of us is connected"

"Ben what am I other then a wolf"

"A Vampire"

Chapter 17

"In the end we will all fight in a war if not between humans then between monsters. Some will die and some will live but in the end there can truly only be one left. Strength does not come from winning your struggles it comes from beating them. My father told me that once"

"Then let it be so my dear and take care of the ones you love"

"Thank you Ben"

"No thank you Midnight Silver"

I got up and walked over to the ocean and into the water I never felt more alive and tired in my life before now. I had never changed back that fast before the ocean water washed over me hitting my face. I laughed it felt so good I felt free standing in the ocean like I was. I felt people on both side of me slipping there hands into mine and at that moment I knew I would never be alone in this war.

"Thanks for coming with guys I don't think I could have done it with out you"

"No problem" they said at the same time

I smiled and turned around William embraced me from behind.

"Ok now that I know I'm an even bigger freak what do we do now"

"Keep moving around till we find out what you true purpose is someone is bound to know"

"Then where are we off to next"

"Where ever you want to go"

"Montana I have a feeling we will find out a lot there but first we are gonna drop the horses back at home and see your family it's been a good week and a half since we've seen them"

"Ok, and it's been longer then that you were out for a week"

"What no way have I been out that long" I turned my head toward Kota and he nodded his head.

The horses were running all over the beach and then Buck ran over by me and stopped I smiled pulled myself away from William and pulled myself up onto Buck and took off down the beach it felt good to be riding again. I rode for a while and then headed back to the camper, I saw Kota standing close to the shore his hair was blowing in the wind and he looked at peace standing there. I jumped off of Buck and walked over too him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"What's wrong Kota"

"Nothing it's so peaceful here no noise but the wind, and the smells are so subtle they are almost not there it's nice"

"Yea I know what you mean it is nice"

"I almost want to stay here this is where I would want to have a pack you can hear everything"

"If you want to stay Kota you can"

"What I want is to help you I have nothing else to do and no other family left that are alive"

"I thought you were taken from your home Kota"

"Foster home, rather not talk about it"

"I understand how you feel"

"I know you've been through a lot same as me"

"Kota lets head to bed we got a long day tomorrow"

"I'll be up in a bit"


I turned and walked away opened the camper door to find William asleep on the floor with a book under his head, I smiled.


Bildmaterialien: Cover picture drawn by my friend Steve
Lektorat: Christy Gard
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.06.2012

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