

I was running through the woods with my bow in hand trying not to look over my shoulder. My legs are throbbing and I can’t breath but I won’t stop running not till I know they won’t find me. Trees are passing by me as if I was flying but I know I am not. They are howling in the distance I start running faster jumping over dead trees trying to make it to my tree before they find me. I see it in the distance it’s the biggest tree for miles they know its mine I hope they are not there when I get to it. I pick up my pace moving more swiftly dodging trees left and right jumping over fallen ones. I jump in the air and grab the highest branch I can reach and start swinging myself up till I am on a flat surface and look down below they are surrounding the tree there are at least 20 of them they start to jump up and down trying to get up the tree but I know they can’t. Then the leader walks through the crowd.

“You won’t be so lucky next time tree climber” yells the leader.
“Try me and see what happens” yells Nikkla.
“Next time then Tree Climber” the leader whispered.
“You can count on it” yelled Nikkla.
“That was workout I am going to be sore for days” Nikkla thought to herself.
“Hey Nikkla you up there” yelled Enki.

Nikkla walks over to the side of the flat surface and looks down she see her friend Enki staring up at her.

“Yea come on up Enki” yelled Nikkla.
“Ok I will up in a second” yelled Enki.

Enki got a running start and jumped onto to the nearest branch and started to swing himself up.

“Hey so what was up with all the howling before, did you kill another one of there members” said Enki.
“I didn’t kill one I killed twenty its there fault they started the war and I am going to end it for them” said Nikkla.

Chapter 1

This is my story I’m Nikkla but you already knew that I am an elf that’s right an elf the last elf at that as far as I know. There used to be thousands of elves but I have been the only one for a hundred years ever since they wiped my kind out. First it started with the King and Queen which just happened to be my mother and father. I wasn’t home when they attacked my home. I don’t blame all of my parent’s death just a little because I have killed so many of the beast’s members but they needed to die. So the day the beasts killed my parents I was at my tree yea the one I live in right now with Enki. We snuck out to see each out because I was sworn to another man when I turned 20 another reason my parents didn’t want me to see Enki was because he is a magic man. My parents never liked him but I didn’t care what they liked. So on my way home after me and Enki meet, I heard beasts howling near my home so I pulled my bow off my back an took off running but by the time I made it back to my home it was to late my father was dead on the stairs to the entrance of our home and my mother was locked in there bedroom holding my little brother and sister covered in blood with a slice on her neck, and my little brother and sisters stomach were both cut open. When I saw this I fell to my knees, I cried and screamed I got up when I heard a low laugh behind me I grabbed my bow and stood in front of my mother and little brother and sister. It was the leader of the beasts he had a smile on his face that I will always remember because I wanted to kill him for it. I shoot three arrows at him I missed every time but I never miss so it must have been his magic that protected him he finally left when I didn’t lower my bow and also because his magic was running low I could fell it, the reason he has magic is because on is team he has fae who protect him. When he left I started my home on fire with all my friends and family in it I sat on the ground in front of the stairs and watched it burn. That night I took a vow to my god that I would never show fear again, that was a hundred years ago and I have killed many beasts since I was 18 and I won’t stop till there all dead.

“So Enki what are you doing here” said Nikkla.
“I wanted to see you” said Enki.
“But what about your wife” said Nikkla?
“You know that I don’t love her, I still love you, and I will do anything for you” said Enki.
“Yeah I know that but you have a wife” said Nikkla.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t still love you, and plus you would have a husband if they didn’t think you were dead” said Enki.
“No I wouldn’t have I would have runaway before they made me marry him you know why because I loved you, I still love you Enki but you have a family now.” “I have to go I need to get some food” said Nikkla.
“Let me come with you please” said Enki.
“No Enki please just go” said Nikkla.
“Fine if it will make you happy” said Enki.

But Nikkla was already gone before he finished saying it he slowly got down out of the tree and when he was walking back to his village he was grabbed.
“Hey what the….” said Enki.
“Shut up other wise we will kill you” said one of the beasts that were holding on to him.
“Ok” said Enki.
“Our boss needs you so we can get your little girl” said one of the beasts.
“She’s not going to come and get me and she is not my girl not any more anyways” said Enki.
“What do mean she’s not your girl, you go there every day we watch you and follow you guys” said a beast.
“So have you ever followed me all the way back to my village, I didn’t think so, Nikkla is just a friend we used to be more but not anymore” said Enki.

Now Enki finally understood what Nikkla was talking about how it made her feel and what she had to do so he thought he should help her out a little. So he started to laugh which distracted the beasts. He got his hand loose and shot out a fire ball which started the beasts on fire they ran in circles screaming, Enki also got the other three that came out of nowhere too, then took off for Nikkla’s tree running as fast as he could the whole way and when he could see her tree she started to yell her name she saw him coming and slowly started to turn around when she heard the howling she wiped around so fast and grabbed her bow and arrows and started to shoot at the beasts hitting about four. Enki picked up his pace and the next thing he knew he was jumping up and grabbing Nikkla’s tree branch and was jumping up to the top were Nikkla was standing smiling.

“Thank god my old Enki is back.” “When did you finally realize that I was right and you were wrong” said Nikkla.
“Right about when the beasts grabbed me and tried to kill me” said Enki.
“Well I am glad you are back but I think you pissed them off really bad you should not have used your magic now they know what” said Nikkla.
“Yeah but I am ok with that” said Enki.
“You shouldn’t be they will burn down your village” said Nikkla.
“I’m not going back to my village I am going to stay here and help you fight these bastards till they are all gone” said Enki.
“Oh thank god you really are back” said Nikkla jumping into Enki arms and kissing him.
“Yeah I am” said Enki hugging and kissing her too.

Chapter 2

“So what do we do now we can’t leave they have the whole place surrounded” said Enki.
“Sure we can hang on” said Nikkla.

Nikkla got up and jumps and grabs a tree branch Enki get up and walks to where she disappeared to and gets grabbed form behind and gets pulled up.

“Hey what the……” said Enki.
“Shh they’re hear you” whispered Nikkla.
“Oh sorry what are we doing” said Enki.
“Going to the waterfall unless you would rather sit here and be watched all night” said Nikkla.
“Naw lets get out of here” said Enki.
“You have got to be really quiet ok” said Nikkla.
“I think I can do that” whispered Enki.

Nikkla and Enki stood up and jumped to the next canopy tree till they knew that they were out of the beasts hearing range.

“Hey I told you if you were quiet we would make it” said Nikkla, jumping from the canopy tree into the water.
“Did I ever tell you that you are crazy” yelled Enki jumping in after her.
“Yeah a couple of times, I remember the first time you called me crazy like it was yesterday, do you remember” said Nikkla.
“Yeah I do wasn’t it the day you killed like forty beasts” said Enki.
“Yeah it was you were so mad at me because you said if I kept killing them they would eventually kill me and I said they would have to catch me first” said Nikkla.
“I really don’t think just me and you can kill them all” said Enki.
“I know we can’t but I will die trying” said Nikkla before she dived under the water.

It was about twilight before they started to head back to the tree, laughing pretty much the whole way there till they got in the beasts hearing range.

Back at Enki’s village
“Shoy have you seen Enki he has been gone all day” said Inkkla Enki’s wife.
“I saw him leaving this morning right around sunrise he had his bag and his sword, but I haven’t seen him since them, why?” said Shoy.
“I just haven’t seen him and he is usually isn’t gone for this long when he hunts, do you think something happened” said Inkkla Enki’s wife rubbing her stomach.

But Shoy knew exactly where Enki was and he knew he wasn’t coming back not till he helped out Nikkla.

“Nikkla its looks like most of them are gone” said Enki.
“Don’t be so sure they are hiding everywhere” Nikkla says ass she whistles and drops a tree branch on the ground.

They come running out of everywhere under bushes from behind the trees, Nikkla even sees them coming from the river.

“See what I mean” said Nikkla smiling.
“You must do this a lot” said Enki.
“Yep about everyday, but the thing is they can’t see us up here but they can hear us” said Nikkla.
“That’s not cool how are we suppose to have” said Enki smiling.
“This is not a time for fun” said Nikkla smacking Enki.
“Then what are we suppose to do” said Enki.
“Sit here and do some target practice” whispered Nikkla laughing quietly.

Nikkla stands up and grabs her bow and lays on the flat part and hangs her arms and bow over the side and whistles and drops a small tree branch. Then she reaches back really fast grabs three arrows and shoots three of the beasts when they ran out right in the head.

“How did you do that” whispered Enki while lying down next to her.
“Years of practice and having no fear of what will happen after I do it” whispered Nikkla.
“Well you stick with the air attacks and I will do the ground attacks” said Enki.
“I’d rather you use a bow than your sword” said Nikkla Frowning.
“I have my magic to protect me thought” said Enki while holding a fireball in his hand.
“Yeah until they don’t want you to use your magic then you won’t have it to protect you” said Nikkla.
“They can’t stop me from using my magic” said Enki shooting the fire ball at one of the beast it ran in circles screaming then dropped.”
“Sure they can they have fae working for them they can do the same things you can” said Nikkla Frowning.
“That’s impossible no fae would work for them” said Enki.
“Well its true they do and the magic works on them too trust me” said Nikkla.
“They must be really strong fae because I haven’t even been able to master that yet” said Enki Frowning.
“You will one day trust me” whispered Nikkla while shooting another beast that was behind a tree.
“As long as you are there when I do” whispered Enki really quiet.
“Can’t make any promises” whispered Nikkla standing up to grab another branch and dropped it.

Some more beasts ran out of places and Nikkla shot about 6 and Enki started about 3 on fire. Then they just sat there and looked at each other. Enki leaned in and kissed Nikkla, He leaned out and smiled then the kissing got wilder next thing Nikkla knew Enki was picking her up and was carrying her to her bed. Early the next morning Enki rolls over and sees that Nikkla is gone. He shoots up to see Nikkla sitting in a chair asleep. Enki slowly got up and picked her up and put her in the bed and lie next to her and fell back asleep.

“Wake up sleepy head” said Nikkla pushing Enki out of the bed.
“Hey uff, I thought you were supposed to wake people gently” said Enki sitting up.
“That’s most people not me and plus you have a visitor” said Nikkla smiling.
“Wait what, what do you mean” said Enki.
“What do you think I mean someone is here to see you” said Nikkla.
“Oh ok” said Enki.
“Hey Enki how’s it going” said Shoy smiling.
“Shoy how did you find me” said Enki.
“I didn’t find you I, I just woke up here” said Shoy.
“What the hell do you mean” said Enki looking between Shoy and Nikkla.
“I mean I woke up under this tree with my arms tied together same with my legs, that’s when I screamed and Nikkla came out of nowhere.

Enki took off running to go help whoever was in danger. He ran around a hut and saw his wife fighting two of the beasts off. Next thing he hears is two arrows wising past his head and they hit two of the beasts in the head and then two more wiz past his head and hit two more beasts that came out of nowhere. Then Nikkla jumps from the canopy and right behind Enki and knocks him out.
“Why did you knock him out and who the hell are you” said Inkkla.
“I’m Nikkla and you must be Enki’s wife nice to finally meet you but we have to go before they come back” said Nikkla.
“I’m not going with you” said Inkkla.
“Shoy come help me out here please” said Nikkla.
“Come on Inkkla if you want to live” said Shoy.
“Fine let’s go” said Inkkla.

Nikkla picked up Enki and jumped into the tree and disappeared.

“Shoy take her back to the tree I’ll meet you there later” said Nikkla.
“Will do” yelled Shoy.

Nikkla and Enki were sitting up in the canopy above the waterfall pond, with Enki still knocked out; Nikkla stands up and pushes him in the water then dives in after him.

“Hey what the heck” said Enki coming up from under the water, “Nikkla where the hell are you I know you are here somewhere” said Enki.
“Behind you” said Nikkla.

Enki turned around slowly and Nikkla was just floating there looking more pissed then ever.

“What did I do know” said Enki Frowning.
“Well what we did last night has a little to do with it and what you just did, picking your wife over the women you have know most of your wife, also you spent the night with me” said Nikkla.
“Well what do you want me to do just let them kill her I don’t want anything to happen to my baby” said Enki diving under.
“Wait a minute your what get back up here” said Nikkla grabbing Enki’s foot and pulled him back up, “ What do you mean by baby” said Nikkla.
“I mean my baby my wife is pregnant, I thought I told you” said Enki slowly swimming backwards.
“What are you doing” asked Nikkla.
“Getting out of your arms reach” said Enki.
“Fine and oh have fun getting back to the tree” said Nikkla.
“Nikkla wait please don’t go I’m sorry” said Enki.
“You could have told me thousands of times but no you didn’t and you are always claiming that you love me, I’m out of here” said Nikkla.
“Come oh Nikkla I’m sorry” said Enki reaching out really fast and grabbing her by the foot and pulling her into his arms and kissing her.
“Just because you know how to charm me doesn’t mean you are forgiven” said Nikkla with her mouth still on Enki’s.
“I am really good at charming everyone that I love, you are just the easiest to charm” said Enki, kissing her again then diving under and grabbing her foot and pulling her down with him.

Under the water Enki and Nikkla were swimming together kissing and smiling.

Back at the tree
“Who the hell lives here and why would they want to” said Inkkla.
“Its Nikkla’s place, it’s the only place that is safe so you are just going to have to deal with it” said Shoy.
“I still don’t have to like it” said Inkkla frowning.

"Hey we should head back to the tree" said Nikkla.
"Yeah I guess so" said Enki.
"Come on shes not going to do anything to you not in my tree anyway" said Nikkla smiling.
"She wouldn't do anything to me, shes my wife plus she is pregent" said Enki.
”You are such, I can’t even say it how can you go with her and be someone else that I don’t even know, then come back as if nothing happened” said Inkkla.
“What are you saying that I can’t even have a friend out of the village that u given to choose between you and someone I’ve known my whole life. Because if that it what you are saying I’m going to pick her because she needs my help right now more than ever, and I’m sorry that you don’t understand that” said Enki.
“I do understand it but there is any way you will come back to me” said Inkkla Frowning.
“I’ll come back to get my baby soon but I will not stay with you I’m sorry, I love Nikkla” said Enki.

Nikkla jumps from the canopy smiling.

“Shoy, Inkkla your village is looking for you they are coming this way so you need to leave please” said Nikkla.
“Why can’t we stay” said Inkkla frowning.
“Because people think I am dead and for right now I’d like to keep it that way and also because if they know I’m alive I will be sent to be married” said Nikkla.
“That would be fine with me” said Inkkla smiling.
“You are such a bitch “said Nikkla moving toward Inkkla.

Inkkla slowly started to move backward and ran smack dab into Nikkla?

“How did you move that fast” Inkkla stammered.
“Years of practice and silence and I’m an elf” said Nikkla pulling her hair back.
Inkkla screamed so loud she pasted out Nikkla caught her before she fell picked her up in her arms and jumped off the platform and started to run in the direction of village Nikkla whistled loud enough for them to hear her and then jumped back up into the canopy tree and went home.

“What the hell was the where is Inkkla, Nikkla where is she” said Enki.
“Why do you care you said you loved me you need to choose now me or her and if its her then you and Shoy need to go but if its me Shoy still needs to leave so I can tell you that I am sorry in the right way instead of dropping out of a tree with your wife in my arms and giving her back to the person who really loves her and that person is behind you” said Nikkla.
“Whatever Shoy doesn’t love Inkkla they can barely be in the same area as each other let alone love each other” said Enki.
“You should ask him before you just guess about it” said Nikkla sitting down.
“Shoy is this true do you love Inkkla because if so I need to know so I can let her go without worrying about her” said Enki.
“Enki I love her so much and I’m sorry you had to find out this way” said Shoy.
“Man I am just glad that I don’t have to worry about her” said Enki.
“Alright Shoy you better hurry and catch up with your people” said Nikkla smiling.
“Thanks guys” said Shoy climbing down from the tree.

Enki walks over to Nikkla and gives her a hug and a kiss.

Chapter 3

The next morning Enki rolls over to see Nikkla lying of the floor with her bow looking over the edge of the platform.

“Nikkla what are you doing” whispered Enki slowly getting up.
“I’m scoping out some of the beasts” whispered Nikkla looking over her shoulder smiling.
“Why I thought they left” whispered Enki.
“Enki I’m going to tell you something they never leave” said Nikkla.

Nikkla got up and jumped out of the tree she landed with a soft thump and started to run, with Enki still in the tree watching her go. Enki jumped up into the canopy and took the trees to follow Nikkla. When he finally caught up with her to see she was walking through burnt ruble, when he got a closer look he saw it looked like a house.

“Enki I know you up in that tree you can come down its fine” said Nikkla.
“How did you know” said Enki jumping down.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.04.2010

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