
Chapter One: The Party

I was excited that I was turning eighteen years old and that my dad was throwing me a party for my birthday. The thing I hated about the entire situation was that my dad was throwing me the party for the wrong reasons. Not because it is my birthday, but because he wants me to find the person that I am going to be marrying. I don’t understand that at all. First I am way too young to even think about married, but second I don’t want to get married ever. I mean come on; marriage only ever ruins your life. I have been trying to fight my dad about this for the last two months, finally he told me that I didn’t have a choice, and this was going to happen weather I liked it or not. I guess I better start doing what he says. I want to tell him that this is America and that we are in the twenty-first century, I should be able to marry when and who I want. I hated all of this and right now I hated my dad. Whenever I ask why I have to have a party to choose a guy for me; he just tells me that since I was a werewolf it is the father’s job to choose a man for them to marry. He said that I am lucky he is a nice father and won’t choose someone I won’t like. Yeah right, I thought to myself. He will probably choose someone I hated. So, yeah now here we are the night of my party. My mom took me to the beauty shop to get my hair and makeup done. We went to get pedicures and manicures earlier this afternoon. My party was going to start in an hour and I have been sitting in this seat here at the beauty shop all evening. I was really ready to get this night over with; then again I was dreading the night. After getting my hair done, my mother drove us back to my enormous house. I don’t even know why we need such a huge house; there are only four of us living in the thing for crying out loud. I got home and went straight to my room, so I could finish getting ready. I only have a half an hour left before the party started so I really needed to get my heels and dress on. I went into my closet and took the dress bag out, unzipping it revealing my marina blue pleated organza strapless cocktail dress. I took it out of my bag and slipped my thin perfectly figured body into it, zipping up the back of it. I put on my black leather open toed pump heels and then put on my white pearl earrings and pearl necklace. I placed my diamond bracelet on my left arm and then went downstairs, finding my dad in his study. I could hear him talking, but I couldn’t figure out who he was talking to. I knocked on his study, waiting for him to grant me access to come in.
“Come in”. He yelled.
I walked into the study and towards my dad.
“Hey daddy, I am ready”. I said with a fake smile, even though it looked like a real one.
“Darling, I want you to meet someone”. My dad wrapped his arm around my waist and walked us over to wear this guy was sitting. Gosh was he a hot guy and I mean hot. He had dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He had the perfect body that showed his muscles in all the right places. I could tell he was tall, even though he was sitting down. He was definitely hot, but he looked like he was stuck up. I could tell he was conceited about himself, because he dressed so perfectly.
“Darling, this here is Neil his family is from Ireland and I am great friends with his father. My father and mother used to live in Ireland before they became Alphas of the United States, so know we live here in Maine.
“Hi Neil”. I said with a smile on my face and with the utmost kindness.
“Hello Olivia”. He said in the most beautiful Irish accent, but with attitude behind it. I tried to just ignore it and turned towards my dad.
“You ready daddy? The party has started”. I said.
“Yes dear”, he held out his arm to me and I placed my arm into his elbow. We walked out into the ballroom, Neil following behind us. I had a lot of my friends here at the ball and then all of my family. There were also of course people I didn’t know either attending. The band that was singing announced my father and my entrance and we walked to the dance flow, to have a father daughter dance. After the dance, I danced with a bunch of other people. After what seemed like a few hours of nonstop dancing, I walked over to bartender and ordered me a punch, and then I took my punch outside in the back to the garden. I loved the garden; it was one of my many places to think. I must have been out there for a while because my father came out and sat next to me on the concert bench, which was in the middle of the garden.
“I knew I would find you out here sweetheart”. My dad said looking out to the garden.
“Yeah, I needed to get some air”.
“Well, it is really late and everyone is clearing out of the house. It is time to come meet the guys I picked for you”.
“Guys? Daddy, I am not going to have more than one guy”! I yelled becoming really worried about what type of person my dad thought I was.
“I know you’re not going to be with more than one guy. I have chosen three different guys, in which you get to get to know over the next couple of weeks and at the end of those two weeks, you will have chosen which guy you would like to be with”.
“Really daddy, I thought you had to choose for me”?
“Sweetheart, this is America. It is not Ireland, where we came from. You were born here and even though I have to choose a guy for you, I still think you should get to have the choice of who you want, within limits of course. You do have to choose one of the guys I picked out, but I am not going to choose for you fully”.
I was so excited; I actually got some say in what I wanted. Not much, but still a lot more than what most werewolf girls have. I went back into the house with my dad, we walked to his study again and I sat on one of the chairs that were in there. A couple minutes later, three guys walked into the room. One of them was Neil. I could have figured he would have been one. The guy that was standing on the right of Neil had blonde hair and green eyes. He was pretty cute, he was muscular and tall. I liked his smile, with his perfect white teeth. My dad informed me that his name was Leon. Leon was from England. The guy on the left of Neil was really tall; he was the tallest guy out of all of them. He was really muscular and had black hair with grey eyes. His name happened to be Reece, which was from Australia. You see, I couldn’t be with anyone that was from the United States, because since I was an Alpha’s daughter, I had to be with an Alpha’s son. So, I would probably have to move to where ever they came from, which I wasn’t very happy about leaving my family. After I was introduced, I excused myself and made my way to my bedroom. I got out of my dress and heels and went into my bathroom and took a steaming hot bath. Once, the water was starting to get cold, I washed my body and face and exited the tub, wrapping a towel around my body. I went back into my room and dried off putting on my lotion and getting into my pajamas. Then I went and brushed my teeth and crawled into bed, quickly falling sleep.

Chapter two: Day One

I was awoken the next morning by my mom. She went over to my window and pulled open my curtains, the sun blinding my eyes.
“Why do I have to wake up so early? I just went to sleep not that long ago mom”. I complained, I just wanted to go back to sleep.
“You have slept half the day away Olivia. You need to get up and get ready; you are going out with Leon this afternoon”. She said walking out of my room and shutting the door. I groaned getting out of my bed and going to the bathroom, to take a shower. I turned the water on and stripped my clothes off. I quickly brushed my teeth and then stepped into the hot shower. I let the hot water run down my back for at least twenty minutes, and then I washed my hair and body. I got out of the shower wrapping a towel around my hair and then one around my body. I dried my body off and plugged in my straightener and blow dryer in the wall sockets. I lathered on my body lotion and went to my room, putting on my panties and bar. Then I went to my closet and grabbed my black skinny jeans and my purple draped shirt. I got out my purple flats and put them in. I went back to the bathroom and blow dried my hair. Then I ran my straightener through it. I looked through my hair basket, on the edge of my sink and found a purple ribbon. I put it in my hair making it look like a bow. Then I put on some eyeliner and mascara. I really don’t need much makeup because I have perfect complex skin. When I was finished, I went downstairs into the kitchen. I found the butler and asked him to get me some breakfast to eat. I didn’t want to eat lunch food, so I made sure I would get my breakfast inside my empty belly. I went into the dining hall and sat down waiting for my food to come. I noticed that everyone was sitting at the table eating lunch. My father looked up at me.
“Good afternoon sweetheart. Do you want any lunch”? My dad asked.
“No daddy, Scotty’s getting me some breakfast food. You know how I like my breakfast food when I wake up”.
“I know sweetie”. Scotty the butler came in with a plate full of food and set it in front of me. He had made me a waffle and some bacon and sausage. One of my favorite breakfast foods, he even poured strawberry syrup and put fresh strawberries on top of my waffle. I picked up my fork and dug into my delicious meal.
“So honey, you’re going to go out with Leon after you eat”. My mother said.
I smiled up at Leon and then up at my mom and finished eating. After I got done eating Leon and I had left the house. He took me to this park and we walked around it, talking about some things. He was really nice and I liked it a lot, but I didn’t know if Leon was the one for me or not. After we walked around the huge park a couple times, he took me to a play to watch. It was a good play, but I am not one of those people who are interested in them. Once the play was over, Leon took me to a really nice restaurant. I had some shrimp scampi. We talked about what he did in England. He was a ruler in London and I wasn’t sure if I could be with him because I am definitely not someone that can rule a country, let alone a werewolf country as well. I told him that I painted and was really into music. He told me that that was really awesome. After dinner, we went back to my parents’ house. I said goodnight to Leon and then I went up to my room and got into some pajamas. My big brother came in my room and sat next to me on my bed, as we watched some movies. We drifted off to sleep sometime during the night and the next morning when I woke up, my brother Jake was still asleep in my bed. I went downstairs, not caring that I was still in my pajamas and ate some breakfast that Scotty had cooked for everyone. I could feel the guy’s eyes on me, but I didn’t pay any attention to them. I just kept on eating my breakfast and then went back to my room and got ready for the second day of my getting to know these guys.

Chapter Three: Neil

After I spent an hour of getting ready, I went out to Neil’s car and waited for him. He came out a couple minutes later.
“Get in”. He said rudely. I hopped in the car, not believing he didn’t open my door for me.
“Where are we going”? I ask, looking down at my hands.
“It’s a surprise. Do you have a problem with that”? He glanced over at me giving me an “I better not have a problem with that” type of look.
“Nope don’t have a problem”. I said popping the P and with an attitude, since he was giving me one. He needs to be put in his place. It didn’t work though; instead he just started laughing at me hysterically. He was really starting to piss me off. We went to a museum. Hmm, well maybe he likes history or something. I thought to myself. After we walked around an art museum, we went to a zoo and looked at all of the animals. He bought me a cotton candy and a stuffed animal. I don’t know, but I really can’t figure this guy out. He seems nice sometimes, but overall he acts like a complete ass. I found out he liked art and music a lot, which is good because I had that in common with him. After an entire afternoon of complete fun, we went to a fancy restaurant. We were sat at the back of the restaurant, where the VIP people sit. I could see other people, but they had a harder time seeing us, because there was a lot of privacy. I figured this would be the time to ask him questions about him and why I would pick him, since the entire day we just had fun and didn’t talk much.
“So, why should I pick you Neil”? I asked with complete seriousness.
It looked like he had to think about it. Then he looked at me with a huge cocky smile on his face. I loved that smile; it made me get butterflies in the pit of my stomach. At first I wasn’t sure if he was going to say anything, but then after what seemed like minutes, he finally spoke up.
“Um, I don’t really know why you should pick me. To tell you the truth I am only here because my parents had forced me. I don’t really want a mate, I am at a stage in my life for no relations, but I figured I would come down here, on my parent’s behalf and see what you are like. I know we have some things in common, but coerced into this situation”.
I thought about what he had said. We were being coerced into this entire situation, but it would have been done eventually. That’s how werewolf’s parents were; they had to pick the right people for their children. I wondered if I were to pick him if he would have a problem with it. Maybe I should just ask him, would that make him think I would pick him. I am not so sure I even want to be with him. I still have a date with Reece to go on; maybe something will happen in the next couple of days to make me want to pick one of the others. I took a deep breath and pulled myself together asking the question.
“So, if I pick you, would you have a problem with that”? I asked curiously.
He looked at me skeptically. “Uh, I did just tell you I didn’t really want a mate. I don’t know if I would have a problem with it. Maybe you would be better off with one of the other guys”. He said really mean and aggressively. I couldn’t believe he just acted like that over a stupid little question. I didn’t care, or did I. I stood up from the table and grabbed my purse.
“You can take me home now”. I said with as much force as I could. I walked out of the restaurant and went to his car. He followed me, putting a cigarette in his mouth, when he was outside. I got in his car, slamming the door. I was pissed. This guy is the biggest ass I have ever known. How dare he treat a lady with disrespect? I am going to get back at him somehow, just not sure how exactly. When I got home, I went straight to my room and started a hot bath. I stripped from my clothes and got in a steaming hot bubble bath. I sat their thinking about all the ways I could get back at him. Maybe, I should just pick him. I will ruin his entire life if I did. Hmm, but then I will have to put up will him all the time and that would be no fun for me. My mind was racing with ways to get back to him. If I gave him the silent treatment, he would get a thrill out of it. What if I made his white shirts pink? Now, that’s a great thought. He would be so pissed and he would learn his lesson about messing with me. I hurried and bathed my body and then got out of the tub getting dressed in some comfortable pajamas. I went by Neil’s bedroom to see if he was in there. I knocked a couple of times and there was no answer. I opened the door and put my head in, I didn’t see him, and so I went into his room and grabbed all of his white shirts. I shut his door and ran downstairs to the laundry room. I put his shirts in the washer and then went to get some red dye from the kitchen. I poured some of the red dye over the shirts and some bleach. Then I started the washer. I sat in the living room, until the laundry was finished. I took them out of the dryer, please with myself for coming up with such a brilliant idea. I folded his shirts and then took them up to his room. I knew he wasn’t in his room because my father had called him into his study. I sat the shirts in the same spot I got them. Then I went to my room, waiting for him to find out. I had fallen asleep when I heard someone yelling. I knew Neil had found the shirts. He seemed pissed. I couldn’t help but giggle to myself. I wish I could have seen his expression. The next thing I knew was my door was thrown open and shut again.
“Why the feck is my shirts banjax”? He yelled at me. I was shocked; I couldn’t believe I have done such a thing.
“What make you think I did it”? I asked angrily.
“None other would have, you blaggarding women”!
“Maybe next time you won’t mess with me you asshole”! I yelled.
He was really pissed; he went out of my room slamming the door. Good, it serves him right. He has definitely learned his lesson. I lied there in bed, wondering if he would stay mad at me over this. I was really starting to feel bad and I couldn’t let him be upset with me. I liked him too much, even if he was a complete ass. I got out of my bed and walked to his room. I knocked on the door.
“Who is it”? He asked. I could tell he was still irritated.
“Um, it’s Olivia”.
“Leave”! He yelled.
There was no way I was just going to leave and let him hate me, instead I walked into his room and shut the door behind me. I looked at him; he was sitting on his bed looking at a book.
“I thought I told you to leave”. He said even more agitated, looking up at me from his book.
“Yeah, I wasn’t going to let you sit in here being mad at me”. I looked down at the floor.
“Really, I should be fecken belligerent with you”! He yelled.
“I know you have every right being mad at me. Coloring your shirts, was a little overboard. I just didn’t like the way you talked to me at dinner”. I still looked at the floor, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“I forgive you, now you can leave”. He said with a cocky attitude. There was no way I was leaving quiet yet, I wanted to know why he didn’t like me.
“Why don’t you like me”? I asked, looking up at him.
“It’s not that I don’t like you in particular. I have issues and don’t want to be forced into anything, but weather it was you or someone else, I wouldn’t get a choice and I would treat them the same way. It’s how I am”.
I knew there was more to this; I just couldn’t put my hand on it. It kind of seemed like he was afraid of something, or someone.
“What are you so afraid of”? I asked seriously.
For a second there, it seemed like he had sadness in his eyes, then they changed back to raging.
“I am not afraid”. He said.
“Yeah keep telling yourself that and then you won’t be able to move on. It’s all over your face for crying out loud. One of these day’s in order to move on and be happy, you’re going to have to let what your afraid of go. Otherwise you won’t be happy, it will keep pulling you back and you won’t get anywhere”. I walked out of the door, right after I said this. I figured he needed time to think. I went to my bed and went to sleep.
I was so angry that my clothes were banjaxed. I couldn’t believe she would do something like this, because I told the truth. I had to forgive her though, if I want my parents off my back for not having a mate, then I am going to have to forgive her and try to treat her better. I just can’t, I told her I forgave her, but deep down I really didn’t. I knew she could tell something was wrong with me, she wouldn’t have asked me what I was afraid of if she didn’t. I have a difficult time trusting someone. I made a mistake, loving someone in high school and finding them in my best mates’ bed. I made a vow to myself that I won’t love ever again. Olivia gets to me though, and I can’t figure out why. It irritates me when she talks to the other guys in this house. I know I don’t have the right to tell her not to, she hasn’t picked me. Now I have to deal with the fact that I might lose her forever. There is no way she would pick me after the way I treated her today. I couldn’t sleep the entire night, wondering if I was going to lose her or if she would give me another chance. What should I do to make it up to her? I have no idea; maybe I should open up to her and let her know what I am so afraid of.

Chapter Four: Decisions

I woke up around noon; I really did feel bad about how I treated Neil last night. I went down to the dining hall and ate my breakfast with my father. He gave me a look of disappointment. Did he know what happened last night? I could feel like eventually I was going to get a lecture, probably not until after my afternoon with Reece. After I had finished eating, Reece took me out to the same park as Leon. We walked around for a little bit then Reece decided to make conversation.
“Do you know who you’re going to pick yet”? He asked in his Australian accent.
“No”. I said.
“Well you’re going to pick me and when you do, I will take you to Australia and you will live under my house. You will follow my rules and obey my every command. Do you understand me”?
There was no way I was picking this prick. Follow his every command; I don’t even follow my parents over half the time. Yeah, he is going to go.
“Take me home now”! I yelled with aggression in my voice.
“Why”? Did he really just ask why? He is naive or something.
“Take me home. You are not going to tell me what I am and am not going to do. I am the one choosing here and you are supposed to get me to like you. Not push you away. Well, you got another thing coming for you because there is no way in hell I will choose your arrogant ass”! I yelled.
I started walking home, but Reece got into his car and told me to get in. Once we were at my house, I went straight to my dad study. I didn’t even knock before I went in. This is more important than anything he could possibly be doing. I thought.
“Olivia, what’s wrong”? My dad asked with extreme concern in his face.
“Reece is leaving. If he thinks I am going to pick him and tell me that he is going to control me and I must obey everything he says. He has another thing coming. Make him leave now daddy”. I said sternly and pissed off. I was really mad that people think they could control me.
“Okay, I will have him sent home”. He said.
“Thank you daddy”.
“Now, that you are back from your outing I need to talk to you. What you did last night to Mr. Gallagher was uncalled for. It better not happen again”.
“It won’t daddy, I promise”.
“Good, but the other thing I needed to talk to you about is that I moved your day to decide on your choice. You must decide by tomorrow morning at breakfast. If you have not decided, then I will decide for you and that will be the end of it”.
“Okay daddy”. I said and then I was dismissed to leave. I went to my room. I couldn’t believe that my father is making me decide over the next ten hours to decide. I barley even know these guys and everyone in this house is getting ready for bed. I don’t have time to get to know them. I can’t but help myself wonder why my father is making be decide quickly, instead of giving me the original time to decide. I can’t even think about the two guys that I have left to pick from, let alone decide which one I want.
I was so happy when I found out that Reece was no longer in the running. Then I heard that Olivia’s father had told her that she needs to have a decision by the morning or he would choose. I hope she will choose me and not Leon. I would be fine with her father choosing, but I would prefer if he chose me. I guess I am going to have to wait and find out. My nerves system is a wreck and I wish this was all over. Once again, I couldn’t sleep the entire night. I was too worried I would go home empty handed. Wait, why would I even care really? I thought I told myself I didn’t want a mate, but I guess really I do. I can’t stop thinking about this women and hoping she would choose me.
I walked into the kitchen the next morning, seeing my parents, Neil, and Leon sitting there waiting for me. I felt really uncomfortable. I still haven’t decided on a guy to have, but I knew my father told me that I needed to choose at breakfast. Will they be mad at me if I don’t choose between them, and instead let my father do it? If he does it, at least the blame will be on him and not on him. We started eating our pancakes, when my father asked me if I had a decision. I looked at each of the guys again, biting my lower lip. I was a nervous wreck. How was I supposed to choose in a matter of seconds.
“Olivia, do you have a decision”? My father said again, bringing me back to the audience that was looking at me.
“Father, I cannot make a decision. I don’t know either of these guys well enough, so it has put me in a stump and I can’t choose between them”. I said looking down at my plate.
“Okay, if you cannot choose then I will. I will tell you who it is going to be during lunch. Now, if you will excuse me, I have things to get done”. My father said walking out of the dining hall. I went to the living room after I got done eating. I was really a nervous wreck now, wondering who he would choose. When it got closer to lunch time, my father had brought in both of the guys one at a time to talk to. Then he sat in his study for another hour, waiting for lunch to be served. I had the television on, but I couldn’t watch it. I was too busy watching my father’s study door. Scotty called everyone into the dining hall to have lunch. I sat down quickly, before I fell. I was starting to get dizzy an anxious. After everyone was seated, my father came in and sat in his chair at the end of the table. He begin eating, telling everyone else to eat. I didn’t feel like eating, so instead I just moved my fork around my plate. Once, my father was done eating, he cleared his throat. He looked at me once, and then at the two guys that were sitting across from me.
“Leon, you are a great guy. I know you would take good care of my daughter and treat her right. With this being said, I don’t know if you are the right person for my daughter. She has nothing in common with you and she can be a handful at times. She does need kindness and someone who cares for her, but she needs to be put in her place sometimes. I don’t think you can do this, so I am sorry but I choose Neil. I do appreciate you coming down here and putting up with everything. I wish you the best”. My dad said and then told Neil and I to meet him in the study when we were done eating.
I couldn’t believe my dad chose Neil for me. Seriously, Neil can be a complete ass and he is too scared to even be happy in his life. How am I going to be his mate for the rest of my life? Will I even survive? I walked to my dad’s study, still not believing he chose Neil over Leon. Then again, Leon is way too nice and it would irritate me over half the time. I like spice in people’s attitudes. I stepped into my father’s study and took a seat in front of his desk. Neil was already sitting in front of his desk. He glanced over at me, giving me that cocky smile of his.
“Okay, you both might not be happy of this decision, but I think it is the best suit for the both of you”. My father started out saying.
“Olivia, you will be leaving with Neil back to Ireland, in two days. I want you to go back with him and get to know him. Live as a couple would. When both your mother and I, and Neil’s parents think you guys are doing well, then we will make plans to further your relationship. Now, I want you to go and get some rest for the rest of the day. Tomorrow, Ms. Garcia will go and pack all of your belongings that you will be taking with you on the plan. What you don’t have, I’m sure you can get in Ireland. I wish the both of you the best luck”. My father said. We were dismissed after that, Neil went upstairs. Not sure why, but I went back into the living room and watched movies with my brother for the remainder of the day. Later that night, I went to bed and then was awoken by Ms. Garcia, the maid the next afternoon. She packed two suitcases of clothes and personal belongings for me. I ate dinner with my family and Neil and then went to bed early that night, since we had to catch a plane at five in the morning. My mother came and woke me up at three, the next morning and told me to get ready to go. We left forty minutes later.

Chapter Five: Story

We arrived on the plane and the entire day and a half, we didn’t say much to each other. I felt he was upset about us being mates. When we landed in Dublin, Ireland, we got into his car that was parked in the airport travel parking lot. I got into the passenger seat and looked out the window. When we started to drive, I looked over at Neil.
“Are you upset about having to be my mate”? I asked him. He looked over at me and had a look of “I can’t believe you just asked me that”.
“No, I am not”. He said looking back at the road.
“Then why haven’t you said two words to me before this, since we found out we were mated”? I looked down into my lap, afraid of what his answer was going to be.
“It’s not that I am upset. I am just worried that you will hurt me. I have been hurt before and I don’t trust people easily”. He said looking sincere. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know if I should ask him to elaborate or not. Being afraid he would be upset with me for asking him. I decided to get the courage and ask. If I don’t then I will probably never know, right?
“Why don’t you trust people anymore”? I asked trying to sound sincere. I was really curious to why he was the way he was. He looked at me with hesitation for a split second and then looked back to the road.
“When I was in high school, in my second year; I met this girl. She was really pretty and I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else in my life time. I was so happy when I was around her, spending every waking moment with her”.
He looked like he was distant, like he was replaying the past life that he had. What could she have done that made him afraid to trust and be happy in his life?
“Anyways, I was with her for two years. It was the summer after my graduation, when I decided that I wanted to marry her. I went to many different jewelry stores with my best mate Caleb. Finally, I found the perfect ring. It was a white gold band, with shinning white diamonds all around it. In the middle of the band there was a big blue diamond in a diamond shape that attached itself to the wedding band. The wedding band had white diamonds around the band as well. I spent weeks trying to come up with the perfect way to propose to her. Then one day I come home and find her in our bed, but she wasn’t alone. You see she was with Caleb, the one who knew I was going to propose and was my best mate since we were little kids. I found her in bed with him, the day before I was going to propose”. I could see tears starting trying to escape his beautiful eyes, but he was fighting them to come out. I hated this girl for treating him like that. How could she do something like that to him, let alone with his best friend? I put my hand on his shoulder trying to give him reassurance.
“Is that why you’re afraid to be with someone again”? I asked.
“Yes, I am afraid of getting hurt again. I don’t think I could go through that again”. He said with sadness and disappointment in his eyes and voice. Was he disappointed in himself?
“Were you living with your parents, because I thought Alpha males have to live with their parents unless there mates don’t want to”? I asked curiously.
“No, we weren’t living at my parents. She was not a werewolf, so she was not allowed to be around the pack house. I got a house for us after we graduated from school. I guess I should have known it would never have worked out with her because I can’t get mated to a human girl and my mate would come along soon or later and I would eventually have left”. You can never truly be away from your mate once you found them, let alone completed the mating bond. I remembered my father telling me this when I was fourteen years old. I thought to myself.
“I am truly sorry that you went through all of that, but I want you to know I am not that type of person and would never do anything like that to you”. I said to him. I thought if he would know that, just maybe he would give me a chance, instead of keeping a distance between us. After all we do have to be with each other for the rest of our lives.
“I believe you, but you have got to realize that it is going to take me time to get over the vow I made the day she did that to me. That is the main reason why I am keeping a distance away from you Olivia”. Wow, he made a vow, I am so confused, what vow did he make?
“What vow is that”? I asked.
“I vowed to never be with anyone again and to never let myself fall in love with someone again. It was so I wouldn’t get hurt again. It’s going to be hard to let go of that vow, but I will try as best as I can. It is just going to take me some time”.
“It’s fine take all the time you need”. I wanted him to feel safe and learn to trust me. I knew it wasn’t going to happen overnight, but I just hope one of these days he would”. I noticed that we were starting to drive down a long paved drive way. There was a cream colored mansion, that kind of looked like a castle at the end of the drive way. I was in complete awe of the house. I couldn’t believe this was where Neil had grown up at.

Chapter Six: The Family

I got out of the car, when it was parked in front of the house, around the round-a-bout. Neil, told me to just leave my bags in the car, that one of the maids would get it. We walked into the big mansion and were impacted by a little girl, who looked around six. She came and jumped into Neil’s arms.
“Hi Brigee”, he said hugging the little girl. Once again, I was compelled to see him as a nice guy, even though he could be an ass. Neil sat the little girl down turning to me.
“Olivia, this is my little sister Brigit, I call her Brigee”.
“Hello little one”. I said. She smiled up at me and then looked at Neil.
“Who is she”? Brigit asked Neil.
“She is my mate”. Neil said annoyed but happy at the same time. Brigit ran off in another direction. Neil, told me to follow him, so I did. I could smell something cooking. It made the aroma of the room smell homey. We walked into a study, with this older guy sitting at a desk. He looked a lot like Neil, except he had grey eyes. The man looked up, when we walked into his study.
“Welcome back son”. The older man said with a huge pleasing smile on his face.
“Hello father”. Neil said.
“I see you got the girl”. Neil’s dad said.
“Yes, like you didn’t already know. Mr. Collins didn’t already tell you”. Neil said jokingly.
“Well alright then. Introduce her to me”.
“Olivia this is my father Gavin Donavon”.
“Nice to meet you sir”. I said reaching out and shaking his hand. Instead he brought me into a warm reassuring hug, telling me to call him Gavin. I nodded my head yes. Gavin told us that Neil’s mother was in the kitchen. We walked out of the study and went into the living room, come to find some more people sitting watching movies.
“Hello everyone”. Neil shouted. They all jumped surprised to see him.
“When did you get back”? This girl with a baby said.
“Just now, we talked to father and then came in here”. Neil said.
“Well introduce us now Neil. No need to be rude”. The girl said. Neil chuckled.
“Everyone, this is Olivia my mate”. Neil said.
“Nice to meet you Olivia”. The girl said, giving me a quick hug.
“Olivia this is my big sister Evelyn and her baby Katie. The guy sitting next to Evelyn is her husband Luke”. Neil said.
“Nice to meet you guys”. I said politely.
“That over in the back chair is my younger brother Shane”. Neil said.
I noticed that Evelyn has the same eyes as Neil and Brigit, but they have blonde hair. Shane looks exactly like his father, with grey eyes and brown hair. Luke had black hair and blue eyes and the baby looked like she had black hair, but she was too little to know for sure.
“Well come on, let’s go meet my mother”. Neil said pulling me towards the hall. We ended up in the kitchen.
“Hello mom”. Neil said pulling her into a hug. I already could tell that he had a better relationship with his mother than he did with his father.
“Hello dear. How was your trip” She asked.
“It was good, glad to be home though. I want you to meet Olivia, my mate”.
She walked around the counter and pulled me into a hug. “I’m Margaret, Neil’s mother”.
“It’s nice to meet you”.
She turned to Neil and gave him a glare. “You better not doing anything to lose this girl, she is far too nice to treat her badly”. Margaret said.
“Mother I won’t but, I don’t think nice describes her, she did after all color my white shirts pink”.
I started to blush, than Margaret looked me horrified. “I only did that to get back at him for treating me like I’m nothing. He deserved every bit of it”. I said sternly. Margaret started laughing.
“I think I am going to like you”. She said in between laughs.
“How about you two sit at the table, dinner is ready”. We went into the dining room and sat down. The rest of the family came in soon after and joined us. Everyone served their plates and then began eating there food.
“Uh, dad where is Olivia going to be staying”? Neil asked, looking up from his plate.
“She is staying in your room”. Gavin said.
Neil didn’t look too happy about this, but he didn’t fight on the matter either. After dinner, Neil showed me the rest of the house and then showed me his room, where I guess I would be staying. It was a huge room, with a king sized bed in the middle of the room. Everything was in a cream color and royal blue. There was two door, one leading to a huge closet and the other leading to the bathroom. I noticed my things were already put away, in the closet and then Neil informed me that the dresser on the right is mine. I went to the dresser grabbing some pajamas and underwear and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Chapter Seven: Ignorance

After I took a nice hot bath, washing away the long trip that I had, I brushed my teeth and went back to the room. Neil, went into the bathroom with clothes in his hands. I heard the water go on, I decided to go downstairs and get some water to drink. I found Margaret in the living room on my way to the kitchen. I stopped and asked her where the glasses were, so I could get some water. She got up and showed me. I quickly got some water and made my way back to Neil’s room. I sat on the bed and then the bathroom door opened. Neil walked out with only pajama pants on. I couldn’t stop gawking at him, he was godly. Neil walked over to the left side of the bed and got under the covers. I did the same to the other side of the bed.
“I hope you know I really don’t like this”. Neil said.
“I turned around to face him. I don’t like this either. How do I know you won’t do something to me during the night huh”? I spat out, I was mad for some reason, but I couldn’t really figure out why.
“I do something to you. No, you are not worthy enough to even have me fully”. He said jumping out of bed, and leaving the room.
I couldn’t help but cry to myself. What he said really hurt; I was more worthy than he was. He was an ass from hell. I finally fell asleep crying. I woke up the next morning, someone yelling at me.
“Wake up, breakfast is in an half an hour”! Neil yelled. I could tell he was still mad. I ignored looked over at him giving him a dirty look and then turned back to the wall.
“Fine whatever, see if I care”. He walked out of the room, slamming the door shut. I got up out of bed and took a quick shower. Then I put on my black skinny jeans and red draped shirt. I found my red heels and put them on. I then went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, since I figured that’s were Margaret was at. She looked up at me in awe when I walked into the kitchen.
“How was your night dear”? She asked.
“It was fine”. I said lying because it was definitely not fine. It was one of my worst nights ever.
“Well that’s good; breakfast will be done in a couple of minutes”. She said going back to what she was doing before I interrupted. I walked out of the kitchen and went into the living room, to find the rest of the family, except of Gavin. I sat on the couch next to Brigit. I glared at Neil. He looked away quickly, after giving me a look of hate. Good, I hope he does feel that way because it is definitely how I feel about him.
“Olivia, how did you sleep”? Evelyn asked.
“Just great”. I said, unreassuringly.
“Really, and how exactly did Neil come to sleep in the guest room next to my room than”? She asked.
“He was being the ass he is and left the room. I’m glad he did to, so I don’t have to look at his ugly ass”. I said rudely getting up to go to the dining room, since Margaret told us breakfast was ready. I saw that Neil flinched at my comment.
“My ugly ass huh? You’re the one that has the ugly ass women. So stop being disrespectful to my family and live with it”. Neil said furiously.
“I am far from ugly, you asshole”! I yelled furiously.
I hurried up and ate my breakfast, and then I excused myself and went upstairs grabbing my purse. Then I left the house, not wanting to deal with Neil for the day. I didn’t care that I didn’t have a car to drive. I walked to the nearest market and called for a cab on the payphone. I got into the cab twenty minutes later.
“Where would you like to go miss”? The driver asked.
“I want to go shopping, so take me to the nearest shopping area there is”.
“What kind of shopping exactly”? He asked.
“Clothes and shoe shopping, expensive stuff too”.
The cab driver to the down town area of Dublin, I got out finding many cloth stores. I went into about five of them, shopping for a few hours. Then I went and grabbed something to eat at a dinner across from my last shopping area. I looked at the clock and it said it was almost six in the evening. I called a cab again, and told them to take me to the best bar in town. I grabbed my bags and went inside ordering hard liquor to drink. Then I ordered a couple of beers and drank them. I didn’t care if I never drank in my life; I had to go back to a house with a man that hated my guts. I needed to be drunk to deal with him. They were having karaoke, so I got up on stage and sang a couple of songs. I kept singing and drinking until they announced that the bar was closing in an half an hour. I found a clock and it read three in the morning. I had the bar guy call a cab for me and then told them that I needed to go the Donavon mansion, since apparently everyone knew where that was at. I arrived at the mansion around four in the morning, stumbling through the door. I made my way to the stairs, but noticed that Neil and his parents were in the living room with worried looks on their faces. Neil was pacing back and forth.
“Thank goodness, you’re not hurt”. Margaret said.
“Why would I be hurt”? I asked slurring every word.
Margaret took my bags and sat them by the stairs.
“Oh great she’s drunk”. Neil said sarcastically.
“Why do you care? I have to be drunk to deal with your ass”? I said with hate in my voice.
Margaret started laughing, but became very serious when she found out I wasn’t kidding around and when Gavin gave her a look of “it’s not funny”.
“You need to be drunk to deal with my ass? You’re the one running off, when you don’t know anyone in town. You’re the one that pissed me off last night and started this whole thing”.
“I started it, you need to check yourself. You were the one who started it, I just wanted to go to sleep without having any problems, but no your arrogant ass had to say something”. I slurred a little bit, but not as much because I became furious again.
“Fine whatever, you didn’t have to make things worse though”. Neil said stomping up the stairs.
Gavin picked me up and carried me to Neil’s room. I wasn’t surprised to find Neil absent from the room. Gavin put me on the bed under the covers, pulling my heels off. I feel asleep fast, really tired from the long, but fun day that I had ignoring Neil.

Chapter Eight: Cuffed

When I woke up the next day, it was around three in the afternoon. I had a major headache from hell. Maybe, drinking was not such a good idea. I got up and went downstairs, still fully dressed in what I had worn the day before. I was starving, so I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. After, finding a turkey and provolone sandwich, I went into the dining room to eat it. I didn’t realize everyone else was sitting at the table eating their lunches. I just looked down at my plate eating my sandwich.
“Have fun yesterday”? Neil said pissed off and sarcastically.
“Yes matter of fact I did. Why”?
“Oh just wondering since you worried everyone in this house. You better not do anything like that again. Do you understand”?
“Seriously, you are such an ass. You are not my father and cannot tell me what I can and cannot do Neil”! I yelled furiously. I was pissed, if he thought he can just control everything I do. He has another thing coming for him.
“I am your mate and fiancé and you do have to obey me”! He yelled back.
“You cannot control me Neil. If you think you can, you have another thing coming for you”!
“Okay, the both of you stop it right now”! Gavin yelled over us.
We stopped and looked at him. We didn’t realize his mother was walking towards us, until she was right in front of us.
“Okay, I want you Olivia to place your left arm out. Neil, place your right arm out”. Margaret said.
We looked at her kind of skittishly, but we placed our arms out anyways. She placed handcuffs on us and locked them.
“What the hell mom. This is not okay”. Neil said furiously.
“It is okay. We are getting tired of your bickering and until we decided that you no longer need to be handcuffed together, you will live every moment of your lives like this”.
“So, how are we supposed to shower if we are handcuffed together”? I asked.
“You both will just have to deal with it”. Margaret and Gavin said at the same time.
“This is unbelievable. Is this even legal”? I asked angry.
I started to walk away, back upstairs to my and Neil’s room, forgetting that I was handcuffed I fell down and Neil landed on top of me.
“Get off of me now”. I said irritated. It irritated me even more that the family was laughing and thought this was funny. Neil finally got off of me and we stood back up.
“Where are we going”? Neil asked curiously.
“To the bedroom”.
We started walking through the house and made our way upstairs to the bedroom, without tripping over each other. I was glad that we made it safely.
“So, now that we are in the room. What are we going to do”? Neil asked.
“I am going to take a shower and get clean clothes on, while you stand in the bathroom not looking at me. Do you understand”?
“What if I sneak a peek”? Neil asked teasingly.
“Then I will hurt you in your sleep or something. Just do what I ask please”.
“Fine, I guess. Since, you don’t know how to have any fun”.
I grabbed some lounge clothes from the dresser and went into the bathroom. I turned the hot water on and then went over to the sink brushing my teeth. After I was done I told Neil to close his eyes and not look at me, while I got undressed and got into the shower. I started washing my hair and body as fast as I can, so I didn’t have to stand naked in front of him any longer than I already am.
“You’re getting my arm wet”. Neil whined.
“Oh well, deal with it. I am almost done. It’s not like I asked for this”.
After finishing in the bathroom, I hurriedly got dressed and dried off. Then I brushed through my hair.
“Not what are we doing”? Neil asked.
“We are going to go downstairs and watch a movie”.
We walked downstairs and put in a movie watching it, trying to get along, so maybe we can get these handcuffs off. Later that night we went to bed. I really hated being cuffed to him. It seemed like I couldn’t get comfortable in bed.
“Will you stop moving around and just sleep already”? Neil asked annoyed.
“Maybe if I could get comfortable”.
Finally after about forty minutes trying to get comfortable, I finally fell asleep.

Chapter Nine: Day Out

Other than having to get up in the middle of the night, so Neil could go to the restroom, I slept pretty well.
“Wake up sleepy head”. Neil said enthused.
I sat up rubbing my eyes. I was not ready to get up yet.
“What time is it”? I asked.
“It’s eight in the morning”.
“What? Seriously, I could at least get another hour of sleep or something”. I proclaimed.
“Well, we need to get ready. It is Sunday and we need to go to church. So, let’s get up and go eat breakfast and then get ready for the day. We leave in a couple hours”.
“Well alright, I guess since you woke me up for a good cause, I will obey”. I said sarcastically.
I got up with Neil and we went downstairs to eat breakfast. I forgot that my shirt wasn’t on exactly like it is supposed to be. My left arm is under the shirt because; Margaret went to bed before she could un-cuff us to dress correctly. Neil had his shirt off, which his shirt was hanging on our wrist and laying in between us. My shirt that I was wearing the day before was hanging down to. I really did not like this at all. Once we got to the dining room, the rest of the family was sitting there eating. Shane and Evelyn started laughing.
“Well, I see you two made it through the night alright”. Margaret said.
“Yes we have, although this is really inconvenient with our dressing arrangements”. I said.
“I don’t think it is that inconvenient”. Neil said.
“Seriously, we have shirts hanging off of us because of it and I can’t even put my arm through my clean shirt?
“Well, I guess in that case, it might be a little bit inconvenient”.
“Alright, well after breakfast, I will un-cuff you real quick to take the shirts off, than you can go get ready. Once you are done getting ready, I will take the cuffs off again so you can dress properly”. Margaret said.
“Thanks Margaret, I just love being treated like a child”. I said sarcastically.
“Maybe you both will learn a lesson from fighting all the time. You need to get a long and learn more about each other. We do have to get you both married in the next year and with the rate you’re going at, that won’t happen”. She said sarcastically back.
“Fine, I get it”. Neil and I said in unison.
We sat down and ate our breakfast, after breakfast Margaret to my cuff of real quick and took the shirts off. Then she cuffed us back up. Neil and I went to our room and I got in the shower first, washing my hair and body. Then I wrapped a towel around me and got out, while Neil got in the shower. I tried to blow dry my hair, while he was in the water. It was quite difficult, but I got it done. I was getting tired of doing this already, and I can just imagine how long we will be connected like this. Neil got out of the shower and we went over to the sink, with our towels still around us and brushed our teeth. He combed his hair and spiked it a little bit in the front, while I curled the ends of my hair and then put it in a side pony tail at my neck. I quickly put on my make-up, since Neil was getting bored and annoyed having to stand their waiting for me to get done. Once, we were done in the bathroom, we went to our room and got our undergarments out from our dressers and placed them on under our towels. Then I grabbed a lavender one sleeved dress and placed it over my head, while Neil put on a silver tux and a lavender suit shirt. I put on my white high heels and then grabbed my purse, while Neil put on his dress shoes and his white tie. After we were finished, we went downstairs and found everyone waiting in the living room. Margaret came over to us and un-cuffed me, so we could get our tops on the right way.
“See look at you two, this is already working. You are matching colors”. Gavin said.
“What”, we looked at each other, not really paying attention on what the other was wearing when we were in our room. I guess we are matching.
We left the house Neil and I got in his car and started driving to the church, while the others got in their cars. Once we got to church, we all sat at the same pews one the second row. Then we listened to the pastor preach. Church was over and Neil and I got in the car, but I noticed we were not driving back home.
“Where are we going”? I asked curiously, looking out the window.
“We are going to go to lunch and have some fun today. We might as well do something, since we have to be together anyways”.
“That’s cool. Where are we going to eat”?
“It’s a surprise”.
We drove in silent for a little bit and then Neil turned on the radio, playing some Irish band. Where ever we were going, it is taking a while. We have been driving for at least an hour already. Finally, after driving for about two hours, we were at the restaurant. It was a nice little cabin that said Donavon’s Dinner.
“Isn’t your last name Donavon”? I asked curiously.
“Yes, this is my uncle Chris’s Dinner. It is the best food in Ireland. Sorry for the long drive, but I really want you to try the food here”.
We walked into the dinner and sat in a booth in the back corner of the place. An waitress came up to us.
“What can I get you two to drink”? She asked.
“Um, I would like a Cream soda”. Neil said.
“I’ll have the same”. I said.
She walked away and then came back two minutes later with our cream soda. It wasn’t like regular cream soda in America, it was way better.
“Is Chris here”? Neil asked the waitress.
“Yes, he is in the back”. Waitress said.
“Well can you go get him? Tell him his nephew is here and wants him to meet someone”. Neil said.
The waitress left and then a minute later, this older looking guy came out. He looked a lot like Gavin.
“Neil, what brings you to this town”? Chris asked.
“I wanted my mate to try the best cooking there is”. Neil said happily.
I have never seen him this happy before. His eyes lit up in happiness and he had the biggest smile on his face.
“Are you going to introduce me”? Chris asked.
“Yes uncle Chris, this is my mate and fiancé Olivia Collins”.
“Nice to meet you Olivia”. Chris said extending his hand for me to shake.
“Nice to meet you to Chris”. I said shaking his hand.
“Well, I have to get back and see what these morons are doing. They have not been doing their job back there”. Chris said and then he walked away. The waitress came back.
“Do you know what you want to eat yet”? She asked.
“I will have Coddle”. Neil said.
“What about you dear”? She asked me.
“I’ll have the same”. She walked away.
“So, what are we doing after this”? I asked.
“It is a surprise. This entire day is a surprise and I am sure you will enjoy it”. Neil said.
I really hope I would enjoy it, just hope he doesn’t take me anywhere I wouldn’t like. Our food came and we ate in silence. It was really delicious. After we got done eating Neil paid for our meals and then we got back in the car, which by the way was really tricky, Neil had to go in through the passenger’s side and then get over to the driver’s side, while I got in on the passenger’s side. We started to drive down the road, when a few minutes later we came across this hospital and parked. We got out of the car and walked inside. I followed along with Neil, not knowing why we are here. I didn’t want to ask though because he would probably just tell me it was a surprised and besides I would know in a couple minutes anyways. We got on the elevator and went up to the third floor. There were a bunch of sick kids on this floor and we went into a large play room. There was a bunch of different sick kids in this room.
“What are we doing here”? I asked Neil quietly.
“I come here a lot. All of these kids have cancer and I come and hang out and read to them a couple times a week. I haven’t been here the last week because I was at your parents’ house”.
I couldn’t believe the Neil I knew “The ass that he could be” does something like this. We went and sat down at a table with some of the kids and read them a couple children’s books. Then we drew pictures with them and played with the blocks. After a couple of hours of being here, we left the hospital and drove to a movie theater. We watched “This Means War” and ate popcorn and candy. Then Neil drove to the park, which had a carnival at it. We got out and played games and rode on rides. Neil won a stuffed lion and gave it to me. We were at the carnival for a couple of hours doing nothing but having fun and then it was time to go home, so we got back in the car and started driving the two hours back to the house. I really couldn’t believe this side of Neil. I just thought he was a stuck up guy, but he is actually deep down a great passionate guy. Just maybe this can work, if we both give an effort to it.

Chapter Ten: Coming Out Party

The rest of the week both Neil and I gave an effort to get along. We had had one blow up with each other, but other than that we got along greatly. Neil showed me around Dublin and it was great. Margaret and Gavin are throwing Neil and me a coming out party. That way all of their friends and the pack know that Neil and I are mates and are together now. The party is supposed to be tomorrow evening, so Neil and I are going to go to the shopping center and get us a new outfit to go in.
“Are you ready babe”? Neil asked.
“Yes, ready as can be”. We walked downstairs.
“Hold on a second”. Margaret demanded.
We turned towards her giving her a confused look.
“I think you guys are ready to have the handcuffs off now, since you are making an effort and are getting along with each other, unless you want to keep them on”. She said teasingly.
Neil and I pulled our arms out waiting for her to take them off. After she took them off we turned and walked out the door, Neil telling her that we would be back later. We drove to the biggest shopping area in Dublin. Since Neil and I haven’t ate lunch yet, once we got to the shopping center we went to this restaurant that was in the mall and then we went to the men’s tuxedo store. I sat on the couch watching Neil come in and out of the dressing room showing me the tux he had tried on. Finally after about an hour of trying tuxes on I found a tux that I like a lot on him. Then we went to the woman’s formal wear store and He watched me try on dresses that matched his tux. I found me a pair of heels to match my dress and then we left the store and went back home. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day getting ready for the ball party and I was excited about it. After dinner Neil and I went to our room and snuggled together on the bed, watching a movie. I fell asleep in his arms and was awoken the next morning by Margaret.
“Come on dear, we need to get you ready for tonight. We are going out for the day”. Margaret told me.
I grunted, I definitely was not ready to get up let alone go anywhere. I finally found myself getting out of bed. I grabbed some comfortable clothes and went into the bathroom. Turning on the water on the shower and then going over to the sink and brushing my teeth. After I was done brushing my teeth, I hopped into the steaming hot water and let it run down my back. After about twenty minutes of letting the water run down my body, I quickly washed my hair and body and then turned the water off. I grabbed one of my towels and wrapped my long hair in it. Then I grabbed my second towel and dried my body off and went to the counter of the bathroom and lathered on my lotion. I put my clothes on and then brushed through my hair. I figured I best not put any make-up on because I had a feeling that would be done for me. I went out of the bathroom and put flip flops on and then went over to the bed and shook Neil.
“What”? He asked groggily.
“I am going out with your mom. Be back later”.
“Okay bye”. He turned back towards his pillow and falls back asleep.
I walked downstairs to the living room, where Margaret was waiting for me with Evelyn and Bridget.
“Are you ready dear”? Margaret asks me.
“Yes, as ready as I’m going to be”. I said.
“Alright then let’s go, we have a busy day ahead of us”. Margaret said. All four of us ladies walked out of the house and into the black limo. I noticed when we were leaving that the maids were getting the house ready for the ball. We pulled up to this really fancy beauty salon place. The driver got out and opened the door for us and we all got out and followed Margaret into the salon.
“Hello Margaret. It is so good to see you again”. The receptionist said.
“Good to see you too”. Margaret said.
“Alright then, we are ready to have all four of you. Follow me this way”. The receptionist said.
We followed her to the back and she placed each of us in a chair. This guy came up to me.
“Hello, I am going to do your hair, make-up, and nails today. My name is Chris”. He said.
“Hi, I’m Olivia”. I said politely.
“Alright, let’s get started. I think we should go over and wash your hair first”. Chris said.
I followed him over to the washing sinks and sat down placing my head back. He washed my hair again, even though it was just washed and wrapped my hair in a towel. Then I walked back over to my chair. Chris blow dried my hair and brushed it through.
“You have really pretty hair”. Chris said.
“Thank you”.
Once my hair was completely dried, Chris grabbed the curling iron and curled the ends of my hair. He then Sprayed the ends and then placed my hair up in curly up do with my bangs straighten to the side.
“What color is your dress”? Chris asked.
“An emerald green”.
“It sounds pretty”.
“Thank you”.
Chris grabbed his make-up kit and started doing my make-up. Once he was done he asked me to look in the mirror. His work was so fabulous; I really liked it and looked pretty. He put a light gold color eye shadow on my eyes. After, I saw what he had done with me; we walked over to the nail part of the salon. I sat in the pedicure seats and soaked my feet in the bubbling water. Chris got all of my calluses off of my feet and then massaged them. He got my entire toe nails cleaned and spiffed up. Then he put nail polish on my toenails. He made them look like they had French tips on them; he also put a sparkly gold flower design on each of my big toes. Then he moved to my hands and gave me a manicure. My nails are naturally long enough to do French tips designs on them as well. He also, put the gold flower design on each of my finger nails to. I thought they were really pretty. Once, I was done I went to sit under an ultra-light, so my nails could dry. Shortly after, the rest of the ladies were finished as well and we went to a restaurant and I had a fruit salad and a shrimp salad. We all ate silently and then we paid and went back to the house. It was already five in the evening by the time we went home and I still had to put my dress and heels on. The guests were going to be packing through the house within the next half an hour. I haven’t even seen Neil since this morning and I was told that he would be at my door to walk me down when we were ready. I wasn’t allowed to see him before then. I went upstairs and got out my dress and slid it over my thin perfect body. Then I grabbed my gold heels and placed them on. I went into the bathroom to see if I looked pretty, which I did. Then I heard a knock at the door and the door opened.
“Babe, are you ready to go”? Neil asked.
I walked out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom. I saw Neil, he looked so handsome. He was wearing an Armani black tux with a white shirt and an emerald green vest and tie to match it off. It was to match my dress which was an Armani emerald green shoulder less dress with darker emerald green flowers on the torso part and a flower bow on my hip.
“Yes, I am ready”.
“Might I say, you look really dashing tonight”? Neil said with a smile that reached his eyes.
We stepped out of the bedroom and then Neil placed my arm around his elbow and we walked down the stairs and met a lot of guest.
“I now announce my son Neil and his mate and fiancée Olivia”. Gavin announced while Neil and I were walking down the steps. We walked onto the dance floor and did the waltz. Once, our dance was finished Neil introduced me to some of the guest, there were way too many people here to remember anyone’s names. I was thirsty so, I grabbed one of the Champaign from the caterers and sipped on it. Neil and I had danced at least four times that night and then I danced with a bunch of other high up people that night too. Gavin wanted Neil and I to dance again, before he started to send everyone home. So, Neil and I went to the dance floor and slowed danced.
“How’s your night so far”? Neil asked.
“It has been good. I am really exhausted and want to go to bed though”.
“After this dance, we will go to bed then”.
Neil leaned down close to me and his lips met with mine. It was a very passionate kiss, but it wasn’t that long of a one, since we had a lot of audiences. I felt an electric surge go through my body and I didn’t want him to stop. It was our first kiss and it was really good. I wanted more and to never stop kissing him. When he pulled away from me he had a smile that reached his eyes and so did I. He leaned back down and gave me a quick peck on the lips.
“Later on, I will give you a real kiss”. Neil whispered in my ear. It made me blush a bright red.
“Really, well the one you gave me was just great”.
“It might be great, but I can do way better”. He said teasingly.
The dance went by way too fast for my liking and Neil and I excused ourselves from the party and went upstairs to our room. I took off my heels and dress and put on a silk night gown, while Neil undressed and stayed in his boxers, like always. We got underneath the covers and I cuddled up into him falling asleep, from my exhausted day.

Chapter Eleven: Mating

I woke up earlier than anyone else in the house, so I decided to go for a run. I didn’t want to go on the main roads, because Neil always worried about me when I went on main roads, so this time I went through the woods in the back of Neil’s house. I ran all the way to the waterfall. It was at least a two hour run there. I sat on the big rock overpass and looked down at the waterfall. I pictured the day that Neil and I would be out here running in our wolf forms and making love where I am sitting. I knew it was going to happen sooner than I thought, since I was supposed to mate with Neil soon and then I would turn into a wolf shortly after that. I was scared about everything, but I was excited to. I have never loved anyone more than I do now and I know it is the best thing to mate with him and do what our families expect us to. I still am not so happy about the marriage part just yet. I think we are to young to get married, but we don’t have a choice in what we get to do, after sitting on the edge of the waterfall for an hour, with my thoughts racing in my head. I decided it was best to run back to the house, before everyone starts to worry about me. When I got to the house, everyone was up and waiting at the dining table. I walked my way over there and took my seat, waiting for the maid to bring us our breakfast.
“Did you have a nice run dear”? Neil asked.
“I did, I ran through the woods and then sat at the waterfall for an hour before coming back”.
“Glad you enjoyed it”.
The maid had brought our food out, so we sat quietly eating our waffles and sausage. I excused myself, once my food was gone and went upstairs to Neil’s and my room and went to get in the shower. I turned the hot water on and stepped into the glass shower, letting the water run down my back.
“Mind if I join you”? Neil asked out of nowhere. I screamed, because I didn’t even hear him come into the room.
“If you must, you can”.
Neil stripped naked and stepped into the shower with me. It was my first time ever seeing him completely naked, so I was kind of shy, but curious at the same time. Neil let the water run down the both of us and then he pinned me against the shower wall and started kissing me hungrily and passionately. I couldn’t get enough of him and I wanted more, but he stepped back and looked at me.
“I love you Olivia, more than you know”.
“I know you do and I love you to Neil”.
“That’s good to know, but I am not going to do anything with you until you really want it because once were mated we are mated for life”.
“I want it Neil. You have no idea how bad I do”.
Neil didn’t say anything, instead he pinned me back to the shower wall and started kissing me again. After about ten minutes of nonstop kissing he shut the water off and carried me to the bed, lying me down and crawling on top of me.
“Are you sure you want this”? Neil asked.
“I’m positive”.
Neil went back to kissing me and made trails of kisses down my neck. He stopped right above my collarbone and bit into it, making his mating mark. I never felt anything like it before, it hurt at first, but then it was the most pleasurable thing ever. I could feel what Neil was feeling. He stopped biting me and pulled my head towards his neck, telling me to bit it. I did the same he did and biting him was so much better than feeling him bit me. He broke my bit and started trailing kisses down my body, exploring his hands all over my body, resting one on my breast. He lathered his mouth over my other breast, while fumbling with the other. Neil came back up and kissed my lips more passionately than he has ever done. Then he grabbed my legs and spread them apart, so my womanhood was visible to him. He started fumbling with my clit, getting it wet enough for him to enter me without it hurting as badly; licking my womanhood, bringing me to an orgasm, and screaming out his name. Neil came back up to me, aligning himself with my body. He then entered me slowly, letting a tear fall down my face trying to absorb his hugeness.
“I’m sorry babe, it will go away soon”. Neil said wiping my tear away.
He didn’t move inside me, trying to let my body get used to it. Then he started thrusting back and forth really slow and as gentle as he could. After a while, the pain stopped and it became pleasure as Neil started moving faster and more comfortably, bringing the both of us to a climax in union. After our long love session, we laid there in bed holding each other, letting the happiness and pleasure we just experienced linger in the air.

Author's Note

Hey everyone, I know I have not been posting chapters lately. I have been stuck on wehre to go with my book. Please, if you have any idea's message me them and let me know. Stick with me if I don't get back to you right away. I have been busy going to school for criminal Justice and also planning my wedding. Anyways, in the meantime I will be writing a new story, since my idea's are stuck in my head with it. 


Texte: Copyrighted March 17, 2012 Please do not use my words, this book is from my own imaginations and I would like it to stay that way. If you want to use any of my words contact me first. Thank you
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This is dedicated to my family and friends, whom has alway's believed in me. (Also, if you want to be updated on my book please add me as a friend or favorite my book. Thanks.)

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