
Chapter One: The Move

Ugh, I hated my mom. I was so mad that she was making me move away from all my friends and in my senior year. I really didn’t want to go and I have been fighting her every step of the way, but there will not be any more fighting, because we're happening to be leaving this morning. I was lying in my bed for the very last time, when my little brother came in my room.
"Hey Lyla, mom said you better be ready to leave in thirty minutes."
"Get the hell out of my room Ayden;" I yelled throwing my pillow at him.
He just stood their laughing at me. I got up out of my bed and grabbed the only outfit I left out. I went into the bathroom to take a shower. I stood their pissed off, wishing I could just stay. Then I remembered what my mom told me, when I asked her why we were moving anyways. I remember her saying that we were going to live with my dad, which made me mad even more because he left us when I was eleven years old. Why would we go live with a man that abandoned his family, I would grasp the situation here. My mom just told me that I will understand it all sooner than I thought. I didn’t understand what the hell she was talking about. I wish she would just tell me what I am supposed to understand right now and not make me figure everything out, but that’s not how things work. There was knock on the bathroom door, it brought me back to the present.
"Lyla, if you are not out of that bathroom in five minutes and ready to go, there will be consequences." My mother said.
"Whatever, it’s not like you can do anything I said," while turning the water off.
"Don’t talk to me like that; I am getting sick of your attitude." She said.
I just ignored her, as I started drying off and put on my short black shorts and my purple tank top. I brushed my hair into a pony tail and then put on my purple flip flops, going downstairs where my mom had a look of disappointment on her face.
"Are you ready to go guy," my mom asked.
Ayden said he was. I just shrugged my shoulders and glared at her. I went out to my mom’s Hummer. I got in the front seat and before she even got in the car, I put my headphones in my ears and turned my IPod on. I ignored my mom the whole ride, which was a day and a half drive. None stop, except to eat and get gas and things like that. We finally arrived in Quinault, Washington, population 191.
"Can you please take those things out of your ears?" My mom asked me.
I glared at her, while removing my earphones.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I want you to listen to me. We are moving in with your dad, for reason’s you don’t understand, but hopefully you will one day soon. Can you just act like you’re a little bit pleased?" She said.
"Wait you want me to act happy, when you are ruining my life. You moved me across the states, to live with someone who walked out on us and left us and now you want me to act like I am happy. I am about to begin my senior year and I left all my friends, people who I’ve known my entire life. Why would I do you any favors and act happy, when obviously I am not." I said, putting my earphones back into my ears.
I looked out my window, I knew what I said upset my mom and I didn’t want to see it, so I wouldn’t have to feel the guilt, but then again she deserves it. I hated her for making me do this, I wish I was older so I could have just stayed, but no things like that don’t happen. My mom, pulled into this long drive way. I couldn’t believe this is where my dad lived. There was a huge yard with a basketball court to one side and a miniature golf course to one side. On the other side of the yard were a swimming pool and a tennis court. At least they have a tennis court I thought to myself. In front of the drive way was a huge house. It was white, there was six garage doors and then in the middle there was a huge wooden door, obviously was the front door. The house was at least a three story house, maybe even more from the inside. I wasn’t sure; I looked at the house in awe. My mom parked the car and we all got out. We walked up to the front door and my mom opened it up. There was a huge walk in area and to the left was a dining area and then there was a little hallway to the right. There was a living room in front of the walk area. There were a couple of people sitting on the couch. They stood up all at once. I looked at them wondering who the hell they were. Then this guy came into the living room, he had a huge smile on his face.
"Jasmine he said to my mom." My mom walked up to him and hugged him.
"Nathaniel it is so good to see you again, she said."
I looked at her like she was fucking crazy acting all warm like to the guy that left us. How could she even want to be in the same room as him? I was getting pissed off. Nathaniel walked up to us with my mom holding her hand.
"Lyla, Ayden it is really good to see you both again." Nathaniel said.
I looked disgusted, how dare he say that. He could have brought us with him or kept in touch with us at lease, not just completely disappearing. Ayden walked up to him and gave Nathaniel a hug.
"Dad, it is so good to see you again, he said."
I was furious now; Ayden didn’t even remember my dad when we were little. He was only nine when he left. I remembered everything; I stood up at night crying over him for years. Nathaniel stood their looking at me questionably; he tried to walk up to me. I stepped back.
"Don’t you dare come closer to me, I said in disgust."
"Lyla don’t be like that please. He asked."
"No, you left us. I don’t even want to be here left alone seeing you" I said walking out the front door. I got back into the car and slammed it shut, locking all the doors. I sat in their crying for an hour. My mom came out to the car and told me to unlock the doors. I ignored her, still crying. She grabbed her keys and unlocked the door, opening my door.
"Lyla, you have to give him a chance to explain why he left. He left for a really good reason, please go inside and talk to your father. She said with pleading eyes." I looked at her and said fine, just give me a minute. She shook her head okay and then walked back inside. I wiped my face, from all the tears and tried to pull myself together. Then I got out of the car and went inside. I found my dad in the kitchen.
"I heard you wanted to talk to me. I said with anger."
"Yes, I do Lyla. I want to explain everything to you. Can we go outback and talk?" He asked.
"Sure, but you better explain it all. Or I am leaving and I am not coming back." I said. I followed him out back. We sat at the glass patio table.

Chapter Two: The Truth

"So, start explaining I said."
"When you were little I left, to come here. My dad died and I had to come to take over the family ritual. I didn’t want to leave you guys, but I didn’t want you to know what we are at that time, but I guess I should have just told you guys anyways, because now you are here and I have to explain it anyways. I was trying to protect you guys, but I realized I just hurt you instead."
"That doesn’t explain anything." I said with agitation.
"I know, the thing is, is that we are werewolves Lyla. I am the Alpha werewolf, ever since my father died. I had to come back here and take over, I didn’t want you guys to know, but know you guys do anyways."
I started busting up laughing; when I got myself together again I started talking. "You expect me to believe that. Werewolves don’t exist. Stop lying to me and come up with a better excuse." I said getting pissed off.
"Lyla, I am not lying to you. I swear I am telling you the truth."
He got up and walked out to the grass. The next thing I knew is instead of him being a human, he was a giant wolf. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing; I thought I had to be hallucinating it. Werewolves aren’t real, I kept thinking to myself. I looked at him again and walked over, putting my hand on his fur. No, I can feel it, this has to be real. I thought to myself. I looked into his eyes, they were my dad emerald green eyes, and instead it was in a wolves’ body.
"Okay, fine you weren’t lying to me I said," going to sit back in my chair. A minute later, he was back in his human form and sitting back at the table. He smiled up at me. I was admiring him; I realized I looked a lot like him. I had his black hair and emerald green eyes. I looked like him, just in a girl’s body. I didn’t look anything like my mom. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Ayden looked exactly like my dad. They were both muscular and tall. My dad waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked and looked at him.
"I think I may have put you in shock." He said smiling.
"No, I assure you I am fine. I was just thinking how Ayden and I look a lot like you and nothing like mom."
"Yeah, my DNA is stronger, I guess." He said laughing.
It felt so good to have my dad back, I wasn’t really mad anymore. I could understand why he didn’t want us knowing, but then I started thinking to myself about other stuff.
"What are you thinking?" He asked.
"I was just thinking, why didn’t you just bring us with you, when you knew we were going to find out anyways? It would have been better for us and could have not caused as much pain."
"I didn’t think I was going to have to tell you guys. I really didn’t want this to be part of your lives, but then your grandmother told me that I had to bring you guys here and explain. She said that you were going to find out eventually, and what if you changed into a wolf and didn’t know. So, I thought about it and talked to your mom. I stayed in touch with your mom asking about you guys and everything. We decided it was time to bring you here and be a family again and tell you guys the truth."
"Wait, you talked to my mom all this time, but not us?"
"Yes, I know and I am so sorry. It was hard enough to talk to your mother. I thought it would be easier for us all if I just stayed away from you and your brother, but I know it wasn’t. I should’ve dealt with this in another way, but I can’t take back what happened. All I can do is try to make things right now."
I couldn’t say anything. I just stood up and walked over to him giving him a hug. He hugged me back tighter, like he didn’t want to let me go. I started crying again, it felt so good to have my dad back. I was a daddy’s girl when I was younger and then he left. It hurt me more than Ayden, but I am so glad that I have him back.
"I forgive you daddy." I said.
I could tell he was crying too, we just held each other like that for a little while. Then I got up and wiped my face. I smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Well, how about we go inside and I will introduce you to the others." He grabbed my hand leading me inside to the living room. Ayden was sitting their next to a girl on the couch. It looked like he already knew what was going on.
"Okay everyone, you all met my son Ayden. This is my oldest child Lyla." My dad started introducing me to them. He pointed to the girl that was sitting next to Ayden. She was beautiful; she had blonde hair and green eyes. My dad told me that her name was Olivia. Then he pointed to another girl. She had brown hair and green eyes. Her name was Abby. My dad pointed to the guy that was sitting next to Abby, he was cute, it thought. He had brown hair and green eyes. He was muscular and tall. His name was Mason. Then my dad pointed to the last person that was in the room. His name was Taaron. He was hot; he kind of had a bad boy look to him. He had black hair and green eyes. I couldn’t stop looking at him. He looked at me curiously.
"Anyways, my dad said." "They live here with us. They are also werewolves, so they live here at the house with us." I said hi to all of them, and then I asked my father where my room was.

Chapter Three: The Tour

My dad had Abby show me around the house. We went to the door that was by the living room and she told me that it was my parent’s room. Then we went down to the little hall by the entry way. There was a little sitting room and then there was a bathroom. There was a bedroom, but she said it was a guest bedroom. Then we went up the stairs that was by the bathroom, there were four bedrooms. The first bedroom on the left was Ayden’s room, she said. The second room on the left was her room she said. The first door on the right she said was Olivia’s room, and the second room on the right she said was Mason’s room. We went back down stairs and went down the hall that was next to the kitchen. We went into the first door that was on the left, there was a laundry room and a door that lead to the garage. We went back into the hall and there were stairs on the right going down, but we passed them. We went to the end of the hall before it turned into a right. There was a door, before you turned right and it was another room. Abby said it was another guest room. When we turned right, there was a door on the left, which was another guest room. Then the door at the end of the hall was another bathroom. She took me back to the stairs that were in the hall and we went downstairs. There was a sitting area, and then there was a pool table off to the left. There was a hall that went on both sides from the sitting room. Then there was a door that was on the far wall of the sitting room. We went to that door and it was a game room, it had every game console you could think about. There was another door next to the game room, which was another bathroom. Then we went down the left side of the hall, which had three bedrooms. Which were more guest rooms, the right side of the hall was the same as the left. Abby took me back upstairs and into the living room. There was another pair of stairs going up in the living room. Abby took me up them. There were to doors in this area of the house. She went to the first door, and opened it. I noticed the room was all in green, black, and some white. They were my three favorite colors. I thought it was my room, but then Abby told me that it as Taaron’s room. She shut the door and we went to the second door on the floor. She opened it up and the room was in green, black, and some white. It kind of looked like Taaron’s room, but it was a little bit different. Abby informed me that this was my room. I noticed all of my things were already in here. I told her thank you and then she left me to myself. I closed my door and looked around. I noticed that there was a king sized bed in the middle of the huge room. All of the furniture was black and the carpet was soft and black. My curtains were all black with green circles on them. One of my walls was black and one of them was white. Two of them were green. On each wall, there were circles, which were black, green, and white. But, it didn’t have the same color circle on that wall of the color of the wall. My bedding was all three colors. There was a door to my right of my room, it was a huge bathroom. There was a Jacuzzi tub and a huge walk in shower. There was a vanity in the middle of two sinks and the counter. Then there was a little door in the bathroom, which had a toilet in it. I went back to my room. I went into the door on the left; it was a huge walk in closet. I noticed all my things were already put away and I even had new things. I was excited that I didn’t have to unpack anything. Also, I was glad that my room was in my favorite colors, so I would like it. I went over and sat on my bed, turning on my TV that was mounted on my wall. There was a knock at my door an half hour later.
"Come in, I shouted."
Taaron walked in my room. He came over and sat next to me on my bed.
"Um, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked him.
"Going to watch TV with you, he said cockily with a smirk on his face."
"Did, I tell you that you could?"
"No, but I know you want me to." Still smirking.
"You know what?"
"Get the hell out of my room, before I go get my dad."
"You’re a daddy’s girl aren’t you?"
"I used to be, and still might be. That’s none of your business." I said offensively.
"Whatever, he said jumping up off my bed. Dinner is in ten minutes." He said laughing as he walked out of my room. I was getting irritated, he was such a stuck up jerk. I got ready to go downstairs to eat dinner. I walked downstairs, ten minutes later and everyone was sitting in the dining area.
"There you are sweetheart." My dad said.
"Yup, I said sitting in the only empty seat, which happened to be next to Tarron." He looked at me and smiled, I just glared at him. He stated laughing quietly to himself, which made me glare even more.
"So, Ayden, Lyla, school starts tomorrow. We already have you enrolled in school." My dad said.
"Oh, that’s great. Couldn’t we of had at least a week to get situated?" I asked.
"No, you cannot miss school." My father said.
"Fine, so anyways, what grade are you guys in?" I said looking up at the others at the table.
Taaron was a senior, just like me. Abby and Mason was a junior in high school, and Olivia was a sophomore, just like Ayden.
"Great, I said I am in the same grade as him too." I was really getting annoyed; I was beginning not to like Taaron and thought he was a complete ass. He had to hear what I said, because he snickered under his breath, which pissed me off even more. I quickly finished my plate and then got up and went back to my room. I set my alarm for six in the morning and then I went to sleep. I was tired from the long drive.

Chapter Four: First Day of School

BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! "What the hell is that noise!" I yelled
I rolled over in my bed, realizing it was my alarm clock.
Shut up you stupid thing.
I was getting frustrated, I couldn’t figure out how to turn the damn thing off. This one was a newer technology then my last one. I was pushing button all over the stupid thing. I heard someone laughing. I knew that laugh. I looked towards my door; yup of course it had to be stupid Taaron.
"What are you laughing at dumb ass?" I said.
"I’m laughing at you because all you have to do is press the snooze button on top." He said sarcastically.
"Oh, what the hell are you doing in my room?"
"I can be where ever I want to be."
"No, you cannot!" I yelled. "Get out you annoying little boy."
He was laughing at me. "It’s not funny, get out!"
"Are you ever going to turn the alarm off? Oh, and by the way I am not little."
I reached over to my night stand and turned my alarm off, and then I got up out of bed and walked over to Taaron, pushing him out of my room. I could hear him laughing, as he walked away from my door. I went and turned on my light to my room and went into my bathroom, brushing my teeth and then hopping into the shower. I scrubbed my body really good and washed my hair. Then I turned off the water got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my hair and then my body. I dried off real good and put on my body lotion. I plugged my curling iron in and blow dryer. I went into my room and grabbed matching white Victoria secret panties and bra and put them on. Then I went to my closet and grabbed my white short shorts and put them on. I went back to my bathroom and put on my deodorant and then started blow drying my hair, as I brushed it. After my hair was completely dried, I curled the ends of it and sprayed some hair spray in it. I put on some mascara and eyeliner and then some light eye shadow and clear lip gloss. I don’t wear much make-up because I have perfect skin. Then I went back into my room.
I started screaming, Taaron was sitting on my bed. He was ready for school.
"What the hell are you doing in my room?" I yelled.
"Waiting for you, he was looking at me and couldn’t quite staring at me."
"You can at least stop staring at my boobs, you pervert!"
"Nah, I think I won’t. I like them." He said with a smirk on his face.
I glared at him and walked over to my closet to get a shirt. I grabbed my white and lime green shirt. I grabbed my lime green flip flops and then grabbed my back pack. I went downstairs, Taaron following me.
"Good morning sweetheart, how did you sleep?" My dad said.
"I slept good daddy, but you need to put Taaron in check, he is an ass."
Taaron was laughing and my dad gave him a “what did you do this time” look.
"I didn’t do anything, I swear." Taaron said.
I glared at him. "Didn’t do anything? Seriously, you’re annoying."
"That’s me alright, got a problem with it?" He said cockily.
"Matter of fact I do. I don’t like it one bit."
"Whatever princess, get used to it." Taaron said.
"Don’t call me that you arrogant ass!" I yelled at him.
"Okay, okay guy cut it out." My dad said.
"Anyways, daddy how am I getting to school?"
"I got you a car of your own, here is the address to get there, but you have to take your brother to school."
"Why do I have to take him?"
"Well, he doesn’t have a license, so you have to take him."
"Fine, whatever. Where’s the car at?"
"In the garage, it is the black S60 Volvo out there. Here are the keys, drive safely."
"Thanks daddy. Ayden, let’s go."
Ayden ran down the stairs and came to the garage; he hopped in the front seat. Then Abby and Olivia came out to the garage and knocked on my window.
"Can we ride with you; we don’t want to ride with Taaron." They asked.
"Sure, get in I said." I wouldn’t want to ride with that ass either. They hopped in the back and then I pulled out of the garage and drove to the school. I speed a little bit, since I always do. I got to the school and parked in a parking spot closest to the school. We all got out of my car and I locked it. Ayden and I went into the office to get our school ID’s, locker information, and class schedules. After getting all of my things, I went to my first class, which happened to be Government. I walked into my class and the teacher Mr. Lee told me to take an empty seat. I looked around and found the only empty seat there was. I walked to the back of the room and sat down. Everyone was looking at me, some of the girls were giving me dirty looks and some of the boys were whistling at me. Mr. Lee started going over our lesson, when someone touched my shoulder. I looked at who it was. It was Taaron.
"What do you want?" I said glaring at him.
"Just saying hi." He said.
I glared at him and then turned my head back to the front of the room. The bell rang and I hurried out of the room. Taaron ran after me.
"Why are you so pissed at me?" He asked.
"Maybe if you weren’t so annoying I wouldn’t be. Plus, you were in my room after I got out of the shower." I hurried and walked to my next class, which was health class, with Mrs. Blanc.
"I’m sorry; please don’t be mad at me." Taaron said.
"Then leave me alone and maybe I won’t be so mad."
When I got to my next class, I sat in an empty seat. Taaron happened to be in this class to. I hope he doesn’t have every class with me. I was doodling on a piece of paper, when this girl that was sitting next to me asked me what my name was. I told her it was Lyla.
"Well, nice to meet you Lyla. I am Chelsea, and this is my friend Amanda." Chelsea had light brown hair and golden brown eyes. She was pretty. Amanda had blonde hair and grey eyes. She was pretty as well.
"We would like you to be our friend." Amanda said.
"Thanks, I could use some friends around here."
"What are you talking about, I’m your friend." Taaron said.
"No, you’re not my friend. You’re a pest, who won’t leave me alone."
Chelsea and Amanda laughed at that, while I smiled a wicked smile at Taaron. Taaron got pissed off and glared and then pouted the rest of the class. Mrs. Blanc informed me that usually on Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s the class went outside on the track and at least had to walk the whole class period. She said that we could run if we wanted to, but it wasn’t required. Then she told me that on Tuesday’s we went down the hall to the cooking class room and we cooked the whole class. That we had groups, she assigned us in. On Thursday’s we did class work. Today, she gave us a free period, since it was raining outside. Third period was Calculus with Mr. Morel. He handed me a calculus book and told me to start on lesson three. Taaron happened to be in this class too. At least he didn’t sit next to me, that I was happy for. Chelsea and Amanda were in this class with me. They invited me to two of their friends that happened to be in the same class. The first one was named Carmen, she was really pretty. Like model pretty. She had black hair and ocean blue eyes. The second friend was named Haley, she wasn’t as pretty as the other girls, but she was still pretty. She had brown hair and brown eyes. Right before the bell rang there was a message on the intercom. Lyla Salvatore, Ayden Salvatore, Abby Thompson, Olivia Collins, Taaron Montgomery, and Mason Keats please come to the office. What the heck, why do they want all of us to go to the office. Taaron and I got out of our seats and grabbed our things, since the bell just rang. We walked to the office and I saw my mom.
Mom, what are you doing here? I asked.
"I came to bring you guy’s lunch. I know you won’t eat school lunches Lyla, so I figured I would bring all of you lunch." She handed us each Chinese food.
We all said thanks and grabbed our boxes.
"You can thank Lyla, because if she would eat school lunches, that’s what you would be having right now." We said thanks once again and then walked to the cafeteria.
"Thanks, Taaron said getting way to close to me." Then he kissed me on the check.
"Don’t do that again Taaron. I will kick your ass."
"No, you won’t and you know you liked it."
"Whatever you pansy." I found my new friends sitting at a table in the cafeteria; I went over to them and sat down. I noticed Taaron went to sit with these guys, I was guessing were his annoying friends.
"Who brought you Chinese food? Amanda asked."
"My mom did, she knows I don’t eat school food."
"She brought six of you food though." Carmen said.
"Yeah, Ayden’s my brother and the other just happens to be living in my dad’s house."
"Oh, wow I can’t believe you have to deal with Taaron all day and night. I would die if I had to deal with him." Haley said.
"Yeah, it has only been a day and I want to strangle him."
"You do realize he is staring at you right?" Chelsea said.
I looked over and glared at Taaron and mouth stop "looking at me." He just snickered and mouthed "NO."
I glared at him some more and then went back to my friends. "One of these day’s he is going to get his ass kicked." I said.
They started laughing, which made me laugh as well. Lunch went by way to quick; my next class was English 12, with Mr. Kent. In class, we were getting ready to read a new book. Mr. Kent was a funny guy. I was glad that Taaron wasn’t in my class, but all of my friends were. Taaron wasn’t in my next class either, which happened to be senior art studios, with Mr. Lambert. I loved that class, since I loved to paint and we got to do what we wanted in that class. Sixth hour was French with Mrs. Bonnet, which Taaron was in that class with me. French went by really slow, I hated that class. Last hour was Chemistry with Mr. Garcia, who happened to partner me up with Taaron. I walked over and sat next to him in our one big desk. He glanced over at me with a huge cricked grin on his face.
"Stop grinning, this is so not cool." I said.
"I think we will have a blast together."
"Well, I don’t so there."
I was so happy when class was over. I hurried out of there and met up with my friends. We all exchanged numbers and said that we will talk to each other later. I went to my car to find Ayden, Abby, and Olivia waiting for me. I unlocked my car and they got in. Taaron stopped me from getting in and pinned to me car.
"What do you want? I asked."
"This," he leant in and kissed me on the lips. I was in shock, but then I started kissing him back. I felt an electric pulse through my body and I wondered if he felt it to. He pulled away a couple minutes later and stared into my eyes. I was still in shocked; I couldn’t believe he had kissed me. At least I could give him credit for being a good kisser. Even though I enjoyed that, I didn’t want him to know.
"Don’t ever do that again Taaron." I said glaring at him.
He smirked at me. "You know you liked it."
"No, I did not."
"If you say so, but I know better than that." He said as he walked away from me. I got into the car and started driving home. Ayden kept glancing over at me, but I just ignored them. When I got home I got out of my car and ran up to my room. I had four text messages on my phone.
Chelsea: OMG Taaron kissed you.
Me: Yeah, I know. I texted back.
Amanda: OMG he kissed you. How was it?
Me: It was so good.
Carmen: I can’t believe he kissed you. He is H.O.T. Hot, but he is an ass.
Me: Big ass, but good kisser. 
Kaley: R u guys like together now?
Me: Hell NO, that kiss was out of nowhere.
I decided to do my homework. Then I went downstairs and ate dinner. I hurried up and ate because I didn’t want to be sitting next to Taaron. I went back up to my room and watched some TV. There was a knock at my door shortly after.
"Go away!" I yelled. They didn’t go away, instead Taaron walked into my room and plopped down on my bed.
"I thought I told you to go away?"
"No, I decided that you meant come in."
"Ugh, do you have to be you?"
"Oh yeah, I love it. It’s funny to see your reactions."
I laughed at that. "So, I was wondering, when you kissed me earlier. Did you feel anything?"
"What you mean like an electric shock or something like that?"
"Yeah, I mean that."
"Yes, I felt it."
"What does it mean?"
"I don’t know for sure yet."
"Let me know when you do."
"Will do." We sat there watching TV for the rest of the night and both ended up falling asleep in my bed.

Chapter Five: Confusion

I woke up the next morning, with an arm around my waist and someone breathing in my ear. I turned my head and remembered that Taaron had fallen asleep in my bed last night. I tried to get out of bed, but realized that his legs were pinning me to the bed along with his arm. It took me fifteen minutes to get free from his legs. I lifted his arm up trying not to stir him and froze every time he made a noise or made the slightest move. I grabbed one of my free pillows and put it under his arm, where my body used to be. Then I stepped away from the bed. He looked so cute when he was asleep. It sucked I didn’t have a teddy bear or something instead of a pillow because he looked like a cute little kid cuddling to my pillow. I decided to go take a shower and get ready for my second day of school. After I got dressed and ready for school, I decided to wake Taaron up. I walked over to the bed and started jumping up and down on it.
"Wake up, wake up!" I kept yelling as I was jumping.
"What the hell!" Tarron sat up and yelled.
"It’s time to wake up. We have to leave for school in an half an hour."
"You didn’t wake me up sooner. I don’t even have time to take a long shower let alone get ready."
"It’s not my fault it takes you forever to get ready. You’re worse than a girl, when you get ready."
"I am not." He said as he grabbed my legs and made me fall on my but on the bed. I started to laugh. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him and then he leaned me back and laid on top of me, holding himself up. I couldn’t believe what he was doing. He leaned his head down and met his lips with mine. He kissed me passionately and hungry. His tongue tapped my bottom lip trying to gain access. I ignored it, but he did it again. I let him have access of my mouth. He explored my mouth with his tongue and teased my tongue with his. I wanted more; I pulled him closer to me until our bodies were touching each other’s. I grabbed the back of his head and tugged on his hair. He moaned in my mouth. He pulled away from my mouth and started kissing my neck, giving me a chance to catch my breath.
"Um-hmm." Someone was clearing their throat. We stopped kissing and looked towards my door. My dad was standing there, looking at us in shock.
"What do you think you’re doing?" He said.
"What does it look like we’re doing?" I said irritatingly, because he interrupted us.
"Taaron go get ready for school now." Nathaniel said.
Taaron got up and left my room. My dad was giving me a look of disappointment.
"You haven’t even been here a week and you already got your tongue down his throat."
"It’s none of your business who I kiss. I am seventeen years old dad; I can kiss whoever I want."
"I am your father and you better listen to me young lady. You will not be kissing him again, he lives in this house and it is not acceptable. Do you understand me?" He said this very sternly.
"Whatever, if you say so." I said just to get him off of my back.
Good, now finish getting ready for school. He left the room. I quickly made my bed and then grabbed my back pack. Then I went downstairs and told the others that if they wanted to ride with me to get in the car. I drove to school quietly. I was pissed at my dad. I can’t believe he ordered me like that, it was my life. I could do what I wanted to do, but if he caught me I would be in big trouble I knew that. I was confused. Do I listen to my dad, or do I do what I want to do and go against his wishes? I got to the school and found my friends standing by the door waiting for me. I quickly walked over to them. My first couple classes went by slowly. I wasn’t really paying attention. In third hour I asked if I could go to the bathroom. I walked out of the class and to the bathroom. When I came out, I found Taaron standing their waiting for me.
"Hey I need to talk to you." He said.
"What about?"
"About what your dad said."
"You know my dad is serious about what he said."
"Are you going to listen to him?"
"I don’t know what I’m going to do at this point Taaron."
"You’re seriously giving your dad’s words thought?"
"Yes, I am. I am confused right now, I will let you know what I decide when I find out."
"Fine, do what you want." He said angrily. He started walking down the hall and punches the wall.
I couldn’t believe he punched the wall. It’s freaking brick for crying out loud. I went back to class, for the last ten minutes. During lunch, I didn’t see Taaron anywhere. I tried to pay attention to what my friends were saying, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what I was going too decided. This guy came up to me. He had brown hair and brown eyes, he was very muscular.
"Hey, you’re Lyla right?" He asked.
"Who’s asking?"
"I’m Conner." He said extending his hand to me. I shook his hand.
"Yes, I’m Lyla. Nice to meet you Conner."
"So, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?"
"Um, I don’t know."
"Please, just one time and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to go again."
"Okay fine one time, that’s all."
"How about tomorrow night?" He asked me with a questionable look.
"That works for me, I’ll see you tomorrow Conner."
He walked away smiling. I turned back to my friends.
"OMG, you do realize who that was don’t you?" Amanda said.
"No, who is it?"
"Like one of the most popular kids in this school, other than Taaron." Carmen said.
"Wow, I can handle that." I said smirking.
The rest of the day went by quickly; Taaron avoided me the rest of the day, even when we were at home. I was excited about my date, the next morning when I was going to school. That morning went by pretty fast, during lunch Conner came up to me.
"We’re still on for later, right?" He asked.
"Yes, what time?"
"I will pick you up at your house at six tonight."
"Okay, but you don’t even know where I live."
"Actually I do know where you live. I hang out with Taaron, so I’ve been to your house a couple times."
"Oh, okay well I will see you at six then."
See you then, he said walking away. The rest of the school day was slow; it felt like it was dragging along. Finally, the last bell rang and I drove home. I went to my room and got ready for my date, since Conner was going to be here in two hours. I got into the shower and then got out and dried off. I put on a matching black bra and panties. Then I went to my bathroom and blow dried my hair and straightened it. I put on some light make-up and grabbed my black with green strips spaghetti strapped short dress. Then I grabbed my black sandal high heels. I went downstairs to wait for the last ten minutes.
Taaron stood up from the couch and pulled me into the dining room.
"You’re seriously going on a date with my best friend?"
"Yes, I am. I have to explore my options Taaron."
"You can’t go on a date, you know as much as I do that you want to be with me."
"Actually, I really am not sure what I want."
"Ugh, you are so stubborn. Go on the stupid date, don’t come crying to me when the biggest player in school tries to play you." He said walking away.
I went back to the living room, when the doorbell rang.

Chapter Six: The Date

I went to answer the door. Conner was standing on the porch.
“Are you ready to go?” He asked.
“Yes I’m ready.”
We walked to his car, he opened my door for me and we got in. Then we went over to the driver’s side and got in. Conner drove to a restaurant called Donnie’s. We got out of the car, while Conner held open every door.
“How many, the waitress asked.”
“Two, Conner said.”
We followed the waitress to a booth and sat down. I looked at my menu trying to decide what I was going to get.
“What are you getting?” Conner asked me.
“I think I am going to have the shrimp scampi.”
“That sounds good.”
“Do you guys know what you want yet?” The waitress asked.
“Yes, Conner said.”
“I will have the shrimp scampi.” I said.
“What to drink?” Said the waitress.
“Dr. Pepper.”
“Okay, what can I get for you sir?”
“I want the scallop’s pasta, with a coke please.” Conner said.
“Okay, I’ll get that right out for you guys.” She walked away.
“So, what are we doing tonight?” I asked.
“Eating and going to a movie.”
“Sounds good, so is it true that you’re the biggest player in school?”
“Um, who told you that?”
“I hear things.” I said sarcastically.
“Okay, well you can say that I am.”
“Hmm, I appreciate the truth.”
“You’re welcome.” Our food came and we ate in silence for a while.
“So, what movie are we going to see?” I asked.
“Um, some type of romantic comedy. If that’s fine?”
“Yeah, sounds great.”
We finished eating and then Conner paid for dinner. He grabbed my hand and led me to the car. We drove to the theater and got our tickets. The movie started shortly after we found our seats. Conner put his hand on my thigh, which kind of made me uncomfortable, but I just shrugged my thoughts off. When the movie was over, we went back to his car. Conner started driving, but he didn’t drive anywhere near my house. Instead he went to an overlook and parked the car. You could see the little town, from where we were parked.
“This is really beautiful.” I said.
“Not as beautiful as you.” He said looking into my eyes.
I smiled. He really thought I was beautiful, most guys just thought I was hot and always tried to get with me. Conner was being really sweet and I liked it. It was a good change in things.
“Thanks I said.”
“For what?”
“Being sweet to me, instead of being like other guys.”
“You’re welcome.” He leaned into me and started kissing me. He placed his tongue in my mouth and explored my mouth. I tugged on his hair. Conner pulled me into the back seat and continued kissing me. He placed his hands at the bottom of my dress, while he teased his tongue with mine. Conner started pulling my dress. I stopped his hands.
“Wait.” I said.
“What, I know you want to.”
“No, I really don’t you need to stop.”
He just continued kissing me, and forced my dress off of me.
“I said stop Conner!” I yelled. I was pissed that he was forcing himself on me.
“Why, every other girl would be jumping at this opportunity.”
“I am not every other girl. You need to stop now.”
He tried to take my bra off, but I kicked him in the stomach.
“Leave me the fuck alone Conner!” I yelled.
“You bitch!” He yelled. I grabbed my dress and got out of his car, placing my dress back on.
“Lyla come on, get back in the car. I will take you home.” Conner said.
“No, thanks I will call myself a ride. Goodbye Conner.”
“Whatever you’re just a bitch.” He sped off. I took my phone and called Taaron’s number.
“What?” Taaron said answering the phone.
“Can you please come pick me up?” I asked.
“I told you not to come crying to me when he tried to play you Lyla.”
“Please, the only other person I can call is my dad and I don’t want him to know Taaron.”
“Fine, where are you?”
“I’m at the overlook of the town.”
“Okay, I will be there as soon as I can. Bye.”
“ Bye.”
I hung up the phone. I sat in the grass and brought my head to my folded arms and started to cry. Why do these things always have to happen to me? I just kept on crying. Then a car pulled up an half hour later. Taaron walked over to me.
“What’s wrong Lyla?” He asked.
“Nothing, I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Lyla you know you can tell me anything. Please just talk to me, but first let’s get you in the car.” He helped me stand up and walked me to the passenger side door. I got into the car and then he got in the driver’s side.
“So, what happened?” Taaron asked.
“Everything was going great, he was being really sweet and then something changed and he tried to force himself on me. He forced my dress off of me and I finally kicked him and got out of the car. He sped off, because I wouldn’t get back into the car.” I looked over at Taaron, he looked furious. He was gripping the stirring wheel so hard, his knuckles were going white.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Am I okay? I should be asking you that question. I will live, but he won’t.”
“You can’t do anything to him Taaron.”
“I can’t do anything to him? Lyla you mean a lot to me and he deserves to pay for what he did to you. I am going to kill him. Don’t try talking me out of it because it won’t work.”
I could tell he was really pissed off about the situation. We drove in silence the rest of the way home. When I got home I went up to my room and went to bed. The next day at school, there were rumors about how Conner got in my pants. I was pissed, but Taaron was even more pissed.

Chapter Seven: The Fight

Throughout my morning classes, guys were coming up to me and calling me a slut. During lunch that day, Taaron came and sat next to me. Half way through lunch, Conner came up to the table.
“Hey slut, I guess this is what you get for treating me like shit”! Conner said.
“I treated you like shit; you were the one that forced yourself on me dick”.
“Well you get to live in school now being known as the biggest whore here. Have fun with that.”
I didn’t even get a chance to say anything because before I knew it Taaron had punch Conner in the face. Conner staggered back, but Taaron just stepped towards him and repeatedly hit him. Conner plunged into Taaron’s stomach, making him fall to the ground. Conner was hitting him in the face repeatedly, and then Taaron flipped them over so he was on top hitting Conner in the face. Conner’s face was getting bloody. I didn’t know what I was going to do, I started yelling at Taaron to stop, but he wasn’t listening. I saw that his eyes went straight black; it looked like his wolf was trying to come out. The next thing I knew was Conner being thrown across the Cafeteria. Conner’s body went limp into the wall, his eyes were close, with a pained expression on his face. Taaron started walking over to him.
“Taaron, stop you have done enough”! I yelled.
Taaron stopped and looked at me, I gave him a pleading look. He came and walked over to me.
“I’m sorry I lost control, but he really shouldn’t have talked to you like that.” Taaron said wrapping me into his arms. The principal came into the cafeteria.
“What is going on in here”! He yelled.
We looked at him with “Oh Shit now what” expression. The principal told the nurse to go over to Conner to check on him. Then he looked at Taaron and I. “You to, get to my office right now”! He said sounding angry. Taaron and I walked to the office, the secretary told us to sit down in the chairs. We waited for a while, and then Conner came in with the nurse. The principal came out of his office looking pissed. “Lyla, come into my office”. I got up out of my chair and went into the office. “Sit” he told me. I sat in the chair in front of his desk. He had my school file out in front of him.
“So, what exactly happened”? He asked me looking up from the file.
“Um, Conner had called me some names and I tried to handle it, but it didn’t work and he called me some more names. Taaron got pissed and now here we are.” I said.
‘What type of names”?
“He called me a slut and a whore”. I said it pretty quietly, I didn’t know if the principal had heard me or not, my eyes were looking into my lap, not wanting to look at the principal.
“Why did he call you those names”?
“Because why”?
“He just did okay, now can we drop it”? I said in an agitated voice. I was getting pissed off about the situation and I didn’t want to talk about it.
“No we can’t drop it; this is the reason why there is fighting in my school and someone got hurt in the process. So, start talking now”! He yelled.
“Well you can just forget about it because I’m not going to say anything else. Now can I be excused”?
“If you are not going to talk, then you are suspended. Go seat back out there in the office”.
“Fine go ahead and suspend me, you might want to expel me because I am not saying shit to you”! I yelled walking out of his office. I was pissed, I couldn’t believe he suspended me over something so we stupid. I went and sat back down in my seat. The principal called Taaron into the office. I wondered what was going to happen to him.
-Taaron –
I went into the principal’s office. I knew I was going to be in major trouble, but I couldn’t believe he had suspended Lyla. She didn’t even do anything. I was finding myself getting really upset that this ass whole of a principal had done that. I hated Conner. I knew I shouldn’t have acted that way towards him, but I just lost control when he called her that. I have never felt this way before about anyone. I usually can control myself, but for some reason I just couldn’t. The principal told me to sit in the chair, I did as he asked. He looked up to me; I could tell he was really pissed off.
“Why did you cause a fight in my school for”? He said with a serious expression.
“Um, I know I shouldn’t have done that, but I just lost control. He should not have the right to call anyone that let alone a girl that”.
‘That does not give you the right to cause trouble. This is not your first problem here at this school. I told you the last time you were in this office if you did it again you would be expelled”.
“I know, but he really shouldn’t have talked to her like that. You can do what you want with me, but she does not deserve to be suspended for something that is not her fault. That is not right”.
“She is suspended for a reason, now you are expelled. Go sit out there and wait for Mr. Salvatore to get here”. He was really mad, I knew I was going to be in major trouble, but I didn’t think something like this was going to happen. I went out to the actual office and sat back down next to Lyla. I looked at her, she looked upset. I would be to if I was getting consequences for something I didn’t even do.
“How are you doing”? I asked her with the most sincere.
“How am I doing? My dad is going to kill us Taaron. I got suspended for not talking, which is a bunch of bullshit.” She was mad; I could see it in her eyes. They were starting to turn black, which means her wolf is coming out.
“I’m sorry for everything. The principal is just an ass and I am sorry for losing my control on Conner, but he really shouldn’t have talked to you like that. My wolf over powered me after he hit me and I shouldn’t have done what I did”. I looked away from her, I couldn’t stand her being mad and I felt like she was mad at me.
“Taaron, he deserved what he got. I am not mad at you, I just wished things would have been different. I should have listened to you last night, when you warned me about him. Anyways, what happened to you in the principal’s”?
“I got expelled from school, which I really don’t care. Nathaniel will just put me in a different school, I hope anyways.” The office door opened and Nathaniel walked in. he looked really pissed; he glared at us walking past and went into the principal’s office.
My dad looked really pissed when he came in, but I knew he would be. I just wonder what he is going to do. I looked at Taaron, to see what he was doing. He didn’t look fazed at all. I couldn’t believe he thought I was mad at him. Conner deserved what he got, maybe not to that extent, but he still deserved it. My dad came out of the principal’s office twenty minutes later. He looked even more angry, then he did when he went in. He walked over to us.
“GET IN YOUR CAR’S AND DRIVE STRIAGHT HOME”! He yelled. Taaron and I looked up at him with shocked looks on our face. He hurried out of the school and got into our cars. I drove straight home like he said and went up to my room when I got there. I knew we were going to be in major trouble. My dad came home.
“Taaron, Lyla get your asses down here now”! He yelled. I got up off my bed and walked downstairs to the living room where my dad was standing there waiting.

Chapter Eight: Consequences

“Sit down now”! My dad told us. We sat on the couch looking at him.
“I am really disappointed in you guys. Yes, I know what happened. Conner shouldn’t have started rumors or talked to you like that, but that does not give you the right to act the way you did. Lyla why didn’t you talk when the principal asked you”?
“I did talk; I just didn’t tell him why Conner was calling me names”.
“You should have told him”.
“No, I shouldn’t have. I am not going to tell anyone, so just drop it dad”. I was getting pissed off again.
“Don’t talk to me like young lady.” I just looked down to the floor; I didn’t want to look at him anymore. Taaron stiffened at my side, I couldn’t tell why. I heard him let out a little growl.
“Listen up you to, hand me your keys. You will not be going anywhere. You will stay in your room, except to eat. I will figure out the school thing. Now go to your rooms”. I threw my keys at my dad and stomped up to my room. I was pissed; I didn’t think I deserved this much of a consequence. I slammed my door and sat on my bed turning my TV on. He didn’t say anything about not watching TV. I wondered what he meant about dealing with the school thing. My phone went off, telling me I had a text message. I was surprised my dad didn’t take that either. I wondered if he forgot to or something, maybe he will take it when he figures it out. It was Chelsea.
Chelsea:??? Did you get suspended?
Me: Yes, Taaron got expelled. In major trouble.
Chelsea: That bull. Conner didn’t get anything.
Me: Whatever, don’t care anymore. TTYL.
I was pissed off. How could he not have gotten anything? I texted Taaron.
Me: Hey
Taaron: Hey, what you doing?
Me: Watching TV. U?
Taaron: Same
Me: Did you here Conner didn’t get anything.
Taaron: That’s shit. He got an ass kicking.
Me: Lol sure did.
I stayed there watching TV. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to my dad yelling at us to come eat dinner. I went downstairs and sat at the table. I wasn’t really hungry, so I just pushed my food around.
“So, your mother and I talked about it and we are pulling you and Taaron out of Lake Quinault High School”.
“What where are we going to go to school then”? I asked.
“We are going to look at private schools for the two of you. It seems that you can’t handle yourselves in public schools”. My dad said looking disappointed.
“Are we going to private schools too”? Ayden asked
“No, unless you can’t behave”.
“Dad, please don’t send us to private school”? I begged looking desperate.
“No, I don’t want to hear it. This is what’s going to happen. Now finish eating and go back to your room”.
I was pissed, I stood up and felt so much anger in my body, and I ran outside in the front yard. I could fell like something was happening to me.
I was really surprised Nathaniel was making us go to a private school. Hopefully not one that was separate genders. The next thing I knew was that Lyla was pissed. She stood up; I could tell her wolf was coming out. Her eyes were pitch black, she ran outside. I really hoped she was going to be okay.
“Lyla get back into this house”! Nathaniel yelled.
“You don’t want her in this house when she changes”. I told him.
“Just be quiet and finish eating, and then go to your room Taaron”.
I was pissed; I could fill my wolf coming out. I stood up from the table and ran out the back door. I busted out into my wolf form and started running. My wolf form was a black wolf with white spicks in my coat.

Chapter Nine: First Change

I ran out of the house. I didn’t know what was going on with me exactly. I have never felt so much rage in my life. I was out in the front lawn; I started filling pain in my body. I felt my bones cracking, it hurt so badly. I felt like I was dying in agonizing pain. My clothes ripped off of me as I transformed into my wolf. I could hear my dad yelling at me, but I wasn’t paying any attention to him. I took off running towards the woods. I ran and ran, until I found a lake in the middle of the woods. It felt so good to run, but I couldn’t stop thinking about being put into a private school. I sat their looking out towards the lake. I could see my shadow in the water. I could tell that I was a medium sized wolf, bigger than a regular wolf dog, but still medium sized. I could see that I had pitch black fur and my eyes were black with green spicks in them. I hadn’t realized how long I was out in the woods, but it was dark outside. I looked up at the crescent moon. I must have fallen asleep because, the next thing I knew was I was in my bed under the covers and it was light outside. I looked down at my body remembering turning into a wolf. I was naked. Why was I naked? I was starting to freak out, but then I remembered that when I changed into my wolf, my clothes had ripped off my body. I lay in my bed, felling really sore. I didn’t think it was this possible to feel this sore. I felt like wanting to take a bath, but it hurt to move, so I stayed put.
It was pretty late in the night. I could tell that it was at least midnight, so I decided to run back home. I transformed into my human form. I walked into the house and ran up to my room, so I could put a pair of shorts on. Once I had shorts on I went back downstairs. I found Nathaniel in the living room.
“Hey, has Lyla come back yet”? I asked.
“No, I am starting to get worried about her. She transformed and ran into the woods”.
I could tell that Nathaniel and Jasmine were looking at pamphlets on private schools, because they were scattered all over the coffee table.
“I will go look for her, be back in a while”. I said and ran back out of the house. I took my shorts off and set them on the front steps, and then I transformed back into my wolf and ran towards the woods. I ran as fast as I could. When I saw a body lying there on the ground next to the lake, I slowed my pass and turned back into human form. I walked over to Lyla and bent down. She looked like she had to be in agony. I remembered how it was the first time I had changed and remember how painful and terrified I was. I bent down and picked Lyla up and started walking back through the woods towards the house. I treated her fragilely, thinking she might break in my arms. Once I made my way back to the house, I gently set her on the porch swing, so I could put my shorts back on. Then I gently picked her up and took her to her room, placing the covers over her body. I went to my room and grabbed a quick shower to wash off all the dirt from my body. I wished Nathaniel would have just put us in a different public school, but he had to choose a private school. I just hope it isn’t a boarding school. That would really suck, but I can’t do much about it. I will just have to wait and find out and hope that Lyla takes all of this alright. I woke up the next morning and went straight to Lyla’s room. I know that I am grounded to my room, but I really don’t care. I know she is going to need someone today. I knocked on her door.
“Come in”, I heard her say. I walked into her room and shut the door.
“How are you feeling”? I asked
“Like hell, how is it that you can walk around”?
“You only feel that way after the first change. Afterwards you can transform without any problems or pain”.
“How long does this soreness usually last”?
“The first day is the worst. Tomorrow you will fill a lot better, just stiff “.
“Oh, well will you help me into the bathroom. I want to take a bath”?
“Sure, but you are naked”.
“I know that, I really don’t care right now. Just help me into the bathroom please”?
I walked over to Lyla and helped her into her bathroom. Once she got into the hot bath water, I left the bathroom so she could have some privacy. I went downstairs and made us something to eat. I quickly ate my food and after grabbing something to drink for the both of us, I took her food up to her room. I set her plate and drink next to her bed on the night stand and sat at the edge of the bed.
“Taaron”! Lyla yelled.
“Can you please help me out of the tub and to the room”?
“Sure”. I walked into her bathroom and helped her stand up in the tub. I grabbed the towel next to the tub and wrapped it around her and then carried her to her room. She dried her body off as best as she could, while I went to her dresser and grabbed her some pajamas and panties. I helped her get dressed and then sat next to her watching TV while she ate. Nathaniel came into her room later on that afternoon.
“What are you doing in here”? Nathaniel asked.
“Helping her out, she did just change and barely came move”.
“Well take her downstairs, Jasmine and I need to talk to you both”.
I carried Lyla downstairs as gently as I could and placed her on the couch. We sat down waiting for Nathaniel and Jasmine to talk to us

Chapter Ten: Boarding Schools and Mates

“Alright guys, we want to talk to you about the school thing. I don’t want you to get all pissed off and running out of the house. There will not be any arguments on any matters discussed tonight. Do you understand me”? Jasmine said.
“Yes”, both Taaron and I said in Unison.
“Alright, we have decided on a school for you guys to attend”. Jasmine said
“What school”? Taaron asked.
“Columbia Boarding School”; Said Nathanial.
“Boarding school? I thought you said it was a private school, not a boarding school dad”. Lyla said.
“Well your mother and I decided on this school. You will go, I am going down there tomorrow to meet with the headmaster and sign the enrollment papers. You will start next Monday, so this weekend you will be packed and ready to go. I don’t want to hear anything on the matter; this is how it is going to go”. Dad said.
“Fine, just get rid of me like you always wanted anyways”. Lyla said with hatred in her voice.
“Okay if that’s how you are going to act then fine, that’s your decision. It will not change my mind”. Dad said.
“We have something else that we need to talk to you guys about. Since your parents died Taaron and I am your legal guardian, it is my duty to talk to you about the mating process. Also, since you are now seventeen years old, you can find your mate anytime”.
“Mating, what the hell are you talking about”? Taaron said.
“Werewolves find mates, which is a partner that both you and your wolf will love for life. You can only have one mate in your entire life”.
“So you’re saying once I find my mate, I can’t be with anyone else for the rest of my life”? Lyla asked.
“That’s what I am saying yes. You will find your mate and cherish them for life. Although, you can deny your mate”.
“What happens if we deny our mate”? Taaron asked.
“If you deny your mate, you won’t find another mate. Not only that you won’t be able to have kids with anyone other than your mate. Plus, when someone finds their mate a piece of their soul transforms into the other; so if you deny your mate a part of you won’t be the same. You will not be as happy as you would be with your mate”.
“How exactly are we going to know when we find out mate dad”? Lyla said.
“You will feel an instant connection with them. When you touch each other or kiss you will feel an electric shock go through your body. Not one of pain, but one of pleasure”. Nathanial said.
“Is that all”? Taaron asked.
“No, once you find your mate you will be able to read each other’s minds, if you want to. But, your mating will be completed after you have had sex with them. You will be mated, but until you have sex with them you can deny them. Once you have had completed the mating ritual, you no longer can deny them as your mate”.
“Anyways we thought you needed to know that”. Jasmine said.
“Is that all you needed to talk to us about”? Lyla asked
“Yes, you may go back up to your rooms. You have tonight and tomorrow to get what you want packed before you leave, so I suggest you do that”. Nathaniel said.
Taaron had carried me back up to my room. There was no way I was going to be doing any packing today, so I guess I will have to do it all tomorrow. I laid down on my bed the remainder of the day, thinking about why it had to be a stupid boarding school and not just a regular private school. I also thought about the mating crap. Well, I thought it was crap anyways. I fell asleep and when I woke up the next morning, I felt a whole lot better. I got up and took a shower and then decided to go ahead and get my things packed since my stupid parents wanted us to leave on Saturday, tomorrow by the way so we can settle in before school. I hope I don’t get roomed with some preppy ass bitch girl. I grabbed three suitcases and packed a bunch of clothes in them. Then I grabbed a tote for my shoes. After getting all of my things packed it were time for dinner.
“Are you guy all ready to go”? My dad asked.
“Yes”. We both said, not at the same time though. I was in a grumpy mood. I really didn’t want to go, I could tell Taaron was in a pissed off mood too.
“Good, after dinner I want you to go put your things in the back of the Hummer and Taaron’s car. I am letting you guys take Taaron’s car, but that’s only because you can go out and do things while you’re their”.
“I can’t take my car”? I asked.
“No, until I know you are doing good there and don’t want to run away, you will be getting rides from Taaron”. Dad said.
“How do you know he doesn’t want to run, huh”?
“He won’t run, he may be upset, but not as upset as you are”.
“Fine whatever, I am going to put my things in the vehicles”. I got up and went to my room, grabbing a suitcase and took it to my mom’s Hummer. I repeated this ordeal until all the things that I was taking were in the car. Afterwards I went to sleep, knowing that I would have a long day tomorrow. Dreading tomorrow was definitely what I was doing. I woke up the next morning around seven, my mom telling me that we were leaving in an hour and I needed to be ready to go by then.

Chapter Eleven: Columbia School

I was really not happy having to drive to Olympia, Washington with my dad. My mom went with Taaron in his car, so they knew he would make it to the school. It was the longest drive of my life, even though it was only a five hour drive. We arrived at the school; it was a huge red brick building from the outside. I followed my followed my parents and Taaron into the building. We went into the office. My father went to the office saying something to the secretary at the desk, shortly after this older guy with brown hair and blue eyes came out of an office motioning us to follow him back into the office.
“Alright, so I heard you were here because you guys got in trouble at your old school”. The headmaster said.
“Yes, they had some problems at their old school, but that is not going to happen here”. Nathaniel said.
“Well, Mr. Salvatore had talked to me about putting you two in the same dorm, so I have went ahead and assigned room 230 for you guys. It is located on the second floor, and is room 30. There are some rules that you will have to follow here at this school. First, you have to attend classes. There will not be any tardiness or missing classes, unless they are excused. You have to be in your dorms by ten at night and you can only go on home passes if you have permission. So, here are your guy’s schedules and your room key. Be in class on Monday”.
We took our keys and schedules from the headmaster and then went back to the secretary, she showed us around the school. The main hall was just a bunch of offices for the teachers. At the end of the corridor you had the chose to go left or right. On the right side was the classes and cafeteria, which we ate lunch at during class time. On the left side, were a couple dorms on the first floor and then stairs and an elevator to lead to the rest of the dorm rooms. We followed the secretary to the second floor in the elevator, there was a sign stating that the elevators are not in use during ten pm and seven am. So, that was curfew hours. We came to a door at the end of the corridor, on the left side and she asked us for one of our keys. She opened the door and we all stepped in. There was a living room area, with two black couches and a black chair. The walls were a Cornell red color on the bottom half and then a cream white on the top half. On the wall in front of the couches, there was a black shelf that had a bunch of DVD’s and Video games on it. Then there was a flat screen mounted on the wall and a little black stand with a DVD player and an Xbox 360 on it. On the left there was a little hall that lead to a bedroom. The bedroom walls were the same as the living room. All of the furniture was black and there was a little closet and then another door that lead into a bathroom. There was a desk on the far wall and a full sized bed opposite of the desk. The curtain in the room were black and the bedding was the same colors as the walls. There was a dresser at the foot of the bed against the wall. On the other side of the living room there was a little wall before you go into another entry way. On that small wall was a door that lead to a bathroom. On the left of the entry way there was a little hall that lead to another bedroom, which looked exactly the same as the other room. In the entry way, there was a kitchen with bar stools at a counter. All the appliances were black and the walls were the same color as the rest of them. The counters were a marble black color. At least there was a dish washer, I thought to myself. After looking around the dorm room that Taaron and I happened to be sharing, thank the lord for that. I don’t know what I would have done if I got stuck with a preppy bitch. We went back to the parking lot and grabbed our things, bringing them to our rooms. We each had to make two trips, since my parents helped us. After all of our things were in our rooms, my dad gave us each a credit card.
“I will have four thousand dollars on it each month, so spend it wisely.” My dad said.
“Yeah, like that would be hard. I doubt we will even spend the whole four thousand dad”. I said.
“Anyways, get good grades and once I know you guys are doing what you’re supposed to I will allow you to have a home pass. Don’t cause any problems”.
“We won’t” Taaron and I both said.
We said goodbye to our parents and then we went into our own rooms, I decided to choose the one by the living room. It didn’t take me long to unpack my things in my room. I hung up most of my clothes and then put my undergarments and pajamas in my dresser. I was getting hungry, so after I finished unpacking my room, I went into the kitchen to see what we had in there. I noticed that the entire kitchen was filled full of food and drinks. I decided to make me a turkey sandwich. I took my sandwich into the living room and sat down turning the TV on.
Ever since, Nathaniel told us about mates, I couldn’t but help think if Lyla and I were mates. I have always been attracted to her since I first set my eyes on her. When we kissed, we couldn’t get enough of each other. I wonder if she knows that she is my mate. She has to be, there is no other explanation for the way I feel and the way I am with her. I was so happy when I found out that I was sharing a dorm room with her. Maybe we might not be happy having to be in a boarding school, but I think it will give us a chance to get closer together. I was done unpacking my things, so I decided to go to the living room. Lyla was in there, I sat next to her on the couch. I tried to watch the TV that she had on, but I couldn’t help but look at her.
“What are you looking at”? She said.
“Why”? She gave me a glare. I could tell she was still upset about being here.
“Because, I think you’re my mate. I know you are and you now I am yours to”.
“You’re crazy”.
“Think about it, every time we touch each other we have that pleasant feeling, when we kissed we couldn’t get enough of each other and I have never felt this way about anyone”.
“Fine you’re right. I knew you were my mate since my dad told us about mating. I just don’t know if I can handle it right now. I don’t want to be at this stupid school and I am trying to come up with a way to get out”.
“I understand that, but think about it; at least it gives us time to spend time together without people breathing down our backs”.
“What about what my dad said, when he caught us in my bedroom”?
“What about it. He can’t stop us from being together Lyla, we are mated together and there’s nothing he can do about it. Please just stop thinking about what he wants; he wasn’t there half your life so far”.
“Yeah I know that, I just need to think about everything okay. When I am ready to be with you, I will be. Please just give me some time”.
“Okay, let me know when you’re going to stop listening to what your dad wants and instead listen to what your heart wants and what you want Lyla”. I got up and went to my room, I was getting irritated. Once again she doesn’t want to be with me because of her stupid father. I cannot stand not being with her.
I couldn’t but help to think about what Taaron was saying. I know I am starting to make him upset with me, but I need time. I don’t know why my dad doesn’t want us to be together and I don’t understand fully what is going on in my life either. It seems like just yesterday I was in Florida and everything was normal, now I am a werewolf and have a mate. What kind of crap is this? I went to my room and decided to look at my class schedule. I noticed that I had a theater class and a dance class. I wasn’t really into that stuff, but I don’t get a choice in what I do at this school. I am just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. I had my original general education class, the same ones I had at my other school. I must have fallen asleep. When I woke up, there was someone else in my bed and their arm was around my waist. I turned my head to find Taaron in my bed. What the hell was he doing in here? I rolled over so I was facing him and punched him in the shoulder.
“What the fuck”! He yelled.
“What are you doing in my bed? I didn’t say you could be in here”.
“Fine whatever, you didn’t have to punch me”. He climbed out of my bed and stormed out of the room, obviously pissed off.

Chapter Twelve: Apologies

Right after Taaron left my room, I started feeling sick. I ran to the bathroom and puked all my guts out. After getting sick, I went into the kitchen and grabbed some water. Going to sit down on the couch to watch a movie, I felt sick again, so I ran to the bathroom. I couldn’t figure out why I was feeling bad, I have never gotten sick in my entire life. I found out that werewolves don’t get illnesses like humans, so why am I sick. After not getting sick for thirty minutes, I decided to call my dad to see what my problem was.
“Hello”. Dad said answering the phone.
“Hey dad, it’s me”.
“Oh hey, how do you like the new school so far”?
“It’s alright, don’t really know haven’t started classes yet. But I called you because I am puking my guts off all morning and werewolves don’t get sick. Is something wrong with me”? I asked in a concern voice.
“Um, the only time a werewolf gets sick is if their mate is mad at them”.
“Huh, okay”.
“Wait did you find your mate”?
“You’re not going to like who it is, so I am not going to say anything else”.
“Who is it? You have to tell me Lyla, if you think I won’t like him”.
“Dad you should already know who it is”.
“No, you tell me right now, I have not a clue of who it could be”.
“Are you that naïve dad, there is only one person at this school that you know other than me for crying out loud”.
“Oh, it’s Taaron. Why wouldn’t I like him”?
“Uh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that you told me to not be with him, when you caught us in my room”! I said getting very agitated. I started feeling sick again.
“Dad hang on, I am going to get sick”. I ran to the bathroom and got sick once again. This was horrible, I guess this is what the flu feels like, I hope I don’t go through this again. I went back to the living room and picked my phone up.
“Alright, I’m back”. I said
“It’s not that I don’t like him, he is a good guy. I just didn’t like the idea of you dating someone, but I kind of got over that when you went out with Conner, realizing that you are almost eighteen and you are going to do what you want”.
“Oh, well anyways thanks for telling me what’s wrong with me”.
“No problem, why is Taaron mad at you anyways”?
“I rather not talk about it, he will get over it”.
“Alright, have fun at school. Talk to you later”.
I hung up the phone, hoping Taaron would just get over it. I am not going to apologize to him. It was his fault being in my bed without my permission. He is the one that needs to apologize.
I was really mad that Lyla punched me, she could have just told me to get out or something. Whatever I guess. I have been hearing her get sick all day long. It was starting to worry me, because werewolves are not supposed to get sick, yet here she is getting sick. I decided to call Nathaniel. He informed me that if a werewolf’s mate is mad at the other, they will get sick until they are not mad at them anymore. So, that’s why she keeps running to the bathroom. That sucks for her; because until she comes and apologizes to me, there is no way I am not going to be mad at her. I went out to the kitchen to get something to eat for dinner.
“Will you just apologize already, so I can stop getting sick”? She asked me when I was walking back to my room. I got even more furious.
“Me apologize to you? I don’t think so missy, you’re the one who hit me”! I yelled at her.
“I hit you because you were in my bed without my permission. You deserved it jackass”! She yelled. I knew she was getting angry, but I really didn’t give a rat’s ass about it. She was the one who needed to apologize.
“When you’re ready to apologize, I will be in my room. I am not apologizing, you could have told me to get out or something, not punch me”! I yelled and stormed off to my room before she could say anything else. I heard a door slam. I really didn’t care at this point, I wouldn’t be mad at her if she didn’t hit me, but no she did and now she is way too stubborn to apologize for it. I guess she will learn her lesson with this sickness she is having.
I was really pissed now. How dear he tell me that I needed to apologize, he was the one in my bed for crying out loud. After he stormed to his room, I left the dorms and went outside. I found a picnic table out back, next to a basketball court. I went over there and sat down, watching some guys play basketball. I sat there watching the game, thinking about what he told me. Yeah, I guess in a way this whole situation was my fault. He is right I could have asked him to get out, still doesn’t mean I am going to be the one apologizing. After the game a couple of the guys that were playing came up to me.
“Are you new here”? One of them asked. He was pretty cute, he had blonde hair and blue eyes, he was tan and tall.
“Yes, I got here yesterday”. I told them.
“Why is a pretty girl like you sitting out here all alone”? The guy next to the blonde asked.
“Getting some air away from Taaron”. I said
“Who’s Taaron”? The blonde asked.
“He happens to be my mate and the guy I’m rooming with”.
“What you have a guy as a roommate? Why is that, they never put the same gender in the same room”. The brown hair guy asked, which is the one standing next to the blonde is.
“Oh, my dad made sure we were in the same room. So, here we are pissed off at each other”.
“Wow, anyways I’m Trevor and this is Terence”.
“Hi, I’m Lyla”. I said shaking each of the guy’s hands.
“So, what grade are you in”? Terence asked, who is the brown hair guy.
“I’m a senior”.
“Cool, so are we”. Trevor said.
“That’s cool; maybe I made myself some new friends”.
“Yeah you have, but I think you should go work this out with your man. You don’t look happy right now and maybe if you work things out you’ll feel better”. Trevor said.
“He is the one that needs to apologize. This is not my fault”.
“That may be the case, but maybe if you make the effort it will get resolved faster”. Terence said.
“You might be right, I guess I could go and talk to his stubborn ass”. I said smiling up at them.
“Here we will walk back with you, we are going to our dorm anyways”. Trevor said.
We walked in the building and I pressed floor two on the elevator. I noticed the Trevor and Terence didn’t press any buttons.
“You’re not going to press a button”? I asked
“No, we live on floor two”. Terence said.
“Oh, which room”? I asked
“29”. Trevor said.
“Cool, you live right next to me. I am in room 30”.
“Awesome”, both of them said in unison.
We got out of the elevator and walked to the end of the hall. They went in their room, while I hesitated to go into mine. Finally, I brought myself together and walked in. Taaron was still in his room, so I went to his door and knocked.
“What”! He yelled.
“Can we talk”? I asked.
“Sure, come in”.
I walked into his room and sat in the chair at his desk, not wanting to sit on his bed next to him. I looked at him. He was glaring at me; I could tell he was still mad at me.
“What you want to talk about”? He asked.
I took and deep breath trying to pace myself for what is ahead of me.
“Um, I know I should have handled the situation differently, but I wish you would have asked me before you slept in my bed with me”. I said, preparing myself for him to blow out again.
“That’s all”? He asked.
“Yes that’s all, I’m trying to be the bigger person and apologize for hitting you Taaron. So, please don’t be mad at me anymore”.
“Fine, I accept your apology. Next time I will ask before I sleep in your bed, but don’t hit me next time”.
“I won’t, believe me; it is not fun puking your guts out because your mate is mad at you”.
“Well then don’t make me mad again and it won’t happen”.
I laughed at that, I hope I never make him mad again. He got up off his bed and walked over to me picking me up and hugging me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, pulling his head towards me so I could kiss him. I kissed him passionately and eagerly. Tapping on his bottom lip with my tongue to gain access of his mouth, which he granted me. I explored his mouth with my tongue and teased his tongue with mine. He let out a moan when I tugged on his hair. I really felt like I couldn’t get enough of him. I pulled away and he set me down so my feet were touching the ground.
“Want to watch a movie”? I asked
We went out to the living room and I put in a movie, we were watching the movie for a little bit. Taaron was holding me close to him.
“So, I am taking it you don’t care what your dad thinks”? He asked me.
“Not really, but my dad doesn’t have a problem with you being my mate anyways, he said that he just had a problem with me dating and he realized I was going to do it anyways and preferred you over someone else”.
“Did he now”?
“Yup, so I figured I would give it a shot to be with you and I really hated you being mad at me and I like being around you”.
“So, then will you be my girlfriend”? He was looking at me passionately and I couldn’t help but smile.
“I would be yours any day”.
“Is that a yes then”?
“That’s a big yes”! I yelled excitedly.

Chapter Thirteen: I Love You

I jumped on his lap and placed my arms around his neck, bringing his face closer to mine placing my lips upon his. I felt that electric pleasure go through my body and I couldn’t get enough of him. I put my body closer to his, until we couldn’t get any closer. Placing my tongue on his bottom lip; trying to grant access of his mouth, which I got granted to. I explored his tongue with mine and teased it. I heard him groan underneath me and I could feel his bulge in his pants against my leg growing. I moved my hands to his hair and tugged on it, making him moan again. He removed his lips from mine and started making trails of kisses down my neck. I could tell he was resisting himself from marking me, but I was happy anyways. I didn’t know if I was ready to complete the mating process just yet. I pulled his mouth back to mine and this time he explored my mouth, making me moan underneath him. He picked us off of the couch, my legs wrapped around his waist and walked to a bedroom. I wasn’t really paying attention to which room. Setting me on the middle of the bed and climbing on top of me, so he was hovering over me. He placed his mouth on my neck making kisses down neck. He whispered in my ear “I love you Lyla”. It made me cringe, not because of what he said, but because it tickled my ear. He pulled off of me looking down at me, obviously feeling hurt for what I did. I looked at him, not really knowing what to say to him. Did I love him? I knew my wolf did, that was why we were mated. I knew I wanted to be with him in every way and I hated when other girls talked to him. Is that love? No, it couldn’t be. I tried to say something, but I was stuck. Nothing came out, I couldn’t speak. I felt confused, because I don’t know how he could love me. I gave him an unsure look, still not knowing what to say.
“Why did you cringe away from me, when I told you that I loved you”? Taaron asked.
He thought I cringed away from him because of what he said. I felt bad now. I didn’t want him to be upset.
“I didn’t cringe away because of what you said. I did it because whispering in my ear tickled me. Please don’t think I did it because….” He cut me off from what I was about to say and brought my lips to him again. He kissed me passionately, but not like before. He pulled away from me and looked down at me questionably.
“Why are you looking at me like that”? I asked.
“You may not think I really love you because it is so soon, but I really do. I just wanted you to know that and if you don’t want to tell me how you really feel about me just yet, that’s fine. I will be here no matter what”.
“It’s not that I can’t tell you how I feel Taaron. It’s just I don’t know how I feel exactly, but you will be the first to know, when I find out. I promise you that”.
He seemed to be satisfied with my answer, because we began making out again. I started getting really tired after making out for about another hour or so. I forgot we had school for the first day tomorrow again.
“Hey babe, I’m really tired and we have to get up early tomorrow for school”. I told him, smiling up at his sleepy face. I could tell he was exhausted. He got up from the bed and pulled the covers down, which happened to cover me up. Then he lifted me up and placed me in the bed, which I finally figured out was mine. He gave me a peck on the lips and then started walking out of the room.
“Wait, please sleep in here”? I asked
“You’re sure you want me to sleep in here with you. I don’t know if I could resist myself during the night”. He said sarcastically and started chuckling after he saw my expression on my face. I was in shock; I could not believe he had just said that. I picked my pillow up and threw it at him. I glared at him and rolled over in my bed, facing my wall. I heard him walking over to the bed, and then I felt a slump go down next to me in the bed, so I knew he was in it.
“Babe, I was just playing with you. Please don’t be mad at me”. He said pulling me into his body. I turned my body around, so I was facing him and started laughing. I couldn’t believe he actually fell for that one. He started glaring at me, but he still held me in his arms.
“That was not funny; I thought you were really upset with me”. He said seriously.
“I thought it was funny. Maybe, next time you will think twice before messing with me. Plus, if I was mad at you, you definitely would know. There is no way you could not know when your mate is upset with you”.
“Oh, well let’s just go to sleep. Goodnight babe, see you in the morning”. He kissed me on my forehead and wrapped his arms around me, so my head was on his chest. I said goodnight and then sleep consumed me.

Chapter Fourteen: Friends and Enemies

I woke up to my alarm clock going off. I didn’t even know I set my alarm, Taaron must have done it. I crawled out of bed, trying not to wake Taaron up and turned the alarm off.
“Where do you think you’re going”? Taaron asked me, sitting up in the bed.
“Going to take a shower, we have to be in class in an hour babe”.
“Oh, okay. You know, it would be quicker if we showered together right”? He had a smirk on his face.
“I don’t think so buddy, you have your own shower”. I yelled running into my bathroom, locking the door behind me, because he was chasing me in there. I turned the water on and hopped into my shower, washing my hair and body. I got out of the shower, after about twenty minutes. I blow dried my hair and ran my straightener through it. I placed light make-up on my face and then went to my room, to get dressed. I decided to wear some black leggings, with a red draped shirt. I found my black flats and placed them on my feet. I put in some diamond earrings and a diamond bracelet. I went out of my room and into the kitchen. There was a thing of blueberry muffins on the counter, so I grabbed one and then got a glass of milk. I sat down at the counter, eating away, when Taaron walked in and took a bit of my muffin. I know he did not just do that.
“Grab your own dam muffin, leave my food alone” I said glaring at him, so he knew I was serious.
He just chuckled and walked over to the other counter and grabbed him a muffin and then grabbed him a glass of milk. By the time, I was done eating it was almost time for school, so I ran into my bathroom and brushed my teeth real quick. Then I grabbed my book bag from the corner of my room and ran out the door, Taaron was following me. I didn’t know he had the same first hour as me, but I ran into class. Abruptly stopping at the door, Taaron ran right into me. He tried to pull it off by placing his arms around my waist and telling me he was sorry in the ear, then he kissed the side of my head. The teacher and other students were looking at us. I could tell the teacher was not very pleased, that we barely made it to class, before becoming late.
“Go sit in one of the empty seat”. The teacher told us, returning back to the white board up front. Taaron grabbed my hand and lead us to the only empty seats. I sat in front of him, while he was in the desk right behind me. I noticed that most of the girls were drooling over Taaron. I felt a growl escape my chest. I didn’t think I growled that load, but I could hear Taaron chuckle behind me. The teacher looked up at us.
“Miss. Salvatore, Mr. Montgomery, is there something that you would like to share with the rest of the class”? She said eyeballing us down, with a very serious voice.
“Um, no I don’t think so”. I gave her a reassuring look, but said it very snotty to her. I knew I was not going to like this teacher. She seems very stuck up. She looked at Taaron, but he just shook his head no, instead of saying anything. The teacher went back to the white board. My phone started ringing. I knew it was Taaron because I set a certain ringtone for him. The teacher turned around and walked up to my desk. She looked really annoyed.
“Miss. Salvatore, turn your phone off right this minute. I don’t want to hear any other disruptions out of you”. She turned and walked back to the board. There was no way I was going to turn my off completely off, but I shut the volume off. Then I looked down at the text, Taaron had sent me.
Taaron: Hey babe, why did you growl?
Me: Because
Taaron: oh, not you’re not going to tell me. Why???
Me: I don’t like these girls drooling all over my man.
Taaron: R U Jealous!
Me: No!
Taaron: Yeah, whatever. I know Ur jealous babe.
Me: Fine, you would be to if it was a bunch of guys looking at me like that.
Taaron: No guy better look at my girl that way.
Me: See told you
The bell rang and I grabbed my things and rushed out of the door. I ran into a very hard body. I did not like the smell of him. There was something I could not place. I looked up at him and he was giving me a look of death. Taaron came and walked up behind me, he looked at the guy that was standing in front of me.
“Walk away bloodsucker”! Taaron said with hate and disgust in his voice. I looked at Taaron shocked, I have never heard him treat anyone like that before.
“What are you going to do if I don’t”? The guy asked.
“I will tear you into pieces; now move away from my mate before you regret it”.
The guy laughed at him and walked away. I looked at Taaron. I was pissed; I couldn’t believe he was treating someone like that.
“Why did you treat him like dirt”? I asked.
“I treated him the way he deserved to be treated Lyla. He is a fucking vampire and I don’t appreciate him being that close to you”! He yelled.
“Well, he wasn’t that close to me, I was the one that ran into him. Stop being a jealous ass!” I yelled. I walked away from him and went to my class. Thank God, Taaron wasn’t in this class with me. I walked into the class and sat down at one of the empty seat. I noticed that Trevor and Terence walked into the class; they came and sat by me.
“Hey Lyla”, they both said in unison.
“Hey guys”. I said.
“Did you make up with your boyfriend”? Trevor asked.
“Yes, but I am mad at him again”.
“What did he do this time”? Terence asked.
“He was rude to a random stranger in the hall way. Well, I guess I’m not really mad at him, I’m just surprised he would speak to a random stranger like that”.
“Wow that is just not right”. Trevor said.
The rest of the day went by pretty quick; I ignored Taaron during lunch and our last two classes. After class I hurried up to my dorm trying to not get stopped from Taaron in the hall. I was about to shut the dorm door, when Taaron walked in. He pinned me against the wall and looked at me. I tried to look a different way, but he brought his hands to my face and made me face him. I looked downwards, not wanting to meet him in the eyes.
“Babe, please look at me”? He said with complete sincerity in his voice. I looked up at him. I gave him a “What do you want” look.
“You can’t blame me to be mean to that guy. He is a vampire Lyla. Vampires are our enemies”.
“Who say’s they have to be our enemies”?
“Our parents, the council, and every werewolf alive Lyla”.
“Well, that is not what I think, so I can do what I want. If you don’t like then that’s too bad for you”.
“Lyla, vampires and werewolves could kill each other. We don’t go near them for a reason. You have to stay away from them, or the council will punish you babe”.
“The council”? I looked at him questionably.
“Here, let’s sit down and I will explain everything to you. You need to know these things anyways babe. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the couch. I kept looking at him, waiting for him to explain to me what the council was.

Chapter Fifteen: The Council

“There are more supernatural things out there babe. The council is in charge of all of us. They made all of the rules for each kind, some of us have the same rules and then we all have separate rules though. If anyone breaks the rules, the council will come and place consequences among that individual. Sometimes it is not that big of a punishment and other times it means punishment of death. You see, we have to follow these rules. I don’t know what I would do, if you broke one of these rules and I didn’t get the chance to have you anymore.” Taaron said.
I looked at him, I couldn’t believe my father didn’t tell me about this before this all happened. It made me wonder if that is the reason why he left us when we were little, but Taaron stayed with his parents for most of his life. So, that couldn’t be the reason why. I have a feeling that my dad left us due to the council, but I can’t put my finger on exactly why. Yes, he didn’t want me to be involved in this werewolf stuff, but it didn’t work out that way. Maybe I’ll ask my dad exactly why, but first I need to know what the rules are.
“Hey what are the rules for us”? I asked Taaron.
“The first rule is that no human can know about us”.
“Wait my mom is human, so how can that be”.
“Lyla werewolves don’t mate with humans, your mom is not a human. I don’t know what she is, but she is not just an ordinary human”. I couldn’t believe that my mom wasn’t a human. How can she keep secrets from me? It seems like lately that my parents haven’t done anything but keep things from me. They have been lying to me my entire life. I guess, I can’t trust my parents. I need to ask my mom, if she has anything to tell me.
“What’s the other rules”? I asked.
“The second rule is that you cannot cause any problems with another supernatural being. The third main rule is that you have to keep to your own species. You cannot go and be friends with a vampire or fairy; although, any species can interact with witches, warlocks, angles, and guardians. Other than that we cannot interact with any other supernatural species”.
“Is that all of the rules for us”?
“That’s all of them.”
“What do guardians do”? I asked.
“Werewolves and vampires have guardians. You will find your guardian and they will watch over you and protect you for the rest of yours or their life. You will only have one guardian in your lifetime, just like you will only have one mate in life”.
“How will I know when I find my guardian”?
“I don’t know, my father told me before he died that one of these days’ I just will, the same as finding my mate. So, one of these day’s I will find my guardian, as will you”.
“Wow, this is a lot to take in”.
“Yeah, but you will get used to it one of these days. Do you want to watch a movie”?
“Yeah, but I invited Trevor and Terence over. I met them the other day on the basketball court and became good friends with them. They live next door and should be here real soon. I am going to order some pizza for everyone. What kind do you want babe”? I said.
“Supreme and I want some cheese bread too”.
I went to my room and grabbed my phone. I dialed pizza hut and ordered a large supreme pizza and a large peperoni and sausage pizza. Then I ordered a couple things of cheese bread. There was a knock at the door. I came out of my room and told Taaron that the pizza will be here in about thirty minutes. Taaron answered the door. I introduced him to Trevor and Terence. I was actually surprised he was nice to them and didn’t care that I befriended a guy, let alone two guys. I was pretty sure he would have a problem with it, but he didn’t. We sat there talking about some random things and what we liked to do for fun until the pizza came. Then we all ate a bunch of pizza and bread, while watching a couple movies. After the movies were over, the guys left to go back to their dorm room, since it was getting close to curfew. Taaron and I watched some more TV for a little bit and then we went to bed.

Chapter Sixteen: Mating

I couldn’t keep my mind on school, the entire next day. My mind was racing. I was trying to decide if I was ready to complete the mating bond or not, but I didn’t know what to do. Should I just do it already and make Taaron and I closer to each other, or should I wait and see what else happens. I was starting to get a headache from all of the thinking I was doing. At the end of the day, I made the decision that if it happens than that is that, but I wasn’t just going to make it happen. I went and took a steaming hot bath, trying to get my headache gone and trying to relax. Then I realized that I didn’t want to wait any longer. I wanted to be with Taaron, in every way possible. I loved Taaron, even though I have never told him that. Would he feel the same way though, or would he want to wait? I have never known of Taaron being a player and I don’t know if he has ever been with anyone. Maybe I will talk to him. No I can’t do that, it would be too awkward. Maybe I will just do our usual making out and see where it leads. Yeah, I can do that. Maybe. Why is this so confusing? One minute I have my mind made up and the next I don’t. Is that a sign that I am not ready or is it just my nerves? Stop thinking about it Lyla and just go out there with courage and seduce your man! I practically screamed at myself. I got up out of the bathtub and went out to the living room, with nothing but a towel on. When I got out there I gave him a sexy smile, and then I realized that there were other guys in the living room with him. I’ve never met these guys before. They were stirring at me with their mouths open. My face became tomato red, as I realized I was in a towel completely naked underneath. I heard Taaron give out a growl and then grabbed me and took me to the room. He slammed the door shut and then looked at me angrily.
“What the fuck was that Lyla”? He asked while yelling. I couldn’t believe he was mad, I didn’t even know they were here, I guess that’s what I get.
“Babe don’t be mad. I didn’t know they were even here and I came out in a towel because I wanted some alone time with you”. I said calmly and put emphases around alone time. I could tell I had him at that because he gave him a huge sexy grin. He gave me a kiss and ran out of the room. I heard him yelling at the guys to leave. Then I heard the dorm door shut. Taaron was back in my room within minutes. He ran up to me and embraced me in his arms landing his lips on mine. I started kissing him more hungrily and harder. Taaron picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. The next thing I knew is that I was in the middle of my bed. I pulled on Taaron’s hair, as he explored my mouth with his delicious tongue. He quit kissing me and started kissing down my neck. I could feel his wolf coming out, as was mine. He looked up at me pleading and I nodded yes to him. The next thing I knew was his mouth on my neck, next to my collar bone biting into me marking me as his. I bit his neck to, while he bit me. Making sure he was mine for eternity now, since we were marked to each other. I pulled his shirt off, while he was kissing my neck. He took my towel that I was wearing off of me and threw it on the floor. Then he sucked on one of my best and fiddled with the other one; repeating this routine with my other breast. I arched my back as pleasure arose in me. Taaron started kissing down my stomach and then kissed the mound of my vagina.
“Beautiful”. He said smiling up at me.
He spread my legs open, so I was giving him a complete view of what lied below. He kissed the inside of my thigh, nibbling on it. I just knew in the morning, I was going to have a hickey there. Then he started playing with my folds and click making circler movements with his fingers. I arched my back and let out a moan as more pleasure arose in me. He grabbed both of my hips and brought his mouth down to me and made a circle movement with his tongue. I couldn’t hold on much longer. I was moaning and screaming his name, as I buckled underneath him. He kissed me on the lips real quick and then hopped off the bed, tearing his pants and boxers off. He got back on the bed and lay on top of me. Taaron looked at me seriously, but with love in his eyes.
“Are you sure about this”? He asked with caution.
“I am sure I want to do this. I love you Taaron”. I could tell that he was surprised that I told him I loved him. He didn’t say anything; instead he brought his mouth to mine and kissed me with the most passion that could be. He has never kissed me like this and I really liked it. I could feel his bulge getting closer to my insides. I could feel him slowly entering me; I knew he was being slow so he wouldn’t hurt me more than it was going to. I felt a sharp discomforting pain go through me and realized he was all the way in. I could feel a tear run down my check. Taaron looked at me and wiped the tear kissing my eyes then telling me he was sorry. I nodded my head yes, but I couldn’t talk.
“Do you want me to stop”? He asked sincerely.
I couldn’t say anything, so I shook my head no. He pulled out of me and thrusted in again. After a couple of times of this, it didn’t hurt anymore and started to become pleasurable. He picked up his pace and kept thrusting in and out of me. Both of us moaning and shouting into each other’s ecstasy. Then we came to a climax at the same time, not wanting to stop we came to another climax one after the other. Taaron kissed me passionately and then lay down next to me, pulling me into him; so my head was on his chest and he was holding me.
“I really do love you”. I said to him again.
“I really do love you too babe”. He said back. I have never felt anything in my life like this before in my life. I was completely happy and in love. I hope it never stops and has more to come. I thought to myself.

Chapter Seventeen: Skipping

I woke up the next morning cuddled into Taaron. I looked at him in aw; he looked so cute when he slept. I really wished we could just stay like this for the entire day, instead of going to classes.
“Morning babe”. Taaron said. I would tell he had a smile on his face, when he was talking. I hadn’t noticed he was awake.
“How long have you been admiring me, huh”? He asked with his cocky grin, that I loved so much. I started blushing; I knew I was officially caught at staring at him in his sleep. I figured I would try to play it cool.
“What, Me? I wasn’t staring at you”. Saying with an offensive attitude.
“Oh, really. So, I was just watching you admirer me for two minutes before I said anything”. He was grinning bigger than before. God, why does he have to do that, it makes me get all jelly like underneath him. He knows it to, that’s why he’s doing it. Trying to get me off guard.
“I see what you’re trying to do. It is not going to work”. I said sternly, but with a wicked grin behind it.
“Oh, you just think it’s not going to work sweetheart”. He pulled my head towards his and kissed me furiously on. It took my breath away.
“So, were you admiring me or not”? He asked breaking the kiss and looking into my eyes. I shook my head no, because I couldn’t talk at the moment, trying to catch my breath back. He eyes got wide, he flipped us over, and so he was on top of me. He placed one of his hands on my back, pulling me closer to him and the other hand under my head. Somehow, he was still keeping himself elevated above me. He planted his lips on mine again teasing my tongue with his. Leaving me breathless, I let out a moan. He quit kissing me and looks into my eyes again; asking the question, without using his words, just having a wicked grin on his face. I shook my head no; there was no way I was going to give up that easily. He went back to kissing me and went to my neck kissing down my neck and nibbling on his. I could feel his breath on me and it made me want him. He trailed kisses and nibbles all the way down my body, then he came back to my ear. My body was arched back.
“How about now”? He asked whispering in my ear. I shook my head yes, knowing he wouldn’t give me what I wanted unless I did. He smiled and kissed me on the lips quickly. Then he hopped out of bed. I gave him a “Are you serious” look.
“Good”; is all he said, pulling on his boxers.
“Where do you think you’re going”? I asked irritated. I wanted to finish what I started.
“Babe, I need food and so do you. We can finish this later on”. He walked out of the room. I was frustrated now. I didn’t give a shit about food right now. I got up out of bed and went to the shower, letting the hot water run down my back. I washed my hair and body and let some more water run down my back.
“Babe, I called the office and we are both excused for the day”. I just ignored him, I still couldn’t believe he just walked away like that.
“Can I join you”? He asked excitingly.
“No”. I said, even though I really wanted him to. He completely ignored my request and got in the shower right behind me. He was looking at me amused, but worriedly.
“What’s wrong babe”? He asked.
“What’s wrong? Really, you just walked away from me knowing that’s not what I wanted. How can you ask what’s wrong Taaron”? I was still really frustrated. He got a wide amused grin on his face.
“Aw, is my love sexually frustrated”? He asked.
He stepped closer to me and pinned me to the wall of the shower, while the water was running down the both of us. He cupped my face in his hands and started kissing me hungrily, but passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me. Taaron turned the water off and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we went to my bed, not caring that we both were dripping wet, from the shower. We made love to each other for a couple of hours, even though it only seemed like minutes. After taking a short, but peaceful nap together we got up and put on some comfortable clothes. Taaron ordered some Chinese food and we sat down cuddling on the couch watching movies and eating Chinese food for the remainder of the day. Once school hours were over, Terence and Trevor came over and hanged out with us. Trevor kept glancing over at me, but it wasn’t a lustfully glance. It was a curious glance. I couldn’t understand why he kept looking at me like this. I heard Taaron growl next to me. I looked at him skeptically. He just shrugged his shoulders and told us he was going to go make dinner.
“Hey Lyla, um we need to talk to you”. Trevor said. I shook my head okay and couldn’t help but wonder if it had to do with the way he has been looking at me.
“So, we know what you are”. Terence said.
“What”? I asked, with a confused look upon my face.
“We know you and Taaron are werewolves”. Trevor said.
“How do you know? Our lives are in danger if you know and anybody finds out”. I said frantically.
“Your lives are not in any danger. We are werewolves too, so you won’t be exposing yourselves to anyone. Also, we can tell what you are because we can smell it on you”. Trevor said.
“Why can’t I smell it on you then”?
“Because you just had your first change, so you won’t be able to tell until you become acquainted to the smells”. Taaron said. I jumped up; I didn’t realize he was standing at the doorway listening to us.
“Wow, okay. This is so weird. Why did you tell me before”? I asked.
“We didn’t want to intrude. You and Taaron were having some problems and you needed to get things worked out with your mate first”. Terence said.
“That makes since”.

Chapter Eighteen: Guardian

“Well, now that you know we are werewolves, there is something else you need to know Lyla”. Trevor said.
“And just what might be”. I said kidding around. I heard Taaron laughing in the kitchen, noticing my little attitude.
“I am your guardian”. Trevor said looking unsure if he should have told me or not.
“Why do you think you are my guardian”?
“I just know, here I will do a test and if it works than I am truly your guardian”.
“Fine, test away”. I was starting to get agitated.
The next thing I knew is that I heard someone speaking. I realized it was Trevor’s voice, but he wasn’t talking with his lips. I started to freak out.
‘What the hell’. I thought.
‘You can hear me’? He asked, still in my head.
‘Yes, what the heck is going on’? I asked worried. I felt like I was going crazy, these things are not supposed to happen.
‘Only mates and guardians can talk to you through your mind. I told you I was your guardian and now you know the truth’.
I just nodded not wanting or knowing what to say. This was a lot to take in, I then remembered my father telling me that I would find my guardian and will only be able to have one my entire life. At least that’s a good thing. This is crazy, just yesterday none of these things existed and now my life feels like everything is falling into place, but it feels crazy. If I were to tell my old friends about this, they would put me in a psych hospital. Coming back to reality, I looked at Trevor.
“Um, is there any way I can block people from my thoughts”? I asked.
“Not that I know of, although unless we want to hear each other’s thoughts, than you won’t be able to tell what I am thinking”.
“Well that’s good then. What all does a guardian do”? I was curious, since I know had one for the rest of my life.
“They protect you and are someone that understands every aspect of your life. Someone you can talk to and go to about anything”.
“So, pretty much like a best friend, just they protect you too”? I asked.
“Yeah kind of, it’s a little different though.
“Well, that’s cool I guess”.
My phone started to ring. I looked at my caller ID to find it was my dad calling.
“Hello”? I asked, after clicking the talk button.
“Hey sweetheart, I need you and Taaron to come home. We are having pack meetings and you need to be home for them. So, pack a bag or whatever and be home tomorrow”.
“Okay, what about school”. I was starting to worry. What could be so important to leave school that he so forcefully made us come to.
“Already talked to the Headmaster, you are excused until further notice”.
“Fine, we will be home tomorrow. Love you dad, got to go”. I hung up the phone before he could say anything.
“What was that all about babe”? Taaron asked, with a concerned look on his face.
“Dad wants us to pack a bag and be home tomorrow. We are already excused from school until further notice and he said something about a bunch of pack meetings”. Taaron shook his head okay, but he looked kind of fazed. The next thing I know is that Terence and Trevor got the same phone call. This is so weird.
“Well we have to go pack, so I will see you when you get to your dad’s house”. Terence said, both of them standing up and leaving the dorm room. Taaron and I decided not to pack, except for our laptops. We have everything we need at home, so there wasn’t any point in packing anything to just bring back to the school.

Chapter Nineteen: Problem

The next morning, Taaron woke me up around six in the morning. I was really tired and didn’t want to get up, but I did anyways and went to take a shower. I washed my hair and body and then let the hot water run down my back. After about thirty minutes, I turned the water off and got out of the shower, drying my body of and putting my lotion on. I went back to the bedroom and grabbed a matching pair of Victoria secrets black panties and bra. Then I went back into the bathroom, while Taaron took a shower, I blow dried my hair and straightened it. Then I applied a little bit of make-up on. I went to my closet, in my room and grabbed my black skinny jeans and my purple long sleeved shirt. I put my black heeled ankle boots on and waited for Taaron to finish getting ready. Once Taaron was ready, I grabbed my purse and sunglasses and we left the school in his car. We stopped at a gas station to fuel up and then grabbed some breakfast from a donut shop. We finally got on the interstate around eight. Taaron put on some music and after I got done eating, I fell asleep.
“Babe wake up, we’re here”. Taaron said shaking my arm.
I woke up rubbing my eyes. I couldn’t believe I slept the whole five hours here. We got out of the car and since we couldn’t park in the garage like usually, since there were a lot of car and a couple blocking the garage. We had to walk to the front door and just walked in. There was no point in knocking on the door, since it was our house. When we walked in, there were at least fifty people in the front room. I looked at Taaron in shock. I don’t really know why my dad wanted us back home, but it had to be important since the whole pack was pretty much here. Terence and Trevor walked in the house and went straight to the front room to talk to some of the other. I took Taaron’s hand in mine and went to look for my dad. I found him out back on the porch pacing back and forth.
“Dad”? I asked kind of worried.
“Oh, hey sweetheart. Glad you made it”. He said walking up to me and giving me a huge hug, like he hasn’t seen me in years.
“Yeah, you told us to come home, so we did”. Taaron said kind of annoyed. I looked at him in disbelief. I couldn’t believe why he would be annoyed.
“Yes, I did. Now let’s go inside and sit down, so I can talk to the pack.” My father said. Taaron and I followed him inside and we just stood behind everyone else, since there weren’t any open spots to sit down at.
“Okay, now that my daughter and her mate are here, I can begin talking to everyone”. My dad said.
Everyone got quite and started paying attention to their alpha.
“Alright, we are having a problem with another pack. They have been going around killing other pack member. So, until the council has sorted this issue out or the issue is resolved, I want everyone to be at the two pack houses. My house can fit five people and their mates, besides who is already living here. Also, if my daughter Lyla or Taaron choice to share just one room, then there will be another room open and I can fit six and their mates. Everyone else, my brother Elijah house will fit everyone else. So, I would like it to have at least one more adult wolf and their mate to be here and then the younger wolfs, which I know most of you have teenagers. Other than you guys living at the pack houses, nobody will be allowed to leave either house, without someone else being around. The kids that go to school will have to transfer here, except for of course Lyla and Taaron, since they got expelled from the school here. They can ride with each other and then come back. Is there any questions”? My father said.
“Yes Nathaniel, which pack is it”? Some random guy with a scar on his face said.
“The council has informed us that it was the black rose pack, but that is all the information that we have been told at the moment”.
Nobody else had any other questions.
“Lyla and Taaron, have you guys decided if you are going to move into a shared room yet. I know while you have been away at school you have been sleeping in the same room and I also know you have already mated. I can smell it on the both of you”. Nathaniel my father said.
I looked at Taaron in disbelief. I barley can smell other wolves scents, so I didn’t know how my father can smell it on us.
“Dad”. I said shocked and embarrassed. “That is none of your business for your information and you didn’t have to tell everyone here”. I proclaimed. I heard a couple of the pack people laugh under their breath, including Taaron. I looked at Taaron and punched him in the face. He had no right to laugh at something like that. Then I turned and walked up to my room.
“Babe, come on don’t act like that”. Taaron said. I just ignored him and continued walking off.
“Uh, Nathaniel excuse me but I have to go talk to her before I start puking all over the place. It wasn’t fun for her, so I can just imagine how it would be for me”. I said starting to walk towards the stairs. The pack started laughing at what I said.
“Taaron, I need to know if you and Lyla are going to share a room”. Nathaniel said.
“Probably, but more importantly right now, I have to go calm her down. It is not fun when we fight, which we do quite often”. I said walking up the stairs by two’s.
I reached Lyla’s room and knocked. She was ignoring me, so I knocked hard and kept knocking.
“What the hell do you want”?! Lyla yelled opening the door. I was a taken back; I did not think it pissed her off that much.
“Babe, I know you’re mad, but I wasn’t laughing at you or the situation. I was laughing at how you said it” I said hoping she would stop being mad at me. She gave me a look of death and slammed the door my face. I didn’t understand why that would have pissed her off so much. I heard her turn on her music quite loudly. I figured she needed her space, so I went back downstairs and sat on the couch looking down at my hands in my lap.
“Lyla turn down your music”! Nathaniel yelled. Then he turned to me. Lyla didn’t turn it down, but of course she didn’t I would be surprised, even with our hearing capabilities if she could hear anything.
“I’m guessing you sulking down here and her not listening means she is still mad”. Nathaniel said to me.
“I am not sulking. If you wouldn’t have said what you said, this wouldn’t have happened”. I said standing up getting ready to run to the bathroom, which I did quite fast after telling Nathaniel off. She was right; this being mad at your mate thing is so not fun. After getting done in the bathroom, I went back to the living room and lay down on the couch, watching a movie that Ayden put in. Jasmine handed me a blanket and a small trash can. I placed the trash can on the floor next to the couch and covered up with the blanket. I knew until Lyla forgave me, I was going to need that trash can. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. Later on that day, Lyla came up to me and shook me.
“Wake up and come and eat dinner”. She said glaring at me.
“No thanks; I prefer to sulk here on the couch not eating that way I don’t puke my food up. Now, if you decide you’re not mad at me anymore, than I will go it, but I know you are still angry because of the look you’re giving me. So, go enjoy your dinner”. I said closing my eyes.
“Fine starve yourself for all I care”. Lyla said storming out of the room.
I heard the pack laughing from the dining room. I really didn’t care; this is so not funning waking up every ten minutes puking my guts out.
I know I am being too hard on Taaron, but he needs to learn. That was an insult that my father said about us and he just laughed about it. I walked into the dining room, knowing that the pack was laughing about Taaron and my fight, but who gives a crap. I sat down in my seat at the dining table and dug into my food. I was starving, not eating anything but some donuts this morning.
“I need to know if you and Taaron are sharing a room”. My father said. I looked up from my plate and glared at him.
“If you must dad, yes we will end up sharing a room, but not until tomorrow. He needs to learn a lesson”? I snapped at my dad. He looked up at me with a shocked and angry expression. The pack was looking at me with shocked expression on their faces. They knew not to talk to the alpha like that, but I
really didn’t give a crap.
“You do not talk to me like that Lyla Gabrielle Salvatore”! He yelled using his alpha voice.
“You should know now that voice doesn’t work for either one of your kids. Maybe you shouldn’t embarrass me in front of the entire pack. That is an insult”! I yelled back, standing up from the table, grabbing my plate. I went into the living room and sat on the floor in front of the couch Taaron was sitting in. I finished my plate and then got up and grabbed Taaron and I both a bottle of water. I went back into the living room and shook Taaron, waking him back up. He looked up at me, with a confused look. I knew he was wondering if I was still mad at him or not.
“Come on babe”. I said grabbing his hand. We walked up stairs to my room, since I liked it better than his and sat on my bed drinking our water.
“Are you still mad at me”? Taaron asked.
“No, I forgive. Just don’t laugh at something like that again. That was an insult to us and you thought it was funny”.
“I promise I won’t. I really don’t think I will make you mad again. I don’t know if I can take that”.
I scooted closer to him, so I was now on his lap, placing my arms around his neck. I placed my lips on his and asked for entrance. He didn’t grant me it. So I tried again, but still he didn’t grant me access of his mouth, instead he placed his tongue in my mouth exploring it and teasing me with his tongue. He placed his hands under my shirt, and then pulled it off over my head, breaking our kiss for a split second. He pulled my bra off of me and the laid me down on the bed. He kissed down on my neck and my breasts. I pulled his shirt off over his head and tried to pull him closer to me, but he didn’t budge.
“Stop, we are going at my pace babe”. Taaron said against my breast.
He then took off my pants and panties and kissed me all over my body. He got up off of the bed and took his pants and boxers off and then came back over to me. Then he made the most pleasurable love to me. I couldn’t help but think, make up sex is very enjoyable.

One Month Later
Taaron and stay in my room all the time now. The treaty pack is still on our land and our pack is still coming up with a plan to get rid of them. On the other hand Taaron and I are having a baby, which everyone seems to be excited about it.

Thanks for readying my book, look for the second one!


Texte: Copyrighted March 3, 2012
Bildmaterialien: Please don't steal anything from my book. It all came from my imagination.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.03.2012

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To my family and friends for believing in me. (Also, if you want updates; plese add me as your friend or comment on my book.)

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