
It’s been months since I left home. Now I’m up here in my room trying to look for things to save before the house gets destroyed. After my parents died, I decided to just sell the house and Jyggie agreed. I was about to leave the room with all the things I found precious when I heard a thud. I looked around and I saw a thick book. It wasn’t an official book but I remember it. I made this book back when I was a kid. The title read, “One Day we’ll meet” and I didn’t know what got into me but I just began leafing through the pages. I started with the story of my “old” life through Chapter I of the very book I held tightly in my hands.
Chapter I
I've been alone almost all my life. Although I have my parents, I'm not really very close to them. I have no siblings and no friends on top of that. You might think my life is lonely but I really think it's no big deal at all. Mark Dio is my given name and I’m one of those nerds that people try to stay away from. Let me tell you how I look then. I have ash blonde hair, freckles on my nose and ocean-blue eyes that are hidden by my thick glasses. I guess I'm your typical geeky guy. I don't really mind being alone so I really don't need to receive such pity looks. I hate it when my parents look at me sadly as if I was a big disappointment in their life. I just spend time observing the lives of other people that I found interesting because I’m a writer. I’m a member of a writer club online. It’s a website called BookChase where you could write your own book and observing people help me gather good ideas for it. It's like when I see those people, I just know. For example, I know the girl that sits beside me in biology class is pregnant and one of our professors is the father. I know that the school captain is dating the head of the cheerleader but in reality he's in love with the nerdy girl in chemistry class. I know that the school principal is thinking of quitting because she thinks that she's wasting her time in such a low ranking school. I know a lot and maybe that's why people try to get away from me. They're afraid I might use the information I know about them to threaten them but I, in reality, have no intention of doing that. I also mean that when I say “observing”, it means I stay on the side and never interfere. I get tired of being an observer from time to time and I’ve been wishing all my life that one day I’ll meet a person who would change me inside out.
That person came into my life on the 19th day of August 2009 and she changed my life with me only realizing it when it was already too late to express my gratitude.
August 19 seem like a day like any other day...well, that was what I thought. I began scribbling in my notebook about the new information I gathered from different people. I want you to know that I’m not really a stalker, it’s just that observing is what I do best. It was already dismissal but I still had no intention of going home. I just stayed in my usual spot trying to look for interesting people that passes me by. Then there was this particular girl who caught my eye. She had auburn hair and she had three companies with her who were obviously her friends. She was wearing a beautiful smile on her face and she was shining. I would have stopped looking if only I didn't get a glimpse of her eyes. She had silver eyes and those very eyes betrayed her smile. She had glassy-eyes and it would seem as if any moment the glass would shatter and tears would start falling. I knew right away she was in pain. I can't even believe her friends would fall for her smile! After seeing her eyes, I couldn't bear looking at her smile anymore. I burrowed my head in my notebook and I realized I scribbled her name without me knowing. Even if I was a transferee of course I know who she is, she's Nika Roberts.
As I reached the ending of chapter I, I couldn’t help but smile. Between the pages was another story written in pink ink. It was Nika’s idea to write her own side of the story.
I’m Nika Roberts and I have a cute little brother named Peter. I’m just your average girl and people say I smile too much. I have a secret and that’s I’m an aspiring writer. Sometimes I think it’s my only talent so I try my best to be good at it. I’m a member of a writer club online called BookChase where you could write your own stories and I’ve written at least five books already.
Chapter II
I can't believe I've never noticed her before. She was my seatmate in English class and she was the best. She’s also the most beautiful and the most charming among all the girls.
"Hi." I told her before realizing what I've done.
"Oh. Hello there." She said, her voice unwavering. I wish she would stop looking so sad. I wish her eyes wouldn't look so sad all the time. I wish her silver eyes will someday match her pretty smile.
That was the last time I talked to her in English class. Since I’m no talker, I just continued observing her.
Days passed and I noticed a lot of changes in her. Her eyes looked even sadder than they were before. Her auburn hair that used to be always fixed was in bundles, as if they haven't been combed for a long time. Her smile faded day by day as her friends disappeared from her side time by time. This continued for a long time.
As I was sitting in my usual spot during dismissal waiting for her to pass by, I saw her friends. They were together but she wasn't there. I wasn't surprised because I know the day would come when they would all disappear from her side just like that. I continued to wait but she really didn't pass by. Panic began to form in me and I decided to look for her. It was a long time before I could see her. She was huddled in a dark corner and she was gazing far away as if she wasn't there at all. I know what I was going to do is wrong since this isn’t part of my job as an “observer” but I can’t just leave her like that. I’m not as cruel as others can be.
"Nika, are you okay?" I muttered trying to calm my pounding heart. She turned to look at me and tried to remember my face.
"You're the boy who said hi to me in English class, right?" She said, her voice close to tears.
"Yes. What happened to you?" I asked, hoping I wouldn't tear up.
"A lot has happened to me. No one would understand." She replied as if hoping I would go away but I held my ground.
"I would. I've been alone all my life that I've been trained to be a good listener" I said as I sat beside her. She looked at me to confirm if I was lying and then she smiled.
"I'll tell you but not today. I better get home before cops go looking for me." She said and waved goodbye as she started to get up.
"It's a promise then." I smiled and waved in reply.
When I went home, I went straight to the computer. I logged in to that online writer’s club and I wrote in the book I called, “One Day we’ll meet”. It was a book I made and only one person knew that it was a collection of my day to day life and her username is Jyggie019. She’s the only friend I got really close to in BookChase without actually meeting her in person. She writes tragic stories and when I asked her why online, she simply answered, “I create tragic not love.” I try not to ask anymore for fear of arguing with her. Anyway, what she didn’t know is that the book is actually inspired by her because I want to meet her one day. With this book, I was hoping that one day I could write in that I met her already and I’m already happy. The want of meeting Jyggie019 was also the reason I went in Roseville. I asked her where she lived and when she answered Roseville, I convinced my parents to just live here. Thankfully, they didn’t ask and just gave up on my whims. I’m totally a nerd but I’m also a human who want to at least be able to meet even one single person who could understand me and wouldn’t judge me. The type of thing I was hoping I could find in Jyggie019. I wanted to meet her so bad because I was hoping she was the one I’ve been wishing to meet all my life that could change me.
When I got to school the next day, Nika was by the gate. She noticed me then smiled and waved. I ran to her and asked, "Why are you here?"
"I was waiting for you." She said as if it was only natural. I hope she didn't see me blush or something.
Every day, she would do just that. She would wait on me and sometimes it would be me waiting for her. She didn't tell me her problem and I didn't push her. I also noticed that she was smiling again even if her eyes still bore pain. We exchanged numbers and she would call late at night just to say goodnight. She also started calling me her friend. I wished that time would just stand still and let us be like this but just as the saying goes, "Nothing lasts forever."
Chapter III
We became friends for four months and in those months I kept our memories together. We would start hanging out in malls and she'll have sleepover in our house. I asked her if we could do it in their house too but she said it would be boring. I decided not to push it since I could see I just touched a touchy subject.
In the fifth month of our friendship though, she started to change. She would go to school looking very unkempt and her smile would rarely show in her face. I didn't ask her what's wrong because I was scared it might upset her. But one day she showed up with marks on her wrists and bruises on her hands.
"What are those?" I asked trying to tell myself to be brave.
"It's nothing. Don't mind it, Mark." She replied quickly brushing me off. I grabbed her and she looked surprised but I had to do it. I know I just had to.
"This isn't nothing!" I said trying to keep my composure. She pulled herself free from me and got furious.
"I told you it's nothing! When will you stop thinking that something's wrong! They were right you are nothing but a freak!" She screamed in my face and walked away. The stupid me got angry and shouted "Fine! Forget I became your friend at all!" I didn't realize that she had a lot on her mind at that time. I felt really guilty and wanted to talk to someone but I’ve got only one other friend and it’s Jyggie019. She’s got wrong timing since the time I was really down, she wouldn’t be online leaving me thinking that maybe something’s wrong with me.
Nika stopped texting me and when I try calling, she won't pick up. She would come to school looking more unkempt and more bruises and marks on her body. I know because I always look after her.
When she became absent, fear built in me. I know she will kill me for going to her house when she told me to stay out of it but I've had enough. I wanted to go to the front door but I know she would just brush me off and lie about being sick or something. I decided to climb to her room and I did it good. When I got to her balcony, I heard her crying. I've never heard her cry like that before. I mastered my courage and open the sliding door that was thankfully open. It was dark in her room and I got to her bed. Then the lights flicker and I saw her. Her face has traces of tears in them and she looked at me sadly.
"Mark?" She asked, her voice cracking.
"It's me, Nika." I answered trying to keep myself calm.
"Oh Mark" She cried out and hugged me tightly. She cried on me and I let her be. I didn't know how to comfort her and this is the only thing I could do for her. When she finally stopped crying, she looked at me.
"Why are you here?" She said as she wiped her tears away with her hand.
"That's what friends are for, right?" I replied. I took her hand and used my other hand to brush her tears away.
"I forgot to keep my promise. It's my parents, Mark. They're getting divorce and I don't want that. I saw my younger brother cried and my heart broke. They're so selfish, Mark. I hate them so much." She said while she started crying again.
"Did you try talking to them?" I asked trying to keep my voice light.
"Tried? I talked to them a hundred times! They wouldn't listen at all! They said I would still see them though we wouldn't be living in the same home anymore. I'm so useless, Mark. I taunt them that if they get divorced, they would never see me alive again. I tried to commit suicide too but I couldn't do it because I remember my younger brother's face and ...yours" She said then she reached for my glasses and took them off. "I wish I could drown in those eyes, Mark, so it wouldn't be so bad."
Then she kissed my cheek as usual. She's done this a lot of times. She would take my glasses off, kiss my cheek then say "I like you better without glasses." I just took her in my arms and she whispered to me, "I only wish for my family to be back again. I can't believe I took for granted all those times that we were happy." My heart ached but I couldn't cry. I wouldn't cry because this would hurt her too. She's too kind-hearted. We fell asleep together in her bed. She was in my arms and I was on hers.
Chapter IV
Night after night, I would crash in her room just to comfort her. I just want to make sure she would be able to sleep at night with a light heart. I wore glasses but she would always take them off before she sleeps and kiss my cheek then smile, "I like you better without your glasses". I would always sleep with her in my arms then slip off at midnight so nobody would find out. All those nights though, I would hear her parents fight. There would be a lot of crashes downstairs and screams could be heard even from a mile away. Nika would pretend that she didn't hear them. She would just continue what we're doing and I would do the same so she wouldn't break. Even as she pretend, her eyes still betrayed her because the glass in her eyes break easily and a tear would come out from them. Her younger brother would sometimes come in the room and huddle next to her. At first, he was reluctant to play with me but after a lot of nights, he would sleep on my right while Nika sleeps on my left. Sometimes, they cry in their sleep and I would brush their tears away.
I was online all those days too and I always look for Jyggie019 to appear on my online list. Sometimes she would go online but most times not. Then on one particular day I asked her real name and guess what? Her name is Nika Roberts and apparently I really had only one friend all these days. I didn’t mind though and we just laughed at it. That was also the time she decided to write in my diary also known as the book I entitled, “One Day we’ll meet”. Thankfully at that time I was still at Chapter I since I didn’t have much time to write. The other chapters got written only after a particular event that changed my life.
Chapter V
I continued crashing to her room until the day that the divorce has been approved. I was with her that day and she gripped my hand in hers. It was also the first time that I met her parents. They know nothing of the nights I spend in their house and I have no intention of letting them know. Of course, the children would go home with Mrs. Roberts. Mr. Roberts left without a word to his ex-wife although he waved goodbye to Nika and her younger brother, Peter. Nika looked at him but didn't reply to his wave. She pulled me in the backseat of the car while Peter stayed in front. She rested her head on my shoulder and I took her hand in mine. She knew very well that her battle was over and that she had lost but Peter didn't understand because he was only five.
"Mommy, why isn't Daddy coming with us? Will he go to the mall and buy us something?" Peter asked with confusion reflected in his eyes.
Mrs. Roberts didn't answer and patted Peter on the head. All the while that I thought Nika was asleep already, I felt her grip my hand and I felt a tear land on my hand.
Chapter VI
On the first night of the divorce approval, it was horrible. She cried nonstop and I had to use every ounce of strength I got to keep myself from crying. Seeing her like that was too painful for me and I know that the pain I'm feeling isn't even half of what she was feeling. I felt as if she only existed and forgot about living because all she ever did was cry. She stopped going to class and stayed in her room all day and night. I would always be in her room at night comforting her and watch her cry. She didn't let anyone in the room except me. She even closed the door for Peter because she didn't want him to see her like that. I thought all she needed was time to be able to cope up. I didn't realize that she wasn't coping up at all.
I didn't realize it until it was too late.
Chapter VII
It was already late evening when I got in her room and she was nowhere to be found. It was odd since she never left her room even during the day. I know because during weekends, I stay all day. My parents never complained because they know what I was doing and they're happy I got a friend. I was ready to go home when I found traces of blood on the rug. I also saw broken glass on the floor and the glasses had blood. I ran as fast as I could and followed the traces of blood. The blood was still fresh so I know she just got out. I don't know how long I've been searching for her but I didn't stop until I saw someone sprawled on the street. My heart nearly jumped to my throat when I realized that it was Nika.
I've been waiting for two hours in the hospital until both Mr. and Mrs. Roberts got there with Peter. They asked me what happened and I told them what I saw. I saw how upset the both of them were. Peter was also crying and I realized that when he really cries, it could break anyone's heart. I wanted to cry but I was exhausted. I brought Nika to the nearest hospital on foot since I couldn't get any reception. My feet were bleeding but I didn't care about that. I just wanted her to be safe, just that. Then the doctor came out and we waited for the news.
“Apparently, she went through the window and lost already too much blood but it’s not the reason she’s like this. She's in a comatose and she's not in a stable condition.” The doctor announced grimly.
"You mean she could die any minute." Mr. Roberts asked trying to be calm.
"Yes. It would appear that she was hit by a car after she went out of your house through the window. You should stay with her and talk to her to keep her alive. It's the only thing that we could do. We're very sorry" The doctor replied and excused himself.
I felt numb all over. I couldn't believe what the doctor just said. I approached her hospital bed and all the tears that I held back came rushing out. I took her hand and I kissed it and said, "Please. Don't go yet."
Chapter VIII
A lot has happened since that day. People keep coming in and out her room encouraging her to wake up. Her parents are becoming closer than ever and I won't get surprised if they get married again. Peter kept reading her story books and telling her all that happened in school to him. I stay with her all day and night that it became my house. My parents let me stay as long as I like and sometimes they visit her too. I kept telling her how school was and telling her that I'm having a hard time in English so she should wake up and teach me. I also saw her three friends from before crying and telling her sorry.
Two months passed and I still had my hopes up. I was telling her that her parents are thinking of remarrying and she would be the maid of honor. I told her that her wish is coming true that she is the only one needed.
Then the first day of the third month came and I thought there would be a fourth but part of me knew it wouldn't happen.
Chapter IX
It was already evening and I was prepared to sleep. I took her hand and told her goodnight. When I slept, a dream came to me. It was white, everything was white. I said "Hello" and my voice echoed. Then I saw a girl whose back was turned on me and she had auburn hair. "Nika?" I was even afraid to ask without knowing why.
When she looked at me though, her silver eyes weren't sad. In fact they were shining beautifully. She was too far from me though so I tried to get closer but every step I take, she only got farther.
"Nika. Don't leave me, please." I said trying to keep my voice from breaking but failing.
She looked at me and she waved. I didn't understand what she meant. Then a strange blackness brought me to reality.
When I woke up, I heard crying. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me so I raised my head. I felt a tear roll to my cheek and my hand was cold. No, I was touching something cold. I realized what was cold. It was Nika's hand and the crying wasn't just my mind. At that time, I just wish I was not in the right mind because I never told them that I knew this was coming. In my dream, there was a sweet voice and it said, "Goodbye, Mark. You must let me go."
When I went back to the house, my parents met me at the door. They know I was grieving because parents know their children more than we children think they do. I was trying not to cry but my mother knew it was time for me to let my tears go. She hugged me and my father said that I can cry all I want now. I did as I was told and it was a really long night of crying.
I went to my computer and told myself she’s gone and that I shouldn’t try to look for Jyggie019 anymore. I was alone all again. This was what was wrong with me. I never got to have my wish to be with that wonderful person because maybe I wasn’t good enough.
Chapter X
A lot of people came to grieve for her death. Her parents cried but they were going to remarry for the sake of Peter. Peter went to me and told me, "I love Nika very much." I looked at the only shining star in the pitch-black sky and said, "I love Nika very much too." Even if I never told anyone before, someone knew. Someone knew that I fell in love with the glassy-eyed girl the first time I laid my eyes on her. That someone was no other that Nika because she told me in my dream too, "I love you too, Mark. I love you even if you have glasses or not. That's what I wanted to tell you all those times."
I'm now a different person. I am now wearing contacts because I couldn't bear the thought of having another person take them off someday. I'm not a nerd anymore too. I started socializing with people I only knew from afar and I thought were jerks. I have my own circle of friends as well. I also start getting along with my parents and get this, I'm going to have a new baby sister! They said they'll name it Jyggie and I didn't disapprove. I'll just make sure to protect her and keep her happy. I'm also happy now.
It's really sad she had to die to get her wish but she also granted my wish. I finally saw her eyes show happiness with her smile.
All of this I owe to Nika. All of this I owe to the Glassy-eyed Girl from once upon a time.

-The End of One Day we’ll meet-

When I closed the book, I felt a strange sadness. I touched the back cover of the book and written in pink ink was the word “again”. Actually, Nika wrote this. It was actually added in the back cover of the book after she died. I know it’s crazy but it’s true. She wanted me to know that even in the end of her journey, I wouldn’t be alone anymore.
“Dad?” I heard someone called from outside. It was Maqi.
“What is it Maqi?” I asked hoping he wouldn’t hear the sadness in my voice but parents also don’t know that children know their parents just as much as they know their children.
Maqi looked at me oddly and said, “Mom is looking for you.”
“I’ll be there in a minute.” I said motioning for him to leave.
Yes, I’m now married and have a son named Maqi. I named my son Maqi because this is what Nika Roberts wants and this is what the “other” Nika wants.
Today is August 19 and I’m celebrating two things, the day I met Nika Roberts and the day I met her again ten years after her death. I did meet her again; the same silver eyes and auburn hair and I met her the very same day, the 19th day of August only now it’s in 2019. The only big difference is that her name now is Nika Dio also known as my wife. BookChase was also the one who made our connection. Apparently, she read my book entitled, “One Day we’ll meet” and she’s been wishing to meet the author namely me. Think it’s coincidence or even impossible? Well, I think it’s fate.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.06.2011

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