
Chapter 1 {The Past}

I was only 5 when I found myself in the woods.I was alone and scared,it was cold and the snow underneath me made it worst.I couldn't remember how or when I got here,I just knew it was dangerous to be here for too long.So,I ran blindly for an exit,I ran faster when I heard howls behind me.No matter how fast I ran I heard the howls closer and closer,Faith didn't want me to escape because once the howls were close enough I tripped and twisted my ankle.When I looked back a pack of wolves were bearing their teeth at me and their ears folded back. I tried to scream,but it was caught in my throat, instead I silently cried and closed my eyes.I heard a wolf barking and as it was going to pounce on me,a crow cawed three times when I looked to my right I didn't see one crow but three.All of them were glaring at the wolves,as if they were warning them to back off.The wolves whimpered and ran away.I let a sigh of relief escape from me,but I knew I wasn't out of danger yet.Two of the crows flew away to the direction I was running to and was out of sight.The third one flew next to me and kept me company.I didn't know why but when I was about to close my eyes the bird kept cawing to keep me from what might be my last breath.Finally after what seems like 5 hours the other two crows came back,after a while I heard a voice calling out "Hello anybody there?" I was surprise that anyone will come here I was overjoyed that I might to be found,but when I tried to respond no words came out since I forgot how.I cried silently,I was scared that I might never be found.The crows cawed at the same time,I thought they might be sending I signal since a man came behind me.I looked back the man seemed young and kind,he probably saw me holding my ankle and scooped me up without saying a word.I looked back and saw the crows that saved my life,I gave them a warm smile.They flew away, even though they did I felt like they were watching from afar to make sure I got out safely.Once I was out I heard flaps of wings and three caws,I was kinda sad to see them go,but I'll never forgot them.

That kind man had a wife and a daughter,since I didn't know how to speak I couldn't introduce myself.Instead I hold onto the man's coat as tight I could,I was still afraid and didn't want him to put me down.He squeezed me tight and pointed to his daughter,I looked at her direction and her curly,long blond hair really brought out her eyes that were glaring at me.Her arms were folded and a devilish smile came upon her face.My eyes widened full with terror and I pulled closer to the man.When I looked at him he slowly said something as he pointed to his daughter.I listen closely and finally I understand he was saying 'Sarah'.I tried to say the name the best way I could,slowly I said "Sa-rah?".He seemed really happy to hear since he was laughing,so was Sarah,but it seemed she was laughing at me.I blushed and the he pointed to a woman with long blond hair that fell on her forehead forming the same thing on my forehead except my hair was pitch black.I guessed that woman was his wife and the mother of Sarah.The man said something again I tried to comprehend,but I still didn't understand,he kept repeating it then when I listen really hard then I finally understand he was saying 'Jade'.I thought I could say it,I cleared my throat and looked at the man he anxious to hear say her name.That gave me a boosted of confidence and I said her name as clearly as I could "J-J-ade?"Right then the man had an ear to ear smile,I looked at jade she didn't seemed to smile,instead she rolled her eyes.Sarah just ignore the whole situation and went up stairs.I had a feeling that Jade and Sarah didn't like me.Soon after I learned new words and learned how to make conversation with somebody.The sweet kind man said to call him 'Father'.He said he'll call me 'Ava' since he always wanted a daughter named that,I was overjoyed to have very own name. When I asked Jade if I could call her mother she glared at me and said "I'm only a mother to my real daughter,I have no desire to make you as my daughter and so I don't want to be reminded that some girl came to my house and became part of the family." With that she turned around and continued smoking her cigarette.I felt tears come to my eyes,I knew she didn't like me,but I never knew she can so cruel.I didn't understand why since I was young.Father sent me off to school once he thought I knew how to speak well.Sarah and I were in the same classroom,I was really content but it didn't seem Sarah was.Whenever I tried to talk to her she always ignore me and so did her friends.I got the message when I was six she turned the whole class against me, no one will play,talk or even help me.I was alone.I couldn't tell father since Sarah threatened me if I did.I will always sit by myself at lunch until a new transfer students came to our class.There names were Ace and Jason.Ace seemed to get along with everyone,but Jason didn't seemed interested even though half of the girls in our class were stuck with him like glue.His black hair was almost like mine.He had hair naturally placed on his forehead making his bangs and his hair wasn't to short it only made past his ear.His eyes were a light violent and long lashes made the pop.His skin was pale,but not too like some vampire's just a little shaded.Before I knew it I was staring at him,just like that he turned his head and faced me.His caught mine and everything else seemed to disappear.He was probably as surprised then I was.When I finally realized what was happening I quickly turned my head to the window when I looked back at him he was talking to the girls.I knew they were warning him not to get near so I didn't get my hopes up to become friends.Then I looked at Ace, he had dark red hair and the same kind of skin Jason had,he also also had dark green eyes.I thought Jason and Ace were related or friends since they both have the same skin color and hair style.Sarah was talking to him,then she saw me staring at them,she glared at me and continued to talk to Ace.In less than a minute Sarah pointed at me as she talked to Ace.Ace looked at me and his eyes widened in surprised.I quickly Looked away,but I still felt eyes on me.The girls talking to Jason pointed at me too,as soon as they did Jason turned back and looked at me.His eyes show no emotions.I knew at that second Sarah and the other girls were warning Jason and Ace to stay away from me.Jason stood up from his desk and walked to mine at that moment Ace did the same thing.The room was quiet.Both,Jason and Ace were at my desk simultaneously both took out their hands and said "Nice to meet you!".They gave me a big smile,the whole class practically gasped.I gave them a warming smile and shook their hands.Our friendship grew and grew until Sarah snatched away Ace from us.Ace was then on the other side.I was disappointed,I couldn't believe Ace did that.I thought we were friends,now he will probably hate me since he over there now.Jason saw the sadness in my eyes and grabbed my hand.Without looking at me he said "Don't worry,even though he gone I always be by your side,you're not alone."At that moment he looked at me and smile.I smiled back and grabbed his pinky "Pinky swear!"Jason smile grew bigger "Yeah!"There I knew Jason was special to me.Our bond was stronger then ever,but when I'm with him I feel 'eyes' on me,as if I'm being watch.It would always kinda scares me,I didn't tell anyone since I don't people to think I'm weirder than they thought.

When it was close to my birthday {the day I was found} without warning,Father passed away in a car crash while looking for a gift for me.I blamed myself and so did Sarah and Jade.I cried the most at his funeral,when I wasn't paying attention Sarah and her mom left me alone in the church.I wasn't scare because Father was there to protect me.Right?I remember at that moment the door creaked.No one was inside except me and the cold body that used to be my Father.I heard footsteps coming closer to me.Step,step,step.Then I saw a little boy's figure.As he came closer to the light I saw his face.I gasped,"What are you doing here,Ace?"He came closer to me kneel beside me and gave me warm hug.Even though he was covered in snow,his heart was so warm.When I tried to hug back he disappeared into a fog of a lost memory.I got up and walked to the door it was closed even though Ace left it open.I turned the handle and open to a cold,snowy night.Just like the day I was found.I placed my hands in my pocket and felt something in it.I slowly took it out and found a necklace with a red ruby that has a black center on it.From what I heard there no such thing as these rubies,I thought it was special and kept close to me.Even though my house is only a few blocks away,I felt safe with with the necklace near me.I didn't care where the necklace came from I just glad i had it.I was colder then usual since I was wearing a dress and flats.There I felt the 'eyes' on me closer then before,at that moment I felt a hand on my shoulder.My eyes were full with terror,my body stiffen.I slowly turned my head to meet the eyes of the person I needed the most.Tears wield up in my eyes,I wrapped my arms around the ghostly figure of my Father.But I knew it was worthless,he wasn't there,he was gone.I fell onto the ground,no one needed me,not even notice I was gone.I wondered why was I born into a world when I have no meaning to it.There I sat alone on the snow.I saw someone coming to me,I thought it was another illusion and looked away.But it won't go away it came closer,the manly figure came in front of me,the moonlight shined upon him.His eyes were the color of blood and behind him were big black wings.My eyes widened when he smiled showing a pair of fangs.He spoke with a deep voice "Are you in pain?Are you alone?" he looked both ways and looked back at me.He grinned wider and laughed.He kneel in front of me and came closer to me,he whispered "I'll give you even more pain!"I wanted to scream but it was caught in my throat.I wanted to move but my body felt like it had chains all over it.I prepared for the worst and closed my eyes.After a while nothing happened that was when I noticed drops of blood on the snow and a knife stabbed into the body of the man.I felt my body able to move again and pulled away from the body.I was speechless then I saw Jason in front of my with a blank expression and a bloody mitten.He looked at me and tears were coming out of his eyes.I knew he was as scared as I was.That night we kept each other company and went home.Jade wasn't happy to see me and told me to go to my room.I promised Jason never to tell anyone about the mishap.Days flew by and it was finally my birthday.Normally kids be smiling on there birthday,but I was different something horrible always happen on it or days before it.School was as same as always,no one didn't care that it was my birthday.Jason was out sick so I was alone at the frozen pond near the playground.It was still fragile and the water was deep, no one dare to go on it.As I stay at a safe distance,I stared at my necklace.I wondered what was this doing in my pocket that night?Why had it had a safe aura around it?Question popped in my head one by one.Until Sarah saw the necklace and confront me.She had her friends behind her " Where did you get that?I bet you stole it."she laughed and gave me devilish grin.I tighten my grip on the necklace and stood up."It's mine,I got for my birthday."Sarah laughed even harder and so did your friends."Who will give a worthless girl a present?"She took the necklace out of my hand.I got angry and grabbed the necklace back.As I did that I pushed Sarah unto the ice.

My eyes widened when I heard the ice crack.I quickly stood up and try to save Sarah before it was too late.I wasn't quick enough,Sarah fell in and no one could save her.The teachers were also too late,they couldn't save Sarah from the freezing water.Everyone pointed at me when the teacher ask who's fault was it,when I explain my story they thought it was ridiculous.That day no one saved my sister,but the funny thing is I never cried during her funeral.Actually,I was jealous,she got to stay along side with father.While I have to stay in this cruel world.This time Jade took me home,silence was in the car.When we got home Jade threw me into my room,hitting my head against the wall.She screamed "How dare you!You are no way a part of this family!I wish that my husband never brought a worthless,murderous and good for nothing girl like you!You stay here and I don't want a peep out of you as long as you're here.If you even ask for help,I'll make sure I come up here and slit your throat."I nodded my head agreeing to her contract.She closed the door locking it from outside.I looked at the window,the night sky was the beginning of the cruel world's arising.

Chapter 2 *Present Time*

Everyday Jade and her boyfriend come and hurt me physically and emotionally.I'm alone and scared,I think everyday what I did wrong.I wonder where are those crows are now,free and flying in the wide sky.Not a care in the world.I look through the window that was lock and boarded.I saw through a square hole two boys playing in the snow.I wished I had the freedom they have.The clean skin on their bodies,no scars or wounds like me.I felt something roll off my cheek and drop to the ground.I put my hand one the ice cold window staring and admiring everything in the outside world.The trees,snow and the warming sun that never comes my way.Just once I would want to be hold gently and hear the words "I love you" upon the one I love.I looked at myself in the mirror and grimace,so many scars on my arms and bruises on my body.My hair is messed up and being stuck in this room makes it hard to breathe.I looked back at the window and smile just a little to see everyone enjoying life and having fun.I stared at the boys the most,laughing,running and playing with the snow. One looked about my age with long black hair that reached up to his collar bone and golden eyes that seemed so lonely.Even though he was playing and laughing,why does his eyes look so sad?His red scarf blew in the wind like a bird and his long dark coat followed as if they're trying to get away.He looked thin, but strong and he had a deep look in his eyes.That's when I notice he was looking at me.I blushed and turned away,I couldn't believe I just notice he was staring at me.Nobody dare look up here because of some ghost stories I heard Jade talk about.I looked back at the window,this time he wasn't looking at me but,the small kid.He smiled at him,a warming smile ta I only saw when I was I missed him,he was the only one that stayed beside me.
That's when I heard "Jason!Come on were gonna be late for dinner!"My heart skipped a beat, I paid attention to where the boy was looking and yelling at.I was even more shocked to see he meant the boy with golden eyes.The little boy started tugging on his arm.Before he moved, he look at me with those lonely eyes again.I felt like he was telling me something,but it wasn't possible he couldn't possible remember me.He couldn't not now,not like what I am now.I quickly turned away,and slide down the wall.It was silent, once again I was alone.


I realized then that maybe he wasn't Jason from my past.Jason had light violent eyes,that person had golden ones,it wasn't possible.Fate was cruel to me,it will never give me what wanted.It always give me pain to suffer through,it truly hated me.I didn't go to sleep that night,I just lied awake thinking about Jason over and over.The way we made silly promises and how he was attach to me so I wouldn't feel lonely.The way his pure skin touch my tainted one.He was the only who comfort me when Father passed away,he was the only one who would hold my hand.It wasn't fair,I closed my heart so pain can't get through yet thoughts of Jason came flowing in like a waterfall.One after an other.I squeeze my eyes shut,forcing my body to fall in a deep sleep.I drifted into another nightmare.

I was little again and something was holding my hand.I looked beside me and there was Jason.I wanted him to look at me but he kept his head straight forward.I wanted to yell his name,but couldn't.Suddenly,Jason let go of my hand,leaving my hand cold from the breeze.My eyes widened with terror,I didn't want him to let go!I tried to yell to him but something wrapped itself on my mouth.Jason started heading toward Sarah,I wanted to run to him but something pulled me in.I looked back and there was the scary man I saw the night of the funeral.He smiled showing his fangs.I looked back at Jason who was now holding Sarah's hand,his hand that used to hold mine.Finally,I screamed out his name.
He turned around as I whispered the words "Help me."I thought he'll come to help,but instead he turned forward with Sarah's hand and left. I was shock and I heard the words whispered in my ear "You're alone and always will be."
My eyes bolted open.I was on the floor again and as usual the sun never shined on my face to welcome me.I looked at my hand,had a scar where Jade scratch me so hard when I tried to yell for help.I touched the scar softly,even though I couldn't feel it pain and hatred was there.I want to see him.The one call Jason,I want to see him.

I stared at the window waiting, wishing, to see him.He was the only one who actually looked at me.Others just pass me by,never looking up to the window,but he did.I wonder why,how come he didn't pay attention like the rest did?Every since that scary story Jade made up about the house,no dare look up.If the did,they will only see the wood cover up the window,,they wouldn't notice the small square hole.Sun down soon came and I gave up,no one will come at this after before dark.There are some creatures out there,watching you,waiting for a entrance to eat you.Like that creature when I was little,if it wasn't for Jason,I don't know what would have happen.I whispered his name in the air remembering our past.


As I whispered those words,I heard laughter outside.I suddenly turn pale,who would have come at this hour?I slowly stepped to the window, and what I saw made me stumble back.He's here,the one call Jason,he's here.I looked through the window, and for the first time I smiled at his appearance and once again called out his name.This time he looked up and smiled at me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.08.2011

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