

I was the strange girl in our town the girl peopole made fun of and treated like she carried a diesies. I didn't really know my mother she had died the day I was born that what my father told me . I was almost sixteen and had no friens I had names like the " Creep " or the " Freak . I had gotten used to those names becuase all the girls called me that when I was five years old . I was never invited to any parties .

The way my father died was strange . I had found him near the fields he was lying on the grass his dark blue eyes seemed gray he had strange marks on his hand and something on his neck I couldn't make anything out . I screamed for help even though he was already dead .

Peopole came and saw me next to him . I could see their pitty for me in their eyes . When we got ton the police station the police said that he had some sort of heaar attack . I remember asking them if they saw a wound on his neck but they didn't. I gathered all the couarge to see my fathers dead body again but the mark was gone nothing was there .

The next day I buried my father alone no one came to his funeral . I was supriesed when they told me that my aunt and uncle where coming to pick me up . That I should star packing my things . I wondered how they would be like I never met anyone from my family .

Family meeting

I sat nexy to the window looking outside it was raining real hard . Iowa was cold especially in Mitcheville but it had never rained as much like today . The house was silent but I was used to it even when dad was alive the house was quiet .Dad and I rarley saw each other he was always in the fiels or in his studi reading or writting . I wondered how my aunt and uncle looked . I hope I wasn't a bother . Maybe I was , becuas I had never heard of them and didn't even know what to call them .

I wasn't going to mis Mitcheville even if I had grown up here I had always wanted to leave . I had plannned that when I left this town I would be leaving with dad not alone .My life had alway been a wreck but now nothing made sense . Yesterday I had dan and now he's gone and I have relatives I didn't know exsisted .

I heard a knock on the door . I quickly got up not wanting to keep whoever was outside in the rain . I opened the door and saw a tall man and woman . They where both so beautiful I couldn't help but stare . The woman looked no less than thirty she had beutiful honey blond hair and light gray eyes . The man in contrast had dark beown hair and dark blueeyes just like my dads .

" Uh , come in ", I said .

The woman embraced me . She felt cold but warm at the same time .

" Its so nice to meet you Brisa I wish it could have been in other circumstances though ", She said .

The womans voice was so sweet and warm .

" I'm your aunt Safrin and this- ", the guy cut her off . " I'm your Uncle Owen ", He said his voice was firm and strict . He extended his hand out for me to shake it . When I shook his hand a weird cold feeling washed through me I almost fainted he let go of my hand . I looked at his face and he actually smiled .I glanced at Aunt Safrin who had a worried look on her face .

" We should get going Bri don't bring any of your things you should have a fresh start ", Uncle Owen said .

Bri only dad called me that he reminded me of dad so much especially his eyes .I closed the door to my home . When I closed it I knew I would never open that door again becuase I would never return to this town again .

I looked through window of the airplane I hadn't reall y talked since I had gotten on . I felt tears come out of my eyes . Dad was the only thing that was on my mind . Flashes of my dads body lying on the grass with his lifless eyes .I didn't realize we where alreadyin Romania when aunt safrin told me . The drive to my new home felt long . I fell asleep in the car .

I felt someone on my side but more inportant I was lying on a bed in a room . I woke up and saw a cute little girl she had dark black and cream colered skin . Her eyes where shut . I looked at my surroundings .

" Lily where are you ", Said an irritated voice coming from outside .

The door open and aunt Safrin entered the room she looked at me and them at the little girl .

" I'm sorry Bri thats lily my third daughter ", Aunt Safrin said .

Aunt Safrin shook the little girl gently .Lily started to open her eyes she had beautiful emerald green eyes .

" Mommy she woke up", Lily said smiling looking at me .

" Come on lets go we have to meet the rest of the family ", Aunt Safrin said picking Lily up .

I followed Aunt Safrin and looked at around an noticed this was an old mansion every thing seemed ancient . I saw uncle Owen and two very beautiful I felt out of place .

" Oh finalley I wanted to meet you since mom told us about you ", Said a gir with blond hair .

She hugged me so hard she didn't seem that strong but the hug said other wise . The other girl came and shove her off and wrappped her arms around me .

" Lena don't be a hogger " she snapped.

They finalley let go off me . I didn't have any words .

"These are your cousins Lena and Sarah ", Aunt Safrin said .

" I'm going to show her around the house ", Lily said .

" No I'm going to do it ", Sarah said .

" You'll show her around the house later the girl hasen't even ate ", Uncle Owen said .

" Does that sound good Bri ", Asked Uncle Owen .

" It sound Okay ", I said trying to smile wich I didn't do often .

After dinner Sarah , lily and Lena fought to see who showed me around . Sarah was older than by two years I guesses . Lena was my age and lily wa barley five . Aunt Safrin settled them down .

" You don't talk much ", Lena said .

" Lena her dad barley died , sorry by the way ", Sarah said .

" Its okay I really never talked to no one ", I told them .

" Don't worry at school there are a bunch of peopole that are like us you'll have a bunch of friends ", Lena said .

Like us ?

" What do you mean like us ", I asked .

" Oh you kno- " , Sarah cut Lena off. "Oh we need to get you clothe maybe you can borrow some of Lenas or mine ", Sarah said .

I looked at Lena who was very skiny and sarah was too I was fat compared to them .

" I don't think your clothe is going to fit me ", I said .

" It will besides its to late to go to the mall ", Lena said .

We went to Lenas room .

" So Bri I bet you had lots of boys after you ", Srah said .

" Not really ", I mumbled .

" What do you mean not really look at you your hot and you have cyrves ", Lena said .

" I bet the guys at Shadesacademy will be after you ", Lena said grinning.

" I don't think so I haven't even had a boyfriend ",I confessed.

" What !", Both of them said at the same time .

I nodded .

" I almost had sex with a guy already and I'm your same age ", Lena said .

Some one behind me cleared their throat . I turned around and saw Uncle Owen.

" Don't Influence Bri , Lena she is a nice girl " , Uncle Owen said .

" I am a nice girl too dad " ,Lena said .

"Of course you are honey ", Uncle Owen said .

" I need to speak with Bri ", He said

" But why dad we want to soend time with her we barley met her and I already like her ", Sarah whined .

" Its important girls ,", He said then he turned to me " Follow me Bri ".

I followed him in to his study .

" Sit please I think we should talk why your father never mentioned us ", He said .

He continued " Your father neer liked what we are ", He said looking at me .

" And what are you ", I asked wondering what he ment .

" Bri you see we are not normal we are not even human ",He said .

What . Is he crazy what on earth did he mean . Had this man gone completly insane .

" I am not Insane Bri I am a Vampire and so was you father " , he said .

I gasped .

" This is insane your insane ", I told him .

I ran for the door and found he was already standing there .

" Bri please don't make this difficult your father wanted to be a normal person but he had to learn he is not you mother wasn't a normal person either so please takea seat and let me explain ", He begged .

I did as I was told .

" What do you mean my mother wasn't normal ", I asked .

" You see yor mother was a Demon or forsaken your fathera vampire well its really rare for them to get married and well for them to have children its impossible you are the first half Demon half vampire hybrid ", He said .

' This can't be tru this is unreal ", I said .

" I'm sorry to make your father look as a liar in your eyes but its tru our whole society knows who you are and as you know your fathers death wasn't an accident he was murdered an that person might wantv to hurt you to ", He said .

" If this is all tru shouldn't I be drinking blood or have any type of powers ", I asked .

" We think that at the age of sixteen you will be the strongest creature among us ", He said .

I said nothing I was still in shock . I knew this was tru a part of me wanted to scream and hid but I knew that wouldn't help .

" The school you will be attending to is a special academy for Demons vampires and all types of creatures we think that you will be safe there and ofcourse you will be staying here ", He said smiling .

" Why would dad lie ", I whispered .

" He wanted you to be safe he wanted for you live a life where you wouldn't be scare he had many reasons we have enimies that would want to get to you and hurt you ", He said .

" Well you must be tired you will be going to school on thursday tommorow you will go to buy some garments ", He said .

He took me to my room .

" Good night ", He said .

" Thankyou Uncle Owen and sorry ", I said .

" Its all right ", He said rubbing my back .

I fell asleep two hours later I had mant questions that would have to wait .

Creature creek Academy

I awoke feeling light headed the things I had learned yesterday where to much for me to handle . I had one of sarahs Pjs on they where abit tight on me . I brushed my teeth when I heard a knock on my door .

" Come in ", I said .

Sarah came in .

" Morning I just wanted to tell you that after breakfest we have to go to a near by mall to get you some clothe and pick up you uniform ", She said smiling .

" Whats the name of the academy ", I asked sarah as we went down stairs .

" Creature creek Aacademy ", Sarah said .

" Thats a strange name ", I told her .

" The academy isn't normal I know dad explained to you everything yesterday I hope you don't think we're freaks ", Sarah said .

" No of course not ", I ssaid to her honestly .

" Good morning Bri ", Aunt Safrin said .

" Morning ", I said .

" I'm so happy your still here I thought you where going to leave becuase dad told you we're monsters ", Lily said .

" I wouldn't leave ", I assured her .

" ANd we are not mosters ", Lena said .

We ate breakfest . Aunt Safrin drove us to the mall . I wondered where Uncle Owen was I hadn't seen him in the morning .

Sara and Lena chose all my clothe . They said my taste was weird becuase I only wanted a few pair of jeans and some T-shirts . Instead the picked out clothe I thought I would never wear mim skirts , very tight jeans , and shirts that showed my chest alot .After that we went pick up my uniform .

" You are going to make the guys at school jaws drop ", Lena said .

" Whose jaws going to drop ", Aunt safrin asked for the first time I saw Uncle Owen today .

" Um, no ones ", Sarah said elbowing Lena .

" Yea dad we said that Bri is going to have alot of friends at creauture academy becuase of who she is ", Lena said .

Uncle Safrin gave her a glare .

" What ", said Lena innocently .

"Bri will have friend that are going to like her becuase of who she is inside not becuse of what she is ", Aunt safrin said sternly .

" Okay okay don't get mad ", Lena said .

" You should think before you speak , sorry Bri ", Sarah said .

" Its okay it--", I didn't finish becuase uncle Owen inturrupted me .

" Its not okay Bri Lena needs to control that mouth ", Uncle Owen said .

" Dad I said I was sorry you always btake sides against me ", Lena said and stormed back to her rooom .

" She'll get over it by tommorow she'll be excited becuase your going to school with her ", Sarah confirmed .

I sighed suddenly everything went into a blurr . I opened my eyes I was in my new room . I looked at the clock and it was nin o-clock .I got up and showered feeling the warm water . I remebered what happened before I fainted . I thought uncle Owen exaggerated when he lectured Lena . She was right everyone had taken sides against her .

I loooked through the window and I could have sworn I saw some one standing there I blinked and nothing was there . I glanced at the moon it was full it illuminated the sky with the stars . It was cold and my wet hair made me colder . I looked at the tall trees of the forest . Two days age this would have seen calm but knowing that many creatures I thought just exsited in stories or movies where real I was actually scared .

I felt sleepy again I closed the window and went to lie down on the bed . I had only eaten once but I wasn't hungry the thoughts I had of my dad wouldn't let me go to sleep .I cried remembering my dad and wishing that I should have spend more time with my dad . I thought the many secrets he had hidden from me . I fell asleep with my head full of thoughts.

I was awaken becuase someone was shaking me .

" Bri get up we have to get ready for school remember you don't want to late ", Lena said .

" What time is it ", I asked .

" Seven thirty four ", She said .

Literally jumped up I looked at lena who was already dressed and her hair was combed neatly .

" Get dressed hurry " Sarah said coming .

I nodded . I brushed my teeth , put my uniform on and brushed my har . I wish I could have time to straighten it but instead I just put my curls in a pony tail .I went down for breakfeast .

" Are you ready lets go " ,Lena said .

" Lena let Bri eat she hasn't eaten anything ", Aunt Safrin said .

" Maybe if I would have waken her up sooner we would be leaving ", Siaid Lena looking at sarah who said nothing .

My face flushed .

" Sorry I never sleep that much I just felt very tired ", I apoligized .

" Oh don't apoligize Bri we understand ", Aunt safrin said .

Lena rolled her eyes .We left when I finished . Lena kept on talking about how hot the guys were that I would have a boyfriend quickly . When we got to Creauture academy I was suprised it was so big it was like three high schools put together . Big high schools . We went to the doors into a very polished hallway . Their where kids every where. They where all so beutiful like around Lena and Sarah I felt out of place .

" Lets go get your schedule ", Sarah said .

I followed Sarah to the office where there wher four woman . They looked at me in a weird way I could have sworn I saw appreciation in their eyes .

" I came to get my schedule ", I said .

A tall carmel skin woman handed me my schedule .

" Thankyou ", I said .

" No problom sweety hope you have a nice first day here at Creature Academy ", She said her eyes turned purple . I looked with shock and she smiled .

" Can I see your schedule ", Bri asked .

" How come Bri is in all your classes Lena ", Sarah asked .

" Dad said it was convient , Now lets go we have to get to class ", Lena said .

We got to class and all the student started to stare I hate being the new girl . Time seem to go slowly I was super shy when the teacher asked me to introduce myself . We wern't learning normal things kid usally learn at school we where learning magic .

" Are all the kid in this school special ", I asked .

" Duh ", Lena said .

I wasn't looking where I was walking and tripped into someone .

" Sorry ", I said .
not looking at the person I tripped . I picked up my things and found a hand giving me a book .I saw the most handsome guy right before my eyes . He had gray eyes and night black hair . But I didn't stare instead I took my nbook from his hand .

" Thank you ", I say calmley .

I walked away not looking behind me . I meet Bri who was talking to a bunch of girls that where around her .

" Hey there you are ", Lena said .

" Hey Guys this is my cousin bri", Lena said proudly .

" Hello I'm emily ", Said a girl with huge blue eyes and black hair .

Lena introduced me to the rest of them Samantha , Dara , Eliza , Juliett , Claire , and Niaomie .

During lunch the guy I ran into was sitting in the table across from me I felt as if he wheere staring at me .He was with some guy and some girls . A beautiful light blond sat next to him . She kissed his cheek I turned around not looking there anymore even though I still felt his gaze .

" Whose that sitting across from us ", I asked Claire .

" They guy with really dark hair ang gray eyes is the most wanted guy in this chool he is the hottest one ", She says .

" He is Prince Deric th prince of the Demons ", Julliett says .

" That blond is his girlfriend Eve she is a noble from his court she almost like a princess ", Eliza said .

" Bri is more royalty then both of them put together ", Lena said .

" What do you mean royalty ", I asked .

I'm not royalty I thought .

" I mean we are a family of nobles and your mom was -", Someone cut her off .

" Lena its for dad to tell Bri about her mom not you ", Sarah hissed.

I was startled by her tone . She took a huge breath and walked away .

" Why is Sarah so pissy around you ", Dara asked .

" Just ignore her " she turned to me "So any guys you think are hot ", Lena asked curiosly .

I shook my head .

" Your not lesbian right ", Eliza asked me .

" No ", I said .

" Not to be showing off but everyone in this school is hot ", Juliett said .

" Whose your friend ", A guy asked Lena .

He was handsome but not as handsome as the guy I tripped at the hall . He had nice blond hair and beautiful golden brown eyes .He smiled at me .

" This is not my friend she is my cousin ", Lena said grinning .

" Bri this is Vladimir , Vladimir this is Bri ", She said .

" Its nice to finalley meet you Lena talks fondly of you ", He said .

Thankfully I didn't have to respond the bell rang for our next class .

" It was nice to meet you to ", I said .

" See you soon ", He said .

" I think he likes you ", Dara said as we entered our next class .

I saw the kid from the hall Deric I had the seat right infront of him . I didn't get nervouse but he kind of unsettled me .His blond girlfriend Eve was right next to him . I didn't look back but them pain came . My head hurted like never before . I thought I might pass out again . I breathed calmly and the pain went away it was strange .

For my next class I still had Deric and his girlfriend but Vladimir was also there . Vladimir gestured for me to sit next to him . I thought Sarah said I had Lena for all my classes but I didn't see her so I sat with Vladimir . He smiled . Every class seemed to teach us about Vampire history and every type of mythical creature .

It was the end of the day and I finalley met up with sarah .

" Sahra why did you get so mad at Lena ", I asked her .

" She's telling you things dad said he would tell himself and she know she's not suppose to , but don't worry its not your fault she always like disobeying the rules she does it everyday she trys to act all bad , but anyway how was your day ", She asked .

" Its been okay thankyou ", I tell her .

" Have you seen Lena since you have her for all your classes ", Sarah asked .

" No I haven't seen her since lunch ", I ansewered .

" Not again ", She said .

" What do you mean noy again ", I asked .

" She skipped school again lets go home we need cto tell mom ", Sarah said .

I followed her .

" Isn't Lena going to get mad if you tell ", I asked .

" She is but I don't care she has skipped school tweleve times already they warned her she was going to get expelled ", Sarah says .

When we get home I go to my room not wanting to be there when Lena gets in trouble . I like Lena alot and actually evie she has a lot of confidence . Even though I have known her for two day I like her a lot .


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.08.2012

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