
Chapter One (The beginning)

I was so tired after the party. I mean who wouldn't be, it was a sweet 16 after all. I had about 100 guests most I did not even know just friends of friends I guess. The party lasted a good 6 hours. Call me crazy but I like long parties. Yet in all this, not only had I turned 16 I felt like some one had hit me in the side of my head. Not to worry you about my problems I will get onto who I am. My name is Marisa I am like any other average teenager. I am on the track team and love to just be with my friends. I have Black hair and olive skin with light green eyes. Now enough about me, besides I am just so tired. As I walked to my bed I noticed that my room was really hot so I opened up my window (first mistake). Now I had heard of this thing they called the blindness yet I did not know how people got it. Many said it could be from these people that go around at night just looking into windows. The people in my town have always called them the walkers. They never cause harm nor do they ever give a reason for us to fear them. No one in this area has been blinded so why would I be careful to not "invite" them in by opening my window. To me they were just a bunch of rumors nothing that holds any weight. Until tonight, the breeze felt good on my hot skin. After I slipped on my satin shorts and tank top I climbed into bed. I had just gotten this night outfit from my mom. She knew that I loved satin and to wear cool things on these hot July nights. So as I drifted into my dreams I heard something. It sounded as if someone was in my room. In fact I could feel someone sitting on my bed. My mom was out of town and my little sister was only a baby and in her crib. I had made sure that everyone left before I came up to get ready to go to sleep. Who ever this was, I knew that they were not supposed to be here. I had to know so out of fear I tried to open my eyes. I saw nothing in fact it felt like my eyes were sown shut. I tried again and again the out come was always the same my eyes were not opening. It was then and there that I knew what had happened. I had been blinded! I started to scream but before even the sound could come out I felt a cold as death itself hand come over my mouth.
"Hush, you would not want to wake the baby would you? After all you are the one that invited us in."
I knew his voice, it was the voice that I have not heard since my sister was born. This voice was in all of my memories as a child, it was my fathers voice.
"I know, I know, It is probably hard for you to understand why this is happening and why to you. I only wish I knew. My daughter I feel your pain for it was once mine. It seems that you never headed anything I had ever told you. I guess I could have broken the rules and risked my life to spare you and your mother, yet I thought that there would be no need." My father said as he stroked my hair his hand still over my mouth.
I pushed his hand away with my arms. I could not stop the tears that were freely flowing down my face now. He had left us only 1 1/2 years ago, yet it had torn me and my mother apart. It was him leaving us that made my mother leave so often and leave me alone. How dare he come back now and how dare he try to smooth things over on me. Not to mention HOW DARE HE BLIND ME! HIS VERY OWN DAUGHTER! I was so mad at him at my mom and most of all at the stupid tears that would not stop coming down my face!
"It is ok I understand I missed you and your mother so much too. I am forever sorry for coming back like this. Yet now I have you back since you must come with me."
"Now, now I taught you better then that did I not. I am your father no matter what has changed (which is not much) I am still that and always will be. Now I know I have told you what happens if one who was blinded but did not answer the call. Did I not?" My father said trying to smooth my frizzy hair.
"You were not here long enough to tell me anything. In fact I have no idea how or what is happening." I said as the tears kept running down my face.
"Honey, I tried to come back and be with you guys still. It was your mother who finally sent me away and made it to were I was not invited into my own home. I tried to live here with you guys but the conscience was too much for your mother. She would not risk it." My father said as his hand stopped on my face and felt for only a moment warn like it used too.
"Why would she do that she loves you? No matter what I am not going any were with you if mom made you go whatever she can't do that to me. Olivia knows me and me alone. I will not leave her here nor will I bring her were ever you say I have to go. I am not leaving!" I said this time to confused to cry or scream.
"I hope that they have mercy on you then. I pray that they will be good to you because you are my daughter. I hope for your sake they are kind. I will miss you so and if in time you change your mind just invite me in again by your window and we shall go were we belong."
With that he was gone. I kept hoping it was a horrible night mare and that in the morning my eyes would open, but to my dismay they did not. I woke up and everything was still black. I knew were my phone was thankfully. I opened it and dialed my best friend ,Amber’s number from memory.
“Hello? Marisa?” Amber said rather quickly.
“Hi Amber uhm I kinda need a ride to school today and help getting ready. My eyes are really hurting me. I think I may have hurt them last night when I fell.” I said hoping she had not heard about the blindness.
“Ya! I will be right over but are you sure that you want to go to school not the hospital?”
“Ya besides I need to be there today. I mean it’s Johnny's first game as Quarterback.” I had forgotten till just now all about my boyfriend.
“Oh thats right I forgot. Ok I will be right over, Bye.”
After Amber hung up I felt really alone. I had forgotten all about Johnny my hottie boyfriend of 2 years now and was about to have to tell him I am now blind. Come to think of it I have never heard of any one being blinded yet my father made it seem like he was before he left. The walkers seemed to know where they were going so they could not be blinded right? If the rumors are true then the walkers do this but that means I am becoming a walker? I had all this and much more going through my mind so when I heard the door bell I almost really hit my head.
“Come in Amber!” I screamed down stairs.
Amber came upstairs and I heard her take a deep breath. I was sure that I must look horrible. Then she moved over to my dresser I could feel her ever foot step.
"So, what do you want to look like today?" She said after a while.
"I want to look like I always do like Johnny's girl." I knew today would be bad before she came.
I just hope that Johnny dose not see the change in me. I even feel less like myself.
"Ok, Marisa I am gunna do your makeup first then going to dress you in your pink sweatshirt with your black Avenge Sevenfold shirt with your dark blue Seven jeans ok?"
"Thats fine, thank you so much for all of this I will have to get my eyes checked tonight. Good thing my mom has a good job were she is. She sent me 50,000 this month alone." I did thank my mother for that much.
"Do you think that you may get your sight back before the end of this week? I mean it is already thursday."
"I sure hope so. This is weird but if not can you still help me out with getting to school? From there Johnny can help me around." I realized how true that would be only after I said it.
Now he really had to be my Warrior he had to lead me around and help me in what ever this is. I knew he would help me I mean he always had before when I broke my leg and my arm. A shiver past through me, it was wrestling with my father 2 weeks before he left that caused my leg and arm to brake.
“Marisa? Are you ok? You look kinda pale and your crying which is not helping with the makeup.”
It was Amber’s voice that broke my trans.
"Oh I am so sorry I had no idea that I was crying."

Chapter 2 (School)

So Amber had finally finished getting me all ready now it was time to help out Olivia she proved to be much harder then she usually was. I had to hold and sing to her to make her even let Amber touch her. I am now wondering if Olivia was at like a dog being able to sense things that we can not. I pondered this and much more on the way to school it took much longer then I thought it should but it was peaceful. When we arrived Amber helped me steadily out of her blue mustang. Right as my feet hit the ground I was very aware of how many people were standing around watching us. Most of all I felt each strong step of my boyfriend Johnny. He practically started running when he saw that my eyes were shut and not by choice, I panicked a little that he may know what has happened and leave me. To my relief he ran up and lifted me into his arms. I felt ever muscle move when he lifted me, at this point I was happy to only weigh 125 pounds. He lifted me with ease and then put me down but not letting me go.
“Marisa, are you ok? Why are you not opening your eyes?” Johnny said sounding much like a scared little kid would.
“I hit my head last night and I think it may have effected my eyes. I am so sorry I will still be at your game today though.” I whispered hoping he would not ask any more or see through me.
“Oh ok I understand babe. I hope you feel better would you like me to help you out with Olivia and maybe take you to the doctors or hospital?”
To be honest I had not thought much about taking care of Olivia.
“Oh ya hay do you think your folks would maybe move with you into my house so that I can have help? Or better yet Could your mom help at night? I think it would be best for you not to be there at night.” I said looking at him with the nice try look, or trying to that being that my eyes were closed I don’t now what it looked like to him. I am sure now that he took that look as kiss me cause a few seconds later I felt is warn lips on mine and the short little jolt I always get when I get to kiss him. Now to give you an idea of me and Johnny’s relationship, we are a normal couple in we hold hands and cuddle. However we rarely kiss, we decided a while ago that were both gunna wait till we are married for anything besides that. Johnny has always put me before him and I think no matter what happened to him even if I caused it I think he would still love me. This thought calmed me while I was being embraced by my love. I had missed him so much now the fear hit me of never being able to see his face again. I feared not being able to see his jet black curly hair and his blueish green eyes that seem to call out to mine. That was my fear and I had a reason to fear such a thing.
“Babe? You alright?”
I completely forgot where I was and who was watching me. “Sorry yes I am fine. I think I may need help around today so baby do you think you can help with that?”
“Of course I already walk you to all your classes now I have a reason to stay with you for at least today.” Johnny said and by the sound I could tell he was most likely grinning his cute as a button little boy smile.
“I shall enjoy that.” I said as I felt my way to his side and leaned my head on his shoulder.
“Well we shall go, thank you so much Amber for bringing my Marisa to me.” Johnny said for the first time to Amber making me remember that she was still standing right in front of us.
“You are very welcome.” Amber said as she gave Johnny a little bump that I felt being that I was still in his arms.
That made me ticked. Amber is my best friend and I know that she likes Johnny but with me blinded I was worried she would try to get to him.
“I can take Marisa from here thanks once again Amber and goodbye.” Johnny said steeping me and him a good foot away from Amber. “Babe uhm did you feel or see any of that?” he said as he grabbed my shoulder and walked me toward my first class.
“Yes, I did feel that. I am so proud that you know me so well and respect me as much.” I said hoping that my smile was a good one and did not betray something else.
As we walked I noticed that I could feel every eye that was on me and could feel the tension around me. This was really weird for me. I was used to all eyes on me but not in this way. I felt like one of those freaks you see in a circus. I was starting to get a little more than uncomfortable when Johnny’s hand came to my hip breaking any thoughts I was having.
“Uhm, Johnny? Your hand has wandered again it seems.” I said hoping he did not think I was to mad cause to be honest I did not mind to much.
“Oh sorry uhm it slipped.”
“Sure it did just like the fact that I am sixteen is a slip up.”
“Hay I am just me you know me. I am really sorry though.”
“Ya and you is the man I love.”
After that Johnny stopped in front of what I assumed was my class. Then after confirming my thought he walked me in and sat me down in the back before going to tell my teacher of what has happened to me. My teacher seemed to be very mad at first then when Riley Jerikson threw some thing at me Mr. Hensen seemed to believe Johnny. The only way I knew it was Riley too was because Johnny walked up and smacked him and told him that if he ever tries any thing like that again it would be hell to pay. I was shocked when Johnny’s words where not returned with some snide remark. I guess these are just some perks that come with being a quarterback. I will really like having those perks around me. It was just then that Johnny came up to me and put his strong arms around me.
“Mr. Fareson I understand that she is in need of your help today but I am sure that she dose not need you hanging on her all day today.” Mr. Hensen said with his voice all deep and scary.
“Oh, uhm sorry sir. Your right, I’ll stop.” Johnny said like a little boy who got caught with a stolen cookie.
“You are just to cute.” I whispered in his ear.
“Thanks, I will have to remember you said that later.”
Class was boring but it would have been much worse had Johnny not been there. We pulled the classic holding hands under the desk and the little pokes here and there in the ribs. I was so happy to have him there with me I was also worried though being that I had no idea what would happen. I mean my father seemed like he could see so I wonder what will happen to me not to mention I felt stronger and a little bit more alert. I could feel like vibes that other people were giving off. I could tell that Johnny was more focused on being here with me then the class. My classes went by fast too most of my teachers were trusting but there was still the ones that seemed to doubt it probably did not help when I started just sitting my self down. Yet I could still feel my way to the seats and I could seance if some one was in the seat. It was starting to give me the creeps but I would have to find out later.
“Hay babe you think you may be getting your sight back? You seem to be doing a lot better now and like you might not need me.” Johnny said I could only guess that he had a big frown on his cute face.
“No it’s just I can sense what is around me like that girl sitting by the bathrooms over there. I can just sense her. This is really weird for me I do very much still need you.” I hoped that would help and seemed to for a little bit.
It was right when I heard her little purr that I knew things were getting bad. Johnny had went over to get on his uniform even though the game did not start for like an hour. He just loves being in uniform and hugging me. It makes him feel stronger and sturdier I guess. Yet while he was over there Amber slid in to change into her cheer leading uniform.
“Johnny how is Marisa doing? If you want I can take her off your hands for you.” She practically sang as she bumped my boyfriend.
“She is fine and No I do not need any help at all she is all I need. Now if you do not mind can you please leave me alone. You are not acting as just a friend.” Johnny said making my heart swell to the size of a big beach ball.
Being that me and him have been together so long I was surprised that he was not looking for something new by now. Then again I never knew him to be a cheater. Even though he is for sure the cute enough to get any girl he wants. He seems to like only see me. Having him around makes me feel like I am so loved. 
“Uhm hay Marisa do you need any more help? Also don’t you think that Johnny could use a break before the big game?” Amber said as she was most likely looking at me like I was a freak.
“To be honest I feel safer with Johnny and I am only having problems with my eyes not my ears they are working a little to well. So I heard him say he is fine and I am not about to call my boyfriend a lier.” I said trying to look as pissed off as I could.
“Oh uhm ok I guess I will see you at the game then. Johnny good luck she is in one horrible mood I have no idea but she said she was upset with me and you I have no idea why.” Amber said to Johnny when she got back to the locker room and out of my hearing (or so she thought).
“Babe, Are you really mad at me?” Johnny said as he lightly grabbed my arm.
“No, and I did hear all of what she said. If I am mad at anyone it’s her. I love you and I know you would not put me through that.” I said on the brink of tears.
After me and Johnny hugged we walked over to the grass and laid their looking up at the sky, ok so he looked at the sky while I just enjoyed this time with him. I had for the first time not noticed when Amber walked up until I felt her head next to mine on Johnny’s arm. She felt like an intruder being on his arm with me.
"Uhm Amber do you mind getting off of my arm?" Johnny said in his really ticked off voice.
"I am not on your arm Johnny only Marisa is silly." Amber said in her now becoming slut voice.
"AMBER I CAN FEEL YOU ON HIS ARM RIGHT NEXT TO ME I AM BLIND NOT STUPID!" I screamed I was sick of this. She was supposed to be my best friend not after my boyfriend.
I could feel her get up and move far away before she responded.
"Dude Marisa you are totally freaking out I am like 3 feet away." Amber said kinda quite thinking it would help her story.
"Amber I am not stupid you just moved." I said wanting to be able to see her so I could shove her far away.
"Marisa lets go I want to take you home real quick so that you can freshen up and maybe change before the game." Johnny said while helping me up.
"Shouldn't I come to so that I can help Marisa with the changing and make up?" Amber said from the other side of Johnny.
"Thanks but no I think she can manage and well I think I know my girlfriend enough to know what she would want to wear and her make up is fine worse case I will ask my mom to help." Johnny all most spit at Amber. "Oh by the way you don't need to "help" Marisa anymore I think me and my mom should have it from here. Thank you."
"Oh uhm ok then." Amber whispered in a depressed voice.
"Amber can I also ask that you not be around me or Johnny right now. While I am going through this I wound like to just hang out with him and his family to get my help that I need." I said getting really annoyed with her all over my bf attitude.
"Sure thing what ever you want hun." Said Amber almost making me feel sorry for her.

Chapter 3 (The game)

After our little "fight" ,if you can even call it that, Amber tried to give me a hug and when she found I was not having it she stalked off. Johnny and I started for his car my house was not to far from school so the drive went by really fast. Johnny picked out my black and Hot pink dress (go figure he died every time I wore it.) Then he called his mom over to help with my make up.
"Marisa, uhm hun did you pick out this outfit or did Johnny?" Mila, Johnny's mom asked me.
"Johnny did. Why is it that bad?" I asked worried that i was wrong on what I was wearing.
"No i just have to redo your make up. Thats all it needs to be more pink less blue now."
"Oh ok thank you." I said while thinking darn stupid Amber I asked for pink today anyways not blue.
After my make up was done I went down stairs to hear Johnny cooing at my baby sister.
"I swear you are so cute." I said wishing so bad that I could see him.
"Damn babe you looking good!" Johnny said getting up to hold me.
"Thanks it was all yours and your mom's doing. Hay babe who is going to watch Oliva?" I said dreading that he might say us or that he forgot.
"That is what I am here for." His voice was cool and calm but still it made the hairs on the back of my neck crawl. This was non other then my father.
"He said he knew your father and mother when they were kids. He also happened to be my lil brother's sitter so I figured he would do fine."
Johnny began to explain to me so matter of factly.
"Oh Randy I had no idea it was you!" I exclaimed as if I was happy and ran up to give him a hug. In holding him close I made sure that him alone could hear me. "What are you thinking coming into my home. You are not aloud to be here!"
Speaking just as quietly as me my father said "Tonight my daughter when you can see look into your mirror before making a fuss if you wish to try to make this work." then he pulled back and let me go.
"Hay well its good you came by just in time." Said Johnny. I could tell that he was wondering just who this guy was.
"Ya just in time we have to go but thanks Randy." I said pushing on Johnny's chest out the door.
"Thanks Randy! You helped a lot." Johnny said finally out the door. "Hay uhm babe why you in such a hurry."
"I just want you to be on time. I don't want you to be kicked out for being late because of me again." I said grabbing his arm.
"Oh ok fine then. I guess that a good reason." Johnny said looking kinda ashamed.
"Hay its cool now lets get going."
We took yet another short car ride back to school were Johnny lead me up to what I could feel was our place on the Benches. He managed to get me a spot a little higher and closer to the speakers but more private as well. I could feel something like a couch type of seat up there and asked him about it of course he said that it was cool with the couch and everyone. I said ok and gave him a kiss before he agreed to leave me here alone. I knew that there were at least two other people that I should expect coming. One of them being Johnny's best friend Cody and his brother Corey. I got along great with them. Cody was like a battery of fun and joy. I knew that when Johnny was hanging out with Cody he was going to be having good fun. Now his brother Corey, oh boy he is fun but he also is into his work. He has a bit of a temper but is always good hearted and caring for those who need it. For me these brothers equal a great day. I love that Johnny is friends with them and hangs out with them. Just as I was thinking about them Cody popped up behind me scaring me half to death. Then of course I feel Corey's hand on the back of my neck which once again scares the crap out of me.
"Oh my gosh Corey you almost gave me a heart attack!" I said grabbing his hands.
" You really are blind hu?" Cody said while moving in front of my face and waving his hand.
"Yes I am. Yet I can still tell that you are waving your hand in front of my face as well as making funny faces." I said all while feeling everything he did.
"Haha you are so stupid bro." Corey said as he moved to my right side and sat down.
"Shut up. I am not stupid I just don't know everything as well as you do." Cody said pouting as he sat down on my left.
"Hay girls I love you both the same it dose not matter who is blonde or not. You both are amazing." I said with out thinking about how they would take it.
" Oh really did she just call us girls?" Corey asked his brother as he moved his arm around my shoulders.
"I think she did bro." Cody answered his brother while putting his arm around my waist.
Just then I was being pulled down and tickled from both sides. I could not see them and though it was all fun and games I pushed them both off of me with strength I had no idea I possessed. When they got up Corey looked pissed and Cody looked just hurt. That is when it hit me, I could see them. I could see their shock and what looked to me now like fear.
"I am so sorry guys I have no idea what just came over me." I said now standing up.
"Ya you better be damn sorry what the hell was that for?" Corey screamed at me while Cody stood back up and poked his brother.
"Corey her eyes!" Cody looked freaked and he never took his eyes from me.
"Cody are you ok? Why are you looking at me like that?" I said feeling a strange sense of abandonment. I mean Cody was like my support when Corey got pissed and now he was attacking me too it felt like.
"Marisa you may not be able to see but your eyes are blood shot red." Corey said sounding much better.
"To be honest I can see now. I have no idea why, but I am sure that my eyes are green just as they were when I was born." I said feeling defenseless for some odd reason.
" Marisa? Are you ok?" Cody said looking worried and still mildly afraid. This scared me cause Cody was not the one to be scared.
"Ya I am fine Cody. Why do you ask? Don't tell me my eyes are red." I was starting to get annoyed with this little joke of there's. "I am sick of this joke." I yelled at them both I was so mad, I hated what they were doing to me.
Before they could respond or tell me another lie I remembered my fathers words. He said "Tonight my daughter when you can see look into your mirror before making a fuss if you wish to try to make this work." I didn't even think about not making a fuss I mean I already had. So I just got up and ran to the girls bathroom near Johnny's Lockers. I ran right past Johnny in fact which made him freak. When I got into the bathroom and looked I I feel back on my butt. My eyes were red as blood. I was freaked out now. I had no idea why this was. I didn't even know what to say or do. I figured worse case scenario if some one asked I would just say that I had contacts. This freaked me out though, I never thought that anything like this was even possible. What I saw when I stood back up and looked in the mirror was scary yet pretty. I noticed first the blood red eyes, it was then though that I noticed the way my make up was done. It was black around my eyes like normal but what was odd was how my eyes demanded attention. My hair was flowy not as frizzy as it once was. As I reached up to touch my hair I confirmed that it was as smooth and soft as it looked. It was almost a dream. I noticed everything else on me seemed normal. The only other thing was my stomach and waist were much thinner then I remember. I looked good to say the least. As I walked back out side I saw Johnny sitting there waiting for me.
"Hay babe you ok?" Johnny said while getting up and walking over to me.
"Ya sorry I ran passed I was well shocked cause I can see again. I don't know how but I can see." I said looking down and trying to hide my eyes.
"Did I do some thing wrong babe? I mean you won't even look at me." Johnny looked so hurt. I was hurting him.
" I am sorry its just my eyes are well..." I lifted my head to show him instead of tell him.
"Wow when you get the contacts?" Johnny said sounding fascinated.
"Corey and Cody brought me some. Hay I should get back to them cause I kinda left in a hurry. See you after the game ok?" After i finished my sentence I briefly hugged Johnny then I walked back to Corey and Cody.
Corey looked mad and Cody just looked sad and confused. I walked slowly up and just sat in between them and after a while of silence I started laughing like a crazy person.
"Marisa? What is your problem?" Corey and cody both said at the same time.
"I can not believe that I fooled you. HAHAHA." I kept laughing hoping they would punch me on the arm then forget. "I have contacts that I put on after I pushed you." I hoped and prayed this would help.
"Thats just wrong Marisa you had us worried!" Corey said getting up and walking over to give me a hug. "Not to mention it kinda hurt." Corey said rubbing his now bruised arm.
" I am sorry I did not mean to hurt you so are we gunna sit and watch the game?" I asked while pointing to the now empty couch.
" Yep would never miss Johnny's first game as Quarter back!" Cody chimed in looking much more like himself.
"Good. I am so happy that I did not hurt your guy's handsome faces. jk but I am happy I did not hurt you guys too badly."
When we sat back down Corey sat once again on my right were as Cody sat on my left once more.

Chapter 4 (The walkers)

The game just flew by it seemed we won go figure with Johnny as quarter back it is no wonder we won. After the game Johnny came up and asked me how he did as he always had before. I told him the same as always he was fantastic. He smiled and kissed me then drove me back home though I didn't really need him to this time since I could see again. When I got home I thanked his mom and told her the same thing I told Johnny that the Gibson twins had given me red contacts. She was happy to hear of my eye sight returning and turned to walk out. After Johnny and his mom left I felt that I still had one other intruder still lurking in my home. Sure enough from behind me I hear his voice.
"So how was it? Did anyone reject you like your mother did to me?" My father asked but it seemed more like an insult then a real question.
"What have you done to me?" I sneered at him. I was at the point to which my words were soft but I could almost see them cut him like knives.
"I did nothing to you. You were chosen you should be honored after all you are our Queen you know." My father said with a bow.
"Don't patronize me. Just tell me what the hell I need to do to get my eyes normal again like yours are!" I was done with all of this lying and mixing up his words and meanings.
"I will spell it out plain and simple to you. Yours eyes will never be normal again. You are not like me you have been chosen as our queen. Now I am supposed to bring you back to the city." My dad said all like a knight on some noble quest.
This was the point were I just felt that I had to give up. "Fine take me were you need to. I just don't care anymore. All I ask is that I can still try to live my life like normal get contacts or something."
"As you wish my queen. God! I am gunna love having a queen for a daughter!" My father said knightly the sounding like a happy 5 year old.
"What ever, I think this is just stupid and crazy but lets go before Johnny comes." I said just wanting to get some answers.
We walked in silence for a while and then my father stopped abruptly in front of me almost causing me to run into him. He looked almost as if he was sniffing the air, then he started walking again till we came to a clearing. All I could see was what looked to be a mansion and a lot of tiny huts surrounding it. I looked around and saw a few people, some just stared at me while others were bowing. My father noticed but just kept walking with his head held high. I had to almost jog to keep up with him till he stopped. I looked up and saw we were in front of the mansion.
"Here you go my queen." My father said while bowing like some duke or something.
"What are you doing?" I said looking at him and then at the mansion.
"This is your house."
"WHAT! You and I both know that I will never be home with out Olivia ..." Just then I heard a babies cry and instantly knew that it was none other then my baby sister. "What are they doing to her?"
"I brought her here I knew you would say that so I thought I would dodge that bullet and get your attention for a few more minuets."
"Well fine you win now take me to see her. I need to make sure she is fine." I was so worried and just wanted to know she was safe.
My father explained how unlike the rest of them I was free to go into any house invited or not and that my eyes would never be normal again. He also explained how I was the new queen due to my age and letting my father in I was chosen. He also said that from now on if I wanted to live my normal life I would have to wear contacts and come back here at night. He told me how bad the people here wanted a queen and how I was like their savior.
"This is just to much I need time to think." Almost as soon as I said it all the other walkers beside my father left.
"I will leave you to your thoughts. We did grab you some contacts that matched your normal eyes but before I hand them over and go to my room you must agree to live here now." My father said hold out a pair of sky blue contacts.
"Fine I guess I will stay here." I said while looking at Olivia as she slept.

Chapter 5 (The Rift)

I awoke wondering when I had laid down my head. I was in this simple yet lavish purple and gold room. From my bed I could see a gold antique looking mirror, underneth it sat a white fire place that had a more modern appeal to it yet it fit well with the mirror and the white with golden trim sofa and love seat. The walls were a faint purple with golden diamond shapes under the mirror and just the faint purple on the rest of the walls. The bed I was in had one of those princess veil coverings in gold while the sheets were a silky gold with a dark purple that matched the vases and pictures of violets in the room. It was then that my eyes caught a bit of the same blankets in the left hand corner by my head. It was Olivia's crib, it looked like they decided to go with more of a bassinet type of look. It matched the bed I was in really well. Then I heard a booming sound from the corner of the room. I stumbled around trying to find the offending noise that was or so I thought waking up my baby sister. I soon found that the intrusive noise was coming from a purple and white striped alarm clock. I turned it off and turned to find that my sister was still sound asleep. Then I felt through the floor and all the way up my leg the pounding of foot steps fast approaching, yet the person was not running. I rushed over to Olivia and stood between her and the door as it swung open and my father stepped in with my backpack over his shoulders.
"You will need this for school correct?" My father said setting my backpack on the white love seat. "Sorry for waking you up early but you have to meet Johnny at your house do you not?"
"Oh thats right I have school. Thanks and yes i probably should get going." I said very confused. "Dad? Why did only I wake up from the alarm and not Olivia?"
"I knew that question was coming, surly you have realized that you have better seances then the average human. Our hearing is much better so your alarm is so low that only you can hear it. Olivia can't even hear us speaking right now." he said looking at my baby sister reaching out to hold her yet pulling back.
"Then how will I be able to speak to her?" I said getting really sad thinking that i would never be able to speak to my baby sister ever again.
"Your voice is already adapted. Its just natural for you." My father said sitting down on the couch. "Now go you will be late if you don't leave now. I will take care of Olivia, after all she is my daughter too."
"Alright. I am off. Bye dad and thanks for being here." I said feeling sorry for my dad.
I ran through the halls and noticed how nice this mansion really was the gold and whites that ran along the walls were just stunning. The ceiling was so high that I could badly see the faces staring down at me. The doors were getting closer and closer at rapid speeds. They were dark black and gold metallic swinging doors. I pushed through them still at my very fast pass and continued through the forest toward my house. I had twigs smacking me the whole way, yet when I got back I noticed that there was nothing not even small scratches. Johnny was just getting out of his car so I decided to run around the back of the house so I was located on the left side of my house near my garden. It was not uncommon for me to be working in the garden while I waited so I started walking around from the left walking towards Johnny when I realized I still had to put in my contacts.
"Johnny? I am in the garden but I need to change my shirt I got some mud on it. Just wait in your car for me ok?" I franticly said as I rushed to put mud on my shirt.
"Oh ok I didn't know you were back there." Johnny said being as cute as ever.
I waited till I saw him open his car door then I ran inside and up the stairs that lead to my room. I went straight in and to the very far right into my master bathroom. Threw my bag the counter and dove in to find my contacts they were at the very bottom of the bag (of course). I carefully put them in and looked at myself I was even prettier then I ever have remembered. My eyes were stunning, it was as if the red underneath enhanced my original color in the contacts. My lips seemed a darker tint of red. My eyes then caught the mud on my nice shirt. I was so worry ed about my eyes that I didn't see witch shirt I had ruined. With a sigh I tossed it aside and went to my draw and found it empty except for one t shirt that was sparkly and just perfect for my new look. I put it on and found that it hung just right on my frame so that it did not add more to my stomach. I took one last look and then ran out the door. When I jumped into Johnny's car all I heard was him gasp.
"Baby you look fantastic, Now I don't want to take you to school your looking way to good." Johnny said wrapping his arms around me.
"Thanks hun, I didn't know if it was a good pick for me or not. We do have to go to school sadly though." I said looking straight into his eyes.

Chapter 6 (All upside down)

When we got to school we kissed and went our separate ways. My classes were boring me it seemed as if now I knew all to well al the lessons and was learning nothing new yet still having the assignments due. It was drudgery untruly boring and long. I just looked forward to seeing my sweet again. The time seemed to mock me, however finally it had to relent and give me what I wanted. The bell rang and sure enough there he was just standing there waiting for me. Johnny was perfect in every way, he was my knight in shining armor.
"How was class baby?' He said with a smile showing his dimples.
"To long. I missed you." I said as I looped my arms around his neck. "What about yours?"
"They were all right but nothing compared to seeing you." He grinned with as arms were now wrapped around my waist. "Were do you want to go? I could take you home or we could go out to eat."
"Let me think more time with my hot boyfriend or going home and probably playing games or watching movies. This is a tough choice." I waiting a bit then grinned. "Let go get food, I'm starving anyways."
"You had me scared for a little bit." He started to pull away, but then he reconsidered. "Come here you." He said then planted a romantic kiss on my lips.
"Lets go babe, Its gonna be midnight before you ever even get me home what will the baby sitter think?" I said being playful. "Oh wait we still have yet to decide were to eat. I say maybe perhaps Ruby's?" I asked in a sweet girly voice, that always made him melt.
"Of course."
We were off and on our way when I suddenly could hear my fathers voice in my head. He was talking about my sister, in fact he was crying. I could only hear him but it sounded as if some one was trying to take her. Just then one sentence froze me in my seat. "She is not just your daughter Phieona." My mother was there and trying to take my sister away from me.
"Johnny! I need to go home NOW. I feel really sick." I said in a monotone voice while holding back tears.
"Alright my dear I understand. Do you want me to stay with you though and take care of you?" Johnny said placing a hand on my leg.
"No I'm fine baby I just need to get home and fast."
We rode in silence. The only thing I could hear now was my fathers tears and his heart rate beating very fast. It was as if I was feeling what he felt. I felt pain in my chest and my head was pounding. When we pulled up to the house I jumped out of the car and just ran. I couldn't stop myself, My sister was in trouble and my father was hurting. I could not Just sit aside and let them be in trouble. It seemed like forever till I arrived in the village but once there I was frantic in looking for my baby sister. I listened for her cry anything i could that might tell me she was with the walkers. I kept on running right up to my house. My father was walking out to greet me his face was the one thing that told me she is not here.
"Your mother came and said that she wanted her daughter back." My father said as a tear ran down his cheek.
"Dont cry I will fix this." I said wiping the tear from his face. "I will bring her back to us. Her place is with me and you."
With that I just turned around and ran back to my house. I could hear Olivia's crying from like 100 feet away from the house. When I rounded the corner I could see that Johnny had gone inside my house and was probably waiting for me. I ran through the front door and before I saw anyone I quickly composed my self and calmed down.
"Hay babe sorry about that, I had to vomit and I didn't want you to see that you know." I smiled a cute innocent grin as I rounded the corner to find Johnny holding my now sleeping baby sister.
"Your mom is here." He said very monotone and it looked as if he was mad.
"Oh. Alright thanks hunny for telling me." I smiled at him only to be met with cold eyes. "I'll be back." I mumbled as i turned and walked up my stairs.
My legs felt heavier the closer I got to my mom's "room," (not that she ever stayed long enough to sleep). I felt like I was made of solid iron from my head to my toes. Lifting my hand to knock on her door was excruciatingly painful. One, Two knocks and out burst my mom with hair like fire. Her eyes were wild and she looked as if murder was on her mind.
"So it's true. You are like him. How did you get in with out me inviting you?" my mother said in a death cold hiss.
"Its probably cause this is my house." I knew that would hit a nerve but it was. I paid for it. I lived here not her just me and Olivia. "Why are you here? ... Olivia doesn't know you anymore surly you saw that. You left us and I raised her from 8 months old to now. Surly you can't think that you will take her now. She would never go with you, and I won't let you steal her from me."
"Stay away from my child! You are no longer allowed here. You have joined them. They took everything from me." My mom yelled as her eyes turn a horrid shade of black. "Olivia is all I have left!"
"Lets have her chose. You think you can take her from me? I dare you to just go a head and try." I said stepping to where i was now 4 inches from her face. "You know I am much more powerful then you now. In fact Im more powerful then all of them too, and you know this to be true." her face went from anger to shock to down right fear. "I suggest you don't mess with MY Daughter!" I said baring my teeth at her and grinning wickedly from what I saw in the mirror behind her head.

Chapter 7 (Times Have Changed)

"You don't scare me!" my mother screamed at me yet I could feel the fear rising in her.
"Oh I don't? I should, you are no mother, just watch who she will be with. If she cries when I hold her then she goes with you but if she cries with you she stays home with me and you must leave never to return." I said as I started to turn around and walk out the door through the hall to the steps.
We went down the steps and I saw Johnny and he was packing a bag for my sister and me. I asked him kindly to hand Olivia to me and he did. Her tiny hands wrapped around my neck pulling her closer to me. She stopped her distressed crying and started to fall asleep. I then looked at my mother and handed the now almost asleep Olivia to her. She scooped her up holding her completely wrong on her back and Olivia started up again her distressed crying. She was screaming and yelling. She would not hold still and kept trying to get back into my arms.
"Why won't you trust me when I tell you that she won't go with you. You left us alone! She knows and loves me for I have devoted my life to her. Now get out of MY house!" I both cried and screamed at my mother.
"I will get her back. You won't know when but I will be back for my ONLY daughter!" with that my mother handed Olivia to Johnny and ran out of the house.
I looked Johnny and told him that I would call him and I promised to tell him everything. (That task alone wold be very painful and hard for me.) He said ok and agreed to let me walk him to his car. He gave me a kiss and gave me back Olivia and helped steady her tiny little head as she now had fallen asleep. I said my good byes gave him one last kiss as he stepped into his car and watched him drive off. I waited until I could not see him anymore to dash into the forest back to the village. I ran as fast as i could while staying steady and keeping Olivia out of harms way and asleep. I was running so fast however that I almost hit the door to the mansion that my dad had held opened for me. I slowed down and ended up just an inch away from the wall.
"Ok father should I even ask what is going on?" I said as I rounded my father with Olivia still fast asleep in my arms.
"This is will a long story. Take a seat." I walked about 4 feet over to the couch in the room and pulled the light purple and gold blanket over Olivia so she could continue her peaceful care free sleep. "This all started about the time I left 1 year and 6 months ago. We were living in the house... I guess its your house now, it was one of those weekends that you and your mom were off shopping or doing what ever you girls did when you left. Only me and Olivia were home, it was hot in the house so I opened all the windows in the house for the night. I opened all but Olivia's window, It was night. Of course I had heard the rumors of the "walkers" and being blinded and all that but just as you did I didn't think to worry. That night while I was asleep I heard Olivia's crying and stood to go to her room but found I could not see anything. That is when I knew, I had been blinded. Now not all of us need to stick around and explain whats going on, in fact none of us need to stay. I stayed and helped you cause I am your father and I feel as though you are the one that we have needed. Anyways back to my story. When you and your mother got back I had just gained my eye sight back yet unlike you my eyes were normal. I told your mother what had happened and the new things I could do. Thinking she would respond and either be happy or at least supportive I told her everything, yet I only came to find out that your mother did not love me or think like I did about these new things. In fact that night she packed a bag for me and sent me into the forrest, she told me she didn't care if I froze that i could and should use my "powers" to protect myself. As you can probably guess I came across this house and this town. There were two people standing at the edge and they welcomed me and told me that through me would come our queen... I guess that they were right." My father ended his story with a tear and a very weak smile. His story hurt me in the very core of my heart. All these years I thought he just left all of us without a thought or care and it was really my moms doing.
"Well me and Olivia are here now. No more missing out, and by the way had you told me this at first or even before today... I would not have believed you." I said as I picked Olivia and handed her over to my, our, father. "Here. You put her to bed. Im going to go back to the house. I leave her in your trusting care." With those words said I was off.
When I got through the village and the forest and finally came to my home I felt a little off. It felt as though I did not really belong here anymore. I knew that was silly and stupid but it was just a feeling. Yet ignorantly I ignored my gut feeling and walked into my home. Upon entering I heard a light breathing coming from the living room. I had to find out who was in my home, sure enough when I walked into the living room there sat Johnny. Based on his body language he was mad in fact he was scared and mad at the same time and it was all toward me.

Chapter 8 (The betrayal)

"So where have you been?" Johnny said with a tint of hatred and disdain.
"I went to go see my dad. He wanted to see Olivia for a little while." I said as I walked over to a chair that was placed so it faced the couch that Johnny was now sitting on.
"Oh ok, so you did go into the walkers camp then." This hit me like a brick wall.
"How did you know about the camp?" I foolishly asked.
"Do you not remember that I was dragged into that camp as a child? No. Of course you don't remember that seeing as your now one of them right?"
"Johnny its not like that. I promised I would explain everything....."
"Then explain!" Johnny yelled as he interrupted me.
"Why are you treating me like this? Why are you so mad about something I can't control? Do you think I asked to be their queen?" I cried and instantly regretted telling him I was now their queen.
"Their WHAT!?" He had so much rage in him that he shot right up off the couch. "Your ... their... QUEEN? How fantastic your highness. Now if you don't mind Ill take this opportunity to take my leave and I would like to say its been swell being with you and falling in love with you. As for dating a queen of killers I am unworthy. I take this moment to say we are done! Don't worry about talking to me or explaining anything. You have said ENOUGH!" With those harsh words Johnny stomped out of my house and slammed the door behind him.
It was all I could do to just sit there in tears and not go after him. There was nothing I could do. Nothing I could say to change his mind. He was right to be mad. The walkers after all kidnapped him as a child about the age of 5 till he was 9 and they raised him but never let him see his family. He barley remembers his dad, one memory however sticks out in his mind very well and that is the memory of his father coming to rescue him by becoming a walker and once he was found out, he was killed on the spot. Johnny witnessed his fathers body falling to the ground with a huge bullet hole through his heart. I brought back all that pain. I was now those killers queen. I didn't even know myself if there was anything I could do to fix what they did. I had no idea how to run anything especially not a whole group of people, a village if you will. Now because of that one stupid night after my sweet 16 party I had lost the love of my life and I had lost my old life. My head was swimming with everything that had happened in this one day. I had fought with my mother, I lost my boyfriend, and I had gained my father back. I felt horrible for thinking this way but I wished I had never found my father and wished I still had Johnny. Right after that thought my heart broke again. I loved my father and had hated him for leaving us.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.04.2011

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I write this to all of my friends who are horror buffs. I hope you like.

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