
Editor's Note

This is probably the first book I'm going to publish. So please don't judge me.

Chapter 1

Ughhhh, it's a new school year in a new city. Kira just moved from a small town, called Harpersville in Iowa. She had five friends in Harpersville. Now that she's moved, Kira's hoping to make more friends. Kira moved to the city of Skyline last week. Her mother was married to a rich man and owed him a lot of money. She couldn't pay him back, so they moved to Skyline to start over a fresh. 

Their new neighborhood is a little run down, but quiet and a beautiful rose garden lays is in their front yard. Kira is excited because she got the second biggest room in their home. Three people live in their home. Kira's excited about her first day of school tomorrow.

Chapter 2

Kira was startled awake by the buzzing sound of the alarm. She felt sleepy, yet excited. She felt alive after she got out of the shower. Kira put on her favorite, blue shirt and paired it with her most comfortable blue, denim jeans with her Mattie boots. Kira heard her mom's soft and gentle voice calling her downstairs for breakfast. She and her little brother, Michael, ate quickly and chattered excitedly about how their first days would go. 

First, Kira dropped Michael off at Bolton Middle School, and then drove herself to Fletcher High School. She parked the car and felt nervousness running through her stomach. Her hands were sweating as she picked her backback our of the backseat of the car. First, she went to the office to get her schedule, and she hit something soft and gentle, her old, elementary-school best friend from when Kira and her family lived in Harpersville, Iowa. 

"What are you doing here!?" Kira exclaimed.

"I go to school here! I've missed you soo much, bestie!" Her friend Hannah said.

 What an exciting surprise for Kira on her first day of school! And they soon found out that they had all the same classes. It is going to be a great year. 

Chapter 3

Hannah introduced Kira to all of her friends, so she met a couple of new people. The people that stuck to her were Destiny, who had the most gorgeous green eyes and curly, dirty-blonde hair, she was captian of the cheerleading team, and Terrica, who had dark brown eyes and a lovely caramel skin tone was also on the cheerleadering team. And this one guy named Micah. Micah is a light-skinned hottie with hazel eyes. Micah is captian of the football team and is one of the most popular rich boys in school. Every girl seem to be drawn to him, and that's the kind of boys Kira didn't like, self centered.

 " So everyone this is Kira she has transferred from her old school in Harpersville, Iowa." Hannah told everyone.

"Hi Kira", everyone said in unison. "This is Destiny, Terrica, and Micah" they were all popular, "these are the popular kids". Ughhh popular kids are such snobs.

Chapter 4

As school departed it was time for her to go pick up her little brother from Bolton Middle School and take him to swimming pratice, while her mom was at work for 3 more hours. On the way from her locker, she dropped her books on the ground. Paper was every where in front of her and two other lockers. As she picked up her things, Micah walked passed her and said "yo new girl you dropped your stuff", and started laughing.

"Ughh, you are such a douche and my name is Kira, thank you very little." I hate arrogant, self-centered people and that's what he is actually doing. "Well excuse me Miss. Fiesty, did you want any help." "Not from a bone head like you." I shot back out of anger. After I said that it was complete silence and he left looking like he was hurt from what I just said.


                                                            Micah's (p.o.v)

 The new girl is bent over and picking up her paper. Her blue denim jeans is fitting all of her curves nicely and I can't help but stare. Should I start a conversation with her? Or, is her beauty too much for me? Hold up, why am I worried about her, I should break her in. So I tried to play it cool "yo new girl you dropped your stuff". She immediately came back with, "ughh, you are such a douche and my name is Kira, thank you very little." I love a girl  who is fiesty. Maybe, she can be my new girlfriend!? But, as I asked her did she need some help, she shot back with "not from a bone head like you". She don't even no me. I felt crushed and I don't know why. After she said that I just had to leave. My heart felt broken.

Chapter 5

I went to drop Michael off to swimming practice, I couldn't but notice this one guy with his shirt off. His body was perfectly tan with an eight pack. I looked at his face to see some hazel eyes starring back at me. I couldn't do nothing but bite my lip to stop myself from blushing. I soon realised that the hottie with his shirt off was Micah, that bone head. Ummm, but he look so good I couldn't stop starring at him.

That's when it happened he started to walk towards me. What should I do? Should I just leave or turn away before he can walk by me? Something snapped me out of my thoughts. I soon realized that Micah had walked to me and tapped on my shoulder.

" What do you want Micah?" I snapped. I seen a smirk appear on his face." I'm surprised you know my name Miss. Fiesty." Ughh, I hate when he call me that, it just go right into my skin. " My name is Kira, and I said what do you want?" I shot with a smirk. But his smirk just turned to a wide smile.

" I like them fiesty Miss.Fiesty and the reason why I'm over here is because I wanted to ask you did you see what you like."

"Ughhh, no you just happened to have a nice tan body." I said while looking down at the ground, blushing so hard I turned into a tomato.

" Well since I have a nice body, go on just one date with me and you can see it as much as you want?" He think he is so clever, but I like to play games so let's see if I can get him to beg.

"Well I don't, because I don't really like popular boys in you look like a male-whore." It look he just got offened after I said that.

"Please just one date and that's all I need to prove you wro.." so as he was saying that a little redhead walked over to him and kissed him onthe lips. And to think I was actually going to say yes. He didn't even try to stop her so I stormed off.

Chapter 6

                                                    Micah's (POV)

As I was talking to her Mindy, my ex, walked up to me and kissed me. I didn't know what  to do. And I couldn't move because Mindy grabbed my nuts. As I got her off of me Kira wasn't there ANYMORE! I ran out the door to see her bending over picking up her keys. "I see your always bending over for me?." She scolded at me then said "just like I said before you're a male-whore. And to think I was going to say yes to you!!" She blurted And tried to get in the car, but I snaked my arms around her waist and pushed her against the car. She tried to move but I wouldn't let her.

"What do you want from me?!" She screamed. I just got close to her body and said "you".

I leaned in and kissed her and she kissed back. Her lips were soft against mine, she let out little moan and I took the chance to explore her mouth, she had her tongue pierced. She put her hands in my hair which slightly made me moaned, whiched made her giggle. She separated the kiss to catch our breaths. The next I know she slapped me for being a douche' and gave me her number.


Chapter 7

                                                          Kira (POV)

I can't believe I just did kissed all over Micah today!! I hate stuck up, arrogant, self-centered, jerks like him. All I seen in his eyes was pure lust and desire. I wanted him so bad but he's not my type and I'm not going to be his next slut that he can make a quick bust and be on to the next.



                                                      later on that day...

I got a text from Hannah.

han bff

meet me at the swiiming hole in 30min. lol


i can come right now im not busy

han bff

great...see you then!!


I wondered what that was all about?! I guess I'm about to find out right now. I pull up to see Micah, Hannah, the same blondie from the pool earlier today, and some other guy I don't know. I wonder do she know what happened between us.

 "Hey Han, wassup?" I said.

"Nothing I just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout with me, my boyfriend Chase, my brother, and some little bimbo." She said.

HOLD UP, did she just say that Micah is her brother...she never told me!!

"Wait did you just say that Micah is your brother?!" I yelled. I felt I was going to be sick.

 "Yea, I thought I told you." she tried holding her laugh in.

"All you said was that he is your friend." When I first came her.

Chapter 8

After that everything went black. I woke up with a major migrane.

"Are you okay? You just feel out! What's wrong with you?!" She screamed at me.

"I don't know, I j-just...I don't know". I felt so embarrassed.

"I think I should take yo home and we can try this again tomorrow. Okay?" She said with fear in her eyes. I couldn't feel more embarrased than ever. I turned to see everyone staring at me.

I got and felt super dizzy and was about to fall again, until a strong pair of arms wrap around me. I felt tingles going up and down my body. I turned around to see that Micah caught me.

"Ughh thanks, I should get going before I really embrass and hurt myself even worse." I said trying to get out of his hold. But he wouldn't let me go, he just kept staring me into my eyes into his little bimbo cleared her throat.

"Actually I think I should drop you off, I don't need you to get in an accident?!" He said more in a question then an answer. And I took him up on his offer.

Editor's Note

Ummmm, thank you guys for supporting me and can yall give me some ideas on what I sould.

Also please no hateful comments.

Chapter 9

                                                     Kira's POV

I really don't understand why Micah wanted to take me home and leave his lil' bimbo at home. But, it really doesn't bother me anymore. Because he's with me in this car not with her at the pool.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.04.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to Ally for the great blurb, my mom who said she would read my book, myself for gaining the courage to do it, and all of my haters that motivate me.

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