

Let me start by introducing myself, I am Nicole Lyann Charleston. Daughter of her Higness Lillian Charleston and Lord Andrew Charleston. Yes that does make me a princess and I would be ruling there if we had stayed where we were, our home.

It started May of 1706 in Boeland, Ireland. I was a young girl of 16 at the time

We were out on the court lawn; Thomas, Lucy, Stephan, and I; playing our favorite childhood games. Mother was strolling the beautiful gardens nearby. Us kids were the first to spot our father. He was telling us just as our mother reached us that we were moving. Not just somewhere else in Ireland, but across an ocean to the new world.

            That is how I came to be in the states, or at the time the few colonies starting along the west coast. Tommy and I weren’t too happy about moving from home, but Lucy and Stephan were peachy about it for they had always wanted to travel. As time went on and the colonies grew into the many states we know today, I was finding myself loving all the things I found displeasing upon our arrival. I was also seeing changes within myself as well, I lost my precious Irish accent and gained the southern accent of the men and women ‘round the southern states where we held residence for three years. Back then people couldn’t know what we were or they would hunt us down and destroy us, so we had to move around a lot.

            The years had come and gone and it was 2010  before we moved back to Kentucky. My sister was expecting a little girl. Mother had four more children; Matthew, Dillon, Anthony, and Henry. Father had become the owner of a worldwide cooperation so our family had some money. Thomas and  Stephan had grown into fine young gentlemen, and I had grown into a “proper” young lady, or so my parents thought. I was being courted by a nice young man from a wealthy family. He eventually died of influenza. After my sister had her baby, mother sent us kids to a school that trains young novices called the academy.

Chapter one


            “We’re doing what!!!” yelled my siblings, scarily in unison.

  “Going to school at the academy for novices,” mom replied smoothly, peeling potatoes for supper. I had been leaning against the counter listening to the entire conversation. As I stood there thinking it suddenly seemed like a good idea.

            “Guys this might be a good thing.” I piped in. Thomas spun around to face me

  “What,” he yelled furiously,

            “Well, think about it Tommy, you and I are the only two with any kind of combat training and that’s very little  cus mom needed our help then we couldn’t find anyone else to finish teaching us.’ I started, “plus, it wouldn’t hurt for them to know how to defend themselves properly.” I finished. Tommy sat there for a minute

            “Good point sis,” he said “okay with that point taken I say lets do it”


            Our siblings complained all the way to the school the next day for registration and experience testing. We met the head mistress, Miss. Trinity.

            “Hello, you must be Mrs. Charleston,” she started

   “Please call me Lilly,” my mom corrected her   

            “Okay, Lilly, I got all of the paperwork but one, I will have you fill that out while I brief you in on how this test works.”

            “Okay,” replied my mom

 “I will send the children, one by one, to take the test, after each have finished I will let you know the results.” She said “we will start with the youngest, Henry, please follow me” she said as she steered Henry out of the room.

            Seven tests later it was my turn. When she brought Tommy back in I stood, straightened my back and followed her out. She took me down a long hallway and through a set of double doors into a room that looked to be a gym.

            “your test will be on your ability to take an opponent.” She started “your opponent will be Mr. Stevenson, one of our best combat teacher we have ever had.” She finished as my opponent came in. I had to stop what I was doing to stare, he was drop dead gorgeous, he was tall with brown shoulder length hair, a sculpted, square jaw and the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen.

            “Well, Miss Charleston. We will begin when you change.” He told me, looking up at me

            “My names Nicole,” I informed him, sounding horribly like my mother. We began the test and the first thing I realized was, this guy is FAST, it was a good thing I was faster.

            When the test was over I rejoined my family in the office. The head mistress gave us the results and put us in appropriate grade levels for each of our experience levels. Tommy and me were both juniors and the others were freshmen. She then gave us our schedules and sent us to class. I looked at my schedule and the first class I had was training with, none other than, Mr. Stevenson. Great, I thought, I’m stuck with this guy for an hour and a half.

            I walked into the gym to see he had changed into sweat pants and a t-shirt. He looked up when I walked in.

            “Good morning Nicole,” he said making an effort to show he remembered my name

            “You remembered my name, I’m impressed.” I replied

            “Wow, Love the sarcasm.” He shot back, clearly upset

  “No, I’m serious, most people can’t remember my name even after knowing me for a while, so you remembering my name after only meeting me once really does impress me.” I informed him.

            “Oh, do people really have that much trouble remembering your name?” he asked

            “Yes, can we start training now.” I asked.

            “Of course,” he replied with a comical smirk on him face.

            “what,” I asked popping my knuckles.       

            “Well, it’s that most students prefer to uses some kind of weapon when they train with me.” He informed me

            “Really?” I said smiling pulling out my weapon of choose.

            “A stick?” he asked with a quizzical look on his face.       

“Yes, “ was all I said, letting the rod extend then swung it around once and entered the practice circle.

            “Okay.” He said with a laugh, and lunged at me. I dogged and wacked him with “the stick”, he lost his balance and tumbled out of the circle.
            “Point” I declared. This went on for a little while. He finally gave up trying to get a good hit in.       

            “how did you get so good with that thing?” he asked.

            “I practice for three hours a day and have been practicing for years.” I answered

            “wow” was all he had to say. I changed back into my school clothes just as the bell rang for my next class, which I had with my brother Tommy. I entered class and sat down at the biology table.

            “How was training.” Tommy asked,

            “slow and kinda boring. I really hope he finds some way to challenge me.” I replied

            “kinda figured you would find it easy.” He said

  “yea, so when do you have training.” I asked

            “next block.” He informed me

  “who do you have.” I asked as I found my biology book.

            “Ummm. “ he said, starting to pull out his schedule. “Louis Feldman.” He finished. The teacher came in just then. She was a little old lady with white hair piled on top of her head in a style only little old ladies could pull off.

            “good morning class,  my name is Mrs. Daisy Chilton. We will start on page 120 in your books.” She said as she wrote the assignment on the board. The rest of the day went by in a blur. At the end of the day I meet up with Lucy in the way to my dorm, which in my opinion was way to far away from the school.

            “how was your first day?” Lucy asked.      

 “I don’t know, I sleep through most of it.” I replied        

            “Well I had a great day, I made lots of new friends, we are actually gonna go get pizza wanna come with.” She asked

            “I don’t think so, I’m gonna try and unpack then maybe homework.” I started, stopping to look at her “big maybe there.” I finished letting myself into my dorm in the process. “night sis.” I called over my shoulder. I shut the door behind me and looked around the room. My stuff was the only stuff in the room  other than the standard furnishings. Looks like I got the room to myself, sweet.

            I dropped my backpack by the door and grabbed the nearest box and plopped down on my bed to start going through it. I took out my pocketknife and cut through the tape and pulled stuff out. It was all clothes. I started putting my clothes away and before I finished unpacking the second box I had fallen asleep. When I woke up. The box had tumbled into the floor spilling its contents. So I got up to pick it all up. When I got to the bottom of the pile, there was a picture, it was me and my best friend, Natalia, who lived in Italy, it had been the first time we meet each other in person. I stood there, staring at the picture almost in tears, for three years ago she had been brutally murdered by a man who still  hadn’t been caught.

            I jumped nearly dropping the picture when my brother, Tommy, knocked on the door, yelling at me to get up and get ready, that mom was here to have breakfast with us. I put the picture on the nightstand and went to open the door.

            “Tommy, tell mom I will meet up will ya’ll, I really need a shower, I fell asleep before I could take one last night and I feel grimy.” I told him

            “Will do” he promised, turning on his heels and heading down the hall. I shut the door, grabbed a change of clothes, my toiletry bag and headed to the bathroom. After a nice hot shower, I stood in front of the mirror, in my towel, and blow-dried my hair, brushed my teeth and put my clothes on, a pair of dark blue jeans and a red v-neck shirt with a black rose on it, and headed out of the room, grabbing my wallet, phone, boe-staff and daggers on the way out. I called my mom on the way to my car.

            “hey where are we going to eat.” I asked after she answered

            “ that little buffet that we passed just before we got to the school.” She replied

            “All right, I will meet ya’ll there.” I said

            “okay,” my mom hung up, that woman never said good-bye. When I got to  my car I put my stuff in the front seat and put my holster for my staff on my back and put my daggers in their proper places at my wrist and ankles. Putting my wallet in my back pocket I climbed into my car, a 2010 mustang, midnight blue with lighter blue under lights, chrome hubcaps, and black leather seats. On my rearview I have a stake, the same one that left a scar in my side ten years ago. I started the car and pulled out, heading down the road about a mile and pulled into the good morning buffet. I drove around till I spotted my moms car and parked next to it. Grabbing my phone from where it sat charging. I headed inside to find my family. Surprisingly, they weren’t that hard to find. It’s pretty easy to locate a party of nine all tall and dark headed, with blazing blue eyes. Me on the other hand had flaming red hair down to my knees and emerald green eyes.

            “hey guys,” I said as I sat down next to my dad.

            “we got you a drink already.” Mom said from the other side of my dad.          

            “that’s fine” I said reaching for my drink, I was parched. I finished my  first glass before I gave my dad a hug.

            “hey kiddo,” he said hugging me back.
            “hey dad, how was the trip” I asked him
“we didn’t get the deal we wanted” he informed me handing me an envelope.

            “what’s this,” I asked opening it. It was a letter from the man my dad was trying to make a deal with. I read and reread it, while in the process my family sat quietly, waiting for it to sink in, it finally did.

            “dad this is great,” I said hugging him again. The rest of the meal we sat chatting and catching up with dad. He had been gone for nearly a month. All to soon it was time for us kids to go back to school. Tommy and me had training that afternoon. We said our good-byes and jammed into mine and Tommy’s cars and headed back to the school. I barely made it into the gym when Mr. Stevenson was fixing to leave.

            “Well I thought you weren’t coming,” he said

  “I just got back from having brunch with my family. My dad just got back.” I informed him as I got ready for class

            “ahhh, that would explain it, how well are you at throwing” he asked me

 “I’m very good at it.” I informed him “ and I always carry my daggers with me. “ I finished showing him the sheathes at my wrists.

            “okay, then show me. Hit that target over there” he said pointing it out

  “the one all the way across the gym.” I asked to make sure I had it right

            “yes,” he said sounding like he just KNEW I wouldn’t hit the target. I unsheathed my first dagger, got into position, spun and let go. To his utter belief the dagger hit its mark, right dead center of the target. He attempted to pull it out and couldn’t.

            “wow, I have had students hit the target, but never one to hit the center and the throwing object jammed hilt deep into a cement wall” he said, absolutely amazed. I walked over placing my foot on the wall and pulled the dagger out.

            “Practice,” was all I said. The rest of class went by in a blur. I went back to my room, showered again, and went to find something to eat. When I got back to my room there was an envelope taped to my door, it had my name on it in neat handwriting. I took it off the door and headed inside, plopping down onto my bed I ripped open the envelope, the letter inside said this



            The letter had no name, but I was bound and determined to find out who it was. I was going to the west wing. It was 12:15 a.m. when I got to the west wing. It was also pitch black, well for normal people. I stood there listening to the night around me, smelling, sensing. I caught a movement behind me. I spun, grabbing my staff, slamming the unknown object against the wall, staff at its neck

            “What the hell are you doing.” It whispered furiously. It was female. I stepped back and got a good look at her. She was tallish, with thick chestnut hair down to her waist and she was very pretty.

            “Excuse me if I reacted to something that could have been life threatening.” I snapped.

            “I’m liking you even better.” She said smiling, extending her hand “I’m Riki Hemmingway.”

            “Nicole,” I shook her hand “Your in my biology class.” I said now placing where I had seen her before.

            “Yea, even though I don’t understand why we have to take that class.” She said putting her back against the wall.

            “Me either other than its mandatory.”  I said keeping an eye out for administration or threats

            “Do you always do that.” She asked suddenly.

            “Do what?” I asked not sure what she meant

            “Keep an eye out like that.” She clarified

            “Yes.” Was all I said

            “Well, I have to get back, Lisa will be looking for me if I’m not there if she wakes up. Here is the number to my room, come and talk to me any time.” She said handing me a slip of paper and walking away. “oh,” she said, stopping to look at me “Stay away from Dimitri, he’s mine” she finished, turning back the way she came. I just stood there smiling. When I got back to my room I went straight to bed, planning my next move.


Chapter two

I woke up Monday morning, got up and got ready for training, and instead of just my staff I also slipped my machete into my sheath and went to the gym, skipping breakfast

            “Good morning, I wasn’t expecting you this early.” Dimitri said without looking up from tying his sneakers.

            “Well I enjoy training,” I said, standing there with my hands on my hips “So what are we doing today.” I asked

            “Jogging,” he replied. As he led me out the back door. “We will run around the school a few times, then we will work on honing your sense of smell and ability to sense oncoming threats.” He said, taking off around the corner without another word. I sighed, taking off after him, catching up pretty quickly. We jogged in a comfortable silence for a while.

            “You haven’t even broken a sweat.” He said looking over at me.          

            “Neither have you.” I pointed out.

            “True.” He said. We finished our laps and went back inside. When we got to the center of the gym he pulled a blindfold out of his back pocket and covered my eyes with it. Tying it, his hands lingered slightly at my hair.

            “Don’t use the machete alright.” he said from somewhere to the left of me. “ I have brought in two other people to help me with this.” He said

            “Alright.” I said, then got really still, breathing in deeply. I caught a whiff of something familiar, and the thing was to the right and slightly behind me. I grabbed my staff and whirled smacking into the person.

            “Ow,” she whispered

            “Hello Riki,” I said with I smile as I swung left whacking a solid young man who made an “uff” sound when the rod hit his back. I had taken out two of the three threats. I stood there listening and waiting, that is when I heard it, the flapping of clothing, above me. I sidestepped out of the way just as someone landed skillfully on their feet.

            I took my blindfold off to see three people staring at me; Riki, Dimitri and another guy I had in math, Eddie.

            “Is there anything you can’t do?” Dimitri asked

            “I don’t know, you tell me.” I said turning around and walking away, before I passed out. I woke up to a bright light in a room I was unfamiliar with. I tried to sit up, but strong hands pushed me back down

            “Oh no you don’t.” said a voice I would recognize anywhere.

            “And just why not.” I asked fiercely. “Will you turn that light off.” I said, the light clicked off just as my brother came in the room

            “Well like usual, you have went weeks upon weeks without feeding, you got so weak, so after your strenuous training session you passed out on your feet and cracked your head pretty hard.” He said handing Dimitri a Styrofoam cup.

            “So why can’t I sit up.” I questioned. Dimitri answered  this time.

            “Well, other than the fact you could do more harm to yourself than good, you are also hooked up to about three different machines” he informed me.

            “Well if I can’t sit up can one of you help me prop myself up and get me some coffee?” I asked. My brother instantly leaned forward, fluffing my pillows, rearranging them so I was in a semi sitting position. He also miracuasly pulled out a third Styrofoam cup and handed it to me.

            “”Sweet with a little cream.” He said.

            “Very good.” I replied taking a drink before sitting it down on the table beside the bed. “So when do I get out of here.” I asked just as a kind looking woman came in

            “Well, we will see after we check your vitals.” She said at she took my temperature, pulse, blood pressure and did a few other test.

            “Well, good news” she said, “You can leave today.” She said with a smile as she removed the tubes from my hands.

            “Wait, what is today?” I asked

            “Sunday” Tommy said

            “What, I have been out for a week, God I’m gonna be so far behind in my school work.” I said as I got to of bed and realized I was wearing those funky looking hospital gowns.

           “Crap, please tell me I have clothes here because I do not want to walk all the way to my dorm in this.” I said pointing down at my clothes. Tommy handed me a bag, which I took happily heading to the bathroom. I came back out pulling my hair into a messy ponytail because I didn’t have a brush.

            “Thank you Tommy,” I said

            “Don’t thank me, I didn’t get them, he did.” Tommy informed me

            “Well, than thank you Dimitri.” I said, grabbing my coffee and went to my dorm, (I had finally finished unpacking)

            When I got there I took a shower and brushed my teeth and then went to find my teachers so I could get my homework. I got back to my dorm with my monstrous pile of work, sat down at the desk and started. Not long after I started my calculus homework I heard a scream, jumping up, sending papers flying off my desk and raced out the door toward the scream. I came to the source; it was Riki’s room. I knocked

            “Come in” Riki said sounding slightly panicked. I slowly open the door to see her sitting on the edge of the bed that held a screaming blonde girl. I quickly walked over and sat down on the other side of her. The girl was mumbling someone’s name (when she wasn’t screeching like a banshee)

            ‘She’s having a nightmare about her brother and I cant get her to wake up.” Riki said as she shook the girl saying her name

            “Oh, this is Lisa,” I asked

            “Yes,” she said quickly

            “Move.” I said batting her hands away

            “What…” was all she got out. I took the girl into my arms, slowly rocking her as I sang the song my mother sang to me as a child when I had nightmares

            “SHUSH CILD, DON’T YOU FEAR,”





As I sang the  girl slowly started to calm down. When I finished she opened her eyes and jumped back

            “Who are you,” she said

            “This is Nicole, she’s new here,” Riki informed her, “Where did you hear that song?” she asked

            “My mom used to sing it to me and Tommy when we were little” I informed her. Lisa looked at me

                        “Thank you for helping me.” She said

                        “No problem,” I said getting up and heading back down to my room. By this time I was exhausted. I changed into my pajamas and grabbed my favorite stuffed animal, a lime green dog, and went to bed. After I fell asleep I started dreaming.  It started with my mom sitting in a rocking chair singing, I walked closer to see it was me as an infant, slowly the scenes began to change and I saw my life before my eyes and in every scene my mom was singing, then all of a sudden the singing stopped and was replaced by screaming, then there was pain, a lot of pain.

            I sat straight up in bed, panting and sweating like a pig. I got out of bed with my stuffed dog and headed to my brothers room. When I got there, there were tears in my eyes. I knocked on the door. I heard Tommy unlock the door to see me, messy haired and teary eyed in my pajamas with my green puppy, just like when we were kids

            “OH MY GOD, sis are you okay?” he said hugging me as he led me into his room, sitting me down on his bed

            “I had that dream again Tommy.” I told him as I wiped my eyes on my sleeve. He handed me a tissue so I could blow my nose.

            “It’s okay, he’s not going to hurt us anymore.” He said soothing me

            “What happened?” a deep voice questioned, and honestly I could care less at the moment, who it was. I didn’t care how I looked.

            “When we were younger, our uncle kidnapped me and Nicole and forced us into prostitution, for years. It had the greatest toll on Nicole because she absolutely adored our uncle, until that happened, that and she was beaten.” Tommy told him “I knew something was wrong because she had the puppy dog I had given her and she was wearing her pajamas.” He said hugging me tighter. I had quit crying and sat there sniffling.

            “How would that let you know something’s wrong.” The other man asked

            “Because, I got her that puppy and after our uncle kidnapped us, every time she had a really bad day or when she was having nightmares, she would grab her puppy and climb into bed with me so she wouldn’t be alone, she then would cry herself to sleep.” He told him just as I fell asleep.

            I woke up stuffy nosed and in my brothers room. I sat up to see he had sleep in the floor to let me have the bed. I then caught a movement out of the corner of my eye, I looked over at the second bed to see a young man who must have been the one who was here last night. I quietly got out of bed and headed to the door.

            “you don’t have to leave just yet.” Came an unfamiliar voice. I looked over at the man in the bed. He eyes were open and he was looking at me

            “Sorry, but I do, I’m sorry for bursting in last night like that,” I said looking at my feet, embarrassed.

            “No big thing,” he said, and I blushed even deeper. “Your really cute when you blush.” He called as I left the room. I shut the door and leaned against it a moment before starting sown the hallway toward my dorm

            “Nice p.j.s.” Dimitri said, making me jump about a foot in the air.

            “Jesus Christ, you scared the bajezuz out of me.” I said putting my hand over my still pounding heart.

            “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you , you were late for practice so I came to check on you, but you were obviously not in you room.” He said

            “I spent the night in my brothers room by accident,” I informed him unlocking my door, waking in and dropping down on the bed. Dimitri had followed me in

            “Okay..?” he said sitting in the desk chair after picking up the papers I had knocked off yesterday.

            “Long story, don’t ask.” I aid drowsily.

            “You need to go back to sleep.” He said standing and walking over. He made me stand while he made the bed and folded down the sheets

            “Bed,” he said pointing down at my sheets. I crawled into bed and closed my eyes as he pulled the covers up over me.

            “good night Nicole,” he said kissing my forehead before walking out the door.

            After he left I reached up and touched the place he had kissed me, it tingled. I fell asleep, this time I didn’t dream. I woke up late the next day to see the neat stacks of paper on my desk. I looked over at my clock to see what time it was, instead I saw a box of tissue and a card. I picked up the box  while I read the card.


I sat the card back on the table and saw what time it was. One p.m, I thought, I have missed breakfast, lunch and my meeting with Tommy.

I got out of bed and went to take a shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth as I gathered my things for the day. When I got to my desk to get the homework I had completed, I found a note



            I smiled at the note, finished gathering my thing and went to hunt Tommy down. I found him in the dining hall playing solitary.

            “Hey” he said as I came in

            “Hey, first of all who was that person you call a roommate.”  I asked

            “That would be Kriss,” he informed me

            “Second, why did he send me a box of Kleenex.” I shot at him. He looked up at me.

            “He sent you a box of Kleenex,” he said a bit confused

            “Yes” I said handing him the card

            “Well, I’m not really sure why he sent you tissue.” He said

            “Nether do I. so what did you want to meet me for.” I asked him

            “I found out uncle Marten died of a heart attack yesterday.” He said somberly

            Why would I want to know that.” I asked him

            “Well I figured after you found out about this you could rest easier.” He informed me

            “Oh, okay,” I said. “Thanks for being there for me last night.” I said hugging him

            “Any time,” he said hugging me back

            “Isn’t this sweet or gross I’m not sure which.” Came a snoodie comment from the doorway. I turned to find a twig like girl

            “Who are you.” I asked her as she twitched her way toward us.

            “Better question is, who is this cutie you’re mooching on.” She asked back

            “My brother.” I said starting to get ticked off

            “Ahhh, well that’s not nearly as fun.” She sneered

            “Good, now you can take your twitchy ass and leave.” Tommy shot at her

            “Well, how nice, tall dark and handsome noticed my ass.” She said with a fake faint

            “In your dreams.” He sneered clearly pissed off

            “We will see.” She said laying her hand on his

            “GET OUT NOW and keep your hands off my brother.” I said forcefully

            “And who so you think you are telling me what to do.” She snapped

            “Someone who could snap your little neck and not think twice about it.” I said calmly. She sneered  at me but turned and twitched out.

            “Well, someone’s obviously a bitch.” I said to my brother. “Don’t ever go for a girl like that, because don’t want to whip her ass, that and her crotch is probably infected with god knows what. I’m surprised it hasn’t fallen off by now”

            “Not planning on it, I value my freedom and I would like to keep my junk.” Tommy said as he looked toward the door. “With the way she was acting, I may have to hire you to be my body guard.”

            “Ha-ha, you wouldn’t have to hire me, I would gladly show her place with no charge.” I said with a grin.

            “Is that so,” came a voice from behind me “I may look into your services as well.” He finished as I turned around to see Tommy’s roommate

            “Hey Tommy” Kriss said “plans still on for tonight or… do you have other plans.” He said pointing toward the door.

            “Plans are still on, defiantly, I wouldn’t want to be caught alone with her.” Tommy said making a face

            “What have you guys got planned for tonight.” I asked,” you better not be planning on taking over the world without me.” I joked pointing at my brother while looking at him with squinty eyes.

            “Wouldn’t even think of it.” he said with a smile “no we are going to go out and drink,”

            “Well crap, that’s just as good, but I have training,” I informed him looking at the time “in fact, I need to get going” I said heading to the gym

            “See ya sis,” Tommy called as the door shut behind me. I turned and looked at the door as I smiled. I sighed a laugh and headed to the gym.

            When I entered the room something felt off. I looked around, everything was where it should be, the only thing missing, Dimirti. I checked out the back door to see if he was there, of course, he wasn’t. I checked the time to see if I was early. No im actually running late. Where could he be. I asked myself. After sitting around for ten more minutes I decide to go look for him. I went first to the building where the teachers stayed to look in his room, he had an entire floor to himself but he wasn’t there. On my way back to the school I stopped by my dorm. When I was leaving I passed Riki’s room and from behind the door I heard a crash. I walked over to listen and I heard yet another crash. This time I opened the door. The first thing I saw was glass all over the floor.

            The next thing I was Riki up in(a way to calm) Dimiri’s face yelling at him. She was so caught up in screaming she didn’t even know I was there. So I just stood there and listened

            “You’re supposed to love me, we were supposed to be together forever. Now you tell me that I’m  not the one for you, that there is someone else.” She screeched, then she stopped as the realization of something sank in

            “Its her isn’t it” she said tentivly with big tear filled eyes             “it’s the new girl isn’t it.” She finished  and her voice was rising again “Well, im gonna show you just how pathetic she is, thinking she can come here and take my man.” She yelled and spun around stopping when her eyes landed on me “you.” She said accusingly. I looked down at myself and back up at her

            “Well, from the looks of it, yea its me, what of it,” I said sarcastically

            “What are you doing here.” She asked crossing her arms across her chest

            “Well, I was looking for my mentor, because he was late for class,” I started “but when I went to his room and didn’t find him there, I was going to ask the head mistress if she knew where he was but I stopped by my room, and on my way out I heard a crash so investigated. “I informed her

            “Well, you can take your snoopy ass and leave me and MY boyfriend to OUR private business.” She sneered

            “Well from the looks of it he’s no ones boyfriend.” I said calmly knowing it would get to her and boy was I right, she stepped  forward and swung at me. I caught her fist easily and leaned forward.

            “You really shouldn’t have done that, you have no idea who you are messing with.” I whispered. “Now if you’re done verbally abusing MY mentor I would like to have class, good bye.” I said giving her fist a shove, sending her stumbling back about a foot

            “You’re a major bitch, you know that.” She hissed as Dimitri left the room. I looked at her for a minute

            “Yea,” I said as I watched her sink to the floor as she realized she had lost. I then turned and walked out the door.

                        “Well, that was interesting.” I declared as I caught up with Dimitri. “So what was that about.” I asked

            “She believes that her and I were destined to be together, so when I decided to move on, I went to her and tried to explain to her that there was nothing wrong with her that I was in love with someone else.” He informed me

            “Well, that didn’t go as well as planned huh.” I said

            “I kinda expected her to get mad, never expected her to throw a tantrum thought.” He said stopping outside the gym door to look at me.

            “So what did she break.” I asked

            “A couple lamps.” He said looking at me in the eyes with such intensity I was drowning in it. It was then I realized he was leaning in to kiss me, our lips only a whisper of air away.

           “Oh, good you’re here.” Came a voice all to familiar to me, Dimitri and I jumped away from each other. I sighed

            “What do you want Kriss?” I asked a bit annoyed

            “Well I wanted to talk to Mr. Stevenson about extra help, but if I’m interfering with other plans I’ll just go.” He said with an evil grin.

            “No, I was fixing to start training with Miss. Charleston you are welcome to join us.” Dimitri said smoothly. He led the way through the door, with Kriss on his heels. Before Kriss slipped through the door he turned and winked at me before holding it open for me, I sulked into the gym—which only made Kriss grin even bigger—I flipped him the bird on my way past him.

            I got back to my dorm in a foul mood, I dropped down on my bed face first only to hear a knock on my door

            “Hey can I talk to you?” the person questioned

            “No, now go away before I rip our head off” I said into a pillow

            “Sorry, no can do, now you can come let me in or I’m gonna let myself in,” he persisted. I sighed and pushed myself off the bed and opened the door, and was really tempted to hit him in the face.

            “What do you want Kriss?” I questioned bitterly

            “To do this.” He said grabbing my face to kiss me. He let me go and I just stood there shocked. He chuckled and turned and walked away. I, on the other had, stood there like an idiot until I realized that I was being stared at by some other girl on the hall, I quickly shut my door, and sat down on my bed. WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I questioned myself.  I suddenly stood up and headed to my brothers room. When I got there I walked in not bothering to knock.

            “Is Kriss here?” I asked Tommy as he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips.

            “No, he said something about going to the gardens though, you might find him there, Why?” he said turning to look at me “Oh, ever heard of knocking, I could have been naked” he said with a smile

            “Nothing I’ve never seen before, and honestly I don’t care, you’re my brother.” I said smiling at him, I sat down on his bed and noticed the outfit lying out on it “What’s with the get up, hot date tonight,” I questioned teasingly

            “Well, yes.” He confessed, blushing slightly

            “Do I know her,” I asked

            “No, but she wants to meet you, I told her I would try and talk you into coming to the club with us this weekend.” He said

            “I would love to escort my LITTLE brother to the club, beside you’re underage anyway.” I teased

            “Hahaha.” He sneered, “Okay, out I got to change,” he said shooing me out the door.

After we went our separate ways I made my way to the huge gardens on the outside premises of the school. I walked around for a while till I spotted him.

            “What don’t have a hot date tonight,” I said as I came up behind him

            “No, not all of us are your brother,” he joked right back

            “So why are you hiding out, out here?” I questioned

            “Well, it’s better than being disgusted by your brothers lovie dovie stuff.” He said turning to look at me

            “True,” I said looking out toward the school through the trees

            “Why are you out here, you have your own dorm to hide in.” he questioned me suddenly

            “I came looking for you,” I admitted, blushing slightly

            “Really, why,” he pried

            “Well, what happened earlier made me rethink some things, and I realized I enjoyed it way to much, and I wouldn’t mind doing it again, as long as you don’t get all cocky.” I said unable to look at him

            “What about Stevenson, looks like you two were all hot and heavy,” he said

            “What about him, he’s my mentor,” I said looking at him this time.

            “Wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings now would we.” He said

            “Look there is nothing going on between me and him, and if your gonna be a dick about everything you can just forget I said anything.” I hiss in his face and walked away

            “Wait, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t of said that, its just when I saw you two earlier I was jealous, if I couldn’t have you then I didn’t think anyone else should and I know that its not fair of me to think that but I couldn’t help it.” He confessed looking at the ground

            “Its okay, I overreact to things, bad personal trait.” I told him “Look I got to go I’ll… see you later.” I said though it sounded more like a question

            “Sounds like a date.” He said looking up at me, he winked and then walked away. I got back to my room and went straight to my desk to check my email, I had one from my mom




I smiled at the email and wrote back






I sent the email and went to find Lucy,

            “Hey, Luce, did you get your email from mom,” I asked

            “Yea, and here are your copy of the pictures she sent,” she said handing me an envelope. I pulled the pictures out to look at them, it was my niece Jill playing in the sandbox with another little boy.

            “Who’s the little boy,” I asked her

            “That’s Macy’s little one, you know the next door neighbor.” She responded

            “Oh that’s right, I’m gonna go show these to Tommy, or does he have copies of his own,” I asked her

            “Yea, here can you get them to him for me.” She asked looking distracted

            “Yea, hey are you okay,” I asked

            “Yea, it’s just, I miss her so much,” she said as a tear escaped her eye

            “I know, it will be okay, visitation is in just a few weeks you’ll see her then.” I informed her patting her shoulder to comfort her

            “Yea, I will wont I,” she said “See ya, Nicole I have class to get to.” She said as she hurried off

Chapter Three

“So how was your date yesterday,” I asked Tommy the next day

            “Great, what about yours, did you find him,” he joked right back

            “Yes, I found him and no it was not a date, technically.” I proclaimed

            “Ha-ha, well when I got back to the dorm last night he was all hyped up about something I can only assume it was you,” he told me “you know, he really does like you, a lot, he’s always asking questions about you, I was tempted to tell you myself if he didn’t shut up about it,” he said seriously

            “ I can see that he does, “ I said looking at the table

            “So do I need to add another guest to Saturday nights party,” he questioned bumping my shoulder with his

            “I don’t know I’ll have to ask him if he wants to go, I’ll let you know okay,” I said thinking about it, “oh Tommy, here these are pictures mom sent over here of the three of them and the next door neighbors little boy, “ I said handing him the envelope of pictures that had his name on it in moms chicken scratch handwriting

            “Thanks sis, how’s Luce holding up about not being with Jill,” he asked

            “She’s gonna make it, it’s difficult for her though.” I informed him

            “I can understand that, how are you doing, with the whole not being close to home.” He asked

            “I’m all right, my homesickness wore off about a week ago.” I informed him with a smile “and now that I’m actually making friends life’s gonna get a whole lot better,” I said, gathering my books off the desk

            “If I’m not careful I’m gonna have to fight people to be able to talk to you at all,” he said with a laugh

            “Not hardly, I’m not gonna be that popular,” I informed him as he followed me to calculus.

            “Hey, Tommy,” I said

            “Yea,” he said turning back around

            “Try and help Luc get through this, please,” I asked

            “Of course, she is my sister” he said before heading off

            “Thanks,” I said heading into my least favorite class of the day. After lunch I met up with the head mistress,

            “Miss, Charleston how are classes going?” she asked

            “Just fine, Mrs., Trinity” I informed her

            “And you are adjusting to this way of life easily” she inquired

            “Yes Ma’am I have always been a night person anyway, and the students are friendly enough” I reassured her

            “That’s nice, I need to make a change to your schedule,” she finally got to the point “ instead of two sessions with your trainer I’m gonna make it three, between lunch and seventh period.” She said

            “Yes ma’am, that would be alright,” I said

            “Alright that will be all thank you for your time” she said dismissing me. I walked to my dorm to gather my things for training, when I got to my door there was a flat white box on the floor outside the door, I picked the box up and went inside, setting the box on my bed I gathered my workout clothes and went to the gym, ill open the box later, I though.

            “Nicole, has Mrs., Trinity already talked to you,” Dimitri asked

            “Yes, She caught me after lunch,” I informed him wrapping my hands for class

            “Okay, so you know what to do then,” he asked

            “Yes, “ I responded while I stretched, I looked over at him to further my point and noticed he was taking in my every move, I blushed and looked away, “So what are we doing today,” I asked,

            “We are working with something you have probably not worked with before,
at least I hope not,” he said holding up a long sheath

            “A sword?” I questioned

            “Even better,” he said with a smirk and pulled the sword out

            “A samari sword,” I said impressed, “No I haven’t used one of those, but how hard can it be, I Lived in Japan for a little while,” I said, he chuckled at that “What” I asked

            “Nothing, it shouldn’t have surprised me that you lived in Japan, but it did, the fact that you think it wont be hard just because you lived there is what got me, its not easy.” He informed me

            “Okay what ever, just teach me how to hack people up with this thing,” I said holding mine so I could examine it, nice balance, sharp blade

            “I want to see what you can do first,” he said pointing to a practice dummy

            “All right,” I said, combining what I know about the boe staff and my machete, I figured it was like those two combined, and swung at the dummy, decapitating it in one swift motion. I then turned to look at Dimitri and cracked up laughing at his expression.

            “Remind me never to piss you off, wow, apparently its not as hard as I though,” he said,

            “I just envisioned my machete morphed with my staff, “ I informed him

            “uh-huh, okay well there is no more to teach there, you can go change,” he said

            “but we have an hour left, what am I supposed to do ,” I asked, not wanting to leave

            “I’m sure you’ll find something,” he said going to put the swords back, I sighed and went to the dressing room anyway, when I came out he was leaning against the wall waiting for me, he handed me a small box and walked out the door. I looked down at the box and put it in my pocket, I would open it later when I open the box in my room. I headed to the dining hall to grab something to eat because it had gotten late. I was finishing my sandwich when I got to my room, I dropped my keys on the bed and went to take a shower, when I got out I sat down on my bed and opened the big white box, and pulled out a beautiful, black dress, there was no nametag anywhere to let me know who it was from, I sat the dress aside and pulled the little box out from my jeans from where I dropped them on the floor, I opened the lid to see a silver necklace with a small pendant on it in the shape of a heart, this had a note folded up inside the box




I smiled at the note and put the necklace on, and lay back on my bed still wondering who sent me the dress, I pick it back up, and look at the size,

It’s my size I thought, who could of known that other than my family, so I text them and asked them, none of them sent it. Still pondering I fell asleep.

            I woke up in the morning with a killer headack, and my phone going off at me. I picked it up and turned the alarm off to see I had two messages, one from my brother the other from a number I did not know. I read my brothers first.


            I messaged him back and told him I was completely up for it, id meet him at his car tomorrow night at eight, then I read the other one, it was from Kriss,


                                                            -LOVE KRISS

            I replied telling him I would wear it and I loved the dress, well I found out who it was, that’s a relief, I smiled over at the box that held the dress I neglected to hang up last night, I went over and hung it in the closet so it wouldn’t wrinkle any more than it already had, then I hunted down some Tylenol from the first aid kit in the mirror cabinet. I hung around in my room all day, Friday I had classes off, it was field trip day, I never went on any of them, so instead I straitened my room and read a book my mom had given me for Christmas the year before, it was pretty good.

            I woke up the next morning with the book laying on my face and my stomach yelling at me to feed it , I didn’t eat at all yesterday, I was starving. I put the book back on the shelf and went to have breakfast before getting ready for tonight. When I got back to my room, Dimitri was laying across my bed

            “Ummm, not that I’m complaining but why are you on my bed?” I questioned him.

            “I came to talk to you about something.” He said as he messed with my bedspread

            I sat down next to him on the bed, “okay then we will talk,” I said still confused.

            “Look, I know it not going to happen any time soon, but I want you to know that I have strong feelings for you, and I tried but I cant ignore them.” He said looking me in the eyes. I felt myself blush “well, I have feelings for you to, but I know that it’s impossible because it’s against the rules, and besides that I have a boyfriend I think,” I stumbled out

            “Yea, but just because it’s against the rules doesn’t mean I can’t do this,” he said as he gently grabbed my face and leaned in to kiss me, boy was Kriss a good kisser, but Dimitri made him seem like an amateur. I cant lie I kissed him back and enjoyed every moment of it, and was very away I wanted more as he ran his hand down my arm and placed it at my waist.

            “I can’t do this right now,” I said pulling away slightly

            “Why,” he questioned breathless

            “I have to get ready to meet Tommy, I’m going to a club with him and his girlfriend tonight, you can stay here if you like, but I really have to get ready,” I said getting up from the bed and heading toward the bathroom to take a shower. I got out of the shower and went back to the bedroom to see that he had indeed stayed he was lounging on my bed as I got ready, I did my hair, straightened this time and my make up, before ever deciding which jewelry I was going to wear

            “You’re wearing my necklace,” he said setting up

            “I put it on right after I opened it, which earrings the blue or the green ones” I asked

            “Green they match your eyes” he said. I smiled and blushed slightly but put the green ones on anyway putting the blue ones back in the box, grabbing the dress off the hanger and some underwear out of the dresser, and by underwear I mean some really wild printed boy shorts that make my butt look good, no matter what and a matching bra, and headed to the bathroom to get dressed. When I came back out Dimitri was looking at Natalia’s picture.

            “She was my best friend.”  Said putting my shoes on

            “Was?” he questioned?

            “Yea, she was murdered three years ago, it’s been hard, so what do you think,” I asked him. He turned around to look at me and stopped, not uttering a word

            “Well?” I asked getting kinda nervous

            “Lets just say if I were your father I would never let you out of the house, ever again.” He said still looking at me

            “Well then I will take that as a compliment” I said grabbing my matching handbag I had picked up earlier that week before walking out the door, be fore I made it all the way out Dimitri grabbed my hand and spun me around

            “You look nice,” he said before kissing me, this time not so gently, like he was a starving man having food for the first time,

            “Have fun I will see you when you get back,” he said before heading out my door.

            I meet Tommy at his car right on time

            “Hey, sis this is Bree,” he said introducing us, I shook her hand and told her I was glad to meet her finally, before a pair of arms circled my waist and a deep voice whispered in my ear

            “Wow, its even better than I imagined,” it said

            “Well, I do clean up nice,” I responded as I turned to face Kriss

            “Well, look at you, you look spiffy” I said pulling at his leather jacket

            “Thanks” he said blushing slightly. I giggled and gave him a kiss

            “So are we ready to go,” I asked Tommy

             “I think so, come on, before it gets too early” he said as we piled into his car. When we got to the club, we could hear music from inside, the kind you could really get into. they guy outside the door carded us, we all had fake ID's, and had someone park our car. We came to the end of the hall way, and all we could see was flashing strobe lights from the door way, the inside decore was beautiful, it was all black and reds.

"Come dance with me," Kriss saied as he pulled me onto the dance floor. after the song was over we rejoined the rest of the party.

"I've just ordered drinks they should be here soon," Tommy said as we sat down

"Good, because i dont plan on leaving here sober," i said, soon we were all having a good time, cracking jokes and laughing our heads off, soon it was closing time. We all piled back into Tommy's car and drove back to the school. Kriss walked me to my dorm.

"I had a great time," he said holding my hands,

"Me to," i said hugging him. he pulled me back to look me in the eyes, he leaned down and kissed me, it seemed to go on forever.

"Exsuse me but isnt it after lights out Mr. Azera" came a sugery, sweet voice

"Yes sir Mr. Stevenson, I was just telling Nicole good night we just got back" he said, then looked at me "Good night, sweet dreames" he leaned down and kissed me one last time, then turned and walked away. i snuck a look over at Dimitri.

"What?" i asked when i saw his face

"Nothing," he said, "I'm just aggrivated" he said

"About what." i questioned letting myself into my dorm "come on in," i said as i headed to the bathroom

"Well, at the fact that he injoyed the fact that he was kissing you like that infront of me," he said setting down on my bed,

"Well he probly was, He is a bit strange about those things" i said from the bathroom as i changed into my P.J's. i came out into the bedroom and hung my dress up, before i turned around two arms incased me and warm breath warmed my suddenly cold skin. He pulled me back to the bed and spun me around to face him, and kissed me passionately, like he was trying to erase the sent Kriss had put there, he pushed me back onto the bed and snuggled up close. We fell asleep like that.




Chapter Four

My alarm went off Monday morning, i opened my eyes and reached over to shut off the alarm, before rolling over to begin the waking up ritual and rolled right into a snoring Dimitri.

I gasp and rolled the other way, right into the floor.

"Ow." i growned setting up, i heard a chuckle from the bed, "What are you laughing at," i asked bitterly

"Nothing," he replied, i could still hear the smile in his tone

"Right," i said sarcasticly as i stood up "Okay, how are we going to get you out of my room without notice, its like eight in the morning," i said as i streached and went to get clothes for that day

"Simple," he told me as he stood up and headed toward the door opening the door, he looked back and said, "This is your last warning, dont be late agian, or there will be punishment," he said before heading out my door, that works, i though as i got ready and headed to class, when i got back to my dorm that afternoon, Kriss was standing outside my door

"hey," i said to him as i unlocked the door

"Hey, so what was with Stevenson this morning," he questioned,

"Well, i'v been skipping training sesions and he was fed up with it" i said hoping he would buy it,

"Sounds like something you would do," he said with a laugh as he floped down on my bed, i sighed in relief

"So, why are you here at this time and hour Mr. Azera," I asked spinning my desk chair to look at him

"I was wanting to know if you wanted to go to the movies this weekend, just you and me," He said lookin at me, waiting

"Sounds nice, I'd love to," I said walking over and sitting on the bed beside him. He reached over and took my hand

"Great, I'll pick you up at eight," He said

"Perfect," I said, smiling at him and laying back. He laid down beside me and wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling into my neck. When I heard a knock at the door,

"Who is it," Kriss hollered

"Her brother," came a teasing voice, as Tommy walked through the door, "God, If I knew you two were gonna be in that situation, I would have never come," He laughed, I untangled myself from Kriss

"What's up little brother," I asked

"Well, I saw your trainer here this morning, yelling like a mad man, I was just wondering if you had stabbed him or something," He asked with a smile

"ha, Never. Naw, I have been skipping classes," I told him laying back down, and cuddling back up to Kriss

"Ha, figures, you always did" He said, mussing my hair like when we were kids, I pudshed his hand away and snuggled back in Kriss's arms.

"So, what are you doing in my room at this hour Mr. Charleston?" I questioned him just like I had Kriss

"Why, to save your virtue of course, how could I let my BIG sister be seduced by the big bad man," he teased me, I growled at him but was to comfy to do anything else but lay there in total bliss.

"Well, if that is all your worried about you can go away now, I have more important things to do." I told him, nuzzling my way  onto Kriss's neck."

"Like what take his vitrue," Tommy teased, this time I through a pellow at him.

"Hey, she can take my virtue anyday," Kriss said as he kissed my forehead

"Hey watch it now thats my sister your talking about," Tommy warned but walked out the door anyway.

"So where were we," I asked as Kriss planted a warm kiss on my lips. My arms wound around his neck pulling him closer. His hand travel to the edge of my shirt tail, they were so warm on my now cold flesh, they traveld up past my wispy curves to cup my lace covered brest. I sighed contently. His lips trace the edge of my jaw line making their way down to the soft spot at the bottom of my neck. My breathing hitches slightly, my body warming from its chilly state to room temprature. I could feel my ears getting warm as his hands tugged at the bottom of my shirt as he slides it up over my head, mussing my hair, he looks me in the face with awstruck wonder, like who is this flaming headed godess that is sitting here infront of me

"You are so beautiful" he said in a deep husky voice. In return I bring my lips back to his, I was suddenly thirsty for it, like I could eat him whole. My hands ran down his nicely sculpted chest and push his shirt up just enough to get my hands under it, he shivers when my fingers touch the smooth skin of his stomack. I slide my hands down and unfacen his pants. He let out a small gasp when I took him into my hands, I smiled getting more hot than I already was. I slowly ran my hand down his shaft till I was at the end and his hard on was out of his pants. He grabbed my hand and pulled it back up to his chest. He kissed my nose, then nibbles my ear as he pushes me back on the bed where he is knealing over me. His cock lays against my stomack. My tummy tightens under its pulsing warmness. I raise up and kiss him, sending him a helpless message. He pulls away and kiss down my stomack, tracing the edge of my pants with his nose, I squirm under his touch. He looks up at me and slowly unbuttons my pants and slides them down my legs. He showers my leg with slow deliberate kisses, as he makes his way back up my calf.

He unfasens the snaps on my bra, letting my breast hang loose. He takes my left breast in his hand and licks my already hard nipple, making it so sensitive it hurts, but I want so much more. I close my eyes and lean my head back. He fondles my nipples into little hard pebbles before he reaches over and pulles a condom out of his back pocket of his jeans in the floor. I reached out and took it from him. I opened the little packet of foil and unrolled it over his shaft, slowly, enjoying the way he felt, so hard and warm in my hand. He lay me back down and slowly push his hard cock into my hot core. I gasp and arch slightly, grabbing hands full of hair as he pushes his way in and out of me. My breathing hitches and I move my hands down over his sholders to his back. My nails racking his back leaving scratches. He moans softly in my ear, enjoying the pain. I gasp and bite my lip, arching slightly as he pick up the pase. The pleasure builds, higher and higher I could feel that golden moment just around the corner. My breathing got faster and faster, as he plunged into my warm core faster and faster. Finally I burst in white lighning and yell out, I arch my back high, digging my nails into his back. He gasp as he comes not far after me, He collapes on top of me before rolling over. I roll over with him and lay my head on his sholder, nuzzling my head into the curve of his neck. He turns his head and wispers in my ear

"I love you" I freeze for a moment before saying it back, and at that moment I truly ment it.

"I love you to," he wispers in my ear, brushing hair that was sticky with sweat. We fell asleep like that, tagled and naked in my bed.

I woke up the next morning, I was stiff and sticky. I slowly got up and headed to the bathroom for a nice hot shower to help loosen my mucsles. I was working on lathering my hair when I hear the bathroom door open and close. There was a cold breeze as the shower curtain opened and closed as Kriss got in behind me.

"Good morning," he said wrapping his arms around my middle,

"Good morning to you to," I said smiling up at him, then turning around to rinse my hair. Before I finished getting the soap out Kriss had grabbed my breast and was teasting my nipple while he placed kisses up and down my neck. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and enjoy the pleasure. I could feel his cock growing long and hard at my waist. I reach down and take it in my hands and smile at him before I sink to my knees and take his cock in my mouth. He gasp and tilted his head back before letting out a deep groan. I rolled my eyes up at him as I take his hard cock as far down my throught as I can. He finaly cums all over my breast before pulling me back up and pushing me against the shower wall. He has a dark look in his eyes as he shoves himself into me. I sigh and close my eyes. I can feel every movement of his cock inside me. I loved it. I lower my head onto his neck and bit slowly down on his neck causing him to jerk in response and move even faster. He was rougher than he was last night, but I didnt care, I liked it rough. I raise my head and wisper harder in his ear. It took a moment to regester, before he shoved himself futher inside of me. Faster and faster he went, sending me into a blinding climax. He slid himself out of my core and kissed my lips.

"Let me help you wash." he said in my ear. After our shower was over,  he wrapped me in a big fluffy towl and sent me to get dressed. I dressed in a hurry and gathered my books for the day. He kissed me on my cheek before he left. I went to my closet and pulled out my shethes and headed to training

"Moring," I called when I reach the gym, shoving a granola bar down my throught. What in return was a total shock. One minute he was on the other side of the gym streaching the next he had me wrapped in his arms kissing me furiously.

"You smell like him and I don't like it." he said in my ear before letting me go.

"Well, he is my boyfriend remember, I am bound to smell like him. Just be glad no on was in here, you could have been fired for that little incedent." I said streaching up on my toes to kiss his nose


“So what are we doing today,” I asked as I started my warm up stretches,

“We are going to do some running,” he said grouchily as he stormed his way out of the gym muttering under his breath the entire way. I rolled my eyes at him and followed him out. We ran for what seemed like hours and finally quit way after the sun went down, I had a feeling he was running off steam. He was gone when I came back into the gym, so I went straight to my room, if he was going to act childish about this, then I’ll let him pout.

            I was so exhausted after running all afternoon; I fell asleep in the cloths from that day. I woke up Saturday morning with nothing planed until that afternoon.

 sat up groggly, streaching . After setting in bed for ten minutes I got up to get ready for my do nothing day. I went down to the kitchen to get breakfast and ran into my brother, head first, falling flat on my ass.

"Sorrry, Tommy," I said pushing my self up and out of the floor.

"It's okay, what has you so distracted this morning, you are never like this?" he questioned

"Mr. Stevenson pushed me pretty hard yesterday, I didnt get in bed till after midnight and I'm really sore this morning." I answered drowsly

"Well, there is a freash cup of coffee here with your name on it," he said heading back to the kitchen area.

"Thanks Tommy,:" I said taking the cup from him

"You're such a good brother, I'm lucky to have you"

"Of course you are, I'm pretty awsome." Tommy said with a smug smile, I smiled and threw my napkin at him

"Brat." I said with a laugh. "What are your plans for today, cuz I got none" I asked sipping my coffe

"I think Bree wants to hang out, we were gonna go get lunch, you can come if you want, we can invite Kriss, it will be a double date." he said munching a banana

"Sounds good, I'll stop by your room and wake him up and tell him." I said downing the rest of my coffee and leaving the room. I got to Tommy's room and walked in without knocking. I sat down on Tommy's bed and watched Kriss sleep for a few minutes. I had to admitt he was pretty good looking, with long shaggy black hair that touched his eyes, which were a clear sky blue that sparked when he smiled. He had a full, very kissable mouth and long straight nose. Finally picked up a pillow off Tommy's bed and went to stand by Kriss. I smacked him with the pillow 

"Wake up sleepy head, your taking me to lunch." I said as loud as I could with a smile. He jumped, his eyes flying open. "Good mornign sir," I told him looking down at him.

"Well, two can play at this game," he said as he grabbed ahold of my hips and dragged me down on the bed and tickled my sides. 

"Hey, no fair" I squilled, sqirming go get out of his warm arms

"No fair huh, says the girl who hit me with a pillow." he said finally done tickling me

:"oh shut up," I said smiling

"So why did you wake me up before noon" he asked, streching

"You are going to take me to lunch with Tommy and Bree, so get up and get dressed sir" I said standing up and heading to the door. "I will be in my room when you are ready to leave." I said opening the door and running into Tommy once agian

"Is this going to be a habit of yours today," he said with a smile as he heled me out of the floor

"Maybe," I laughed and headed to my room

I straightened my room while I waited for the boys to finish getting ready, Tommy took forever to get ready for the simplist thing, I swear he is more of a girl than I am. Finally after about an hour waiting for them they finally came and got me

"Took you guys long enough" I said with a laugh looking at Bree, "Tommy needs like an hour just to do his hair." I said to her with a smile

"Oh, I know, he took me out to a movie the otherday and he started getting ready before I did and I still had to wait for him" she said and we both laughed, Tommy just rolled his eyes looking out the window

"oh come on Tommy, you know its true," I said smacking him in the arm

"I didnt say it wasnt true," he said with a smile. We drove for thirty more minutes before pulling into my and Tommy's favorite restaraunt La Mexicano bar and grill.

"Yummy, mexican food" Bree squilled with delight

"I know, its mine and Tommy's favorite resteraunt. We go here quite offten" I informed her getting out of Tommy's Dodge truck

"Eggrolls here we come" Kriss said taking my hand as we headed inside. We stayed till about three that afternoon

"Well guys I have to get back I have a training sesion this afternoon." I said standing up and patting my overly full stomack.

"We all need to be heading back." Tommy said following suit.

We all got back into the dodge and headed back to the school. I headed back to my room to change into my training gear and grab my weapons and then headed to the gym. When I got there Dimitri was sitting cross legged on the floor

"Hey, umm one question, Why are you in the floor." I asked placing my hands on my hips

"Waiting for you." he said without looking up

"Umm okay" I said walking over and sitting down next to him. "why" I asked after I was seated

"Why are you with him" he asked solumly looking over at me

"Well, because I cant be with you." I said seriously

"Okay, that makes me feel alot better." he said standing up and pulling me up with him. He gave me a hug and informed me that we were running agian. I just sighed and went out the back door. We ran laps for a while before I headed back to my room. when I got in the door there was an envlope under the door. It was from Kriss


                                   -LOVE KRISS.

I just shook my head at the letter, feeling the odd sence that he was falling in love with me, and I didnt share the feelings. I put the letter on my bed and went to shower. when I got out Dimitri was standing by my bed and had read the letter.

"So what do you think, is he really sorry for leaving." I said as I towl dryed my hair

" With the way he lookes at you, yea I'd say he is." he said laying the letter down, sitting cross legged on my bed. I threw my towl in the hamper and crawled up next to him, and we talked most to the night, finally falling asleep in each others arms. It was then that I realized this was the man I loved.







chapter five

I woke up the next morning still in Dimitri's arms, and as happy as a girl could be. I slowly worked my way out of his arms and headed to the bathroom. He was still asleep when I got back. I stood in the door way and watched him sleep. He was so boyish when he was asleep. His hard, masculine featers softened, his deep brown eyes that were usually hard and crull where closed in peacefull sleep. I sighed and searched my dresser for something comfy to wear. I had sundays off, no training, no classes, just free time. By the time I finished dressing Dimitri started to wake up

"Good morning sleepy head" I said going over and giving him a small kiss. He just grunted and rolled over. finally he sat up and looked at me

"What" I asked as he keep looking at me

"Nothing," he said looking away. Standing up and streaching before putting his shoes back on. "So you have any plans for today" he asked making small talk while he tied his sneakers

"Not really no," I said sitting down on the bed watching him. He is quiet as he heads to the door. "Is there something wrong" I asked getting worried, its not like him to be like that

"Yea, but its nothing you need to worry about" he said turning to look at me with a small smile on his face

"Little late for that" I said standing up to give him a hug, needing to comfort him. "I'm here if you need to talk" I said after a minute opening the door for him. "Now go, you have class to teach" I said ushering him out the door. I walk over to my desk and sit down in my chair, suddenly feeling depressed, and knowing that its because of the look in his eyes. When he hurts, it hurts me. I get up, deciding that it wont help him for me to be depressed and head to Lucy's room. When I get there I  hear her giggling from the otherside of the door. I knock and crack the door open

"Whats so funny in here" I say as I stick my head trough the door to see Jill sitting in Luces lap "Hey, why wasnt auntie told that Jilly was comming." I said acting kinda hurt. It only made Jill giggle and wiggle wanting to be put down. She walked wobbly over to me and wrapped her arms around my knees. I lean down and pick her up 

"Hey kiddo" I said giving her a kiss on her forehead before spining her around, Giggleing just as much as she was. I put her back down and she goes over to a little bag in the corner of Luces room and sat down on the floor to play. 

"Did mom bring her over." I asked sitting down next to Luce.

"Yea, she said she had a lot to do and needed Jill out of the house." She said laying her legs across my lap.

"Wait isint it her birthday today." I wispered to Luce

"OMG, yes, I cant believe I forgot." she said jumping up "care to watch her for a while, I've got shopping to do," Luce said slightly panicked.

"Of course." I said going over to help Jill pack her things "Hey kiddo, You're gonna hang out with auntie Nicole for a while, Mommy has stuff she needs to do." I said as I pick her up and head out the door. On the way to my room I thought about Dimitri and the way he looked this morning, suddenly getting an idea, so I turned around and took Jill and headed to the Gym where I knew Dimitri would be. I get to the door and tell Jill that we were going to hang out with a friend of mine. I walk throught the door to see Dimitri working with Tommy.

"Well, look at that Jilly, Uncle Tommy's here." I said as I sat her down. Tommy turns around

"Hey munchkine." he said squating and catching her just before she fell at his feet "Where is your mommy," he asked

"She had some shopping to do," I said hoping he would get the hint, "her and Gramaw had shopping to do" I said

"ah, so we get to spend the day with our little Jilly" he said tickling her tummy before setting her down. She runs around Tommy's legs before she saw Dimitri. She stops and lookes at him, she lookes over at me and points to him, her way of asking me who he was.

"Thats my friend I was telling you about." I said. She clapps her hands and stumbles over and hugs his legs. He stands still for a moment, before a big smile spreads across his face. He squates down to her level. 

"Well hello there Jill," he said as he shook her hand. she shook his back before she got a determined look in her eye, I was standing there trying to figure out what she was up to when she tackles him knocking him backward. I was so shocked I just stood there laughing. He layes there for amoment before fighting back. he tickles her sides and she squirms free running across the gym with Dimitri on her heels.

"I knew this was a good idea." I told Tommy crossing my arms across my chest

"Huh," he said confused

"I ran into Mr. Stevenson this morning, he seemed kinda upset, so when Luce asked me to watch her while she went shopping, I figured he couldnt stay upset with her around, its impossible, and I was right." I said wathcing them play. Me and Tommy sat in the gym floor watching the two run around and play for hours, soon it was dark and I picked Jill up of the bleachers where she had fallen asleep.

"Wow, I didnt know you were that good with children." I said to Dimitri after Tommy left

"Yea, I had a little neafew back home." He said giving me a smile

"Well, I better ger her back to Luce, she will be looking for her soon."  I said turning to leave. he grabbed my shoulder and spun me around softly 

"Sorry about this morning, I didnt mean to worry you with my problems, I just had a bout of homesickness." he said 

"Its okay, thats what I'm here for, to talk to," I said giving him a warm smile

"I know, thank you" he said softly before giving me a kiss and heading out the door. I smiled and headed back to Luces room. I kicked to door slighly, she had left it cracked to she her unpacking Jills stuff. she jumped trying to hide it when I came in

"Dont worry birthday girl is fast asleep." I told her with a wispered laugh. as I layed her down on the sofa and covered her with Lucy's favorite blanket. " She played hard today, I have to get going though, I have class in the morning. See ya Luce" I said heading back out the door heading back to my room. I went straight to bed and fell asleep pretty fast that night.

I woke up the next morning, streached and got up to prepare for class. I gathered my books and headed to my morning training session. I walked into the gym to see Dimitri working with a woman I didnt know.

"Goodmorning." I said standing there not knowing what to do

"Good morning Ms. Charleston, This Is Ms. Hemmingway. Roses Mother, one of the best gaurdians to come from this school." He said introducing us. "Ms. Hemmingway, this is my student, Nycole Charleston." he said motioning to me

"I have heard alot about her, madame Trinity is quite fond of her, so much potential." she said with a beeming smile

"Thank you Ms. Hemmingway." I said with a bow

"Please when you call me that it makes me sound old, call me Malisssa." she said shaking my hand

"Its good do meet you Malissa." I said shaking her hand back

"Malissa will be helping with this training session." Dimitri informed me 

"Awsome, so what will we be doing." I asked eager to learn

"Well, Mr. Stevenson has informed me off what you can do, but I would like to see for my self, we will be working in the combat circle." She said wrapping her hands. I followed suit and followed her into the circle. Getting into fighting position taught to me by my old master. I watched her center and caught the movement before it happened. She lunged at me from the left, I side stepped to the right and caught her arm, spinning her around and pinning her arm to her back before knocking her knees out from under her and knocking her out of the circle. We continued practicing for a while.

"You are really good, the things I have heard are true, I am not dissapointed. Who taught you before you came here." She asked placing her hands on her hips and taking a more casuall stance

"I havnt had an instructer for hundreds of years. My last instructure was Master Mikea Longgate. One the best instructures of that time." I informed her with a sad look in my eyes

"Hundreds of years, how old are you, you only look Seventeen." she asked with a quizical look on her face

"Me and my twin brother Tommy are about 550 years old, We were born in Ireland in 1555." I informed her with a shrug.

"Oh wow. I havnt meet anyone as old as you in a while." she said with a smile "you must have so much experince, how have you keep you skills in tact so long." she asked

"Me and Tommy practiced every day, either with each other or individually." I told her

"Well, that shows good disapline, your gonna make a good gaurdian." she said with a smile. "Well,  I usually don't approve of skipping school, but how about we go find something to eat," She said with a mischievious smile. I smiled back

"Sounds like a plan, I have nothing big going on today any way," I said. Pulling out my phone to tell Tommy to take notes in Biology. 

ollowing them out I offered to drive, both of them accepting the offer. I walk around the building and to the student parking lot when Malissa came up beside me.

"So, you said you and this Tommy practiced every day, if its not to personal who is he." she asked looking over at me.

"He is my twin brother, and no it wasnt to personal." I said giving her a smile, we came to the part of the lot my car was located, I pulled out my keys and hit the unlock button. My mustang beeped letting me know it unlocked. Malissa looked at it with envy

"That's your car." she asked obviously wanting it

"Yea, my dad bought it after we moved back down here, Tommy got a brand new chevy." I told her climbing in the drivers seat and hookin my phone up to the surround system and turning my favorite song on. I'm just a bit of a Metal head. As Malissa climbed into the front seat beside me, I noticed she was singing along.

"You know this song," I asked, slightly shocked

"Yes, its my favorite band, what kind of girl do you take me for," she aksed acting offended 

"Sorry I just wasent expecting you to know them, Most of my tutors didnt like me listening to this kind of music, they said it rotted the brain." I said looking appolgetic

"It's okay, I'm not the normal tutor either, we are all full of suprises today," she said with a smile "May I see what music you have on here," she asked pointing to my phone

"Sure, " I told her pulling it from the holder and handing her my phone before pulling out of the parking lot. "So where are we going?" I asked turning onto the highway from the school

"There is a small diner about five miles away from here, Its called Bob's bar and grill." Malissa said putting on a song I had forgotten I had. I started singing to it, Malissa picked up harmony quickly. We sang to the song, when the next song came on I got quiet looking for the turn off Malissa had told me about when I here Dimitri quietly singing in the back seat. He had a lovely voice.

"Well, I didnt know you could sing." I said looking in the rearveiw mirror at him. He got quiet and looked at his feet. I smiled at him but left it at that, not wanting to push it, he was obviously embarrased.

"So Malissa, your last name in Hemmingway, correct." I asked her making small talk

"That would be correct," she said flipping through more of my songs

"Would you, by any chance, be related to Riki Hemmingway." I asked 

"Yes, she is my daughter." she informed me picking another really good song."Oh, you dont look old enough to have a daugher her age." I said slightly shocked

"Thank you, but she is my daughter, though I am ashamed to call her that, she has disgraced the family with her behaivor latly." she said with a sneer.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to make you upset, I hadnt heard about her getting into trouble." I said and looked toward the road.

"Its fine, its not widley known, they tryed to keep it quiet. she had become infatuated with someone." She said looking in the rearveiw mirror. I could only guess.

"I am truley sorry." I said finally pulling into the diner parkinglot, parking the car I gathered my stuff and got out of the car "Well I am starved lets go eat." I said with a smile hoping to bring back the good mood from earlier. It seemed to work, Malissa smiled at me.

"Your mother must be so proud to have a daugher like you. You are so friendly and dedicated to your values." she said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, I try hard." I said smiling back at her as we enter the diner. We took a table in the corner. I sit across from Malissa, Dimitri slid in beside her, obviously not wanting to draw attention to our relationship. "So how long have you been at your job." I asked as we ordered our drinks. 

"I've been working with the Malgos for about twenty years. I started a few years before Riki was born. She has kinda hated me for sending her to the school so young." she said and looked down. I reached across the table and put my hand on her shoulder

"I compleatly understand why you did, you enjoyed your job, and you did what was best for her. You seem to be a great mother, with just that one choice, she will see that when she is older and has children of her own." I said and looked her in the eyes.

"Thanks" she said looing back at me with a kind look in her eyes. the waiter came back to get our orders. I ordered the biggest thing on the menu. I was starving. I may be small but I can eat like any man could. Our food came and I dug into mine. We had a fun eaisy time the rest of the meal. When we got done, Dimitri got the tab. 

"I have never seen a girl your size eat that much." Malissa said with a laugh

"I have always had a big appitite, I have a really high matablism, and I am always running around," I said shrugging. Dimitri comes out to the car.

"Well, I think we need to get you back before someone realises you are gone." Dimitri said looking at me. We get back in my car and head back to the school. 

"Well, I think I'm gonna head to my room, it was nice to meet you." Malissa said with a smile looking at me

" It was nice to meet you to, I have a feeling we will see each other more often," I said smiling at her back

"Oh yes, I enjoyed hanging around with you, I hope we can do it again soon." she said

"How long are you in town." I asked, hoping it would be for a little while

"A month," she informed me

"Great we can go bowling next weekend with my brother and his girlfriend." I said with a smile

"Sounds great see ya later" she said waving at us as she headed to the guest dorm

"Well, that was an enjoyable evning." I said heading back to the gym to get my stuff I had left there. Dimitri followed I could feel his eyes on me. I look back and he was looking at me.

"What?" I questioned stopping just inside the door of the gym, standing in front of him. He just continued looking at me. 

"I havnt seen Malissa that happy in a while.You really helped her today." he said as he continued looking at me

"I enjoyed hanging out with her, she is a wonderful person." I said looking up at him. "Unlike her daugher." I said looking away, remebering the day I witnessed her outing with Dimitri.

"Yea well, some people dont learn." He said, I noticed he had moved closer to me. He layed his hands on my arms, they were so warm. I looked up at him. He pulled me in and hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around him not wanting him to let go. He takes my chin and tilts my face up to his and he kisses me ever so softly. slowly it deepened and became more hot. All to soon he pulled away and held onto my hands

"When Malissa was talking about her daughter getting into truble, she ment with me. Though they blamed it all on her, it had been what we planned, but when she said that it terrified me. I was scared of losing you." he said so senseraly. " We have to be careful." He said kissing me once more. "Good night, I expect to see you here bright and early for practice." he said leaning his forhead against mine before letting me go and leaving the gym. I walked back to my room in a daze. that was the most feeling I had ever seen him display, and it was for me. I smiled as I unlocked my door. I changed for bed and curled up in bed, falling to sleep fast and having sweet, wonderful dreams.

I woke up tuesday morning, feeling refreashed. I changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top for practice, and found some breakfast before heading to the gyme with my bag. I got so many looks from other students. My sheathes were visable. No one had ever actually seen them. One kid from my math class came up beside me

"Wow, Nicole, do you always carry those with you?" he asked

"Yep", I said taking a bite of my apple "Most of the time You dont see them." I said looking over at them. He was cute in a little kid way. He had mousy brown hair cut just above his eyes, that had one straind that refused to lay down with sparkling green eyes, like spring grass. His nose was speckled with freckles and his face still had a slight roundness about it.

"Wow, I had heard rumurs you were dangerous, I never believed them." He said getting excited.

"Well, I'm only dangerous if you give me a reason to be, you have nothing to worry about Mike." I said giving him a smile and punching him in the arm playfully, we had gotten to the gym by this time

"Well, I have training I have to get to, See you in calculus." I said waving at him as i walked through the gym doors. Dimitri was alone this time. "Hey, Is Malissa not helping us today." I asked

"No, she had trouble with RIki yesterday." He said looking up at me and smiled

"What" I said looking down at my clothes, hoping i didnt have food on them

"Nothing, you skin works well with that color, and you have lovly legs." he said walking over to me and poked my nose. I had worn blue jean shorts that hit about mid thigh, and a cream tank top, I knew they looked good on me, Just about as well as black did. I smiled at him and walked to the bleachers to put my bag down and wrap my hands for class. After my hands were wrapped properley, I turned to look at him for instructions, he was gone. I sat down on the gym floor to start my streached. I was working on my calf muscles when he came back in.

"Where did you go." I asked him still holding onto my toes.

"I had to run to my room real quick. we can start when you are ready." he said from across the gym. I look up and he has his back turned to me. I streach my other leg. before standing up and comming up behind him. I wrap my arms around his waist. 

"What are we doing today." I asked laying my head on his sholder blade. He placed his hands on my arms.

"We arent doing much today, some hands on combat." he said turning to face me looking down at me he walks around the gym to the practice circle. I sigh and follow him. I entered the practice circle and got into combat mode. I turned to look at him just as he lunged at me. Catching me off guard he knocked me to the floor, pinning my arms down he sits across my hips, smiling down at me. 

"Got ya," he said with a small smile before he leaned down and kiss me just behind my ear. My breath caught in my throught as he continued kissing down my neck. I heard movement outside the door.

"Someones comming." I wispered in his ear as I threw him off and got into position as though we had not been laying in the floor like that, just as Kriss entred the room

"Kriss." I said kinda shocked to see him "I thought you wernt due back till monday." I asked

"Mom got sick and sent me back early." he said, smiling. He came over and kissed me "Did you miss me." he asked

"Not here, we will talk later." I said nodding over at Dimitri. "I meet you in your room in thirty minutes," I informed him ushering him to the door.

"Oh okay," he said shutting the door behind him.

"That was close," I said walking back to Dimitri. I wrap my arms around his waist. "Whats wrong." I asked at he looked across the room instead of at me

"I forgot he was comming back. The way he touches you, It gets me." He said looking at me with a small smile. "But on the other hand, I can get this reaction from you," he said as he kissed behind my ear again and I sighed. Laughing I pull myself away from him

"As much as I hate to leave, Kriss is expecting me." I said kissing him on the lips and head to Kriss's room

Chapter six

When I got to Kriss and Tommy's room, I heard a booming laugh from the otherside of the door, it could not be mistaken for anybody elses except Kriss. Then I heard something that hit me down deep, a small feminine laugh. I stopped outside the door and leaned in. Sure enough I heard the girly laugh again. Slowly I opened the door, just enough to see without being seen, to see Kriss laying over a small, Blonde, Feminine frame, Kissing along her jaw line. 

                                  I quicky shut the door and sink to the floor. He had lied to me, He told me he missed me, and now he was messing around with some blonde tramp. I get back up and head to the gym. Dimitri wasnt there when I got there so I headed to his room. He wasnt there either, I entered his room and curled up in his floor and cryed. Why did it hurt so much. I had been doing the exact same thing to him, but this seemed different. I was still in the floor when Dimitri came in, I had cried myself dry and was in a haze. He rushed over to me, picking me up he took me over to his bed and layed me down, getting me a glass of water he sat down beside me.

"What happend." He asked pushing my hair out of my face. It took me a minute to be able to respond. I sat up slowly

"He's cheating on me." I said slowly not looking up from the bed spread.

"What." Dimitri questioned.

"Kriss, I went to meet him in his room and he was with someone else." I said finally looking up at him.

"But, he was so excited to see you agian." Dimitri said, looking confused

"I know, I don't understand any of it." I said with tears coming to my eyes, I cared about him, more than I had realized. 

"It will be okay," Dimitri said taking me into his arms until I had cryed myself dry. I stayed in his room for the rest of the day, not ready to face the rest of the world. "I think we need to get you to your room for the night." Dimitri said from beside me. I just nodded. He walked me to my room. When we got to my door I dug the keys out of my pocket. Dimitri kissed me on the forhead "You know where I'll be if you need me" He said looking me into the eyes. I nodded at him showing him I understood. He stayed there until I was saftly in my room. I layed down on my bed and layed there all night, unable to sleep. I get up the next day and prepare for training, knowing the hard, hands on combat training would help take my mind of things. I get to the gym before Dimitri and start my warm ups when Kriss comes in the gym.

"Hey, I thought I may join you today for your training session." I look at him and nod with a small smile, showing him nothing of what I was feeling inside. 

"Thats fine, how was your trip." I asked finishing my streached, really hopping Dimitri would have us spar, I couldnt wait to knock his lights our. 

"It was enjoyable, Mom was happy to have me back for a while." He said standing there watching me.

"Well, thats good, I bet she misses you, I know my mom misses having us in the house." I said, heading to the locker room to get my water bottle, on my way back out I hear an unmistakable voice, before i rounded the corner, the same one I heard last night. I peek around the corner and am as silent as I can be. I see Kriss holding a petete blonde in his arms. I walk around the corner with my arms crossed.

"So this is the little tramp you were with last night, " I said angrly, my hurt bubbled over.

"What are you talking about," he said, "this is my cusin." he said trying to lie.

"Nice try, but normal people dont sleep with there cusins." I said glairing at him

"Who is she," said the blonde

"His girlfriend." I said flatly at her, fixing her with a stare, "and who are you"

"His fiance" she said looking at him "you never told me you were seeing someone else"

"Welcome to my world" I said hating her a little less, "wait did you say fiance" I said confused

"Yes, its an arranged marrage, since we were little its been planned, we got together officially just before he left for school." She said looking at me,

"I'm so sorry, if I had known..." I started but she cut me off

"Don't worry about it, Its not your fault, Just wait till his parents hear about this," She said crossing her arms fixing him with a look. Kriss stormes out of the room

"Well, I'm sorry for causing you to so much troble, I'm Nicole by the way," I said extending my hand to her

"Brittiany." She said as I examine her, Tall with light blond hair that had a tint of red in it, pretty brown eyes and small curves. 

"Its good to meet you Brittany. If you ever need help dealing with him you let me know." I offered as she went to leave.

"Thank you Nicole, You know, excluding the circumstances of our meeting, you seem like a very nice person, I can see why Kriss liked you, I hope to see you agian." She said smiling a briliant and beautiful smile at me. "But I have a feeling our engagment is off." She said with sad eyes. 

"I'm sorry, you really seemed to love him." I said as Tommy walked in

"Hey sis...." he started till he looked up and saw brittany "Have you seen Luce" he finished still stairng at her

"Umm, no actually I haven't, Have you meet Brittany, Kriss's fiance." I said introducing them "Brittany this is my twin brother Tommy." I said

"Nice to meet you" she said looking with intrest. Tommy didn't say anything at first

"Wait did you say his fiance." He questioned a little outraged.

"Yep," me and Brittany said together

"Where is his lying ass," Tommy mummble as he left the room in a wave of fury

"Wow, thats one fine man." Brittany said in aww

"So I hear," I told her. "Ya know I heard him talking this morning about ditching his girl, he may be single before long, it be kinda cool to have another girl in the family." I said looking at her. She looked at me and smiled

"Sounds like we may have a plan." She said with a wicked look, "See you around Nicole." She said leaveing the room just as Dimitri came in

I staired at the door she had left through,

"What's going on, who was that girl." Dimitri asked, I looked at him, feeling a weight lift from my shoulders.

"That was Kriss's fiance, now ex fiance." I informed him with a grimice. "Nice girl" I said turning to prepare for class

"What, he was engaged." he said confused

"Yea, who knew." I said shrugging it off, feeling much better. I gave him a smile and walked back to the center of the gym. "Well, are we going to get started." I asked bouncing on my toes. He chuckles and followed me, obviously relived to see me feeling better. We practiced for the rest of the hour before I head back to my room and finish the rest of my classes. After school, I head to Lucy's room for a little girl time to find Brittiany there, sitting on the couch giggling with Luce

"Hey Brittiany, didn't expect you to be here" I said sitting down beside her

"Oh hey, I'm Lucy's new roommate." She said , "You have obviously meet her, since you came in uninvited." 

"Yea, she's my sister." I said eating Lucy's untuched sandwich.

"Hey, that was my dinner." Luce exclamed

"Not anymore." I said with a mouth full

"Its kinda obvious when you two are together." she laughed.

"I'll be back I have to get me anouther sandwich" Luce said leaving the room with a smile on her face. I finished her sandwhich before starting on the chips.

"You and Lucy don't look anything alike." Brittany said 

"I don't look like any of my family, Not real sure why, or where I get my looks." I said licking my fingers

"You guys act alike though, its so obvious you are related. You all seem to like each other." She said eating some of the chips left on Luce's plate.

"You have never met Stephan. We get along okay, but he is so much different than the rest of us, he's on this floor as well, wanna go meet him." I asked swinging my feet of the arm of the couch

"Sure, I am always up to meeting new people." She said grabbing her key and leaving Luce an note before following me out the door. We came to Stephans room, I knocked. His weird roommate answered the door.

"Oh hey Nicole." He said looking me over "Stephan, Your sisters here." he started as his eyes meet Brittany. "And shes got a friend." he finished as I heard Stephan roll out of his bed and throw down his book.

"Hey sis, whats up, do you need anything." he questioned, sounding alarmed

"No, calm down, I'm fine, I wanted you to meet Lucy's new roommate, Brittany." I introduced them letting myself in, sitting on Stephans bed. He was reading his favorate poet, Edgar Allen Poe.

"Do you ever read anything else." I teased him tossing it on his pillow. He smiles at me

"Of course, but someone took all my other books." He said sitting down beside me, bumping his shoulder into mine.

"Well, someone has them in their room if you want them back." I said looking at him with a smile

"Naw, keep them there, I dont have room for them right now. If I want one I'll just come by your room" he said laying back on his bed. "We should do something together, like we used to Just you, Me, Luce, and Tommy." He said turning his head to look at me

"Sounds wonderful, I have been overworked latley, anything specific in mind." I asked

"We could go to our old spot in the woods," He said giving me a look, I understood compleatly, He wanted a hunt.

"Really," I said getting excited

"Sure, If you guys wanted to." he said sitting back up

"You guys have your own place in the woods." Brittany piped in, I had forgotten she was there

"Yea, nothing to big, just a small area no one ever goes to." I said trying to make it sound boring. "We used to take our dates back there. Mom never found out about it." I said smiling at the memories of our distant past. "I'll let Tommy and Luce know, see ya Stephan, I'll give you a call to make plans." I said walking out the door pushing Brittany down the hall. 

"Why are we in such a hurry," Brittany asked when we got back to her room. I open the door,

"Luce family meeting, my room one hour." I said before hunting Tommy down. I found him in the library and relayed the message of the meeting. Then I message Stephan and let him know. One hour latter the four of us were in my room

"So whats up, " Tommy asked spinning my chair to look at me. 

"Well, Stephan wanted to hang out like we used to, Why dont you tell it was your idea." I said looking at Stephan

"I thought we could go back to our clearning." he said with the same look as earlier.

"Oh," Tommy said as understanding sank in. "sounds like a plan, this weekend we will meet up by Nicoles car." he said putting the plan into action.

"Yes!!!" I exlamed and hopped up from the bed. The others laughed at me, and we all pile up on my bed and talk late into the night like we used to, it hadnt been this way in a long time. I missed it. 



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.06.2013

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I would like to dedicate this to by best friend Brooklyn for giving me the inspiration to write this, thank you.

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