





Like Student, Like Teacher

Picture this:

  A curvy girl, down on her knees, off to one side, with her dress hitched up over her hips, her panties down around her ankles, her ass and pussy bare, facing you, as she plays with herself.  The wet folds, pink and delicious, gleaming under the low lights as another squeal rings out, the girl’s moaning breathy and hoarse as she wiggled her clit. Pretty fucking amazing, right? Such was the case I found myself in not too long ago. Let me tell you about it.


  See, I was making my rounds in the empty hallways of the abandoned high school when I came upon her, completely by accident, as a matter of fact. The brunette’s giant orbs had fallen out of her dress and were practically dragging on the floor, they were so enormous; the nipples pressed against the ground. And her rump, well, it was like a dream come true.  Heart-shaped and huge, with two white fleshy orbs that jiggled and shook as she fingered herself, the dim light making them look almost fluorescent in the darkness. I admit it. By now I had my dick out, my mast at full-length and punching like a fucking ramrod.  I watched, ravenous, as the petite brunette gasped and sighed, her fingers pinching her clit and then rubbing circles around the stiff nub, her ass waving in the air, anus winking and flirting with me.


  Holy fuck.  Holy fuck., I thought.


 The young woman’s fingers dipped lower, lightly touching her hole before circling it, the cream running wetly from that dirty, delicious place, streaming down her thighs. There was so much fluid.  And I thought she was going to frig herself right there and then; certainly she was going to start up a rhythm, start pushing some digits into that sweet vaginal passage. Instead the girl pulled her cunt lips apart, spreading them, drawing the pink puffy flesh wide and I was granted a peek up her secret passage; that delicious, glistening flesh parting to reveal her insides, wet and swollen.


  Except, she wasn’t empty.


  Oh no, there was something jammed inside her pussy and I squinted, my hand working like a maniac up and down my fuckrod as I tried to see what was buried there.  What the fuck? What could it be? I could make out something orange, maybe an orange toy of some sort? A little orange tampon that had gotten trapped up there somehow? But the girl just moaned and panted, her cheek pressed against the cold hallway floor, and lightly rubbed her pussy again, before she hooked a finger into her pussy and popping out the orange object with a long moan.  Oh fuck. The item dropped to the floor, bouncing a bit towards me and I finally saw what it was:


  It was a kumquat.  A tiny fruit the shape of an olive, with bright carroty skin just like a real orange, fleshy and round … and perfect for inserting into a girl’s pussy.  It must have been her little secret, carrying it around in her hot space, like a bead massaging her vagina, an internal toy.


  And now that it was out, the brunette was going at her clit like crazy, rubbing up and down, massaging the stiff nub in circles, her hand like a motor as her hole dripped juice, cream running wetly down her thighs. And with a moan, a squeal, and a long gasp of “Ah...ah…ahs!”, the girl came hard, her pussy and ass clenching with ecstasy, those powerful muscles clamping down again and again, spasming as waves of pleasure seized her little body, her scream ringing out in the empty hallway.


  I was fucking ready to go now as well, ram my dick hard into that swollen cunt, the miles of sweet, creamy flesh beckoning to me, already wet from desire.  Except I stopped because the girl lifted her head and sighed, giving me a glimpse of that sweet face. It was Evelyn Jones from my biology class.  Sweet, sweet Evie had a curvy body, a shy smile, and big brown eyes that always trailed me as I lectured.  I’d always liked her: her thoughtful ways, her quiet demeanor…so different from a lot of the spoiled kids at Spencer.  Well, what do you know? I’d come upon one of my favorite students, nude with her ass up in the air, frigging herself during a school dance.  Life couldn’t get any better, my night had just been made.


  Except common sense struck me like a blow to the head.



I couldn’t let Evie know I’d seen, not now.  So gritting my teeth, I forced my dick back into my pants, the bulge so damn painful I wasn’t sure how I was going to chaperone the rest of the night; I mean, it wasn’t like this boner showed any inclination of going down anytime soon.  But force it in I did, and with a yank of my zipper, I imprisoned the poor guy, even as I stared at Evie’s round butt and gleaming pink bits, still dripping as she recovered from her orgasm. However, I had plans for the sweet brunette. Because I’m no saint; I’m a teacher; and my favorite student was about to get a big surprise.




The older male just grinned again, striding around the classroom, pulling down the shades and locking the door.  We were now in a darkened space, not black but dimly lit, and I knew from the outside it’d look like an empty classroom.  I could hear a few muffled conversations outside, the slam of a couple lockers, but otherwise there was no indication that anything was different. Part of me felt that I was still foolish for wanting this.


“You’re lucky,” the big man said, sitting back down in front of me. “It’s lunchtime so people are gone and no one’s going to suspect. Now take off your clothes,” he commanded.


I paused for a moment, looking at him with wide eyes as his words very slowly registered in my mind, before I slowly rose to my feet.  Was I going to do this? Was I really?


But the thing is that this man…this teacher….was literally the man of my dreams, the guy that I thought about when I was alone in bed, teasing myself with my fingers, moaning with ecstasy. He was literally the stuff of fantasies except now it was real … and now…..we were about to play.


So slowly, I grasped the hem of my sweater in both hands and pulled it over my head, shaking my dark brown curls free.  I took a deep breath before sneaking a look at him and was immediately gratified, my cheeks coloring, my body heating up to a thousand degrees.



Because the big man was entranced, his gaze riveted by my girls, the luscious, creamy orbs encased in a lacy demi-bra, the pale pink material cupping my breasts lovingly, showing off their pale bellies in the dim light.


“You like?” I murmured, slowly tracing a finger along my décolletage, teasing him, running my finger into the deep valley between my girls.


“Little girl,” he said, his voice hoarse.  “I fucking love.”


And I giggled then, my hands going to the back clasp and undoing it with a quick snap.  Slowly, I eased the straps over my shoulders, stroking them off until my breasts were revealed in their full glory, pendulous, hanging, perfect ovoids with stiff red nipples at the tips.


Coyly, I ran my fingers around both nips, tracing the sensitive flesh before flashing a look at him and cooing again.


“They taste really good,” I sighed.  “You want to try?”


And the big man was literally struck speechless, his eyes riveted by my movements, his cock out now, one hand going up and down that huge shaft in a rhythmic stroke, the veins pulsing, and his balls high and tight.


“I want to taste it,” he growled low in his throat, so turned on that the words were a little garbled, hard to understand.  “I need a taste.”


But it was my turn to be in charge and so I shook my head coyly.


“No tastes for you, big guy,” I cooed.  “Only for me.”


And with that, I lifted one of my girls up and licked the nipple, savoring the sweet bud, running my tongue around and around, electrical sparks shooting straight from my nip to my clit.


“Oh,” I moaned between nips and licks, “mmm….that…tastes….oh so good,” I murmured wickedly.


And the big man just groaned, his hand a blur on his shaft now.  There was so much pre-cum that his pole was completely wet, his fist easily pumping away, stroking through the copious lube, so much that it pooled on the chair, making a sticky mess.


“Now for the other,” I said coyly, and lifted my left boob to my lips for a taste, doing the same with this nipple.  Except this time, I gave myself a little love bite, delicately nipping my tip with small white teeth, flirting with the slightly older male through my lashes the entire time.


“Imagine my teeth on your cock,” I sighed breathily.  “Imagine how that’s going to feel.”


And the big man stopped all motion, his body rock hard, that huge dick pointed straight at me.  I guess he was getting desperate, perilously close to the edge because there were he no longer spoke in full sentences.


“Clothes.  Off,” he commanded, his voice hoarse, his eyes ravenous.


And with a little schoolgirl giggle, I obeyed.  I shimmied out of my skirt, pulling the fabric sensuously over my hips before kicking them away, and then played with the waistband of my panties, lightly tugging, teasing him, and making the big man salivate.  And god, but his rock-hard dick was literally weeping now, there was a steady stream of sperm dripping from the tip to the floor, a pool of pre-cum that I longed to taste.


“You want to see?” I breathed, snapping the waistband.  My fingers crept down to my cunt and I lightly trailed it over my fleshy lips, the material soaking wet.  “You want to see?”


But before he could say anything, I did the deed.  I hooked the material in one of my fingers and pulled it to the side, showing him my pretty pussy, the swollen lips, the clit so stiff and achy that it pushed out between my labia, begging to be touched.  Leaning back a little, I pushed my hips forward so that he could get a better view and even spread my legs a bit, squatting so that my hole opened up, winking at him.


“See?” I purred throatily.  “My kitty wants you.”


And at that moment, a bead of pussy cream coalesced at my vaginal entrance and slowly dripped off, a long string of ooze dropping from my cunt to the floor.


“I’m creaming for you, Sir,” I breathed.  “My kitty’s dying for you.”


But the big man hadn’t forgotten his original instructions.


“Clothes.  Off,” he barked.  “On your knees.”


And I didn’t hesitate to obey.  I wiggled out of my panties, the damp lace a ball on the floor, and knelt completely nude before him, my pussy sopping wet, and my boobs heaving with short, indrawn breaths.


“Open,” he commanded, and instinctually I obeyed.


My pink pouty lips parted and that big member kissed my mouth.  It was just a butterfly kiss at first, my teacher ran his glans over my lips, tracing the outline of the Cupid ’s bow, trailing his pre-cum over my softness, teasing me.  But I couldn’t resist. The feel of his semen on my lips made me hungry, desperate for more, so I twisted a bit and caught the head in my mouth, that stiff, rubbery crown so tasty, so meaty that I moaned with pleasure, my eyes rolling back in my head.


“That’s it,” He panted, his eyes fixed on the dirty sight, a nude girl with her lips on his dick.  “Keep going.”


And I moaned again, one hand going up to play with his balls while the other seized his dick at its base, holding it ready for a good suck.  And I went at it like a crazed girl who was desperate for cock, desperate to get it in me, somehow, someway.


I flattened my tongue and licked up his length, tracing a bulging vein along the bottom, the vein beating so fierce, so hard, that I thought he might cum right then.  But he had better control than that, his gaze hard with desire, his breath quick and controlled as he stared at me. So I went in for another long lick, this time trailing my tongue along a huge vein on the upper side of his shaft, playing with it, feeling the blood coursing through his penis, as I savored the musty taste of this man.  And it was so good, so yummy, that I popped him in my mouth after that, sucking at the tip, letting the pre-cum run down my throat, swallowing as much as I could.


I loved it, loved every second of it.  It felt so good to have this huge piece of man meat in my warm cavern, thrusting against my tonsils, so enormous that my mouth was stretched wide, even a little uncomfortable.  I could feel tears coming to my eyes, the saliva pooling uncontrollably, but I was too hungry to care and pushed his dick even further down my throat until my nose hit his pubes, his personal scent musky and all male in my nostrils. I could hardly wait to see what he would feel like, stretching me wide open…..

A Night like no Other


The night begun much like any other. After preparing dinner for you, as was my custom, we then made our way up to the bedroom - it was time for your evening bath. I entered the bathroom and turned on the tub, filling it nearly to the brim with steaming, soapy water. I checked to make sure the temperature was just right for you, and that you had everything you would need, before turning and exiting the room. I then knelt outside the bathroom, waiting and watching, as you entered the bathroom. I was, of course, completely naked and waited for further instructions from you. From where I knelt, I could hear you moving around inside, the rustle of clothing falling to the floor as you undress yourself, the door partially closed. As I continued to listen, I couldn't help but picture you naked in the bathroom, your clothes falling softly to the tiled floor, and immediately I began to grow hard.

I then heard you call softly from the bathroom. I stood up, my cock straining outward from my body like a seven inch steel rod, and grabbed a towel in a last-ditch effort to hide my now painfully obvious erection, before slowly pushing open the door and slowly entering the bathroom. You had already entered the bath, the soap just barely covering your luscious breasts; your hair falling in wet waves to your pale shoulders.You smirked when you saw the towel, which I had to hold over my waist, in front of my cock, in an attempt to keep from showing the evidence of my throbbing member, to no avail. You then ordered me to set the towel down on the small table next to the tub, and motioned for me to come closer.

The next thing I knew, you smirked mischievously, once again seeing my cock, the overabundance of precum already oozing from the soft, meaty, purplish head, my shaft steadily pulsing with life as my cock twitched up and down, as though looking for a place to find release so desperately needed. Reaching over the edge of the tub, you slowly traced your fingers across the underside of my shaft, and along a rather large vein that slowly throbbed. My cock jumped at your caress, twitching harder in pleasure, as you continued to run your fingers up and down the skin. This torture continued for a good three or four minutes, before you decided that it had gone on long enough. You then wrapped your slim fingers around the base of my shaft, giving it a firm yet loving squeeze, causing me to cry out from the long-awaited pleasure. You smiled and moved your hand away, and I whimpered, thrusting my hips forward to your hand, purposely just beyond my reach. You then nodded for me to get into the bathtub, and ordered me to wash you before you got ready to relax for the evening. I reached up and gently massaged your shoulders with a washcloth, rubbing slowly along your neck, and I leaned in and gently nibbled the tip of your ear, before lightly kissing the back of your neck. I worked the cloth down to the square of your back, rubbing gently. I then moved the cloth even lower, and caressed your cheeks, and listened as you moaned softly, telling me to not stop, but continue. I lathered the cloth up again, and brought it around to the front of you, and I gently ran it down the front of each breast, slowly squeezing each one in turn as I washed it tenderly before working my way down to your smooth stomach, and then even lower, my hands sneaking a teasing squeeze of your mound, and using the soapy shampoo, I slipped a few fingers inside, and you gave a small gasp. As soon as you felt it, you pulled my hand away, and chuckled and sucked my fingers gently.

I finished what I was doing, and then washed up, before I took a towel and prepared to dry your body. I found the softest towel I could and started to rub down your body slowly...lovingly...and as soon as I had finished, you took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom, where you threw me onto the bed before tying me down, hand and foot, to the bedposts. You then climbed on top of me, and starting at my mouth, slowly kissed your way down my body, teasing me until finally you reached my cock, which had gotten harder, and begin to toy with it, flicking your tongue across the head, as if you were savoring the meaty flavour. Soon you were bobbing and twisting your mouth up and down on it, keeping a steady pace....not fast enough that I would lose control, yet not slow enough that I would get bored. However, I knew I was close, and apparently so did you, because you then pulled away, and sat back, watching me. Next thing I knew, you were untying my hands and legs, but only after I promised to behave myself, and you lay down on your back, spreading your legs apart, and revealing your beautiful, shaved pussy, which by now had become soaked through. Staring at me, you then fingered yourself slowly.

I then placed my mouth on your pussy, and began to suck it gently before gaining speed, running my tongue across your pink folds, and occasionally slipping my tongue in and out, before replacing my mouth with my fingers. Reaching in slowly, I gently rubbed in a circular motion, pumping my fingers in and out as fast as I could.

I quickly put my mouth against your folds and sucked eagerly, trying to lap up your juices, when you explode violently in my mouth, and I almost gagged on the amount of cum flowing from you. I greedily swallowed each load that you produced, before you ordered to "fuck me", and I placed my hardened cock into your already wet pussy, and began to glide back and forth, gaining speed with each stroke, before I was moving wildly against you - a sharp, intense feeling building at the base of my cock. I panted and moaned, and told you that I was about to cum. You ordered me to go ahead, and empty my load into you, which I did, forgetting that I wasn't wearing a condom. I nearly cried out with the amount I emptied into you, and you eagerly slammed against me with each thrust of my own, clawing wildly at my back as I poured my cum into you. Finally, after a minute of intense release, I slowly pulled out, and began to suck your juices once more, this time mixed with my own, and swallowed the mixture happily. I then licked my lips and began to suck and massage your breasts gently, flicking my tongue over the nubs, before you pulled me into your arms, rubbed my back, and whispered in my ear the two words that I longed to hear; words that I wanted to share with you...


"I love you"

Coming in the Night

Undressed, Emily headed for her bed and curled up beneath her thick blankets. With gentle affection she slid her right hand down her chest and along her stomach until she pulled forward the end of the nightgown, leaving her lower body uncovered. The same hand tucked itself beneath her panties and traveled over her soft, smooth mound. A single finger dipped between the lips of her sex, and she began to stroke her clit with tiny, teasing motions. 

Already wet from the flirting at dinner and the fantasies of the mysterious stranger, Emily's body was more than ready for her attention. The little nub she toyed with engorged quickly and amplified pleasure swelled within. The man that had showed up at her door that night, and the silver hairs around his temple — would the hairs elsewhere on his body be greying from early aging? She imagined his chest and stomach, and what they might look like speckled with silver. How magnificent an experienced cock must look nestled in a dark patch of pubic hair struck through with steel? The finger at her clit circled a little faster, and Emily lifted her hips just enough to grind against it in response.


Long ago she had learned to mute her activities, so no gasps or moans tumbled from her lips. Instead, she buried her face against a pillow and fought to regulate her breathing. Playing with herself had always left her forgetting to breathe, and as her heart raced and her lungs began to burn, Emily knew she had to calm down. If she came this early into the night, she'd waste the best material she'd ever have to a quick fix. Thoughts of the man had to be savored. She had to let herself edge for as long as she could before succumbing to orgasm.

A few minutes bled into tens of minutes, and then longer. Emily was no longer aware of time. From thought to thought she moved, one time imagining the texture of his coarse bristles on her chin and cheeks as he kissed her, the next picturing how he'd look between her legs, his body suspended over his by the support of his palms on either side of her head. And then, how he'd have her kneel on the bed like the bad, naughty girl she was, but instead of lash her for her behavior, he'd teach her what bad girls really deserved. How he'd drive his thick cock into her pussy and breed her from behind like the slutty little animal she was. She was still young enough to be his daughter, yet how he'd fuck her. The swell of orgasm loomed, and Emily had to find the strength to lift her finger from her clit. No. No, it wouldn't be yet. Not until she'd worked the thoughts to exhaustion.


The night advanced without Emily realizing it. It wasn't until she heard the deathly silence in the house that she realized just how late it had become — she'd been touching herself this entire time, and not even once had she allowed herself to cum. When it finally did happen, it would be bliss un-paralleled. The mysterious stranger had worked her into a frenzy.


Eyes that had been closed to better visualize the man sleeping across the hall opened to check the time on her digital clock on the bedside table. Just after midnight. What time had she finally gone to bed? Emily couldn't remember. With a sigh she turned her head to settle back onto her pillow, finger still lazily swirling against her clit, when she saw it. Sometime during the night her bedroom door had opened, and in the darkened door frame stood a figure. It was hard to make out details against the dark, but Emily knew who it was by instinct alone. A pulse of pleasure ran through her, and the finger that had been working her clit over stilled and then withdrew from inside of her panties. How long had Henry been watching her? 


"Why don't you come in and close the door?" she asked in a whisper.


Every inch of her felt alive and invigorated; awoken from her ceaseless teasing and Henry's earlier flirtation. If he stepped through that doorway, Emily knew that there would be no going back. The invitation had been issued, and now it was up to Henry to give in to temptation and accept it.


There was a long pause, and then the shadow in the doorway moved. It entered the room hesitantly, and then pushed the door closed until it latched in the doorframe with a gentle click. Emily heard the lock turn, and knew that Henry had made his choice.

The form crossed her bedroom floor until he stood at her bedside. This close, Emily could make out his features. A lean body with strong shoulders; the gorgeous cut of his face; more blocky in the darkness, but even more handsome for it. What she saw wasn't enough — Emily craved to explore more of him. How would his mature cock feel when it filled her? How would it feel to lose her virginity to an older man?


"You really have changed since the last time I saw you." The voice broke through the darkness, distinct despite its hushed tone. "You're not the shy little girl you used to be."


"No," Emily whispered back. "I'm not a girl anymore. I know what I want, and who I want... And tonight, I want you."

The bed groaned as one of Henry's knees met the mattress. Emily's heart jumped into her throat. Was this really happening? She was having a hard time believing that the man she'd thought such dirty things about reciprocated her feelings.

"Is it true what your father said at dinner?" Henry asked.


The second knee met the mattress, and he crawled across the bed to straddle her. Him atop the covers with his knees on either side of her thighs, Emily beneath the covers trying to recover her breath, the darkness provided them with an anonymous shroud that made the upcoming union even hotter. This was her father's house, and Henry was her father's friend — and here he was, preparing to ravage his best friend’s virgin daughter, despite the fact that Emma, as she was often called, was 24.


"Are you really not interested in boys? Have you not been fucked before?"

The way the word left his lips made her shudder. Orgasm was so close that the utterance alone near pushed her over its edge. The kind man she'd known as a child had changed. Now his interest was in her body, and taking advantage of her. Emily was eager to give him everything he wanted.

"Never," she whispered. "I'm a good girl. I think about my grades and my future, not boys. And certainly not grown men."

"Of course you don't," Henry murmured.


His palms braced themselves on the mattress to either side of her head, and he lowered his face until their noses nearly brushed. Emily could smell him — aftershave and clove. The smell was not unpleasant, nor was it overpowering, but it was distinctly masculine and distinctly mature. No boy smelled like this, only a man could.


"Just like you didn't lift that tiny dress of yours up to give your perverted family friend a view of that tight little body of yours. You're too good of a girl for that."

The side of his nose brushed down the side of hers, and Emily closed her eyes. Henry's lips hovered above hers, just slightly brushing. The breath was caught in her throat, and although her lungs screamed for air, she could not breathe. It felt like if she stirred the moment would disappear or that she would wake up from his dream. But the man that was on top of her was no figment of her imagination. Henry was real, and he was there for one purpose and one purpose only.

"I'm a very good girl," she whispered against his lips. They were hard and a little dry, so different from her plump, youthful pinks. "I always do what I'm told, and daddy told me never to settle for boys."

"And what about men?"

But there was no time for her to reply. Henry's lips were upon hers, hungry. A gasp died in the back of Emily's throat in response to his voracious appetite — the passion was bruising, and their teeth clacked together as he laid claims on her mouth. The short bristles along his chin and jaw brushed against her, coarse and unmistakable. Emily had never even kissed a man before, but now that she'd started, she knew she never wanted to stop.

One of Henry's hands, fingers calloused from time and travel, ran through her hair and clenched down to hold her in place. There would be no escape. As they kissed, his other hand lowered the blankets from her body, and knee by knee he allowed them to pass beneath him until they only covered her calves. Emily kicked them the rest of the way off, the cool air of her room even colder after so long spent touching herself beneath the blankets. Goosebumps raised across her skin.


The kiss broke, and Henry's hand hardened its grip on her hair, holding her head firmly in place.

"I can smell you," he uttered.


There was a rasping quality to his voice that had not been there at dinner, and Emily knew she had drawn it out of him.


"You've been touching yourself, you filthy little girl. No boy has ever had you because you've been too busy playing all alone. But all that's about to change."

Every word he said struck her hard and left her desperate for more. Emily gasped and reached up, running a hand across the back of his head and drawing him down against her so they could kiss once more. She was greedy for his lips, and he indulged her. But lips weren't the only thing Henry was hungry for. His free hand met the exposed skin of her thigh and began to slide upward. The flat of his palm felt cool against her heated body, and soon Emily could not continue the kiss at all for how the sensation of it made her squirm and twist.

"Henry," she breathed, lightheaded.


The hand continued up until it reached the arch of her panties, and then his fingers followed the seam of the leg downward and inward.

"What is it, little girl?" he asked her, voice gritty and playful.


Emily made desperate little gasps. Henry's broad fingers traced inward and over the fabric covering her crotch. Then they dipped down further, putting just enough pressure so he could trace his finger between the valley of her lips. As the cotton met her sex, Emily could feel how drenched she had become. Slick fluids had soaked into the garment and coated her skin. At first it had been all her own doing, but she knew Henry had coaxed some of it from her with his words and his kiss. Her body needed him.

"Oh my god," Emily breathed. He hadn't even undressed her yet, and she felt like she would cum.

"Do you feel that, baby?" he asked. "That's what a naughty girl feels like. I'm going to have to punish you."

The fingers pushed a little harder, and the fabric gave way to let them press firmly against her skin. Henry let them trail up, and those same digits ran over her clit. The touch was electric, and throbbing pleasure coursed through her like ripples across a pond. Henry was too good to be real.

"But in order to stop your impure thoughts," he continued, "we're going to have to make sure that you use them all up. If we let them linger in that beautiful mind of yours, they'll only fester and grow. So we'll work them out of your system so they don't get any worse. Tell me — what are you thinking about right now?"

Saying the things she'd been feeling for so long felt wrong in the best of ways. Henry's fingers kept stroking, tracing short trails back and forth over her panties and across her clit. Emily could not escape the pleasure, and she writhed and pressed herself down against him like the slut he was turning her into. A silence bubbled between them, then burst.


"I'm thinking about how wrong it is that I'm letting a man so much older than me defile my body," she whispered. "About how many attractive guys my age I could sleep with, but how I'm giving myself to someone so older. What everyone would think if they knew what disgusting things you were doing to me. How many more men will want me because they know I'm not above sleeping with someone older?"

A low rumble rolled from the back of his throat, burdened with desire. Henry yanked at her hair, and Emily had to hold back a cry. The pain felt fantastic.

"It looks like I've got a lot of work to do," he said. "It's about time I got to it."

The hand that had been playing with her stopped in its travels and hooked into the cotton instead. With a firm yank Henry brought her panties down so that they stretched between her knees. 


"Take them off the rest of the way, naughty girl," he whispered to her, "and let me punish you like you deserve to be punished. Let me work those impure thoughts out of your mind."

There was no choice but to obey. Emily squirmed beneath him, working her panties down her legs and to her ankles, where she stepped out of them. And as she did so, Henry took the time to undress above her. The shirt he wore crumpled on the ground, its material audibly pooling. A sharp zip signified the descent of his fly, and the mattress shook and groaned as he shifted his weight from one leg to another to remove them. The process was repeated for the underwear that lay beneath — Emily couldn't make out what kind it was. And when he was done, he took hold of her tiny nightie and lifted it up, across her stomach and chest until her breasts were bare, and then over her shoulders. Emily moved with him to ease the process, and the cold rush on her humid skin was worth it. Naked, she knew Henry's body was about to be hers. If only she could see the treasure he had for her between his legs.

That was a gift she was going to have to discover on her own.

With her body bare, Henry's hands moved up and over her stomach to her untouched breasts. Large, calloused hands gripped her firmly, and his broad thumbs brushed her nipples. All Emily could do was gasp, the sound timid and hushed. No one else in the house could know what they were doing.

"Still little," he murmured, teasing her hardened nubs while she squirmed beneath him. "But just grown up enough."

Gradually, each of his knees found its way between her thighs. The act felt so natural that Emily hardly felt it, and when it was done, the transition had been seamless. One moment Henry's body was suspended over hers, and the next their bodies were flush. Henry's thick flesh slid between her wet lips, coating his shaft with her secretions. Emily had never felt a cock before, and it felt far too big to be able to fit inside of her. Was this what all of them felt like, or was Henry huge? She had no idea how to tell.


"I'm going to work all those naughty thoughts out of your head," Henry whispered to her, his hips starting to thrust as he worked his cock across her body, flirting with her entrance. Each movement brushed his shaft flush with her clit, and Emily clenched her jaw to avoid moaning in pleasure. This had to be quiet and discrete, but somehow it made it even better.

Emily did not reply with words. Instead, she lifted her hips to invite him inside, and as she changed the angle, the head of his cock caught on the rim of her entrance and then, with a firm thrust, Henry was inside of her.

Had she not been so wet and prepared, there was no doubt penetration would have hurt. Instead, it was nothing but bliss. Henry forced her open, filled her with his cock, and plunged deep without remorse. Virgin or not, he did not show her any sympathy. Emily had to clamp a hand over her mouth to keep from crying out — he was huge, and he felt amazing.

"How does it feel to finally take a man?" he asked between gritted teeth. A firm buck of his hips bottomed him out inside of her, and Emily groaned against her hand as she got used to the feeling. The bulbous tip of Henry's cock prodded a part of her she'd never felt before, something solid and shockingly arousing. Henry did not keep himself there for long — in moments he'd drawn back out only to thrust with increased passion. The impact hit her hard, and Emily choked back a gasp. It was all she could muster in response.

"Such a bad, dirty girl," he breathed. Again and again his hips bucked into her, breeding her. Neither of them had bothered with protection, but it only made it hotter. Emily wanted his raw cock, wanted to know that her father's friend was fucking her hard and unprotected. The thought that his cum would drip from freshly used hole spurred her on further. From pure and untouched to filthy and used. Henry was making her into a slut, his slut, and it only made her hotter.

"I'm so bad," she whispered back, voice hitched with pleasure. "Fuck it out to me. Fuck all this dirtiness out of me!"

Henry's hands left her breasts and pinned her arms above her head. The speed with which he rocked his hips increased, and he struck time and time again against that spot inside of her. The force of their bodies meeting stimulated her clit, and Emily grinded down against him, maximizing whatever pleasure she could. The wet sounds of their bodies joining and parting had filled the room, their gasps and grunts of pleasure hushed. Orgasm was close, and Emily knew when she came, she was going to cum hard. Henry was her fantasy, and her body had already been pushed to its limits even before he'd entered the room. There was no way she could hold on.

"Henry," she whimpered. "Henry, all of those thoughts... All of those thoughts are working their way out of me. I can feel it. I can feel it welling in my gut."

And she could. The rush of heat through her groin was weighing her down and making everything feel that much more intense. Just a few more thrusts, just a few more, and...

"Work them out, little girl," Henry rasped. "Get them all out. Cum them out for me and tighten around my old cock. I want to feel you work every single one of them out."

Emily's lips parted, but the cry that followed was silent. The first wave of orgasm hit, and her sex tightened and shuddered around the length of his cock.

"One," he uttered.

Another ripple ran through her as pleasure peaked and released, and her sex clamped down around him again.

"Two," he whispered. "Get them all out, little girl. I want all of those thoughts out of your head."

Again and again her pleasure peaked and her body tightened in response. Emily's fingers dug into the sheets as her body wracked itself with pleasure, and for each time she tightened, Henry counted out loud.

"Seven," he rumbled, and as he did, Emily felt a different kind of pulse. It took a long moment for her to realize that it was not her body that made it, but his. Henry's cock was spilling its thick, warm cum into her womb and breeding her like the little whore she was.

"Oh my god," Emily gasped. The words were so quiet they might as well not have been uttered at all. "You're cumming, you're..."

"Punishment," he said at last. "Bad girls like you have to risk the possibility that their actions will have consequences that last forever. Everyone might get to find out just how dirty you really are when your womb swells up with the load I just gave you. Everyone will see that you've given in to sin. That you let a man have you and you didn't care enough to protect your own body against his seed."


Each word struck with latent potency, and Emily's lips rounded in a silent cry. A fresh surge of pleasure consumed her, and a wave stronger than the others squeezed itself around Henry's thick shaft.

"Eight." He was breathless. "That's my good girl. Everything's out now. Now the healing can begin."

As his erection flagged, Henry drew free of her with a slow, deliberate movement. One moment she was filled completed for the first time in her life, and the next she was alone and empty. Emily exhaled steadily, coming down from the high. The loneliness was terrible, but knowing why it was she felt so empty was invigorating like nothing else.

"And how do I go about healing," she murmured, tossing the idea out casually, "if I still harbor those thoughts inside of me, even after what you've done?"

Henry settled down on the mattress beside her and ran a hand along her side. The touch had lost some of its magic, but faint arousal twisted inside of her, promising that before long, she'd be hungry for more.

"If we didn't get the idea by its roots," he said, "then we'll have to keep digging and pulling them free until nothing is left. There's no other solution."

The words were exactly those she'd been eager to hear. Emily grinned into the darkness, shifting on the bed to cuddle up against the much older man beside her. It was her turn to run her hand down him, tracing from his chest down to his stomach until her fingertips left him just before the groin. There was no way a touch like that was innocent.

"I see."

The room, once cool, was now hot with both of their bodies. The scent of their sex hung on the air, and she knew it would cling to her sheets and in her pillows for days to come.

"I guess you're going to have to stay here a while longer, then," Emily said after a short, reflective pause. "These thoughts have been building and festering for a long time, and one little extraction is never going to be enough to get rid of them for good."

Henry scoffed, the sound muted for the sake of their privacy.

"You really are a bad little girl, aren't you?" he asked. "Perhaps, even after I've worked this sin out of you, I'll have to come back from time to time to make sure that it stays gone. I don't feel like you can be trusted."

Emily's grin grew, and she draped her arm over his side as she drew herself closer. Only moments ago they'd parted, but the slickness between her legs and the new heat growing low inside of her made her feel like she could go again. Henry's recovery would take a little more time, but as soon as he was ready...

"I think we can arrange for that," she cooed. "My father is quite fond of you, you know. And even should he not be in the spirit to entertain a guest, I'm sure he would be thrilled if his little girl visited his best friend from time to time for some private tutelage."

"Clever, dirty little girl," Henry praised her. "I'll have you as often as you want."

And Emily knew she was going to want him very, very often.

Doctor's Orders

I squirmed and wiggled around without being aware of my surroundings. I woke up rather groggily as I reached up to rub my eyes. I saw that I my wrists were the only thing I could move, barely. I was completely naked. The temperature in the room wasn’t unbearably cold, so I wasn’t trembling, but it was chilly enough to make my nipples stand erect. I was exposed to the cool air and I felt my back laying against a metal surface, less cold now since I had been lying down on it for a while. At this moment, you walked in.


“Now, now, young one. Stop squirming. It is time that I examine you, let Daddy inspect your body. Be a good little brat.”


I tried turning my head to look towards you, but I could only slightly move my neck. As I began turning my neck, you smacked my thighs aggressively.


“Sit still for daddy. Do you understand? Do you now know how to behave yourself you little brat? Let me inspect you. Do not move, this is for you town good.”


You said this with great emphasis in your voice as you slid on a pair of white rubber gloves.


“Now, time to inspect my brat.”


First, you grabbed your flashlight and began beaming it into my eyes quickly.


“The patient has beautiful eyes, she seems horny and extremely slutty. Begging to be filled up.”


I squealed trying to retaliate when you began slapping my breasts.


“Patient cannot seem to behave, bad girl. Very quiet, but very naughty.”


Grabbing another source of light, you grabbed my jaw and said,


“Open up.”


You shook my head and I opened up my mouth as you gripped my thighs. You shined the light down on my throat and you voiced the things you found as if I wasn’t even there.


“Open wide woman.”


I hesitantly complied while you shoved a couple of fingers into my throat thrusting them in and out. I automatically gagged.


“Mmm….patient has a tight throat. Very active gag reflex and the feeling of her throat wrapping around my fingers is an extremely pleasant feeling. My cock would love that.”


You said that with a rather ominous tone. You take your fingers out of my throat and changed gloves.


“Filthy woman. Slobber all over my gloves.”


I flushed and began looking away. You slipped on another pair of gloves and I waited for what was inevitable. You said,


“Time to examine your tits.”


Circling my body, you paused and began to debate with yourself. You slide your hand along my skin softly while lovingly stroking my breast. You make some strange noises before you squeeze my breasts. You brush your thumb over my nipples a couple times and began stroking it until it became firmer. All of a sudden, you pinched it hard as I yelped at the pain while you laughed.


“Patient has sensitive nipples and rather reactive.”


You circle around me and do the same thing to my other breast.


“Such a pretty little brat, pretty little toy who’s screaming and yelping for me as I hurt her.”


I began panting slightly as you continued toying with my body.


“Mm, time to examine the woman’s pussy.”


“You’re going to look at my pussy?”


You looked at me with an evil grin.


“Not just look, a lot more than that.”


I just nodded not knowing what else I could do.


He replied, “Good girl, good slut. You have learned your place for now. Spread those legs so I can see your pink cunt.”


I squeaked out in protest as you moved down until you were in between my legs. “Now girl, open wide or I’ll do it for you.”


I heard the firmness in your voice so I spread my legs slowly and I looked away while you stared in between my legs.


“Isn’t that an amazing little pussy? All stick and pinky, oh you’re dripping wet. Do not pretend like you don’t like getting embarrassed by me.”


I tried closing my legs, but the restraints had been adjusted and my bare pussy was on display for whoever entered the room. You could see me trying to close my legs, but I just couldn’t manage to do it.


“Bad, bad girl. You need to behave yourself you little slut. Just when you were being obedient too, you’re being naughty again.”


You rushed over to me and took my right tit into your warm mouth and swirled your eager tongue around my areola before biting down on my nipple.


“Do you see what happens to bad girls? This is why you should behave yourself.”


You said, “Now. Time for me to examine your vagina once again. I don’t think I’ll need lube since you’re dripping wet. Wet little brat, you’re dripping all over my table. Your tinier hole is next.”


In the beginning, I was unsure what you meant but then I figured it out and began begged,


“No Sir, please not my bum.”


I frantically shook my head and you smacked me right on top of my pussy and on my clit as I jumped from the shock.


“Quiet, brat. Stop squirming and stay still.”


You continued tugging on my pussy lips while spreading me wide and peering deep inside of me as I had a look of embarrassment on my face. Slowly, you slipped in three fingers into me while moving them in and out rather quickly.


“Tight little pussy you have, hun. It’ll open up soon enough though.”


You went to the far end of the room and I heard some loud clanking noises. Soon, you came back in between my legs as I gasped.


I begged,


“No Sir, please no.”


You smirked knowing that I had caught on.


“That’s right, I am going to look deep inside of your pussy.”


My eyes got wide as you bent down and rubbed lube all over it. Then, I saw you slowly sliding the metal piece inside of my pussy. The odd contraption felt rather strange inside of me as I heard a flash and a snap.


“I’ll show this to you later on so you can see your pussy stretched wider than a freeway.”


I turned even more embarrassed especially from the sly comments that you were making. You came back and removed the device from my pussy as my vagina shrank back to normal. You released my legs as I stared in confusion and you patted my bottom.


“You know it’s time to examine your asshole now.”


I flushed at the language that you used, but you just continued laughing.


“Such an innocent little brat. Don’t play pretend, I know how much of a dirty slut you really are.”


You whipped out of a bottle of lubricant and applied it onto my rectum as you spread my ass cheeks apart. My body automatically clenched as you continued laughing hysterically.


“Do not clench, you will only make it work. Relax your muscles.” I did the best I could as you continued sliding your fingers inside of me. I let out a small grunt when you invaded my asshole, your fingers felt massive.


“Your ass is tiny and so tight.” You penetrated my insides for just a moment before pulling out your finger.


“Dirty girl. We will clean your insides before I can inspect your little butt. You got my gloves all messy.”


“Now it’s time for me to see how much of a pounding you can really take.”


I gazed up towards you as you quickly took your lab coat off and began stripping. Within a few seconds, your belt was coming off and your pants hit the floor.


you jumped on top of the metal table and slid right into my pussy aggressively. I couldn’t see your cock, but it felt massive. you thrusted in and out with reckless aggression as my screamed loudly.


“You little brat, you like me taking advantage you?”


I groaned as I couldn’t make out words to answer your question. While I had been humiliated and embarrassed the entire day, I couldn’t hide the fact that I enjoyed every bit of this pounding I was getting from you. At the end of the day, I couldn’t deny the fact that I was a dirty little slut willing to get pounded hard. I loved cock, especially your cock.


You continued pounding me as you said, “You dirty slut, I’m going to fill up your tight little cunt with my juices.”


Within a few seconds, I heard you panting and grunting like an animal as you shot your load deep inside of my pussy. You got up from the table, kissed me on the forehead and smacked my tits around before you began putting your clothes back on.


After that, you released the shackles off of me and handed me my clothes. I quickly got dressed as I looked at the time, realizing I was about to be late to pick up the children from school.


I looked at you, grabbed you and gave you a wet kiss on the lips.


“I Can’t wait for my next examination, Sir!”


You smiled and said, “You know you don’t need an appointment for an examination, come on by whenever.”


A Submissive's Fantasy (Girl's POV)

 It was early in the morning and I had gotten up to fix breakfast. I was wearing nothing but a tee-shirt. It was very baggy and long. My hair was in its messy bun, as always. I had the music dancing around the kitchen, with a big bowl of pancake mix. I enjoyed cooking, no matter who it was for. I continued to dance around, unaware of you standing at the doorway. I got over to the stove and started to drizzle the batter on the pan. “Crazy love” was playing and I was singing out loud, of tune, but you didn’t care. You thought it was completely sweet.


As I flip the pancakes, you walked in slowly, wrapping your arms around my waist kissing me softly on the back of my ear, nibbling on my ear lobes softly. You spin me around, reaching behind me, turning off the stove top. Your eyes never left mine. Your smile was endless. You slowly spin me around taking me into your arms, dancing. I giggle softly as we spin around.


“You, have pancake batter all over you…” as you reach in licking some of the batter off my cheek.


Spinning around, we sway to the music. Moving back and forth as I close my eyes. Taking my hand, you lead me downstairs to “our” basement. Getting to the bottom step, you take the blind fold that was hanging on the wall, covering my eyes. I could no longer see. I was complete in trust. I heard you click on the light. You took my hand as, my bare feet touch the floor. It was cooler than the floors upstairs.


“I have a surprise for you.” You said ever so gently as you continue to guide me.


We stop for a moment and I hear a door opening. I had never adventure to the basement, only to do laundry. I felt you let go of my hand and I heard the door behind me close. Taking my hand again you lead me ten steps before stopping.


“Can I remove the blindfold?” I ask impatiently.


I didn’t hear anything. Finally, I heard clicking noises. I feel you taking my wrist as something cold hits my wrist. I shiver slightly and I heard a big “CLICK”. Taking my other wrist, it too met the same cold fate. The loud “CLICK”. Squeezing my hands around what was attached to my wrists, I felt leather straps as well as metal chains. I slowly bit my lip.


You come behind me removing my blindfold. Stepping in front of me, I could see a smile form. You smile brightly as my eyes start to adjust. I start to look around. First I see my hands locked in restraints. I glance around the room as you smile at me. “This is our fun room, my love.” You said calmly.


You walk over to me as you kiss me hard. My knees buckle as you kiss me. My wrists were holding me up as I felt my legs being forced up and wrapping around you. You lean back from me for a moment. Your eyes never leaving mine as you slowly insert your cock inside my wet pussy. Thrusting inside hard as your hands never leave my thighs. Gripping harder, you thrust in harder, picking up pace. You smile at me as you reach in, kissing me hard, going faster inside my tight little pussy. I felt my pussy getting tighter around your cock. Thrusting harder, you reach down with one hand playing with my clit as you go faster inside me. My eyes lighten up as I pushed against you, releasing cum all over your dick.


You smile as you go faster and harder, making me moan louder. I feel your cock getting bigger as it is surrounded by my pussy. You lean in, with one hand taking my nipples and gently pulling and twisting them. Leaning down biting down on them. I moan loudly as you start moving your hip, thrusting deep inside of me. You grab my hips, thrusting harder. Before we both realized, your cock swells up as it shots cum, deep inside of my pussy.


You drop my legs as I dangle from the restraints. You smile at me as you un hook me, allowing me to hold on to you. You pick me up caring me to the bed upstairs. We lay on the bed, panting and eventually falling asleep in each other arms.

Daddy Daughter Date

 It had been a long day, and he finally got home from work. Pulling his car into the drive, he parked the vehicle and shut off the engine. He then climbed out of the car and walked up the steps of the house to the front door, withdrew his key, unlocked the door, and then entered the house wandering up to the bedroom. He then started to strip slowly and, standing naked, reached for a towel.


                                  *                                *                                         *


She lay in bed, fingering herslf, enjoying the wet sounds of her sloppy pussy, when suddenly she noticed her daddy go by, naked. she then lay in bed smiling, looking at him thinking about how bad she wanted him


                                  *                                *                                          *


 He then head for the main bathroom, passing her doorway, fully naked. He didn't realize her door was open, that she was home, or that she now were getting a full view of his naked, toned body.


                                  *                                *                                           *

Finally unable to stand it, she stood up and started to walk to him. She stopped at his bathroom doorway, biting her lip thinking how bad she was to be having such thoughts in her mind.


                                   *                                *                                           *

  Unaware that he had a captive audience, he then entered the bathroom and stood there for a while waiting for the shower water to warm up. as he did so, he began to rub his limp cock slowly, slowly coaxing it into its 7in hardness, when she started to walk twords him, biting her bottom lip again, growing excited watching him touch himself thinking about how much she wanted that thick cock...she had never seen anything like it. She then stopped, inches from her daddy.


Sensing something is a little off, yet not sure what, he shrugged and set the towel on the back of the small hamper, stretching his aching muscles tiredly. His only thought was how nice the hot water was going to feel running down his back. however that would soon change...


She was a little worried as she snuck into his room and startedto undress herself. Through the doorway of the bathroom, she could see him, just standing there. She badly wanted to feel him inside her, amd she blushed. That didnt stop her hoaever from licking her lips, waiting for him to get into the shower.

   Almost as if on cue, he then stepped into the shower, and allowed the hot water to run over his body, filling the bathroom with steam, the sound of the shower blocking out any other noise. So much so, that he failed to hear the young female nrvously approaching him.

   Opening the shower door and stepping in, young Beth wrapped her arms around her father's muscular frame, and gently grabbed his manhood, her naked body quickly becomeing wet against his, and she almost ran out when he gave a small start. Her mind began to go into was she going to explain this? She whimpered softly, and waited for him to realize that the young woman's body against his was none other than his daughter.

   "mmm...that feels so good"


This was all the encouragement she needed, and she grew bolder, pressing her 32ddd sized breast against his back.


"I'm glad you think so...daddy"


" are you doing in the shower? you know you are not supposed to be here" he said, teasing her in a low, soft, lusty voice.

  This caused Beth to smile. Turning around, she smirked, her hand still very much attached to his rock-hard, 7in member. She smiled again and turned him around to face her. Still holding his manhood, she stood up on her toes and kissed his neck softly.

   "so, is there something my sexy daughter wanted? or are you here to just tease me?" he kissed her back softly, and she returned the kiss once more before replying, in a voice just as every bit seductive, 


"i want you to do bad things to me daddy, and please dont be shy"

     " wish to be made pregnant by your daddy, is that it?"


"Daddy, anything you wish is my comand."


Thus saying, Beth grabbed his hand an placed it on her shaved pussy, biting her lip, slightly worried. What if he yelled at her, or worse, kicked her out? However, she knew it was too late to turn back now, and so she waited patiently, wondering what he would do next. To her delight, he then rubbed her already sopping wet pussy softly, causing her to become so wet her moisture was running down her legs in streams. He then slipped a few fingers inside, thrusting up and down for a little bit, his meaty cock getting all the more harder in her tiny hand. She looked deep into his eyes, and gasped with the initial feeling. She then let out an excited moan, which turned him on all the more.


"tell me baby...what do you want your daddy to do to you?" He then whispered in her ear, turning off the water. What she said next took him completely off-guard.


"i want you to fuck me, daddy...i want you deep inside me, fucking me hard" She then kissed him passionately, and he nodded, drying off his daughter, picking her up, and carrying her into his room, never once breaking their kiss. He smirked, leaned in, and whispered in her ear,

    "my baby girl is having dirty thoughts about her daddy, is she? perhaps i need to thrust those thoughts right out of your tight little body"

   This thought sent chills up Beth's spine, and she moaned at the images of her stepdad punishing her for being so naughty. 


"yes daddy i am having very naughty thoughts.....maybe you should thrust them hard out of me"

     "hm....well well well. Looks like my innocent little angel is a naughty, naughty girl after all"


Throwing her onto the bed, not gently enough that it would seem like they were rough-housing, but not rough enough that he would actually hurt her, he climbed onto the bed after her, causing her to bite her lip, as she watched the whole scene unfold before her eyes. She then whispered softly,


"I have wanted this for a very, very long time, daddy. do your worst and leave a mark or two"

    "hm...i wont be too rough...after all, you are girl."

   "yes daddy. you treat me like a princess, but when it comes to this special treat, i am your dirty slut"

  "mm...yes. you are my dirty little slut aren't you? my good little bitch"

 Holy Fuck, i cant believe he said that, she thought, as she smiled and replied by pushing her hips up to meet his own.


"mmm daddy....."

   He then slowly pressed his cock into her dripping pussy, moaning in amazement at how tight she is. This, of course, resulted in her moaning and digging her nails into his back as she arched upward from the intense feelings of ecstasy that ripped through her body.


"Oh my god,'re so big....!"

    "and you, my sexy little slut, are so fucking incredibly tight"

 As he began to thrust hard in and out of her, pumping fast, Beth lightly giggled at the way he made reference to how tight she is. She then immediately began moaning and clawing at the bed sheets. This caused him ti thrust faster and harder in her, and she dug her nails into his back, shoving her hips up off the bed to meet his every thrust.

     "yes like that...god"

     "mmm fuck daddy god yes"


"do you like this, slut? do you like being dominated by your daddy, like a good little girl?"


Beth moaned and whimpered loudly.


"yes daddy.....ugh.....keep going....cum with me daddy, i want to feel it......mmmm god......."

    " soo close....i can feel it building up...oh fuck you are so tight"

    He moaned, getting closer and closer. "


"mmm.....unnnnnn....daddy, please cum in me soon....i dont think i can hold out much longer.......fuuckk"

    He then exploded deep into her pussy, hard, right as she cried out at the same time, cumming all over his thick cock,

    "fuuuuck.......yes daddy.......GOD, im CUMMING!!!! AHHHH!"


    Beth moaned and panted, as she feels hims shooting round after round of hot, thick cum up inbetween her legs, and she sighed happily. He let out a loud cry as he felt himslef cum deep inside her pussy, then lay back, next to her, breathing deeply.

   " was amazing"

     Beth smiled as she lay there, panting weakly, their combined juices mixing inside her and trailing down her legs.


"mmm, yes daddy. why dont we do it every time we are alone?"

     "we can do this everytime you want to"


Lone Winter's Night

 She stood at the door, looking over at the freshly falling snow. The moon was bright enough you could see the tree animals eyes glowing. It had been months since she saw any one. Her "kidnapper" kept her in this secluded cabin in the mountains. He would come once a day, to "sleep" with her. She wanted to run each time, but the chain around her ankle remind her that she was unable to run. 

   She stood at the door, waiting for her chance to run. She worked enough, while he was gone, to make a device that would allow her to pick the lock. She kept enough food hidden, that she could survive a few nights in the cold, snowy grounds. And with each night, the snow would fall covering her tracks. 

   The highway wasn't far from the cabin. She could make it to the highway with in one day's travel, but she would have to wait till he left to be able to run. He wouldn't be back till the next day, which gave her plenty of time to disappear. He would come long enough to "mate" with her than leave. 

   Standing in the door way, she could hear a set of foot prints in the distance. "It had to be him. It had to be" she thought to her self as she closed the door, racing to the bedroom. She hid her tool, to help her escape under a loose floor board. She sat on the bed, looking at the door. Her heart raced. She wanted to be free, but she wanted to be safe. The foot steps got closer, she could hear the porch creeking. Breathing softly she laid against the bed, closing her eyes. 

   "Aleera..." the voice said as the door opened. It was a voice she hadn't heard in a long time. She sprang up from the bed,opening her eyes. "Vlad..." she whispered as she looked at him. Tears streaming down her face. She leaped of the bed running, well more like walking towards him, as quickly as she could. She leaped in his arms, as he held her close. Kissing her neck softly, before pressing his lips against hers. She smiled softly as he shut the door behind him. 

   "Vlad, i thought...I thought..." she tried to make the words come up, but they were stuck in her throat. He kissed her softly as she placed her down. He bent down looking at the metal silver cuff around her right ankle. She looked down at him. "It silver love. I try not to think about it, the pain is to much." Vlad bent down kissing her chard skin as he broke it off, crumbling it in his hands. 

   For the first time in months, she was able to move her ankle freely. She smiled at him, as he stood, pressing himself against her. He kissed her tenderly and deeply. He forced her to walk back as he laid her down on the bed. Moving a small strand of hair from her face, he smiled at her softly. He kissed her ever so gently as he rubbed his thumb against her cheek. He pulled from there kiss, he looked deeply into her eyes. He moved his hand, not making so much as a blinking motion, pulling at her long nightgown, she wore.

   Moving his hands down her side, he traced the line of her nightgown, to discover, she wore nothing underneith. Aleera biting her lip softly, she looked at him. "He made sure I could wear panties. He said it took to long, to push aside for him to feed." Vlad looked at her as he, finally broke his gaze upon her looking at her inner thigh. She wasn't his sex slave, like he had though, but he was feeding off of her. Vlad fell to the side of her looking at her. "He...was feeding off of you." he whispered holding her close to him. 

   She laid her head on his chest. "Yes, because he said, my blood was like liquid gold to him, to keep him young." Vlad pulling her so close to him, that he was back on top of her, pressing hard against her. "My sweet girl, being used like that." he smiled as he pressed hard against her. He stood for a moment. She could see, the pain in his eyes. He ran his hand down her side, as he grabbed a hold of her shirt. Pulling hard, he heard it rip, as it feel tot he floor, in pieces. His dark side was showing. 

   Moving his hand down softly, he kissed her against before raising both hand above her head. "CLICK....CLICK..." she heard. Her wrist felt the coldness of the cuffs against her skin. He slowly released his hand from his as he managed to take off his shirt and pants, wearing nothing under. He smiled at her softly as he mounted her. Forcing her legs open, his massive cock, 7 inches, played softly with her entrance. Moving her hip, Aleera closed her eyes. She pulled against her restrains as he pushed hard, his cock, entering her nicely, wet pussy. He whispered softly, as he moved is hips back and forth, deeper and harder inside of her. "Mmmm...your pussy is more wonderful to me, than your blood is." 

   She took deep breaths as she felt his cock, deep inside her pussy, pounding against her G-spot, making her body shake. She looked up at him, her eyes fixed on his. He moved faster, harder as he pulled his cock, in and out. Her juices flowing from her. He kissed her lips softly as she reached her moment. Cumming so hard, squirting against him, she moaned loudly, "Ahh...fuck....oh fuck.." she managed to moan out. 

   He looked down at her, kissing her softly. Pushing deeper inside of her, his cum, shooting deep inside of her. She screamed loudly as she felt it. He pulled out of her as he bent down, his fangs sinking deep into her thigh. She made a screaming noise. He lifted up his head, blood dripping from his mouth. He smiled at her as he unhooked her restraints. "mmm...i guess i need to be more inviting the next time i come." he whispered as he got his clothing on, looking at her. He placed the sliver around her leg. " time, i may make you vampire, but for now...human is what I leave you." he kissed her fore head, turning he walked to the door. "I shall see you tomorrow night." he whispered softly, leaving the door wide open, her sit sitting on the bed, in shock at what just happened. 

Show and Tell

     The morning was cool and crisp as I began my usual hike out into the woods. Although itwas late October, the sun was just beginning to warm the chilly mountain side. I had been looking forward to the solitude of the mountains all week and relished the thought of two days away from the office.


     I adjusted my backpack, picked up my walking stick and set off at an easy gait. Being the youngest member of a well-known law firm was an honor to be sure, but it also meant that the usual and mundane cases were thrown my way, and it was for that very reason that i chose to go hiking this weekend, as it would take my mind off the sometimes boring weekly grind. Boy was i about to find out just how true that last statement was.


While the mountains i chose to climb are no Pikes Peak, they can quickly tire you out if you're not in climbing shape, and as such, after about one hour I was ready to take a break, pulling off the trail to look for a good spot to rest my legs. As I sat on a rock eating a banana, I heard a giggle from a thicket about thirty yards farther off the trail, it sounded like a female laugh, which was followed by another noise that sounded more like a groan.


I got up and went to investigate, and as I peered through the bushes I got the surprise of my life, two women not more than 50 feet from me were on a large red blanket naked as jaybirds!!! It was quite obvious that they weren't just sunbathing, as the blond had her mouth buried in the brunette's pussy!!! The dark haired girl was moaning and twisting her nipples as her lover ate her for all it was worth, and I got an immediate hardon just watching the two go at it.


I slipped my dick out of my pants and began a rhythmic stroking as the blond brought the brunette to a crashing orgasm. As the brunette lay in a post orgasmic heap, the blond stood up, went to her backpack and pulled out a strap-on dildo which she deftly attached around her waist and up between her legs!!! Now standing lasciviously over her partner, she began jacking the fake cock as if it were the real thing, while my own member was hard as blue steel and was ready to explode.


I slowed my cadence since I wanted to see the little brunette get it from that huge rubber dick, and after teasing her for a few minutes, the blond lowered herself between the brunette's legs and slowly began to slip that monster into her friend's steaming cunt. As each inch disappeared inside of her, the brunette moaned louder and louder, while pleading for more, until all eight thick inches were buried deep inside, the blond began to slowly pump in and out of the tight little dark haired pussy.


One thing I forgot to mention is that the brunette had one of the hairiest pussies I had ever seen, and the mere sight of this tiny girl with a huge patch of dark pussy fur getting fucked by a huge dildo attached to a buxom blond amazon was the most incredible thing I had ever seen in my life!!! The tiny brunette began to plead for her friend to fuck her harder and faster, and as she picked up speed I could tell the blond was going to cum too!!!


As I looked closer I could see why -- this was a double dildo that had the smaller end stuck right into the cunt of the blond!!! I sensed that it was probably rubbing directly on her clit as she drove it into the brown haired girl's pussy!!! As the two women drove themselves to orgasm I pumped my cock faster and faster, timing it so that we all came at the same time.


I muffled my groan as I shot spurt after spurt of hot cum from my spasming dick, and while I could have probably shouted, because when those two came they let out with earth shattering screams that you could have heard them all the way to the next county, until the blond collapsed on top of the brunette and they lay together nipple to nipple trying to catch their breath. 


I quietly zipped up and moved back to the main trail, and as I started to climb, a young couple passed me and asked if there was any good scenery around here. I could only suppress a smile and nod.

Daddy's Angels

My stepdad was eating breakfast. I walked up behind him and put my arms around his neck and snuggled my head against him. I then let go and went around to eat my breakfast, after making sure he had a fresh cup of coffee. After a few moments he instinctively rubbed the back of his head to be sure his hair was still smooth, his eyes never leaving the paper.


Last night i had my room and gone into his, climbing into bed with my dad. He had a big queen size bed like mine, and as i lay there, quiet, I touched his feet with mine. He didn't seem to mind, at first, but he then moved his feet away. I listened to the sound of him breathing for a little bit, before returning reluctantly to my own room.


My name is Jessica Roberts, and i am nineteen. Despite the fact i go to college, i live at home with my dad. Dad and I get along good; it’s just really lonely without my mom around, who died years before, when i was about twelve. I always made sure i gave dad as many hugs and pecks as i could, and whenever dad seemed really upset, i would hold him tight. I remember once when i casually I might look for an apartment of my own and he almost died. He hid it but I could tell. Dad didn't want to be alone, but he wasn't looking to find someone else.


I wasn't trying to get him in the sack. He was already in the sack. I was trying to get in there with him. Well, no I wasn't. That wasn't it. What it was is he had no companionship, so I thought he probably took care of his personal needs himself. So - I thought if he had a mental connection with a female - it might be more satisfying to him when he did take care of it himself. Yes. That was it exactly.


I’m not gonna lie, i had personal needs too. However I wasn't ready to go down to the firehouse and shout it out yet. I didn't particularly need a mental connection, I do just fine all by myself. Sometimes I do a great job all by myself. Every now and then it gets to be a spectacular great job all by myself - when daddy isn't home, but I'm not telling about those.


I thought about telling him what I wanted to do, but I doubt it would have made a difference. He would be watching for it and out would come his sword and shield. Well, shield anyways. His sword was the problem. I had a nice smile at that one, and it surprised myself sometimes.


One day while we were walking down the street shopping, I reached over and held his hand. He let me for a long time, but later that evening he said, "Jess, I'm a little uncomfortable holding your hand. It doesn't seem right."


I said, "Yes, I know dad. That's why I'm doing it. You've told me many times I remind you of mom. I'm not trying to replace her and you're not trying to treat me like her but sometimes if we're a little closer it might remind you more of her when you need her. I thought it might help and I don't mind and kind of like it sometimes. Maybe we could miss her together in some ways."


Now, there is no way a man could possibly figure that out or possibly find a way to respond and make any sense of it at all. He would have to accept whatever it means because it absolutely means everything and nothing at all. Thus I was free to pursue any avenue I wanted to. It was pure genius, like saying, "Are you sure you don't want me to stop not doing what I'm not doing again."


The next evening I put on my thickest pjs and thickest robe, went over and sat up against one of his pillows reading while he took a shower. He came back and immediately went back into the bathroom. I think he wasn't dressed, but I didn't look. He came back in pjs and climbed in bed, at which point I said, "Night dad," and went off to my own bed.


The next night I repeated it, but with my robe hanging undone. The following night I made sure to leave the robe lying alongside me. The next night he didn't take a shower and was in bed, so I said  goodnight from the door. Then I just wore pjs watching a show late in the evening with him. He was comfortable with that. I had put on a sleep bra so he wouldn't see jiggling boobs, and then decide to go to bed early (defeating my plans).


Finally I got a break. I had finished up the kitchen early, changed and went into the den. Dad was sitting up, coughing a little. I immediately smelled sex. He could easily hear me finishing up and going to my bedroom and coming back. I reached over the back of the sofa and gave him a hug. He put his hands on mine and pressed, and was acting nervous for a while.


When he went to bed, I stood and said, "I'll be up in a few minutes dad."


He said, "Ok."


I went up to my room and grabbed something, before heading into my dad’s room. I then climbed into the bed and turned out the light on my side. I said, "Could you turn out your light please and face the other way and don't say anything. Nothing at all." He did, and I turned away from him. I slid back until our bottoms touched. I reached over and handed him a condom, and could hear his breath catch when he realized what it was.


"Jess," he said, "I can't."


"I know," I said. "You're not going to. That's for you, not me. Pay attention to what you're doing please." I reached my hands back and pulled his pj bottoms down around his knees, maybe a little lower. He let me. I could tell when he pulled them out so they would go down. I waited.


He was quiet at first, but then I felt him moving a little, and then moving differently. He kept going like that and I said, "Enjoy yourself. Don't stop." I pushed my pjs down around my knees and rubbed my bare ass against his own. He didn't stop moving. Some time went by, so i assumed he was getting into a groove with the situation and starting to let it work.


After a while, he got active and I tried not to do anything more, but he had an orgasm nonetheless, and from the sounds of it, a long one too. After he settled down, I felt him take off the condom and calm down more. He reached over and held my hand and later, after he fell asleep, I went to my bedroom. I didn't look at his body, tempting as it was. There would be time for that later.


I let things go for about a week, so he could think about it. We did hold hands more when out, and I wore a sleep bra sometimes so he would feel something was different.


The following Monday night I got a condom and went over again. Same setup: gave him the condom, pulled down our pajamas. He rustled around a little and then his hand came back over me and he handed me something - it was a little silver vibrator. I turned it on and was pleasantly surprised.


He got started and I lifted a leg. I then planted my foot and turned the vibrator on. I immediately went right to my clit, and had two orgasms to his one. He settled down, turned over and wrapped my arms around his waist. His pj bottoms were still down as were mine, but at that point i could care less. I got his ass right into my saddle and fucking loved it. About ten minutes went by before I headed to my own bed, my bottoms in my hand.


The next day was normal. We didn't mention it but he smiled more and was more interactive and lively. I don't think I've seen him like that in a long time. Whatever he needed he was getting. I was thinking of ways to expand it without alarming him.


I kept the vibrator and we enjoyed each other four more times like that before i shyly asked if he might like to get the type of condoms he preferred, when he smiled and said, 'sure, thank you.'


He was still distance most of the time, and i think it was due in part to the fact that he wanted to be more personable with me, but didn't know how. I was looking for ways to be more intimate - not necessarily lovers, just intimate. Frankly, I wanted to play with his cock - which would be my very first - for a while. I thought maybe he could play with me and I could play with him. His orgasms would be better and mine too. It wasn't rocket science.


I didn't make a habit of going over to his bedroom in the evenings, just every now and then. As much as I thought he could tolerate. The next time I went over I snuggled up to him and said, "Dad. Thanks for letting me come over every so often. Sex is very exciting for me right now and I really don't want to go out looking for my first guy.


"I'm also trying to fill a need for you. There's a lot of ways we can be more intimate without being more intimate. I'm willing to try a few mind boggling things if you can teach me."


We stayed that way a few moments before he took his bottoms off and i did the same. He moved around a little, reaching over and taking my hand. He then pulled it over and wrapped it around his dick. I raised my head off the pillow, mouth fully open and eyes about to pop out of my head. I couldn't believe that I had a dick. In my hand. It felt plastic, which meant he had his condom on.


It was so….alive. The damn thing moved in my hand. I played with it and finally found out where all the parts were. He thrust up through my hand. I could hardly keep from throwing a leg over his hip. My other hand was useless but I didn't want it to separate my clit from his ass so I left my clit alone.


After a while he put his hand over mine, which was still over his dick. My hand was around a dick, a real one - not a toy...i couldn't believe it. He started to move my hand up and down. I realized that he was teaching me how to jack him off - not the porn kind, the real kind. He then took his hand and my hand off, only to reverse them. This time his hand was on the bottom, and i followed his movements with my own hand over his. His movements altered between faster and slower, before he let go and i took over once more.


He started thrusting again, slowly. It didn't make any difference at all to me that he wore a condom because everything was perfect. It wasn't long before  i felt him slide his arm over his hip, where his hand made its way down between my thighs. He didn't stop at my clit but felt me up all the way down. I lifted my knee and draped it against his hip and adjusted so his hand felt comfortable, and not squeezed.


He dipped his fingers in between my lips a few times, which caused my clit to immediately get wet. He then settled on it and started fingering my nub. He was thrusting into my hand, as I was thrusting into his. It was probably fifteen or twenty minutes, when I heard a couple of low groans and could feel his hips growing more active. At the same time he got more active on my clit.


I was starting to get bent out of shape, but i stubbornly held on and did my job on his dick. I started rubbing faster as he got faster, and then he jammed his dick hard up through my hand, pulling it back and pushing it through again. I kept jacking all this time as he was pushing his sperm out.


Dad never stopped working my clit and with his orgasm, it was only a minute or two before I had a very nice orgasm of my own. I got out a couple of pretty good moans and fucked into his hand as hard as I could. That was one of the best fucking orgasms I've ever had, considering it was my first (and trust me, more was sure to follow).


We both got our breath back a little and I felt his hand on mine. We breathed some more and I moved back a little and pulled him over on his back. By his dick of all things. I just tugged it a little. It was a little softer but not by much.


He said, "Squeeze with two fingers down near the bottom and pull up. It'll squeeze all the cum out. Do that a few times." I did.


He said, "Work it off and hold it upside down and tie a knot in the end.”


I finally felt his fleshy dick. The shaft part. I went slow and worked from the bottom of the condom. What fun. I wondered why he said cum instead of sperm or semen. Must be a married thing.


He took the condom and did something with it. We lay there with me against him and he let me play with his dick for the longest time. I used my fingertips and was very soft and delicate with it. It was sticky on top, from all his cum. I wish I could have seen it, but it was just too dark. I almost bent over and put my tongue and lips on the soft flesh, but I didn't really know how to do that so I didn't. It wasn't long before he was very hard again.


I said, "I'm soaking up a lot of sex. It feels really satisfying. If you're not too tired would you like to spend a few minutes doing something a little different?"


"I can try," he said.


I turned over on my back. I said, "Let's reverse. You do what I was doing. Have fun."


No delay, he turned on his side and put a hand down between my legs. I opened up and lay my knee over on his thigh. He played with my clit and vagina for the longest time. He was actually enjoying himself. He rubbed my inner thighs on both legs and my stomach and through my pubic hair. I was shaven below my patch.


He kissed my cheek and lightly kissed my lips. I had my hand nearest him on his dick. I squeezed it a little every time he did something I liked. I spent almost the whole time squeezing it. About half an hour or a little more and I went to bed.


It was a sensual breakthrough, and i finally felt like i was getting to where i wanted to be with him. What's more is i think he had a good time. I thought he might go the whole nine yards, well, the whole eight inches, but it would take some time. He was slim and his dick seemed larger than life. I was slim too. We didn't eat all that much, just a little of good stuff.


He was quiet the next day until late afternoon. Not that it was unusual, as he was an architect and worked from home. He was always quiet, thinking. He had a big office with lots of equipment. We ate at home and had a good time.


If we got this far, there was a lot we could do. Probably everything there is to do except his dick head inside my vagina. That's ok. There was fantastic erotic sex going on in that bed. I skipped going over the next couple of evenings. Give him time to think.




About a week later, he and i were sitting on our patio when i turned to him and, said, "Ok dad. House rules. I am thoroughly enjoying myself. I love the interplay. I'm comfortable with everything. Of all we can do and you can teach me let's set a house rule.


"Anything you want to do and anything I want to do, as long as we agree, except no penis in a vagina. We might be able to tease each other until we can't stand it but no penetration past, say, half an inch or an inch. I would think that could be called a tease. What do you think?"


Dad put down his book and sat thinking. It must not have been easy for him. He said, "That would be fun wouldn't it? I don't know about the half an inch or an inch. Just playing around, as it's almost impossible not to have the whole head of a penis enveloped inside a vagina. It's unnatural. I don't want to promise something that's against instinct that powerful. I probably wouldn't realize I went that far."


"You mean past the bottom ridge," I said. "I can understand how that would cause a certain satisfaction. I think we both can consider that teasing. Not all the way in at all, with you it would be far from it. We can more carefully define it at the time. Until then how about the rest of it?"


"Works for me," he said. "Jess, the orgasms I've had lately have been wonderful, almost a dream. I very much appreciate it. Thank you very much and please don't let me cause a problem between us."


"Ok dad," I said. "Same here. I love being turned on and you know how to do that very well."




I have a friend at work. We eat lunch together and talk about everything. She lives about five miles away. Sometimes she stops and picks me up for work. She tells me about her dad and I tell her about mine, not everything, but most. Her name is Jennifer. She's the same age as me, 19. Both of us complain about our sex lives.


She's known my dad about a year. She calls him by his name, Gene. One day she asked me to go apartment hunting with her. She needed an apartment for several weeks. Her mom and dad were going to enlarge the back of the house and her bedroom would be out of commission. She's spent the night in our spare bedroom a few times when we were going somewhere early. I offered and she thought about it.


That evening I explained everything and he said sure, it was fine. Just to be sure I said, "Dad, remember this is Jenni and this is for weeks. She dresses proper in the daytime but at home or in the evening she dresses like, well, she doesn't dress."


He said, "You mean Jenni that doesn't wear a bra and wears a thin see-through top and pants that doesn't cover anything. You mean Jenni that likes to sit with one leg hanging over the arm and you can see right up her thighs. You mean Jenni that knows how to show everything from below her breasts down to the tip of Florida. That Jenni. The Jenni that knows how to get every inch of her body against you when she says goodnight."


"Yes, that Jenni," I giggled. "She's a virgin like me and she's on the pill like me and she doesn't know a lot about sex like me and she's trying to learn like me. She's so horny she could wet her pants in a sandstorm. Are you sure you want her here for two or three weeks?"


"It's ok Jess. We'll get through it."


"Well," I said. "If you two play around with each other it's ok with me. It would be a very private thing with her. No one will ever know. It would do you good and I know she would like it. If you don't mind I'd like to watch. She might be more comfortable with me there." Dad smiled and read his book. I know he thought I was crazy but he was thinking about it.




The next evening I was feeling randy and said, "Would you like to be personal this evening?"


He looked up from whatever he was doing and said, "Yes, sure, ok. Thanks." Really nice smile. I think he may be randy too.


I put on a loose top, one that came down about to my high thighs. No pants. Dad was listening to light music and the lights were about medium low. The sheet was down and he had on briefs and no top. Sexy man alert. I climbed on and settled on the pillow next to him and turned on my side, facing. He turned facing and gave me a really nice kiss. My top was still down below what I called my secret place.


I think setting limits was a big thing for dad. Now he had a wide range to work in and wasn't conflicted morally or sexually. He could let go and do some of the things he hasn't done for some time. Hopefully he would teach me some of them. He ran a finger around my nipples, making them poke out my top. I put a hand over on his hip, on the side of his briefs and let my fingers fiddle around.


Our toes were entertaining themselves. He put a hand over on my hip and slid it over on my bun and lightly pushed my top down in the crack. I was catching my breath sooner than normal. He was seducing me and I liked it very much. I pulled my hand slowly off his hip and let it slide down on his dick in his briefs and fingered it here and there.


He said, "How would you like to give me a very good orgasm, without a condom?"


I guess I really was a little randy. My vagina was active all by itself and I was squeezing his fingers in my butt crack. I leaned over and got his nipple in my lips and squeezed and let it pop out. I said, "That sounds like fun. Show me how."


He pulled his fingers out of my butt crack and pulled my top up and off. Then he slid his briefs off. He was well up. He was about eight inches. The head was shiny and his foreskin was still up, not all the way to the top. His pee dimple was prominent, a play place for a tongue.


I got a hand down around his balls and played there until he pulled me over straddling his legs. My pussy was open and his dick was right there and I sure felt like being shafted. It was a good thing I peed all I could before I came over. He swiveled his hips up and down like he was fucking. I had a hand on his dick and it slid right up through my hand so smoothly. I got my other hand on and almost had it wrapped above his balls while he was thrusting. He had his hands on my thighs, thumbs on either side of my hood and I got into the act and started thrusting up through his thumbs. We kept that up for the longest time. I was biting a lip and keeping my eyes closed and thrusting my hips.


It was very tempting to pop up on his dick. He got his hands on the outside of my thighs and pulled me and I edged up and he got me down on his dick. Right on it. Right down my vagina and clit. Fully on. He said, "Pump up and back. Keep moving around until you're very comfortable. When you're forward the head should just be covered or so. Whatever feels right."


I was crazy wet by then. No doubt I was running down on his dick. I pushed forward and felt him rubbing my clit. His head plopped down past my clit and I reversed when it was somewhere in my pussy space and it pushed into my clit and I jumped it was so sensitive.


I moved backwards a little bit and went again. A little better but it still plowed into my clit. I went again and lifted but too late and it plowed again. I was so nervous I couldn't get it right. I went again and lifted a little earlier and it worked. I only lifted about a quarter of an inch, hardly much at all but it made a huge difference.


I opened my eyes and looked at dad and he had the most marvelous smile, mouth open. He was having such a great time. He said, "When I orgasm I'll let you know. You can watch it. You'll have to keep the head clear and don't stop whatever you do. If you have one enjoy it. I'll feel it.


He reached up and played with my nipples. They were really hard. I couldn't believe how sexual this was. All the bare skin. I forgot myself and went forward a little too far and his head almost got to my perineum. I felt it run across my vagina and I squeezed my buns and it lifted me up a little and I settled back on his head, right at my vagina. I think dad knew it too, he closed his eyes and was quiet.


I got my breath back and got back in the groove or more precisely, him in my groove and got going again. The sex was over the top and being able to work my hips was a monstrous plus. Thrusting up a seriously nice dick was almost more than I could absorb. Dad had his hands on my thighs and played with my nipples and breasts when he could let loose of my thighs.


It had been about twenty minutes and he was starting to thrust but not far. I picked up speed and he was freezing his face. He was getting a level of sex he had been missing for a long time I think. Still, I thought he was holding back from what he could do. I knew he needed a fuck. A good long fuck. An erotic let everything go fuck. He needed Jenni.


He grunted and jerked, his breath shallow and ragged. Just as I slid back and his dick was up at an angle, he shot a long stream of sperm right up on his chest. It was the most amazing thing, and then he did it again. I kept going, maybe a little faster. He was thrusting but not too much. He shot another stream but it only got to his belly button. I leaned forward then, and finally got into his rhythm and he shot yet again.


I kept going and he kept thrusting, even after the sperm stopped. Well, mostly stopped. I tried not to cover the head. If it was like my clit it's super sensitive after an orgasm. He calmed down and I slowed down and when he started to relax I softly slipped off and lay down beside him. He put an arm around me and we lay there together. I could not believe how much I was learning about sex.


We giggled talking about his orgasm and how he got it. He messed with my nipples. I liked that. After a while, i giggled and said, "My time."


There was a lot of room all around us on that big bed. I swiveled around with my feet towards my pillow and my head about at his dick. With my head and tits all over his stomach and hips he had his head up watching. His dick was still down.


I wrapped his balls and picked up his shaft and held it while I ran my tongue around it. It was fairly dry and no scent so he resurrected himself. It was big even while soft. A lot to work with but my soft warm tongue and lips got it filling up again. I got my lips around the side of the shaft and moved all the way up to the head.


While I was working on the shaft, actually the head but a little on the shaft in case he was still sensitive, I slid my hand from his balls down under his butt crack and back. He squeezed his butt almost every time.


His dick was trying to stand up on its own. The head was still a little wrinkled and the foreskin was up but I could stick my tongue down in between the foreskin and the head. I rubbed him from just under his balls down into his butt crack a little and back a little hard. Jenni said that was supposed to work.


He was almost there so I put a hand over his hips and under into his butt crack so it was a nice firm presence. I was working from a description on how to do this. I dropped down on his dick and got the whole head in and pressed my lips around down under his ridge and pulled off. From his reaction the description was right on.


I had forgotten to run my tongue around the head before pulling off so I did it again and used my tongue. Wow. Go dad. His stomach dropped and his dick went 'hello'. I was going to save the sucking until I got the first parts right but from the reaction I figured why not.


I went over it again and kept my lips close around the head and shaft and pressed together down as far as was comfortable and got my tongue going. I could flatten my tongue over the head and move it all around with the tip down messing with the foreskin, in and out. Squeezing my lips I pulled off slowly and started sucking.


Dad got out some really good satisfaction sounds and I got another dick 'hello'. I didn't expect him to orgasm so soon after but I thought I could give him a lot of enjoyment so I settled down closer and got to it. Sometimes I would go down the shaft with my mouth for a change but mostly the top three things, along with the balls and rubbing.


I had my legs closed and felt fingers going through my thighs. I reacted and lifted my upper leg and planted the foot. Dad's fingers came back on my pussy front, fingers playing up and down. I couldn't see behind me. Besides, I was busy.


He stuck his hand fully down on my pussy, cupping me, and pulled slightly. I moved my hips over. He pulled again and I moved them over again. I wasn't really thinking about what he was doing, I was having a lot of fun with his dick. It was a first for me and I was proud I seemed to be doing an acceptable job.


I was steadily, but lightly, jacking and sucking. Not heavy, just fun like but it was having an effect. He swiveled just a little but didn't cause me to get out of position. I then him kiss my upper thigh. I paused on his dick for a split second and got going again, my eyes as big as saucers. It felt like he was going to do oral on me. I pressed my tongue hard into his pee dimple.


I moved my hips over closer and felt his upper body swivel over and one arm go over around my thigh on top and the other in between my legs. He kissed and ran his tongue on the inside of both thighs and sank down in on my pussy. Hot breath and an immediate tongue down in and up to my clit. I almost bit his dick off. He had my legs way open.


I couldn't believe I was getting oral. I was so nervous I could hardly breathe. He pulled at every slice of skin he could find with his mouth, all up and down. He kept doing that for the longest time. I was working his dick by memory keeping up with him between my legs. He did a big flat press and pushed everything apart left and right with the tip.


Then he started just under my clit and went all the way to the bottom and didn't stop, he stuck his tongue right down in my vagina until I felt his mouth over everything. My hips gave him a 'hello' and a good one. He wiggled his tongue and came out and plunged in again and kept at it for maybe twenty or thirty times.


Not fast but he kept his tongue wide and I could really feel it. It was so good I almost cried. I wondered if he knew what he was doing to me. How that feels to a girl. After a while he stopped and I felt his tongue running up and down my hood, softly. He put his tongue against one side way down at the bottom and pushed and dragged it way up to the top. He did this for a while, then put his mouth across the hood and sucked and dragged up to the top.


I had forgotten what I was doing. I found myself staying with his dick in my mouth. I started sucking on and off and jacking from about the middle up. He got my clit itself in his mouth and started doing the same thing I was. I hadn't had an orgasm yet and I could feel it starting way in my butt. I figured it would be a while for dad. He just had one.


Mine started right up and I started squealing with his dick in my mouth, sucking and jacking. I started jerking my hips and scrunching my face all up. The more my orgasm got out the more I sucked and I felt him let go, in my mouth. There was a second stream before I could do anything and with my orgasm I was trapped and kept going.


I kept up with his cum and he slowed down but I kept sucking while he thrust. When he slowed down, I did too. He slowed down on my clit and I guess we mutually agreed to let each other up. I lay down and his dick was up my ear, still hard and he lay down on my thigh right next to my pussy.


I could feel him breathing hard and I was too. It was embarrassing. I didn't know if I did a good job or not. He wrapped my whole waist and held on so I guess it was a good job so I did the same. My house rules gave him the freedom to do to me what he wanted, and let me do to him what I wanted.


Just untangling and getting a shower and acting normal was a chore. That was an enormous event for us both considering. After we got dressed and got a sandwich I gave him a hug and kiss and thanked him very much.




Jenni came over after work on Friday. She had a blouse that flowed out and up from her neck, covering her all the way to her wrists. It was slightly wavy around her breasts so they were more hidden. Her skirt was all the way down to her ankles and loose and her shoes were almost school teacher type of old but she didn't look bulky.


Her hair covered her ears and the sides of her face and she had on oversize glasses. She moved so smooth none of her clothes moved around. Her voice was soft and she smiled a lot. She was easy to get along with and so personable. It was hard to believe what was under those clothes. She was actually quite shy.


We talked about dad. She asked how she should act and I said just act normal. If there was a problem I would let her know in private and we would all adjust to each other. She said, 'Ok, great.'. We got her unpacked and settled in and we went out to dinner.


Saturday Jenni and I flitted around town shopping and nibbling then back home and more settling in. We all three shared a really big nice bathroom. Dad was taking a shower, and Jenni popped right in, said hi and peed while they talked, then left. She had been only wearing her panties at the time.


My plan was to get dad to do the house rules on me, just the head, then Jenni and hopefully me all in. I may have to wait until he gets enough of Jenni before all in on me but it would be worth the wait. Besides, she's only going to be here two or three weeks maybe. Plenty of time. I didn't know how he would do the house rules on me with Jenni watching but no choice for the present.


When evening came, Jenni not only didn't care who saw what she had but she put it out there so you could see it. She liked to be looked at and would angle her body this way and that, casually, so you could see as much as you wanted. Her tops were very flimsy and clingy and her pants or panties or whatever they were always showed not only a camel-toe but great images of her hood and little tuff.


If she opened her legs, which she did, the view up inside her thighs were to die for. It was really difficult not to run fingers up inside and play. She didn't sit way across the room so you had to strain to see, she would sit right beside you with hips and side against yours, or just across in another chair so you were close.


She also would reach a hand up under her top, which was short so you could see a lot of bare tummy and hips, and play with her nipples a little. Sometimes her fingers would run right down her hood just for effect. I always loved it when she slid down to the edge of the sofa and brought her knees up and out with her feet planted on the edge on either side.


That stretched her pants or panties or whatever they were tight, up and down, and mostly made them crease right down in all the way under to her butt. All of her evening wear were thrilling see-through and her parts moved around while you were watching. She wanted you to look and watch and we always looked and watched.


She wasn't a fanatic about it. I think it was her time of the day when she enjoyed herself and she was also thrilled if everybody else dressed somewhat the same. Jenni was not shy at home in the evenings. She was comfortable showing her sex and wanted you to enjoy it.


I was in the tv lounge. It's a reasonably big room with three sofas and a number of lounge chairs. Not a theatre type of room just a tv room but comfortable. Jenni came in. Wow. She didn't have on a thong but what there was showed most of her buns. They didn't melt into her butt crack but spanned the gap without dropping in when she moved around. One side of the front was inside her folds and looked askew.


She stuck a hand inside and across and pulled them out and said, "They keep doing that. Do you think I should go and change? I don't want to make Gene uncomfortable."


“Oh, he loves ridges," I said. "Turns him on. He likes to get turned on. Watch his pjs and I bet he comes right up. If you sit next to him put your hand on his thigh, way up high, and see if you can see how hard it is."


"Ok," she said. "Jess, I was wondering if sometimes when you went over to say goodnight I might could go with you. I think it would be neat being in bed together. Dad won't do that yet. I think mom wants him to but he won't yet. Mom was playing in his pants one evening and she slipped my hand in and took hers out and I got to play with him for a long time. He knew it because mom went to bed before I stopped."


"Jenni, you're welcome to go over with me any time I do," I said. "I think he would love to snuggle up and let you do that to him. He really likes it and it gets him so hard." Jenni was smiling and spacing out.


I knew Jenni was playing with some nice vibrators and full sex wouldn't be a problem and was probably a foregone conclusion. With all the men around it was surprising someone hadn't gotten her yet. I had no doubt one of the reasons she took my offer to move in was to get dad. Works for me. I would help as much as I could.


Dad came in and sat down on the sofa like normal. He had on a t-shirt and thin short stretchable shorts. We all sat around and talked about whatever came up except dads' dick. Jenni’'s body parts moved with almost every word she spoke.


She lifted both legs up showing her wares then put them down again two minutes later. Her pants or panties or whatever they were would stretch out down her hood and ridges and press in like there was a vacuum pump pulling all the air out. It was fascinating to watch and I was starting to get twitchy.


Twice one side sank down in all the way from top to bottom and she absent mindedly stuck her fingers in on one side and across and pulled them up and leveled them out again. Dad could have orgasms watching her keep her pants or panties or whatever they were out of her pussy.


About an hour or so later dad said, "I'm going relax and read. You girls have fun." He kissed us goodnight.


I said, "Oh, dad. If you're going to be up for a while can we come over later?"


He paused ever so slightly and said, "Sure, that would be fun. "


Jenni was biting her bottom lip with moon eyes. It was probably the best thing that has happened to her this year. I knew Jenni and I knew she was nervous. When what she wanted got to her she was going to have to women herself through it. I thought I could keep her calm and ease her into it. Knowing how much she would enjoy sex helped a lot.




We waited as much as we could. Jenni and I headed to the bathroom. She went first. She wanted to wait for me. Dad was wearing his short thin bed pants, and was lying down on his pillow reading, knees up and legs open some. When we came in he slid the leg nearest us down and patted the bed.


I egged Jenni on first. No resistance, siddled right up beside dad maybe a foot away. Tits weren't a foot away. There were different size pillows ranging from side to side. Dad put his book down and turned on his side facing Jenni. The lights were just perfect.


I got up behind Jenni and spooned her lightly and rose up on my elbow so I could see over. I winked at dad. He caught my eye, smiling. I stuck my tongue out at him a few times. He saw me but didn't react.


Jenni said, "This is so much fun. I've been trying to get in bed with my daddy but he won't yet. Mom wants him to but he won't. Jess is so lucky she has you for a dad. She said for me to just be myself so I'm going to try. Ever since Jess said to move in I've been thinking about kissing you. If want to that is.”


"I love kissing," dad said. "Why don't we have three or four or five so we can get comfortable kissing. Sometimes it takes that long." He put his arms over and under her waist. Jenni paused a little so I snuggled up closer and she got her arms around dad and they got a silent but passionate kiss going. The more they kissed the closer they got until she was pressed fully down to his toes.


I saw dad's lips open and she lost definition in her body and melted into every pore he had. I felt her upper leg come up a little, probably to give his dick some room. It surely had to be on the move. He slid his hand down to her butt, about half way down. Not on but in her pants or panties or whatever they were on her butt crack.


They broke and took a couple of deep breaths and got cheek to cheek. No way were they going to part between kisses and body presses. This was going quicker than I thought. I didn't think there was any way I could get a house rules from dad before Jenni. I eyed dad and mouthed, 'Do you want to fuck?', and pointed at Jenni.


He closed his eyes a moment then opened them and nodded 'yes' several times. I think that was on his mind from the time he knew Jenni might move in for several weeks. I gave him a face of really bright smiles and nodded 'yes' back. He got back in her lips and back around her waist and they went again. I could feel Jenni’s buns moving in and out.


I slipped my hand down and rubbed her buns, slowly getting fingers down in her butt crack. Maybe ten or fifteen seconds and I got in her pants or panties or whatever they were and slid right down to her pussy and started playing around. I did it in such a way she could feel my arm and knew it was me.


Pulling my hand back out I moved it up and took off her top. Dad switched between really nice passionate kisses and sucking on her nipples. Jenni was cooing and pushing into his dick. I got off the bed and went around to the other side and got back on. I winked at Jenni and she smiled and gave a big wink back, then I took dad's shorts off.


His dick popped out and Jenni pressed in again. I got back on the other side and up against Jenni. I was missing out so I took all my stuff off and worked Jenni’s pants or panties or whatever they were down her hips and off. She had a hand around dad's dick by that time. I got my hand back under to her pussy and got a finger going, then two.


She lifted a leg up on his hip to get closer and still holding his dick pushed it in wherever she could. She almost got my hand but I got it back up to her butt button and started pressing in a fuck rhythm, not going in. Jenni was moaning and starting to space out so I backed off and got dad's eye.


I put a hand on Jenni's hip and pulled slowly and dad followed her over on her back and lifted up and over her leg. She felt him settle with his dick down her valley and she moaned loudly. She was really nervous now. Looking forward to getting fucked the first time was easy. Actual event was not easy a lot of the time.


When I had a hand on her pussy she was really running wet, some dribbling out. She was squeezing my fingers a lot too. I lay down beside them, facing and ran my fingers through Jenni's hair. She smiled and I smiled back. I said, "I think Gene's ready for you. Do you really want to?" She nodded 'yes'. Dad heard us. She was highly turned on and she wanted dad really bad.


Dad moved down her body until his mouth was at her nipples and slowly got his lips and tongue going on one then the other. He occasionally reached his head up and kissed her and asked if she was having fun and are you ok. Her knees were up and out, feet down. Dad moved up a little and kissed her around her neck and above her tits.


He looked right in her eyes and moved his hips down lightly and her mouth came open and she grabbed dad around his neck and held on. He undulated a couple of times and his butt squeezed and dropped slightly. Jenni got into a really hot kiss right about then and held on to his neck. He came back and dropped down again, not that far.


Jenni broke her kiss and said, "That feels so good. It's so like I wanted it. Don't ever stop." She looked at me and said, "You have to do this. You have to." Dad was going down again, further. I could hear his dick and her pussy squishing. Jenni was actually fucking.


I had to be a part of it. I had to do something. I eased down and ran my hand down dad’s back so he knew it was me. I got to his butt crack and spread my hand out over it and pushed lightly every time he dropped down and in. Once when he came back up I let a finger drop down in to his butt button and kept it there and pushed letting his buns trap my finger when he squeezed going down and in.


They were both active. Jenni was really feeling his dick. She was moving her legs around and her whole butt and learning how to work against dad's dick while it was going in. Their arms were active and her tits and nipples were all over his chest. His hands were running around her shoulders and neck and face and hair and he was liberal with little kisses everywhere.


I didn't think he was anywhere near an orgasm but he reached down and grabbed onto each bun and pulled when he went in, spreading them too. I think he was all the way in. I could hear a smack every few thrusts. He moved up her body some and his butt came back and up more to clear her vagina entrance. When he went in it seemed more comfortable. He stayed that way.


Jenni was cruising now, fucking was agreeable with her. Dad had a big dick and she was very comfortable getting it. He wasn't going that fast and they fucked for almost half an hour. Dad went in slow a couple of times and pulled out. Jenni looked at him and he smiled and got her turned over with her knees down and butt up. He was at her rear and in without looking.


Jenni started pushing backwards when he started forward and they popped crotches with a most marvelous sound. The sound of sex. My crotch got wet and I was running like Jenni had been moments before. I wanted a dick of my own. I got a hand under Jenni and started pulling her hood up and back. Her breasts were touching the bed just below the pillow and I almost got one but didn't. Beautiful sight.


Another fifteen minutes and he pulled out again and turned her over. This time he got down between us and lifted her leg and went in up under her thigh. A little adjustment and he was full thrusting right in. I went around to the other side of the bed and got her clit again.


I got it going and this time I got a finger under her bun on her butt button and pushed in about a quarter of an inch and worked it with her clit. It was already wet. She and dad together with all that skin was something to see. The visuals of the whole thing was almost too much.


Jenni popped almost out of her skin and blurted out something and jerked her hips again and again. Dad never stopped fucking. Jenni finally put her head back, mouth open and took good deep breaths. Dad never stopped fucking. I let go of her clit and bottom. Dad started going faster and he had his eyes closed. He was putting his dick in as far as he could.


He was moving his arms from one place to another holding on to her waist, hips, middle, anywhere he could get to. He got out a grunt I hadn't heard before and pushed hard and jerked back and pushed hard again. His breathing was almost grunts in themselves. I was watching his hips trying to keep up with his dick kicking out his sperm. He could hardly control himself.


They both stopped. Jenni was no longer a real virgin and dad got fucked. I didn't. Yet. My vagina stopped twitching and my lube quit coming out and my breathing got ok. I let both of them lay there quietly. Serves them right. It was actually my first time seeing live nude sex. A highly sensual experience. If I hadn't been so engrossed I would have played with my clit. Probably nipples too.


Jenni was so happy and satisfied she almost cried. Dad was very pleased with their mutual performance. Nice matchup. We were sitting there about twenty minutes and I noticed dad was up about three-quarters. Jenni hadn't been playing with him.


We were all three touching body parts, talking and relaxing. Dad put his hand over on my thigh with his fingers over on the inside. His fingers were right about in my tuff. He was talking and looking at Jenni the whole time. I undulated a little and he smiled, still looking at Jenni. He was starting to get me excited. He was close so he didn't have to reach and I felt him moving down below my clit.


He reached over, his fingers on my outer lips and continued. I opened up my legs a little more and felt a finger slip in right past the entrance and swivel and play around. Oh, that felt good. I saw Jenni's eyes drop to see what dad was doing and she smiled and mostly watched dad and played with her lips with her tongue.


"Jess," Jenni said. "I think it's your turn."


It was ok with me. Jenni didn't know about the house rules, only the head to just down below the ridge. She might notice. We would have to explain that, but later, not during.


My vagina was a little jumpy by now. I wasn't expecting this. I was still turned on from watching them and I got back up quickly just from dad's finger and thinking or expecting or hoping. Dad lay down on his pillow and Jenni kind of touched me down beside him then she got behind me, where I was for her.


I was facing dad and he was half smiling. He leaned over and kissed me around on my face and neck. I felt Jenni snuggle up behind me, rubbing my butt up and down. I almost said, 'get your own routine, that's mine.'. Then her hand slid in my thighs and started on my pussy, one finger. I lifted my leg a little so she had more room.


I was trying to think of when I was supposed to put my hand around dad's dick when he melted against me and it got in my valley. Wanting that dick pushing right into my folds and getting down in and filling me up was the most erotic thing. My breathing got ragged right then and I pressed my lips together and pushed my pussy out as much as I could. Jenni pulled back to my butt crack and buns.


I was thinking about how big that head was and it going in the entrance. I started to explain it to dad but stopped myself. Him doing the whole “house rules until the whole head of his penis below the ridge is enveloped inside my vagina,” thing was going to be a huge event for me. Dad reached and got a tube under the pillow and lubed his dick and my vagina. I got more worried. He was really going to do this.


He got my nipple in his mouth and those nerve endings started to dance around my whole breast. I tilted back it felt so good and Jenni moved over to give me room. I could feel dad's leg over my thigh against my clit and hood then he wiggled and I felt him settle down from between my legs all the way up to my breasts.


His hands were under my shoulders and my tits and nipples were pressed right into his. He ran his tongue around my lips and looked right in my eyes. He said, "Would you like to be more intimate with me. I'll be very gentle."


If I said yes he was going to fuck me. Right now. I raised my knees and pushed them out, for clearance I guess, and nodded 'yes' a few times. I didn't feel him moving but a moment later his dick pushed the head down in my vagina. The entrance spread out then it collapsed then spread out again. The feeling was everything. If he would keep doing that it would be enough.


Jenni was right there. I didn't care. He spread me out and again and kept going. The entrance stayed spread out longer. No wonder Jenni was trying to get fucked. Dad said, "You ok?" I said "Yes, it's just right." We kissed and squeezed and he kept going in. I didn't try to thrust, I was soaking up all the feelings. I was beside myself at how good it was. Every entry was a whole new high.


Dad kept a slow pace and steady progress. It was a long time and I realized his balls had been playing with my butt without me noticing. If he didn't feel like he was fully enveloped in my vagina until he was all the way in then he was following my house rule. I didn't bring it up. He was fucking me slower than Jenni. It was very sensuous and I guess the lube made it very smooth.


I felt an orgasm coming long before it got me. I was pretty ramped up watching him and Jenni. I said, "Dad, let yourself go. Mine's coming." My arms were around his neck but I felt his muscles all along my body. His stomach went different and I moved my thighs against his, lightly, so I wouldn't be in the way. I wanted to feel him moving. He pushed in more forcefully and pulled out quicker.


The whole erotic level changed between us. It was like it was just him and my vagina. It was pretty raw, like I was being taken. He got faster. I think before now it was just having sex but this was real fucking.


At that rate it built up very fast and came on like a freight train. I don't know where on my body it started but it spread like lighting and froze me. Everything stopped including my breath and then everything went crazy. Dad kept me where he could control it for me. I couldn't.


Just when my muscles started to come back I heard him grunt and move differently and I knew he was giving me whatever semen he had left from Jenni. I knew about his orgasms but that was when I had him in my mouth, not my vagina. This felt different, muscle movement was different.


I don't remember a lot from that moment until the next morning. We slept in dad's bed. Jenni was up first and had coffee and stuff. Dad was up next and I finally showered and got dressed. We had a morning of sensitive hugs and kisses with each other. Dad taught us sex the whole three weeks.


One day Jenni and I decided we would do dad and we did. Wonderful time. We wore him out. We never thought of it as threesomes. It wasn't. There just happen to be two girls there. Jenni went home on a weekend day and twice during the week. She said with her mom's prompting her dad finally gave in and she had a really nice night with the both of them. She said I should go over one night. Her dad would be delighted, her mom too.


Dad is enjoying life more. Jenni still dresses almost hidden in the daytime, and still wears those pants or panties or whatever they are. All in all, this was the best year of my life.


Pizza Delivery


"Baby, when are you coming to bed?" She asked her husband who was standing in front of the mirror combing his hair. "I'm tired...." She added. "I want you over here with me..." Her voice broke a bit, having not seen him in a year. He was finally back home with her, yet refused to even touch her since he returned. She had hoped their reunion would be as heated just like their honey moon but to no avail. He had and distant.

     "Not now, I have a very important meeting. You'll have to wait"

     "Wait?! How much longer must I wait?! I've been waiting for a year for you to won't even make love to me anymore.....why are you treating me like I don't matter to you?"

     Sighing annoyed with his wife, he slammed his hands on the dresser then turned to face her.


"I'm a busy man, I told you this when I proposed to you. And you agreed. Sorry I can't meet your every need, you'll just have to play with yourself again tonight"


She began to tear up, ripping her gaze away from him she went into the living area and sat by the fire place. Watching his wife go he would only shake his head. He didn't remember why he proposed to her in the first place, oh well. He need to leave to his.... meeting.


Leaving the room as well, he walked passed he without uttering a word except. "I'll return later...."


"You know what....fuck this..."


She growled, snatching up the home phone she punched in a few numbers and waited for the ring. "Hello?"


A rough masculine voice answered the phone.


"Umm hi....I'd like to order....a pizza...." She whispered.


"A pizza? We have...spicy Italian sausage....thick cut beef....thick sliced breading..."


Interrupting the man on the phone she exhaled hotly. "I'll take everything you have...."


Chuckling the man wrote down her order. "Alright....We'll be cumming in thirty minutes..."


"I'll be ready...." Said the lonely wife as she hung up, they already knew her address because it was not the first time sh ordered from Papas' largest.


It didn't take long for the pizza to arrive. Ringing the door bell, the man from the phone waited patiently with the box of pizza between his legs. Opening the door slowly, her face heated up seen the half open pizza box....with his penis inside. Looking behind him, there were three other men and she opened the door wide.


"Now ma'am....I hope you ready" 


She had dressed herself in a bright clear pink blouse. She had on nothing else and they could see every curve of her luscious buxom body. Nodding slowly she smiled. 


"I give you all full permission to please me" 


She said to all of them. Nodding, they entered her home shutting the door quickly behind them. A muscular black man went first. Shoving his pants down, he revealed to her his eight inch dick and began to stroke it. It was already glistening with pre-cum. Gulping she was glad she had wide enough hips so it wouldn't hurt as bad but it's been so long since she had a good fuck. 


Walking over to the women, the male grasped both her arms pulling her against him. "My names Antonio....I will be pleasing you first..."


Feeling her body tremble, he suddenly turned her around slapping fat ass as hard as he could. Gasping suddenly, she winced and he did so again on the other cheek. Moaning at the painful yet pleasant feeling he moved over to the couch and pushed her on the arm rest. Spreading her legs, her beautiful dark pussy was revealed already wet and dripping. Her eye shut tight and Antonio squeezed her cheeks spreading them apart. Biting the bottom of his lip, he eased himself into her very slowly. The tip had barely made it in before she groaned.


"Relax my dear girl..." 


He whispered to her, leaning down to bite her earlobe and then shove his entire length into her cunt. Crying out in pain, her hands gripped the couch cushions and tears already leaked from her eyes. Quickly, he began grinding his hips against her. Fucking her roughly, her body bouncing forward and her cried became unheard from the sound of slapping. 


Moving in front of her, another man. A white man crawled onto the couch holding her shoulders and pointe this 7 inch penis at her lips. Opening her mouth, he pushed it inside going all the way to the back of her throat. 


"Mm mm.... nghh......"


She mumbled against his cock and out the corner of her eye she could see the smoking hot Mexican in the corner stroking his dick. The white man introduced himself.


"I'm Kyle....I'm going to be helping as well...and this is Joseph" 


Nodding slowly, they reached pulled out her and Antonia lifted her off the ground so Joseph could come over and lay on the couch with his dick up. Her eyed widened in surprise and Antonio lowered her down again. This time, she was riding Joseph and she tossed her head back to pant. Kyle got behind her this time, pushing his wet cock into her fat ass stretching her out.


Placing he hands on the Mexican’s chest she struggled not to scream.


"Ooh....s-shit....soo good....."


She gagged when Antonio now put his long cock in her mouth this time. Having each one of her holes filled, Joseph pulled and pinched her nipples while thrusting up into her. She already felt close. Her pussy was sucking and pulling him deeper inside. Her ass burned and began to bleed at how hard he was going into her.


Her tongue trailed over the black man’s penis and she sucks him as deeply licking up his pre-cum.


Each one of their dicks began to bulge and enlarge. Knowing they were all close she began to worry for their paces increased. Fucking her till her mind was no longer in the present and she felt she would faint. Banging into her G-spot she trembled violently and pulled off of Antonio’s dick but he only pulled her back on. 


Trying to get away from them they held her in place, she didn't want to be pregnant for she was not on birth control anymore. Struggling with the three men, she suddenly exploded on Joseph’s thick penis. The force was so strong she popped herself off but he was not done with her. Holding her legs still, she thrusted up once more and shot his seed into her fertilizing her eggs.


The other two men smirked and also came inside of her ass and mouth. Her eyes rolling into the back of her head, they all pulled out of her and left her limp on the couch covered in white semen.

Close to Home


Jessica parked outside Amanda’s house. Amanda was an old friend that she recently got back in contact with, who was usually pretty shy and quiet around others. When Jess discovered Mandy  had her twenty first birthday without getting into bed with anyone, she decided to help change that. She had told Mandy that the two would simply practice together, and that Jess would give the younger girl some tips and pointers. But it was more than that really.


Jess rather liked getting into bed with other girls. Especially young, cute innocent ones like Mandy, who was a pretty little thing with long silky brown hair and bright blue eyes. She had almost drowned in those eyes the other night when they had a drink together. What’s more, Jess caught Mandy eyeing her up as well. When she mentioned it, Mandy simply blushed and went all shy. No surprise there though, since Jess always managed to turn heads wherever she went due to her striking red hair and slender body.


Jess had suggested coming round earlier that morning. In her text she asked if Mandy wanted some practice in the bedroom, and to both her surprise and delight, was greeted with enthusiasm. Mandy sounded eager, if a little nervous. Jess put the car in park and got out, starting the walkup the driveway towards Mandy’s house, all the while forming a game plan in her head. She knew she would have to take it slow to start with. While it is true that Mandy certainly had no shortage of guys she could turn to for help, she had always been too nervous. It had been this way ever since when they went to school together. In fact, Jess could remember trying to hook Mandy up with some boys, and even tried getting her with a girl, but both attempts were to no avail. The thought made her pause and chuckle softly to herself before continuing up the steps to the door.


Almost immediately, Mandy opened the door - proof that she must have been waiting impatiently. Upon seeing the older girl, the two embraced in a hug, then stepped away.


"You want to begin right away?" Jess gently asked, following Mandy in and closing the door behind them.


"Umm, okay. Mandy replied, uncertainty.


"Come on, let's sit down." Jess grabbed Mandy’s hand and pulled her to the sofa, where the two sat down next to each other, and Mandy shuffled away slightly, but this just caused Jess to move closer so they're touching. Jess took one of Mandy's hands in her own and kisses it softly.


"So how would you like to begin?"


Mandy’s only response was a blank, puzzled stare.


"What about a kiss? Go on, you've kissed someone before haven't you?" Jess asked.


Mandy shook her head in answer.


"Really? Well, I'll have to show you how it's done then, won't I?"


Jess leaned in, but this caused Mandy to back away again.


"It's okay sweetie, I won't bite. Unless you want me too of course. Later perhaps?"


Jess tried again, and this time Mandy allowed her. Jess immediately gave Mandy a gentle kiss on her lips, barely touching to start with, then another and another.


It took all of Jess’s self-control not to lunge at Mandy and fuck her brains out hard - Mandy’s warm, wet lips and sweet scent already starting to arouse her - but Jess knew that she had to start out slowly, in order to work up to the rest and make sure that Mandy is comfortable. Jess then pulled away, and Mandy felt as though something went wrong. However, Jess chuckled softly.


"You have to kiss me back as well. Don't worry, you can't really go wrong. Just copy what I do."


Jess tried it again, and this time Mandy gave her a quick kiss in return.


"Just keep kissing me, you'll get better, don't worry."


Jess whispered softly before returning for another wet kiss. After a minute or so, Jess became a bit firmer, though Mandy doesn't respond right away. However, she is definitely getting a little more confident.


Perhaps we'll get to do tongues before the night is out, Jess pauses to think. Jess then allows Mandy to have a bit of a rest before they go any further.


"Put your arms around me, don't be shy. It feels good doesn't it?"


Jess reached for Mandy’s hands, placing them on her waist and Mandy caught her eye for a moment before looking away. Jess started running her own hands down Mandy's body, causing Mandy to blush. Mandy had a small frame, and it was hard to believe she was twenty-one. She was so innocent as was cute and refreshing.


Let's see if we can change that, thought Jess as she went in for another kiss. This time she didn’t hold back, instead, kissing so hard that it caught Mandy off-guard. Immediately jess feared that she might have gone a little too far, that is until Mandy began to kiss her back. Jess noticed that Mandy was hesitant to begin with but as she became more relaxed, the kisses started getting firmer.


She wants me, Jess thought excitedly, feeling a dampness pooling between her legs. She's just too nervous to initiate anything.


"You enjoyed that didn't you? Want to try some tongues next? Then maybe we can get you in the bedroom."


Jess offered gently, and is gratified to see Mandy go a little red.


It's not going to be easy to get her clothes off, Jess realized, let's see what she's like after some more kissing.


She launches back in without warning and slips her tongue in Mandy’s mouth, and Mandy isn’t sure what to do at first. Before long, however, Mandy’s arms are firmly around Jess. In fact, Mandy now was kissing almost as hard as Jess had been. Jess then takes the initiative by lying on her back with her legs spread, inviting Mandy to climb onto her. However, Mandy just stares nervously at Jess, not knowing what to do.


"Come on. Get on top of me." Jess cooes, but Mandy won’t budge.


"Don't worry, we aren't having sex. Just kiss me." Jess pulled Mandy down, pressing her lips against Mandy’s, and it doesn’t take long before Mandy is lying on top of Jess, kissing back just as lustily.


Jess is completely turned on now. A few more minutes, then I'll take her to the bedroom. She thinks.


Jess then gently pushed her off and gets up, offering Mandy a hand.


"W-what are you doing?" Mandy asks nervously.


"Taking you to the bedroom obviously."


"Can't we just kiss some more?"


"Sure, but don't you want some relief first? I bet you're getting wet down there." Jess says.


"One more kiss first." Mandy begs.


She's just trying to delay it, Jess thinks. She suddenly grabs Mandy and shoved her her against the wall, Kissing the younger female hard. Mandy at first tried to resist, but soon succumbed to Jess’s lusty lips. Jess pushes her hips against Mandy, whispering in her ear, "Come on, I know you want it. I can see how horny you are. I'll be gentle, I promise."


"Okay." Mandy gasps, in barely a whisper.


Jess takes her hand and drags her up the stairs. When she gets to the bedroom she throws Mandy on the bed and lunges at her, kissing furiously. Perhaps a little too forcefully, but Jess can’t stop can't help it. However she stops after a minute in case she hurt her. Mandy was still small, after all. To Jess’s dismay, mandy had red marks on her wrist from where Jess had been gripping them tightly.


"Sorry, I didn't hurt you did I?" Jess asks, to which Mandy replied by shaking her head.


"Good. Come on, undress me."


"Undress you?"


"Just rip my clothes off. Hurry up."


Mandy slowly starts to remove Jess’s shirt, followed by her jeans. Mandy’s hands were shaking, causing Jess to help her take them off.


"Keep going." Jess encourages, but Mandy paused and was fixated at the wet patch between Jess legs.


"Oh come on, surely you're wet too. Just take them off and we can get some much needed relief." Jess chuckled in a sultry voice, sending chills up and down Mandy’s spine. She immediately does as she is told. After Jess was completely naked, she reached over to take off Mandy's shirt.


"Wait, can't we just kiss some more?"


"Do you not want me to get you off? Come on, you agreed to it."


"I don't feel ready."


"You will after this."


Jess shoved Mandy onto the bed and smothers her with wet kisses. Mandy let out what could only have been a suppressed moan. Jess again reached for her shirt, and this time Mandy doesn’t stop her. She gasped as Jess grabbed her perky little breasts, all the while kissing her neck and taking off her jeans. She soon saw that, to her delight, Mandy was just as wet as her.


They stare at each other for a while, both completely naked and wet.


"Do you have a vibrator or anything?" Jess asked. "I'll do you first."


"No." Mandy replied nervously.


"Really? What do you use then?"


"Just my fingers." Mandy replied, blushing immediately.


"Guess I'll have to do the same then. Lie down and relax."


Jess gave Mandy a quick kiss and plunged a few fingers inside her.


Mandy gasped loudly from the intense pleasure.


"No, Jess. Stop!"


Jess ignored her and fingered her harder.


Mandy cried out harder, bucking against the sheet.




She tried to back away but Jess grabbed her and starts kissing her roughly on the lips. Mandy continued to beg, but her please and cries soon turned to loud moans and whimpers as they became muffled by Jess’s mouth. Jess then forced her tongue past Mandy’s lips as her fingering became rougher and faster.


"Stop, you don't understand! Please, no!" Mandy cried out.


Jess thrust her whole hand inside Mandy, and it does the trick. Mandy arches her back and her moans turned to loud screams as, suddenly, she starts squirting everywhere. To Jess’s wicked delight, she is soon completely soaked from the warm and endless streams.


"I'm so sorry!" Mandy cried, almost in tears. "I didn't mean to. I can't help it."


"Well I definitely wasn't expecting that. You never told me you were a squirter." Jess replied.


"I'm sorry, I tried to hold it back but... I told you to stop."


"What do you mean? That was the hottest thing I've ever seen." Jess replied.


"You-you don't mind? But I got it all over you."


"And? Next time you can do it all over my face. That'll get me so wet. I'll let you have a break, then we'll go again."


"Again?" Mandy gasped.


"You didn't think I would just finger you a bit then leave, did you? No, next time I'll use my mouth."


"Y-Your mouth?"


"Don't act so innocent. I bet just imagining my tongue inside you is making you horny. I can't wait to get covered in your juices."


"Are you sure?"


"Of course. I think I'll wait till I'm soaked before I get myself off."


"You're going to touch yourself while I'm watching?" Mandy, surprised.


"While covered in your wetness, yes. You can either watch or join in, your choice."


"You can do it in my bathroom if you prefer."


"While you're watching? You can pretend you're spying on me if you want."


"What? No, I meant..."


"Let's get something to eat, then we can decide what to do next."


They both got dressed and headed down to the kitchen, where they sat and ate opposite each other. After their meal, Mandy asked if Jess can squirt as well.


"No, not like you. It's pretty hot though. Is that why you were so shy?"


"I didn't think you'd like it. I didn't want you to think I peed on you or something."


"You should enjoy it. I only know one other person that can do it. They get all the guys. This is the first time I've experienced it firsthand though."


Jess suddenly caught Mandy’s eye and they sat there, staring at each other for a while. Suddenly Jess can't bare the anticipation anymore and vaults over the table, onto Mandy’s lap. She latches onto Mandy’s lips like a leech and kisses hard. She can't remember the last time she was this horny. Mandy tasted so sweet as well. Jess put her arms around Mandy's head and pulled her tight. She would have kissed her like this for hours if she didn't want to see her squirt again.


Jess pulled away and started to rip off Mandy’s jeans off again. She couldn't wait to go to the bedroom. This time she used her tongue, and started out shallow and light. This caused Mandy to sigh in pleasure., prompting Jess to probe deeper with her tongue, which in turn caused Mandy to fidget in her chair. She gripped the seat tightly with her hands and started breathing heavily as Jess went even deeper. Soon, Mandy is moaning as loud as she can.


"Jess, I'm gonna cum!"


Jess became more frenzied and vigorous and was soon rewarded with a heavy stream from Mandy. It completely covered jess’s face and soaked her hair. Jess had never been this horny in her life. She grabs Mandy and lifted her up against the wall. Jess desperately wanted to feel Mandy's tongue inside her, but she looked exhausted.


"Watch as I get myself off. Don't break eye contact."


Jess kissed her hard then slips a hand into her jeans, not bothering to take them off. She stared deeply into Mandy's eyes, fingering herself hard, pressing herself against Mandy, who watched as Jess begins to moan and pant, their mouths an inch apart. As Jess was about to orgasm, Mandy suddenly covered her mouth with her own. Jess was moaning far too hard to kiss back, but Mandys wet lips on her own was enough to send Jess over the edge. Mandy caught Jess as she fell over in complete ecstasy. Jess and Cindy then lay in each other's arms until Mandy helped her up.


"Can you stay the night?" Mandy asked shyly.


"I better not. Otherwise I'm going to grow too attached. To be honest, I only came to get in your pants. I couldn't help myself after that look you gave me the other day. But now I'm starting to really like you. I don't think this relationship would work out. You need to find some boys to play with."


"Just one night?"


"Oh go on then. Let's not make this a habit though."


However, Jess knew deep inside that this won't be the last time she would find herself in Mandy’s bed.


My First Male Experience

 So, this story is a bit different, but i figured i would try writing a full out male sexual experince...i hope you enjoy ;)




I had sex with an another guy for the first time when I was a senior in high school. It happened on a Saturday morning. We had all been drinking at a friend's house, where we crashed for the night. One of my friends was worried that he had left the lights on at his house, and if his mother came home early she would ground him for leaving all of the lights on at their house. So early Saturday morning, he came out into the living room where I was sleeping with several other people, and gave me the keys to his car and house. I started to turn off the lights throughout the house when there was a knock on the door. It was John, one of the guys who had also been at the party.


"Was on my way back home and wondered if you needed any help," he said, walking into the house.


"I think I have it handled, but sure," I said.


I really hadn't started to acknowledge my sexual feelings for boys, but there was something about John I really liked. He was nice and friendly, fun to talk to at school or at parties. We weren't best friends, but we were friendly with one another and hung out a lot with others.


I was sitting at the dining room table reading the scores when he placed a glass of juice next to me, then leaned over my right shoulder and asked, "Who won?"


"Which game?" I asked.


"I don't know. I don't know really follow sports that much. I just like playing them. Who do you like?"


When I turned to look at him I realized how close he was to me. I also realized how pretty his eyes were. They were darker green than mine. I said and did nothing as my throat went dry, my heart started to race, butterflies flew in my stomach, and my dick began to get hard. I was so scared.


John pulled back, then appeared over my left shoulder, except this time he wrapped his arms around my chest and said, "Hey. You better drink your juice."


I was still stunned. "Yeah I better," looking into his eyes.


He leaned in and gave me a very soft kiss. No tongue. Just our lips bushed and then pressed together. I was speechless when he pulled away and ran his right thumb over my lips.


"You OK?" he asked, looking deeply into my eyes.


I was silent for a moment and then managed a weak, "Uh-huh."


"Good," he smiled. "That was really nice," he said, tracing his thumb on my cheek, until it reached my ear. Then he ran his right fingers through the back of my dark brown hair. "You feel nice. I've wanted to kiss you for a long time."


"You have? I didn't know you were into guys?"


"I'm into kissing. And I really like your lips."


Then John pulled my head towards him, this time kissing me open mouth. I allowed his tongue to explore my mouth. His tongue felt soft and warm, so I started to rub his tongue a bit with mine. I was getting very aroused. He finally ended the kiss and leaned our foreheads together.


Running his fingers through the back of my hair, he asked, "Want to go kiss on the couch?"


I paused and then quietly said, "Sure."


Before i knew what was happening, he was all over me with a passionate kiss, his hands exploring my face, shoulders, chest, even my crotch a little. He leaned back on the couch and I laid on top of him, grinding a little into him as we continued what seemed like a marathon kiss.


“Mmm..." He moaned, as he finally broke the kiss to nibble on my neck, "this is so nice. This feels so wonderful." Then he hugged me and squeezed me into him. My cock felt like it was going to explode through my jeans.


"We better be careful. He might be coming home soon."


"I don't know if we have to worry. Last time I saw him he was in bed with Allison and they were going at it pretty hard."


"How did you know that?" I asked.


"Because I was sleeping on the floor in the room where they were fucking! I had to crawl out of there so they wouldn't see me and think I was some kind of perv," he said.


He then took his face in my hands and kissed me passionately, eventually allowing his hands to wander down my back and squeeze my ass. I don't know if it was that he squeezed my ass the right way or just that I was super horny, but that sent an incredible sensation through my body. I started to dry hump him, thrusting into his crotch. Soon my hands were under his shirt, pushing it up over his head. Within moments of removing his shirt I was kissing and licking his smooth chest.


While I licked and sucked on his nipples, my hands found their way between his legs. I rubbed his rock hard crotch, causing him to moan even more loudly. Before I knew it I was unbuckling and unzipping his jeans. His briefs slid down slightly when I pulled his jeans down to his knees, exposing his pubic hair a little.


I nervously looked up at him.


"Is this OK?" I sheepishly asked.


"It's very nice," he said, looking down at me. "Is this OK with you to continue?"


"Yeah," I whispered, looking into his eyes.


John then slid his briefs down down to his knees, exposing his hard cut cock that was sticking up against his body. I just looked at his cock first, my hands on his thighs. It was so pretty, I thought. Then I lightly took it in my right hand, rubbing it a little, tracing my fingers over it. This caused a few soft moans. Instinct must have taken over, because I put my right hand behind his cock and started to lick up the shaft to the head. His cock was smooth and tasted a little salty. He started to moan more loudly as he ran his fingers through my hair.


I took his cock into my mouth, unsure how far down I could go on him. I was surprised how easily his cock slid into my mouth. I was even more surprised when his pubic hair brush against my nose because that meant I had taken most of his love muscle inside of my mouth. I slowly began to work it, like girls who had blown me had done. His moaning became louder, almost so loud that we didn't hear the car door slamming outside.


If felt like we almost hit the ceiling when we jumped off the couch, scurrying to get his briefs and jeans, which he had kicked off during foreplay. I ran to the dining room table to read the paper, and he sat on the couch, looking through a magazine. After what seemed like an eternity, he got up to check out things through the front window. It had been a false alarm...a neighbor had parked in front of the house. This caused us both to burst out laughing when we realized what had happened.


I had stood up at the table and was smiling a little, more relieved than anything. John put his hands around my waist.


"I'm sorry if it scared you," he said, as he gave me an unexpected kiss on my cheek. Then he moved to my lips and we started another intense kiss. He pushed me against the table and we grinded into one another.


"We can't," I said, pushing him away. "What if he really does come back?"


John stepped away and said,


"I know. It's not safe...I'm really sorry but I'm just so turned on right now. I hope that doesn't freak you out. This has never happened to me before with a guy. I'm really sorry."


"No, it's OK," I said. "I am too. I don't know what's going on either. I just know it can't happen here or everyone at school will find out...We should really leave...This is just all so new to me."


"Yeah," he said, his voice trailing off and turning his back to me to walk towards the door. Then he stopped and said with his back to me in a very fast pace, "Hey, my parents are gone for the next several days and I'm all alone and do you want to come back to my house? Just to talk about all of this? Or not? I totally understand either way."


"No, it's cool," I said. "I would like that. I think we should talk some about all of this."


After we went to his house, he excused himself to check the phone messages, there were none. Then he went back to his room and emerged a few minutes later in a t-shirt and shorts. I was in the family room. My god his legs looked good! He was so fucking hot! How had I missed that? And why was I feeling that just now? My cock was hard as a rock in my jeans.


"Want something to drink?" he asked.


"Water is good," I said. I totally checked him out while he got two glasses of water. (The kitchen was right off the family room.) I couldn't keep my eyes off his legs. They were so defined. So fucking hot.

"So," he said. "This is pretty fucking weird. I had no idea things would happen like this. All I wanted to do was kiss you and then..."


I had put my water down on the coffee table and lunged into him, kissing him deeply again. His water spilled a little on us but he found the table for his glass. In no time, we were horizontal on the couch, making out furiously. My tongue was buried deep inside of his mouth, exploring him. In no time, I pulled off his t-shirt and shorts, then briefs. My hands were all over his gorgeous nude body. His body felt, smelled, and tasted incredible. Then he pushed me back a bit.


"Hey, no fair," John said. "I'm not the only one here who is going to be naked. Stand up."


He peeled my polo, jeans, briefs, and socks off me in record time. I rushed back on top of him, making out. Our bodies were grinding together as our legs were intertwined. Our hands were also exploring and touching one another in a mad way as we kissed deeply. Then it began to happen...I started to cum. It was so unexpected.


"Oh my god....I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen..."


"It's OK," he whispered in my ear. "It's OK. It's kind of hot really." I continued to cum while he talked, moaning as I thrust into him. God it was intense and I started to tingle all over. Then he wrapped his legs around me and pulled me into him, both of his hands clutching my ass.


" it's my turn...God!" John whimpered, as he started to shoot between us. "Oh my god."


Between us it felt like we had shot a quart of cum because our bodies felt drenched in it. We laid there in silence, just breathing heavily and my face buried into his neck. After what seemed like forever, he spoke.


"That was wild. You doing OK?"


"Yeah. I don't know what to do now," I mumbled into his neck. I was still very hard. So was he because I could feel his cock pressing against my stomach.


"We probably should clean up a bit," he said. "Can you grab those pizza napkins on the table?"


We sat up and wiped off just enough semen to prevent any of it from getting onto the couch.


"I'm not sure how I would explain that stain to my parents," John half-laughed. I let out a nervous laugh because I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel after making out, doing a little oral on him, and then climaxed onto each other.


"Hey, you OK?" John asked, putting his left hand on my right thigh, causing me to make eye contact. "You aren't going to freak out on me or anything like that are you?"


"I kind of am freaking out inside," I sheepishly replied.


"Oh, I am too," he quickly replied. "I'm wondering what the hell just happened...But you know what?"


What's that?"


"We gotta get cleaned up right now, so let's do that and we can talk about this later if you want, OK?"


"Yeah, that's cool," I said.


We walked nude down the hallway and into a bathroom, where he proceeded to pull a couple towels out from the closet, handing me one.


"Here you go, man, this should help a lot, but we probably should take a shower to get it all off, you know?"


"Yeah," I said. "A shower would be cool right now."


He turned on the shower and pulled the curtain closed.


"Come one, get in," he said.


I stepped in front of him, not expecting me to follow him. I think he knew I was startled when I looked at him.


"You OK with showering together?" he asked. "It's not like we haven't seen each other naked or anything."


"Yeah, it's OK but you sure no one is going to walk in on us?" I asked.


"Dude, my parents are on a boat right now, my brother is halfway across the country at college, and I put the chains on the doors. No one is going to walk in on us, so take this soap and clean up. Don't worry. I promise."


I soaped up my body, still amazed that my cock was more than semi-hard. As I washed off the semen from my abdomen area, I felt him start to rub my shoulders, his stiff cock bumping against my butt cheeks and thighs.


Then I felt him kiss my shoulders, kiss up my shoulders to my neck. It felt nice and felt natural to lean back towards him. Soon his hands were on my waist and we kissed over my shoulder until I turned around and kissed again standing together.


He pushed me against the shower wall and started to grind into me, whispering in my right ear:


"I want to see what it's like to have a cock in my mouth."


He kissed down my body, dropping to his knees and reaching for my hard cock. He kissed around my shaft until he just took it all into his mouth. It was the best blow job I'd received at that point in my life. I loved how he rubbed my legs and lightly pushed my pelvis area as he sucked me. This time I felt the orgasm coming on, the tingly feeling coursing through my body. I didn't know if I should tell him I was about to cum and I selfishly didn't want him to stop. So I just continued to moan as he worked my cock in his mouth.


John didn't flinch when I came in his mouth. Instead his lips clamped down on my cock, almost feeling like he was sucking all the semen out of me. I was drained in more than one way.


"That was fun. You have such a hot body, and it feels nice."


He put his arms around my neck and pulled me against him, kissing me deeply again. We made out, standing up for several more minutes until the hot water ran out.


I was silent while we toweled off. He then broke the silence again.


"You want to hang out some today here or do you need to get back?" he asked.


"I should probably let my parents know where I am," I said. "I told them I was going to crash last night at Kevin's, but I should tell them what I'm doing if that's OK?" I was hesitant to stay but I felt like I needed to stay to talk about things with him.


"Sure," he said. "There's a phone you can use in my room."


I was halfway through telling dad what I was doing when I felt the towel around my waist loosen and drop to the floor. Startled, I turned around to see John, who put his right index finger over his lips, making a shushing sound. I was getting hard again as I continued to speak to my dad, telling him that I was going to "hang out a bit at a friend's" and that I'd be home "probably after dinner."


John approached me, rubbing my cock with his right hand, pushing me towards his bed, His towel hit the floor and his erect cock was brushing against my right thigh. As soon as I hung up the phone, he pushed me onto the bed.


"Dude, what are you doing?" I asked, trying to be a bit playful.


"Just having a little fun," he said as he fell down next to me and kissed my cheek.


"Shouldn't we talk a little about what's going on here?" I asked.


"Sure," John said, continuing to kiss my cheek until he found my lips again, sliding his tongue back into my mouth.


I put my arms around him, hugging him on top of me as we kissed. We rolled around on his bed, kissing, stroking, rubbing, touching, grinding, exploring. We said almost nothing until he again broke the silence.


"You know what I really want to try is anal. I really hope that doesn't freak you out," he said, biting his lower lip and looking deeply into my eyes. He took my hand. "I want to feel what it's like to have a guy fuck me. You wanna try?"


"I don't know," I said. "I'm not sure how far I want to take this, and this is just all so weird to me right now...Besides we don't have a condom and we should probably be safe if we did anything like that."


To my surprise, John reached over to a drawer in the table next to his bed and pulled out a condom that was in an envelope. "My parents don't know about these, but I used them with my last girlfriend," he said. "So we can be safe...and we can stop right away if you don't like it. I promise."


"I don't know, man," I said.


"Look we just experience all of these things right now and then we'll never be curious about them again...It doesn't mean anything. We're just two guys having a good time, and enjoying being physical," he said.


His hands were all over my chest while he said that. My cock was still rock hard.


"Come on, let's just see what it's like," He said as he opened a condom and before I knew what was happening slid it over my cock. The sensation felt incredible. He stroked me for a few moments, then got back on top of me.


"Here, I'll make it easy for you," he said, reaching back for my cock, slowing guiding it to his hole. "I'll just sit on you and do all of the work."


It took a few moments to find his hole and then he slowly slid down my cock. John pressed his lips together and started to breath heavily, closing his eyes and rubbing my chest.


"Oh, fuck, yes, this feels really nice. Really really nice."


I instinctively put my hands on his hips, rubbing up his sides and then to his back and butt. I was starting to thrust a little as he pushed all the way down on me.


He paused for a moment and said, "I need to get used to this...Wow...This feels really nice. I had no idea it would feel like this."


Then he looked deep into my eyes and said, "Fuck, you feel really good inside of me."


John continued to gently rock back and forth and I started to increase the number and depth of my thrusts up into him. In no time I felt the most incredible orgasm building inside of me. I grabbed both his hips and let out a loud moan as I started to cum.


"Oh my god, yes!!"


The moment must have put him over the edge because he started to shoot again between us, put his arms around my head and pulled me into him as he shot.


We held each other in silence. I was afraid to say a thing but I finally blurted out,


"God that was intense. I had no idea that feeling even existed."


John buried his face into my neck, partially kissing me and softly saying, "That was amazing, just amazing."


I rubbed his ass and thigh, getting turned on by the combination of softness and body hair. I loved the way it felt to feel him draped over me. His left hand rubbed my shoulder, then went through my hair. Soon our lips found one another again and we engaged in another deep passionate kiss.


"Mind if I stay a little longer?" I asked as I rubbed his smooth back.


"Not at all," he said.


We then drifted off into a deep, long nap. The only reason I woke up was because he was giving me a blow job. I was surprised that he made me cum again. I was also surprised that we had sex two more times that day. We showered one more time before I went home, then I called him and talked for more than an hour. I snuck out of my house around midnight and went back to his house, where we had sex again until about 3 o'clock.


I couldn't sleep when I got back home. But I wasn't tired the next day at school. I thought I would be shy when I saw him, but instead we made plans to meet up during our third period, in a little used one-room bathroom at school. We wound up making out for about 10 minutes, then we met again during last period. I went to his house every day after school while his parents were gone, to have more sex. I bottomed the next time we went to his house. He made me cum a fountain less than a minute after he entered me. I loved how it felt when he was inside of me.


We finally cooled off when we both got girlfriends later in the fall because we agreed that we should be faithful to them. Still, I thought about him whenever I jacked off. Some firsts just wont ever be forgotten.

Helping Mom


Well it finally happened. My parents separated and then got a divorce. It was a long time in coming. They both seemed to have waited until I turned eighteen and had graduated from high school, which i guess i appreciated. Mom and Dad had been fighting for years. I never really knew what was behind all that constant strife..i just know that I was glad it was over with.


I was on my own now. I had a job and my own apartment. My mom would call me up and ask me to visit her when she was lonely. For reasons i could never understand, she decided not to find another man to replace my father. Mom was still in her mid forties and I thought she was attractive. I know a son shouldn't be checking out his mom but I couldn't help it.


I didn't have a girlfriend at that time and my mom seemed to like showing off her body. She had big breasts and was generally shapely. Sometimes I would fantasize about what she looked like without her clothes on. I stopped over one Saturday after I received her phone call. When I got there, guess who was wearing a tight shirt and pants? That’s right, my mom. I tried not to be obvious as I looked at her.


Mom seemed to be upset like she had been crying.


"I still get lonely being by myself," she told me.


When I asked her why she didn't go on any dates she replied that no one was interested in her. I found that hard to believe. Mom was standing there in the kitchen. I went over and placed my hands on her shoulders. I could smell the perfume she was wearing.


"I don't know what I would do without you Josh," she told me.


We were so damn close to each other. Maybe I just lost my willpower. I leaned in and kissed my mother on the mouth. I could she she was taken by surprise. I guess it was my turn to be shocked. Mom placed her hands on my waist and we had a more intense kiss. From there it started to get crazy. I brought my hands to her shirt and I squeezed her breasts.


Mom moved her hands down to my belt buckle. She unfastened it and pushed my pants and underwear down to the floor. My dick had become semi-erect by now. Mom gazed down and got a good look at my cock. I didn't have to tell her a thing. She knelt before me and took it in one of her hands. She wrapped her lips around me and took me into her mouth as far back as she was able.


I placed a hand on the back of her head. I didn't even have to urge her. Mom slid all the way down my shaft, right down to the root. It had been such a long time since anyone had given me head. Mom seemed like she needed this worse than I did. Her head bobbed up and down my fat rod. I was completely hard in just a few minutes time.


I couldn't let this go as just a blowjob. I pulled my mom up from the floor. I walked her back to her bedroom and I removed her clothes. Her breasts looked like they belonged to a woman in her twenties. I had her lie back on the mattress. I parted her thighs and I lowered my face. I slid my tongue up and down her slit. Mom cried out as I licked her pussy.


I used my tongue as well as my fingers. I pushed two digits into her slippery wet hole. I thought she was going to explode right there. I finally pulled back and got to my knees.


"Please Josh, I need you," Mom pleaded with me.


I guided my mushroom to her opening and I entered her greedy hole. Mom let out this loud moan. I pushed completely into her body. I rested my cock inside her as my mother used her muscles to grab at my dick. She couldn't fool me, she needed my cock badly. I began to stroke her pussy. Mom wrapped her legs around me and she held on as I pounded her wet tunnel.


I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. My Mom was acting like this horny slut who had to have her son using her pussy. And use it I did. My balls were hitting her bottom every time I entered her. Mom had her head rolled back as she took my cock deep into her body. I know we were getting loud there on her bed.



I eventually flipped my mother onto her hands and knees. I entered her from behind and went deep.



"Don't pull out!" She urged me.


I wasn't using a condom and I sure didn't like the idea of pulling out. As time progressed I felt myself getting close. I wanted my Mom to have my love offering. Finally I sent some jets of my cream deep into her passage. Mom's body stiffened as she took my cream deep in her pussy. I had a large load to give to my Mom that day. I envisioned coating her pussy walls and her eggs with my cum.


It took almost ten minutes before I was empty. I pulled out and looked to see my seed come pouring out of my Mom's body. Mom's body shook from the fucking she had just taken. We both collapsed onto the bed and we held each other.



"Thank you for that. I don't regret anything that we did," she told me.


I didn't regret it either. As a matter of fact, I was already thinking about the next time we could repeat this. I ended up staying the night with Mom. The next morning she made me hard with her mouth one more time. Mom mounted my staff and she lowered her body onto mine. I grasped her tits with my hands and I milked her big boobs. Mom loved having her chest played with. Her nipples became like hard pebbles.


Much to my surprise I gave Mom another load of my creamy milk. She took every drop of my seed before we were all finished. We made a pact there in bed. We would be lovers from here on in. I started spending most of my evenings in Mom's pussy. She couldn't seem to get enough cock from me.



We even discussed a forbidden subject. I would tell my mother that I would coat her fertile eggs with my cum. This made my Mom go crazy with lust.


"Yes Josh, I want a big belly!" She would plead with me.


She had been taking birth control pills all this time but she soon stopped. I know how wild it all seems but I want to see my mother's body being impregnated by me. I know Mom gets wild in bed when we have sex talk about making babies. Hopefully in the next few months she will begin to show from all our activities in bed.

Lily's Redemption


The knock on the door came as a surprise at first, but then I remembered that we had asked that Lilly come and look after the kids while my wife and I went out for a work function dinner and drinks.


As Angela, my wife, was still in the en-suite blow-drying her hair, I jumped up off the couch expecting to open the door to who I thought would be the awkward, shy young girl whose family had lived directly across from us for as long as I could recall. Instead, when I casually opened the front door, I received quite a surprise.


Replacing my mental image of a short, scruffy brown-haired girl with braces was the now very grown up Lilly. While still shorter than my 5 ft 9, she was clearly taller than I recalled. However, it wasn't her height that caught my attention. It was a warm afternoon so she was dressed for comfort with cute blue shorts made from a very thin fabric, revealing the outline of darker underwear. She also had on a very bright yellow top, which highlighted the perfect set of very ample breasts that defied gravity and hugged her cotton tee tightly.


I had only a second to make this observation when I was met with yet another surprise. No sooner had I fully opened the front door when Lilly beamed at me with a big smile and stepped inside with an enthusiastic hug. "Hi Mr. Andrews," she said, still beaming. At that point, Lilly perhaps realized that pressing herself against me so enthusiastically may have been just a bit too friendly. She she took half a step back and reset herself, her eyes darting to the ground.


I took this opportunity to quickly look her over head to toe. Her hair was quite long and neat and was tied back in a ponytail that hung forward over her shoulder. Under her well-developed breasts that surprised me, I noticed that her frame was otherwise quite thin but filled out in all the right places. She was, dare I say, a perfect 10...and lucky for me was now 18 years old.


Before I could say a word Angela appeared from the bedroom en-suite , still wrapped in a towel, and greeted Lilly with a smile. "'Come on in Lilly, you're just in time. We're heading off in 5 minutes. Just make yourself at home". Lilly did just that, regaining her earlier excitement, skipping forward into the house to see the kids. I paused a moment before closing the front door to watch her skipping along, with those wonderful breasts bouncing as she went.


For a teenager, it was an easy gig for easy money. Basically Lilly just had to hang out with the kids for an hour, tuck them into bed, and then watch TV until we got home. After Angela gave Lilly her instructions for the evening, we headed out for dinner and drinks.


It was a work related function so the next few hours went quite slowly and I found myself reflecting on that friendly hug that Lilly had given me when I opened the door for her earlier that evening. Her young, full and firm breasts felt wonderful for that brief moment when she said hello and pressed against me, but I imagined that they would feel even better in my hands. Of course that could never happen. I'm sure that by now Lilly would have a boyfriend and would not be seeking out the attention of someone old enough to be her father, but at least it was a thought that I could carry with me when I fucked my wife after we got home.


As expected, I found Lilly plonked down on the couch watching TV with the kids having gone to bed upstairs hours ago. Once again I was met with that lovely beaming smile from earlier. "Oh hey Mr. Andrews, how was your night?" she said, jumping up from the couch. But she was just a bit too chirpy, I thought, and I detected that she was slurring her words a little. As if she saw me processing the situation, once again her eyes went to the floor and the smile receded. "So, where's Mrs. Andrews?" she said as if trying to divert my attention from my current thoughts.


"She had a pretty big night and went straight to bed, and it looks like perhaps you've been doing the same," I said, as I fished a vodka-mixed cocktail bottle out from behind one of the cushions on the couch and held it up to her face. Immediately the smile from Lilly's face fell. "I thought it would be ok to have a few drinks after I put the kids to bed." But she couldn't have been more wrong.


I was furious. "We're not paying to you to sit on our couch getting drunk Lilly. If you think I'm mad, just wait until I tell Angela!"


At this point, not only had the smile gone from her pretty face, but tears began to fall down her cheeks and Lilly slumped back down on the couch. "'Oh please don't tell Mrs Andrews, I couldn't bear it if she was angry with me and told my parents."


At that moment my wave of anger had passed and I felt sorry for Lilly. It also helped that she was so damn cute. "Listen" I said, "perhaps we can just let it slide this time but it can't happen again."


Once again, a beaming smile returned to Lilly's face, and she leapt up and launched forward, pressing herself against me with a firm hug. Still slightly slurring her words, and still wrapped around me, she sighed "oh thank you, Mr. Andrews. I promise I'll make it up to you."


I had to take advantage of this moment. Lilly's body simply felt too good against mine.


"Ok then, how about right now," I remarked with a bit of a chuckle, but hoping it wouldn't be taken as a joke. Understandably, Lilly seemed confused. "'What do you mean?" she asked, sounding uncertain.


"Well quite frankly I'm disappointed with what you've done, but I'm even more disappointed that my wife is too drunk to fuck me tonight, so I think you can help me out."


Hearing this, Lilly took a step back and then sat back down on the couch again, still looking confused. She hesitated with her words. "I, um, I don't know what to say. I know I messed up and don't want to get in trouble, but I've never done anything like this." To me, that sounded like she was willing to participate in whatever I had planned.


"It's ok Lilly," I said firmly. "'Just do what I say and everything will be just fine." I was surprised to see that Lilly smiled again at that point so I pushed on with the plan I was making up as I went along. "You can start by taking off your t-shirt and bra. You've pushed your tits against me too many times tonight to not let me see them." Amazingly, Lilly complied and I was rewarded with a spectacular view of her breasts as she stood up and followed my instructions.


I was now standing just a meter away, directly in front of her, and I whispered, "Lilly you are so beautiful. Come and give me another hug." As she stepped in and wrapped her arms around me, her bare breasts pushed against me.


My face moved down to kiss her on the neck as I brought my right hand up to cup one of her perfect tits. At that moment, she sharply breathed in. "Oh Mr. Andrews," she sighed, "I uh, I don't know."


I cut her off. "Don't worry, Lilly, you're just making it up to me, we'll be done soon."


With my face in the softness of her neck and with one hand on her breast, my cock was straining against my pants so much that it hurt. Continuing to hold her close I moved my other hand that had been resting on Lilly's back down to the zipper on my pants and with one swift movement I released my swollen cock from its confines. I then reached up and pushed Lilly's right arm down until I had her hand in mine and then moved it to my hard cock that was already leaking with pre-cum.


"Wha...what do you want me to do," she said nervously. "Like I said, I've never done anything like this."


I was somewhat surprised. "Don't you do this with your boyfriend?"


"N-no, I've never had a serious umm."


"You've never had sex then?" I questioned, as I moved her hand to wrap around my cock.


"No, not at all," Lilly said quietly, as i felt the warmth of her hand squeeze slightly on my now throbbing cock.


"Well, don't worry about that right now, tonight you're just going to help me out a little. Let's sit down on the couch, and I'll show you what I need you to do." As I said this, I lifted her so she could look into my eyes and then directed her to sit next to me. With her topless and with my hard cock poking out of my pants, it was quite a sight.


As we moved into sitting position I made sure that her small, warm hand never let go of my cock which was now quite slippery. "Just move your hand slowly up and down sweetie, and give it a bit more of a squeeze when you're at the top," I said, as i moved her hand through the motion. It felt simply wonderful as she continued to do this for a few minutes while I proceeded to cup and play with her perfect young tits. All she could do the whole time was stare at her hand moving up and down my shaft, occasionally licking her lips and breathing deeply.


I felt myself getting closer to blowing my load. "Ok Lilly, spit on your hand, then start moving it up and down faster and hold my cock tighter. We're almost done." For someone who had never done this before, Lilly certainly had magic hands and 15 seconds later I shot a load of cum so high into the air it ended up in her hair.


I chuckled, "don't worry, that will wash right out. You'd better get dressed sweetie."


As Lilly put her bra and shirt back on, I leaned forward and pushed some 50 dollar bills into the back pocket of her shorts, taking the opportunity to squeeze one of her firm ass cheeks. As I did this, I wondered how it might be to be able to explore this part of Lilly further. "Ok, you're all set sweetie. Good job...I mean good hand job anyway," I laughed.


Even Lilly managed to crack a smile at this as she headed towards the front door, again giving me a great view of her ass in those tiny shorts. Just as she was about to walk out, I remarked, "I think we might need you again next week Lilly," and winked at her.


Lilly winked back. "Sure," she said with a smile, and closed the door.


A Sweet Reunion


Sarah struggled with her suitcase up the carpeted staircase. She didn't have many memories here because her mom had remarried, uprooting her for her senior year of high school. New school, new family, new friends. Sarah’s stepdad also entered the marriage with a son, Brad. He was your typical all American jock - 6'3", pale skin, great smile, and a master of every sport in high school. He didn't have any problem fitting in at a new school.


Sarah struggled a little at first, but found her way quickly. She was a bit introverted but joined the cheerleader squad. She had long straight black hair, pale skin, sweet eyes, perfect perky breasts and a petite frame. Brad always found his friends talking about how hot she was, and would he ever...they had no blood relation after all. However, he always ignored them and changed the subject.


The family decided that they hadn't seen each other in 3 years because of the kids sports schedule, and wanted to get together to celebrate Christmas. Both of the kids had chosen to attend college out of state - Sarah on a cheer and academic scholarship, and Brad, a baseball player who was sure to go to the big leagues.


Sarah, exhausted from her trip, decided to take a shower as soon as she finished lugging the heavy suitcase upstairs. It was about 8 pm when she finished, so she decided to hop in some jammies and take a short nap before Brad was due to arrive home for a late dinner. She threw on some cheer shorts, a crop top, and some knee high socks.


However, Sarah soon discovered that she was restless and couldn't sleep, despite being tired. She laid back, put some some music on her Bluetooth speaker, and trailed her hand down her sculpted abs, underneath the waistband of her shorts and to her hairless sweet spot. She ran her fingers softly over her pussy and arched her back, tilting her head back at the same time. Rubbing her clit in soft, small circles, she then gripped her comforter as she increased pressure. She thought she locked the door to her room and failed to notice Brad standing there; mouth open as he watched his step sister rubbing one out right in front of him. Sarah took her hand out of her shorts, and reached towards her mouth so she could taste her wetness, when she opened her eyes. She saw Brad frozen, mouth agape, with an obvious hard on.


"Dammit Brad... I was just about to cum and you had to go and completely ruin it," she said, as she chucked her pillow at him, “I thought I locked the door.".


She got up and went to the restroom to wash her hands.


"It was locked but I wanted to surprise you, so I went through the restroom… but it would seem you ended up surprising me more," he smirked, as he struggled to keep in his laughter.


She hugged him and grabbed his hand. She then led him downstairs to the kitchen. He had definitely filled out in the years since they had seen each other last. He had the same chiseled body in high school but put on about 20 pounds of muscle. Sarah on the other hand still looked the same as high school, except that now she was a young woman. She was still petite, but a little more curvy, and her breasts definitely had filled out more since high school.


The next morning Brad rushed into the bathroom he shared with his sister Sarah.


"Fuck, I really have to pee. Can you step out real quick?"


"Yeah right, I'm almost done brushing my teeth, just go, I promise I've seen one already", as she chuckled.


Her hair was up in a high, messy bun. Her skin was still wet from the shower and her towel was wrapped around her. She wasn't making his first morning pee any easier with her ass cheeks peeking out from under her towel.


He leaned in, almost angling his body as he struggled to aim his hard on towards the toilet.


Sarah chuckled to herself, amused,"First one of the day bro?"


He smirked as he looked over his shoulder flushing the toilet.


"Now how would you know about that sis?"


She couldn't help but take in his body now. He was standing there almost completely naked, just in his boxers. Damn, baseball had done his body good. All of the guys that looked like him at her school were complete whores. She wanted nothing to do with them. But it had been so long since a man made her cum. Her mind snapped back into focus.


"Hell. I used to know a thing or two but it's been so long that it's probably broken."


They both laughed. Strangely he was happy to know that his step sis hasn't let all those jocks at her school use her. He knew that she was hot and they had their eyes on her.


"See ya down stairs for breakfast."




The day was awesome. They went to the mall and did some shopping as a family and went to dinner later.


Sarah went upstairs and took a bubble bath with candles and a glass of wine. It was been years since she was able to take a bath in a full size tub since she stayed in the cheerleader dorms. She had just closed her eyes with a soft sigh, when there came a knock at the bathroom door. She was completely covered all the up to her chin in bubbles so whoever it was, wasn't going to see anything.


"Come in."


"Hey you want to have a few drinks and catch up tonight?" asked Brad.


"Yea, that sounds fun. Give me about 20 min."




Sarah put on some extra comfy big sweats and off the shoulder crop top with no bra. You could see her nipples if you looked really hard. As soon as Brad saw her he smiled. He was wearing basketball shorts and a muscle shirt. He obviously wasn't wearing any boxers because he was starting to pitch a tent. Sarah giggled softly at the sight.


They shared a 2 bottles of wine and a 6 pack of beer. They laughed about senior year memories and chatted about how college was now, and around 3am, they both got up from Brad's bed and hugged each other. His hand touched the small of her back and she felt her skin tingle. She hadn't been held by a man in a while. He nuzzled his head into her neck and felt her nipples against his chest. Their eyes briefly met and they quickly said good night.




Damn why have I been so horny lately. Actually the question is why does Brad look so damn fine? Has he always been this fine? Fuck it. I'm a little tipsy and I feel good, Sarah thought to herself.


She turned on her Bluetooth, put on some music, and slipped off her sweats. She was dancing around in her crop top and lacy thong before the wine took over and she collapsed in bed while in a tipsy bliss.


Her hand immediately wandered below her waist band, where she felt warmness emanating from her slit. She dipped one finger in and rolled onto her side, quiet moans escaping her mouth. Her fingers found her clit as she gently flicked it back and forth. Little did she know, she was giving Brad quite the show as he peeped through the cracked bathroom door. His dick was starting to grow. He could hear her sweet moans over the music. Fuck it, they were both a little tipsy. He has noticed the lingering stares, the extra long touches, and he knew it had been a while for her, this was his shot. Quietly, he opened the restroom door; his sister was still exploring her body and didn't even notice. He crawled on top of her and put one hand over her mouth and another on top of her hand in her panties. Sarah’s eyes shot open in terror, not knowing who was on top of her.


"Sh, it's just me, Brad."


Her body sunk into the bed and she relaxed a bit. He whispered in her ear.


"I've been wanting you since I saw you a few days ago. Let me help you."


He gently pushed her hand to the side and felt her wetness. A breathy moan escaped her mouth and he placed his lips on top of hers. It was a gentle kiss, a sweet kiss. He dipped his fingers into her wetness, her tongue exploring his mouth. All she could think of was how good his weight felt on top of her small frame. She rubbed his back, as her hands explored his body and she let go of all her inhibitions. He started making his way down her stomach.


He kissed her sculpted abs, and could see her inhale and exhale after every touch. He slowly pulled down her panties and kissed up both of her thighs. He could taste her wetness the closer he got, she was practically dripping from how turned on she was. Once he made his way to her sweet spot, he inhaled her scent and it got him rock hard. He parted her lips gently and licked her from the bottom of her pussy all the way to the top of her clit. Her back arched and fell back; she couldn't remember the last time someone kissed her there.


He was dipping his tongue into her pussy, fucking her. He brought his main focus to her clit, she was so aroused it was already peeking out. He took it into his mouth, swirling it around with his tongue; each time bringing her right to edge and then backing away so that he could focus on her pussy again.


She writhed around, attempting to push him off, knowing that she couldn't take anymore. He overpowered her, his arms gripping her pelvis firmly as he continued to bring her to ecstasy. She arched her back and let out a loud moan. His looked up at her, his face covered in her juice as he kissed her passionately. She wiggled her way down to his shorts while laying on her back. He knew what she wanted so he got up his knees and dropped his shorts. His dick popped out and landed right at her mouth. Without any hesitation she took his whole dick into her mouth. The angle she was laying made it possible for him to fuck her face. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and gripped his ass, pushing his hips forward. He plunged into her mouth, his dick touching the back of her throat. She gagged a little but never retreated.


It felt so good that he almost lost his balance a couple of times. He fucked her face, as spit spilled over her lips. He knew if he continued this for another few minutes he was going to cum right down her throat. He pulled out quickly and she protested, she wanted to taste his cum. He chuckled and kissed her lips.


"Not yet. I don't want it to end before I feel you."


He flipped her over onto her hands and knees. Reaching down to her dripping pussy, he played with her clit as he kissed down her spine. He spread open her cheeks as he dipped his tongue into her pussy licking her all the way to her ass. His tongue stayed there, kissing her in a place nobody explored.


Just as she let out a moan, he pushed his thick dick inside of her pussy. She immediately felt full. He gripped her hips and slowly pulled out his dick to the very tip and pushed it back in slowly. Her pussy responded with a little resistance then enveloped his dick each time he entered her. He did this for a few minutes, loosening her up with each stroke.


The more she moaned the faster he began to thrust. He was on the brink of cumming and had to pull out. She looked back with disappointment. With one fell swoop he picked her up, easily lifting her petite frame with his arms. They kissed as he placed her gently against the walls. He slowly placed her on top of his dick as she let out a muffled scream. He was fucking her against her bedroom wall, letting her weight propel herself onto his dick. She was wet and he easily slid into her tight pussy. She was damn near crying it felt so good. As he sped up, she held on tighter. She arched her back hitting her head against the wall and they both came at the same time.


He gently placed her onto the bed, collapsing next to her. They looked at each other giggling after such an explosive session.


Brad kissed her on the head, then got up and walked towards the bathroom.


"No stay and cuddle with me."


"I have to wake up in 5 hrs to play basketball with pops."


"Just sneak out after I fall asleep"


They crawled underneath the covers. The music still playing softly in the background.




There was a light knock at the door.


"Sarah, have you seen..."


And before her stepdad could finish the sentence he saw his son and his step daughter snuggled in each others arms sound asleep. They were pretty much covered but he could see that neither of them had on tops. He looked around the room, clothes were tossed everywhere and he gently shut the door.




Around noon, Brad made his way downstairs.


"Long night son?"


"Yeah something like that."


"Those damn Wilson girls will get you every time," as he gave his son a sly look and passed him a coffee cup, “Hell I'm surprised it took this long. I thought y'all weren't going to last highschool without jumping each others bones," he said with a chuckle.


"It just kind of happened dad."


"No judgement here, I'm just happy she never took on our last name."


Just then Sarah walked down the stairs shooting Brad a quick smile.


"Looks like you could use some coffee too."


"Thanks Daddy."


Just then Brad gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. A look of embarrassment washed over her face.


"Don't worry he already knows. Now we just got to break it to your mom."



 In the dream, my daddy's tongue is in my mouth, and his hand is between my legs. He tells me I'm his angel, pets my pussy though my underwear, then pulls them down so he can stroke my clit. I don't tell him to stop. In fact, I beg him not to, because in the dream I want him to keep touching me.

I want him to make me come.


When I wake, his hands are wrapped around my upper arms.


"Jen," he says, "It's okay honey. You were just having a bad dream."


My clit pulses. I can still taste him on my tongue. Slowly, my awareness spreads from the throbbing between my legs to my labored breathing, my sweat-dampened tank top. I breathe deeply. It was all a dream—a bad dream. A very, very bad dream. Only somehow, it doesn't feel bad at all.


"What time is it?"


"Just after two," he says, brushing a lock of auburn hair from my face. "You were crying out for me in your sleep, like you did when you were little."


Heat fills my cheeks. "Oh."


My daddy smiles kindly, the corners of his eyes crinkling, just a little. Granted he is simply my stepdad, my real dad having run off after i was born, but this man next to me is all i knew growing up. I jump as a flash of lightning outside the window paints shadows across his bare chest and highlights the wisps of silver at his temples. He's even more handsome in-the-flesh. I rub my eyes with the heels of my hands, trying to smudge away the thoughts that shouldn't be there. This isn't the first time I've dreamt about my daddy touching me. It isn't even the first time I've woken up so hot and bothered I could start a fire between my legs.


"My god, you're sweating." He tests my forehead with the back of his hand. "You're burning up."


I wave his hands away. I don't want him to touch me again; I might like it too much.


"I'm fine, Daddy. You can stop worrying about me."


"Sorry, no can do." And just like that, he's my dork of a dad again.


Thunder rumbles in the distance, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand on-end. I hate storms—have hated them ever since my mom left me out in a parked car during a thunderstorm when I was little. Eyes trained away from the window, I reach for the water bottle I always keep at my bedside. My dad grabs it first and passes it to me.


"Thanks," I say, then take a few gulps. The cold feels good sliding down my throat.


My dad watches my throat as I swallow. "Want to talk about it?"


My throat clenches. I cough. "About what?"


"Your dream."


Oh, sure. Why the hell not?


"Not really," I say.


Lightning flashes, illuminating the room. I brace for the crack of thunder to follow. My dad grasps my shoulders and I can't help but lean into him, pressing my brow to his warm chest.


"It's okay, babygirl. Daddy's here." I hear him chuckle, then i shiver as the rain picks up, harder and faster against the metal roof. He smooths my hair. "Want me to stay with you tonight?"


I do and I don't. Though the memory of the dream has faded somewhat, I can still feel the echoes of it in my body, the flutter of arousal in my belly, the pressure of his fingers on clit. Another show of lightning, the crash-boom of thunder. The storm is practically on top of us now. My dad doesn't wait for me to respond before he eases me back onto the mattress and slips beneath the covers. He aligns himself with my body, spooning me like he used to when he'd get up in the middle of the night to check on me, and find me crying in bed for my mother. He slides one arm under my neck and wraps it around my shoulders. With his other hand, he rubs my back.


"Do you have class tomorrow?" he asks.


"Not till the afternoon."


"I can give you a ride if you're too tired."


"Thanks, Daddy." I smile. "I love you."


He kisses my shoulder, his big hand spreading warmth down my arm.


"I love you, too, sweetheart."


I nestle against him, his form so much bigger and stronger than mine. Hard in all the places I'm soft. I can feel the haze of sleep washing over me, until another crackle of lightning makes tense up and curl into myself.


"Shh," my father whispers. "It's all right." He holds me tighter, wrapping his leg around mine to form a shell around me. His skin is hot even through his cotton pajama pants. "Let's talk about your nightmare."


My stomach knots. He's trying to distract me from the storm, and technically speaking, it works. Not the way he intended it to, I'm sure. But it works.


"It wasn't a nightmare," I mumble. "Not exactly."


"Oh? What was it?"


I press my face to the pillow. "I don't want to say. It's embarrassing."


"Come on, it can't be that bad." He squeezes my shoulder. "Was I in it?"


"No," I say, a little too forcefully. "I mean...not really."


"Okay." He laughs. "Now you have to tell me."


I bite my lips together. Mortification and arousal prickle up my spine. I shake my head, then tense as he lays a hand on my stomach.


"Do I have to tickle it out of you?" he says, his tone playful. He flutters his fingertips across my belly, searching for the hem of my tank top. I shriek and wriggle and gasp as his fingers make contact with the soft flesh of my abdomen. My nipples tighten into points and my clit pulses. I picture his hand moving downward—


"No!" I cry out, breathless. "Stop it, okay... I'll tell you."


He resumes rubbing my back. I swallow thickly, trying to think of a way to play down the sex, to make it sound less perverted than it actually was.


"We were sitting on a couch, in a house like the one we used to live in with Mom. Only, I was me, as I am now. Not me back then. We were watching something on TV, I can't remember what. But you were laughing. Then I was laughing. Then... we laid down."


"On the couch?"


"Yeah. But it wasn't a couch anymore. It was a bed. Like my bed."


My father's hand stills. "Okay."


"Then..." I pause, not sure how to say it, and so I just say it. "You kissed me."


I hold my breath. He doesn't say anything for a moment. Then, "Where did I kiss you?"


"On the mouth."


He doesn't move a muscle. My stomach drops. I should've lied, I think. Why couldn't I just lie?


I couldn't because I promised that I would never lie to him. My mom used to lie to both of us all the time, so my father and I made a pact after she left that we would always trust each other, never hide things from one another. But there had to be exceptions, right? Some things that should never be spoken, not even in the dark?


I clear my throat. "It's no big deal. Anyway, I don't have to keep going if—"


"No, it's fine," he says. I want to crawl into a hole and die. "Are you saying there's more?"


"Yeah." I take a deep breath. "You kissed me and moved on top of me. Then you pulled my shirt down and started...touching me. I think you may have taken your shirt off, too. After that, you put your hand over my panties and just...rubbed me for a bit."


He lay still as a statue behind me. I pause, not wanting to go on, but also wanting to go on, because he hasn't told me not to. And because part of me wonders if it might be better to just put it out there rather than let it grow inside me like a wildfire. Devouring everything in its path. I steel myself for the next confession, then pause when I feel movement against my backside. It's a slight movement, but it's enough to make me gasp. He's getting hard.


"And then?" he whispers, so quiet I almost miss the question.


I swallow. "Then, you put your hand in my panties."


It's only then that I notice the storm has passed. All that's left is a light rain plinking against the roof. The sound fills the silence like air sweeping into a vacuum. My father's cock is hard and wedged against my ass cheeks. Arousal washes over me like a full-body flush. I can't stay still. I press my ass against him, and his breath catches. He grips my hip to steady me.


"Jen," he says, his voice gruff with warning. "Don't."


I freeze, embarrassed. I try to feign ignorance.


"Don't what?"


My dad lifts the covers and rolls away from me. Cold air hits my back like a slap. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he holds his face in his hands and sighs heavily.


"I'm sorry," he says. "Fuck, I'm so sorry."


"It's fine," I say.


I start to cry. Rolling onto my stomach, I let my tears soak into the pillow as I tremble. My clit aches. This man is my father, my protector, my literal shelter from the storm. He's not supposed to get hard at the thought of touching me. But he did. And I liked it. I really, really liked it. I don't know what to feel anymore. I'm disgusted with myself, yet somehow I'm still turned on. It's wrong. Everything about this situation is wrong. So why does him pulling away feel like the opposite of right? A warm hand rests between my shoulder blades.




I sniffle and angle my face just enough so that I can see him. My dad's gaze is pained, twisted with guilt and concern. I don't like that look. He hasn't done anything to deserve that look. This is all my fault.


"I shouldn't have said anything."


He shushes me softly. "It's okay."


"No, it's not." I close my eyes. "I wish you hadn't woken me up."


He squeezes the back of my neck. "I'm sorry. That must've been so fucking surreal—"


"No—I mean, yes, it was. But I wish I could've...finished the dream."


My dad says nothing for a while, and then asks, "Were you really enjoying it?"


I roll onto my side away from him, ashamed. The rain has stopped. I listen to the sound of my father's breathing—the only sound in the room—slow and steady at first, then quicker, shallower. The bed dips and he's behind me again.


"Remind me," he says. "In your dream, where was my hand?"


My eyes flick open as he flattens his hand on my belly. I gasp. "Um..."


Slowly, he inches down, until he reaches the gap between my shirt and my underwear.


"Was it here?"


"Lower," I whisper.


He runs his fingertip along the waistband of my panties. I want him to move them lower. He's not as hard as he was a few minutes ago, but he's well on his way. I grind myself against him, and his cock pulses, straining at his pajama pants in a way that can't possibly be comfortable. He teases his hand into my underwear.




I nod and lift my leg, hooking it behind my dad's knee as he wedges his knee between my legs. I'm so open, so exposed. When he inches his hand down to stroke my lips, my clit is the first thing he touches.


"My god, Jen." He circles the tender nub, hard like a pebble beneath his fingers. "You really want me to do this?"


"Yes." I rock my hips as he strokes me, pushing back against cock, then forward towards his fingers. Back and forth. A delirious pleasure dance that has me keening for more.


"Hold on, baby girl." My dad grabs hold of my waist and flips us so that I'm lying on top of him, but facing away. He smooths both hands over my breasts, then draws my tank top up to my chest so he can reach my nipples.


"Oh god," I moan. "That feels so good." I buck my hips, desperate for any sort of contact against my clitoris. He rubs my nipples, then pinched them, all the while kissing and biting at my neck and shoulder.


"Your tits are fucking perfect," he says, jiggling them. "I knew they were big but damn, they're perky, too."


"You say that like you've been checking them out for a while."


He laughs quietly. "Maybe a little while."


The crotch of my panties is practically soaked through. I wouldn't be surprised if I'd already left a damp spot on his pajamas. I can still feel my father's cock against my ass, hard and long and thick between my cheeks. He glides a hand down my belly to massage my pussy through my panties, just like in my dream.


"Please, Daddy," I beg. "Please touch me."


He pauses, as though he's not sure how to feel about me calling him Daddy in this context. I can almost pinpoint the moment he decides he likes it from the way his heartbeat quickens against my back. Instead of reaching into my panties, he slides them off, then spreads my legs. When his hand returns, there's no hesitation.


"That's it, angel," he says, rubbing my clit and rubbing my nipple with renewed fervor. It's how I like to touch myself, but the fact that he's the one doing it makes the whole thing hotter. I can only imagine how insane this would look from the outside, me with my legs splayed and my tits out.


"Oh, god. Daddy... Daddy please..."


I can feel my orgasm building like a storm inside me. Hands grasping at the sheets, I press my tongue to the roof of my mouth and hold on for dear life. My father seems to get the implication, spreading my legs wider with his knees and using his whole hand to stroke me. I come like thunder, a crack and rumble that rolls and rolls and rolls between my hips.


"That's my gorgeous girl," he rasps. "Come hard for me."


My whole body throbs. I twitch and sigh as the tension rips through my muscles and then subsides.

I lie panting and spent on top of my father. The man who helped raise me is now the man who just made me come. He eases me onto the mattress, then pulls me into his arms. I tuck my face into the angle of his neck and breathe deep the comforting scent of his skin. His cock is still hard and pushing at my belly, but he doesn't move to free it. In fact, he doesn't move at all.


"What's wrong?" I ask.


He takes a long time to respond. "Just..can’t believe i just fingered you…”


I kiss his neck, then his chin, working my way up to his mouth. Our dream kisses pale in comparison to kissing my dad in real life. The heat from his breath caresses my face as he opens his mouth to me. Emboldened, I slip my tongue between his lips, and slide my hand between us to grasp his cock.


Air hisses through his teeth. "Oh, Jennifer. Baby."


"I want you, Daddy."


He grips the waistband of his pajama pants. "I want you, too, sweetheart. Christ, I'm so fucking hard for you."


"Please—" I kiss him. "—let me feel it."


After a moment's hesitation, he pulls the waistband out and down, releasing his cock. My mouth forms an O. He's so big, so thick and tan. I glance up at him, my eyes wide with the question my lips can't bring themselves to ask.


"Go on," he said. "You can touch it."


Smiling, I wrap my fingers around him. The sound that pours from his mouth makes my nipples harden. His skin is hot, the hardness beneath it unlike anything I've ever felt before. Not hard like stone, but not supple either. I give him a few test strokes. My dad weaves his fingers through the hair at the back of my head. I brush my thumb across the tip and he gasps. I giggle.


"What's so funny?" His mouth tips into a half smile.




He pulls my hair gently, angling my face back so he can kiss me full on the mouth. "What's funny about me?"


I shrug one shoulder. He eyes me carefully, tilts his head.


"Have you ever done this before?" he asks.


"Of course," I say, slightly indignant. "Sort of."


"Sort of?"


I bite my lips together. "Like once or twice."


"You've had sex twice?"


"No." I glance down at his chest, embarrassed. "Just my hand."


He tips my chin up, forcing me to look at him. I can't help but return his smile.


"Let Daddy show you how."


Wrapping his hand around mine, he shows me how to stroke him, where to place pressure, how to tease the head. As I get better, I find myself wanting to try new techniques, new grips and rhythms. When a bead of clear fluid rises to the tip of his cock, I can't help myself. I lick it off.


"Shit." His hand tightens in my hair. "Do that again, would you, sweetheart?"


"Okay." I make my way down the bed and position myself at eye-level with his cock. Carefully, I stand him straight-up and draw my tongue across the salty head.


My father growls. "Lick the shaft. Lick whole shaft for me, baby."


I glide my tongue from the base of his cock to the very top and am rewarded with another drop of precum and a deep, throaty grunt. Without prompting, I take the head of his cock into my mouth and start to suck.


He mutters. "That's it, baby. Keep doing that."


I bob my head, taking him in as far as I can until I gag. His hand still in my hair, he doesn't force me down, but he doesn't pull me off either. I concentrate on maintaining good suction and a steady rhythm.


"Wrap your hand around the shaft," he says. "Like that, yeah. Now move your hand along with your mouth... That's perfect. Fuck, angel, you're a natural cocksucker."


Pride swells in my chest. I keep stroking and sucking, trying to take more of his cock into my mouth with each pass. I love the way he tastes and the natural, male scent of him. Gently, I cradle his balls with my free hand. The shaft pulses in my fist as I whirl my tongue around the head and then take him deep.


"I'm gonna come," he says. "If you don't want me to come in your mouth, just switch to your hand."


As soon as he says it, I know I want him to come in my mouth. I start sucking like my life depends on it, like the past, the present and the future are all hinging on my ability to make my father paint the back of my throat. He groans, his hips lifting. I thought I was ready for it, but when the first spurt of hot, salty cum hits my tongue, I gag. My eyes water. I hold my breath and wait for him to finish pulsing, then let his cock slide out. I hold his cum in my mouth, a little grossed out, but mostly bewildered.


He touches his thumb to my bottom lip. "You can spit it out if you want."


I take his offer to spit as a challenge. Ever the overachiever, I tip my head back and swallow. His cum slides down my throat easily, leaving a slight aftertaste. I can tell he's pleased by the way his gaze darkens.


"That was amazing. You're amazing." He pulls me from my spot at the bottom of the bed into his arms and kisses my forehead, my cheeks, my neck. He kisses my mouth, which surprises me since I've only just swallowed his cum. "I can't believe we just did that."


I can, and I want to do more. I strip out of my tank top, wrap my leg around his hips, and start kissing his neck. My father's hands find my breasts and begin kneading them. I nudge his pajama pants further down his legs with my foot, and he takes them off. Now we're both naked, tangled in each other.


"Daddy," I say breathlessly, as he licks my nipple. "I want you to..."


"What do you want me to do, sweetie?" He pushes my breasts together so he can suck both nipples at once. My clit throbs. It feels so fucking good. "Tell me."


My mind is a jumble of needs and wants and desperately-must-haves. I wet my lips, running my fingers through his blond hair, threaded with silver. "I want you to be the one to do it."


"To do what?" The words come out muffled, spoken with my nipple in his mouth.


"I want you to take my virginity."


He pauses for the briefest of seconds, then kisses my breasts and looks at me. "You're sure?"


"I am." I trace the lines of his face with my fingertip. It's a handsome face, a familiar face, one I've known my entire life, yet it's almost as though I'm seeing it—seeing him—for the first time. My dad kisses me deeply, stroking my tongue with his own as he moves to lie on top of me. He reaches between my legs, his fingers finding my opening.


“You're still so fucking wet," he says, working a long, slick finger into my pussy. I've finger-fucked myself before, but his hands are bigger. I hold onto his shoulders and try and relax my muscles. He pulls out, adds a second finger, and strokes my clit with his thumb.


I rock my hips to meet his gentle thrusts. "Daddy, it feels so good."


"It doesn't hurt?"


I shake my head. "Not at all."


My dad withdraws from my body, brings his fingers to his mouth. He sucks them clean. "You're delicious, angel."


I lace my fingers into his hair and guide his lips to mine for a taste. I am delicious. The two of us, together, are delicious. He's still kissing me when I feel the head of his cock, rock-hard again, against my folds.


"This might hurt a little," he says.


"Why, because your dick is so big?" I can tell he likes the sound of that by the dimples in his cheeks.


"Just keep breathing, babygirl." He rubs my clit with the tip of his cock and then prods my opening. He stops. "Shit. I should go get a condom."


"No, it's okay. I'm on the pill."


"But you don't always take it. I've seen the packet in your bathroom."


"I don't care." I reach between us to stroke his shaft, so thick and veiny. "I want to feel you inside me. Just you."


He looks at my hand, wrapped around him, urging him on. "Fuck, angel, I want to. I really fucking want to, but I don't know..."


I tilt my head and don my very best puppy-dog eyes, the ones that have never failed to earn me an extra scoop of ice cream or another hour of screen time before bed. "Pretty please, Daddy."


My father smiles wickedly. "How could I say no to that?"


I bite my lip and giggle, which quickly becomes a whimper as he drives his cock forward. Not too fast but not too slow either. My insides feel like they're being rearranged, stretched and pushed around to accommodate him. It hurts. He withdraws part-way and then drives back in, bottoming out. I swear I can feel his cock behind my belly button.


"Jesus fuck, you're so tight." The veins and muscles in his arms bulge as he holds himself above me. "Are you okay?"


"It hurts a little."


"Give it a second. You just need to get used to it." He drops down onto his elbows so he can kiss me. I'm so distracted by his tongue in my mouth that I barely notice when he starts to move in and out of my pussy.


By the time I realize he's fucking me—like, actually fucking me—I can't believe how good it feels. The pain is barely an echo. But oh, the pleasure. The motherfucking pleasure. I brace my feet on the bed so I can buck my hips in time with my dad's thrusts. He kisses my neck and plays with my nipple.


"You like that, angel?" he rasps. "You like having your dad's cock inside you?"


"Yeah. I love it, Daddy."


"Good girl. Christ, how'd I get so fucking lucky?"


"I'm the lucky one."


I fold my arms around his neck. My father grinds his pelvis against mine on a deep in-thrust, putting pressure on my clit and making me moan. My heart beats like thunder in my chest, as pleasure zaps along my spine like chain-lightning. I had no idea sex could feel this good. My dad had made sure it would feel this good, and now I don't see how it could ever feel this good with anyone else.


He pulls out and kneels in front of me, stroking his shiny cock. "Want to mix it up?"


I nod my head eagerly. I'm willing to try anything with him.


"Get on your hands and knees."


I move into position, glancing back to watch him kneel behind me. I can't get enough of the look on his face as he squeezes my ass cheeks and spreads my knees wider is. He pets my pussy, stroking the sensitive lips. I watch him from between my legs. He fingers my clit and my legs tremble. I'm going to come again if he keeps this up. I think he knows it, because he doesn't stop fingering me, even as he guides his cock to my pussy.


"Tell me if it's too much," he says.


I'm not sure what he means. Then he plunges inside me and I cry out.


"Oh my god." I drop onto my elbows. "How are you even in that deep?"


"It's the position," he says, caressing my back. "Shit, angel, your pussy is amazing. I won't last long like this."


"That's okay, Daddy. I want you to come in me."


The sound he makes is pure lust, and my father's cock drives into me, hard and fast, his pelvis hitting my ass with each thrust. I feel my clit pulse against his fingers. I beg him not to stop, though it comes out sounding like a mishmash of whimpers and consonants. Still, he gets it, and soon I'm moaning again, rolling my hips again, my muscles clenching his cock in the most intense orgasm I didn't know I was capable of having, because before now, I had never come with anything thicker than a few fingers inside me.


"Angelbaby." He breathes the word. "I love you so fucking much."


I'm too delirious to speak. His hands grip my waist, then glide up to squeeze my shoulders so he can rail me. I love it, every inch of it. I even love the pain. He grunts and tenses. He pounds into me, once, twice, five times by the end of it, holding my hips in place as he comes. I feel his cock pulsing, and I swear I can feel his cum filling me. We stay like this, breathing loudly in the dark, until his cock softens. He rests his forehead on my back and slips out of my pussy. I reach between my legs to catch the stream of cum that follows. It's hot and messy. It's everything I wanted.


My dad grabs a handful of tissues from my bedside table and wipes me gently, like a baby. He cleans the wet spot on the sheet as best he can. I shift onto my back and watch him, not sure of what to say and hoping he'll be the first to speak. He clears his throat.


"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" His gaze darts to my face and then away again. He's nervous. I don't want him to be nervous. I want to make him happy.


I hold out my hand to him. "Really good, Daddy."


My dad smiles, relieved, then takes my hand and lets me pull him into bed beside me. I kiss him. I kiss him until my lips are tender, and then I keep kissing him. He draws the covers over us and settles in like before, with my back to his front. Only, everything is different now.


"Thank you, Daddy" I whisper into the dark.


"For what, angel?"


I kiss the back of his hand and he hugs me tightly.


"I'm your dad, Jen. My place is here with you. I'm not going anywhere." His hand glides over my breasts and down my stomach. He cups my pussy, tender and swollen, in his palm. "Not now, not ever."


Thirsty for Milk

It all started a few weeks ago... I had been a hot and horny 19 year old, with a hot stepsister named Susan, who was a year younger than I, with the fully developed body of a girl in her 20s. She was about 5'5" and 120 pounds, dirty blonde hair, and dark brown eyes.


School had let out for the year and as a result, Susan was home.. like, a lot. However, cheer practice was still in full swing, and she always was coming home from school so beat down from practice that she'd sleep on the couch, laying down. I was afraid at first, I could see her mouth open slightly, wet and inviting, but I wanted to play with her so bad. I started out simple, touching the tip of my cock to her fingers, letting the precum collect on her finger tips. Watching her the whole while, she didn't stir. Did I dare go for it? I leaned over her head, being careful to be sure I pushed all of the pre-cum I had to the tip of my cock, before touching the tip of my cock to her lips.


Almost immediately, I watched as her tongue went to where I touched her lips and licked up the pre-cum. As she lay there, I kept jacking my cock and looking at her face, when suddenly her eyelids fluttered, but that was because of REM sleep right? I ended up circling her mouth, outlining her lips with my precum. At some point she had turned her head so that now it was flat on the couch, facing the ceiling. I leaned in even more, my cock at this time was like a faucet, the precum just kept oozing non-stop. I milked as much precum out of my cock as I could, watching as it fell down, straight into her still partly open mouth. I needed to cum so badly, I was ready to say fuck it and go to the bathroom to finish, when I felt something warm and wet on the head of my dick.


I looked down and saw my sister's soft brown eyes looking up at me from below my balls, her tongue on the tip of my cockhead. I started to back away but as I did she wrapped her lips around my cock, shaking her head and pulling me closer.


That's all it took for me to unload.


My dick erupted geyser after geyser of hot cum into my own sister's mouth. Her eyes widened with the shock of it and she attempted to swallow as much as she could, but before long, my cum collected rapidly in the corners of her mouth and ran down her cheeks. My cock continued convulsing into her mouth as she reached up and grabbed my balls with one hand and with the other milked my dick. Once satisfied she kissed the head of my dick and looked up at me.


“Its about time you got up the nerver for some physical contact, little bro.” She joked. 


It turned out she'd been keeping an eye on me for nearly a year. She had always watched me through the bathroom, jacking off into the little cups (something i used to do to measure the volume i produced). Apparently one day i had forgotten to clean up, and she took advantage of it, draining the cup dry.


She'd decided however, that she wanted to taste it straight from the tap this time. Thus when she "took her nap" on the couch today, I noticed her eyes moving behind her eyelids and she'd “turned” her head up towards my cock. She figured that I'd back down if I knew she was awake but she was desperate to taste all of my cum.


She liked it so much, in fact, that she would frequently allow me to jack off into her mouth. Not every guy was as lucky as I to have a girl that would readily guzzle down his cum. As much as I wanted to stick my dick into my sister's sweet pussy and deposit my thick seed, she was worried about getting pregnant by me. But that never stopped her from drinking from me, like she drank milk from the bottle.

Game Night

 John gazed at the window sadly. It was wintertime, and a snowstorm was beginning to form. He didn't know if they could make it.


Today was Friday. Every Friday, ever since he had graduated from high school, John played some video games with a few people. They were all boys, except for a girl, Sophia. Now, despite her gender, she was just as skilled as the others. Some could even say she was better. And she was hot, too.


As he was absorbed in his thoughts, he noticed the snowstorm began to pick up... then the doorbell rang. "Who'd be out at this hour?" he thought. Despite the cold and the fact that he wasn't wearing warm clothes, he reluctantly opened the door. There, standing against the cold storm, was Sophia. Her dark, wavy hair frosted by the wind, and her eyes pleading for warmth.


"Sophie? What are you doing here?" he asked.


"It was pretty hard to get here, but I made it," she replied, "is anyone else coming?"


"Probably not," he said, "but you should stay here until the storm subsides."


"Oh, thank goodness!" she exclaimed. "It's so cold out here..."


John made two cups of hot cocoa as he saw her take off her jacket, revealing her marvelous curves; a slim waist and sizeable breasts to match. He realized they were alone together, in his house.


"Um... I made some hot chocolate," he finally said.


"Really? That's very nice of you." Sophia replied. They sat near the fireplace, warming themselves as they sipped their hot chocolate. She smiled at him, and he smiled back.


1 minute later Sophia was on top of him, locking lips with each other on his couch. John felt her breasts pressing into him, and her dark hair falling on him. His heartbeat was increasing, and she could feel it. "You like this, don't you?" she realized.


"Yeah," he admitted. She got off of him and began to undress, taking off her sweater and her pants first, down to her bra and thong, then finally took off everything to show her big, supple tits. He saw her smooth skin, and gazed at her large butt. He was getting hard just looking at her.


"Is this your first time?" Sophia asked.


"Yes," he admitted sheepishly. But when he found out the same was for her, his spirits lifted a little... no, a lot.


Sophia unbuckled his pants, and grabbed his now bulging cock. She got a feel for it, seeing how smooth it was. Then she inserted the mass into her mouth.


"This feels warm," John thought, who could still not believe this was happening.


She began to suck him, embedding his balls in between her tits. He began to get harder, in an immense state of pleasure.


"You're amazing..." John said dreamily as she sucked him faster and faster. Finally, after a few minutes of intimate sucking, streams of cum leaked out of him. She tried to swallow all of it as he filled her mouth, but soon some escaped and trickled down her body. Sophia giggled a bit as she watched him end his climax.


"My turn," John said.


He bent over and began to lick her pussy, first feeling the edges and slowly digging into the middle. Sophia began to moan, as she said, "Please, feel my tits..." Still sucking her, John began to massage her tits, eventually moving to her nipples. They were hard... very hard.


Slowly he began to squeeze them, as she moaned even louder. "You're marvelous," Sophia exclaimed breathlessly, "are you sure this is your first time?" He nodded, as he sucked faster and faster, feeling her hips buck. Soon after, she finally climaxed. Her pussy was a flowing river of discharge, but he managed to suck her clean.


"You're too good," she said raspily, "pop my cherry, I want you so badly..." Sophia's eyes begged for his cock, and he couldn't resist. John finally obliged, excited to lose his virginity and take another's at the same time. Seeing her plead for him made him even harder than before, and he slowly inserted some of his cock inside of her marvelous butt, missionary style. He could feel a barrier that would soon be destroyed. He teased her, rubbing his cock around her clit as she begged him to pop her cherry. He then grabbed her tits and, by surprise, he slammed into her, inserting his full length and smashing her barrier. They both moaned together in a state of pleasure. He had done it! He had taken her virginity, and she was now entirely his.


John then began a rhythm, starting slow to warm up to her, then accelerating faster and faster until he was going as fast as he could. "Sophia has a very nice pussy," he thought. They could see each other's lewd expressions, as she moaned louder to the feeling of his cock drilling into her. As his hips began bucking again, and he too felt an increasingly pleasing feeling that signified an approaching climax. He moved even faster then before, the full length of his cock entering inside of her. They gazed at each other dreamily until he admitted, "I think I'm going to cum soon..."


Despite this, she locked him between her legs, which surprised him. But it was too late; just the feeling of her body tipped him over as streams of cum began shooting out once again. His surging cum began filling her pussy, until it trickled out of her and down his legs. John was in a felt a combination of surprise and pleasure, and he saw that Sofphia mirrored his expression, as she had climaxed soon after him.


Still out of breath, Sophia got up and said,


"Now, its my turn." as she laid Luca down on the couch.

A Mother's Instincts

 When Daniel's parents got a divorce after twenty-five years of marriage, Daniel decided to move his mom in with him. It was no problem, as the young man was quite the successful cook at a popular hotel restaurant. Daniel often worked long, hard hours at the restaurant, and as a result he was usually kept out rather late. As ironic as it seemed, Daniel often returned home hungry. Therefore, the first thing he would do when he got home was raid the refrigerator.


The other night, as Daniel was in the process of making a late night snack, he heard a noise out on the patio. Thinking it might be a burglar, Daniel slowly snuck over to the glass French doors, and cautiously peeked outside. In the bright light of a full moon, he spotted his mom climbing into the hot tub, the moonlight playing along her naked body as she slowly lowered herself into the steaming hot water.


As she turned slightly and the moonlight highlighted her breasts, Daniel's eyes widened in wonder. He had never noticed before just how large his mom’s breasts were. He found himself wishing that she would turn so he could see all of his mom naked. As though reading his mind, she turned a bit farther, causing her thick bush to come into view. It was a welcoming change, as all the other girls that Daniel fucked preferred to trim their pussy hair short or else completely bald. It had the desired effect, as Daniel found his cock stirring in his pants.


“Daniel, sweetie, is that you?” his mom called out, as she then submerged herself from the shoulders down in the warmth of the hot tub.


"Yeah," He answered as he opened the French doors, hoping to get another quick glance at his mom naked before he went to bed. "I was making a sandwich, when I heard a noise on the patio and thought I should investigate it."


"No, it's only me. I couldn't sleep and figured i would relax in the hot tub for a little while." She replied. "Mm….will you be a good boy and hand me that towel over there?" She asked, pointing to a deck chair.


"yeah, sure, Mom," he agreed, as he then grabbed the towel and approached her. He didn't reach out and hand it to her, instead, he walked right up to the side of the hot tub. "Where do you want me to put it?" he asked.


"I'll take it," she said. She then stood up in front of him, giving him a perfect view of everything. His mom’s sexy body was now almost in arms reach, and she took the towel from him. She then turned around, and placed it on the other side of the hot tub - much to her son’s surprise. She turned back around and his eyes followed his mom's big beautiful breasts as they once again disappeared back into the water.


"you're staring.” his mom observed.


"Sorry Mom, I guess I never thought of you as a woman before." Daniel blushed at having been caught, and averted his eyes.


"Gee, thanks there." His mom replied.


‘I just meant that i have always looked to you as mom, not as a sexy, beautiful woman." Daniel quickly corrected.


"Thank you. I haven't felt that way in a long time." his mom replied, blushing a little.


After what seemed like a long time with neither of them saying something, Daniel turned to go, but his mom quickly stopped him.


"Wait, wouldn't you like to have a relaxing soak after a hard days work, Baby?"


"Sure, Mom, I'll go get my trunks." he replied, hoping that the time in the house would help him get rid of his now painfully obvious hard-on.


"Come on you got to see me naked. Don't you think you think that I would like to see a handsome young man naked, even if he is my son?"


"Um...Mom, I hate to say this but seeing you naked got me all worked up." he waited for her to reply, figuring she would say something about him going inside… to forget that this happened, or worse he was sick for even the mention of it, but she didn't.


"First, it’s normal for a man to get an erection. Second, now that we are living together, it is important that we are not nervous around each other. So maybe, just maybe, if I get to see you naked like you saw me, things will feel a little more normal. Third, I have seen a few hardened cocks in my life, after all I'm not a virgin. You exist as proof to that. Finally, I know you enjoyed looking at me naked. So go ahead, strip and get in here with me."


Daniel stood in awe as his mom said all this, a little stunned at her attitude, but very happy.


"So….are you going to take your clothes off now, or am i simply going to have to undress you like I did when you were little?" His mom asked, as she stood once again - her body revealed in all her glorious, naked splendor.


She decided to take her son’s grin for an answer. Daniel silently watched as his mom climbed out of the tub. Her wet hands felt good on his hot skin, as she slid her hands under his shirt, removing it and then running her hands over his bare chest. Her nails teased his nipples, and she then knelt down and unbuckled his belt. Daniel held his breath as his mom unfastened his pants, pulling down his zipper and tugging down his pants. His hard cock popped out immediately, almost smacking his mom in the face.


"sorry, I should have warned you. I don't wear underwear anymore." Daniel said turning a little red.


"Mm...your cock is so much bigger than your father’s, his brother’s… and I believe even my own brother’s cock too. And he had a monster cock." Daniel’s mom answered as she held her son's cock for the first time.


"You…you …saw all their cocks, Mom?" He asked, as his mom slowly began to slide her hand up and down his cock.


"You know I saw your father's cock all the time, not that it was any pleasure. As far as his brother, your uncle, is concerned, that was after one drink too many one night. Might sound weird, but my brother's cock I saw all the time growing up. He used to have me watch him play with himself until he came. In fact, it was our little secret." His mom said, as she continued slowly jerking her son's big cock. She then released her son’s cock, stood, turned and walked back to the hot tub. Daniel stood there and watched in amazement as his mom climbed into the hot tub and faced him.


"So are you going to join me or not?" asked Maria.


"You watched your brother play with his cock?" Daniel repeated, a little stunned.


"There's nothing wrong with that," she cooed as he settled into hot tub, closing her eyes. "In fact it was kind of exciting. Anyway, i am telling you this simply so that you can be more comfortable around me and so that you know you aren’t the first blood relative to get hard around me."


For about ten minutes neither one of them said a word, then Daniel asked, "what would you say, if I said that I would like for you to watch me masturbate?"


His mom was silent for a second, then smiled and licked her lips, "Sure, Honey. Go ahead and stroke that big thick cock of yours. I'd love to watch you cum for momma."


Daniel wasted no time, instead he sat up on the edge of the hot tub and grabbed his throbbing cock and started to slide his hand up and down, his mom’s eyes following the movements of her son's hand as he slid it along the length of his big cock.


" I want to see your body." he said.


His mom slowly stood up in response to her son's wishes. Daniel watched and tried to memorize every detail of his his mom’s body as she stood: the look on her face, the slight blush to her skin, the way the droplets of water rolled down her breasts and off her nipples. Even the curves of her hips and the matted hair covering her pussy lips looked so incredibly sexy, it was incredible that he didnt cum right then and there. Slowly he jerked on his cock as it throbbed in his hand, all the while his mom’s naked body within arm’s reach.


" please, will you spread your legs so I can see your pussy better? He asked.


Again, she didn't say anything but instead responded to her son's request. Spreading her legs wide so her son could stare at the folds of her moist, gleaming pussy. She didn't have to be told what to do next as she reached down and spread her lips open for his eyes to feast on her pink wetness.


She watched in eager excitement as he pumped his cock faster, staring lustfully at her spread pussy. Of course, he didn't remember actually moving, but Daniel soon stood before his mom, his hard cock jutting out between them, nearly touching her wet body. He cupped his mom's heavy breasts, squeezing them and pinching her hardened nipples, twisting them slightly between his thumb and forefinger. His mom shuddered and shivered from her son's touch.


"you like this?"


He twisted his mom's nipples a little more and then pulled on them, causing her to tremble and then blow out a breath as her head tilted back, her eyes closed, her mouth going slack.


"Yes,… baby,… I do." She moaned., and Daniel had never wanted a woman so bad as he wanted his mom in that exact moment.


At this moment Daniel thought that if he wanted to, he could push his mom back on the deck and slam his cock into her wet pussy. In fact, that thought made his cock jump… hard. But… what if… what if she was simply just caught up in this game like he was and when he started fucking her, she freaked. With that thought in mind he quickly decided to wait until she asked for it. Then… and only then did he plan to fuck her like she had never been fucked before.


His mom allowed her hand to travel up her son's leg, and gently she cupped her son's balls. However, he must have had other ideas, because he took her hand off his balls and wrapped her fingers around his cock. Placing his hand over hers and guiding her in how he wanted her to please him.


She soon caught on to the rhythm and pressure that he liked, and he allowed her to continue her movements, as his hands returned to her breasts, caressing them and then pinching her nipples. Her body trembled as she stroked her son's hard cock. They both started to make little sounds of pleasure as they continued touching each other. Of course it didn't take long before Daniel once more began feeling that hot tingle in his groin, signaling an impending orgasm.


" Faster!" Daniel gasped, "I'm gonna cum!"


Her hand picked up speed., and her face was half hidden behind her hair as she focused on watching her hand as she stroked her son's cock. She lustfully licked her lips and grinned as her son's cock throbbed in her grip. He was trembling all over and his knees were shaking, while his mom tugged on his balls, her other hand continuing to pump up and down his shaft. Daniel knew he was going to cum any minute.


However, when he came, not only did he cum hard, but the first spurt of his  cum caught them both by surprise. A large glob of cum hit her squarely between the eyes, and as it began to drop down the front of her nose, Daniel continued to shoot his mom with cum… it wasn't long before she was taking a facial cum bath. In fact, it was much like something out of a porn film. Of course, she honestly didn't seem to mind because she didn't stop stroking or release her son’s cock… even as his cum poured out, flying in thick heavy spurts across her face. Some even went in her mouth and she licked her lips, as other loads splashed across her nose, cheeks, and even her hair. It just kept pouring out of him in thick waves like nothing he had ever experienced.


Some of his cum, as she tugged on his cock, splashed down across her neck and ran down across her breasts. When she had gotten everything out of him, his mom let go and slowly licked her lips, tasting her son's thick cream. Daniel leaned against the side of the hot tub, while his mom sat there like nothing had happened.


"Sorry Mom, I didn't mean for that to happen." Danny said, a little embarrassed.


"I'm not mad, baby." she smiled. She then scooped some of the cum from her breasts and sucked it off her fingers.


"you taste wonderful, Hon. Just next time... keep it on my tits and out of my face." she stood, turned and reached for the towel. In this position Daniel had a beautiful view of his mom's puffy pussy lips.


" your turn, Mom." Daniel said.


"what did you… oh… oh my godddddd." she nearly screamed as her son’s finger slid between her wet pussy lips, at the same time his thumb locating her engorged clit. She gasped in pleasure as her son gently worked over her pussy. His finger slid in and out of his mom's pussy.


"Stop, please … you shouldn't…” the words came out in short bursts, and Daniel removed his finger from his mom’s wet hole, causing a growl from his mom. "what …what are you doing?"


"You said stop, so.." Daniel smirked.


"forget what I said and get your finger back in me." his mom snapped, arching her mound against him, towards his hand.


This time he slammed two fingers deep in his moms pussy, causing her to moan and rock her hips. Her breasts began to swing as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of his mom. Daniel then rotated his finger inside her pussy, pausing briefly to take his thumb away from his mom’s clit, choosing to focus on her asshole with his wet thumb.


Only once before in her lifetime had someone played with her asshole. Of course, that encounter had ended with her being fucked in the ass as well, and she loved every minute of it. Daniel was honestly a little surprised how easy his thumb slid in his mom's ass but he loved it. She bucked back against his hand even harder.


"yesss, that feels so good! So good, don't stop, faster…faster..! Oh fuck!!!!!! I'm cumming!" She screamed, before going limp on the deck, as Daniel removed his wet fingers from her. He brought his fingers to his nose to inhale his mom's scent and then to his mouth to taste her.


Daniel then sat and waited for his mom to calm down, and when she did, she sank back down into the hot tub next to her son and rested her head on his shoulder.

Summer Fun

As the summer weeks passed, the inevitable separation weighed on both mother and son. She wanted to hold him longer, kiss him more.


Ten days before her son was supposed to leave, June approached him.


"We didn't do the mountain this year, how about today?"


Every year, at least once, they climbed to the top of what they jokingly called, “the mountain.” It was small, but the highest point in the area. It was about a 25 minute walk up to the view, and provided probably the only point of solitude in the town. When they got to the top they sat close to each other on the grass, and after a deep breath June looked at her son and said,


“I wish we could stay in this moment forever. It seems so peaceful.”


He caught her off-guard when he suddenly leaned over and kissed her, sending the butterflies once again to flutter places she had been trying not to think about. She knew she should stop him before trouble began, but she lost the will, instead allowing him to kiss her. In fact, she wanted it. Besides, he was only her stepson, her mind reasoned, so why not allow it? She let him touch her, and his hand brushed over her panties. He kissed the wet area, and pressed his lips to her cloth-covered pussy, kissing all over her pussy, causing her nerve endings to explode in a thousand little fires whenever he chanced upon her clit. He then firmly pulled her panties down, and since her skirt was already messed up, her pussy was clearly exposed.


Her mind went wild with thoughts like, “He's going to take me.” With her eyes closed, she couldn’t see anything, and she fully expected the feel of his cock on her opening, forcing himself in, for she was pretty tight, not having had sex in months. Instead, came the feathery feel of his lips on her folds, and then his tongue, exploring, teasing, and tasting.


Her surprise was compounded by fragments of old ideas telling her that men don't like to do that, and the fact that a tiny part of her brain was still screaming maybe she shouldn't let him... but that feeling, oh God that feeling when he sucked on her magic spot.


“What is it,” she thought, “that's going right through me and sending a tremble across my skin?”


He licked at her as she squirmed and moaned, and then he opened her legs. Again she thought he would take her, but instead he continued to tease the swollen clit that his tongue had exposed from its previously hooded home, until June began thinking that he should take her, because the ache to have his cock inside her was too much to bear. And just as she was about to beg him to enter her, she began cumming hard.


June's eyes opened in surprise as her back arched and she stifled most of the scream that the orgasm triggered. The majority of her cries were almost unintelligible because it came from so deep in her throat. It was with a whimpering cry until the spasms subsided and the trembling stopped. Not her infrequent amounts of masturbation, and certainly not her one incident of intercourse had ever produced anything even close to the stirring wave that now shuddered through her body. Her son kept his mouth on her until she finished, then lifted her skirt higher to kiss her belly.


"Oh God, felt so good...was it bad for you baby?"


He then looked at her, confused, "What do you mean mom?"


She said, "Well I thought that men don't like... that." She indicated down to her still-soaked pussy, and he laughed.


"Maybe foolish guys, but I loved doing that, and you taste great. Hell, I would love to do that to you every day..."


"Oh honey," she said, "I think we should go home before I say something that really gets me in trouble."


June usually slept late, so after dinner she asked him to wake her in the morning because they were going into the next town over to shop for his travel needs. In the morning they began discussing details of his going, when he saw her eyes filling.


She stopped and said, "I'm going to lose you aren't I?"


He said without conviction, "No mom."


She said, "Yes, you're going to go away, and be away, and find a new life, and love someone else. You're not going to love me anymore. Not in the way you used to."


He said, "Mom, what I wanted you to do for me back then, back when i was younger, is something I now know that we both need. I still want you mom, that's not going to change. But lately you've been telling me that you want me too. Am I imagining it all mom, or is it true?"


"Yes, I wanted to… i still want to. From the first time you kissed me, I knew I wanted you, but I was afraid we were doing something wrong - that it could only cause trouble, that I did something bad to you."


“Mom,” He asked, was it bad that you loved me, that I loved you, that we loved each other? When I made love to you yesterday, was that a bad thing? You did something that showed me how much you can give, and you were brave, you weren't afraid. You took me in your mouth because you love me. Was it so wrong for you to love me that way?"


"Yes darling, of course I was loving you. But it's different if you're inside me"


"Yes it's different mom, because it's as close as you can get to someone. It says, 'I am yours and you are mine.' It say's, 'I don't hold anything back from this person...' It says all those things even if it's a mother and her son. And I'll tell you what kind of mother you'd be. You'd be a mother who loves her son so much, she'll do things that that others might think is wrong, but she doesn't. And if you think it's wrong, then don't let me touch you like this."


He put his hand on her breast and fondled it as she closed her eyes. "And don't let me touch you like this," he said as he put his other hand between her legs. "And don't open your body and heart to me."


She said, "Oh honey..." and she gave him the kiss they had both been waiting for, the kiss of a mother who was about to love her son completely. He took off her clothes and she went to her bed anxiously waiting for him to disrobe. She reached her arms to him as she opened her legs, exposing the place in which she wanted him to be.


He came to her and brought his cock to his mother's opening. He hesitated for just an instant in awesome recognition that it was his mother's pussy that he was about to penetrate. The head pushed past the soft folds and split the almost virginal flower. He continued to push into the moist passage and fully inserted himself. He had always been more excited by the many incest stories he'd read than by the limited sexual experiences he'd had, but there was nothing to compare to actually feeling his manhood encircled by the walls of his mother's vagina while feeling the sensations of moving in her grasping passage.


June could feel as her son stretched and engorged the place that had been wanting his touch for so long. He pushed into her belly until he bottomed out, and as he gave his mother the full length of his cock in long even strokes, he still couldnt believe he was in her.


They moved as if they been lovers for years, fitted in their carnal embrace. He held her and kissed her and she moaned with the new sensations of being penetrated to the core. There was no letdown in having his mother, under him with her legs open, taking the full length of his cock inside her, touching him and telling him how good it all is. And as June took the deep penetrations of her son inside her, she knew that he was more than fucking her. The fire burned and flashed throughout their first sexual union and the mother felt herself approaching orgasm as the lengthy insertions of her son penetrated her pussy. They both raced to the edge and all that was left to know was which catalyst would throw them over.


Almost instantly he rocketed his first a cord of sperm into his mother's writhing pussy. Gratifying warmth washed over his mother as he came inside her, pouring his milky semen into her womb.


"Yes baby, yes," his mother's words smiled as she felt her son giving her the juices she had once tasted and now accepted into her body with love. As her thoughts swirled to the fantastical, she wanted him to never stop coming inside her. Pleasure covered her, knowing that her son wanted her, that he was hard for her, and inside her. They rested entwined, and after he caught his breath, he smiled, as he  placed his hand on his mother's belly and said, "Mom, maybe one day I'll be able to make you happy in another way.”


It wasn't long before he was once more inside June; mother and son, locked in the embrace that most would find incomprehensible.


Texte: James Thomas
Cover: Public Domain
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2016

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This book is dedicated to my friends and family who have helped me in making my dreams a reality.

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