

"Oh c'mmon, can you just even smile?"


"I'm not a fucking entertainer, Trench. Now move!"


Marj shove Trench away, pushing him not so hard in the chest. She walked past him, can still clearly heard his chuckle from behind. Damn him! Marj cursed inside as she fixed her black hoodie in its rightful place.


Bored. She immediately texted Trench to pick her up in front of the house. The life inside the Marzan's manor has been suffocating for her. She needs to breathe fresh air. Freedom is what her body and mind were seeking for.


He brought her to the nearest club. It started to get crowded. The asshole catches up to her pace, sneakily putting his arm around her shoulders. She brushed it off. As she entered, Marj let herself consumed by the crowd. She didn't even give a damn on where did Trench go. She remained to her goal, to finally get a chair and drink to her heart's content.


The club was on it's peak tonight. With women everywhere and a lot of liquor to drink, this was a haven for the locals of the San Lorenzo. Marj called the bartender and place her order, her fave as usual, and took a sit on one of the bar stools. Waiting for her drink to arrive, the loud music suddenly stop. People complain so was she. Just a little though. All the main lights turned off. There's a complete silence afterward.


Trench was still nowhere to be found as she searched the whole area. The bartender arrived then. She took the glass and sip on it. Where could that douchebag be? her mind wondering as her fingers lightly tap the surface of the table. Her attention was dragged off when the center stage lit up. She caught a man standing on it, holding a mic confidently like he was born for it. He looked stupid by the way wearing that stupid smile of his yet many girls get swoon. She groaned as she took another sip. What's wrong with the women population these days?


"Hey! I've been looking for you the whole time!" Trench shouted just above her ears. She nudges him in the stomach then held his face towards to where the stage is. The man started singing and the crowd gets wild again. Marj cocked a brow. He's actually a good singer.


"Who's that?" she asked Trench still staring at the man in the stage.


"What?!" he shouted back. She rolled her eyes.


"Who's that fucking bastard?!"


"Interested? c'mmon Marj. Are you falling for Aksel Lagdameo?" She pushed him hard this time then drink his liquor until the last drop. He laughed.


"Whatever Trench. Whatever"

Chapter 1



Sorry for all the wrong grammar, spelling and error you may encounter... peace






Marj sat on a wooden stool not too far from her bed where the drunken man had fallen asleep. She moved a little forward, felt again the pain on her knuckles she hasn’t felt for years. It’s still sore and it felt good. A hint of a smile curved on her lips as she gently massaged both hands.


Trench had been long gone to buy some food and medicine. The party was over for the two of them. It was cut short. The reason behind it was none other than the bass guitarist of KLVN. He moaned, slowly moved his body to the left side of the bed. Marj frowned. Yeah, sleep tight pretty boy…


The faint gleam of the table lamp cast shadows on the man’s face and highlighted his sharp cheekbones and strong jaws. He was indeed beautiful. No doubt about it.


She shrugged. “You’re one lucky asshole,” Marj emphasize every word as her right hand gently tapped her face with some early growth of stubbles in there.


They just only saved the bastard’s ass to some drunken patrons at the club. Apparently, the guy right here thinks he can do whatever he wants. Whenever. Wherever. Well, he just picked the wrong place and the wrong people to mess with. Marj took off her hood, her right face kept in the dark. Luckily, the man just got a few cuts and bruises. She tsked.


Said shakily, “I just save your shit. I can’t believe it.”


She overheard footsteps. Must be Trench. Stood to open the door, a hand suddenly grabbed her left wrist. Big and callused. She felt uncomfortable. The feeling is an intrusion to something she would never entertain. Marj hastily took her hand back, glared at the man who was now half-awake. Eyes half-hooded, she’s aware that he’s staring at her and Marj felt the urge to hide from him.


“Who are you?” in a rugged voice he managed to ask.


“Where am I?”




Aksel grabbed hold of an arm. His vision still blurred, he knows he’s not alone. Her presence was uncannily familiar but who is he kidding. She must sense him as a threat, took back her arm and glared at him. His brain couldn’t comprehend anything. Not even a single thing other than the woman in front with a silky auburn hair and a pair of deep green eyes.


Hesitated at first, Aksel watched her took a seat. Again. She’s not looking in his way and sense the aloofness she had. With the help of the table lamp, he managed to see the companion clearly. Mysterious. Her eyes never given a hint of emotion since then except for the glaring she throws awhile ago. Nevertheless, a man could drown in those deep, green pools. Aksel thought.


She brushed her hair. Aksel caught a glimpse of her swollen knuckles. His jaw hardens, clenched both fists. He cursed inside, felt bad for what had happened to her.


“Marj and this is my unit,” she supplied.


His stared at Marj and damned himself for wanting to kiss her fully on the mouth. Aksel swears beneath his breath something hot started to build inside him. Shamed seared him for he knew her only for a couple of seconds. Damn that rascal that punched him on the face! He could’ve enjoyed a good fuck tonight.


Damn it!


Aware that this is not his pad, he slowly sat on the bed. With protruding headache caused by overdrinking, Aksel heaved a deep sigh. Tunneled his hand through his hair he surveyed the whole area. Almost pitch black. Felt cold and black not seeing bright colors around which women are crazy about. No sign of comfy, Aksel turned to his host. Marj cocked a brow, obviously knows what he did seconds ago.


“Spill it,” she encouraged. “I won’t mind. After all, you’ve to be gone by tomorrow.”


Yeah, sure he is. That’s an assurance. He had to meet the others at the studio. The much-awaited tour was fast approaching. They need to practice a lot.


A man suddenly barged inside, turning on the light that instantly blinded him for seconds. He moved, turned his head towards Marj who pulled her hoodie above her head covering almost half of her face. Curiosity struck him. Why on earth would she cover herself?


“You know I could kill you now, Trench,” she was hissing. The man just shrugged his shoulders, put the supplies he was holding on the nearby table.


“I’m scared,” not so convincing Trench muttered.


“You should be,” she spat.


Chapter 2


Leaving Trench to tend Aksel, Marj led herself to the open porch. She lit a cig which she snatched secretly at Trench’s compartment and puffed like she never did before. She long discontinued smoking but felt she needed one right now.


Put a hand inside the pocket, Marj bored her eyes on the city lights below. Glowing, making the metro looked wonderful from above, it never interest her. She was never fond of twinkling lights that will be gone in a few hours. It’s just a part of the everyday living process. Reality would surface again tomorrow and those lights will never be part of it.


But it’s not the reason why she is outside.


This is just like the other nights which she find herself hard to fall asleep. Images of her past started to haunt her again, felt like it just happened yesterday not years ago. She puffed harder this time, not aware of a man’s presence approaching.


Her phone beep. Marj took her mobile out of her jean’s pocket and enter the code. She got a message from Trench.


He’s right behind you. FYI


She straightened her back, hand never leave the railing for support. Put the cig down in the nearby ashtray, Marj prepared herself. Now she’s aware of his presence, silently cursed on how she let her guard down and never realized she’s not alone anymore. Thought of being vulnerable to the stranger she put the façade mastered for years. Then he approached, slowly, until he’s at her side watching the city lights from above.


“I believe were not properly introduced. I’m Aksel—“


“You don’t have to,” she cut him off. Not showing any sign of interest. “The mere incident just brought us together. After this, we’re through.”


He sighed. The chilly wind of October nights draws in much to her surprised she wasn’t affected by it. Of course, she remembered. She had her ever reliable hoodie.


Silence enveloped the two of them. It’s better that way. Marj didn’t expect the man to say anything or open up to her. She wanted to be alone, feel the nothingness of the surroundings. He leaned forward, arms resting on the railings. Looked almost sober, his hair was gently swayed by the cool breeze. Marj never understands why women fell for the guys like him. As she looked at him there is nothing she could see that caught her interest. He’s just like the others.


Aksel turned to her direction. Their eyes met. Honestly, Marj doesn’t know him in the first place. She didn’t give a damn about anything or anyone for that matter. It’s that fucking incident that led her to this jack ass in front. She should just let the bearded guy bitten the shit out of him. It’s his trouble after all.


Then a sensual smile curved to his lips evoked an unfamiliar sensation in the pit of her stomach. She looked away. It never felt right. She must not fancy him. He’s a still a stranger for heaven’s sake.


Fancy? Oh my God! Where did that thought came from?


Obviously, she didn’t fancy him. Just a mere curiosity. That’s all.


"Marjorie Duran, right?" with wide eyes, she looked at him. That smile from before never leave his lips. It just grew even wider. "I knew it! Fuck! I can't believe it!"


"What?!" horrified, she took a step back. How did she get her name? She never knew this guy. How come?


"I knew it." she was distracted at the moment that he had easily pulled her closer, embrace her like they had long to see each other. Marj couldn't react. It was too fast.


For a moment they were strangers but now. He's telling something her mind couldn't comprehend. All because of the overwhelming feeling of her body being held captive in his big arms. She could feel the heat that emanates from it. It never felt right. It just never felt right.


"Marj, hey" he broke the embrace, lowered his head so they can be of the same level. She blinked several times but it remained the same. Aksel was smiling in front of her, eyes were sparkling with joy.


"Who the fuck are you?" she muttered. His brow furrowed.


"Marj, it's me Aksel Lagdameo." she just stared at him.


"I don't know you except for the name. That's all" It's the truth. She doesn't know him.


"But..." he pushed him hard on the chest. He looked surprised so was she but she maintains her composure.


"You'd better be out by 5 AM. You got it" she walked inside. Trench was on his way to the porch when they met. He had this worried look on his face that she didn't bother to look at. She walks until she reached the door, opened it and head out of the building.





"What did you do to her?!"


Never thought that coming, a strong jab hit him hard in the face, the impact was too strong he had to moved a few steps backward. Trench form was ready to kill. Aksel could see that clearly. He wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth as he regained his composure. There is no way the bastard would get away with this. He was not born to be somebody's punching bag.


"What did you tell her?" he cocked a brow. What the?


Before anything else, Aksel returns the favor—hitting Trench from the jaw then to his stomach. A few exchange of punches and the two of them were both lying on the floor, catching their breath. His chest rising and falling, Aksel stared at the sky. Stars were not visible that night.


From his right peripheral vision, he sees Trench sat up. Aksel remained still, not looking at him. There was a complete silence until his man broke it.


"I'll fucking kill you if you ever lay a hand to Marj."


"Dude, what's wrong with you?" irritation slowly rising, he then turn to Trench. "Are you--"


"You don't know anything." Aksel rolled his eyes.


"Oh, and you do?" with a serious face, Trench turned his head to him.



























"She have amnesia. Dissociative Amnesia."




Chapter 3

 Aksel kept playing with the pen not knowing his three mates were staring at him. Curiosity was in their eyes. Rain waved his hand in front of his face but he didn't move a bit. His mind was on the scenario of last night's revelation.


"Oh boy, this is serious." Rain sat on the single settee after several attempts of getting his attention.


"Sure it is" Reed snapped his fingers so close in his eyes that he needed to budge it away.


He moved out of her pad right away. There's a sudden feeling of guilt rushed in him that staying longer to her place was no longer appealing. Trench didn't utter a word as he left. Maybe he was glad he did that. After all, Aksel knows that man had this strong will to beat him up since Marj left her place. Good thing he has some money in his pocket that he was able to hail a cab and go to the studio.


Slacking off after an hour of practice, they took a break. Honestly speaking, his mind was unfocused. Confused rather. He glanced at the window pane when all of a sudden the weather change. Seems like it will rain any minute from now.


"Let's grab some coffee, guys" Kervin stood up, stretching his arms in the air. "Your treat" grinning towards him.


"LOL!" all four of them went out of the studio.





 Marj watched every drop of rain falls on earth. She was sitting on her favorite couch that afternoon on the nearby cafe when the rain starts to pour. People outside began to run, rushing to every establishment with the extended roof for shelter. Others took off their umbrellas. Traffic emerged from either side of the road. Nothing extra ordinary. She held her cup of brewed coffee and took a sip. While looking outside, a question popped on her head? Are they not bored in their lives?


"Guess what?" Trench sat down on the couch in front of her. He's holding a frappe on one hand as he looked outside. "Tita Marissa was looking for you."


Ah, yes. Her stepmom. Earlier today she was at the mansion. Marj was never aware of that till she stopped at the familiar tree near the house. The old Acacia tree. She kept driving with no particular destination in the mind. Mind still pre-occupied, she jumps off the car and decided to go in.


A worried face of her step mom greeted her as she stepped inside the house. Marissa hugged her tightly like she always did whenever Marj will be out of the house for days or come to the house late at night. Marj just stood still, don't know what was supposed to do in that kind of situation every time. The feeling was still alien to her. Thought her kindness was just a front like the others. To show pity. To show sympathy. She doesn't need it.


Years have passed yet her step mom remained still, showing that attention and concern nobody had given her. Genuine and pure. Something tugged her heart every time she felt her hug or the tears that touch her skin as it rolled down her face. God knows just how many times Marj tried to give back, to hugged her and caressed her back to stop her from crying but every time she does that Lovie enters. And all the feelings her step mom brought to her will vanish, she then pushed her away gently and walked towards the room. Void of any emotions as she walked passed to her.


She never intended to stay longer. Soon as she gets a couple of bucks and a few sets of clothes on her duffel bag, Marj once again leaves the house. Her parents tried to stop, her mom holding her hand while his dad at her back, but she just made up her mind.


She took a sip once more. They remained silent for a moment. The rain also subsided. From her left peripheral vision, she could see Trench doing the same thing. Funny how he managed to find her. Maybe the instinct, she guessed. They usually hung up in this cafe whenever they feel. Just winding. Relaxing.


He's always her constant companion. He didn't question any of her decision or choices in life. Trench never made her feel alone, he assured her of that. She, on the other hand, wasn't sure of what to react. On the process, she just let him do what he wanted until she gets used to it.


For no reason Marj's eyes look at the entrance, ignoring Trench knotted forehead. The glass door open and three unfamiliar guy enters. The crowd started to buzz like a total bee like the three were a showbiz personality. About to look away when suddenly she caught that familiar face she tried to erase in her mind. Paralyze for a moment, Marj couldn't take her eyes off of him. He seemed disturbed until he looked to her direction. 


Their eyes met. Saw that recognition in his eyes as it brightens, Marj swear her heart skip a beat as a smile slowly curved on his lips. A genuine one. Can't help but placed a hand on her chest, feeling that fast beating of her heart.


"Marj!" Trench unsmiling face welcome her as she looked to him. 





















"Stay focus. Remember the plan"













Chapter 4.1

(under revision) 

will post an update soon...


What am I thinking?


"This wasn't happening," Marj tried to think every reason to validate the feelings that were slowly eating her but she found none. She massaged her nape as she looked up at the clear, blue sky that morning. Marj was all alone spending her wee time beside her pick-up truck at her favorite spot, the shade under the old mahogany tree near the cliff.


 Her phone beep. Must be another message from Trench. Marj took a deep breath. She's been avoiding him for days. It doesn't feel right to communicate with him at the moment now that he'd messed up her mind with that fucking reality. Ah! I'm fucked up...



 Of course, she remembered the plan. It wasn't that easy to forget when all you wanted was to seek justice and revenge. Justice for losing the loved ones she never recall and the memories that will unfold her true identity. Revenge for that person who's the reason behind the scar on her right face.



She touched her right face, a portion that was left uncovered. The proof was still evident like it happened yesterday. Gone was the soft, smooth skin she knows she had like all the woman in this world. It was replaced by an ugly scar that almost cover half of her face. Till she recovered from the accident and lost her memory she avoided making contact to anyone. That accident was happened 15 years ago and was indeed tragic because aside of losing her memories and the burn she had acquired, she’s the only one survivor on that crash. Experts says it was miracle that she lived. According to them she was found unconscious on the site and had a lot of broken limbs and scratches. If she wasn’t rescued maybe she was totally burned alive. After the recovery period she was turned over to the orphanage. For almost 3 years, the Hospicio de San Lazaro.


She was bullied around that resulted to put up an invisible barrier around herself. She remained silent and was always at the corner of the orphanage when the Marzan decided to keep her.


And the rest is history.


"You must have implanted some tracking device somewhere on my auto, am I right?"


"Don't need to use that. I always knew where to find you. I always do." Trench sat at the back of her pick-up. His Land Cruiser was parked at the back of her car. "Remember how I always track you whenever we play hide and seek way back 90's I guessed?" She arched her brow.


"If I know you just track my footsteps, you stalker!" He shook his head in disbelief.


"It's way more than that..." he said that put a smile on her lips. Trench always had his way on words. He could easily spill it out what's on his mind yet he just let her figure out what's everything he has to say. He's always like that. "Where's the fun if I just track your steps and besides your not hard to find. You just suck at that game. 


"I don't know what to think about you, Trench..." she said, staring at him directly. "You just keep my mind confused. You always dropped clues that I can't understand. Always. What were you thinking?"


He took a deep breath before jumping off the car. Trench walked slowly towards her. He's in his usual black ensemble. His eyes were focused on her. She just keep staring at the guy.


When he was a few inches away, Trench looked down to her. With her height that didn't reach 5'4, marj needed to lift her head so she can see him clearly. More or less, the guy was 6 ft in height. Such a pain in the neck.


"Now what?" Her eyes grew wide when Trench held her face. She felt the urge to slap him hard but she was captive by his gaze. The expression in there was too deep that she couldn't identify the feelings behind it. "Trench..." she softly spoke.


"Look at my eyes, Marjorie Duran and tell me..." he said. 


"What am I thinking?"










Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.10.2016

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First ever book :) Sorry for the wrong spellings, grammars and anything wrong it may occur in the future. Need an editor that will be willing to fixed it for free :) Hope you like it :) Gracias!

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