
The day I learn how to write a poem

The day I learn how to write a poem

I will go stand on the rooftop

and shout your secrets to the universe

hoping to get back some of mine.


The day I learn how to tell a Manet from a Monet

I will dance around in my room

to the tunes of Chopin and Bach.

I will dance to whatever rhythm I like.


The day my lines turn out to be artistic

I will call upon Pollock's spirit and

learn how to throw paint around,

I wish to draw you on the sky.


The day I learn the art of forgetting

I will remember you for the last time,

feeling your presence in whiffs of a perfume

and (the) weight of your lips on mine.


The day I learn to sing

I will regret all the times

you had to listen to my off-beat tunes

and remember the way you smiled.


The day I learn to master the art of dying

I will stop myself from remembering you,

jump off the ninth cloud

and reach the Earth flying.


I wake up

I wake up

to find a face staring at me

in the mirror.


I don't recognise him and we make love

till breath lasts and my body,

restless, comes to a halt.


My heart races to find him again.


Hands on my face, looking for something

like a thirsty man in a desert lingers on his stomach looking for water.


My love, I know you are waiting at the other side

but I am unable to reach

my legs twined in thorny bushes,

my eyes stuck on the fingernail of his thumb,

the slant of his chest heaving with desire.


My heart, beat slow, don't let this pass.


Longing stays, I lose the boy in the mirror

water clears my vision

I find my eyes staring into themselves

looking hard in the brown hollows,

beauty disperses as I see

hatred floating at the corners.


Oh heart, run fast and stop soon

let this go away,

existence is pain, so set me free.


A poet accuses sorrow of being slow

A poet accuses sorrow of being slow

slow but radioactive, always decaying yet staying

I accuse you of leaving, while I walk backwards

tomorrow will be same as yesterday, today is a new day

today I remember you with all the flaws

today is the day we will meet again, part again

love again, say it all again

you want to do it all again?

no, leave again, go, run again

my hands are branches cut off trees

with dried leaves still intact

rose bushes come with thorns

no beauty is without it's hazards

there hangs a sign on your collarbone, Highly Perishable

I am an installation in a corner of an art gallery

nobody stops to look at me

there a scratch on me, chipped off while being shipped from Paris

a handling defect

I am not the valuable kind

some other artwork is the centrepiece

I am the dust gatherer, one that completes the count

nobody stops to caress me

I am not a Rothko, I am not a masterpiece by Michelangelo

I am me, a superficial speck of dust on your reading glasses,

the bookmark in your unfinished novel

I am that handkerchief you forgot in a metro coach somewhere

today was the day, now tomorrow will be today in a few hours

and we are/will be strangers again, almost (at least). 


stories in my head

I don't want to speak of the stories in my head,

so I will tell you other things.


A boy goes to the museum and weeps, 

standing in front of the Nighthawks.


A girl cuts her long hair and 

afloats them in the river.


A mother prays for somebody's father.


//Silence prevails after I have screamed,

it's still an open cage with stainless steel bars.//


(Again and again i fly back to square one,

and once again i regret my decision)


To grieve is to waste salt,

and i live on ration with an almost empty jar.


(My lungs oppose to breathe the shards of pain in)


Grief changes colours in my sleep,

and it's sunlight yellow when i wake up.


(Sun enters my house once it starts setting)


On nights sleepless i spin sheets of silk,

in the mornings I dig graves to bury dreams with the silk shroud.


(metaphors are lost on this situation,

my home is a home,

can't call it a battlefield,

nor it is the war sung of by bards)


My love is a foriegn invader

and you are a soldier in the defending army.


(My truth is the greatest threat to this sand castle,

and i am still in love with the illusion of happiness).


a dark one

Today it's a dark one, moon has eloped with half the stars


somewhere a bird calls in the middle of the night


moths and lizards sing melodies to keep the world awake


in the day when it is silent the forests fall asleep


a fire burns inside a bird and it bursts to ruin the woods


roaming around i find pieces of glass faces i used to put on

i sigh and nobody replies

the birds keep chirping


to see this world i need colour-blind eyes


this poem is slowly growing and trying to accept itself


to my brain all languages sound same, gibberish beautifully said


only that makes sense for us, which we are familiar with.


two tulips can't kiss because bees don't like it


i can be wrong but to prove it you have to understand me


it's hard though but try it you must


sometimes i am not Interesting enough


and my friend cried again because i need you to survive


to her seeking help is a sign of wrong life


i see you have the courage to counter me, but you won't come out


my depression is like the unwanted weeds in your garden of roses


pluck it out, chuck me off, it's not hard to lose me


i am the change you got after this transaction


you can easily throw me down the alley


there are many in need and I still am useful, practically.


i don't know what i am trying to say, but i am sure there was a message i wanted to convey


i lost it while digging in for the words, i shouldn't bury secrets so deep


the remaining stars play hide and seek with white clouds. 



leaving the city

You can always leave the city


pack only those memories which make you smile


don't carry the cracked tumblers with you


old newspapers are only to be left behind


next year you would have new places


new faces, new hands and new laughter too


new grudges, new memories and new gifts


but the nightmares will be the same, rotten and old


you can always leave the spots behind


avoid passing by the places you loved with a zeal so wild


and again move on to new haunts to hang out at


but the air is the same, you breathe it in and out


the perfume, wherever you smell it, will bring back a touch like a sliver


it will pierce so sharply, you will end up hurting your insides


you can always do away with the remnants of past


all letters can be burnt, get rid of the names too


soon you will have voids big enough, to hide yourself into


soon you will have the new places to avoid


hurt isn't something you leave behind


hurt is something you carry with you


pain is preserved like grandmother's pickles


and it never rots, because of all the salt it gets from your eyes


too many jars of grief I seal


never am I short of it, no matter what I leave behind


you can always leave the city, but you can never run away from your mind.



Distance grows

like weeds in pots without plants

manifests the spaces we create between us

spaces where stars don't turn into constellations

but plutos are discarded now and then as per need


Loneliness creeps on you

from toe to head

like vines on trees rotting from inside

leafy stalks eating everything in their wake

loneliness eats upon you


I stretch a shaking hand to reach out to you

but between us are 20,000 universes of silences

Silences we gave each other, because you don't like books

and I don't know how to buy something more long lasting than silences


Distance is a star dying

white and bright,

beautiful death

Distance is the beautiful suicide

of which Ms. Evelyn died


Hundreds of sighs I sent your way

no post offices carry sighs

so I sent them via the distance


here I sigh,

your heart beats in coordination

with sighs escaping my mouth

one by one


leaving me behind

extinguishing like matchsticks

into the distance

while nothing reaches you

but cold air


Distances are mean

they pull stars apart

but then

distances are the only reason

how so many galaxies

stay in harmony together


/a poem about loneliness turns to a poem about science, if given enough space/


O' God, Lord of Mercy

From streets narrow run streaks of water

to emerge holy on the banks of the revered


heart loosens to see children on streets

forsaken by the saviour of all


your body is given by the almighty

but not your neighbour's


hundreds of lamps alighted in nights

moths die of your burning religion


smoke reaches up till heaven or not?

I know not

but coins don't materialise at God's feet,

I can tell.


faces shriveled like raisins

are raised outside your abode


you who sit revered by humans of privilege


my lord, alight this world

if you can't take care of this all


beauty threatened by fragile ugly counterparts


and tongues held to turn truths to lies


bounties offered to make you look the best


while milk is wrenched off from toothless mouths


frail examples are never taken in account

while talking about those who are loyal to you


while those born in homes, get blessings in yours

hundreds of street bound, settle outside for a coin or two.



The day I started to call the cage a house


my wings withered and fell off me


I flapped my arms against the bars


and broke my wrists in futile attempts of leaving


your being becomes a prison


you can never get out of the box


the cassette never stops playing


my memories are stored in a vinyl record


I play it everyday, like a ritual


there's bloodshed in my thoughts


my war is longer than the one in Troy


a blind man sings of colours of the world


two young boys hold hands and smile


thrice I fell while I was walking to you


you looked up from the ground twice


I know you too well


I can hear screams in your silence


cut me off, throw me away


I am too friendly for your solitary life


there's this musical note stuck on my palm


the same place you pressed your finger at


boundless seas float into my boat


and in dark whirlpools I drown


this lark laments lyrics from an old song


and melodies of my head never make it to the outside


reading out poems I look at you


you make faces and sigh


but then you sit silent for minutes too long


and every night a musician dies


unheard symphonies are the most melodious


what you get to know becomes ugly after a time


grief sits by my side and strokes my cheek


while my mother thinks that I don't like to smile


people wish me happiness in hollow words


and empty envelopes come my way


words have long left my tongue


my mouth only makes indecipherable sounds.


Staying as long as we can.

 i) I sit by his side for hours, saying nothing

just being in the presence of each other.

Staying as long as we can.


ii) Sometimes I feel a little betrayed by words,

words of my own making

and words of others

they fail to tell what I want to say.


iii) It's hard to sit on the rooftops

and not talk of galaxies

while staring at the evening moon,

we still try to be silent as long as possible

existing in harmony with the universe as long as we can.


iv) long trails of salt, leave my eyes

and culminate their journey in my mouth

they taste like sunlight,

they taste like air,

they taste like you,

they taste like nothing.

(of the five above, I know none of the flavours)


v) When winds carry fallen leaves

and bring forest fires to burn the town,

I hide in you, in your memories,

in the silences.

(the silences can't be burned down)


vi) I will leave soon,

you will stay,

I will stop soon

and you will keep moving,

moving on and on and on.


(I will remember, always, the smell of burning leaves underneath which I had put my letters.)


vii) Instead of staying put,

we like to move,

like seeds of dandelions

adrift with the air

to new places and to new people,

to become their way of fulfilling a wish.


(when you can't be your own deity,

be somebody else's,

when you have let your own desires down,

borrow somebody else's)


//many of us live this way,

just existing in the void

as long as we can.//



 Walls are falling everywhere


The lands once divided are merging together


This is the evening of losses


My feet hurry to meet those who are running


The concept of time is a vague one


Notions of love are so unfamiliar


I crave for the warmth of small baby hands, tiny fingers curling around mine.


Beautiful faces melt away


My conscience loses interest in your talks, I run away


The magic of sound loses its charm


For twenty days I wept


A harp ruins the silence, only music saves the day.


I throw letters in the open fire

paper pieces fly away, poetry on wind.


Running behind me are dreams that we saw, now the carcasses reek of grief.


Body positivity is a figurative device


I might as well be a terror to world peace


Three petals remain when I realise,

she loves me not.


There are no speed breakers,

when you start to drive on the road to depression.


My pain is a magician hiding objects in his sleeve.


You clap at the magic tricks,

my arms hurt

the hidden stuff is heavy.


Yesterday I broke a finger

while pointing in the direction of my sorrow's origin.


There aren't enough words to describe this

and I have run out of metaphors. 


Stay for the music

On days when beautiful murals speak up

and air is full of silences between us

I want to hold your hand which occasionally trembles

and tell you that , 'Stay, it's safe here.'


To you I have been sending songs

which he once sent me as a long playlist

titled 'Of disorders and nights',

and your taste in music so characteristically matches hers

that I can't help but worry

that we will end up the way we did in the past.


(you are, were and will be my love,

whether in this body or another)


Am I wrong when I say,

I fall for the same person

again and again?

the only difference is the body,

the eyes and the name.


I know people from their arms,

the pressure which they exert on my body.


(the love they posses is proportional

to the warmth they have for me.)


Being so close

yet so far

I learnt how

stars live together

never meeting

still in love

glowing and sending

love signals.


Where I built my world/

it was your territory

and you let me in there/

as long as I leave you free/in your

circle of

solitude/ you never once came close

enough/ for me to touch those feelings,

feelings you wear on your forearm

as the wraps of the strings she gave you once...


(I know people by their forearms,

and by their gate....

once they change the latter, the former loses significance for me)


/Once you sent me a song different from hers, and I knew I love you

when I devoured whole of the suggested playlist/



An aftertaste of candy in my mouth,

lost to you, my fingernails, my hair, my feet 

tangled in yours, hands holding, a mess

awkwardly askew. Two naked bodies pressed against each other,


looking for what? knows not the other.

While mine can be a search for adherence,

yours can as well be just a need;

a simple human need of having someone to touch.


Call You Mine, I must on some days

but not always. ' We should not meet,' you say

'Oranges on weighing scale, bound to roll off.'

I smile. ' Stupid ' I whisper, a peck here and there.


I hate your stupid analogies

but I love you

and I don't know many languages

but only a half and two.


so in my broken bangla I say,

'Ami tomake bhalo bashi.'

While you slowly skid away, socks on feet

sliding away from me.


Looking for your shoes, a human need. 


Between us

There's a table between us

I look at your face, so ordinary

but I keep looking

I wish to find the grief your words pour in my ears every night


yesterday we both cried inside

after the phone call twenty waves deposited hundred grains of sand on the beach

how do I know this?

the same way my mother knows your name


My mother is always cautious of my friends

acquaintances I make everyday

are her nightmares as she has seen me crying over broken bonds

she is curious to know how far have we gone



all this past has made me heavy

like rivers at the end of their journey

I am filled with old metaphors

till the brim of my throat

and words leak out of my eyes now and then


but in no words I can assure her

that thorns how so ever beautifully put

are discarded once they prick the keeper's fingers

that tongues are lethal objects outside kissing

that every nail on the fingers of your hand is an artefact

that my feet are full of nerves knotted from walking behind you

that you walk too fast for me to follow


red in my hand, is a danger symbol

I am sitting on my bed, and pray it to pull me in

I wish to dissolve in thin air

or to be sublimated like dry ice


my god has slept long ago

and my prayers aren't reaching him

his cell phone is off

and he is out of coverage area

today I wept while looking at a pile of candies


somebody saw their lover die in their arms

and ate grief with a metaphor of two synchronised clocks


your scent still lingers at the back of my mind

and I still remember all the colours you draped yourself in

I can't grieve, because they shouldn't know you ever

every sigh is a train to the unreachable station


/I still try to taste you in the back of my throat, but there are old pages stuffed there, with ink scattered around/ 



Inside a photograph I go


to travel to lands faraway


to find frozen memories


and smiles hard


harder than I thought them to be


breaking like mud cakes


with cracks due to heat of the sun


time ruining polaroids


for one is the curse to another


my vision unclear


fog and smoke gathers on my glasses


I struggle to see


cold and harsh words float


in my dreams


I see you




with that voice of chasms


water running in a creek


smashing against rocks


moving pebbles on the shallow bed


my feet dipped in


cold water washes up to my ankles


where mother tied black threads


to save me from you


the love she sees as a problem


and warns me against you


one after another thoughts


come running, shrieking


like the old coal engine


which pulled the trains


when railroads pulled us apart


and we found warmth in beds with another


and in searching for your face


I touched the other faces with love


and time passed ruining polaroids


fading away the lines of your face


and I drown deep down in dreams


you come back to me


but now only as a shadow


and the love we had is now old


and I am lost in the woods


looking for the grave


I put our memories in


but didn't put up a headstone


lest somebody finds our treasure.


My own God

Our gods are broken in feet


they are standing on pedestals made of dead men


those who you worship are hollow inside


they will break apart as soon as the world catches fire


these dreams you see of saviours


the one who is chosen, who is great


all these dreams will turn to nightmares


and your knees will shiver and break


the very foundation shatters


and glass panes are broken with stones of truth


old might be my lamentation


but this world is unfair and unkind


I don't believe in Gods, not that I am an atheist


I had a god of mine too, but then his temple fell apart


I am losing him every day, every minute


he never knew I call him mine


he will never know


my earth trembles


this ground is sand


and my gods have renounced religion


my faith loses and love wins wars in dreams


long nights pass through me


leaving darkness behind which I then soak in. 



I think.


I think and a poem begins and ends right there,


but I would like to say a few more things.


Arranging letters to form words and words to form lines is a good way to escape.


Twenty six alphabets make up for the void in my head, they help me spell it properly.


Nobody remembers my hands while they touch me,


nobody remembers me after they touch my head.


Away to the fields I go, far away.


Ginger juice and salt is what my mother fed me on the nights I coughed.


(leave me oh thoughts so that people stay)


I cough hard and miss salt and ginger


In front of me is a book of poems,


I hate to see my soul etched in words.


I see my body as a poem hated by readers.


A poem starts and ends as I think.


Two hundred days of hunger, my mind goes to places unknown.


Twenty six alphabets fail to speak a language in which I can write,


a language which can truly tell my story.


Words which can show tricks and entertain people are useless.


My mind whirls, I go to fields far away.


Kaveh invokes Keats, and he answers back,


it's all in my head, to think too much is a problem I've created for myself


Somebody said this to me in twenty-six alphabets.


Next year I'll turn twenty two,


one more to go and then one more and then one more and so on...


I count my life in years one by one.


My favourite poet hates blades, she etched poetry on her wrists when she was ten.


Somebody said today they helped me on a day.


I didn't recognise his face.


His face was concrete, hard to read.


It didn't have any of the usual alphabets.


He was lying, I helped myself on that day.


My face smiles and I forget to laugh on her jokes.


My head whirls, I hate poetry which I can't read because letters float.


Twenty-six alphabets away lives my freedom,


and I'm stuck on the twenty-second.



The End.


Texte: Vaibhav Sharma
Bildmaterialien: Vaibhav Sharma
Cover: Vaibhav Sharma
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.02.2021

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To all the desolate souls

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