
Ten things i live for...


 Scars on a paper, stars in the sky
Two things that make me cry
Crying is the most relishful feeling
These are the two things which bring tears of joy.


Drops of rain and Dew on grass
Two things which sooth me as I pass
They sooth my soul and rejoice my heart
These are the true colours on my life’s canvas.


Lines from a verse, Quotes from a book
Two things which I never overlook
They are my breaths going in and out
And I flow with them like a twig in a brook.


Strange places, Dark and narrow alleys
I prefer them over a beautiful valley
I don’t need people, rather I would escape
These two things feel like life, really!!


A good cup of coffee, a book to read
These two things bring all happiness I need
Two thing which i love more than me
If I am a stoner than its my weed.


My life gets summed up in these 10 things
Get me all these and see the joy they bring
I know I’m strange but its who I’m
I’m a small bird with a song to sing.


I am not any other girl
You can’t win me with a pearl
If you really want me to be yours
Bring me all these, I’ll be your caged merle.


If you are one, who love the things above
Then we're bonded for life, by those above
I’ll be yours and you’ll be mine
Nothing will come between us except love.


But.. I know there's no one made for me
Its only about me, there's no us or we
No no reader, its not your fault
Neither you’re forced to love me.


Life is like those scars on a palm
The crisscross pattern that causes all harm
I’m alone but I am still happy
I have these 10 things which keep me warm.
                                                              - Sudhansh Sharma

Dear Mom


A letter to mom (fictional poem)


Dear mom,
I know you are sad,
Probably wondering why I did that.
I know it feels bad,
To see your daughter lying like that.


But trust me mom,
I was completely broken.
There was no one to speak to
My world was shaken.


No no mom its actually not your fault,
It all just happened by default.
I know its hard time for you
But I want to tell you, i loved you.


I know I am no more
And I know I don't exist
But I am always your daughter
You will always be my mom.


The problem was with our relationship,
It was hopeless and not so strong
You never told me
That you were along.


This mother's day, I want to appeal
To all the mothers out there, please
 try to know how your children feel
Let there secrets no more be in a veil.
                            love you
                                your daughter......



                                                      - Sudhansh Sharma


Random verses

Whenever I die, Just let me cry

But when we die, tears go dry

You can't live forever, how hard you try

You can't die, 'cause life is going by

What to do then, when there's pain

You want to go cold,but blood is hot in veins

You want to get wet, but there are no rains

when you are happy, but worries do come

When you are driving up, but the lane is going down

Be calm and courageous in such times

Try to fight off the bad things but don't frown

You are the king of your world, though there's no crown

Remember there are people, who love you the most

Remember there are people, who need you the most

Remember you are not worthless,

you have a dream to fulfill

Don't let your masts waver,

unless you achieve that thing

Always remember that life is beautiful,

there's always a new day

Death is not an option,

suicide should not be thought of

even for a single day......

                                                         - Sudhansh Sharma


I was sixteen, when it came to me
I never tried to, but now I loved to be
It was a feeling, I wanted to devour
It was a proof of our love hour.


I was still sixteen, when I loved him last
I was not prepared, but I was happy at last
My body felt ached, but my soul relieved
Those moments of love, were the best I’ve lived.


Slowly and gradually, it started to grow
I knew it’s there, moving as she grew
Then came that time, I waited for
It was going to happen, what I waited for.


It took an hour, and all was over
I was waiting for a cry, as she came over
But everyone went silent, or I went deaf
But instead of it, she was born dead.


I was only sixteen, when it came to me
I was a mother but can’t claim to be
His father (my love), sadly looked at me
His look was soothing, though it hurt me.


I am twenty one, a grown up now
We are married for 2 years, he kept his vow
Slowly and gradually, it is again growing
I can feel it inside me, kicking and moving.


I will for sure, regain my motherhood
I will for sure, regain all that’s good
But what I lost then, was not only my first child
I also lost then, love for the father of this child.

                                           - Sudhansh Sharma

The last Thoughts

See it’s oozing out, it is sweet--this pain
Ah! It hurts, says my brain
But my heart, it is running fast
At a pace unimaginable, to shut at last.


See the floor, its growing scarlet
Oh I love it, this colour of lilette
I am looking at myself in a mirror
I am beautiful, but pale in terror.


Do you want to see me? Come closer
See my long black hairs, strangled together
Look at my black dress, it hides me better
Look at my face, a pale and dried flower.


Close your eyes, if you want to see more
Can you see those strands, there are many more
These colourful filaments, strangled in dark
They are the traces, of my hidden scars.


I am shivering now, a little more cold
I want to let go, but there’s more to hold
Hey, I remember, last time you kissed me
I do remember the days, when you loved me.


See there in the corner, my heart is lying

see it is bleeding, but not much crying

You have to come closer, to see my pain

Its all about emotion, and involves no brain.


'I love You' once again I say

'I forgive you' even if you dont stay

It is not easy to let go of you

but I can't compell you, to love me at bay.


I won't have done this, but there was no way out

I won't have hurt me, but can't bear this anymore

These walls haunt me, those memories scream

I saw you kissing me, in every dream.


The clock is ticking, time is passing by
In a minute or two, I’ll be a free bird in sky
Love you mom, and dad I’ll miss you
I am sorry friend, I will always remember you.



 I will miss you, love you forever

I never asked you, but its high time

'Have you ever loved me?', don't lie - its a crime

I know you will never answer, as you are yourself a lie.


Ok! It is time now, let’s say those words
Good bye friends, foes and others
Readers! Now pay attention,and hold your breath
While you read this, I have bled to death.

                                     - Sudhansh Sharma


 There was a sparkling in his eyes
He saw it as if he has got a treasure
He was looking happy beyond measure
‘Oh God thank you’, said he with tears in eyes


He then saw it again,
‘It is real’, he told his brain
‘I will tell mom’, he thought
‘She will be happy to see, what I brought’


At home his mother was sitting Idol
The thoughts in her mind, were suicidal
She was thinking about, the old good days
“Oh God help us” said she Everytime she prays


‘Let's go home’ thought the little boy
He started to walk, small steps of joy
‘we will sleep well today’ thought he
‘I’ve got some food after 2 days’


The small boy walked slowly, with a plate in hand
The plate had food, scarce in land
Food in the plate, was enough for him
The boy thought, Its enough for two.


At home his mother, found a blade
She was going to end, this painful life
“What kind of mother am I?”, thought she
“I can't even feed my child” hungry he must be


But the boy, arrived in time
And started to chatter like a wind chime
She threw the blade, and hugged him
“You eat my child, I am full to brim”


He ate some food, she fed him
‘You okay, my love” she asked him
‘Yes mom’ he said with a smile
Food in time, saved their life


She took a glass, filled it with water
Drank it whole, with the food leftover
The night fell, Cold and Wet
Mother thought of ‘morrow, while the child slept.


                                                                     -Sudhansh Sharma

I tell you a secret

 Look around you, there are some people
Look at them, look in them deeper
People around you, are not just people
They are stories, walking and talking.


Let me tell you, a secret I keep
A secret so dark, and fathoms deep
I am telling you, but don't tell anyone else
Otherwise you will regret, your foolish deed.


People around us, are poems instead
They look so simple, but hide meanings beneath
Beneath their skin, they hide their soul
Behind the faces, they are acting roles.


Beneath the beards, men hide the female inside
Behind the jewellery, women hide what's masculine
Behind the robes, priests hide their desires
Underneath the smiles, we hide our fires.


We all are hiding, something or the other
We all are ignorant, to what is inside
See around you, their are novels walking
Hiding big stories, beneath the human skin.

Hush your voices, remember what I told you
Don't tell this secret, to people you know
This secret is to be kept, hidden in the hearts
Same as we hide, the pain & tears in our hearts.


                                                                   -Sudhansh Sharma



Shattered beside a mirror


Sitting in front of a mirror
It feels like judging yourself
Like there are eyes looking at you
Telling you what you really are.


It’s been a year, since I looked at a mirror
Because I am afraid of seeing myself
Whenever I come across a mirror on a wall
I just bow my head down and pass.


I have a scarf, it covers my face
I drape it over my face before I go out
I wear no makeup, because there’s no space
I have a face, but I have no face on surface.


That splash hit me a year ago
It touched my face cold and wet
But later the heat surged up my face
I got these scars, as my face melt away.


I screamed I cried, lying on the road
My hands over my face, which was no more
They rushed me to a hospital, where they made cuts
I had a blackened look, my face all dead.


Slowly and gradually, I raised my eyes
There was a mirror in front of me
I was horrified, I was struck with terror
When I saw my acid burned face, in a mirror.


I gripped a glass, which was kept by my side
Threw it hard on the mirror, saw them collide
The glass and the mirror, both shattered on the floor
Lying with them broken, was me by their side.

                                                         - Sudhansh Sharma


Mourning at Dusk

 With every passing second, night is falling
I am siting by the river, with feet in water
I wish this darkness could vanish me
I wish this river could take me away.


The sky at dusk, all orange with clouds
The smell of earth with a green shroud
I want to elope like, the sun does
I want to lie down, under earth’s shroud.


The birds are chirping, mourning at night
Fishes are restless, splashing water with might
The trees are shaking, shedding all the leaves
I want to lie down, silent as they grieve.


Cool wind is blowing, soothing the pain
Singing in a monotony, crying in vain
The grass is moving, shaking with cold

The animals are howling, wailing uncontrolled.


Stars and moon, hung high above
Cover the universe in a white gown
Stars look shabby and moon burnt down
Its the shroud of dying earth, not a bride’s gown.

                                                     - Sudhansh Sharma

Feel the Impulse



When I saw you for the first time

I told myself, “Feel the impulse.”


When I met you one day

I felt that I “Felt the impulse.”


When you touched me for the first time

That touch felt like an impulse.


When you spoke those magical words

My world felt an impulse.


We got entangled on the sheets

I scratched the mattresses, as I felt that impulse.


We were happy with each other

As we both started to feel the impulse.


We went to the church, we got married

You kissed me then, my body felt an impulse.


I had my first child, I was in pain

You helped when I felt that impulse.


We were living happily and in peace

When our lives got hit by an impulse.


We broke apart, you left me alone

And now I ask, “Did you ever feel the impulse?”

                                                      - Sudhansh Sharma

As I Let you go

When I look up, towards the sky

I see a million little hopes, twinkling as they die

I try to catch , every other falling desire

But all in vain, they burn like fire.


I think , I think, This thinking makes me mad

I grieve, I grieve, This grieving makes me sad

I spread my arms ready to fly upwards

But every time I take off, I fall with scars.


I saw you that day, you were beautiful

I tried to talk to you, but my heart was so full

That I wasn't able to, scream let alone speak

I wanted to talk, but the words make me weak.


I let you go, but can't stop dreaming of you

I let you go, but can't hide my feelings for you

Now I lay here, muddled in tears and pain

All I want to say is, these're just emotions, use no brain.


Texte: Sudhansh Sharma
Bildmaterialien: Sudhansh Sharma
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2017

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Dedicated to my Mom and Papa And to all the readers

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